Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1888, Page 8, Image 8
8 THE OMAHA 'DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , JANUARY 28. 1888. I t OUR THREE NOTED HEROINES Mies Mlnnlo Froomnn Writes the "Boo" a Letter. HERS A SIMPLE ACT OF DUTY. Xhnt IN the "Way Hlic Kponkn or Her Urixvc Action MlHH Kttn Hliut- tlivk'N Had Case More CuntrllnitlotiH. > | | KH Mlnnlo Prc-cninn. Tlio casu of Mlnnlo Freeman Isnn excellent Illustration that fnmo comes unlocked for If It comes ut nil , A tcuchcr In u Nebraska district school , ununown save to < i circle of friends who appreciated the characteristics which nppcurcd In her every day life , and loved mid ndmtrcd her accordingly , her tinmo has come to be a household woid , not & f aloneIn the state of Nebraska , but throughout - ' out the cntlio union. The very complete lic it count of tills > oung girl's heroic londuct , g which was published exclusively by the Hi.r , r has been copied and commented upon ' by the leading JouinalH of the country. Men and women in other stutus hu\u written to the Journals published at their homo prais ing the brave girl for her action ; sermons Jiavo been preached upon the subjci t by lead- inn illviiuM , and the talu of Minnie rreemiin and her thirteen pupils lias been told In every town and hamlet of the hind. It is no wonder that the joting girl is pmlmruisHod under the weight of attention foi cod upon her. This attention , however , Is a pi Ivilogo the Ameri can people nro entitled to take with one w ho has proved worthy of every tribute accorded her. her.If Miss Freeman boars up as bravely under the mass of compliments foiced upon her , she will achieve an additional reputation to that already enjo\cd. A few daj sago the HiK addressed to Miss Freeman a note re questing a brief sketch of her lifo and the corroboratlon of the report of her action dui ing the stoi in. To tills the HEU received , yesterday the following answer : MISS Hil hMVN'S I VI"Fit- Out ) , Neb , .Tun 21. To the Editor of the Bm : Your communication received , and I am sure was kindly meant. The thread of the nun at HIM given in the Hi i : Is ttuc. Thebaro rcahtv was unpleasant enough. However , I feel that too much has already been said of an act of simple duty. Notoriety I do notdo- Klro. Thanking you so much for your kindly in terest I am Youi s , v cry respectfully , MlNMh MVK Till I'VUN. rllon. Jnmcs E Hovd 1ms ictulvcd by expiess a handsome gold wutch and chain to be presented to Miss ricenmn. The sender was Mr. A. Andievvs , the leading jeweler of Snn Francisco. The gift Is a bonuty. On the inside of the case Is the inscription : A. Andrews , of San Francisco , to Miss Minnie Ficeman , of M\ru Valley district , for her heroism in saving the lives of thirteen children in the great stoim of Jnnuaiy 12 , lhS8. lhS8.Tho The following letter was addressed to Mr. Hojd : SAN PKANCI .CO , Jan. 21 , 18S8. Hon. J. E. Moid , Onialia , Neb , Mv Dear Sir At the miggestlon of my friend , Hon. John P. lush , I intrust to jou the delivery of this watch \ and chain to Miss Minnie Freeman , wlioso j -net is desciibcdin tlio enclosed newspaper clipping. Please appri o mo of the receipt and de livery of this commission and greatly oblige , i Yours icspectfiilly , A. Asimnvvs Accompiinj ing the present was the follow ing letter : SAN FitAvrisco. Jan. 21. Miss Minnie Frccmnn. Myra Valley , Ne . : I hand you . . this watch and chain as tlio cxpt cssion of a distant stianger's appreciation of jour tour- age and presence of mind , jour unscltish- ncss and readiness to rlek joursclf for others It ns shown In the recent great storm. I huvo icccivcd only the telegraphic ac counts of this good deed , by which I learn that you secured them by a rope and led them to safety against the embattled ele ments. The world should never ccaso tore- ward and applaud those characteristics -vvhich have madojou the savior of thirteen children's lives , and to compliment you as well as to cutout ago others in the exorcise of the qualities jou have so usefully exhibited , I send my iccognition from the far Pacific. The chain is wi ought in tlio semblance of a rope , to alvvavs icmlnd your friends of the means by which you led piccious lives fiom peril to safety. Upon the case tire stars to testify that jou are amongst thestaisof jour sex , and an example to men , whoso greater strength should lead them oftcncr to nsk themselves for others , for "greater love hath no man than this , that a man lav down his life for his fiicnd. " I am , jour friend , A. AM > IIIVVS. : The beautiful token will bo foiwuided to Miss Freeman to Old , Neb. AVlio Miss FrPtiinn Is. If theio Is such ft thing as the