Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 26, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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the Influence of a better demand , and closed
> /c below yc tcrday : cash and February ,
cW \ May , 81 < c.
Corn Showed no particular chance , trad
ing \i < : lnf ! almost entirely local ; the cto ltiK
was ' , ( ' / ' 40 hlKhcr thnn yesterday ; cash and
February. 475c ; May , 52 JMOc.
Oats null and weak 1 May , 33c.
Hyc Kirm al Mo.
Harley Nominal.
Pi line Timothy 12.47.
WhlkyUO. .
Pork Dull but steady ; cash , $13.M ; May ,
I14.U7J * .
Lnrtf Quiet with very little change ;
and February. $7. : } tf : May , $7.52 } , ; .
Dry Halted Meats Shoulders , $5.00 ( < 26.00 ;
nhort clear , $7.S5 7.WJ ; short May , $7.40.
Huttur Firm ; creamery , 22 ( < y2c ; dairy ,
Cheese Firm ; lull cream cheddars , 11@
1l' c ! Hats , ll 'QUJfejo young Americas ,
\\M \ \ 12c.
KfrirH Firm ; frrsh , 20@22c.
Hmrs Unchanged ; green hides 5J > c ; preen
frozen , 5o ; heavy green salted , 0 ] ; lltfht
jrrecn salted , CJf ; salted bull , SJ c ; green
bull , 44c ; preen salted culf , 6c : dry flint
nnd dry calf , 1242110. : branded , 15 per cent
off ; deacons , 'Me each ; dry salted , NIC.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1. country solid ,
3e , No. VWi cake,4.
cake,4.KccelpK Shipments.
Flour , bblt . 2SIKK ) 21,000
Wheat , bu . arKX ( ) 10,000
Corn , bu . 144,000 M > ,000
Oatn , bu . ii7,000 : , 48,000
HjC , bll . h.OOO tiXX ( )
Uarlcy , bu . 40,000 34,000
Ht. Louln. Jan. 25. Wheat Lower ; cash ,
fcO c ; May , b2fe.
Corn Luivor ; cash , 47 , ' < V47 e ; May ,
47 } c.
Oats Easier ; cash , 30j , ' ( .TOJfc ; May , 31@
Lard -$7. 15.
Hiitter Firm ; creamery , 24@30c ; dairy ,
i'Jt )
Afternoon lioard Wheat Kasy ; January ,
Mte bid ; Febiuary , feOc bid ; March , hl c bid ;
May , H25 < c. Corn Steady. Jiumnry , 4flMo
bid ; February , 4lic. ; ! bid ; March , 47'4'c bid ;
May , 4'sXc asked. Oats February , 30' c
bid ; May , ill -tfc.
Liverpool , Jan. 25. Wheat Quirt ; de
mand poor ; holders offer freely ; California ,
No. 1 , Us UdoCis lOd per cental ; red western
spring , CM hill/Mis 9d.
Corn Quiet , but steady ; demand poor ;
holders lifter moderately ; new mixed west
ern , 4s lOJfd.
MlnncnpollH , Jan. 25. Wheat Not
much wheat WHS offered and sellers were en
abled to ( 'iit yesterday's prices. Closing : In
stoic No. 1 hard , cash and February , 77c ;
May , SO' .Jo. No. 1 northern , cash and Feb
ruary , 75J c ; No. - noi them , cash and Feb
ruary , T.'lc. On truck No. 1 hard , 7b' e ;
No. 1 northern , 7C < 3T7e ; No. 2 northern ,
75c.Flour No Improvement in Hour. Patents ,
sacks to ship , $4.00@4.10 ; bakers' , $ a.3C@
Milwaukee , Jan. 25. Wheat Weak ;
cash , "fijfc ; May , Mitfe.
Corn Quiet ; No. U , 48c.
Oats Stronger ; No. 2 white , 35J c.
Hyc Weak ; No. 1 , Me.
Hurley Firmer ; No. 2 , 7SJfc.
Provisions Steady ; pork , January ,
Cincinnati. Jan. 25. Wheat Lower ;
No. a red , b7 ( 7Me. ?
Corn Quiet ; No. 3 mixed , Sljfc.
Oats Steady ; No. 2 mixed , Ii4c.
Hyc Dull ; No. 2 , ( i'.lftiTOo.
Provisions Pork , dull at $14.30 } lard ,
caslcriT at i''M.
Whisky Steady and higher at $1.08.
Now York , .Ian. 25. Wheat Receipts ,
4H)0 ( ) ; exports , none ; options ruled stronger
at the opening , and prices advanced ' .CdjXc ,
later weakened and settled back K@ % ° on
pressure to sell , closing barely steady at a
fihadi ; above bottom ; spot lots u shade lower
and dull ; ungraded , bU'ffitDajfu ' ; No. 1 red ,
nominal at Me ; No. 2 red , MKWbUXc In
elevator and store , IHIJflSWlKc delivered , b'J@
MM.,1' f. o. b. ; February closing at bSJ < c.
Corn Receipts , 12,000 ; exports , 4,000 ;
options , ' ( , ( $ , ' 40 higher , closed dull and barely
steady ; spot opened tlrm hut quiet , and closed
weak ; ungraded , MiJfQHl' c ; No. M , ffcjfc ;
No. 2 , ( KKrfttO 'c In elevator , MQic \ } delivered -
livered ; February closing atC/J c.
Oats Kccclpts , 47,000 ; exports , (5.000 ( ;
n shade stronger , but ( juict ; mixed western ,
37'4 ' ( < ? 40i ! ; while western , 40(24lic. ( '
Coffee Siot ) , fair ; Rlodull'at J17.00@17.25 ;
options opened heavy and lower , closing
steadier ; sales , l.'M,2Mbags ) ; January , $14.45(3 (
14.MI ; Februaryfii.45Tcia.7ri ; ( ; March , flt.Kii ! ( )
13.15 ; April , * 12.70u ( 12.80 ; May , $12.55tf ( 12.70 ;
J line , $12.25@ 12.40.
Petroleum Steady ; United , SSJjfc.
Pork Dull ; mcbs imotcd at. $15.00 for one
year old.
Lard Opened firm , later declined .1 ( < ? f
points and closed dull and barely steady :
western steam , snot , quoted at $7.t7 ! } . .
Kggs Quiet and easy ; western , 24 ( 25c.
Mutter Firm on choice grades ; western ,
Checso Firm , but rather quiet ; western
City , Jan. 25. Wheat No. ' .
Boft , cash , 7SJ < c ; May , SOVo ; bid , Sic asked.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , cash , no bids , 42J i
asked ; May , 4l > Xc bid , 40c asked.
Oats No. 2 , cash , 2flJi ° nskcd.
New Orleans , Jan. 25. Corn Quiel
but steady ; mixed,04S05o ( ; white and yellow
Oats Quiet ; No. 2 , 41@42c.
Corn Meal Quiet but tirm at $2.80.
Hog Products Quiet but tlrm ; pork
fU.biK ; lurd , f7.1l. ! ! }
Hnlkmoats Shoulders , $0.12J ; long clear
nnd clear ribs , $7.75.
Union Stock Yur < In , Chicago , Jan. 25
The Drovers' Journal reM | > rts :
Cattle Receipts , 7,000 ; strong and hlghc :
for good stock ; steers , $3.00 ( < ? 5.10 ; stocker
and feeders , f 2.00072.40 ; cows , bulls am
mixed , $1.55t.lO ( : ; Texas cattle , $3.JI5@a.8U
Hogs Receipts , 17.000 ; strong and a shadi
higher ; mixed , $5.10 < W5.45 ; heavy , $5.5005.85
light , $4 > 5@5.iO : ; bkips , f.40 ) ( < ? 4.75.
