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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1888)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE SEVENTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , TUESDAY MORNING. JANUARY 31 , 1888 , NUMBER 227. MORE THffl A MILLION IN IT , The Omaha Postofflco Bill rtoportod Favorably by the Sonato. THE PADDOCK BILL AMENDMENT. A Hill Introduced In the House to Abolish the Oleomargarine Tax lIciicillct'H Economy Horri ble Grave Itublicrri. The Omaha Pontollloe. WASHINGTON HIIIIEAU TUB OMUIA HUE , I fil8 FOUIITKC.NTII STIIKCT. > WASHINGTON. D. C. . Jan.'K ) . ) Mr. Stanford reported from the committee on public buildings and grounds to the senate to-day the Mnnderson hill making appropria tion for the purchase of n site and construc tion of a new government building at Omaha. The bill has n number of ninendinents , the principle of which is the reduction of the amount appropriated to * 1,30KK ( ) , ( ) from flM)0,000. ) The commltto makes no observa tions In reporting the bill , but simply recom mends its passuge , and Senator Manderson Is confident that will be done promptly. I'ADDOCK'S I'OSTomCK IIL'IMIINII HIM. . Mr. Paddock Introduced in the senate to day the amendment to Ills bill providing for the erection of buildings for the exclusive use of | KsU > nices of the Hrst and second class which I anticipated last week. The main proposition in the amendment is that the cost of site , building , furnltureJotc.'shull not ex ceed the gross receipts of the postofllco for three years. years.TIII TIII : oi.voMAiioAiiiNR TAX. An opiwrtunlty was offered In the house to-day to test the jiopulurlty of the oleomar garine law. Mr. Lawler , of Chicago , Intro duced n bill to abolish this tax , and asked that it bo referred to the committee on ways and means , as it was u revenue measure. His real object in having it referred to the committee , however , was to keep It out of the committee on agriculture , which is presided - sided over by Mr. Hutch , of Missouri , the nuthor of the law. When Mr. Lawlor made the motion'Mr. Henderson , of Iowa , sprang to his feet and , throwing his bunds above his head , cried out : "Now , hoys , let's vote it down. Stiind by the law. Send the bill where it belongs , to the committee on agriculture. " The bill was so referred , by u vote of 190 for to 09 against. There Is no likelihood of Mr. Lnwlcr's bill over being reported from the committee. HOW lliNiiICT : : ) ECONOMIZE * . Public Printer Henedict reported to the house to-day , in response to u resolution call ing for Information as to the cause of delay in the publication of the Congression Record , that , lie was doing moroj work than was over done in the ofllco before with n smaller force. This is probably true , but I learn to-night that it is done by working the employes from two to nix hours extra time every day , that some of the typo setters make from Silo to * 3T5 a month , ang that the object in Hencdict's cut ting down the force is to give his friendu In the ofllco an opportunity to make all the salary possible , while representing to bo economiz ing by 'i lesser force. The cost is the same to the people , nnd great inconvcnieiico is be ing experienced by not having n sufficient force to meet the poesent emergency. An in vestigation is going to bo made of the man agement of the printing ofllco. INOAU.8 ON CI.F.VKI.AND. A dipatch was to-day shown Mr. Ingalls , of Kansas , president pro tempore of the sen ate , written March 35 , I8b5 , in which ho said that the principal nominations made bj Cleveland had so far been good , strong men , nnd predicting that if the president could "stand the racket" for the next twelvi months ho would bring to its knees und become u strong leader ; that the prcsl- dent ntul a great opportunity and evidently intended to embrace it. "Well , " said Senator Ingalls , "I wrote thai letter. It was within three weeks of the in nuguration of President Cleveland. While : do not recall that letter or the iniino of tin person to whom it was addressed , it was up parently written to a personal friend am Bcems to have been Improperly procured am published. The president had Just assumed Ids ofllco mid 1 was simply giving my impres Hiona to u friend. " The senator added : "Out I don't thinl Wio president has 'stood the racket.1 Ho ha ; fulled to Improve the opportunity. " TIII : KIVK rim CENT nn.i , . Senator Manderson's resolution in the sen nto to-day calling on the secretary of the in terior for information us to the sale of publii lands in Nebraska , and whether fl per cent o the net proceeds has been paid to the state is supplementary to the bill introduced sonn weeks iigq by Senator Paddock providing fo the payment of such unpaid sums which i now pending before the committee of publi lands. When in the senate before Mr. Piul dock succeeded in securing the passage of similar bill which failed in the house. Wit ] the co-operation of the entire delegation h has strong hope of moro complete success a the present session. NiiiiiiABKA nii.i.s IN Tim HOUSE. Mr. McShune Introduced in the house tc day u blM to pay Tobias Castor $1,400 fo horses stolen by the Cheyenne and Siou Indians from n point known as Oak Grovt In Nuckclls county , Neb , in 1SIVI ; also n bite to remove the charge of desertion stand in ilculnftt the military record of George W Madden. Mr. Dorscy introduced a bill to pcnsio Captain Benjamin Contcl nnd to remov charges of desertion. For many years congress has been deluge 'with ' bills proposing to remove the charge i : desertion against the military records of me Who served in the union army. The last tw congresses have refused to act on the ? measures because they embrace Cuss logii 'lalion. ' Mayor Stcelo , of Indiana , who is member of the house committee on militur affairs , to-day introduced a bill which notonl iiuthorizes but directs the secretary of war t inane all corrections in military records tin proof and Justice will warrant. The bill i detail specified the proofs which will bonece nary in order to warrant the secretary of wi in making the necessary corrections In tli records. It will not bo possible under th bill for any ono who is charged through technicality with desertion and who honestl did not Intend to become a deserter to Ion have to sutler the consequences of u defecti\ record. 