Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1888, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; TUESDAY , JANUARY 31 ; 1888 , SPECIAL NOTICES. No AcUcrt'lM'inriilH will bo taken Tor those ooliitntiH nflcr ItitilO p. in. H Cnsli lu ndvnticc. Advertisements oncer tills head , 10 rents p < r line for tlio tint insertion. 7 cents for each Bub- * cttc | > nt Insertion , and 11.50 a line per month. Nil advertisement takin for less tfmn 25 cnts tor HIP first Insertion. Bcven words will be otintcd to tlio line ! they must run consecutive- lyi and must ho paid n advance. All advertise ments must ba fmndcil In befor * 1 : n o'clock p. m , and under no circumstances will they betoken token or discontinued by telephone. . Parties advertising In these column * and hay ing the answers addressed In earn of the Dee , VIII pen ] nask for a rheck to i > nnblo them to $ ? ot their letters , ai none will bn delivered except on presentation of check All answers to ad- VCTilKi-ments should be enclosed In envelopes. All advertisements In these columns are pub- llshc'd In both morning and jvenlng editions of the lion , thu circulation of which aggregates more than 15.UX ) papers dally , and gives the ad * Tcrtlsers the btini-flt , not only of the city flrcu- latlon of the Ilco , but also of Council lllnirs. Uncoln , nnd other cities und towns throughout this part of the nest. ' BRANCHJFFICES AdrrrMslngfortlioso columns will betaken , on the ubovo conditions , at thecfollowlng bus iness houses , who are authorized agents for TUB VKK special notices and will quote the same rites as can ba had at the main olllce , ' JOHN w. HELL , K.O S. 10th .Street. CHASi : * KI > nr. 2rlntcro and. Engravers , 1 US. loth Street. S. It. FAKNSIVOHTII , X = liama.acl3tf 2115 Cumlng Street. or.o. w. 1 OJ St. Murj 's Avenue. it. H.WHITEHOUBE. F3a.arm.adat , Hth un-1 Webster Streets. O. HEUTHEK , I To-wa Dealer , Post Olllcc. South Omaha. SITUATIONS WANTED. AYOir.VO lady would llko position as stenographer and typewriter. Address X 70. Ilee. WANTED A position by n young man In a wholesale ) 01 retail house , wholesale pre ferred ; will ilo unjthing : can lend emplovor t'W and furnish best of references. Address X 73. Ilee olltce. 317-1 "VTOUNO man with ! > > ears' prnctlral business JL cxptrleme wants.a situation , cither Indoors or out. balary to start no object. Ago 24. Ad ilross X04 Ileo olllce. 28J 30 * W ANTED Position as traveling salesman , address X 0(1 ( , Heo olnce. 302 4 WANTED-Sltuatlons. I.ndlns in need of do- mestlc-help can have their cutlers tilled V Ithont notice by calling and selecting for them fwilv es. Our w lilting rooms are constantly tilled. Canadian Emplovment olllce , Mrs. lltega A , Son. , ! 11 S. 15th St. Tel. PR4. 222 ; WAN'I ED A position ns manager of a orug store , 10 years'experience , leglstored by examination in Iowa : speak German and Eng lish. Address X BO. Heo. 247 3' WANTEU--MAI.E HELP. WANTED-l smart , active boy , 18 years old for nstaiirant , 1 smart , active , intelll cent.boyto le.un Jowelei's trade , 1 baker , : rolortd vv alters , 1 cook for hotel. Omaha Em liloymunt llurtau. 324,10 WANTED Salesmen for Nebraska , by largo lloston tea linpoi ting house an ronstoisof lilghcst guides of coffees. Unquestioned lettoi.s us to expel lenco , ability , honesty and chuructet must accompany application ; permanent posi tion to light putty ; teims , commission basis _ . . . Until value Is . -1-1- * your proven.11 Western lliunch WInslow , Hand A , Watson \ , 420 West 5th Bt. , Kansas Clty.Mo. N10 W ANTED A llrst-class pantaloon makc-r Addtess T. P. Honshaw , Long Pino. Neb 21)7 ) 2 * \\7 ANTED Manager for Wurnervillo CanniiiB T T Co. , at Warnerv llloNeh. Address ( Ico. A. Lallmor , Secy. 2bl 30 WANTED A good white piano player at once , ut the Ocm , 822 Dodge st. Pearl Hockey. 242 Jl ) * "WANTED A salesman to travel. Must bo a TT worker. 231)1 ) Doilgo st , Omaha. 201)2' " \j\TANTED A reliable man with small means TT can find n protllublo business by addressing - ing X 45. He o. 147-1J VlfANTEO In oveiy county In Nebraska , re- TT llablo energetic men to well goods by so liciting for a well established nilg company jiermuncnt unplojimnt to HID right men , no capital or oxDurlenco necessary , reference re- qtllrccl , address Hoytfl , Oniuliu , Nob. (30fl3 W ANTED Men for railroad vvoik. XT- brlght's Labor Agency , 1120 Fnrnam. 085 WANTED--FEMALE HELP. WANTED-YoniiB ghl for light house- work , small tainily. Inquire Iteoollko. \ \ 7ANTEDloveniess about 30toleavotho T > city ; hoiisekcopcrforianchwosteniNeb. ; voman cook for Columbus ; 2 cooks for lie- litrlce , good vviigoH ; gills for housework in and out of city ; illnlng loomglrls ; young girl to as- Kist moinings and uv unlngs for board , ( 'unadlan Kinnloynii'iit ollkc , Mrs. Hroga and Son , aid S ] 5th. Tolophonu f--4. ! X3-JO ! ; WANTED 25 girls , general housework , 1 chambermaid. 2 dlnliii'-iooiu gills , 1 cook for Keuiney , Neb. , faro paid. 1 girl pslvato family , at t > ewaid. Neb. , faro paid. Lots of good places. Omaha Employment Itureau , HU K. ICln st. 3r.5 3U A NTED-A good cook. Apply N. E. corner 2lHtand Welsterbts. 315 31 ' ANTED House keeper 6ut of city , middle agn American , a splendid placu to the right pai ty ; 10 K'I ' Is for general hmifu < w 01 k. We have homo hiUnilld ) places. Our now parlors aio luiu- open , ( iatu City Employinent oQlce. 315 S. 15th , rooms 3 and 4. 288 30 * \\7 ANTED-Girl to tlo general liounowork ; i T none but tlrtt-class need apply ; good vuges paid. N ( Tcor22d and llurdottu hts. 278 30 \WANTEO Sciindlnav Ian girl for store-work T T and housukeepliii ; , 2011 Cuniltig st.2UJK11 2UJK11 * < l\7'ANTiD-Glrl : for gom-ral housework. * T Must bo a good cook. Heforuiices 10- huirod. Apply No. 1002 Park av e. 250 31 I y AN/lED-Nurso girl. 718 N. 21st st. 30930 " \\7"ANTED , Uirl forgenorul housnuork , small T > family , good w linen , apply 2 > CS Farnam st. 223 \\fANTED Imuwllatoly , ladles to work for a \v lioloMiJu house on net dlew ork at their liomes. ( Sent any distance. ) Good pay can bo made. Everything fiirnl hi > d. Particulars Tiee. Address Artistic Needlework Co. . 1158th ut. . New York City. 187 \T ANTED Ladies in city or country , for our holiday trade , to take light , pleasant work MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. "VXrANTED Ladles to use "Chlchester's Eng- T llth Diamond llraml. Pennyroyal Pills. Bufo. Alvvavsrullablo. The orlglnul. The only et-liulne. Ask druggist or send 4c htniiipb for imrtlcularN , letuin mull. Chlchoater Chemical Co. , PhllMlulrlila , 1'q. itrr 7 ANTED A lady nom mate. Iniulro fitt ! 