Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 01, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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IharrniRhly nlvb | to the oltuallen , ami' If
necessary will carry the cut farther. ' The
present outlook for harmony among the cost-
cm and western roads IH by no means flat
tering nnd deters Investors from taking hold.
Cotton oils declined 1 point on the Introduc
tion Into conprcss of n hill to nhollsh trusts.
The rest of the list weakened slightly and
during the last hour was exceedingly dull ,
the market closing with declines extending
if to 1 point. Total sales were 132,437 shares
Ugalnst 217i)7U ) shares yesterday.
GOVERNMENTS Government bonds were
dull but flrm , . ,
tl. ? . C. AN. W 110
If. H. 4Nconpon. . . 12fli ? iloproferrcd 144
ir.H.4'H } rebutted.IOH N. V. Central 107'
1) ) . H 4'in couponll)8 ) O. H. N M'i '
1'nrinc CK of 'fa 113 I' . T 22
Canada Hontlicrn. . &IU t'arlllc Mall W
Central I'nrltlc . ' . O. 1) ) . * K 1 H
( 'tilcnto & Alton.,1.17 I'nllmnn PalaccCut 141U
< : . , II.Q isry ItcnilliiL' lifl ? ,
I ) . , I , . It W Hook Island lii :
11.4(11. ( J Sl\Ht. | I , . 4:8. K T. X
Krlo ! ! 7 ii dojireferred T.'i
ilii preferred Ki , U. . M. ft St. Paul. . . 70
Illinois Central 121 do preferred. ll'iW'
I. , II. * W 13 Bt. I' . 40 : W' ' {
K.&T 17 do preferred 108
I.akoHhuro TexaH Pacific
. . . Vf '
t. at .1 " G0'iUnion , Paclllc -
Mlcliigan" ( > nlfai. ; KIVJ W. , 8t. I , . Ac P 15
Missouri Pacific. . . . M ! l do preferred IT ?
MlNHotirlPacillc. . . . 21VW. U. Telegraph. . . 7b.U
dopreferred 4."iy |
MONEY On cull , easy , closed nt 2) ) @ 3per
PiiiMn MERCANTILE PAI'EII 5a,7 ( per
STKIII.INO ExctUNfin Dull hut steady nt
W.84 for sixty day bills , nnd W.WJf kfor
Jan. 31. followlni ; arc the 2:30 :
closing prices :
Flour Without msiterlnl chnngu thotiKh
itliKhtly easier ; winter wheat nbls ,
N.Mfin.W ) ; sacks , J.50(2 ( : ) .75 ; wheat ,
bbls ,
prlnK , ? 1.75rit ! .lK ) ; rye Hour. : ) per
bbl ; buckwheat Hour , * 5.00@0.75 pur bbl.
Whcht Weak , iivoni lng slightly lower ,
rlone belnir V" under yesterday ; cash ,
7B l.'MOe ; March , 7ti.17o ! ; May , 81 ii-H5c. :
Corn Quiet , steady , lluetuatliiK but
nllftlitly and closliiff iibout sunie as yesterday ;
cash , irXc ; March , SVe ; Muy , JWJfc.
Oats Slow , steady ; May , 33 11-llX ; .
Rye Dull at ( Wo.
Hurley Nominal at < VI ( < 7iyic.
Pi line Timothy rJ.4 .
Flaxseedl.4.V 'l. 10.
Whisky-l.ii. :
I'ork Fairly nctlveand steady ; cash ,
14.12' ' , ; May , * l UaWrtM.Mo.
Liinl Fairly active and stronger ; cash ,
Sr.W ) ; Muv , * T.52'J ; May , * 7.t7 ! .
Drv- Salted McutH Shoulders , ? 5.00 < jlO.OO ;
Bhnrt clear , i7.8rfn.7.0U ; short ribs , * 7.4.1.
Hutt r Firm ; crcauiery , 22$32e ( ; dairy ,
. < G/'Jte. )
Lhceso Firm ; lull cream Cheddars , 11@
' tints , ll4'3lli'o ' ' : ; young Americas ,
KK ( Finn at 20rt-J- ( for fresh.
Hides Unchanged ; grccu hides ! 5j < o ; preen
frozm , r ; heavy green salted , ( l1 ; light
green salted , ( % ; salted bull , fij c ; green
bull , 4)40 ) ; green salted calf , 8c : dry flint
und dry calf , r.13c : branded , IS per cent
olT : deacons , HOc each ; dry suited , lUo.
Tallow In fair demand ; No. 1 , country ,
4Gi4J4e , No. 2 , 3 ; ; cake , 4'n ' : per Ib.
Receipt * . Sliipmcnts ,
Flour , bbls . I8,0KI ( 20.001
Wheat , bu . 21,0(10 ( 2-1,001
Corn , bu . 1 12,000 ! HIXH (
Oats , bu . 108,000 117,001
Kyc , bu . 7,000 4ooc
Barley , bu . 40,000 20,001
Liverpool , Jan. .11. Wheat , quiet and
steady , demand poor ; holders .offer inodcr
ittely. California No. 1 , Os Udglis lOd poi
cental ,
Corn Steady ; demand poor ; new mixei"
western , 4s lljfd per centiil.
St. IotilH. Jan. 31. Wheat Firm ; cash
bOJhGjfSle ; May , SlJ < e.
Corn Firm ; cash , 403 e.
Oats Steady ; casli , 30/1hGl30Vc ; May
Uutter Unckaugcd ; creamery , 2430c
dairy , 1S@2V. (
j\n' BoAiin Wheat rxeitcd am
higher ; February , SOu bid ; May , h2J < e. Con
Firm : February , 40Yi4ttJfc ( bid ; May
4S = < * ' . Oats-Firm ; May , 30 e bid.
niliincniiollH , Jan. ill. Wheat Notmucl
doing ; receipts , 210cara. Closed : In ston
No. 1 hard , cash and February. 77ev May
7'JJfc ' ; No. 1 northern , cash and February
75)'c ) ; No. 2 northern , cash and February
TSe. On track No. 1 hard , 7b ) < fc ; No.
northern , 70@77e ; No. 2 northern , 74c.
Flour Patents , in sacks to ship , $4.10(7 (
4.25 ; bakers' , $ JJ.20@3.45.
Mllwnukee , Jan. 31. Wheat Steady
cash , 7rfc ; May , 8oVe. ;
Corn Weak ; No. 3 , 47c.
Oats Quiet ; No. 3 white , 34) ) c.
.Uyo Lower ; No. 1 , Wte.
Harley Steady ; No. 2 , 78c.
Provisions Steady.
Cincinnati , Jan. 31. Wheat No. 2 red
Corn Steady ; No. 2 mixed , SlJjC ,
Oats No. S mixed , ! J4 } c.
Hyo No. 2 , OUo.
Whisky fl.OS.
New York , Jan. fll. Wheat Receipts
11IKHI ( ( ; cxwrts | , 41KH ( ) ; options opened woul <
di-ellncd J @ ; ' ci later ruled stronger , recov
crotl ! < ( ) ' c , closing steady ; ungraded red
8S 4 < l'l > lKo ! ; No. 2 red , SU@yJJ4O in cluvatoi
WkiW"fo ) [ ! ) delivered ; February closed at 8lk
Corn Ueceipts , gOKX ( ) ; exiiorts , SID ; lowci
closing llrm ; ungraded , lXIii ( < 30 > c ; No. . '
COJ u in eluvator , February closing at OOo.
Oats Receipts , l.r > , ( XK ) ; exports , none ; mai
kct lower ; mixed western , ! ) l@41c ; whit
western , 41@4Jc (
Colfco Siwt , fair ; Uio , dull at about fin.Wl
options heavy and lower , with fair business
sales , 104,000 bags ; February , $ l3.Ki@lS.8l (
March , tl2.KKttl.ix : ! ! > ; April , $12.10 12.43
May. * 12.i.X-J13.l3. ( !
Putrolenm Steady ; United ,
Eggs Western , 2lt2le. (
Pork Steady ; No. 1 mess , $15.00@15.2. ) .
Lard Closed llrm ; western steam , spot
Butter Steady ; western , H ( < ? 34c.
Chceso Firm ; western , llJ/f rJe.
