Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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A War Rumor CQUBOB a Slight
Advance In Wheat
Hut the Fictitious ) Ilooin Boon Col-
iHpflcn , anil ( tic Market Kulcfl
< J.ultc Dull-OntH f'Alrly Ac
tive Ocncritl Quotation * .
CHICAGO , .Tun. .TO. [ Special Tclepram to
( l/o / UEH. ] The wheat murkct was quite dull
nnd there wai but one Incident of sufllciont
luipoutiincc to influence prices. iThnt wusn re
port that In an encounter U | > on the frontier be
tween small bodies of Russian and Prussian
soldiers , one of the latter had been killed and
another captured. This was worth un advance
of % a In the price of wheat. The report was
denied and the ? < o was lost. Then came a
supposed confirmation of the report by way
of Milwaukee , and the prlcu advanced again ,
but It wai only worth , ' @ > \'e this time.
Upon the next denial this small advance was
lost. Thl was the history of the morning
session. The announcement of a decrease In
the visible supply of 000,000 bushels had no
effect upon prices. May wheat o ] > ciicd at
blj < u and gradually fell to 81c , but lingered
about Sljfc until , on receipt of the "war
news" above mentioned , It advanced
sharply to 8'Jj c , then hung between
8IX and Hl % < gk } fc for n long
time , dropped to 81c and on
renewal of the war story advanced to 82(1 ( *
Kltfc , fell to 81c and dosed there at 1
o'clock. February wheat opened at 7r > Xc ,
sold uji to Ttlc , and closed nominally at < 5 e
at 1 o'clock.
There was light speculative business In
the corn pit and the market was with
out especial Interest. Prices , which
BCcmcd to follow the fluctuations In wheat
very closely , were weak early In sympathy
with wheat , advanced on the "war news"
nnd fell away when that news was dis
credited. Hero , as In wheat , guesse's had
come quite near the mark in their pre
dictions as to the visible supply , and the in
creased IMOOU , bushels was not unexpected ,
nnil had no effect on the market. May corn
opened at t > 'i4@ } > % ct hold down early to
r -K < 3r'-X , advanced to fiil .Ml c , lost this
advance later , and closed at 1 o'clock at
fiOj c. February corn opened at 4TJ c , sold
up toISe , and down totTJe , closing at
the last named price at 1 o'clock.
There was a fair trade in oats in a specula
tive way , nearly all in May delivery. Re
ceipts of outs In this market have been
increasing lately , and this bus been of some
assistance to the bears. May oats opened at
't-'lo to-day , and directly sold down to H2Jf ! ,
but later , In sympathy with other grain mar
kets , advanced to : nc , then declined to the
1 o'clock close , which was at ! UJ < c.
In provisions the day's business made a
rather moderate showing. Under the Influ
ence of a "good run" of hogs , trade opened
with the prospects of a bear movement , and
the Initial sales showed a decline from
Saturday's closing of -K(3'-'i ( ' In short ribs
ami lard , and lUo in pork.
ArtiiNooN SnsMiox. Wheat firmer , May
closing at 81Xe. Corn firmer , May
WJfc. Oats easy , fork steady , May
January and February fl-I.OT . Lan :
CiiiCAoo , Jan. 30. [ Special Telegram to
the HEI : . ] CATTI.K. Trade was slow at the
the start , with no great activity at any time
during the day. The general imulity of the
stock on sale was the poorest for any Monday
for a long time. Huycrs who had orders for
cattle good enough to export declared there
were not ten loads of such among the or
rivals. The great bulk consisted of half-fat
tcncu , plain and medium natives , and sucl :
sold lower in somecascsKKSjIfie lower than
on Friday , yet not so much lower than on
Saturday. Anything that had fat sold
equally as well as lust Monday. Low grade
native butchers' stock sold 10Sir ( > c lower ,
and native canning stock drpppcd l@ir ( ) > e
There were more common old cows urn :
rough stock among the arrivals thun for
many a day. The Northwestern roud brought
about 325 curs of cuttle , SO per cent of which
wcro old cows and common native steers.
There was little or nothing doing in stockcrs
and feeders. Good to fancy , W.COfS'S.'JO ' :
Stccra , 150 ! ! to 1,5000,8 , ta < 4 < > < ® 4.80 ; l.liOOto
IIBO : ib , * . ' ) , o@4. fl ; uno to i.-'oo ns , * aoo@
il.75 ; stockcrs and feeders , tl.8. > @ : i.i5 : ; cows ,
bulls and mixed , tl.BO@ii.00 ; bulk , f..OOtf
U.M ! ) ; Texas steers , fcJ.20 ( < : j.30 : cows , ? 1.75 ( !
Hods The run was rather more than wai
wanted. The general quality of hogs wa :
poor and shipping orders were light. Puck
crs wcro bearish and a big run is looked foi
to-morrow. Shippers wcro out on account o
the snow blockade on the New York Centra !
nnd Now Knglund roads. A largo share ol
the stock sent last week was , as Into as Sat'
urduy , hold by a snow storm around Nlaffarn
Fulls and Uuffalo. Prices were strong at lOi
lower all around , iiml In some cases ir > <
lower , the top being > .75 , with a rumorci
wile at > .80 , against $ .fi.80ct5.C ( ; , on Saturday
Mixed sold at u wide range , all the way from
fo/r. to * r.GO , and light at fT > .15 to 5.i0. !
Union Stock YardH , Chicago , Jan. SO.
The Drovers' Journal reiwrts :
Cattle Receipts , 12.01XI ; market 10 < rai5c
lower for all grades below choice ; good to
fancy , 4. 0 ( < | 'i.1JO ; steers , W.00 ( < r3.80 ; stackers
und fcailcrs , $1.85iii.i.r ( : ! > ; cows , bulls and
mixed , tl.SOfeiUXI ; Texas cattle , * 1.75@3.tO. !
Hogs Receipts , aiXK , ( ) ; market weak ,
nnd llKVi'-'Oo lower ; mixed , Ki.05' ' ' < i.r > . .r)0 ; heavy ,
* 5.40(35.bO ( ; light , f5.00y5.50 ; 'skips , | 3.50
Shcpp Receipts , 0,000 ; steady ; natives ,
13.00(3 ( ! > 50 ; west/irn. $4.50 5. 10 ; Texans , flt.OO
( S4.00" ; lambs , * 500 , < 3 . ' . ' 5.
National Stock YnrilH ' Knst St.
Ijoulfi , Jan. 0. Cattle Receipts , U,000 ;
shipments , 1,000 ; market lower ; choice heavy
native steers , * 4.40 ( < f5.20 ; fair to good native
pteera. f3.IKXg4.45 ; butchers' steers , Jlt.'JOO ?
4.W ) ; stockern and feeders , ? -J.OO@i.ij : ! ;
rangers , fJ.0@4.10. !
Hogs Receipts , fi.OOQ ; shipments , 1.800 ;
niarket 10ilfto lower ; choice heavy nnd
butchers' selections , f.VtHlt5.70 ) ( ; packing ,
tA.i20Qi5.U5 ; light grades , fJ.WKg.V.'S.
Kansas City , Jan. 30. Cattle Receipts.
( XX ) ; shipments , 4XJi ( shipping and dressed
beef steers weak and lOo lower ; common to
I'holco corn fed , f3.0 ! ( < f4. < ! . ' > ; stockers , linn
at * 1.80iW.50j feeders , f3.GO3.25 ; cows , : : > .
Hogs Receipts , ,000 ; shipments , 1,000 ;
murki't lower and weak ; common to choice ,
fUOttfS.Uo ; skips and pigs , | 3.00 ( < ? 4.CO.
NEW YOIIK , Jan. ! W ) . [ Sx | > clal Telegram
to the llp.E.1 STOCKS The firm closing
of stocks Saturday made traders mostly bull
ish und the murkct opened firm , with frac
tional advances that wcro Interpreted us
meaning u further rise. London bought fair
ly. Gould was credited with buying some
Missouri Pacillu block hist week and was ex
pected to buy more. German houses wcro
also reported us absorbing Texas Pnclllc. The
market was expected to broaden as It ad
vanced , as Is generally the CUM ) on an nctivo
bull movement when bonds uro active und
advancing nnd money plenty nnd cl eap. The
greatest advance was In Delaware & Hud-
SIHI , which showed a lump of lj < pcr cent over
Saturday's close , touching 1 } $ per cent.
