Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 01, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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A Tlmoly and Important Decision
of the Attorney GeneraL
More Ijtiwyora Admitted to Practice
A CIINC DlMrnlHscd Additional
Paving School Contribu
tions to the Fund.
r Attorney General Loose has written
n reply lo nquoryfrom .ToIIcrson county.
It appears , from the enquiry made , that
nn nllon died in that county possessed
of landed real estate , IIH ! heirs all being
in Germany. The county judge wrote
regarding the law in the case aud the
question if thu land of the alien os-
oliuutod to the blato or U the foreign
hotra could recover the land itself. Mr.
Locso writes as follows :
"Under section a chapter 65 of the
session laws of Nebraska 1887 , land
owned by non-resident aliens at their
death escheats to the state and the bamo
must bo appraised and the amount paid
.over to the lawful heirs of such aliens
as provided in the chapter above cited.
At tbo present time the obstacle in the
way of such proceeding is the want of
funds for the payment of the appraised
valuation of the Inuds. The legislature
made no appropriation to moot such
cases and ft would seem that in cases
like the ono referred to , that the par
ties must wait until the next legislature
convenes to maka appropriations to pay
this class of claims. " '
Court met pursuant to adjournment.
i The following gentlemen were admitted
i ? to practice ; B. P. Waggoner , of Atoh-
inson ; W. F. Gurloy , of Omaha ; J. T.
Morlnrty. of Omaha ; John Q. Dcnton , ol
Sidney ; W. A. Saunders. of Omaha.
Nowmnn vs Edwards. Time to report
extended thirty days.
Death of defendant was suggested in
the following causes and they were re
vived in name of administrator : Guo
vs Jones , Noyce vs Jones , Gilbert vs
Too following causes were continued :
Roads vs Estabrook , Gay vs Shower.
The following causes were argued and
submitted : State vs Huckins , Hotel As
sociation vs Wnltors , McManigal vs
Beaten , Johnson vs Van Clove , Lincoln
vs Dockmau , Schaller vs Omaha.
The following attorneys were in at
tendance from Omaha : J. C. Cowin ,
George S. Smith , \V. F. Gurloy , How
ard B. Smith , H. D. Estabrook , D. D.
Gregory , E. W. Simeral , H. J. Davis ,
A. C. Wakoloy , G. Van Etton , M. P.
Yesterday morning the criminal case
ngainst the Ilerald was dismissed by the
prosecution nfter occupying the after
noon of the day before in largely hear
ing the testimony of Dr. Doggo , which
was a rehash of the same testimony that
has rung in the ears of the district court
for the past two years. Ono of the
nttorneys representing the prosecution
staled that no was not in favor of con
tinuing tho. examination in the case
largely because the statute of limitation
had run against a largo lot of the testi
mony that was prepared for submission.
It looks as though limitation was the
only moans of ending the case , and u
suit for damages is likely to bo the next
The city council , with commendable
enterprise , took the question of paving
for the coming season in consideration
( it the last session of tbo council and
created the third , fourth and llfth
districts. An ordinance was also intro
duced at the mooting for the purpose of
voting 8100,000 bonds for the paving of
intersections in these districts. The
move of the council is in the direction
that points to business for the summer ,
nnd tnoir action in moving in the matter
this early will make it ] ) Ot > siblo to accom
plish the groatobt season's work on
record. Already the contract is lot for
jwiving the second district and
the contractors are ready to push
the work with two or three
hundred men the moment work can bo
steadily proceeded with. This district
uloiio is nearly double the size of the
first district paved lait yea- , and if the
three new districts created nro also
paved this year there will bo at the
close of the season no city in the west of
the size of Lincoln that can compare
paved streets with it.
In connection with the ordinance for
bonds for paving , a special ordinance
was .introduced looking for the special
tax on real estate abutting the street
paving. The contract for the three
HOW districts will bo lot early in the
In nnswor to the call of the state
mtporintondont , County Suporlntondont
Frank D. McClusky yesterday prepared
the following circular that will bo sent
to each school in the county :
"To the readers and pupils of Lan
caster county :
The state superintendent has re
quested by circular that the schools of
this state contribute to a fund for the
relief of teachers and school children
who sulToi'od and siibtaiiied injuries
during thu storm of January 12.
In pursuance of sucb request I sug
gest that the pupils and teachers of the
schools of Lancaster county contribute
* to said fund in sums from ono cent to
fe ono dime.
Teachers nro requested to send to mo
the amount of money subscribed by
tholr respective schools and the name's
Of the contributors on list attached.
District Clerk E. U. Sixer had a box
of Havana's opoii for customer's yester
day. This was on account of n now ton-
pound boy at his homo and n continuous
How of congratulations was observed
through the day.
The county attorney yesterday was
preparing papers for the proper collec
tion of n number of forfeited recogniz
ances that were declared at thu last
term of court. The parties will bo re
quested to pay for tholr conlldonco in u
number of departed culprits.
West Lincoln is to have a depot.
The Union Pad tic having agreed to
open n station there the present month
tor the benefit of that thriving suburb.
J. A. Pedoway , ono of the old residon-
tora who for years has run the National
hotel opi > oslto the Hurllngton passenger
depot in this city , died tt ( I ) o'clock yes
The board of trade hold a business
session last ovuning to consider the pro
ject of scouring n number of manufac
turing institutions that are seeking lo
cations hero.
Messrs. Crawford andMcRoynoldsthc
losses of Funke'a opera houbo take ] > os-
session to-day aud to-night at the pro-
Bontation of * 'A Night Olt" numerous
invitations have been issued to state ,
county and city olllcers to attend thu
complimentary opening.
Suit was filed in supreme court vos-
tordny , brought by thu Fremont , Elk-
horn & Missouri Vullojf railroad against
the state auditor , flftktiiff the doUrt to
comjml th'o nrditor to resistor the "bonds
voted by the vllln&o of Vnhoo In aid of
the road and amounting to $3,100. It
will bo recalled that about ouo month
ngo , whun the auditor was called upon
to register thcso bonds , ho refused on
the grounclH that the election at which
they were voted was not legally called.
The cuso will probably bo argued to the
court this prcbcnteol. . ' .
Another Cosily Accident , nut No Ono
Another Wreck nt Oakland.
OAKLAND , Neb. , Jan. 31. [ Special Tele
gram to thb BKB. ] A very disastrous rail
road accident took place hero this afternoon
nt 1 o'clock. It did not result In loss of life ,
but a locomotive was completely demolished
and two cars damaged. A freight train
drawn by engine JOS pulled out on the main
rack when n switch wns open. About thirty
'eet ' from the switch was n small creek. As
soon as the engine struck thc-culvcrt It went
" cadlong down the embankment , n dlstanco
f ten feet. The fireman and engineer saved
hemsclvcs by jumping. The damage will
jo great. This Is'the nci'oud ' expensive
casualty for the company ncnr this place .this
month. The wrecking train 'from Omaha
' 113 Just arrived.