8. isthst. ht. Map ' 8 ave. 2.1531 ? CANADIAN Employment olllce , main and fo- liuilo help sent to all parts If faro Is ad- \nuccd. Itcfurunce , Omaha National bank , Jlrs. llrega A bon , 310 S. 15th. Tol. t4. BOARDING. 1/HHSTclass lioard with heated ro < ims , $4 W n -I ? wuvk , .111 h Uth.Uotneen Harney and Fur natii ; uNo furnished looms. 211 f II * "OKI VATKbourdliib' , II n vvook , 1U15 IKMRP. ] WANTED-TO WANTEl > A small European hotel or a Hal of 10 to 15 looms suitable for roomers. Ail clicss X _ 3lleoollico. _ _ MV _ V\7AN'11U ) To rout vacant i-oom to ston T > some furnlturu. rent not to osceed 15in \ mouth. Address X4G , Hi o. 150 ItlJ _ "WANTED To rent v acaut"room to store soim TT furniture , rent not to xce-eilW per month Address X 4 lice. IV ) 30 * \\7 ANTKlV To nut a medium-sized storchj ' 1st of Mutch , within two or thn-ii block ! ot 15th hiid Faruam. A permanent UvtitluuiV tired. Addicsi U , KcL l , tare luod Fftru m. I'JTf i f OR RENT-HOUSES. 171011 UF.NT House 6 rooms 17th and Clark , st. JJ Apply 13CO N Uth M. 804 M TJ OU8E for rent. 2 J7 fjiarlei st. Apply. Win. 4 1 Arthur. Hnrrli & Fluher bulhllni : , Hth and Nicholas st , or 2320 Charing. moo f J T71OH HENT To prlva.t6 family ten room Iirl9k J house , modern conveniences , 2209 Douglas Bt. ! apply to W. F.Clark 40H N ICth. Pl.l 3 * location , 3 years' U'a o. llt-nt $7 , " > . Furniture' $1 , KM. Kiev for nrst-rin s boarding house. Co-operative Ijind and Lot Co , . 205 N 16th t. 2.VI ! M _ T710H HENT A ton-room house In central lo- I. cation. Nicest furnished hou o In the city , jn5tf ) . Terms eisy. Hcnt $115. Land and Lot Co. , 205 N Kith ht. 2.5.1 30 _ lOIl HENT-2 room house. Hent J7.50 FuT- JL nlturn JI25. Call and see1. Co-operattvo Land and Lot Co. , 205 N Kith st. 2.VI ' . _ FOH HENT 10 room house. Bteaiu heat. 0. E. ' 1 hompson. JI14 S. 16th St. 24' ) _ _ HEOOHY , F. L. . Hental agent , ! MI S I6th st. MO FOH URNT or Sale New house , n rooms , cor. " 8th and Capitol a\o. Ilmiulru lisil Dodge. TP0iTltfiNT Nice cottage at ; 44' > Diircnport . JL . st. , apply uorthw cat cuiuer Iu\inport and .t * 1 n-- T71OH ItnN r Neat C-room liousKoo < l locality , JU JJda nmntli , lliennun lc Co , Chamber of Commerce , Foil KENT 2 newO room houses on S 30th near toavenu orth. C. E. Mayne. 311 5li HOUSKS for rent from 12 up. F. I , . Gregory , Hental Agent , 309 S. Ifith st. FOH HENT A 7-room llat with bathroom , llil * Howard st. Inquire at I.eo & Nlchol's lit ery stable. Telephone MO. " \\71Ihavcimhind a large list of furnished T houses. Kent nml price ri available. Call and % ou can Hiircly be suited In our large Hit. Co-operath o Iand and I < ot Co , 'Mii N , 16th st , 25. ) ! > 0 HE. Cole has a list of 271 houses tor rent , t ranging in price from $ . ' > to tn'i , and In sle , f 10111 J to 2:1 : rooms. N. o. cor. l&tli and Douglas , Telephone. ! , ( JB. TOO 31 F I OH HENT A new dwelling , 1) ) rooms , all modern improvements , good stable , ten minutes' walk from postolllce , apply to D. J. O'Doimhoe , at O'Donahoo 'k Shcrfy'-i , llth St. , next to the postollico. blO FOK HUNT 2 new 7 roomed houses , w ell , cis tern , largo cellar , l th near ClarK st. W. (1. ( Shrlvor , opppostonico. 82:1 : FOH HENT fl iiuw 7 roomed houses , city water , cistern , cellar , 20th st near 1'aul , \ \ . 0. Bhrlver. Frcnzer block opposite postotHco. 82.1 TTOH HENT If > ou wish to rent a house or J. Hat I hav o them from 15 to W ) for cottages , and 8 and 10 room modern houses , from $ -"i to $10 per month. Call at J. II. Pairotlo , Kcntnl Agency , 1WW Chicago hi. 5s7fll TT1OH HENT New 8 room cottage In Ambler JL ? place ; good 7 room 2 story house , Orchard Hill ; good 4 room cottage , Orchard Hill , C. E. Jlaync- . W. cor. 15th and Harney ht. 1'Jl T710 H HENT-Hoiiso 11 rooms. W. M. Ilush- Jt ; man , N E corner 10th and Douglas. W4 FOR RENT ROOMS FURNISHED. ITIOH HENT- JtJ Two (2) ( ) rooms. No. 1814 Howard st $ 8.00 Thrco (3) ( ) rooms , No. 1015 north 20th St. . . lri ( in Three (1) ( ) rooms. No. llt-'ilnoitli " 1st nt , . . 11.00 Three ( . ) ) room cottagc,2Ist and 1'aul st. U 50 Three ( I ) rooms. No. 1122 north 21st st. . . II W ) Three.11 ( rooms. No. 1410 1'leicost 10(0 ( Three (3) ( ) rooms , No. 1112 south 7th St. . . . 11,00 Three ( .1) ) rooms. No. 'Ml 1'aeiHc st 150 One ( II nice olllto , No. 310 south 15th bt. . 20.00 FOH HENT-rurnlshed room , 1013 Douglas. : . ' 1 * rLIHNlSHED umms f I to { 13 per month. 503 S. inn St. , up-stairs. 3.11 U * "IT1UHN1SHED fiont room , BUltablo for two , JJ * 1 . ' .HO , l' i Douglas st. 1751 * POll HENT I'liriii'lied front loom , with or without board , small family. CO. ) N. 17th st. U.-J 2 FOH HENT-1' room. IttB Dodgo. 328 f , I710H HENT Furnished loom with all modem JJ convenlencoH ; 115 b. 20th st. IKMl * T rooms with all modern conveniences , wlthorwithoutboaid. 1I1IJ Iliun--y. 318-1 * F IOH HENT A sutto ot-roonis suitable for3 gentlemenf22pcr month. 1021 Faniamst. j 31(12' ( Foil HENT Furnished roems for one or two gentlemen. 1IM5 Dodge str 2sO OH HENT Pleasant furnished room sulta- bio for .ono or two gentlemen. References reqiilied , 11)10 ) Webster t. 281-.ll * OH KENT A suite of furnlkhtd , with all modern conveniences ; board If desired. No , 022 G c-orgta avo. 270 31 TTIOH HF.NT-Cheerful , Desirably furnished -L room wlui board in pi lv ate family ; refei- orences e.hanged. . M5 S 25th ave. 148 30 * FOR HENT Furnished idoni , with or without board , 202J bt. Marj 's. ave. 25ii TTToTt HF.NT A iilci'ly furnished room with all A ? modern Improvements ) at 1711 Dodge t.t. 252- 1710H HENT I'Mrnlshed room ; gas , bath and -L1 heat , at 201.1 Cass st. , W1 4 " 1710HU ENT J'urnlshed looms , xingie and JL' double , all modem conveniences. ! ! ! ' , s 1'Jth. ' 358 JOt NICELY furnlsheil rooms nt } 16 and $15 per mouth. No. 1211 Douglas st , Iiu It N10B furnished room. 1000 Farnam 201 T7IO H HENT Furnished rooms from $5 toJO ; JU 1707 Cass st. 12 1 AHOEandsniaH room , suitable for gentle- J men , \ 1th or vv Ithont uonrd , 1S'2 Doilge . " S1 ' front room vltU first-class boatd at 1811 Dodge. HO rUHNlPHKD house to rent , Brooms. J. lion- ner.t Jlfi Douglas st. Ul 31 TJIOH KENT Furnished room with modern couvvnlences tor ono or two gentlemen. iCii ) Capitol ave. 10U .11 * 171UHNISIIED rooms with board , also a lew -L' day boardew. 1'JH 1 amain st. US1 30 ? H gentlemen , back parlor , all modoen 1m- piovements. KlJJ Dodge. l i ; 30 FOH HENT Furnished rooms In Greuulgblk , cor. lith and Dodge sts. Inqutioof eo. H. Dav Is. Mlllard hotel billiard room. W5 17IOH HENT-Nlc lv furnished frontioom. bay -1. window , south front , suftablu for man und wlfo or two gentlemen , 170S Douglas Ht lHw30 * PUHNlSIIEDftoiit room , suitable for two 1(123 ( Dodge st. IU.5 FOH HENT Furnished room. ANo room mate wanted by gentleman. Kent low. 1707 Cuss st. K)7 ) "IT\OH \ HENT Funshed front room w 1th boaul JL' s ultablo for t\vq geutlemen , 12 ( Douglas street. RWK FOH HENT Sulto ot furnished rooms , A llospe. M'l FOHHENT-Nlcoroomfor2. 