Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 25, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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No A < lvorll fiincnl will bo taken for coluiniiH after lilO : ! p. in.
TnrniH CnHh lu advance.
Ailvfrtlseinntunlorthl ( hPBd , 10 cents per
line for tlio tlr/it Insertion , 7 cents for each sub-
MMltipnt InFfrtlon , ami tl.50 line per month.
No advertisement taken for lew thnn i5 ! cents
for the llrst Insertion , yevcn word * Mill bo
countftl to thn line : they must run con'cctitlve-
ly nwl must bo paid niulvanco. All advertise-
jnrritx inuit b-i handed In before lll : ; o'clock p.
m. , nnil unilor no circumstances will they DO
tiikrn or dl contlnued by telephone.
I'nrtlcfl advertising In these column * nnd hav-
Ini'thonnsttf-rs nddrcisod In caroof the Ike ,
Mill plcnfe nik for a rherk toonnblo them to
Ket their letti-rc , as none will be delivered except
on presentation of check , Allaniners to ad *
YOrllii-meatH nhoitld be enclosed In envelopes.
' All advertisements In these columns nro pub
lished in both morning nnd jvenlnit editions of
tlio llff , the circulation of which BpRropatrs
inoru than 16.100 papers dally , and ulvcs tliu ad-
vcrtlscrH the benont , not only of the city clnu-
Intlon of the lice , but nlso of Council lllulTs.
Miiroln. mid other cities and town.1 throughout
till * pnrt of tbo west.
- for 4 innloaiid 2 Ic-
tnnla cooks , lll leave city ! alfocliuvo
] l ulrlK for Ki'iirrul housework , A excellent
< llmmrooni or chambermaids , 1 Inundres.t , I )
imrhuM , 2 hon.seki-i-perH , 1 lady clerk , 1 comtnls *
KlonntKl ireiiurulcli-ik , 1 roacmnnii , etc- . State
Jinploymciit : 1'urloiH , HIT 1'iirnaiu i-t. , Itoom 11 ,
_ _ _ _ _
SITUATION v iinted as hook I coper of 15 years'
experience ! Is not iifriild to do some outstdo
Work , Can give references. Address-V ,15 llee.
1UI 2lt
\\TANTEtK ; Situation as clerk , oxpJrlcnc"d In
T > ( jrocerv , I'liilhlntr , bootH and dimes or lum
ber trade. Inquire. 1514 DotiKUisat. W82I'
"WANTED The Indies to know Unit now Is
T thi ) tlino toftet Kooil help. Wo Imvu Iht
class ( tlrbuit 1st tins * UUKOH. Wo hnvo Klrln
\vliocan't npeak EiiitllNli , but are HtroiiK und
Vllllnt : to ork for Kinnlliitses. . Wu nrMinava
elderly women who wnnt light work and light
vrnpi'H. In fact nil kinds of help cnn be found
lit the rnnndhiti Emp. ulllcu , Mis. lln-cii A : Son ,
Hin H. Iftth , T l. tl. MO 21
\\7 ANTIIIHy n yntniK lady n position to as-
T V nlttt with housework or any knd ) of work ;
ro olijectiou to leuIng the city , Address XXI ,
Hen olllcc. Ui'J 24'
ANTKO-Sltuatloii by trtmtwoilhy Grr-
man of 24 as porter or coachman : oxrnl *
lent city references. Canadian Employment
olllco , Hill Fo 15th. Tel. M < 1. l/.ll 27"
" \\7ANTEll 1 mnii , ! JO years old , to tnko ciro
> T of horses and barn , Must be mnrrlod.nnd
'r.ochtldieii. Omaha Einp. IluiciUl , II'JN ' llithst.
l'.l.l 21
ANTED- Experienced milker. 4113 Pnun-
ders Ht. tij'J
WANTED-Mitldlo-aued man and \\lfo for
prlvato family ; no children. Several can.
vnssers. 1 head cook' Canadian Employment
olllce , MM. Urt-Brt 4 Son , aio B 15th. Tel. wi.
" \\rANfril ! ) fl good boilynmkers , Rood \vimes
i and steady Hdik , ui'l'lJ' ' ' nt unco to lied
OiikCurl A. IlilRKy Co. , Hed Oak , lu. USl i *
't\7'ANlni-'oireo : ) ( and ten salesman for a
' w holesalo bt. Loula house. , I'M rurnam n > t ,
room u. 11711 si *
' " \\7ANTr.D-Two men of good uddrosn to cnn-
T va s and well goods , bluady employment ,
en 11 Kl South lIHli Bt.
\\rANTHD-10 plasterers to go to Norfolk ,
T Neb. , union wages. Apply for Win. Onln-
Ion ut Emmet house , 053 24t
WANTED 8e\ oral good agents , now nrllcle ,
big Inducement. Hey to run errands.
Canadian Employment olllce , 31US 15th.UIO21.
t { W ANTED Immediately , two experienced
life , liibtiranco solicitors who nro nblo to
clve lOTiul. Special Inducements to right party.
11. K. Cole , Northeast cor. 15th and Douirlns.
WANTED In every county In Nebraska , re
liable piiergotlo men to sell goods by HO-
llcltlng for a well established mtg company
permanent employment to the right men , no
capital or exuerlnnco necessary , ict'erencii re-
iiuln-d , nddrcss llox 2)7 ( , Oimtlm , Neb. Kind J
w A NTKI ) Men for railroad \\ork.
brlght'H Labor Agency , 1120 1'arnnm.
w ANTED 1W ) men of good nppcnrnnco to
try our 15o meuls nt Norrls restaurant , : tll
and 813 South 14th Btreet , ( old Llvo uud Lnt
I.lvcl UMl
WANTED 25 girls for general housework , 2
( llnlng-rooui girls , Irhamuerinald , lillsh-
wisnor , 2 conkx lor hotels , 1 cook for boarding
lioiiheslolH of good places for girls. Omaha Emp.
llureau , HUN Kith bt. u l 24
WANTED A , good girl for guneral house
work. Apply tT. F. Tuttle , No. 211 S.
lama. 1)117 2m
WANTED-Malron for public institution ; 1
'wot nurse ; 10 girls for uli o places In sub
urbs of city : 7 it omen cooks to leave tlty , $25 to
KJI per inonUi ; elrls for housework nt Kremont ,
tll-ecnwood uml Valley. Neb. ; cooks for boarding -
ing bonnes nml prlvntii famllle.s. Canadian Em-
jnloynent olllce. Mrai itu-gn & Son , UIO S. I5th ut.
Tel. N4. MU 21'
WANTED-10 girls for general housework.
( ' .all I50i ! Kni-mim t. . room ' .i. tN ) 25 *
\\'ANTEI-CJIrl for Finall family In Nebraska -
' braska City , good wages , npply 510 South
S.M st. DM ) a *
"VITANTED A good took , washer nnd Ironer.
T T No other need apply , 1WW I'arnnm st
WANTED-dood kitchen girl , must under
stnnd cooking nnd come well rec
ommended. Inquire lull Kiirnnm st , li5U-2ilj
* W ANTiD-irl ; 15 or III years old to help
around house , mnnll family , npply 2'J1S
Charles or southwest cor 12th and Howard bt. ,
lid 24 *
WANTED Competent ghl for general house
work ; family of three. Apply nt 1H14 So
llh ( stiuet. t < ll 21
WANTED An experienced saleslady In clonli
nnd suit department. No others need iip
ply. Thompson , Huldi-u & Co , 13101'anuim st.
Omaha. tUI
ANTED llousekeei > er nt U12 Douglas st.