KniiHaH City , Jan. : tl. Wheat Steady
No. 2 soft , cash , 7ii } o ; May , 80 } e.
Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash , 4'JXc hid , 40
naked 5 May , 4 Ko bid , 4llj < o asked.
Oats No. 2 , 2a ( ; < o asked.
Cattle Receipts , 8,000 ; market strongc
nnd higher for choice ; steers , fci.OOQ.Vi'
utockurs unil feeders , * 2.00ii ( 11.40 ; cow
bulls and mixed , $1.7UQH.10j Texas eras
steers , (2S ( : i.Kl. (
Hogs Receipts , 47,0X ( ) ; market slo'
nnd li10o ) lower ; mixed. f4.i5@ri.Uohcav ( ; :
fA.i ( ft5.CU ; light , fJ.yjQO.Uo ; skips , f3.-
Sheep Keceipts , 8,000 ; irregular ; native
M.OWJ5.'o ( ; western , $4.50@5.1U ; Texans$2.l
( jf4.K ( ) ; lambs , $ JUU.@O.OU.
National Stock YardH Knst | S
IioulH , Jan. ai. Cattle Steady ; receipt
l.iliH ) ; shipments , none ; choice heavy natlv
fiicem , $4.40 ( < 2'5.20 ' ; fair to good native steer
$ : i.M > ( < { 4.45 ; butchers' steers. * : i.l5@4.1t
Btockers and feeders , fj.00gi.2o ( : ; ranger
Hogs Receipts , 0,200 ; shipments , none
market dull and liifcioo lower ; choice heav
nud butchers' selections , f.YC ; > rtr > .50imckin ; |
3.00 ( < j,5.40 ; light , fl. ! > 0@5.10.
KUIIMIIH CHy , Jan. 31. Cattle Receipt !
2.MK)1 ) shipments , NH ) ; llrm ; common I
choice corn fed , W.20i4.tft ( ; stockers. $ l.SO (
2.50 ; feeders , I3.00Q3.2S ; cows , 10@3.00. :
Hogs Receipts , 10,000 ; shipments , 7,00t
\vcakand HKclfio lower ; common to cholo
( M.OOJ0.2& ; skips und pigs , $3.0\Xg4. : > 0.
Cat tic.
Monday , Jan. 31 , 1SSS.
The receipts of cattle were moderate an
the quality fair , tliero being n fair sprinklin
of fair to good native mixed , with some vei
fair cows , butchers' stock , etc. The marki
opened slow and but llttlo was done unt
afternoon , when trading became more llvel ;
Prices were about steady with those of tl
day previous.
The receipts of hogs were moderate nnil tl
overage quality fair and n llttlo better thn
thosa of the day previous. The marki
opened nt a decline of H\J on good hogs in :
Ifto mi other grades. Tlio market was qui
uctlve nnd the ottering * were all taken by
o'clock. The feeling ut the close was som
Wbut stronger.
. . iccp. - , .
The recdipts of sheep were only 1 16ad and' ,
nothing was doing on the market. '
Official llcuclptB ,
CatthS 417
Uogs 2'010
V'l" ' '
PrcvnllliiK I'rlccs.
Showing prevailing prices paid for llvo
stock on the market ;
Prime steers. 1300 to IfiOO lbs.$4.00 @ 4.25
Choice steers , 1100 to IWX ) Ibs. . 3. : ( < i4.00
Fat little steers , 1KX ) to 1050 Ibs. 3.00 ( < t3.W
Corn-fed range steers , 1200 to
1500 Ibs 3.50 (3.1.7B (
Oood to choice corn-fed cows. . 2.25 { ; l.OO
Common to medium cows 1.75 ( 2.25
Western cows 1 .Ml ( H 2.50
Oood range feeders 2.30 ( ii2.Vi
Good native feeders , WO Ibs and
upwards 2.25 (33.40 (
Common to medium bulls 2.25 ( a2.40 (
Fair to medium native feeders ,
IKJO Ibs and upwards 2.25 ( S2.50
Stoekcrs , 400 to 700 Ibs 2.15 frt2.7fi
Prime fat sheep 3.75 ( u4.25
Good fat shccj ) , Wii ) 100 Ibs. . . . 3.25 ( < t3.50
Fair to medium sheep 2.25 ( < < 3.00
Common sheep 1.75 ( < c2.25
Light and medium hogs 4.00 ( 'M.05
Oood to choice heavy hogs 5.10 ( it 5.25
Good to vhoieo mixed hogs 5.05 ( < i5.15
IteprCHCiitntivc Sales.
NATIVE STF.r.113 ,
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1. , . . .1120 M.50 IS 122S W.I15
. . .1010 300 II ) 122S 3.75
5 . . .law 3.00 3.75
10o . . . ! IO. 3.15 IS 12. .
] o . . .10r ! ! 3.25 .1311) ) two
13 . . . 101(4 ( 3.40 17. .13110 4.00
45 . . .HG1 ) 3.00 31. .1335 4.00
cow s. '
.1700 2.00 13 1150 2.35
4. .1012 2.00 5 1370 2.40
11. . 879 2.05 1'J 1238 2.55
1. . 580 2.10 8 1125 2.115
GO. 20 1UIO 2.70
1 17SO 1.55 1340 2.50
50. 098 2.23
3. .210 8.50 04. . . .240 SO 5.10
3.W. . .133 40 4.00 < W. . . .241 SO 5.10
15. .DM 40 4.75 70. . . .222 SO 5.10
S. .221 400 4.S5 00. . II'JO 5.15 . .231 40 4.00 70. . ! M'43 40 5.15
43. .207 4.1M ) 03. . . .251 SO 5.15
( VS. .215 KM 4.1)5 ) 02. . .251 SO 5.15
.224 M ) 5.00 78. . . .2U3 M ) 5.15
, : i > 3 bO 5.00 72. . ' SO 5.15
OJO 5.00 70. . ! . 242 200 5.15
! 2U7 5.00 0 ! ) . . . .2H1 : SO 5.15
.101) ) 5.00 05. . 200 5.15
74. 40 5 00 00. . SO 5.15
Mi. .212 20 5.00 00. . . .2St Itt ) 5.15
711. .lb7 40 5.00 02. . , .213 KM ) 5.15
72. bO 5.05 09. . , .2 < 4 240 5.15
7ti. 240 5 05 OS. . , .200 120 5.15
S4. , .1'Jl 5.05 05. . . .255 5.17J
71. , .21'J 120 5.05 70. . . .235 40 5.20
75. . .211 1(10 ( 5.05 57. . , .2S4 41) ) 5.20
77. . .203 120 5.05 0. . . .3111 520
13li. . .Kill 320 5.05 01. . . .2b7 120 5.20
ti ! ) . , .22'J 210 5.05 5S. . . .2SS K',0 5.20
S3. . .200 120 5.10 13. , , .270 120 5.20
240 5.10 o i 5.20
obi 240W } 5.10 M..2MJ 100
( VI. . .20.1 100 5.10 40
71. . .241 120 5.10 01. . , .34S 5.25
. .2b7 40 5.10 fa. . , .322 120 5.25
73. . . . ai- u. 10 SO 5.33
Dockage and
Public inspectors dock pregnant sows 40
pounds , stags 80 pounds each.
Dead hogs. 100 pounds and over , C1.00@
2.00 per cwt , less than 100 Ibs , of no value.
Yardage : Cattle , 25o ; hogs , 8c ; shcap , 5 <
per head. Feed : Corn , * 1.00 per bu , ; timothi
hay , $30 ; prairie hay , f20 i > er ton.
Commissions : Cattle , SOcper head ; calves
and yearlings , $10 per car. Hogs and sheep ;
Single decks , $5 ; public Inspection on hogs ,
15o per car. All sales unless otherwise
stated per 100 Ibs live weight.
Shipment * ! .
Cattle , 19 cars , N. W Chleagc
Cattle , 4 cars , C. , U. &Q. . Chicagi
Live Stock Notes.
Hogs lower.
Cattle steady.
No sheep here.
M Cameron , of Friend , sold cattle.
| I. Widlck , of Friend , marketed cattle.
