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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1888)
A HOST LIBERAL PEOPLE , The Citizens of Nebraska Display Tholr Qouoroelty. THE TRIBUTE TO DEVOTION. OvcrlOOOltnlscl Commtinlcntlons nnil Items Itclntlvc to the Good Online The Hull of Honor. Generosity At Grand Island. GiiA.s'ii ISLAND , Neb. , Jnn. 30. [ Speclnl TclcRrntn to the DnK.j Through the effort of traveling men who Sundnycd hero there hni been n purse of $ "i" > mined from them nnil Grand taliind business men for the bene fit of Mls Hlmttuek , which will be forwarded to you to-monow. .T. W. Fi.our.xcn , W. LJ. K\"T.MAX , E. DcNNiNditovr.x. Dcnilwood HcNponilH to flic Cull. DIAWVOOI > , Dak. , .Ian. 1)0. ) [ Special Tele gram to the Hni : . ] In response to the call Is sued by the Uii : : , the Dcadwood stock ex change will contribute 1)0N ( ) ( ) ( ) shares of min ing fttock , to bo sold for the benefit of the Miss Shattuck fund. Further particulars will bo sent by mall. K. D. Kni.i.r. NclirnHkn City Helps NnmuiKt CITY , Neb. , Jan. 30. [ Special to the Hii : . ] The Press has opened u fund for the benefit of Miss Shattuck , to which the citl7cns have responded most liberally , Roino&'K ) being subscribed In several hours. A number of young ladles have Interested themselves and will give a grand ball tomorrow - morrow evening , the proceeds to bo added to the fund. The Clalr Patteo dramatic com pany playing bore next week , will contribute one night's receipts. The Shnttuck Special Fund. Miss Etta Shattuck , tbo young school teacher who lost both limbs from the ex posure In the recent storm will bo incapaci tated for any service by which she may de rive a living. It is desired that $ ( ) , < XH ) be raised. If y < H ) persons will each subscribe not less than ! 0 this amount can be raised. The money need not bo paid until the full amount Is subscribed. This Is to be known as the "Shattuck Special Fund. " The following pledges to this fund have been received : John. ! . Monell . S 30 00 YfHtrrdny'H Contribution. Mr ; II. C. Cashman enclosed $10 , the amount donated by the citizens ot Kunnurd , Neb , , for Miss Koyce. Mr. N. I > . Spufford , the stationery dealer ofAurora , Nob. , sends $1 for Miss Free man. S. N. ICohn , u traveling salesman for the Kllpatriek-Korh dry goods company , sends $3 to bo equally divided between Misses Uoyce , Freeman and Shattuck. F. M. Currio , Papillion , contributes $2 , to bo divided between Misses Shattuck and Freeman. O. II. Toncray , cashier of the Farmers' & Merchants' National bank of Fremont , sends $10 , to bo divided as follows : Miss Shattuck , ? 5 ; Miss Hoyce , $3 ; Miss Freeman , W. Mrs. David Anderson , of South Omaha , fiends # > ; ) for Miss Shattuck , $1 for Miss Koyeo and $1 for Miss Freeman. A commercial traveler sends f 1 for Miss Shattuck. David Moore , a commercial traveler repre- ( tentative of the Superior Lumber company , sends $1 for Etta Shattuck Grace Hilkcr , of Omaha , sends tl for Etta Shattuck. The employes of nn Omaha dining hall send $ fi for Etta Shattuck. J. E. Snckot and Will Lawlcr. of the Eden Musee , send $10. to bo divided as follows : Minnie Freeman , ? 'J.50 : .Louise . Uoyce , $ ) ,50 ; Etta Shattuck , $5. The attaches of McCaguo I3ros' . bank send ? 22 for Miss Shattuck. N. II. Apple , the traveling representative of D. M. Steclo < fc Co. , sends S3 for the Koyce and Freeman funds. E. E. Leech , Ogulla , Neb. , sends $2 for Miss Shattuck. Mrs. W. A. Kccler , Gratton , sends ? 2to the Shattuck fund. .f. C. Allen , McCook , contributes ? o to the Shattuck fund. The chief quartermaster's oftleo , Depart ment of the Platte contributes . * 12.r > 0to Etta Slmttuclc. Louis Uradfonl sends S10 to the Shattuck fund. The employes of Louis Bradford contribute $13.25 to Etta Shattuck. , C. C. Field tontributes $1.50 , to bo divided between Misses Uoyco , Shattuck and Free man. James Vore contributes $2 to Miss Slmt- tuck. tuck.H. H. G. Clark send $0 to bo equally divided between the Shnttuck , Hoyco and Freeman funds. Ai'i'itnci vrr.s TIU : xcnvr. itnqrntii : > . FmnioNT. Neb. , Jan. 2'J. To the Editor of the HUB : Find enclosed my check for $10. Apply f'i to the Shattuck fund , ? 