Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 01, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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    AVjt g'n
goo * people erfrywtiwe the citizens of Wc t
Point applnud the signal heroism or Nfjhnw-
Jcu'i tcachorn during the rdcont bllvanl. Ho-
( trotting sincerely Our Inability to suitably
urprcss our admiration of each heroine , we
nro pleased to tender herewith the poor
Aolaco , for nil , of pur sympathy In tholr mis
fortunes , anil c peclnlly for MIM Etta Shnt-
tuck wo cncloto $12.35 , collected at n school
hnd Juvcnllo band concert lat ovenlnff. Wo
trust that you will keen on In the Rood work
you have Inaugurated until each sufferer
Shall have been r V > mtn ed M fur us dollars
lars and apnlnUHo may In full for her part
no well done In the hour of peril. Could not
each teacher In Nebraska wellnffotdto con
tribute n dollar to the fund !
Kor those for whom I speak , ns well in my-
Folf , I desire to iiRaln tixprt-ss the Kitutost
eympathyaud admiration for our ln-nliies.
KftlKNK Mount.
nfiox , Neb , .Ian. ! t ( ) . To the Hilltor of
KR ! We enclose you Omaha draft for
$45 mid fl in money , belutf the amount of con
tributions by the people of Madison ycstur-
day to a fund to bo raised for MlssntiaShat-
tuck , the Holt county toachfcr who unlTuroO M
Hovcrely In the storm of the 12U Instant. In
illrcctlnjr thh money to bo placed to the credit
nf the Mitts Shuttuck fund it mutt not bo
understood that our people foil to appreciate
the splendid conduct of Miso Iloyeo and Miss
Freeman , but they nro so forcibly struck
with Uio utter helplessness of Miss Khattuck
that they bullcvo all of the sum cnclosucl
should go to her relief.
AI.I.KX ft Ilnmxxox.
invi nros'H IIKMRKIMITT.
Mr. Prank U. Hlbbanl sends the Hnr. 1 ,
the contribution of the cltl/cns of Irvintfton ,
Nob. , $ : > < ! for Ml * * Hhattuck , W for iMlss
Jlo.vco. The list of contributlona will bo pub
lished to-morrow. '
CIIAICI , Neb. . Jun.liO. To thoKdltorof the
UIK ; : Inclosed please Ibid fl.lUi which pUre
to credit of MlMShaltuck in the fund now bo-
Inj ? raised for herbcnellt. While wo ri'oot-nUo
and iiiiplaud the heroic uctH of Misses Free
man and Hnycc , wo think Miss Hhattuck
really needs the help on account of her los
ins both limbs und having no one to take civro
of her. Hoping these funds may reach n
good round aum , I remain
E. P. Iiiwix.
m , MO ; , nnccR * co. AND KMPLOTRS.
Ulako , Hnico & Co. and their employes
send thcllKK $ jl : , to bo divided in the following -
ing proportion : OnuOiitlf for Mlsi Slmttuck
nnd ono-iuartcr ( for the Misses Prccmau and
The following nro the contributors :
A. P. Hothyl . * 1 00
K. E. Chnplti . 1 0(1 (
O.K. Hedwell . 1 00
\V. P. Glarkson . t < K )
U. G. Wheeler . 1 00
Knm Scott . 1 00
M. A. Johnston . 1
O. W.Dufflold . 1 00
K. M. LonliiKtnn . M
O. H. Vumplow . 1 ( X )
Frank Wood . CO
Hoyt . . . . . . RO
Xlake , Hruco & Co . . . 5 00
ti Howard Viinghan . 1 0(1 (
K. A. Eaton . t 0 ( )
A > Condomcr . . i . . . . . . . . 50
I'etorE. I'etersen . , . f.O
W. Urban . . . . ftc
Chiw. Keck . . - W )
G. D. PiakSassn . ; . 1 ( X )
P. M. ER.m , . i. . . . . . . . . ; , 1 00
David Johnson. . ) i ; . . . ; . . i > . i. 50
E.A. W.Sholl . 1 00
Total . , . . . $ 23 00
Messrs. Van Green & Helm have sent
HB.23 , the contributions of the following :
Chas. VB.II Green . $ 1 00
Kgun and Kline. S3
V. A. Vnngreen. 1 ( X )
T. K. Vungrcen.
Minnie Nelson tB !
