Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1888, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA' DAILY BEE ; SATURDAY , JANUARY .23. 18881' SPECIAL -NOTICES. . Advertisements nnrter thin heixd. 10 fonts pT line for the tlrt Insertion. T cculs for each sub- fc'dtient Insertion , nnd I1.BO n line tier month. No advertisement taken for less than 2o rents for the llrst liuertlon , Beven words will bo counted to the Htm : they must run eoii eciitlro- ly mid uiuil bo paid n advance. All advertise- iiientn limit b J handed In before 1 : ) o'clock p. > n , nnil lilnlcr no circumstances will they to tiikui or dls < ontlmied by teli iihono. 4 Parties advertlMlng In thevi columnn and hay- Ine thfl answers addirs ed In euro of the Dee , VIM pleatoaik for n check to enable them to Ret tliolr lettc-m , as non III bo delivered except on presentation of rheok AH answers to ad- Vcrtlnc'inents should lie enclosed In envelope" ) . All adv Ttl ements In thnso columns are pub lished In both morning and Jvenlug editions of the lice , the rlrctilntlon of which Rggregates % Bioie than IP.tOD pn tiers dally , and glve the ad vertiser * the benc lit , not only of the city rlrcu- tlfitlon of the lice , but also of Council Illuirs , Lincoln , nnd other cities and towns throughout thU part of the west. BRANCrToFFICES Advertising for these columns will bo taken , on the ubove conditions , nt the tfollowlng bus iness liouser , who uru authorized agcnU for TUB HKK special notices uuil will quote thutiaino rates an can tin had at the inalu olllce. JOHN w. HELL. j . * - 3liarm.acl = t , V ' KM S. 10th Street. Telephone B23. CIlASi : & KDDY , Frizrters and. Brig-ravera , .113 H. ICtli Strost. Telephone 5 S. H. II. 1'AHNbWOHTH , 2115 ( Mining btrset. 'J clephono OKO. W. I'AHH , 3a.arm.acis U03 St. Murj's Avenue. Telephone 337. E'lia.rm.a.clat , ICth ana Webster Streets. Telephone 151. O. HEUTIIKH , ItTovT's IDsaler , Post Olllre , South Omaha. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED-Sltuiitlons * Ladles in need of do mestic help can have thill oideis tilled ; * Ithout notice by calling and Belt ctlngfor them- helves. Our wait lug rooms are constantly Illicit. Canadian Emplojmeut olllce , Mis. Hrega.V .Sou. , 1108. 1'ith st. 'lul.t&l. " .n * TNHI'HANCE men An experienced and com JL potent JOIIIIK man desltes u situation Inoi- out of cltj. Capable of taking charge gf olllto. Hofereiue llrst-class. Wages modeiate. Ad- UresaX4i > , HeoolHie' . 1B128 * WANTED Situation by an experienced bar ber , eleven years at tiadc. Addiess X 41 llee. 118 27 * \V"A VI ED Situation by trnstwoithy Ger- TT man of 24 as porter or coachman ; excel lent city lefeiences. Canadian hmployment oHlce , 310 So 15th. TeL 884. 61)1 ) . 7 * WANTED MALE HELP. ANTKD Agents to sell the Mo. Steam Washer. It will pay Intelligent men and vomen seeking profitable eniplo ) meiit to write ' for my Illustrated cltcular and terms for this } celebrate 1 washer. Why does it pay to act as my ngentllicansc arguments In Its favor uro so liumerotiH and convincing that sales are made VIthout dlljlctilty. Sent ou two -weeks' trial at i Jiiy " expense , both wuvs. if not satisfactory , J. "Worth , sole m'f'r , 1710 Franklin avo. , St. Louis , Mo. ANTED-A fmv live men to solicit advcr- Using for newspaper , canvassers for sev ! eral dluVient aitlcle'H. 'llio addiess of some "A 1" cook. Einplouiieut office. Mrs. IlUfgaXSon , 310 S. l."ith st. Tel , 881. 22127 * WANTED Immediately , two live , cticigetic men to canvass for a fus.t soiling uitlcle jtnt Introiluced , 1U. . Mooie.liOt S. 1 Ith st. 3d lloor. 122 'Mt \\7ANTED Six good men of good address to TT canvass , for pat titulars apply from 10 to 12 a. m. . at room 1 , 1104 Douglas st. 190 23 * WANTED At once , voting man 10 to 20 j can of ago todo choies at the Mlsllt Pallors , lll'J I'arnam st. 21227 VI/ANTKD A salesman to travel. Jlustbo a TT wotker. 23UHodgn st. Omaha. MM2 * \irANTED Abstractor thoroughly compe- T tent , active and ucciuato. AddiemX do , lice oftice. 210 28 * WANTED 2 colored waiters , hotel , I baker , tsper dav. steady woik : 1 canvasser , 1 man marrlod to euro for barn and horses , Omaha Emp. Hurouii , 11U N 16th st. JI7 27 " \1TANTEO Three goort stenographnis. Cull TT at Yulentluo's Shorthand Institute. 14J 27 * WANTED Lubricating oil salesmen for westein trade , on commission. Llbetal terms to good men. Addiess J. H. llmmlns A : Co , Cle\ eland , O. 2JI2U * \irANTHI > -To sell interest In good p-iylug TT business. TOIIIIH butlsfuctoiy. IWl I'ur- num. room 1) ) . ITH 2i' ! \\rANTED-llov to deliver parcels. O'Dona- TT hoe \Sheily. Next topostolllce. 18227 WANTED White barber.Imust be llrst-class , llrst-class wages guaranteed. Addnss IV U. 110X51. , ( Jtand Island , Neb. 151 27 * "lAf ANTED Coffe'o ami tea salesman for a T T w holosalo bt. Louis house , 1501) ) rariiam s t , l oem 0. U7i ) 2 ; \\TANTED-A lelluble man with small means TT can Und a piolltublo busluess by addiess- Ing X 45. Heo. 147-1J \V7"ANTiD-Ono ; grocery clerk. Address w ith T T stamp X 3S Uee olllce. 10827 * WANTED In every county In Ncbiaska , re liable energetic .men to sell goods by BO- lliltlng for a well established mfg company jiermtnent emplojnunt to the right men , no capital or c'xneilencb ne < essury , refereiicii re- qulled , addic > ss Hex 2L7 , Omnha , Neb. CJUfU W ANTED Men for nillroadork. . Al- blight's Labor Agency , 1120 rarnam. IK > WANTED-F IVIALE HELP. \ AOKN'IS working a few hours n day will make enough tq astouUh them by belling the Williamson CoueU. Met it leconglzed verywhere' . Sampln (1. Wllllumson Corset & lliaco Co , bt. Louis , Mo. \\rANTED-Olrl forgeiiiTal hoiisowork , small T T family , good n nges , apply 2ti" 1'arnam st. G IHL for housework \ \ Cass st. 2W SO * GWxVNTED WxVNTED Woman cook for Columbus. Neb. tJO ; ono tor Nelson , 2 for Idaho , IV ) uud | i"i. 1 roner for Wyo. ; gills for housework in und W T ANUKD-NUrbO girl , , 718 N. 23rd st.2W29 " \WANTfill Plrl tocook and do general house- TT v\ork ; none but llrst-class uecd apply ; gHd wages paid. 2211 Douglas. 208 2i WANTED-Oood girl for geueial house work ' tniall family , I'.tw rurnam st. 207 21 * \\7ANTED-airl for housework. 