3 to the lioyco'nnd 2 to the Freeman funds. 'Thirty years experience In Nebraska cn- nblcs mo to appreciate the nerve and courairo necessary to face such dangers us came with thu storm of tlm 12th inst. C. H. TOXCUU- . TI1RY AXSWClt THE CAU , . * The employes of J. P. McDonald's dining linll in this city have subscribed $15 for Miss Hhattuck , "believing her the most needy. " A Kencrous contribution and should bu followed by other similar establishments. This is the llrst amount received from a icstaurant for these funds. . THE nnnx Musun. Tno Eden Musco has very generously sent the HIM ; & 10 for the Shattuck , Koyoo and Freeman funds. This is the llrst house of nuuisement to recognize courage and dfivo- tion. Who will bo the next ! . ritun TO DUTY. To the Editor of the Hni : : Enclosed find 51 for bravo Minnie Freeman as a testimonial to her courage. Her action was hi btrlking contrast to mule teacherr. In our own county , one of whom hunt his scholars , to their own homes ( some nearly two miles distant ) .ind then cowardly sought bis boarding phtco twenty rods from the school house. The other left his pupils at tlio school house and was going tp his boarding place , when ho was mot by n parent of one of the pupils , who or dered him luck tb the school huiibc , cnmg him with iliro vengeance if ho durod to Icuvo the school house again until every ' uipll had been provided for.Vo have some lurolnes In this county. Hravo Maggie Wer- fluid , n delicate young girl teaching in Center district , remained with her pupils all nlglitat the school housso rather than risit them to the danger : ) of the storm. I do not think too much can bo said in pralso of our brave young lady teachers thioughout the state who , in the hour of peril , pioved themselves true to their duty. N. P. Srvrrouu. THE hWITCMMCN. A committee from Lodge No. 11 , Switch' men's Mutual Aid association , Omaha , called ut the HEK ofllco yesterday and paid the. sum of KH ) , to bu distributed us follows : E'.tn Shattuck fill ; LouIseKojcuS. ) ; Minnie Freeman - man f5. The switchmen deserve especial jirulso for their very llhoriil contribution Their action should bo Imitated by other or ders , and probably will be. The ? : : ex tends thanks to the enterprising led o of S , M. A. A. for their efforts , in thu 'oodork A i. isTi.s'ii ciirnir. McCooic , Neb. , Jan. 30. To the Editor ol the Hr.n : Enclosed llnd my check for > foi _ J\liss \ I tta Shattuck. I am pleased to sec tin "citizens of Nebraska coming forward will bubstuutia.1 tribute to the thrco braveNcbraski teachers. Each young lady Is entit'cd ' tt substantial recognition by ujl the people. Ol 'all , however , the cuso of Etta Shattuck I the saddest and worthy of morn assistance It will be a lasting credit to tde people of tin state if a fund is raised that will put Mis Shattuck in comfortable circumstances tin balance of her life. Let us show the "ctTcti cast'1 what kind of people the "rowdy west' is > tnmle up of. JOHN C. Au.nx. THU nnvuroiii ) r.Mi'j-ovua. The names of the employes of Louis Hrad ford who subscribed to UioSluittuck fund m os follows : y. P. Grunlngcr . , . . . . * 1 0 AreulsEko . 2 ' , ' -E , E. Clarry. . . . : . 2 3. A. McDonald. . ; . ' . Christ. Johnson . , . , . , . . ' . . . . 1C tcorg Jolmsou , , , , , . , < . ; . . ' . . . . 10 aines Frcwcn 1 00 i. G. StcvenRon 4 M ) A. F. LlndiUi | ; . . -y > Fred Christlnnson. . . , . . ' , , . 