maitjulom of fame , Miss Mmnio Freeman is ceitamly cnjoj Ing it to the fullest extent. Though she 1ms declined in a dimming manner to give a sketch of her llfo the ULI : lias seemed a few facts In connection therewith which will piovoof Interest. Miss Freeman was born In the jcar 1S09 , mid with her parents c uno to Ncbi tiska from St. Paul in Ibsl. Fora time Miss Frccmnn resided in Yoilc ntul attended the Yoilc Methodist college , in tlio art class of which she distinguished her- Bclf as im nit 1st In oil , eimon and water col ors. In the spring of l Mi MKs Ficeman graduated at the York college and in lbi)7 ac cepted a position as teacher in the Myra Val ley district. Her patents aio jet living and her brother , Oscar Ficeman , is nn nttoiney nt law Miss Ficeman is u little above the medium height , daik hair , grej'ejes and a remaik- r.bly pretty girl , blio is said to bo an excel lent musician and tlio possessor of a charm ing voice. Since the publication of her heioio conduct Miss Ficeman has le-celted a laige number of letters , ono of which offoied the heart and hand of the writer to the fair heroine. The jounglndj'Is of a lething dis position , and the embaiiassing ] > ositioii in which bho is placed will be appreciated by the. people. It would bo useless , however , to Htem the tide of compllmciitniy icmaiks forced upon any of Nebraska's hetoio teach ers. Minn Ht tn Slmtttiuk. If the misfoituno of human beings can Incite the people of NebiasKa to libeial con tributions in the aid of those w ho nio desci v- ing and In need , ceitaiiilj' the cloud Just now enveloping tlio happiness of Miss Ettu Sluit- tuck of Sowiiid , will piompt the most libeial donations on the p.utof the citi/cnsof the state. On the night of the storm Miss Slmttuck took refuge in a liaj' stack and was exposed to the elements for a period of seven ty eight boms. The cxposuio was pioductivo of the most unfortunate icsults. Thutsday aftcinoon the poor girl submitted to an oper ation at Sewnul , in which both of her limbs wcio amputated Just below the knees. The poor girl bore up biavclj" and will puibably live. Miss Slmttuck was a teacher in the public schools of Holt count v and is nineteen j ears of ago. Unlike the Misses Kojcoand Ficeman she was not bmdcucd with the cato of little ones as all of her pupils were sent to their homes in tlmo to avoid the effects of tlio Btorm. To the little ones in her cine she dis charged every obligation , and saw to it that each was promptly sent to their lespective homes , after which she endcavoicd to leach her own abode , with the disastrous icsults stated. No less deseiving Is she than the others. Mi * > s hhattuck's father is a toteian of the Into war , and by icasou of wounds ni ce ived in the sci vice he is Incapaci tated for labor. The family has been dependent UK | > n the eainlugs of their bravo daughter , mid now that tdio has mot with this misfortune the aid of liberal Nebrasknns"w ill rome in good use. At a tinui when strong men us well as fiail chil dren were meeting death in the blasts Ktta Shuttuck tdischii'gcd her duty well , pro vided for the little ones in her care , and in the endeavor to save herself met with the worst of nilsfoi tunes. Her sad condition calls for prompt relief. She Is ono of Ne braska's hcroio teachers , and as such is entitled - titled to a cordial recognition by the people of the state. Contributions sUould bo sent promptly. The Hm ; will icceivo and promptly acknowledge In these columns donations to tie Shuttuck fund. . . MISS SIUTTUCK'8 FL'ND. The deplorable case of Miss Slmttuck had ' banUy l/cccsae / kuowu turoueU s Hen before rc'poncc'i wcro rcoclvcil In Vho ihnpo of contributions for her rulicf. Last night the follow tnK nuins wcro received from the per ons duMttiiitcd ) , nntl will untloubteilly bo follow iil by miiiiy othcriliiiinetlliitely : William Hudson . * 1.00 DotlKO Rtrect school . II ( XI W. U. Mntlicws. of O'Neill . fi ( H ) T. K. Dunrt . , . . . , . 1.00 Total to tlnto . S1U IX ) in Mi.Miiiiiin > in Li\rsToek : MRN. Ocorpc Hui ko , of the firm of M. Hurko & Sons , llvo stock eonimUslon men of South Oiimhn , picked up the Un : yesterday mornIng - Ing nnd tlio Hist thlni ? tlmt fiiught his r\o , was the tek'fri nm rclatliiff to Miss Slmttui-k , the unfoitunato jouiifj lady who lost both limbs In the bllrrjrd. OcorRC rend the 111 1- Icle. wiped the tnoloturo fiom his cics , nntl walked to the desk and , diawlnp forth u sheet of paper about a j ard In length which the firm uses to strike their triul b.ihuieo upon , wrote a brief Intiodm-tlon. statins that the object of the doemncnt was to collcet money for the \ottiip ludi's relief , and taking bis biond stub pun subwilbcd ? 