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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1888)
" s gy g V i g ' 3pJr { < V F- ' " " jr ? I I . > i i BEE SEVENTEENTH YEAR. , OMAHA , SATURDAY MORNING. JANUARY 28 , 1888 , NUMBER. 224. INVESTIGATING THE BRIDGE , Our Council BlufTa Connection to Bo Inquired Into. A DETAIL FOR THE PURPOSE. lantern MoniberH of the House Form n Combination to Deprive West- crn Cities ol'Muc-h-Nccded Public Arc They Violating the Charter ? WASHINGTON' HimilAU THE OVIAIH Hen , ) T , > WASIIIMITOV , D. U. , Jan . 27. ) The secretary of war has Iiistuietc-d Gen crnl Diiunc , ihlcf of the cnginecis. to dctull an ofllcer to Investigate whethei the Omaha and Council Hltiffs Hiidgo company Is eon structlng the biidgo ncioss the Missouri river In aecoidmico with the plans uppiovcd by the war dcp.u tincnt. This action is taken in aecoidmico with the icsolution picpaied byScnutorMandcrsoii und passed by the sen ate , calling for infoi million fiom the set-re- tmyof war icg.udlng the mutter. The see- retmy hoi > es within a few weeks to obtain nl ! the dceired information , mid it is undci stooi ! that unless woik Is being cm i led on in ac corduncu with the plans uppioved that a stoi will bo piomptly put to the enterpilse. There seems to bo an Impression that the companj bus attempted toovudo the act which calls for the building of a rallioad and wagoi bridge , mid which was thus specllic-d In orde i to prevent , us was charged ut the time , the l\ Union Pueillo fiom huVing , us it has had , ! | I monopoly of mil transportation ucioss th Missouri river between Council HlufCs am Omaha. I-ADDOCK'S M.VS VOSTOH H R 111 II IIIXO HIM. Senator Paddock has piepartd a blllvvhlcl ho will Introduce as a substitute for his post ofllto bill now before the committee of th senate und w hich will pi o vldu w ith moro de tail for the construction of postofllco build ings in cities wlioio postofllces of the secoiii class me In operation and whcio the gloss re ccipts for tlu eo j eai s previous have amounte to10,000 The favor which Sonuto Paddock's bill has already been teceivcd tlu oughout the country has induced him to formulate a moiotaiefully prepaiedme.isuto , Which ho constiuetul on the lines of hlsoiigi- nul bill , but vvhith will moio stionglynnct nil objcttions which will bo uigcd ag.iinst legislation of this ch.uutter. rum ID ni'iMiixn HIM , tovnix VTIOXS. The opposition to the lonsidei.itlon of bills from the committee on public grounds and buildings in the house has forced a union of representatives fiom thu west as uguinst thosu of the east , the latter b cing led by Mr. Ktuidull and backed up by the ob jector Holmmi , of Indiana. Them Is u very ntiong feeling existing among westein mem bers ut this combination for opposition to the consiileiution of bills for public buildings in the west , mid they mo detei mined to bi ing the matter to an issue and lorco a fair hear ing in the case of right and Justice. The cast is so thoroughly piovided for in the way of public buildings that they aiu in favor of rigid ceonomj so fur us It uffe-its other Bcttlons than theli own und they huvo com bined to prevent a fulr consldeiution of the interests of the west In the w ay of public- buildings at the present session. A ( OMI-l.rKXin IV Ilbll OLD A(1P. T. W. Sullivan was formeily adjutant of the Fourth cavalry , but seven or eight ycm s ugo mysteriously disappeared. His old mother , who is moio than seventy j curs of age , has been living In abject povoity und Buppoited by charity in Washington over Blncu his disappearance , but will in all pioba- bllity within u few weeks bo placed in cotnfoitablo clrcumstumcs for the icstof her life. A couple of w eeks ago Colonel C. H. Tibbit , who was formerly the commander of Sullivan's regiment , tiaccd him to Mob- orly , Mo , and obtained undoubted ovidcncu of his death at that place a few jems ugo. Then Colonel Tibbits hunted up Sullivan's mother , who was found in a tenement liouso in onu of thobutkstit-etsof Washington in most distressing circumstance's but having nil the proof neccssm y to establish her ident ity. Theio was iieuily f27OUO bai k uav duo Sullivan at the time of his death , and it is thought the mothci can obtain this money , . which is now in the hands of the paj muster gene-nil , without the action of congiess. AMIS. KKHS's I'l X-.IOX. The house committee nn Invalid pensions will on Momliii next take up the bill to giunt n pension ot $ JIKX , ) u j car to Mrs Logan , und Hcpiesontutivo Mcbhune , who 1ms it in chuige , is conHrtcnt Unit ho can get a favorable icport upon It , in fact , ho believes that every member of the committee will support the bill with the exception of Matson - son , the chilli man , who would do the same if ho was not on recoid as opposing the measure in the lust session. McShuno suj s ho has not the slightest doubt of securing favoinblo consldeiation in the house and getting the bill to the president before thu Hist of Maic'li. MM Ml AN'D I HMUN'nS MCI.T. Senator Edmunds mid Justice Lamnr met , for the llrst time since the former tried to defeat the hitter's continuation , at the Thursday reception tit the White house. They collided at the entrance of thogiecn room , mid those who stood around and knew how bitterly Edmunds hud fought the noml- i nation wondeied what would hapiicn. A .1 repetition of the sec-no that occuiied when Hlalnu mid Edmunds met ut thu luueiat of Piesident Aithur wus expected , but it did not occur. Justice Lamur is too much of a [ gcutlcmnn. The two shook hands us cor dially us ever , and chatted lor a w hllo in thu best of temper. A few moments after a filcnd who met the icmmked "I'd liUo Know senator : to what you said to Lunnir mid what ho said to .vou When ion met over there. " "Thcio wus nothing of extiiiotdinm v brilliancy of inteicst bald on either bide , " answcit-d the senator , "Hut what was it I" persisted the Cue ml. "Well , if vou insist upon knowing , 1 10- maikcd to him , 'Howdy do. " Ho loplic-d 1 , 'How-dy do,1 and Unit was ubout nil the eon- vcisatlon. . & . As Lamar expected all the time that Ed- 1 inunds would oppose him , ho has no feeling | j on the subject , alid said thu other day that fy > ho could forglv o cv cry ono of his enemies with a fullhcait. Mr. Edmunds has spent isn 1'ood deal of time in the supreme louit loom lately , having hud several cases to mguo. toil AN INIIMNC1IOOI. . \t XIOIIIIMM. Hepicsentutlvu Doisey Intends to introduce in thu house on Monday mid Senator Marnier- son will intiodiico in thu scnatu a bill uppio- pinitlng t-'iO.OOO for thulontituictionof build ings for un Indian bc-hool at Niobiaia and nuthori/ing thosecictaiyof war to icieivo donations to It. Piof. Ulloy , supcuntendent of thu Indian schools , lecoinmcnded in his annual u-poit that an Indian school bo es tablished near Niobiaiaund thocitl/ensthoiu liavo offoivd to domitu lands for It. ' 1 ho ? 