The appreciation was too much for thu bulls
to stand , nnd those who had profits took ad
vantage of the activity and began selling
freely. Long stocks began to como out with
such freedom that the upward tendency was
checked und sharp declines of J S1V JHJi1
cent followed , and before 1 o'clock about all
the early advance had been lost. Ther'o was
Hltlo. news to wflect values except that com-
potln'g roads had decided to meet the cut
made by the "Soo" route. The last , hour waa
characterized by fair trading but a very Ir
regular movement. Goods that were not ad-
vanced too railtlly | during the morning , 're
mained firm , while others were weak. The
close , however , ah'owco morp strength than
weakness nnd recorced advances of ' ( , @X
per cent. The only declines of Importance
were 1V points on Missouri Pacific , % on
Louisville and Nashville , M on Lackawnrin ,
and ) / on Eric. The latter was duo to the
lust quarterly statement showing a decrease
In the net earnings. Chicago stock houses
had u better business , the majority being
sellers of stocks. The total miles were 217-
GOVEIIXMEXTS Government bonds were
dull but steady.
17. B. 4s registered , 120 C. 4N. W 110 > J
It. H. 4s coupon. . . I'M do preferred 144
U.S. 4'5sreglstreil.lW ( N. V. Central. . . .1077 , '
U. S 4H coupon..108 t ) . H. N KIU
1'aclflctHofW. 110 I' . T 22 > 4
Camilla Southern , . C.V | I'nrlllc Mall : ; >
Central 1'aclllc : > ' . O.I ) , k ]
Chlrago 4 Alton. .1TO .Pullmnnl'alnceCatl44
C. , II.&Q 1M iltemllnij l7 !
ClilcnRo , Jan. : > . Following arc the 2:30 :
closing prices :
Flour Steady and unchanged ; winter
Wheat , bbls , fil.MKftfi.rX ) ; sacks , fJ. . " > OCJ3.75 [ ;
wheat , bbls , $ 'I.r)0it ( .50 ; snoks , J > . > .70(4.i.T ( ) ;
sprinjr , S1.7r.@rt. . 0 ; rye Hour , fJ.8r > @il.lO per
bbl : buckwheat Hour , ffl.OOgC.75 per bbl.
Wheat Wc.iker throughout the day until
the close : market opened with a decline of J + v ,
and closed the same as Saturday ; February ,
75X J ; March. 7iyMc ; May. 81 .
Corn Market ruled quiet most of the ses
sion , though ut times It was moderately
active ; market opened kOlV'1 below Satur
day's close , and closed J ftjJgO lower than
closing that day ; Kebriiary , 4i fe ; May ,
52 11-llic.
Oats Fairly active , but easy , with no rs-
sentlal change as compared with Saturday ;
May , iKiXc.
Kyc 13ullnt02 'c.
Harley Nominal at ( inGi04c.
P line Timothy $ 'J.40a2.4r. (
Flax-sced-J1.4i ) .
Pork Comparatively steady , fluctuations
being within narrow range , and closing com
paratively steady ; February , ? 14,07)i ) ; May ,
Lard Easier , with comparatively light trade ;
February , $7.47 } ; March , * 7."ji7.f ) ( > vJi ! ; May ,
$7. OS.
Dry Salted Meats Shoulders , * 5.K7(5.00 ! ) ( ? ( ;
short clear , $7.8r > ( V ( 7.1)0 ) ; short ribs , * ,45.
Butter Firm ; creamery , ! ! ( ig3ic : ; dairy ,
( Jhcese Finn ; lull cream chcddnrs , 11@
11'41 ' ; : Hats , ll4fll4i ' ( ! ! ; young Americas ,
Eggs Firm at SOfffWo for fresh.
Hides Unchangedgreen ; hides r > ) o ; green
fro/en , lie ; heavy gicen salted , tl ij ; light
green salted , fijf ; salted bull , flj o ; green
bull , 4 ! c ; green salted calf , be : dry flint
and dry calf , V.13i ! ! : branded , 15 port-cut
off : deacons , HUe each ; dry salted , lUu.
Tallow In fair demand ; No. 1 , country ,
4ft4'4-e ( ' , No. L' , 3'jf ; cake , 4'fe per Ib.
Ueceipts. * Shipments.
Flour , bbls I.1,0 ( > 0 IU.XK ( )
Wheat , bu ' . ' ( ) , ( HX ) 'JlK)0 ) ( )
Corn , bu 113,000 fi-J.OOO
Oats , bu 1:17,000 : ti.SKK ( )
Hyc , bu 7,000 il.OOO
liarley , bu 40,000 41,000
St. Louis. Jan. 30. Wheat Lower ; cash ,
SO' ' ( HSlc : May , W.-Te.
Corn Higher ; cash , 4ti3f(3.47c : May , 4Sa'f.
Oats Lower ; cash , iUl'-ic ; May , yo a- ' .
l > ork-lfi.)0. ( )
Lard $7.'J. > .
liuttcr Unchanged ; creamery , 24S,10c ( ;
dairy , 18@2c. ( !
ArrEiiNooK BOMIII AVhcut weak early ,
but closed firm ; February , Mc ) ; May , 8i > ( c.
Corn Firm : February , 4li''ic ' bid ; May ,
473fc. Oats Weak ; Moy , 'Mc bid.
Milwaukee , Jan. 30. Wheat Steady ;
cash , "fijfc ; May , fcO c.
Corn Lower ; No. it , 47'/c. '
Outs Dull ; No.2 white , 4fc. ;
Uyo Weak ; No. L WJ.ff.
Hurley Steady ; No. 2 , 77c.
Provisions Steady.
Cincinnati. Jan. 30. Wheat Neglected ;
No. 2 red , 87GlbSe.
Corn No. 2 mixed , 51 } jfe.
Outs No. 2 mixed , 34 ( . '
Rye Easier ; No. 2. 0'Jiii7Uc. (
I'ork , * 14.75.
Lurd , $7.40.
Whisky ? 1. 03.
New York , Jon. 30. Wheat Receipts ,
550 ; exports , none ; options were weak und
declined K@Uft'c , closing heavy at a shade
above thobottom ; spot , J.j ( 9.Ce lower , leav
ing off easy ; ungraded red , M ; } { ( if 92 } c ; No. 2
red , MlGj'.Kk ' ! in elevator ; 'J0 ( iiin > fc deliv
ered ; February closed at bfle.
Corn Receipts , 43,000 ; exports , 7,000 ; mar
ket lower ; ungraded , 5 < .i@fll > 4c ; No. 2 ,
in elevator , 01JiSWc ( ( delivered ; February
closed at OO c.
Oats Receipts , 0,000 , ; exports , none ; mar
ket lower ; mixed western , 3'Ji 4le ; white
western , 41@4Ue.
Coffee SiKJt , fair ; Rio , nominal at $17.00 ;
options unsettled ; January lower , others
stronger ; stiles , 130,500 bags ; January , # 13.50
( 14.K ( ) ; February , ? 12.SX < ? 13.10 ; March ,
tl2.G5@12.M ) ; April , $12.5512.0. ;
Petroleum United , WiKu.
Eggs Firm ; western , 211' ' i@24e.
Pork Quiet.
Lard Lower ; western steam , spot , J7.80 ®
7.82 } .
llutter Firm ; western , 14 < gl4ejf' .
Cheese Firm ; western , llM'SHJ c.
Kansas City , Jan. 30. Wheat Quiet ;
No. 2 soft , cash , Tli c ; May , SOj'/e bid.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , cash , 42 Ve ; May,4t55 e
bid , 40 ; < u asked.
Oats No. 2 , cash , 30e bid.
New Orleans , Jan. 30. Corn Lower ,
Oats Easier ; No. 2 , 41c ; others un
Liverpool , Jan. 30. Wheat , unchdngcd.
Corn Firm ; demand fair.
Monday , Jan. 30 , 18S8.