\\7"ANTED Immediately , ladles to work foi
T n wholesale hciuso on needlework at tlu-li
lioiue.s. ( Sent any distance. ) ( Jood pay cnn bi
made , hvcrythlug furnished. I'aitlcnlan
Cree. Address Artlbtlo Needlework Co. , I.Vi Ml ;
bt. , New York City. wfi
ONE lady lu every town wanted to introduce
und Mil IVnnyroyiU Pills , "Chlchet.ter'i
Ihigllsli , " Original and only ( leunlne. Scuil 4c
( htnmpsi ror imrtlculnrs. Chlchestcr Clu-mlca :
Co. . I'hlladelphla 1'u. : K7
\VANTED-anmlled to try our Ihi meaU al
T > Norrls'roMtauruut old Live and Let Llvoi
till nnd UU 8.14th it. VNJ
* V\"r ANTED Lndlos in city or country , for om
Y holiday tinde , to take llaht , pleag. nt wort
nt their own homes , tl to . ! per day can b <
iitlletly made. Work gent by mall any distance
1'iiltlculurs free. No canviisHlng. Address a
once. Crescent Art Co. , 147 A Milk bt. , Iloston
Mass. 1' . O. boxtno. INS
WANTED T\vo persons to Iearn"book.keep
ing ; good situations. J. 11. Smith , Hamgi
lilock. t'.ij 25-
" \\7ANTED-Sonie good family to adopt twi
' bountiful girl babies. Inquire-'I.'i Culd
Veil st. N5224
\\7AXTED A respectable family to adopt i
I bnby boy. Address Mary L. Jones , I1.0
tiTA'1'13 Employment i'.ulors 1117 1'arnam at
S . ! 2U
CANADIAN Employment olllce. innl'i and ( e
male help sent to all parts If faro U ml
viinced. lleference , Omahii National bnnli
JMr * . llreija Js Son , 31tl S. 1Mb. Tel. b4.
ni8 f 13
3" > OAIIDfor Kentleman nnil wife in ' privat
> family without children. Uooiiin t urnlKhei
ot1 iiiiturnlslied. Stable room for ono or tu
luirses. Addiess X' , Dee. olllfe. tM.U2t *
* \VANTr.I > lloom and board In private fan :
' ilvt\\o or three other boarder * uo objei
tlon. Must be ploashnt part of city. Addrei
PC. 30. llee. WW-211
_ _
15UI VATU boarding , $1 a week , 1015 7KMlKoT
table board , ferved In horn
Blyle. tor a or 4 Kentlemen. It'll DoilRe. U *
NTANTED- I < nriitHud bninll room llh bo.u
lu private faintly : eentrrtl location : moi
eru conveniences. Address , X. 27 , lUe
TIOH IIENT S Itousns , a rooms each.clty watt
- ' and newer. 1215 Chicago bt. _ ' no 2" >
TpO HENT B r a (11 ( room bouse , all fun
isV UheO , Mo. m north 9th st. 4ul
iUnNISHED Hat for rent cnrap , 419 S ir > th. st.
KM ' _ 4
ltENT-2 new li room homes on S 30th
near Lavemvorth , C. E < Mnynr. 'Ill
5S HOrSES/or rent from 112 up.
if. It. < lng.ory , Itental A ent , ; S. 18th st.
rpIIRhotiso I now occupy w 111 bo for rent , Jan.
Jvary 1st : house rontulna lu-roomi nnd nil
modern Improvements. 21O 8. 24th st. Morltz
Meyer. Call at 11th and rarunm or at 207 S. 21th
Pt. n. < t
HOt'sr. for rent. Apply , Wm. Arthur. IlnrrU
.t 1'Wier building , 18th nnd Nicholas st , or
L"01.Chat IBM. UP ) KB
ITU ) ! ! lTrNT-A new awelllnK. u riwiiis , all
J modern Improvements , ( 'ood ttable , ton
minutes' walk from iio tolIliH , apply to I ) . . I ,
O'Doimhto , at O'Donahoe & Shtrfy'ft , Itth bt. ,
ncxttothepostolllco. fclO
"Troll KENT I.W pur month , Ilnn " room mod-
-L cm corner Mat on car line , J. I , , lllee , V Co.
lss 2S
rU inTNT Nlco cottagu nt 2115 Davenport
st. , apply northwest corner Davenport nnd
L"d. . l'V >
" 171011 KENT 3 to 5-room lint , modern improve-
J. inents , n w cor. luth and Williams st , . over
drug stole. Inquire , Andrew l'luuler.1214 S ! 3tU
7tU 2V
Foil HENT-A 7-room Hat with bath loom ,
1017 IIo\vurd st. Inquire ut Nlchol's
livery stable. Telephone blU. 72U
I.I' 13. Colehns n list of 2 1 houses tor rent ,
U raiiMlng-lti prlc irom } "i to $125 , and in
Mze , from II to 3) ) rooms. 'K. o. cor. 1Mb nnd
Douglas , Tclelilloti" l.ncB. 7Cfi 31
TjlOH HENT Cottage of (1 rooms , cloti , eel-
JJ lar nnd woodxhi'd , 5 minutes walk from
po8tolll/e , 1 block from street curx , nice neigh
borhood ; furniture for sale , complete for lieu " -
keeplng. Ifdeslrrd , gentleman aud wife will
retain 2 rooms uud board nt } > I5 II month. Ilou o
rent Cm n month. If you wnnt to buy furniture
nnd rent cottage , nddress T I'l lleo olllce. 77J
FiniNISHED hoife for rent ; rent of house ,
? JO ; rent of turnltmn to bo agreed upon :
centrally located. Call and see It. ' 1 hl.s Is a good
opportunity to locate centrally. Co-opta-atlvo
Land und Lot Co. , 205 N 10th st. MB 21
" 1710H HI3NT 2 new 7 roomed houses , well , rls-
J. tem. largo cellar. Huh near Clartc st. W.
0. Shrlver , opp pustolllce. Wl
FOH HENT 8 now 7 roomed houses , , city
wnter , rlstern. cellar , 20th fit near Puul , w.
0. Shrlver , rrenzer block opposite pobtolllco ,
"ITIOH HENT To private family ten room brick
J house , modern conveniences , 2M > Douclas
Bt. ; npply to W. K. Clark , 408 N Kith. 813 !
[ 71OH HENT nnd lenso nnd furniture for Fnli- .
L1 I'legant 7loom modern resilience on Chicago
t , 0 blocks from P.O. , line barn < -prico Wiper
iionth. .1 , L. Hlco .V Co. UM2S.
POH HENT- you wish to rent a house or
lint I have them from $5 to ? .l ) for cottages ,
ml 8 nnd 10 room modern houses , from ti" > to
10 per month. Cull at J. II. 1'arrotto. Itental
Agency , 1WW Chicago st. 5S7M 1
171011 KENT New & room cottage In Ambler
Jv place : good7room "story house. Orchard
1111 ; p.ood 4 room cottage. Orchard Hill , C. E.
ilayne , N. W. cor. 15th nnd Ilnrney bt. 1'Jl
POH Itr.NT-llouse 11 rooms.V M Hush"
man , N E corner llith and Douglas , 104
jJIL'ltNISHED Hooiils Day. week or
I Indies or gentlemen. Jill North I'Jtb st , by
Viinny Arjjyle. uia sut
IJIOH HENT Tu gentlempii , n newly furnished
II room , fin unco heat , gas , use of bathroom ,
! 5IS Davenport St. UH2 2ii *
JTU'HNISUED-rooms with board , also n tew
L ilny boarders. Hill I'limnm st. 0 1 20 ?
" | (10H ( ItliNT An elegant front room for man
t. and wife , or2 men , and rooms for rent by
iveek , night or month nt 12JI r.irnam st. between
' 2th and 1,1th sis , next to Iron bank. 1177 21 *
Fllf gentlemen , bn 'k parlor , all modcen 1m-
. m ovcments , , 1718 Dodge. tii'IM
"lllOIt HENT-Nicely furnished front loom , bav
-1 window , fconth li out , sult.iblu tor inun uud
\lfo or two gentlemen , line i ongiassb Vjo uu'
IIIOH HIIN'l' 'lnleely furnished front rooms ,
J- centrally located , furnltuto forsale , X2 ,
lleo olllce. ! U1 25
FOIl HUNT S nicely furnished rooms for gen
tlemen , 1UI1 Davenport st. U48 ' "J
" 1710K ItlINT Large handsomely furnished up-
J. pur trout room , steam heat , loii : Douglas.
7tO 24 *
FOR HUNT Largo nlcovo room with two
spacious closets and lialli room ndjolnlnir ,
ill board ! Suitable for married couple.