10 In the naino of thu Hun as a staiter , and iiiinounccd his Intention of not ceasing to labor In thu peed cause until that sheet was full and run ning over. Mr. Hinke's action In this case Is commendable , nnd the stint ho bus glvc'ii the movement will insure Itssueicss. All the p.u ties ciiK.iKed In business at the .Muds niu ccncrous people and the amount of money leecivcd cannot fall to be u lurgo one. Governor Purlins' I'roposltlon. To the Editor of the Hr.r ! The enclosed postal note .mil luttur wci o sent to Kev. W. 12. Copehind by Governor Tin Mr. Coehintl | handed them to thu World and asthe World started no fund I send them to the Hi E fund. U. M. Hire IK ouc. Hiovv.\vii.i.r. Ncb..T.ui. ! > 0 Ilov. W. K. Copelnnd , Omaha. Neb Dear sir : I note with ple.isuro jour woithy elfoit to lew.ud the meiltoiious conduit and eouiauu of Miss Minnie Mav 1 supgest v ou make this contilbutlon in eash in plaeo of a medal. Do \ < m not think that would bo n more sub stantial present ! Hoie is * l tovv.ud the medal. 1 will nlvo f."i to i.iiso for her aJoOO donation in eash to bo Invested in state or government bonds for her. HoiiriiT W. Mnko flip Heroines Intlriiontlcnt. ChlciiKoTribuno : MissKiccinim and Miss Hoee , , the two Nebiaska tcaeheis v\ho so heroically saved the lives of their pupils in the Into bli/zard , arc leeching not only the plaudits of the people , but also n more sub- Htantiul reward. The Omaha HI.I : has staited u fund foi them , and tl.iilv eontributions aio ncknowledgtd. Thu fund should be made laigo enough to place the two bra\o girls be.voml the necessity of eiieouiiteung u duplicate of theii late tciiiblc expedience. Ilit * Hot olno I'liiul. It will be a lasting credit to the people of Nebraska if the f mills now st.utod in reeog- nltlon of the eour.iso displajcd by the Misses Fieuman , Hoicu and Slmttuck amounts to n handsome sum. The cry of each , the sufferings of all tlneo , demand prompt nnd nppiopn.ito recognition. Jt is expected now that tills matter will bo no longer neglected , and that eontiibutions will come in in pro pel Uon to the llminclal abilitj of the donor. M. V. Gannon lontnbutes * ! for the Tree- man fund. A commercial traveler of Omaha contiib- utosSJ , to bo eiiallj ( | divided between the Misses Uovco and Ficeman. Mr. A. I'oimnn , of Omaha , sends thoHnn $ i ! , to bo ditided between the Misses Ft eo- man and Ko.v < o ExGoveinor K. W. Fin mis , of Brown- vllle , iontnlUtu3l to the I'lccman fund. Mi. John Giant , the well known dealer In slag and stone pavement , wntcs to the editor of the Hi i us follows : Enclosed heiewith plcaso llml check for : ho Nebraska heioines. $10 of the amount to jo giten to Miss Ficuinan * > to Miss Ho\ce. TJOIIX GliVNT. VIIOM i.tkF SCHOOL The tcaphcis and pupilsof tlio Lake school , Omaha , arc entitled to the gieatest credit for their cojjti ibution. The following letter explains itself : To the Editor of the Hrr. : Enclosed plcaso llnd . * JU ; an offctlng fiom tlio pupils and Leaehcrs of the Lake school , to the fund for the Misses Hojce and Ficeman. Wo would like $2" ) to be given to Miss Hoj ce , and $5 to Miss Ficeman. Respectfully yours , LVM. SCHOOL. "Lockwood. Neb , " sends to the HLU $5 to bo equally divleled between Misses Hojco nnd Freeman. Tlio Mechanics' IIoso company at Fre mont , Neb , contiibutes > 1I , divided ns fol lows : Miss Uojce , $7 ; Miss Ftccman , $4. Till : TIIAM LINO MEN. The commeicial traveler who enclosed the ? . ! above mentioned , in a coiiimunicution to the Hi.r , lor the bcncllt of Miss itoico and Mis > i > Ficeman , suggests that the Hi i : invlto lommuicial tiateleis to subiciiboto a special fund , to be used for this puiposo. The suggestion is a good ono , and all inon- eijs so loeclved will bo noticed in thu "Com- meicialTiaveleis' " column , as well as these. Tim 1101,1 , or HONOR. Those Who Hii\o KocoKiil/cil Com ago null Devotion. The eontiibutions to the funds for No- biaska'slieioic teachets will tcccivo prompt ncknovv lodgement in these columns. It is hoped that the people of Omaha especially , will not bo delinquent in accoullng ft piopor iccognition to these bravo girls. Thoiollof honor should have added to it the name of etet v icsident of Nebiaska who feels able to eontiibuto n mite in tins diiection. The Her. has opened two funds , ono for Miss Fieeman , another for Miss Hojco , ami hopes to open uthiid for Etta Slmttuck , of Holt county. William M. Cioan , superintendent of the Western college of Shenandoali , la , has sent to the Hn : for Miss Koycc u lifo membership in that school , and for Miss Freeman n llfo membership and u receipt for ono year's tuition , Including lent of loom , boaul , light and fuel. Mr. F. M. WoMls , the live stock dealer of Lincoln , Neb , has otToiod to donate for the benefit of the funds a line yc.n ling heifer. lOUIiR KOV.CI. tUM > . Hlair State bank , Hlair . ? 