50- , OOU will constiuct and furnish thu building. IIM'IO COXSUMl-llOX OrfMll > 3. Although Inteicst in congiess Is i entered on a very few bills mid piocecdlngs appear to bo dull , u tally of the routine shows u good deal of activity. Thu assistant dooikeeiusia ut the various entrances to thu hall of the house kept tally jesteiduy of the cauls suit in to members during the duy. Itvvuscs' t limited that there weio lower people at the cnpltol than usual , .vet 1,70X1 cmds wcioscnt [ in. tiOO of these going in by the milndoor. This excludes all the cmds sent In from the ladles' reception room , which weio not counted , but they must have numbcicd at least 500. SM.U.I , TU.K. The postofllco at Pluunlx , Hall county , has been oideicddiscontinued after Jauumy Ul I wall goes to Saratoga. The oftico of the chief of oulnautc In tin navy de-pat tmcnt wus this morning thu seem. of the llrst exhibition of thotmulmnutomatU ! gun in this country. It Is a rapid llrlng email eullmo weapon , opciatlng solely bi lie ' . action of the recoil. Its chief advantages an . Its oanall w eight and its pin Ubilit ) , thu w h > ! < gun In its box weighing less than seventy pounds , the box Doing about six feet In length nml a foot square. It Is claimed- that seven hundred shots a mlnuto can be tired. President Cleveland and Secretary Fairchild - child , followed by u drtettlve , created n stir In West Washington this afternoon by taking n long walk. The air was clear and crisp , and they did not wear overcoats , keeping warm by bilsk steps. It was thu lust walk the president has taken In Washington. I'nini S. HIATII. nnil lown Pensions. .run. 2" . [ Special Telegram to the HhU.l Thu follow ing pensions were granted Ncbraskuns to day : Mexican war William H. Loronce , Hiownvllle. Original- William Fields , I'lattsmouth ; John T. Pinny ( deceased ) , Ashland. Increase Adley A. Strong. Almcria ; John H. Newell , Lyons. Pensions for lowuns Mmy 1 , wl.loAvof Alvin H. 1 { < e\es , Mai cngo ; minors of Thomas Aicher. Delta. Original Ur < jlpo A. Hay cock , Klthlund ; Jackson CVilllspic , Hontons- port : Mm tin V. LJ. MinclGiundy Centre ; Ell MinUel , Ulkader ; nobcrt H. Watts , Hon- upaitc ; William Hughes , New Hampton ; Moigun A. Ciiik.iitgh , licllcvuc ; Andiew T. Miller. South Muscatlno ; Peter Knudsen , Pomeioy ; Hcnjamln O. Young , Mtirt- Insburg ; Andiew W. McDonald , A\oca ; Newton J. Vainer. Waisuw ; Al len Chnffeo , New Moikct ; Edxv.ud H. Tbninus , Ottumwu ; Mortis Oieedlee , Coiy- don. Hestorutlon John W. Mooie , DCS Molncs. Uustorution und Incieuse Isuac rr.i7ler , Indlunolii Hestniation and Keissuo Alvin H Ueeves ( deceased ) , Muicngo. Coininlttcc WAsittNtirov , Jan. 'JT. The delayed do flciency bill of last jear , with the senate amendments , was passed In the house to day : The senate tommittco on election named Tebiuary 17 for hen Ing Tin pie's title to a seat in the senate. After the disposition of the Indiana case the committee began the consideration of the contest of the Tenth Illinois dlstilU between Wotthlngton and Post , listening to the piescntution of the case of Contestant Worthlngton. The house committee on commerce has or- dcud a fiuomblu icpoiton thu bill to bndgu the Mlssouii n\ur at St. Chillies und Jeffei- boti Citi , Mo. National Capital Notrs. W\stits TOV , Jan. ST. The of the ticasury has infoimcd customs oftlccis that the opeuitlon of thu 111 st clause of sec tion 'J,4'iJ of the icvised Ktatutcs , piohibiting the impel tatton of meat cuttle into the United States Is suspended us to Great Hi itam and Ireland upon thu condition that it shall bo shown that plcuio pneumonia has not c\istc 1 In the disti icts where the cattle have been obtained for ono . \cur pi lor to cxpoitatiou und that the cattle .ire Hilly pi otci ted from contagion in ttunspoitution fiom the farm , and that .such cuttle will not bo permitted to hind unless nccotnpinied by certificates of health und a pel mlt fiom the commissioner of iigiitultuie. All tattle imnortcd under thcso clictimstanccs will bo subject to quarantine tor ninety dujs The incident to the steel beums of the ciuiser Cliailciton , now being built nt San Tiancisco , is u inuttorof considerublo anxiety to na\til ofllcials in this city. The inquiry , still in progi ess , has itc\ eloped fuels which givonso to gicat aiiprchenslon comcrnlng the fliniiictcr und iiualltv of thu steel already woikcd into the hull of the Charleston , and further developments are awaited with anxiety. The secretary of the trcasuiy has awarded a silver life saving medal to Gaptain C. W. Johnson , of Wlnni-conne , Wis , for service i endered in saving lives during the past two j cut s. Mr. White of New Yoik , introduced a bill for the protection and administiutiou of lor- estb on public hinds. Kefcircd. A Vacant Sent. WASHINGTON , Jan. 27. The house commit tee on elections to day disposed of the In- diiina contested election tnso by ordering a report to the liouso dcclai ing the scat vacant on the giound that White ( sitting member ) is ineligible , whiloLowiy , contestant , did not huvo u majority of the \otcs cast. The adoi > - tion of the report by the house would necessi tate another election in the Sixth Indiana dis- tuct. Postal Changes. WASHINGTON- . IT [ Telegram to the Hbh. ] Hariy Hnnk was today ap pointed postmaster at I .mem , Kossutli tountv , Iowa , vice Homy Klemdu , lesigued. A ixistofllco has been established atNen/el Cheiij county , Nebiuska , and Gcotgo Nen- ? el appointed postmaster ; also at Ottavia Hutler county , and Jamc-b M. btubb.ut np- jiointcd postmaster. AUHiSTii : ) 1-0 H FOUGKUY. An Aincric-aii Citl/cu in Ijiinlio Uio Dank ul' Wl b\i \ Jamacmon / Uennrtt. ) PMIIS , Jan. 27. [ New Yoik Herald Cable