2108 Chicago , T > 212-2H * w T ANTED Immediately , young ladles to go the ttuge. Apply 1HU ! Douglas , Hooin E. ww 1W-27J " TANE A girl"for general housework. KM bouth 21st st. UW27 * \VTANTKD I mint dlately , ladles to work foi T T ii w holiisulu house oil needlevv ork ut tliell liomea. ( Sent uny distance' . ) Good pay run bt made. Everthing furnished. Puitlcuhu * free > . Address Aitlstlc Needlework Co. , 1 K Mil . * at , . Nov/ York City. US7 l ( \NElady in every low u v * anted to nitioduce \J und tell lYiiiivnijii ! pills. "Chlehei-tor't English. " Original mid only Guiuliu' . Seud4 o ( Ktumpsi tor p.utlcuhuii. Lhlehester Chemical il Co. , Phlladelplilii Pa" i < 27 A'ANTED-I.afllca in city or country , for 0111 > i holiday tnide. to take lltiht , plcasaut worl t nt their own homes , il to W per day con b d eiuli tly made. Work sent by mall liny distance I'mtlculurs free. No eunvasslmr. Addie-ss ul . once > . Crescent Art Co. , 147 A Milk bt. . Huston I'.O. box 6170. I * * MISCELLANEOUS \VANTS. \\7ANTED LaTy room-mate ; call 220 N. 10th T room 1 ; loiMtr mouth. I'.OSU' \\TANTED-A rt > * pectablo family to adopt i T T baby boy. Addit'&a Mary L. Jone-O1 , o EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. CANADIAN Employment otlice , malt and fo male help sent to all parts If fare U ad vanced. Itefi'rcnc.Omnha Natlonul bank Hn , Urega & 6ou , 310 S. 15th. , Tol. KM.CIS CIS f U , BOARDINq. ' pHIVATBboaretllig , 14 a week , 1815 Uodco. \7"ANTED-To rent cottngn of five or nix T T rooln not over two blocks from car line : gas nnd city -water. No children , address X 61 llee olllce , _ _ 177 : . " _ \\rANTED To rent vncmit room to utorn t T some furnlttirn. lent Hot to exceed M per mouth. Address X IU llee. 150 3B _ \\fANTED-To rent v ncant rcom to store some TT furniture , relit not to xcecdW per month. Addiess X 40 llee.'t ) CO * " \\7ANTKt ) To rent a medlum-slyed itoreby TT 1st -March , within two or three bkck < of 1Mb. and r'nrnam. A permaninit location ile- slred. Addreat O. Eckel , core IDOi ) Faniam. Ili7ffi FOR RENT-HOUSES. QHB , K ; t , . . Itcntal agent , DU9 S 16thfit. , Foil HUNT or Sn1j-Now ( house. Grooms , cor , . ' 8th and Capitol au. . Knqulro 2S.'l Dodge. Tj OKHRNT Nlco cottage at-311 j Davenport Jst. . , apply uorthuest turner Uiuimpoit uud ' 'I710II HENT Si-ven (7) ( ) room house , all turn- J2 ished , Not 107 north Uth st. 404 FOH HUNT Neatfi-room housi'.good locality. 820 a month , Htennaii & Co , Chamber of Commerce. 227 2 I71OU HUNT i'new ! ) room houses on 8 .TOtfi 1 ? mar Leaveiiworth. C. K. JIayne. ll HOUSKS for rent from 12 up. 1' . L. are ory , Hental Agent , bX)9 ) S. Ifith st. TllOlt HUNT A 7-room n t with bathroom. J1IH7 lli\\aril Ht. ltiiilre | at Lee A : Nlchol's 11ery stable. TelephoneSIO. 72(1 ( HK. Cole has a list of 273 houses lor rent , riuiKlnu in price from M to if 125 , and In Mzc , fioni , lto lit rooms. N. e. cor. liith aud Telephone 1 , H. 7011 ill BM3H HKNT 2 houses , ! ) rooms each.clty water and KCer , UI5 ChlcaK st. HiO 27 * rpll I ! house t now occupy \ \ 111 bo for rent , .Ian. Jnary Iht ; house contains 10-roonui and nil modern improvements. Liu S. 24th t. Morltz Mej er. Call at llth uud runmm or at 207 S. 21th kt. 6 ! > HOHSi : for rent. Apply , Win. Arthur , Harris .V Flhher building , I Mil aud Nicholas st , or 21O ) Charles. 1100 L"Jt FOU Itr.NT-A new dwellliiR. 9 rooms , all mpdein lmpio\emonts , jjood stable , ten minutes' valk from postolllco , apply to D. J. O'Donahnc , at O'Donalioe i. Sherry's , 15th St. , next to the postollico. HO F OIt HUNT f.0 ! per month , line " room mod em comer Hat on car line. J. L. lllco , V Co. "I71OK HUNT 2 now 7 roomed houses , well , els- J-1 tern , l.irfte collar , lUth near ClarK st. W. 0. Bhrli er , opp postoltlce. KU FOH niJNT-0 new 7 roomed houses , city water , < isturn. cellar , Suth st near Paul , W. Q , Shrier , Treiizcr block opposite postolllro. "I71OK HKNT nnd lease and furniture for sale , X' elegant 7 mom modern residence on Chicago ht , 0 blocks ft om P.O. line bum , price 171 p r month. J. L. Hlco & .Co. 11 24 FOH HENT If } on wish to rent a house or Hut I hae them from fci to $20 for cottages , and 8 and 10 room modern .houses , from ll'i to JtO per mouth. Call at J. II. 1'atrotln , Knutal Agency , 1UJO Chicago st. &K7fll FOH HENT Now 5 room cottage In Ambler place ; good 7 room 2 story house. Orchard Hill ; good 4 room cflttago. Orchard Hill , C. K. Maj ne , N. W. cor. 15th aud Harney st. 101 TpOH linNT-irouso II rooms. " W. " > L HusiT -L' man. N H conn r luth and Douglas. 1UI FOR RENT-ROOMS FURNISHED. F IOHHENT-Deslrable furuishedioom In fam ily oft\\o. fOHS21thnve. 21 2s * "VTr.W unfurnibhed looms for rent. b41 S 17th. -L > 1'JO 29 * HUNT An elegant front room for man - and wife or2 men ; mid rooms for loutby week , night or month un 1201 I'm nam st between 1-Jlh and 1,1th sts , next to lion bank. U77 2b * "VTICELY furnished rooms at (10 and tin per -Li month. No. 1J11 Douglas st. 104 NICELY furnished room. lOOtJFainam , 301 "VTICHLY furnished rooms , tvvb blocks from -IN postolllc'c ' , 12.1 N. 14th st. 170 2 * UHNISHED front loom to let , suitable for .tw o , ; Hl.00 , H-'l Douglas St. 175-3D * FOH HENT Large handsomely furnlshert up per Iront room uteam heat , Ibl.l Douglas. 7C6 Ml * "IJIOH HENT Furnished rooms from $ .1 totJU ; J3 1707 Cuss st. irj 1 A GENTLEMAN can bo accommodated with a nicely furnished room , gas , bath and heat , in H private family , one block from street car , til ins icasouable , iiddiesj X5J , lice olllce. 17427 FOIt HENT 1 turulhlied room at 1105 Hrlggs ht , four blks Irom IT. 1' . jard , imiulrout house. I4ii 27 * LA HG E and small room , suitable for gentle men , with or without board , isi Dodge. ELEGANTLY furnkhed room , bath , and all liupiovements , Miilublu for 2 gentlemen , MI2N , 17th st. Cull at once. 1'rlco $12 per month. HiM : -hecrful , desirably furnished room with boaid In private family ; u-fei- ces exchunijed , 03.1 S 2i1lh uve. 148 27 ? ' OIITII front room with llrbt-class board at 1811 Dodge. no TTIUHNISHElTlioiiso to rent , Grooms. J. lion- J ner , 1J11 Douglas st. 144 31 FOK HENT Furnished room with modern conveniences for oue or two gentlemen. IHl'J Capitol avo. ICO 31 * F IOH HENT Furnished frout room for ono or two gentlemen. Apply ut IOH Cass st. FF UJ 27 * F UHNISHED rooms fiom S4 ( X ) to $1,100 per mouth or by week. 612 S. Ittli st. , upstairs. _ 12428 * FOH HKNT To gentlemen , a newly furnished room , furnace heat , gas , utc of bath room , 2Mb Davenport st. "IJIUHNISIIED rooms with board , also n few .1 ? day boarders. 