2 00 L D. Hiehaids , Ficmont . 500 Willis M Yatei , U. W. Higgms , C. A. Callard , A. U. Ton/ulln. GeotgoF. Leake , John A. Temploton . 3 00 E Hoscvvatcr. editor Urn . 100(1 ( Thcodoio Williams , Omaha . 10 01) ) Membeisof Hi c staft . 1000 Joseph Nclkln . Wl E M HUI & Sons , Hcatiico . 50(1 ( Walter V. lltlold . 'J 0(1 ( Commeicial ttavelur , Omaha . 1 ( HI A Foi man , Omaha . 10(1 ( John Giant , Omaha . 501 Uiko School . 2.1 ! ( HI "Lockw oed Neb. " . U M Mechanics IlObu Co , Ficmont . 7 OU 1/aid School . 15 OC Totultodato . $101 M MISMB HIF1.VUN lU.M ) . Hlair State bank , Hlair . $ 1 ( XI G M. Lnmbcttson , Lincoln . 51X1 L 1) . Hicluii ds , Fremont . 5 CHJ Emplo.ves Nebuiska National bank. Omaha . 'I 0(1 ( E Hosovvnter , editor Hi i : . ' . . 5 0(1 ( Mcmbeis Hi.nhtaff . 10 00 Joseph Nelkln . 50 Walter V. Fifleld , Genet . n 00 M. V. Gannon , Omaha . 100 Commeicial tiavelur , Omaha . 1 00 A Foi man , Omaha , . 1 ( Hi U. W. Furnas , Hrownvillo . 1 00 John Grant , Omaha . loot Lake School . 5 ( W "Lockwood Nub. " . 2 51 Mechanics Hose Co. , Fiemont. . . . . . . . 4 OC Total to date . $5S 00 1 ! Is Still The following Item is clippca from the Westci n Fireman , and will bo of Interest te the fi lends and acquaintances of Ficd K , Giles , foimcily city editor of tlio HEU , bhowing that ho still let.iins his genius foi lUHtling nnd keeping things lively : Fred H. Giles , one of the crowd of Chlc.igc i cpoiters whom the editor of the San Fran elsco Ulnoniclo icc'cntly Impoited to liven uj the columns of his paper , has gotten InU tioubloby charsrlng that the San Fmnelsec firemen , whlto fighting n blaze innpilvatc ii'sidcnco not long ago , bioko into the wine cellar and ciiptiucd enough wines and othci liquors to iiitiko thcuisehcs rojally diunk The Hi o boaul la Investigating the charges nud has hummoneU n number of witnesses among tKcm the owner of the burned house Thu bulk of the evidence o far submitted approves tUo truth of Giles' assciUon ? , MAYOR BROATCH ARRAIGNED , If the Flro Dopnrtmont Is Reduced , Insurance Rates Will Incroaso. TALKS WITH BUSINESS MEN. The Ijettcr rtrcchecl by n. P. linker Tlio Coasters' Work A New ntul Trust Company Other News , Reducing tlio Flro Department. The Interview with Major Hroateh , pub lished in yesterday's HIE , showing the inadequacy of the money available for the support of the lire department for the next jear attracted , universal attention. It was discussed on the street cars as citizens left for their homes last night ; on the streets , in the hotels , and this morning monopoll/ed attention In hundicds of the business houses In tow n. Yesterday Urn reporters were n slgned to the duty of gleaning ROIHO of the opinions advanced , with the following icsult : MMxMu.\cr 1 don't believe in the reduc tion of the lire dcpui tment. The police and Hi o departments should never bo decreased. If a cutting is needed , let it be done in some other places. The cut should bo made with homo of our superfluous ofllcers. If theio is not money enough available to retain the Hie depirtment as it is at present , tlio city ought to issue bonds enough to tide o\er the dlfll- cuulty. These bonds could be sold abioad , orintoun. Ipiofcrto have them kept in the eity. s They might bo held by some rich man. City bonds aic good and sure. John A. Waketield To i educe the fire dc- paitincnt would bo suicidal to the intoiestsof the city , hot there bo an oveilap. It is not the Hist time theie has been one. Wo can affoid to have an oveilap In the matter of the piotcetion better than we could and did ha\o in gi.ullng. Of louise the oftlcials lesponsi- ble for t lie overlap could bo sued on their bond , but nobody ever heai d of their being sued for the exiess guiding , and it is not likely they will be sued in th o mutter of af fording fire piotettion. \V. A. Paxton Yes , I've read about the In the expenditiues for the support of the Hie dcp.utinent , but I'd like to know which isoist , an oveilap or to buvo half the eltv bum down. U. A. Cumin I woulA favor a special taxa tion of the city to provide for the cnieigeney of tins o\eil.ip It would boil bad policy to cut down the lire foico and leave the piop- erty of the city at the mercy of a poor Hi e dep.ii tment. The force ought to bo kept as it ib at present. AichiUctMemU'lssoim It would bo su- piemely foolish to think of reducing the flio dep.iitincnt. It is not largo enough as ills , and ougnt to bo maintained at all Inlands. St. A. 