Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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Lawyer Whodon'a Answer to tlio
Podoral Jurisdiction Plon.
Secretary Mnnon Kxjilnlns tlic HJlun *
tlon to tlio Ititrr-.Htntc CottitnlH *
filon A. lllcli Fliltl Tlio West-
lilmlcti Family llrcvltlcH ,
TrnoM Tiir. tinn's MSTOI.X
In the question of stnto jurihdiolloti
over the Union Pacific railroad , argued
n few days URO before Judge Dundy , Mr.
C. O. Whedon , the attorney for the
board of transportation , linn Btipple-
inontod'hls argument with a brief that
dctil.H in very pointed facts in regard'to
the question. Among other things the
brief recites that there is nothing in
the charter of tho'Uuion Pacific which
reserves to the United States tlio oxclti-
Hlvo jurisdiction ever the company or
emancipates it from state control.
There Is in the ehartor no contract be
tween the general government nnd the
corporation that it shall not bo subject
to the legislation of the state. The
Htato is not seeking to interfere with
the reserved rights to the government ,
but tlio brief holds that the state has
the i > ewer to regulate all its internal
commerce and that is all it is seeking.
A state is not sovereign without the
power to regulate its internal com
To the plea advanced that the act by
which the road was created reserves the
right for congress to reduce tlio rates
utter certain earnings have been
reached , tlio brief hays :
This in u ijurstlon of imjiorlniioo nnd pcr-
innnunt concern to the stnto of Nebraska.
Tlio cost of the construction of the road Is a
nmttiT of history , nnd If the allegations of
tlio bill tlint the regulation of rates nnd < on-
trol of the road by the stnto board of trnns-
ixirtntloti will bankrupt tlio compnny nro
true , nothing but , extortion , of which history
' furnishes no parallel , will cnnblu the com
pany to reach the limit nt which congress
jnny mluco tlio rates. * * * Can tt bo
tlmt tlio fuilurul government hns called into
existence u private corporation , a common
carrier , whose rntc.s for the transportation of
persons and property It cannot regulate be
cause It lias voluntarily deprived itself of
llife power , and that this net of deprivation
also prohibits the state from rcgtilulijig the
rules ? If It bos nccompllshcil these results ,
then this complaint Is over and above the
, law ; them is no power to prevent and punish
extortion or unjust discrimination. The rates
i charged may bo both unreasonable and unjust -
/ just , nnd there exists no corrective power ;
I for the wrong there is no remedy.
' i The brief recites that the com plain-
' ! nnt. the railroad , has not shown itself
J entitled to relief through a permanent
'i ' injunction. It alllrms that the state has
< the right and power to * regulate rates
< within the state citing the recent court
f 'decision to that olToct. It cites thiit the
'l ' state in the case is not seeking and does
\ ' not attempt to regulate commerce at all ;
It Is only socking to regulate tlio instru
J ment of The principal
creditor of the company , the United
States , says the brief makes no claim
that its surety is in danger of being im
paired , as the attorneys of the road at
tempted to show the court. Concluding
his argument Mr. Wliedon says :
The railway company does assert that If
\ tlio board of transportation is permitted to
proceed , tt will bo unnble to pay the Interest
upon its funded and other debts. Its solici
tude for the rights of the government is
somewhat remarkable ; had It evinced it
earlier in its history tlid "Thurmon net" men
tioned In the bill might not have been neces
sary. The defendants disclaim nil power and
authority to regulate the rntcs between the
states ; they disclaim any Intention of at
tempting to regulate the same. But , acting
for the state , whoso servants they are , they
do insist upon the authority and Jurisdiction
not only to require the change in the embank
ment mentioned , but also to 11 x nnd rcgiilute
rates within the state of Nebraska , and to
determine what are just and reasonable
Secretary Mason yesterday forwarded
the following communication from the
board of transportation.