Sheep Receipts , 7,000 ; weak and lOtJi ft
lower ; natives , $ M.OO(33.85 ( ; western , $4.50 ( <
5. ( 1 ; Toxuns , t-UKXirtJ S5 ; lambs , * 5.00C i.OU
The Drovers' Joumal's cablegram q iotc
American cattle blow at London at I''c fo
National Stock Ynriln East St
I > IIH , Jan , 25. Cattle Receipts , 1,400
shipments , 1UX ! ) ; market active and strong
choice heavy native steers , ; fai
to good native steers , t3.t)0f4.fiO ) ; butchers
steers , medium to choice , | : i.20@l.50 ; stock
crs and feeders , fair to good , $2.00@3.40
rangers , ordinary to good ,
Hogs Receipts , 4,000 ; shipments , 5,000
market active and tlrm ; choice heavy an
butchcn , ' selections , $5.5Di5. ( > 5 ; packing
medium to prime , $5.10i7'5.55 ; light grade !
ordinary to good , $4.'Jl@5.15. (
KitnsitN City , Jan. 25. Cattle Receipt ;
2XK ( ) ; shipments , 1,100 ; best shipping an
dressed beef steers steady ; common , sloi
and weau ; good to choice corn-fed , $4.250
4.bO ; common to medium , $ : j.25@4.20 : stocl
ers , * lMKtf2.20 ; feeding steers , $2. ( < 0i.2J ( ; )
cows , * l.tO ; ( < ! fi.OO. :
Hogs Receipts , 0,000 ; shipments , 40C
market weak ; choice , So lower ; others , 10
lower ; common to choice , $ l.70@5.45 ; skip
and pigs , ta.OO@4.0U.
Wednesday , Jan. 25 , 1SSS.
The receipts of cattle were 7M head 1111
wliilo there were no strictly lli-bt-class , sloe
among the offerings theio were few hen
of fair cattle. The bulk of the cattle sol
was common half fat steers and butcher
stock. Trading was quite active , the loci
and shipping demand being quito gooi
Price ! , are a bhado lower on souio grades.
The vecclpta of hogs wcro moderate an
the quality about the same as en yestcrda ;
there being a slight improvement in the be
grades. Prices were about steady with jc
terday's market. One load of good hca\
hogs sold at $5,30. The demand was pure
n locul one , the Armour house being tl
heaviest purchaser.
The receipts of sheen were 4S7 head <
common westerns. Prices remain about i
OlllClltl llCCMllptH.
Cattle 7 !
Hogs ; i,5
Sheep 4
I'rovnlllnjj Prices.
Showing the prevailing prices paid for 11'
stock on the market :
Prime steers , UiOO to 1500 Ibs..J3..S5 (24.25
Uhoico btcurs , UW to 1300 Ibs. . 3.25 QJ4.00
Fnt little Acer's POO toJOMMta. 3.CO
Corn fed range steer * , 1200 to
1500 lb * , 3.M ) (33.75 (
C.ood to choice corn-fed cows. . 2.25 QCUK )
Common to medium cows 1.73 ( < < 2.25
WcMrrn cows 1.75 fjt'l.GO
( Seed ranco feeders 2.30 ( R2.G5
Hood nntlye fecdcrslH)01bsnnd )
upwards 2.25 (53.00 (
Fair to medium native feeders ,
00 Ihs nnd upward- * 2.25 (32.50
Stockcrs , 400 to 700 Ibs 2.15 W2.75
Prime fat sheep 3.75 (14.25
CSood fat sheep , OOrtlUO Ibs 3.25 ( 3.50
Fair to medium sheep 2.25 ( U3.00
Cominonsheep 1.75 ( u2.25
LlRht nnd medium hops 4.M ) ( < * 4.75
Oood to choice heavy hops 5.15 W5.35
Uood to ehoice mixed hogs 5.10 ( ( j5.2o
IteprcHcntatlvc Hnlcs.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
2 USO $3.O 3 ' .173 $3.50
Itt lnW 3.05 20 1225 3.IX )
0 11)56 ) 3.25 1'J 1155 3.00
13 1150 3.20 4 1117 3. 15
17 11S8 3.30 35 12(10 ( 3.115
14 1072 3.40 13 1300 3.fi5
30 1125 3.40 20 1203 3.115
143 1150 3.40 17 1105 3.75
13 1153 8.M ) 40 1202 3.SO
10 1175 3.50 14 124S 3.85
1 1180 1.75 2 1100 2.00
1 1MO 1.25 1 12-10 1.50
2 1555 2.00
1 1S.30 2.75
MI.\K1 > CATTl.B.
2 ? 40 2.511 21 4f,0 2.00
3 1070 300 1U 1050 3.35
25 1UI4 3.30
2 1078 2.25 1 15.10 3.50
11 1173 2.25 7 1071 2.fO
15 10SO 2.50 4 1225 2.75
. .
1009 3,00 17 . 1113 3.25
. Lilvi ! Stoulc Sold.
Showing the number of head of stock sold
on the market today.RATTLE.
G. H. Hammond > t Co . 237
Harris & Fisher . 17
Shippers . 537
Local . 25
Feeders . 78
Total . & 01
KM iii : : * .
Dockage and
Public inspectors dock pregnant sows 40
pounds , stags SO pounds each.
Dead hogs. 100 pounds nnd over , $1.75@
2.00 per cwt , less thnn 100 Ibs , of no value.
Yardage : Cattle , 85c ; hogs , So ; sheep , 5c
per head. Peed : Corn , $1,00 per bu. ; timothy
hay , $30 ; prairie hay , $20 per ton.
Commissions : Cattle , 50c per head ; calves
nnd yearlings , $10 per car. Hogs and sheep :
Single decks , $5 ; public inspection on hogs ,
15c per car. All sales unless otherwise
stated per 100 Ibs live weight.
lilvo Stock Notes.
Leo Miner , of Craig , was a looker-on yes
W. P. Clark , of Tulniage , was on the mar
ket with hogs.
J. M. Harbour , of Toulon , In. , marketed c
load of hogs.
J. Hustle , of Elmwood , was on the market
with cattlo.
W. D. Hnllard , of L'ersia , In. , was on to
day's market.
D. 1C. Nctzly , of Pickerel ! , was on the mar
kct with cuttle.
L. H. Dcnmnn , of Valparaiso , sold hogs or
the market to-day.
M. F. Griffin , of Saltello , had cattle nut
hogs on tlio market.
W. H. Freeman , of Oakland , la. , had hog !
on to-day's market.
Charles Grammer , of L'nlmer , was on tin
market with sheep.
Peter Herlet , of Talmage , marketed a loni
of hogs nt the top price.
E. C. Green , of the L 7 cattle company ,
was on the market with cattle , shipped fron
Seventeen hundred nnd ninety-four beat
of cattle hnvo sold on this market in the pas
two days.
Armour purchased the largest number o
hogs yesterday , wlnlo Hammond bought tin
most cattle.
Produce , FrultH , Ktc.
Wednesday , Jan. 25.
'flic following nrc the prices nt whM
round ! let ( * i of jiiiHiiircuri ! Million Mils w < r
Kct. Fruits urnlhcr llnesofyoods re < iulrln\ \
c.rtrn labor of ) iacll > nj cumiot always t >
supplied on on/side / onkTS ut the same price
ilitnted tlic local trade.
Hi'TTEii Ucccipts were very light to-day
and the demand fair. Prices are unchanged
Wo quote : Creamery , solid packed , 28ift24e.
choice dairy , 17itl'Jo ( ; medium , 15i ( 17oY lov
grades , 10 < 3l2c.
Eoos- Fresh eggs are in good demand re
ccipts are somewhat light , but thcro is sufti
dent of the cold storage to supply all wants
Wo again quote : 8iit2lo ( ( for cold storage
210220 for strictly Ircsh. Limed eggs ar
very slow at 15c.
Pnui.TUl Kcccipts arc again light , nnd th
demand for chickens , ducks and geese hrisV
Turkeys nro btill slow sale. Wo quote
Dressed chickens , SQJOo per lb ; turkeys ,
'Jo ; ducks , s@lio ) ; grcsc ,
POTATOES The liner weather has cause
potatoes to move more freely , nnd n goo
business Is icHrtcd | , prices , however , n
main ns before Utah and Colorado stoc
nro quoted nt $1 1031.15 and choice horn
grown at 9001 , 00 ; common grades at OOc.
