Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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The Dreadful Overlap to Cripple
Omaha's Flro Department.
A ricftflftnt Surprise Councilman
IJCC'H Idea of n OitH Famine Super
intendent linker Without n Sal
ary 1'ostolllcc lievcntieM.
Crippling llic Fire Department.
A reporter from the Hii : : met Mayor
Hrontch yesterday iiiul tisltctl him what
truth there was In n report eoncurtiliiK un
overlap In the money Intended for the iiru de
part incut.
"Thuro is n great deal of truth In the
report , " Bald the mayor. "Tho police and
lire commission Is now engaged In Investigat
ing the subject. Wo met last night , con
sidered u number of bills , looked back over
past accounts , saw what had been p.iid out ,
what had been ordered and about
what the levy would place at our dis
posal for the lire department. Wo did not
conclude our labors before adjournment was
talien. We did not , consequently , got nil the
facts that wo required , but wo gleaned
enough to know that there will bo u great
overlap In the 11 ro dcpaitmcnt fund. The
exact amount of this overlap wo have not yet
been able to determine. Weaio still work
ing on the subject and arc satlsllcd that it will
require the discharge of one-half of the mem
bers of the lire department and ticlng up of
Bevcrul of our hose carts. "
"What has orc.isioncd the overlap I"
"Well up to the present time , a great deal
of attention has been bestowed upon
the police department In ttio at
tempt to get it in condition.
Thai department has now been brought to u
pretty satisfactory condition. During this
time , the lire department has been permitted
to run along , receiving only such attention as
It could reasonably expect owing to the pe
culiar condition of atTairs consequent upon
the misunderstanding which existed be
tween the council and police and lire
board. Articles were purchased and ma
terial was secured , not in u necessarily ex
travagant manner , but in such a way as will
require the cutting down of the membership
mid the machinery of the department by at
least CO per cent. The levy for the support
of the organi/ation is not adequate for the
"Hereafter , " continued the mayor , "the
possibility of n recurrence of this unforlu-
.nnto stnto of affair will never take place , at
least , during my administration. Our com
mission has just emerged from all its difll-
rulties and wo now feel that we can run the
departments committed to us without the in
terference of oilier parties. Wo are now
getting our reports into shape , opening books
for the keeping of our accounts and wo sys
tematizing the affairs of the ottleo that not u
cent will bo expended which is not
within the limit and demanded by
the circumstances of the case. After
this no purchases will bo allowed
to bo made by anybody , except by the board ,
nnd both departments will bu run witli 'busi
ness attention and on business principles. "
The reporter then called upon Chief fal- !
llgan , and was told that ho had heard the
commission had arrived at ttio conclusion
ubovo detailed. Ho of coin-so regretted that
It was necessary to take the step referred to.
It would have an injurious cITcct upon the
city , to say nothing of the danger which
would result from depriving the town of its
present , by no means too largo lire organi/u-
tion , Sornp way , ho thought , o'ught to be de
vised to maintain thedepartment , even though
there was nn overlap , because nobody could
tell what lire might take place to destroy a
dozen times moro than the levy provides
"What is the levy ? "
"For the police force , I think , " said the
chief , , , it is Hvo mills on the dollar on : i
valuation of $ lC.tWX)0 ) ) ( ) ; for the lire depart
ment four nnd one-half mills. "
"What has been the expense of the de
partment for the last ycarl"
"It was fclO.OOO for the last nine months.
That included the pay of men , purchase and
Hiipport of horses , imrchaso and repairs of
npjmralus and improvement to houses. "
J'How largo n force have you now ! "
"There are llfty-two men , includ
ing lino-men. supcrintcndcnls , chiefs
nnd everybody ; six two-horse carts ami u onc-
liorso curt , two hook-and-hulder trnckstwen-
ty-ono horses and three steam engines but
two of these are no good , having become
used up by long usage , " .
"Is the city well supplied now with flro
apparatus and men I"
"If every section of the town had what it
ought to have , the present equipment should
bu increased by one cart at Walnut hill , an
other at ICount/o place in the northern part
of the city , and a third in the southern part ,
say Vlnton and Twenty-third or Twenty-
fourth streels. "
linker's Salary Slopped.
Mr. linker , suporinlendenlof the construc
tion of the city hall , sat easily and comfort
ably In a chair in the ofllco of the board of
public works jesterday. Ho was greatly
enjoying a litlle excursion in lliu history of
this city which was being taken by Chairman
The lin ! : reporter disturbed the supcrtn
tcndent to the extent of asking him if ho had
yet been not Hied by Mayor Hroatch that ho
was no longer lo consider himself in the cm-
ploy of the city.