ToT.M.CooIoy.Chairiiian Intcr-Stnto Com
mission , Washington , D. C. Wo urge the
continuance of car load rates. Their aboli
tion will destroy the jobbing interests of the
west. Our distributing houses nt Omaha ,
Lincoln and Fremont uro of great bcncllt to
the retail dealers of the state , affording them
convenience and credit. The present system
of differential rules builds up trade centers
within the state. Their destruction means
that Chicago. St. Louis nnd eastern cities
will monopolize nnd centralize our trade nnd
lira In our sources. -
O. I' . MASON , Secretary.
A gentleman furnishes the BEK the
following interesting bit of news com
ing from Ord Valley county. A resident
of that plhca named Linden purchased
at the grocers a win of peaches , and
and when the can was opened and dis
pensed around the board for the even
ing ineal , a diamond ring was found in
the fruit. It was taken to the jowolcrs
tlio next day to determine its value. Ho
Jv Offurod SfcO for it. This is u parallel to
< " the good luck of Cogia Hassan of old.
j Just what Baltimore belle lost the ring
ft ' In handling the fruit remains yet to bo
V determined.
Superintendent Lane yesterday ro-
oiv4 a nuinboP of letters from county
in answer to his cireu-
ar. The superintendents from Pawnee
ml JolTon-on counties report no loss of
lifo or sulToring in their counties on the
part of teachers or pupils. Superin
tendent Clarendon , of Doilgo , gives
further particulars of the death of the
two little Westphnlon girls. Ho bays
t the widow \Vostphalon lived on a
Ii small farm with these two children , all
Jj she had. The family -has been peculiarly -
| culiarly unfortunate. A few years ago
A Peter Westphalou with his own family
} nnd that of Ills brother , moved to
Kansas. In the Indian massncro which
T , occurred there , the brother and an un-
1 married sister , with sonio other rein-
ijj tivos wore killed. Peter hastened back
' / to Dodge county , but the trouble through
'Y ' which ho had passed , added to the loss
> { . ' , ' of his relatives , nniiotod his mind and
lie committed suicide. Now the mother
is entirely nlono. *
When the storm caino up , about 2
o'clock in the afternoon , the older girl
applied to the teacher for permission to
go homo , saying that her mother would
bo afraid and "would need their help.
She was allowed to go with her little
sister and both lost their lives in the
* A business man in this city has been
porhocutoil of lute by receiving through
the malls dunning loiters purporting to
| como from a collecting agency inChi -
\ cngo. Those duns are in the form of
printed circulars , and the envelopes
nro marked in bold tvpo , "Bad Debts. "
The circular in this insUmco fixes the
debt at $9 , which the business man
wholly disclaims owing , and the circu
lars threaten n black list and to con
tinue sending the duns tit the rate of
ono a week If the debt is not paid. The
black list part has not as yet been car
ried outer if so , has not reached his
notice , but the duns eonio with great
regularity , the onyolopo and legend ,
"Bad Debt , " increasing in slzo with
Sftcb olio Kent , until the proceeding is
goltLng.Tory monotonous to the "receiver
> f the favors , and he Is at present .con-
.Oniplntlng a resort to tho. courts to find
out who the parties are at the bottom of
it. nnd if it is not a blackmailing
schema that the parties uro trying to
PTATi : HOt'Sr. ItltlKPP.
The following Insurance returns were
filed with the auditor yesterday : City
of London , London Premiums ,
$ " , 1(50.09 ( ; losses incurred , W,0-8.57 ;
looses paid. . * . 'jhlS.07. ) ( North British
nd Mercantile , of London Premiums ,
7r ) ; i.9 : ! ; lo es incurred , 8i ; , : U.SHI ( ) ;
losses paid , $ li.rW.2. ( ! . Rochester Ger
man , of Hochoster , N. Y. Premiums ,
$ 2,703.125 ; lo es incurred , SSOO ; losses
paid , . Sir.50.
The articles of incorporation of the
Douglas County bank were filed with the
secretary of state yesterday. The prin
cipal place of business is Omaha , and
the capital stock $100,000.
Mr. J. H. Ayer , of the state board of
transportation , Is in the city. He states
that th'i citi/ens of Ord presented , a few
days ago , a handsome gold watch to Miss
Freeman , as a testimonial of her friends
at home to her bravery.
It is apparent that under the recent
supreme court decisions foreign rail
roads will bo obliged to incorporate
under the state laws. How they can do
this is'now the question , hnd the attor
ney general is of the opinion that legis
lative action will bo necessary.
Governor Thaycr was in Abhland last
evening , n guest of citizens there at the
opening of their new hotel.
All our city fathers sny "UPO Salva
tion Oil. the greatest cure on earth for
pain. " It cobts only -o cents.
Since Mrs. Brown has taken to using
Dr. Bull's Cough Sprup she has paved
an independent fortune in doctor's bills.