J. 1C. Do Wolf , of Malvorn , la. , sold cattle ,
George Widick , of Friendvillo , markctci
J. Widock , of Dorchester , had cattle on thi
James Donley , of Ashland , had cattle 01
the market.
J. E. Farringtou , of Lyons , marketed twi
loads of cattlo.
Mr. Perley , of Malmo , had cattle on to
duy's market.
C. D. Mgoro , of Howard , had a cav. of hog ;
on the market.
James A. Garten had cattle and hogs or
to-day's market.
L. K. Goodell , of Wilber , had a load of cattle
tlo on to-day's market.
G. E. Willard , of Columbus , topped tin
market with a load of line hogs.
George Horn , of Pottawatauiio county
Iowa , had a car of cattle on to-day's market
Mr. Carlson , of the llrm of L , Anderson f
Co. , Meade , had a ear of cattle on the mar
The Omaha packing company Is the nami
under which the Anglo-American paekiiif
house will do business in the future.
That stockmen are always liberal Is cor
roborated by looking at the list of subscriber
to to the Etta Shattuck fund , found In an
other column. This list was started by th
llrm of M. Hurko & Sons , who deputizci
their head bookkeeper , Fred Gasman , to elt
culate it. That all the commission men re
sanded is attested by the list found In an
other column.
Produce , FriiitN , Etc.
Tuesday , Jan. 31.
Ticolfonfiiy / rc tlto iirtccx nt tehlci
rinuul ( of.v prtM/iicc / tire > > < > ttl on thin nun
hct. fruits oruf/irr / Mnwo ( ( /x / rcunlrln
oifni hilmr of iiiicltiim auntiit iiliriiys li
sn ; p//uf / / on tiittztilcordci'iiiit thCMiinciirlcc
iinntcd tlic local tnnlc ,
HUTTUH Receipts were fair , bu the quallt
decidedly inferior , nnd whllu the bette
grades command outside quotations , such a
came in to-day sold down as low us 12e. W
give prices unchanged. Creamery , soli
packed , 22 < jr2c : choice rolls , 17(3 ( We ; medium
I5y17o ; low grades , 10@12c.
Kood Receipts of strictly fresh were vor ,
light and they would probably have sold a
high as 23e. Other quotations unchangci
with limed eggs not wanted at any price. W
quote 2021u for cold storage ; 21 < Tj22e f&
strictly frcbh. Limed eggi. are very slo ;
at Ito.
I'OUI.TUT The market still remains unsol
tied with light receipts anil light dcmani :
Chickens are lower and wo mark them dow
a cent with more selling at less than 7c Urn
at fro. Other quotations are unchangei
Dressed chickens , Si0e per Ib ; turkeys , $ ( i
IV ; ducks , $ < < rOc ; geese , OMlOc.
POTATOES There is no cliauge to note , j
car of choice homo grown sold at 95u to-daj
and prices all rouud are tirui. . ' Wo quote
Utah , and Colorado stock , tl.KKa' and
choice homegrown. 95(31.00 ( ; common grades
at COO.
' OHANOK * SeVeral consignments are ex-
'jK-cted in this week ; but present stocks are
sufficient to supply Immediate wants. Wo
quote : Vnlenclus , * 7,50@S.OO per ease of 420 ;
Florida , brights , f4.2fi < 24.50 ; russctts , W.50
(34.00 ( ; Mexican , M.OO ,
Arri.ES Arc moving off In small lots only
at firm , unchanged prices. We quote eastern
fruit , fair to choice fctock , $3.50 ? 3. 75 ; fancy
stock , M.75 ( < ? 4.00.
HANANAS Stocks are light , but a car will
probally arrive today and sell at present
prices ; $3.00 to 3.50 for medium and M.60 to
H.CO for choice.
ONIONS Are In better demand nt higher
prices. Homo grown , 75 ( < i85cc ; Spanish
onions , per 50-Ib crate , f l.GOflCl.5. (
CAIIIIAOE Prices unchanged at $1 per doz
nnd2) { ( < 73c ) > cr Ib for California.
LEMONS Malaga are now out of the mar
ket. and orders are now tilled from the stock
of Messina , which arc quoted at > .00g5.50
per box.
Tuns IPS Are selling nt 75c per bushel ,
ivith rutabagas at 55gOOc ( per bushel.
CEI.EHT We quote 40fa45c ] > cr dozen for
'holce ' and4550c ( for fancy.
GHAPES Are without chance and wo
quote 17.50(48.00 ( per bbl. for Malagas , and
"argcr sired bbls. In proi > ortion up to 110.
HEANs-Good stock , $2.00(32.30 ( ; fair to
good , $1.00@1.SO , and California beans at
SWEET POTATOES Are nearly out of the
market. Wo still quote : 2@2'f c per Ib. , with
extra at Be.
ClliEli Choice Michigan elder , $0.00@f.50
per bbl. of 32 gal.
Poi'CoitN Choice rlco corn Is quoted at
4S4Jc ( | K > r lli , other kinds , 2U&3o per It ) .
SAUKU KitAiTT Choice per bbl. of 30 gal. ,
tS.bTK'l'J.OO ; X bbl. , $4.57(35.00. ( $11.00 per
bbl of 50 gal.
CAUHOTS $2.25 ( 2.60 per barrel.
PAHSNITS New stock , $2.50 per barrel-
There are few on the market.
OvsTEits Plain standard , 25c ; plain se
lects , 30o : standard. 40e : extra selects , ,35o. ;
Now York counts , 40o ; bulk oysters , counts ,
$1.85 per 100 ; selects , $2.00 per gal ; standard ,
$1.25 per gal.
CAULIFI.OWEII Good stock , ? ' 2.00@2.80.
CALIFOIINIA FnuiT.s There are only a few
pears in the market , at $2.50S2.75 ; extra
tine , $3.00.
CiUNiiBiiitiES Hell & Cherry , $10.00@10.50
Hell & Bugle , $10.50@ll.OO ; Cape Cods , $11.00
(311.50. (
Fins In layers , 13@10c ; cake , lie per Ib.
DATES Prussian , 8c per Ib.
NUTS Peanuts , OJ 7c , raw ; Brazil nuts ,
13o ; almonds , Tarragona , 22o ; English
walnuts , 15@18e ; filberts , 18o ; Italian chcst-
mts , 15c : pecans , 12e. Is somewhat scarce nnd found at
previous quotations ; 19@21c for 1-lb frames ;
canned honey , 10tfl2e per Ib.
Oroccr'H Ijlst.
PIIOVISIONS Hams , ll@ll > c ; breakfast
bacon , ; bacon sides,9)4'9Kc ) ; dry
salt , SQS u ; shoulders , ( i ) @ 7e ; dried beef ,
CANOV Mixed , 9@llc ; stick ,
CANNIHI Goons Oysters , standard , per
case , $3.30 ( < f3.35 ; strawberries , 2-lb per case ,
$3.25ii3.35 ( ; raspberries , 2-lb per case , $3.20 ( < fl
3.80 ; California pears , per case , $4.70 ( < J4.SO ;
apricots , per case , $4.r.0@4.00 ; peaches , per
case , $5.00S5.75 ( ; white cherries , ] > er case.
? 000Cal. ; plumspcrcase4.30(34.40 ( ; blueber
ries , per" case , $2.3g2.40 ( ) ( ; egg plums , 2-lb
per case. $2.50 ; pineapples , a-lb , per case ,
string Deans , per case , M.BUIJOI.BO ; j-iu i > ima
beans , per case , $1.00 ( < j > ltl5 ; 2-lb marrowfat
peas , ? 2.tlO@2.70 ; 2-lb early June pear , per
case , $2.85 ; 3-lb tomatoes , $2.50 ; 2-lb corn ,
DKIEI > FHUITS Apples , now , J s , 7@7J.fc ;
evaporated 60-lb ring , ! ! @ 10c ; raspberries ,
evaporated , 27@2 < ) ; blackberries , evapor
ated , KK&lOcpitted cherries , 21@2-'c ; East
ern , J s peaches , new , S@S > ic ; California
peaches , new , M8i Keltic ; cvupor-
utcd , peeled peaches , 2Ujt30c ( ; evapor
ated , unpared , 20@21c ; new cur
rants , 7@7 c ; jiruncs , new , 55 > fc ;
citron , 25c ; raisins , London layers , $ 'J.4r > ( < ?