1911 laiuum st. 881 UB FH gentlemen , ba k iiarlor , all modeen Im provements , 1718 Dodge. % 7 30 FOH HENT Nicely furnluhed frout room , bay window , bouth front , suit lUlo for man aud w ifo or tw o gentlemen , 17tW Douglas st lHj5 oO * "Ij OH HEtJT 2 nicely furnished rooms for gen- J tlemen , mil Daveupoit St. _ UI8 2J I DIMINISHED front room , suitable for two 1 1U23 Dodge st. lif > TC1OH HE.NT Kurnished room , with heat , pus JL1 und bath , ut 2Uj : Cuss st. UU3 2S UHNISIIKD HOOMS-New. vvurm rooms all conveniences , 1st tloor , 1 lilock fiom P. O. , private ttimlly. lllJ ! Capitol uve. t < 0127' HENT 1'urnlshed room. Also roommate - mate wuuted by gentleman. Kent low , 1707 Cass st. 97 Ij'OH ' HENT KnriiUhed rooms with or with- JO out board , flWl N. 17th t. b7J 27 * FOH HENT Finished front room with board B ultublo for two gentlemen , 17 l Douglas street. 82tlK * FUHN1SIIBD or uufurnUhcd rooms. All modern conveniences , 1U24 Hurt st , S22 27 * FIOH ItENT-SllUo rurulshwV rooms. A IJotipe. fil1) ) FF FF OH HENT-Nkarooui for 2. 101J Dodge st. F UHNISHED room , stoum heat , 201 H 24th. 27J "IT1OH HENT Nc | ly furnished rooms at 2227 JC Dodge , ( la * , batn and furnace heat. UUd EOU HENT Now ly furnished smith fron room , in new liovife ; steam heat and e\ cry eiilonce , ir.'l Davenport , 6M ED rooms , IblO Dodge. r Foil HENT 3 rooms at 311 Woolvvorth avo. ; _ lit Ml per month. 3U . UH elegant rooms all modern ajnvenlencej 1704 Webster HI. < 58 _ , r OlfiTENT-lurnlshed : rooms in Greuulg blk , cor. 1 1th und Dodge sts. luiiulroQf uo. it. Dav isV > yuiard"iiotel"TiIlTl'afd nMt FOH HENT Two nlcel ) furnished frout rooms ou ground lloor. at 2118 Hurt , for til per month , w 1th board 11 per w eek additional. Ml l OH HEYT A iilccly furnished room with all JL. ' model u lmprocuieuts for one or two gentle men , HD S. aith. U25 SINGLE and double furnished rooms , 2Ui Doilge. aw f f > J FOR RENT-STOnES AND OFFICES. TJvilt HENT-OIIice , ground lloor. Irou llaukj Jhieaiu heat. Abu small brick store oppo- bi.t : . tAl o good barn. S. LeUuiau. ' SU Tpon HENT A utorp btiUdlng with rootnd JL } overhcad.One of the best locations on 10th tret for a grocery or nioat market , , or both combined. Telephone on premises. PnruUlud and iinfunilohrd rmims U let. Ono bloik from trect earn. Imiulre on iireml e , cor. IMh mid .Mundersoil stu , or John P. Sclimlnke. t S 13th M. U1J1 * TpOH HEST-Sdandnd floor , 22xlii ) . Itiotilre JL1 at Henry Dohle A CO.'H fllioeHtore. . , lilt 27 FOH HENT-DMlrablo nHlco ( < pAro. or desk room , at IU ) Farnam Bt , Oflell Ilrosi .V Co. , Wil H HENT Orottnd floor otllco roruii , centrally - trally located , heated and llghtecl.JC. . K. 418 S. 15th t. ' tOO * " HENT-Small store , 3lFNJ&thT ON Pouclas Rt near 14th , Sad mid Dd : : ixlOO each. 8mall puce on j-rouud lli > or. ' . L. Gregory , rental ngcnt , tf/J 8. lutll ht. 2211 FOU 11E.NT-A store room bUltuUl tor llttht Jobbing , on .Tones t. between IVtti alid llth its. C. Hiirtman i. Co. , 1B13 I'liruam. ' W.127 T71OH HENT-Omrcs on Tarnam st. t-IO tpM D per month. One olllce furnished. lB13Var- lam. - ' lUl' ' Foil HUNT Olllce , cheat ) ; best location In tup city. 1M5 Dodge t. "Wt RENTAL AGENCIES- RKNTAL Acency List joiirhouses for rent \\ith OdeTl IJios. A : Co , 1523 rariiam st. ua t F.L. . OHKOOItV , rental agcllt. 3038.10th St. , . Telephone M4. 454 l'KCIAL attention gi\en to renting bouses , J furnished and unfurnished rooms. LUt with us. W. SI. Harris , over 220 S. 15th st. 10. ) HENT If you wish to rent a house call on Ue iwa it Co. , 15th St. , opposite P. O. FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED. "C10UH elegant i oomsall modern conveniences JD 1712 Webster st. bW F I OH HUNT A argo room furnished , central location 1410 Chicago st. oUI ] "I71OH HENT XJ Two (2) ( ) looms. No. 1814 Howard Ft. 1 hree ( ill rooms , No. 1015 north 20th st. ' 1 hreo ( . ) ) rooms , No. 102d 1101 th 21st i-t. ' 1 hree ( ill room cottage. 21st nud Paul st. Three (1) ( ) loomsNo. 1122 north21st st. Three ( I ) looms. No. 14101'leirost. 'I hieo < u ) rooms , No. 1112 south 7lhst. U hiee (3 ( > looms. No. 7UI 1'acllic st. One (1) ( ) nice ollice , Mo , 'M > south 15th st. fill FOR RENT MISCELANEOUS. " \\rurehouse , trackage , 20\8) $20 Oil Woiehoiise , ttacUnge. 40\10 4003 table for M horses on lllth st 'Mm fctnblo for 2 hoises , Jackson uncllkJtli 5 ( X ) 1' . L. Giegory , rental agent , I1U ) S. Uth 8t. 2M iOH ! SALE-Shetland ponies. Dr. Fisher. 1 Des Moinos. 20J29 * POH HKNT 8 J acres Improved near Omaha ; goodhoii'-o , h.uii and cribs , bchlesliiger lies , dl4 S. loth ht. l'7-'IJ OMAHA Lodging Ilonsv. UIU and UliiJuckMin st , bet. nth and 10th sts. Heiits single beds ; it $1 per Vi eek ; clean beds. te6 1eb ,1 * GAHDNKK8 Attention 40 acres for rent , the highest und richest ermmd near Cut-Olf iiko House. J. H. 1'nrroue , rental agency , IbOO Chicago st. 118 3l Ir < OH HHNT A large , good barn , Inquire 1WJ 1 Dodge. Ili3 2j STORAGE. VJ"Ii\V YOHK Storage Co. have mo3 extensive wi facilities for storage of f multure , pianos , mcgles. general merchandise , west or New York. Cash advances to any amount ; waro- iouse receipts given ; poods insured ; buck liuildlng fire-proof ; special arrangements for commission merchants. Call New York Storage Co. , Capitol ave and N. loth st , Dennett's block. 1U5 PERSONAL. IDKHSONAf * (31 eat fortune teller Jimt ar- rhed , the , \ouug .Mud.ime C. L. Lament , the ustro'o lst , will remain 'M dajs ; has tta\- eled through the principal partsof Huiope ; tflls past , present nnd tutuie In person or by letter , will biing back the parted husband or loxer , no m.ittei it they bo ten thousand mtlci awav ; they will return to j on lu so many days ; will tell j on w nether \ourlo\er be false or Hue ; will guarantee to settle family qunrreH to perfect satisfaction ; can ulsocau&o speedy marriages ; has charms for good luck which will catise par ties to be successful in any kind 'of busi ness and prevent your lots In any kind of business you may undertake , breaks evil Inlluence , and ui Ings good luck to all who may try this lucky charm ; can give lucky numbers In lottery drawings ; can give oest of lofeieuce in regai d to above statement. I was presented with an elegant gold medal In Dem er. Cole , for my great success in my business. I hae the natural gift of telling the past , present nud future. My prandmother befoio me was ab > o a great astrologlbt. 