1 < K ) } . L. Hradley 1 W Total < 13 25 Till : MIl.lllIH ANII 1MIEY LIST. Messrs. U. H. Miller nnd John Prey clrcu- ated n subscription paper . \cstcrdayfor the lenellt of Miss Etta Slmttuck. Thcso gentlc- iien rained f-lU.M ) and are entitled to great redit for thq interest manifested by theui , flu : following Is the list : From the employes of the Omaha Coal , 'olto and Lime company : . A. Sutherland t 2 00 L. T. Siimlerland 100 leorgeH. Miller 2 ( K ) jeorge Anderson 1 00 ames Falconer 1 ( X ) VlllardJ. Smith 1 m > ank Donnelly 1 ( X ) 'atriek Donnelly 1 ( X ) lenry WciUko 1 00 ohnV. . Leverton 1 ( X ) Anton Klrkegard 1 ( X ) . Ilnnscn ; 1 ( H ) V. M. Haty 1 ( X ) akoHuty " " 1 00 lurry Newhousu 1 00 Total * 17 ( X ) From the employes of Jeff W. lledford Joal company : 'rank McElhany * 1 IX ) Jen Helton 1 ( X ) 'eto Peterson 1 ( X ) nines H. Shirk 1 00 leorgo F. Kiser ) Win. Heed W ) W. N. McLean W ) 1'hos. P. Norris 1 ( X ) W.E.Chino r,0 Oscar Smith 1 00 ieorge Eckert TiO off Hates Ml lohn Lindsey 1 00 Parley Evans . . 1 00 Total $11 00 From other friends of the good cause. fohn Pray $ 1 00 lames Hcuumont 100 ' , . F. Mostellar 1 00 W. M. Scott 1 ( X ) ash 1 ( X ) 1'hos. Collopy 1 ( X ) tcorgo H. Strykcr 1 00 \V. W. Way 100 ' * . H. Case 1 ( X ) 1. P. Knowlton 50 \I.T. Coffee 50 . T. Jacobs 50 Veil Hruening 50 Win. S. Adair 50 lohn IHldabrand 7 50 J. A. Wnllbridgc 50 Jharlcs Nelson 50 'onus ' Johnson 50 W. H. Stevens 25 V. L. Nicholas 25 I. J. Honner ' . ' 5 ohn H. Contl 25 ili.s.s Sarah Chnimo 25 ohn A. Pondquist 25 V. ( leenonds 25 I. G. Stalder 25 Total $15 50 Grand total 43 50 THK ItOMj OK HONOR. Those- Who JIuvc JlccoKiilzcd and Devolion. The UKC fund was oiwncd six days ago , ct dul'ing that time more than ono thousand lollars has been received for the benefit of N'ebi uska's heroines. The interest thu people ire manifesting in this mutter is a credit to ho state , and it can safely be expected that his wool : will increafcc. the fund by n argo amount. What has been accomplished n this direction is' , it Is predicted , but u shadow of the result which may be announced it the. close of the present week. Letters af cneouracoment , enclosing substantial evidence of the writer's sympathy , ire being received by every mail , nnd the ippreciation of the people of this state is bo ng developed to a gratifying extent. In these columns every contribution , , however - over small , will bo credited to the donor and orwardcd to the proper parties. The roll of honor can not increase too rap- dly. Space in the HEK is valuable , yet it cndcrs to the people of Nebraska the unre- itrlctcd use of Its columns for the publicu- ion of contributions to this worthy cause. Is , our nnmo written thcicj If not , sec to it hat jou arc promptly enrolled among "those who have recogni7cd courage and devotion. " KTTA bllATTL'CK FUX1) . iVillinm Hudson $1.00 Dodge htreet school ti.X ( W. D. Mathews , of O'Neill 5.00 f. H. Dunn 1.00 Traveling men 15 00 " ourt house ofticials and employes , by Mrs. Howe 31 00 Traveling man 1 00 AnnloHiennick , Lhinlap , [ , i 200 ElsasserHiOs 1 DO lohn Hamlin 3 00 M. A. Upton ' . 5 00 "ThoHoyMit A. H. Huberman's" 500 Family of O. J. Wilde 5 50 H. II. Andrews 5 00 II. W. Cremer 5 00 Jacob Williams 2 00 Cash 2 ( H ) Marks Hros. ' Saddlery Co 10 ( X ) Dr. I' . S. Leihcring 5 00 Cash TO J. W. Foley 25 Mrs. Daubaum 200 Mrs. Huston 2 ( X ) Teachers Hickory school 1 00 Frank Atkinson 5 00 Marks Hros Saddlery ( 'o. , additional. . 250 John Kowo & Co. and employes b 25 Wooley & Sutphen list J 1 ' . ) , " > W. Hudson list s (0 ( Mrs. C. Xanbrowski's list 75 00 George Heyn 500 J. A. Wakefleld 10 00 fudge E. Wakely 10 00 W. P. Mumaugh ] 00 Savage , Morris & Davis 500 Josephine Carroll 1 00 D. T. Mount 1 00 Division IS : ) , U. of L. E 10 00 O.K. Pratt , Council HlnfTs 1 00 W. L. Wilson , Nebraska City 5 00 Three traveling men 3 ( XI Commercial traveler i 00 D. M , Strong , North Hend 1 00 C. P. Sfhwcr. Hebron 2 00 C. W. Mosher , Lincoln 5 00 John J. Monell J5 OU Mrs. Lncinda Monell 25 ( X ) Henry Lubker , Columbus 2 00 John Hnwors , Friend 1 00 Charles Elguiter 1 00 Employes J. P. McDonald ti.OO S. N. Kohn 1.00 F. M. Cunie , Papilliou 1.00 C , 11. Toncray , Fremont 5.00 Mrs. D. AmVirfcon , South Omaha 300 Commercial traveler. . . . l.oo David Moore , traveler 1.00 Grace linker 1.00 Attaches McCaguo Hros1. bank SJ.oo E. 1C. Leech. Ogallnla 2.00 Mis. W. A. Kccler , Graf ton 'i ( K ) J. C. Allen. Mc-t'ook 5.00 Louis Hrndford . . 