1C1J Uodgo st. f , ' . OH HUNT Nlcoly funilshed rooms at 2227 Dodgo. ( Ins , bath and furnace IUM ! . Ifji ) FOH HENT Newly furnished south fron room , Jn new hoii'-o ; steam heat and ev ery convenience. 121 Davenpoit. 583 TJ1UHNISIIEU rooms , 181U Dodge. F KENT 3 rooms ut \Voolworth avo. ; t ? at $11 per month. JU "iroil HENT Tw o nicely furnished front rooms JU on ground floor , ut 2113 Hurt , for ili per month , with boartl $4 per week additional. Ml "Ij OK KENT A nicely furnlshml room w Ith all JO inodei n Improvements for ono or two gtmtlo- mi-n. pil 8. 'JUtli. U25 SINOLE and double furnished rooms. 2U5 Dodge. : tU f fij FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. 17 > OH KENT A good giound lloor olllce. Ap- 1 plyt.1Jbl5thst. ; 207 1 liK ) HEXTVOIllce , giounil Iliwir. Iron Hank ; 1 steam heat. Also small brick state oppo- fclte. Also good barn. S , Lehman. 211 POK HENT A btoro building with rooms overbuilt Ono of thu beU locations on 10th stieet for n grocery or incut market , or both combliic-d , Telephone on prcmlsos. Furnlilud ami unfurnished looms to let. Ono block from fctteet cars , Immlteonirtmlses. . cor. li > th and Mandersonuts. or John P. bchtulnke , Ui b Uth st. 1JJ Jl * FOH HENT Desirable olllco nace , or de-sk room , at 1523 Furnam st. , udull llros. * Co. , % TJIOH HENT ( iroumt fioor ollice room , cen- -1' trally loe-ntE.1 , neatetl nnd lighted. 0. F. Harri"ou , 41 * S. 15th t. 100 ON Doiikflns st near 14th , 2nd and 3d stories , icixltx ) each. Small tpuco ou ground floor F , L. ( Gregory , rental ugcm , WJ b. 1UU st. iV TT/OIl ItnNT Offlres cm Tarnam st. at 110 to rj JL1 per month. One olllce furnished. 1012 Far nam. . 101 13 > Oll HENT-OniCf , Jheap ; best location In the X1 city. IMS Dodge St. Kit " " " "RENTAL F L.nitEdOKV , rental agent. 3U9S. ICth ft. , - ground lloor. Telephone M4. 4AI RENTAL Aeincy 1.1st jour houses for rent with Odell llros. iV Co , 1'iil rnrnoni st.Mi Mi SPECIAL attention given to renting lions * * , furnished and unfurnished rootiu. 1,1st with us. W. M. llarila. overgJU S. 15th st. JU3 _ F OH HUNT If you wish to rent ahonso call on lie iwa 4. Co , loth St. , opposite J'.O. Hit _ lJ N FURWSHEJ 1OK HUNT A areo room furnished , central location 1 Hi ) Chicago st. : v > 4 | FOR RENT--MISCELANEOUS. \forehoue , trackage 3K01. , . . Warehouse , trackage. 40x40. , , . 40 OJ Stable for Uhorses onldtlist . ) m btnblo for a horses , .lackson aiidlVlthi . f > U ) T. I , . Cregory , lental ugmt , 3U9 S. loth st. SM _ ijlOll HUNT 8) acres Improved near Omnlint Jt ; good house , barn and cribs. Schlesln er 111 os. . 014 S. Ilithst. l.T-oU OMAIIA Lodging House , 10 and 013 Jackson st. bet. nth and 10th sts. Hents slugle buds at (1 ptr week ; clean beds. CWiKebU * GAHDNr.ItS Attention 40 atres for rent , tlm highest and richest ground near Cut-Off ' .ako lloiiHe. J. 11. VnrroUv. rental agency , 1GCW ; hlcagost. 11831 STORAGE. NEW YOHK Storage Co. hao most extensive facilities for storage of furniture , pianos , "niggles-general merchandise , west of Now fork. Cash advances to any amount ; warn- louse receipts gheu ; goods Insured ; brick uildlng fire-proof ; special arrangements for , ommls lon niHrchants. Call Now York Stoiago Jo. , Capitol uve and N. 15th st. , licnnett's block. 105 PERSONAL. Iir.H ONAIi ( Irvnt foituno teller Just ar- rhed , the vung Mudame C. I.amont , the ; reat astro'ogiNt , will remain 30 tluvs ; has trav- led through the principal parts of Europti ; tells last , present and future In person 01 by letter. A 111 bring buck the parted husband or lover , 10 matter If they bo ten thousand miles away : ; hey will rt'tiun to > ou In so many dn > s ; will it'll you w nether your lover bo false or true ; will juaiaiiteu to settle family quart els to perfect 'iitlsfattiou ; tan also cause speedy mauiuxes ; las charms for good luck which will cause pai- ; ics to bo successful In any kind of busi ness and present jour loss In any kind if business you mar undeitake , breaks e\ll nllupuce , and brings good luck to all who may : ry this lurky tharin ; langlvo liuky number * n lottery drawings : < aiigho oest of reference .n i egard to abo\ statement. I was piesented with an elegant gold medal n Denver , Cole , for my great success In my business. Ihaiethn natural gift of telltmr the past , present and future. My grandmother before no was also a great ostrologlst. 1'artles asking information by letter must ancloso H to ensure answer. Ilin\eallne pre- paintlon for the complexion , which Keeps it smooth and fair , and pievcnts premature wrin kles. Also a line hair tonic , \\hlch preserves h natural color of the hair and prevents It 'loin falling out. l.ud'.c.H ' whonro In trouble call and see mo at once. All business confidential. OfDco hours , 10 a m. to tl p.m. Madame C TJ. I.amont , No. 810 California strcot.buttteen 18th and lltth sta. , ) maha , Neb. lITfl * PEHPONAL 1 vvnnt vacant lot , north part of cltv , for good houio and lot In Omaha View. C. C. Spotswood , 3Q5'J S 10th st , Omaha. GUi > EKSONAL Ladles and gentlemen can rent masquerade suits at 610 N Ifith St. , upstairs. 688fll P EHSONAL Dressmakers wanted tp investl- . gate the Kellogg-rrench tailor system of ilresscuttlng , good wages , traveling exiienses , to energetic agents. Call or address for cir culars. Mine. Kellogg , Hotel Esmond , Omaha. 765 U7 * "OEHSON A L Private home for ladles durlgn -L confinement , strictly conlldental , Infants neoptcd : address E 42 Ileo olllcu. M7 f 10 LOST. LOST ( told watch , case No. 151,0- , SprltlKfleld , 111 , movement , 62rtd47. Heward roi retuiu. T. S. Clurkson , 310 south 14th st. HOtKJJ PEHPONAL Engagements to do dress mak ing In families sollriti'd , call on or address Miss .lenulo Stuidy , Kl ! S 20th. W KKWAHD-W111 be given for return of bay mare , MB Ibs. , halter on. Strayed from 2 < e4 Cximlng st. G. 8. Ostrom. 60s FOUND. niAKKN Up January 24th. red and white -L milch cow , droop horns , at tfMJl Mljinil st. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. FOIl SALK A lluo llrst-olass upright piano , for cash. Enquire of John Hiidd , 11.IN. 16th st. FOH SALE -R-foot black walnut book-Veepcr's standaid desk , stained glass top , with cash ier's window : a bargain ; take it at your own price. On Tlmo Household Fair , 002 and 004 S- lith. UH-ir 1J1H8ALI ( > Cheap , fresh grade JeiseV cow , Addiess box 2IJ ! P. O. 270 4 * FOH SALE Sock of stov e s. ranges , JiordW aie , tinware , tinners'tools and llxttuoji. Cull at " 12 N. ICth st. 275-Jl' P OH SALE 2 horses and 2 single wagons , all 1 compli-to , veiy cheap , lit S lith tt. 2142 * fTIOH SALE A car load of fresh mllK cows. L' inquire at Harris \ Fisher's meat market. 