Within 1 block of liorsn cars and cable Ifno.
lleferences required. P.O. box 271. W3-24 *
rrHMSlliifi'ont : loom.suitable for two
I tin Dodge &t. 15
t HI5NT I'MiniLshed ' room , with heat , cas
and b.ith , ut3 \ CASH st. W.W as
IjlUItNISlIKI ) llOOMS-New , warm rooms all
JL1 conveniences , 1st lloor , 1 block fioui I1. O. ,
prlvato fuinlly. lilllJ Capitol avo. W1-S7 <
FOR HKNT 7-room housu LMt-'i Howard bt.
luinilru hotisiieai > t. IIWI 1
T Olt HUNT I'uriiNhed room. .Al'o room-
J.1 mnto wanted by gentleman , llent low.
1707 Cuss st. 897
"I7IOK HUNT- Furnished rooms with or with-
-t1 out board , fiwi N. 17th bt. NO K *
"ITIOIt ItKNT Stiltu of furnished rooms with
Jt ? nso of piano , lll'.Maekson. f.rjil *
HKNT Km lulled frnuf room \vlth board
H ultablo for two centlitmen , 14
" 1711'ltNISIIKl ) or uutunilHltod rooms. .All
X1 modern evnvenlenced , 1CJ1 Hurt M.
FOH HENT Furnished rooms cheap , cor. Isth
and Cumlng st. Inquire , Meat murki-t.lKti
L'ninlngst. 75:121 : ;
K HENT Four (4) ( ) elegant rooms , all mod
ern conveniences. 1702 Webster st. 7Uii
F HEXT-Sulto of rurnlshed rooms ,
llospe. Sll )
EOUUENT-NIcerooinfor2. 1013 lodce st.
T7IUHNI3HKI ) room , steam heat , 201 S 21th.
-E ' W7J 27J
F ItKNT Nlroly furnished rooms at 2237
Uas , bath and furnace heat. VM
FOU ItENT Newly turnlshed south frou
room , In new house : steam heat nnd every
convenience , 1721 Davenport , &A.I
"ITIUltNlSIIED rooms , 1810 Dodge.
393 f7
F'lS ' KENT , ' ) rooms at 311 Woolwoith ave. :
nt til per mouth. 'IU
"TJIOI'I elegant rooms all modern convenlencud
Jj 1704 Webster st. 458
TTIOllKNT nirnklied Kxins In Oremilgblk ,
A' cor. l.'ith and Dodgo. sts. liuinlru of eo. U.
Davis. Mlllard hotel billiard room. UIG
FOll HENT Two nicely furnished front rooms
on ground lloor , at 21H Hurt , for tl"t per
month , with board Jl per week additional. COI
ITIOH HENT-A nicely furnished room with all
J- modern Improvements for ono or two gentle
men , 501 S. 2lrth. yr >
S1NL3 ! ] uud double furnished rooms , 212 ;
Dodge. an f r > j
' '
rent. Hufui II. Clark. 1 ' 02C
"IJUMl HENT Abtororoom suitable for Ugh' '
-U Jobbing , on Jones st. between loth and lltl
sts. C. lint tinnn \ Co. , I < lti ; rarnam. Utsi 27
"IJ'OH HENT Dcslmblo cilice space , or dc-M
-L ? room , at 15 ) Furuam st. , Odell Hroi. \ Co.
"I71OII HKNT 2ml nml 3d lloor and collar o
JL1 lioodrlch bulldlugwcst ot 1'axton h'it l. J
II , Evan ? , 15IU Dodge , tUO 24
HENT-Small store , 311 N 15th. .
bG 27
FH ) HENT Oround floor olllce room , con
trnlly located , heated and lighted. C. K
llnrrlson. 418 s. IMh st. U i
OU UENT-Omrus on 1'arnaiu Bt. at } 10 to U.
per month. One olllco furnished , liil'j l-'ar
num. 1(11 (
KENT-omtv , cheap ; best location In thi
city , 1M5 Dodge ft. C51
1 > EXTAL Agency List your houses for ren
X w 1th Odell Ill-Oil. A : Co. , 1K1 Iliruam ht.IMt
in L. nilEUOHY , rental agent , OOS. lOthst ,
L' t ground lluor. Tutephonu S'it. 4 1
S rECIAIiHttentloii given to routing house *
furnished nud uiifurnUh d rooms , LUt will
nsi W..M. Harris , over 23) ) 8.15th tt. 1WI
FOH HENT If you wish to rent a house oal
on UowaiCo. . , lOth &t. , opposite ] ' . O.
FOR - - .
riVi let , sl < ? romph'tB oninu Wr heavy ( relish *
J . Iugorexpre-s bu ines , Laiuu teiini'.iiij\
wnann * . Clstfap for few month. Adilw. X Ji
llccollke. ' . . ' -WOSJl , ,
OMAHA Lodging House , OlO nnd P12 Jackson
M. bet. lith nnd Itrth ts. Hents single beds
at tl p r wee ; Clean buds , fed 1 eb 3
I poll HUNT A large , good barn , Inquire HUB
1 Doduo. _ M * 25
"IJWH elf-gnnt rooms.nll modern cunvcnlt-uccs
-1 ? 1712 Wcb'lor at. KM
TTOH HENT A nrse room furnished , central
JL1 locution , Itlil Chicago bt. M04J
-U Two(21 ( room" . No. 1811 Howardt. .
Three 01) ) rooms. No , 1015 north 2tlth at.
T htee ( H ) rooms , No. 11WI north ' 111 st.
Tliree ( til room cottag"1,21st and 1'iitil st.
Thrro (3) ( ) room . No. ll-J north 21st st.
'Ihrce ( Hi rooms. No. IHDl'li-rce st.
Three (31 ( rooms , No. 1112 south 7th st.
Three (31 ( rooms. No. 7K1 i'acltln st.
Ono ( D nice olllce , No. UIO south 15th Kt.
"VIEW YOHK StornRo Co. have most extensive
Jfncllltle - ! for storauoot furniture , piano ? ,
buirales , Koueral meichaudlse , ue t of New
York , ( 'null advances to nny nmounl ; wnre-
houi'e rectlpH nlven ; Roods liiMireils brick
buildlmt flre-proot : ( special arranireinpnts for
commls'ton merchanls. Call New York Stories
Co. . Capitol ave and N. 15th St. , Ueimett's block.
"PEHS'ONAL 1 want vacant lot. north pait ; of
-1 tltv ' , for good house and lot lu , Oiimha
Vlow. 0. C. Spotswood , UOuH a 16th bt. , Omaha.
IJKHEONAL Lndlcs nnd gentlemen cnn lent
masquerade suits nt 510 N 10th St. , upstairs. ) til *
- mnKers wanted to Investigate
gate the Kellogg-Krench tailor system of
dre'scuttlng , good wages , tinvellng expenses ,
toi'iieigelle ajcntn. ( Call or address for cir
culars. Mine. KollogK , Hotel Esmond , Oui.ihu.
IJIIitSONAIj 1'ilvRtohonio for ladles durlgn
conllnement , strictly coulldental. Infants
accptcd ! address K 42 llee olllco. K17 f 10
IOST Ladlp.s' gold fob chain with gold album
I locket attached. Finder will bo rewnrdi-d
by lea\lngh mo ut A. J. Ihuiscoiu's olllce. 150d
Fiinuim. KS9 " ' > *
TIt A YKDor StoU-n-A Newfoundland bitch.
\\hltoneek , feet and tip tall ; name Oueeu.
