8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : . MONDAY , JANUAKY 23. 1888. GROCER AND HIS CUSTOMERS , Bov. Mr. Savldgo Preaches Upon a Llvo Subject. TRICKS OF THE TRADE EXPOSED. FcmptntlniiH tolilcli Homo Ienlcrn Fall KxpoHltiK One DUhoneHt Firm Tlie Kvlln of Btimlny liUHltlCHH Talk INK to Oroccrymr-n. "Tlio Orocur and His Customers , " wns the /ilibjcct of Kov. Charles \V. Snvldjjo's dis course lit the Scwuid Street M. K. uhuruh lust uvunlng. Tlicru wns a largo nudicnro present , nmonK'tliem being n iiuuibcr of icii- rcsentutlvo frocrymen , lojfetlier with tlielr clerks. Mr. S.ivid o took his tc-xt from Proverbs 11:1'A : fulso balance Is iibomltui- tlon tg the Lord ; but u Just weight Is His do- light"and from Kxodtis 20:15 : , "Thou slmlt not steal. " Snld the -tpcrker : Tor the past fivu years I have watehcd the business Inter ests of this rity. 1 have been pleased to see the small frame building give place to the Immense brlek or stone structure. Standing as I do , a llttlo outside of the business whirl , I have been well able to sco the marked pro gress In the different lines of trade. There Is ono class of business men of whom I have thought much It Is the grocers , and I will tell you why. I thought when I was a llttlo boy tha * . if I ever grow to bo a man I would keep a grocery , so I could have all the licorice rice I wanted. Didn't I make a narrow escape - capo ! Then I hnvo become acquainted with some of your temptations and troubles , and on this account 1 have thought of A on. You enter a Held In which there Is the sharpest competition. Your patience is tried to Us limit. Every day joti must deal with a crowd of unreasonable if not dis honest people. As I have seen you taking orders and delivering goods when the Ne braska bll7znrd was at its height , or as I have seen you wading around at work In the Omaha mud , I have prayed for iou that you might have an old-time case of genuine re- jigion "You need It In your business. " I nolievo we shall BCO bcfoio wo get thiough with this sermon that everybody who goes Into a gtoccry nceiis religion and having It ho ought to apply It. Kcllglon Is a worthless comodlty unless it is applied. Heligion looks well on dress parade but It is of mote value actually put Into practice. It is not the silk dress for the parlor It is a plain calico for everyday wear. The religion of .Icsus is the principle we so much need in trade to-day. I speak Hist of the sins of the gro cer. Thcio uro two classes of men In tills line to day In Omaha. The hon est man some of these have been here for twenty years. Go Into their establishments. Forty men arc doing up packages and dellv- ing goods. It requires fourteen horses to draw the delivery wagons. You would trust the heads of many of these firms with the last dollar you had , for they are honest men. Hut there is another sort of men in the busi ness men who hnvo to bo watehcd. Some of them profess religion , but the profession of religion will never make an honest grocer. I am told that one of these men shouted down to his cleik the other day : "John , hnvo you sanded the sugar ! " "Yes , " savs.lotm. "All right. Come up to prajors. " While I go on in this set mon you can place yourself In the class to which you belong the honest or the dishonest. That is the way wo shall do at the Judgment , and we might as well begin now. Some of you are dishonest. You have a way of fixing up jour scales so that the machine works in your favor. The scale Inspector said to ono of your num ber lately. "If I llnd your scales again in the condition they arc to-day I will make you trouble. " You may call this sharp practice doctoring scales in that way , but 1 call it a dishonest act. Again , take this fact to demonstrate the same truth A wealthy man comes Into your store. Ho trusts you. Ho says : "Send mo up so many pounds of this , and of this , and of this. " You do t > o. Ho comes in every day during the month and gives you his order as to the amount , but does not ask you the price. At the end of the month when you make out that man's bill you innko him pay more for tc.i and sugar than you do his neighbor. You call it "si/ing him up ac cording to his pile. " A retired grocer who once kept a store here , said : "llrother Snvidgo. you can't make anj thing In grocer ies in this town , unless you work your pencil on them. " Now , I know that many an honest merchant in this city will Buy that this is never dono. Well , I reply that it has been done in our city and done many times. Take another ease of dishon esty. You advcitiso , for example , to sell thirteen pounds of sugar for a dollar and jou tell your clerks to put up twelve pounds in thobo dollar-packages. You not only tell lie but you make your clerks act a lie all day long. There has baen more than ono case of this kind in the city within the past live years. To prove my flist point , I will toll jou an instance that cnino to mo from an e\o witness. A giocery linn in this city bought two car loads of cider fiom ono of the apple growing states