1) . lUlcombe 1 understand it that thcie is an o\eilap not alone in the 111 o de partment but in almost evciy fund in the city. I am informed by our ilniinehil men though I don't know anything about it imself that theio is an ovcilnp In the police fund , and one In the sewer fund. Sewer contiact- ois who did woik last season and even in tlio spring have not jet been paid. Even if all the bonds for sewer construction had been sold theio would still , I undci stand § vU)00 ! ( ) worth of woik which could not bo paid for. Now , another bond election has been called for borne time next month. That is to authoiuo the issue of $ JOO,000 in bonds Well , by the time the bonds are pi inted. i e- corded , signed , bold and delivered , it will be full. Contractois will have to wait till that time for money winch tlioy slwuld have 10- ceived long ago. During all this time the contractois aie paying Inteiest on the money advanced by the banks. Now , w hat will be the result of this It will give the city abioad a haul name and make our public improvements cost so much moie. When contiactors find theie is no money to pav { hem they will add piobably 25 per cent to their bids , to provide against' the uncer tainty of payment , long mteicst and other losses. We ought to try to got what wo can afford to pay for. and there ought , consequently quently , be no ovi'ilaps. My idea of ictncdy- ing the defect is that wo should have a sep arate assessment for the city. Then we could tax oui&clves Just as much as we wanted without being compelled to pay a propoitlonate amount on the same into the state trcasuiy. Just look at it. In lh 4 Minneapolis , with a population of 1M,000 , just about whato * now claim , had \oluationot ? 74.000)00. ( ) Oius is only Sli,000XH ( ( ) . Her public debt then was over two millions and ouis now is something be yond a million. If this sepaiate plan of city assessment weio created wo would have all the money wo wanted and then tiicie would bo no necessity for on oveilap. Edward Howell If tlio Hie department is i educed , the insuianco in emiums will use. Look at this [ Mr Howcll then showed the Hi i. lepoiter the following note which he bad but a shoit time before icceivcd. It read as follows : ] OMUIV , Jau , 27 , 1SS3 Please notify jour pations to use all then inllucnco to pio\ent aieduction of the liio department. If 10- duced , an immediate ud\ance in i.ites of CO per cent will be made. Youi s ti ul v. A. M.Vcui , Secietaiv. "Mr. Weir , " continued Mr. How ell , "is sccretuiy of the local boaul of Undeiw'riteis This organization consists of twcntv-iiino ntroncies , including all the men in the busi ness except two parties They aio bound by the agreement to respect Mr. Weir's oideis. Ho icpicscnts the national boaul of Undcr- wnteis , and I am satisfied that ho has not issued this note without having Hi st con sulted the commission , the headquuiteis of which is in Chicago " Mr. Weir was bought in his office on Doug las street , but not found. Ho had Just gone out , and the time of his retui n was uncer tain. A young gentleman who repicsented him said Unit Mr. Weir had read the Urn's Intel view about the overlap in the lire de partment fund , and had said that if the ill o department should bo reduced W ) per cent , the Insurance latcs would bo laised 50 per cent. J. C. Cowin The fire department should bo mci eased instead of being i educed. Wo haven't got a Hie " depaitment equal to the needs of tlio city. We ought to have two or tinco engines which would bo ablotofoico the watei over our highest buildings. lam .satisfied now that Chief Galligan cannot thiow within two stories of some of our highest buildings Mr. Gllmnio of Gilmoio & Huhl It would bo poor economy to cut down the lite depiit- ment foice 1 am in favor of i.using the levy if it is insutllcicnt at pioseiit. Mi Kirkendallof Kiikendall , Jones & Co. The dopai tment should bo increased lather than diminished. At least four now cngmo houses me needed. Wo want as peifcit juo- tectionas is possible without thooxtiavagant cxpuidltuH ) ol money 'Plio city is giowing lapidlj' and tlio me depiitment should be in creased as iiipully us any other dcpaitment. If moio money is needed , incieaso the levy. Mr. Lindsey of / . T. Llndsey & Co. Ample piotection is what is needed , and If the levy is is insulnclont to pay the expenses of tlio do pai tment Increase it by all means. If the de- pirtmcnt is weakened then insurance com panies will demand a higher late , t > o I would favor spending mote money on the dcpait ment. Lee , Tried it Co Wo want all the protec tion possible , and If the sum estimated for the llio department is iusuflleiciit , raise the