The offerings of cuttle on to-day's market
were very light , there being only fourteen
fresh loads here. The average quality of the
receipts was very common , the milk being
light steers and common to fair cows. There
wcro not enough fat cattle to make a market
and the amount of business transacted was
extremely small. The market was about 503
lOc lower In sympathy with the decline in
eastern markets.
The receipts wcro as light as usual on Mon
day , there being only nineteen loads of fresh
offering. The general run of hogs was rather
common and there was nothing here us good
us the hogs which brought $5.15 on Saturday.
As usual when the receipts tire light there
was not much life in the market. The buy
ers , however , took what was here , and
everything was sold by midday. The
best heavy hogs sold tit a decline of about
5o in the morning , but the market closed fully
lOc lower. Light and common mixed stuff
was all of lOo lower. Four loads were left
unsold ut the closo. The decline was appar
ently duo to the decline in Chicago ,
There were two loads of rather common
sheep und lambs on the market , but the
quality was hardly good enough for the
market , nnd they wcro not sold.
Cattle . , . 400
Hogs . 1,300
Sheep . 500
. .ThiVeekV Ki > uolpt .
Showing the number of head of llvq stock
received on the market during the past
six days :
Cattlo. Hops.
Tuesday 1,300 2,100
Wednesday 7'A'I 3,5411
Thursday -flu 2.4U3
Friday.j' . aw 3,100
Saturday. . ; ' , aa S'J12
Monday.- . . . . . ; . 4.W J 300
. Prevailing Prices.
Showing prevailing prices paid for live
stock on the market :
Prime steers , 1300 to 1500 Ibs , .PO ( < ? 4,23
Choice steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs. . 3.33 OM.OO
Fat little steers , MX ) to 1050 Ibs. y.OO
Corn-fed range steers , 1200 to
1500 Ibs . 3.BO 073.75
Good to choice corn-fed cows. . 2.23 ( 3.00
Common to medium cows. . . . . . 1.75 ( i J 8.25
Western cows . 1 .Ml 02.60
( i oed range feeders , . . . 2.30 ( ji2.05
tJood native feeders , IKK ) Ibs und
upwards . . . 2.25 M3.40
Common to medium bulls . 2.23 ( ( ' 2.40
Fair to medium native feeders ,
' . 00 Ibs and upwards . 2.25 012.50
Stockers , 400 to H > 0 Ibs . 2.15 0(2.75
Prime I fat sheep . ' . 3.75 Of 4.25
Good fat sheep , I'OyUUO ' Ibs. . . . 3.25 OJ3.50
Fair to medium sheep . . . . 2.25 0' 3.00
Common sheep . 1,75 0 2.25
Light and medium hogs . 4.50 ( JI6.10
Good to choice heavy hogs . 5.30 0(5.40
Good to choice mixed hogs . 5.20 OJ6.30
ItcnrrMriitaUvc Snlcs
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
12 041 3.00 ' . ' 0 1075 3.23
1. 150011.00 1. . . 17SO * 2. !
4. 1112 1.50
cow s.
0. 107 : , 2.40 i)0. ) . . .1MS ! 2.I15
59. 10IK1 JJ.IJO 115. . . . I'Sl '
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
70. . . . 153 4.55 ( W. . . 237 N ) 5.20
77. . . . 214 1RO 5.00 ( JO. , .8VI 120 5.20
f.U. . . .223 2W ) ft 0,1 l * > . . .27l | 120 5.25
7tl. . . .2Hl 40 5.10 Ml. . .295 HtX ) 5.27
7tl. . . .205 120 5.10 IK ! . . .274 120 5.30
Til. . . .1W P.'O 5.10 M. . . 237 120 5.30
200 5.15 53. . . 357 100 6.35
. . .1H ! ) 40 5.15 63. . .320 40 5.35
M ! . . .220 200 5.15
Ijivt ; Stock Sold.
Sllowing the number of head of stock sold
on the market today.CATTI.K.
G. H. Hammond & Co . 09
J. Carlin . 38
John Pepper . 25
Total . 102
G. H. Hammond & Co . 5'JO
Swift Packing Co . 218
Armour & Cudahay . 123
Total S
Innit < , or Prices.
Showing the extreme highest and lowest
rates paid for leading grades of hogs on dates
mentioned :
Date. Heavy. .Mixed.
Jan. in. 4 l i51) ) 4 75 OJi 15 4 : w < ? M 75
Ufi W ) ( i'ft ' 4 Ml dtTt Ul I .11 < fc4 ! l
.Inn. SI. 6 .0 < U * > 40 4 ' . © 5 15 4 ir , ooo
.11111. 22. Sunday Stinilny Sunday
Jan. 23. 5 r > < rir , 45 5 IS ? o ! 10 4 ( v. di : < (0 (
Jim. " 4. 5 r , no i i L'O ; i 40 sin in
Jnn. aVfi r. < fl ( its -jri 4 HI c ir. ou
Jnn. UH.I.- > ft 10 6(5 IK ) 4 Ml ff/fi ( > : >
.Inn. i 'M ( < ! < 4U r , ir ,
Jun. ' " 5 20 Cf.'i 3 > 4 M GUi 10
Jan. 2JO'"Sunday Stinduy
Jan ai. r > : w w > w 520 < fSf > 4 HI fa 10
Publio inspectors dock pregnant sows 40
IKiunds , stags 80 pounds each. hogs. 100 pounds nnd over , $1,00@
2.1X1 per cwt , less than 100 Ibs , of no value.
Yardage : Cattle , 2fic ; hogs , So ; sheep , 5o
per head. Feed : Corn , $1.00 per bu. ; timothy
hay , f30 ; prairie hay , $ 'JO per ton.
Commissions : Cattle , 50cper head ; calves
and yearlings , $10 per car. Hogs and slice ) ) :
Single decks , fo ; public inspection on hogs ,
15e per cur. All sales unless otherwise
stated per 100 Ibs live weight.
Live Stock Notes.
Markets lower.
Hog market lOo lower.
Not enough cuttle hero to tnako a :
J. Uuck , Crete , marketed n load of 30c
hogs ,
W. Z. Pollard , Aurora , marketed n load of
Hogs averaged Saturday 240 pounds and 0'
to the car.
M. Holloway , Cozad , came in with two
loads of cattle.
William Hobcrtson , Cozad , was hero with a
load of cuttle.
J. M. Thompson , Eurling , was hero looking
over the yards.
H. Anderson , Shelby , la. , was among the
visitors lit the yards.
W. H. Handall was in with three loads o
cattle from Columbus.
The Etta Shattuck fund at the stock yards
has reached nearly $ -00.
J. Huck , Essex , la. , marketed a load o :
32'J pound hogs at the top price.
Mr. Shields , hog buyer for Kingan & Co.
the Indianapolis puckers , is back again.
Henry Emerson , Cedar Rapids , came in
with two loads of hogs. One loud topped the
John Wiggins , secretary of the Live Stock
Shippers' association , was among those who
sold hogs ut $5.30.
Produce , Fruits , Ktc.
Monday , Jan. 30.
Tlic following arc the prices ( it whlcl
ronntl lotx uf procure tire * oW on thin initr-
Kct. Fruits onithcr lines of yowls mitlrJtiy
citrri liiliur of i > ai'hinij cntnwt nlwiiuii Jn
mjtlilicd on oHtKldcordcrxut t/icsimc / ; rlcc *
ijimtctl the lucdl tmdc.
BUTTKU Receipts wcro somewhat light to
day , and the demand fair , no change being
noted in prices. Creamery , solid packed , 22M >
2cchoice ; rolls , 17(31Uc ( ; medium,15@17c ; lov
grades , 10@12c.
Er.os Receipts arc light and demand fail
at 20@21e for cold storage ; ! ! l@22c fo ;
strictly fresh. Limed eggs are very slov
at 15e.
POUI.TIIY Warm weather 'has to some
extent unsettled the market. The demand is
light and so are the receipts , prices being
quoted unchanged. Dressed chickens , S@k !
per Ib ; turkeys , S@0c ; ducks , fc@'Jo ; geese
POTATOES Are moving more freely at flrm
unchanged prices. We quote : Utah and Col
orado stock , ? 1.10@1.15 and choice honv
grown , 05@1-00 ; common grades at OOc.
CAIIIIAOU Prices unchanged utl per do ?
and2).jS3e ) ( per Hi for California.