1'artles asking information by letter must enclose $ J to insure answer. I have n line pro- riu.itlou for tlo ) complexion , which keeps it smooth and fair , and prevents premature win kles. Also a tlno hair tonic , whkh preserves the natural color of the hair and prevents it fiom falling out. I.rdlcs whom * in trouble call and see mo at once. All business confidential. Olllce horns , 10 a. m. to n p. in. Madame C. Ii. Lamont. No. lilt ) California btrcet.betwcen Uth and IBth sts. , Omaha , Neb. liiTfl * PKUSONAL 1 want vacant lot. north port of city , for good housu and lot in Omaha View. C. C. Spotsw oed , oOiU S ICth bt. , Omaha. Ij Ladles und gentlemen can rent masquerade units at 610 N 10th st , , upstairs. "OKHSONAI. Diessmakers wantciUto investi- X gate the tailor sjstem of dresscuUlng , good wuges , traveling expenses , to energetic agents. Call or address for cir culars. Mine. Kellogg , Hotel Esmond , Omaha. 705117' . 13EHbONAL Private home for ladles durlgu JL confinement , stiictlv conlldeiital , infants uecpted ; address 1 ! 4J lieu ollice. WT f 10 LOST. T OST Dark bay horsn , w eight l JOO bs , , halter -LJ and blanket on. I'ludcr can have ie\vaid bv returning him to 80S S. llth &t ; strtived from 31.IS. lithst. 1 U'3' LUST Or Stolen 1'iom HohnM'f'B Co. olhco to Louis Huulford ollice , plans for Mr. Kaufman'b bleck of blx buildings. Henry Voss architect. I'lease return same to Ileury voss or Helm Jl'f'g Co. ollice. a6'J-2T PKHSONAL Kngngemeuts to do dress mak lug in fnmlllr s ollclt > d , call oh or address Miss Jennie httudy , KJl S 20th. Ib'J ' 1 ? Ki\VAHD : Will bo given for return of bay mare , WU ibs , halter on. bt rayed from 2 < e4Ciimiiight. fl.H. Oatrom. W FOUND. TIAKHN Up-Dark , bay horse with v\liitetar in forehead , and halter on , at 222 ! ) Dou lus 21S 2Tt FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. CAHI'KTS , furniture , etc. , of a 10 room house with or without lease a bargain , r. L G i egoiy , rental qgt , OD S llitli st. 233 OH 8Al.K-A full blooded6 months old Ku gllah pug dog. Addre&s X 51 Uee ollice. $300 llrs > t mortgage for sale , 20 per cent off room2r , 1'axton Lulldlni ; . 1'fSS * ' . FOH PA I.K At n bargain , a large bay family horse , safe for a lady to drive ; a linn ha > trotting mare ami colt 8 months old ; hide bar buggy , cutter , wagon , harness , 1 set wagon run lids , fie. Cull ut 01 ce , 21IUHartley ht. 2U # ALADY , who has bought a IIOIISH nnd fmnl ttftxj on monthly pit ) mi uts lluds that hho U not able to meet her obligations and Is eom iielled to hell ; no reasonable offer refused. AU bri'sX , M , Heo olllces for f > da > s. IliT 20 TT OH SAMI Lcaao house and barn on Douj X' lus bet 17th and Ibth , Imiulre Jleyeri Haap ke. iJUi Harney. 171 _ T7IOH SALE-Cheap. ono Jtti loll top , cheir > J' desk , one 21 drawer Amberg ain. AppV Chase bauboru , 71 J S Dth fet. 1M 2a ? _ OHS.VLE-.Thrte il ) hcpvy Clydesdale am Noimuu Itfood mares , 7 and 8 yeuis old nUo v\agon and liurnesd cheap tor cash. AO dress X 47. HccolHco. _ * 11C-27J Oil SAU-Olllco desk. Addroos X 37 Uee. 107 a _ FOR 8A1.H Lease of store fern jears , cheap relit , finest location In city for rttall bus , ] ness , X UJ Ueu olllce. VHK Oil SALE-Stov7s7carpets. beddim ; and fur ultuie complete outfit for housekeeping price low , terms easy. Address X 23 llee ofllco _ ; _ tm a 17 011 SALE Two horses , two covered vvagons J-1 l large scale , muall hcalos , show cases , safe desks , large heatltij stov eo. . . Apply 317 8 UtU ' bt. taa XK SALK-At a bargoluWfeet , JO feet of cou nterh aud oue ice chest , suti blo for grocery eturo. Euquiro at & 12 S. 10th St 733. T7KMI BALnresh milch cowg. Hill it Bmltey JU1 opp. KichanBo buUdlng , Dulon Stockyaryg T lephonB Btf , . Ul-Xco-l MISCELLANEOUS. K V Ladr wishing to learn to cut nnd n t by t - flrstfass system , ewi'llo ' o by sp iug two veekR to pay for lc rnlnc..Cnll at 2717 Leaven- Torth and 2 tli sts. v .01 2r rplJE banjo tnught KS ayf rtby _ Oeo. F. JL beck , S. e , cor lUh aiii ] Douglas , up stairs. 183 \VANT1ID To correspond with llrst-clnss T > parties desiring to go * muh for their health ; ho e suirerlnc from t u umptlon , catarrh , heunmtlstn 01 Kidney dlsv sp. Otheis need not vrlto. IncloseMumpi'd selfAnddressed envelope. 1. Van Hand. Leon Eprlnl-J/Texn-s. 2lHt4.'s * Tl' jou VMint > our Itfffuure. etc. , sold at auction and want to realize good prices for out goods , rail on Ki'jiyi .V Wells , licensed .uctloneeis . , 203 , 210 , SU H/llth st , Omaha , Neb. - ' " 173 1 TIHY the Standard Horse and Cattle Food for your hoises. It w III eiadlcato disease and mprow the animal one hundred per cent. 'T Ibs otl. Manufactured by lK. . Sanboru \ Co. , 703 St. Mary's aVc. 1'or sale cv. crj wehre. 21121. QTANDAHDStoct Liniment is soil for ttlc ? perl.cttle , KverylKttlo warranted. This o ] araticn is the best thing made for spavin , luglmne , pulTs. stmilns and fresh wound * . Mnnufactnred by 1. F. baulorn A Co. , 17(3 ( St. Mary's ave. For tale evciywhere. 214 sat WI ! Y do you freeze ? 1'jiy us the price of the iron and tune the stove. New Yoik Stor age Co. . Capitol aye and IMli st. 16H 27 ZUHO , zero , rero , stoves at less than tlio low est price ever named by nnv denier. New YorkStotago Co. , Capital ave nnd 15th st. Ir you wish good , prompt paying tenants , Hstvour dwellings , llats and storerooms 1th .1.11. Parrotte , HenUl Ageucy , 10IH ! Chi- cngi8t. _ KCfll HE COLK Insiuance. Itellablo companies , N E cor 15th and Douglas. Telephone UT , . 500,11 D H. Ahmanson's olllco removed from Frenrer block to 512 8 IGth St. as ) Ko * . C. II..lOIINSON , cistern builder , wells bored aud dug , 4UJ N UOth St. , " Omaha , Neb. tWl J29 * CLAIRVOYANT. DH. NANNIK V. Warren , clnlrvovant. Mod- leal , business and test medium. Diagnosis free. Female diseases a specialty. 11B N. Uth Bt. . Hooms2&J. Tel. 044. 107 WANTED-TO BUY. 2MALL house nud lot south of Leavenworth 5 and wttof 24th st. Must be cheap. Will mv tl-OW to Jl.JUO , all cash. 1' . L. Gregory , ngt , MIS. 2:11 : CSl'OT nsh for fuinltuie , sto\es. lioiischol goods at 117 Noith 10th st. UrlTA.'n. ( IMfSS "IXrANTfcl ) To Diiy snort tnno paper , J. W. TT Gross , ut C. E. Muno's olllce , 15th and llarnoy. 