20j 31 * . FOH SALE At n bargain 60 feet of shelving , ! ! 0 feet of cou liters and one Ice chest , suit able for giocery store. Enquire at 812 S. lothSt. _ 735. F1 IOH SALE-Safe and desk , 317 So. nth.2M F IOH SALE-Itoisu and covered w agon , 317 So lith. 250 CAHI'ETS , fiunltuie , etc. , of a 10-ioom house , with cir without base a Imrgatn. F. L. Giegoty , rental ngt.100S Kith st. 23J FOIl SALE Atix bargain , a large bay family hire , safe for a lady to dtive ; a line bay trotting miiro and colts months old ; fcldo-bnr buggy , cutter , wagon , harness , 1 set wagon run- nets , e-tc. Cull ut once , 2110 llai ney st. 211-2 A LADY , who hns bought a house nnd fiirnl- turn on monthly payments Minis that she Is not able to meet he-r obligations and Is coin pulled to sell ; no ic-usonublo qlfei refused. . bress X. m. Ileo ollices for 5 duj s. 1B7 20 FOR SALE Lease house and barn on Doug las bet 17th und Ibtli , liuiului .Mt'yeii. ltaai > ke , 1105 Harney. 171 400 ! llrst mortgage for sale , 20 per cent oil ! T > room27,1'axton building. Utts * NEW anil second hand typewriters. Addres * E. A. Iliandenburg , rooiu 11 , comer 16tli nnd Chlcagp sts. MM 3u FOH 8ALE Lease of store for8 jeais , chear rent , tlnest locution In city for ictall bus ! ness , address X 33 Ilee olllce. ICIOK T710H SALE-l'iesh nille-n cows. Hill \ Smlloy , X' opp. Exchange building , Union Stockyarj s. Telephone W. 191-feb-l MISCELLANEOUS. "VTOTICE We have a customer for i\ good lol J- > or house nnd lot In Han-coin 1'luce. Owners ors call and see us. Wilght A. Liibbuiy , undei 1'axton hotel. 24S30 MIIIK banjo taught us un art by fieo , F. ( lellen JL beck , S. o. cor Itlth und Douglas , up stairs I' _ . 1SJ IF jou want jour furniture , etc. , sold u . auctionand wunt to realize good prices foi join goodn , mil on ICohn A : Wells , llcensoi ,1 uuttloneeis , 208 , 210 , 21. b. lith Rt , Omaha , Neb 17J 1 IF you wish gord , prompt paying tenant * list vour dwellings , Hits nnd storeroom ! with .1.11. Puriotte , Hental Agency , icon Chicago cage st. _ tWTfll HE COLE Insurance. Hclluble companies N E cor 15th und Douglas. Telephom 1U05. toJIll _ D H. Ahmanson's olllco removed from Frenze block to 512 S IGth st. JM Fti * CLAIHVOYANT. Dlt. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. Mod leal , business and test medium. Dlagnost free. Femala diseases n specialty. 11' , ) N. lOtl et. . Hooms 2 & J. Tel. U44. 1UT WANTEO-TrB'UY. SMALLhcuseandlot south of Loavenwortl iis.J west of 24th st. Mu-st bo cheap , Wl ! par Jl.i ) to il.'JUU. till cash. F. L. Gregory , ngl ; t 3UU S. 10th st. 231 SPOT cash for furniture , stoves , househol goods at 117 North IGth st. Orlf 4 Co. WANThD To buy snort time paper , J.W Gross , at C. K. Marne'a office , 15th am "WTANTEnVTo purcha n n restnnrnnt stand > T or to rent bulldlmffar snnn In any g < x > d location , Addr e 1. P. lljtdersou ) ) , 1,51' ' Douglas Ht. l 5W 31 MONEY " \IONEY to loan on Improved city property at Ifl low > ! rates. CftMipn hand. First mort gages negotiated. E. F. SViver , room 15 , chum- Vi r of commorce. _ -Jl HE. COLh loaim monc'on < real estate , 3' ' illl 31 n _ _ MONEV to loan ou Iniprou-d real cstuto. F. 1' Fay. 317 So. 13th. ' ' 250 MONEV to loan ou furniture , horses , w agcms , etc. . or ou any approved security. Low rates. J. W. Hobblns , UilJU'arnnin. Kl f21 MONEV to loan. Notyf ana it. H. ticket , bought ahd sold. A. Forman , 213 S Mth sU MON1JY to loan at lowest rates 11)1011 ) Improved and imliupnn ed real estate in Uinaha and also upon farms In western low.i and cistern Nebraska. Mortgage notes bought and sold Udell llros. .V Co , I'jSI Farimm st. 80S MONI'.Y to loan tin Improved real estate ; no commission charged. Leavltt Uurnham. room 1 , Crelghtou block. 1-1 HK. COLi ; Ixians money on real estate and buys first moi tgagt ) notei N. K cor Ifith andDoiigln : ) . Ti'lephouu ICXlo. DORJ1 SHOUT time lonns made on any nvauablo securltv , In reasonable amounts. Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged. General financial business of any kind transacted promptly , quietly and fairly at the Onmlm Fi nancial Exchange , N. W , cor. 1'ith and Itar- ney sts , overstate National band. Corbott. manager. 117 MONEY to loan l can now place Romn llrst Uuss city loans Immediately. Call at once If } on desire to bo accommodated. 1) . V. Stiolea , room 1 Marker block , entrance In alley. 109 HU. COIiH loans money on real estate. 311 31 MONIJYto Loan My the undersicned , who has the only properlv organized loan agency In Omaha , of tlO to tloo made on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wrgons , ma chinery , etc. , without removal. No delays. All business strictly confidential. Loans so made that any pait can be paid at any time , each pay ment reducing tlio cost pro ruta. Advances madn on fine watches and diamonds. Persons should carefully consider who they are dealing w Ith , as many new concerns are dally coming Into existence. Should you need money call and see me. W. It. Croft , room 4 Wlthnnll building , 15th and Homey , 111 M ONF.Y to lx > an O. F. DavlsCo , real estate and loan agents , 560T > Farnam st. lOd H.E. . COLE loans money onreal estate. TO IXAN Money Loans placed on Ira- pi oved real estate In city or county for New Kr.glaml Loan A Trust Co , by Douglas County bank. 10th and Chicago sts. 123 MONEY to loan , casn on hand , no delay. J. W. and E. Squire , 1413 Farnam st. I'ax- ton hotel building. Hi marte on real estate. Cash on hand. LOANS W. M. Harris over 320 8. 15th st. 110 11750,000 to loan at 6 per cent. Ltnahan A. Mahoney - honey , 1COT Farnam. U4 H.E. . COLK loans money on real estate. . 311 31 MONEY To loan. Low est rates. No delay .1. L. Hlco A , Co. . over Commercial Na tional bank 114 G PEH CENT Money. Pattc on 4 I'awcett 15th and Harney. 118 IOAN8 made on real estate and mortgages J bought. Lewis S. lleerf A Co. , 1521 Fnrnum. , To loan on Omatla city property at 0 $500,000 cent. G. W. Day , a > K. cor. Ex. llld. i 1-20 ONEY LOANED at C. F. Heed A Co.'s Loan Olllco. on furniture , pianos , horses , w agons , pei sonal pioperty of all kinds , and all other ar ticles of value without removal. 319 S. lith , over Illngham's commission storo. AH busi ness btrlctly confidential. 