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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1888)
r , T ? ) -T * * - * * * v * . * THE OMAHA DAILY 1 SEVENTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA , WEDNESDAY MOHNING , FEBRUARY 1 , 1888 , NUMBER. 228. IT MADE VERY QUICK TIME , The Bill For Omaha's Publlo Building Passes the Sonato. GRAND ISLAND AND FREMONT. FroMprcH Tlmt They , Too , Will Knrc AVfll llcntrtuc Complnlnn of Unjust HntcH The Pro posed New IJIUH ! Ijiwv. the Scnnlo. WAHHINOTON Hi un\u TIII : OMAHA HPB , I ; tilI rotlinTI NTH Srill.l.T , > WVSIIIMITON. U C. , Jlltl. ill. ( In a twinkling tlio senate took up to dny , At thu i equest of Mr. Alundcrson , tlio bill ap propriating ? IUX,000 , ) for u now situ uml building for thu government ofllccs nt Oiimlm nnil pasted it. There was no ob jection , no debute , no delay. The measure hurt tlio hciuty cmloisciiicnt of both Ne braska's senator * , the unanimous approval of the commltteu on public buildings and grounds , nnd theio was nothing to impede its onward progress to the housu of representa tives. It is very raru that such peed tlmo Is mudo by u bill In congress as this one has made. It was but a few weeks ago that it was Introduced by Mr. Muudcrson. Ho fol lowed It to thu commltteu with statistics and endorsements from not only the people at Om.iha but thu treasury department , uml ho fultly pushed It. Yesterday only thu biy repotted to the senate , and now to day It is taken up and passed. Too much credit cannot bo given Senator Manderson for the work ho has done In this matter. Ho has stood by it like thu cai nest , faithful servant ho is , and now it has pa sed from his legis lative domain ho does not intend to relax his cffoits He will do all ho can in the house , but there Alcssifl. McShano , Dorsey and Laird arc to give it attention , and it is pioo- nblo that it will pass that body as it is , ere smother month. Thomeiitsof the measure liav o been bi ought by these men to the at tention of the housu committee on public buildings and grounds. MOM 1 ( ) ! XI IIIIASKVNS. Mr. Dorsuj' succeeded in having thu house to day take and pass his bill to pay Jamei llarnes , of Ogallulu , * JO , William Titus * 20 , nnd .Incob Williams vJfi , all of Ogallal.i , Keith county , Nohiaska. The sums aio In full compensation for damages sustained b.v reason of the destruction of ciops by mules belonging to the command of Colonel Forsjth , Seventh United States cavalry , in August , IbT" . JOK HtLMONTjANl ) ( HUM ) ISl.VNl ) . I met Mr. Dorsey this afteinoon and asked him about the prospects of tlio passage ol public building bills which ho has intioduced for Fiumont and Grand Island. Ho replied that the statistics fuinishcd by Fremont show a wonderful Increase In population , growth of business , etc. , that within the past two i ears in that city the repoits of the post ofllco have been Increased over fit ) per cent : shipments by rail have neatly doubled , tin bunk statements have propot tionately In creased , and that with the new industries es tabllshul during the past j car a much largoi incicuso is confidently expected in 1&S8. Air. Dorsey added that Grand Island has not ju m.ulo u showing , but that ho expected tc lia\o both bills passed during the present session. Ho is giving them his pctsonal at tention and is putting into thu work all of hi : pcisonal Inllucmp. HAII.KOAI ) II1SLUIMIVVTION IV NIIWVSKA. The Hcati Ice boat d of tradu today lllei with the inter state commerce commission i petition asking an Investigation on the i ate1 by i ail into thu city of Beatrice , and com plaining against tlio Union Pacific lailioac und thu Uuilington , and thu Omaha , Chicago Kansas and Ncbiuska , and the Missouiiam Republican Valley loads for unlawful dis crimination in favor of Omaha , Lincoln am Hastings , Thu complaint charges that Heat rlco is subjected to undue ami utucasonabli prejudice and a disadvantage by reason of i high ratu of tat iff in proportion to the lungtl of the haul and tliu actual mileage on tliesi loads fiom the cities of Chicago and St Louis to thu cities of Omaha , Lincoln am Hastings. This Is alleged to bo contiatj tt Rcetion 4 of tlio intet-stato commetco act Tlio petition is. signed bv J. H. Hulks , presi tlcnt of the Beatiicu board of tuidu , am Aithur W. Dale. secieUnv. Attauhci to the petition is an exhibit showing the distances fiom Chicago to Deatiici to bo but sixteen miles moio thai fiom Chicago to Lincoln und 101 miles les' ' than fiom Chicago to Hastings , while tin dlstmico from St. Louis to Heatt Ice is stutci to bu twenty uight miles less than fiom St Louis toLimoln and thiity-two miles les1 than fiom St. Louis to Omaha. A table o rates on ten classes of goods shows an iiotua higher piopoitiotmtu tuto fiom both places ti Ueuti Ice Hum to either Om.tlin and Lincoln nnd a propoitlonully higher into whci milciigu is taken into consideiatlon , than ti Hustings. TO Itl'Llr.Vi : AN IOWA HANK. Senator Allison to iluy intiodmcd a bill ti pay the Fust National bunk of Mai ion , In MM ) as mteicst fiom Junuuiv 1 , IbM , ti Jiinmuy 1 , ISM , on two United States 4 pc cent bonds for tSOJ each , und four Unite * States bonds for 1HH ( ) cacti , the coupons o which , for tills peiiod , having been do btiojed whiludctiulicd fiom Ilia bonds am in thu custody of thu | w > stul uuthot ities. ritoriHi.K TIMIII u i VM > IAWS. Thu housu commltteu on public lands 1m1 been at woik since thu bcgmnlngof thusuM slon , pioviding for a general bill which , upoi its passage Is to bo a substitute for thu oxistini laws relating to the disposition of agiieul turul and timber lands. llio. new bill is vcr ; neat ly pei fected by the lommltteo and wll inob.ibly bu finally adopti d ut its nevt meel ing. Tlio existing laws iegaulmg thu dlspc sition of mlnunil lands hik * not been allot eii The now bill pro\ Ides that timber land shal bo sold but that the privilege of cutting th timber therefrom In tiacts not oxcocditii forty acres In extent shall bo tjoltl to th highest bidder upon scaled moposals afte duuapptaisement and mUeitising All hm Hales shall bu for cash , puj able at tliu tune o the sale , and the proceeds turned Into th treiisutj * . Timber sold shall bu icmove vvlthlu six jeuis from tlio date of the salt mid in case mineral shall bu found upo tiacts of Umber land they shall bu subject t entiles under thu laws regulating the sale u minei al lands , w ithout impali mg thu i ight n the purchaser uf thu Umber. 