You can do the same.
Itpnl JJsiato Transfers.
Alfred Olson to Lena ONcnpartofc
? l lot 7 hlkii Park place wd. . , $ 1,200 ,
Frank O Olson and wife to S Mohr ,
part of lots i2l ! and ! 10 blk 1 Camp-
bull's add wd 323
City of Florence to Milton H Wilds ,
lot 1 blk BO Florence q o 1
John Prokcsjind wife to Sarah McConnell -
nell lot 8 blk 10 Brown's park w d. . . 5.0
Gilbert M Hitchcock nnd wife to Hich-
nrd A Morris , lots 11 and 13 blk 4 ,
lots 18 nnd 18 blk 15 Hitchcock's 1st
r.ddwd 2,000
Thomas Hronnan et al to Gcorginnu
1C Hall , lot C blk 2 Brcnnan place
W d 1,000
Hugh a Clark nnd wife to Hans T
Falk n > of s f of lots 5 und 0 blk 3
Uupont place w d 800
Hugh G Clark and wife to Gilbert J
Albu lot 3 litlcll place wd 400
Peter Nelson and wlfo to G W Hold *
rcgc , trustee , part of lot 4 blk .44
Omaha w d 4Sn0
George A Crnncer to .luinos T. Hus
ton , lots 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 blk 4 , A. S.
Patrick's add , q c 525
John F lio.vd to the public , plat of
Boyd's add to South Omaha , located
on part n c , n w , 0-14-1U
W .1 Wagoner et al to William Ho
garth , lots II nnd1 blk 4 , 1st add to
Fowler place , w d 1,100
Mattie C. Council and wlfo to LouU
Haapke , o ) of part of lot 11 , John
son's udd , which lies north of alley ,
w d 15,000
Swan Wlckmnn to Nels A Hinstrom
ct al , lot 7 blk 3 , McConnick's ! > d ,
w d 1,000 ,
M L Lindsay and wife to H L Allison ,
wyt of lot5 , Lindsay's odd , w d. . . 1,500
J W Griffith , trustee , to Mary EBurns ,
lot 27 blk , Barker place , w d 425
Sixteen deeds f30,4 , > . > U
Dtititling Penults.
Tlio following building permits word is
sued yesterday at the ofllco of superintend
ent of buildings :
Dr. L. C. Toney , cottage and barn ,
Twenty-first Und Ohio § 1,000
Jetter & Young , store , Eighth and
Leavcnworth 800
Two permits aggregating . $1,800
Call and see the largo stock Mcagher
fc Leach , general agents , have on hand
at 1415 Furnum St. , Omaha.
Uprising of tlio Lminbcr and Coal In
terests of Omaha.
The lumber interests and the anthracite
coal intnrcsts of the city have determined
upon separate presentations of their
grievances in the matter of freight rates and
their discrimination In favw of Chicago , and
have instructed the freight bureau of the
board of trade to at once prepare and for
ward a bill of complaint to tlio iutcr-stato
comnicrco commission.
It is believed n hearing with reference to
these two great interests can bo obtained on
the occasion of the visit of tlio commission to
this city. Certain it Is no branch of business
is in greater need of the protecting inlluences
of the national law. At present tlio railro.uis
nro indulging in outrageous discriminations
ngainst these Industries and are literally
forcing the business to Chicago.
A Narrow Kncnpc.
There was a narrow escape from n serious
flro at the residence of J. H. Downing , 1701
Capitol avenue , Thursday evening. Just after
supper Mr. Downing stepped into the parlor
to light the gas. Ho Ignited a match , turned
on n Jet , nnd applied a light , when without
any explosion the room was almost in
stantly tilled with tlamcs. For his own
safety , Mr. Downing fled , but soon rallying ,
ho called his family to his aid , nnd they for-
tunntcly succeeded in subduing the flames be
fore much damage was done. Gas Inspector
Gilbert says this rather remarkable occur
rence had its origin In n condensation of the
carbon In the gas , which constitutes ono of
the most dangerous und intlamm.ible sub
stances in the world. This condensation
takes place during the passage of the gas
from the cold underground pipes into the
warm rooms und apartments of residences
nnd stores. People using gas should always
bo exceedingly careful in lighting It in rooms
\vhcrolt is bcldoin used ,
A Vlionrtlo Writer.