Any Information given reward paid. 27th and
. iillfornla sts. Th. Festiicr , OVI 2.'i *
LOST A small Scotch collie dog , yellow with
whlto face , bruut and feet , weorsu collar
ith owner's nniun and address. If found pleasu
return and a buitablu rewnra will bu given. IMS
"Japltol avo. fc2S
KEWAUD-W111 bo given for return of bay
mare , HW Ibs. , halter on. Strayed from
'Jr4 ! Cumins st. (1. S. Otrom. WW
FOS SALll-Oood fresh milk cow. Inquire ,
2011 Charles et. 102iS
POil SALU or trade , 1 full blood Jerhey cow ,
extra milker , and ono \ , ' blood Jer-ey helfnr ,
2yrs old , iniiuliu ; 110 , board of trade. (1. W ,
Ifervcy. 075 2-1
"IJIOIt SAI.IJ Lea'-o of stoio forII years , cheap
J ? rent , lluest locution lu city for teiall busi-
ievs , iiddross X ! lieu olllce. OJ012
1OOK hero for n bargain-only W" , JJnionthl- ,
J rosewood plnno , sold for sloiage chnrges.
New York Storage Co. , Capitol nvu and llith st.
. Wl )
" 1710H PAIjlJ Sto\os , carputv. bedilliiBnnd fur-
-L' iiltme complete outllt for hou-okeeplng ,
pilco low , terms easy. Address X 2. ! Heo ofllcu ,
F S SALI' Counters , hhelvlng and showcase ,
10 ft , cheap. IbOl St. Mary's live. U17SIJ
TjlOUSALi : 'lliofurnltuiunuil lease of hotel
JL lu South Omaha with ! 11 boarders.
'ause of silo III health. Addie- box 122 South
iimha 1' . O. M'4 ' 21'
IjlOK PA LU Two horses , tivo covered wagons ,
1 largo scale , small scales , show cases , -.afi- ,
ilesks , largo heating btovec. . . Apply U17 S llltll
bt. K)3 )
FOR SALE At a bargain ffl feet of shelving ,
HO feotof counteisniul ono Ice chest , suit
nblo for grocery btore. IZuqulro at S12 S. llthSt ) _ ,
* '
FOH SALlI-Ki-esh milch cows. Hill \ Smiley ,
opp. Exchange building. Union Stockyarya
Telephone US. 101-lub-l
MIE banjo taught as an art by Oeo. F. ( Jelleu
-L beck , S. e. cor 1UU and Douglas , up stairs
DOWN ( Jotlie 1'rlccs JinereiMe : , woven win
sjirlngs li c , dealers ask tajiO. at Now Yorl
Storage Co. , cor , Capitol ave , and 13th st.
ATOI'H own photos on pruclato paper , IK
i chemicals'very simple , nny child can muki
them , Mimploiloz , with full liiNtructlons ISc , o :
2 doz. aic , Addiess , Howaul & llolderuess
Chiy Center , Kims. U8.I 2(1 (
TF you wish gor.d. prompt paying tenants
lift your dwellings Hats nnd store roomt
with J. II. 1'arrotte , llental Agency , Hifln Chi
ca gos _ t. r > S7fll
EXIMUISSMKN Attention-Will the express
w ho moved goods from "Ml Cedar stree
about Dee , 2" > . call and learn something to his In
terost. Now York fctorngo Co. , 150S Capitol ave
UG1 20
HE. COLI1 insurance. Itellablo companies
N E cor 15th and Douglas. Telrnhnni
KIT . r-ji : u
BLACIC walnut case organ . ' . " > , rosewooi
pianos W7 , W monthly. Kew Yoik Stomgi
Co. , Capitol live , and 15th st. till 20
_ _
It. Ahnmn on's olllco removed from Fri nzo
block to 512 S IGth st. SSI F8-
C H..IOIINSOV. cistern builder , wplli borei
and dug , 4U > N UOth St. , Omaha , Nfb.
U54 J2 *
DH. NANNIE V. Warren , clnlrvorant. Med
leal , business and test medium. IlBRno l
free. Kcinulo diseases a ( .peclalty. 11H N. IGtl
St. , Kooins. 2 JL3 , Tel. 1)11. ) 107
17 ANTED To buy a coal business1 ! ! ! clty.clv
> particulars , address box 5S5. SSI 2n ?
\\TANTl-.D-To buy snort nine paper , J.W
T Uross , at C. E. Mayn 's olllce , 1Mb am
Ilnrney. 2s5
MONKV to loan on furniture , horses , wagon5
etc. , or on any approved fcecurlty. I.o\
rates. .1. W. Itobblns , 1UI3 1'iiriiuin. b'M f2l
MONEY to Loan lly the undersigned , win
has the only properly organized loai
agency In Omaha. Loans of $10 to tlOO made 01
furniture , pianos , oigaii" , horses , wrgons , jnn
clnnery , etc. , without removal. No delays. Al
business strictly confidential. Ix > nns so mad
that any part can bo paid at any time , rncb pay
ment reducing the cost pro rata. Advance
made on fine watches and diamonds. Tcrson
should carefully consider who they are dealln
with , ns many new concerns nro dally comln
Into existence. Should you need money call nm
see me. W. U. Croft , room 4 Wltlmull bulldlnf
IMh nnd llnrnev. Ill
MONEY to l.onn-O. F.Davis Co. , real estat
i > .nd loan acents , JSOn Farniim st. 103
rPO LOAN Money Loans place'l on lu
.L proved real estate In city or county fo
New Knglnnd Loan .V Trust Co. , by Dougln
County bank , tilth anil Chicago sts , Kl
MONEV tolonit , rasn on hand , no delay. ,
W. and E. I , . Squire , 14U Faruam ut. 1'ai
ton hotel billldlng. 115
LOANS made on real estate. Cash on hunt
W. M. Harris over 22U S. 15th st. 110
$7WOno to loan nt 6 per cent. I.limlmu A Mi
. honey. KiOii Karnarn. _ 124
" \ION13Y To loan. Lowest rates. No rtela
i'L J. L. itlce & Co. , over Commercial N ,
tlonal bank 111
_ _
T OANS made on reai cstxte and mor agt
Jt-J bought , liovrl * B. lle l & Co. , mi rarnau
$ UAMAX > To loan nn Omaha rlty property "at
per cent. G. W. Dpy , S. E. cor. Kx , JHU.
1'ntterton & Kuwcott 15th nnd Harney. llfl
M ON 13V to loan. Notes ixnn Tl. It. tlcke
bought aud bold. A. Fornmu , 213 3 1'lth H (
MONEY to loun at lowest rntes upon Improve
and unimproved real estate | n Omnn.i nn
nNo upon farms In western Iowa nnd easier
Nebraska. Mortgaco notes bought and sol
Odell llros. & Co. . l.'igl Pnniain t. : m
MONEY to loan oh Improved real estate ; , r
commission charged. Lnuvltt Uurnhac
room 1. Crulghton block. _ 121
H E. COLK LoarJ money on real estate , ai
buys tlrst mortgage , nptes N. , n cor l.M
SHOUT tlmo kmni mail * on nny nvalinblfl
sccurltv. In rensonalile amounts. Sccnreil
notes bought , sold or FtchatiKntl , General
financial business of any kind transacted
promptly , quietly and fnlrly > nt the Omaha Fi
nancial Kxrhans * , N. Wp for. 15th and Har
tley sts. , overstate National band. Corhett.
manager. ' 117
MONEY to loan l can rww plaeu BOIIIO tlrst
class city loans linntetllntely. Call at once
If you desire to be nccouirtifxlated. D. V. Pliole * ,
room 1 Darker block. entMtice in allev. luu
ONEY lAlANIU ) at C.'T . Heed * Co.'s Loin
Olllco. on furniture , plimos , horfe.s , wagons ,
persoiitil property ot nil tynds , and all other ar
ticles of valua without removal. 319 3. 13th.
over IHngham's commXsTWa store. All busl-
ness strictly connilentlal.'ii 123
ONEY to Loan ohr furniture , pianos ,
wagon" , or other personal property without
removalnlhoon ; collntenab security , lluslness
conlldcntlal. Chas. II. Jacobs , 320 S. 15th st.
MONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs ,
horses , etc , low rates. J. J. Wilkinson &
Co. , 1324 Farnam , over llurllngton ticket otllco.
FOIt SALE IMAblMicil clgnr and tobacco
business , good locution , brick room. 1IKI # .