"I have had no notification , " said the gen
tleman , "except what I got in the HII : : . "
Ho smiled and again turned his attentive
car to the chairman's story.
The reporter later questioned Mayor
Uroalch about Hakcr's salary.
' I have not yet notified him , " ho said , "but
lie will probably receive the notification to-
iluy. I wrote it out last night , but did not
Rend it. I forgot his llrst name and some-
body'stolo the directory out of my oRlco. Hut
It makes no difference. 1 have already given
orders that no voucher must bo made out
for liis salary and my note will tell him that
ho is not under pay of the city. "
United StutL-H Court.
Yesterday in the United States circuit
court , T. M. Woohvorlh , in behalf of the
Council UlutTs and Nebraska Ferry company -
pany , filed a bill against the heirs of William
II. Hrown Martha Hrown , Kmmn X.
lirown MclCenzio , Mary U. Hrown Sorensen ,
John II. C. Hrown and Helen A. Hrown Van
Camp to recover nn eighth interest in lot 1 ,
fractional section IKl , and lot it , fractional
hectlon 'J8 , both in township 7. > , county of
I'ottawatamie , Iowa. According to the rec
ords in the registry of the county , the heirs of
W. 11. Hrown hold the tillo to the lands in
dispute , but the plaintiff claims that just be
fore Hrown's death ho merely hold said prop
erty in trust for the Council Uluffs and
Ouinha Ferry company.
County Court.
A OAlinUli : SflT.
All of yesterday was occupied by .Tudgo
Shields In hearing the testimony submitted
in the action of J. 1 * . Thomas , of San Fran
cisco , Cal , , against Martyn Uros. , of this
city. The complainant alleges that ho shipped
n carload of cabbages from California to the
defendants , ami that they did not make suf
ficient returns for the same. The defense in
reply maintain that the cabbages spoiled en-
route , ami that they were comnellcd to dis
pose of them at a Miurillco ,
< * M'ii : ) nv un : , riuui ) * ro ,
M Yesterday Lee , Fried it Co. brought action
to recover SKH.lti from II. 1C. tiuwjcr & Co ,
for merchundibo furnished.
In her complaint yesterday Anna M.
Thorns-en sets forth that she is the widow of
1'ctcr Soil , late of Washington county , ami
that while Ocorgo , a brother of
the deceased , was acting in Iho ca
pacity of executor of his cstato lie
willfully and fraudulently appropriated
property to his own use to the extent of t" > 00.
fiho lurthers alleges that George lias at
divers times made false accountings regarding -
ing the said * .MX ) , and she asks for a Judg-
. went with costs in that sum.
Police Court.
Lloyd Forgravc , of Council Hluffs , catno
] bvcr the river Wodncsdey with the avowed
jiurpojo of administering a coat of llery red
paint to the city. Ho started out all right ,
jjut before he completed his task ! was arrested
nnd lodged In the city Jail. Yesterday
morning he prayed Judge Hcrka , with tears
streaming down his checks , to let him oil.
"Go and sin no more , " said his honor , and
Lloyd softly slid out the side door.
The cases of May Hrown and Cnrrlo
Hrown , charged with being inmates of dis
reputable houses , were continued.
Frank Smith was again arrested
charged with vagrancy. Ho got thirty days
in jail.
Kd Thomas , charged with disturbing the
pence , pleaded not guilty , and his case was
The case against C , S. Hlgglns , charged
with violating the liquor-license law , was
continued , owing to the illness of Caplnin
Duff Green.
1'elcr Carlson , the man who assaulted En
gineer Wilkins of the Union Pacific with an
Iron stove leg. is supposed lo bo Insane and
will have a hearing to-day ,
lliclitml ItottrrlM . .HoiHU Frirnicr
Kniploycr ami Lands In Jnll.
The police arrested , Hluhard Robertsycstcr
day afternoon upon a warrant clanging him
with grand larceny. The prisoner admits ills
guilt. For some lime past Roberts was In-
the employ of Mr. Mclleth , who keeps a gro
cery store at liyj Saimdeis strceU It seems
that ills employer suspect him of thieving , and
a few days ago discharged him. Wednesday
night by the aid of skeleton keys Roberts en
tered the house of Mr. MeHelh and from a
cupboard stole si ( ! ) in cash.
Roberts was suspected at once and the po
lice were notified. When first captured ho
stonily denied his guilt but linally confessed.
Most of the money was rccoveicd. The po
lice stale that Roberts is a hunt customerand
has been arrested boforoon similar charges.