OHASOES Vnlencias , S'.SOfftS.OO per case o
420 ; Louisiana , $4.00 < S4.25 ; Florida , brights
* 4.25@4.50 ; russetts , * 3.504.00 ( ; Mexican
H.OO ,
LEMONS Malaga are now out of the mar
ket , nnd orders tire now tilled from the stocl' '
of Messina , which tire quoted at $5.00@5.f
per box.
H \ \xvs-3.00to3.50 for medium nnd $3.5 (
to $4,00 for choice.
TI'uxirs Arc selling at 75e per bushc !
with rutabagas at 55@Xc ( ) per bushel.
APPLES Wo quote eastern fruit , fair t
choice stock , $3.50@3.75 ; fancy stock , f3.75@
Cr.i.EHY We quote 40r345c per dozen fo
choice and 45@50o for fancy.
Giurr.s Are without change nnd wo
quote $7.50078 00 per bbl. for Malagas , und
larger sized bbls. in proportion up to $10.
ONIONS Homo grown , 750 < S5cc ; Spanish
onions , per 50-lb crnto , $1.500.41.75.
HKANS Good stock , $2.00 ( < ' 3.30 ; fair to
good , $1.00@1.SO , and California beans at
12.25(32.40 (
SWF.ET POTATOES Are nearly out of the
niarket. Wo still quote : 2@2)-Jc ) per Ib. , with
extra ut 3c.
CHICK Choice Michigan cider , fO.OO@0.50
per bbl. of 32 gal.
PorcoitN Choice rice corn Is quoted at
404J c per Ib , other kinds , 2J @ : k ) l > cr Ib.
Su'nn KIUUT Choice per bbl. of 3(1 ( gal. ,
fS.h5n9.00 ( ; yt bbl. , fj.57 ( 5.00. $11.00 per
bbl of 50 gal.
CAitiiors $2.25 12.60 per barrel.
PAifsXirs New stock , $2.50 per barrel-
There arc few on the market.
OlSTEiis Plain standard , 25e ; plain selects -
lects , KOc ; standard. 40c ; extra selects , 35o ;
Now York counts , 40o ; bulk oysters , counts ,
S1.S3 per 100 ; selects , $2.00 per gal ; standard ,
$1.25 per gal.
CAULIFLOWER Good stock , $2.00(22.80 ( ,
CALIFOUNIA FIIUITS There are only a few
pears in the market , ut $2.50@2.75 ; extra
fine , $3.00.
CiiANimuniES Hell & Cherry , $10.00010.50
Hell & Uuglc , flU.500jll.00 ; Capo Cods , $11.00
@ 11.50.
Fios In layers , 13@lfio ; cake , lie per Ib.
D \TISI Prussian , Be nor Ib.
NUTS Peanuts , O'0i'7c ' ; ' , raw ; Drazll nuts ,
13e ; almonds , Tarragona , 22o ; English
walnuts , ! 5ilSo ( ; filberts , 18c ; Jtallun chest
nuts , 15c ; pecans' , 12c. .
HONEY Is somowllat scarce nnd found nt
previous quotations ; 10 < 3-lc for 1-tt frames ;
canned houey , lOOJlic yer tt ,
Grooer'i 1,1st.
Psovrjioss Haras , HpllU c ; breakfast
bacon , 11@11'4 ' - ! bacon gidesl i4i7 ( < u'c ; dry
salt , SOlS 'c ; shoulders , C < 40l7c ; dried beef ,
AN-iiT-Mlxcd , t > 0lle ; stick.
GOODH O.vstcrs , etundanl , per
case , $3,30@ 3.33 ; strawberries , 2-lb per case ,
$3.20r'l.0 " ; * : raspberries , 2-lb per case , $ ; ) .16rt )
3,25 ; "California pears , per case , W.700J4.M ) ;
nprlcots , i > cr cap , W.WXcH.'O ; peaches , pr
case , $6.70'i"5. Si ; white cherries , per case.
$ WK ) ; Cnl. pluins.pcrcase$4.800t4 , < 0 ; blueber
ries , per cnse , $2. . ' Ki ! .40t egg plums , 2-lb
| > cr cuie , $2.60 ; pineapple * , 2-lb , per cn c ,
$3.200(5.75 ; Mb salmon , per doz , $1.7502UM ) ;
2-lb gooseberries , l > cr case , $3.25oT3. ! i ; 2-lb
string beans , i cr case , tliliy'l ! ( ' > 5 ; 2-lb Lima
bcnns.per case , $ l.fiOOfl. ( > 6 ; 2-lb marrowfat
peas , $2.000 < 2.70 ; 2-lb early Juno Dear , per
case , J2.SV. 3-lb tomatoes , $2.50 ; 2-lb corn ,
Ditif.n FIIUITS Apples , new , Js , 707 , ' c ;
evaporated 60-lb ring , OJiOilOo ; raspberries ,
evaporated , i'.j'f(27e ; blackberries , evai > or-
atcd , lU@10xi4 : pitted cherries , 8l@32c ; East
ern , HS peaches , new , gfiMJtfc ; California
peaches , new , ) , lee ltic ; evapor
ated , peeled peaches , 2"J30e ( ; ; evapor
ated , unpared , 200i21o ; new cur-
ranti , 7057' ' ; prunes , new , SOW.fc ;
citron , 25c ; rnislns , London layers , $2.450 *
a.50 ; California loose muscatels , $2. 10@2. 15 ;
new Valencia , } { < ti * ' < ! .
RuriNEii LAUD Tierce , 7c ; 40-lb square
cans , 7J4C50lb round , 7 < o ; 20-lb round ,
! 4e ; 10-lb pails , be ; 5-lb pails , 8 , ' c ; 2-lb
.ails . , fc .
HHOOM.H Extra 4-tle , $2.00 ; No. 1 , $2.00 ;
v'o. 2 , $1.75 ; heavy stable , $4.00.
Svnt'P No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs. $1.50@1.65 ;
ew Orlcims , per gallon , 3M540e : tnnplo
iyrup , half bbls , "old tlmo" per gallon , SOc ;
gallon cans , per doz , $10.60 ; half galen cans ,
icr doz , $41.25 ; quart cans , $3.25.
STAHCII Mirror glass , 5 ? c ; Graves' corn ,
i ) c ; Oswcgo gloss , Oc ; Oswcgo corn , 7c.
Hoi. UND HKKitixos 70@73 per keg.
WooiiESWAitn Two-hoop pulls , per doz. ,
1.15 ; three-hoop palls , $1.70 ; No. 1 tub , $0.60 ;
S'o. a tub , $ .60 ; No. 3 tub $4.60 ; wash-
joards. $1.40ii2.75 ; assorted bowls , $2.25 ;
No. 1 churns. $9,00 ; No. 2 churns , $8.00 ; No.
1 churns , $7.00.
PICKLES Medium In bbls , $7.00 ; do in half
: > bls , ? 4.H ( > ; small , in bbls , $8.X ( ) ; do in half
ililt , $4.60 ; gcrkins , in bbls , $ 'J.OO ; do m half
bbls , $5.00.
COFFHI- : Ordinary grades , 19@20c ; fair.
20n 20lsc ; jirime , 21@21Kc ; fancy green and
rellow , 2'0(24c ( ; old government Java. 2 > > 0l >
)0c ) ; interior Java , 23ii28c ( ; Moelm , 8S < jiKc : ) ;
ArbucKlo's roasted , ttljfc ; McLuughlin's
XXXX , 233iyc ; Dllworthfs,2l'c ; ; Red Cross ,
" .VnLi.iKH 30-lb palls. $1.50071.75.
TEAS Japans , 200J55c ; gunpowder , 2fl@
We " ; Young Hyson , 23o5oc ; Oolong , 200 $
Roi-E Seven-sixteenths. .