Small stock. l'lxture < sold cheap. Owner has
other business. CiilUHiH 8. lOthet. 10I-27J
A GOOD opportunity to engage in giocery
business. Cnll and Inves-tlgnto. Cooper-
ntlvo Land nnd Lot Co. . 2115 N lOtll st. ( ml 2(1 (
, either silent or active. In
' an established business. llrstflass Uwa-
tlon. new stock , reasonable lease , nice room ,
prollts 10) ) per cen > . goods staple. This U n good
opportunity $ .li Nwtll buy half Interest : or ,
would sell out entirely. Address X 31 , llee olllce.
FOU SALE Half or whole Interest In steam
laundry with nil modern Imptovements ,
good trade nnd best location In city. Also 10
room house for rent , modern conveniences nnd
part or w hole of furnttmo , ne.irly now. for sale.
Addiess V31 llee nllice. \rb \ 30 *
FOIl SALE A stock of groceries In good loca
tion , doing good businessIteasou for
selling other business. Address , X. 2il. llee.
1173 20 *
\\7ANTr.D-To sell my barbershop , n bargain
T if taken at once , address X 22 Hec. Hli2G *
FIItST Class restaurant , doing a line business.
Will sell cheap , as parties urn going away.
Cnll and see It , Co-operative Land and Lot Co. ,
B'JBNMthBt. WJ25
\\7"ANTED Partner In n laundry by n thor-
* oughty experienced laundry man , nbont
J.VX ) capital required ( lood opening. Cana
dian Emp. olHce. 310 b. 15th. Tel. t4. ! > 57
TnOHSALE A livery barn In one of the best
-L towns In western Icnvn. Iteason for selling'
want to milt the business. Terms cash. Ad
dress S. O. Sklner i Sou , Silver City , Iowa.
HOUSES and lots for western lands , farms ,
etc. IflOB Farnam. KH
T71OII SALE Or trade , lli-st-class restaurant.
JL1 Address Cllne & Plenum , 101S N. 10th st.
" 1711 ItST class mont market and buildings for
.1 } sale , good town and trudu , only mnrket. Ice
und everything In shape , address X 3J lleo.
"s.1 2 *
ACTIVE pai tner , salesman , to take half-Inter
est Injnermnnent and growing inerehnntllo
biislnrss. ( loads staple , protlts large ; | o > H ) re-
( mlred. Addre-isTtt' . Hee. 74U
FOIt SALF A ele-in stock of gents'furnish-
ing goods , hats , cap-t : one of the best lo
cations In Omaha. Stock all bought within ouo
year. Address T OS , lleo ollice. TNi f 8
A LARGE , pleasant store room tor rout , one
of the best points in thu cltv for retail
boots and shoes , hats nna cups , dry goods , etc. ,
within half block of corner 14th and Karnam.
Loiglease , cheap rent , lilt' , Se.iver , 10131 } Far-
munst. , - , U-J
! Or exclmnglv'foi' linlde
FOISALI3 \JL A.lHllT l\Jl llt-'IlHJ propcity t
X1 CID acres In Carbon i'o.Vyo. . , near
oil fields nril junction of II.AM. . nnd C. \ X.V. .
U. It. All lexel good fcolL Address X. 3i. ! llee.
I. 11)5-2(1' ) (
$1.310 stock of statlonery'f'o exchange for land
or lots. Trader-.comu aivd see us. Co-open
Land and Lot Co. , 20o N Ifltli ht. ( 1 2
HAXSCOM Tlace. line liftpse and lot to trade
for a good farm. SUireiu llro.s. , In21 rur |
17011 * exchange , Improvi'ii ' 'farm ' of 230 acres in
JJ Iowa , i0 ! miles trom Oinalin , prlco Jf.OHO , lu-
tumbrnnco $2utiil ; will vxuluiiiKQ fur nny good. ,
property , clear Nebraska 1' ' prefelred. E. II.
Cocnran , 15UU Purnnm st. 9S7 28 *
O GOOD teams wagon and harnes-s to tiade for
* house and lots or half lots lu city. Address
X S ) . llee. Wx ! yu
FOR Trade ,1 lots. , clear of all encumbrance ,
will trade for hornu and buggy. Co Oiipra-
live Land A- Lot Co. , an N. llith ijt. 4il 23
- of merchandise to exchange
change for lauds and cty | prouertyl C. C.
Spotswood , 30. > ii S. into. 1
HOUSKS , lots , fanns. livery stable , ranches ,
Hour mills and all kinds of property to
trade. Stevens llros , I'i2t rarnam st. lllf 20
HIM'OM ; gives special attention to trading
Wrlto for our list. N II cor 13th and
Douglas. ! M ill
FOR UXCilAXGK 24 pnld up lots ( one block )
for other vacant property with small lu
cumlirance. Open evenings. If. 1 ! . Cole , X II.
cor. l.'ith and Douglas. Wi (
FOR PALI ! or trade for Omaha propert } ' , n
good , well Improved stock farm , ( Ml in res. In
Kearney Co. , near school and U. It , I ) . It. llall
24,1 Hurney bt. b"l ail *
LI. kinds ot property to trade. Stevoiis
_ lros. , 1521 Farnain st. 110 2U _ _
ITlOIt Exchange. It you have farms or lands to
J-1 sell or trade send for our descrlptU o blanks.
If you have any kind of property to sell or ex
change , list It with us ; we can furnish you a
customer. S. S. Campbell 4 O. W. llervey. 310
Hoard of Trade Omaha 3J2
III AVR'for trade improved farm In Cass Co. ,
near I'Jattsmouth , will trade for Improved
Inside property. Aduress M SO , lleo office.
II- you have anything to exchange call ou or
address II. n. Cole , u. o. cor. 15th and Doug
las. 217 Kl
Houses and lots to exchange for
impiovedund unlinproiiHil lands lu Ne
braska and Iowa. Charles C. Spotswood , ! W.'ilJ
S. liUh. IHj
TATIONKHV stock good town to trade for
Nebraska land. Stevens llros. , 1521 rarnam
ht. 1C112U
XTKHUASKAana Kansas fanns to cxchango
-1- ' for Iowa and Colorado lands , and vieo
versa. Co-Ouerattve Land und Lot Co. , 20"i N
llith st. BUI
WANTKD Goort tarms m exchange for
Oamha property , C. C. Spotswood. 305J4
S ICth. I'-J
BENSON .VCAR.MICIIARL furnish complete
nnd guaranteed abstracts of titlu to any
real estate In Omaha and Douglas county upon
t-hort notice. The most complete set of abstract
books in the city. No. 1513 Farnum at. I'll
MIDLAND Guarantee nnd Trust Co. . IMS
Faruam btreet Complete abstracts fur
nished. nd titles to real eatata jxarnlned , per
fected and guaranteed. j > I'M
SK J. L. Rico \ Co. for clTolco resident lots.
T OR Haimders street real tNtatc see J. L. Rico
-L1 I ; Co. > &W2S
FOlt SALK KTeven lotTfiTlllllsIde. Re ei'TeTn
lecently platted sub-itivlMon liy Mr. A. II.