1101.D diiAVi : itoimr.H * . Disclosures of the most revolting charade have been made ut the rendezvous of Pert und Maud Hrown , the resurrectionists , age ninety-eight und soventy-four years rospei lively. They lived UJKHI the hillside in tli northeastern part of the city. Under tli house a cellar was found by the detective : und in this a quantity of grave clothes , hi no bodies were discovered. Hero were di posited the fruits of visits to the cemeterie : till they were disposed of ut the medical co leges hero or elsewhero. Slnco Suturdu Poroy Urown hus been In Jail charged wit desecrating graves in Mount Olive ccinctcr : hut no proof being found against him ho lit been released. HcMdes , there Is no law I punish resurrectionists in the District ( Columbia. It would bo impossible to imagine n mot horrid looking hag than Maud Hrown. He f nco Is concave on one bide und concuvo o the other , her nose long and thin , her lii Eunken , while her ono sightless eye projeci from its socket as though striving to pen t rate the Intermediate darkness , rolls luce hiintly , and Is oven moro horrible to look t than the scar which Indicates where tli other eye has been , She was dressed in faded black dress , but wore an limncm \Yhite ribbon tie in u bow about her lean at wrinkled nivk when found in her den by tl detectives , and talked freely about her wor ONI : MOIIB iTirc. "Do you never experience any fccllnp i horror while robbing a gravel" was iihUed. "Nono in the least. " fcho replied. " 1 hui Hy suVcr3UUtfii.uud lU ouly lucllug Is ouc < annoyance nt coming Into contact with disa greeable odors or with dirt. " "How miiny bodies do you think you liuvo helped to stcull" "Oh , I could hardly tell , possibly five hun dred. I will tell you u funny Incident that occurred during one of our expeditions. Dr. Christian , who was a partner of Percy's a number of years ago. engaged a man named Mlkc'Latihudy as a helper. Mike hud been sent to the workhouse for some trivial offense , and the doctor had to put up WO to get him out. Well , that night wo went out to get some bodies , and Mike was put to work digging nt the head of n grave. IJo was bravo enough when ho started , but the. nearer he got to the corpse the moro his courage gave away , and finally his feet slipped Into npool of water which had formed ut the head of the coflln , and Mike , as ho felt it through his slious , thought that thu corpse hud seized him with its icy bunds. Ho uttered u shriek , and , ns it happened , a mule which hud been browsing about the grave step ] > ed near It , and when ho heard Mike shriek ho raised his own voice in the most discordant bray you ever hcurd. This was too much for Mlko. He scrambled out of the grave and ran ns if the corpse was after him , shouting nt the top of his voice. " 'That man will bring the police on us , ' said Christian to me. 'See if you can't stop him. ' I had a bottle of morphia in my pocket , and taking it out I ran ufter the Irishman und culled to him : 'Here , Mike , take a drink , It will brace your nerves. ' Ho came back , took a drink from the bottle , and fell senseless. " 'Thank God for that , ' said Christian , 'wo have now two stiffs instead of one , and can get buck the money wo put up for that fellow this morning. ' " THE IIAO HF.I.IT.n. Ono of the pollco ofllcers who helped to trace the grave robbers to the Brown house said to-day that the old woman not only helped to rob the graves , but played n very important part. "Sho would watch the papers for funeral notices , " said he ; "then she would dress in black und attend the fu neral , cither us u mourner or us an intimate friend of the deceased. She would be a stranger to every person ut the funeral , but of course the dead could not speak , und these with whom she. conversed nhout the corpse would believe that she really knew the de parted. Of course she would get an Invita tion to go to the cemetery in ono of the car Hugos. She would in that way locate the grave , and , after sundown , or perhaps after midnight , she , with her male companions , would make a start for the cemetery. " now TIII : ( iiiAvr.s AIM ; UOIIIIKD. "Entering the cemetery , " the officer went on , "Maud would point out the grave , and while the men robbed she would watch and give the alarm If any ono approached , and the resurrectionists would lie low until the coast wus again clear. Then the body would bo removed from the coflln and carried off. Many persons huvo n wrong idea ns to how the business is conducted. Most persons think that the earth is removed only from the head of the collin und that the lid of the box is mushed open. That is not so , because the noise made by smashing open the lid of the box would bo too great. The graves uro supposed to bo iibont six feet deep , so when the coflln and box are lowered and the lid placed uKii | them , there only remains ' about four feet of earth above. The dirt is' soft nnd can bo easily moved nnd then ono of the party will take a rope , which is fastened to the lid of the box. Slowly ho lifts the end at the head until It has reached the top of the grave , throwing most of the earth to the foot of the grave. Two of the party , which is composed usually of three persons , will hold the lid , while the third ono situs under it into the grave. If there Is a glass top , ho slides it buck and places the hooks in a convenient portion of the body or ubout the clothing , und raises the body partially from the casket , or , If necessary , ho will tnko the screws from the casket and remove the head- plcco. Sometimes , when they make a bad job of It , or hurry for fear of being captured , the coflln is badly damaged. After once get ting the hooks Into position nnd giving the body a start , the llvo occupant of the grave ascends , and then the body is lifted. The body is stripped of Its wearing apparel , which is thrown back into the grave , and then the dirt replaced'and the mound is loft in the condition It was , The body Is then doubled , the head and feet coming together , und put in a lurgo bag made for the purpose. Soon afterward it finds Its way to the hallway of some dissecting room. " The Browns nro native Russians and have histories of the most thrilling character. Washington is much agitated over the work of these resurrectionists , ViniiAsKA ANK IOWA MAII , SEiivirn ciiAxnnt. Clutuges have been made in the time sched ules of the Star mull routes in Nebraska as follows : Logan to North Platte Leave Logan Tues days , Thursdays and Saturdays at 7 a. m. ; arrive nt North Platte by (1 ( p. in. Leave North Plutto Mondays , Wednesdays and Fri days at 7 