Ho will have un examination to-morrow
Councilman I < cc Wunt.s to Have Sucli
n I'OKHlhlllty Removed.
Councilman Lee was seen yesterday and
asked \\luit , in his mind , would conduce to a
"gas famine , " which was contemplated by a
resolution of his introduced into Iho council
a couple of weeks ago.
"A big lire , such as the works experienced
a short time ago , " ho said , "or an explosion ,
such as is liable to occur at any time , would
deprive Iho city of light. "
"How could this be remedied } "
"Hy establishing duplicate works or erect
ing another reservoir in a different part of
Iho city. Tills is the only city of its si/c in
the country which lias but one gasworks. "
"What has been done with your resolu
tion {
"The committee on gas nnd electric lights
has failed to report and at the next mceling
of Iho council I'm going to bring Iho matter
up again and have some airing of it' "
The remains of this young woman lie at
Hurkett's , on Noith Sixteenth street. It
will bo remembered that she wandered into
' Iho Child's hospital , unable to tell whcro her
friends were , and , indeed , almost unable to
tell who she was herself. She was of Swed
ish parentage , nnd she has not been identi
fied , neither has anybody offered to give her
respectable burial. Mr. Htlrkell will retain
the body for a few days , when , if not other
wise disposed of , ho will turn it over to Iho
rinr.u ri\MAN.
This man. a well-known cabinet maker of
the Union I'.iclhV , aged forty-live years , died
last night at his residence , 11H1 Noith Twen
tieth street. He was a member of Alternation
lodge No. 8 , I. O. O. F. , and Capitol lodge , A.
F. and A. M. The funeral will take place
Saturday nt 2 p. in. from his late residence ,
under Iho auspices of Iho above orders.
The Cillers Assistant. '
Chief of Police Seavey was married yester
day afleruoou to Mrs. Lillie Hollcnbock , at
Cortland , Neb. The lady is the daughter of
J. H.Dooleyof Cortland. Until qultcrcccnt1y )
she was the confidentiil ; clerk nwljtype-writer
for Mayor Hroatch , Mr. and Mrs. Seavey will
return to Omaha on Friday.
v.umiix-Au.r.N .
Mr. Clarence Vaughn , one-of the Hoof and
Horn attaches at South Omaha , was married
on Tuesday evening last to Miss Huldah
Allen at Fremont. The Tribune has the fol-
owing notice of the event : The ceremony
was performed at 7 o'clock by Iho Rev. E. K.
'Jurry , pastor of the Haptist church , in the
. > rononco of a small number ol near relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall to-day gave a family
illnncr in honor of the event , alter which the
liappy young couple took the Union Pacific
train for South Omaha , whcro Mr. Vaughan
has a homo already fitted up for their oeeu-
paneyho having a i > osition on the Daily Hoof
mil Horn published there. They were the re
cipients of a largo number of handsome pres
ents. Their friends extend their best wishes
for their prosperity and happiness. "
A Pleasant SurprNc.
While Elder M. II. Forscutt was listening
to a lecture Wednesday cvcnlnga largo sleigli
of young people , headed by four plumed
prancers , came to his residence , b-0 South
Eighteenth street , and awaiting his return
gave him a very happy surprise , and through
their spokesman , Mr. Clarence Pa ley , pre
sented to him a line antique oak reading
chair , with adjustable rest and book shelf.
Mr. Forscutt , for some months' past , has
been giving a scries of discourses on "Proph
ecy Manifested In History" at the Saints'
chapel in Council HlulYs. The surprise
party was composed or the young ladies
and gentlemen of the congregation there.
Mrs. Forscutt , Mr. Forseutl , jr. , and Miss
Parr did credit to themselves and tlio host
as entertainers of the guesls. Afler some
excellent music , rendered by Iho Misses
Hcebo and oilier members of the parly , and
such mutual compliments as cement friend
ship and smooth the roughness of life's path
way , Iho colossal .sleigh was again tilled , nnd
Iho happy guesls started homewards with
the happy consciousness of having made
oilier hearts lighter , their own pulsating
with the Joy of youthful fervor in the right ,
Now Trains.