Touzalln of tract original ] v ie-ervid for his
own reildenco on Ca s und.LJilcii'/o Miects , west
of Thirty-first , special teruji to parties desiring
to build , II. W.Vutes. iiC ' . 24
Ij OH Snunders street realestate hie J. L. Hlcu
-L & Co , , , Ut3 28
TOK up this locationr 3 block 75 South
* Oinalia , part of the lot'lor ' sale nt f'XJper '
foot ' cash , bal. 1,2 and , ; ! years ; woith 5100
per foot. D. D. Sme'iton , flarker block. 71
JL Hlco & Co , sole agent- , for lots opposite
t Kountzo place. ! bs 2S
"IT OH SA 1.13 ( 'timer , I/\T ave. and Nicholas
JL' street , IVlx'-in , Bonth anil east front , ulsci
choice loti In Orchard Hill , vety cheap , .lumti
Stookd.-ile. I1IIN. Ibthbt. till 2i )
JL. Klco A Co. sole agents for lots opposite
Konntze place. tfcs as
TTIOH SALE-Lot 5 blk K A. S. 1'atrlcVail ; will
-V sell for few d.iys at tlUH , $ 'JOJ cash , bal ,
easy , S. 48 lieu olllce. 017
IfOH North Omaha property see J. L. Hlco f ,
Co. lisS 2S
BAHIiAINS worth Investigating I'or salt
( iK > dU-room house , city water , lot50xtV ) ,
east front on 1'ark avo. north of Ilanscom pars ,
for | . \ ftJlMiO cHsh. balance ll.WJJ per year :
tind also furniture for nnla of house at leas thai :
nulf value. Mortenteu i Chrlateiuou , Es
into olllce. 1114 Faiium. tip-stairs. 75S-3I
1OH S A LK-fx5xNl feet on cable lino. Splendid
JL' inside location for four Mats R5W , Must
lw sold at onco. Marshall \ Lobeck , room 9
Cham her of Com. , 3sj
FOH SALE 160 acres of land fflr \ miles from
. stockyards , mlli'i per acre ; this ,1s a bar
- ' - JtcU ue , Off. f , O , . . La
1710K SALE-Or trade Land nnd town prop
JU1 crty InNeli. , Kan. , and Colo. Ti A. Eng
lUh Ac Co. . York. Neb. ' W7 30 *
| /iOlt SALE Inotith Uiiuihn , n tew ToTs wTilch
pw uers inust jell 1 lot , each fcM. J50 eiiMi ;
. . u. jaw cash ; } .lKi' ' , J < vw cash ; corner lot ami
oneneTt for tfffl. 12i rash ! JLlfo. J.VX1 rash ;
l..W-JIOXM9h : W,2i , < Vflcash. Allot the above
Is Inside prpiH-rty. D. U. Smentou , Darker block.
T71OH SALE At * V ) per acre , two quarter sec-
X1 tlons of land live miles from Dtiluth. Minn.
This Is good In lid , heavily timbered , and Is sure
to yay u high Interest ou the price asked , 1'or
pnitlculars nddress owner , J. II. tce , cure I1. O.
box 12S ! Los Angolfo , Cnl. , or Cochrmi \ Walsh ,
agents , Duluth , Mlnu. P58-27J
$ .15(1 ( cn-ili for lot on liUh street near North
Omaha depot. J. L. ltlceCo. . tS)2a )
LAND , farms nnd lots to exchange tor shares
In good payingconccrus , 1WJ Karmim st.
IiUW SALE-Corlot (10x120 ( tuul'J story hoU ! > e,23d
nnd I'licltlc st. Inquire Jnmes Chrlsttansou ,
V. 1' . freight department. 524 sn
dj.TM cash fora full lot In Oak Hill addition ,
T > Jnnrki't value mn > . J. L. HUo&Co. ma Sit
111 MHTICKNRY& CO. tunse n specialty of
.property In North Omaha , for sale or rent
at Citizens' bank , 210S Ctimlnjr. st. I'll
FOH Not th Omaha property ECU J. L Itlco V
OH SALE Thren good lots on comer of
Dodge st , one block west of Lowe nve for
81,500. Address for u fewdays S M lleo olllco.
A HO A INS again to bo had of D. D. Bmeaton ,
Darker block. Corner property I HoiilH
Omaha Mril.OOO ; rent jtiG per mouth m " > pel-
cent. "U71
J , L. Htce & Co. for choice resident lots.
"TTHK SALE Wo oner as a special bargain Hid
JJ ncres of land four miles from stock yards ,
at ! 125 per acre , ou Unu of U. r. II. U. McCaguo1
Opp. 1' . O. KH
cash for lot on 10th street uenr North
Oinnlin depot. J. L. Hlco .V Co. UN * M
| 71Olt 8ALV.-150 clteapostlots inclty.iloO each ,
.IJ Terms easy.
100 splendid residence lots near car line. $ , VX )
to tl..ui : will build houses to order , only * UO to
> ou cash.
Two lots cor.20th and Dodge , only $6,500 for
both : a rare bargain.
Must bo sold , two tlnest residence lots In city ,
Douglas and 2Uth , corner , only * 8HX ) for both.
Terms etusy.
For Sale Or llxchango 5,000 nr-rrs cholco
farm lands , Douglas , Cumlng. Cedar , Molt ,
Urown and Cherry counties , for good Omaha
real estate1.
For Pale Henntlful residence lot.SUth , near
Fmnam. H..MA ) .
For Kent-Si-room modern east ' 4 Mat , Douc-
Ins , near2Tth ; splomlld neighborhood , one blk
to cahlti cats.
Ust'jwmr homes , htoro rooms , olllces , etc. , tor
rent , with Drake llros. , nil ! ti. 15th bt. IM ) 21
ONLY SVcash. ) balance to suit , will buy n
! f2SO lot a few blocks from the packing
houses , South Omaha , also other bargains can
bn found with 1) . 1) . huieaton. room 7. Iturker
block , cor. 15th and I'uniam sta. U07-
$ T * cash for n full lot In Oak 11111 addition"
market value tflOU. J. I , , lllee * Co. Ut 2rt
OANbodhldedlnto n building lots , 2.1x120
comer lot 7. and 8 , block 2o , South Omaha ,
for alrt for * .V-TO , only filOO cash , if taken within
u couple of days. U. D. Smeaton , Darker block.
U7U 2 , ' ,
TMl'UOVFJ ) farm In Iowa for Omaha real-
JL deucu pioperty. J , J. Wilkinson , KI21 Farnani ,
: VV ) cmh for n full lot in Oak Hill addition ,
market value WO. J. L. Hlco A : Co. titties.
$ .J.Vt cash for lot on llith street , near North
Omaha depot. J. L. Hlco & Co. 1M23
THOIl SALE Or exchange , lots lu North
J1 omana for houses. House and lots in Coun-
11 Illulls. Shares In I.owo uve llulldlng ass'n.
Lots In Ilanscom nnd Ambler places. J'lenty
of other property , lloaworth & Joplln , 41S S.
15th t. 1711
Notlco to Stockholders.
Notice Is hereby given a special meeting
of thestocknoldeisof Thu HKK I'ubllslilug Com
pany , will bo held at their olllco on Saturday ,
, lan.2th , 1W < , at 10 o'clock a , in..for the purpose
of conslileilug the trunsfer of lots 7 and t . In
block Hi ) , and east 41 feet of r > and ( i In block 121 ,
cltv of Omaha , to The UKK llulldlng Company ,
and such other business as may rom befoio
llnnnlnnbetween Council Illufls and Albright
In addition to the stations mentioned , train- )
stop nt Twentieth and Twenty-fourth streets
and at the Summit In Omaha.
C No.8 fl.Vla.m.l : ) ti:40a.m : ,
A No. 4 . : IDu. m.'A'No. ' 15 10.IM u , ra ,
CNo 14. . . . l.2:20p. : in. C INo , 7 l:20p. : m.
A No.O 7:111 p. m. A No. 3 7:00pin ,
A No.fl ! iIOa. : in.1 A No. 3 ( ll.' : ,
A'No.8 4.l tp.m.'A ' * No. 7 Uitu. : ) m.
A No.4 tUp.m. : : A ? : ( * ) p.m.
A No.3 0:40n. : in. AN' Iltfln. m.
A'No.n. . < : No.3 . . . .7Upm. ;
A No.3 : | No.,1 fliIWn.m ,
A No. 4 0:10 : p. m.A | No. 1 . . . U'JJp. : in ,
A No. 10 7Kia. : m.tA No.O 8tta. : ! m ,
A No.ia 7Wip.m. : A No. 11 . . . . U.Wp. m ,
A No.8 J40p.m.A ; | No,7. . . .11:41 : p.m.
A dally ; U daily eicept Pat. ; 0 dally except
Bun. ; I ) except Mon. : tl'ast Mall ; Lfmlted ;
I U'Ul ptobabiy vluiu tu iAip. ; ( w. bctviu-i-'vb , i ,
Carl Dunili-r.