Falls City's Klcctrlo Mj-lit ,
FALLS CtTV.2fcb. , Jan. 31. [ Special Tele-
Tain to the BEE. ] The council last night
ranted n twenty years franchise to White fc
JuhUvell for the purpose of putting in nn
'lectrle ' light-plant. The franchise required
hem to have It In and lights In running
irdcr by the 1st of Juno. Everybody Is
ubilant over the actions of the city council.
Waterworks for Holdrego.
Heir > iuJK : , Neb.,4 Jan.,31 , [ Special Tele-
Tarn to the BBK. ] The city council to-day
; rnnted a franchise for city water works to
Ben S. Clark , of Ashland , to bo placed July
1. The specifications call for fifty-two hy
The Wisconsin Supreme Court Ren
ders n Decision Affecting AVoninn's Hu
MAIIICOX , Wis. , Jan. 31. The women of
, Visconsm were defeated In the supreme
: ourt to-day , the court holding , in an olabor-
to opinion , that the legislature of 1883 did
r.ot for a moment contemplate extending the
amo suffrage to females which males en-
eyed , but on the other hand meant to re-
itrlrt fctnalo voting to school matters only ,
, s specified In the law. The case was that
if Olympla Brown Willis , of Hacinc , against
. L. Phillips and other inspectors of elec-
.iou of the Second ward of Uaclno , who at
he last spring election refused either to ro-
leivc the vote of Mrs. Willis for mayor and
ithcr municipal ofllcials. or to permit her to
wear it in. Mrs. Willis claimed such right
under the laws of 1SS5 ! and immediately sued
the inspectors for $ . " 5,000 damages. She won
her suit In the Hacinc county circuit court ,
ivhen the inspectors appealed to the supreme
ourt , which to-day reversed the decision of
.he lower court.
Thn Horrible Crime of a Ship Caulker
In Buffalo.
BUFFALO , N. Y. , Jan. 31. John Cullen ,
ihipcaulker , killed his mother to-night with
in axe. Ho then walked Into two saloons
nnd announced that ho had killed her. Ho
gave as his excuse that ho committed the
crime so that his mother would not nave to
go to the i > oor house. Ho was drunk when
Tlic Ice Gorge ut Nt. Louis.
ST. Louis , Jan. 31. The ice gorge which
: ias formed on the Mississippi river in front
of this city began at midnight last night nnd
drifted down stream about three hundred
yards when the Immense weight was checked
and remained intact until 10 this morning-
At that time It became loosened and
crashed down upon nearly $1.500,000
worth of proi > erty , which it wa.s grinding into
ruins. Already several barges and steamers
-tho Tumm , Muttio Belle , and Hayes , have
been sunk. The Hayes , a largo excursion
steamer , which is the property of the Anchor
line , is a total wreck. She wns valued
nt $80,000. The Mattlo Belle is
owned by the Illinois river com
pany. The Taium was a ferry boat. The
wharf boat of the Alton & Graf ton railroad
company wns swept away at 11 o'clock.
Later the ice had stopped running nnd there
is a little chance for thousands of dollars
worth of property still.
About half post 10 o'clock to-night the
lower end of the gorge gave way and ( tinco
then the leo has been floating out. Steamboat
men now say all the really dangerous part of
the gorge Is gone.
A General Disintegration.
CIIICAOO , Jan. 31. The railroads of the
Northwest are'apparently in for a season of
demoralized rates and freight wars. At n
meeting of malingers to-day the St. Paul
road filed notice of withdrawal , but the
chairman ruled that It was unnecessary as
the organization was built upon the Burling
ton guarantee that the Burlington & North
ern would maintain rates , nnd that having
been withdrawn the organization no Jonger
existed. It wns resolved to continue the as
sociation ten days longer and then hold an
other meeting to consider the situation. The
Burlington < Sp Northern has signalized Its In
dependent position by a U ) pur cent reduction
on all classes from New York to St. Paul
'and Minneapolis.
$4,000 for n Wifo.
FULTOX , Mo. , Jan. 31. [ Special Telegram
to the Br.c. ] A curious wedding occurred
hero yesterday. Miss Bettio Langley had
two lovers , ono a wealthy Texan and the
other Jesse Bull , a poor resident of Fulton.
The Texan offered Miss Langley's father
f ,000 for his consent. The girl Saturday
decided to marry the poor lover and told him
to secure the license. Ho was negligent nnd
yesterday the Texan secured a license and a
few minutes later Bull did the same. A foot
race for the girl's homo occurred In which the
Texan won and was married while Bull wns
standing on tno door-stop. The Texan and
his $4,000 bride loft for homo last evening.
Coming to Omaha.
ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , Jan. 31. [ Special Tele
gram to the Bui : . ] Dudley Smith leaves to
night for Omuhn to assume the management
of the wholesale grocery house of D. M.
Steele it Co. , In which ho has purchased a
half Interest. He is first vice-president of
the St. Joseph board of trade and had a largo
Interest in Wycth's hardware and manu
facturing company hero. His wife is William
Wyeth's daughter. Mr. Smith was one of
the most promising of St. Joseph's younger
business men.
Collided With a Switch Engine.
CLBVRLAND , O. , Jan. 31. The limited
express westbound on the Panhandle rail
road ran Into an open switch nt Urbann , O. ,
this afternoon and collided with a switch
engine. Engineer Brown of the switch
engine , and the engineer and Fireman
Alhnnd of the passenger locomotive , were
fatally Injured , and Frank Shade , road'
master , killed.
Charged With Arson.
AI.IIEIIT LEA , Minn. , Jan. 31. W. P. Ser
geant , ox-state senator and once trustee ol
Albert Lea college , was arrested to-day ,
charged with setting fire to his own store ot
January 10.
( = 3 StcaniHhlp Arrivals.
PniLAPELiMiiA , Jan 31. [ Special Telegram
to the BEC. ] Arrived The Lord Cllvo frou ;
NEW YOKK , Jan. 31 , Arrived The GulHr
from Liverpool.
GLISOOW , Jan. 31. Arrived The Stato'o :
Indiana from New York.
Merely Chatted.
Cnicjino , Jan. 31. The executive commit
tee of the state democratic central committci
met to-day and chatted for three hours , bu' '
accomplished nothing of ImporUiu * .
How Title to the Hljtli School Ground
Mny be t'erlfcqtpil.
Yesterday n UF.R re | > orter met \V. J. Cou
ncil nnd asked him what steps should betaken
taken to correct the title of the city to the
site now occupied by the central high school.