11 122 MONEY to Loan-On' furniture , pi ianos , wagons , or other porsMial property ithout removal ; also on collater.isecurity. \ . slness confidential. Chas. U. Jacobs , 320 S. 15th st 170 _ r _ MONEY loaned on furniture , pianos organs , horses , etc , low rates. , . J. J. Wilkinson & Co. , 1J24 Farnam , over Harrington ticket office. ifP 118 BUSINESS PRANCES. F6H SALB-Or rentManchester Hanch. benil- tlfullv situated In tlm fertile valley of thu Loup , within5 miles of nillerton , the county saut of Naiicocouuty , Nebraska , and I milu of postolllce. Tills w ell-Known ranch has been spec ially laid out for stockraislng ami 'general fin m- I ng mid comprises 800 acres ; lee under cult 1 vat Ion , balance In pasture and hay land ; 000 acres being under fence. 2 large cattle sheds , feed yards , 2 b.uns withgianiules , carpenU-r shop , harness room , 2 windmills ( r geared ) , 6 wells , scales , 3 w uter tanRs (2 ( w 1th heating apparatus ) , constant supply of llv Ing water from Plum creek and the Loupe river. 2 commodious dwelling houses , one situated In the midst of a line orchard ; pri vate aide-track on the O. N. & 11. Hy , with every facility for handling htock ; good hog buvlng point. Stock , Implements , etc. . may bo had at a valuation. For further particulars applv per sonally or bv letter to the owner , E. C. Millar , Westgord , Neb. 320 7 * FOH SALE Lumber aud coal business. Not ono yard In twenty as convenient 01 s well located , doing a good business. Addiuai. J , W. Quackenbush , Giecnwood , Nob. 322 inch 15 * FIKST-CLA8S restaurant in n line location A will s-ell cheap and on good terms , fiolng to move onto a fai m i eason for selling , call and cet particulars. Co-opeiath o Land and Lot Co. , l5N10th t. 25130 TjUJlt SALE or triulo Hestauiant nnd hotel , Jc ? doing good business. In live western town , population 1500 ; address lock box C5 , O'Nolll , NeV , 170 It FOH SALE A llrst class bakery on a good business St. , ,1 jears least- , tent W ) . price JI.4CO. Terms eusv ; this is a bargain and we in vite vour uttentlon. Co operative Lund und Lot Co. , 205 N 10th St. 253 30 FOH SALE First-class boarding house near P.O. . rooms all occupied ; good cause for selling. X 48 Ilee olllco. lWf25 FOH SALE Half or whole interest in steam laundry with all modern improvements , good trade and best location in city. Also 10 room house for rent , modern conveniences und part or w hole of furniture , nearly new. for sale. Addie-SX31 Ilco office. H7H 30 * "KM HST class meat luuikot and buildings for JO sale , good town nnd trade , only mat ket , Ice and ever ) thing In shape , address X SSJIee. E hnvo a full line of hotels , restaurants , meat markets , livery burns , feed stores , barber shops , bakeries , gioce-rles , foundry and other chances. Cull 11 4 IT buy. Co-operative Lund A Lot Co , 20/i N ICth st. 25,1 30 ACTIVE partner , salesman , to take half-Inter est In permanent and growing merchnntllo business. Goods staple , profits large ; * sii ( ) re quired. Address T ( M , Ilee , 74'J FOIl SALE A clean stock of gents' furnish ing goods , huts , caps ; ona of the host lo cations In Omaha. Stock all bought within ono year. Address T C * , Uee olllce. 7M f 8 FOR EXCHANCt. \VANTED To trade a'good curt for u top T > buggy ; will pay boat. ' Addiess X 71 ' Ileo olllce. 3li-l'8 ) . a "WANTED To tradeOnitthuiealestato partly Improved , for established lumber yard In small town , address X f > 'J l 'e. 224 5 * FAKMS , lands lots , etc. , to exchange for good inside , lniprovedor unimproved lots , will assume eueuiiibruncc-w. W. J. PuulWJ \ I'm num. L > CI Tt you have. an > tnlng tpexchange call on or ' Jl address II. E. Cole , u. C.'cor. ' 15th anil Doug- las. T > 217 Fl t Ci < ) ME clear lands and lols , wlllvo deed clour ; fy of all encumbrance. Wall a id HOO us. Co- Operative Land A , LotCo.W5 ( N. 10th St. , 25.133 " \\rANTED Houses and lilts to exchange for f T Impi oved and unlmprouod lands lu Ne- biaskuaudlowa. CliarlesjU. Spotswood. 30j'/i S. Mth. 185 _ _ SOIT1 h Omaha lots to oxcUingo for furniture , horses , cattle or merchandise. II. E. ColeN. . E. cor. nth and Douglas. 31031 \\rEhaveufull list of farms for trade , sale T and rent , Call nnd eo us. Cooperative Land i. Lot Co. , 2JG N. tilth st. 2 > 1 30 Stocks of merchandlso to ex- chungo for land * nnd city urouerty ; C. C. Spotswooda05)iB. ) HUD. IsO - . TOH EXCIIANnE Trading headquarters , JL' room 0 , Frcnzer block , opposlto jmitolllce. property of all kinds to c-xciiuugv. Oiorge J , stertiMlorir. l-'u 30 A COO1) steamboat , will trade for Omaha 111 -v proiieity Call and luvostlgito. Co-Opera- , the Lniul A Lot Co..tWj N. 10th st. 2J.J30 FOH EXC11ANOK ( Jeorgo J. Sternsdorlf room U , opposite postollico , several clean stocks of merchandise to trade for city jiropertr or good farm land * . 12 * 3U TOT B. COLE gives special attention to trading JLi. Write for our lUt. N K cor nth ami 604 31 "fjXH ) ETclmiitro N'ew s-room house ani\ lot In JL' Fairmont jilace , slightly encumbc'rt'd , for other gM > d property. t/oIt In our addition to South Omaha , free of encumbrance , for good vrestent farm landclear , or not heavily ciKrtim.bered , or good Umalu property. Hood .inMiln business property , free of vn- cumbrnnte , for good house and lot In north piirt of city. H. A. Slomitu , rooms 22 will SI , llollmau building , cor. Farnam and 13th sts. ' _ III "IJIUH Exchututo Improved farm , tinln- JL' cumbered , for house and lot , nlsT some v.irantlots for drug stock. Address .V C > ' > . Heo olllce. ' 2:1731 : ? "ITVIH e\clmngi3 Fine Nebraska farms for JL' ptoc'ks of Ketiftral mdse. J. A. llerger , Long I'Hitf. Neb. 321 f 2" ' IAIIOK hou o andtvvo lots In Orchard Mill for * good vacant lot ; house In 1'opo 1'laco for vuc.intlotts Slovens llros , 1521 rarnaui , it'7 ill 1710H EXCHANOE-A J7.000 hotel on J street , Omaha. Co opetatlvo Land and Lot company , n. Ifith st. 2 < l31 > O C100D teams , vMigon and harness to tra lo for ' house and lots or halt lots In city. Address XTi ! , Ilco. IFjouhavo anything to trnde como and see mi' . O , A. Watson , loom 15 , Chamber of Com- nerce. \W \ 30 ri H HEE teams , w.igonsf and also a line trot- JL ting stallion , will trade for good hud or ots. Co-OperaUvo Land & Lot Co. , 205 N. 10th. 2I > ! W NEIlKASKAnnd Kansas farms to exchange for Iowa and Colorado lands , and vlco 'ersa. Co-Oporatlv o Land and Lot Co , 205 N 6th st. GU ! TI\VO good grain elevators In good grain ills , ttlets , will trade for Omaha propeity or "took of merchandise. Co-Opc'rutive Land & : , ot Co. , 205 N. lmh st. 2.VI .10 \\riniavosomo houses and lots to exchange Tf for bind or lots. Co-Operutlve Land < V f > \ Co . 2 V. N. K.tli . st. 2 > 3 30 "I\7ANTEI-Stock of giocerles , dry goods , T T clothing or boots and shoes lu exchange 'or Omaha property or farms , Schlcslngcr llros , 114 i * . 