Spctiul to the Ui.c.1 Itandall Cooper , nn Amciicun clti/on from New Yoik City , was arrested at Fontalnblcau the other day at the icqut-st of the English authorities. His isf alleged offense is the making und uttering of n foiged check for 4,000 in the name of Cal 1- low on the Hank of England. Aw oiniiii and two bois weicbi ought from London to give evi- iT dcnto ns to the cashing of the cheek. Cooper piotcsted that ho was innocent , pleaded an illo alibi and iippcalt-d as nn Amciican citizen to ; the minister , The consulate immediately put the cusp in the hands of an Ameilcan solici ' tor In Pai is , who was intci view ed bi i our coi respondent to-day. "Extuulition procedure in Fi.ineo differs totally fiom that of England or America , " said the solicitor. "Thoio mo no judicial proceedings at gieat delay. It Is taken for giantcd and if thu papcis mo m older extiu- dition is mostly conceded. " "Did Coopti's case come within the ticntyl" "I cannot answer that question directly but thcio is no harm in sajing that I advised hill not to icsist in Fiance. Hy doing so he would only bo increasing his tmm of 10o ventivo impusonment and postponing ills chuncoof icli ing upon English law , " - COOIK.-I- left Havre to-night by the South' ampton steamer In chuigo of two Englisl ; h IHJlIco ofilceis. He looked caioworn and in bad health. Ho appeal s gentlemanly and has n i Ith , musical voice His moust.iclio is gray ish ; helms Hue blown o ea und duik hair well blushed. Ho is said to have been coiv | vlcted and sentenced for n similar ciimo tc flvo j ears' Impusonment. This was whul led to his being huspccttd of forging the ! check In question , The pilsoncr piotcst * against his iippichcnslon as Illigiilnnd above all that no other case shall Le gone into ex cept that upon the charge piopor. Piirclinsea Two Cables. [ CYriM | | / / tffSliuJamei Onnlnn lltnnttt. ] llrm.iv , Jan. 27. [ Now Yoik Horalil Cable Special to the ULE. ] Thobuiulesratl to day received communication 10- oe luting to the postal budget , The postal do- e30 piutincnt Is nuthori/ed to expend ti-30OOC - inaiKson the state purchase of thu two sub- mat ino cables fiom Horkum , Lowcstoft and Gicet il , to Valentinhleh'lutliei to have ' boon the pioperty and under the manage 0ih incut of the Amalgamated Gciman tclcgiapl company , Ihu Hcilin state tales them ovci fi-om January , 1 3. li-liiitiniii'i ninii ) VAntl-Hoc-liiliftt Hill , , HEIU iv , Jan. 27. Debate on the untl socialist bill was commenced In the ieiuista to duy. o I.oril . I.dMUis Jan. - -Admiial Holth.un sur - occds UOK- foul Q ) junki loul of Uu-nilml FOURTEEN PEOPLE INJURED , A Disastrous Wreck on the St. Paul Cable Lino. CAUSED BY A RUNAWAY GRIP. The Opening of the St. Anthony Hill llrnnrh Mnrkeil Ity A FrlKhtful Casunlty One Killed ntul Thirteen Wounded. A DriHli to Dcnth. ST. PAUL , Jan. 27. The St. Anthony hill line of cable cars to day 111 st began to run with regularity and a most serious accident signalized the occasion. About 1:30 : this afternoon a grip and passenger car , both hcavilv loaded wlthpassengeis , stalled down the hill. The gilp had been Inspettcd bcfoio it left the end of the line and seemed In per fect order. Hut about midway down the hill the grip fulled to hold the cable und the train rushed down to a cuive half way down the hill , reaching which it hud attained n speed of twenty miles an hour. The gilp ear did not leave the track but the passenger coach whipped off , tinned over and wns diaggcd some distance. Many of the passengers Jumped off , but the majority of those Inclosed In the car could not do so , and nil of them , twenty or more , were moro or less hurt. The only fatality so fur is Moll' villu L Snunders , who was standing on the rear platform of the passenger car and with another man was thrown against n tico when the car flew the track. Ho was horribly ribly crushed and died soon after being taken home. The residents of the neighbor hood thicvv open their houses to the Injuied and the police and phj si- clans were on the ground in a few minutes. Those most seriously hurt were : Louis Hobert. left hand toi n off at wrist , and his mm being b idly mangled ; Conductor Noith , badly tut about the fuco and bunds will : biokcn gluss , and hint internally ; George P. Watson , scilouslv hint in both legs ; C. A , linker , hands and legs cut and Oiuiscd ; Mis' Ada Keresten , severely cut about the face Mis. Chillies Stecle , internal injuries nni tuts , badly hint ; Hert Dunoweiy senouslj hint about the chest , and a scveio scalp wound ; Mr. Sweeney cut with biokcn glass and badly shocked : A. Hcitiam , tut about head and skull fiae- turcd ; Henry 1 ! . Smith , severe scalp wound : A. T. Smith and. son. burned by car stove falling on them ; Milton O. Hrown , aim hurt : Andiew Mason , badly cut ; Miss Limit Thoisen and Mrs. Don beaman of Milwau kee , severely bmned about limbs and body P. J. Mt i st , right knee shattered , 1 > YING OF STARVATION. A Young Maii'fl Terrible Suffering the Itcsiilt of an Acoldrnt. UmniNO , Pa , Jan. 27 [ Special Telegian : to the Hi i : . ] Jacob Kollcnbcrgcr , u JOUIH man nineteen jears of age , about two month ago while working In a stove foundry in Phil adclphia , was injured by nn explosion of molten ton iron. The explosion killed ono man nnc quantity of the molten fluid Hew in young Kollenbergcr's mouth. The theory of the phi siciuns is tlmt a quantity of the mol ten iron slipped down his throat , and in cool- ing closed up the passage loading to his stomach , ns smcu then it has been impossible to give him any nourishment except by in jecting it in iluid form. When in good health the joung man weighs 14 ( ) pounds , but his weight ha now been reduced to IK pounds. When ho arouses himself from the influence of the opiates which uro given him ho constantly appeals piteously for food. Every means have been tried to remove the obstacle which shuts out food fiom lus stomach , but all have failed , and it is thought that starvation will finish its woik in n few days , A few days previous to the accident ho was mm nod to Miss Catherine Duhl , of this city , who has spent her honeymoon in uuising him during his teuiblo suffering , ItoosevelfH Appointment. NEW YOIIK , Jan. 27. [ Special Telegram to the HKU.I Clubmen were sutpiised when they learned jestci duy