2 5 N10NEY TO LOAN. M ONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons , . " etc. , or on any npprotcd hCLUrity. Low atcs. J.V. . Hobblns , liUJFniuam. KK ) f21 M PONKY to loan. Notes ana rt. H. ticket , bought ulid told. A. Forman , 21J S 13th sts MONEY to loan at low tst rates upon Improved and unimproved icul estate in Omulia aud also upon faims lu western Iowa nud eastern Vebrasktt. Mortgage notes bought and sold Odell Hros. & Co . 1D2I Fai nam st. ! M MONEY to loan on improved real estate ; no commission charged , Leavltt Uurnlmm , room 1. Creightou block. * 1-1 HE. COLK Loans moiiejt1 on real estate and buv s Hit moi tgago notes N. Ecorblth and Boiiglns. Telephouu lUjVi. Cfi 31 SHOHT time loans mao ; on any available securltv. In leisonable amounts. Secured lotes bought , sold or exchanged. Oenernl Innnctnl business of anyi kind transacted jromptlv , quietly and falrlX ) at the Omaha Fi nancial Ex-change. N.V. . cor. r th and Har- ncy sts. , overstate National band. Corbett , manager. V 117 MONEY to loan l can ntvv place some tlrst class city loans Immediately. Call at once if you desire to be accommodated. D. V. Snolps , room 1 Harker block , entrance lu alloy. 100 MONEY to Loan lly the undersicned , who has the only properly orgnni7ed loan ngency in Omnhn. Loans of (10 to flOOmadeon furniture , pianos , oigiuis , horses wigons , ma chinery , etc. , vvltlfout romov til. No deliys. All business strictly confidential. Loans so made that any part can be paid at any time , each pay ment reducing the cost ffft rnta. Advances made on line watches BI.U diamonds. Persons should carefully consider wnrjihey are dealing with , as many n w concern si are dally coming into existence. Should you need money call and see me. W. H. Croft , room * Wlthnnll building , lUhandllainev. HI MONEY to Loan O. F. Davis Co. , real estate and loan agents , 1WJ5 Karuam st. 103 O LOAN Money Loans placed on 1m- i proved real estate in city or county for New fingland Loan tc Trust Co , by Douglas County bank. 16th and Chicago sts. l-l MONEY to loan , casn on Band , no delay. J. W. aud K. L. Squire , 1413 Farnam st. Paxton - ton hotel bulldlmr. ir > LOANS made on real estate. Cash on hand. W. M. Harris over 220 3. nth st. 110 $ ' 7" > 0,000 to loan at0 per cent. Si Mix- honey , iruu Farnam. 121 MONEY To loan. Lowest rates. Xo delay J. L. Hlce le Co. . over Commercial Na tional bank 111 G PEH CENT Money. Patterson & . Tavvcctt lf th and Tlarnoy. 110 OAN3 made on real estate nnd mortgages J bought. Lewis S. Heed It Co. , 1K1 Farnam. CCoOO.OOO To loan on Omaha city property at 0 P percent. O. W. Day. B. E. cor. Ex. Hid. 1.-0 MONEY LOANED ut C. K. Heed & Co.'s Loan Olllce. on furniture , plauos , horses , wagons , personal pioperty of all kinds , and all other ar ticles of value without removal. 319 S. nth , over Illughaiu's commission store. AH busl- ness strictly conlldential. 122 MONEY to Loan On furniture , pianos , wagons , or other peisonal property Ithout removal ; also ou collateral sccunty. Huslnesa confidential , Chas. H. Jacobs , 'Ml S. 15th st. MONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs , hoises , etc , low rates. J. J. Wilkinson * Co. , 1J21 Fanum , over Uurllngton ticket office. 11H BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED Partner , good live man as partner In ill st class bakeiy : must be willing to drive delivery wagon. Address X50 Heo olllco , 220 23 * FOH SALE Vurnltuu1 , lUtures and lease of a tW \ per dav house lu Lincoln. Neb. ; 17 rooms , best location ; doing n good business ; cheap lent ; satisfactory reasons for selling. Ail- dress C. E. H. , Heo olllce , Lincoln , Neb. 103-2U * TjlOH SALE or trade Hesttiurant and hotel , JD doing peed business. In llv o w estern tow n , population liOJj address lock box 65 , N'Nelll , Neb. 170 K FOH SALE A large foundry in a good thilv- Ing tow n In Neb. Price $22,000. Co operativ eLand Land and Lot Co , 205 N. ! Ch ( st. 181 2S FOH SALE rirst-class boarding house near P. O. looms all occupied ; good cause foi' selling. X 48 Dee olllco. lUf2. > GHOCEHY , qwensware , nnd glassware busi ness for sain in the busy town of Indian- ola. Nob. , stock about JI.SiifriMmmedlate posses- Hlon ; good reason for selling. Apply P. O. Hex 370 , Indlanolo , Neb. i\n \ Ij027 * $2,500 cash or good securlt 'wlll ' buy the fixtures uud machinery complete including ( oue 10 h. p. engine and boiler ) of. a well established coflee and spice mill In theirow ing city of Sioux City ; satlsfactoiy reasons given for selling , Address P. O. Uox 37U , SlonsrClty. Iowa. Ml 1M SOT _ FOH SALE Established iclgar and tolmccn buslneis. good location/ ick room , 11x40. Small stock. I'lxtiuu-J sold cheap. Owner has other business. Cull 4I 'S ' 3/lCtli / ( .t. 10I-27J WANTED Partner , t'ltnor silent or active. In an established lmsliie' , llrst-class loca tlon. new stock , reasonable' ' leato , nice room , protlts 10J per cent , goods staple. Tills Is a goo'd opportunity. $ .loOiv\ill ( lru > half Inteicst : or , would sell out entirely. Address X 31 , llee olllce " OH SAM' Half or vvhgU ; Interest in stean ; laumliy with nil modern impiovements good tiado and best location in city. Also | i loom house for lent , modern conveniences am ! pal t or w hole of furniture , nearly new , for sale Addiess X31 llee ffllcc. U78 30 _ HOUSES and lots for western lands , farms etc. IfaOU I'arnam. e > H _ _ FIHST class meatTnarket and bulldlnes foi sale , good town and trade , only market , let uud cv er ) thing lu shape , address x 3. llee. 1)85 ) 2 * ACTIVE partner , sales-man , to take half-inter eat lu permanent and growing uierchuntllc business. Goods staple , prollts large ; t * ro ' gulled. Address TB. , llee. 749 FOU SALE A clean stock of gents' furnish. Inggooilx , hats , caps : ono of the bust lo cations in Omaha , gtpck all bought wlthla one year. Address T C8 , flop oUlce. 7cB f 8 A LARGE , pleasant store room tor rent , on < of the best points in the citv for ruUll boots and shois. hats and caps , dry goods , etc. , jrilhln hftlf btoolf of corner lltu and Farnum. LongIe438 , cheap rent ' K. F. Seaver , IGUti 1'ar- If you have anything to exchange call oa or address IU K. Cole , n. e. cor. 15th and Doug las. ? 