2.50 ; California loose muscatels , $2.10@2.15 ;
new Valencia , 7JiTi8e.
REFINED L\ito Tierce , 7e ; 40-lb square
cans , 7'ie ' ; fiO-lb round , 7c ; 20-lb round ,
7c ; 10-lb pails , 7 0 ; 5-lb pails , 7J u ; 2-lb
pails. So.
BHOOMS Extra 4-tie , $3.00 ; No. 1 , $2.00 ;
No. 2 , $1.75 ; heavy stable , $4.00.
Siitui'-No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs , $1.50@1.55 ;
New Orleans , per gallon , 3S@4ic ( ; maple
syrup , half bbls , "old time" per gallon , SOc ;
1-gallon cans , per doz , $10.50 ; half galen cans ,
per doz , $0.25 ; quart cans , $3.25.
STAIICII Mirror glass , RJic ; Graves' corn ,
t > ) tc ; Oswego gloss , tie ; Oswego corn , "itfc.
HOLLAND HCKUINUS 70@73 per keg.
WOOIIENWAHE Two-hoop pails , per doz. ,
$1.45 ; three-hoop pails , $1.70 ; No. 1 tub , $41.50 ;
No. 2'tub , $ .50 ; No. 3 tub $4.50 ; wash
boards , $1.40B2.75 ( ; assorted bowls , $2.25 ;
No. 1 churns , * 9CO ; No. S churns , $3.00 ; No.
8 cAurns , $7.00.
PICKLES Medium in bbls , $7.00 ; do in half
bbls , $4.00 ; small , In bbls , $8.00 ; do in half
bbls , $4.50 ; gcrkins , in bbls , $ 'J.OO ; do in half
bbls , $5.00.
CorrEE Ordinary grades , 18@10c ; fair.
ll ) ( < ? 20c ; prime , 20g21c ; fancy green nnd
yellow , 22@24c ; old government Java. 2S@
80c ; interior Java , 25@28c ; Mocha , 2S@30e ;
Arbuckle's roasted , 23)c ) ; McLaughlin's
XXXX , 23 > { c ; Dilworth's , 23c ; Red Cross ,
JELLIES 30-lb pails , $1.50@1.75.
TEAS Japans , 20@55c ; gunpowder , 20@
60c ; Young Hyson , 25@55e ; Oolong , 20 ( < S
05c.ROPE Seven-sixteenths. ll@ll } c.
TOIIACCO Lorillard's Climax , 45c ; Splen
did , 45c ; Mechanic's Delight , 44c ; Leggett &
Meyer's Star , 45e ; Cornerstone , 80e ; Drum-
mond's Horseshoe , 44e ; J. T. . 40c ; Sorg's
Spearhead , 44c ; Catliu's meerschaum , 81e ;
Catlin's Old Style , 23c ; Peinpr Heidsick , C4c.
, Sfoxn Granulated , 77Kc-j conf. A ,
7.C@7ffc ; white extra C , ( afi c ; extra C ,
"JffeO&itC. ; yellow C , 5H5Xa ( ; cut loaf , 8 } & "
8e ; powdered , 8 @ 8 > o ; New Orleans , 5 °
( HSJfe.
CIIACKEKS , CAKES , .ETC. Prices subject to
change. Soda , 5c ; soda ( city goods ) , 7c ; sodn
snowflakcs ( m tins ) , He ; soda dandy , 0) ) e ;
soda wafers ( in tins ) , lOc ; soda zephyr , 8c ;
city oyster , 6J c ; excelsior , 7u ; farina oys
ter , 5 } c ; gem oyster , 5c ; monitor , 7cj
Omaha oyster , 7c ; pearl oyster,5o ; picnic , 5c ;
snowdrop oyster , 8c ; butter , 5c ; Boston , Sc ;
Omaha butter , 7e ; saw tooth butter , CJ c ;
cracker meal , &Xe ; graham. 8c ; graham
wafers , lOc ; graham wafers in pound pack
ages , l.Ke ; hard bread , EC ; milk , "J c ; oat
meal , Sc ; oatmeal wafers. lOc ; oatmeal wa
fers in Ib pkgs , 12 > i'c ; animals , 12c ; bollvcr
ginger ( round ) , 7e ; cream , 8e ; Cornhill ,
lOc ; crucknells , loc ; frosted cream , 8 , ' e ;
ginger snaps. 8e ; ginger snaps ( city ) , Do ;
homo made ginger snaps in boxes , Ktc ; home
made ginger snaps (1 ( Ib cans ) per dozen ,
$2.50 ; lemod cream , 8c ; pretzels ( hand
made ) , llj c ; assorted cakes and Jumbles ,
ll c. ; assorted lingers , 15o ; afternoon tea
( in tins ) per dozen , $7.00 ; banana lingers ,
14c ; butter jumbles , llj e ; Urunswiek , 15u ;
brandy snaps , 15e ; chocolate drops ( new ) ,
16c ; checolato wafers , 15c ; Christmas lunch
( in tins ) , per dozen , $4.50 ; cocoa taffy snaps ,
14c ; coffee cake , 12e ; Cuba Jumbles , 11'jo j
cream puffs , 20c ; egg jumbles , 14c ; ginger
drops , lie ; honey jumbles , llKc ; jcllv ling
ers , 15o ; Jolly wafers , 15c ; Jelly tart ( now ) ,
15e ; lady lingers , 13c ; vanilla bar , 14e ; va
nilla wafers , 14c ; Vienna wafers , 1 dozen
packages in box , per dozen , $2.50.
All goods packed in cans 1 ct. per Ib. ad
vance except Snowliako and Wafer Soda ,
which is packed only in cans. Soda In 2 Ib.
and 3 Ib. paper boxes , } < cent per Ib. advance ;
all other goods , 1 cent per Ib. advance. Soda
In 1 Ib. paper boxes , 1 cent per Ib. advance.
The 2 Ib. boxes are packed in cases holding IS
In a caso. The 8 Ib. boxes are packed In cases
holding 12 in a case. The 1 Ib. boxes tire
packed in cases holding 80 in n case. One Ib.
Graham and Oatmeal Wafers packed 2 doz.
in a caso.
Show Tops for boxes , with glass opening to
show goods , 75 cents. Cans for Wafer Soda ,
$3.00 not returnable. Cans for Snowtlnkc
Soda , $0.00 per doz. Tin Cases with Gluss
Face to display the goods , 75ccnts each. Nc
charges for Packages except for cans nnd re
turnable cases. Ciluss Front Tin Cans and
"Snowllake" Soda Cans are returnable at
prices charged
Dry Goods. ,
DUCK West Point 20 In. 8 oz. . lOKc ; Weal
Point 29 In. 10 oz. , 12Kc : West Point 10 in. IS
oz , 15o ; West Point 40 In. 11 oz , lOe. Checks
Caledonia X , UYc ; Caledonia XX , lO c :
Economy , 'JJe ; Otis , S } < e.
KENTUCKY JBINS Memorial , 15c ; Canton ,
ISo ; Durham , 27 } < c ; Hercules , ISo ; Learning'
ton , 22'jfc ; Cottswold , 25e.
Ciunii Stevens' U , Co ; ble..ched , 7e ; Ste
vcus' A. 7. ' < c ; bleached , 8 0 ; Stevens' P ,
She ; bleached , 9 > &c ; Stevens' N , < JUo
bleached , 10' ' e ; Stevens' S R T , 13 } < c.
MISCELLANEOUS Table oil cloth , 3.85
plain Holland , S o to Ho ; Dado. Holland
CAMnnics Slater , 4Kc ; Woods , 4) ) < fc ; Stan
dard , 4 c ; Peacock , " -
BLANKETS White , UOO@7.50 ; colored $1.10
8.00. i i
BLEACHED SIIEETINO Berkeley cambric ,
'hllllp cambric , lie ; Lonsdale , ltj < ; Lons-
1810,85/0 ; New York mills , 10l < c ; Pepperell
2-ln , 10' ' cPop ; | > rell,4Hn. ( , lllcPepporcll ;
0-4 , 15c ; Pcp | > crell , 8-4 20o ; Pep | > crell 9-4 , 22o ;
'cppcrell.10-4 , 24o ; Canton 4-4 , 8 e ; Canton ,
4-4,9 0 ; Triumph , Oc ; Wamsutta , lie ; Vnl-
ey , 5c.