John Hobbs . . . . . , i iKi
It. M. Sampson ! 25
A. H. Hooh.i , . . . 1 "
l'E. . Mugmlson
8. K. Lower. . . . . . . . i. . . i. i. . i. . . . 111. . ,
Herbert G. Haiti..t 1
Geo. n. King. . ; . . . . 1
Bum H. Fiirnworth 1
M. U. McOlunff
S. A. Collins 1 00
A. J. Medina 1 ( H )
Zcnus Stephens 1 00
TnRgart & Taggart i. , . . . . . . . . 1 00
Fred Shlnroek 2 ( X )
Gco. IIUHsic i 1 00
Dr. J. W. Thomas of Wuupliig Water , Nob. ,
encloses f 17.0. ) for Etta Bhattuc-k , the sumo
buliiK the contribution of the citizens of that
thriving town. Dr. Thomas adds : "If Miss
Shuttuck is not placed ' " 1 > n Independent
Jiniinciul condition Vro Will do more for hor. "
The list of thcso contributors will bo pub-
Jislioil to-inorroW.
Mr. VfcuKOK , IAI. Jan , JtO , Tp the Editor
fifth * Una : I write youf rom the uprightly ,
Jlttlo town of Grlawold.nn. , where I gave un
nn entertainment last wcok , nnd have to "try
t over a ain" to-night. Lust evening I
nrtiaohcd to a union meeting in the Mctho-
Hl l church , nnd at the close I read from
Saturday's Hun the appeal in behalf of Miss
ICUlo Shuttuck , and then Pus tor Stovcns and
I'ost Commander Dlckoy passed the baskets.
Herewith I uentl * draft with the "results , "
§ 112. The respond * was so cheerful and
imtrlotiu that I Wished that poor suffering
daughter of u disabled veteran Could have
Witnessed It. It would have lighted up the
cloom of her chamber of sultorUig. 1 hope
iniiny other pastors and post commandurs
Vnay , this week , or ns soon as practicable ,
arrange to work together llko Stevens and
| ) lckoy , "us true yoke-fellows" In this behalf.
Commander Dlokoy Is not u church member ,
, lut nobody regarded it as ancraUffe for him
to perform this service. I Imagine the repe
tition of such n 8ccno In a thousand of Our
Churches would make the Kiigols glad , as wull
ns enlighten thu now deeply shadowed homo
of our poor comrade und Ills terribly ntlllctcd
You HURRost that the Omaha teachers unite
In our effort for their afflicted slater. Might
not the Grand Army posts und teachers of
Omaha very successfully combine in un ef
fort of the kind you HURgcstt It seems to
ino that an entertainment might bo gotten
up ; and that enough tickets could bo sold at
60 conU aploco to crowd your largest audi
torium. Other Nebraska cities might do
llkowilo. In the nbseneopf something bet
ter , I would cheerfully give one of my enter
tainments for thin worthy object. Many
Omaha comrades will remember meetings
find hoarlnc mo at your state encampment.
A letter will roaoh tno at nny time if ad
dressed to my homo , Ml. Vornon. Iowa ; but
I shall bo In Nebraska the 3d , 4th , fflh and
th of February , having cDRiiKomcnts on
tliORO datoa at Wahoo , Winner , wuyno und
IIa tlngs ( respectively , nnd if I can render
nny service , I will bo glad to do go on either
he 8th or Oth before returning to 1111 engago-
onts to eastward.
JOHN IIociAitTii Lo7.nit.
OM VIIA , Jmu aO. To the Editor of the UKB :
I'leaso find oriolosod cheek for ten (10) ( ) dollars
lars us a contribution to the Heroine fund to
be divided as follows : Miss Bhattuck , four
(4) ( ) dollars ; Miss Hoyce. three (8) ( ) dollars ;
ftllss Prcouuin , three ( S ) dollars. Bhould bo
pleased to have the HRK advocate organized
( \ctlonaiilongthobookkeeporsof Omaha in
60 worthy H causo. Their purses may bo
email but tholr hearts nro largo and I urn
euro they will gladly respond.
riiotf IOWA rutcxus.
