Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 26, 1888, Page 7, Image 7
. THE OIVTAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , JANUARY 20. ISSa SPECIALNOTICES. Advrrllsoinetil un or this heart , 10 rtntB p r line for the llr t Insertion. 7 rents for each sub- i-pqtiPiit ItiffTtlon , nnd II 60 a line per month , No advertisement tnknn for lcs than 2."i cents for ttiu llrst Insertion. Seven words will no rountod to the line ; they muni nin ronserutlve- ly mid limit 1) paid n Bilvnnce. All advertise- incuts must \)3 handed In before 1 i.M o'clock p. in , nnil under no elrrunntances will they uo iuktn or dlsrontlnuert by telephone. . 1'nrtles ndUTtlslnR In these. columns nrnl hav ing the answers addressed In CHIT of tlm Dee , via pleum aalc for u rherk to enable them to Ket their letters , us nonewlll lie delivered except on presentation of check All answers to ad- Vortliements should b t'nclo fd In envelopes. All advcrtl'erariits In these columns are pub- HMied in both morning and svetilng editions of the Hut , tlio circulation of which aggregate1) more than If.tWJ pnpeis dally , and glxs the ad vertisers the hnnellt. not only of Ihoclty clrcu- latlon of thu Ileo , but ali of Council IllulTn , Lincoln , nnd other cities and lowutf throughout this part of the w t-st. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTBHllUHtlon / by an experienced bur- bur , c'leAeiiyeuiB at trade. AddiessX 11 lice. 1J X * SITUATION wmited as bookkeeper of n"ye r ' experience. : Is not afraid to do home outside Wprk , CungUerefcicuces. Address X ill llee. "WANTED Iliolnillei to know that now Is tliu time lo get good help.Vu bu > elst tilam Klrlu nt 1st class wuprs.Vo have girls iVliocnn't speak English , but urn strong and willing to work foreman wages , W also lint a elderly women who want llpht work and light A\litres. In fart all kinds of helpcun be found nt tht1 Ciiniiillan Emu , olllce , Mis. IlreguA foil , IMh. Tel. WJ. S40 Hi J'ANTIID-Situations fur 15 girls for house work , (1 ( hotel girls , 3 nspertable house- [ iprs , I nurse , clciKs In all capacltles.1 coich- i , I bnrti nder , I blacksmith. On record nt the Staid Kmplounent 1'atlors , III" I'ainam st , room 11. 14525 * ATHOHOI'GII bnslnehs young man w.intH to represent any honoiablo business or enter- In the east on commission or salary or as iiijcr. lleferi'iices. Addiss W. Puncus. lirjy Chestuilt Bl. I'lillndclphlii. 1-u. 512 2. . ' \\rANTI.D-Sltnatlon by trustworthy Ger- IT tnnn of 24 ui porter or coachman ; excel lent city references. Canadian Kinplojnient olllcn , 31(1 ( So 15th. Tel. BH4. O'll 27 WANTED MALE HELP. rAN'TT.D Three good stenographers at Val entine's Shorthand Institute. ll-l - < ' "l\TANTrD A reliable man with small means T > llnd a protltabla buslnusa by addressIng - Ing X 4" . , lieu. 147-1J ' \\rANTii-Canvas'ers ; , man and wife for T > prluite family , German or Swede pre- f.Tied. Employment olliu,3in 8 luth. Tel M. 134 2.- , * W ANT1ID A good cake baker with small capital. Apply at 103 North lith. Ill 1 * WANTr.D-Ono grocery clerk. Address with stamp X 38 lieu ollice. 101 27 * T\7"ANTii : > Immediately , 5 retail shoo snles- TT men. Apply between 5 and tl o'clock this evening. I' . R. Carter , s. u. corner liith and Dodge st.s. llrlng references , as wo want no liuuiH or loafers. llli 25 WANTIU ) Immudlately , two llvo , cnergetlo men to canvass for u fast selling article just Introduced. F. 11. Moore , CO'J 8. 1 Ith st , 3d Jloor. 122 2l WANTHD-0 good bodvmakers , good wages and steady work , apply at ouco to Red Oak Cart .V lluggy Co , Red Oak , la. 1181 25 * WANTKD t'offeo nnd tea salesman for a W holesalu St. Louis house , 150U 1'arnam st , room 0. B7U 25 * WANTIU ) Two men of good address to can vass and sell goods , steady employment , call 421 South 10th bt. UI435 * WANTKD In f\ cry county In Nebraska , re liable energetic men to soil goods by so liciting for a well established mfg company peimanent emplojment to the right men , no capital or experience necessary , reference re quired , addri'M I lux 2 < i7 , Omaha , Neb. UfOfU w ANTI1D Men for railroad work. Al- biIglit's Labor Agc'ncy. 1120 Farnam. 1)85 ) WANTKD 1(0 ( men of good appearance to try our Uc meals at Norrls restaurant , 311 mid im bout h Htli btiLut. ( old Ll\u and Let Ll\c ) u il ' WANTED F'EMALE HELP. w ANTKD-Glrl for housework , 2214 Douglas. 13121. * WANTKD A middle aged woman for small lamlly In Gieenwood ; joiing gli Mo go In the country , nice place ; 2 tlrst- < lass dining room gills , girls for housework In dlllerent paits of w ANTED Wet mire ( white ) . Canadian Em- plO ) incut ollice , 310 S 15th , Tel Ml.Ur Ur 25 * WAN'IED A gill for general housework. Mil boiitliglstHt. 11W 27 * " \ATANTEn-rirst-clnsH gill , good ttnca * , YT small family. HI. S. luth st. 12J 27 W -A good cook. Apply at N. K.Cor. 21st and ttt-bstor sis. lit 2lt \\TANTKB- Lady cashier. Apply with refer- TT eiicesThlirtday inoinlng F , K. Cartel , N , o. tor. 1UU nnd Dodge sts. biliary $ .1 pi r w eek. 117 25 WANTKD A good girl for geneial hou = c- wolk. Apj'l ) tT. F. luttle , No. 211 S. 13lh st. W7 ! f _ W ANTI'.D-10 glils for gent nil honstwoik. Call 15U-I Farnam st , i ootn . VSJ 25 * \VANTKD-lil ! for small family in Ne- TT biasku City , good wages , apply 610 South S2rt st. U--U 25 * W ANTKD A good rook , washer and ironer. No other need apply. 1VOJ Fat nam st U7225 * "IXTANTKD-flood kitchen girl , must under- TT stand geuei al cooking and comu well rec ommended. Inquire 11)14 ) Farnam st. l > ui-2til ! WANTKD Anosperleiu ed saleslady In cloak and suit dcp.utmcnt No others need ap ply. 1 hompson , lloldeii tV Co , Ul'J ' Farnam st. , Oiuiilui. 1123 w AN'l KD Inunedlntely , ladles to work for u w holesale house on needlew ork at their liome.s. ( Sent any distance ) ( ! oed p.iv can bo Hindu. Kterj thing nil nlshed. Pititlculars fiee. AddrokH Ait title Needlework Co. , I.ViVth St. , New VoikClty. lS7 ) ONF lady In eveiy town wanted to introduce and sell Pennjiojal Pills , "Chlcheiter's ingllsh. : " Oilglnal and only ( leniitue. Seud4c ( Htunips ) lor paitlculara. Clilchooter Chemical Co. , Phlladelplila Pa. . " Id ladles lotrv our l.'w meals at TT Norils' lestauraut old l.h o uml Let Live ) . Cll and 31J S. 14th st. UM | 'tSTANTKD Ladles in city or country , for our TI holiday trade , to taku light , pleasant work nt their onn homes , il to J. ) per day can bo iillletly made. Work sent by mall am dUtauru. 