'ltieM.vicl.ui , of thu interior is dltccted to cuuso cxainlnt tion to bu made of all the timber lunds fu n now classltlcation and inspcctois uictob appointed at a salary ofHK ( ) each and t > pcnsos to BUI vov uml classify the sumo. Th president lias tlio light ut any time to u hcivo timber lands as public icscrvatio in oulcr that tliu ticcs and undoi growth shall bo pi elected fiimi wast nnd injuiy , uml ho Is authorize tocmploj a military fouo to protect sue * ! tlmbor teriitoiy. Lunds unilt for eultiv. tion and destitute of timber shall bo dispose of under existing laws wltti the condltio that ut the tlmo of tiling the ilcclaiation th paily shall also illo a mat ) of tliu lands h proposes to take up , together with a pii showing the mode of contemplated i > rigutioi which shall bo suftlcient tn thoioughly in gate and prepare such lands for oullnuiyu , rlculturul crops mid the source of thu w ate to bo used for irrigation. No patent shall I issued for desert lands unless It shall I shown that thu person making thu cntr : itliin Jlvo j eai-s , shall have mudo the canu' ' nnd ditches for the necessary li rigutton an nut in cultivation at least one eighth oftli land entered. No entry of desert lauds sha licreTfter exceed JUO ucrcs. The sccietaiy i tlio Interior is directed to classify all publ lands adapted tougilcultuio , and they blm boiescived exclusively for actual sc-Ulci Ul'ilor the hpmcstvad uct.thu , prc-cupti * . nnd timber culture act being repealed. H Is ilso pro | > osed to contlne the privilege of thu lomcstcud act to citizens of thu United States nnd no person who is the proprietor of HA ) icres of land In any state or territory but \ho abandons his residence uixm Ills own amis can acquire rights under the home- stcud law. Any person who has mt bcretoforehad the boncllt of the pre-emt- lon law and w ho has fnllod to perfect a title .o n tract of land bet ctofoto entered by him mdcr tlio homestead law inav In lieu thereof nuke pro etnptlon proof. Tlio bill forbids m.v PPI * on to cut or destroy any timber or to set lire to any timber or undci bush or to remove - move ativ timber from the public lands or usu lumber made from timber so cut or re moved. moved.TO TO FSTIOATK Tim MUI , sntvicr. In the senate to d.iv the lesolullons offered yestciday by Mr. I'lumb , instructing the IHistofllcu committcu to make thoiough In quiry Into the cause of inefficient mail ser vice especially In the west and south , was taken ui * for consideration. Mr. Mumlcrson H.iid that ho felt a sense of personal gratitude lo tlio senator fiom Kansas who intioduced the lesolution and ho hoped that the investi gation would be thorough. TI ese who lived In the advancing states of thu west had suf- fcied very much from IncflKlent postal ar rangement foi the last couple of\cais , The subject was debated at length by Messrs. Stewuit , Saulsbuiy , Mot pun and otheis. Theie will bu an in\estivation. ( OIOMI. I.I'DI OU Tllltl AT1INS TO ltr IOV.D Colonel Ludlow , who lilcd mi assignment ftomthu aimvas engineer commissioner cif thu Disti let of Columbia , and who was sum marily ieliu\ed of bis duty the othei day , intimates that ho muv go into pi ivuto busi ness and resign his position as a soldier. He states that lie w as hedged in his w ork as engin eer by the commisslnneisof the distilct ; that he hoped an honest application to duty would bilngsomu unsaid , but he thinks that lie has not received justice und has neon treated very harshly by thu adminlstralion. Till : 81 I'AKHl HK.ON I lllSO lUl'IDI.V. Speaker Carlisle und wifu returned fiom Fortress Mom oe this af lei noon. Thu speaker isgieatly impio\cd and expects to piesidc o\er the house in a few dajs Mis Car lisle will hold her usual Wednesday leception tomonow. Thoio has been a good deal of talk in political circles about the secretary of the navy making it "convenient" to have a res-enuo cutter make a business ttij ) to Foitiess Monroe Just ut the time the speaker and his wife wanted to visit that ic- sort and maku it "conieiilont" lor thu cutter to i etui n ut the time the distinguished slates- man desired. 'Ihc Potomac is full of ice ami tiips aru made bi Uiu govurnment ships now only when business of gieat impoiluncu de mands them. WOIIKIMOV Till ! TAUIl P 111I.I , . Democratic members of the housu commit tee on wajs und means say that tlio tariff bill will not bu pi escntcd to the full commit tee under two wicks. It is to bo acted upon by and reported fiom the full committee bc- foio it appears in thu house , which obviates the necessity of delay in lofetencc , etc. Thetc is to bu no delay after the bill ispio- "onled to the lommitteo before it is repoited to the houso. A majouty re port will bo picpared and it will bo brief and the minoiity will not bu waited upon for thu purpose of propai.i- tion of a icpoit or ptoposing amendments. It may bo that the bill will bo ready to piesent to the committee at the meeting on the llth of Fcbrmuv. A diaft of the bill has been in the hands of Chilli man Mills for neaily two months and the majoiity of thu committee have been running over it at meetings tv\o or tineu times u week ever since thu holidujs. At the conclusion of each meeting it looks to tlio members ptecnt an though they arc farther uwuy from a definite understanding than before. Hut an ugl cement has been icachcd by which the mcasuie shall bo given the finishing strokes and made icady for sun- mission to the full committee within fifteen dajs Tlio duty on cotton , silk , books and tobacco vv ill not be affected. The reduction on sugar will bu from 'M to 'M per cent , and such raw malcrlals as lumbci , suit , lion , ( fl ) > - per , wool , etc. , are to go on the fiee list. The wool und woolen schedule bus been passed over steadily , but it is undci stood that wool shall mo made fiec , und the duty on inniiu- fueturcd woolen goods reduced fiom 'JO to 4C per cent In propoi tion to the quality and that the most common grades shall go free , The question of free wool has been the cause ol moio delay than nnvlhing clso that has come upon thu compilation of the bill. What shall bu done in thu way of reducing or abolishing the internal icvcnuo tax has also not beeii definitely determined und will not be. Hoc- ommundulions have been icceived