lovj' . Allen Hrothers The depai tment is small enough now , and ought not to bo cut dow n. C. W. Hamilton , piesldent United States National bank If a levy of 4K mills on frllKKono ( ) , or $72,000 , is not sulllcient to Miptoit | tlio department then I .s.iy cut down the force. It is time the tax-pajcis called a halt , and before increasing the levj' for lire depai tment pin | Xses u thorough In vestigation should be made Into the cxpcndi- tuies tin oughout the j ear. There must DO a tciiiblo leakage somewheio. I would not favor an inci ease in the levj' . Henry W. Yutes , piesidont of the Nebraska National Hank It bccms to mo that7.,000 ! is amply suftlcient to run the department. I would not decrease the foico , , but believe that an additional levy would be unjust to tlio tuxpiiN cis. A. 1' . Hopkins , Piesldent Commercial rfa- tional Hank Mr. Hopkins had not read the aiticlo in jesterday's Her. but was shown a copy Ot it. He declined to express an opinion , as the statements made by Major liroatcli and Chief Gulligan did not agree. Major Hroatch said that the levy is inadequate for the purpose and Chief Gulligan stated that the expenses of the depai tment for nine w > ? .9 fvW. AV tUia onlj * cost $02fiO ( ) ( for a full'j car and j ct the levj' milountcd to.$72,000. "Tho recent diselosutes made by the Hr.r , " said n prominent * banker to n repoi ter j'es- terdaj1. "conecrninj ; the lamentable loose ness with which the finances are managed , nro not only opi > ortnnebut are what I believe tobcthe first chapters In nn cxKise of negli gence and criminal carelessness that will , at least , force several of the city oniccrs to re sign. Major Urotitch is largely responsible for this state of Jnffalrs. According to his own statement halms allowed the lire depart ment to run along without much attention. His approving , appropriation ordinances passed by the cltjr council , In which men have been paid for" sor\ Ices never rendered , shows that Mr. lltontch has given too little attention to the affairs of the citj' . " "The city pajs the mu\or a salary of $2,500 per j ear and j ct ho can nearly alwaj s be found at his place of business , busy with his private lettcis and books. What would he think of his conlldentlalcletk If ho audited ami paid bills without checking them over I Do jou suppose ho would keep such a man In his employ a day } I think not. Do jou think that the dluctois of this bank would permit me to pav out deposltsrs money without being positive that the accounts wcie correct. Personally I am friendly to Mr. Hioiitch , but he and Major Hroatch aio two ditTeient peisons. In his own business ho Is a shaip , sinew d man , but as major he is exceedingly careless , and I as a business man and citizen cannot uphold him in his negligenceln conducting the affairs of this municipality. I hope the Urn will push its Investigation tinough and that the bottom facts will bo given to the public. " i ROM Tiicmuimoi UMii.Hwuni.ns. To the editor of the Hen : In the Hi not the 2tith Inst. it was stilted that inconsequence quence of a shoitage in the fund for the sup- poitof the tire department , It was the In tention of the the commissioners to reduce tlio force and apparatus A city like Omaha iannot alToid to go without piotcetion , and the pioper ofltcers can cettalnly devise wuj H and means to pav and maintain u larger force and uppaiatus than that of the pi cscnt de partment. Please notifj- the tax pa\crs of Omaha through jnur columns , that If the pio- posed icduction is made , an Immediate-ud- vance in insurance rates of 50 per cent will be made. The picscnt condition of the Hie depart ment , the large area it has to cover , and the inadequate foicc and apparatus to do it with , was lecentlj1 consideied by the insui.into companies , and it was decided to advance the insuianee uites S j percent unless the city would within tlneo months add to the llio drpai tment five stundaid steam the engines , live hose calls , one hook and ladder truck , nil the nccessaij' hose , uppapatus , horses and men. Piompt action upon thopait of the city will [ ) ievent both advances of latcs. A. M. Wnit , Secictarj' Boaul of Undeiwriteis. Ij\c | Stock Shippers Uctiirii ThnnKH. Tlio Nebraska Live Stock Shippci's asso ciation heioby extend thanks to the press , JohnT. Hojd , S. U. Hiiggs , Union Pacific railioad company for special train , the com mission men , the Indies and all otheis who kindly extended favois to us at our banquet at Exchange hotel , South Omal.a , .hum uy IS , libs .Ions A. Ki HOC , Piesident , Jens WIGGINS , Secietiuj- . William Fullum , n hostler tit .Too Withrow's li\ciy stable , was ai tested yesterday on complaint