TOIIACCO Lorillard's ' Climax , 45c ; Splen
did , 45c ; Mechanic's Delight , 44c ; Lcpgett &
Meyer's Slur , 45c ; Cornerstone , 3 ! > e ; Drum-
niond's Horseshoe , 44c ; J. T. . 40e ; Sorg's '
Spearhead , 44e ; Catlin's meerschaum , 31e ;
Catlin's Old Style , 2Jc. )
SUOAK Granulated , 7K0775 < e ; conf. A ,
7'4-073 < c ; white extra C , O oloj e ; extra C ,
% ( ! i ' % e ; yellow C , 5J4 ( < f 5 < e ; cut loaf , & } { (
b'-ic ; powdered , Sj OiS o ; New Orleans , 6 >
CIUCKKIIS , CAKES , ETC. Prices subject to
chungo. Soda , 6c ; soda ( city goods ) , 7c ; soda
snowllukcs ( in tins ) , lie ; soda dun dy , O Jc ;
s > odu wafers ( in tins ) , lOc ; soda zephyr , be ;
Mty oyster , OJjC ; excelsior , 7c ; farina oys
ter , f > ytcgem \ oyster , 5c : monitor , 7c ;
Omaha oyster , 7e ; pearl oyster , 5c ; picnic , 5c ;
snowdrop oyster , be ; gutter , 5c : IJoston , Sc ;
Omaha butter , 7c ; saVv tooth butter , ti c ;
cracker meal , fij 'e ; graham , be ; graham
wafers , 10c ; grahum wafers in pound pack
ages , 12 e ; hard brea'd , 5c ; milk , 7)ijc ; oat
meal , be ; oatmeal wafers , lOc ; oatmeal wa
fers in Ib pkgs , 12J e ; animals , 12e ; boliver
ginger ( round ) , 7c ; .cream , 8c ; Cornhill ,
lOc ; crucknells , Kic ; frosted cream , 8 } c ;
ginger snaps , be ; ginger snaps ( city ) , 'Jo ;
homo made ginger snaps in boxes , 13c ; home
made ginger snaps (1 ( Ib cans ) per doen ,
$2.50 ; Icmod crenm/8c ; pretzels ( hand
made ) , llj c. ; nssorte'd cakes nnd jumbles ,
ll } < jc ; assorted lingers , 15c ; uftcrnoon tea
( in tins ) per dozen , $7.00 ; banana fingers ,
14c ; butter jumbles , HJ c ; Brunswick , 15e ;
brandy snaps , 15c ; chocolatu drops ( now ) ,
lOc ; chpcolate wafers , 15c ; Christmas lunch
( in tins ) , per dozen , $4.60 ; cocoa taffy snaps ,
14c ; cofTco cuke , 12c ; Cuba jumbles , HHo ;
cream puffs , 2c ( ) ; egg Jumbles , 14c ; ginger
drops , lie ; honey Jumbles , HMc ; Jelly ling
ers , 15o ; jelly wafers , 15e ; jelly tart ( new ) ,
15c ; lady fingers , 13c ; vanilla bur , 14c ; va
nilla wafers , 14o ; Vienna wafers , 1 dozen
packages in box , per dozen , $2.50.
All goods packed in cans 1 ct. per Ib. ad
vance except Snowflake nnd Wafer Soda ,
which is packed only in cans. Soda in 2 Ib.
and 8 Ib. paper boxes , Jj cent per Ib. advance ;
all other goods , 1 cent per Ib. advance. Soda
in 1 Ib. paper boxes , 1 cent per Ib. advance.
The 2 Ib. boxes are packed in cases holding IS
in a case. The 3 Ib. boxes are packed in cases
holding 12 In a case. The 1 Ib. boxes uro
packed in cnscs holding : > in a case. One Ib.
Graham and Oatmeal Wafers packed 2 doz.
in a case.
Show Tops for boxes- with glass opening to
show goods , 75 cents. Cans for Wafer Soda ,
$3.00 not returnable. Cans for Snowflake
Soda , $0.00 per doz. Tin Cnscs with Glass
Face to display the goods , 75ccnts each. No
chnrgcs for Packages except for cans and re
turnable cases. Glass Front Tin Cans and
Snowflako" Soda Cans are returnable at
prices charged
Dry Goods.
DUCK West Point 29 in. 8 oz. , lO c ; West
Point 89 In. 10 oz. , I' o : West Point 10 in. 12
oz , 15c ; West Point 40 in. 11 oz , IBc. Checks
Caledonia X , ilYc ; Caledonia XX ,
Economy , ! lfc ! ; Otis , 8) ) 0.
KENTUCKY JKANS Memorial , 15e ; Canton ,
ISc ; Durham , 27Je ; Hercules , 18e ; Leaming
ton , 22 } < fo ; Cottswold , 23c.
CIIASII Stevens' D , Oc ; blenched , 7c ; Ste
vens' A , "ko ; bleached , 8 > < fe ; Stevens' P
bleached , 9 > < ic ; Stevens' N , 9) ) c ;
bleached , wycStevens' \ S U T , 12J e.
MISCELLANEOUS Table oil cloth , ? 2.85
plain Holland , 8 > a'c to 'Jo ; Dado Holland ,
CAMIIUICS Slater , 4 0 ; Woods , 4J < jc ; Stan
dard , 4 } < jc ; Peacock , 4 ! e.
CoMFoiiTKiis fct.JO ( ( : ! T > .00.
BLANKETS White , fl.00@7.50 ; colored fl.10
No. (10 ( , 9 < fc ; Hest Yet , 4-4 , 0 > o ; butter cloth
OO , 4J c ; Cabot , 7 < c ; Farwcll , 8c ; Fruit of
Loom. lo ( ; Greene G , Oc ; Hope , 7c ; King
Phillipcumbrli * , lie ; Lonsdale , like ; Lens
dale , 8c ; Now York mills , 10) < fc ; Peppcrcl
42-in , lOKo ; Pepperell , 4ln. . , ll ? oPcppcrol ;
0-4 , 15c ; Pcpperell , 8-4 20c ; Pcpperell 0-4 , 22c
Pepperell , 10-4 , 24c ; Canton 4-4 , 8e ; Canton
4-4 , OJjfo ; Triumph , Co ; Wamsutta , lie ; Val
ley , 5e.
FLANNELS Plaid Raftsman , 20c ; Goshen
324c ! ; Clear Lake , 32 } < o ; Maple City , 3GV ' c
White-G H No. 2 , , * < , 21c ; G H No. 1 , %
27 o ; U H No. 2 , Jf , 22Vfc ; H H No. 1 , Jf
flOc ; Quecheo No. 1 , f , 4'-'c ; Quecheo No. 2
! tf > 37 > < e ; Quecheo No. 4 , ? { , 32 } < o ; Anuwan
KiKo ; Windsor , 22 } < c. Red C. 24-inch. 15 fi
E , 24-inch/Jlo ; GG , 24 inch , 18o ; H A F , !
PitixTs SOMII Counts Atlanta , 5X1
Slater , 5cUerlin Oil , \\yte\ \ \ \ Garner Oil , <
7c. PINK'Vsn ROIIKS Richmond , Co ; Allen
Co ; River point , 5c ; Steel River , fie ; Richmond
mend , Co ; Pacitlc , 0 > < fc ; Ixnioo HI.UE Wash
ington , Oc ; Century Indigo blue prints , JOc
American , 0 > ; Arnold , 0/o ; Arnold 13
lOi e ; Arnold A , 12o ; Arnold Gold Sea
0 > < fc. Ditiss Charter Oak , 4J < fo ; Ramapo
l > fu ; Lodi , 7K ? Allen , S e ; Richmond
3Kc ; Windsor , Cc ; Eddystonu , Oo ; PaciHc
COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trndo dls
count LL , 3re ; CC , ' 7 ! c ; SS , 8J c ; Niimo
less 5Ko ; No. 5 , c ; EE , 9Ko ; GG , 10/is }
XX , Via ; OO , 14o ; NN. lOc ; KX , 18c ; R , 20c
No. 10 , 8 } o ; 40 , lOJ c ; CO , 12Ko ; 80 , 15c ; i
colored , lOo ; 50 , colored , 12c ; 70 , colored , 15o
Bristol , lil/e ! ; Union Pacilic , 18c.
