Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE : /TUESDAY , JANUARY > 81. 1888.
Senator Plumb Criticizes the Poor
Woatorn Mull Sorvlco.
An Unfavorable lleport on tlio Pro-
-iiostMl Itrtltictlon Public Prin
ter liiMirillut Itcillis | t < tlio
Charges Against Him.
Too Much Hlnillclly. |
WASHINGTON t , Jim. UO. In tliu senate the
judiciary committed reported thu bill rumor
ing tlio political disabilities of Andrew J ,
Lindsay of Mlst-gurl , mid It was passed.
SaW.ycr , * from tlio iwilofllco committee ,
reported back , adversely , the proposition U
raduco letter postage to 1 cent. The committee
too did not Ihlnk It prudent to attempt to re
duce postage nt pros-cut. While the post
ofilco departincnt U still running behind li
wits self-sustaining before further reduclloi
of postage was attempted. After sumo ills
cussfon the report was placed on the calen
dnr.Mr. . Plumb offered a resolution Instruetinf
the postofllco committee to Inquire Into th <
cause of Ineniulcnt mall service , especially h
the west and south , and present nowspapci
extracts and letters fo show the "democrat
l/od" condition of the servlco In Kansas , tlu
result of u stupid attempt to itiuko a rucori
of economy. The service in thu west hai
reached a point where Its condition was ab
BOlutely unbearable. The resolution wen
over.Mr. . Fryo offered a resolution which wa' '
ndoptud , calling upon thu secretary of tin
treasury for information about thu uanspor
tation of { roods between the United State' '
and Cana'da , the methods taken to protec
revenue , etc. ; also a resolution Instruct
ing thu committed on foreign rulutlnns ti
have prepared a loiij ( statement regal-din ;
Canada's organization , finances , debt , trude
ralhoads , canals , ctu. The Information , hi
said , was exceedingly valuable unil necessary
in view of the fact that serious < inostlons-
commercial ijuestlonwiit ) liablu to uiisi
ut any time. Laid over.
The Iiouso bill regarding cxp'crinicntn
agricultural stations passed with an amend
incnt aiipropriutlng money direct from th
treasury Instead of devoting the proceeds o
the sale of public lauds to that purpose.
Mr. Morgan then addressed thu senate fo
the third time , in opposition to the Blal
educational bill. Mr. Evarts will speak o
it to-morrow.
Among the measures Introduced and re
fcrrcd wore bills by Mr. Dolph. to establish
u Sundance land district in Wyoming , mi
authori/ing the leasing of school and unlrci
slty lands in Wyoming , and a memorial o
the national board of trade favoring reelprc
cial trade relations between the Unitci
States and Canada. *
WASHINGTON , Jan. I0. ! Under the call estates
states the following bills and resolution
were Introduced and referred :
Ily Mr. Townsend of Illinois To place sal
on the freu list.
Uy Mr. Hakcr of Illinois Directing th
committee on poslofllces and post roads to h
quire into the expediency of reducing th
postage on seeds , bulbs , etc ! , and of reducln
to 3 cents the fee for money orders for $5 o
loss.Uy Mr. Lawlcr of Illinois Abolishing th
tax on oleomargari no. ttofcrred to the con
nilttcoon agriculture.
By Mr. Cutchcon of Michigan rcsoh
tlon declaring it the sense of the house , thu
in any proposed revision of the tariff th
principle of protection to American industr ,
and the maintenance of the wages of Amoi
lean workingmcn at the American standar
ought to bo distinctly recognized and flrml
adhered to ; that duties ought not to bo In
posed for revenue only but for tli
protection of the production of thos
articles which the United .States he
abundant raw material nnd labor to produci
and that articles on the free list should h
selected from among such necessaries of 111
as are not produced in adequate quantities 1
this country.
Hy Mr , Campbell of Now York Fixing tli
salaries of supreme court justices and cabinc
officers at * ir > .0X ( ) .
Hy Mr. Willdns of Ohio For the issue c
fractional silver certificates.
Hy Mr. Ouenther of Wisconsin Directin
the committee on the District of Columbia t
inquire into thu action of the District con
inlssloucrs In attempting to extend certal
streets In Washington through the eemclei
at Prospect Hill In violation of the net <
Hy Mr. Owen of Indiana Authori/ing
survey for the purpose of making and mail
tnlnlng a continuous water way from Lali
Michigan to the Mississippi.
Mr. Harry of Mississippi , from the cor
mittcc on elections , submitted the majoril
rdport in the Lowry-Whllo , Indiana , co :
tested election case , declaring thu scat vacan
The minority report , confirming White
title , was presented by Mr. Uowell of II
nots. Ordered printed.
The speaker pro tern laid before the houi
n letter from the- public printer in rcspoui
to a resolution calling on him for informutic
as to discharges made by him. The publ
printer makes n statement in regard to the :
discharges , justifying nnd explaining thei
defends the administration ot his ortleo ai
emphatically denies the charge that congre
niomil work is largely In arrears. Ho cal
attention to tho. fact that during the fort
flvo'daya of the Fiftieth congress tlio prlntii
ordered by congress had Increased 4U p
cent over that ordered duriim a shall
period of the Forty-ninth congress ; but tl
state's work had been promptly handled wl
u working force of SM less employes tin
were on the rolls nt thu beginning of tl
Forty-ninth congress.
Mr. Richardson of Tennessee , regarded t'
letter as a concluslvo.and satisfactory reii
to every criticism made against the prlntii
blllcu. Ho praised the reforms which ho s.i
Hcncdlctlmd inaugurated , and , as an iustuu
stated that the gentleman had bought prh
cr's ink at 34 cents a pound , whereas his pi
deccssors had paid 0(1 ( cents.
Mr. Cannon protested against an assau
being mndo upon a dead win by an ofllc
who was assiduously blowing his own horn
Mr. Cutcheon of Michigan , eaid ho h
boon impelled to druw uptho resolution I
the story ot n soldier who had been d
charged with sixty other employes , from t
printing ofllco In the middle of winter , wil
out cuuso , at a time , too , when printing c
dercd by congress was greatly in arroa
Ho ( Cutchcon ) , did not care how much me
paper the printer had used , or anythl :
about the price of Ink , but would II
to know why the public prini
selected the middle of January
turn worklnKinen and women Into the stri
in order that he might put a climax to t
proceedings of the Iiouso in refusing to iuv
tlgaU ) the claims of u workiugman contest !
u seat In the bouse.