17 n \\rANTEI ) Houses and lots to oxchinso for T impioved and tinlmproued lands ln _ No- and IOH a. Charles C. Spotsnood. : U S. 16th. \Vi \ of merchnndlip to ex. chiuiitttfor lands and cty | urooerty ; C. C. s. mtn , H FOIt KXCIIANOi : Trndlnu headquarters room it , I'ioti7er block , otipoilto piKtolllce. iroperty of ull kinds to exchange. George J. r , li-i 'M OH KxchBURp 'Vi\o Kooil Kiixlti t-UixHtor , In poodRtalu locution In lowi. Cull and pet ulliiirtlciUnr3..Co-opuruthc ! I.atidUit Co , Wi N lUh at. 1 1'l 27 WipOU pOU r.XCHANni : ( leorRo .1. Sternsdortf - loolit B , opjioslto po < tolllci' , 1ms overnl lean Uotkft ofitueieliundlHu to ttude for ilty iropcrtv or good farm lands. 12S iU ) FOR nxflhanRe-Tliree Rood teams with har ness nnd wftgom. to trade furuood lioitso mil lo ltllln 2 miles of I1 , 0. Co-operatlvo Land * I < yt , Co. . SB N Will st. 1W 27 ll Ttchango New'R-room hoifo nnd lot In Fairmont plnco , sllglitly tucumbired , for other gond property , Lots in ot\r \ audition to South Omaha , free ot encumbrance , for good uestvin farm laud.clcir , ir not hcnlly eiauitibered , or good Umalm iroperty. . Oood insldo business propeity , free of en cumbrance , for coed house and lot In notth tart of city. S. A. Slomnn , moms 22 nnd 1 , llollman building , cor. Far mini and Uth Htn. TIOIl Tiade 210 acres land In Merrlck conn- Jty. . Nub , , for stock neiierul ineulinndlse. Joe A. Hal" , Cintral City , Neo. 115 27t Nvl5IItASKAiitilKansi\s ! farms to pxchnnco for Unva and Colorado l.imls , and Mco % ersa. Co-Oixiratix e Laud und Lot Co. , 205 N inthst. OT4 \\rANTED-To trade Omaha real estate pal tly linp ed , for established lumber Mird In small town , address X filt llee. 221 ft * [ IIOH exchauife What ha\u you toexchanjto S for u gentle , honest horseif Address X & .1 , llee. llij 29f TTOUSES , lots , farms..liver ) ; stable , ranchis , JTJ. Hour mills and all kinds of property to Tilde. \ . JUI20 HE. COLK gives special attention to trading Write for our list. N E cor 15th and Douglas. MO 31 "I71OHSALH or trade for Omaha property , a J ? good , w ell improv ed stock farm , Ml acres , lu Kearney Co , near school audit. H. D. II. Hall - ' * Id Harney st. 871 2UI 'ED ' Stock of groceilcs , dry goods clothing or boots and shoes In exchange 'or Omaha property or farms. Schleslngerllros , iI4 S. 10th st. 12VKI HANSCOM PI ice , nne lions o nnd lot to trade for a good farm. , bte\eus Hios. , IIS I Fur ) lamst. 1032 ! ) FOH exchange. Improved f aim of 10 acres lu Iowa , .50 milt s from Oinnlm , price J OUO , in- umbran'-o 52,00 ! ) ; will exchange for any good .lopeity , deal Nebraska bind preferred. 11. II. ; ocliran , ivn rarnam st. SH723 * O CiOOl ) team" , wagon and Imruess to trade for - > house nud lots or half lots iu city. Address X 23. llee. TO ! , ! 0 * TjtOH Exchange. It you have farms or lands to J ? sell or trade send for our descriptive blanks. If yon have any kind of property to sell or ex- th.inge , list It with us ; wo can furnish joua customer. * . . . S. S. . - . Campbell . & U. W. Hervey j 310 lloaid of Trade Omaha I HA VI3 for trade improved farm in Cass Oo , near Plattsmoulh , will trade for improved .iislclo property. Adurcss M M , llee ofllce. STATIONEHV stock good town to trade for Nebraska land. Stu\eus Hros. , 1521 1'arnam st. IB ) S WANTED Gooa ranns in exchange for Omaha property , C. C. Spotswopd. 305(4 ( S Iflth. 120 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. > UN5N&CAUMICIAKIj ( ! furnish complete 1 and ginrantoed abstracts of title to any real estate in Ouuhu aud Douglas county upon short uotico. The most complete setof abstr.ict books tu the city. No. 1519 Farnatn st. 1 )1 ) MIDLAND Guarantee nnd Trust Co. , 1503 Farnam street Complete abstracts fur nished , nnd titles to real estata examined , per fected and guaranteed. 13U POR SALE-REAL ESTATE. J.L. . HICE Jc CO. , Heal Estato. 215 ' located house , flats and stores wanted to rent ; we have customers for them dally II. K. Cole , imcoi y\li \ and Douglas. 1 > > H Uica I , Hlce 4 , Co. solooBenta for lots opposite i Kountze place * . l ) 8 2S FOH SALE Or trnde Land and town prop ertyinNeb , Kan. , and Colo. T. A. Eng lish A. Co. , York , Neb. 07 3O L. HICE Si CO. . Heal Estate. 215 HOtl E completely furnished on easy monthly payments , don t miss this oppoitunlly to get a home , Ii. E. Cole , no cor 15th and Douglas. Ib7 JO TTIOH SAM : In tew lots which JL1 civv uers must sell , 1 lot , each JJ50 , JTiOtu1- ! ! ; } .VX ) . J-J cish'fiViO. jiM cash ; $ l,2jt ) , $4.V ) ciioh : $1JO ! , J.MO cash : Sl.hUO , WOO casli : corner lot and one next for JjTid. JISS cash : $1.110 , $ VW cash ; l,20l. IOc.ish ; J2,2dO , $600cash. Allofthe above is Inside property. U. D. Smeuton , Harker block. U71 . HICE S , CO , Heal Kstato. 215 FOH SALK At JVper acre , two quaiter sec tions of land ttvo miles from Diiliith , Minn. Tills is good laud , hc.ivlly timbc'rod , and is .sure to yay u high thteiest on the mice asked. 1'or paitlcular.saddienH owner , J. II. l.eo , cam 1 > . O. box UbJ Los Angi'leH , Cal , or Cocluuu X Walsh , ugenti , Uuluth , illun. ir.27J $ .li > 0cash for lot on 16th street near North Omaha depot. J. L. Hlce & Co. JANI ) , farms and lotu to exchange tor shared lu good paying concerns , luKi Furnam Ht. U7U rpr.N room house to rent , best location In the JL city , rent } 75 , fiiinlturo 41,100 , Co upeiatlru Land & Lot Co , 20o N. Hth t. 101 2iJ L. HICK & CO. , Heal LMate. 215 FOH 8A1.K 1-n cash , biggest bargain In South Omaha. Look ut the location , price and terin8-2tlfeetof lot. ) , block 75 , * 1,200 ; S.'UO cash , balance 1,2 and U j ears. II. U. Smcatou , Haikcr block. 1MI $ 0 cash fora full lot In Oak Hill addition , inaiket value ttO. J. L. Hlcu & Co. Did 28 EM STICKNKY A : CO. mane a specialty of property in North Omaha , fors.ile or rent at Citizens' bank , 2UH Ctimlut ; st. 1J4 T OH Kotth Omaha property BeeJ. L. Hlco FOH SALE Three good lots on corner of Dodge t > t , one block wejt of Lowe ave for { 1,500. Address for a few days S 61 llee olllco , J71 L. HICE 4 CO. , Heal Estate. 215 FOH SALE or leaso-3 lots , 1 u corner , 23th nnd Dodge st , Jl I.&OO. nlota , 1 a corner , LUth ave and Dodge St. , J13.MXI. 2 lotn. 1 a corner,28th and Douslas , $8,800. 