fiom the secretary of the ticasuty and the commis sioner of inteimil levcnue , although the lat ter is known to bo opposed to any ultciation whatever. It has bcc'i piactleully a iced , however , that the internal tax on all kinds of tobacco , m cveiy condi tion , shall bu abolished except on manufuctuicd cigais und cigaicttes which is to bu retained at thu solicitation of the mechanics chanics and laboreis Intel ested In then munufactuic. The tux on fruit binndy ic also lo bu abolished. lion , si eel and a mini her of m licles aio being shifted around al cveiy meeting of the democratic mcmbois ol thu committee and not hufoic some time next week will it bu Known what general fcatuic" thu bill will contain. The idea Is to placu be fete thu housu a bill w hick will have the united support of the demociats and as imuii of Ihu lepublicuns us possible , and Ihen conn out of tliu senate committee on finance and pass tlio senate with as few changes as possible. This will give thu dcm ociatic house ttio creditor having broughl about the luvislon of thu tariff. Thu doubts as lo whether ftco wool can pass the senate and can bugot tluough thu house , has causei much delay in thu woik now being done. M > T1.S. 1C. D. Kilpatrlck and wife , of IJeatrico , lof for New Voik to day. C. S. Ailing , of Omaha , is ut the Howarc house. In executive session the senate has con tinned , the nominations of Kccoiver Chuide of the Niobraia dlstiict , and Hcgistrai Adams , of the Sidney distilct. Putin S. HiITU. : I'ntcutH Granted lo Westerners. WvMiisflTOV , Jan. Ul. [ Special Tele giam to thn HM : 1 Patents weie issued tc Nebraska and Iowa unen'ors lo day as fol lows : Samuel Hair , McCausUuid , la , puinj led attachment and plow ; Joseph P. Howcr DCS Moiues , la , dt lying mechanism for elc vatots ; HdwaidG Hutehor , Commanche , la equestrian gjmnaslum ; Fi cdei ick II. Davis Ciladbiook , la , draft equalizer ; Webster A Fairbanks , Chailcs City , la , plow ; Sjhestc Fnlch , Heatiico , Neb , rofiigeiator ; Allei Johnston , Ottumwa , la , cut lei.v gtlndmi machine ; Albeit Landsliam , assignor of one half to A. H. Walker , Council niuffs , la liunsom liftct ; Wellington J. Mattin , Mt Pleasant , assignor to Iowa lio.ul Giaderani Ditcher iminutactuung company , Hiulingtoii la. , road scraper and grader ; Henry I' ' Mooio , Tama City , la. , levcisiblo load urn ditching machine ; How ley Uoblnson WMIIOIC , Neb , apparatus for tiansferiiiij cars ; Jacob Shuck , Hluo Sptimjs , Jseb. , cul tivator ; Trank C. Smith. Toledo , la , ollle ticker. Tostal ChaiiKOs. WVSIIINOTOS- , Jan , HI. [ Special Tclogran to the Hia. ] The following-Nebuiska post masters were appointed to-day : Dontio M Kobuils , Uuiiuet , Holt county , vice Mis Maggie Muloy , lesipncd ; Noah W. Slatei Huidy , Nuckolls county , vice William A Pccbler , resigned , William II Get hint Lodge Pole. Cliojenno county , vice John V Ciaue. icslgncd ; Joseph Gllmer , Mir.igc bheiiduii ccunty , vicu Solomon Dcwcy , ic signed , National Capital Notes. W\SIIINGTOS , Jon , HI. The comptioller o thu cuncncy has declined the first divideii' ' in favor of ctcdltois of the Fifth Natlomi bank of St. Louis , M per cent , amounting t f Vill. Keprcspntutive Plumb to-day mndo a : argument before the house committee o : judiciary In explanation of his icsolutio calliti ! , ' fur invcsliiiutloti of the ciicumstnncc under which certain words were changed i the act providing for a 4 per cent loan. Senator Vance , fiom the committee o llmmu , iviioitcd to the senate th bill by the senate last congress t pros .do for waixuouolnj ; fi uil biaujy. rirrnTii coxouuss. Senate. WAIIIINOTOV , Jan. 31. Among the bllU cportcd from the commlttles nnd placed on he calendar was one for the construction ol n bridge across the St. Crolx river. A resolution was offeicd by Mr. Dawcs , vhlch was adopted , calling on the secretary of the Interior for Information as to the sale of the lunds of the Omaha reservation. Air. Hlddlcberger offered a icsolutlon that ho treaty with Great Britain bo considered n open session und nt once. Mr. Edmund ? objected nnd it was laid over. Air. Mitchell offered n resolution , which vas adopted , Insliucllng the committee on commerce to consider the ndvlsubility of inserting - sorting a provision in the river nnd harbot bill , requiring all work to bo done by contract , The plumb resolution of jcstcrdu.v relative to Inefficient mall service , vvac alien up for consideration. After some acrimonious debate , during whlcli Mr , Chase said tlio main reason for tlu lllllculty complained of was the facl hat the postoflico department had changed M per cent of thu whole foico of the countri n the shot t space of two and a half .vcars for political icusons. Tlio resolution won ! over w ithout action. Tlio following bills were then taken up am' missed : Granting n light of way through public lands for In Igutioh purposes. A Joint resolution proposing tin umcndmcnl : o the constitution. It provides that tin li'im of ofllce of the president und the fiftieth congress shall continue until tlu 30th of Aptil IbbO ; that senators , whose exIsting Isting term would otherwise expire on tin lib of March , Ibi'l and thcteafter , shall eon tinue in ofllce until Api il HO succeeding suet expiration : that the iiOth of April at nooi shall thereafter bo substituted for the 4th ol Alurch , us the commencement und tcrminu tion of the official term of president , vice inesldent , senatois und rcprpsenlullvcs It congi ess ; and that the twelvcth article o ! amendments to tliu constitution shall bi amended accordingly. Air. L"vai is then spoke in favor of the Hlali educational bill , and after an extensive scs sion the senate adjoin ned. House. WASHINGTON , Jan. 31. The committee ot banking and currency repoited n bill author i/ing the sectetary of the trensury to invcs lawful money deposited in the trcusuiy li trust by national banking associations fo : the retirement of their circulating notes. The commitlco on commerce icpoited bael the stiiko lesolution with u substituU requesting thu intcr-slalo commerce couunis sion lo invcsligato the matter. It was mudi the special order for Alonday. Tlio ( ommltteo on postofllecs nnd pos roads icpoi led the bill icquiring land gran railroads toconsliuut and opciatu Indcpen dent telegraph lines Calendar. ' 1 ho committee on invalid pensions reportci bills