10,00 Chief qiuuterinahtor's office , depart ment of Platte 12.50 Eden Musco 500 Employes of Louis Hradford 13,25 Miller & Prey list 43.50 C. C. Field 50 James Voro 2iOO It. G. Clark 2.00 Ledge No. U Switchmen's Mutual Aid association- 40.CO Total $50435 . ' ' . . I.OU1SU IIOU'U KL'.SI ) Hlair State bank , Hl.ilr $ 2 00 L. I ) . Kichnrds , Ficmont 5 00 Willis M. Yntes , C.V. \ . Hlgglns , C. A. Callard , A. D. Ton/nlln , George F. Lcakc , John A. Templflon 3 00 E. Uosowatcr. editor HKI : 1000 Theodore Williams , Omaha 10 00 Members of HIT. staff 1000 Joseph Nnlkin 50 E. M. Hill & Sons , Heatrieo 2 50 Walter V. Filiold 2 IX ) Commercial traveler , Oniah. ' . 1 00 A. Fcrninn , Omaha 1 00 John Grant , Omaha 500 Lake School C5 00 "Lockwood Neb. " 250 Mechanics Hose Co. , Fremont 7 00 iMi-d School , , t 15 00 O. W , Mosher , Lincoln 2 50 Two traveling men 50 J. F. Coots C 00 Traveling men 1400 Court house ofllejals and duplexes , by 'Mrs. Howe J5 CO Charles GeroW 3 00 Africnd. ' . , 500 Elsasser Hros , . . . . ( b'\ ' \ State Industrial ScliooJ , Kearney. , . , . ; . 10 oo Wooley & Sut phcn 1M ; 41 75 Tcacheis Hicko.ry school : ' , . 1 oo fplin Kowo and cmpSojcs- ; . . . . ; . ' . . . . 4 ( X ) J. A. Y/akcileia ; . . . ' . , , . . , 6 WJ W. P. Mumnmth , I 00 Savage , Morris & Davis. . . . ' . ft 00 T. D. Cobbey , Wymore , Neb 2 00 D.T.Mount. 1 00 Division list. H. of L. E 1000 Three traveling men. . . . ; 3 00 Commercial truveler 1 00 D. M. Strong , North Hcnd 1 00 C. P. Schwer. Kelvin 2 00 Chnrlcg Elgutter 1 W ) Cltlrcnsof Kcnuurd 10 00 S. N. Kohn 1 00 F. M. Currio 1 ( X ) C. H. Tonerny - . a 00 Mrs. D.'Andcrson 1 50 N. P. Apple 2 50 EdenMuseo , 2 50 C. C.FIcld 50 H. G. Clark , 2 ( X ) Lodge 11 , S.M. A. A 500 Total $201 25 MINXII : rnr.n.MAX fi'XD. Hlalr State bank , Hhilr T. $ 1 00 G. M. Lnmbcrtson , Lincoln 5 ( X ) L. D. Hlehnrds , Fremont 5 00 Employes Nebraska National bank , Omaha 3 00 E. Koscwater , editor Uisu 5 00 Members HII : : staff 1000 Joseph Nelkin 50 Walter V. Fifleld , Geneva 8 ( X ) M. V. Gannon , Omaha 1 ( K ) Commercial traveler , Omaha 1 ( X ) A Forinan , Omaha , 1 ( X ) H. W. Furiias , Hrownvillo 1 00 John Grant , Omaha 1000 Lake School 5 ( X ) "Lockwood Neb. " 2 50 Mechanics Hose Co. , Fremont 4 ( X ) C. W. Mosher , Lincoln 250 Two traveling men 50 Traveling men 14 00 County officials and court house em ployes , by Mrs. Howe 15 00 Charles Gerald 2 IX ) A Friend 5 00 State Industrial School , Kearney 15 ( X ) John Howe and employes 4 ( X ) J. A. Wnkefleld 2 00 Judge E. Wukelcy 5 ( X ) AV. P. Mumaugh 1 ( X ) Savage , Morris & Davis 5 00 T. D. CobbeyVymoro 2 00 D. T. Mount 1 00 Division Ib3 , H. of L. E 10 00 Three traveling men 300 Commercial traveler 1 00 D. M. Strong , North Hend 100 C. P. Sellwer , Hebron 1 ( X ) Charles Elgutter 1 ( X ) N. P. SpafTord , Aurora ; 1 00 S. N. Kohn 1 ( X ) C. H. Toncray 2 00 Mrs. D. Andcrso 1 ( X ) Ledge 11 , S. M. A. A 5 00 N. H. Apple 2 50 Eden Musee 2 50 C. C. Field 50 H. G. Chirk 200 Total - . ? 1W ( 50 THI : cnu.imuN's ruxn. This fund belongs exclusively to the chil dren , and the amounts contributed will be used for the purpose of erecting a monument over the graves of the little Westplmlen girls. It is a pennv collection. From pupils of the Izurd school , § 11.42. Annie and Hessiu Cameron 3 CO Total S 14 48 The "IJec" Fund. The present condition of the four funds opened by the HII : is as follows : Etta Shattuck $50435 Louise Hoyco 201 25 Minnie Freeman . 