2 lots , 1 a comer , -Mil and Dodge , Id.uOO. bell on easy tui uis or lease fur long term of years. . Ouo hundred and tnlrty choice lota In Omaha Vlevy , orvvlll build houses ; ftOl to { 2,000 will buy yon Hire homes. Terms easy. iTo KxchuiiKB Elegant lliO-ucie farm , Cedar county , y,50i ) . > Che-ape-bt uuarte'r section ot laud in Nebraska , il,2U ) takes It , Cumllig county. Wanted KiUltle's | lu good Inside real estate , for rabh and cle'ar cheap lotH. Wanted Stilctly Hist class farms , for cash and Omaha lots. Wanted Well secured mortgages for cash and IcfW-prlcc-d clear lotb. Tor Exchange ( Jood Omalm real estate for cattle. I'orPale Highly improved ranch near Krar- ney.W.n-W ; S room house and lov , 17th and Doi- ca . W.JW ) . Wanted I'lrst-class tti > elc hardware or iner- chandl for good Omaha leal estate. Wanted No , 1 carriage team for lot In South Omaha. Kor Exchange 5,000 acres choice farm laud. Douglas , Cumlng , Cedar , Holt , Hrowu UIIL Chirry counties for Omaha ic'al e > tate , J'or Hent U room modern east Jj Hut , Douglas near " 5th f > t. ilonnyto loan on flrnt-cl.iss Impiovt-d city property. Drake Hros , Heal Estate , ai H llth Ht. 12J2U " EE J , L. Hlce & Co. for choice resident lots. T7\OH \ SALE We ofler as a special bargain m - iacreu of land four mllua f i out stock } arils , at SU'J per acre , on line of U. 1' . H. H. McCagun. Opp. P. 0. ' 31 FOR EXCHANGE. "V\TANTED-Stock of goods Int-xchange for two Klrkvvoodlotii ; will pay cash differ em . Horse and buggy for equity in n good lot. Cxjupe uearly new , auel tomocasli for a house and lot. Active Jteal Estate A. Property ExcJiange. 152 , 21li ? J ALL k'lnds of'propc-rty to trade , Stevens UrOa , . i l i'wuuui ft , JW Si _ _ $3110 cash for lot on Mill street jlfnr North Onmlm depot , .1. L. Hlce' $ Co. KM as ONLY t-'iOcaih. balance to null , will Imv n fciV ) lot a few blocks from the packing homes , South Omaha. al o other bargains c u be found with D. 1) . .Mmeaton , room 7 , Darker block , cor , 1,1th and Faruam sts. M7- JL. Hlco A Co solo agents for lots opposite Kountze place KS.S 2s $ .trnca .liforu full lot In Oak Kill addition , market v aluo. Jvw. J , L .lllco .V Co. IKS s ) " " 1 MI'HOVKD farm In Iowa" for Omihix re l- . deuce pror-ertj * . J , J , Wllklnwn , I.e. ! rnniiun. 127 B Alia A INS again to be hid of D. D. Puieaton. Harker block. Coiner property in South Omaha for M.OOOj retiMCO per month-US per cent. E ' LIKJ A NT lioniP on Cass street , bet. lllth and -H 20th ctn-ets for Sale or trnde , at a bargain , > y J. L. Hlce A Co. 210 III ' _ $750 buys one of the Iwst corner lots In Or- rhard Hill : south front ; small cash pav- iient. balance easy , ' 1 his Is u Inu caltt and must 10 sold at once. O. J. Stc-rusdotir , room 0 , oppo site pO"tolllce. 28 ! M feet on eablutltu . Splendid Insldo location for four Hats M.W. Must ) c sold at once. Marshall & lA > beck , nviui U 'haiiiberofColii. 3Si _ FOH SALK 1(50 ( acres of laud four miles from. stock ) ards , at 1125 po aero ; UiU is a bur- tain. McCague , Opp. 1' . O. _ _ 1J2 SALK Corner , Lowe. avi > . nud N'lcholas street , IVx2 ) < Ki , xouth nnd eat fiont , also rholtn lots in Onlmrd Hill , > eiy cheap , .lames Uofkdale. 11JN. IBth M. > illltfi _ ELKd ANT home on Cass Mrcet. bet , Hull nnd with street * , for sale or trade , at a bargain , > y.t. L. lllco & Co. 2lil .11 _ A LK-Lot r > bile 8 A. S. 1'atrlcks adT nT sell for few da ) a at tl.CHW , t'W ' ) cash , bal. easy , y. 4B llee otllce. U17 71OH North Omaha piopitty sco J , L. Hlcu J Co. . HKS 2ji worth InveMlgatlnir-Kor" ( loodli-rooiii houoe , cltywater , Iot5llxlri0 , ast fronton Park a\r. north of Hauscom pnrK , for f VAX ) $1WM cash , balauco | | , uu per year ; and also furniture for Halo of house at less than half \nluo. MortensciiA. Christeiison , Heal Ks- lute olllce. 1414 I' up stairs. ' LKO ANT home on Cass iteeet. bet. lutli nnd 20th stieets , for bale 01 tiade , at a bargain , ) yj.l. . HICH&Co. 21(1 ( ill FOH SALE or e\clmuge. Omaha propel ly and farms for men handlse , horses , etc. Schles- nger llios. , 014 S. Uth st. 12H.K4 S EK J. L. Hlco A. Co , for choice resident lots. KVt.28 rOll Saunders street real estate see J. L. Idle & Co. _ USJJM _ FOHSAI.E-Chenp. lull lot In Potter's add. w 1th it room house , M.ryjOj half cash : worth H.:00. J. L. Hlce ACo. . 21H 31. _ FOR Saunders street real estate tee .1. Ii iTcc & . Co. Iftid OH SALi-Clieap. : full lot in Potter's add. nil lid room house , & 25UU ; half cash ; woith 1.500. J. L. Hlco A.Co. . _ 210 ill _ $ 'CT cash for n full lot in Oak Hill addition , iiinikctvnhiuOTiQ. .1. L. lllco X CO. OH SALE-Chenp. full lot In Potter's add , w 1th ii-room house , fi,5UO ; half cash ; worth W.OQJ. . L. Hlcu & . Co. 21 li ill _ $ .150 cash for lot on loth Mieet , near North Oliinhtt depot. .1. L. Hlcu A , Co. 1IKS 2H ' LK or Trnde. choice residence nnd business propel ty lu Not th Omaha by J. L. KlctuV co. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Foil SALE Or exchange , lots iti NortTT Omana for houses. House nnd lots lu Coun- KANSAS CITY hl\ JOE A : COUNCIL HLtHTS A No 2 , 'l.KSn m.lA No.3 O..I5a. m A No , I , 'J:10p. : m.lA No. 1 . ci.yop. m SIOUX CITY & . PACH'IC. A No 10 .7.05 a. mA | No. U . . . . RslTia , in A No. I. .7:00 p. m.lA . . y.wpm OMAIlA&ST. LOUIS. A No.R J.IOp. m.lA No 7 . . .1l.a > p m A dally ; H dally except Sat. ; 0 dally uxccpl Sun : 1) ) except Mon ; tl'ast Mall ; Limited * IWlli piobabiy change to 4Up. : ) m before * i'eb. 1 SteckPiano Hemarknble for powerful Hjinpa- llictlc tone , pliable action and'ab- Hilule durabllltyT 'M years recorTT the bcht Kiiurunliii ot the excel lence of theao Instrumentk. WOODBRIDGEBROS , rno is tuicgciiKtin wttn TII atooaArnr or mil oocxtar WILL in r IIAKIXLHII IHII nr TIUT TIII ; i CHICA60ROCKISLAND&P4CFIGRAILWAY , ! Pjr ronion of It * central position C.OM rrlotlon to Ilnct } ARt ot Chlckitn , Anil oontlnnus Ui\J9 At ttrmln * ! , rolnliVol , Morthwixt unit Noathwtil , It the tru * mhhtle link in th t trnnicontlnfntM nydtfrn which J Intllci mul f olllt l tritrtl * nd tr Blo bttwwn tli JLIlantlc and I'MUc. Tht Itork IiUnj mMnltno umlbrnnchi-ntnelmlcChl cizo , J.-vllet , Olt w , I f > nlp | , 1'rorU , Otntioo , U llDk una ituck IflUnd , In Illtnalit l > * Trnport. Musoatln * , Wr.Mntlon. r lrlfKI ( , OUumw , O k too i . WtktLlb- rl7low Cltjrl > ( iMolnM.Imll nol , WlnUri t , AU4 - . tic , knoiTlllo , AuJuboii , n rlMi , ( lulhrlo Cnntro nd Cornell Illutti , In low * ) flttlntln , Tirntnii , St. tif r" > . Omrrca unil Kkntu Cllj" , la l lourlrL i. iworUi nil AUhlion , In Kitniui .Mhfrt I r , MlnntaK | > ll > unit tl. I'ftul , InMlnnooUi TVnlertown ml filaux K lltl Dakotaanil hiindreil > oIntf rmrdUte clilfl and town * . ' . 