"The title to It Is all right , even though
the deed of conveyance was not signed by
the governor at the tlmo of the conveyance.
The text of the conveyance Is not what It
might bo , but it would bo entirely satisfac
tory If the nntno of the governor word afllxed.
As It Is the city has held the property nine
teen years , nnd there is nobody to question
it unless the stuto , which , of course , will not
ndertnko to do so. "
u "Could the present governor sign the con
veyance ! "
"The act of the legislature required the
governor to sign the. deed within a given
tlmo. That signing was not nnd oannnt now
bu done. The only thing that now remains
Is to get a little net passed by the next legis
lature setting forth that , In view of the fact
that the governor had not sUrucd the deed In
question , authority to sign bo given to-tfio
governor who imiy be In power at the pass
age of this enabling act. " ' ' -
Mayor Ilroatch IHSIICB Frco Permits
to Itinerant lcdUcrfa.
Sal J a councilman to a UEK rci < ortcr yes
terday : "I'll tell you ono tiling that oug'ht
to bo stopped In the managcnicnt bf our city
affairs , and that is Mayor Broatch Issuing
free peddler permit to parties who bring suf-
ilctcnt influence upon him to that effect. I
saw Omccr Turubull working up.this matter
a few days ago. Ho agkcd several i > cddlcrs
who were loading their wagons If they had
licenses to sell , nnd they showed - him the
permits they had received from the mayor. "
"Did you BCO any of them } "
"Yes , I did. I had some of them in my
hand. "
"What Is the difference between a permit
nud a license 1"
"A permit costs nothing and enables a fel
low to sell without paying anything into the
city treasury. "
"Why are they issued } "
"Friends go to see the mayor and speak of
the poverty of the applicants , and yet sonic
of these own a wagon nud team nnd somo.I
know own houses. If you were to olter thcso
men n Job nt $3 n day they would'nt accept It.
Thc.vv'o now got too so'ft n thing. "
"What do these men peddle ? "
"They buy all the refuse they can at the
commission houses , stuff that can't bo sold to
'retail dealers , and then they peddle it in the
suburbs. They make money out of the busi
ness when legitimate peddlers lose money
and pay SCO a year , $ au In advance for the
privilege. "
Robbed lown's Insane Asylum.
I.vniANAfOLis , Ind. , Jan. 31. On Saturday
night the railway ticket onlco and freight
room at Brownsburg , Hcndricks county ,
was entered by thieves nnd robbed of a quan
tity of goods. For more than a year trunks
nud boxes have been arriving at Brownsburg
from Mount Pleasant , la. , consigned to
James Miller , in care of James Hudson.
Miller is the step-son of Hudson , and for four
years has been in the employ of the
insane asylum at Mount Pleasant
ns steward , and during thcso years Hudson
has been receiving shipments from that
places. The box opened by the burglars con *
tuined wearing apparel of a kind used in
public institutions. On Monday Hudson
came to Brownsburg and called for goods ,
but on hearing they had been exjwsed refused
to take them. A telegram to Mount Pleasant
elicited the reply that many goods were miss
ing from the asylum. A thorough investiga
tion ia in progress.
A Rliodo Island Suffrage Amendment.
PuoviDF.xcn , H. I. , Jan. 31. The state
senate to-day passed , Is concurrence with the
house , amendments to the bill proposing the
submission of n suffrage amendment to the
constltulon to the people on the first Wednes
day in April , the state election day. The
emcndincnt places forelgn-Dorn citizens on
the sumo footing ns native ; makes a poll tux ,
and does away with the registry tax ; and
and deprives others than property holders
from voting for the city council and on money
A Wyoming Tragedy.
CIIEVENXR , Wyo. , Jan. 81. fSpecIal Tele
gram to the BRE. ] Thomas Eubanks shot'
and killed James West at 3 o'clock yesterday
afternoon on the road between Hartvillo and
Whalcu canon , near Lusk. The men are
relatives by marriage , have quarrelled for
some time and West has upon several occa
sions threatened Eubank's life. Eubank
surrendered to the deputy sheriff at Fort
Lnramio nnd will be brought here this even
To Supply Chicago With Gnu.
CIIICAOO , Jan. 31. A bold project to supply
Chicago with unlimited quantities of natural
gas for fuel nnd illuminating purposes is
being developed by n combination of Chicago
nnd Philadelphia capitalists who will shortly
Incorporate a pipe line company. One
of the projectors said to-day the pipe lines
would bo fed by wells near to or remote from
Chicago , wherever they could tind them.
They have already located several within a
reasonable distance of this city. They will
use for pipe lines seamless steel tubing , the
invention of ono of the combination , which is
said to bo a marvelous success.
Will Not ttn Prosecuted.
Come , Jan. 81. The magistrates have dis
missed the summonses against Major Hoberts ,
governor of the county prison , on account of
lack of evidence und the great lapse bf time
since the alleged offenses. Ho was accused
of assaulting young girls.
Will Take Action. ' -
GCNMVA , Jan. 31. The Geneva Journal
says the Swiss government will probably in
itiate diplomatic action in consequence of the
accusations brought against the Zurich police
by Hcrr von Puttkamer , the Prussian minis
A $1OOOO Defaulter.
Pmi.ADKi.rniA , Jan. ill. Henry olloborts ,
cashier for Whitall , Tatum & Co. , glass man
ufacturers , is a defaulter to the extent of
A Joint Meeting.
To-day a joint meeting of the Nebraska
and Kansas passenger agents will bo held at
Kansas City , for the purpose of regulating
the passenger tariff nnd introducing , several
reforms. The B. & M. will bo represented
by Mr. J. Frances , and the Union Pacific
railroad by General Passenger Agent Teb-
A Glad Iteunlon.
A correspondent writes fromBronson ,
Michigan : A peculiar case of long-lost
child and bereaved father barf just come
to u happy denouement hero , nnd to
day's express train west contained two
as nappy people as are mot in the * orfli-
nnry course of life. The coupra con
sisted of a proud and happy father who
was taking to his home n daughter
whom he hud not seen since 6hos was a
babe , over twenty-one years ngo , and n
blooming daughter was leaving the life
of a domestic for ono of indepen
dence. The father was William
Wood , who wout into the army from
Now York , leaving a young wife und
his baby daughter. Shortly after his
departure the wife was killed in a rail
road disaster , and the little girl \viu
placed among strangers. At the close
of the war Wood could gnd no trace ol
his child. At length ho settled in Min
nesota and accumulated u fortune. A
few weeks ago ho revisited his old home
In Now York , whore ho learned thai
the daughter , now known as Mar-
a Rider , hod written from Bronson
Mich. , making inquiries regarding hit
f whereabouts. Ho came to Bronson
and after a search found his child
whom ho now takes to his westeri
The favorite pot of Miss Cain nt Mil
ton is a parrot , which she has hud fo :
fifty-five years.