grunliiiR a pension lo the widow o Genurul Logan , and the senate bill incicaslni the pension of thu widow of General Ulair Pi ivnte calendar. A icsolutlon was adopted assigning' Fcbru ary ' . ' 1.2 , Al , ' > and ' . ' for tlio consideratioi of public building bills. Air. Hiumm of Pennsylvania , pi cscntcrt i memorial of u committee representing 82,00 woiking men asking uu invcsligulion of thi IJcading strike. Ordeiert printed. Thoreso lution wus submitted by the eommitlee 01 commerce louchmg the invcsligulion of tin Heading strike and was made the spcchi order for to-moriow nftcinoon. The lou of Ihu Wlliuns bankim bill was iwslponed two weeks. The hous then adjourned. _ The Rending ; Strike. WASHINGTON , Jan. 81. The house commit tec on commerce reconsidered ils action o the Anderson lesolution referring thoques tion of investigating the Heading railroai strikes to thu interstate commerce commissioi at a meeting Ibis moinmg undadoplcdnresc lution icqucsting the interstate commissio to invesligali ) the stiike. The same con : millco repoilcd favoiably on u bill provlil ing for the constiuction of a cub in thu lak near Chicago The minority of the committees made rcpoit , thu subslancoof which is that con grcss should mvcstigalo Ihu matter , now a the evils complained of will have ic'.uhed i culmination bcfoto tlio interstate commit sion gets to the mailer. The minoiity ic port was decidedly favoi able to the miners side of Ihc case. A Keenest Tor Appropriations. WASHINGTON , Jan. 31. Tlio seeielaiy o tlio Intel ior to day tiansmittcd to the hous with fuvoiablo cndoiscmcnt a letter fiom Hi acting commissioner of Ihc land oflico i winch ho sajs Ihu eblnnates for the suivcj of public lands aio lee small and icquesls a additional appropi l.ition of $100,000. Ho ills asks appiopiiations of $ J20,000 to bu special ! devoted to the suivoyof lands within th giant and indemnity limits granted uiilioad and the appropriation of fo'J.OOO ' for elei ici sci vices in thu office of the suivejor geuera und $10,000 for inei cased suiveis. Coinniittco PrococtlltiKS. The sub committee to which was rofcrrei Air. Taylor's ( Ohio ) bill defining polj gainj to-duy reported to the house judiciary con mitteo the following substitute : Pol } gamy shall not exist nor bo lavvfi within the United Stales or any place sul jcct to their juusdiction. Polygamy sha ! consist of tlio man iago relation by contr.u or m fact between one pci son of either so und moio than one pei son of Iho oilier so1 Congicss shall enfoio Ibis uiliclo within th DistrKt of Columbia and the tcmtoik of the United States nnd other places subjci to their juusdiction , and shall have powei concurrently with the slates , to ei fouo the same within the states by uppn priato legislation. Tlio house committee on banking and cm iciicv to day reported favoiably to thu hous Mr. Dinglej's bill , authorising the seeietar of the trcasuty to Invest monoi deposited b national banks for tlio ict.iemeiit of thci ciic'ihitlon in the purchase of United State bonds at curi cut mat kct lates. The bond so pui chased , with the Intel cat ncciulnc * ui to bu held in tiust und used for the poj mci of the circulating notes of banks which liui deposited lawful money for such pai men Thu committcu rcjwrts an timendmonl limi ing to b * > Her cent the umoiint that may bo ii vested and uiithoil/ing the eei clary lo so Iho bonds icdceined if it bo necessary lo ri deem the circulating notes outatandiiig. Frozen to Heath. Am.itnnnv , Dak , Jan. 31. A special to tt Journal icports the fieezing to death of tv funnels of Campbell county , named Fie and Geoigo Council ) , Alonday , whllo c their waj liom Laguico to Mound City. A Constitutional Amendment. W SHINOTOV , Jan 1)1 ) Tim senale passt Ho.u's joint lesolution for n constitution amendment changing the tlmo for mctt'.i of i ongi oss und for the inuugui ion of tt picbldcul. Condition of JnincH Ilcdpatli. Nhvv YouK , Jan. .11. James Kedpath wi repoited easier this nioining , and the docti sajs lilb patient v\ill survive unless paralys extends to thu brain or bronical tubes. Tlio Knstorn nn/7iird. NiNTUeitLT , Mass , Jan. 31. It is tv weeks since any mall has been received hoi The sound is full of ice and It extends so , w arU as far us the cj o can Weather Indications. Tor Nebraska : Wui mer follow cd by coolc fair weather , light to f rcsli soathci ly wind becoming southwesterly. Tor Dakota : Slightly warmer , fa weather , followed by slightly colder and I local snows in the mntbciii poitiona ; light ' \ariablo GIBBONS ON HENRY GEORGE , His "ProgrcBS Attd Poverty" Only a Plagiarism. TAKEN FROM SPENCER AND MILL. The Shrewd Cardinal Explains the Objections ton Formal Condem nation of tbo Land Theory Americans Complimented. A KnnioiiH Ijcttcr. ICpyrlo/it / 1SSS tin Jmnr ( tuition Btnntlt , ] KOMI : , Jan. HI. [ New York Hoi aid Cable Special to the Hrp . ] I liuvc obtained the original text of Cardinal Gibbons' letter lo Cardinal Simconl about the works of Henry uEcorgc which has been kept secret , although 'aibled , incorrect , statements about It lluvo jcen published. Th6 letter begins thus : Your Imminence I linv o nlrendy hud. the lionor of pi cscnting mi views on tlio social luestions wlilch agllale Amci icn and especi ally in relation to the Knights of Labor , but lately another form of social discussion lias developed attaching to the doctrines of lleury George , an American nuthor idcntl- lied with the working classes. Since my ar rival at Homo I have heard discussed tlio question whether these vv oiks should find n [ ilace In the index. After meditation upon thn subject 1 think it my duty to submit to jour eminence the reasons which dcmon- slrale to mo why a fotmul condemnation of Henry George's works would bo inopportune : iud useless. Cardinal Gibbons then proceeds to say that Air. George is not the originator of his theory concerning tliu ownership and contiol of real property. He charges that in ' 'Progress and Povcrtj" Air. Gcorgo cites "piecisemont" the teachings of Herbcit Spencer and John Stuart AII11. The cardinal also qnotcs from an article in the Contemporary Hovievv ol November 18bC , n charge that Air. Geoige "in only n plucimist from those celebrated authois" "And it seems to me , " conlinueh tlio cardinal , "that the world would adjudge it a little singular if lo saint siege should at tack the woiks