cast of us. They then sold all this cider out with the exception of flvo barrels. This done they divided the contents of the live , putting u little cider into each empty barrel and then tilled the whole number up with water. Then they wrote the llrm of Which they had purchased saying the cider was only a little better than water and to send their agent out to inspect it. The agent came and paid them buck .their purchase money. Again , some of you are profane , and I can tell you why some of you swear. People premise to pay and when the first days of the month come , the money does not come. I know ono man in this city who makes the air fairly blue with mnoko because the people won't pay up , and the next month ho trusts them over again and when the time comes ho swears. I should think you would see the uselessness - ness of that bad habit as well as the sinfulness - ness of it. Again , a good many of you keep open on the Sabbath. Some of you say "This is my best day. " You not only work yourself , but you compel your clerks to work. Only think of 111 The work is hard enough and the hours long enough at best. In summer , on Saturday for instance , the clerk goes to the store at fulio in the morning and works until II at night. What do you think of that greedy soul who asks him to come back on Sabbath 1 A member of the Catholic church in the grocery trade , and by the way , one of your most piosperous men said to me , that when ho tlrst began heie , ho kept open on Sabbath but six months of Sabbath breaking was enough for him. My advice is , set the pinner's pound uwav on your doois ; you keep Clod's day. If you fall , full uu honest man uml a sincere Christian. In the second place , I speak of the "Sins of the customer. " Many of the custonieis are not thoughtful and considerate of man and beast. liuslness in this line is done largely with pass books. Do you know that ono llrm whoso accounts are written oillfty pass books , only has live books brought regularly to their store ! Korty-Hvu careless families are doing business with that ono nou o. Take this point to prove my i > ostlon ! , These grocers take orders and deliver goods at South Omalui and as far as the deaf and dumb institute. If you would only take in your orders early , how much you could sao man and her o. Instead of that , some of you go with your 01 dets at an hour when the men should bo at their homes. If some of these poor tired clerks were preaching to night they could tell nome facts that would prove this point. Ono grocer was asked the other day to take a customer two inllos distant from his store. The family consisted of two persons and ho was expected to attend to their wants dally. This same man is asked to do all sorts of'favors for his customers. The other day ho was asked to deliver a sow ing machine. Ho sent two of his men to do the work. They broke the machine and the owner made the grocer pay for the privilege of doing him that favor. Ho told his men that they would go out of the "sewing machine - chine business , " The clerks in ono of our stores said to a certain woman : "Isn't she a perfect lady ! She treats the clerks us well as she does the proprietor. " Let us carry homo the small parcels and. uy every means make it more easy ror over worked men to live. If the Christian people vould , thry could snvo the grocer well nigh ne-tmlf of his lanor. Again , the customer tells n lie to his , rocer. Instead of paying tip as ho prnm- sod , largo unpaid balances aio against him. Some are "being carried" for fci < > 0. One crchant snym "In the past ten years I have est 110,000 from these unpaid balances. hey are the curse of the trade. " The gro- .jer has to pay cash for nil his produce , and n thirty days he must meet most of his sther bills. Ho pays Interest but ho does lot get interest from you. A good many of us have been asking In his revival nea on how we may have the Holy Clhost with us in power. He will dwell with us when we do right. Again some of you steal from the grocer. ) ld you ever know thnt the merchant must ilisplny a certain class of goods In order to ell them I And did you ever think of this , hat the loss on this class of goods in stock s two per cent just f i om "pickings ! " Let us quit this so coiled icspoctablc pilfering. Then some of you steal In another way. You owe the merchant for your living for wo months. Then you go to another slot o jr move to another state. Ami this Is true , .ho people who do this me very extravagant n their buying. The people who don't pay Ive on the fat of the land , Stay by the man , vho accommodates you and pay him every ilollar. In conclusion , I am told that professed Christians are no better than sinners In these .hlngs. Hut the lent Christian Is a icllablc , square man every time. Let us have a revival of the ten command- ncnts , and then a revival of Holy Ghost re- Iglori will follow. AN A Icrr Hiiutur Vi.sltn Oinnlm and Tnlkw About the /tiltis. A Zulu wartior at a museum was In an CBtntle state of happiness yesterday and abhe.rcd away in