The County Comui loncrN nnit tliip
1'ropoitcd Itnllrond In Ynnkton.
Mr. A. Hosownter tilri'd Mr.'Sholton , repre
senting the Omulin , jjutlkUm it "Northwestern "
railroad , yesterday afternoon api > enred before
the county cominlssioiierft with the evident
expectation of recolvj'AgYin ' answer us to what
they had resolved to $ .lji reference to calling
a special olectlon f oryj | iuri > ese of receiving
nn expression from tno.taxpayers nnd voters
of Douglas county In regard to voting $300,000
county bonds for th l construction of the
road. The commissioners were evidently in
nn unsettled stuto Of , 'nilml regarding the
proi > osltlon , nnd bcat'&triund ' the busli In an
exjiert nnd evasive fusljlon. The chairman ,
Mr. O'lvoeffo , was completely undecided.
Commissioners Mount and Turner wanted
further tlmo to consult with County Attor
ney Slmcral so as to "put him on record'1 In
regards to it , nnd Messrs. Anderson and Cdr-
rlgnn passed the greater part of their time
hobnobbing with their constltuunts in the
corridors. There was , however , apparent , a
fooling among tire commissioners that 100.-
( HW was too much to vote to the roud ,
nnd O'Kccffp publicly expressed as
his opinion that $200,001) was
enough and in fact all the people of the
county would stand. Mr. O'Kcello was made
to understand that tho. promoters of the en
terprise would not bo mitlsllud with n sum
less than that iisked , find that besides , it de
pended on the voters to any whether * JOO,000
should bo the figures. Mr. Itosownter con
cisely nnd intelligently sot forth the bonctlts
to bu derived by Omaha from the enterprise ,
and agreed to concessions , the like of which
h < J maintained had never before been made
by railroads to whom the county had heretofore -
fore voted bonds.
Two or three taxpayers nnd property-
owners had their say , the principal speaker
of this class being Mr. James Creighton. Ho
said that ho had favored the building of a
road- similar to the one contemplated for
years , but ho considered the petition now before -
fore the commissioners not binding enough
In Its details , Besides ho would not plcdgo
himself to supporting the nppoal for & 00.000
of tronds.
The commissioners were again granted
until Thursday to make up their minds wnat
they would do in the matter.
THE rbijicE.
VVhere the Oltl and New Men Will Bo
All the now police officers are ready for
duty and have been assigned beats , their
duties commencing to-day. Court Officer
Whalcn , who has been on the police force n
long tlmo without vacation and who has been
a most faithful and ofilclcnt oftlccr , baa been
granted a two moults' leave of absence. Al
though the perfect picture of health , ho is
seriously nltoetod with heart trouble , and
will pass his two months vacation in south
ern California m hopes of un improvement in
his condition.
The following is the dcUiIl for the month
of February :
Day force Captain , Duff Green , sergeants ,
Matza nnd Haze ; special oflicor , Pat Horri-
gan ; jailor , central station , L. Bchout ; Cum-
ing street station. George Carroll ; court ofll-
cor. Frank Johnson ; at largo , Arthur
Pulaski ; patrol driver , James O'Brien. Pa
trolmen : J. T. Mayhood , Sixth and Seventh
street , south of railroad track ; Jesse New
man , Twclth streeCDouglas to Chicago ;
Anton Vnnous , Fnrnain street , Ninth to
Twelfth ; W.E. Clark ! 'Farnam , Thirteenth
to Sixteenth ; J. C. ' .Gurry , Douglas , Thiti
teenth to Fifteenth ; 'Vat Cuslck , Cumlng ,
Twentieth to Twenty-eighth , Saunders to
Clark ; John Brady , thirteenth und Fourg
teenth , Howard to. railroad bridge ;
John Savage , SixtcenthVDodgo to California ;
Louis Godolii , Tenth , Joues to depot ; Andrew
Fahey , Ninth and Tenth , Douglas to Daven
port ; W. H. Adams , Kif teenth. Capitol live-
nuo to Howard ; Janies L. Boyle , Tenth ,
Howard to Jones ; A. H.'Burr ' , Himicy , Elev
enth to Fourteenth ; John F. Byrnes , Thir
teenth , Pierce to Vinton ; Z. M. Ellis. Six
teenth , California to Nicholas ; Pat C. Folev ,
St. Mary's avenue. Sixteenth to Twentieth ,
Twentieth to Populotoii' ' avenue ; G. M. De
Graves , Sixteenth streetviaduct to Vinton.
Night force CaptninrThomas Cormuck ;
sergeants , Mostyn aha Slgwart ; special
officer , M. Dempsey : laijer , Tom Ormsby ;
patrol conductor , Pat Hiuchoy ; patrol driver ,
S. D. Osborne. Patrolmen : B. F. Walker ,
Farnam , Thirteenth to Sixteenth ; Michael
McCarty. Ninth and Tenth , Douglas to Dav
enport ; D. J. Hyan , Thirteenth and Four
teenth , Howard to railroad bridge ; W. H.
Sheep , Sixteenth , Dodge to Casa : W. M.
Cullen , Douglas , Thirteenth to Sixteenth ; C.
J. Gregg , Sixteenth , California to Nicholas ;
P. F. Havoy , Farnam , Ninth' to Twelfth ;
Michael Kissano , Thirteenth , Pierce to Vin
ton ; Charles Bloom , Eleventh. Douglas to
Davenport ; James Brady ; Twelfth , Douglas
to Capitol avenue ; A. F. Ward , Tenth , Jones
to depot ; William White , Chicago , Twelfth
to Fourteenth and St. Paul depot ; W. M.
Hagoy , Fifteenth , Capitol avenue to Howard ;
Patrick F. Hughes , St. Mary's avenue , Six
teenth to Twenty- fourth ; P. M. Lee , Saunders -
dors nnd Lake streets ; Kichnrd Mnrncll ,
Sixth nnd Seventh , south of railroad track ;
Robert McGrath , Twentieth , Leaven worth to
Poppleton avenue ; Frank Uobbins , Tenth ,
Hartley to Jones ; David C. Howden , Farnnm ,
Eighteenth to Twenty-ninth ; Martin Shields ,
Cuniiug , Nineteenth to Twenty-eighth.