Mr. Henderson of Iowa , declared his utl
disbelief In the statement of thu pull
printer that there were moro union soUlli
employed at the printing office to day th
over had boon employed any previous peril
Mr. Henderson told of the widow of a dc
comrade whose sou had been dropped fn
the printing ofllco and her daughter from t
treasury department for no icason whutci
but to make room for men who could huli > 1
democratic paUy. Those two children. 1
support of their mother , were loft witni
means , in the dead of winter , nnd he stc
there to proclaim that it was not in t'ao pov
of himself or uuy republican rcpi cscntal
to secure the jHJttlest place In Washing !
cvcu to save tlio widow or children of a d <
union soldier from starvation.
After further debate u resolution by I
Springer , instructing thu committee on prl
ing , with addition of two members i
from each side of the house to Invcstlg
the administration of the printing office d
ing the Incumbency of the present prln
nnd his predecessor , was adopted.
Mr. Hatch called up a bill providing
agricultural experiment stations , and the s
ate amendments wcru concurred In.
Mr. Urccklurldgo , of Arkansas , introdu
and hud referred to the ways and me
committee the Hewitt administrative to
bill. Adjourned.
Presidential Nominations.
WASHINGTON , Jan. SO. The president s
the following nominations to , thu senate
day : Kncto O. Harris , to bo receiver
public , money * at Fergus Falls , Mil
Myron O. Howley , of Dakota , to be register
of the land ofllco nt Mitchell , Dnk. ; Commo
dore Bancroft , of Oicrardito bo rcar-ad-
mlrai ; Captain William K. Fltzhugh , t bo
commodore commander ) Henry S. Hobcsoti ,
to bo captain ,
Pensions Ornntcil AVcHtcrnei-H.
WA iiiNtiToN | Jam 110.Special ( Telegram
to the Hp.K.--'Tho ] following -pensions were
Issued for Nobrnskans. to-day :
Mexican war Ira N. Tuft , Omaha. Orig
inal .Joseph J. Sperry , Falrllcfd. Increased
Joseph P. Smith , York ; Qllfton Newkirk ,
Hlalr ; Isaac Lent , Lincoln.
Pensions forlowans :
Mexican war Sophronla , widow of Or
lando Follan. Peterson ; John Lynch , Perry.
Original Hampton H , Jones , Corning ;
Charles P. Slaght , Iowa City ; William Hurk ,
Lemurs ; William Iod on , Floyd ; Josiah
Fugate , Crow Hill ; Joseph Ward ,
Harby ; Oeorgo J. Dentils , Harvey-
vlllo. Increase Nelson Harris , Urooklyn ;
Stephen Schrum , Chariton ; Morris Hurnct ,
Mt. Vernon ; lidwiml Lewis , Mt. Pleasant ;
Samuel Hruticlt , Savannah ; Henry O. Con-
ley , Toledo ; James Muteliler , Centre Point ;
Arthur C. Quingley , Florls ; Jerome Hi Potter -
tor , Beacon ; Washington Davis , Ottumwa ;
Charles H < Hurlseon , Nashville ; John C. .
Swasson , DCS MolncsJoslah ; Hughes , Union ;
Ames MoKeon , Summltvlllo ; Charles M.
Castle , Pagu Centra ; Nelson E. Slocum , Al-
lerton ; Casper J. Kecd/Eddyvillo ; John Pen
derg'ist , Seymour. Reissue William O ,
Wicklmm-lowa Falls ; Thomas Lantry. Ves
ta. Kuissuo and increase Charles Daley
Keokuk. _
Army Onlcrs.
W RIIIXOTON , Jan. ! )0. ) [ Special Telegratr
to the HUE. ] Leave of absence from Fcbru
nry 1 to March U was granted Major Israel O
Dewey , paymaster.
Captain Frederick H. Eckstein , First In
fantry , now on leave of absence ot Brooklyn
N. Y. , has been ordered to rcpqrt by lettei
to the superintendent of/the recruiting ser
vice ut New York , to conduct a detachment
of recruits to the department of the Pintle.
Major J. Dickey , Eighth infantry , bus beei
ordered to report for assignment to n post it
the department of the Platto.
Lieutenant-Colonel M. Snyder , Tenth in
fautry , has been ordered to report for assign
meat to a- post hi the department ol
Colonel Henry Misnor. Fifteenth Infantry ,
1ms been ordered to report for assignment t <
u post In the department of thu Plattc.
Leave of absunco for four months has bcoi
granted Second Lieutenant Bertram 'f
Clayton , Eleventh infantry.
Loaves of absence : First LIcutenan
Waller W. H. Fisher , U. S. A. , ono month ;
Major C. H. Whipplo , paymaster , fifteen
dajs from February 1 ; First Lieutenant B
A. Byrne , adjutant Sixth infantry , oni
month from February 5 , with permission t <
apply for an extension.
An extension of seven days has beei
granted Captain A. H. Apple.
Among tlio Committees.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 80. The house com
initteo on Invalid pensions has agreed to re
port favorably to house bill granting i
pension of $ " , UOO a year to Mrs. Logan , and ti
increase the pension of Mrs. Blair , widow o
the late Francis P. Blair , jr. , to the sunn
amount. A minority , . eomi > osed of Matson
Walker and Pldcock , will make an udvers
report. . .
A favorable report has been ordered by tin
house postoflleo committee on Keprcscntativi
Anderson's bill requiring subsidized railroai
companies to afford equal facilities to nil tele
graph companies for the prompt and conven
lent Interchaiigo of telegraph business ovc
their wires and to maintain ami operate theii
own telegraph lines. The only cssentla
amendment made was thu Including of sub
sidi/cd or aided telegraph companies withlt
its provisions.
The untile select committee will report far
orably the Grain resolution proposing ai
amendment to thu const itution substituting
thu Hist of December for the 4th of March a
the commencement and termination of the
term of members of the house , and providinj
that congress shall meet the first Monday h
Thu sub-committee of the house commltte <
on public lands , which has been considcrln ;
the various propositions to change the lam
laws , completed Its labors and will report t
the full . .committee next Thursday. Ucsult
ing from Its deliberations .Is a bill In lieu o
all others on the subject. The chief pro
visions are : All public lands arc to bo class !
ilcd as agricultural , timber , mineral , deser
or reserved. No timber land is to be sold
but the timber growing upon it may be dis
posed of to the highest bidder , after aaver
tisemcnt , in forty-acre tracts , the timber t
bo removed within six years from the date o
sale. Mineral "entries jnay bo made of th
same land , even after the sale of the timber
but cannot impair the right of the purchase
of the timber. Timber laud shall not bo ar
praised at less than ? 10 per aero. Th
president may set . apart , any frui
lands as public reservations. The dcser
hind law is continued in _ effect , but wit
an mnendmcnt requiring "eiilrynion to 111
maps exhibiting the mode of contemplate
irrigation and the source of water suppli
All laws allowing the pre-emption of publi
lands and all others in conflict with the prc
visions of the prr sent bill are repealed , bu
all bona-lldo claims initiated before the pa1
sago may bo perfected. All laws relating t
county land warrants , college and other bin
script remain in force. The homestead la
is amended so as to allow the heads of t'am
lies and citizens of legal ago , or persons wh
have filed declarations of Intention to bccom
such , to cuter a quarter section or less c
public lands , but no person who Is the prc
priotor of KiO acres of land , or who quits tin
abandons bis residence on his own land t
reside on public lands in the same state c
territory , shall acquire auy right under tl
homestead law.