The county commissioners receive some
queer letters sometimes. Below is given an
exact copy of ono received by them a few
dajs since :
Omaha , January Sth
To the Countv Comlceners
Dear Sir ?
I am Dlsres of Loving Omeha For Good I
have berio Perclcutcd on all Sidu these Last
two years in this Cltty and I wis to Go to
Shuclmnoy Idlio I , have Lost , l.'iOO and over
in this county which the County Clerk
Books , can She and ncvo received a cents I ,
wisli ( iontel Men you to Help mo out. I ro-
uialii yours _
Articles of Incorporation.
The Illinois & Nebraska Loan and Trust
company , with William T. Underwood , jr. ,
Charles E. Hanson , George A. Harlow and
Everett L. Hayncs us ineorporators , flicd
articles of Incorporation with the county
clerk yesterday. The capital stock is 1500,000
of 5,000 shares nt $100 per share , nnd the ob
jects of the incoriHjrntion nro the buying und
selling of real estate , bonds , stocks und other
Out of liurin'H AVny.
The family of Frances Blazko , a Bohemian
woman living ut the corner of Nineteenth
nnd Martha streets , complained to the county
authorities yesterday that she was slightly
deranged and that they feared she would
Indict upon herself violence , OR she had
threatened to commit suicide Sherlll Co *
burn was nmdo nctpjainted with the case , and
ho had Deputy ShcrltT Bonhaucr lock the un
fortunate woman up In the county Jail.
Sudden Changes or Wratlior cnuso
Throat Diseases. Thoio la no more effectual
remedy for CoughsColdft.ctc. , than BKOWN'K
H.KONCIIUI , Tiiociius. Kuld only in boxes.
Price IS cts.
llEXClt AX1 > BAU.
District Court.
J. M. Kogcrs brought suit yesterday
against M. F. Scars to rawer $2,513 , which
plaintiff nllcgcs was obtained from him by de
fendant in u fraudulent manner. Mr. Kotrcrs
claims that he gave to the defendant various
sums on different times , und that Mr. Sears
appropriated these monies to his own use.
SCIT is nqiirr.
Frank B. Johnson brought suit npuinst
John W. Foster yesterday nfternoon nnd nsks
that defendant bo required to perform n cur
tain agreement concerning the purchnsu.of
several parcels of land lying In this city , nnd
that a Judgment of $1,351) ) ho rendered.
Mit. riKi.D's sunscitirtiox.
The Omaha Southwestern Street railway
company brought suit yesterday against
George W. Field for n subscription of $175.
Sidney Smith brought suit yesterday after
noon against the Walnut Hill Building usso *
elation and twenty-seven residents of their
addition to collect f 100 duo him for services.
H > lt WHAT ID WANTS fl,000.
Milton B. Wild In his complaint sets forth
that. Tames F Knnsom assaulted him In the
city of Florence , nnd then locked him up , for
which hi ; asks damages In the sum of $1,000.
County Court.
Judge Shields rendered the following Judg
ments yesterdays J. % B. Thomas , $112.90 ,
ngalnst Martyn Bros. ; Omaha nnd South
western Street railway company , $100 , ngalnst
Martha M.lsh. *
_ _
Police I'onrt.
The following cases wore disposed of In po
lice court yesterday ;
Fined Millie Wnrnor , May Brown , Mn-
mlo Brandon , Krmlnle Cunilngs , Mlnnlo Al
ton. Georgio Uoger.s. Viola Hooch , Ernmu
Wallace , Ida St. Claire nnd Flora G rant $0
Vagrants Jnmcs Dngnti , John Bell , ord
ered out of town ,
Inmates Houses of Prostitution George.
MeMubor , Vie Silbon , Tom Kelley , dis
Begging on the streets Peter Carlson , ten
John Kelley , nn ex-convict nnd a character
well known to the police , together with Henry
Cleveland , went down to Johnson's Ice-house
Thursday and threatened to clean out the es
tablishment if they were not given work.
They were run In nnd Judge Berka ga\'o
them work yesterday ten d.iys killing
time up in the county Jivil.
Hichard Hoberts , charged with burglariz
ing the residence of Clnrlc MeBeth , on Saiin-
dors streetof 54)0 ) and a quantity of clothing ,
waived examination , and bound over to
the district court in thesumof $ ' .00.
Ed Barrett , known as the DPS Moincs kid ,
n tough young vag , was allowed ten minutes
to get out of town.