1'aitlciilars fiei > . No cantasslng. Address at once , descent Art Co. , 147 A Milk St. , lloston , Mass. P.O. box MTU. INS MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. " \\rANTKD 'f\\o persons to learn book-keep- T ' lug ; good bltuiitlous. J. 11. Smith , Itamgc block. K)5 ) 2.'i * NTRD A rcspectablo family to adopt a baby boy. Address Mary L.Jones , p. o , . EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. OTATE Employment 1'arlors , 1U7 rnrnnm Bt , D 1,17 2.V CANADIAN Emplojmont olllce , innl and fiv nmle help Milt to all parts If fare Is ad' ' vunied. Kefeienee , Omah.i National bank , Mrb. lliega \ bon , 31b S. iJtli. Tel. Ki4.I11R I11R f 12 "BOARDING. "V\rANTED lloom and board In private fain TT lly , two or three other boarders no objec. . tlon. Must bo pliu > hnt part of city. Addrrai X.30 , lice. ltnt-20 TJlMVA'l E boaidlng , * 4 a week , 1015 Dodgej WANTED-TO RENT. \\r.\N'rii ; ) lly elderly lady room and bean with prhate tamlly. Addrubii 1.O. HOJ KW. 1IJ 5 WANT1M > - L rgo and umall loom w 1th bonrc In prhuto family : lentrul locution ; mod cm conveniences. Address , X.-T , IMi" . in " - , KOR RENT-HOUSES. IIOIl Itl'.NTor Palo -New house , B rooms , cor 1 SMh and Capltul UN e. Euiiulro JI Uodgt ) Foil HKNIA new n\e-rooni C' Fllt ) UENT-NIre cottaue at 2U5 Ia\i > nix > r st. , upply nortliu cst corner lnviniort | am eu 17) ) nwm. hpUbe , ttll funi Uhcd , Ko , W north < HU i.t. . . , iO , t'IlNISIIED Hat for rent cnenp , 418 H IMh st. KWiM lilOH llRNT-s ncw room hmi e on H 3 h -U near IaTen orth. 0. K. Mnyne. 1SU 5ft IIOfSKS for rptit fiom ! 12 tip. 1' . L. Gregory , Itentnl Agent , 309 S. 16th st. f > "I71OII ItKNT 3 tofi-room Hat. mixleni improve- JL' mi'iilfl , n n cor , llth and Williams nt , over drug store. Innulre , Andrew I'leuler.liU S 13th 7rC til * "iroll HKNT A T-room tl t Ith bathroom , -I liil" Howard st. Inquire nt Lee \ Nlchol's livery stable. Tell phone NO. TJJ HI' . Colp has n list of 2711 houes tor rent , e ranging In price from 1.1 to } 12. " > , 'nnd In Ktzo , from : i to ! roonm. N , o. cor. ir.lh nnd Teleplionc l.HH. _ 7C < I Foil ItllNT-CoUageof II rooms , closets , cel lar nnilMHMlsheil , f > minutes walk from postolllco , 1 block from street rars. Hire neigh- Ixirhood ; furnlturo for wile , complete for house- Xcnplns. Ifdrslrr-d , gentleman and wlfn will retain rooms und Inard nt } ' 11 month. Hoii'o rent Sio a mouth. If jouwnnl to buy furnlturo und lent cotlugl'.nTldre&sT 1 1 Ileo olllce. " POIl HUNT- houses. 3 rooms cach.clty water and hewer , 1-15 flileiigost. NM Ui * nillKliouHi * I now occupy \\tllbo for rent , Jan. JL tinry iKt ; house contains llVrooma and nil modern Improvomrnts. WJ H. ! Mth st. Morltz Mej cr. Call at llth wid 1'iirtiam or at 3U7 S. 2tth Bt. &S4 _ OIW. for rent. Apply. Win. Arthur , Harris \ I'liliLr building. IBth and Nicholas st , or KOI Chillies. 1UOO yjR- FOll KENT A new dwelling. 9 rooms , rtll modern Improicmentsgood itnble , ton minutes' walk from postolllco , apply to I ) . J. O'Donahoo , nt O'Doimlioe \ bherly's , 15th st. , next tothoixttolnco. t10 Fll KENT MO per month , line T room mod- em corner Hut on cur lino. J. L. Jtlro A. Co , 131011 KENT B new 7 roomed houses , well , els- JLA tern , largo cellar , lutli near ClatK st.V. . 0. Shrlor , opp poitoll'.co. sn "I71O11 KENT fl new 7 roomed houses , city 1. wattr , rlstorn , cellar , 20th st near I'aul , \ \ . O. Shrlvor , 1'renzor block opposite postollice. FOIl KENT To private family ten room brick house , modern coin enlences , J1JUU Douglas st. apply toV. . 1\ Clark , Wi N 10th. 81J 2o "I71OII HUNT nnd lease and furniture for sale , X1 elt gant 7 room modern residence on Chicago Bt , (1 ( blocks from I" . O. , line barn , price J7r > per month. J. L. lllco A. Co. ! HS2a FOJl KENT It > ou wish to rent a house or lint I have them from fi > to tM for cottages , and 8 and 1(1 ( room modi rn houses , from JJo to ! ( > per month. Call nt J. II. 1'urroUe , ilental Agency , lOXi Chicago st. Mm FOU KKNT New 6 room cottage In Ambler place ; good 7 room 2 story house. Orchard Hill ; good 4 room cottage , Orchard Hill , C. K. Mu ) tie , N. W. cor. 15th and Mnruoy ut. 101 FOK KENT IIou e rTniorns. W. M. man , N K corner Ifith nnd Douglas. FOR RENT ROCTMS FURNISHED. SOUTH front room with Hut-class board at 1811 Dodge. 140 FUIlNlSIIEDhott o to lent , C looms. J. ifon- ner , nil Douglas st. 14431 FOR RUNT nirnlshed room with modem comciileucus for ouu or two gentlemen. I9 CaplUil avu. 109 31 * F I OR Rl'.NT Furnished front room for one or two gentlemen. Apply ut 1011 Cass st F ° 'al ' UKNT An elegant fi nut room for man and wife , or2 men , and rooms for rent by n eok , night or month at 1JH Faruum st , l 'tw een 2lh nnd Mill hts , next to Iron bank. 1177 25 * 1URNISHKD looms from $400 to ll.t.OO per month or by week. 5CK S. ISth St. , upstairs. ] . ' 4 2S * ITIUKNISIIKI ) Rooms Day , week or JL. ladles or gentlemen. 311 North 12th st. , by Fanny Argyle. y'rj ' 2 ! FOR U12NT To gentlemen , a newly furnished room , furnace heat , gas , use of bath loom , 251S Daeiipoi t st. USJ 2b * IIL'RNISHF.D looms with Iroard , also a fe\ dayboardeis. lull Farnam st. US1 SK FOR gentlemen , baok parlor , nil modeen 1m- pioxements , 1718 Douge. ! Ki7W ! "ITIOR Itl'NT Nicely fuiulshed front room , bay J- window , south front , suit ible for man and o or two gentlemen , 1703 Douglas st tt > 5 30 * 171011 KENT ! l nicely furnished front rooms , JL ; crntrally located , furnlturo for sale , X 2 , llee olllce. Kill 2o : KENT 2 nicely fin nlshed rooms for gen- lemon , 1U11 Datenport St. 1)48 ) 2U _ PUNISHED front room , suitable for two HVi ) Dodge st. 1115 POIt IIKNT rurnlshed room , with heat. BUS and bat h , nt 20M Cuss st. tHW 28 FUltNlSIIRI ) ROOMS-New. warm rooms all conienlences , 1st lloor , 1 block fiom P. O , prhuto family. 101.1 Capitol n\e. Wl-27' FOR RUNT Furnished rpom. Also room mate wanted by gentleman. Rent low. 1707 Cass st. fc'J7 HKNT Finnlshed rooms with or with out board. Vi N. 17th it , 870 27 * FOR RF.NT Bultn of fnrnlbhcd rooms with use of piano , 1111) ) Jackson. HtJ 24 * IIKNT Furished front room with boards FOR s iiltublo for two gentlemun , IV.'l Douglas stieet. fair. FlMtNlPHKD or iinfiirnMied rooms. All modem convenience ! ! , lu.'l lluit st.K22 K22 27 * " 171OR RF.NT Fuinlshed rooms cheap , cor. 18th JL < and Cumlngst. Inquire , Meat uiarkit.lbth undCumlngst. 