10th st. 12.vr.4 A NEW patent corn planter , self dropper , thu fV bust thing of the Kind ever Invented , will .rada for good l.iud. Cull and see It , Co-Opera- lv c Lund A , Lot Co. , 21X5 N. Ibth st. 2.53 80 | 71OK Exl-'nango. it you hare farms or lands to JL ? sell or trade send for our descriptive blanks , f you have any kind of property to sell or ex- ituinge , list it with USMVO can furnish you a ustimier. S. S. Campbell * O.W. llervov , J10 loard ofTrado Oniahii 'U2 I HAVE for trade improved farm In Cass Co , near IMattsmouth , will trade for Improved Insldo property , Aduress M M , Heo ortlce. riWO good restaurants , doing a nice busl- X ness , will tiado for land or lots. 1'artlos going nw ay. Co-Operative Land 4 Lot Co. . 205 N. llith ht. 53 , ! 0 WANTED Oooa tanns in exchange for Omaha property , C. C. Spotswood. .Vlitf SICth. 129 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. OENSON &CAHWICIIAEL furnish complotn 13 and guaranteed abstracts of tltlo to any eal estate In Omaha and Douglas county upon hort notice. The most cotuploto sot of abstract booka in the city. No. 1519 Farnam st. 111 MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co , 1VX1 Farnam btreot Complete abstracts fur nished , and. titles to real ostata examined , per fected and guaranteed. IJu COR SALE-REAL ESTATE. GLEAH farms for good residence. Stevens Ilios. , 1521 Farnam. 327 31 "IJIOHSALE lly owner at a bargain 4-room JL1 house , closets , pahtry. barn , coal house , all good lepalr , full lot. water , Omaha View. Easy erms. Gate City Emplo > uieut olllce , 314 S , 15th. 1ST jour property for sale or trade vvlthO. A. J Watson , room 15 , Chamber of Commerce , 3051 ONLY $ % 0cash , bilauce to suit , will buy ix $2rfl lot n few blocks from the parking [ louses , South Omaha , also other bargains can 1) ) found with I ) . D. Siuuaton , room 7 , Marker Ijlotk , cor. loth nnd Fnrnam sts. Mi7- Oll SALE Or Exchange Illock 7 , Lawntlold , pike tlOOHO , and block 11 , Westlawn , pilco . . Will take some cash , pait In mortgage n pioperty , and the balance In good faun Kind. What have you to nlTeilf ( loo. N. Illcks , dealer tncholcoiesldttnce and business property. 211 boulh 15th st. 240 JO fMPHOVED farm In Iowa for Omaha real- L dcnceproperty. J , J. Wilkinson , 1J24Farnam. 127 B A HO A INS again to be had of D. D. Smeaton , Darker block. Coiner pioperty In South Omaha foi JlrWO ; rent Jfli. ( per month 17 4 per cent. 71 FOH SA LK In South Omaha , a few lots which owners must sell. 1 lot , each $250 , t50rash ; JTiTO. t2fit cash ! $050. 8MO cash ; H1.250 , 1250 cash ; Jl.ffW. $ ,100 rjisht M.fiOO , MOO cash ; corner lot and one next tor * n ! > 0. | 12 tush : ifl.lftO , $ .500 cash ; $1,200 , t240 cash ; J2.500 , MOO cash. All of the abov o is lusido property. D. D. Smeaton , llarkor block. 1 t)7l ) L. HICE & CO , Hcftl Estate. 215 E LEO ANT homo on Cass stieet , bet. lth ! ) and 20th streets , for sulo or trade , at a bargain , by J. L. Klce At Co. 210 Jl T7UH SALE-Lot 5 blk B A. S. Patricks ad ; will JD soil for -few days at $1,500 , Jt > 00 cash , biU. easy. S. 4'I ' lluo olllco. 1)17 ) FOH SALE Or Exchange' Three nlco lots bo- tvveon Lcavonworth and Farnam stioets In West Omaha. This Is gilt-edged property , and the prlco JH only $ .1,500 ; $ l.riOJ tncumbranco. What have j on to oil or/ George N. Hlcks.dculer in choice residence and business propeity,215 S. 15th bt. 21D30 STOCK merchandlso for clear Omaha prop erty. Stc'vuns Iliou. , 15il Faruam. .12731 EMSTICKNEV & CO. mane a specialty of property in North Omaha , for sale or rout at Citizens' b-iuk , 240.S Cumins st. U4 FOH SALE Thren good lots on corner of Dodge st , one block west of Lowe ave for 4,500. Address for a few days S 51 Uoe ollico , 071 L. HICE A : CO. , Heal Estate. 216 WELE located house , Hats and stores wanted to rent ; we have customeis for them dally H. E. Cole , no coi IMh and Douglas. liw 31CJ FOH SALE Ortiado Land and town prop ertylnNeb , Knn , aud Colo. T. A. Eng lish \ Co. , Voik. Neb. 1)0730 ) * IFjou are thinking of building In thu spring and want a beautiful home , cull and see the oholcu residence lots 1 oiler for mile In Hunscom Place and Weit Onmlm , (5oo. N. Micks , dealer In gilt edged lesldenco and business property , 215 S nth at. 2I HO BAHUAINB worth Investigating For sale OoodU-ioom house , cltyvvate-r , lot50x150 , eabt front on 1'ark av c , north of Hanscom park , for J t,00 Jl.WJO cash , balance $1,000 per year ; and also fuiniture for sale of house at less than half value. Mortenseii & . ChrUtenson , Heal Es tate ollice , 1414 Farnam , np-st.ilrs. 75b-.ll E LEO ANT homo on Cass stceet , bet. 1'Jth and 2Uth streets , for sale or trade , at a bargain , by J. L. Hlco & Co. 21tl 31 J.1 KICK & , CO. . Heal Estate. 215 Foil SALE or exchange , Omaha property nnd farms for merchandlso , horses , etc. hchles- ingerllroa. . IJ14 S. IQIli st. 12G-K4 _ 1T1OH SALE-Chcap. full lot in 1'ottor'n add. JU w lib ii room house , $2,500 ; half cash ; w orth $3.510. J. L. like & Co. 21(131. ( _ T7\OH \ SALE-Cheap. full lot In I'otter'H add. JL ; VA ith it-room house , t2,5 ; half cash ; w orth t.1,600. J. L. Hlco k Co. 21(1 ( Jl I flOU SALE-Cheup , full lot In I'otter's add. 1 vv 1th il-rooin house , 42,500 ; half cash ; wet ill JJ.500J. . L. Hlco ii Co 21H 31 SALE or Trade , choice lesldenco and business property in Noith Omaha by J L. HIcoi ; Co. 21U31 FOH SALE 370 aero improved farm , Oniro Co , Neb. , $10 , 'W ) ; vv ill take hoiuse and lot , about 1-IW ( us llrst pu ) nu-nt , balunco In 10 years at U per ( out. O. A. Watson , room 15 , Chamber of Commc-rce. 'Mi 39 LEflANT homii on Cass street , bet. 19th and aitli strei ts. for sale or trade , at a bargain , by J. L. Klce Si Co. 210 Jl $750 buys one of the best corner lots In Or , chard Hill ; south front ; small cashpiy- incut , balance easy. This Is n but gain and must bo sold at once. U , J. btcrnsdoiff , room II , oppo site poitolllce. 12d U ) T7UK ) SALE-Or exchange , lots m Nortli -L Omanu for houses. House anil lots In Couiv cil lilutls. bharesln I iwo ave llulldlng ass'n Lots In Hanscom und Ambler places. 1'lentv of other property , llosworth 4 ; Joplln , 418 S 15th fat. i ; ON easy monthly puj ments n beautiful 2-dtori frroom c-ottugc , < | uirter : block of lied cai line , small ca h puyineut , balance very c-asy , H E. ColeN. . E. 15th and Douglas. 3Jt 31 T L. HICE & CO , llcal Estate. 215 FOH 8ALE-1-0 cash , biggest bargain In Sotitl Omaha. Look ut the location , prlcn and terms 20fc t of Iot3 , block 75 , tl.'JO ; fcu > l cash balance 1 , Z and 3 years. D. O , bmeaton , llarkci block. . 1W ) LOOK this over for bargains. Offered by the j Omaha Heal F.UU A Trust company , I5O4 FartiHtu street. ' . Lot S , block IP. West r.iwl. < 50x1S7 feet * 6,000 Lot Hi , Ellraboth pJacp , oh Nortli Twen tieth street , cable. lIup.PJxUO feet , with small house . . . . . 