u. m. ; arrive ut Loiruti by ( i p. m. Gordon to Wounded Knee Leave Gordon Tuesdays , Thursdays und Saturdays at 10:80 : a. m. ; arrive ut Albany by 1:3l : ) p. m. Leave Albany Tuesdays , Thursdays and Saturdays ut 7 a. in. ; arrive at Gordon by 10 u. m. Leave Albany Fridays at 7 a. m. ; arrive at Wounded Knee by 10 it. in. Leave Wounded Knee Fridays ut 10:15 : u. in. ; arrive at Albany at 1:45 : p. m. In the schedule of Iowa routes the follow ing changes have been made to take effect February 1 : Crcsco to Elmn Leave Crcsco Tuesdays , Thursdays and Saturdays at 7:80 : a. m. ; arrive - rive nt Elma by B:30 : p. m. Leave Eluia c Tuesdays , Thursdays and Saturdays at S a. t in. ; arrive at Cresco by i ) p. in. Dyersvillo to Colesburgh Lcuvo Dyersvillc daily , except Sunday , at 10 n. m. ; arrive ut Colesburgh by 1 p. m. Leave Colesburgh r daily , except Sunday , at a p. m. ; arrive ut x Dyersvillo by t ) p. in. Nymun to Red Ouk Leave Nymnn Wed- 11 ncsduys nnd Saturdays at 4 80 p. m. ; arrive g at Red Ouk by 7 p. m. Leuvo Red Oak Wed nesdays and Saturdays ut 1 p. in. ; arrive at Nynmn hy 4 p. m. The postottlco nt Wellsvillo , Cheyenne county , will bo discontinued February 15. A postofllco was established ut Mattock , Sioux county , hi. , and Robert Allen ap pointed postmaster ; also ut Bennlngton , Douglas county. Neb. , and Peter Mangold appointed postmaster. Frank Gappu was to-day appointed post master utoven , Sherman county , vice O. Fred Newman , resigned. The postofllco at Cotton woodcutter county Neb. , has been discontinued. The mail goo * to Surprise. SMAI.I. MATTKIIS. William O. Schmidt , of Davenport , am' William H. Squire , of Dunlap , la. , were to day admitted to practice before the interloi department. .1. D. Kilpatrick and wlfeof Bcutriccaron the Arlington. A sub committee of the house committee 01 it Indian affairs to-day reported favorably tie o the full commfttee , the bill opening the Sion : Indian reservation in Dakota. U will sooi bo on the liouso calendar so that when tin senate bill , which is a duplicate , is passed , i can bo taken off the speaker's table and con curred in. This is the shortest way o doing it. PEUIIY S. HEATH. General Miles1 Ambition. WASHINGTON , Jan. 80. [ Special Telogrnn it to the BEU. ] A speejal from this city to th ' > New York World says' that the greatest in . . dignation Is heard in Tammany circles over i petition filed by some over-zealous friends o General Miles asking for his promotion t < major general in the place of Alfred H. Tei ry , who is now in Florida on sick leave The dispatch says : The proceeding is unprc ccdcntcd. General Miles is now commamlin the department of Arizona , and the petiiio which asks for his promotion Is signed by al senators und representatives of congress froi the Paclllu slope , The matter is aggravate the moro because of General Miles' promotlo in the past. After live years service u captain ho became colonel of the Fourth ii funtry , In July , Ibt'Kl , und wus the younge * regimental commander in the service. B ; marrying into thoShcrman family ho securei Influence which Induced President Hayes t nominate him for brigadier general in 1SSI ! over the heads of much older , abler and mor experienced soldiers , such as Colonels Hunt Getty , Sturgls , Edward Hutch and a hul dozen others. Ho now standssecond on th list of brigadiers , and in his ambition wUhc of to Jump over the head of General Crvvk , ' if ii i rrt inn nioTpnio i AITPH KILLED HIS SISTER S LOVER , A Terrible Tragedy the Result of a Family Quarrol. * SHOT DEAD ATA CHURCH DOOR. Another Illooily Murder Near St. Joseph Two Wyoming Cow Hoys Cross the Hniige The Itowim County Fciul. Through the Heart. ST. JO F.I > II , Mo. , Jun. 30. [ Special Tele gram to the HER. ] Buchanan county added another to her list of murders last night. The coroner was still examining witnessscs In the Bulling wife-murder case when the news was brought to him , by telegraph , that a murder had been committed at Wallace , eigh teen miles from this city. William Estcs , aged eighteen years , shot nnd Instantly killed William Hlakely , ulso aged eighteen , In Wal lace ut 8:30 : o'clock last night. The murder took place at the front door of the Christian church. Young Blukcly was keeping com pany with Estes' ' sister , a sixteen-year-old girl , to which the brother und father ob jected. A few weeks ago the old man Hogged the girl because she refused to drop Bhikely , whereupon she left home , living since with a friend in the sumo town. Last night she and Bhikely were ut church together. At the close of the service , old man Estcs went to his daughter and had some words with her. Bhikely then offered to turn her over to her father , advising her to go homo with him. This she would not do and went out of the church with her lover. A few yards beyond the door the two met young Estes , the girl's brother , who at once drew a revolver und begun firing. Ho had been to church nnd , it is supposed , left before services were over in order to get his revolver. The first shot struck Hlakely on the lower lip , knocking out two of his front teeth nnd lodging in the back ' part of the head. Ho then drew his revolver and returned the fire without effect. The father of the girl , who hud been watching the affray , at this Juncture drew a revolver and began shooting at Bhikely. The latter turned from the s6n to the old man and , firing , wounded him in the shoulder. This left Bhikely at the mercy of the younger Estes , who stepped up close and sent a bullet through Ills heart. Wallace Is greatly excited over the murder. Bhikely belonged to one of the best families of this county nnd wus above reproach in every way. No reason , except personal grounds , could have been urged against his keeping company with the young lady. The Estes family does not stand so well. The younger Estes Is n hard case and has been in several scrapes. Both father and son would have been lynched last night could they have been found. Miss lEstes hus become insane. Settled Hy the Citizens. .RAPID CITY , Dak. , Jan. 30. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] Buffalo Gap , a station on the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley road fifty miles south of hero , this afternoon was the scene of n shooting affray which re sulted in the killing of two cow boys named Frank Potts nnd Stansbury Arthur. The pulr had filled up on whisky und were at tempting to run the town. They had been shooting indiscriminately when the town marshall , "Shorty" Lovett attempted to arrest them. They beat him about the head with six shooters and left him unconscious. D. Davidson , n constable , also tried to arrest them but was shot for his pains. The citizens then took a hand in the affair , and when the smoke cleared away a couple of cow boys had crossed the range forever. Neither was attached to any cow outfit at present. It is not known who fired the fatal shots , and no particular effort will bo made to find out. BUFFALO GAP , Wyo. , Jan. 80. [ Special Telegram to the Hii : : . ] A serious shooting affray occurred in this city tnis afternoon re sulting in the death of Frank Potts und the futul wounding of Stransburg Arthur , who had been shooting fire arms in the streets and resisted arrest by pounding Officer Lovetl over the head with u revolver. A posse oi citizens armed themselves and proceeded to assist in making the arrest with the above re sults. Both Potts and Arthur were cowboys well-known hero and generally considered pencublo citizens. Both had been drinking It is not known which of the citizens did tin shooting. _ _ _ _ _ The Hatlleld-McCoy Feud. CII.UII.KSTOWN , W. V. , Jan. 30 [ Spccia Telegram to the BIE. : ] Governoi Wilson has decided to order ou the militia , nnd put n stop to tin Hatfield-McCoy affair at once , ho having sat isiled himself by thorough inquiry that tin reports from the scene of 'trouble were no exuggeruted. This evening Governor Wilson's rcprcsen tatlvo returned from Logun county and re ported'thattho belligerants on both sides in tin Hatfield-McCoy affair have disbanded am the trouble ended. ' The governor has coun tcrmnndcd the order for the militia. The Pope's lllch Presents. HAI.TIMOHE , Jan. 80. A correspondent fo the Sun in Homo has furnished an interestiiij description of the gifts to Pope Leo , on th occasion of the jubilee. So far 7,000 cases o articles have been handled , and the end i not vet. Up to January 18 presents to th value of $10,000,000 have passed through th hands of the Vatican inspectors. Even thu sum has been exceeded in money. The Unite States has outstripped every other country i cusl ) donations. Vice President Potter's Condition. CHICAGO , Jan. 30. Vice-President Pottc was better to-day and decided to continue hi Journey to New York , although ugiiinht th ndvico of his physician. Ho will probabl igo to Florida In a short timo. t Dnlnth Hanks Consolidate. DULUTII , Minn. , Jan. 30. [ SpecialTelcgrai to the HIK. : ] The consolidation of the Di luth national nnd Union national banks , ri moral u month ago , takes pluco to-momr under the name of the Dulutti Union nation ! bank , with a combined capital of $1,000,000. , Wholesale Evictions Planned. Dum.ix , Jan. 30. Five hundred bill prc cesses nnd ejectment notices have bee issued in Londonderry against tenants o the Draper estate. l Will Prevent Obstruction. f Loxnox , Jan. 80. W. H. Smith , in speech this evening , said the govcrnmer was firm in its intention to enforce the ruh nnd prevent obstruction of business I parliament. The Anti-Socialist Hill Referred. HHIII.IX , Jan. : w. The debate on the ant socialist bill was resumed to-day. It wi finally referred to a commlttco. Decided Not to Operate. UCIIMX , Jan , 80.Dr. . McKenzie nnd othe examined the crown prince's throat to-d : and decided not to operate. Schncffur Urcnks tlio Record. MII.WAUKU : , Jan. 30. Jacob Schnoffi broke the record In the fourteen-Inch Ha ! line billiards to-night with a run of " 54. r.l ii ( Itnttcr Mnrkut. . 111. , Jan. 30. liuUor sold today Sic ; IOWA Many Important Hills Introduced In lloth HranchcH. Dis : MOINKS , la. , 'Jan. 30. Among the measures presented in the sctiato to-ilny were : Hy Mr. Hclnlgcr Amending the law re lating to capital punishment. Hy Mr. Weber Ucpcullng the law relating to the Iowa weather service and abolishing the ofllcc. Hy Mr. Kcglor Repealing the law ro- luting to the taxation of telegraph nnd telephone - phone lines , nnd providing n substitute. Hy Mr. Funk Providing for the estab lishment of a normal school ut Algona. The senate railroad committee met to-day , and it. is understood agreed to report favor ably Mr. Young's bill for a two cent passen ger rate and n reduced mileage ticket rate. In the liouso Mr. Cummins Introduced a bill authorizing cities of over lO.OOOto license , under certain conditions , the sale of intoxi cating liquors. Hy Mr. HIIc.v Providing for a constitu tional convention In 1MH ) . The Joint resolution directing the Joint rail road committee to make Investigation of rail roads , was lost. The registration bill was read a third time und passed. By Mr. Deal A bill declaring express companies doing business in the state com mon carriers , and providing for their regula tion by the railroad commission. Hy Mr. McCoy Exempting from taxation a soldier's homestead not exceeding $1,000 In value. A joint resolution was adopted for the rail road commission to demand that rnllrouds furnish cars to shippers In northwestern Iowa nnd empowering the commission to bring suit if not complied with. A message from the governor concerning the furnishing of additional testimony for the prosecution of state claims ngulnst the general government , recommending the bill empowering the governor to provide a con tingent fund fortho necessary expenses , wus referred. The bill for the appropriation for the sol dier's ' orphan homo at Davenport was passed. Senator Dnrgun's concurrent resolution fix ing the timu of the election of United States senators , was concurred in. Several other bills were introduced. Fire at Macedonia. MACEDONIA , la. , Jan. 30. [ Special gram to the Uii.j : : The fire alarm was sounded ubout U o'clock this morning , causing inga general turnout of citizens , who had several hours hard fight with the flames , the fire apparatus of the town consisting of buc kets mainly. The flro was in the one-story frame building , owned nnd occupied by Ash ley , Cook & Co. , as n drug store and grocery. The postoflice is in the sumo building. The fire was so well under way when discovered that the first ono to enter the building stepped through the charred lloor , and had a narrow escape from serious injury. Building nnd contents were a total loss , amounting to 4,500. Insured for 81.000 on building , and $1,300 on stock. Dr. Cook's oflice adjoin ing , was also burned. Even with the absence of any wind it was n hard fight to save surrounding buildings. Dye & Co.'s store hud a narrow escape , und also the