Tito Measure of
WAMIINOTON , Jan. 30. Among the dec !
Ions rendered by the supreme court to-dn
was one In the case of thu Western Unic
Telegraph company versus George E. Ha
brought hero by writ of error to the Unite
States circuit court for the southern distrli
of Iowa , Involving the question of thorespoi
sibillty of the telegraph company for neglei
and delay in the delivery of telegrams. Tl
points in this case are well-known. Tl
court , In an opinion by Justice Matthew
Imlds that the only theory on which thcplai
tiff could show actual dauiago or loss , is e
thu supposition that if he had bought c
thu day the telegram was sent ho might tin
would have bold next day. It Is clear , hoover \
over , that in polut of fact ho had not suffen
any actual loss. No transaction was In fa
made , ami there being neither purchase in
sale , there was no actual difference bctwe <
the sums paid out and the sums received
consequence of it , which could bo set dev
in his profit and loss account. If the ord
had been promptly delivered on the day
was sent and had been executed that day ,
is not found that Hall would have sold no
day at an advance nor that ho could have r
sold at u profit at any subsequent day. Tl
only damage which he Is entitled to rccei
Is thu cost of transmitting tlio delayed me
sago , Thu Judgment Is reversed and the ca
remanded with directions to enter judgmo
for that sum merely.
National Capital Notes.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 30. John J. Shorta
Adolph Moses and Kirk Hnwes , of Chieat ;
were before thu senate committee on pub
lands this morning asking that several as-
clations of Chicago , including thu academy
design , thu public library board and t
Qrand Army bu permitted to combine a
erect a memorial hall in Dearborn park , Cl
The house committee on elections to-d
continued thu consideration of the Worthin
ton-Post contested election from Illinois , i
torney Uaucrolt speaking for Post ,
Senator Cullom to-day introduced thu He
derson hou .o bill piovidlug for the cousin
tiou of the Heimepiu canal and upproprlati
K > 0 < ) , IXX ) .
The bill Introduced by Mr. Plumb to idc
nlfy settlers on the DCS Molnes river lau
for moneys expended inthupurchasuof Ian
r under a mistake as to title , was adversely i
r The court of claims awarded Edward
Sholspy $ T,70T damages In his suit for t
balance duo from the government under ce
tnict for tlie construction of i. ' coffer dam
Hock Island.
11 I The senate to-day made the following c <
Urinations : W. J. Furlong to bo postmusl
nt Uocholle , 111 ; John W. Uoss , at Washlr
ton , D. 0.
Robins are very numerous In t
south mid much earlier In tlio sons
than usual.
lie Given Sullivan n Scoring-With IIli
( .Ci/r/uM | | / / JSSSliiJmiir / * Mnnfml ilcnnrft.1
Loxiiox , Jan. P.O. [ New1 York Horalt
Cable Special to the HEK.J The rhetprlca
bruising between Sullivan aud Mitchell , tin
former having had the lost verbal * par , leac
your reporter to visit the laltcr nt Ponj
Moore's residence this afternoon. . Uofenliu
to Sullivan's card , already sent , Mltchel
said , after rereading It and throwing down
the paper savagely !
"This stuff Is tiresome. Sullivan does no'tlT
Ing but blow about John L. , nnd all his. blow
Ing comes to nothing. For years helms beet
proclaiming that ho was coming to Knglam
and going wonderful things there. A1
last he has chosen for his visit a tlino whet
both Smith and Kllraln were unable to meei
htm on account of their own light.During
his tour hu offered any ono fciOO who WoUh
stand before him during four rounds , nui
then , as soon as wo got to Cardiff , where hi
was , lie withdrew the challenge. That's tin
kind of a man ho Is. "
"Don't you think , then , ho is a grcal
fighter I"
"What has ho over donol Ho got the besi
ot Paddy Kyan , a man that anybody couhl
beat. That's his record. I consider Sulllvai
the most complete fraud going. Ho Is i
newspaper creation , a reporter's bubbje
nothing else. Whenever editors are short o
copy they have got in the wily of sending i
man to Interview John L. He has been t
perpetual satnd by , an evergreen Joke
nnd at last the public ant
Snlllvan himself have been deluded Into bo
liovlng ho Is about \ho grctacst man on earth
I don't ' claim to bo such a phenomenal flghtc
myself , but I propose to make a very largi
hole In his reputation If he gives me a ehauci
of doing so. "
"You mean that ho 1 trying to avoid meet
ing you } "
"Yes , I do. Ho is afraid to meet mo am
takes rcfugo In abuse.Of course hu'fcch
very sore about the failure of his exhibition :
through Einglnnd and Ireland. Wo broke u ;
his little game there nnd will do it again.-
"Do you believe honestly that the flgh
will como off between you I"
"Yes , because I am not going to le
Sullivan buck out. Ho has got to fight m
within two months. As to the result ,
do not cure . to brag or tall
in advance. I may not bea
him , for he has a great advantage In his su
perlor weight , but John L. Sullivan and ev
cry one else can put one thing down as cei
tain I will bo on hand at the day and houi
and when wo got through ho will know h
has been to a fight. "
To-morrow's Sporting Llfo will take an
other view from Mitchell and comment thus
"Ugly rumora are In circulation as , to wha
is going to bo done on the day , and it wouli
bo as well for the principles io drop perse
nalltlcs and proceed to business. It 1s agrcci
that ouly ten a side bo present ; but thos
who know the ropes are aware how' easil ,
this portion of the contract can bo broken. I
would bo safer for the fight to b
brought off with even a less number present
A fiasco or any rowdyism in connection will
the fight would seriously injure the interest
of the prize ring , which , owing to th
straightforward way in which the Kilrain
Smith fight was brought off , has regainei
much of its former prcntig-3 in tills countr ;
and America. Wo are of tho'opinion tha
Sullivan aud Mitchell really mean fighting/
Another American Victory.