1M.50 Westphalcn monument fund. ' 14.43 Grand total . " 1O.JC.5S The Generous Traveler. Liberality Is n characteristicof ; the com mercial traveler. Already representatives of the fraternity have contributed liberally to the Unr. fund , nnd each mail .contains addi tional donations from this source -It is to bo hoped that the good work will continue among the tourists. lie Wilt Lecture. OMAHA , Jan. CO. To thoEditorof the BEE : If any one will donate the use of a church or other suitable hall for the purpose , ! will de liver a lecture , "The trial and conviction of Jesus Christ , " in Omaha , and also in. any towns in Nebraska , the entire proceeds to go into the "Bcc fund , " for the relief of those who suffered in the late storm. ANUIIEW BEMIB , Toner's Tribute. Last night Colonel I. S. Toner , the South Tenth street jeweler and auctioneer , for warded to Miss Sliuttuek , a handsome and costly Indies' gold watch and Dickon's works complete in. six volumes. The colonel is tak ing nn active interest in the fund for Miss Shattuck , and uxpects-to turn in quite u sum from his lectures explanatory of the four his torical pictures on exhibition at his place of business. Generous Policemen. Jailors Torn Ormsby and Al Sigwart , at the central station , have opened a subscription paper for the bcnellt of the storm heroines , Misses Shattuck Hoyco and Freeman , nnd to which the officers nro liberally responding. The amount rais-cd will bo sent to the Hen during the latter part of the week. Officers Ormsby and Sigwart are descrvlnc of much credit for their efforts in behalf of the bravo girls. The Children's Work. Touched by the sad tulo of the death of the Westplmlen children , Annie nnd Hcsslo Cameron , two little Omaha- girls began a col lecting tour. In a short time they raised by penny contributions the sum of ? 3.0fl for the children's fund. The little women deserve great credit for their faithful worn and their graceful tribute to the memory of the child heroine is especially pleasing. It is to bo hoped Unit others may imituto the example of He&sio and Annie Cameron. The Windsor Hotel Fund. Sunday , Messrs. Schlanck & Prince , of the Windsor hotel , set an example that should bo followed by every hotel keeper in the city. They headed a subscription list with f5 for the three heroines of the late lilii/anl , and circulated it among the guests of the house. Last night $43 had been sub scribed , and the list will bo kept open for several days. Daily acknowledgments will bo printed in the LJii : : . Half of the amount collected will bo given Miss Sliuttuek , and the remainder Divided between Misses Free man and Hoyco. To the Veterans. Miss Etta Shattuck , who lost her limbs in the performance of a sacred duty in the re cent terrible storm , being the only support oj nn aged father , wo earnestly request of every soldier , to send In his mite , bo it ever t > o small , as a fund to bo presented to MissShat tuck , in appreciation of her heroic conduct and as a token of esteem for an old soldlei and comrade. Subscriptions will bo received nt Kaufman Kros' . cigar store , 207 South Fifteenth street. Give name of company and regi ment. An Rntcrtnlnincnt. The Omaha branch of the Puget Souml Co-operative colony have decided to give an entertainment on the evening of February S , for the benefit of the Shattuck fund. Two thousand tjckets will bu placed on sale , the price of admission being 2 > o. The character of the entertainment will be vocal and instrumental miuic , comic speeches , dialogues , etc. , and the -talent on tircly voluntary. It was decided that a rcjiort bo furnlshet ] nil thu daily papers , and that they bo re quested to render all the assistance possible in oulci1 that the success it deserves may be assured. _ _ _ _ _ To thu Ijiulles. The eaf.o of Etta Shattuck affords the ladies of Omaha an excellent opportunity tc cxeit their Influence in a worthy direction , It is proposed to raise n fund of $ iOcX ! , ) to be known 113 the "Shattuck Special Fund. " This fund U to be made up of contributions ol not less thun $ .50. If 200 nersons will con tribute to this fund the amount can be easily raised. These contributions can bo securec if each lady of this city who has the time will mnkn it a point to cnl upon some friend who is financially able and solicit the contribution ol * : i ( ) lo