4XO Ix > t 17 , blo-k 2 , Illintumugh' * lidillUoiWone iun\with"iiiiill' , , , . , . . , 1,500 Small house and lot on Sprue o street , near North Twentieth street , cable line , easy paymont-ionly . . . , . . . 2KX ) Corner. 14Jxll2 feet , In Churrv tlnrden. on LoaTonworth street , ont > -folirth rash , , 8fiOO Choice' full lots in House1 ! .V btobblns' ad dition , J.-MO . . -r-r 2.400 A cholco M foot lot In Clifton place 3.10J I < ots3und 4Catiilpu.second additionone- thhil rash , each 1,250 Flue eight-room hou e on luilf lot on Lnko street , WO cash .1.100 Lots In Dupont plac'o nt 1,200 Cholco south flout lots on grade , lu Pop- pletonpark 1,500 House and tot In IMpnletou Park llutullug association 2,200 South front lot Harney street , in Hedlck grove . . . / . . . . , . . , , , 2,500 St v oil-room house on half lot , In Patilck'.s second 2,100 ElKhtoi'ii-room house on South Tenth street 8,000 Sov en-room house un half lot. In I'ati Ick's second 2,100 Corner lot , 74\25. In Kimiilzo iil.u-o. . , . . . 4,000 Font-room house lu } uddltlou , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' " ' Ful'llclt'ln'Aiy.'pairick's' . . . . . 'I ! 2tVO ! HOxU.5 feet orrner lu Highland place 10.0UO. Six room house with bain. In Paulson's addition. . , , 3,500 Full lot In F stor's addition , on Suundors slrt-et , per foot W Lot , liOvl-Ti't foot. InMilnn's Hocond 2.K'0 ( Muiill liousti In Wllcox's sotoiid 2,200 Union Paclllc railway truckage lot 11,0110 Lot In Dave-nport's subdivision l.KW An elegant livroom liousn ou corner In very dcMlialilepart of town r.v ( ) Cliobe lots In Dupont place 1,200 A block ot six bilck stores ou Teuth sfec-t 75,000 F.litht tenement houses unCasS stlott. . . 21,001) ) Noilhwcstoin railroad trackage , fij ft-ot fiout , very clioup . . . . Ixilfi. block 7. Kllbv ulncp 1,200 Fifty feet lot lu Paddock Pluto onSherman uv emit1 , pi r foot. . / 150 Lot/Ixl17 ( tiet.ln lluwthoin 1,7(10 ( East limit coiners , In Carthage N" > 0 LotsInClaiendon , JI.MX ) . . l.SK ) CoinorElghtoenthalid Vinton . . . 1,400 Suvon-toom new house1 , eeirnor on C.illCoi- tilas.trc'1't , iu Sunny bide 0,000 > Jxl2.5 foot in Cro-ceut Park 5,500 Cholto lot 111 Hillside 2.51X1 Choice lot In Klrkwood 2,01X1 Corner lot on Like stroot. 50 feet fiont. . . 2,5 X ) Two lots In Fulrmoilnt Place , ouch , . . l.UUO Choice cast ftout lot on Twenty-sixth stiout , in Shull's second addition 2,100 A south itontlot InMvci.s , KIchuids X'J'll- di n's addition . . 800 Choke lot In Hartlott'ttaddltlononLeaven- worth street G.OOO Choice comer lot ouFuinum ami Spring stloots -1,500 Two lots In He-click' * warehouse addition , voiy cheap , each 2,000 Corner lot on Douglas street. In HrlgKS Pluto.only I.1CO Trackage lot , Sixth nnd Jackson streets . 10,1100 Ton lots lu Maj no Place , one-third i ash , f rom JI.WKl to 3,500 Tt'ii lots with truckage in Ho ) d'H addition , lor 0,000 Lot In Hovel's addition , oust fronton State street 10,000 Splt-ndld lots In Summit Pliicti 3,550 Nice nouses in Millurcl Ac Calelwell's addi tion , iM.400 to 4,000 Choice Houtli frout lot In Washington Nitiaro , near Shot man avenue , about ono- third c"-sh 3,001) ) ISnxlJOcholco coiner on Suundcrs street. . I..MKI Mnehirgolot In Armstrong's Hist 3,500 ' 1 he best eleven-loom south front house , w 1th largo barn. In the city , terms easy ; n bargain . 1B.OOO One acre w 1th four houses , lu Pal k Place. 8.JOO lisxlfj feet , choice ceutuil location for warehouse . 18,000 SDlctidld building site in W ' - > t end 3,000 Two b4 feet front lots in Clarke's addition , near St. Muij's avenue , e-.ich one tblid cash , for 0.000 Two lots with line house , corner on St. Mail's avenue , no better locution ou the Htrec-t 24,000 Choice property on Park avenue , near IBS Leaveuworthstrei t , per foot luu A snug seven room house ou Virginia avo- nun , north of and Leavenwoith streot.ouly 4,500 One bundled feet , fiontliig Hanscom park , v ery deep lots , elegant site forros- idenco . .I H.000 Nlco lots In Hanscom Place for 2,7t ) Eight room house in Parker's addition for n. . . . 4.50T Now coven room house ) In Hutisumi Place ) 7,000 A lot In Vundeuook Teirace , on Hell line itillwtiy ' . l.COO A Kplonclld lot In Walnut Hill , south fiont onMoicor avenue , near Lowe avenue. 'J his is v ery cheap l,4Wi Twenty-two feet south front on Farnam street , ne'urTwenty-second , per foot. . . , 3.50 LotsinDwIght iVLymau1 ! * addition . . . . . . 1.250 A splendid pi openly on Hint street for. , . . 1J,000 Corner lot em Luke stroe-t. In Fulrinount Place. This is ii great bargain. Only. . 2riOO , Ele'gant coinni , south uud e-ust front. In ItTmehuugh Place , very largo lot , only. . 0,000 A large number of lots In Omaha Heights , depot on this addition and only eleven minutes from city , foroo ! to 1550 Nice lots in Plainvlow from $1,500 tp 1,700 M arlon place lotn 1,0,50 Full lot with four houses , on Izarel street. 15,000 Nlco lot in liedford place for 700 Houses and lots , south fiont , in Hcdford Place , easy terms 2,000 A south fiont lot on Hamilton struct , In block I , On hiird Hill ; this Is v ery low . 1.501 Wo also olfer lots ut the very lowest prices and best possible terms In the follow lug additions : E. V , Smith's addition , Muile n PIuce , ( lurendon , Fulrinount Place , Catalpa Pluie , LuktVs addi tion , HIvenlow , Il.iveniliiit's sub-division , llawo'a uddltlon. Heed's fourth , Denlse's addi tion , Omaha Heights , Meyoi'x , Htchards i , 'Hi de n's addition , Kirkwood , Oak Chiitham , Pad dock Place , Smith Park. Hall I'lace , i osier's ud dltlon , Iloibuch's addition , Hilun's , Puiker's , Patrick's , Aimstrong's , Nelson's , LowoX Hillside. Sunnysldn. Poppleton 1'urk , Walnut Hill , haundors le llfiiiebaiigh's addition to Walnut Hill. Snnndcis V HlmebaiighVs addition , SaundciH A : Hlmobaugh's Mt. Pleasant addition , Saiindc-iB \ lliinubaueh Highland Park addition , Caithago , Lincoln Pluco , West Omaha , Wo t End , Housol X htob- blns' , Ilirtlett's addition , Mayno Plnco , llurr Oak , Kemntyo's additions. Credit Fancier , llogc-rs' addition. Improvement association , nn very many other additions. Nebraska farms to trudo for city propoity. I'm ties wanting lots not In this list can get them by applj Ing at our Olllce. List vour propeity with us und have It sold. Omiiha Heal Estate i'lrttbt Co. , 15J4 Ftirnum street. P. C. Hlmebuugh , president ; Alvltt Saunders , secietary and treaHUP-r ; N. Merilum , vice presi dent ; Oe-orgo W. llolbrook , assistant secretary and tteosurer , 2"J 31 OK SALE CflxWl feet ou cublo lino. Splendid Inside location for four Hats H500. Must be Bold ut onco. Mursball & . Lobeck , room 0 Chumborof Com , &S2 FOK SALE 100 acres ot land tour miles from stock v aids , at 1125 porucro ; this Is u bur- gain. McCiigue. Opp. P. O. 1J2 TT1OH SALE Corner , Lowe avo. nnd Nicholas JO street , IWKUin , south and. east fiont , also choice lots in Orchard Hill , very cheap. James Stockdiile , 11.1 N. 16th ht. 111 2S J , L. HICE 4 , CO , Heal Estate. 