75.121 ? F I OR RKNT Sultu of furnished rooms , Hospe. 611) ) JU710R RKNT-Nico room for 2. 101J Dodgu st. FDRNISHUD room , steam heat , 201 S 24th. N.7J27J F I OR RKNT Nlrely furnished rooms at 22J7 Dodge. Gas , bath nnd furnace heat. tHW FFOH FOH IIKNT Newly furnished south fron room , in new house. : steam heat and every concnlence , 17-1 Daveniwrt. 6SJ F UltNlSHKD rooms , 1810 Dodgu. HUNT a rooms ut \Voolworth n\o , ; at JH per month. m elegant rooms all modern com enlences 1704 Webbter st. 4' T71OII UKNT rmnlshed looms in Grounlgblk , jl tor. 1 Ith and Dodge sts. Inquire of eo. 11. Din is. Mlllard hotel blllUrd room. U)3 ! ) IjlOll UIJXT TH o nicely furnished front rooms on ground tloor , at 2118 lluit , for ill per month , with board f4 per week additional. 001 "iriOU UKNT A nicely furnished room with all -1 modeni lmpro\emtiuts for out ) or two gentle men , Wll S. 2Utli. IBS and double furnished rooms , 2ii5 DMlge. U J f CJ FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. TpOlt UiNT : jT sTore building with rooms JU overhead.Ouu of thu best locations on tilth Mreet forngnuery or meat market , or both combined. Telephone on premises. I'mnlstifd nnd untiirnlshfd looms to lit. One. block from Ktreet c.irs Inquire on premises , cor. and .Mundersoil sts , or John P. Schmlnke , 4J2 B l.lth M. U1.I1 * " 1710U lli.NT-2dnnd.'M : lloor. 22x100 Inqulrn -t at Henry Dolile .V Co.'s s-hoe store IIU'.I I7IOU HKXT Htore rooin/SIM S. 12th st , low Ju rent. Itiifns II. Clark. W702U * Foil UKNT A More room suitable for light Jobbing , on Jones M. between lUth nnil llth bts C , llaitnnin\Co , lUliraruam. IHE127 FOU HUNT Deilrablo olllce space , or desk loom , ut IJ-it Furn.uu at. , Odell llios. .V Co. , Wit _ 1J1OU HIJNT-Small fatore , 311 N 15th. JU RKJ 27 * Foil UKNT Ground tloor office room , cen trally located , heated and lighted. C. V. HariUon , 413 ti. 15th bt. luo FOU UiNT-OlhcesTn : 1'arnam st. at lib to f pel mouth. One otllcu furnlahed. 10U Far- nam. 10 1 _ I7iOU"uKNT-Olllce , cheap ; best location In the JL1 city. 1515 Dodgu st. txil RENTALACNcES. EUNTAIj Agency List jour house ) , for rent with Odcll IJros. A ; Co. , 1KU rarnam ht. liiU _ _ T7I \ I , . ( Utr.dOllY , rental nRent , 'MS , 10th St. , -I. ground tloor. Tulenhono Nil , 44 Sl'IX'l.Mi attention gi\en to renting hou es , furnished ami unfurnished rooms. List "Ith us. W..M , Harris , omrSJJS. 15th V. lui lt IIKNT If jon wish to rent ahonse call on He wn A. Co. , 15th St. , opposite P. O. 104 FOR R E NT- - FOl'It ell-pant rooms , nil mt > Uorn couvenlcccca 1702\V.bSUr ( t. . . til TPOIl IlKST A nrgo room ftrrnlshcd , control J : location. 141 Chicago at , H ) _ TflOIt IIRNT- JL ; Two (2) ( ) room . No. 1M4 Howard ti. Three m room , No. 101 J north 2Wh st. Tlnee fJ ) roonn , No. IIUC north 21st st. Three (3) ( ) room cottage. Slst nnd PitttI t. Tliree ( H ) room . No. IlSJ north 21st at. Tlireo ( Hi room , No. 14101'lerro Ht. 'I hree ( H ) rooms , No. 1112 noutli 7th st , 1 hrec O ) looms. No. 7K1 1'axlllr st. One ( D nice olllce , No. 316 south 15th st. FDI _ _ _ I FOR RENT-MISCEtANebUSZIZ H UI'.NT8)ncrcs tmprorefl near Omalmt good hou'c , bnni and cribs. Schlc lnger llros. , Iil4 ij. llth ft. 12T Tl _ _ rpo let , six complete outfits for heavy freight- JL ing or express business Large w ngoii" . Cheap for few month. AdilroAs X ! W , lleuoillco. 1W ) S.'iT' _ MAHA Lodging Douse , Cll ) and 1)12 ) Jackson M , bet. Dth and loth sts. lt nts slnulu Ixidd at ? 1 per week ; clean beds. _ ft Keli i3\ _ _ : - ncreH Torrent , the GAHDNiitSAttentlon-40 lilglust and richest ground near Cut-otr Lake I lot use. J. II. Pariotie , rental agency , low Chicago st. I pttll Hl'.NT A large , good barn , iiKjtiire vxsi 1 Dodge. _ ttl5 35 STORAGE. XTKW VOItKtorago } Co. hax-c most estonslvo -l- > facilities for Btorago of furniture pianos , bucglcs , general inerchahdHo , west of Now York. Cash advances to.any amount ; wnro- housfl receipts given ; goods insured ; brick buildlng/-flre-proof ; special arrangements for commission merchants. Call New Vork Storage. Co. , Capitol a\e aud N. 15th St. , Itannott's block. PERSONAL" . I"3nTtSONAIi-l want vacant lotT iiorth part of city , for good house und lot in Omaha View. C. C. Spotswood , U05U B 10th St. , Omaha. C04 > iitbONAIladles : and eentlemen CHinant masquerade suits at 51G N loth at. , npstutrs. Dressmakers wanted to Investigate PEHSONAL gate the Kellogg-rrench tailor sjstom of drc'scuttlng. good wnges , traveling e.vpensr-s , to energetic agents. Call or address for cir culars. Mine. Kellogg , Hotel Esmond , Um ilia. 7U-.U7 * 1)Klt&ONAI < PrrtHtohonio for ladles durlgn conllncment , strictly couUdeiital , Infants ni-cptc'd ; address K 42 llee ollice. K17 f 10 LOST. IOST Ladles' gold fob chain w 1th gold album 1 locket attached. 1'lnderwlllbo rewarded by leaing same at A. J. llanscom's olllpo. r > 08 rarnam. I'M 25 * 4 JTUAVnDor Stolen-A New foundliind bitch , r5 whlto neck , feet and tip tall ; name ( Jueen. Any Infoimatlon given reward paid. 27lh aud California sts. Th. I'estner. 050 21 * IOST A small Scotch colllo dog. yellow w Ith J whlto face , breast and feet , wears a collar w 1th owner's nnmo and address. If found please return and a suitable reward will bo gl\en. IblS Capitol nvo. 828 KnWAHD-WlH 'be given for return of bay mare , WO Ibs. , halter on. Strajed fiom 21124 Cumlng st. O.S. Ostrom. 5'JS ' FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. furniture and lease to May 1 of FOKSAtirt house , good location , party loaUug town. Address X. 44 , Hoc. IPO 20 * T71OI S"AI.K Tlireo (3) ( ) heavy ClydeMlaie and JU Norman broodmares , 7 and S jeats oldi nlso wagon aud harness cheap for cnsh. Ad dress X 47 , Uee ollice. 1UJ-27J _ _ U SALE-Ofllco desk. Address X 37 llee. 107 23 * FOlt SAI.K-W'inchester rillo ; prlcw til. In- qnlro ItWG 1'arnam. 121 25 * FOS SAI.K flood fresh milk cow. Inquire , 2014 Charles bt. Ifti ait FOK SAMS or trade , 1 full blood Jersey cow , extra milker , and one W blood Jersey helfei , 2jrs old , Inqulio iilO , board of trade , Cl.V. . ller\cy. 915 20 FOH SAI. 12 Lease of stole for ! ! ycais. cheap rent , finest location In city for letntl busl- ness , addiebs X SI lieu ollico. I" " Mf2 IOOK here for nbni gain only W7 , W monthly , -t losewood piano , t-old for btoiagu ch.uges. New Yoik Storage Co. , Capitol me and 11th st. ltd 2(1 T71OU SALU Stoves , carpets , bedding and fur- JU nltiue complitu outllt for housekweplnR , price low , terms easy. Address X SI Ileo ofllco. FOH SAI.K Two horses , t o covered wagons , 1 Inigu scale , small hcales , showcases , sale , desks , largo heat lug stove , \c. . Apply U17 S Uth t. WS Flt SALK At a bargain50 feet of shelving , 'H ) feet of counters and 0110 Ice < best , suit able foi grocery store. Enquire at SIb. . lUth St. 735. Ij OIl SALE Krcsh milch cows. Hill Sr Smiley , J opp. K\chango building , Union Stockvarjs. Telephone 1.8. 