After an absence of several years from
Omaha Mr. James O'Nell made his re-entro ,
last evening , on the stage of the Grand
opera house , presenting the picturesque
drama which has given "him both fame and
fortune , "Monte Cristo. " The occasion was
signalized by the ntteiuWnco of ouo of the
largest and most appreciative audiences that
has been seen at this house since its opening ,
n fact that bore most gratifying testimony to
the popularity of the actor. Mr. O'Neil has
'become ' so completely . identified with the
character of Monte Cristo , and his thoroughly
admirable impersonation of the role In Its
every exacting phase has.been so fully com
mented upon that there is really no demand
for anything to bo said regarding it
except a general commendation. It is
a characterization as thoroughly indivldal-
ized as any now known to the stage , and in
its particular way , as entirely excellent and
admirable. There Is no slnglo feature of it
that is not presented with a nice respect for
natural requirements and a ilno artistic ! finish
which leaves nothing to bo desired. The
varying lights nnd shadows In the eventful
career of the hero are portrayed with n vivid
force , and a severe imprcssiveness that be
come to the auditor an iini > orishahlo memory.
It need hard hardly ho uuld that the intelli
gent nnd discriminating audience of last
night was immediately won to favor , and fol
lowed the actor throughout with n deep
interest. Ho was frequently applauded
with n vigor and earnestness not common
with our audiences , and it may be said that
both before and behlndtb ( scenes there was
air uncommon mutuality good fooling.
Mr. O'Neil has a wojl-jbalunccd and oflio-
icnt support , while the stage effects , particu
larly the more strikingriscoiies , were given
with a completeness ( ind excellence never
surpassed on any stagesjln Omaha. "Monte
Cristo" Is a very strong and interesting play ,
and ospresenU-d by Miu.lO'Neil merits the
grout success it has achieved.
Addle Lamb Ends Her Life With
Hough 0 1 lints.
Scarcely three years , ngo Addle Lamb loft
her homo in Avoca , Jnij nnd came to try her
fortunes In the Gate ( Jlty. ! Last night she
was lying dead In her homo nt 830 north
Thirteenth street , dressed in a neatly-fitting
brown sill : walking suit nnd awaiting the
tardy charity of her friends to furnish a
conln or shroud. It is the old , old story.
Unable to withstand the temptations of a
city life , she was led astray und more than
once attempted to end a life that was dis
tasteful to her In this world , in order to try
the uncertainties of another. Under the
name of Maud she was well known to the
frequenters of the third ward , and those who
seem to know her best speak most highly of
her good qualities , hut say she had the misfortune -
fortune of drowning her sorrows in the
wine cup. About eight months ago , however -
over , on her return from a trip to
Grand Island , she married a bartender
named Charles Cummings nnd once more
commenced life anew. But fortune did not
smile on the union , nnd shortly afterwards
the husband found himself out of n situation.
This preyed upon the mind of his wife and it
is mild that once or twice she went back to
her former mode of living , only to bo re-
I claimed by the husband , until nt length on
Saturday ujght , she took a do'so of "ro'ugh on '
rats , " ns the readiest way to end her troub
les. 'It n'aS some time before- she admitted
having taken l > oKni , but wl\eir \ ho did med
ical aid wns at once fiummdncd , nnd three
physicians we're In attendance. All known
antidotes 'and "remedies were applied but
without avail , nnd she died shortly after 7
o'clock yesterday morning. Telegrams have
been sent to her former homo but as yet
without receiving an nnswor , nnd old-time
associates nro now subscribing 11 sufficient
amount to procure n decent burial. She was
nbout twenty-four years of ngo.
Charles N , Fanning & Co. presented n bill
of $100 for grading N street.
Pat McMnhon , the recently mndo iwllce-
man , Jlled ' his bond yesterday , audit was duly
approved' . .
The county commissioners will furnish
Mrs. Mi'Cnickw with free transport to her
friends In Iowa. > It was all she asked for.
In the recent raid against dogs Officer
Dlxon got uway with cloven and Officer Red
mend with three , nnd they put In tholr bills
last night for * * .0 ( ) .
The petitions of T6m Brcnnnn and Charles
Trepner forftosltlpns on the police force were
reported on favorably.
Its not prohublo tlio city will sport Iron
cages Inthe , lockup for some time to couio ns
the mayor Wont issue any Warrants.
If the streets and alleys committee only
number the houses they can hnvo a reliable
directory of Solith Omaha next year. They
recclvod a communication to that effect.
Councilman Locschor wants the marshal to
see If iHowland's olllco projects over the
street line , and that the Stock Yards com
pany put down a sidewalk on L street be
tween Twenty-sixth and Twenty-seventh.
Other residents had to furnish sidewalks
and ho thinks the company is rich enough to
do tho.snmo. ,
Councilman Burk called attention to the
dangerolis condition of the over-turned build
ing on L street , and the marshal will see
that It Is either repaired or torn down.
The , hose cart , with 400 feet of hose is up to
thonxlctrees In water , nnd in case of a tire
nfter n sharp frost , the chances are it would
bo frozen in , nnd useless. There's another
400 feet of hose nt the livery stable , and
would no doubt bo safe In case of lire , unless
the stable was uurucd down. The council
will Investigate.
In future it will cost $10 per year to bo an
auctioneer. ft5 ! per year to peddle on foot ,
$ . " > ( ) to sell from a wagon , WO to > ( ) for canvas
shows , $5 for a side show , 1 to * 2S for trav
eling shows , and J10 for shooting or bowling
allies or bllllard.tables. The clerk can issue
tiie license.
The city officers nro without fire , nnd the
city treasury without funds to get any. A
solitary skuttlc , filled with the snow , that
won't melt , stands against nn empty stove In
the city clerk's office , and bffers a mute pro
test against "Man's inhumanity to man. "
The case of Jetter & Young against John
Connolly wns heard before Justice Levy yes
terday , nnd Judgment was given in favor of
the plaintiffs for 200. The trial revealed
some of tbo many tricks of the law.
West & Fritcher secured u judgment
against John Connolly for $17.50 from Justice
Levy this morning. L. Klrschett & Co. se
cured a Judgment against the same defend
ant for $411.44 at the same court.
Little Anulo Hayes goes back to Chicago
to save her uncle from sending 200 days in
the Chicago Jail. Those who know all about
it says it is a shame but then its law.
Two of the city fathers are reported on the
sick list. Councilman Geary Is suffering
from a relapse of his attack of malarial fever ,
and Councilman Hafferly has n severe cold.
City Attorney Grice is fighting against the
same thing and Al Lempku is seriously ill
through having caught cold after being se
verely scalded last week m un accident.
Mud is king once more in South Omaha
and de.ilers in rubber shoes lire happy.
There were "citizens" present at the
council meeting but they were not
of the noisy , demonstrative kind , nnd there
were no calls for eittier police or guns. In
fact the meeting throughout wns in marked
contrast to the stormy session of Saturday
night , und it seemed as If there would be no
more attempts nt bull dozing , and that law
nnd order would in future bo respected.