FLANNRI.S Plaid Raftsman , 20o ; Goshcn ,
H c ; Clear Lake , 32 'e ; Maple City , 30V c ;
Whltc G H No. 2. J { , 31c ; G II No. 1 , ( }
. ' 7 c ; B H No. 2 , Jf , ttii < e ; B H No. 1 , / ,
too ; Quechee No. 1 , } ( , 42ct Quccheo No. 2 ,
5f , 37J < c ; Quechee No. 4 , 'f , 32V/c ; Anawan ,
3 < c ; Windsor , 22S'c. Rcii-C , 24-Inch. 15 > f e ;
E , 24-Inch. 21c ; GO , 24 Inch , 18c ; H A F , f ,
J5e : J R F , * ' , , 27) ) < o ; G , f , 35c.
PHIXTS Coi.ous Atlanta ,
Slater , 5c ; Berlin Oil , 0 > c ; Garner Oil , K
c. PINK AND ROBES Richmond , Co ; Allen ,
Oc ; River poliit. 5c ; SU'el River , Oe ; Richmond
mend , ( ic ; Pacific , OUc ; INIIIOO BLUE Wash-
ngton , 6e ; Century Indigo blue prints , lOe ;
American , OJ ; Aroold , C fc ; Arnold B.
0 > 'o ; Arnold A , 12c ; Arnold Gold Seal
Hie. DHCSS Charter Oak , 4 } e ; Ramapo
% cLodl \ , 7 > Jc ; Allen , S.V c ; Richmond
Ijjej Windsor , Oc ; Eddystono , Oo ; Pacific ,
COTTOS FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dis
count LL,04'e ; CC , 7Kc ; SS , 8 c ; Name-
ess 5Koi No. 5 , Oc ; EK , 9 > < c ; GO , 10 < c ;
XX , 12o ; OO , 14e ; NN. lOc ; RX , 18c ; K , 2kj ;
No. 10 , 8 0 ; 40 , lOKo ; 60 , 12 } < e ; 80 , 15c ; 30
colored , lOc ; 50 , colored , 12c ; 70 , colored , 15c ;
Bristol. 13J o ; Union Pacific , ISc.
CAIU-ET WAUP Uebb white , 10 } c ; colored ,
isitowx SHEETISO Atlanta A , 4-4 , 7 e ;
Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , J < fe ; At
lantic P , 4-4 , 5Jfe ; Aurora LL. 4-4 , 5Jfe : Au
rora C , 4-4 , 4' < Jc ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , Ce ;
Hooslcr LL , 4-4 , 5Jfc ; Indian Head , 4-4,7 > 4o ;
Lawrence LL , 4-4 , 5Jfc ; Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
5 < e : Peppercll R , 4-4 , ( i fc ; Peppcrell O , 4-4 ,
Oc ; Peppercll , 8-4 , ISo ; Peppercll , 9-4 , 20c ;
Peppercll , 10-4 , 22c ; Utlca C , 4-4 , 4Jfc ; Wa-
chusett , 4-4 , 7e ; Aurora R , 4-4 , 6) ) Aurora \
B , 4-4. tic.
IUTTS Standard , 8c ; Gem , 10 > c ; Beauty ,
"IJrfc ; Boone , 14c ; 11 , cased , $ (5.50. (
GiNfliiAM Plunkctt checks , 7 > c ; Whlt-
lenten , 7'4'c ; York , 7J/c : Noriiiandi dress ,
SJJc ; Calcutta dress , 8 } < c ; Whittcnton dress ,
lie ; Renfrew dress , 9@12JJc.
TICKS Lcwlston , 80-iu. , 12) ) c ; Lcwlston ,
12-ln , , 13Uc ; York , 32-In. , 14c ; Swift river ,
- ; Thorndikc , OO , 8Jfe ; Thorndikc. EF ,
; Thorndikc , 120 , 9i e ; Thorndikc , XXX ,
ibis ; Cordis , No. 5 , 9 } c ; Cordis , No. 4 , lie.
DENIMS Atnoskeag , ! i-oz. , lOe ; Everett ,
7-oz. , 13c ; York , 7-oz. , 18c ; Haymaker , o
Jaffrcy , XX , HKc ; Jaffrey , XXX , 12 | u ;
Beaver Creek , AA , 12e ; BeaverJCreek , BB
lie ; Beaver Creek , CO , lOo.
General Markets.
Prices on nil article * rjiiofcd Ju thlicol-
iiinii arc ichulcxHlc anil nrc corrected dully.
Ilntcs on Jtitur < m < l fccHurc jobbers jirfrct
nnd itrc not rcttill. I'rtccs onnilu ( / arc
f/ifisf"idl / ; ( ? byOnuiha millers ilcllvcral. Qnn-
tiitlnn on hide * und f urn urc tlmnc given / ) [ /
tlir Icmllnu intrclmnerK of the city.
Fi.ouit AJI > FCUD Minnesota patents , $2.00
per cwt ; Kansas and Mls ourl fancy winter
imtcnts , SJ.OO ri per cwt ; Nebraska pat
ents , $2.45(32.50 ( per cwt ; rye Hour ,
$2.00 per cwt ; wheat graham , $1.75 per cwt ;
rye graham , $1.40 per ewt ; New York buckwheat -
wheat , $0.6007.00 per 'bbl ' ; Excelsior , $0.00
per bbl ; ready raised. M.OO per 100-lb ease ;
cornmeal , yellow , fl.OIHgl.lO per cwt ; white ,
$1.10(31.15 ( per ewt ; bran , $10.00@17.00 per
ton ; screenings , * 14.0Q@15.00 per ton ; hominy
iny , $3.25 per bbl ; chopped feed , $20.00 per
ton ; chopped corn , $19.00 per ton.
HAY Upland prairie , . & 7.00@7.50 ; common
coarse , Sfl.OO < gi.M ( ) ; straw , $0X0.50. ( )
CoAi Ecg , $10.50 ? nut , $10.50 ; range ,
$10.50 ; walnut block , $4.25 ; Iowa lump ,
$3.75 ; Iowa nut , $3.00 ; Illinois , $45.00@4.75.
Gu MX Wheat , No ! 2 , OOe ; rye , 55o ; corn ,
yellow , 40@-13c ; corn , white , 42@45o ;
oats , 29@30o ; barley1 , 00(3 ( Ooc , according
to quality. *
FIAXSEEII Is unchanged and is quoted at
$1.25 per bushel.
Dituos Ammonia jcarb , 14o ; camphor
rcllned SOc ; copperas , 1J4C ; cream tartar ,
45c ; cream tartar p6wdered. 200t50o ; In
digo Madras , 75c ; morphia snlph , $3.50 ; soda
bi. carb , tine ; Venice turpentine , 40c ; gum
opium , $4.05 ; quicksilver , & 0c ; quinine , Ger
man per oz , 55o ; quinine , P. & W. , Ole ; wax ,
yellow , pure , 32c.
OILS Carbon , 12@25e ; linseed , boiled ,
02c ; linseed , raw , 5Ue ; castor , No 1 ,
$1.20 ; No. 2 , $1.12 ; sperm whale , $1.00 ; fish ,
bank 35c ; neatsfoot extra , 55o ; ncatsfoot No.
1 , 50o ; gasoline , 74 degrees , 15c ; W. S. lard ,
05c ; No. 1 lard , SOc ; No. 2 lard , 60c ; W. Va.
zero , 14c ; W. Va. summer , 13c ; golden No. 1 ,
40c ; golden No. 3 , 25c ; whale , 20o ; naptha 1
degree , He ; headlight 100 degrees , 12c ; head
light , 175 degrees , 15e ; turpentine , 40u.
PAINTS Wbito lead , pure , OKo ; white
lead , fancy , 0) e ; putty , in bladders , 3 ; Paris
white , 3o ; common , 2J c ; red lead 7c
WINDOW GLASS Single , C0.100JG5 per cent ;
double , 70 and 5 per cent discount.