Macedonia State bank. The building owned by W. L. Kusscllvas damaged about $11X1. No cause can bo .assigned for the fire as there hud been ubout the place , so far us known , nnd na flro since Saturday night. This is the second time a large fire has occurred on this. . site. Three years ago the building , then occupied by J. M. Kclley & Co. , Mr. Cook being a member of the firm , was burned , end it urovcd to bo the work of an Indendiary , the culurit , named Coburn , was convicted and scut to the penitentiary for two years. The loss this time falls" es pecially hard upon Mrl Ashley , as all his means were invested in this business. H' > inc for Iowa's Soldier- ? . AVATEHI.OO , la. . Jan. 80. Colonel Ebcrhart , quartermaster of the Iowa Soldiers' Homo , gives a few interesting facts in regard to the condition of the home. There are at present ninety-two inmates of whom all but eighteen arc American born. Twenty-five of the men uro farmers. A goodly portion of the other men came from poor houses. Others came from the homes at Huincy , Leavcnworth und Dayton , nnd 'most of the men o nme from small towns and villages , the larger towns contributing us follows : Dubuque , DCS Moincs and Davenport each two , Council Bluffs one and Hurlin'gton noneOf the ninety-two inmates but eleven arc man-led. Ono native-born Mexican finds n homo there , having served through the rebellion in the Fifth Iowa euv- nlry. In reply to tins question of what im provements were contemplated Colonel Eber- hart said : "Forty acres of ground nro to bo laid out in one of the handsomest parks in Iowa , and every effort will bo made to sccuro Grand Army reunions there. Many of the boys come to the homo after years of existence in indifferent almhouses , completely broken in spirit , but the thought that they have no longer to earo for themselves , combined with the generous treatment accorded them works wonders. " Tlirirty Swedish Farmers. RED OAK , In. , Jan. 80. At Stanton , in this county , there is a co-operative store run by u branch of the Farmers' " Alliance of Scott township. The business hus n manager , r bookkeeper , and llvo "clerks , and is playing havoc with the trade of the old merchants ol the village. The store was started lost May the enterprise of a sgciety incorporated las ! winter ns the Montgomery Farm crs' Industrial association. A report port was made at the nnnuu meeting of the association , which shows thai the sales of the store have been largo ant mainly for cash. By frequent turning of the capital invested , n profit of ! > 0 per cent on the capital stock is reported for the eight month ; tljo store has been running. Elated withtlicii success , the Farmers' association will mil agricultural implements to the business , ant are talking also of starting a bank. Scot township has n considerable population o Swedes and nearly all the members of the as sociutlon uro of that nationality. Again Sentenced to Hang. Uunrqi'K , lu. , Jan. 30. The jury In th Barney Kennedy murder trial reported tc day , after being out sixteen hours. Thel verdict was guilty of murder In the Hrst dc gree , nnd ho punishment was fixed ut deutli Kennedy wus convicted on a former trial am sentenced to hung , but secured a now trial o : ground that ono of the jurors wus not a nal urallzed citizen. His attorneys will no\ move for a third trial because one of th Jurors In the trial Just concluded became In toxlcated during its ] progress. The gcncni opinion is that Kennedy will bo hanged u the Jury ordered. If ho does cs > cupo through the courts ho will never escape the vcngcanc of the tribunal of public opinion. A Deputy Slier i If K Forgery. Run OAIC , Jan. li ) , H. T. West , of Vi : Hsca , Into deputy sheriff of this city , wa convlcted'of forgery m the district court yes terdiiy. The crimeAvus committed while hi wus in oflice , and when the note came duo he in his ofllclal capacity , served the notice o suit upon the parties whoso mimes ho Is coi victed of forging , two Swedes living neu Villisca , and attempted to terrorizing thcr Into acknowledging the signatures. F. II Jerome , a note broker at Villincu , bought th forged paper and loses the amount , us. Wet has no property. It was for $12,1. FrlKhU'nlly Crushed hy Cni-s. MINIIUUN , la. , Jan. 30. JSpecial Telcgrai to the Ben ] Al-lilS p. m. , while an cxtr freight train was switching hero , Fran cr Jones , & ye.irs old , In attempting to jump o Ik the snow-plow , fell In front of the plow an was dragged a considerable distance , the en gino. tender und one car pa&slng over bin cutting off a lower limb , ono hand nnd crusl ut ing ono shoulder. There Is iitllu hoj > o Of h ) recovery , AI PP\TO ITIAVO SERIES Ot SENSATIONS , Wahoo Rocolvos Several Shocks in the Post Few Dixys. TWO 9EATHS AND A SCANDAL. A Welt-Known Resident Chokes to Death , A VOUIIK Iindy Poisoned , and n Doctor-Preacher nnd Companion Disgraced. SeiiHntlons nt AVnhoo. WAHOO , Neb. , Jan. 30. [ Special to the BKU. ] For a few days Wahoo has been shocked by a series of sensations. Ono day lust week Mr. J. C. Fruhin , overseer of the poor farm , complained of n choking sensa tion in his throat nnd in ten minutes after was dead. Ho had been slightly mulcted with quinsy , but it wus not considered of any mo ment. Yesterday morning Mlra Mueouluy , the seventecn-yenr-old udoptod daughter of John Mncaulay , living nt Ithacacame , to her death very suddenly. She had been slightly ailing nnd ono Dr./lngre.suid to have practiced med icine once , prescribed for her , suylng she hud bilious fever. The prescription was taken to Dr. Hupp's drug store in Wahoo , and Dr. Hupp filled the prescription , at the sumo time asking the party bringing the pre scription if they knew what it was , and tell ing him it was deadly poison and three drops was a maximum dose for an a'clult. The party said ho knew what it was , und de parted with the medicine. Saturday night the young lady grew suddenly worse and Drs. Hush nnd Stone of this city were sum moned , and at once pronounced the case ono of poisoning and too far gone for any help. No investigation of tno case has been made yet. There is quite n feeling existing against the reputed doctor. A scandal hns just occurred hero which is a sweet morsel for the gossips. A few nights ugo a doctor who Is also n preacher , residing near Ashland and of good family , came to this city in company with n mco looking young lady , about twenty-two years old , and repaired to the commercial hotel and registered