C \iuunu Stocks nro light , but accusing
in cut of California Is expected in a day o
two. Prices nro unchanged. Wo quote t
perdoz.and2HG 3o per lb for California.
OKANIIES--NO change to note , and prcscti
stocks nro worklug oil nt former prices.V
quote : Vulcncias , $7.MKf ! S 00 | x > r case of 42C
Ixnilsiann , $1.00(34.25 ( ; Florida , bright *
M.C5@4.50 ; russetts , $3.50@4.00.
Tuns'irs A few are now on the marke
and selling at from & 5&COC per bushel , wit
Kutabapas the same.
1 Arrus : A better trade Is noted , but at ui
d prices , -which remain flrm. Wo
quote cnitern fnilt , fair to choice stock , M.50
( < < 3.75 ; lancy stock , Cl.TR@4.UO.
LrMON3 Malogn nrc now out of the mar
ket. anil orders arc now tilled from the stock
of Messina , which arc quoted nt f5.00 < S5.50
l > cr box.
ONIONS We quote prices unchanged : Home
Brown , 7W3Wce ; Spanish onions , per 50-Ib
crnte , tl.uOgl.75. (
HAXAN S Are In llffht supply , as the cold
weather prevents receipts of any but small
lots. The supply , however , Is equal to the
the demand nnd prices arc unchanged at
J.'UK ) ( < 3.0 for choice , and medium at $ 'J.50 ®
3.00.HKASS Good stock. $ 'J.OOS-J.nO ( ; fair to
Rood , ( l.tXXTrl.bU , and California beans at
r-2.1il > ( u.2,40.
SWEET POTATOES Arc nearly out of the
market. Wo still ijMoto : l2@'J > ic per lb. , with
extra at Sis.
CiDKU-Cholce Michigan cider , tO.OOQO.M
per bbl. of tfpal. .
I'OPCOIIS Choice rice corn Is quoted at
4T4Kc ( l > er Ib , other kinds , ZM&te per ft.
SAi'Kii ' KHAUT Choice per bbl. of 30 gal. ,
t8.S5W9.00 ; H obi. , f4.67@5.00. * H-00 per
bbl of 50 pal.
CAUIIOTS * per barrel.
I'Aiissirs New' stock , f'J.fcO jwr barrel-
There nrc few on the market.
OvsTr.its Plain standard , 25c ; plain se
lects , ! lOo ; standard , 40c ; extra selects , , ' )5c ) ;
New York counts , 40c ; milk oysters , counts ,
f 1.8. " ) per 100 ; selects , fJ.OU per gal ; standard ,
$1.25 per gal.
CAt'i.irLOWEii Good stock , (3CO@3.80.
CALII-ORNU fuu ITS There arc only a few
pears In the market , at $ -J.50@'J.7fi ; extra
fine , 13.110.
CiuNnp.KiiiF.9 Hell it Cherry , $10.00@10.fiO
Hell It tingle , $10.50(311.00 ( ; Cape Cods , $11.00
( li'11.50.
Kins In layers , i16e : ) : cake , lie per lb.
DATES Prussian , Sc per lb.
Cni.cur No clmtiRo in price , but stock
are light and demand fair. Wo quote 404 $
45o per dozen forcholce nnd45@r > 0c for fancy.
NUTS Peanuts , 0 ( § 7c , raw ; llrazll nuts ,
13c ; almonds , Tarragona , U2o ; English
walnuts , 15@lSc ; filberts , 18c ; Italian chest
nuts , 15c ; pecans , 12c.
Giurr.s Arc bccomlnp scarce nnd arc
marked higher , fit $7.51) ) 8.00 per bbl. for
Malagas , and larger sized bbls. in proportion
up to $10.
Hoxnv Is somewhat scarce nnd found at
previous quotations ; l'Jii21e ( for 1-tli frames ;
canned honey , 10@12c per lb.
Groccr'H List.
PHOVISIOSS Hums , ll@ll } e ; breakfast
bacon , U4'@llKe ; bacon sldes.O. ' HKc ; dry
salt , S.bXashoulders } \ , ( lU@7c ; dried beef ,
CiNtir Mixed , U lle ; stick ,
CANNKD GOOIM Oysters , Htandard , per
asc , W.itO ® : ! . ; ) . " ! ; strawberries , 2-lb per case ,
> 1.20it.aO ( ; ; raspberries , 2-lb per case , $3.1.1(1 ( $
1.23 ; California pears , per case , $4.70@4.b ( ) ;
, pricots , per case , $4.X4.70 ( ) ; peaches , i > ei-
ase , $5.70f5. SO ; white cherries , ' per rase.
$000 ; Cal. pIumsporcaHe$4.30@4.40 ; blueber
ries , per case , $ 'j.aoigt.40 ! ; egp plums , 2-lb
; ier case , $2.50 ; pineapples , 2-lb , per case ,
S1.2U < < f5.7r > ; 1-lb salmon , per doz , $1.7. > ( il.yO ;
Mb gooseberries , per case , $3.25@H.t.V : 2-lb
rttring beans , per case , $ ( > ; 2-lb Lima
beans , per case , $ l.COjl. ( ( ' ) . ' ) ; 2-lb marrowfat
peas , $2.110(32,70 ( ; 2-lb early June pear , per
ase , $2.85 ; 3-lb tomatoes , $2.50 ; 2-lb corn ,
. : ) fa2.40.
UitiKi > Fni'iTS Apples , new , } s , 7@ i c ;
evaporated 50-lb ring , 0 @ 10c ; raspberries ,
evaporated , 27@2Sc ; blackberries , evaporated ,
lOc : pitted cherries , 22Vr23c ( ; ; Eastern ,
peaches , new , 8@8J e ; California
) cachcs , new , i < fs , 15ieltic ( ; evapor
ated , peeled peaches , 2U@HOo ; evapor
ated , unpared , 20 ( < 21c ; new cur
rants , 77 ! c ; primes , new , BriJ/c ( ! ;
citron , 25o ; raisins , London layi-rs , f'2.4r > ( ii >
2.50 ; California loose muscatels , $2.10 ( 2.15 ;
new Valencia , SlgSJie.
Hnn.sii ) LAUD Tierce , 7JjC ; 40-lb square
cans , 73 < Jc ; 50-lb round , 7c ; 20-lb round ,
7'/e ' ; 10-lb palls , 8c ; 5-lb pails , 8xVe ; 2-lb
pails. 8'fe.
UHOOMS Extra 4-tie , $ ' 2.GO ; No. 1 , $2.00 ;
No. 2 , $1.75 ; heavy stable , $4.00.
SYKUI' No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs , $1.50@1.55 ;
New Orleans , ] > er gallon , as 4o ( ! ; mai > lc
syrup , half bbls , "old time" per gallon , 8llo ;
1-gallon cans , per doz , $10.50 ; half galen cans ,
per doz , $ t > .25 ; iiuart cans , $ : i.2o.
STAIICII Mirror glass , fiJic ; Graves' corn ,
c ; Oswego gloss , tic ; Oswego corn , 7e.
HOLLAND HeimiNns 7Ii@70 per keg.
WOODKNWAIIE TwO-hOOp pulls , pel1 d07. . ,
$1.45 ; three-hoop pails , $1.70 ; No. 1 tub , $0.50 ;
No. 2 tub , $ .50 ; No. 3 tub , $4.50 ; wash
boards , $1.402.75 ; assorted bowls , $2.25 ;
No. 1 churns , $9,00 ; No. 2 churns , IS.OO ; No.
3 churns , $7.00.
PICKLES Medium in bbls , $7.00 ; do in half
bbls , $4.00 ; small , in bbls , $8.00 ; do in half
bbls , $4.50 ; gerkins , in bbls , $0.00 ; do in half
bbls , $5.00.
COFFEE Ordinary grades , 19@20o ; fair ,
( S20) ) c ; prime , 21@21Jac ; fancy green and
yellow , 22@24u ; old government Java , 2S@
SOo ; interior Java , 25 ( < J2Sc ; Mocha , 2S@.HOc ;
ArbucKle'a roasted , 23c ; McLaughlin's
XXXX , 23e ; Dilworth's,23fc ; Ked Cross ,
JELLIES 30-lb palls , $1.C5@1.75.