NKOIA , In. , Jan. IK ) . To the Editor of the
PKK. Enclosed please find two drafts for the
ptcbruska heroines. Ono for 110.05 In favor
pf Miss Etta Shattuck ; ono for f 10 in favor
Of Miss Louise Uoyco. 1'leaso acknowledge
teoelpt of them through the Hrs , as dona
tions from the citizens of Nroln , la. Wo
PtArtoa this collection last Saturday morning
vy collecting 10 cents from every ono and
komo ave 'J3 oonU. with the above result.
jVouUl suggest that each town In Iowa and
Nebraska try the same plan , they can no
( loubt do as well ns wo have und say that
each town in Nebraska und Iowa raise (15
fach nnd take It for granted that there nro
COO towns at fin , would equal IV'.OUO ' which
Vould bo quite a sum and easily raUod If
Dnyone takes hold of It. Please note the
flraft * ns funds from the citizens of Ncola ,
la. , and vicinity. CKO. H. Iitwix.
rnox COUKCIL nl.urrs.
The HEB has received * tl.SO from Council
Illunsl for Miss Jloyoo , Ti.bO for Miss Shat
tuck. The following nro the contrlbutojs :
Dan Cnrngtr. Council llluffsJ ; Troxell
Uros. , Council Ulufls , fj ; Charlotte Cuinm.
C.uncll llluffs , r > 0 cents , Eliza Comm , 20
tents ; Thomas Cainui , 10 cents ; Mrs. O. W.
liutU , $1 ; MUs LouUo Butts , $1 ; total , fO.SO.
M. Uurko & Son headed a subscrlntlou
list for the benefit of MUs Slmttuck nnd in u
fihort time fXH ) wns raised which amount
ba been paid to the HBB fund. The notion
Of these guntlcmon needs no comment. The
result speaks for Itself and the Itr.B tenders
l Ujcm the earnest hourtfolt thanks of all
friends of the CAUSO. The following Is the
list of contributioni
M. Uurko * Sons flO 00
V.V. . Gasman 2 00
Nelson Purlntou 200
J. M.Ornnthnm. . . , 2 00
.T. A. Frnzler. . . . . S 00
M. H. Mead 1 00
Union Stockyard * Bank , , R Oil
Cash 9 00
John V. Ilojril 10 00
S. U. Fcnno 2 ( X )
C , H. Brodrlek 2 00
IX K. I'nrkuurst 1 00
C. H. Moody ' . 1 Od
Hyorn , Patterson tt Co 2 00
W. R Brown 1 00
Wngoncr , lllrney ft Co fi ( H )
Lofmann it llothsehlld fi 00
Uofembnnm Live Stock Co fi 00
L. 11. Gorlmm 1 oo
Fred Chittcmlcn 1 ( H )
James l oley 2 00
W.J.STato 1 ( Hi
A.O. Dnveniwrt 1 00
L. MarUn. . . 1 00
A. Haas fi ( K )
Union Kundcrlng and Itcllnlng Co fi IK )
Hoof and Horn , . . . . 2 ( K )
AlPowtll 1 tH )
J. T. McMnuniRft 2 ( XI
W.H.Chcek 1 00
South Omaha Stockman fi 00
LeoMInler 1 00
C.M.Carson 1 00
J. H. Nash 1 ( X )
.T. H. Hnngnlo fi oo
K. H. Hoyd 1 00
Dorsey Hros. ft Clifton fi 00
Horn it Thorpe 5 00
" " 'iivugo ' it Orecn fi ( XI
' . Mitchell 2 ( X )
\E. Pearl 1 ( X )
South Omaha National Hunk fi ( X )
. C.-Sharp fi ( XI
1111 it Smiley 2 00
'ulmer , Hichmaii & Co 2 00
V. J. Davis 1 00
.M. IXiud 2 00
A..C. Foster 1 ( XI
jcroy Hough 1 ( X )
McCloud , Lovo&Co fi 00
Vlartln Bros 500
C. A. Horlno 1 ( X )
Anglo Amorlcnn Provision Co fi 00
Armour it Cudahy Packing Co fi ( X )
< co. H. Hammond it Co 500
I.K. Nowmuuu 1 00
rolin S. Hrown 1 00
C. A. Hlimoy 100
W. A. Sohicr 100
0. Stoddard 1 00
' . Mahoney. v 100
\ K. Sanders 1 ( K )
G. H. Halter 100-
: . A. Stearns 2 ( X )
'nil Gurrotson 1 00
J. F. Strohm 100
1. G. Jones 100
K. T. Honker. 100
iV. O. Dodge 2 00
John II. WuHwork. . . . , 1 ( X )
Jan Williams 1 ( X )
M. J. Stephens 1 00
red Smith 1 00
W. U. Williams 1 00
Ed. Cullcn 1 00
H. M. Halo 1 ( X )
) K Walters I 00
James Corliu. . 1 ( X )
H. P. Brady , . , , . . . 100
' v. v/ctsc-oeo ; . . ; . . . . 100
H. J.Gehr 1 00
I. A. Bmyton. . . . " " i oo
J. M. Munroe k 100
Ferrall , Mauley & Co , 3 00
Total $200 00
Those \Vho Have HecoKnlaod Courage
nnd Devotion.