ns man and wife. Next morning n gentleman from Ashland came into the Commercial hotel and noticing the names on the hotel register went up to their room to call on them , nnd behold the mutual surprise. Tim doctor is nearly sixty years old und hitherto has borne u good reputation. Condition of UaiiRC Cattle. CIIADIIOX , Neb. , Jan. 80. [ Special Tele gram to the Bin.J : A number of Wyoming cattle men on their way cast , being inter viewed , give us their opinion that the per cent of loss In range cattle will not bo ns heavy as last winter or as heavy us has re cently been reported. The recent severe cold weather nnd deep snow has been very hard on cattle and had it continued much longer the loss would have been the heaviest over known. The want of water has as much , if not more , to do with the loss of cattle tlo as the want of grass , nnd the present warm weather has melted the snow off and furnished water us well as feed and it is the opinion among stockmen generally that cut- tin can live until grass comes hut will come out in the spring in poor condition. It is re ported that the eastern Wyoming and southern Dakota and northern Nebraska the snow has all gone. A Religious Revival. CnAnnox , Neb. , Jan.80. . [ Special Telc ; gram to the BHE. ] Chadron' has had a religious revival for the last ten days. Rev. W. W. Mullony , the "Clyclono of the West , " has been holding meetings every night nnd has created such an interest that no church in the city has been largo enough to hold the multitude. All the protcstant churches have combined on holding union services and last night they held service in the skating' rink nnd fully 000 persons were in attendance. About 11)0 ) persons have been converted. Rev. Mullony will conduct revival meetings every evening for a week yet , when he hopes to dojiblo the number of converts. Amputated Ills Finders nnd Feet. DAVID CITY , Neb. , Jan. 8."i. [ Special Tele gram to the Br.i : . ] Dr. Cook , of this city , today amputated the feet nnd fingers of Johnnie Denlinger , the little Garrison hero , who risked his own life hy wrapping his coat about his smaller brother , who perished in the recent blizzard. Though rendered a crip ple for life n ncut sum will bo contributed for his relief. _ Ilullor District Court. DAVIO CITV , Neb. , Jan. 80. [ Special Tele gram to the Bnc. ] District court convcnod here to-day , Judge Post presiding. Many im portant civil cases uro sot for trial. There is only ono criminul case , that of Spelts against Montgomery , charged with shooting with intent to kill. A Iudy Suicides Near Beatrice. BuATUicn , Jan. 80. [ Sueeial Telegram to the HEE | Mrs. Henry L. Davis committed suicide to-day by cutting her throat from oar to car. Mrs. Davis is the wife of a well- to-do farmer living twelve miles northeast ol hero. The coroner will hold an Inquest to morrow. The cause for this rush net is un known. McGIynn'H Anti-Roman Ravings. NEW YOUK , Jan , 80. [ Special Telegram to the HnE.l Dr. McGlynn , in an address last night , announced his willingness to take back what ho had said about the pope's hat if the machine would give the church u democratic pope. It was too much to expect , ho feared , but ho hoped the people of Italy would rise und smash the ecclesiastical machine , and that the gold should bo torn from the grasp of the ecclesiastical machine , from the hands ol the old man with his peacock feathers and nl ! the phantasmagoria of n theater , and t be beat of the churcir bo made a i > oor man. The richer the church was in endowments the poorer she was in the gruco of God. Who ever heard of confessor who would refuse tc ir absolve a Jay Gould , or Collls P. Hunting ton , or a member of the Standard Oil com punyf" ho n ked. The audience cheered am yelled. McGlvnn then related u story nboul Powderly. "Tills head of an order , com posed of men of all religious denominations is not satisfied. " McGlynn suid , "with bend ing the knee before Cardinal Gibbonslmthac | sent him us an ambassador to Home , und Inu paid this ambassador's expenses out of tlu funds of the Knights of Labor. The spcake : would not bo surprised to discover that semi of the same funds hud been spent to buy in some of the underlings , and not so far under cither , at the Vatican. Detailed to Kill the Czar. LONDON , Jun. 30. Advices from St. Pet crsburg say that a prominent army oflice : shot himself fatally recently and before dy ing told the surgeons ho was a member of ; secret society and hud been detulled to UH snsslnnto Itbo czar , but had preferred mil cido. A searching investigation is in prog ress. Ilrltltdi Grain Trade Ilevlow. LONDON , Jan. 3 % The Murk LanoExpres says : There Is no demand for native wheat and it Is impossible to sell except at a decline Foreign wheat values are only nominal Flour is greatly depressed. Foreign decllnci 0 poiico per sack. Corn steady ; oats dull. . . n ' > n fames Kcdiintli Dying. k NEW YOUK , Jan. 30. The physician o in James Rcdputh , journalist nnd lecturer , ha id given up hope of his patient's recovery. " , Father MuFnilitoii Sentenced. 1 DUIILIN , . Jun. 80 , Father MuFuddcn'Wn to-day suuUHiccd to three mpnths linprUoi uiciu. . ' . . . ' . . . ' . WK8TKUCTIVK FIUE. Eight Loaded Htoro llitlldlngs De stroyed In New York. NEW YOIIK , Jan. 80. Ono of the largest fires that hns occurred In this city for many months broke out in the store of Henry Hog- ers Si Co. , M9 Broadway , early this morning. It extended and destroyed llvo adjoining stores. All engines below Forty-third street resiKHidcd to the alarm. The property occu pies the west side of Uroadway between Prince nnd Spring streets , and ex tends through Mercer street. The build ing where the Uro originated was a five-story front double building nnd was occupied by Henry Rogers & Co. , man , dealers In trimmings ; P. 1C. Wilson i Son , Importers of luces ; Stelnfuck St Co. , boys clothing , und Kiiempher. manu facturer of boys waists. No. fi47 is a llvo story building unit is occupied by Helanchl & Co. , importers of ( lowers. No. fiTiil was occupied by Louis Metzer , importer of milliner's trimmings ; Jerkonswki ft Grust , importers of cloth , and Mitchell & Richard , clothing. No. ft. " > , a five story brick front , was occupied by H. Isaacs & Hro. , dealer in Japanned goods ; Samuel Leownstein. dealers in neckwear , and Schwuk & Son , lniKirtcrs | of nfancy goods. Nos. 557 and 6.V.I wus u lurgo double Iron front , and was occupied by Henry Newman , cotton goods ; LIptnan & Sons , clothing ; C. C. Carpenter , dealer in tournures and crinolines ; and Reuvy tHros. The double Iron front , ft"ll " mid MVI , was occu pied by Stiner , Khan Si Co. , novelties and Swiss carvings ; Gotthold & Co. , hat and bonnet frames ; T. L. Harbor & Co. , straw goods , and the Holland manufactur ing company , spool silks , whoso factory is In Willlamuntlc , Conn. The Humes spread with nstonlshingrupidity after once breaking out. nnd several acci dents occurred. Several men were bruised by falling bricks of walls. Mlko Kelly fell and was severely injured. Fireman Sheri dan jumped from u burning roof und parts of the wall of the building fell upon him. Ho was fatally injured und tiled nt noon. The walls of the buildings fell at 5:45 : , nnd the ruins covered Broadway , stopping travel for several blocks , The stock in the eight buildings was totally de stroyed. In the other buildings , facing on Spring , Prince and Mercer streets , there is damage b v fire und water. The buildings on the east side of Uroadway were also dam aged I.v ) fulling bricks und smoke , The in- surunce adjusters suy the loss will reach $2.f > 00K10. ( A careful estimate places the losses at $1.400,000. The insurance runs up into the millions. T11K EASTERN HLI//ARD. The Natives Mcginnlng to Dig Out of the Drifts. ROCIIESTEII , N. Y. , Jan. 80. On the Now York Central roads between Buffalo and Syracuse there were several live stock trains when last week's storm came up. Efforts were made to run them to points where the stock could bo sheltered , but in spite of all efforts nearly fifteen car loads of cattle und hogs destined for Boston und New York were frozen to death near Palmyra and several car loads at other points. NEW YOIIK , Jun. 30. The fury of the storm which begun Thursday , and which swept the railroads and eastern New York with snow , was not spent until Saturday uft- ornoon und the railroads , up to that time completely at its mercy , bcgnn a vigorous fight against the drifts , und unless more snow falls to-day the blockade may bo suid to be ended. WASHINGTON , D. C. , Jan. 80. The signal corps station at Nantuckct rcixirts upwards of fifty vessels in the ice near there , and from Great Point to Tuckernuck Shouls- , many of them are adrift , having lost anchors nnd chains. The Ice is ten inches or moro thick , nnd the most jwwerful tugs can render them no assistance. Most of them will be wrecked unless prompt assistance is rendered whan the ice breaks up. The Canadian Pacific Blockade. WiN.viriid , Jan. 80. No through trains over the Canadian Pacific have arrived since Wednesday. A trainload of passengers is said to bo snowed in in the mountains and fears are entertained for their safety as their supply of provisions is short. ONIjY DYNAMITE. An Explosion in Newport llarhor Shakes Many Eastern Cities. NEW Hinroui : > , Mass. , Jan. 80. A percepti ble earthquake was felt in Fair Haven , shortly after midnight , and also at different points on the capo. At Little Com pton , H. I. , a heavy shock was felt nt lt:40 ! : a. m. Hope Valley , H. I. , reports an earthquake shock ut 1-IO : this morning. The shock is ulso reported from various portions of the stuto. FA u. RIVEII , Mass. , Jan. 30. An earth quake shock was felt hero a few minutes be fore 1 this morning. The disturbance ap peared to travel from south to north. It wus violent enough to shake dwellings und arouse people. The noise continued seven or eight seconds nnd resembled a chip of thunder , fol lowed by a low rumbling. There was no damage to property. PnovincNfi : , R. I. , Jan. 30. This nnd adJoining - Joining cities and bay side towns were badly shaken up last night with a dynamite explo sion in Newport harbor to clear it of ico. In many places it resembled nn eurthquake , and reports from various points speak of it as n genuine earthquake. The Malice ol'Ituironr. NEW YOUK , Jan. 80. [ Special Telegram to the HER. ] The Tribune's cable from Mr. GUI , M. P. , says that Hulfour has Issued a warrant for the re-arrest of William O'Brien. It was signed nnd placed in tha hands of the poiico yesterday. This is done , it is said , to prevent O'Brien speaking in parliament. Dnn.iN , Jan. 80. Father Stevens , of Faicaran , county Donegal , bus been arrested at Dunafanugny , in the sumo county , under the coercion act. William O'Brien has loft Ireland for the south of Europe , where ho will endeavor to recuperate bis health. The AVhitticr Homestond. CHICAGO , Jan. 30. [ Special Telegram to the BEE. ] The statement was made a few days ago that John G. Whlttier had denied that it was his wish to have the Whlttier homestead at Havcrhlll , Muss. , purchased and preserved as u monument of affection for him nnd his poetry. This appears to have been n mlsstutomcnt , as the Times this mornIng - Ing prints n letter from Whittlcr to Miss Frances Willurd , in which ho expresses his gratitude lit the proposed movement , und hearty wish for its consummation. Tlu ; Fisheries Negotiations. OTTAWA , Out. , Jun. 30. [ Special Telegram to the Bui : . ] The opinion prevails hero that as matters now stand before the fish commis sion , the Dominion government deem u satis factory , or in fact any settlement of the fish- cry negotiations beyond possibility , the only hope being that a convention may lead up tc a broader oasis , upon which nil questions hi dispute between the Dominion and the United States may bo amicably settled , and n satisfactory arrangement for more ex tended trade relations between the two coun < tries arrived at. Steamship Arrivals. Nr.w YOUK , Jan. 30. [ Special Telegram tc the HII : : . ] Arrived The Pennsylvania , froii Liverpool. Htvnt : , Jan. 30. Arrived La Gascogne from New York. lf OfECJwrow.v , Jan. 30. Arrived The Ohif s nnd Egypt , from Now York. An Attempted Ahsa PAHIS , Jun , . " 0.