TEAS Japans , 20ji55cj ( gunpowder , 20i (
OOc ; Young Hyson , 25@5oo ; Oolong , 20Q
C5c.HOPE Seven-sixteenths. ll@llJ o.
TOIIACCO Lorillard's Climax , 45c ; Splen
did , 45c ; Mechanic's Delight , 44e ; Lcggctt &
Meyer's Star , 45c ; Cornerstone , SUc ; lirum-
mond's Horseshoe , 44c ; J. T. . 40e ; Sorg's
Spearhead , 44e ; Cutliu's meerschaum , 31u ;
Catlin's Old Style , 2'Jo.
SL-OAK Granulated , 7X@75 < fc ; conf. A ,
7 @ 7 c ; white extra C. li(30c ( ; extra C ,
t % < ! i < > X : yellow C , 5K@5X ; c t loaf , §
8'jo ; powdered , 8 , ; . ( < jSJ e ; New Orleans ,
@ 55 < c.
CKACKKIIS , CAKES , ETC. Prices subject to
change. Soda , 5c ; soda ( city poods ) , 7i : ; soda
snowllakcs ( in tins ) , lie ; soda dandy , ( IJc ;
soda wafers ( in tins ) , lOc ; soda zephyr , 80 ;
city oyster , 0 } c ; excelsior , 7o ; farina oys
ter , 5) ) c ; gem oyster , Be ; monitor , 7c ;
Omnha oyster , 7e ; pearl oystcr,5o ; picnic , 5c ;
snowdrop oyster , Be ; butter , 5c ; Hoston , 8c ;
Omaha butter , 7c ; saw tooth butter , tl e ;
cracker meal , 5 c ; graham. 8c ; graliam
wafers , lOc ; graham v afers in pound pack
ages , 12) ) u ; hard bread , Be ; milk , ytc\ \ oat
meal , 8c ; oatmeal wafers. lOc ; oatmeal wa
fers in lb pkps , 12 > fc ; animals , 12c ; boliver
ginger ( round ) . 7c ; cream , 8c ; Cornhill ,
lOc ; cracknells , lOc ; frosted cream , 8' c ;
ginger snaps , He ; ginger snaps ( city ) , Oc ;
homo made ginger snaps in boxes , Ke ! ; homemade
made ginger snaps (1 ( lb cans ) per dozen.
$2.50 ; lemod cream , 8c ; pretzels ( hand
made ) , UK0 ! assorted cakes nnd Jumbles ,
llfo ; assorted lingers , 15c ; afternoon tea
( in tins ) per dozen , $7.00 ; banana lingers ,
14c ; butter Jumbles , UKu ; Brunswick , 15o ;
brandy snaps , I5c ; chocolate drops ( new ) ,
16u ; chocolate wafers , 15c ; Christmas lunch
( in tins ) , per dozen , $4.50 ; cocoa taffy snaps ,
14o ; coffeu cake , 12c ; Cuba Jumbles , ll } c ;
cream puffs , 20o ; egg Jumbles , 14e ; ginger
drops , lie ; honey Jumbles , llKo ; Jelly ling
ers , 15c ; Jelly wafers , 15e ; Jelly tart ( now ) ,
15c ; lady lingers , liic ; vanilla bar , 14e ; va
nilla wafers , 14o ; Vienna wafers , 1 do en
packages in box , per dozen , $2.50.
All goods packed in cans 1 ct. per lb. ad
vance except Snowllako and Wafer Soda ,
which is packed only in cans. Soda in 2 lb ,
nnd 3 lb. paper boxes , JJ centpcr lb. advance ;
all other goods , 1 cent per lb. advance. Sodn
in 1 lb. paper boxes , 1 cent per lb. advance ,
The 2 lb. boxes are packed in cases holding It
in u case. The 3 lb. boxes arc packed in cases
holding 12 in n caso. The 1 lb. boxes arc
packed in cases holding ! Ui in a case. One lb ,
Graham and Oatmeal Wafers packed 2 doz ,
In a case.
Show Tops for boxes , with glass opening tc
show goods , 75 cents. Cans for Wafer Soda
$3,00 not returnable. Cans for Snowtluki
Soda , fO.OO per doz. Tin Cases with Glass
Face to display the goods , 75ccnts each. N (
charges for Packages except for cans and returnable
turnablo cases. Glass Front Tin Cans am
"Snowliaku" Soda Cans arc returnable u' '
prices charged ,
Dry Goods.
DLTK West Point 29 in. S oz. . lO c ; Wes
Point 20 in. 10 oz. , 12 } < c : West Point 10 in. li
oz , 15o ; West Point 40 in. 11 oz , 10o. Check ;
-Caledonia X , tiYc ; Caledonia XX , 10)io
Economy , U'tfe ; Otis , Stfc.
KENTUCKY JUANS Memorial , 15c ; Canton
ISc ; Durham , 27Kc ; Hercules , ISo ; Learning
ton , 22Kc ; Cottswold , 25c.
CRASH Stevens' U , do ; bleached , 7o ; Ste
vens' A , 7Jfc ; bleached , 8' c ; Stevens' P
8Kc ; blenched , tike ; Stevens' N , UKo
blenched , 10fc ; Stevens' S H T , 12Ko.
MISCELLANEOUS Table oil cloth , $2.Si !
plain Holland , SJ c to Do ; Dado Holland
CAMnnics Slater , 4 o ; Woods , 4fcj } Stan
dard , 4J < c ; Peacock , 4kc.
COM t oiiTuns-O.CiOOJ 35.00.
IlLASKETS-Whitc , JUKX37.50 ; colored $1.1
13L.CAC1IKI ) SiiEr.Tixa Berkeley cambric
No. CO , OKo ; Best Yet , 4-4 , OJfo ; butturclotl
OO,4)fc ; Cabot , 7Wo ; Farwell , So ; Fruit o
Loom. 9c ; Greene G , t5c ; Hope , 7jf6 ; Kin ;
Phillip cambric , lie ; Lonsdale , ll ) c ; Lmis
dalc.b c ; New Yorli mills , 10 > ioj Poppcrd
43-ln , lO'/cjPepporclMft-ln. . ll' c ; Peppcrell
M , IBc ; Peppcrell , 8-4.20c ; Peppcrell 0-4 , 22e ;
Peppcrell. 10-4 , 24cj Canton 4-1 , 8 , ' ± c ; Canton ,
4-4 , y)4e ) ; Triumph , 60 ; Wamsutta , lie ; Val-
Plaid naftsinnn , COo ; Ooshen ,
UOo ; Qucchco No. 1. If. 4''o ; Queeheo No. 2 ,
( , ! l7Xe ; Qucchco No. 4 , ? < , : k'c ; Anawau ,
iaKc\Vlnd ; or,2J c. Hed-C , 24-Inch. 15Jc } ;
E , 24-Inch , 21c ; GO , a Inch , 1S ; H A
25o : J U F , < , 27 c,0 ; , f , 3Tc , ,
PIIINTS Soi.nt Colons Atlanta ,
Slater , fie ; Hcrlln Oil , n < o , Garner Oil , 0@
Tc. PINK AND KOIIES Itiehmond , fie ; Allen ,
6c ; Ilivor polat , 5c ; l tocl Itlvor , Co ; lllch-
in oiid , Oc ; Pacific , 0)c ) ; INDIOO Little Wash
ington , Go ; Century Inillpp blue prints , 10o ;
American , fif ) ; Arnold , CJfc ; Arnold LI ,
,0fe } ; Arnold A , 12o ; Arnold Gold Seal
JoUe. DUES' Charter Oak , 4 } c ; Hnmapo
hc ; Lodl , 7 > < c ; Allen , 5i < fc ; Ulohmond
pW WiniUtor , 60 ; Eddystone , Cc ; L'acltlc ,
O *
COTTON FI.ASNEM 10 per cent trade dis
count'fc ; CC , 7 ! < fc ; SS , 8We ; Name-
Tess BKc ; No. 5 , Ou ; EE , 0 > < c ; GG , 10'tfe ;
XX , 12e ; OO , 14c ; NN , Kic ; HX , ISo ; H , 20e ;
No. 10. 8 0 ; 40 , lOJ o ; 00 , ISJtfcs 80 , 15c ; ! )0 )
colored , lOc ; f > 0 , colored , 12c ; 7H , colored , 15c ;
Urlstol. ISUc ; Union Pacillc , 18c.