( Copi/rMit ISSS l > u Jo met Gnnbm ttennctt.T
Loxuox , Jan. 30. [ Now York Herat
Cable Special to the HKK. ! To-day ther
was a pigeon shooting match on the Marqul
of Allcsbury's private grounds , ' the Hotel
near Surly hall , not far. from Windsor. Th
most important event of the day was a mute
between Mr. W. 1L Parsons-mid Captal
Brewer , the great Amcrizan shot , to shoot a
100 birds , thirty-five yards rise , Mr. A. Bal
laying 150 to 100 on the American. .
start was made with ten birds each , th
American killing eight out of ten , . while hi
ipponcnt only brought down six. out of hi
first ten. The next ten Brewer killed nln
and Parsons four. The third ten Browc
killed six and Parsons five. The fourth to
Brewer brought down eight , while his ai
agonist only killed four. Thus Captai
Brewer won easily. Ho had thirty-on
birds to his score against nineteen , .
Xliclr Daughter is Missing and The
Fcur Hho HUH Hun Away.
CHICAGO , Jan. 30. Nellie Clark is missin
'rom ' her homo , at the corner of Forty-slxt
and State streets , and her parents fear tin
she has gone to New Orlorfns to join . Charlt
D. Lon , who Is looking after his horses j
the races there. Nellie Is a handsome blond
sixteen years old , and well developed for , ln
years. While her parents were at a funon
yesterday afternoon she packed nil her pe
sonal effects , und telling the servant si
would bo back in an 'hour , le
the houso. This was at 2 :
o'clock , unfl when her parents returtie
three hours later , she was still absent. Ii
quirics about the neighborhood failed todi
cover any trace of her , and when seen i
their home last evening both father an
mother hiul about concluded that slie he
been Induced by Long to meet him in Nc
Orleans. "Wo regarded Long as a friend <
the family , " said Mrs. Clark , and ho ho
always treated Nellie , as far as wo know , i
a little girl. She has received several lettei
from him. The last one came Friday las.
nnd shu did not as has been her custom c
former occasions , show it to any of the fan
ily. Nellie has alwaj s been n good girl , nuvi
away from homo over night. She left 8cho '
last September , and about two months 1'ati
started to learn the millinery trad
entering the employ of Mrs. Wah
on Twenty-second street. Her term ' i
apprenticeship would have ended in Man
next. Of late she has seemed somewhat di
contented , and expressed a desire to seen :
employment as chambermaid. I told In
that if she desired to do that kind of work
would discharge the servant wo have and p.
her wages to stay at homo. To-day I saw hi
looking over the "want columns" in the p
pors and she may have only gone in search i
n placu to work or to visit friends in the cit
but I fear that such is not the case. "
William Clark. Nellie's father , sui > cri
tends a refreshment stand at Wnshingt <
park during the racing season , and it w
there Long first met the young lady. M
Clark spent last evening employing eve :
possible means to learn something of li
daughter's whereabouts.
A llrutnl Outface.
COI.PAX , W. T.Jan. 30. Dan Conroy , foi
man of a track-laying gang , invited tl
eighteen-year-old daughter of J. Hughes
attend a dance with him at Garficld Sati
day night. While on the way ho drugg
her and placet ! her in n box ear , wheru s
was kept for twenty-two hours , nnd repei
cdly assaulted by Conroy and ten of his me
Conroy has bceu caught and will likely
Death in Snow Billies ,
Wixxiruo , Jan. 80. The latest rcpoi
from the mountains indicate that there h
been u great loss of life on the Canadian T
cillc owing to snow slides. Stroilg ctiino
winds huvu been prevailing for thu past we
und all along thu llnu from Donald to Glacl
snow has been coming down on the tcack
tremendous quantities. Near Pulllscr static
H. C. , several men were caught in n slh
Only ono was dug out ulivo and ho Is but !
bruised and injured and is not expected
When n Mr. Blunk , of Buonn Visl
On. , became engaged" to his probO
wife u number of yenrri u ro , ho yuvo h
a yenrlintj heifer in lieu of un enga
nient rfng. This living pledge of tin
troth hits given forth IncreuHu until t
lady uow has a handsome herd of cattl
Hon. W. J. ConnWl Gives His Opln
ion on the Hi'b School Muddlo.
j K
The Hoard oCKdt Htlon Hold nn I in
liortnnt ScHslfftv-Tlic Question
of IjnrKo Sdfinol
Cobue'n > Speech.
jtf I
* 11
Hoard of Education.
The board of education held a long nnd In
portant special meeting last evening.
The absentees were Aueh-Moedy , Clarl
Kollcy , Morrison and Savillc.
A communication was' received from C.V
Cain , Twenty-eighth nnd Blonde , offorln
for a school site In Bedford place a corner le
107x1' } , with u south .frontage on Botilovur
street for SJ.fKH . ) . Hoforrcd.
The offer of Frank H. Uabcr who bid J17
for the old school house situated in Wuluu
Hill , was accepted.
Communications from Mattlo L. Powo
and Katherlno M. Kcau , the substltut
teachers , was received asking for increase i
salary. Superintendent James rccouiuicndc
an increase as the work of these teachers I
very laborious nnd exacting. On motlo
their salary was Increased from $ SO to ? ' .
per month.
A number of Shakespeare's plays and co |
les of Spencer's "Faery Queen" were ci
dered for the English literature classes.
The contract for covering the steam pipe
in the basement of the Cass and Dupot
schools was awarded to A. W. Shearer an
C. W. Edgerton. those In the Cass school 1
cost $119.03 and the Dupont school to coi
r. : .
On recommendation of Messrs. Llvi
sey and Feltou the janitors of tli
school buildings whcro night schoo
are held were allowed (10 per month add
tlonal for their services.
The bids received for painting , kalsominin
and plumbing wuro all rejected as being la
high and new proposals asked for.
The following communication was n
ccived from W. J. Council , the attorney c
the board , relating to the use of the big
school grounds :
Gentlemen : Two questions have bee
submitted to me , relating to the use of tli
high school grounds. First , as to Whctlu
the school board under the act transferrin
the high school grounds , has the right t
construct a building thereon , for other tha
high school punwses. Second , as to whethc
under the vote of November 8 , 1887 , th
board of education would have the right t
erect a separate building on thu high sclioc
In response to the first question submitted
I would say , as I view the law , the board e
education would in its discretion have th
right to use the high school grounds for an
legitimate school purposes , nnd would not b
restricted to the use thereof , solely for big
school purposes.
The question , however , Is not nltogetlu
free from doubt , as nq' deed has ever bee
executed by the govevjip r of the state , as wt
contemplated by un act of the legislatun
authorizing the trnnsff K of the property i
question for school , purposes. Had sue
deed been executed its. terms and conditlor
would no doubt havejbecn so clear and e :
plicit as to have remoyed all doubt or unce
taiuty. j
On the 4th day of , f obruary , 1809 , the ai
referred to was approved and by its tit :
authorized "a transfer o the city of Oman :
for school purjxBM , of. jtho capitol groum
and buildings in said city. " The first sectic
of said act provided thpV.whenovcr the pro ]
crty belong to the statv1was removed froi
the old capitol building ho said capital an
the grounds surrounding the same , known ;
"Capitol square , " shoUM revert to and vei
In the city of Oinah.a for school purpose
and the governor \vp& , authorized und r
quired , for and in behalf ot the state to muli
and' execute under , hlsoftlclal seal thu f u
and complete conveyance * of said property fc
the purpose mentioned * it being provided th :
said property should bo used by said city fi
thu purpose of u high school , college , or otlu
institution of learning.