SI-HUTS Cologne spirits 188 proof , $1.13 ;
do , 101 proof , $1.15 ; spirits , second
quality , 101 proof , $1.13 ; do , 188 ;
proof , $1.12 ; alcohol , 188 proof , per wine
gallon , $2.10 ; redistilled whiskies $1.00@1.50 ;
gin , blended , $1.50@2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons ,
$2.00(36.00 ( ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania
ryes , $2.000J0.50 ; Golaon Sheaf bourbon und
rye whiskies , $1.50@3.00 ; brandies , imported ,
$5.00@8.50 ; domestic , $1.8003.00 ; gins , im
ported , $4.50000 ; domestic , $1.25073.00 ;
champagnes , imported , per case , $2S.OO@
33.00 ; American , per case , $10.00@10.00.
HEAVY HAKIIWAUE Iron , rate , $2.00 ; plow
steel , special cast , 4 ] 50 ; crucible steel , Oc ;
cast tools , do , 12a)15c ) ; wagon spokes , per set ,
$2.00(35.50 ( ; hubs , per set , $1.50 ; felloes ,
sawed dry , $1.50 ; tongues , each , 75c ; axles ,
each , 75e ; square nuts , per Ib , 0@13c ; coil
chain , per Ib , OX@13c ; melleable , 8@10o ;
iron wedges , Oc ; crowbars , Oc ; harrow teeth ,
4o ; spring steel , 4@5c ; Burden's horse shoes ,
$4.75 ; Burden's rnulo shoes , $5.75 ; barbed
wire , in oar lots , $4.00 per 100 Ibs ; Iron nails ,
rates , 10 to 50 , $2.40 ; steel nails , $2.50.
LEATHER Oak soles , 35@37c ; hemlock
slaughter sole , 2fl@29c ; hemlock dry sole ,
3K325c ; hemlock kip. C5@90e ; A. & B. run
ner kip , 50@75o ; A. hemlock calf , U0c@$1.00 ;
A. A. hemlock calf , "backs , " 75c ; hemlock
upper , 19@24o ; English grain upper , 25c ; hem
lock grain upper , 21(324e : Tampico B. L.
Morocco,29@33c ; Tampico pebble , O. D. Mo. ,
22@29o ; Curaeoa , B. G. Mo. , 30o ; Simon O.
D. Mo. , $2.75@3.00 ; Dangola kid , SOfflSSc ; X.
M. Kangaroo , 40o ; American calf kid , 32o ;
Griescn kids , $3.00@3.50 ; French calf kids ,
$ . ' 1.20 ; oak kip skins , 80c@I.OO ; oak calf
skins , $1.00(3)1.25 ( ) ; French calf skins , $1.25@
2.05 ; French kip skins , $1.JO@1.50 ; Russia
linings , $0.00(30.50 ( per doz ; pink , cream and
white linings , $7.50@10.00 per doz ; colored
toppings , $9.00@11. 00 ; green ox pelts , SOj.SJi'c ;
kip skins , ( unfrozen ) , 4@OXc ; cowhides , 3 }
@ 5c.HIDES
HIDES Green butchers' , 5@5J c ; green
cured. 0 < SOXc ; dry flint , He ; dry salt , So ;
green calf skins , 7o ; damaged hides , two
thirds price. Tallow 3 0. Grease Prim
white , 4 > c ; yellow , He ; brown , 2o. Sheep
pelts , 25cu $1.00. Ste'nfly and unchanged ,
$2.00@3.00 ; No. 2 , ' $1.000 1.25 ; otter , $1.00@
0.00 ; dry deer skins , 200t.35c per Ib ; dry ante
lope , oik , inooso , etc. , 15035c. *
Dry Lumber.
No. 1 com , s 1 s.$18.50 1 No. 3 com. s 1 s.$15.5T
No. 2 com , H 1 B. 17.00 | No. 4 com , sis. 13.5C
No. 1,4 & 0 In 12 & II ft. , rough . $1.5C ! )
No. 1 , " " 10 " . 10..V
No. 2 , " 12 14 " . 10.51
No. 2 , " " 10 " . 18.01
A , 12 , 14 & O , 12 , 14 & 10ft.I5.5f
B , " " 20.50 | D , " " 12.51
A 0 In White Pine . I25.W
BOin " " . m.
COin " " . 30.W
Uilin " " . 21.51
KOIn " " ( Sol. Fencing ) . 19.W
0 in. Drop Siding 50cter \ M extra.
2d comX in White Pine Ceiling . * UOC
i * ( i tl il ng n {
' ' ' ' ' ' '
Clear , % in Norway " " . ! . . . . . . lO.Ot
2d com.Jb' in " " " . 14.CX
A 12 inch si s . $15.5 !
B12 " . 39.2 (
CIS . ' . 30.0 <
D13 " I , . . . , ; . . ' 23.00
No. 1 com , 13 In s'l , 12ft ' . . 20.W
" . " " . 14ft ; 19.00
" " ' " . 16ft 18..Y )
" " " ' 10 , IS20 " ft 81.60
No.2 , " - UHK )
" " " 12 & 14 ft 18.50
" " 17 ft 17.50
12 In Grooved roofing , $1 per M. morothaU 12
In Stock Boards same length.
[ 0 In Grooved Rooting same price as 12 In
Stock Boards.
No. 1 Plain 8 and 10 In , $19.00
No.2 " " " 17.W )
No. 1 , O Q , 8 in 1U.M )
1st and 2nd , clear , 1 , ! { in s 2s..i.$51.00
" " " I" , , ' , 2 ftl.Wl
Jd , clear , 1 In , s2s 44.50
" 1J < , IKI' ' ' 4 < HW
A , select , 1 in s 2 s 40.IH )
A , " l/l ! ' ,3lns3s 44- >
B , " 1IHB28 30.00
B , " 1,4' , Iltf,2ins2s 37.00
Com.4 Inc h Flooring $17.50
Star " " 81.60
1st and 2d clear 4 Inch Flooring 1.00
Six Inch 40o less.
Clear < Inch Ceiling 21.50
Clear f inch Partition 25.00
Clear < Inch , Partition $2 above ; Y
Inch Celling 25.00
Clear Finish , 1 and 1 > inch , s 2s 29.00
Clear Finish , IK ami Inch , s 2 s 30.00
Clear Corrugated Celling , 4 Inch 25.60
Clear Yellow Pine Casing and Base. . . . 27.00
lorl.Ut U'MIIKll.
CPoplnr Bx. Bds. K in. , s 2 s $ , ' 15.00
" " J , ' in. Panel , s 2 s 27.Kt (
" " Corrugated Ceiling , K. . 28.50
JIATTENHK \ . \ , TL'lll.Ntl , I'lCKI'.TS.
O. G. Bntts , 2 > f In 05e ; Kx3 , s 1 s. 40o ; 3ln
Well Tubing. D. & M. nnil Bev. , $23.00 ; Pick
Cts , D. & H. Flat , $20.50 ; D. H. Sq. , $21.50.
XX clear , $10 ; extra * A * . $ - ! > 5 ; * A * stand.
nrdNo. 5 , No. 1 , $1.45 ; lath , $2.55.
White ccoar , 0 in. , } { s. 12J e ; 9 In. qrs. ,
I lj < ? c ; white cedar , b < ( in ) & llj o ; 8 In.
( irs 10c ; white cedar. 4 in. round , KH-tfo ; Ten
nessee red cedar , split , 14o ; split oak , lOe ; i >
in 7 in. , and Sin. ( X each ) 8 ft. , round , W.C.
posts. _
Itcnl KHtatc TrnnHfers.