CAIIPET WAIIP Llcbb white , 10 } c ; colored ,
Hooslcr LL' , 4-4" , ftJCe ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7 > o ;
I awrenco LL , 4-4 , f > 5/c ; Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
fiKc : L'cppcrcll H , 4-4 , (5/c ( ; * ; I'cppcrell O , 4-4 ,
lie ; Poppercll , 8-4 , 18e ; L'cppercll , 9-4 , 20o ;
Peppcrell , 10-4 , 22e ; Utlca C , 4-4 , 49fc ; Wa-
chusctt , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora Li , 4-4 , OWc ; Aurora
U , 4-4 , Oc.
TS Standard , 8c ; Gem , 10' e ; llcauty ,
12Ufo ; Hoono. 14c ; H , cased , fo.50.
CiisoiuM Plunkelt cheeks , 7'/c ' ; Whlt-
tcnton , 7 c ; York , 7J c ; Normandl dress ,
S fc ; Calcutta dress , 8-fe } ; Whittcnton dress ,
Oc ; lien ( row dress , K ( < il2Kc.
TICKS Lewiston , ; tO-in. , 12Kc ; Lcwlston ,
aa-ln. , lit' c ; York , : i2-ln. . 14e ; Swift river ,
7Jo } ; 'rhorndike , OO , b'/c ; Thorndlkc. El-1 ,
8Jio ; Thorndlkc , 120 , tt'ie ; Thorndlko , XXX ,
Heaver Creek , AA , 12c ; Heaver Creek , UU ,
lie ; Heaver Creek , CC , lOc.
General MnrkotH.
Prft'f.von nil firfJc'fcv nuntcd tn thin col
umn nrc witulatttlc ttntl tti'c corrected ilnllii.
Ittttcmni Jlnur inul fccAnrc jtiblicrx j > rlccs
and nrc nut rctntl , I'rtfcx on untin nre
f/io.s-cjwld / till Oiniilm miller * delivered. Quo-
t.itlnn mi liMcn timl fnrx nrc tlioic ijlvcn hy
tltc Icndtna iiurchtikcm nf the cltv.
fi.oLU AXI > FEED 1'rices on ( lour and (001 !
remain steady on this market and prospects
nre that no change will occur during the next
three or four days. Minnesota patents , J2.IX )
ercwt ; Kansas and Missouri fancy winter
latcnts , t'J.tiOS2.75 { per ewt ; Nebraska pat-
'tits ' , * 2.4. > ( ii2.50 per cwt ; rye ilour ,
tf.OOpcrcwt ; wheat graham , $1.75 jwrcwt ;
ye graham , 91.40 per ewt ; New York huck-
, vheut , W.fioaST.OO per bbl ; Excelsior , ? 0.X ( )
lorhbl ; ready raised , .V > . ( X ) per HH-lb ) case ;
'ornmeal ' , yellow , ? 1.01.10 ( ) per cwt ; white ,
1.10@l.l.r. per cwt ; bran , Jl .00 ( < 7)17.00 ) per
: on ; scrcenliiBs , $14.00Ci$15.00 per ton ; hoin-
ny , $ ! i.25per bbl ; chopped feed , ? 20.00 per
on ; chopped corn , # 19.01) ) per ton.
COAI/ EBB , $10.51) ) ' nut , $10.50 ; range ,
10.50 ; walnut block. fl.'AV Iowa lump ,
. .75 ; Iowa nut , Si.OO' ; , Illinois , M5.K1@4.75. (
Coal is steady with the supply of soft limited.
HIDES Green butchers' , 5 ( < ? 5Hc ; green
: ured. llaij ( ( < c ; dry Ilint , Uc ; dry salt , Sc ;
green calf skins , 7c ; damaged hides , two-
thirds price. Tallowc. : ) ' . Grease Prime
ivhltc , 4Jfc : yellow , : io ; brown , 2o. Sheen
> clts , 25crf$1.00. ( Steady and unchanged.
GIIMN Wheat , No , 2 , ( Hc ) ; rye. Me ; corn ,
/cllow , 40@4c ; ! ; ( iorn , white , 42g45c ( ;
jats , 2@yoc ! ) ; barley , C0@05c , according
.o quulity.
Ki.Axsunn Is unchanged nnd is emoted at
$1,25 per bushel.
Funs Iaccon,10@COcinlnk { ; , 15 ( 40u ; musk
rat fall , 2@7c ; striped 8kunkGvi25c , ( ; mountain
wolf , No. 1 , $1.50 ( 2.50 ; No. 2 , prairie , 5t > @
75c ; No. 2 , 25@40e ; beaver , No. 1 , per lb ,
* 2.00iii.OO ( : ; No. 2 , $ l.00 ( < ! 1.25 ; otter , ? 1.00@
J.OO ; dry deer skins , SOfeii.'KJ per lb ; dry ante
lope , elk , moose , etc. , I5@25c.
Dnuos Hemain steady. Amtnoniacarb,14c ;
camphor rellned ! ! 0c ; copperas , lJ4ccrcam ; tar
tar , 45c ; cream tartar powdered. 20 ( < 750c ; In
digo Madras , 75e ; morphia sulph , $3 50 ; sodu
bi. uarb , Ii5c ; Venice turpentine , 4Uc ; gum
opium , $4.05 ; quicksilver , 80e ; iiuininc , Gor-
: nan per oz , 55c ; wax , yellow , imrc , 3''c.
OILS Firm. Carbon , 12@25c ; linseed , boiled ,
02u ; linseed , raw , 59c ; castor , No 1 ,
$1.20 ; No. 2 , sl.12 ; sperm whale , $1.00 ; lish ,
bank 35c ; neatsfoot extra , 55c ; neatsfoot No.
1 , 50c ; gasoline , 74 degrees , 15c ; W. S. lard ,
( We ; No. 1 lard , 50o ; No. 2 lard , 50c ; W. Va.
zero , 14c ; W. Va. summer , 12o ; golden No. 1 ,
40c ; golden No. 2 , 25c ; whale , 20c ; naptha 1
degree , 14c ; headlight 150 degrees , 12e ; head
light , 175 degrees , 15c.
PAINTS White lead , pure , CJ c ; white
lead , fancy , Kc ; putty , in bladders , it ; Paris
white , 3o ; Whiting , common , 2J e ; red lead
WINDOW GLASS Single , 00.10(30 ( ) per cent ;
double , 70 and 5 per cent discount.
SI-HUTS Cologne spirits 1SS proof , $1.10
do , 101 proof , $1.12 ; spirits , second
quality , 101 proof , $1.10 ; do , 18 ;
proof , $1.09 ; alcohol , 188 proof , per wino
gallon , $2.10 ; redistilled whiskies $1.00@1.BO ;
gin , blended , $1.50(32.00 ( ; Kentucky bourbons ,
$2.00(7ii.OO ( ( ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania
ryes , $2.00(30.50 ( ; Golden Sheaf bourbon nnd
rye whiskies , $1.50@3.00 ; brandies , imported ,
$5.00@8.50 ; domestic , $1.30 ( 3.00 ; gins , im
ported , $4.50@0.00 ; domestic , $1.25@3.00 ;
champagnes , imported , per case , i2S.01) ) @
H3.00 ; American , per case , $10.00@lli.OO.
LLuAvr HAIIIIWAIIE Prices are unchanged.