of a humble American work man instead of his masters. " Tlio cardinal adds with some naivete , "and if any one thinks it the duly du saint siege to pronounce judgment upon Alessieures Spencer uud Alill it might be prudent , befoi o such adjudication , to take the opinions of Cardinals Alunning nnd Newman as to the policy of sucli action. " Next , reference is made to the dlfTeientialions between Hoccanellu's ' work or communion published by the piopogundii piessinlbW und George's writing. "Ami ono who reads tlio latter observes Unit the uutlior docs not teach nor wisli to leach ar abolition oT all private pioperty nnd plncinf. it under stale care. Mr. George , on Iho con ti ary maintains that individual pioperty i' absolute overall the fruits of a man's cneigy and industry. It is only as to the possession of land Hint ho wishes to limit individual property by un extension of Ibo suprcmun domlnum of government. One can per ceive , thcrofoie , that practically thocontro vcrsy presents itself , to Iho American public as a simple question touching the power of government over in dividual ownership of land. Regarding Ih is power I wish to hero nole that whocvei has studied the relation of the stale to tlu ownership of land as the subject is treated by Stcccauella and other Catholic wiilers 01 as it is regarded by the laws of taxation ami the suppoitof the poor in many countiics und especially in England , cannot fail tc compieliend that this is a question trcs com- plo\o nnd ijoverned by differing circum stances of time and place , and not lit to be resolved by a precmploiy sentence. The wholu question is before the American pub lie as a political problem and in an arena s < practical will soon find solution. Air. Georg < himself iccognizes how only legislative power can accomplish his disposition of thesi nffairs. It seems certain that never will congress nor a legislature bo fount which would vote so piofound a change , it 'social iclalions , ni un picsidcnt quo 1'approv erait , in a country like the United State1 which is not for doctrinists und visionisti nor speculntionisls. The Ihcory cannot bu conic dangerous nor long survive after an ; application of it has been rejected Ifletalono it would in all ceitainly die ilself. Cci lain recent cvcnls , in the Unitci Slates , have occasioned popular ex citcmcnt , very profound , which ha : an liitimato connection with this vcr ; question. It appeared evident , then even if it were advisable to condemn thi doctrines ; tlio present time could not bo prop erly chosen for that purpose. I feel certain how over , that a condemnation of the work of Air. Gcorgo might give them popula impoituncu and urouso a cutiosily thu would sell them par dcs million des copic and immensely spiead the influences whicl the condemnation sought to icstram. Th American people , I repeat , aio so practica Ihat all bl ai 10 ideas und impractical subsll tulions mo so soon found out that it appear to mo Unit pi udenco should suggest that w let absurdities die a natuial death and Ihu wo should not incur the risk of giving totlics life , impoitunco and nn artificial foico pa I'cnteivenlion dcsim buicauv dolegliso. TiTLUi ) LADIIH ; IN THADK. A Talk With nn IIiu'llsli Milliner o HI no lilood. [ Cniyi ; fo/it / JS&s by James ( Ionian ncnnclt. ' ] LONDON , Jan. 31. fNcw York Herald Cab ) Special to tliu Hur. ] When the grea Napoleon dubbed the English nation "Slio [ kccpeis , " John Hull grow wiathy , but th old gentleman lias learnt a good deal ot coir mon sense since then. It is but a few j ear ago that society was staitlcd and , to tell th tiuth , lalher shocked , ut hearing that Mac Cullom More had put his sons In business Then the joung men , v\ho weio something i the city , ciopped up in thu best London draw ing rooms , und by degrees , the pcoplu bega : lo learn that after all a man might b in business und tbo gentleman at the sam time , and London society no longer trouble1 ! itself with what a man was doing so long n ho could behave hlinsetf decently. It was rather bitter pill /or London society t swallow when it first admitted whole sal tiadcis within its sncrrd poitals. How won deifully its views havobioadencd is shown b the way In which men und women in the vcr best society uro now engaged In icluil bhoi keeping uml ui u not In tlio least ashamed t own up to It. Lady Granvlllo Gordon set th ball roiling when her father , Henry 'Hoc , th Dublin distiller , failed In business. Lad Giauvlllo's success induced many sociut people of both sexes to follow the oxampli Customers di' covered that what used to I called "quality" have some taste and ai pleasant to deal with. The only tioublo ; the market may be ovet stocked with mill ncrs niul diessmakcn who belong to Ui "upper suckles , " but who uro uufoitunntol dependent for their Incomes upon Irish tci nnnts und Scotch ciolfis. The latest rcciult to the bind of well-boi women who have pone into trade is Lndj Mackenzie , of Scaduell , Ho shlro. Her nili ship has opened n shop in Sloano street , vlicrc sha deals In bonnets , hats , etc. , tinder lie name ol Mine , do Courcey. Almc. dc Zourccy is n tail , handsome woman , with n broad , open , brow nnd n very flno pair ol clear blue ci cs. Stio is evidently n woman of , business , with n slrong chnrucler. At the same time there is nothing of the strong-minded woman about tier. Her manners have that charming case about hem which denotes the true gentlewoman. The shop In Sloano street is handsomely .vet luictly furnished. Mine. Do Courcey docs lot attend upon tier customers except they jo Intimate friends , but looks nfter tlio busi- less part of the establishment In n room up stairs. " "Yes , " said the lady , in answer to u quciy mt by your coirespondent , "tho eioftcrs me it the bottom of It. We can't gut iinv thing Iko our original rents from our tenants n Kosstiitc. Matleis uiobad enough now , jut they are going to bu wet so. Foteseelng his , I determine to shut tlio stable door before - fore the steed has left. My husband w as v cry much opposed to my going Into ti ade , jut \ ou see I got my ow n way In the end. " "What makes jou think that still worse imcs arc coming ! " "Well , people who own property in the high lands aio dependent toalnrgu extent on their moors and deer forests. A greater part ol .ho land is good for nothing else. The game uws must Inevitably bo repealed