Most of the time was occupied in the trans-
nction'of routine business , the first departure
being the swearimr'in of Councilman Whit-
tlosoy of the Fourth ward. Ordinances 3d ,
relating to the licensing of shows und exhi
bitions , 40. to the licensing of peddlers , billi
ard halls , bowling allies , shooting galleries
and gamingtables ; 42 , providing for the re
moval of elective officials for cause , were
then rend for a second nnd third time and
passed with but "little discussion. Councilmen -
men Loescher nnd Burk wished them re-
ferred'hack , ns the report wns only signed
by one' member of the committee , but on the
explanation of Chairman Smith .wero
out voted , and the ordinances
declared them carried. Councilman
Smith suppestcd that rules bo prepared for
the government of the police force similar to
those in use at Omaha. The reports of
special committees were then received as fol
lows : In relation to the charges preferred
against Councilman Loescher , Chairman
Smith reported : u We , your committee of the
whole , to whom was referred the investigat
ing of the charges preferred against Council
man Loeschor for receiving money for his
influence in the election held in this city
granting n franchise to certain street rail
ways , do llml , from Ills own admissions and
other evidence , that in our opinion ho la
guilty of the charges as preferred , and do
hereby enter our most emphatic protest
against and denounce his action and cen
sure him in our most severe terms. "
Chairman Glasgow reported on the charges
of a similar nature preferred against Council
man Burke. "We , your committee of' the
whole , to whom was referred the charges
preferred against Councilman Burke for ro
ceivlng monies for the purpose of influencing
his vote at the election held in this city July
83. ISS7 , do llnd that the evidence does not
fully sustain the charges. " A motion to re-
ndvertiso for the city printing was then car
ried , and after n general conversation on the
welfare of the city , the meeting adjourned ,
the members leaving in a happier frame of
mind than usual. '
Arrested For Throwing Ills Family
Into the Street. .
Carl Faltenadt , recently in the employ of
Motz , the brewer , has lately been in the
habit of coming homo drunk nnd most out
rageously abusing his family. Monday night
he came homo in his usual beastly state of
Intoxication nnd turned his wife nnd three or
four little children , all scantily clad , into the
street. They had to seek refuge with Bomo
kind hearted neighbors named Hamilton.
Last night Foltcuadt came home drunk again
and attempted to carry out the programme of
the night before. Ho drove his family again
out of doors , but John Hamilton took the
matter in hund and telephoned for the police.
Officers Hlnchcy and Dempsey promptly re
sponded. On reaching the house the officers
found the little' children nnd their mother
standing shivering in the cold while the bru
tal father , inside the houso. made the night
hideous with his curses. On attempting to
go Into tbo hoUsd the policemen found that
Foltnnadt was braced against the door , and it
was only after considerable difficulty that
they succec'dod in getting inside. They found
Foltenadt almost'nude , having nothing but a
shirt on. They ordered him to dress himself
nnd go with them. Ho refused to do so , and
while Hinchey stood him on his head , Denip-
soy forced u pair of trousers on him. Throw
ing a coat on him they tumbled him Into the
patrol wagon and hustled him off to the cen
tral station. His family were thus allowed
to pass the nlglit in peace und quiet under
their own roof.
A Bad Fall.
Dr. MilUr , sr. , aged eighty-eight , father of
Dr. George L. Miller , slipiied and fell on the
crossing of Dodge and Sixteenth streets
nbout 4 : ! 10 yesterday afternoon und for a
while was thought to bo fatally injured. Ho
was carried into Leslie's drug store , where
no was given proper medical attention , but
ho lay in a sort of stupor for a coupla of
hours. At the end of this tlmo ho was suf
ficiently recovered to bo taken homo In a car
riage. At latest accounts ho was gradually
recovering from the shock received and no
serious results are _ anticipated.
Porn iml Paragraphs.
E. A. Benson has returned from Daven
Louis Helmrod , after his recent illness , is
able to again attend to business.
Internal Revenue Collections.
Yesterday's internal revenue collections
amounted to { 11,017.18.
Autito rhouimUism Vs an inflammation
of .tho joints , pain/hvnt and
IneMi Willi thcso nymploins 'apply
Salvation Oil. the groat' pal n euro , nt
onco. Price 12-5 cents a bottle.
Nothing trios the patience of ! x
man more than to listen to a Imohintf
coilgh , which ho knows could easily bo
cured with Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup.
Prince nnd McCurdy Matched for
$5,000 n Side.
The much talked of race between John S.
Prince , of this city , and A. A. McCurdy , of
L > ynn , Mass. , can nt last be set down as a
certainty , as the subjoined document will
nttest :
CM utA. Jan. 01. Articles of agreement ,
cptered into this 31st day of January , IMS ,
liy John S. Prince , of Omaha , nnd A. A. Mc-
Durdy , of Lynn , Mass. Whereas , said par-
Lies agree to run a ten nlllo race on bicycles
for live thousand dollars ( $5,000) ) a side. Two
thousand dollars ( $2,000) ) has this day been
iwsted with Captain II. A. Ponrose , ono
lliousmul dollars ( $1.000 from each of the
aforesaid principals , . ) , S. Prince and A. A.
McCurdy , as a forfeit. Further , both princi
pals , John S , Prince and A. A , McCurdy ,
iigrco that the ono failure to put up the bal
ance of the specified stakes , to-wit , $1,000 , by
1'J o'clock m. , February 1 , IbSS , shall forfeit
all claim to the $1,000 this day deposited.
Further , the date , place of race and naming ;
af the referee to bo agreed upon to-morrow ,
Wednesday , February 1 , 1SN3 , by mutual
Hereunto wo put our hands and seals this
31st day of January , 1SSS.
Witnesses JOHN S. PHIXCK ,
J. J. IlAitniK , 'A. A. McCunnv.
Mr. Davis , one of McCurdy's backers , who
has been hero urging the , returned to
Chicago yesterday. He will return to this
city , however , next Tuesday , together with
Mr. Tom Howe , the moneyed man of the Mo-
Curdy clique , und remain hero up to within
a clay of the race. This will bo the greatest
bicycle race over known in the United States
nnd Is bound to attract widespread attention.
The $5,000 stakes will probably not bo one-
quarter of the money put up by the respcct-
ivo sides before the event comes off.