Iron , rate , $2.00 ; plow steel , special
cast , 4J < fc ; crucible steel , ( iJl'c ; cast
tools , do , 12 ( < ? l5c ; wagon sx > kes , per set ,
$2.00@5.50 ; hubs , per set , $1.50 ; felloes ,
sawed dry , $1.50 ; tongues , each , 75c ; axles.
each , 75c ; square nuts , per lb , ( Xgliic ; coil
chain , per lb , 0 > @iic : ; mcllcable , 8glOc ( ;
iron wedges , Oc ; crowbars , Oc ; harrow teeth ,
4c ; spring steel , 4@5c ; Hurden's horse shoes ,
$4.75 ; Hurden's mule shoes , $5.75 ; barbed
wire , in rar lots , $4.00 per 100 Ibs ; iron nails ,
rates , 10 to 50 , $2.40 ; steel nails , $2.50.
LKATIIEII Steady ; oak soles , H5 ( : i7e ; liera-
lock slaughter sole , 2tff29c ! ( ; hctnlocK dry sole ,
21@27c ; hemlock kip , ayS'.iOe ; A. & H. run
ner kip , 50@75o ; A. hemlock calf , 90c@l.C8 ;
A. A. hemlock calf , "backs , " 75o ; hemlock
upper , I'.tif24o ( ; English grain upper , 25c ; hem
lock grain upper , 21 ( < i24o : Tamplco H. L.
Morocco , 29@i3e : ; Tamplco pebble , O. D. Mo. ,
2i32c ) ; Curacon , H. G. Mo. , ! ! 0c ; Simon O.
1) . Mo. , $2.75@n.OO ; Dangola kid , 30t35c ; X.
M. Kangaroo , 40c ; American calf kid , : )2u ) ;
Gnesen kids , $3.)0gi.50 ( ) ( : ; French calf kids.
$3.25 ; oak kip skins , 80ci$1.00 ( ; oak calf
skins , $1.00(21 ( 25 ; French culf skins , J1.2.VS !
2.1X1 ; Frcncli kip skins , $1.10@1.50 ; Uussitt
linings , $0.00(30.50 ( per doz ; pink , cream nnd
while linings , $7.50@10.00 per doz ; colored
toppings , f9.00@ll.00 ; green ox pelts , 3ai : } c ;
kip skins , ( unfrozen ) , 4@0) ) < o ; cowhides , 3 > i
2,14 \
111 ft. 18ft. 30ft ' . ' 2ft. 2 4
2x4 .17 MM MSI OJ33 00
Sxil 17 m IIS 0) ) 81 U ) .SI l l 8:1 :
.17 WA ) IK1 31 ( JO 22 ( ) 88
17 W 81) ) ( ) 21 IPO 8(1 ( 1 811
. .18 8T.80 (1081 ( ( 124 W , 84
4x4-r\H ! .18 Mill HI 80 MZ83 \ ( )
No. 1 com , s 1 s.$18.W ) I No. 3 com , s 1 s.$15.50
No. 2 com , sis. 17,00 | No. 4 com , sis. 13.5(1 (
No. 1 , 4&0inl2& 14 ft. , rough tlO.W
No. 1 , " " 10 " 1'J.W '
No. U , " 12 14 " ll5 ! (
No. 2 , " " 10 " 1S.OC
A , 12 , 14 & 10ft.-Jl.'iO I C , 12 , 14 & in ft.$15.5f
H , " " 20.50 I D , " " 12.51
A 0 in White Pine $25..V
Hiin ( " " . / , . . y.5 : ) (
C Oin " " ; ) .ix
I ) Oin " ' " 1.W
EOin " " ( Sel. Fencing ) 1'J.IK
0 in. Drop Siding 50o jwr M extra.
2d comjf In Whlto Pine Ceiliiib' * 34.0f
. i , , t t , 2S 04
' ( ' ' ' -
Clear , X in Norway " " ! . ! . . ! ! . 10-X (
' 'dcom. % in " " " 14.X (
bTOCiilOAItI)3. :
A 12 Inch s 1 s $15.W
H12 " aa.S (
013 " , . 30.U
{ jjo u , . . . 23.0i
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' *
No. 1 com. 12'i'n's i V/12 / ft' . . . . . ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 2oa ]
" " " 14 H 19 < H
D'1 " " ICft 18..V
Q ! ' J > M 10 IB , 20 . . . . „ , 21.51
No. 0 , " " . 1P.OO
41 " " 12& 14 ft , . 1H.M
" " 17 ft . 17.50
12 In Grooved roofing , $1 per M. more thnn 13
In Stock Hoards same length.
10 in Grooved Hooting same price ns 12 in
Stock Hoards.
stun LU1.
No. 1 L'lnlnSnnd 10 In . , $10.00
No. 2 " " " . 17.50
No. 1 , O G , Sin. . . . 111.50
1st nnd 2nd , clear , 1 , I'In ' 2s . $ .M.IX )
" " " 1J , ' , a . M.OO
3d , clear , t in , s2s . 44.fA )
" IS' , 1'j , ' -in . 40.00
A , select , 1 In s2s . 40.X ( )
A , " 1U , I ,2lns2s . 44.00
H , " Iins2s . 30.00
LJ , " l1 , IK , 2 ins 2. s . 37.00
Com. 4 inc h Flooring . $17.50
Stnr " " . 2I.W )
1st and 2d clear 4 Inch Flooring . ' . ' 3.00
Six inch 40c less.
Clcar Inch Celling . 21.50
Clear "finch I'artltlon . 25.00
Clear } t inch , Partition 3 above ; V
Inch Celling . . ' 25.00
Clear Finish , 1 nnd Itf Inch , s 2 s . 29.00
Clear Finish , 1 „ ' ' " ! 'J Inch , s 2 s . 30.00
Clear Corrugated Celling , 4 Inch . 25.50
Clear Yellow Pine Casing nnd Hase. . . . 27.00
rOI'IAU 1.UM1IE11.
CI'oplnrHx. Hds. K in. , s2s . $35.00
" " K I" . 1'unpl , s 2 s . 27.00
" " Corrugated Celling , ; 8' . . 2S.50
O. G. Llntts , 2K in 05c ; Kx3 , s 1 s. 40c ; 3ln
Well Tubing. D. & M. and Uev. , K3.00 ; Pick
ets , D. & H. Flat , $20.50 : D. H. Sq. , $21.50.
SlllNdl.K.H , l.VTH.
XX clear , $10 ; extra * A * . $2.85 ; * A stand
ard No. 5 , No. 1 , $1.4r , ; lath , $2.55.
White ceiiar , G In. , i/ s. 12' c ; 9 In. qrs. ,
lljfo ; white cedar , 6J $ in J.2s llc } ; 8 in.
qrs lOc ; white cedar. 4 In. round , lOUc ; Ten-
nesscc red cedar , split , 14c ; split oak , 1V ( ; il
in 7 in. , and Sin. ( tf each ) 8 ft. , round , W.C.
Six MUCH in the Storm.
One of the unrecorded happy escapes from
death during the recent blUzunl lias Just
como to light. It was that of the ten-year-old
son of Mr. Hocsackcr , of McArdlo precinct.
When school was dismissed on that terrible
nfternbon , the little fellow started
for homo which was distant about
two and n half miles east of the
school. Ho had reached a point nbont n
qunrterof n mile away from his parents' house
when ho lost his way. Ho wandered around
aimlessly nnd the lirst house he reached was
at Irvington , six miles from home. How ho
escaped seems almost miraculous.
_ _
t r f |
United SlntcH PI-IMMIOI-H Sutitcncril.
Happy Jack Pnssoa. convicted at the last
term of the United States court for being en
gaged in n land swindle , the two Indians con
victed of selling liquor on their reservation ,
tind Wnsscrimin , convicted of perjury , were
brought back from Lincoln where
they had hern taken to receive their sen-
ences. The sentence of Happy Jack was
nspcndcd for n while. The two red men
got one month i-nch in the Douglas county
ail , while Wussernmn received 0110 year in
he penitentiary at Sioux Falls , D.ilt.
General Hatch left for the cast last
F. D. Trckcll , of Cortland , Neb. , is at. the
'ax ton.
H. A. Habcock , state auditor , is nt the
M. D. Welch , of Lincoln , Neb. , is nt the
J. Bradley , of Atlantic , la. , is at the
? axton.
A. M. Gooding , of Hastings , Neb. , is at the
? uxton.