thrr'Shattuek Special Fund. " . The Hni places implicit confidence in the ability of tin ladies of Onmlm to rnuu this fund. Thi amount-invested in bonds will supirart pooi EUu sUftUuclt foe life , . She 13 ikscrviPi.atu In need. The cffprt-nvlll ccrtnlnly bo n pleas ure to'idlcs , nfl It Is more than , prob able that their cffal-ta wil bo crowned with success.VIUcnchOndy who can jKissibly spare the time determine to personally visit some acquaintance and solicit a pledge of 130 in the event that the $0,000 is raised I It can 1)0 done with the Mfiistnnco of the ladles. Will they enlist in the catisol To the Printer * and Htcreotyiicrs. Generosity to a fault is n characteristic of the printer. An appeal In behalf of n worthy cause is not likely to bo In vain , when pre sented to this class i of busy men. It Is not : ho history of the past , and probably will not be the fact of the faturo that the average nrlnt" rolls In luxury , J et in Omaha the representatives of this class are fairly paid. It would not bo necessary to sny that they can afford to contribute to the Etta Shnt- iuck fund. The very fact that the poor girl lias been deprived of her limbs , appeals : o iho generous nature of the printers of Omaha ; and while the representatives of ihis class are not overburdened with cash their response will certainly bo as prompt as it is cheerful. The Hin : suggests that the union printers of Omaha meet and fix n day upon which ear h will set n thousand type for the bcnellt of Etta Shattuck. The stercotypcrs , too , can add to the fund 1 > .V the donation of the proceeds of an hours' : linu on the sumo day. Will the printers ami stercotypcrs net ! If they do not they will break the re cord. A Correction. In the publication of Mrs. L. Jnnskowskl's 1st in yesterday's ' HEK several errors were nado in the names. Mr. C. H. Sweeney , Mr. It. Purvis , Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Gnrncniiand Mr. L. Jnnskowski each contributed very liberally to the fund. A Jack at Auction. At the Pnrkc sale of Clyilcselalcs , at Lincoln , Nob. , Pobninry 1 , IS88 , wo will neil to the highest bidder ono of the lincst jnckB in the west , known UH Black Warrior. Stands lei hands high. Weighs about 1,100 pounds. Seven yearn old , and perfect in cvory respect. Thin is a grand opportunity for seine ono who wants a No. 1 registereel animal with pedigree. E. A. HOWE. A fturplus in the Fire Fund. Comptroller Goodrich tins been examining Into the finances of the fire department ami finds that during the past six months the ex penses of the department were S2Ki'J.Ul : less than the amount of money on baud. Dleuoia Safes. Call and see the largo stock Mcnghcr Lunch , general agents , have on hand at 1416 Farnain st. , Omaha. Grand Charity llnll. Instead of n fancy dress ball , the affair to bo given at Exposition hall for charitable purposes Tuesday evening , February 7 , is to be n grand uall , n select event in all details. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purl ty. strength and wliolesomcness. More econom ics Itlmn the ordinary kinds , nnd cannot bo sold In competition with the multitude of low cost , short welRht alum or phosphnto powders. Sold only In cuns. Hoynl Baking Powder Co. , iw : Wall St. . New York. GEORGE L CLARK , SOLE AGENT. The BEST and MOST POPCIiAH Thread of Modern Tlmet. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS , WHOI.FSAI.K BV Kii.i'ATiiiCK-Kocil Dry Goods Co. M. K.SMITH A : Co. 1'AXTON , OAl.l.Ad VEIl & CO. SLOAN , JOHNSON & Co. AND AT 1IUTA11. 0V S. I' . MOHHK A ; Co , llAYDKN HltOS. THOMPSON , HELDKX & Co. CHAS. SiNfiKi'i , South Omaha , anil all first- cliibrf retail dealers. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. The only S3 SEAMLESS Oboe In the worlil.wltU out tacki or nail * . , . . Finest Calf , perfect and warranted. Coogn' llullon and Lncc. all ityloloe. A lyJli' * and durable as lliou coitlnrJJortl.lloy all wear the W. I. . DODULAS , 2 sl > * jgf GE | j ito-p i n utM f tMk BbM ] \V. I. . DOUOLA8 .BO H1IOE U unei- celled torbeavy wear. If nonold by your dealer write W. L. DOUGLAS. Urocktou , Man. For sale by Kelley , Stiver & Co. , Corner Dodge and 15th Sts. ; II. Sargent. Corner Seward and Sargent Sts. , * Geo. S. Miller , 612 North 10th Street. SteekPiano Iteinarkablejor powerful synip.v tTielTc lone. plIablHjictlnn nnil al > ? o7ule dTiritliiTlty. W yeariTri'coidT the bf t nuarantt'o fit thu exitl- Iplicimt these I WOGDBKBROS , JiniCIOUS AND PERSISTENT Aihcrtlflutr luu always provcu guccessful. Jlcforo placing'any Xuwapaper Advertising coniu't ' LORD * THOMAS , IDTIBTISISQ iCKSTS , CLEANING UP ! Our patrons , who at the opening of past seasons , have examine our stock of men's and boy's clothing , will endorse when we state that we enter a second season with new goods only. Our spring goods are already on the way , and we must make room for them , We have not the space to carry over a heavy stock of winter goods as is done by most clothiers. Our largely increased business compels us to utilize every foot of room in our establishment for the transaction of our ailybusin ess and we are therefore cent > eied to close out every hea vy weight garment on our counters. To do this we make any necessary - * ry sacrifice in pricess. The reductions we have made on overcoats land suits , and the values we are offering , will surprise everybody. To bargain seekers this is the greatest opportunity , as the pri ce of every1 garment is about one half what other houses ask for same qualitie s. To make a clearance of a large lot of all wool scarlet shirts and drawers , we offer them at 35c. This is an immense bargain , as they are good , heavy goods and would , in the early season , be cheap at 75c. What little tliere is left of Fur , Jersey and Knit Caps , is offered at one-half what they are worth. Closing out odds and ends of gloves , furs and mufflers , at greatly reduced prices. All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one pried. i Clothing Company Corner Douglas and 14th , Streets , Omaha * MEDICAL f ° siRfficAL INSTITUTE , N. W. Cor. 13th SL Dodge Sts. BR.A.OE3S , APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRUSSES. Best facilities , apparatus and remedies for sue ccssfuf treatment of every form of disease requir ing Medical or Surgical Treatment. FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Hoard and attendance ; best hospital accommo dations in the west. WRITH roil CIRCULARS on Deformities nnil Braces , Trusses , Club Feet , Curvature of the Spine , Piles , Tumors , Cancer , Catarrh , Ilror.chitis , Inhalation , Electricity , Paralysis , Kpifensy , Kid ney , Bladder , Kye , Kar , S'-iu ' and Blood , and all Surgical Operations. Diseases of Women a Specialty. BOOK on DISEASES or WOKEN FntE. ONL7 &ELIABL2 MEDICAL INSTITUTE MiKINO A BPECIALTT OF PRIVATE DISEASES. All nlood Disease1 ? successfully treated. Syph ilitic I'olson removed from the t > > stem without mercury. New restorative treatment for loss > ol Vital 1'ower. I'ersons unable to % isitustnay be treated at home by correspondence. All commu nications confidential. Medicinesor instruments sent by mail or express , securely packed , no marks lo Indicate contents or render One per sonal interview preferred. Call and consult us or s > cnd history ° f your case , and we will scud iu plain u rapper , our BOOK TO MEN , FREE ; Upon frixate. Special or 'Nervous Diseases , Impotency - potency , Sjpnilis. Gleet nnd Varlcocele , ttith question list. Address Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , ot DR. McMENAMY , "Cor. taihandDodceSU. . . OMAHA.NEB. 1742 Lti'vrcnoo St. , Denver , Col. Of the Missouri Ptato Museum of Anatomy. St. Louis , Mo. , Diversity College Hospital , Lou- don , Glrsen. Germany and New Yorlc. Havl devoted their attention SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT OF DISEASES. More- especially those nrlslns from Impru dence , invuo nil bo suffering to correspond with out delay. Diseases of Infection and contagion cured safely and npecdlly without USD of dan- Keroui druijH. 