Every mail brings new contributions to the
B fund and ndds now names to the Uoll of
Honor. It is certainly gratifying to observe
the Ihtorest the people are manifesting , ! ) ! the
good wotk. It Is true that many who are
especially indebted to the cause have not yet
been heard from nnd that a few who have
contHbut'-d have given much less than they
should , yet the great majority of'tho contri
butions received have been exceedingly lib
eral. The citizens of Nebraska owe it to
themselves to sco that this fund is swelled 16
grand proirartions. The fact of the inaugu
ration of this movement has gene abroad
and followed in the wake of the fame
of the beneficiaries. . The people
of ottior sections will watch with Interest the
manner in which the citizens of Nebraska-
care for these young ladles. It will bo to the
credit of this Btato if these witnesses are
startled by the generous treatment Ncbras-
kans accord tholr heroines. The Bun extends -
tends to the people in every quarter an ear
nest invitation to add their mite to the fund.
Have you recognized courage und a devotion t
Have you contributed to the HKK fund ! if
not cOmo to the front and bo enrolled amonsr
thu many others who have given substantial
evidence of their sympathy In the cause ,
Amount received up to January 30.504 85
HKI : press room employes il ( X )
Dr. H. P.Jensen , . . . , 5 ( X )
Employes of A. J. Simpson 1300
Inez Uurnhnm 1 ( K )
Andrew Hosewator 7 00
J. H. P. Lehman & Co 5 00
Walter Hramlols 1 ( X )
W. A. Howlaml 2 ( X )
W.Arthur ' . . . . . . 200
C. D. Sutphcn's second list 4(1 ( 2.1
J. C. Worth 1 ( X )
Employes of U. G. Dun & Co 7 50
MetroiKilitan Club , 101X1
J. W. Hoffman , Lincoln 1 ( XI
J.P. Shcoly fi ( XJ
West Point , Neb. , concert 12 2.1)
Tinners' Union No. 1 , Omah'a : 5 0(1 (
Madison , Neb. , . . , , 4t ( 1X1
Irvlncton. Neb 20 Ofl
E. F.'lrwin , Crnig.Nob 1 25
A. Eicholberger , Stuart , Neb 1 Ofl
A. Ponnau : i oa
Blake , Brilco & Co. and employes 11 fill
Employes Hurmeister's tin shop 5 IXI
Morris II. Sloman 5 00
Weeping Wutcr.Neb 4 ( M
P. M. Wolcat , Weeping Water 5 0J (
A. Friend , Valentino 5 Ofl
Clerks of the U , S. National bank , '
Omnhn , SS 00
Dan Carrigg , Council Bluffs ii 00
Troxoll Bros. , „ „ 1 ( XI
Charlotte Cumin , „ „ 5(1 (
Eliza Caiilm , . 20
, „ „ t. . . .
Thomas Camm. , , „ 1U
Mrs. O. W. HUtler. „ T OU
MiM Louisa Butler , , 1 ( HI
Citizens bank , Ulepses 5 ( XI
A. B. Snowdmt. . . It IK )
C. H. Havens & Co 4 Oil
IrvinoA LntOy 51X1
J. H. Boll , Aurora 5 ( XI
Church Mooting , Mt. Vernoi f Ju 12 ( HI
E. E. Zimmerman 4 I'fl
OitUens of Noola , In 10 OS
Nan Green & Helm list 122.