A young lady named Mary Wise , an inmate
of St. Joseph's hospital.died Thursday evening
The remains will bo buried to-day the
funeral taking place fiom the hospital.
MAItT 61'NllOltO.
The mystery shrouding the identity of this
young woman was cleared up yesterday
by the arrival of Ihe girl's parents from
Dalesburg , Dak. Some friend had written
them ot tneirdaughtcr's Illness. Owing to the
blocking of the roads and the consequent delay
In the delivery of the mails , the parents
could not reach her before yesterday
They did not know until after their arrival
of their daughter's death. The remains nro
still t Burkett's ' oh North Sixteenth , from
which place they will be forwarded to Dales-
burg to-night , the parents accompanying
them. _
After diphtheria , scarlet fever , of
pneumonia , Hood's Sarbaparilla will
give strength to the system , and expo-
all poison from the blood.
iikhcd n Hooker.
Some unknown thief walked off yesterday
evening with a h'-avy reclining rocker from
in front nf the Pcoples's Installment store on
North Sixteenth street. It is thought he
throw it into n wagon which was in waiting
ami then -drove off , because several clerks
who run in various directions failed to find
A Jack nt Auction.
At the Parkc sale of Clydesdales , at
Lincoln , Nob. , February 1 , 1888 , we will
sell to the highest bidder ono of the
finest jacks in the west , known as Black
Warrior. Stands loj hands high.
Weighs u bo ut 1,10(1 ( pounds. Seven
years old , and perfect in every respect.
Thisis a grand opportunity for some one
who wants n No. 1 registered animal
with pedigree. E. A. HOWK.
Benevolent AInil Men.
The letter carriers of the city have
Organized n benevolent association nnd will
glvo their nrst annual ball in Exposition hall
on the 21st of February.
Lclnnd hotel , Chicago.
A Fugitive Captured.
Thomas Hicks , n colored man , was Arrested
by Constable Burke yesterday morning and
lodged in jail. Hicks is wanted in Shuwnuo
county , Kansas , for n number of crimes.
The sheriff of Shawnco county was notllled
and lulled that he would send for the pris
oner us soon us requisition papers could be
Its superior excellence proven In millions of
linine.s for more than a quarter of a century. H
Is used by tlm United states Government. Kn-
dorsed by the headnof the Ureixt Universities ns
the Strongest. 1'nreht nnd most Healthful. Dr.
Print's ( 'ream HiikiiiK I'ouiU'rdocH not contain
Ammonia , Mine or Alum. Sold only In cans.
Health is Wealt i !
Dn. B. C. W ear's NERVK AWD Hnxi ! * I'IIK\T.
UEMT , cuurnnteed t.peclfic for Hysteria , Dlzzt.
n 3J , CoiivuUloiid , Kits , NI.TVOUS Neurulflla
JieadAcho , Nervous Prostration caused by the
use of alcoliol or tobacco , U'uktifiihiesa , Mental
Depression. Hoftenlne of the llraln resulting In
Insanity and lending to misery , decay and death.
Premature old ABO , Harrenneaf. losi of power
In flther BOX , Involuntary Losses and Bpennat-
orrhn > ncaU8 dbyovxr-4 < xevtlaii.ofthobrulnbelf.
r.buba or over-inclulcence. Duch box contains
one month's treatment. 11 OOa box , or six twxes
forj.l.w , sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price.
Ttocuri'ixnrvaso. With each order received by
u foralx Lioxes , accompaulej with t-i.W , we will
* enn the. purchaser our written Rtiaranteo to re
fund tno money If the treatment does not effeet
f euro. ( Iiiaiantres Issued only by C. ! ' . OOOI-
MAN. nriiffBlst , Sols AeMt , lUU Fwruaiu 8t ,
Omaha Neli
Which In liclng Pointed upon the Cini-nry rnrchancr.tas the Genuine Im
Joliann HofFs Malt Extract
The article In quo llon Is put \ip In a Sqt'ATTV Ilorn.K wlll > Herman nml KnutMi label prliUod In btucnna
the cork riiMTwIwItlijrullow wnuh Init ( ho pnrkniio nllvmimi Appcnrnniv.