that J. Hooscvclt , or "Uoosoy , " as ho is known by his intimates , hud been appointed by President Cleveland , - of legation at Vienna. About town , jcste-tduy muni said It was the futhei' , James - H. Uoosovelt , who had been appointed , and not the son. The elder Hoosevelt has long been conspicuous for the interest lie has taken m municipal affairs in the cause of democ racy. When it was settled that it was the son who hud been appointed , a reporter made iiKiuiiiesns to the politics of the now secre- taiy. "Politics , did jou sayi" said a mem ber of ono of the Fifth avcnuo clubs , "Uoosey cast a votoj Why , I never knew ; in fact I don't think ho troubled his III 1IIV.I. , X ItVdl l > 111 111 IV U\J over llUUftVlt 111 head about it. Hut ho is a splendid fellow for nil that. " Mr. Hoosevplt , some jeurs f ago , man led Miss Helen Astor , daughter of William Astor. Ho was never engaged in business , but has taken considerable Interest - in the management of thu state charities and kindred subjects. Hois about forty jears old , is consideicd a good whip , being a mem ber of the Coath club , and also of the ICnlck- cibockcr. Uoth father and son uro now in Euiopc. An Anti-1'overty Split. Nr.vv YOIIK , Jun. 27. [ Special Telegram to the lire. ] The long expected icvolt in the labor tanks has taken place and Dr. Me- Gh mi , the deposed pastor of St. Stephens chuich , and Hem y George , prophet of the paity , mo said to bo puisuing dlffutent paths - and do not spj.ik as they pass by. The land and labor paity , which , under the title of the united labor party , promised to inaugu rate a new era in cltystato and national poli , tics , is feeling the effects of this alleged dl- v ision sci lously. The [ auxiliary unti-povci ty society , which promised tomukotho worldun - emthlv paradise , also suffers more or less. According to the statements mndo by the dlssitisllud ones of these oigunizutions the tioublo 01 igmatcd at the time the Clarendon - hallplutfoun was adopted by the Cooper ! union meeting , mid Mr. Gujbort Harnes , the secretary of the Land and Labor club , the distinguished Hlsmntckof thu party , is bald , to bo responsible for the eruption. * ' , Double Murder and Lynching. SVNTA AVA , Cala. , Jan. 27. 0. H. Hitchcock - . cock , a prominent farmer , came to Santa Ana last Monday w ith his wife and acknowledged ° a deed to his piopcity to a German named Anschhig. They i etui ned home , but not being seen thereafter the neighbors glow sus picious qf foul play , instituted search , and jc-steidiiv the dead bodies of Hitchcock and his wlfu were found side by side in a hole In thogiuund. Hitchcock's tlitoat was cut from eai to ear , and his w ifo's head was split open w Ith a hati hot. It seemed evident Ansehlag : hud mutdcrcd them toictaln the money ho had paid them for the land. - Charles U. Hitchcock came to this state In - 1870 fiom Elgin , ill. His father mid mother uio now living ut Compton , 111. Ho was - very highly icspeeted and one of the most prominent men In the county. 0 Found Guilty of Manslaughter. - DC\m\oon , Dak. , Jan 27i [ Special Tele gram to the Urn. ] The Jury In the cose of the tciritory vs Edvvjn T. Smith , who shot Juuniuh Clancy at Sturgis in November last , after being out forty houis returned a verdict of manslaughter in the Iltst dcgieo. - Sentcneo is not jet passed. The minimum penalty is ten . \ears ; the inaxitnun life. The Cora Ijvo Trial. Pi , Mo. , Jan. 27. Aigutnonts In tbr Cora Leo tilal occupied all day and ovc- nJug The cam will piobably go to the jur/ to wprrvMY. ' , WITH i ixs. Mitchell and Sulltran AVrltc Letters to the Press. ICnpyilglittA IfSS l > u WHc Ymh Anottatttl P ' . [ CLoxDoxJan. . 271 [ Now York Herald Cubic-Special to the nE.-Smlth ] and Kll- rain were nt Leicester this evening , where they and Mitchell had the usual enthusiastic reception , and where the often described lounds wore given. The hitter has written the following letter to Editor Atkinson , of the Sporting Life : 1 wish to state that if Mr. Hull wants to know what prompted mo to make n speech fiom the Aquarium stairo I will tell him. I iccclvcd u letter from Birmingham Infouulug inc that n gang of ruffians had been engaged to operate in the same manner ns they did In the Greenllcld-Smith flght. This , coupled wltU Mr. Hull's ' offensive language at } our office , naturally incensed me. Mr. Holsko sajs 1 am unpopular in America. He evidently knows little of Americans or their opinions. I've ' been en- tci tamed by the ollto of society both In America and Canada , and probably huvo nioie influential ft tends there than any other boxer. And what li more , 1'v ' o made moro money in Ainctlcii than any English professional. If that Is being ifhfopulur , play on , let mo hnvo moro of It. Mr. Holsko's other remarks met with the con tempt they deserve , j I nm prepmcd to meet Mr. Hull on any stngo and argue the point with him in n fair and proper spult. The trio leave Leicester Saturday evening , and on Monday Mitchell goes to Westgatc- on-tho Sea , whore Ivilraln trained , mid there begins what ho cnlls'hls training for the Sul livan contest. Sullivan also tukci up the pen Instead of the gloves and has written this letter to Edl tor Allison of the Sportsman : The Ilimsy , evasive reply which Fleming has made to my last offer to Jem Smith ap pears to bo the most ridiculous ono ever pub lished and must necessarily lessen the inter est hcictofoio bestowed upon Smith mid his manager. It may be ns well for mo to nnu- l.V/e the lecords of both Smith and Kil- laiu. Plcming deflates Kiltain is champion of America Did ho over light for that title , or has ho over displajcd form sufficient to place him in the fust class ! No. 1 always knew him to bo a tominon , eveii-day scrap per and an instructor of boxing. As for injself , I made Klhain run olt a stage once in two lounds. Ho challenged mo when I had a biokcn arm , thcrcfoio ho got away with the bluff. Smith has beaten several men , it is true , but ho has failed to finish Alf Gicenllcld , who passed his davs of usefulness bcfoio the meeting. I won the American championship in the ring , with baie knuckles , und being unable to pioeuro customers I was foiced to assume the role of boxer instead of fighter , disposing of all comers in a limited number of rounds or agreeing to