Max Kothinund , of Crete , Neb. , is at the
Thomas E. Nash , of Washington , D. C. , is
it the Paxton.
J. F. Mi-Swcen , of Minneapolis , Minn. , is
at the Millard.
Charles L. Sclmfer , of Nebraska City ,
is at the Paxton.
Mrs. .T. E. Smith and daughter , of Heatricc ,
? Jeb. , are at the Paxton.
Governor J. M. Tliuycrand wife took lunch
nt the Millard yesterday.
Miss Lucy Haywark , of Grand Iblnnd ,
Neb. , is at the Millard.
A. M. Kmnoy and wife , of Hay Springs ,
Neb. , are at the Millard.
U. H. Northrop , a prominent merchant of
Atlantic , la. , is in the city.
Mr. Emil Hcckinan , of Lcndvllle , Colo. , is
, n the city visiting County Treasurer Holln.
E. C. Hrooks , of the Chicago , St. Paul ,
Minneapolis & Omaha railroad , is at the
Mrs , K. J. Clnnepy , wife of the commercial
editor of the Herald , arrived from St. Panl
Mr. James McMonics , who was run over
l > y a team on Sixteenth street n few weeks
since , has partially recovered from the effects
of his injuries.
S , M. Hurdette , recently appointed inter
nal revenue inspector for this section of
Nebraska , with headquarters in Omaha , has
iirrivea from Louisville , Ky. , nnd taken
iiunrtcrs at the Paxton.
At the Hotel Darker : .T. M. Parker , Phil
lips ; Mrs. Smith , Fremont ; A. W. Colwin ,
Marlon , In. ; H. F. Talmadge , Emerson ; S.
Hopper , Grand Island ; Geo. W. Gaze , Chicago
cage ; Robert Stobo. manager of the Anglo-
tVuicricnn company ut Chicago.
Articles or Incorporation.
The New York Collection agency , Omahn
branch , is the title of a corporation that filed
impcrs of incorporation with the county clerk
yentcrduy. The capital stock is $5,000 , nnd
the incorporators nro C. F. Ekfeet , A. A.
Ekfcct and T. L. Smith.
Itenl KHtatu Ti-aiiKferH.
Alfred Olson o Charles G Johnson ,
j > art of s jmrt of lot 5 blk 0 , Park
place add , wd $ 1,000
U P H H Co. to George II Hoggs , nw-
SW-35-N.-13 , w d 400
George H. Hoggs and wife to James F
HalUrd , lots 11 , 12 blk Hi , George II
Hoggs' add , w d 350
Charles Corbett nnd wife to John W
HnllcroHS , n 10 ft lot 2 blk 118 , South
Omaha.wd 1
George P Stcbbins to Catharine M
Myers , lot 10 , Housel & Stebbins"
sub of lot 14 , Hartlett's mid , w d. . . . COO
Harry H Miller to Mary A Currie , lot
0 blk 3 , Tipton place , w d COO
F H Forgy to John Carlson , lot 10 blk
17 , Hedford place , ( ] c 1
John W GriftUh trustee toV T Heed ,
lot 2(1 ( blk 5 , Hakes place , w d 425
Mary A. Elliot ctal to Hoard of Church
Ex. Evangelical Lutheran , lot II and
7 blk 0 , Shull's second add lrut > t
deed 1
W. Vaughn and wife to O. A. Nanden
burg , lot 21 blk 10 west Albright ndd
wd 850
Win. G. Albright nnd wife to H. Lar
son , e 25 ft lot 3 blk 8 Matthews sub
wd 100
Frederick Dcllonu to H. Maginnlsetnl
o 25 ft of w 75 ft of lot S rjlk 7bSouth
Omnha w d 2,750
John H. Hungato trustee to S. C. Mc-
Cluskcy , lot 24 blk 14 Hedford place
wd 550
South Omaha land company to Chas
Corhctt.lot2blk ll&.SouthOmnhu wd 300
John F. Flack and wife to Victor K.
Mender , lot 5 blk 4 , Jettcr's add w i1,000
John F. Coad et nl to Dwiglit L.
Holmes ct al , w 50 ft of n half lot li
block 7s South Omaha wd 500
H. Kiley to M. .1. Scanlon , lots Clark's
sub of lot 31 Millard Uildwells wd 4,500
E S Kood and wife to Charles H Kcc ,
lot 11 , blk 13 , Albright's annex , w d 123
George E Harkor etnl to Mary E Gill-
more , lot 23 , blk 17 , Orchard hill , w il 550
South Omaha Land Co. to Joseph T
Smith , lot 11 , blk IJ2 , South Omahu ,
w d 27S
J W Hedford and wife to O N KaiiiRoy.
lot 8 of Hound's bub of lot 2 , Capitol
ndd , w d 0,000
Patrick Hector nnd wife to H Forlan-
dcr , lots 0 and 7 , blk 1 nnd 3 , Omaha
view , w d 40C
J II Hungatc , trustee , to J Hummlln
et nl , lot 7 , blk 11 ! , Hedford plaro , wil 70C
P J Tigho to A M Olsen , lot 21 , blk 4 ,
Albright's annex , w d 55C
H Ueed and wife to IJ L Thomas , lots
3 and 4 , blk 5 , Heed's 3d , w d 2.00C
A O Tuley and wife to Wrn H Alexan
der , lot 23 , blk 4 , Grammorcy park ,
wd . , , 7W
Twenty-seven dced3. , . . . . , . . . . | 20G7 <
-.5 *
. ,
Carriages anil Ituurtrs. Jinir * tHirpt.bctwrcnVtbautl
10th , Omaha , Nebrntta.
AgricnltnrallinnlefflentSjfaEoiis.Carriages .
lluggle , Klc. Wholf talc. Omalia , N'tbrankn.
Wholffalo l ) alrr In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Bnggies
' .Cl. ftO. CC6 and 1C ? Jono Street. Omaha.
P. P. MAST & Ct57 ;
Maniifactnrers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders ,
Cultivator * , Hay Ilnkcf. OOcr MIII anil I.utan I'ul-
Cor. llth and Nlrliulai Mrrcts.
Agncnltnral Implements , Wa ons & Boggles
Corner lllh a nd .Mcholn
( Akron , Ohlo.l
Harvesting Machinery and Binder Twine ,
W. K. Mi > i1 , .Mnnnircr. t''ll l.cnMMiirurtli > ! . , Omaha
Artists' MoterlalB.
" *
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
151.1 Itauiilnr Street. Oinnha. Nebr k .
Boots and Shoos.
w. V.'MORSE & co. .
Jobbers of Boots and Snoes ,
1111 Knrnnm Et.Oninhn , Neli. Manufactory , Summer
btreet , Ik'Mon. '
( Miccesjors to llecil , Jonr > A Co. )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes
AKCiitnIor ! lii tcm llulilicr Muu' Co. HO. ' , 1104 * 1IU )
lliiruey M.Omntn > . XclirmiVu.
Booksellers and St.itJonors.
H. M , & S. W. JONES ,
Succcftor" to A. T. Ken ) on \ Co. , \ \ liulcriilc & Itetall
Booksellers and Stationers ,
Fine Wulillnn Slntlonerir , Coinmorclnl btntloncrr.
ISA DoiiKliii Street , Onmhii , Nell.
Coffees , Splcos , Etc.
Onmhu ColTeo unil M lcu Mlll .
Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
Flavoring KxlnirlH , l , unilrr ( line. Inks , Ktc. HH-
Uli ; llnnii' ) ' Mrccl , Oinnliu , Ncbruskn.
Crockery and Glassware.
v W. L. WfflGHT , "
Acent fortlio Mnmilnctureri iintl Importers of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
Ktc. Offlic.'H'S. I'Uli M. , Omuhn , Nebraika.
Commission and Storage'
' D. A. HURLEY ,
Commission and Jobbing ,
Hutler , KM Mini Product' . 1'oiHnnmeiitn folldtcil.
llVHduiiHrli'n for ttonewnri1 , Herr ) Hexes nnU
Urnpu llnskctB. 1 < U Dodnu M. , Unmba.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Specialties Hiitter , KKKK , I'lieere , 1'oultrj , ( inme.