'I hn tiiKiminycil eirimitery cif tineormmitlon inislilnii tlii' i < K < HM ! In cnlllnit tliolr i1ninc tlo beer "Omi-
Ino Imported Mult Kxlrnet , " ntul Ihclr iippeiili to tliu cupidity of lertiiln elii"0 * ( i [ tnirto'iiu-n IT free Rlf n nf
Amc'rtAWeo'rlo'fi ' ' ' ; Im.-U'o" . ' ! Uu fe'r.0 CUU V * l ° "l"X'1""U "Ielr "ooU' > " ' ' l"Ui ° thli
Johann Hoff's Malt Extract
Introduced Into the U. P. br J.r.orol.l ) llorrIn 1W , tlio unrlvnllp.l nutritive tonic nnd food for Invalid * , nur .
Ing women , typlmlil pnllrnt * nnd weitkiir" Incident to ami and convali'-cents pre crltirtt by loaillne plirM-
Sa 'luM
278 , 280 C 282 GltEEXWlCH SIllEET , and WO WAKKEX STREET
Solo Importers nnil Agents since 1SU9 , to counterfeit which is FELONY.
In order to protect themselves iu > ulti9t Imposition tlio publlo are reqiiptloil to specify
cam be cured of your
V ± i HEUM/ITISMj / NEUffflU
for vears
it has been
tested artcf
is fodav me
TED. who In hlal'OI.LY ami IGNORANCE
hns TniFI.rO nwnr his TIUOR of ItODV.
HIND and MANIIOOn.caiuIng exhausting
drains upon the FOUNTAIN ! * of LIFE.
Dreams. WEAKNESS of Memory , BASH *
the FACE , and Alt tlio EFFECTS lending to
EARLY DECAY and perhaps CONSUMI' .
TION or INSANITY.'Should contult at once
Ibo CELEBRATED Dr. Clarke , Established
1RM. Dr. Clarke ban made NERVOUS DE <
BII.ITY. CHRONIC'and all Diseases of
the EMTO URINARY Orpnnn a LI To
Utndy. H makes NO dlllerenco WHAT you
iave taken or WHO hai failed to euro you.
* -FEM A I.EH suffering from diseases pecu
liar to their sex can consult with the usuranco
of speedy relief and cure. . Send 2 cents postage
for works on your diseases.
43-Send 4 cents postage for Celebrated
Work * on Chronic , , Nervmi * and Dell >
eote Diseases. Consultation , ptr onnl.'y or by
letter , frco. Consult the old Dortor.
Tlioannitds nred. ORU'rwand pnrlora
prlvatn. * a-Thoso contemplating MarrlHge
send for Dr. Clnrke > celebrated guide
Male and FciiiBle , each lie. , both 'JSc ,
( stamps ) . Before confitlrnp your case , consult
Dr. CI.AKKK. A friendly letter or call may
lave future Mifierlngnml shame , and add golden
years to life.Book il.lfc' * ( Secret ) Er
ror * , " Me. ( Ktnmp.i ) . Medicine and writings
t nt everywhere , necure from exposure.
Hours , 8 to 8 ; Bundnyn ; U to 12. AdOress ,
P. D. CLARKE , M. D.
186 So. Clark St. . CHICAGO. ILL.
J.W. Barnsdall , M. D
Hormropnthic Specinli&t ,
Gynwcolof/ittt and Obsletriclnn.
Telephone 979.
E.T.Allen , M. D. ,
, I
Homoeopathic Specialist
tit AND NOSE ,
Bpectucles Accurately Prescribed. I
W , J. OALnitAlTH ,
Surgeon and Physician ,
Office N. W Corner 14th and IJoiik'ln : ? St. Onico ,
telepliouo , 4Ki ; Itcsldence telephone , &GS.
liielB < Je cjiolcs brands ,
P rUIQunpot > der.Y.Hr qn ,
CEM. " BreaVst , Japan.boloiifl
, alto a comblni
W. U. H mi tl A Co , 1MB. )5M ) r | iltnl Avenue ,
II. A. Niiwiiiiin , 1711 ft. Mary'iAenuu. .
Stiix Smith lOih Mreet
J..lMn.k ) \ lUd. , i'KJ outli IStli Street.
.1. 0. KttstiLiin , v < nuh Oinhtii.
C. U. ll nsr-n,701Noitli Illli Street.
13th & Douglas
Streets ,
Omaha , Neb ,
Nervous , Mental and Private Diseases
Prompt attention given to coi rcspondence , by
enclosing iJo.itUKf.