foi felt the gate re ceipts , providing I was unsuccessful. I am rccogni/ed in America us champion of that counti y by all good judges. I have como hero to meet England's best man , but to all appearances I shall bo disappointed. Fleming has thus far squirmed out of every offer , however liberal it may bo , and now that ho is closely cornered ho alleges that Smith requites u icst after his desperate (1) ( ) battle nt Rouen. I hereby agree to defeat Jem Smith in the * sixth round with small gloves , according to the Marquis of Quccns- beny rules , ten days after my battle with Mitchell , the contesHo occur near London before a limited number of spectators. Should I full in my undci tak ing , I w ill forfeit to Smith JC500. I wish the public to know , providing Smith is beaten , that ho loses nothing , while in the event of his success I lose .4.200. Any of the offers 1 have advanced to Smith mo open to Kilr.iin. Can any man living muko gi eater saciiliccs or concessions than I have ? Surely Smith must como to the front or w lit like a wet tag. I shall adhere to my original declination of returning homo the llrst week in April , and in the event of my being unable to effect n meeting with Smith befoio my departure from England , I shall then proclaim without stint that Flem ing was afraid to have Smith meet nn ) . When wo mo both in Amcilca I shnlly set my tracks for the Foxy lighter mid dnvo him into a fight , regardless of what lus desires or intention may bo. In America It is customary to put up money Hist , then talk afterwards , so let Fleming cover the money I liavo in jour hands before ho goes talking as to what ho will do. Kiluiin Is piiv- ilegcd to cover the money that I have stuck under his nose , if Fleming con tinues to display his weakness , or both can plank down 250 each in your hands to cover my 500 , otherwise , It will get moulded from ago waiting for champions to show what right they have to the titles they claim. AN EIGHT-ROUND CONTEST. J. AV. Curtis Knocks Out "Black Frank" at Duluth. DULUTH , Minn. , Jan. 27. [ Special Tele gram to the Hi r. ] About six hundred people witnessed the eight tound contest this evening - ing in the Duluth theater between "Hlutk Frank , " of Ashlund , Wis , and J. W. Curtis , of Duluth. The foimcr was seconded by William M , AI- cock , the manager. Gcorgo Siddons , the well known lightweight , who lights "Tho Spider" next Friday , seconded Cm tis James C. Muinaiio WHS referee and Pi .ink Haj sand James Folov timekeepers Tor the Hist per turn of the light odds were laid on Pi .ink , but Cut tis won in the eighth lound with u swinging loft-bunder , which kept his muu out until time was culled. Denver SnortH in Danger. , Colo. , Jan. 27. [ SpecialTelegram to the 13bu.l No little excitement was created to night by the circulation of n lumor that ' the Aiapahoo lounty grand jury , now in ses sion hcie , will icturn 250 Indictments ugalnst the men who attended the Godfic'i-Johnson prlro light on Wednesday. The Indictments will bo for "unlawful assembling. " It Is un i- derstood that after the indictments have been served in this county the mimes will bo tinned over to the gnmd juiy of Houlder county , where the fight took place , and in i- dictments found for "participating in puzo lights. " Some of the most piomlnent men of he fatute and county nio "on the list. " Ktllcn's Estimate of Clow. DULUTH , Minn , Jan. 27. [ Special Tolo- gramto the Her. ] Pat ICillon sends word fiom St. Paul that while ho docs not think that there Is much to bo gained by defeating John P. Clew , ho is ready to meet him on his own teuns and wherever ho may desire. A Well Known Pi Inter Dead. ST. Louis , Jau. 27. George Clark , presi dent of Tipogiaphleal Union No. S of this city , died to day. Clark was tvvlco president of the International TyiKigruphleul union and was a prominent candluuto for 'ho position of public in Inter prior to the appointment of Benedict. ' Significant Preparations. LONDOV , Jan. 27 , Mail ad vices from St. Pctersbmgsay the government intends to Irttgely met case the Uusslan gairlbonson , the Pacltlc coast and greatly autitneiit the | PuciUc Ue t. EVILS OF THE WAR TARIFF , Prominent Business Mon and States men Discuss the Situation. ALL PARTY LINES OBLITERATED. The DnngcrH of a Surplus Presented By Able Speakers nt n Meeting In I'hllnilclphin-A Plat form Adopted. American Imbor Hoodwinked. 1-iiiA , Jiui.27. A largely attended tin Iff meeting was held at the academy of music this evening "to cnfoico and indorse the recomincndutlons of Picsldents Aithtir and Cleveland for revenue lofoim. " The meeting was called to 01 derby William M. Slngcrly. Ux-Sccrctnry of State Stcnger was elected secretary , and the 2" > 0 business men who signed the call for the meeting were constituted vice presidents. Upon the stimo were over two hundied well known Philadelphia citizens of both parties , among them cx-Govcinois Hoyt and Paulson. The audience was at tentive and enthusiastic throughout. Lettci s of i egret from Hugh McCulloch , S. S. Cox , Secretary i-'uirehlld , Speaker Carlisle , David A. Wells and othci s weio lead. Mr. MtCul- loch sold the turlR was n vvur measure , had served Its purpose and should bo caicfully re vised ; tnat the surplus which it creates Is but ono of its evils. What Is now wanted Is a tariff for revenue with incidental piotcc- tion. tion.The The first speaker was Congicssmnn W. C. P , Hrcckenridgc. Ho said : The surplus now ncciulng Is so much stibtruttt-d from the business enterpilses of the countiy. It fostcis coriuptlon , and is a perpetual menace to honest government. Hut as these sue tliei uio the least of the evils which confront us now , for this uccumulatlng sur plus thicatens business panics and is cjlucut- ing the people to false ideas of their iclatlons to the government. This is not a paternal govci nment. The money in the ticasury is not the money of the gov ernment. It is the money of the people , wiling fiom them by a false aiidwiong policy of taxation. Twenty-seven jears ago our Hug was In oveiy pott ; now it is In Bc.ucely any. Tiado has been lost to us by n false sjstem which makes the rich , richer , but the poor , pooler. To obtain some idea of what wo can do , look at the leather Undo of the country and how it has tlu ived sitito wo allowed hides' to come