The new time card of Iho Union Pabillc
goes inlo effect on the -Ith of next month. It
will contain ono extra train for Iho main
line , ono for Iho Omaha & Republican Valley
branch between Valley nmlHeatrico. Coining
north on the main line , the train wil !
connect at Valley with the train for
North Platle. Norfolk hereafter will bo
reached by trains connecting at Columbus ,
instead of by means of what was formerly
known as the successor of Iho Grand Island
Additional trains will bo put on at Albion ,
Loup City , Cedar Ranids and Stromsburt
The Omaha & St. Paul line is still block
aded with snow and alltralllu is al a stand-
stjll. Passengers to St. Paul from hem are
obliged to go byway of the Mississippi river
road. _
Ought to Go Nortli ,
Max Meyer , In speaking of the committee ,
which is said to bo coming from Vankton ami
oilier western points to Omaha to talk with
our cili/cns with respect to the now railroai
line to that part of the country , said Unit it
was about time that Omaha bent
a delegation up there to find out some
thing of the place. "Yanklon men who have
been coming down here , know moro of us
and the country intervening 'between the
two places , than wo do of them. " At the
next meeting of the board of trade ho will
bring up the subject for consideration am :
hopes that four or five intelligent and workIng -
Ing members will bo placed on the committee
for the Journey.
Good Tiling for South
A full line of coupon tickets to all
points Kast , We&t , North anil South htih
boon placed on Mile nt the depot ticUul
olllco of the Union Paeillu Kaihvav
"Tho Overland Uouto" nt South Omaha
Mr. 0. Mnhonoy , the agent , will an
bwer inijulriod in regard to rates , etc.
IHuliolU SnlCM.
fall nilil i > co Iho Inrgo stock Mcngliot
& Leach , Oen'l A'Kt'n have ' on hand a
1115 Farniun st.Urnnha. , , , . ,
John Delaney , of Fremont , Is In with n load
f catllo.
Peter Yonng , of Nelson & Young , brought
n two cars.
A. Krusc , of Atkinson , Neb. , brought In
wo loads of cuttle.
Henry Dlcrker , of West Point , Is In with
wo loads of cattle.
J. D. Lchmkuhl , of Wnhoo , is on the mar-
sot with two loads of cattle.
T. A. Kelly , of Kelly & Co. , Grcely Ccn-
er , brguglit in two cars of hogs.
O. Carrolson. of L. Anderson & Co. , is in
rom Mode , Neb. , with a car of cattle.
Dave Anderson , the real estalo man , has
made a business trip to Columbus.
T. W. Van Seover , of Council Hinds , was
ooklng over the market for some feeders.
/.Icgler , from Spring Ranchc , Neb. , is
on the market with two cars of homo-fed fat
| 1. F. Hlssclt Is in looking over the yards.
Ho Is Interested In the Middlesex Live Stock
issoclatfon of Green River , W > oming. *
The concert at the Presbyterian church
n aid of the Ladies' aid society ,
was pronounced a success by those who
were there.
P. W. Cress , proprietor of the DCS Molncs
muse obtained judgment yesterday for n
t2 ! board bill owed him by H. T. Sanford.
People are asking why the Motor line docs
lot commence work , and these who know
say the company has never yet received Us
ccrtlllcalo of ir.mchso ,
Adam Pociz , who was supposed to bo lying
11 at St. Joseph's hospital , from the eliects
of n slungsiiot wound , was around the
saloons looking tip his old friends yesterday.
The South Omaha Social club held their
ong-looked-for calico ball but only
wo ladies followed the programme and came
'n the regular costume. Otherwise the dunce
, Vis ! a success.
Mayor Savage said that South
Omaha had the toinrhost reputation of nnv
city west of the Mississini , and that if tlio
council would only lake a firm stand and com-
nenco to do their duty in checking disorder ,
"uturo generations would rise up and bless
, hem or their memories.
on , Fullorton.
Residents have been in the habit of
making firewood of the shade trees along
some of the loss frequented streels and
illcys In the city , nnd tlio fact has been
brought to the notice of the street com-
nlttce. Marshal McCracken has been in-
btrticted to look after the delinquents.
Judgment in favor of U. Levy for $ ' > U was
recorded McCord & Hrady It np-
) curs that the plaintiff had paid WO on ac
count and had accepted a bight draft for the
full amount of his account at the same time ,
md at once brought suit to secure the
imount overpaid. There was no defense and
'udgment went by default.
Local physicians had a quiet little talk
yesterday afternoon over the prospect of Iho
spring trade. Dr. Glasgow olllciatcd as
chairman , and after tlioso present became
icquainled , it was decided to adjourn and
ncct again to fix a uniform bill of .charges
anil look after the inleresls of Hie profession
generally. *
There is ono young and newly married
man in trouble. His wife is not quite of age , '
and her father persists in declaring the mar
riage illegal , and wishes her to marri a friend
} f his own. This she declines to do , and the
"jrate parent" 1ms blurted on a gunning expe
dition for the couple. For some
reason or another ho has assumed
a disguise , and the husband has been kept
in a state of constant terror ever since until
Wednesday night , when he sought Iho
protection of Marshal McCracken. He re
ceived it , and now the marshal i.s looking for
the father , who it is rumored is wanted very
badly down cast.