in England jcforo long. Once repealed on this side the jordcr , they must go on the other side , riien , where is the highland laud owner tc ; et his income from ) I don't blame the crofters Some of my husband's tenant suit men whose families have occupied tlio land for generations buck. They would do anything they could to meet theii obligations , but it is impossible for them lo do so. Their ciops may bo excellent , but what Is the use of t : oodcroplf Iheio is no market for 11. For cifn compction lias kilcd their market. Yes , Limes arc hard now but nothing like so hai d us they w ill be. It's no use trj ing lo sbul out the tiuth. Socialism Is making cnoi- inous sti ides and , unpleasant though it mnj be , to have to face it [ and then , Almo. Di Courcey instead of sighing ovei the liaid times , packed up a bcautifu tea gown of salmon coloicd satin , covet 01' with vUiito lace ] you see I don't confine mj self to huts. I ulso make tea gow ns am tea jackets. The tea gown is a thoroughly English invention , but'has been much takci up by rieiieh women. They are now * bcitif made in such magnificent brocades that ladle1 aic vvcnrinir them for informal dinner partiei and the original idea of tlio gow n is compar ativcly lost sight of. " "What was the original Idea ! " "The tea gown was invented for countrj house use. When the ladies returned fron shooting 01 hunting they would go to tliei looms and diess for dinner with the exccp tion of putting on the dccolletto dress am wear llicso gowns for 5 o'clock tea , vvlicr men would only put their smoking jacket on. It saved tlio trouble of another dressing These tea Jackets aio a sort of feminin smoking jacket and aie very much hi vogui now. To tell you the trutli their grcutcs use seems to bo to brighten up a shabb , gown when you arc dining with your bus band ulono. " "Do you design your bonnets , etc ! " "No , I have u very clover French millinc who does that. Here is n now design of hoi which wo havocallcd the 'Nautilus' because i is so like the shell , und Aline. DeCourco ; picked up a dainty litllo bit of the milliner' nit which was as light as a feather. " "I shall st.ut for Pans in a few * days , " sh continued , "to get un inkling of spimg fusl Ions. Hut jou know a Pa us bonnet hast bo adapted to suit the English taste. Th Parisians don't walk ns much us Englis women do , nnd what might bo all right fo u lady dining in the bois woul bo very outio for a womu walking in the i ow * . Then I tiy not to in itulo Paris fashions lee sevciely. All th London millincis go to Pans , and if w didn't use a little originality all our thing would bo exactly the same. " "Has jour going mlo liado affected jou social stalus m any vay ? " s "Not in the least , " und Aluio. Do Courcc gave a sort of low chuckle. "Tliu fact is i is rather Iho fashion lo bo m tiade. All m old fiicnds deal with me and picfer doing s than going to people they know neil ing about. You vxould bo astoiiishc if jou knew how many people there uro wli liavo a flist rule posillon in societj * and ar tiudesmen. Naturally the old tiudcsme don't ' like our competition , but what arc vv todoi Wo must live. " "Is jour custom confined to jour friends ) ' Oh , no. People como into roj * shop a they would into any ordinary milliner's , have a peed many American eustomeis , tot Americans nro patronizing English fashion much more than they used to. " And then Almo. do Courccj * was calle upon to utleml lo business mailers , and > ou coi respondent took his le1"1 j. WANTS A FIGHT. The Conditions On Which Smith WI Meet Sullivan. [ Cojyrtilit Ifftfliy Jaunt ( junlun Htnwtt. ' ] LONDON , Feb. j , 4 a. m [ New Yoi Heiald Cable Special to the HLC. ] Tli Sporting Life Ihis morning prints fiom Flen Ing , Smith's manager , Uiu following cam : Sullivan's last teller desci yes to bo treate with contempt. I can assmo him tie is m raising his reputulion by his length ; abusive epistles. I begin to belicv liis monkoj'-work a sham. Fust lie talk light , then pats himself on the back just I bhovv us what a line fellow ho is. Aftc Illuming his fcatheis ho comes out with proposition for a six round glove cotitc ; and offers a prbe equal lo uboi ono-fouith tlio gate icceipts. The enl terms on which Sullivan should meet Smit Is in a fair fight to u finish , under the ne\ lutes of the pilzu linjy. I will meet Phillip at the Spoiling Life on Friday next at o'clock p. m. , prepaid ! to sign ui tides an post u forfeit of 503 for Jem Smith I light Sullivan for . 1,000 a side o us much moio us tic ca find , pioviding to agree to fair uitiele bimilar tojhoso for thu Kiliain-Smitti light , limited number of poisons only to witnc" tho'battle , und the names of those invited b both sides to bo submitted und each side t have tlio power of striking olT nuim objected to I shall insist upon u cluu : that should any pci bon appear ut the rir bide known to be an adherent of either ma other than these who received permissio the principal of whom lie is ttio partisan ulu forfeit the whole battle money. The tight take place ut the cud of May or eai ! In June , and Iho stake money bo posted at the Spoiling Li onico four weeks befoio the light. Je Smith , being champion of England , in ti own count ! y has a pci feet right to name U battle gtound und the tlmo of flgtitmff , ) > ti vlding ho lights within six motitl fiom the tlmo of being challenge Thq propositions I name nia sole ( or tlio purpose ol securing fu ilny for both , nnd In order that there bo no get-out o'n cither side , 1 hope Phillips will lot fall to meet mo at the Sporting Life iftlcc nt the time I npiwlntcd , us I urn anxious lint 'n match should be made nt once mid vith as little fuss as possible. Iiorltlnrd Hpoiicrr Pond. JSSS In Jiimtt ffcinlcm lltnnrtt. ] Puns , Jnii3l. [ Now Yoik Heiald Cable Special to the Hrr.l Lorlllurd Spencer , f the Union club , is dead. Sailed For llnrcHonn. t S tin Jainti Gunlnn Hcmi'lM S , Jan. al. [ New York Cable Special to thu HKK. ] Tlio American jacht , ntrepld , has salted for Uarcclotm. After Kw ISM SoclnllHtM. HrtiMN , Jan. 31. The minister of the In- crier has asked the governor ut Heruu \hethcr the chief of i > olleo of Zurich was ictlng In accordance with law in suppljlng ociallsts liostllu to thu German government vith infoi million affecting the Hcilin dctccl- ve bureau. _ Coercion Screw H. Dt'iii is , Jan. 31. The It ial of Cov , mom- > cr of pai llamenl , on the chat go of v lolating ho crimes act bj addicssing tenants at ( ildvsnit , was begun to dny. Cox was tried i week ago at Ennls on the chaipo of ad- Iresslng pioclaimed league meetings nnd cntenced to four months Imprisonment. Ho ippculcd and on his icleaso fiom Jail wus 10- u icsted on the chin gu on which ho is being i led to day. The German Loan. Hi ni.iv , Jan. 31. Tlio bundcsrnth to day ixcd the sum for carrj ing out the provisions f ttie now mlliluiy bill ut 'JSl.iJOO.OOO . murks , f which 278,300,000 is non-recurring expcn- lituro and 3MKX , ( ) , ( ) marks n poimancnt loan. I'ho bill was immediately ufleiwnul Intro- luced id the HeleliRtng. Ait American Honored. LONDON , Jan. 81. The geological socicly ins conferred the Aluchison medal upon Dr. Newbcuy , of Columbia college , New York. AVantcd to Arm Troops. Hrui tJan. . 