191-feb-l MISCELLANEOUS. lli : banjo tntmhrnsanart by Oeo. K Oellen- beck , S. c . cor 10th and Douglas , up Mulrs. t 182 DOWN do the Pi Ices ,11111 iiMice , woven wile frpiliiKHlisc , dealers iibk J2.riO , at New Voik Stoiago Co , cor. Capitol ave , and 15th st. , Ml 20 " \7OUU own photos on puiclate pupw , no . chemicals , veiy simple , any chllil can mnko them , sample doz. with lull Instructions' , IV , or 2 . Addioss , Howard X Holdf Clay Center , Knns. DM Ir you wish gocd. prompt paying tenants' , llstvour duolllngs. Hats and sturo rooms with J.ll. Parrotte , Hental Aguucy , Ifrtl Ctil- cage st. . M7fll " | 7 < XPHiiSMrN : Attention-Will the express- JJJ who moved goods frotn 'Jfl Cedar street about Dec , 25 , call and learn something to his In terest. New Yoik btoragc Co. , 1508 Capitol uv o. 0(1120 HE. C'OLP. Insurance. Hcllablo companies , N 15 cor 15th uud Douglas. Telephone. 1035. < 0 31 BLACK walnut cat-o organ 8J5 , rosewood pianos M7 , J-l monthly. Now YorK Storage Co. , Capitol nv o. aud 15th .st. Ml 2U H. Ahmausoii's ofllco removed from I'renVer D block to 512 S 15th st. 3S1 TB * DC C II. JOHNSON , cistern builder , wells bored and dug , 400 N 3Jth bt. , Omaha , Neb. M4 1J * CLAIHVOYANT. DIt. NANNir \Vaircn , clalnoyant. Med ical , business nnd test medium. Diagnosis free. 1'emale. diseases n pcclalty. 11 ! ) N. 16th St. , Rooms 2 \ : i. Tel. ' . ' 44. 1U7 WANTED-TO BUY. \\7ANTED-Tobny a coal busints * 111 clty.glx t T > particulars , address box G&i. K81 2uf V\rANThD To buy snort tinm p pr. J.W. TT Gross , at C. E. lluyne's office , lr > th and Harney. 25 , MONEY TO LOAN. MONKV to loan on furniture , horses , wagons , etc. . or on any appnned security Uiw lates. J. W. Itobblns , IblJl'ainam. MM fSl Mc to Loan Ity th undersigned , who . has the only properly organized loan Agency lu Omaha. Loans of J10 to (100 made on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wrgons , ma chinery , etc. , w Ithout removal. No delays. All business strictly confidential. Loans so made that any part can bo paid at any time , each pay ment reducing the cost pro rata. Adtunces made on fln w atchei and diamonds. 1'ursona should carefully consider who they are dealing with , us many new concerns are dally coming Into existence. Should you need money call and hen me. W. K. Croft , room I Wlthnnll building , 15th andllarnev. 111 MONKY to Loan O , F. Da vis Co. , real estate nnd loan agents , .M i Karnum Bt. ItM rpo LOAN Money Loans placed on 1m- JL protcdreal estate In city or county for Now England Ixiifn .V Trust Co. , by Douglas County bank , Ifith and Chicago sts. 1-i MuNEY to loan , casn on nand. no Jelay. J , W. and E. L. Squire , 141J Furrmra st. Paxton - ton hotel bulldlns. 115 LOAN'S mane on real OKtuto. Cash on hand , U' . M.llarrU oter220a. llth Ht. 110 7.vrt < Jo to loan ut 6 per cent. Llnahan i Mahoney - honey , lau Karimm. 1.4 MONEY To loan. lx ) est mtea. JJo delay J. L Hico Ic Co. , ot r Commercial Na. tlonal bank IU Ol'EK PENT Money. Patterson A , Kawcctt 15th and Harney. 110 MONEY to loan. Notes una it. K. ticket , bought abd sold. A. Konnan , 2U S Uth sta ONKY to loan at low e trut ' upon Improved iind unlinproNud real i-'tute in Omaha am ! nUo upon farms in wi-steni lown nnd t-astern Ni'bruska. Mortpar not us bought und solO Odell Ilros. it CoU1 Farnam st. _ i > Vi "jlfONKY tolor.n on'lmprovrd" estnta ; nc liL coiumls ioii ctmrgud. Lfuritt Uurnham. room I , Crdichtqa bloci. , 121 H H7CO LK Loans moner on real estate and buys Ursi nvortKage note * K. U cor lltl . Xvleyiiouo 1SJ4. . COC U. SHOHT ttmn loan1 * rnnrtf. on nny nrnnablo security , In ren'ioiiablffiMiiounts , Spcurexl notea bought. Bold or exUianeed , General financial business of any kind transacted promptly , cmlotly and fairly nt thn Omahn Fi nancial Kxchanee. N. W. cor , 15th and Har ney sts. , overstate Natldcnil band. Corbett , manager. , 117 MONEY to loan I can now place some llrst class city loans Immediately. Callatonco If Jou desire to IHJ accommoAMed. D , V , Slioles , room 1 llarker block. vntratM ) In allur , lov L1 OAN3 made on real citato and mortgages bought , Lewis S , Kecdc | Co. , 1521 Karnam. UJMIO.UIO To loan on Omuh'n city property nt fl J > per cent. 0. W. Day , tVE. cor. Ex. Hid. ONEY LOANED nt C. K. Heed & Co.'s Loan Olflcn. on furniture , ptrnios , horses , neons , per'onal piopeity of all kinds , and all other ar ticles of value without removal. J19 S. 11th , over lllngham's commission store. All busi ness strictly confidential. 12J MONEY to Loan-On furniture , pianos , wagons , or other pelsonal property without rviiiotnl : also on collateral security , lluslness confidential. Chas. 11. Jacobs , llW S. 15tti s-t. ITtfJMB MONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , etc , low rates. J. J. Wilkinson & Co. , 1324 Farnam , over llurllngton ticket office. lis BUSINESS CHANCES. W ANTii-A : partner with t-TW cash In saloon business. Address , x 41 , lice. 1JB ! FOH SAI.n A llrst-class paloon on Tarnain ft. , ut u bargain. Address X 40. 141 X'ti * IPOU SAU-IMabllKho4 : elgar and tob.iceo 1 business , good locution , bi Ick room , 1 K40. Small stock , rixturos sold cheap. Owner Inn other business. Call 4l ii 3. ICth st. 101--J7J AOOOD opportunity to engage In groceiy busliipsM. Cnlliitut Itncotluuto. Co-opei- nth o Land and Lot Co1V > N U > lh st. Wl Su \\rANTKI ) Partner , either silent or active , In an established business , ( list-class loca tion , new stock , reasonable lease , nice loom , prollts 101 per cent , goods staple. This Is a good opportunity $ .1H , ( IH Imv half Interest : or , would > ell out entirely. Address X 31 , liee olllce. 1NJ 27 FOU SAM' Unit or whole Interest In steam laundry with all modern impiovements , good tr.ide and best location In city. ANo 10 loom house for rent , modern com cnlences and part or whole of furniture , nearly new , for sale. Addrew X31 Ileo filllce. U78 30 * FOH SAM' A stock of groceries In good loca tion , doing good business- Reason for Belling other bualneis. Address , X.