Clew Challenges the "Itlinca Giant. "
DULUTII , Minn. , Jan. 31. [ Special Tele
gram to the HUE.J At a Into hour this evenIng -
Ing John P. Clew deposited $ -100 with Jny W.
iVnderson as earnest money for a fight with
Mike Couley , the ' -Ithaca Giant , " of Ash
land. A challenge will bo sent In the morn
ing and calls for a fight to a Hnlsh with skin
gloves In private for any amount , the tlmo
ana place to bo selected to suit Contoy. The
challenge will also specify that no moro than
ten spectators on each side shall witness the
fight. Clew has simply boon biding his time
nnd now that his hands are In good condition
ho will meet all comers of his class.
Dcmpsoy Defeats McCaffrey.
NEW YOHK , Jan. 31. There were nbout
flvo thousand persons present to-night at
Pavonia rink , Jersey City , to witness the
glove contest between Dominick McCaffrey
and Jack Dcmpsey. They fought ten rounds
nnd Hcferce Joro Dunn decided Uempsey
won. Dempsey did nearly all the leading
nnd scored throe points to McCaffrey's one.
McCormlck Knocked Out.
DKADWOOD , Dak. , Jan. 31. [ Special Tele
gram to the Bun. ] Picl-rie , n local pugilist ,
defeated McCormlck , of Omaha , In a twelve
round pnrc fight last night. It was a squuro
knock out.
Another Thrilling Incident of the
Late Storm.
Willis Franklin , a garduer , residing nt
Florence , In this county , was rescued from
being frozen to death during the late intcimo
cold spell by his faithful shepherd dog. Ho
started to cross the Missouri on the ice to HCO
a friend living a mile or so within the Iowa
confines. When near the op ] > osltc bank ho
was seized with an epileptic fit and fell on thd
ic.e. Ho must certainly have perished of the
cold , but his devoted canine friend did his
utmost to arouse him by barking , licking his
face and pulling at his clothing. Finally
Franklin recovered sufficiently to git up , and
realizing that ho was rapidly freezing , ho
culled to his dog and grasping him with all
his strength by the tail , bade him go homo.
The intelligent animal seemed to understand
what was desired of him and started to
scramble back across the bleak river. After
much tugging ho reached the Nebraska
bank , and hero set up such a dismal howling
as to soon attract the attention of some pass
ers-by. Although Franklin escaped with his
life , both hands and one foot were badly
frozen. _
Senator Mnndcrnon Wires ChocrlnR
News From Washington.
Yesterday afternoon the Bun received the
following telegram :
WASHINGTON , Jan. 31. My congratulations
to Omaha. The senate has passed the post-
office bill. CHAHI.KS F. MAXI > KH ON .
Senator Mandcrson's cheering Intelligence
soon became spread broadcast throughout
the city , and congratulations and Joy wore
everywhere visible. That Omaha o
the high road to n $1,200,000 federal build f
was accepted as a valuable adjunct to it-s
already existing nnd planned handsome and
substantial structures , and there won no ono
but who expressed the hope that the house
would abide by the rulings of the senate.
This once assured , thorn Is no opposition to
bo expected from President Cleveland , who
is perfectly cognizant of Omaha's needs in
this direction.
nurncd Up Her Money.
The fire department was called to the cor
ner of Fourteenth and Howard streets' '
shortly after U o'clock last evening to quench
a blaze m Mrs. Kittle Baker's boarding
houso. A few minute's work with the chem
ical subdued the Iliunos after about $ ino
worth of damage was done to walls , furniture
and roof. The tire originated from some un
known cause In a closet where Mrs. Baker
had fiO in greenbacks in u tin box. This
money is supposed to have been consumed , as
the box was found blackened and scorched ,
with its contents miss jug.
New Union I'nclllo Train.
The time curd of the Union Pacific goes
Into effect next Sunday. A now train will
bo run between Oinahn and North Platte ,
leaving this city at 7:45 : a. m. and arriving ut
70p. : in. Returning , It will Icnvu North
Platte at70a. : ! ! m. , reaching Omaha nt 7 : 0
p. m. Special arrangements have been made
to pivo the residentB along branch lines much
improved facilities.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Combines , In a manner peculiar to Itself , the
best blood-purifying nnd strengthening reme
dies of the vegetable kingdom. You will find
this wonderful remedy effective where other
medicines have failed. Try It now. It will
purify your blood , regulate the digestion ,
and give new llfo nnd vigor to the cnt Ire body.
" Hood's Sarsaparilla did mo great good.
I was tired out from overwork , and It toned
mo up. " Sins. O. K. SIMMONS , Cohocs , N. Y.
"Isuffered three years from Mood poison.
I took Hood's Barsapnrllla and think I am
cured. " Mns. M. J. DAVIS , Brockport , N. Y.
Purifies tJio Stood
Hood's S.treaparllU ls characterized r
three peculiarities : 1st , the combination of
remedial agents ; Id , the proportion ; 3d , the
process ol securing Uio active medicinal
qualities. The result Is a medicine of unusual
strength , effecting cures hitherto unknown.
Send for book containing additional evidence.
"Hood's B.irs.iparlMa tones up my system ,
purifies my Mood , sharpens my amxitlte , aim
deems to make mo over. " J. r. TnoMrsojf ,
Jtcgistcr ol Deeds , Lowell , Mass.
"Hood's Bamparllla boats all others , and
U worth Its wolglit In uold. " I. lUltitih'GTO.H ,
130 Bank Street , New York City.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Bold bjr all druggists. l ; six for r . Made
only by C.L HOOD Si CO. , Lowell , Mass.
IOO Do805Ono Dollar.
Wheat Rules Hoftvy tuid Closing *
PrlooH Show Little Change.
Ont.M Finn But TVnt Much Doing /v
lliitKo In 1'rovlnloiiH Hnrprlnes
the Hours Cattle More
Active Quotations.
Cmaioo , Jan. 01. ( Special Telegram to
the BKK. ] The wheat market seemed to bo
seeking n lower level to-day nnd during the
most of the session appeared heavy , but
toward the close there , was a better feeling
nnd the result of the session's trading wns to
leave prices with very little change. The
bearish sentiment was largely local , nnd no
was the selling , while the support came from
tho'outsldo. There was good buying for St.
Louis nvcount , nnd nt critical periods houses
with New York connections appeared as
buyers nnd turned the tide upward. HutchInson -
Inson was a seller early , nnd Jones , McCor
mlck & Kcnnett sold considerable wheat.
Heports from winter wheat sections of dam
age already done and of the poor condition of
the plant lo withstand severe weather are
continually coming In , and the ili-iiincss of
the St. Louis market and the buying
hero for St. Louis parties was attributed to
the uneasiness about winter wheat. On thu
other hand foreign uuws was discouraging.