of Fied White , a follow btabloiniui , on the ehtir o ot btoiiliiifj the hitter's : pup. Fullum claims tha the dog wtiB a picsont to him from a third pui tv and indignantly denies the allowed theft. Absolutely Pure. Thisnovvder never vnrlcs. A marvel of purl ty. sttength and vvhole oineness. > Ioru etonoin- lea Itluin the ordhni v kind- * and cannot bo sold In competition vvlth thu multitude of low < est , short weight alum or phosphuto powders Sold only In cans. Itojul HaUnt : 1'ovvder Co , Utl Wall bt. New York. _ _ W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. The only 113 SKAMLKSSl Shoe In the world , with-f out tackH or nails. f Fineit Culf. iierUct fltJ7 aril warranted Congress , - ' Uuttnn and * Ijicc , all styles toe. Asftjllsl : nil durable u tlioie coiling to or to Itorx. all nur tlie V 2 Shoo , , ituptiMtotuaitluhtlM ] W. I , . IIOUULAS C2.BO SHOE Is unez. rrllril ( or heavy wear. If not oold by your dealer write W. L. DOUGLAS. lirocktou , M iit For sale by Kelley , Stiger A : Co. , Corner Dodge and 15th Sts. ; II. Sargent , Corner Seward and Sargent Sts. ; . Gee , S. Miller , 612 North 10th Street. MEDICAL H0SURBIBAL WSTITUTE , N. W. Cor. 13th & Dodge Sts BK. A.O EJ 3 , APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRUSSES. Ilcst fncilillts , appiratus and rcmeillrs fur f-uc. cessful trentment of every form of disease requir ing Medical ur burglcal Treatment. FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Hoard and attendance , best hospital acconimc- dillons in the vvrtt. WKITI. rok CIRCL-IAKS on deformities and Hrace , Tru es , Club 1'eet , Cunaliire of the Spine , riles. Tumors , Cancer Catmh.llronchitis , Inhalation , I'.lcctHcitv , raral > sis , I'pilciw Kid ney , llladder , j ; > e , 15ar , bLiu and llluod , aud ull faurgical Operations Diseases of Women a Specialty. BOOK OH Dl FACE OfVOUEN FlirK. ONLY EELIABLE MEDICAL INSTITUTE kliKINO A erECULTY Or PRIVATE DISEASES. Alt Wood DUeascs successfully treated , huih- ihtic Toisoii removed from the hjsttm vvilliout meicury , J.'cw restorative treatment for los ol Vit il Tower. J'er oiis unable toisit us may be treated at home by correspondence. All commu nications confidential. MedlciiiesorinstrmnrnU sent by mail or express , fcecurely packed , no murks to Indicate contents or bender One per sonal intenievv preferred , Call and consult iik or fend history of > our case , and we will teud in \ > lalu wrapper , our BOOK TO MEN , FREE ; Upon Private. Special or Nervous , Di ei es , Impotency - potency , byphtlis , f.lcet aud Varicocelc , with question lUl , Addrcsb Omaha Mnltttil un < l Surgical Jiitliii < cor DR. McMENAMY. 1 Cor. 13th and Do < ls SU , OMAHA , NE8. CLEANING UP ! Our patrons , who at the opening of past seasons , have examined our stock of men's and boy's clothing , will endorse when we state that we enter a second season with new goods only. Our spring goods are already on the way , and we must make room for them. We have not the space to carry over a heavy stock of winter goods as is done by most clothiers. Our largely increased business compels us to utilize every foot of room in our establishment for the transaction of our aily business and we are therefore compelled to close out. every hea vy weight garment on our counters. To do this we make any necessa ry sacrifice in pricess. The reductions we have made on overcoats and suits , and the values we are offering , will surprise everybody. To bargain seekers this is the greatest opportunity , as the pri ce of every garment is about one half what other houses ask for same qualities. To- make a clearance of a large lot of all wool scarlet shirts and drawers , we offer them at 35c. This is an immense bargain , as they are good , heavy goods and would , in the early season , be cheap at 75c. What little there is left of Fur , Jersey and Knit Caps , is offered at one-half what they are worth. Closing out odds and ends of gloves , furs and mufflers , at greatly reduced prices. All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price. Nebraska Clothing Company Corner Douglas and 14thf Streets , Omaha. \J S9 m - J ± B O.N.T. . . . t&VMARK GEORGE A. CLARK , SOLE AGENT. The BEST nnd MOHT POPULAII Thread of Modern Times. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. UY Kir P tTRTCK-Kocn lry Goods Co. M. E bMITH i. Co. ] ' \XTOV ( JAI.I.AO * EH & , CO. bLOAX , JOHNSON \.Co. AND ATllbTAlI. 