County Commissioners' Proceedings.
WII : > NIMV : , , luii , 'Jo , IbSS.
The bo.ird mot this Jay. Present : Ander
son. Corrigan , Mount , Turner unit Mr. Chair-
Minutes of tlio previous meeting rcnil and
Poor Farm Referring to thu committee on
construction the communication of J. ,1. Ma-
lionoy , superintendent of poor farm , asking
Increase of salary. Adopted.
Court House and . -Referring to the
county surveyor the communication of T. A.
Megcath. register of deeds , asking for new
plat of Florence , and instructing surveyor to
do the work necessary. Adopted.
Finance Referring to the committee on
construction the communications of Oeo. W.
Sheids , county Judge , tind M. i ) . Hocho. coun
ty clerk , in regard to salaries of assistants
and deputies on their respective offices.
Charities Referring to committee on con
struction the communication of P. .1. Kcogli ,
county physician , ns > to increase of salary.
Judiciary Referring to the committee on
construction the communication of Henry
Holln. county treasurer , as to salary of depu
ty and assistants in his oflice. Adopted.
Finance Authorizing the payment from
the general fund the second installment of
paving tax interest and penalty on block 141 ,
amounting to fitlO.Ol ) . Adopted.
i'irmo.xs > COMMI/XU vnox .
From the county attorney , suggesting that
the board make some provision for a deputy
county attorney at South Omaha to attend
to criminal cases , and statin ? that he had ap
pointed J.V. . Kdgcrton. Referred to the
judiciary committee.
From the county treasurer , stating that
the personal property of the. Singer manu
facturing company had not been assessed for
Ibb7 ; also that the personal tax of Mrs , E.
Angel appears on the tax list nt $ l'J."iwhereas
assessment blank calls for sS. i. Referred to
finance committee.
From Frank E. Mpores , clerk district
court , requesting permission to purchase fil
ing case for blanks. On motion ho was
nuthori/ed to purchase such case , the cost
not to exceed SSO , exclusive of irolght.
From G. Andrecn as to repairs necessary
in county Jail , and the probable cost of same.
Referred to committee on court house and
From Waterloo lodgq Xo. 100 , A. F. and
A. M. , asking cancellation of part of lots ti
and 7 , block'J , Waterloo. Referred to Judic
iary committee.
From superintendent of poor farm as to
party occupying premises of Mrs. Kramer ,
and stating that he was unable ! to take him
to the poor farm. Placed on file.
The bill of lircimau & Co. , on account of
discount on warrants , amounting to i. " > lb.07.
Referred to construction committee.
HI > OI.I noxs.
Hy Mr. O'Keeffe That the first action of
the board regarding the salaries of officers
and employes , bo rescinded , and that all ap
plications as to salaries bo referred to the
committee on construction , Adopted.
Hy Mr. Anderson That the county clerk
bo directed to procure the necessary books to
comply with the requirements of nection 8(1 ( ,
chapter IS , page JIUl , compiled statutes , en
titled account with county treasurer. Adopted
Hy Mr. Corrigan 'I'hat the boaril assess
for the year 1SS7 all of the S. 13. S. E. of sec
tion ft , 14 , l.'i , except Maliony & Menehans ad
dition , at thu sum of * lbtH ) ; also the south 4
a-10 acres of the N. E. of S. E. of section n ,
11 , 11 ! at sum of flK ( ) , both of said tracts tlio
property of Edward Cassidy ; also lot 10 sec
tion 5 , 11 , lit , containing Hi 1)3 ) 100 acres at the
sum of 170 , and the west S acres of lot 1 , sec
tion 8 , 14. lit at the sum of $4(00 ( , both of last
described tracts being the property of Philip
Cassidy. Adopted.
On motion the county attorney was in
structed to take steps to compel Frank
Crawford to turn over the books and papers
of his office to his successor , Christ
Adjourned till Thursday at a p. m.
M. D. Rucnu , County Clerk ,
I'ostolllco llovcnue.
In response to a telegram from Congress
man MeShano , PostmastorGallughorhas for
warded to that gentleman the business of the
postoftleo by the quarter for the List year.