31. The new militmy bill low befoio the rcichstag states that the loan asked is , needed for Iho arming of 700,000 exlra tioops , tlio older to bu prepared bo- 'orchund for a decimation of war nnd tc avoid confusion. Two KvictloiiM. Dimiv , .Tun. 31. Two evictions weie made at Kilmlhll , County Claic , to-daj * . The sheriff was protcclcd by a foico of ' . ' 00 police' nen. A mob , in sympathy with the tenants , .blew missiles at the cvieteis , and V.CH chin gcd by the police. Sentenced to Three Months. Dum IN , Jan. 31. Two mcicliants of Long ford have been sentenced to tin co month' imprisonment each und nine fanners to om month cacti for taking part In an unlawfu assemblage on thu occasion of the rcloast fiom prison of Father Egim. rUnnc GetH Four Months. Di'm.iv , Jan 31. Tlio trial of Hlanc , mem ber of parliament , on charge of inciting ten ants to resist the authoi itics , rcsulled in his being senlcnccd to four month's impuson mcnt. Rebellion in KOMU , Jan. 31. Advices from Alassowal say it is reported that King Menelek o Shoa , has revolted against King John o Abjssinia. The SiiK"r TriiHt. Nnw YOUK , Jan. 31. [ Special Telegram tc the HLK. ] The mcmbeis of the sugar trus arc vexed ut the disclosuie of their methods which thcj * huve used cvcrj * endeavor tt keep dark. They still refuse to talk , nnc evidently intend to continue their operation ! without taking the public into their confl deuce. Tlio sugar trade is grcatlj * ngitutcc about this question. A down-town mcichun ! said : "The papcis have done n good thin ( in thus exposing the trust , for n mon Iniquitous combination than this was nevei formed. They have absolute control of UK sugar market und evcrj bodj * is helpless n their hands , 'llicio is no ono licio htroni enougti to light them Tliero is onewuj * ii which they could bu hurt very seuouslv , am Unit is by taking the duty oil the hifhe grades of raw hiigar , which aie now HI lieavilj taxed Unit thcj * cannot bo sold ut i luollt , and the quality of which Is us gooi us the icflned for most put poses. Tim would hurt the ti list , which Is made up en tiiely of lelinuiies , us it would allow unpor ters to coinpeto with them. " Tlio coi tlllcate of the tiust. which were olTeied for sal last w eck at bO aru still unsold , the highcs bid thus fur icceived being 75. Prison AVorkshops Uurncd. RICHMOND , Va , Jan. 30. Soon after ! o'clock this morning the buildings of th Viiglnla penitentiary leased by Davis Shoi company , of Hoston , and operated as a she < factorj bj * from three to four hundred con viets were totally destroyed with valuabl machinery und stock. The buildings weroo brick nnd coveicd un urea of ubout hovci hundred fecn in length and sixty m width The loss to the shoo company is cs timutcd ut fiom $150,000 to S175.000 The buildings were stuto piopeitj * and Ui loss caused by their destruction will nmoun to S > , ( < 00 , Iho amount of Insurance has no been obtained. Soon after the ill obi okc ou the bolls in the city hounded the military cal and in a few minutes two hundred soldlei weie on the ground to guard against any oul break among the prisoneis , but eveijthin was until eljr quiet und the military vvciooi dcied buck. Death ol' General Thompson. Cincxno , Jan. 31. Gcncial John I Thompson died tills morning at his homo i tliis citj * from the effects of a ruptuio of blood vessel nt the base of the btain. Get oral Thompson was a member of the lu1 , lit m of Williams & Thompson , and was on of the most prominent nttorno\s in the eitj He leaves a widow and two children. Shmon'H Allowance Cut Down SAX FIUJCISO ( , Jan. 31. The htato si prcmo court to duj * filed u decision afllrmin the pccision of the lower couit granting divoico to Saiuh Althea Sharon , from th late William Sliaion , but i educing thu ul mony fiom ? 7,5GO nnd tlio annual allowann $2,500 , to * 1,500 with annual allowance * " 0 ( Tlio allow unco of S-Vi.OOO for counsel feus I set aside. McGI ) nn'lollH mi Untruth. Ni \ \ YOUK , Jan. 31 [ Special Tclegian to the Hun.-In ] a caul to tliu Heiald All Powdeily sajs : "Dr McGlynn's htatomen that I sent an ambassador to Koine is niter ! f.Use. 1 hcnt no money nor ambassador. " The S'c Kinder Do Cti/cs. Nr.w YOIIK. Jan 31. [ Special Telegram t the Hi K , ] Haroness Altheu Salvador , vvn ing to the Worid fiom Pans , announces tin thu second daughter of Isaac Singer , Ui hewing machine man , is to become U Duehcs Do Ca/cs. Kit-lit Yi'artt I'or Murder. DFUIWooi ) , Dale. , Jan. 31 [ Special Tel giam to tlio Hhr.j I'dwm T. Smith , wli wus convicted of Hie murder of Jcirj Clam ; alias Joiry Iho Hum , was sentenced to cigl jeais in Ihu peiiitenliarj * . A Piononnccd Success. Drvnwooi ) , Dak. , Jan. 81. [ Special Tel gram to ttio Urn ] The boldiers icunlon i Slurgis was u grcut success. Aluny vlsitii ; uiemberu of the fraud uimy A SMALLPOX SCARE IN IOWA , Fonts of nn Outbreak of the DlscnsO In Dos Molnos. BROUGHT FROM CALIFORNIA , A Prominent Farmer Btiflcrlnir the Malady Ylwltn the Htato Cnp Itul DolngH ot'tho ture loMrt News. A Smallpox Scare. Drs AIoiNrlu , Jan. 31. [ Special Tclo gram to the Hi'K.The ] vigilance of tha state bouid of health has icsulted In kccplnjj i i lie state of Iowa ficu from smallpox , but Urn I . uospccts are good now for n number of cusct n this city and vicinity. Peiry Ogopd , a vcalthy farmer living east of the city lu thd edge of Juspei count y , tetuincd homo from California this week. Ho came to Otlumvrn over thu Hurllngton load , and on Monday nine