CAHPET WAUIBebb white , lO e ; colored
BIIOWN SHEETING Atlanta A , 4-4 , . . ,
Atlantio H. 4-4 , 7e ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , 0 > < c ; At/
lantlu P , 4-4 , 5J4'c ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , 5fe : Au
rora C , 4-4 , 4) ) 0 : Crown XXX. 4-4 , OJtfo
Hooslcr LL , 4-4 , 5B ; Indian Head , 4-4,74C
Lawrence LL , 4-4 , 5Vc ; Old Dominion , 4-4
5J'u ; Pepperell R , 4-4 , O&c ; Pcpperell O , 4-4
( io ; Pepperell , 8-4 , 18c ; Pepperell , 0-4 , 20o
Pepperell , 10-4 , 2''o ; Utica C , 4-4 , 4 o ; Wu-
chusett , 44 , 7u ; Aurora R , 4-4 , X i Aurora
B , 4-4. Oo.
BATTS Standard. 8c ; Gem , 10fej Beauty ,
12Ko ; Boono. 14o ; B. cased , W.50.
GISOIHM Plunkett checks , 7 > c : Whlt-
tcnton , 7 i ! ; York , 7)40 ; Normandi dress ,
8 > c ; Calcutta dress , SJ c ; Whlttenton dress ,
9c ; Renfrew dress , 0@l'Jjfo. }
TICKS Lcwiston , SO-ln. , 12 > fo ; Lewlston ,
32-in. , 13V < c ; York , 32-in. , 14c ; Swift river ,
7KoThorndlko ; , OO , 8o ; Thorndike , EF ,
8Ku ; Thorndiko , 120 , Ok'c ; Tliorndlko , XXX ,
15o ; Cordis , No : 5 , V Cordls \ , No. 4 , lie.
DENIMS Amobkeng , 0-oz. , lOo ; Everett ,
7-oz. , I3c : York , 7-or.,13C ; Haymaker , 8Hc ;
Jafircy , XX , u c ; Jaflrey , XXX , i o ;
Bearer Creek , AA , 12c ; Heaver Creek , Bl ) ,
lie ; Beaver Creek , CC , lOc.
General Mnrkrto.
Price * on nil article * ijiiotdt In MiUcoI-
mini urt vholcKitle and < ire corrected dully ,
Hate * unjtonr und fcn\nre \ Jobber * wires
und urc not rehtll. I'rlce * on ( iinln nre
tlio c j > ald h\i \ Oinnhn miller * delivered. Qno-
tuttrm on hides nnd fur * urc thotc yJi'c/i / bu
the leadtna purchasers of the ullii.
Fi.ofit AND FEED Minnesota patent * , $2.00
per cwt ; Kansas and Missouri fancy winter
jmtcnts , $2.00oi2.75 per cwt ; Nebraska pat
ents. $2.450/2.60 per cwt ; rye flour ,
$2.00 per cwt t wheat graham , $1.75 per cwt ;
rye graham , $1.40 per cwt ; New York buck-
wheat. $ fl.MXit7.00 per bbls TSxeelslor , $0.00
per bbl ; ready ru.scd , $3.)0 ( ) | wr 100-lb case ;
cornmenl. yellow , $1.00@1.10 per cwt ; white ,
$1.1001.15 per iiwt ; bran , $10.00a17,00 ( per
ton ; screenings , $14.00@15.00 per ton ; hominy
iny , $3.25 per bbl ; chojiped feed , $20.00 per
ton ; chopped corn , $19.00 per ton.
lUv Upland prairie , $7.0007.50 ; common
coarse , $ .00@H.50 ; straw , fO.OUOtH.60.
COAL Egg , $10.50 ; nut. $10.60 ; range ,
$10.60 ; walnut block , $4.25 ; Iowa lump ,
$3.75 ; Iowa nut , $3.00 ; Illinois , $45.00@4.75.
Ditfos Ammonia | carb , 14c ; camphor
refined 30c ; copperas , 1'jfe ; cream taitar ,
45c ; crcaui tartar powdered. 80 ( < i60e ; In
digo Madras , 75o ; morphia sulph , $ ; i.50 ; soda
bi. carb , I55is ; Venice turpentine , 40c ; gum
opium , $4.05 ; quicksilver , 80c : ( julnlnc , Ger
man per oz , 55c ; quinine , P. & W. , Ole ; wax ,
yellow , pure , 32c.
OILS Carbon , 18u25c ( ; linseed , boiled ,
02c ; linseed , raw , 6ic ! ; castor , No 1 ,
$1.20 ; No. 2 , $1.12 ; sperm whale , $1.00 ; fish ,
bank 35c ; ncatsfoot extra , 53c ; neatsfoot No.
1 , 50e ; gasoline , 74 degrees , 15c ; W. S. lard ,
05c ; No. 1 lard , 50c ; No. 2 lard , 60c ; W. Va.
zero , 14c ; W. Va. summer , 12c ; golden No. I ,
40o ; golden No. 2 , 25o ; whale , 20c ; napthn 1
degree , 14c ; headlight 160 degrees , 12c ; head
light , 175degrees , 15c ; turpentine , 40c.
PAINTS White lead , pure , O'fc ; white
lead , fancy , 0) e ; putty , In bladders , 3 ; Paris
white , 3c ; common , 2)-fe ) ; red lend 7c
Wi N now ni.A > < 9 Single , 00.10005 per cent ;
double , 70 und 6 per cent discount.
SPIRITS Cologne spirits 188 proof , $1.13 ;
do , 101 proof , $1.15 ; spirits , second
lunllty , 101 proof , $1.13 : do , IbS ;
j > roof , $1.12 ; alcohol , 188 proof , per wino
gallon. $2.10 ; redistilled whiskies $ l.00@1.50 ;
gin , blended , $1.60012.00 ; Kentucky bourbons ,
$2.00ttO.K ( ( ) ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania
ryes , $2.00(9(1.50 ( ( ; Golden Sheaf bourbon and
rye whiskies , $1.5003.00 ; brandies , Imported ,
$5.01)08.50 ) ; domestic , $1.30073.1X1 ; gins , Im-
mrted , $4.50M < 500 ; domestic , $1.2513.00 ;
hnmpagncs , imported , per cnse , $28.00@
M.OO ; American , per case , $10.00oi > 10.00.
HHAVY HAitmvAiin Iron , rate , $2.00 ; plow
steel , special cast , 4)fc ) ; crucible steel , tlj c ;
cast tools , do , 12015c ; wagon spokes , per set ,
$2.00(45.61) ( ) ; hubs , per set , $1.60 ; felloes ,
sawed dry , $1.50 ; tongues , each , 75c ; axles ,
each , 75o ; square nuts , per Ib , 0jJl3c ( ; coil
chain , per Ib , CK@13c ; malleable , 8(3lOo ( ;
iron wedges , Oc ; crowbars , ( Jo ; harrow teeth ,
4c ; spring steel , 4@5c ; Burden's horse shoes ,
$4.75 ; Burden's mule shoes , $3.75 ; barbed
wire , in cur lots , $ -1.00 per 100 Ibs ; iron nails ,
rates , 10 to 50 , $2.40 ; steel nulls , $2.50.
LE Tiinu Oak soles , 350l7e ' ! ; hemlock
slaughter sole , 20Q ! 29c ; hemlock dry sole ,
21C < $25c $ ; hemlock kip. 05(3900 ( ; A. & B. run
ner kip , 50@75c ; A. hemlock calf , lWc@f 1.00 ;
A. A. hemlock calf , "backs , " 75c ; hemlock
upper , 19@24c ; English grain upper , 25c ; hem
lock grain upper. 21a24c : Tampico U. L.
Morocco , 29@33e ; Tampico pebble , O. D. Mo. ,
. . , . . . .
Ai I H.4kll i l VV/j T\V .J&llllil l\t l * > v * r- * .j
Gricsen kids , KI.OO@ : .M ; Krcnch calf kids
linings , $ ( J.OO@ ( ' > . .r)0 per doz ; pink , cream und
white linings , $ T.tX > ( i10.00 per doz ; colored
toppings$9.00@11.00 ; green ox pelts , 3iJjJ/c ( : ;
kip skins , ( unfrozen ) , 4@tlXo ; cowhides , ! 1)
Hums Green butchers' , K&fyfe ; green
-jrcd. ( K3fi ) < o ; dry Hint , Oc ; dry salt , 8c ;
green calf skins , 7c ; daniHgcd hides , two
thirds price. Tallow H/e. Grease I'rim
white , 4e ; yellow , 3e ; brown , 2c , Sheep
pelts , 2cOjI-UX ) . Steady und unchanged.