K. K. Brndwoy , 1 ( Hi
Stock Yards list 200 ( HI
Total . ' . . frl.lCO ( M
Amount received up to Jan. 80 . 201 2ii
Bee press room employes . 1 ( X
Andrew Hosuw.itor . 4 ( X
J. F. H. Lehman & Co. , . 2 ( x
W , Arthur . 2 ( K
C. D. Sutphcn list . 1 W
Employes II. G. Dun . 7.11
Bonnison Bros . , , , . . . . . , . 1001
Troxell Bros..Council Bluffs . 1 IK
Metropolitan Club . SIX
J. W. Hoffman , Lincoln . 1 ( X !
Citizens1 Bank , Ulysses , . 5 IX
C. B. H a vans & Co. , , , . . ' . . . . 4 IK
J.P. Shcoly . SIX
Irvington , Neb . 0 IX
A. Eioheloorgcr , Stuart . , . 1 01
Blake , Hruco & Co. and employe ! . 5 7.
P. M. Wolcott , Wiping Water . fi OC
E. E. Xlmmorman . . . U IX
Citizens of Novla , I . 10 CK
Amount received up to Jan. 80 . (100 N
BEH press room . 1 ( X
Andrew llosewator . 4 01
J. H. P. Lehman . U ( K
W. Arthur . 1
C. D. Sutphon list . 1
It. G. Dun it Co. employe * . 7 W
Bonnison Bros . 10 W
Metropolitan club . 5 ( X
J. W. Hoffman , Lincoln . 1 ( X
Clark tt 1 to ward , Weeping Water . 3 CK
C. B. Harens&Co . 2
J. F. Sheely . 5 0 (
A. Elcholbergor , Stuart . 1 01
Blake. Bruce tt Co. and employes . ! > 7' '
P. M. Wolcott , Weeping Water . 5 0 (
E. R Zimmerman . , . 3 IK
Total $2252 :
TUB cmuwEN'a ruxu.
This fund belongs exclusively to the cull
drcn , nnd the amounts contributed will lx
used for the purpose of erecting a monument
over tno groves Of the lltllo .Wcatphatai
flri. ) It | a penny collection.
From pupils of the Izard nchool (11.42.
AnnlOnnd Bosslo Cameron. . ( . . . n 00' '
St. PaulsMlsMonftchool. . . . . 2 10
Jwtnnn Wnkefleld. . . BO
Fred Shlnrock 3 00
George Husslo , . . . . , , , , , , , . 1 00.
Total t20M (
Tho"l eo" Fund.
The present condition of the four funds
opened by the Bur. Is us follows :
Etta Shattuck $1,100 ( V.
LouIse Unycfe It 10 ( XI
Mlnnlo Freeman 22581
Wcstphttlon monument fund * 20.IU
Cash to ppccml fund , , , : t0.2Ti
Grand toUil 1,785.5- )
Appreciative Flrt-mr-n.
A fund for the bcncllt of the storm
heroines , Misses Shatluck , Uoyce and Freu-
man , has been started | \t this ofllco of the
chief of the llro department , nnd the firemen
who are no strangers to privation , danger
und suffering nro responding with n lavish
hand. The amount raised will < be Bent Into
the HUE Friday.
A Dinner.
To the Editor of thoBKu : Not wishing to
bo behind our liberal citizens In contributing
toward the funds for our Nebraska heroines ,
I desire to Inform your readers that on Sat
urday , February 4,1 will give n alnnor , the
entlro receipts thereof to bo added to the
funds ns follows : Ono-bnlf to Mlss'Shatturk ,
the other to bo divided equally between Miss
Freeman and Miss Uoyco. The menu will
bo very elaborate , comprising all the dolaca-
clcs of the season. I should like a represen
tative of your paper to bo present during the
dinner with authority to rccclvo thd money
and receipt for same , so that nil may know
that this is not meant for a business "ad. " or
to catch trade. B. F. Nonius ,
Pi-op. Norris' HpstaurAiit.
Are the ladles of Omaha and other portions
of the state enlisted In the causal
Has Mr. Wilson , the llvo stock dealer , de
cided upon a day Uxm | which his pony will bo
sold for Miss Shattuck's benefit !