For that eitdlng September 80 , IbbO , the net
Income of the place was * 2. > , SS7.4 $ ' , for the
succeeding quarter , U.iM.2'j the proceeds
ot * the quarter ending September 30 ,
ISsT , will bo W3.457.10 , or an
increase 'of nearly nine thousand dollais
over these oft io same quarter in the pre
ceding year. receipts of the ontco
forthelastquurU'R-of the [ > ast year were
3KV.Ml.05. This shows an increaso.of nearly
? .iXX ( ) over that of itw corresponding year In
Ibs7. These figures * ill be used by Mr. Mo-
Shane In his argument In favor of n new gov
ernment bullding-licforo the committee of the
louse to whom thu uuject has been referred.
Itcal Efltatu Trnnsfcrs.
John W Welshnns to H F Cady , lot 0 ,
Housel ft Stobblns" " sub , wd. . . $ 1,100
State of Nebraska1 to John Andresen ,
Mjj.nw-lfclMl , d bSO
Same to William jtMIcido , ne-sw-IHI-IO-
11d 2SO
A H Clmrdo and wife to C Johnson ,
lots 42 , 43 , Hollalro , w d SOO
Thomas II McCulloch to F J Me-
Kenna , lot 0 blk 6 , Cloverdalo add ,
wd C.X )
\ Kountzc nnd wife to City of Omaha ,
public alley in ICountzo's Del , q e. . . . 1
R C dishing and wife to William 1C
Kurtz , w 5K ft of e 60 ft , lot 1 blk 70 ,
South Omaha , w d 2,000 ,
F H Johnson et al to Ellen Evans , w
> < lot M , Uurr Onk add , w d 3,000
F Alckmnn lo same , w } ( lot ! W ,
Uurr Oak add , w d 1
I W Hlackburn and wife to George
Logan , lot 13 , Ru.stln's add to Plain-
view , wd 1,000
W J Wagoner ct nl to L W Crampton ,
lot 13 blk 2 , Fowler place , w d MO
F Uellono ct al to P MadDonald et al ,
e 50 ft , lot 7 blk 78 , South Omaha ,
wd rroo
City of Omaha to A. Erickson , part of
Twenty-third street , deed 3
H Rlley to I it M Kahii , lot 3 , Hen-
son's sub , w d 1,330
George W Houston and wife to J T
Houston , lots 2 and 3 , Apple's pro
posed sub of lots 4 and 5 , Gclso's ,
qi ; d 150
E W Miller lo D A , lols 1 nnd 0 ,
blk a , Lake View , w d 2,000
Alary 1 Tiddall to E W-Mlllcr , lots a
3 , blk 8 , Myers , Richards &Tildon's ,
w d 1,000
James F Robinson lo same , lot 4 , blk
S , same , wd 1,000
O S Hemuva and wife to same , lot 4 ,
blk 8 , same , w d 1,000
RT Maxwell and wife lo James M
Ellingwood , west 'JO ft lot 10 , blk3i4 : ,
South Omaha , wd 300
John W Grilnth , trustee , to F U
Cooper , part west lot 10 , blk 7 , lin
ker place , w d 525
3 N Miller to D A Miller , lots 3 , 4 and
I , blk 8 , Myers , Richards & Til-
den's , w d 4,500
Win McCormick and wife to R L Gar-
lichs , lol 3 , 4 and ejjf of 5 blk 2 Capitol
tel Hill add , w d 22,500
G W Logan and wife to Gco W Logan ,
lot ! ) Stanlon place , wd 1,100
Win F Allen nnd wife lo Daniel K
Shelley , n i of lot 7 blk fl , Kountio
4th , wd 3,000
John L Miles nnd wife to P McEvoy ,
lots 15 and 10 , blk 12 , Orchard Hill ,
w d 1,500
E L Cumin nnd wife to J I' Martin , lot
1 blk 11 , Calkins sub , w d 250
[ 1 Henningsen et at to N Ohm , 10 lots
in Grandviow , wd 2,500
N Ohm to M Quick , 8 lots in Grand-
vie w , w d 2,400
F E Divorak and wife to J Krejci , lot
lOblk-ISl , same , wd 1,300
Ann E Campbell to Jus 11 Mason , lot ! i
blk a , Reed's Ith , w d 2,000
H Melquist to A L , Reed , c 40 ft of lot
IS blk , Shilll's2d , wd 1,400
A N Silberman lo II Ross , lot 15 blk 3 ,
Rush Ac Selby's add , wd 400
W Albright and wife to C Corbetl , lot
5 , d , at blk 5 , Mautren sub , wd 1,400
Thirty-four deeds iG7,5'JO
One Permit In Two Days.
Tlio work in the olllce of the superintend
ent of buildings 'for ' the last two days has
l > ccn very light , there having been but ono
liermit issued in ithiit time , and that was to
\V. M. Fleming to erect a $1,501) ) collage on
Iho corner ot YUtes and Twenty-eighth
A I'lonsaiit Social.