-il , lice , 1171) M * W ANTl'D To sell my barbershoii. a bargain If taken at once , address X 2:1 : llee. W2U ! * FIKST Class restaurant , doing a line business. Will sell cheap , as parties am going away. Call and see It. Co-operative Land uud Lot Co. , FOU SALK A livery barn In one or the towns In westcin Iowa. Reason for selling' want to quit the business. Terms cash. Acl- diess S. 0. Sldner & Son , Silver City , Iowa.MM MM 80 * HOt'SUS and lots for western lands , farms etc. 1UW Farniun. 1114 T710R SALK Or trade , first-class restaurant. JJ Address Cllne & Plerson , 101S N. 10th st. 755 2- ) ' FIRST class meat market and buildings for B.ile , good town and trade , only mat ket , leu and cer ) thing In shape , address X 32 lieu. ACTIVE partner , salesman , to take half-Intel- c > > t In permanent and glow Ing merchautllo business , ( .oods staple. llroHU large ; f.M l ie- quired. Address Tlii , HLHV ' 74'J OH SALK A cleiu vtol'k of gents'fuinlsh- Ing goods , hats , capsjlonu of thn best lo cations In Omaha. Stock all bought within onu j ear. Adduiis. T 6S , lieu oljii-p. .7h3 t 8 ALARGK , ple.isant storij'room ' lor rent , one of thn best points In.the cltv for retail joots and sboes , hats and cip , dry goods , etc. , within half block of coini rHlth and r.irninn. Long lease , cheap rent. E. lSe.iver , 101J1' Far- lanibt. . WJ ( v. FOR EXCHANCfc. FOR nXCIIANGi : Trailing headquarters , rooinU. I'renzer bookopposlte ! , poitolllce. nopeity of all kinds to i-iclmngc. Geoigo J. btt-rnsdolir. " 12880 FOR Kvchauge Two good ialn elevators. In good grain location In low.i. . Call and get full particulars. Co-operative Land A , Lot Cut , M' > N loth st. I ) 27 FOR EXCHANGK George. .1. Sternsdorflt loom fi. opposite postollicc , has several clean stocks of inert handlse to trade for c It ) property or good farm lands. 128 30 FOR llxehange Tlireo good teams , with lini- ness and wagons , to tiada lei good house nnd lot , w Ithln 2'-4 miles of P. O. Co operative Land 4 Lot Co. , 20"i N Ihtli st. l.l'J ' 27 T71OR I'vchaugo NewS-ioom house and lot In Jralrmont place , slightly encumbered , for other good propeity. Lois In our addition to South Omaha , fiee of encumbrance , for good western fuim land.cleiir , 01 not heavily encumbered , or good Omaha jiiopertv. Good inside business property , free of en- cumliranie , for good house and lot In noith imitof dty. S. A. Slotnau , rooms 22 and 23 , llellnian building , cor. Fiunam and I'Jth st * . T710R Tiadi' 210 acres land In Meirlck coun- X ty. Neb , for stock general meriluindlse. Joe A. HIM s. Central City , Neo. 11' . 27 * " \\rANTr.D-Stock of giocerles , diy goods , 'T clothlmror boots and shoes In evclnuigo for Omaha pi operty 01 farms. Schlesliit'ei Ilio- . . , fd IS. 10th st. 12--KI IjlOlt SALII Or exchange for Inside propel ty. X1 HOaues In Carbon Co. Vtjo , near gieat oil Holds and Junction of H. \ M. nnd C. \ N. W. U.K. All leel good soil. Addi ess X.'t'l , llee. 105-2IIJ , stock of stationery to exchange for lander $1,200 or lots. Trmlors.come. and see us. Co-operative Lund and Lot Co. , 2UT > N IBth st. iwl 2il HANSCOM Place , nnehonsd and lot to tindo for u good faim. Stevens llios. , I"i2l Far ] nam st. lit ! 2U ilOK exchmne. Improved farm ofiWaires lu 1 Iowa , ; w miles from Omaha , price ? HUCO , In- rumbranco $2KDwlll ( ; exchnngo foruuy good propoity , clear Nebiaski laml prefeiied. E. H. Cocliraii , 151)11 ) 1'nniam st. 05" 26 * O GOOD team" , w agon and h 11 ness to tiado for * hoiibu and lots or Imlf lots lu city. Address X 2i ! , Ileo , IN l M' FOR Trade Slots , cle-irof all encumbrance , will trade for IIOIMJ nnd buggy. Co Opera- live Lind A , Lot Co , 205 N. Ihtli St. OKI 2" > 'YY/'ANTIiD fatocKs of merchandise toex. _ f change for lands and cty | urooertj ; C. C. Spotswood.SUii'i S. l tt , . HOUSIIS , lots , fauns , livery stable , ranches , Hour mills and all kinds of piopurty to trade. Stinens llros , 1U1 1'arnam st. 10112 ! ) Hi'oli ; ( : gl\es special attention to tiadtng . Write for our list. N K cor 15th and Douglas. 5Uiu : T31OIt iXCHANi-21 : ! : paid up lots ( onu block ) JL1 for other \acant property with hinall in- cumin mice. Open evenings. H. U. Cole , N. K. cor. 15th and Douglas. U14-25 FORSALi ; or trade for Omaha ptoperty , a good , w ell lmpro\ stqfk farm , 5i > tl m res , in Kearney Co. , nearbchool uud R. R. 1) . H. Hall 24WHameyht. " 8712W A LI , kinds of property to trudo. Slovens llro-t. . IfBl Funiaiu Bt. ' ItB J "IPOIt nxchaiiKo. It you hSyofarms or lands to X1 tell or trade send for otirUescrlptlvo blanks. If jou liu\eiiny kind of poiwrty to sell or ex change , list It ultli us\\ti ; can furnish you u rustoiner. S. S. CumpbclFsT U. AV. Hervoy , J1U Hoard of Trade Omaha 'J'1 ' 3ti I ilAA'B fortradeTmproved farm In Cnss Co. near IMiittsmouth , will t "id for Itnproreil Inside property. Aduress M M , Ileo ollico. j 988 Ir you huvo anything to < 'xchan o call on or address II. K. Cole , u. e. cor. 15th and Doug las. ' , , ' 17 I'l WANTKD Houses nnd Jits ( , to exchangu for liupiDvcdand tiiilmppjued lands In Ne braska nnd Iowa , diaries C. Spotswood , .TOJH B. Ifith. i 1 STATIONKHY Block goodtown to trade foi Nebraska land , fetovcns llios. , 1K1 runuiin bt. 10.1M " \TUHUARI\AiiailKansas farms to exchange afor low a and Colorado lands , and vlco versa. Co Operative Lund und Lot Co.05 N Ifithst. UH _ "VM 7ANTi:0 : Gooa tarnis in exchange for M Omaha property , 0. C. Spotswood. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. BEN5ON iVCAHMlCIIAKI , furnHh complete and gtmranteod utistrucuof tttlu to uny real estate In Omaha and Douglas county upon hhort notice. The most complete set of abstract bookb In the city. No. 151'J Farnam at. 1II IDLANI ) Guarantee and Trust Co. . 1VJI Faruam street Complete abstracts fur nlEbed , and titles to real estate lumlueil , par footed and guaranteed. 1JU 7OR8ALE-RE ALtZSTATE. 