Has Mr. F. M. Woods , of 'Lincoln , the llvo
stock dealer , set n day upon which his flue
heifer will bo sold for the bouuflt of Etta
Shattuck 1
What day will the printers nnd stereotypcrs
II x for their contribution to the Shattuck
fund !
The different churches will , perhaps , take
up collections next Sunday for the benefit of
Etta Shattuck.
The collection taken at the Congregational
church , Council Bluffs , Sunday night for the
bonollt of Miss Shattuck , amounted to WO.
At Lincoln.
The following amounts wore raised Mon-
dav at the state house by Superintendent
Lane toward funds for Miss Shattuck , Miss
Royce and Miss Freeman :
For MJaa Rh ttuefc9. . " 15. Lsr.o $ ! 0 , G. L.
Laws $10 , Joseph Scott $0 , C. M. Carter $1 ,
J. K. Marlay 50 cents , Maude Scott II , Hattlo
Ramsey ( I , Clara Carmody $1 , Brad P. Cook
' 1 , M. Howe $1 , J. M. Thaycr $3.
For Miss Freeman H. A. Bubcock $5 ,
Joseph Scott $2 , C. M. Carter CO cents , J. 1C.
Mtrlay 50 cents
For Miss Hoyce G. B. Lane $5 , Joseph
Scott $ -J.
Superintendent Lane also starts a fund for
heroic und froccn children $4 , and for frozen
teachers $5.
Superintendent Langford , of Lincoln
county , sends $20 to bo divided in the differ
ent funds.
The Tlirco Heroines.
BU Lieut. 0. D. Towlcy ,
While man , poised on a point between
The past nnd future all unseen ,
Pollutes with fratracidal gore
The fairest scenes the sun streamed o'er ,
Weak woman from such strife at rest
Pursuesho promptings of the breast ;
To meekness lent and sacrifice
On which rains Incense from the skies
The love surpassing that of woman
Surpasses surely all things human.
As points the heedlo toward the polo ,
- As longs for heaven each passing soul ,
So does each true heroic heart
Aspire to do a hero's part.
Kicking Vp a Rumpus.
The retrenchment ordered by the cotinty
commissioners In reference to salaries and
the number of clerks to bo employed in the
respective county ofllccs is kicking up n
rumpus in the county building , and heads of
departments are vigorous In their condem
nation of what they term hasty action on the
part of the boa.-d. By the now rules Mr.
Mcgruth Is compelled to dlspensa with four
clerits , und yesterday was sharpening up the
ofllcial axe 10 begin the slaughter. Ho also
had n consultation with Chairman O'Kocffo
und told him that under the present arrange
ments ho could not conduct his oftlco , that of
register of deeds , in Justice to himself or the
public. What the outcome is to bo will bo
Watched with Interest by all parties Inter
TilceiiBCtt to Wed.
The following licenses to marry were Issued
yesterday by Judge Shields :
Name and residence. Age.
Walter Q. Webb , Washington Terrltory..24
Nora Flannery , Omaha 20
Ernst L. Smith. Council Bluffs , la 2 ! )
Ida Pruyn , Omaha 21
John Stengel , Omaha 20
Ellaltarty. Lincoln , Neb 23
John Dohnko , Omaha 25
Lena Struttmau , Omaha 20
Stand From Under.
Obstructions to prevent parsons from pass
ing on the walks below the embankments on
nil streets have been erected nnd danger sig
nals are irastcd up. It Is feared that there
will bo a number of casualties If thli warm
weather continues and that ns soon as the
fiost goes out of the ground there will
be a number of cave ins. The two banks ut
the comer of Sixteenth and Hurncy streets
are considered especially dangerous.
Pence on Knrtli
Awnlts thnt countless tinny of ninrtvrs ,
whoso ranks nro constantly recruited
from the victims of nervousness knnd
norvousdisoasoa. Thopricoof the boon is
usvstonmtio cow-so of Hosteller's Stomach
ach Bitters , the finoat nnd moat genial
of tonio iiorvinos , pursued with reason
able persistence. Easier , plcastintor and
safer tills than to tnvnah the victualling
department with pseudo-tonics , alco
holic or the reverse , beef extracts , nerve
foods , narcotics , sedatives and poisons In
disguise. "Tired Nature's sweet restorer ,
balmy sleep , " is the providential recu-
perant of weak nerves , and this glo
rious franchise being usually the consequences
quences of bound digestion and in
creased vigor , the great stomachic which
insures both , is produotivo nlso of re
pose at the required time. Not unro-
froahod awakens the individual who
uses it , hut vigorous , clear headed and
tranquil. Use the Bitters also in fever
and ague , rheumatism , kidney troubles ,
constipation and billiousncss.