11V 8. P. MOIISK X CO , II mil N line * . ' 1 IIOUI'SON , 111 I DhN & . CO. LAIIKIN & . Co. Cinb Sistiin , South Omaha , mul all first- class rctilldcnlird. D. DAI 174U La'vronco St. , Denver , Col. Of the Missouri Stnto Museum ot Anatomy , St. l.oul , Mo , I nl\eisltj Collt o llospitul , Lou- don , Cleseii , ( ifimany mid Now York lljvi dv\oted their uttetition SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT OF DISEASES. More especially the o nrlslnt ; from Impru dence , Invite all t > o sudurlng tocorrespond with out delay. .Disease-sot Infection and coutnc'lon cm ed safely nnd speedily without use of dan- geiousdiUKS. 1'atlents whoso cases have been nei-lictcd , budly treated or pronounced Incur- ulile , should not full to wrlto us concerning their Bsmptoind. All letters receive Imuiedlato atten tion. JUST PUBLISHED , And will bo mailed riUJB to any address on ro- celpt of ono cent Manip , "Practical Obsor\ - tlons on Nervous Debility and Physical i\haus- : tloii , " to which Is added an "llssay on Mar riage , " with lmi ) itint clmpterH on diseases of the Reproductive Organs , the whole forming a \ ahutble medical treatise w hlch should be ru d byiilljonng men. Addieas DRS , S , and D , DAVIESON , 1742 Liiwienec St. , Dciuer , Col. DRUNKENNESS Or tlio I.ionor Habit , I'ntlthcly Ciircil ! ) AilmluMi'iins Dr. dailies' Golden hnecillc. ut It can be glv en In n cup of conee or tea vvltho e-tho knowledge of the inrson taking it ; absolut dl > h.nmlihh , and will ttleet u permanent an ei-peedy enic , whetlur the patient Is u moderat f drinker 01 un alcoholic wreck. 'J heiihunds o diunkards have been made temperate men who have takui Golden bpeelflo In their collie with out the Ir know ledge and to day biliov e they quit drinking of their own free will. IT NftvlUl FA U.S. The sjstem once impregnated with the bwctllc , It becomei > un utter impossibility for thn liquor appetite to exist. Tor halo by Kuhll A. Co , inth and Doimlasbts. and JHth and Cnm- ing bit , Omaha. Neb. ; A. 1) . roster & lire , Council Itlutts , la. SII'OUXKD STALLIONS FOIlSALi U rerdicro'is. Cljdesdnles nnd Shire , ixlso home bred colts , Kvery unltnal guaranteed u lirewder Our stock has bet-n ncleeted wlih referencetrt both indlvlilnul merit nnd nedlgno. Homnof these horses have taken first pwe at the No- lirafcVu htnte Kilr. 1M7. All our horses nrn ac climated , and colts of their get can bo ( shown , I'llcoBreasonable and easy terms. Is accessible by the three It adlng railroads of the bfato , II , & A CONSULTATION , ( The Only Hope ) CARBOLia SMOKE BALL AVIiv w pro over li.OOO ' Carbolic Smoke Halls" sold In Omaha In the past J oar ? Hecauso It hai proed to bo the only sure and perinani'iit euro for Catarrh , Asthma , Bronchitis , Noural- Kla , Croup , Catarral Denfnoss , Diphtheria , Colds , etc. I KP.nTisis : given at our otllcefiomHa. m. to8. pm. Sent by mulloniecelpt of pi lee , f . ' , mid 4o postage. Debelator , U additional. CARBOLIC SMOKE BALL Creighton Block , Omaha , Neb. DR. HORNE'S Eleclro-HapetiB Belts ! The Grandest Triumph ol Electric Science- ' ScIenllRcaly | Mtde * ni P eHcally Applied. OtntlfffltB'sDelt Best 8ef lflS [ with Elettrie flediBlltfc DISEASES CURED WITHOUT MEDICIHES. to any part of Who SS'S ' ! WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS. wear U It el , ie ( ti nulnn and rani l < y nermlsilon. NOTE the following who li T l' on , TESTIMONIALS l-A. J I ? * ' ' , - - ' ( , , ) , | | cinnli)1Culi ) Uonnrll/l utei a rontlnuoui ctirrentt ronrey * electric CU.e. . BUPTURE ° . rbDB. HORHE'S ' ELECTRO-MABMETIC BELT-TRUSS. GUATiFUL. : COMF < MtTIX Epps's Cocoa BIl : : AKl'ASr. "Ur R thnrouRh knowleiUe of the nntiirnl lowt whlcu Roveru the operatlonn of fltireittldn nml nutrl- llnn.aiul I ) ) ' eitruful appIUullon ot Hie llnu prrii | rlli * of wull lelecleit Coroi , Vtr Kpps Inn protliliil nur brcnkfatt Inbles wllh ilellcalulf llariirol hurernuu wUUUnUT sum U5 innnr In uvy doctor blll > ftli by lli ] iiillcliU u > e of nicli artlcliu uf cll < t that a innHHutlon may to grailuallr built up until utrunK cnouKb to rcjlst ric rj tcnitencr to I | | > LBIO. llun- ilrciln of lulnle inalndlci are noatlui ; arouiul 111 re-adr to attack wherarcr tberu li A weak point. VVouinr p cnp inanr a fatal nhnlt bjr kceplnit our olvt well lortliled wllh pure blond and a uropcrljr nourltbed JrainR. " ( IvIl Hrvlredaiotte. , Madutlmply nitli bollliiK wnter or milk , Sold only In halt puund Un > by ( Jroterf labuliid tliui Homipopathlo Cliomlsts , LO.NOON. UWLAND. . now TO ACT. frf > iVIiirandMailiioiir | wloi l l'r . nialur | * f uiiclloiial dlior. .UriCuir.uVlAr | lWnraitliMf.iclrti. | btaltd Tifaiiteiertrree on | illcii Ion. . , . ' ' ' ' ' ' . -4d- J. B. HAYNES , Iliird Jndic'.il Dlfttlot , J7 t'MAMllUl OK COMMUllO K. DREXEL & MAUL , ( Micfc hhor * > te > John O. .litcobs I Undertakers & Embalmed Atthnold stand , HW farnani St. OrdeiH by tel ( 4 crapli fclleltid and promptly uttvnucu to. No. i4