May wheat opened nt 81J4e , nnd soon sold
down to 8l-jf@81K'i ? with perhaps one "live"
nl SlH'e straight , and it was nt this point that
good buying for Now York started prices
upward again. On this turn the May future
touched Sl jSlJ/c , then It fell to Slj r , and
hung a little above this until just before the
close when some good buying and covering
by shorts sent the price up again to SlJ r ,
the 1 o'clock close being nt 81J4'81JiCp. Feb
ruary wheat opened at nti , sold down to
TSJ o nt the I o'clock close , nnd the highest
point wns nominally 75Jf(2T5Xc. (
There was only a moderate speculative
business in corn nnd the market was feature
less. Sympathy with wheat was given ns a
reason for such changes of price as there
were , but during most of the session thcso
changes were InsignlhVunt. Mny corn opened
nt M e , advanced lo Ki ; nnd fell to St } f@
5'JJ c , but thereafter until near the clnso thu
only fluctuations were between r/ ' c and
5'J ? < o. Later the price dropped to fi'JVe , then
advanced to 52Vc and closed at 1 o'clock nt
f > ' ' ° ( YM"4C. February corn opened at
47 ! fe and closed at 1 o'clock nt 47J < o bid ,
which wns the highest point. Corn hulls ami
corn bears both llnd no lack of news to sup
port their opinions.From northern Iowa
come rcportsof abuiuhmcoof corn nnd n proba
ble ilood of grain for Chicago soon. From
these sections of the corn belt where grain
was killed come report * of higher prices for
corn for local consumption than can bo ob
tained In Chicago.
There was not much doing In oats In a
speculative way , but the market was firm ,
Mny oats opened at XSw : ; < c , sold atSJ'JJfo
and 'WjscI'Wo ' , closing al the last named price
at 1 o'clock.
In provisions the day's market furnished
something of a surprise to the general trade.
Under thu influence of nn unexspe < jted "run"
of hogH , bu.sint'ss opened with a bearish in
clination. Initial sales of pork were made at
prices showing a decline of 15C217Kcfrom last
night's closing of lard at a depreciation of
2 c , of short ribs nt prices fully 7 > o lower.
As trading progressed , however , tno opening
depression was supplanted by unlocked for
strength. Brokers , seldom if ever , seen in
the pit made their presence known
with liberal buying orders. and
ns the demand from them wnsmoro than suf
ficient to take the offerings of the bear party ,
higher prices followed as a matter of course.
The early decline gave way to an advancing
movement of sufficient vitality to recover
practically the ground lost. At 1 o'clock
pork stood at last night's final quotations toKe
< ! Ko lower ; lard at the same figures toKe
higher and short ribs unchanged.
AFTEHXOOX Smsiox Wheat steady , May
closing at SlJ c. Corn was steady , May sow
at aj5''Jfc. Oats stronger , May .lac.
Pork strong , Mny closed $14.OK : bid. Feb
ruary was changed to May at a difference of
20c , and closed nt $1I,1K ! ! , Lard cloned at
* 7.r. ( > for February , $7.M # for March. $7.G7J4
for May. Short ribs were 2)jU higher for
February and March , the former mouth
closing at $7.15 , and March at $7.53.
Cmc.UiO , Jan. 31. [ Special Telegram to
the BKK. ] CATTI.K. Trade was more active ,
with a substantial up-turn on nnything that
shippers or the dressed beef trade could use.
There were scarcely half a dozen loads ol
prime natives among the arrivals. Theru
was plenty of plain nnd medium stock that
buyers would only look at when there wns
nothing else to bo had. Sonic cattle that
were good enough for shipment and hold over
from last night , sold \Wu \ 15o higher than
offers made at the close yesterday. Natlvn
butchers' stock was not as plentiful as yes-
terdny , yet there was little or no change in
values. Toxnns seem to rome along in suf
ficient numbers to keep prices down to low-
water murk on common cows , bulls and can
ning stock. The stoclter nnd feeder trailo
remains quiet , with scarcely sufficient btisi.
ness to make n market. Choice , higher , fl.NI
( < l ! > b ; good steers , l.TH ) U ) INK ) Ibs. , f\tV \ : ( < h
4.MI ; I8Utoi ) : lllis. , * l.80@4.4 ( ) ; 1I.V ) to 18IMI
Ibs. , ft.DO@4.K ( > ; stxickers and feeders , ty.f > 0i ( < !
11.10. Cows , bulls and mixpd1.7li@i.l : ( ) ; bulk ,
4.2.00(3' ( ' . 15 ; Texas grass steers , $ ! . : ) ( > ( ! ? : U)0. )
lions Very "rs' ' estimates placed the fresh
arrivals at t5KK ( ) , and us late trains began to
arrive it was plain to bo seen that the run
would nearly reach MHX ) ( > . This , with ttul
number carried over from last night would
make about BSMW ( on sale , n number far too
great to get away with , when It is taken into
account thjit packers lire bearish nnd that
the shipping interest was shut out on ac
count of the snow blockade on the Now York
nnd New England railways. Salesmen saw
dilllcultics before them and endeavored to
moot them with n sharp cut of 10c > , and for a
time this brought out a fair demand , but
trains came rolling in ono after anotliei , and
they had to make another concession of fie ,
making a decline of nt least 15o for the day ,
which would make values U.VifrtOo lower
than Saturday liiBt. The best heavy made
from Ki.liO to f.r > .ON- and good butcher weights
KAO tfi.SO. The best mixed sold within a
raiiRO of fi.t0 ! ( < i.r.40 , nnd common f5.10@
? 5.15. The demand for light was limited , and
nice assorted averages of 100 to 170 could
have been bought at J5.10(35.20. (
NEW YOHK , Jan. 111. [ Special Telegram
to the Br.n.l STOCKS News was coiiHorva-
vatively bullish nt the opening , the talk beIng -
Ing that the business of the country war
ranted higher prices for good dividend secur
ities. The activity and advancing tendency
In cotton nro triumphantly pointed to , and it
was asserted that the Washington nolitioal
party had been In the market as buyers for days , nnd that the people now lying
idle would soon take hold ami the long de
pressed boom was near at hand. The polit
ical speculators , ns a rule , nro the poorest
kind of speculators In the market. They
work on | K > lnts secured from the Inside re
garding the probable Introduction of bills
and the way In which they will bo acted on
In the housu. The market opened irregular ,
but soon the sentiment changed to boariiili ,
room traders ns a rule playing for a reaction ,
and thi market became soft and declines of
J-i'SJa0 points were recorded. Heading was
thu most active , being bought by London.
The purchases , however , had no effect as
the market continued weak. Chicago , Bur
lington t Qulncy dropped 1 point on selling-
by Boston. Atchlson wn unsettled aud
there I talk of poor statements for nome
time to come. The promptness with which
thn roads have met the "Soo" cut and made
a lilccnt cut rate nn flour und grain from Chicago
cage to New York shows that the managers ur