Ills Narrow Ksenpe.
Harry Johnson , nn engineer on the Union
Pacific , had a narrow escape from dcjith Sun
day night. The train was running ut the rate
of 'orty miles an hour. Mr. Johnson climbed
out of the cab and made his way to the head
llalit to adjust the wick. While returning ( I0
dipped and lust managed to catch the rau
with ono hand. Ho hung there until relieve !
by his nremun.
Unsuspected disorders of the Iddnoy
are responsible for many oMheordinnrj
ailments of humanity which neglected
develop into a serious and perhaps fata
malady. Exporlonco would suggest the
use of Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver urn
Kidney Bui in.
Suspected of Burglary.
Isaac Peterson , a rather Innocent looking
man. was run In about 12o'clockyestordayon
suspicion of being accessory to the late
burglary In Austin's wliolcaalo boot and
shoe houso.
Given ait ideal of what is highest nnd host , then persistent effort in the dt
motion of Its practical fulfillment , and you have the
For many years Messrs. J. S. Kirk Si Co. followed n settled purpose to reach
perfection in the manusacturo of white soaps , and now
"Whlto , radlont , syotless , exquisitely pure , " is this peerless product of rare
Whtto Cloud Is a floating sonp. It is not at all out of place in the laundry , ivl
though so generally commended fcr the bath and toilet. It is absolutely pure.
If your dealer docs not keep White Cloud Soap , send us 10 cents iu slumps mid
wo will maid you a sample cake postpaid.
JAS. S. KIRK & CO , , Chicago.
A New Oil Company.
The Omaha & Plntto Valley Oil company
filed articles of incorporation Monday with
the county clerk. Tho'Jkuthorized capital is
500,003 , of which $100,000 Is tobo subscribed
prior to the commcnccnicht of business. The
general nature of tbo business is to bo the
developing of oil lands and mining property
in the territory of Wyoming and to oroot
mills and refining works. The Incorporators
are ns follows : A. L.'Strang , C. C. Glarko ,
George 1J. Tzschuok , N. P. Poll , Andrew
Uosewatcr and Henry Suossenbach.
IH superior excellence proven In millions of
homos for more than a quarter of a ci ntury. It
Is used by the United btutcs Government. En
dorsed by the heads of the Great Universities lU
the Strongest , Purest nnd most Healthful. Dr.
Price's ( 'ream linking Powder does not contain
Ammonia , Umo or Alum. Sold only In cans.
Easily digested ; of the fluent Havor. Ahearty
beverage for a strong appetite t a delleate drink
for the sensitive. Thoroughly tested ; nutritious ;
palatable ; unexcelled In purity ; no unpleasant
after effects. Requires no boiling.
, PA.
Itcinnrkablo for powerful i .
llietlc tone , pllabli''action ana"nS-
Bolute durability. ! IU yearn record ,
the beat guarantee of the excul-
Itncp of thesn liftninii'nta.
Sf ndhtitnp foruftDiBhlvlh
pj | * DlftKAttCA.
iMYiifwuTft WAMU AVI. . CKIUM.
AdrertUlng IIM olwnya | > roroa
succosiful. Before placing any
Nowgpaper Ad vortlilnjr oooia > |
U t * O H.i.l k * lmk CHIOAOa
Incomparably th Bast.
Of til. Uo4r cnltrjtd nd lrenianJ. I'ull | > jrtlcu-
. X.
-Yuk ; UdUa Uon , etc. . a44tcu kbtr * .
l I
11011(11 ( mum ,
JPaid Up Capital , $26OOOO
Surplus , - CO.OOO
II Vf. YATis , Prcsldnnt.
LEWIS r. HKKU , Vice-President.
A. . TOU/AWN , 2d Vlce-l'rosldent.
VT. It. B. HuOUKS , Cashlof
W. V. Mnnsft , Jonn 3. Cor.r.tNS ,
Banking Ofllce
Cor. 12th and Farnnm Bts.