In view of the title to the act , it being e :
pressed as "An Act to Transfer the Proper !
for School Purposes. " and In view of tt
words employed in section 4 of sa
act , I think a recsonublo constru
tlon of the words "other institution of lean
ing , " would include graded schools.
Section 4 , to which reference is made , e :
pressly provides that "no college , schoc
seminary or other institution ot learning
shall over be kept ui > on said grounds undi
the direction or control of any religious sc
or denomination. It will bo observed , ther
fore , that a school , as well as a college i
seminary , was within the contemplation i
said act as an "institution of learning. "
With regard to the second question , 1
which reference has been made. I do not fe
so certain as to the right of the board of cd
cation to proceed as is proposed. The rig
to construct a building on the high scho
grounds is derived from the vote of Never
ber 8 , 1878 , authorizing the issue of bond
among other purposes , "for nn addition
thu high school building. "
When the proposed expenditure for a bull
ing on the high school grounds was renchc
it was represented to mo as "an addition
to the high school building , " to cost $ r > 0,00
The resolution in that form was a
proved by the board , and the vote of tl
electors authorizing the issue of bonds wi
in accordance with tins resolution , to-wlt : Fc
un addition to high school building to co
K > 0 , ( > 00.
I do not think a separate building cou'd I
fairly regarded as an addition to the hit
school building. I am therefore of the opi
ion that if the authority to erect a separa
building was questioned 'by ' proper legal pr
cccdmgs , the board of education would I
enjoined from erecting u separate and dl
tict building out of the proceeds arising fro
the bonds now authorized to bo Issued.
Hespectfully , W. J. COXNRI.L.
The following resolution was presented I
Messrs. Livcsoy aud Fclton : Believing thi
in thu congregation of great numbers i
children there is great tendency to immon
ity , and with the increase of pupils there is
less control and supervision of them win
on the school grounds aud about thu bulldin
and that as good gradation of pupils
reached in a twelve room school as in ni
larger number of rooms ; wo recommend th
hereafter the largest buildings erected co
slst of only-twelve rooms.
Mr. James opposed the resolution , sayli
that the worst Immorality ho ever hue
of was in small country school
Ho was strongly hi favor of largo buildiiu
As the city grow larger und real estate i
creased in value , the cityt-instcad of payli
oxhorbitant prices for School sites , would '
tnoro inclined to erect Uu-go school bulldin
on their present sites. jTjjls was true of i
old eastern cities , Newi York , Chicago , M
waukeo , Detroit and atjbers , und ho woti
carne < .tly recomiueud Omaha to follow tlu
example. fi 7 ]
Mr. Llvosoy , In his or.lgbial manner , favor
the resolution , remarkinif.ou the wonderful
immoral tendencies of n great number of t
Omaha people , which stjotiiod to ho cotntri
nicatedto the children. . . The resolution , aft
some other debate , was placed on file.
It was decided to employ an architect
the month or year to diraft such plans as i
reeled by the board ofjeducation , a gcnei
sketch of the same havjne been presented
nnd approved by the bo'nfi ) .
The janitor of the. Izar school was declnr
Incompetent and discharged. John Paul w
chosen to fill the vacancy , )
Mr. Kelly presented a resolution rcquiri :
all applicants for janitorshlps to appc
before the committee on ventilation n
heating for examination as to film
for such position. This cominittco
comi > oscd of Mr. Fclton , of the watorworl
Dr. Savillo ami Kov. W. E. Copclai
Messrs. . Felton and Copelund both begged
the members to lay this burden on t
shoulders of some other committee.
Coburn arose and with profound dignity si
ported the rcMilutlon. Ho congratulated A
Kelly on the wisdom and far-sightedness
displayed in drafting the document , as t
members of that committee were eminent
qualified to fill that position , Mr. Feltou ,
said , was a practical engineer und could p ;
judgment on their qualifications m that lii
ir. ) Savillo was prepared to judge as to tin
physical merits und Kov. Copeland ns
whether they were morally prepared to ent
upon such positions. This silenced all obji
lions nnd thu resolution was unanimous
A resolution was presented by Mr. ICcll
authorizing the committee on buildings am ;
< roj > erty to rent additional rooms to relieve
; ho Forest schoqh
On recommendation of Mr. Pormelec , the
superintendent of buildings , was Inslructei. '
to construct cloak rooms In the Lake school
On recommendation of Mr. Pavmolco the
superintendent of schools Instructed tc
cause a fire drill to bo established and prnc
tired in all public schools In thecity , and thai
by suitable exercises the pupils bo trained it
case of lire , to prolnptly obey their teacher !
aud vacate thu building In tin orderly am
systematic manner.
The following resolution presented by Mr
Parmele'o , was unanimously adopted : Ho
solved , That the superintendent of schools hi
Instructed to have the story of the heroic acti
nnd terrible sufferings of several teachers li
this state during the storm of January 1' '
1S.V , published in every school In this city
special reference being had to the experience :
ot Misses Freeman , Shntluck and Koyeu.
On motion of Mr. Colburn , action was deferred
ferred on the plans aud specifications foi
the proposed high school addition until nex
A County llulldiiiK Janitor Indignant
' Mr. Ncodlinm Culled Upon.
After consideration of the Omaha , Yank
ton fi Northwestern railroad affairs ycstor
day afternoon the county commissioners me
in executive session and adopted the follow
Ing resolutions :
Kesolved , That ex-County Clerk C. P
Needham bo requested to furnish this bean
with an itemized statement of thu receipt !
nnd expenditures of the county clerk's ' ofllci
for the year 1887. to comply with section 43
chapter (18 ( , compiled statutes of Nebraska.
Hesolved , That the situation made vacan
by the resignation of Oeorgo Kelly bo am
the same Is hereby abolished after February
Kelly was Janitor of the county bulldhif
mid became offended because an oversee :
Was placed over him. Ho seems to havi
other grievances that ho threatens in hi1
communication to air through thu columns o
the press.
August Pratt , secretary of the Omahi
board bureau of charities , was given per
mission to use the desk and chairs donatci
by the commissioners in his now office in th <
exposition building.