George H Hoggs and wife to W D
Mathews , lots 10 11 12 blk 18 Bogg's
add , wd . . . . $ 1,000
Lewis S Reed cxn to W J Council , lots
1 2 3 blk 248 s 32 ft of 4 blk 34S , n
V lot 5 blk 232 cxn's D 30,000
Win K Kurz to Henry Goodman , w 25
ft of e 60 ft lot 1 blk ill South Omaha ,
wd 2,750
Cora R Patterson and husband to A A
Brubaker , lot 10 Flack's sub of w 3
acres of lot 5 Bonlleld add , w d 600
Louisa Klnscy and husband to Egbert
E French , w 44 ft of e J lot 2 blk 0
Lewis' sd , wd 1,700
South Omaha Land Co. to Jno F
Ritchart , lot 5 blk 55 South Omaha ,
w d 300
J H Huugato and wife to Jas II
Wheeler , lot 10 blk 11 Bedford
pine * , \v d j 000
II A Smith and wife to .1 Milton Hill.
lot 5 blk 1 Isaac & Soldon'sadd , w d 3,650
W O Bridges to F Belovic , lot 14 blk 3
KounUo's third , q e 100
F H Davis and wife to Saml Nicholson
lot'.17 and Ob Fairmount place , w d. . 1,350 ,
M L Lindsay and wife to N Toncioy ,
25x80 ft off e end lots 21 and 22 blk 3
Union place add , to South Omaha ,
w d..f 1,200
Thos Brcnimn et al to A P Turkey , lot
13 blk 1 Brennan place , w d 2,000 ,
C Weinberger and husband to Ester
Horwich. c } of s J of lot 25 Me-
Candlish place add , wil 2,150
Thos C JeiTuries et al to Jno II Burns ,
lot 13 blk 2 Jefferies Replat , w d. . . . SOO
Mary J Thompson and husband to
David L Brace , beg S7 ft c of n w
cor blk 7 Hanscom place , wd 8,000
Edwin L Lewis and wife to School
Dist of Omaha , n 140 ft of tract beg
W chs w of s e cor of n w } 4' of s o
U , 34 , 15 , 13 , w d 2,500
Mark Haiihon and wife to same , beg
14 rds s of mv cor of e } of oyt of no-
" 4" of lie -34-15-13 , w tl . ' O.OUO
F M Phillips and wife to Caleb P
Organ , H of lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 blk 14 ; 1 in
11 ; 7 , 8 , tl , 10 In 12 ; 4 , 5 , 0 in 7 , Pat
rick's 2d ; lot 5 blk 3 , lot 0 blk 1. A S
Patrick's add. w d 13,000
Omaha Publishlngcompany to the Hic :
Publishing company , middle % of
lot 0 blk 124 , Omaha , w d 5
BIE : Publishing company toBen Build
ing company , part of lots 0 and 7 blk
124 , wd. . . . . 50,000
F B Johnson mid wife to James Bar
clay , lot 2 blk 5 , Newport , w d 350
E A Benson and wife to D A Vaughan ,
lot 17 blk 2 , Driirgs' place , w d 3,00(1 (
Same to W R Vaughan , lots 15. 10 blk
2. Briggs' place , w d 10,600
A \V Comstock to A W Jones , w' lot
0 blk 9 , Patrick's 2d , w d 3,50(1 (
Twenty-four deeds $143,703
Building Permits.
The following building permits were is
sued yesterday at the ofllco of superintend
ent of buildings :
E. W. Fenn , two cottages , Thirty-
fourth , between Farnam and Dodge $2,400
Fowler & Gants , stable , Tenth and
Grace 250
William Ffciffer , cottage , California
near Thirty-second 050
C. P. Peterson , two cottages , Center
nearTwentleth 1,000
Four permits aggregating $4,300
The Olil Ganio Still AVorkH.
Fred Doane , a green traveler having a few
hours between trains yesterday , wandered
up town with an affable gentleman ho mot nt
the depot. As they were on their way back
to the depot they were met by u third party
who represented himself to bo the Union Pa
cific freight agent and told the smooth gen
tleman his shipment was all rigllt , and auded
that ho would like to collect and receipt for
the amount duo right on the spot. The
"shipper" felt in his irackets and discovered
that he had forgotten to bring any money
with him. Fortunately ho happened to have
a $100 check on one of the Omaha banks and
asked Doanc If ho could not accommodate
him with a loan until ho could got the check
cashed. Douno shelled out 18 , took the
check and has failed to see cither of the par
ties since. Last night ho left for the west : i
fuihlcr and wiser man.
The worst feature about eatiirrh is its
dangerous tendency to consumption.
Hold's Sarsaparillu cures catarrh by
purifying the blood.
NorthWestern -
Railway Short Line.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
Th only rott to take for Dei ilolnei , Mnrlalltown ,
Cedar Uapldi , Cllotna , Illiuii. Chlmuo , Milwaukee
and all points east. To tuo people of Nebraska , Cole
rado. Wyumtmt. UMIi , Malm , Nevada , Orcuon , Wnito
Initton tnrt California. It uffura mpeJlor adraalaifM
D ( t porslile bj any other line.
Among a law at the numerous polnta of fuperlorttj
enjoyed sr ilic patrons ot tills road between OniHhi
ana Ctilrairo. aru Its two Iratrs a ( lay of DAY COACH
Ki ? , which are the tlncst that numan art aad Injienul
tr cnn create. Its 1'AUACI ! Hl.KKl'INU CAHS. which
are models of comfort find ulCKuncc. Its 1'/1UXJH
IIUAWIMJ UOOM CAHS , un9urpn ieil br anr. and
Its widely celebrated I'AI.A'l'IAI. IJIN1NU CAR. * , thi
equal nf which cannot be found elsewhere. At Coua
ell Uiuffs the trains of the Union I'aclllc Hallway , con
oect In union depot witli those of the ClilcHKiiJ
Northwestern Ity. In Chicago the trains of this lln <
rnako close connection with those of all other eastern
For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis. C'nclnnatl '
Nlacara full * . riulTslo. 1'IIUnuru , Toronto , Montreal
lioston. New York , rlilladcliibla , liulilmorf , Wash
InstQo , and all poluti la the east , UK lor a ticket tl <
U you trlMi tbn licit accomaodatlon. All ticket wenU
Mfl tickets via this Hue.
Uenl. Manager , Oeni. I'ass'r Agent
k Ills.un.Bou.E8. .
_ _ Agricultural Implomonta.
Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Carriages ami llucglr * . Jitir * Ptrrrt.tiftncenVthaiul
Kith , Omahn , Nebraska.
AgricDltiiralIraplBinentsIfagonsCarriages ,
Hupiilft.Klc. Wholesale. Omaha , yfbrft ki
Wholnalc Dmlrrii In
Agricnltnral Implements , Wagons & Bnggies
ll. HO. HO mill TO7 Juno Slrocl , Onmha.
P. P. MAST& C0
Mannfactnrers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders ,
CulUtnti-rd , llay llakpi. Cider Mill * ami I.ubau lul-
Tcrltcr . Cor. lltli and Nicholas ptrvvt * .
Agncnltnral Implements , Wagons & Bnggies
Corner 14li ( n > lNlcliol _ ii Streets.
OMAHA llllANt'll.
( Aknm.Ohlo.l
Haryesting Machinery and Binder Twine ,
W. K. Mvail , .MnnaKur. I''i.l l.efiTen rlliM. , Omaha
Manufacturers ami Jobbers In
Wagons Bnggies , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
Cor. Wh and I'aclllc Streets , Onmlm , Noli.
Artists' " Materials.
A HOSPE. Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
Jill liiiiiKlOK Street. Omaha , Xi-brnnkn.
Boots and Shops.
T V rM O R S E" & 'c o' . ,
Jobbers of Boots and noes ,
1411 Farnitm St. , Omnlin , Neb. Mnnufacturr , Summer
Street , lloslon.
IMieeeMKun tn lleeU , Junes , V Co. )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Ste
AKunUlur lloi > tnn Uuliber Slum Co. llltt , 1101 4. HOC
llurncy M. . Omaha , Nebrnnkn.
BopkBollors and Stationers.
H. M. & S. W. JONES ,
Successors to A. T. Ken ) on & Co. , \ \ liolcfiilo & ttctiill
Booksellers anil Stationers ,
Flno Wcildlnit stHtloncrr , Comnivii'lHl Stationery.
UZfMoUKlni Street , OiniiliH , Neb.
Jpffoos , Splcoa , Etc.
Oninbn CotTee ami splcc Mill" .
Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
InvortiV liMinct * , l.iiuntlry Him1. Ink * . Itte. 1IH-
Itltilliirnuy Street , Omiilin , .Nvlintsku.
Crockery and Glassware.
" W. L" WrTlCHT.