A General Uanklne iluslnnss Transacted.
20 Cents a "Week.
Seven papers a week. Bend your Order to the
office ,
1029 P Street , Capital Hotel Building
Third judicial District.
Oth & Douglas
Streets ,
Omaha , Neb ,
Nervous , Mental and Private Diseases
Prompt attention glvun to correspondence , hy
euclualiU poStaKO.
Oglce hours 0 to K a. in. , a to fi anil 7 to 8 p. in.
J.W. Barnsdall , M. D
Homa'oputhio Specialist ,
Gi/nvccologM anil Obstetrician.
Telephone 070.
E.T.Allen , M. D. ,
Iloma-opathtc Bpcl lUt ,
tit AND NOSE ,
Spectacles Accurately I'l escribed.
IP. j.
Surgeon and Physician ,
Office N. Vf Corner 1Uh and Houglaa Ht. Office ,
telephone , 1U ; llesldenco telephone , Wd ,
Your money more judiciously than to expend it
wisely in your clothing. You will find at the
MISFIT PARLORS thisweek what remains as
special bargains , as we will offer greater induce
ments than ever offered in genuine clothing. NO
TRASH , but such as are equal to any man's taste
or price.
$ 8.00 which was made to order for. .918.00
H.70 " " . 1M.OO
10.40 " " . i ! .oO
111.80 " " , ffll.OO
. 128.00
14.10 u , 110.00
15.80 u . : ii .r > o
n.fio u , mi.oo
18.IH ) u u , 40.00
20.85 u u . 45.00
$22.00 which was made to order for .J17.00
11 ii . 60.00
Sico u u . 62.00
u u . oTi.OO
UoiTO 11u u . 00.00
27.IU ) 11u IIII . 02.00
28.40 u II . 05.00
20.00 u IIII . (17.00 (
ttO.SX ) K II . 00.00
81.40 II . 7U.O
8 0.20 which was made to order > .116.00
8.70 ( I 18.00
10.00 U u 22.00
12.40 u II 88.0 )
14.20 ( ( II
Kl.10 IIII II I ! ' . ! ' . ! ! ! ' . ' . ' . ! ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ! ' . ! ' . * . ' . ! ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ! ' . ' . ! ' . ' . ! ! ' . ' . ! ' . ' . ' . as'.oo1
18.70 II ( I 4o.oo
20.30 II Cl 45.00
3.45 II II 00.00
24.40 II II 1. 5.3.00
S 0.70 which wag to order . . . . . . . liW.OO
11.40 " . , . 4 . t . , Bo.OO
1JJ.OO " " . ; . 1JO.OO
16.80 " . H3.50
17.S5 " u . , . i . ftS.OO
10.80 " . , . t 42.6Q'
21.80 " " . , . 48.00
2.J.70 " " . n . , .t 62.00
28.00 " " . , . 00.00
30.40 " . , . ( . . 70.04
thousand nine hundred and sixty - seven : i
pairs , embracing all the leading styles of cuts
and patterns in pantaloons that man ever had an
idea of wearing , at the following prices , which1
in proportion to quality never was worn by man.1
You are invited to investigate this assertion.
9 2.35 which was mudo to order . $ o.OO
11.40 " " . g.Ofll
4.80 u IIII
5.20 11ii IIII 10.50
0.70 ii II
iiu IIII
7.25 u IIII
8.40 u II
9.10 ii II 20.00
2.50 which was made to order . , , , . $ 6
8.80 6o
4-00 ii II
iiK IIII oeo
5.80 K II 11.00
0.10 K IIU 12.60
7.20 it U ' 15.00
> 8.10 IIII III ( 17.60 II II
Having overstocked our furnishing goods de
partment , we now find we will neea the room
more than the money ; in consequence we will , in
order to reduce the stock as much as possible at
this advanced part of the season , offer All Win
ter Furnishing Goods , including Fur Caps of
musk , and seal skin , at50c on the dollar.
Any doubts , satisfy them by paying B
Misfit Parlors ,
1119 FARNAM STREET. 1119
N. B. Orders by mail receive prompt and
careful attention.
ICE TOOLS , Wire Rope ,
Plows , Buffalo Scales ,
Markers Hooks , , Scale Repair Shop.
Grapples ,
Slide Iron. OMAHA.