'Tho Great Rock Island Route" " nunranteci tprod. comfort , certainty ftnd nafatj. ft ! pprnianrnt war l < dlitlmculihrUforlt < > ccll nr . tti Dritlfrea ftre of ton and Iron. Ita track U of iQllit \ ftrrllt roUlniriitoekrrfi < ct. It rn mrroQnlim | n hai nil th natrtapillauc | < that < > > p rlrnc hilproroi oiofnl , and for luiurlans nccomtnodiitloni 11 ttrmi * ' rud'Cit. lit Ktprrii Tratnl conilut of > aprior UAf Coachox , tittiTKnt Tullmiin I'alnco Tarlor and Blevplnf Can , lupcrb Pining Can , vroTkllng dfllclonl ntala. ' and ( betwpi-n Chicago and St. Jouph , AUhlion anil Kansas Cltjr ) rvitrul HpcllnlnK Chair Car * . It tnan- act irf nt U conterratlTC , It * dliclpllna tiactlnc "The Famous Albert Lea Route" HflWMn CilcAfo ? | and illnnrapnlli and St. 1'a , ' If t farorile. Ur > r thlilln Kolld Vait Kipr * Tralni rna dallto attractUo rtnorti fur toariili In Iowa and Ulnntnota , and , via Watcrtown and Sioux Falli , to the rich nhtat nnd KruiliiR lumli of Interior Dakota. Via Irncca and Kankakte , tlifiHocklilandofftnicperlor Inilucemtnta to trareler < Iwlween Cincinnati , Indian * apolU , L f 7tt and Council Blutf . Et Joieph , AlchU on , Learenwcth , Kan na Cltf , Bt. raul. and Intertn * * dlnto polntf All patron * ( efprelallr ladlrt and ehll * drcnre elT protectloncourte r ami kindly attention. For tickets , in | i , foT.lon. coplia ot WwternTrail , oe anjr desired Information , apply to principal ofllced lu the United Statri nnd Canada , or addre , at Chlcaro , * . R. CAIlf , f. ST , JOHN , t. A. MOlltOOI. ' Moioi. iia.tkiarMi.Hk miter or TUB Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y < Tbe Dcst Route from Omaha nnd Council Ulufls to TWO TRAINS DAILY IHCTWKKN OMAJIA AND COUNCIL IU.UFF3 Thlrngo , AND Mllnanlipp , St I'mil , Minneapolis , Ccrtnr Unplcls , Rock Island , Frcojiort , Ilockford ) Clinton , Diibnqao , Dnrenportt Elgin , Mndlson , JancsYllIc , UeloltVlnonn , La Crosse , And ! ! other linportunt polntt Kut , Northonst and ttouthaniit. rorthronhtlek Ucall on thu tlektt * nBl at HOI rarnam street. In Faiton Jlutul , or at Uuloa 1'aclOa IJ Fullman Olecpen and the flneit DInlnir Can In the -orM are run on the nmln line of the ChtcaKO , Mll- waukco * bt. Paul llnllwar. ami every auantlpii la paid to pa onge br courtuuui euiplojui o < U > pom pan r. . 4 It MlU.KIl , General Mansner. J. KTUCKltll , Analntnnt Uoaural Munager. A. V. H. CAIiriCNlKU. General I'dueoser an4 CJKO 'KICIIEAFFORD ! , Aiiltant General Pauengtr nd Ticket Auunt. J. T. ChAliK , General Superintendent. THE CHICAGO AND North- Westera Railway Short Line. Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago , Th only real to take for Dei Molnet , Marlalltnwn , Cedar llnildi , Clinton , UUou , Chicago , Milwaukee anil all potnti cant To lliu people of Nchraiika , Colo- radu , Wyoming , lllnli , Idaho , Nevada , OreuiiiiVuib > lUBton uiul Cullfornlii. It nlTeri upwlor BilTOUtiaot DI t poMlile br anr uthor lino. Amonii a few of tbu uumoruuf point ! of luporlortty enjoyinl bj llio iiKlrnim of tills roart trtncmi ( lm h aiul ( blrnvo , am Iti two trnlft a dajr of DAY COAOU- KM. wbleb aru llio dncst tliRt nurnnn art and ( nuenul- ly cnn orcalo IU I'Al.ACK BI.KKI'INU CAItB. which aru moduli otcomforl aui > uluganco. Ita 1'AHUJK DllAWINO HOOM CAHH , unsurpasied by aiir. and IU widely celebrated 1'ALA'IIAL. DININH CARS. th equal of whleb cannot ba found iiewbero. At Coun cil Ilium thu tralni of tbe Union 1'aclHc HMIwny , eon- pcct In union depot with thott of the Oblcago A Morthwoitern lly. In Chicago tbu tralni of tbli lln * make cloie connection wltlt tbole of all other cMtera Kor Detroit , Columbui. Indlanapoll * , Clnrlnnatl , Niagara Falli , IlulTalo , I'ltUaurg , Toronto , Montreal , Uoiton , New York , 1'blladclpbTa , Ilaltlmure , Wain- luxlon , and all polata In tbe cast , aik f or a tlckvt Tl "NORTHWESTERN. " with the liestaccoumodallon. All ticket agent * K. P. WILSON , Geul. Manager , ( lenl. 1'aia r Agent , . .M.11AI1COCK.ChlcBg ° 1 \ . n. BOUK3 , WMUra A * nt.Om City I'm'r. Agenl , Om b . Notice of Incorporation. TIO Whom It MiivCoiicuia : Notice is Klvc'ii that "The lien Hulldlnt ; Company IIHK llh'd In the olllco of the ( ounty cluik of DoiiulaH rounty , Nvljraxka , iirtlcles of incorpor * utlon. The principal place of tiantiactlnK is ( liusliifK.s U at Omaha , in Douglas couutyaud fitatd of Nttliraska. The general nature of its Inislncst IR to aculit | * , own , hold , louse , inortKaKO , uell nnd convoy real estate , erect building aud improve ments upon the a.nne , for renting aucli real estate , iu. The amount of capital Block authorized Ii Jft l.K ( l. ton pi-r cent of vv hlch to bo paid ut the time of subscribing foi thu suine , and there * inulnder as ruqult t d Jiy thu board of directors. 'J ho corporation common ! oil January inth , A. I ) . 1W.\ and will tuimlnate the 15th day of Juu- uary , A. I ) . ll(8 ( . . The hlKhcbt amount ot Indehtedness or liabil ity to uhlch the coiporatlon nhall at any tlma Hiibject itself H t\\othlrds of the capital stocle Issued. The huslnoss affairs of the corporation are to bo conducted by a board of directors "of flvo meiiiborsvhoHliall select from their uumburu prc-sldcnt , becrttary und tn-nsurer. r.DWAHI ) ItOSKWATKn. MAX MUVKII , ( ll'O. 1I.T/8C1IOCK , HlllINOT/MrilUCK , IlKNUV A. HA8KKIX. Notice to Stockholders , Notion Is hoiuby ulvoii that a xpcclal meeting of thostocknoWursofThu Urn Publishing Com pany , will beheld at their olllce on Saturday , Jnn.2ith , 1NS , at HI o'clock u. in , for the purpoRO of considering the tiunsfer of lots 7 und 8 , In block 110 , anil east 41 fuel of n und n in block Ul , city ot Omaha , to The IUn : Hulldlui ; Company , uud such other business as may comn before them , ] : . , I'lesldout , OMAHA , Nin : , Jan. 17th. It&f. U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , WEB , Paid Up Capital , - $2BQOOO Surplus , - DOOOO U W. YATKS. President. 1.1.v. . is S , HKEU , Vice-president. A. K. Tuu/AMN , 2d Vlco-1'rosMent. W. H. 8. HUUIIKS , DlilbCTOKS. W. V. MOUSE , JOHN S. U. W. YATKS , LEWIS b. Hknj , A. Ii. TOUZAL1N. flanking Office THE IRON BANK.I. Cor. 12th and i'arnam Sts. , A GcugralUaiiUui ; iliulocsii