Giaix Wheat , No. 2 , GOc ; rye , 55c ; corn ,
yellow , 4007430 ; corn , white , 42@4ftc ;
oats , 29@3Uu ; barley , C0@0oc , according
to quality.
FIAXSHKO Is unchanged and Is quoted nt
$1.2. ) per bushel.
Funs Kaccon,10(560emink ( ; , 15@40c ; musk
rat fall , 2@To ; striiwd skunk,50i25o ; mountain
wolf , No. 1 , * 1.50a2.50 ( ; No. 2 , prairie , 00@
75e ! ; No. 2 , 2r)040c ; beaver , No. 1 , tier Ib ,
$2.00@3.00 ; No. 2 , $1.00S1.S5 ( ; otter , fl.OO ®
0.00 ; dry deer skins , SOfn/'ttc per Ib ; dry ante
lope , elk , moose , etc. , 150 25c.
Dry Lumber.
. 14
1(1 ( ft. 18ft. 20ft. 22ft. 24
2x4 IT M ) 20 00 21 OJ 22 00
2x10 .
8X12 . .18 2.20 ] 00 21 no',24 ' , 00'24 '
4x4 8x8 .is 5oi | .via ) razoo23 \ \
No. 1 com , s 1 s.18.f)0 I No. 3 com , s 1 s.tlh.50
No. 2 com , sis. 17.00 | No. 4 com , sis. 13.60
No. 1 , 4 & 0 in 12 & 14 ft. , rough * 19.fiO
No. 1 , " " 10 " 10.50
No. 2 , " 12 14 " 10.50
No. 2 , " " 10 " 18.00
A , 12,14 & 10ft.$21.50 I C , 12 , 14 & 1C ft.$15.50
B , " " 20.501 D , " " 12.50
A 0 in White Pine t2.-.r > 0
UOin " " :
C in " " IIO.OO
DOin " " 21.50
EOin " " ( Scl. Fencing ) 19.90
G In. Drop Siding 50o per M extra.
2d com % In White Pine Ceiling 134.00
" us.OO
Clear , % in Norway " " 10.00
2dcom. in " " " 14.00
A121nch8ls $15.50
H13 ' 30.20
C13 " 30.00
D12 " 23.00
No. Icom , ISinsls , 12ft 20.50
" " " 14ft 19.00
D" " " 10ft 18.50
" " " 10 , 18,20ft 21.50
No.2 , " 2 1900
" " " 12&14ft 18.50
" " " 17 ft 17.50
12 In Grooved roofing , (1 per M. more than 12
In Stock Uourds sumo length.
10 In Grooved Hoofing same prlco as 12 in
Stock Uourds.
fen IP I.AI * .
No. 1 Plain 8 and 10 in , $19.00
No.2 " " " 17.50
No. 1O G , Sin 19,50
1st and 2nd , clear , 1 , ItfinsSs 151.00
" \yt. 2 51.00
3d , clear , 1 in , s2s 44.50
" lif 1W , Sin 40.00
A , select , 1 ms2s 40.dC
A " IV.lK.Slnuaa 44.0C
1J , " Iins2s 30.01
U , " l > f , IK , 2 In a S s 37.0C
Com. 4 inc h Flooring J17.5C
Star " " 21.50
1st and 2d clear 4 inch Flooring 23.0C
Six inch 40o less.
Clear % inch Ceiling 21.5C
Clear Jf inch Partition 25.0C
Clear % inch , Partition $2 above %
inch Ceiling 25.0C
Clear Finish , 1 and \\i \ inch , s 2s 29.01
Clear Finish , 1 and 2 inch , 8 2 s 30.01
Clear Corrugated Ceiling , 4 inch 25.M
Clear Yellow Pine Casing and Huso. . . . 27.0C
CPolar | Dx. IJds. % in. , s 2 s $ r..OC
" " K in. Panel , s 2 s 27.0C
" " Corrugated Coiling , % . . 2S.5C
O. G. Halts , iyt in ( Be ; Ux3 , s 1 s. 4o ( ) ; 3in
Well Tubing , D. & M. anil Uov. , $23.0(1 ; Pick
ets , D. & H. Flat , $20.50 ; D. H. Sq. , $21.50.
XX clear , $10 ; extra * A * . $2.S5 ; A * stand
ard No. 5 , No. 1 , $1,45 ; lath , $2.55.
White ccuar , 0 in. , } { s. 12 > e ; 9 in. ,
11 , ' e ; white cedar , % in K8 UJjo ; 8 in.
qrs lOc ; white cedar. 4 In. round , \me \ ( ; Ten-
ncssco red cednr , split , 14c ; split oak , lOo ; 0
in 7 in. , and Sin. ( ) < each ) 8 ft. , round , W.C.
Pacific Kxpreiiii Klectliin.
Thooftlccrsof the Pacillo Kxpress company
for the ensuing year , us chosen u few days
ago , are ; President nnd treasurer , K. M.
Morsman ; vice-president , Charles Francis
Adama ; secretary. W. F. Hechol. The directors
rectors arc : C. F. Adams , Boston ; A. H.
Calofl New York ; D. II. Smith. St. Louis ;
E. Itt. Morsman ; W. F. Hechel , Omaha ; L.
A. Fuller , J. K. Johnston , Kansas City.
Agrlcultural Implements.
DealerinAgricnlturallniplenients , Wagons ,
Carilngcs unit Iluiiln. .lnie Street , btlwtcnvth and
_ KHh. Omaha. N ebraska. _
AgriculturalliniilGnientSjfagon Carriagcs
, Ktc. Whole sale. Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Dealers In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies
IU1 , BO , W5 n J ( C7 Jones Street , Ouiatia.
P. P. MAST & C0
Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders ,
Cultivators , liny llakrs , Cider Mills mul I.utmn Pul-
Terliern. Cur. llth and Nicholas streets.
Agricultural Ininlemeiit faeous&BDiuries
Corner 14lh and Nicholas Streets.
( Akron , OhkO
Harvesting Machinery and Binder Twine ,
\V. K. Mead , Manager. nit I.ea enworth St. , Uinalia
Manufacturer ! ! and Jobbers In
Wagons Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
Cor. flth anil I'aclflc Streets , Omnhn , Nob.
Artists' Materials.
A HOSPE , Jr. , '
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos anfl Organs ,
1513 Ilmmlas Street. Omaha , Nebraska.
Boots and Shoos.
/ . V. MORSE & "CO. ,
Jobbers or Boots and Shoes ,
111 Karnnm Ft. , Omulia , Nob. Manufactory , Hummer
Street , Huston.
( Successors to Itceil , Jones A to. )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots andShocs
Agents for llo ton Unblier Shoe Co. 1102,11041100
Ilnrney fel. . Ouiiilin , Nebraska.
BqpksollerB.and Stationers-
H. M , & 8. W. JONES ,
ucccssor to A. T. Kenyon It Co. , Wholesale & Iletall
Booksellers and Stationers ,
'Ino Wedding Stntlonery , Cmmm'rcliil Stationery.
Wti IHmglns Street , Omaha. Neb.
( toffees , Splcoe , Etc.
Uinnlin CotTt'0 mul Spice Mills.
Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
Flavorl'm Kurorts , I.iuimtrr Blue , Inkn. Ktc. 1414-
UlUll.irney Strt'ct , Omnlni , Xcbnuka.
Crockery and Glassware.
"w. LVwRlGHT.
Agent for the Mnnufacturers anil Importer ! , of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
Ktc. Office , . ' 117 8. 13th St. , Ouiiilm , Nebraska.
Commission andJStorage-
Commission and Jobbing ,
llutter , KKKII and Produce. Consignment' solicited ,
llcHdquartum fur fctonunre. Berry Hoii'iiiml
( irnpc lliiskota. 1414 Doilgo St. , Omulia.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Specialties Iluttcr , Kggs , cheese. Poultry , Came ,
Ostcr , Ktc. , Kte. 112 Ninth 14th Mroct.
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , Iluttcr. ( iame. Krults. Ktc. MO South 14th
St. . Omaha , Nebraska.