to DCS Aloines Ilu was not fecllngwell , mt it was thought thu change of climate win .ho . cause. Air. Ogood was well known n ttio city und spent the day slinking hands \ltlililsfilcmls. Last night lie went home ) ind was taken qullu ill and his phjslciun pro- munced his tioublo smallpox. Dr. Kennedy , iccictary of tliu statu of health , cx- imlncd thu case und ulso pronounced It small- > oin Its most violent foim. It Is highly uobablu that a number of eases will icsulb lorn Osgood's contact with friends , as his liseiiso was In the stagu to sptciid the con- agioti. TlFu stntu bouid lies iuaraiilined ] Osgood's house nnd local deiilets liuve sent 'or virus for vaccination purposes. If notlit ng wet su thu icsult w ill bu u llvel.t smallpox scale whilu the Icgisluturu is in session. The IOVMI I Dis AIoiNis , . lim ill Tim Hciijliill mill- ng bill will bo favoiubly icpoitcd by the House committeo. Hy Air. Chesebro A bill for fuither pio- 5 inoting the sc'ciccj * of tlio ballot and pi event * ing undue inllucncu w ithm u hundred feet of 1 : ho polls , Hy Air. Weber Pioviding for woman suff rage in school and municipal elections. A resolution by Mr. Hussell Unit It is the sense of thu house that thu ofllco of lailroud coinmissioncis bo made elective , was adopted. Hy Air Chapman To compel railioads to furnish cms on notice und piovidlng penal- LIc ° LIcHy Air. Crooks Preventing pcisons hold ing moio than onuofllio in ancoipoiation. . < Hy Mr. Cuitis Limiting the liabilities of statu banks. Railroad icptoscntativcs will appear bcforo Joint committees tomonow to discuss ic- duccd fat e und other railroad meusures. Tlio AlcVuy bill for fencing railroads was oidcied engrossed. The bill provides that all lullrouds orguni/cd under the luvvs of thin state , or these of any other state opciating , \ in this state , shall constiuet suitable fcnecB of bin b wire or bourd on euch side of the ti ack , with cattle guurds at the crossings , the fencing to bo donu befoio January L IbS'.l , by the lailroads now built or within si * inontlis nftei completion , bv now ones. The bai bed wire fences uio to bo of live wires. with posts twenty feet upuit ; the board fences of live buauls , with posts eight feet apart , und the posts Itftv-four Inches high. A line is provided , not exceeding $ ,100 , for ) any corporation , officer , agent , employee or lessee engaged by a luilroud In Iowa con " victed of refusing to comply with or neglect * Ing the piovisioim of the act , the misdemeanor meaner to bo repeated each tliiityduvs of neglect. An amendment pioposed by Web ber was curried , providing that roads legally fenced uccoi ding to the pi csunt law sliull bo exempt. Committees icpoited on minor mutters connected with cuiijingon the dully busi ness of tlio session. Air. Ueinigcr introduced n lesolution nuk ing thu abolition of unnecessary Sunday rail way ti aflle. Kcfon cd bevei ul petitions weie lead asking for min ing legislation. A bill by Mr. Hutchinson asking that title to lanes along Iho Des Monies river nt Ot tumwa bu given to thu C. H. As Q. luilroud , vvasoideicd engiosscd. All. Nelson intioduced u bill in tha house to assess vacant lots and lands equally with Ihoso impiovcd. Hy Air. Hobb A bill icstricting lion nliens in the right to hold icul estate1. Hv. Mr Wilson A bill to amend the cede * i elating to the time when township clerks , i shall lepoit delinquent load tux. The bill for an m t to piovnlo for the for- mationof independent school districts was or dered ungi ONsed. A message was received from the governor transmitting tliu supplementary rcpoit of the secietaiy of the stuto bourd of health , Thciowus a discussion on the bill provid ing foi llxing compensation of county super intendents. The point in debate was to clmngu thu salnty from $ .1 to $1 per day. The advocutcs of tliu change weiu Thompson uml Davis. Tlio mutter was unsettled at acl- jouinmcnt. Claimed to He a Kleptomaniac. Gonui N Gito\ i , la. , Jan. 31. [ Special Tel egram to thu Hi.b. ] Last , Thursday a mail giving tbo nnmo of J. A. Johnson , sold two foi tred notes in ttiis plucu beat ing ttio name of uvvcaltlij * fiiimcrof thlsvicinitj * . Thufoigcry was discovered Friday , and next day John son wus i i ested , Yesteiduy at Leon a i giand juiy indicted him and he went into court , pleaded gutltj * , lufunded most of tha money and was sentenced to the penitential y for three jcars. Ho ncknow ledge d ho liad ulicady suivcd two teims in thu litatu pilsou and claimed lobe u kleptomaniac Snloon-Kccpcrri. AIiMii.v , In , Jan. 31 [ Special to thu Her ] Tlio saloon war IH-IU lias broken out tinow. An Oakland constable , with u deputy fioia Shelb ) , stepped off Uiu west bound oxpiesi train this moining und began a quiet iccon- noisanco Tlirj visited thu diffei cut places vvheio the "indent" Is supposed to bo dealt out. and aimed with w an ants ptocccdcd to gatiier In two of thu piopnutois and took them to Oakland , vvhuro pielimlmiij * pro ceedings will bu commenced against them. i > I'iic at Dc'iilhon. DINI .OV , In , Jan ill. [ Special Telegram to thu HIT ] At I o'clock this morning thd storu building and n f J.5000 stock of goods of Ed. Fcgttoy , of Deloit , tills county , was wholly dcstrojcd by flic. Thu insurance ou thn stock was ubout 50 per cent. 1 Vgttcy H postmaster , and loses all liooks , mails , eto. Thu out-ill of the lire is unknown. Uolieving ; the Kiicl DUI.UTII , Minn , Jan. 31 [ Special Tele gram to the Hi i' 1 A recent older of the Nortliein Pacific road now In force stated that all motive powci and lolling stock now uvnilublo tor genual t radio shall bo used for ? hauling eoul to Uiocst , and for other pur- puses , all other freight , oven Including pets Uhublo fi eight , is delujcd because of tha uigcnt demand for coal. Tiioioud lias boon hauling u largo amount of logs fiom Cabtlo- ton uml ottif r pointH to Duliith c on ti acted la bu heie bufoiu Biiring something llku 10,0XJX ( too feet but this us well us oilier tiaftlo n < stopped for coal Hutwcen'JOO und " < 0 caia of fuel uiu being sent foi vsuid dally and tha coal companies uro all busy loading eais. I'orccd IillcnchH ofConvlolH. SINO SINO , N Y. , Jan. 31. To-moriovv' ; 1,200 convii Is hero nnd JIVl ut Clinton ) ) ribon. will becoma Ule und bo locked In their collrf , twenty two houin daily until the passes tlie bill making appropi iationa in prisons.