in free. The suicst gu.uanty of the perpetuity of this govcinmcnt is the content and tranquility of labor. Wo don't have that now , because our system is falsfc. and wo must abandon it. What is wanted is for the pcn- plc , the laboring people , to get out of their minds the idea that the labor of America needs pi otcction against the pauper labor of Europe , and to get into it that the best pro tcction for labor is independent manhood. Uefcrnng to Piesident Cleveland's message , the speaker said ho was proud to live in a day when a man could bo elected chief magistrate of a nation a biavo enough and honest anil mindful enough of his obligations to the people who could , with the pichidcncy in hi gift , lay it aside for his duty. A platform was then adopted setting fortl : that tax reduction is a necessity ; that the remedy .for excessive 10venue ig revised tax ation. After referring to the rcconunendu tlon ? of Arthur and Cleveland , the platforn states that the existing duties upon raw ma tt-rials which are to bo used in manufactures should bo removed. The duties upon urticlc1 used or consumed by those w ho arc least nbli to bear the burden of taxation , should be re- dutcd. Ex Congressman Hurd , of Ohio , said hi did not come to Philadelphia to untagonl/i the great industiial intcicsts of Pcnnsvl vnnia , but in the hope that ho might bo abl to pursuado her people the suiest way t perpetuate them would be to refoi m the sj s tern of taxation , which was now threatening the countiy with disaster. Mr. Huul thei entoicd into an elaboiate argument to dem onstrate that the tauff was not in icahty pro tection to American labor and American cnterpi ise , but only , in some instances , th' ' handmaid. Born nt a Dance. NEW YOIIK , Jan. 27. [ Special Telegram t the 13rr. ] H. Hums , a boot and shoe dealer , was presented by his wife with u addition to the family in a very novel nm unexpected pluco Wednesday night. Mr Han is and his wife had gonu to thu ball o Acliui bholom lodge of the Pico Sons o Israel to liavo a good time. Mrs. Harris is very fond of dancing , and she had looked forward to along evening's plc.isuio. Hu the little stranger mudo his nppearanei while the pieludo to the second laiicieis wa1 being bounded , and Mr. Hun is was told thu1 ho was the huppy father of a bouncing boy It was close on the ninth anniveisuiy of hi wedding and this was the eighth event of tin kind. The assembly cluistened the in fun Sholom Everett Hurt is , and passed a vote o thanks to Coroner Messemcr , who ofllciutcc Mr. Harris took his wife and baby homo in coach. Mrs. KiivvKoo Arrested. CHICAGO , 111. , Jan. 27. Mis. Uawson , who wus Indicted jcsterday by the grand jary for complicity in the assault with intent to kill upon Hanker Uawson , was arrested at the county jail this moining when she came to visit her son , .voting Leo. Her luvvieis are looking up bondsmen for her , and she w ill probably bo ublo to give bail befoio this evening. She wns it-leased this evening on a bond of $ JUOO. The I'opp AddrcsscH the C/ar. Rovr , Jan 27. The pope has wiitten nn autograph letter to the c/nr thanking him for the cxpicssions of good will contained in the uddiess of the cz ir sent him on the occasion of his Jubilee. The czar hoped his holiness would aid him to hurmonl/o the needs of the itonnin chuich in Russia with the fundamen tal pimclph s of his empiio. To this the pope it-plies that the holy s > eo is piepaicd to do cverithing in its ] > ewer to meet the desires of thu Kubblan govcinmcnt. Moro CrlincH Act Con viol IOIIH. Di'iniv , Jan. 27. The trial of Patrick O'HiIen , M. P. ; Thomas 11 me , picsldcnt of the Uallinasloo branch of the National league ; John Hujdqn , editor of the Wcst- me.ith Kxamlncr , for offenses under the crimes net , was held to-day O'Hiicu und Hi mo were sentenced to four months' im prisonment and Hnvdon to thico months. Gladstone to Ills 1-ollowcrH. LONDON , Jan , 27. Achcular issued from Floiencoby aiudstonoon the 21th lust , ad dressed to his followers in paillamcnt , sajs the state of public nffalis appears to render it ccituln that important discussions may bo expected to ilso Immediately upon the meet ing of paillamcnt. A Toronto Hank Closed. TOIIOVTO , Jau 27 The nunagtrs held a proti acted meeting to duy legardlng the af- j fairs of the bank shares , which dtopped twenty points hinco Monday , and decided to wind up the bank's business Other banks will take over the asstts to pay deposited s In full , commencing to moiiow. YPiincc Piomotcd. QPoTTSDAM , Jan 27. To daj was the twenty , ninth nnnlvei son of the birthday of Prince William , and no was appointed major general oral and commander ol the Second Uilgado of Infuntiy Guards , AN OMAHA MAN'S LUCK. Jlc Is Left a flood-Sized I'ortuno In England. CmcvOO , .Tan. 27. [ Special Telegram to the HEP. ] Arthur Hurton , n good-looking ioung Englishman , come to America a few jears upo to make his foitune. Ho left a good-looking wife behind. Itcnchlng Chi- cii.-o ; Hut ton found cmploj incut nt the union stockjnids , wet king ns a butcher In the establishment of Nelson Mon Is. Later ho worked for .Swift. July 14 last he gave up his situation and told his landlady ho would go to Omaha and try ills foittinu there. Ho was seen no more and nothing fin tlier was heard fiom him. Mis , Plumb iccolvcd a letter fiom Haiton's wife at rindcn , near Uciby , ling- land , enclosing a photograph of her husband nnil bet self , und saving his father had died leaving him solu heir to piopcity worth $ . > 0 , . 000. She requested Mis. Plumb to miiko ev cry effoi t she could to dlscov cr the w here abouts of Aithur and send him home , us nothing could bo done with the piopcity until he put In an appeal am c. Mis. Plumb-notl- , lied Cuptuln Mm key , of the Town of Luke police , and Inanities will bo nnidofurthu lucky Urltlshcr at Omaha. A JOIXT onMOXSTlAT10N. 