OIIlco hours U to 13 u. m. , " to u and 7 to S p , m
> ( > . : iua-4o i-t 70o4 ,
Of Dress Cutting.
ncnipmlior you tmjr nothlnc for oyslom or InitrnC'
( Ions until you uro ulile In cut unil Inulo your diwso *
WITHOUT iiKKinixn. llcniironf iniltiillnnn. Never
Icnrn nnv < 'lu\rtft , niotlols or lunchlnc * . Apk uiprcliHiit
tnllor wlint the ) UHO In ciiUlrii ; nien' clnlliliigi loiirn
nlioltlipr u ( > . mid roil will obliiln their ro nlts.Hucli
l lli KKlIXi ) ! rUDNCII TAII.OII HVSrilM , lnlliR
M tailor's wooden nquiiro , till lor wooden ( tart niul
leuvu rule , tullur Inpc llu nnd crndud stiilua. Cheap-
emniul licit nystOin ever InveiHed.
if to $3 per day to all ladies out of em
ployment. Teachers sent to all parts of the
country. Send for Treatise on Dress Cut
ting , and Circulars , FREE. Address ,
Mine , Kellogg School for Dress Cutting ,
Ituoui 4 , Hotel K moQil. Cor. 10th anil Webster
Sts. , Oinulm.
HCD GAUNTLET 2no. [ 814.
DR H NOBLE Blair Neb
, , , , , ,
Importer iiml Ilrvcilerof
Clydesdale , English Coach & HamWctoiiian
They nre. nil line nnd In prime condition nnd can
not full tttiilt. Tliwy connUt of prlzo winners and
tliclr KUt , In ! ? cntlnmf , C'nimda nnd thin country. Our
term * , prlcot lind liorxca nil ) suit you. Wrlto for iirl-
te * and pitrtleulitrii. HlulrlH24 nillen north of Otuulia ,
on T. K. \ M. V. U. It. und C. St. 1' . M. A O. It. 11.
The StnndnriMjicd trnttln staUlon ALARIC
No. 2O83 liy Cnyler ( sire of Klvlra S:181J ,
Day Dream any. : ! AlKnth 2a : , also the dam of
I'atron 2:14) : ) by Itysdyk's Hnmlilctonlnn. 1st
clnm Kthel ( iolildust , ( full sister of X.llciclli >
( lolddust trial ' : i' > ) by Old Uolddnst ( slioot
l.uclllo 2:104 : , iinil live othi-is with records below -
low 2:110) : ) . 2dclnm ( the > ( lain of XJlcndlo2Hby : : )
Importeil Srythlnn. : > < ! ilinn Sully Hnssell ( thu
gtaiul dam of Maud S. : asy ) by lloston. Alnrlc
\\iis bred by .1. C. MolVrran , Jiouisvllle , Kv. ,
foaled 1SM1 , my hands htish , wclRlis 1150 ponnds ;
hu IH a rleh Kold dust In color and thu hand-
wmieit anil most HtylUU homo lnthuwe t. lie
will ontshow anybody's horse on the street or
the show rltiK. has no reeord but Is very fast ,
perfectly gentle on the road or In the .stable , has
no vlce.s and Is warranted sound In every par
ticular. Jlo will bo sold very chuap. Thoiiorse
Is , In this city.
Address DR. U. W , HAYES ,
1513 Farnam St. , Omaha. Neb.
and nil other nlTectlons of tlio skin can bo
quickly rurtil by SKAIIIIUV'H MUIIIIIATI : ! )
TOII.KT Sors. . delicately perfumed and each
caku In a decorated tin box.
I INKIiAMIU ) Ut'MS , from any cau-o ,
promptly relieved by DMIIIY'S TOOTHACHE
ITjASTKiis. which take thu place of uplateB
and dangerous toothache drops.
O IMHAGKKKAIILK ( JASKS can bo rendered
Inocuons by bnrnlnK SKAIUMIV'S HVDIION-
AITIIOI. PASTIM.KS. 11m safest , most fra
grant and elllelont deodorizer.
OHNS AND BUNIONS are promptly relieved
On siift felt , lilRhly medicated Hellovo prus-
sure and reduto tnllammation.