Apcnt for tlui Mnmifncturori ami Impnrtc re of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps- , Chimneys ,
Kte. oniic , 317 S. Utli St. , Oninliu , Ncbrn kn.
Commission and Storago.
" "
"D. "A. HURLEY ,
Coinmission and Jobbing ,
Jlullcr , iinil 1'rciitme. ConflKtnm'nti solicited.
lleudiiuniteni for bliwvniiu' , lleri ) HUM'S Mini
( irnpu llnrkvt * . 1414 Doilue St. , Oniiiliu.
Storage and Coinmission Merchants ,
Spedaltli'K-llutter , KRRS , Clieesp , 1'nnltrjr. Ramo ,
O ) uter" , Kle.jtc. . 112 somli Kill street.
Produce Coininission Merchants ,
Poultry , Ilutter. ( iiuno. I'mlta , Ktc. yx South llth
St. . Oniubn , .NebruekH.
CEO. SCHROE D"ER & co. .
( Suceo jors to MtS'huno & . Bchroeiler. )
Produce Coinmission and Cold Storage ,
Onmbii , js'cbrankiu
_ _ _ Limo.
' ' " ' ' "
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
W.i South nth Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Mannfactnrers of Illinois White Lime ,
And Rhlnpera of Coal , Coke , Cement , IMnster , l.lmo ,
Drain ' 1 He , and Sewer 1'lpo. Ofllce , I'niton Motel ,
Kunmni St. , Omaha , Neb. Telephone 811.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
214 South nth Bt. . Omaha , Neb.
! lot' ' ! l8'
M. E SMITH & CO. .
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
1102 and 1104 Douglas , Cor. lllh St. , Omaha. Neb.
Importers and Jobbers in Dry GoodsNotions ,
Gents' Furnishing Rontti. Corner llth anil HuJncy
S < . , Omubn. NVbniRka.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Hnrnam Street , Omaha. Nebraska.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
705. 707,709 and 711 S. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
12th and Lcavcnworth Streets , Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1319,1551 and 125:1 Humor Street , Omaha. Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1114 and 1110 Harnoy street. Omaha , Neb.
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tinware , Sheet Iron , Kto. Awnta for I lone Scales ,
_ und Miami Powder Co. , Omaha , Neb. _
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Mechanics' Tools nnd llurfulo Scales. 1405 Douitlut
btreet , Omaha , Ncbrailia.
Wholesale Hardware ,
10U ) and IlariHiy Sts. , Omahu , Neb. Western Ancnti
lor Auilln Powder Co. , .Icncmm Steel Nails ,
l'ulrbnnk Standard Si ales.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springs , Warfon Ptook , Hardware , Lumber , Ktc.
and 1511 llurney Htrcet.llmulia.
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
Wacon nnil Carrlnw Wou < l Slock , Heavy Harilirare
Etc. KIT anil I jli ) U-uvcnwurlu bt. . ( Jmuhu , Nub.
" '
All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale
ISlli Slrcot nndUnlon _ Paclflo Track. Omnlia.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doori.Etc. Yard-Corner 7th und Uauulai : Comei
IHU anil IKJUBlas.
C. N
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
IStlian'lOnllfornlfi Streets. Omaha Nebraska.
Lumber Lime Cement'Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Corner Cth anil Douga ! lti.Omklia ,
Lumpor. , „ ,
To Dealers Only ,
_ p f . Omsha ,
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
lmp ! yirci iWrdcasss fi
_ * julncy Whin l.inie.
Dealer in Hardwood Lnmber ,
Wood Carpels anil Parquet Flooring. Wh and 1Vu la
Jron [ Works.
Wrought and Cast Iron Bnilding Wort.
Eoplnr . Hra Work.Cpnrral Foundry , Machine anJ
lilaeatinlth Work , omceand Works , U. 1 * . lly.
and IHh Street , Omaha.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Desk Itnlln , Window ( luards. Klowrr Stands , Wlro
Slyns. Kte. H3 North Ifth SUvc'Uhnah * .
Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes i
Vaults..tnll Work. Iron and Wlrn Kenclnii. Slum. Kto.
(1. Anilrcon , 1'rop'r Cor. lllh and Jacksun Sts.
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time Lock
( Jeneral Agent' for Dlebold Safe A Ixiek Co.'n
Vaults and Jail Work. 1I1J Karnaiu Street , Omaha.
_ Hnts , Caps , El
Wholesale Hats , Cans and Straw Goods.
1107 U-miey Hired , Omaha. Neb.
Mllllnory nnd Notions. <
i. OBER > ELD"ER""CO. . '
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
. ax , 51(1 ( and 513 Smltli lltli Strwt
Wholesale Notions and Famishing Goods
_ 4(11 ( and 4(0 ( f < uth 10th St. , Omaha.
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods ,
1105 llarney Street , Omaha.
_ OilS ; _ " _
Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Ailo Crease. Kir. , Omaha. A. 11. lllfhop , Manager ,
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry a nlee stock of Printing , Wrapping and Writing
I'u PIT : Special attention Ktren tn i-ur Tnad order * .
Prlntora' Matorlals
Auxiliary Publishers ,
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
311 Clothing and Leather lleltlnu. HIM Karnum Btrottj
. . "
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
Wholesale Pnmps , Pipe , Fittings ,
3toam und Water Biippllcn. neiul < itiartcr for Matt.
total AC ' goods. 1111 Fiimiini ( < lOniiiliH.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Ualllday Wind Mills. 018 and DM Fnrnam Bt..Om h .
O. F. Hosa , Actlnu Manager.
" *
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Sheet Iron Work Htcam I ump ,8 w MIXa. IJ1H21S
U'KVrnwnrlh btreyt. Uniulia.
" "
PHIL. STIM"MEL"A : co. ,
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
(11 and UUJoncn Mrcet Omaha.
Storage. Forwarding A. Commission
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
Branch uouso o ( the lloniipy UiiKiry ( ' ' . HiiK IP t
wliulcsalo nnd rotHil. l.ut llflOniul 1,112 liard Blrcot , '
Ouiahtt. Telepliono Nu. 7DU.
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
John Eponeter. Proprietor. I'M ' Dodge and 1C1 ( and 101
North Kith Street , Omiilia.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
orth r.lKthtcenth Street , Omaha. Neb.
Mannfactnrers of Overalls ,
Jeans Pants , Shirt' , Ktc. UOiiim ! 1101 Douglas Street.
Ouiaha , Is'cb ,
Doors , Etc.
M. A. D1SBROV. ' / - , CO. ,
Wholesale Manu.ctururs of
Sash. Doors , Blinds and Monldings ,
Branch Office , litli and liard Streets , Omaha , Nob.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
MoulilliiKs , Rlalr Work and Interior Hard Woo I Klu
Isu. N. K. Corner Mh and -aveuworth Hlreels ,
Omaha. Neb.
Manafacturers of Moulding , Sash , Doors ,
And llllnds , Turnlnir. Btalr-work , Hank and Office Hi-
tlnk'i * . aitliund 1'opploton Arcnuu.
_ Sm ° j < o Stacka , Boilers , Etp.
Manufacturing Dealer in Smoke Stack
Brltchlniis , and ( lencral Holler ItupalrlQ * . 1316
Btreet. Omuha , Neb
r. K. I'At.MCH. .V. I'.HICIIMA.V. J. II. III.ANCimilJ
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Omca-Uooni34Onno8lto Kichanuu Hullilln , Uiiloa
Mock Yards , South Omaha , Neb.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Market fiinil hed frcoon nppllcatlon , btockers and
feeilers furnished on K ° OI | tormi. Uufcrnrtcci * Oina *
tin National Dniikiiinl houtli Ooiaha NuiloiiHi , Union
Stock V nli , South Ouir.ha. j
Liye Stock Coininission ,
Itoom 15 , Kxcbanco Hull'llnx , Union Stock Yardl ,
bouth Omaha , Nub.
Cominision Dealers in Live Sock ,
Ilooiu ? ' , Oppoillii ICxclmnuo Ilullillnu , Union Block
Yards , Suulh Omalitt , Neb ,
UNION s"r5cK YARDs cS7
Of Omaha , Limited ,
John I' . Uoya , tiuucrlutcuilcuu