Kotrott Free Press : I dnn't BOO how
Ito vhosi dot sotno womaiia tuKu cop two
scats In tlor sthrcot cat' untl ( loan1 pay
umro ash somopody who has to rlilo ou
tier hluiU ) ) lutforin mil niiu fulling
tlown tier back of Ills tu-ek , but nuiypu It
vhas dor latest Paris shtylo.
I don't sco how ho vhas dot IT I o\vo
soinopodv ti loetHo hill ho corneauroiiiult
on dor twinnp dor first tiling Mondav
inoriiintr und hitf two notes at dor hank
to iiay , but if somupody ewes mo I must
wait und jo aroumlt on yaturday , und
dou ho puts mo olT two weeks.
I cuu't inalvo oiiill how it most alwnyn
vhas dot u inau who works all dor tiino
don't hat some inonoy , wlvilu t-omopAwly
who don't work at all always haf ploaty.
1 jrot inlt dor theatre poiuotlines to sou
dot eminent Atnoriean notor. " Hoforo
vhas half ilouo I vhas glad I vhas not
"dot eminent oldUutehinans. " If 1 vush
I kill myself.
I sco by dor papers nn election time dot
soooh and sooeh a mans vhas moral ,
ooprijiht , Kiber und full of goodness.
A few days tiftor 1m doan't got elected
J sco dot dor police court scud him oop.
for six inonlns , und eafo.rpody bays it
vhaa all right. How dot comes aroundt
I doau't make otult.
I vims going along dor shtreot some
times und 1 falls down mit au awful
crash. Maybe dot iiroaks my hack , but
eafory person shtops und cries otidt ,
'Mini lull 1ml" like it vhas dor best fun
ho eafer saw. I can't make mult vhoro
some latT comes In.
I keep some dog abotidt my place who
run under dor table if somcpody shakes
his list at him , und oaforbody laughs
und bnys 1 vhas a fool. I trade him for
a dog who shows his tcoth und vhas
ready to bite somopody if ho move his
foot , and eaferjiody says I vhas u villain
und dat dog must bo shot.
1 goes mit dor baker to buy a loaf of
bread , uud dor vhas a big hole in dor
loaf , und ho doau' say nothings. Pot
baker como in my plauo to buy a glassof
boor , uud pccatiso tloro vhas some froth
ou her ho cries oudt dot I swindle him.
Sometimes a young blood gets full in
my place und u policomans helps him
homo. Sometimes I vhas ho leedlo otT
vheu I goes homo , uud a copper comes
along und says : "Now , oldt tnans , you
make for homo or I'll lock you oopt" _
Somopody comes to mo sometimes und
says she vhas my duty to gif my poy
Shako a good licking pocaubo ho shpeahs
to 'em mit sabs. Dot bamo day , tutor I
lick him , two poys como pohind mo for
six blocks und bays I vims a hayseed und
some pumpkins.
Head the Death Koll
Which the bills of mortality of any
"argo city may bo fitly designated , ami
/ou will Und that renal und vesical mal
adies , that is to say , those that alTect
ho kidneys or bladder , have a remarkable -
able prominence wo had almost said
. Bright's dibeaso and
iabotes in the chronic stage nro rarely
tired , and gravel , catarrh of the blad
der and onurcsis slay many. Yet at the
oulbot , when the trouble merely
amounts to inactivity of the organs in
volved , the danger may bo nullilicd by
that pleasant renal tonic and diuretic ,
Hosteller's Stomach Billors , which im
arts the requisite amount of tone to
the organs , without over-exciting them ,
and the Ube of which is convenient , and
involves no elaborate preparation.
Dysiwpsia , a usual concomitant of renal
complaints , and debility , which they
invariably produce , are remedied by it.
So also are constipation , malarial , rheu-
nalic aud nervous ailments.
Remarkable for powerful sympa
thetic tone , pllablii ui'tlon nnd ab
solute durability. ! years record ,
the best gunranteo of the uxcel-
It-nce of these instnnimnta.
rercherons , Clydesdales anil Plilre. also homebred
bred eolts Kvcry animal Kuarantepd a breeder
Our stock has been selected vlth i-ufeleuce to
both Individual merit nnd pedlureo. riomnof
thesn horses have tnkon tlrst prlza at the Ne
braska State h'lilr , lsS7. All our horses are ac
climated , and eolts of their get can bo shown.
Prices reasonable and oasv terun. N nrcesslblu
by thn throe leadlin ; rutlroadH of the state , U. &
> f. ; F. . 13. .V M. V. , and 1C. ( ! . \ 0.
Kltr .V rAHIMlAIf , York. Neb
Railway Short Line.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
Tfee only real to take for DPS Stolnes , Mnrlalltoirn ,
Cflrtnr Itnplds , Clinton , Dlxon , Chlraio , MllwnnkPU
( nil ll poliila c t. Tu tliu piHiplo of . ' , Colorado
rado , Wjomlnv , Utah , Idnlin. Nurudn , OrexnnViuh -
Inxlon utnl CnllfornlH. It ufforn supuilor udvaulauui
m l I.O .IIB ! br any oilier llnu.
AninnK n fnw < it tltu nuinnrnns point * of superiority
cnjiiyud br tli pntrons o ( tbls ru.ul ti > tvtp. > u Omaha
and ( 'hlra j , urn Its two train n ilar of DAY COACH *
KS. which are the Ilncst th t numan art mm InKenul *
tx citu rrvHtu. Us I'AljACi : fLKKl'IMI IIAUH. whloli
ern modellerromfort nnd Ienanc . Us 1'AUIXm
DKAWINO IHK/M CAKS , unsiirpHnieil lij anr , and
Its wldulT celebrated 1'Al.ATMI , DIMNO CAlW , tbo
e < innl ( if whicb c nuol bo found cisuwlivro. At Coun *
ell Ilium tlm trains of the Union I'nUtlc Uallwuy , rnn <
Dect In union depot "Ith tliosu of tliu CliUuiM > > *
Northwrttvrn Itjr. In Clileiuo tlia triilns of tills Hue
inaku closu coimuctlou wlUi tboso of all ottiur kastura
for Detroit , Columbus. IndlannpolK C'nclnnatl ' ,
Nlavara Kails , llnRalo , I'lltsaurK , Toronto , Montreal ,
Ilotton , Now Vera , I'lilladclphiM , llaltliiioto , NSub'
Inuton , and all poluti lu tbevait , uslt fo u tlckvt Til
the )
If TOO wist ) the brit accommodation. All ticket igaatl
lefl tickets Tla this lint , ,
iLiivuiitrr. B.I-.WIMON ,
Oeul. Manager , ( lent. l'm 'r Ageal
Coleaco. Ills.
\Vlio Is lvn\U , NI'.HTOItN. IIKII1I.ITA-
Ttn.wholuhUCUIllVHnd1IJNOKA.\'i3 :
lisnTIHKI.KI ) Rwny hit VHXiKof ItODY ,
MINI ) and 9t \ X IIUO II. musing rxlmuMlur
iltaltui upon thn FOIM'.tlN ! of 1,1 1'K ,
II I' A It AC II K. II AUK ACII K , DrtAdful
Ire ) m . WBAKNKNH of Mrtnnrr. 11ANII.
rULNKHfiltl HOfliTY. : I * I HIM. KM Upon
the KAfi : . andHlltho KKFKiriN lendlnptd
K4UI.V I > E'A Valid tx-rliniis COXNIIMl' .
TIO > or IMNANITV. tlioula COUMllt Bt oliro
the t'KI.KIIKATF.Ii tr. Clnrkr. EM.iMhlird
1M1. Dr. Clnrko hn < innda NKHV l'S ! ) : .
1I1MTY. 4'IIIIO.VII' nnd nil l ) | cn c of
thct (1E.MTO lUtl.VAHY Urcnin rt I.lfo
udy. It roato NO illltercnco WHAT you
itivo taken or WHO lin.i failed to euro you.
liar to their ci run coniult ntth the Rssnrniico
II speedy relief and curr. Scud " cents poetogo
fur works on jnur dlsnucs.