--A German named Brand' ' forced his way Into the oflico.of Lu Franci to-day. and tried to shoot Dccot , buMviib Ala uyiucJ , . ' . ' , - . CAROLINE WAS UNFAITHFUL The Latest Sensation In the Onrtot Divoroo Cneo. STORY OF A HUSBAND'S WRONGS , The Fair Plaintiff Charged With Hav ing Scandalized Anierlon ntul 1C n rope With Her Out rageous Amours. Striken ltiiik. ! CHICAGO , Jan. 80. [ Special Telegram to the lHi : : . ] Attorney Leslie A. Carter llloil tii-duy n cross bill in Urn divorce proceedings pending between himself ntul his wife , Caroline line LOUHO | Curler. The allegations nro rather startling und hnvo created n decided stir. The enso is nlreiuly well Unowii throughout the country , the high standing of I lie defendant anil the charges preferred by Mrs. Curler having iiiiulo its outcome n mutter of much interest. Now the cross bill with its sensational charge Unit thu wife hns boon guilty of udultery with Kyrlu liulluw , the well-known Kngllsh tietor , nt present pluyiiiK lit Now York , us well us with other ' men , furnishes u fresh charm for scundnl lovers. The bill , after stilting the standing of the ease as it is at present In court , und denying the charges miido by complainant , says : Your orator further represents that in the month of August , 18S5 , ut Cooperstown , lu the stuto of New York , said Caroline Louise Carter , In utter disregard und violation of her marriage vows und obligations , commit ted ndnltery with ono.Iumes V. Pierce , ntul nnd tlmt ut divers times In the month of April , ISM , nt the Brunswick hostelry In the city of Now York , committed adultery with ono.lames B. Gilbert. Your orator further represents and charges the fact to bo that ut. divers dutrs In the months of September anil October , 1SSI1 , nt the city of New York , said 'Jurolino Louise Carter committed udnltory .ml had carnal knowledge with ono Kyrlo lellow. Your orutor represents , upon in- 'ormutlon und belief and believing said hargos , that said Caroline Louise Carter as at divers times and places at the said city f Chicago , in the city of Now York , nt Coojierstown , in the state of New York ; at " ans , in the republic of Franco ; at Basle , lit he republic of Switzerland ; ut Krcnznach , n Germany and at divers other laces , to your orator unknown , eoinmit- ed udultery with persons to your rater unknown. Your orator was wholly gnortint of the guiltof Caroline Louise Jurtor until in or ubout September INSO , and .ubsotucntly . | thereto. On August 1 , lbNr > , Caroline Louise Carter , in spite of his ills- approval anil against his protest loft this . ountry for Europe , departing uhniptly and without his knowledge or that of her mother or friends , as ho believes. At the earnest solicitations of your orutor nnd her mother die returned in the latter part of the mime month , but upon her return she insisted upon going buck ngiiin to Europe , und\tlnally , on October 34 , 18S5 , although ho expressly dis approved of her doing so and used every effort to induce her to remain with him and : ils child , she ngaln loft for Europe. Slnco .ho last mentioned date ho has not cohabited with her us his wife. When told she hud sailed for Eurono she gave him to under stand she would Immediately return , and ho , subsequent to October 34 , 1S85 , urged her by letter to do BO. your orator represents further , that , not withstanding this , she remained abroad until September 1 , 18SO , and that during her ab sence she Indulged in great cxtravuguncoB nnd loose conduct , ull of which was unknown .o him until about suid month of September , 1S85. Ho believes Hho expended upward or , 5KX ( ) during said absence. Your orator urther represents that during this absence , Jaroline Louise Carter so conducted herself * with men as to acquire u thoroughly bud reputation , which your orator now believes she deserved. \ On or ubout September 1 , iSSfl. Caroline Louise Curler sailed from Liverpool for Now York city ami purposely concealed the fact from him , for the purpose of further deceiving in regarding this clandestine trip , she , irior to her departure , wrote in London n > scries of letters dated September 3 , 10 , nnd 17. IbSO. These she left behind her to > o mailed to him ut Intervals corresponding with the dates , so your orator might believe she was still in Englandwhereas the fact was was in New York. Mr. Carter says he docs not know her rea son for this conduct , hut says , when ho earned of It , ho endeavored to induce her to return homo. Instead she sailed again for Europe on Octobef ! > , 1880. Although having just grounds of complaint against her for ex travagance und imprudent conduct , he did not believe her unfaithful to her murriago vows until rumors , taken in connection with her general behavioiMicr frequent trips to Europe , her extraordinary oxtruvugunco nnd im prudent acts , led him reluctantly to regard her conduct with the gravest suspicion , which resulted in his ascertaining that she has been repeatedly guilty of adultery from ISSli up to nnd since September 188(1 ( , und even since the tiling of her bill of complaint. * TUB MUCII.WIViil ) WIIJUNS. lie in Tukcn to 81. Paul in Charge of a Detective. Pnnnus FAU.S , Minn. , Jan. 30. John Wllk- ins and ono of his six wives were arrested ut Scumblcr , Sunday and arrived hero this morning from Felican Rapids en route to St. Paul In charge of a detective. Wilkins Is the , son of a director of the Strndard OH company at Cleveland und it was recently discovered ho had married six wives in this and other cities during last year , and was living with all of them ut onetime , each of them thinking she was his only wife. ' Vlslhlo Supply Statement. CHICAGO , Jan. 80. The visible supply of grain for the week ending January 28 , as compiled by the secretary of the Chicago board of trade , is as follows : Hnshcls. Wheat. . , 41,7ll,000 ! Corn 7H8,000 : Oats rrMom , , Kyo ! CIO,000 Hurley S.lMi.OUO . Dnluth'H Grain Hnpply. Dri.rTH.MInti. . , Jan. 30. [ Special Telegram to the Dm : . ] Less tlnin 7,000KX ( ) bushels of wheat nro in store hero lo-uay , against 11,000- UOO u year ago. This poor showing is duo to the protracted and numerous blockades on " ull railroads centering Intro. The car receipt to-day indicate a largo increase by next Satur day. Two hundred cars of coal a day are he- ing shipped to the regions threatened with famine in the bouthwest. Heading KmploycH In Washington. ' WASHINGTON , Jan. 80. A committee rcpro- scnting the striking operatives and minors of the Heading and Lchigh Valley railroad com panies nnd the Heading Coal and Iron com pany , arrived in Washington to-day for the purpose of urging congress to take action with reference to the Heading troubles. They will present u petition to the house. Death of an Kmiiicnf Itotnnist. BOSTON , Jan. ! 10. Professor Asa Gray , tha eminent botanist und professor of botany lu Harvard college , died of paralysis this cveu- ing , aged bovcnty-soven. Weal her Indications For Nebraska : Colder , fair weather , light-to fresh variable Winds. . ' . For Iowa : Colder , fair weather , light to frcRh variable winds. ; M For Dakota ; HliKhtly.coldcr , fairv/cuthcry fresh Variable winds-