'T L Rice i. Co. sole ocentsror lots omislti O c KouuUo place. . VM ' FOR PA tiK-Or trade Land n.nd town prop crty In Nob. . Knn. , nnd Colo. T. A. Eng lish A Co. . York. Neb. W7 M" _ "l iTifSAIilJ ItTPoiitli Omnhn , R lew lots WlilrTi JL' owners must sell Hot , each MW. t.W cash ; fVX ) . .w rash ; JA"i"i)0 ) cash : fl.'iV ) , JtiVJ cmhi flno. ; ( 'KMrnah : * . , fflUOcnMi ; corner lot ntiil one next for f.'AO , $ | ST | rnsli : * i.llfl , tm rmh ; H.aiO. Milt cash : I2a , rtflcasli. Allot the nbo\n is Inside pnlperty. D. 1) . bmeatou , llarker block. FOK SALE At J'fl per acre , two quarter sec- tlo.nsof laud n\o miles from Duluth , Minn. This Is x" < l land , heully timbered , and Is sure to jay a high Ihtervst on the prlco nsked. Tor n.irtlcilliUH nddre s owner , .1. II. Leo. care 1' . O. lox l.'NJ Los Angeles , Cul , or Cochran \ \Valsh , ngetits , Dulntli , Minn , 1 > V27J for lot on Ifith street near North Omahn depot. .1 , L. Hlce.V Co. 1I--823 L AND , farms and lots to exchange tor shares In goI pay Iti concerns , 10JJ rarunm st , $ XO ni h for n full lot In Oak Hill addition , inarkt t value VO. , T. li. Illi e A Co. I'M ' as M sriCKNEY A CO. maice n specially of property In North Omaha , fors.ilu or rout at Citizens' bank. 21JS Cumlng st. HI _ Norlh Omiilm ptoporty see J , L. lllco V Co. ' .KS.JM _ _ _ _ _ SALE Three good lota on corner of Dodge st , olio block w est of Lowe mefor 14,500. Address for n few days S 64 Ileo olllce. U71 _ _ AIKJAINS again to bo h-itl of I ) . D. Smeaton , llaiker block. Corner tnoperty In South Omaha for H.500 ; rent SW per month 17'4 per cent. , U71 _ _ ) liuvs otio of the best corner lots In Orchard $7W chard Hill : south front : small cash pay- inent , lulaiu e oasv. Tills Is a bargain and mint bo sold at oiire. U. J. Stcinsdorff , room fi , oppo site postollice. Us ISO 1J1OK SA IE-Cfix fl feet ou cable lino. Splendid Jt ? Inside location for four Iliits M , 100. Must bo sold at mire. Marshall & Iobock , room U Chamber of Com. ! K8 T71OK SA LE 100 acres or land four miles from JL1 stock yards , nt $1-1 porucre ; this Is n bar gain. McCiigue. Opp. 1' . O. 1.13 FOll BALE Corner. Lotto nte. und Nlihola.s street , lAOxar ) , south nnd east front , nlso ( holce lots in Orchard Hill , tery cheap , .lames Etockdale. 11,1 N. 10th st. Ull a ) JL. Itlco f : Co. sole agents for lots opposite Kountzo placo. I'M 23 Foil PALK-Lot5blkRA.S. Patricks ad ; will soil for few days ut Jl.MX ) , WX ) cash. bal. y. S. ill lloo otUce. 17 jlOH North Omaha property see J. L. Hire ? Co. CM 23 BAIKIA1N8 vorth Investigating 1'or sale ( load U-room house , city water , lotlHKlKO , iiist fronton 1'ark ave , north of Hauscoiii parii , 'or JjCOO-IfpiO ( cash , balance Jl.UW per > ear ; mil nlso furniture for sale of house at less than mlf value. MoitenscUiV Cliilatenson , Heal Ks- nto olllce , 1414 I'limam , up-stulrs. 7.W-31 7OII SALE or t'Xclmnge. Omaha piopeity and - fat ms for men hnndlse , hoi sea , etc. Scliles- nger IIios. , fil J h. 10th st. I2H-KI SEC J. L. Klce i.Co. for choice lesldent lots. TJIOIt Saunders street real estate see J. L. Itlco \ Co. ' .i8S 2-t jlOK Stiutulcrs htreut leal estate bee J. L. Itlco JP XCo. . 1 > N ) 2S LOOK up this location : Lot it block 7S South Omaha , ) > art of the lot for sale nt S'iO ' ner 'oot . > , ' cash , bal. 1 , 2 nnd 3 years ; vorth flOO lerfoot. 1) . I ) , Snienton , Hiuker block. ! I71 TjlOll SAIK orlenso ; ilols , 1 a corner , Sllh JL1 mid Dodge i/ptlO. 3 lots , 1 u coiner , 'Jtli u\u and Dodge s > t. , l.t.M r 2 lots , 1 B corner , 28th and Doliclas. JS.BOO. 2 lots , 1 n corner , 2Mb and Dodge , ttlAOO. Sell on easy teims or lease for long term of jeuiR. One hundred nnd tnlrty choice lots In Omaha View , orwlll build bouses ; $ > OJ toKI.OJU\\111 buy > on nice homes. Terms e.isy. c To IXchange Elegant IWucio fann. Cedar county , fJ/iiHl. Cheapest quarter section ot hind In Nebraska , $1,200 takes It , Cumlng county. Wanted Equities In good Inside real estate , 'or c.ish ami clear cheap lots. Wonted Strictly llist-clas < farms , for cash and Omaha lots. Wanted Well seemed moitgagos for cash and low-piked cleiu lots. Tor Exchange tiood Omaha leal estute for cattle. 1'or nlp Highly lmpro\ed nun h near Kenr- u y , S-'O.UOO : 6 loom house iiud lot , IHh und Dor- c.isW.100. Wanted rirst-rln h stok hnrdwnic or mer chandise for good Omaha real estate. Wanted No. 1 carriage team for lot lu South Omaha. For Exchange C.OOO acres choice farm land , Douglas , cumlng. Cedar. Holt , lliown und Cheuy count Us tor Dm.ilia teal cstnte. 1'or Kent U room modern east H Hat , Douglas near 2.1th st. Jloni'V to loan on first-class Improved rltv property. Drake Hios. , Heal Estate , 311 ! S ICth st. 12U 2 1EE J. L. lllco A : Co. for choice resident lots. [ jlOK SALE Wo ofier as a special bargain 1M acres of land four miles from stock > ards , Bt12 , " > per acre , on line ot U. 1' . It. It. McCugue Opp. 1' . O. < V3l ! KO cash for lot on Ifith street near North $ Omalm depot. J. L. lllco \ Co. l' ' S2S ONLY NO cash , balance to milt , will buy a ti'O lot n few blocks from the packing houses. South Omaha , nlko other bargains can bo fonnil tMth I ) . D. Smeaton , room 7 , Marker block , cor. 15th and I'amam bts. U < 7- [ 5,1.10 casli for n full lot In Oak Hill aiUlltlon" , 1 > nun ket t ulue J OO. J. L. lllce & Co. ll'828 CAN be divided Into fi building lots. 21x120- toiner lot 7 and 8 , block 85 , South Omahn , for sale for JJ.203 , only SMl cash , If taken w Ithln n couple of dujs. D. D. Smeaton , llurker block. H7025 farm in Iowa for Omaha res ) , IMPROVED deucupiorx-ity. JJ. Wilkliibon , 1J21 Farnam , , riO cash for a full lot In Oak Hill addition , $ market value J500. .1. L. Rice A. Co. li2'i for lot , on 10th Mieet , near North $150cash Omaha depot. .1. L. Rice A , Co. IfcS 28 SALK-Or"exchange ! lots'"m "North Omana for honsos. Iloiisn and lots In Coun cil lllulls. hhareh In Low'e a\o lluildtng ass'n. Lots In Hitn'-cora nnd Ambler places. Plenty of other propeity. llosworth & Joplln , 418 s. 15th st. 171) ) Notlco of Incorporation. rilO Whom It MnvOonrein : Nolle is heriibv -I gl\en that "Tim llee lluildlng Compan > ' has tiled iu thu ollliu of thu county cltrk of Douglas county. Nebraska , aitlcles of Incotpor- iitlon. Tliu principal place of transacting its business Is at Omaha , in Douglas county and state of Nebraska. 'Jhe. g'ineral mlture of Its business Is to acquit e , own , hold , lease , mortgage , sell and coney ical ustate , erei t bulldlngi and Improve ments upon thu bume , for renting such real ( state , \c. 