'attlcmcii ' Will Help Celebrate lcn- ver'H Oiilf Connection. Divi u , Colo. , Jan. 27 ( Special Tele gram to the HKI : 1 Piesident H O. Head , of the Intel nutionul Kangc association , and General Manager Meek , of the Denver , Texas A : Tort Worth road , to duy had a con ference with refcicnco to the duto of the ! ic\t annual cattle convention to bo held in this city in March. The objt-i t of the asso ciation Is to have their convention on the sumodav of thocelebiation of the comple tion of the , to be made thu occasion of a giand demonstration to bo arranged by the chamber of commeico and the business men of the city gcneiallv. General Manager Meek stated that c\eiy effort would be made to have the load in good winking older Match 15 It will bo completed cm Her if possible , and icitalnly not lutci than this date. This was Mitisfuc ton to the c.ittlo men , and In a day or two the call for the convention will bo made for that day. Thu session will last four duvs The cattle men of Texas , New Mexico , In dian tenitoiy and Aii/ona who have been appointed delegates to the convention have taken initial steps for a giand exclusion over the now toad for the puiposo of attending thu meeting , mid thu chamber of tomineico has made m range-incuts to celcbiato thu event , w Inch gives thu titj a tluough line to the Gulf of Me\Ito MANITOBA APKAIUS. . . A Deficit of $ : . - > ( ) , OOO In the Treamiry Kailioad Talk. WiNMl'i o , Jan. 27. Experts have found n delltit of f.r > 0,000 in the accounts of the piovmco. Mcmbeisof the late govcinmcnt account for it in connection with the light with the dominion govcinmcnt on the tail load question , but the books niu kept in n veiy bad shape , and it is dlftltult to say how things ically stand. Proposals liavo been made fiom Ottawa that the province c-tnsu agitation on piomlso that the Canadian Pacific monopoly would bo abandoned In Ib'll. At a lonsciva tivo meeting last night it was decided to op pose all compiomlses and support the Giecu- way goveminent until the piovinco's are conceded. Horticulture and the Tariff. SAN JOSE , CaL , Jun.,27. At the convention of the American society yester day aftemoon , soveial papers were road ami resolutions were adopted , petitioning congress gross to pass such laws ns will mote effec tively pieseivo the foicsts ; also a petition against the i eduction by congicssof the ex isting tni iff on gi ecu and diicd fruits , nuts , wines and other and ngiicul- turnl pioduits , on the giound that such ic- duction would injure all und dcstioy man > of tliCbC industiics. St. 1'aol'n Ice Palace Stormed. ST. Pui. , Jan. 27. The Hist storming of the ice paluco to night was u great hiiccoss Piobably 2r > ( )0 ) unifouned membois of the vaiious c.unival clubs joined In the pniado and lHOl)0 ( ) , ) would be u simill estimate of the ciovvd that thiongcd the sidewalks and svv.umcd on the hills and houses as well as in the palace grounds. An Ahsi-onder Ariestcd. , T\f KSONMI i c , ria , Jan , 27. George Hay- wood Caipcntcr , the absconding picsident and trc.isuicr of the Hiooksldu Knitting com pany and other coi potations in New York- who has been living in this city sinceNovem , her undci an assumed name , was m rested to day. A MiniMcr Mated. ST. Josni'ii , Mo , Jan. 27. [ Special Tele gram to the Hi.r J The Kev. G. U. Guidnei , lector of the Holy Tiinity Episcopal chuich of St. Joseph , i etui ned homo with his Dude. Miss Jessie Lewis , of Lonvillc , N. Y. , to whom ho w as mm ned in that place a few dajs ago. Loiivillu w as Mr. Giudnci's ' for mer thurgc. A Train llohhcr Captured. MfMl'ltts , Tcnn. , Jan 27. James Huriovvs , who has been the organizer , as well us the leader in all ti.iin lobbcrics whlth have oc curred for several years past , uruved hciu this moinmg fiom Montgomeiy , Ala. , and loft for Tcxuikana , Tex. , in custody of the ofllccis. Fatally Kicked lly a Horse. Ru-inCm , Dak , Jan 27 , [ Special Tele giam to the Hci ] Hobble , the tlu ccj ear- old son of Charles Chadwick , living twelve milts noith of licit1 , was kicked by a hoi so this mo i mug and will likely die , His skull was fiaetmcd badly. Commlsulonei- Makes a Denial , WvsiiisoTos , Jan 27 Albeit rink , com mlssloncr of the ti link lines , appeal ed befoi o the Inter-stato commeico commission to-day in connection with the ho u ing of the car load lot i ase. lie denied the injustice of thu thaigts as llxed. A I'nillnmeiilary 1'orcciiHt. LONDON , Jan. 27 The Standaid says it Is utithoiUed to state that the pioctduic mcus- uio will bu thu ill st business of the coming session of parliament after the adoption of tlui.iddicbs in icpli to thu speech fiom thu tlu ono. _ Valid For the Full Amount. Srii.i.wATric , Minn , Jan 27. Judge Me- Clucr this afternoon dt-cult'd the SSOO.OOJ picfeircd stock claim of Seymour , babln v. Co against the Noithwestein Car tompani to bo valid for the full amount. The SjkcH Trial. Cult uio , Jan 27 In the Sikcs tiial to day testimony very damaging to the defend ant was given bv Attorney Smith and Oison Smith of the Meithunts Loan und Tiust company. Smallpox at Han I'Y.inelxco. S\v I'jtANTisro , Jan. 27I'ho steamer , City of New Yoik , from China and Japan , niiivtd this uftetnoon with tlui-o eases of smallpox on board. She has been iitinian lined. Coffee Panicky \culn. Nr.vv YOHK , Jun 27 - The tolTco mil Ucl Is wraUnnd panicky. Piiics bioko ' 'U to II points on ilrbt .sales mid has since declined < iO points , llliuit Voiy Sirk. D iuiN , J7 The doctor of ' .M yrV * * lit wl Ich Wllficd liliint is conlliiea ! , , Hll- vised Ulunt tu be put lu I lie Tbo Great Blizzard Roaches tbo At- lantio Coast. TRAINS STALLED IN SNOW BANKS All Communication Out Oft on Mnnjr Trunk MUCH New York City Is Thentencd With Milk Famine. ThIlltiard In the Kast. NMYOHK , Jan. 27. Thu stoiiu of lost nipht and jesteiday wns most sevcio In the ilohawk valley. Thu New Yoik Cent ml bandoned all Its tr.ilns on the Hudson lilvcr Iv MUM at ti o'clock lust night on account of ho snow blockade. The wind , which blow t the into of sixty miles per hour , swept the ght snow ucioss tracks in such quantities hat resistance to It was useless. There weio hrcepassenger tialns dialled In the snowbc- w ecu Albany and Now York , and fully n icoie of fieight tialns. The Chicago limited cxpicss over the New VoiKCential in i Ued this moining , thirteen notii shite. The St. Louis limited over the : i io icnchcd Deposit tit 5 o'clock this morn- ng , and at noon was in a snow bank n mlU ) . list of tlmt point. The Kilo onicluls lofuso > nfoimutton In icguid to the condition of the road. milk famlno Is thicntcncd Trains over nnny of the roads me bulled In snowdiifts irlth the lontents of the cans fro/en tolid. sixt.v loaded with milk me snowed In near Middlctown. The milk tinins over the arc the only ones in to- tav. Advices to the Associated press mo to the jffcit t nut the stoi in has hern Hteadlly In- teasing thiouuhoiit the noithcrn part of his state for the p ist foitv eight hours and .s at Its wotst to night The tempciatttro is fulling and the w hid blow hlg a gale and the mow is dnftlng upon the lullvvnv .i.uks nndeotintiy ro.uls , lujing u general embargo on getting about. Thu fie'ght block ade , both nn the Hudson Klver and New Yoik Cent nil , slm-o Wediipsduy is the heavl- cstcvei known. Other tluough ionics uro 10 bcttt r oil. Snow plows uro almost us > .css. Hiiiho ul men have nol known so bad n stoi m foi twentv-llvo.vears liiiini VOIID , Mo , Jim. 27. riom 4 o'clock jesterduy morning till ! l o'c'oik last nig it n tiains passed tluongh hero. At U o'o'ovo seven passenger t tains and ono fi eight tiain wcioblockudcd withina mllu of this city. 