A * Scnd 4 cents ixtnjro for tVleUrutril
Work * on 'Iironlr. Ncrvoii * ami l > ell
rnto Ulsca ca. Conaultntlon , i < vntomily ! or by
Irttor , free. Consult the 1 < l Hnrlnr.
Ttion niuU rurril. OIHcrnnnd iinrlor *
prlinlo. AsT-lhose cnutcmplfitlnR Mnrrl Ka
fdiil for I > r. t'liirkc'M celebrated Kiilda
Male and Frntnlr. each U'C. , l > othc. .
( lUunr * ) . llcr.iro . ronfldlnR your c Jo , consult
l > r. OI AUK C. A friendly letter or rail uuy
sax c future sutlcrlng aud slmme , mill add Koldcn
j-cnrs to llfo. a-Dook " l.lfo'i ( Srerct ) Kr-
ror . " We. ( tnmpj ) . Medicine nnd wrltlnr *
sent CTerywhero , necuro from i > o ur .
Uours , 8 to 8 : Hundnys , S to 12. Addrow ,
F. D. OLABKE , M. D.
180 So. Clark au CU10AUO. ILL.
It ban Blood the Test of Yean ,
in Curing all Diseases of tbo
EIB,4c. ItFuriOeithc
Blood , Invigorates and
Cleanses tha System.
disappenr at once
KIDNEYS its beneficial influence
STOMACH It is purely a Mtdleic *
AND as its cnthartle proper
ties forbids its tlio as e
30 boveraco. It is pleas
ant to the taste , and ai
easily taken by child
ran as adulta.
Bolo Proprietor * ,
FT.Louu and KANSAS Om
wuo if rxicqtjiiHTr.D WITH TIII aKoamrnT or Tn |
By nuoa ot 1U centrnl position , sloa * relation to line *
But of Chicago , and cuntlnu ui Un * l terminal
point ! Weil , MorthwMt and Soathnoit , li tlia tru
mlddlo link In that tranicoutlnenUi rystem which
InTltos anil facllltatoi tr r l anil trafilo between tU
AUantlonudl'aeia * .
Tlie Rock laUnd main line unit branehi Inclod * Chi.
ca o , Jollot , Ottawa , IM Sulle , 1'eorla , Oen i o , Mollo *
and Itock Iiland , la llllnolit Darunport , lluicatlni ,
Wnahlnctoii , Ifalrfleld , OttumwA , o kaloo8KYttt Lib
erty , Iowa Clt/.lleiMotnet , IndlonoU.Wln tenet , AlUn-
tic , KnoiTllIe , Audubon. Rarlan , Outhrl * Ontro an4
Cojncll llliiir , lnlow i OitllAtln , Trenton , Ht. .cupn ,
Cainernn and Kansa City , la Mloourli Leai.lworUi
tnd Atclilion. InCaniiui Albeit L a , MlnneapoUa anil
; . rnul , InMlonciotai Watvrtown anil 8loux Kulli.H
d of laUrmadLato cltUs and towns.
VTho Great Rock Island Routo'V-
Guarantees itpeed , comfort , certainty nnd aftfetj. Iff
prrmanent war la dUtlDguuhrd for IU excellence. 1M
LrWgoi are of rtono and trun. Jt track If uf solj < t
itcel. Us rolllnif Iock ptrfoct. lUr " < enKcre < itilim'int
liaiall the natctrapplianccil that eiperlencehajiuivr4
useful , and for luxurious accommodation ! la uiu u >
pnrsml. Jtu Fxprosa Trains conBlut of superior ly
Coaches , elegant I'ullman 1'alnca Parlor and HleopUin
Can1 , suprrb IJInlnff Cars , prorldlnff delicious meats ,
and ( bttttcen Chicago and Bt. Joseph , Atehlson and
Kansas Cllj ) restful Kecllnlns Chair Car * . Its man *
ageirent Is conserratUe , Its dtaclidlno eiActlnjr
"Tho Famous Albert ton Rot'.ro"
retwrrn Chlcatro nnd Hlnnrapolls and St. I'a. Is the )
favorite. Orer tills line Solid I'ast KxpreM Trains run
dally to attractlro resorts for tonrlkts In Iowa and
Ulnnesota , and , via Watertovrn nnd Sliiux Falls , to ttia
rich wheat and ( rrtslng Isnds of Interior Dakota , Via ,
Ecneca and ICankakee , the Ho/-k Iiland offers icperlor
Inducements to trarolem bntwrea Cincinnati , Indian *
apoll * . Llfayctte and Council llluffi , Bt. Joseph , Atcht- I.oirenworth , Kansas City , At , I'aul , and Interme
diate polnU All patrons ( Mppclally ladles and ctilU
r nrB ( lre protection , courtesy and kindly attention.
1'or tickets , maps , foldeis , copies of 'i stern Trail , or
ny ilnlred Information , apply to principal offloes la
the United State * and Canada , or addren , at Chicago ,
8. R. CABIE , f. ST. JOHN , E. A.
. Till
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Rfy ,
Tbo Best Route front Onmha and Council'
lilufTs to
TWF F A ° .T
= I n J _ , C./AO 1
Clilcngo , AND * " Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar ItapltlSj
Itock Island , Frecjiort , Ilockfonl ,
Clinton , Dtiliiiquc , Diivenport ,
Jladlson , .lanesvllle ,
lltloitVlnona , I a Crosse
Ami all other Important pol.iU Rait , Noitbout and
For thronithtlrketn call on the ticket ? cnt t 1171
f trnnm ttruct , la 1'axton llotal , ur at Unlom I'aclBo
I > etOi )
Pullman Bloepen nnrt the flnvtt Dlnlnji Can In tha
world arc run nn Iho main line u ( the Cblrano , Mil
waukee .t M. Paul Hallway , and evorr atloutlnn l
pulU to va > 9cngcr > IT euuncoui cuplo/et ot Uio
It. Mli.l.KU. General Manmier.
J. F. TllCKCII , AmUtHnt General Mnnnjur.
A. V. It. CAItl'KNTUU , Ooniiral I'atovugtr ftn4
lite' ) . liVi.UTOUn , AnliUnt QeoerrJ ,
enilTlrUft Aguut.
J , T. CLA1IK , GuilPrai Hup rlntcnd nt.
Notlco ot Incorporation.
riV ) Whom It Mav Concern : Notice la hrrobr
1. clvt'H that "TJi lleo lliillillii Cninpanjr '
hii : tiled In thu olllro ot the enmity clvrk of.
l > ouj < la county , Niibntikn , artlclei of Incorpor
ation. Thu prlurlpal plnco of transactlni ; It }
hiiAliiu. s li at Om.ih.i , In Duiiclas county und
atatu ot NuhrnHkit ,
Thu nature of Its Imslno i In to
arqiilrr , O\MI , hold , h-a , iiiort iiui ) . null and
conviiy leal f tate. cruet liiiIIdliiKH and Improvii-
upon thi ! liuiuo , ( or ruiitlnu auch rual
, .
Thn amount of raplUl utork authorized li
4 i ( ) , ( /fi. ton P < T cent of which to bo paid ut thu
tluiHof sub.srrlliliiK for thu t.unu , and tliiru *
inalndiT as rt-aulrtd by thu board of illrortori.
Thu corporation toininenroil January Ifith , A ,
1) . IXH * . mid will terinlnuto the UtU ( UyoIJuiu
Thohiulifst Htnount of Indebtedness nr liabil
ity to uhlili the torixiratlon shall at nny tlmi
subject Usulf 1 t o-thlrd of tUo capital etov'A
Thu business affairs of the corporation are to
bo conducted by u bo.ird of dlrucUir * of II va
rnHinb * > r wbonhiill telect froui th
proaldent , eucrutary and truuiurcr.
> IAX MEVElt ,
( iro. iLTxHuii
IiitiiNoTrnuc ,
. llAKKKI.f , .
I "tVlr' " n'ft < nhon.lns < lortd. Prs.
natuie rierllct and Kancllbnil ( ! lpcr.