'the amount of capital stock authorized is ? . -wli ( ) . ten per cent of which to be paid at the Unit ) of suliKciibing for the same , and the re mainder as rrqulied by the boaid of dliectors. The corporation commenced January 15th , A. D Ihs8 , and w ill terminate thu I5th day of Jan uary. A. D. 1U-4S. ' 1 he highest amount of indebtedness or lluby. ity to which the coiporatlon shall at any time subject Itself is two-thirds of thu capital stock Issued. The business allalrs of the corporation aroto bo conducted by n board of dlrectois of the membeis who shall select fiom their number a president , secretary and treasurer. KOWAIIU HOSF.WATKK. MAX MKVHI , ( JUO. II , T/SCIIITCK , llr.Mir A. 1'rojxxialn 1'or School District itontlH. Healed proposals will bo recel\ed at thlsollico until Febrmiiy 1 , l H * . at U' noon tor thu pui- chnsu of fJAHO ! ) of school district bonds of the school district of Omaha. { aid bonds aio of thu denomination of 11,0ml each , dated January M lt > ss , bear Interest nt thu rate of tl\u per cent per annum , pajable Eoinl-annnally at Kouut7 llrothers , Hankers , hew Vork , jirlnclpal to become due in twenty ) cars from date thereof. Siaid bonds are issued by the board of educa tion of the school district of Omaha under au thority granted by aotu of the people at the general election held Not ember bth , 1H87 , nnd will bo delivered to purchasers on payment therefor at the city tieasury lu Omaha on Feb- luaryntli. istw. llldswlll bo addressed to the undersigned nnd marked "Proposals for School District llondh. ' mid must state the lull uuniHand address of th bidder , thu amount of said bonds deslr d and thu price proposed to be paid with accrued In terest. 'I ho right Is reserved to reject any or nil bids. JOHN Itl'MI. City Treasurer. Soalocl Proposals. Sealed proposals w 111 be received at thn olllce of the. an Inter ts , Muulelssolin , Fisher \ Law i le , Now Puxton lluildlng , Omaha , until Saturday , JnmiarySitii , I * * ! * , fortho uirnenter ami Joint i work , of thu four story and basement brick Danish Association Building. The plain nnd speclllcatlouH can lx ) had , and luformutlon ob tallied of the architects MKMJLI.M-OIIN , Fisnt.ii ! c L\wmr , J14-27 ' Architects. To Whom ItMay Concern , Tortaln parties having obtained credit on tht representation that they have an interest In the horse shoeing establishment located nt loll CumlmjSt. , I h ruby notify all that I'am solt proprietor of Mild establishment , und will puj fee Cillt cootrfccted l > y other partl a. , J 0. MILE3. THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES , OMAHA. summnAN IUAINS. llnnutng between Council lUufls and Albright In addition to thu stations mentioned , ( nilin stop at Twentieth and Twonly-fourth streets and at thu Summit In Omaha. AVestuftl. . Notlco to Stockholders. Notice Is hereby given that a special meeting of tliustocknoldeisofTlio 111 K Publishing Com pany , will beheld nt their olllie on Satuiday , , lnn 2yth , 1S88 , nt 10 o'clock a. m..foi the. pin pose of consldeilng thu transfer of lots 7 and H. in block 11(1 ( , and east 41 Icut of 5 and li In block 121 , ilty of Omaha , to 'Jhu Hi r. Itutldlng Company , nnd Mich other business ns mayioino before them. K. RoshWIKIU Piesldent. OM MI \ , Nv.n , .Inn. 17th , Hi8H. . TUB OF TUB Chicago , Milwiiukee & St. Paul R'y ' , The Best Rente from Omnlia autl Council Bluffs to iTHE EAST : TWO TUA1N3 DAILY DETWKRN OMAIIA ANT. COUNCIL Chicago , AND Miliraiikcp , St. Paul , Mlnncnpolls , Cedar Hnpids , Hock Islanil , Frcrporl , Itoekforil , Clinton , llulmquc , Dnrcnport , ElBin , Jladlson , JiincsTlllo , licloit , \ \ liionit , I.u Crossc , And all other Importunt point * But , Northeast and SOUtUUftBt. For tbronsh tickets cull on the tlcXct nsiPnt itt 1KI1 rarnnm street , la Pniton llotal , or Hi Unlua 1'ttclna rullraan Plcepera and the flnptt Dining Can In the world nru run on Ilii- main Una of two Chltnito , Mil- waukea 4 Ft I'ltnl Knllwaj. end cvcrr atteotlon Is paid to paitomcvrn lir cuunuaui employer ) of tuu 00 m pany. Mll.liRR , Hcwrnl Mnnngcr. JL h lUCKKlt. At l tHnt Oencrnl MknnRar. A. V U OAUI'E.NTEIt , Ucuvral l'u engar and < } K < ) K HKAVTOHD , AuliUnt Oanaral Puieo < er udTlcknt Agunl. J , 1' . CLAltK , General Buparlotendint. THE CHICAGO AND NorthWestern - Western Railway Short Line * Omaha , Council Bluffs AiKi Chicago , T enlr m tl to take for Dos Molnci , Mnrlalltnvrn , Cedar Knpldi. Clinton , Dliun. Llilrnko , .Mllwm.keu nnd all noinU enut lo thu ptxiplu < j ( robrnnliii , ( * nlo * rado , woinlnif , Utah , Idaho , Nevada , ( mzoiiYuth - Inittun i-ml Cnllfornla , it uiruri tupeulur udTUntugei or i puolilo Li ) any other llnu AIIIOIIK n fun of Ibu uumnroui polnti of fupcrlorlty enlored bj Iho patrons nf llils road bulwiHn oiuuhi nnd Clilrairo , DTH Its two lrMi < a day of DAY COACH- KM , wlilih are Uiu Pni it thnl numan art anil Inupnul , t ) can crt-klu iu 1'ALACK hl.KKfJNO ( JAIW. which aru moilbli of ( Ximfort fiua oleifitncu , ltd 1'AUIXJll 1UXIVI CAUH , uniurpmi-cil I > T anr , and Hi widely celoortlcd I'AI.A'J MI. DINIM ) OAKS , thi tnualnf wbltU intinot lie fnund muwhpre. AlCuun < ell lllulli thn trnlnt of the tlnlon I'aclllo Hallway , cuiv n cl In unlou dipol with thoio of Ihu ( hkavuA J > ortliwe mrn Ilf In ClilraKn the trulm of tills lint make dote couutcUou HlUt tlio o of all olhur tanlvru llTIOS tor Detroit , rolurabtii. In < 1lan > polli. Cincinnati , Nlax > ra I till. IluOalo. I'Uliaurz , loronlo , Muninal , llo > lon , > ewort , rblladclphU , llaltlmoru. VVaih Icittou , auU all poluHlu thouait , am tor k Uckil Til Ih * "NORTHWESTERN. " If yon with the beil accommodation. All ticket Kentl un tloketi via Ihli hut. E.IIUUIUT1' . K.P.WIIJWN. Uoul. Maoagar , Oval. 1'an'r A * nk * ' . D AUCOCIC. n. nou.E9. HOW THEY HIDE MONEY. Curious Ic\lcrs of Some of the Imttilt Now York Cottiiuorclnl Advcrtlsorl The poctillnrltioa of the jvoplo of the ililTc'i'ont iiiUlotiiilitiu.i lu tholfvaV of uai'f.