20 Cents a Week.
Soveu papers a week. Send your order to the
ollicp ,
1029 P Street , Capital Hotel Building
The tint km.irn and moit popular llotfl In the
Male. Ixioiillon cenlial , uppulutiuonH llr tilnn. .
llviilqunrleri Iur coiuiuurclal lucu tnU all | > uMU < ul
K.iUOQUU.S l-ruprlctar
Your money more judiciously than to expend it
wisely in your clothing. You will find at the
MISFIT PARLORS this week what remains as
special bargains , as we will offer greater induce
ments than ever offered in genuine clothing. NO
TRASH , but such as are equal to any man's taste
or price.
AT ron
8 8.GO which was made to order for $18,00
9.70 iM.oo
10.-IO " " < OJ.60
112.80 u u auto
1B.30 .1 . ( U8.00.
14.20 ii u " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ' ! " ! ! ' ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " . ! ! ! ! ! ! ' . ' .
15.80 u i " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
17.00 u 'i "I ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
" "
18.00 u u "I ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 40.00
20.35 ii u -lo.OO
& 2.J.OO which was made to order for . $47.00
23.70 U II . 60.00
24.00 III IIII . 62.00
2-5.20 ( I IIIt . 65.00
20.70 IIII ItII . 00.00
27.30 II IIII . 02.00
28.40 IIu II . 05.00
29.00 u ItII . G7.XI (
30.00 II IIu . 00.00
31.40 II u . 70.1W 1
$ C.20 whieh was made to order * $ ir > .0 (
8.70 " " 18.00
10.60 " " 22.00
10 .in ii u . . . > N . iwi
J * /
* > t * * * C.IAJ
1 1 "A II II . . , ' ! ' > . fUl
J I > MW lM.\nJ
10.30 " " 35.00
18.70 " ' 40.00
20.30 " " 45.00
23.45 " " 50.00
24.40 " " 55.00
$ 9.70 which was made to order $20.00
13.00 u u ! ) ! ) ! ! ! ! * * r * * I ! * ! ! ! ! * ! * * ! * * * li ! ! " * " OV.UO
15.80 ii iiu uO.uU
17.35 it u 38.00
10.80 ii 42.50
21.80 it u 40.00
25.70 it u 52.00
28.60 ii u 00.00
30.40 tt u 70.00
thousand nine hundred and sixty - seven
pairs , embracing all the leading styles of cuts
and patterns in pantaloons that man ever had an
idea of wearing , at the following prices , which
in proportion to quality never was worn by man.
You are invited to investigate this assertion.
2.35 which was made to order . . . . . $ 0.00
. O)0 ( )
i * * * * * * * t * * * * B * * * * * * * * * .t *
5.i > 0 " " 10.50
G.70 < c " 1JJ.60u
7oc tt it f /u\
* > t * liltUU
8.40 " " 17.00
9.10 " 20.00
$ 2.50 which was made to order . $ 5.50
3.80 " " . 0.50
4-00 " " . . ' . fl.60
5.30 ' " " . 11.00
0.10 " " . 12.60
7.20 " " . 15.00
8.10 " " . 17.50
. " " . .
9.30 . 19.60
Having overstocked our furnishing goods de
partment , we now find we will need the room
more than the money ; in consequence we will , in
order to reduce the stock as much as possible at
this advanced part of the season , offer All Win
ter Furnishing Goods , including Fur Caps of
musk , and seal skinat50c on the dollar.
Any doubts , satisfy them by paying a
1119 FARNAM STREET. 1119
N. B. Orders by mail receive prompt and
careful attention.
w rotitliny rKonmc
TWjlUlilhileil i.mxl
known toulM Cxjnoirhrx
n.l CI.eU
W. l.i . i < jM conilOtt
bl . ind In nrry c < I
liMgifen latltUctlca.
AUott A LUk ,
lludxa. N.
&cM by Dru/glstl *
Fiico t.OO.
LY01 > 8&HEALY
will inttL fiM. Ulf o.-ly .U t
trlfcl * rtq t 4 Ijr Hindi r J'ruial
ri U , Trloiatop ,
WE AK ME N ! ut
P1"tl i"1r T tftgrT..i. Klil R > T tT or < >
JmmiTi iO . . .
i'iimild. loolhlrgrurrtnti of
r IhrjiiijU 1 | r k p > iir.itor. |
i ; Advortlalng hiu nlwilH piovui )
successful. Dofoio plactninny
NowHiuior | | Ail vert IM UK uonau't
* r _ / iiirvir iftik i i'k iu '
U U It H 4 lkli CHICAGO.