The Select Hundred held another of their
enjoyable socials at the Millard hist night , in
honor of which the parlor floor was hand
somely and artistically drcss'cd in ( lowers and
evergreens. Two'hundrcd couples , compris
ing Iho elite of the eily , were present , and
passed the hours merrily in dancing lo the
musiu ot Prof. Invin's ' orchcslra.
Committee of the AVhoIe.
The county commissioners met in secret
session yesterday afternoon as a committee
of the whole , and considered several matters
of Importance referred to them ill Ihoir regu
lar meeting last Wednesday. They will re
port the result of their conference at the reg
ular meeting to-morrow afternoon.
Ttninlow Tea Supper. *
rLnst evening the ladies of St. Mary's
Avenue Congregational church gave a rain
bow tea supper in Iho parlors , and a largo
number enjoyed Iho novel event. A sumptu
ous repast was served , afler which lliero was
vocal and instrumental music.
A Hqvnlvcr ThicfK Sentence.
Joseph Lancaster , who stole a revolver
from a fellow waiter nt the Philadelphia
chop house , was tried in the police court yes
terday , found guilty and sentenced to thirty
days in the county jail , six of them on bread
and water. Tlio revolver was found in a
Tenth street pawnshop.
This nowdcr never varloi. A ninrvel of purl
ty. strength unil whcli"-onn > iu"is. Morn rconnm-
lea Hhan the ordinary ktmls.lind cannot ho told
In comii > tlttonlth the multitude or Inw cost ,
i-hort M eight almn or phosphate powders , goldenly
only In cans. Uciynl Halting Powder Co. , lit )
Wall St. , Now York.
= = JEWELRYi , =
, , Qrriahai Nebraska.
Our patrons , who at the opening of past seasons , have examined
our stock of men's and boy's clothing , will endorse when we state that
we enter a second season with new goods only. Our spring goods are
already on the way , and we must make room for them. We have not
the space to carry over a heavy stock of winter goods as is done by
most clothiers. Our largely increased business compels us to utilize
every foot of room in our establishment for the transaction of our
daily business and we are therefore comDelled to close out every hea
vy weight garment on our counters. To do this we make any necessa
ry sacrifice in pricess. The reductions we have made on overcoats
and suits , and the values we are offering , will surprise everybody. To
bargain seekers this is the greatest opportunity , as the pri ce of every
garment is about one half what other houses ask for same qualities. ,
To make a clearance of a large lot of all wool scarlet shirts and
drawers , we offer them at 35c. This is an immense bargain , as they
are good , heavy goods and would , in the early season , be cheap at 75c.
What little there is left of Fur , Jersey and Knit Caps , is offered at
one-half what they are worth. Closing out odds and ends of gloves ,
furs and mufflers , at greatly reduced prices.
All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price.
Corner Douglas and 14th , Streets , Omaha.
\V. L. DOUGLAS , Manufacturer of tlio Celebrated
Made Seamless , without Tacte or Nails , anil as Easy as a Hand-Sewed Shoe ,
Why the $3 Shoe is the
Best in the World.
l t. It Is made bcniuless.
2d. No tacks or nulls nru usi-il In lasting.
3d. It will not tear the stocking or hurt the fco
4th. NothingImt the best material Is used.
Ctli. It Is butter than most hhoos costing W or $1
Gth , Kvery pair warranted , and ho ntampecl.
7th. It Is as easy usu hand sewed Hhoo.
8th. Warranted to give the best satisfaction.
Made in Congress , llutton and Lace , with nil
styles of too.
The W , L , DOUGLAS $4 SHOE The W , L , DOUGLAS $2 SHOE ,
Is the only liaiiilewi'il well BhnoKoM for tl. It Is Korlloysls very stylish and neat ; It will wrar bettor
mailo seunilusn. of the hot material , anilcry ytvllsli tlinn n hlnti prleuil tOioo ; nuvcr loses Its f hu | > r , anil It
Wear * ami looks as well as a custom-made tboc , cost- liulaitt | > il for flthcr ilrc s or school near. MnJu In
1st ; IromtiJIoW. Congress , llutton iiiul l.ico.
For snlo by Ifpllcy. StiKor & Co. , cor. Dodge nud 15th SU. ; II. Sargent , cor. Seward nml Sargent
Sts. ; Qoo. S. Mlllor , tllii Xorth lath St.
JCH TOOLS. Wire Rope ,
Buffalo Scales
, Plows , ,
Markers , Scale Repair Shop.