215 HOUSE completely furnished oneasy monthly payments , donH mlHS this opportunity to get u home. H. E. Cole , no cor 15th und Douglas 1073(7 Stockholders' Mooting , Tlio animal meeting of the stockholders of the Clarke Colfeo Co , w 111 be held at the olllco Of the company , 1114 Harney street , Omiihn , Neb , at 2 o'clock p. m. , on the llrst Tuesday lu February , next , viz : February 7th , ! * * . C. E. WVVIAN , Secretary. Articles of Incorporation. VTOTICE Is heieby given that the ' On Time J- > Household Fall Company" has this duy adopted and locorded Its articles of Incorpotu- tion. tion.Tho principal place of transacting business of said corporation shall be Omaha , Douglas couu- ty , Nebraska , and the general nature of ftucli business slmll be the wholesale and retail buy ing nnd Hi'lltng ot furniture , stoves , nnd nil kinds of household furnishings , the buying , selling and leasing of o.stutc < . and the loan ing and lot-lowing of money. Its imthoil/tcl capital stock is thirty thousand dolUis , one- third of which imixt bu puid In at the tlmo of commencing business. Slid Incoipoiutlon shall commence on the 27th day of Jamiaiy , A. D. lHh > , nuil shall terminate ou the 27th duy of Jan uary , A I ) . IKK Its highest amount or Indebt , edne- nt any ono time shall bit twenty thou , sand ilollaiH , and Its ulfalis shall bu conducted bv a president and lnuniiger , and u bout dot dltectori. CH , I' . F. ilAI.IIWIN , J10f5-12-19 W i , Ki I.I.KV. for Soliool District lloiuls , Seuli d proposals v\ill be received nt this olllct until Febiuuiy 1 , IPti4 , at 12 noon tor the pur chase of fJ'JO.Oin of school district bonds of the school district of Omaha. Said bonds are of the denomination of ? 1,00.1 each , dated January 1st IHM , bear Interest at the rain of llvo ptr tent pi r annum , pavabln scinl-annnully at Kount e llrothrrs , H.tnki rrf. New Vork , prlncliial to become duo Intwcntj years from diito thereof. huld bondsTire Issiud by the board of eduda. tlon of the school dlstl let of Omaliii undt-i un thorlty granted by \oteof the people nt tlu general vlu < tton held November Mh. Ii7. anc will ho delivered to purchasers on paymenl therefor at the city tic-usury In Omaha on Feb ruary Dth , iwti. Illds will \HJ \ adOrosxotl to the undersigned anil marked " for School ' "Proposalii District llondx. and must state thu full name and address of tlu bidder , the amount of said bonds dcslncl anc ! thu price proposed to bo paid w 1th accrued lu terest. The right Is reserved to rej 17 nr al bid * . HUHH , City Treasurer , THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES. OMA.HA. HUUUUItAN 1IIAINB. I fl I K 5 And Chicago , A * only roafl to toke for Dei Mnlnei , Blarlalltown. Cedar KnpltlH , Clluton , lllxein , Cblcnvn , MllwAnkes ml nil puintn ea > t. To tliu people of Natiraika , Cole , ratio , Wyoming , Utah , Iilahn , NtivajtOrc-Kun , vV'mli- Iiiliton und Cullfornlie , u olteri tupeJIor u ' m t poulilii by anr other line. t Amunuafew of tko numerous poluti of l. . . jy the potruna of tbla road telween l > mah nil LMetfo , aru It ) two trulri day of DA V CDAOU- KS , which ro tliu Hni-tt DIM nuinan art and iDKtinul- I tT can create. IU 1'ALACK St.EKI'INU CAHH. which ru inniloln of ronitort and elegance. IU 1'AllLUR DltAWINO IIOOM e.'AUS , iinsuriiHiiBil t > r anr , and IU widely coli-hratcd I'ALA'llAL. DINING CARS , tlio enual of which cannot he found eisewhi-ro. At Coun cil Illuffl too trains iiMlm Union 1'aclno Hall way , con- in uulnn ilcpot with those of ItiH ChlraijoA ortliwoslL-rn Ity. In Clilcaiio the trains of this lln ninke close connection with those of all oilier eaiU'ra tor Detroit , Cnlumbui , Imllanapolli , Cincinnati , Niagara Falls. Hi/Halo , IMttnaura , 'loronto , Montreal , lloiton , Now Sort , rbllKdclphla , llultlmnr , VVnili- InKton , and all poluti tn tbeuait , ukfora tlckttTl * the "NORTHWESTERN. " If JOB wlih the best accommodation. All ticket kctnU MU tlckrtn vln tilt * Hog. E-iiuoimr , K.P.WIUSON , Ucnl. Manager , tjenl. 1'aBi'r Agent Chicago , 111 * . , City t'u 'r.A < Bt Notice or Incorporation. TlO Whom It Mav Concern : Notice is hereby given that "Tho lloo llulldlng Company * has Hied In tlio olllco of the county cleric of Douglas county , Nebraska , articles of Incorpor ation. The principal place of tiansactlng Itx business Is at Omaha , In Douglas county and Htutii of Nebraska. 'lh general nature of Its business la to acquire , own , hold , lease , mortgage , null and convey rual estate , erect buildings and Improve ments upon the sumo , for run tint , ' such rual 'I ho'amount of capital stock authorised Is $5 < lOtiio , ) , ten pur cent of which to bo paid at thu tlmoof stilisdllJliig for the sumo , and thoro- imilndcrasifqulnd by the. board of directors. The corporation commenced January Ifith. A. I ) . IC H , aiidwlll terminate the 10th day ot Jan uary , A. I ) I'ti ' * . Tlio highest amount of Indebtedness or liabil ity to vUilch the corporation shall at any tlmo subject Itself Is two thirds of the capital stock Issued. The business allalrs of the corporation nro to boconductid by a board ot dlrectorrt of llvo nifiiibers who Hlrnll select from tlielr iiumUor u prcsldc'iit , Hocretuty and tnMsiircr. KIIW.MID HOHKWATEII , MAX MIYKII , OKI. 11. T/HCIIKCK , . lllUM ! > T/M'IHJCK. lll.Miy A. IlABKKI.r , . Dissolution Notice. Mr. ( leorgo 0. Hulo having purchased Mr. Harvey lltHliop'HSharit In thu firm of ItlahopA ; Hulo , .111 ( 'liming street , Omaha , Nebraska , thu rop.irtne-rhhlp IH thereby dtHxolveil by mutual consult , Ml Hull ) asuiuiiltm all obllgitloiis ot tin ] linn , and H to collect all debts duu thu Una. Dated. Inn , ,1Jth , 1 UlMIV IlISIIOI' , j.UMJtp tiro. O. HUI.K. Notion. TV T ATTKH of iippllcatloii ut bchluctor & . Jccnlcke far ill ll'iunr lltfimo otl < u U hereby k'lien that Scliluoter & Jfeiili ke rtlil upon thoSitli day of Junimry , A. II. HIMtllu tlitilrnp. plication to l ho mayor und illy council of Uinnlm fur [ icons" to llimit | , uplrnunui nnd tlniinn ll'iuiir * at No. 2511 lA'Hvtnwotth atruct , fourth ward , liuiiilia , Neb , lrom the 11r t tluy ot January , l&d , totboUnt day of Jiinnary , 1WJ. If them tin no olijuctlon , romnnitranrA ar protcit flleit within two weeks from .Unun/itHU , A. I ) . ItA lUo aald llccuio will bu k'rniitC' ! . Hrin I'KTKli tt JtcytCKE , Al > I > llranti , a. ii. i