( Successors to McSIumo & Schrocdcr. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Omaha , Ncbraiku.
Co lCoko _ and Lime.
JoDte of Hard anfl Soft Coal ,
200 Snutb ISth street , Omnha , Nebrnika.
Mannfactnrers of Illinois Wnite Lime , -
And shippers of Coal. Coke , t.'cmcnt , Fluster , Lime ,
Drain Tile , and ttewer I'lpc. ODlcc , I'nxton llottl ,
Karnnm St. , Omaha , Neb. Telephone 811.
Snippers of Coal anfl Coke ,
214 South 1.1th St. . Omaha , Neb.
Dry Goofls , Furnishing Goofls anfl Notions ,
1WJnnd IIM IlouKlasCor. llth St.Omaha , Neb.
Importers anflJooDersinDryGooflsNotions ,
Gents' Kurnlshlnn Conils. Comer llth and
Sta..Onmhn , Nohnnkn.
Wholesale Dealers in Fnrnitnre ,
Harimm Street , Omaha. Ncbranku.
Wholesale Groceries anfl Proyisions ,
706 , TOT , 700 and 7118.10th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
Hth and I avcnworth Streets , Omaha , Nebraska.
D. M. STEELE & CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
1210,1K1 nnd 1KI Hurnej Street , Omnha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1114 and lllfi Ifarncr Street. Omaha , Neb.
Joooers of Hardware anfl Nails ,
Tinware. Sheet Iron. Ktc. Aitcnts for Howe Scales
unil Miami I'owilcrC'o , Omaha , Neb.
Builders' ' Hardware anfl Scale Repair Shop ,
Mechanics' Tools and Buffalo Scales. 1103
Street , Omaha , Nobru > 4ia.
Wholesale Hardware ,
10th and Ilarncy Ht.i. , Omalm , Neb. Wt > stcrn Auent
( or Austin Powdur Co. . Jem-rvon Htvel Nails ,
Knlrbnnks Stnnilunl Scales.
Heavy Hardware.
Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springs , Waiton Slork , Hardware , Lumber , Kic.
anil 1211 llarni'y Street , Umaba.
Wholesale Iron anfl Steel ,
Waeonanil Cnrrlimo Wood Hlock , Heavy Hardwan
Ktc. KIT unit Ulil I arenworlb ht. , Oumhu , Neb.
All Kinds of Bnilding Material at Wholesale
Ifcth Street and Union Pnclfle Track , Omalm ,
Dealer in Luralier , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
IWori.Elc. Yarils-Corncr 7lli and louglns ; Comci
' . 'III und Iouila .
C. H. DE\TZ \ ,
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
13th and California Ftrrets , Omaha Nobrcnin.
Lnmlier Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
CorncrCtbkDd l > ouilmSls.Om h .
. „ _ Lumber , '
To Dealers Only ,
Office. 1403 farnam Street Omaha ,
Wholesale Lumber Etc ,
Qulncy White l.lme.
Dealer in Hardwood Lnmber ,
Wood Carpf U and I'arquet Moorln . Ptu and tkiu Us
TrorTWorkB. '
, .
" " ' w u.
"pyCxro N" & V I'ER Li N a ,
Wrongbt and Cast Iron Building Worlr ,
KDxIneK. IlraM Worklpnpral Kouniirr , Machine and
Illacksmltn Work , ORIrp and Wiirku , U , > ' HT.
mul Kill Street , Omaha.
Manufacturers of fire and Iron Railings "
Desk Itnlli , Window flunnU. flower SlnmU , Wlra I
Hxn , Kic. IM North Ifth Street. Omaha.
Man'frs ' of Fire SBnrglar Proof Safes
Vault'.lull Work , Iron nnd Wlro Fencing , Sinn * . ito.
( i. AmlrffMi , I'rop'r Cor. Kill andJnckKim Sts ,
Fire and Bnrglar Proof Safes , Time Locks ,
( .eneral AgrnM for Dlwbolil Snfo A t.ork t'o.'n
Vault * and Jail Work , 1115 Karuam Street , Oumhu.
* lot8 Caps , Eto. _
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
1(07 ( llarncT Street , Oniahu , Neb.
_ Mllllnorynnd _ _
i. o B E R > E L D'ER v c 6 . .
Inmoilers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
AN. Jin mul 312 South IHIi
Wiiolesale Nolions anfl Furnishing Goofls
4 ( nti'l B H ( ilti 10th St. , Omitlift.
" " " "
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goofls ,
11(13 ( Humor Struct , OmnliH.
fholsaleRefincfl anfl LnMcating Oils ,
Ailo ( inHiitKic. . , Onmli * . A. H. Illihnp , Mnnngcr.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
'nrry ' a nice ilork of Printing. Wrnprlnii nnil Writing
1'Hper. Special Htlontlon t\ven \ In rnr ToRrt nnli'ru.
Printers' Materials.
Auxiliary Publishers ,
Dealers In Type. I'n-Mt'i nml Printer * ' Supplies. { 03
toutli litli t > treet , OmubH.
Rubber Goods-
Manufacturers anfl Dealers in Rubber Goofls
311 Clotlilng Riul lo llier llollluu. UUb Fiirnum Btrett.
, Pumps , Etc.
Pnmps , Pipes and Engines ,
Wholesale Pnmps , Pipe , Fittings ,
itcam nnd Water Supplier noadqnarten for Mast ,
toost A Co'ii goixlii. 1111 Karnam bl. , Dnmhu.
Steam anfl Water Supplies ,
id ; Milta ,8anl , Bt. . On.h. .
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery.
HJ-m urap. . Saw MIX. .
Wholesale Farm , Fielfl anfl Garflen Seefls
Oil anil ( lUJoiica Street Oinulm.
Storage , Forwarding A. Commission
Storage , Forwarding anfl Commission ,
Branch lionsoof the llennoy HucKy Co. IluvKlvio
wuulusalu anil rotnll , 1 H UlOanil 1311 Itard Sirutt.
OmuUu. Telephone No.7U ) .
I ) .
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
John Kpenctcr. Proprietor. ICO Doduo nnd llBauil lot
North lUth Hlrei'l. Omitlin.
Lager Beer Brewers , 1
1121 North Klgthtcentb Street , Omaha. Neb.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans I'anti , Shirts , Ktr. IIIRnml 1101 Douglas Street ,
UmuUtt , Neb.
Sash , Doors , Etc.
M. A. DISBROV. ' t , CO. ,
Wholesale ManuT .cturorn of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Dranoh Office , IZlli and lianl Htrects , Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Muiilillnus , KtnlrWork and Interior Hard
Wood Hit *
l u. N. K. Corner nth und l.cnveiiwurlu Streets ,
Omahu , $ cb.
Manafacturers of Moulding , Sash , Doors ,
And minds. Turning , Stair-work , Hank and Ofllco FIU
tiling , ailli und I'opploiun ATenuo. a
Smoke Stacks , Boilers , Etc.
Manufactnring Dealer in Smoke Stacks ,
Brltchlngs , Tnnk nnd ( iencml Holler ItupulrlUK. I3li
Doduo btreetOmuhuNcb
C. U. PAI.MKIl. X , IMIICIIMAN. J. II. IH.A.SfllAlll ) .
Liye Stock Commission Merchants.
Ofllcu-Uocim ii.Oppni'llii KichniiKii llull'llng ' , llii lee
Mock \ nrds , Nmtli Ouiulm , Ni-b.
Liye Stock Coeimission Merchants ,
Murkct furnltOH'fl fr'Mt on application , Mockcri nrul
fot'tturn fiiniUhttl on unod ti-rniH. Uo * 'rt'fKtin' Onm-
( jtNHtloiml Hunk iui'1 hnnth Oiuuhu Nulloimi , Uuluu
block Vt.rtln , toulli Oinithn ,
Liye Stock Commission ,
Itoora li , KxthuiiL'o lliillUlnu , Union Stock Yards' ,
huiith Oiuithu , Ni'b ,
Commision Dealers in Live Sock ,
Iloolun , Oiipo ltn Hithunvn llulldlnn , Union btick )
VimU , feoulli omitbit. Neb.
UNioTTs'TocKVA'RDS co. , "
Of Omaha , Limited ,
Jeltn 1' . llojd , b