'I ' ho passcngeisof nil de-laved timns weio [ iiovided with piovlsions by the lailtoadiom- jiany , and at Old Oichuid they were taken to hotels. Ainvvv , N. Y. , Jim 27 This morning Muds the stoi in cleuied away. The thcr moinrtcr is about /cio and u strong wind makes the cold h'lciiKc. The railiouds uio even in woisc condition than they weio jcs- tciday. No tiains whatever mo being moved on tlio Deluwiiiu ix , Hudson. The niilioud tiaeks west of lieio mo all blocked and tiains fiom New Yoiknnd Hoston mo moved with the greatest difficulty. No fi eight tiains mo being i mi in any diiection. Komi sTPit , N. Y. , Jan. 27. Trains for the cast m o ai riving fiom four to ten bourn late. late.Titov , N. Y. , 'Jan. 27. The effects of the stoi m w cio felt this moining with grc.iter sevcritv than jcstciduv. Tliu Hoston tiain , w hich left hcio at H ) o'clock last night , ran inui the icurend of a freight train a mlle west of Willianistowli , Mass , this morning , and killrd the lonductor and a brukcinan of the freight. Trains nio arriving over the FitthbuigandCcntial Hudson roadB. Only half of the Albany & Troy Belt Line is in optiation The tluough night train fiom Montical on the Ccntinl A'eimout load Is fast in a snow di ift near Hut lington. 1'iAMot rn , N. H. , Jan. 27. Seven trains uic blockaded between Wan en Summit and Ashland , and some mo without fuel or water. It is impossible to communicate with uny of them. No mulls Ijavc been received he-io since Wednesday night. IiiirN. , . Y. . Jim 2S Owingto the snow all tiains on the Illmiia , Coining & Noithom ut this point mo abandoned today. The ] ) asscngei liuln on this load duo hcioat'1.27 } c- ! > ttidaaftci noon w us stuck nil night in a snow bank and did not m live until 7:1)1) : ) ) this moining. HI/I rvio , Jun. 27. Tialns from the west uio miivingon time , but all trains tiom the cast uio fiom twclvo to llftecn houis late. , Muss , Jun 27. The mull Haiti fiom the noith on the Connecticut Hiver lailto.ul , duo at lloljoke lust night , In - came stalled in a < nt two miles north of tl at city. A gang of men went to woik to d g in out this moining The snow was blow u < about so thick tlmt nothing could bo seen i few feet distant , and the tiain fiom Gio i.- lleld dashed into the gang , killing three men and Injin ing another fatally. Pm-iii i ii. Muss , Jan. 27. rive loin ? passengertiuins on the Hoston & Albany load aio snow bound lieio. The East St. Louis cxpiess spent thu night in u snow duft near Washington cut with over ono bundled passengeis aboaid. The fast mail which left Hasten lust night for the west spent the night in a duft a mile fiom Hlns- dulo. The passengeis sntTeitd gieutly fiom cold , and many ladles weio piostratcd , and a number of ehlldicn badly fiost bitten. Fi eight ti alns tovei ing over n mlle of track me snowed in near Shake-is and much perish able f i eight will be lost. In many plates the snow bus diifted to a depth of foily feet. HINOIIAMTOS , N. Y. , Jan. 27. Ail trains on the Ktio road mo blockaded at points east and west of this city. Only ono tiain has m lived fiom Now Yoik In thitty houis , and them m o small chain cs for another getting tluough befoio to night. Thico Delawmo it L.ickawanmi west bound tluough trains w em snow til up ut Kokomo Mountain , Pa. , all night , but mmiugcd to leave this morn- intfPHI PHI IIMIH K , Md , Jan 27 The snow which fell Wednesday night dulled so that the i uili nads m o b.ullj obsti m ted LNnn ( u , Pa , Jan. 27 Hullioad tiavcl In this viunitv is gieatly dclujed by heavy snow drills Woikmun mo engaged at Lit- tlutown digging a passenger tiuin out of the Miowdiilt. Hctvvfcn this eitj and Columbia , t'lico fielght tiaiimmo snowbound. HO-TOS , Jan. 27 Uepoits fiom vailoua points in New i'ngland show tlmt all rail- to ids aio sulluting much tiotiblo in the oper ating of tiuins , owing to snowdi Ifts. Pin thcr details of thogieut btoim in New Kiin'hind iriolMil to mcht aio to the erect th it but llttio linpiovemcnt In i.Ulway tnilllo or the condition of the ( otinlry hits resulted. Fiom eveiy ninctlin ion o tu vices of tialns dclavid fiom Ilvo to twcntv four hours or cntiicl.v blockn'cd Whole ruilioad lines or cntiio divisions mo at a eompleto stundstllU Thu Canadian 1'aiillu oxpiess on the Hu-tou ft Lowell tailroad was Htopp d to-lay nour Mctedlth , N. II , In a wiecked snow plow , i'oitj passcngeis hud to walk to the \IlluK" und a numbci of them fiozu their hands ami feet. Joiixim mi , VI , Jun 27. The stoim Is tha sevcri'st ever Known A passenger train fiom Ivcciiolfavlngthcic cslcid.u isstulltl near Nashua. Hi i.viiu ir : , N J. , Jan. 27 - Tim severe hiiow stoi m ot Wednesdnv und Thin sday hun blockaded the loads all tlirou.haijcu . anil counties. The ISIoi-kiulo In Dakota. MniiAXK , Dak , Jun 27 The Hl'uatloix hcio is glowing sc'ilous The load was opened to the blockaded t tain between here and Hlg btono jestenlay and th tiuin brought in The tiain wltli the casturn mall Is stuck at Oitonvlllu and one fiom the west at Twin Hioom , west of hcie This city'vill soon bo shoit of real and thoie Is not a pound of sugar In the dealciH1 hands. IlllnolN Itallioad CommlHslouora. CIIICAOO , Jan. 27. The board of rallrord und \\aieliouso commissioners co sd UA j session to duy by adopting vmloun chanfca _ I in the schedule-of tales and In chisMncntloneJ i In the matter of Itnpldir.t iVtof I nil ji id : an oHklaUt isillkT.Uonfas ud.oul v\