Hooks ,
Grapples ,
| _ Sidej ] on. OMAHA.
171U Lii'vreiH-o St. , Denver , C'ol.
Of the Missouri State Museum of Anatomy , St.
Louis. Mo. , Pntvnslty College Hospital , Loll-
don , ( ilpssn , ( Jermnny anJ New Voik. llvvi
Unvoted their attention
More especially those arising from Impru
dence , ImltH all i > o snlTerliiK to correspond with
out delay. Diseases ot Infection and contagion
cured safely and speedily without use of dan-
Herons drill ? " " . 1'atlents whoso cas > cs hav been
iWlected , liadly treated or pronounced Incur
able , should not fall to wrlto us roucornlnn tholr
bymptoms. All letters receive Immediate alien-
And will bo matl l KIll'.K to any address on ra-
u-lpl of ono S-cent Htamp , " 1'ructlcul Observa
tions on Nervous Debility and 1' ExhaiH-
tlon , " to which Is added an "l.ssay on Mar
riage , " with Important chapters on diseases of
ti ! Unproductive Organs , the whole forming a
valuable medical treatise which uhould bo road
by all young men. Address
DBS , S , and D , DAVIESON ,
1742 Lawrence St. , .Denver , Col ,
13th & Douglas
Streets ,
Omaha , Neb ,
Nervous , Menial and Private Diseases
Prompt attention given to correspondence , by
enclosing postage ,
Olllco hours U to 1a , in. , a to u nnd 7 lo 8 p. in
The toil known nnd most popular Ilotfl In the
Ptntu. J/xntimi tent rut , iipuuliiluiunti ttrit-clft * * .
lor coiiuncrclul men uuU all politic * !
, , wrtQtor
WEAK , !
ic ull < t ovei-Wctk , luviliuttlcu , etc. , aJJVn ftUvvt
* *
' '
* * ' . ' *
* % ' * ' -
' . ! / " ' / ; . . ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' \ ' . : " / . . ' / ; ' . / ; - . ' . . '
° "
N. W. Cor. 13th & . Dodge Sts
] lc t facilities , npiiarntux nnd remedies fur sue *
ccssifiil treatment or every form of disease requir
ing Medical or Surgical Treatment.
llonrd nml attendance ; licst hospital nccommo-
ilatloiis in the west.
WKiTit rou CIRCULARS nn Deformities ami
Ilroces , Trusses , Club I'eet , Curvature of Inc.
Spine , riles , Tumors , Cancer , Cat.urh , Ilroi.clillis ,
Inhalation , Hlcctricity , Paralysis , Htiil < .iy , Kid
ney , lll.idder , Kyr , liar , bUia i M mood , ami alt
Surgical Operations.
Diseases of Women o Specialty.
All llood ! Diseases successfully treated. Sjpli-
ilitic 1'oison removed from the sjstem without
mercury. New restorative treatment for loss ot
Vital 1'uwcr. 1'ersoiis unable \isitusmay lie
tienteil at home by correspondence. All commu
nications confidential Midicincsor Instruments
scut by mail or express , hecurclv packtil , no
marks to indicate contents or sender One per
sonal interview prcfcticd , Call and consult us or
send history of jour case , and we will send ill
plain wrapper , our
I'pon Private. Special or Nenons Diseases , Tin.
potency , Syphilis Cleet and Viirleocclevitlt
question list. Address
Omaha SfrMral anil 5iir0fenInntltutf , or
Car. 13th and Dodge Sit. , OMAHA , NEB.
. . .
Thread of Modern Tlnio.
Kii.PATinrK-Kocii Dry ( foods Co.
M. ll.SMrui < k Co.
IMvniN. ( iAi.iAMin ( : A : Co.
bMM.N , JOII.NhO.X A. ( . ' < ) .
S. I' . Mnusi\-co : ,
HmtK.s lino- .
Tiioui'Mw , HKI.HKN A Co.
' ' '
( 'HAS. VIMI'KI'I , South Umuhn , nml nil
cluhs lotall dealers.
We reidllllir rfommfn4
. tllielU Mined *
Hewn louikf ( .oDouLtr *
tnil Gietl.
We lure u > \ 1 evmlJlf.
, indln evrry mo II
Alcott A M.V ,
lludun. tl. Y
! iU
Itemurkablo for powerful hy
thetlc loinpllabln a < tlon mid lib-
_ _ ! ' > _ ) < irs reioiil
TTui be-ljtMiariTntTii of thu'i-xcnl-
IpiiuTor UifH < rin truminls. :
> * * * . '