A communication from the Omaha Fail
nnd Exposition association , asking that tin
groilnds of the Omaha Driving Park assocln
tiou bo exempted from taxes , was rctcrree :
to the judiciary committee ,
The commissioners Uien adjourned to tin
office of County Attorney Simcral to consul
with him in reference to the loipil power
vestcd'ln them to order an election for thi
voting of MX,000 ) In county bonds to thi
Omaha , Ynnkton & Northwestern railroad
It Is thought they will issue a formal nolle
for such election to-day.
rijEAmxG port A HOSPITAL.
The Omaha Bureau of Charities Agl
tate an Important Matter.
A largely attended meeting of the Omah
board of charities was held ut the chamber o
commerce yesterday afternoon , a number o
ladies being fu attendance. An animated dl :
cussion was held in regards to the relation
of the respective hospitals towards the pool
and the insufficiency of hospital accommodn
lions in the city. It was thu unanimous opin
ion of all that additional hospitals should b
built , one est > ceially devoted for the care o
the city's ixor charges. Dr. Dins
mocr moved that a commitlee o
three bo appointed to wait on th
council , and request them to set apart 'a lo
on which a temporary hospital could bo bull
for the care of the poor of thu city. Di
Dinsinoor , Uev. Mr. Savage and Josepl
Barker were appointed as such committee.
- Dr. Knlph informed the board thai ni
rangcments had been perfeclcd whereby Ih
sick poor could bo furnished with medlcin
by calling ut thu county building daily be
twcen 12 and 1 o'clock.
Fred Millard , Uev. Harsha , L. I. Jones
Clinton N. Powell , Olio Lobeck , Mrs. Dint
moor and Mrs. Pcrriuo were appointed
committee to' make arrangements for th
grand charity concert to be given ou the tit !
of February.
A Burglar Makes His Kscnpc Fron
the County .Tall.
Shortly before 0 o'clock last night Jallc
Leo Frost came back to the county jail froi
his supper , and , as is * customary with hiir
made an inspection of the cells to sco that th
prisoners were In their accustomed quarter !
In passing the cell of William Wlllard , nn ir
mate since the IBtH of December last , charge
with burglari/ing the White Front saloon , h
found it empty , nnd inquired of trusts
inmates as to his absence. They gav
as . their opinion that the missin
William , who is a cripple , was down in th
cellar Binking a "pog leg , " a substitute fo
the ono given by nature nnd which he lost i :
an accident. Acting Jailer Grebe has beei
in the habit of according the burglnriou
William this freedom , and yesterday aftet
noon , during the absence of Mr. Frost.Orcb
allowed William to fjo out the front dee
upon the representation that he was going t
the cellar to complete the work on his "pe ,
leg. " At the time ho was in his shir
sleeves , but an after inspection o
his cell disclosed the fact thai he had put 01
his overcoat and full suit of clothes undo
the sliirt , having evidently planned his cs
Jailer Frost , after visiting the collar am
not finding WUlard there , appraised Orel )
of his escape. The latter Marled out ii
search of him , but at last accounts had uo
been successful in overhauling him.
Famous nilllardlsts Coming.
A telegram from Milwaukee , Wis. , an
nounccs that last night Jacob Schaffer , th
"Wizard" champion billiard player of th
world , broke the fourtocn-inch balk Un
record. This famous and remarkable knigh
of the cue , together with Eugene Carter , th
champion cushion and fancy shot player
will arrive in Omaha on Wednesday , the i > tl
of February , und will contest for fcJ. >
donated by the promoters of billiards , Messrs
Foley it Darst. An exciting mn
entertaining contosl is looked for , and tha
the admirers of the game may bo given a
opiwrtunity to enjoy the contest , togethe
with their ladles , Exposition hall has bee
engaged for thu contest. ' The struggle , fo
Foley & Djrst's liberal purito being over
Eugene Carter will give exhibitions of fane ,
shots nnd finger billiards , of which ho is th
peer. Joseph Ulluiau , representing the tw
bllllardlsts , is now in tiiocily completing ur
rungements for the entertainment.
Twenty Days in Jail.
John Constantine stood up before Judy
Borka yesterday afternoon to answer to th
charge of fighting and resisting an ofllcci
Ho had been engaged in a fierce battle 1
which two men were mustered on hot
sides , and when Officer Savage attempted t
arrest the belligerents hu turned his n
tcntion to the limb of thu law und struck hii
several hard blow * , The Judge gave hi )
twenty days in thu counly jail six ou brea
nnd waler.
Salvation Army Disturbers Sentence !
William McSpaden and Wilson Llndle ;
for disturbing1 the services of the Salvatio
army Sunday night with rude and rowdyia
conduct , were given a cell at the central sti
tlon over night. Yesterday they weru triei
found guilty and McSpaden was fined $5 an
costs and given five days in the county Jai
Lindloy , who has twice before been fined ft
a similar offense , was charged $ . " > and cost
nnd given ten days , . McSpadcn swears tin
when ho serve * out his term ho will clou
out the entire Salvation nrmv.
A Very Touch Gang.
The officers have finally ferreted out tl
perpetrators of the burglary nt Stewart
shou store , WJ south Thirteenth street , Sa
unlay night , and fix the on Jerry Ke
nun , Frank Sherman and A. H , Cisco. She
mail was arrested Sunday night. Kormi
was in custody for anoiher theft and was r
urreslod yesterday afternoon. Cisco Is in tl
county jail awaiting thu session of thu Unite
States court to answer the charge of passin
counterfeit money , Tho/ are a tough trio.
Another Plumber Fined.
N. H. Hussy , another of the plumbei
charged with working without a He-cnse , wi
tried yesterday and fined $ . " > and costs. It
probable that his llnu will also bo remltu
by the mayor , as-tho city engineer had take
the authority to glvo Husscy u permit.
Party Moil l-'ron
Abroad to Ho Invited.
Several members of the Young Men's Ko
publican club stroked their gruy whiskers.
toyed v 1th their White locks and complalnci
of rheumatic pains when they were called t <
order by President Breckenrldgo at the Millard -
lard last evening , The "war horses" talked
earnestly ulid emphatically for several hours
calling attention lo thu vigor , .unith am
rustling qualities of which the club was com
l > osed , after which the members settled dowt
to business. It was resolved that nil tin
young republican clubs hi the state bu Invltei
to send a representative to Omaha to Join tin
club hi forming u stale orgaut/utlon of younj
A banquet of the local club to bo given a' '
the Millard was projiosed. and the same wa'
unanimously adopted. When this will occui
will depend u great deal upon the wishes o ;
Senators lugalls , Allison and ether pro ml
nent republicans who will bo Invited.
The following eommlUes were nppoluted
Toasts and invitations , Hon. John M. I'liurs
ton , D. H. Wheeler and Messrs. M. L. Lfnd
sey and Adam Bnvkcnridgo ; to arrange foi
tickets , C. F. Collard , W. Kelly and F
(3 ( rid ley.