1'atlentn whoso cases have been neglected , badly treated or pronounced Incur able , should not fall to wrltnus concerning their symptoms. All letters receive Immediate atten tion. JUST PUBLISHED , And will bo mailed I'UIJK to any address on ro- celpt of one y-cent stamp , "Practical Obsarva- tlmis on Nervous Debility and ] > hy : < lcal IXli.uis- tion , " to which Is added an "llssay on Mar riage , " with Important chapters on diseases of the Reproductive Organs , the whole forming a valuable medical treatise which ( should bo road byullyouns men. Addiess DBS , S , and D , DAVIESON , 1742 Liuvrenco St. , Denver , Col. Heaith is Wealth ! UK. U. C. WKST'B NEIIVI : AND HIUIN TIIKAT. ME NT , RUHranleed s-peclflc for lljaierla , UUzl. ness. C'onuilslons. Fits. Nervoui N ural l Heartache , Nervou * rrostratlon caused by tlx use of alcuHol or totacco , Wakefulneas. Menial Depression. Hort-ulnj ? of the llraln rebiiltliic In Insanity and If adlnK to inliery. decay and death. J'rcmatiiroDld A e. llurrer.aoj , Los1 } of power In either sex. Involuntary I.os cS ? Ud S-permat- orrhfL'aeausedliyover-exertlon. of Ilia train Belt- nbusB or ovor-lndulcBiicP. I'.ach box rotita.1 ! ! ' one month's treatment. II CCa box. or lx boxes for f\f. sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price. 1VK OUAKANTKK SIX ItUXKS Tocureanycaso. With each order received by 113 fur sU UOXPI , accoinpanleJu'llli J'l.iw , xvuwlfl bend the purchaser our written luiaranten to i * inml tiio money If the treatment does not etlert a cure. Guarantees Ihbiifil only byC. 1' . ( ! ( ) ( ) ! MAN. Dnm-gist , Sole Aytjnt , 1111Fwnaiu SU A CONSULTATION , ( The Only Hope ) CARBOLIC SMOKE BALL , Why were over n.OOO 'Tnrbollc Smoke Itall-i" Hold In ( linnliu In the past year ? lirrnuso It lm proved to be th" only Mire nnd nerinnnvnt cure for Catarrh , Asthma , Bronchitis , Noural- Kla , Croup , Catarral Deafness , Diphtheria , C'olds , etc. l-'KKKTKSTSKlvi'Uiitonr olllcii f rom 8 u. in. to 8. p.m. Sent by mull on receipt of price , JL' , nnd 4o postage. Oebelutor , ! 1 additional. CARBOLIC SMOKE BALL Creighton Block , Omaha , Neb. O. H. CURTIS , PKCI. J.JUtRD THOMPSON , 8tc. TdEA * . MANUFACTURERS AND DbALCRS IN COTTON LINEN & RUDDER HOSE COTTON LEATHER A RUBBtd BELTING. OIL. RUBBER * QOS- SAMER CLOTHING DRUG- ilGISTS' RUBBER SUNDRIES " HARDWARE A SPORTSMEN'S TOY AND STATIONER'S AND EVERY KINO OF RUBBER GOODS. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. DR. HORNE'S Electro-Magnetic Belts ! The Grandest Triumph ol Electric Science ' Sclent"'ealy ' | Made and Practically Applied. CtntlmeB' Belt Stf llti _ Nitfa-Icttric fledJcIli | ( DISEASES CURED WITHOUT MEDICINES , IT WlLL CURE YOUf ; , : : eI ? , ti0 ? ? 1n7J.IjlJJ.b : : natlim. PuralnU , Nr r l U , NrlatleUttturi of KMnrji , Unlnul IHwcwf. 'lorold IJ tr , U.ul. fc.k.u.d. . . K l-.lg. . . A.lbu , . . - Ile.rt. ! . . . . . . l 7.nep. . . . C * tlp > tlon. Krialp.lM. lndlKtlun , Weaknru. lapuuner , : urrli , l'llf , Epllrp.j iimlt Ague , DU licUa , UfdroitU , Ulood Dlnrxratroptj le. , Ibeu tkl < belt U jiutwliat jou act * iiuu Can WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS. TCOTIIiniilll 6 _ iry onvpcnulceandniri ] by rmliilon. NOTE the following who ban beau I Co llnlUIHRLw Vl'Iiriii-A ' , J. llcaKlti.J , ll. H. IMrkertnd J.M. lUileltalien Ho.r'l pf Tr Jo , , . Vardi lluddl > ubl .thirrtatbonemanUiil ( ) oiin ll , Chlcajoi A Urritorr coniml < ilon mcrchinl.Block ) | of iha/nr.r OfMniO. W. D . jJonnonto.n. low. , I..muelIMlTk. Kankal ; . .lll I Judice I. ft. , . . . . . . . . . . . llayv * * aiioerfomnei * immeuiawiy , and iirouiiciri ttnew ciruuiaiiuu w * * io .U. D. - lurtinn"TlKOf. : > rofiirtb.enern and h ltb. wli D allolter IruHiucnl h i filled. Tbe uiorlU uf Uflo n ll "K belnz r5c" U "T ' > dlniiori d by tboui nd whom It ' ' " ' ' " . ' ' ' ( .hleaBO wholtiale RUPTURE y.S&'ff DR. HORHE'S ELEGTRQ-MAfiNETIC BELT.TRUSS.