\lMj ( iitonoy formed tlu < toplo of ronvoi'Mitlon ut Castle Gimlou the othop' day."Mo4 "Mo4 of the r.tiRltsh ImuilKfanfs , ' ' paid ono of the uituioy chuiijinrx , ' 'carpy1 their ooin in a mimll I'ago In which thoV ) sovoroljiii1 * or sliillltipa tit swujjly , atul havotho i-ti o nttnchoa to n chain Which they keep in a pocket ; n they would u \vatoh , An Irishman ahvaya has , lifi ) lltllo i-ativiis ba > j iuhloh ao l < oeM | fiohl , sllvor aud notes all to othut' . Hut a jji'L-at iniuiv of the lv\\ \ ] fill-Is hixvo thuir t-ovoroltrus rolled up and - < invod on the lusUlo of tholv drois , very fro- quoutly , too , Inside of thotr corset nnil oftou htivo to borrow my luniknlfo to obi i out \\hon they couio to got thotn > " 1 have scon seine old Gormnnivho would pull olT from around their bqtly a bolt that I am mire must have i-ost forty or llfty marks , and Ilsh from it three or four marks in silver to have chanced. The French mostly carry i\ btnall bras' ' ? tuho iu which they can plaoo forty or Hfty twcuty-frauo pieces , aud remove thorn very handily one ut n time , aud only ouo at a tltufi. There are very few Italians who don't own n hirpo tin tube , sometimes u foot long , which they have hunjj around tholr uccK'byasmall chain or cord , aud In which they keep tholr paper money or hilver coins. Swedes ami Norwegians are sure to have an immeusopookotbook that has generally boon u cd liy their fathers aud grandfathers before - fore them , aud which will have enough leather iu it to make a pair of boots. ThoSlavouiausor Hungarians generally do not carry pockotboolcs , but they lltul more \vajs of concealing1 what money they may have tliiin any class of people. 1 know of. Their long boots seem to bo the favorite place , and iu the logs o ! them they also carry the kuifonnd fork aud spoon with which they have eaten on thuir way across. Hut 1 huvo BOOM thorn take niouoy from between the lin ing aud outside of their coats which they would get at by cutting iuto a but tonhole. Some of them use their caps , and very many u o their prayer books , placing the paper money on the inside of the cover , and pitbtiug the ilylcaf ol the book over it. Hut 1 think more ot Unit nationality stow away tlroir change inside of their blockings than any other plaro , nnd doa't take their stockings ofl from the time it is put the re until they want to change it. " " 1 see n star , Eve's 11 rat born , iu whosd train" Como the damp twilight that bringoth pain. For aches of head , neuralgia , cut nnd bruise , Try Salvation Oil , these will you loso. "How can Mrs. Smith wear such n handsome velvet ? " "My dear child , don't you know her husband saves doctors' bills by using Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup for the children. SalnrloH of Now Vork I'rencliefB. The rich churches pay extraordinary salories. The Broadway tabernacle , for iiibtunco , lias advanced its pastor , W. M. Taylor , until ho now receives S15H)0 ( ) a year. Uo gets , in fact , moro in a month than most country preachers during the whole year. Trinity began paying Hector lix $1'J,00 ( ) , but when ho married an elegant hou&o was built for his use aud il is baid that his balary is now 820,000. John Hall received $10,000 at first , but now has $13,000 and a house , Ho could have more by asking for it , for hiscongrogatioii includes $ oO,000,000. John K. I'axtoii , who preaches to the Flaglors , and also to Russell Sago and the Goulds , together with other opulent men , lias a salary of $ lii,000. Grace and St. Thomas are both rich enough to pay their roctora $10,000. Grace has a beautiful rectory , and Morgan , who preaches in St. Thomas , is a rich man , independent of his salary. McArthur , the baptist , is said to bu equally well paid , and two of his denomination ( Hndgomunaud Arm- itagojalbo have eavo$10,000 , while other city pastors receive from $0,000 down to one-half that sum. .ludsoii , who is la boring bo ardently at the Borcan church , is poorly paid , but ho has the satisfac tion of doing a uoblo work , While some clergymen are thus highly paid , there ib a largo number of the profession hanging round the churches and glad to get a chance to supply a pulpit. Like all other professions , the clergy drift to the city in bcarch of employment and try for any opening in benevolent socie ties , or even city mission labor , which is the poorest paid clerical borvico , and yet there it > a pressure for every vu cancy. Sudden ChaiiKCH ol * AVrntlicr ciuifla Discuses. Thciclsno moru cfTcutunl ruuiuily for Coughs , Colilsi'tu. , thun UUOWN'H HiioNvnui , TIIOUIIM. Hold only In boxes , Price 25 cts. i rvAcgtuiKTiD WITH Tim ocooiuriir or THU COUNTKT WILL EXE HT KUKUiUiU THIS MAT T1UT THU m CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND &PACFIC ! RAILWAY rtaion ot Ita ceotml pndtlon t'a * rrlatlon to llnel Knit ot Chicago , and contlnjatu Uu i at a ml lull polntaT > il , Morthwxt and Sojthweil , U the lru middle link In th > ( transcontinental > yit m whlib Intltri auil fadlltaloa travel and ( raBo L Vw n lha Atlantic and 1'aclSc. The Rock Inland main lint and branthfilnclnd * Cht- Cft o. Jolltt , Otlawa , I aBallu , l' orla , Oni o , Uull& unil Hoclt Itland , la llllnuli ) IaT nport , Mu alla > , WMhlncton , t'alrfluld. Ottuinwn , Oskalooaa , Weil trrty , Iowa CityDm llutner. liidl > nolWlDtiri t , Atl > n- tie Knozvlllfl , Audubon , lltrlan , tiuthrle Cvntre an4 Cojncll IIIuTiliilo-v ! ; flallatln , Trenton , St. i ph , Cam'run anil Kanias City , In Mluourlt I , ai-Ki url d Atcbl onln Kaniavi AlUirt I.aa , > tlanaapolli anil M raul.lnMlnnoiotiii Watortown and Iloui FalUla pakota , and li indredn of Intennadlate cltUa and towna. VTho Great Rock Island Route"fl nuirantoei freed , comfort , certainty and aafaty. Ill -lerroanent way UdUtlnffulkbrdlorlUcieaUanca. IU I riJgfi ere of nlooo and Iron. Ill track l < ot aolij rtrclltirolllniritockrrrncl | " meful , and fur lu > urlau accoinmodatlori ! unaor- pautd. Its Kiprcm Trains eonilit of iiperior l > ajf Coapui , olfegrunt Tullmun i'alace i'arlorand SUepluf Cam , iu [ > ortj inning Cars , rrorUIn delicious meals. And ( Itetwevn Chlos o and Bt. Jo ph , Aicblioa anj Kansas City ) rnitful Itorliiilnz Cbalr Can. IU uajv atunf nt Is coutnratlv * , Ita discipline ciuUng "Tho [ Famous Albert Lea Rowe" IlctwesD Chlcapo an < l Ulnneapoll * and St. Ta. * * Is thft favorlU * . Over Ililslluo bolld ( ast Kxprras Trains run dallto attracted morti fur toiirlils In Iowa s d Ulnneftota. and , via Watcrtnwn and Bloux Kails , to tli * rich wlt at and grazing lands uf Inlcrlor Dakota. Via Bcncca and Kankaken , llm Hock Island offers superior Inducements lo Irareler * l tweun Cincinnati , ladlatte npolls. I.afayetta and Cuuncll Uluffs , kt. Joiepb , AtchK ton , Learenwo'lli , Kanias City , Bt. I'nul , and luUnnc. ( tlatb point/ All patrons ( an < lally ladles and ehll * drcn ) rocclvu protection , oourteiy and klndlj attf ntluii , Kcr tickets , in > ps , folders , copies uf VTuitern Trail , ot tny rieilrcd Jnfurwatlon , appljr to principal offices la tlie United ttlates and Canada , or aUdren , alCbloitfc , K. h. CABIC , t. ST. JOHN , I. A. IIGIMOOI , GLUCK & WILK1NSQH ,