A SciiN.itloiinl Disclosure Made at tin
County Ilulldlng Yesterday.
May 7 , 1SS5 , Joseph Ernest , tiled n suit u
divorce from his wife Nellie , charging hoi
with extreme cruelty and desertion. Flflcci
days later , for some reason , the case was
continued. July ! J8a formal publication of the
application was made , and August 7 u bll
was granted , Ernest alleging that that hh
wife was a non-resident and ho could no !
reach her to servo notice of the intended dls
solution. There the matter ended unti
yesterday afternoon , when a little woman
( dim hi stature and bearing all the uvldonci
of 111-trcaluient aud marital troubles , uccom
pauied by u llttlo boy about four years o :
ago , presented herself before County Judge
Shields and asked if it was true that her bus
band had secured a divorce from her and 1
it was true that he was going to take the !
llttlo boy from her.
The judge denied all knowledge of the circumstance
cumstanco and closely questioned tin
woman , when she unfolded u tali
that arraigns Ernest as a per
J or and one of the greatest rascals a
largo. A short time befotu his npplicatioi
for a divorce , according lo her story , ho gave
his wife money lo go lo Ashland , Neb. , U
visit her parents , und regularly sent hoi
money and corresponded with her. During
all this lime he was in corrcspondcncu will
her ho sworu that she was u uou-rcsidcnt ol
the state , and It was not until months uftei
ho secured the divorce that he Hindu bur cog
nizunt of It. Owing to his duplicity and pri
vious cruelty , she says she did not care fo ;
this , and six months ago returned to Omahi
and has since been making nn honor
able living for herselt nnd child. Yes
terday she was informed that tin
husband was going lo demand the child , am
thus her appeal to Judge Shields. A nuin
bor of lawyers who heard her story tool
compassion ujwu her , and promise to make i
quite lively for the husband.
Mrs. I'lersoii ou Duty.
Yesterday Mrs. Piersou , who has longbcci
identified with acts of charity in thu cit ;
formally assumed her position as agent foi
the Omaha board of charities. Mrs. Picrsoi
Is rapidly systematizing her proposed labor :
with the assistance of County Agon
Mahoncy , and in a few days will have he
department in running order. Her office wil
be with the secretary of the bureau in tin
Exposition builuing.
Licensed to Wed.
The following licenses to marry were issuce
yesterday by Judge Shields :
Name and residence. Age
Samuel Lombard , Omaha . 2 :
Susie E. Cm Us , Ukhmond , Maine . U
William Konati , Omaha . U
Hose Toman , Omaha. . . . 1 !
Oeorgo P. Stcbbins , Omaha . 3
Mary Knighl , Omaha . "
John Lawat/ki , Omaha . 2
Annie Nightingale. Omaha . ; . 2
Not Guilty.
The cose of C. S. Higgins , who was undo
arrest for keeping the view into his St. Cloui
saloon obstructed , was given a trial by Jur ;
before the police magistrate yesterday whicl
consumed the entire afternoon. Only thrci
wilncsscs were examined ou each side , bu
considerable limo was devoted to each. A
5:30 : the jury went out. and returned in a fev
minutes with the verdict 6f "not guilty. "
Internal Itovcituc Collections.
Yesterday the Internal roveuuo collection !
shot up to ? 17OJ0.3 .
PcrHoual Paragraphs. „
U. O'Neill , of Lincoln , Neb. , is ut the Mil
lard.A. . C. Cass , of Lincoln , Neb. , is at tin
J. B. Shickley , of Geneva , Neb. , Is at tin
C. V. Jameson , of Ilasliugs , Neb. , is at tin
II. C. Hciiners , of Avoca , Neb , , is at tin
Al Howie , of Cheyenne , Neb1 , is at tin
Mrs. West , of Fremont , Neb. , Is at tin
Mrs. J. E. Smith , of Ueatrieo , Neb. , is a
the Paxton.
T. L. Bowman , of DCS Moines , la. , is a
the Paxton.
Dr. Henry Baker , of Kearney , Neb. , is n
the Paxton.
J. A. Dean and wife , of Lincoln , Neb. , is a
thu Millard.
John W. Hoffman , of Lincoln , Neb. , is a
the Millurd.
G. F. Warren , of Nebraska City , Nob. , i
at the Paxton.
Charles Gilinoro and wife , of Silver City
proatlho Paxlou.
W. H. Ashley nnd wife , of Hcalrico , Nob.
nro at the Puxton.
II. A. Janet and wife , of St. Joseph , Mo.
are ut the Millard.
Captain William M. Van Horn , of For
Rusboll , is ullho Millard.
H. W. Walker , of the Pacific express com
pany , is at Iho Millard.
H. L. Dickinson and wife , of Wood Kivc
Idaho , are at Iho Paxlon.
George R. Sherwood and wife , of Kearney
Nob. , aru al Iho Paxlon.
John C. Iligby , sr. , of Beatrice , Neb. , wa
vi.Mting his son Ira at Iho Paxton yesterday
John H. Howard , a gentleman well knowi
In Omaha , will sail for Havre , Franco , 01
one of the Inmun line steamers' on thu 8th o
A Wliulu on WhisclH.
St. Paul Glolm : There is nt preson
on exhibition ut the foot of Fourtl
street , adjoining the Northern Piicilii
gonuTiil otlices , ono of the Inrgobl wliulei
over captured. Few people huvo eve :
seen a wlmlo , hut each ono Iwsliirf owr
idea of the magnitude of thcwi grim
monsters. "As big IIH a lioiiho" is i
common simile mndo use of in slatiiif
the comparative sl/o of > proiiitfiou
immmmls , hut whether the spemkor ro
for.s lo a ono , two , threeor ton-btori
lioiiMJ is a question.
The whale referred to was killed h.i
Captain Newton I' . West , llftoon inlloi
southeast of Peqitin iiland , on the coas
of Maine. It is sixty-live feet Ion } , ' four
teen feet across the llukes and its lowe :
jaw is sixteen feet lontf. It weigh
forty tons ami travels in a cur specially
made for the purpose , which when opei
for exhibition is eighty-nix foot louy
twenty-three foot wide , anil will accoui
modulo GOO people at one time ,
A hi-eech-Uwillnt , ' whaling gun
weighing twenty-five pounds , was thi
instrument of annihilation. The bornl
lauce entered the right side , ano , pass
ing through thu hourt , lodged undof th <
left shoulder blade , whore It exploded
Thomonbtpr lived twenty minutes atte
it was wounded.
A man at Irvona , Pa. , raised thlrteoi
equuahos on a single vine , Uie largest , < i
which woijjlieil 110 poutds and th
117 pounds.
A Curious Wind Phenomenon of tha
Wi'Hteru Plains.
"A curious phenomenon , " said I'rof.