Oj i-ter ? , Kte. , Kte. in s-outli lull Street.
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , Iluttcr , linnu > . Frulln. Ktc. KO bontli llth
M. . Oiimlin , .NebruitkH.
( Siiccctsorx to Mef-hiinu A Stlirovilvr. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Onuiliu , Nebni kn.
Coal , Coke _ end _ LI mo.
' ' " " "
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
a J South Hill Street , OmnliR , Nebrnskn.
* f t * fV * IV V I > * V * VS i
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime.
\rul HhlpixTi of Conl , I'oke , Cement , I'liistrr , Mine ,
Dniln Tllp , and hewer 1'lpn. OfHcc , I'nxlon Hotel ,
Kurnnin M. , Oniuhn , Neb. Telephone fell.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
211 South nth St. . Omnha , Nob.
Dry Goods and Notions
M. E SM'ITH & co. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
1102 and 1104 Douglas , Cor. llth St. , Onmlm. Neb ,
Importers and Jobbers in Dry GoodsNotions ,
Gents' KurnlshlnK floodi. Corner llth uud lloJnej
( ! .Omiitm. Ni'bra > k .
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Hiirnaiii Street , Omuba. Nebraska.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
703 , TU7,700 and 711 S. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
121U nml I.eavcnworth Street * , Omahn , Nebraska.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1210,1221 nnd 1223 Ilnrnoy Street , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1111 andlllCllarnOT Street. Omaha. Nab.
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tinware , Sheet Iron , Ktc. AiccnU for Iluwu 6c ! e ,
and Miami 1'owdcr Co. , Omaliu , Neb.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Mechanics' Tonli ami llutralo Scalca. IWO
Street , Omahu , Nebraiba.
Wholesale Hardware ,
lOUi and llarner f-t . . Omaha , Neb , Weitem Acenti
Jor Auitln I'owilerCu. , JolTcnnn Steel Nalla ,
Fairbanks Manilunl ticale * .
Hata , Caps , I
Wnolesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
HUT ll-irncy Stu ot. Oirinlm , Nch.
Heavy Hardware.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Sprlngi , Wavontork , llanltrare , I.umher , Ktc. 12US
and Uli Hartley btreet , Oniulia.
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
Wncon ami Carrliue Wood Stock , Heavy Ilardtrar
Ktc. UI7 und lUl IxMtvenvrorlb hi. , Ouialm , Nab ,
All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale
ISlh Street ami Union I'aclflc Track , Omaha.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doom , Utc. Yardi Corner 7th und Douglai ; Cored
lith und Duuglmi.
C. N
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
13th and California Streets , Omaha. NeLra > ka.
Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Corner Cth and Doitglu SH. ,
_ Lumbor-
To Dealers Only ,
Offlft.lxafarnam Wrf 1 1 , Omahi.
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wootl Carpen and rarquct Vloorlnt. 9th ami Poi
_ Millinery and Notloris.
* " " "
I. OBERFELDEn""c67i"
Importers & Jobbers i Millinery & Notions
aiuH4i South lllh Hln-ot
Notion * .
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
_ 0 and 405 8ui h 10th St. , Omaha.
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods ,
llCK > Uarn r Street , Omaha.
f holsale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Ally ( Ircaio. Ktc. , Omaha. A. H. lllthop. Managft
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry a nice , tork of I'rlnUna , Wrapping and Wrltlnl
lap r Special atlpnllon Klron to rar loail enl r .
_ Printers' Mntorlala.
" '
Auxiliary Publishers , . n
IRiibbor Goods-
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
311 Cliilhlnn uiul leather Hulling. KM Karnam Btrott.
, Pumps , Etc.
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
3toam , Walnr , llallwaanil MlnlnK Supplies , Etc.
SW Knrnam Htr > t , Oiniilm.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Steam anil Water Runpllov ItoaJqnnrtrrii for Mast ,
l-iio tJtCo' gMMla. ( 1111 Karnani St. , Omaha.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Slivet Iron \Vurk Strum Puinpa , Hair MIX . 121.1-1215
_ -avinnorth Slreot , Omulm.
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
_ Ull ami .U.l. Innt'itSlri'it Omaha.
Storage , Forwarding & . Commission
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
Drnnrli hoiiro of the llcnncr HIIRKT Co. HtiEKlcs
nholvanlu unil retail , 1 H l.IIOanil 1312 Irani Htreot ,
Omahu. Tclephono No. 750.
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice.
JutmHpcncter.l'roprlDtor. 1UO Dodiro nnd 1U ( and lUt '
North luth Street. Omulm.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1521 North Kluthtecnth Btrect. Omaha. Neb. i
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Wort ,
KmiliK' * , Urana Work , lipnvrul Koundrr.Marhlnu and
Ulacktmlth Work. Offlcu unil Wnrki , U. 1 * llr.
and 17th titruut , Ouiiitni.
Manufacturers of fire and Iron Railings
Dealt Hull.- , Window ( lunrdv Flower Stand * . Wlro
Hnn . Kto. Ill Norlli irtll Hlrt'elOmulm.
Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes j
Vault' . JH | | Work , Iron und Wlro Fenclnu , HlKnu. KtO/
II. Andreon , I'rop'r Cor. 14th anil Jacknon tits.
Manufacturcri and Jobbers In
Wagons Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc , \
Cor. 9tu and 1'aclflo Btroots , Omalm , Nob. _ t > _
Fire anil Burglar Proof Safes , Time Locks ,
nrnernl Agcnn for Dinbold Rafe A Ixick Co. '
Vaulu and .lull Work , llli J'urnam Htrcrt , Oiuaha.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jcani Fanti , Shirts , Ktc. liuinnd 1101 Douglas Street ,
Omuhn , Neb.
Saah , Doora , Etc.
M. A.
Wliulcsalo Manur..cturura of |
Sasb , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Branch Office , K'th and Irani Btreeta , Omaha , Nub. ,
Manufacturers of Sasn , Doors , Blinds ,
Mouldlutis Btalr Work and Interior llaril Wood Klu
Isu. N. K. Corner bill nnd I A'livt-uwortli HtrcutB ,
Uiualia , t ) ' < ! b.
Manafactnrers of Moulding , Sash , Doors ,
Acd ininili.Turnlnv , Stair-work , Dunk and Ofllco Fib
tiniis. ! flth ) and ioppicton Aveiiuu.
Srnoko Stacks , B o 1 1 o re ,
Manufacturing Dealer in Smoke Stacks ,
Brllclilnt.- ! ! , Tunic nnd ( icnt-ral llolli-r Itoimlrlnii. UIO
u htruvt , Omahu , Nub
f. 11. l-AI.MKIl. X 1IICIIHAS. . J. II. Ill.ANCIIAIlUt
Live Stock Corainission Merchants ,
Ofllcc llootn 11 , Opposlto Kiclmnito llullJInK , l/nlort
Mock Ynrils , Houtli Uiiiulia , Nt-b.
MoCOY BROS. . -1
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Miirkut furnlf ln-il fret ) on upiiUcutlon. Stoc ken anil
fi > oit rii tiirnlsbfiloii L-oiiil u-rmn , Ito'rrunci-i ; Oniif
( in N.UIoiiHl llniik HIIII houih uumliii .Nnllunai , Uulua
jjtock y nlj , South Uiiuilin. _
Live Stock Commission ,
Hooru l'i , Kiclmnce lliill'llni ; , Union t'tock Vnrdf ,
, -Diith Uiiinlu , Nub.
Commision Dealers in Live Sock ,
Iloom'/ ? , OM"-lln | ' lUrhniik'f ) JlultUlitu , Union
Yurds , houtU OiuHtiu , Xcb.
Of Omaha , Limited ,
John V. lloyd , hupfrlntnmlKnt.
AdvrO ( ! Iiif | has nlwnys proven
Biicoc-jsful. llcforo placing nn
Nuwapupcr AUvertlslnir consult
iUTiicruixd iutme , |
i l U lUattltk blrnl. CHICAOOJ