F. K. CMarUo to a San Francisco Kxnm-
incr reporter , "Is sometimes observed
on wlilo nluliiH whore- the atmosphere-
hot anil dry. It IH the forming ef minia
ture cyclones , or rotary storms , which ,
when occurring on a grand Hcalo , which
they do In the western statesare known
as tornadoes.
"When the Union PaiMllc railway
was being construi'toil the workmen
hail frequent importunities of witnessIng -
Ing the formation anil progress of such
whirlwinds , which , on account of tlie
peculiar action they had on dry soil ,
were called 'sand augers. ' They were
especially frequent In Lodge I'olo Creole
Valley , through which the rallwav ,
leaving the Platte river , runs northerly
to near the base of the lilaclc hills.
This valley Is quite narrow- averaging
about a mile in width and is bounded ,
on either side by a range ol low , uneven
"Tlio first Indication of the approach ,
of ono of those 'sand augers' would ho
the formation , hero and there In the ,
valley , of little whirligigs otdusty wind ,
pie-king up hits of straw , paper , and
other considered trllles , sometimes
waltzing Into camp and Illrtlng with the
canvas tentsjur scattering the embers
and ashes of out-door cooking places.
"These baby cyclones would increase
In number quite rapidly , and then ho
whisked away by strong currents of air.
coming from no ono know whore , hut all
drawing across the valley toward the
eastern range of hills , over which would
then ho seen advancing a funnel-shaped
cloud , like that seen over waterspout
forming at sea.
"From the under surface of this low-
lying cloud a swaying tongue of lead-
colored vapor would prolong itself
toward the earth , from which , to meet
it , would rise a cloud of dirt and sand ,
sand. This earth column would rise
higher and higher , with a whirling mo
tion , becoming more and moro compact
all the while , until the blue-black vapor
and thu brown mass from below would
unite above , and the completed , swiftly
whirling motion , becoming more anil
mo'ro compact all the while , until the
blue-black vapor and the brown mass
from below would unite above , and tlio
completed , swiftly whirling column
monce moving slowly down from above
on its way across the valley.
"Whilo its forward progress was
usually slow , Us rotary motion about Its
vertical axis would be very rapid ; and
BO dense would be the mass of snail
gathered up by it that when the column
touched the earth it would scoop out a
shallow eluiiincl like the dry bed of a
small btrcvm. Hence its name of sand
"Tho eliamutcr of these augers sel
dom exceeds lifteen or twenty feet ut
the ground , but their bulk increased
with their height , until they were
merged into the broad surface of the
thick , murky vapor from the clouds
above , from which electric Hashes fre
quently played. When this occurred
largo hailstones would bo formed which
would bo tin-own , bo thrown , by cen
trifugal force , apparently , out from the
revolving storm. They would be found
to bo almost invariably in the shape of
Hat ilisksbomoUiiH > s throe inches inches
in diameter and an inch thich , and
made of layers of ice and sand.
' 'One buch'sanil augur' passed near
an engineers1 camp whore 1 was at work
and carried oil a tent or two. It then
grazed the edge of u corral near by , cut
ting away one angle of an adobe wall ,
and sweeping by the house itself , loit
every pane of glass in the one window
as neatly done as if done by a sand-blast
"Passing on , the tents the 'augur' wa #
carrying olT became entangled in the
tologrrph wlro running through the
valley , and after dragging down two
poles the cyclone collapsed , leaving be
neath , when it broke up , a mound made
up of bundj bits of adobe , some old boots ,
u sprinkling of empty tins , part of a
halo of hay and a dog-eared poker dock
cards. The latter were afterward care
fully gathered up by their owner , a gen
ius ' called 'Slim Jim , ' who always de
plored the fact the recovered tmek WIIH
imyorfoet , there being but lour accH
left in it by the sand 'augur. "
An ICnocli Arden Ktory.
San Francisco Call : A domestic ro
mance , with all the Enoch Arden fea
tures except the solf-bacrilico of the
hero , has just como to light at San
Francisco. Fourteen years ago Chief
Mate Kdmunds , who was running on a
freight vessel between Sun Francisco
and Portland , Ore. , married a girl in
San Francisco and established a homo.
Ho returned about twice amonthspcnd-
iug a few days at homo before the return
turn trip. 'Three years saw him cau-
tain of the vessel , 'but , he didn't long
enjoy his promotion. On one trip 1 c
failed to return , but instead came a dis
patch saying that he and all his crew
had gone down with his vessel In a
great storm on the Oregon coast. Tlio
wife fainted when she read the dispatch ,
and u long attack of brain fever fol
lowed , from which she at hist rallied.
She were widow's weeds thr o. years ,
and then married Mr. Schitltz , a liquor
merchant in San Francisco. This wiis
eight years ago , and limy now have
four ch'ildrqn. On Now Year's day the
usual festivities were in progress at the
Scliulty. house when there wai a sharp
ring at the bell. The wife went to the
door , but suddenly screamed with ter
ror , for there in the doorway , looking
only a little olelor than when she saw
him eleven years ago , stood her first
husband. She was bo da/od that she
led him into the parlor and introduced ,
him to Schultz , and then disappeared.
Beyond learning that Captain Edmunds
huel been rescued by avos-el bound from
British Columbia to Europe , and that
upon his return to the United States ho
wont hack lo Oregon , bellied on some
limber hinds , and acquired a largo for
tune , which ho now enjoys , the wife
could glean nothing from Mr. Schult/
to what patted at the interview. Mrs.
Shult/ llrst was inclined to go buck
to her maiden's choice , but the thought
of lior four children b.\ her be-cond mar
riage deterred her. Slip wrote lo Sa
cramento , whore C'aptain Edmunds is
visiling borne relatives , offering to lot
his daughter , who ib now nearly thirteen -
teen years of ugo , go to him , und beg
ging him to forgot and forgive till that
had pushed. Up to the present Mrs.
SehulU has received no reply to her let
ter. Legal authorities consulted by
Mrs. Schult/ are of the opinion that
Captain Edmunds has , by IVIHOII of hlu J
long absunco , forfeited any claim to his
first love.
A Fatal ClicMimt.
Hartford ( Joiirant : Mr. William II.
Brown , of Now lluvon. sal In his store
about noon on Wednesday , and told a
funny story to U. SV. Green , who was
the only person in the room. Green
sajh they both laughed heartily , and
then ilrowu gave a gasp and fell back in
his cliuir , nnd in throe minulos wiw
dead. Mr. Hi-own had not been qnlUj
well for several days , but was in good
spirits on Monday and apparently nti
well as during the previous days
Death was unubod by heart discuso.
The ? , 'iO anniversary os the Koltloment
of Now Haven will ho celebrated April
Z'i , Uow Newman Smyth will deliver
the oration.
? .