his native tongue with the garrulity of nn old woman at a tea party. The cause of all this demonstration was the r'escnce of a German named Jacob Hauler , ivho speaks the Zulu tonguo. qulto fluently. Icrr Hauler Is the llrxt man who could talk his dialect that either of the Zulus have met Inco they came to this country eleven years igo. As the Xulu's partner , Charley , is lying lek at Chicago at present and could not ac- lompany Oscar on his Omaha trip , the latter African seemed delighted to be able to give I'cnt once more to his thoughts in his native gibberish. Herr Hauler spent several years in Africa , understands u number of the different dialects and has a thorough knowl edge of the natives and considerable of their 'otintry. Ho was with Stanley's party u ihort tinio. On being asked by the reporter f Oscar's color wns notiathcr light for a native African , ho replied that in color the Zulu was a perfect specimen of his people as ' .hoy were rather a brown than a black race. n size , however , Oscar was rather below the medium , although ho had the strong knit frame and beautiful physical development of : iis tribe. Hauler speaks in the highest .enns of the intelligence , bravery and nanlincss of the Zulus as compared with ho other uncivilized tribes of Africa. He bought that the rare old Zulu warrior Umslopogaas , who plays such a prominent l > art in one of Kider Haggard's stories , may : iavo actually been a description of a living man rather than the Uction of a novelist's brain. THE WKATHE MODERATING. A lMcannnt Sunday and a lluvivnl 111 Halli-oad Tralllc. Omahans welcomed the pleasant sunshine of yesterday with gusto afler so many days of 7oro weather. Gradually , as the day ad vanced , the mercury in the thermometer bean - an to ascend , and .by 10 a. m. It had passed the 7cro line on Its upward march. The a'lr became mellow , and the wind turned its blunt end into the faces of pedestrians , who , consequently , experienced none of the un pleasantness associated with this adjunct to he severity of the weather of the previous ten days. This moderation was hailed with expressions of satisfaction and delight by all out doors , and it was predicted that \\eekof such weather as wns inaugu rated yesterday would suflieo to restore the demoralization brought about by the blizzard. In railroad circles there was a disposition to be Joyful and thankful for old Boreas' reformation mation , and activity was visible on all sides. Many freight trains that had been abandoned for reasons of safety , were dispatched and new vigor was infused among the men. Out lying towns that have experienced severe suffering irom the chilly blasts through a scarcity of coal owing to the inability of the railroads to reach them , will bo fully sup plied , us there are hundreds of cars loaded with the dusky diamonds now cnroute for their respective destinations. IT WASN'T DIUT. Mike O'llrlcn AVaslieH Ufa Feet and FiudH One Fro/.on. Mike O'Brien , a drunken bum , was found n a beastly state of intoxication by Officers Haze and Ucmpsey about 1 o'clock yesterday inorning and was taken to the central station. During the day the air of his cell was poisoned with an intolerable slouch arising from his pedal extremities and his fellow irisoners complained so much about it that last night Jailer Sigwattgavo him a bucket of water to wash his feet with , supposing the trouble was caused by uncleanliness. On re moving hs right shoe it was discovered that his foot had been frozen and wns mortifying from the effects of it. The foot was in such an advanced of decomposition Hie Iocs look ing as though they would drop ott from the slightest touch that it is thought his foot must have been frosted several days ago , and ho has been in such an Inebriate state that ho did not know what was the mailer with him. Ur. Kalph was called and this morning he will have to amputate the decaying mem ber. "STRANGE BOB. " Sun Francifaco Cull : Jim Muitlnnd , : v } , ' , brawny , sunburnt boundary ritlor on the Dooribitii } , ' htiitiou , lay resting and enjoying the shiulo of a clump of wattles and cedar * growing on the banks of the Dooribung river. Both the hor&o and dog of the rider had taken to the water , glad of the opportunity to cool their limbs and the chance to bo frco of the Hies. Liljo their mabtor the two ani mals were known for hundreds of miles around. The horse , a once famous Knglisb rncor , imported into the cole ales , went by the name of Relief , while ith dumb companion answered to that of Curse. .lim MuHland was the youngest son of John Mititlund , a peddler of coals in Kdinburg , Scotland. Like a great mitn- bor of boys .lim was wild and full of mischief. Night after night would his nearly hoart-bj-okon mother pray for him to mend his ways , while his father would as often undertake the reforming process with the aid of a broad leather btrap burned at oao end. The praying anil strapping were of little avail , for Jimmy suddenly disappeared , leaving his master for he had boon bound ap prentice to a printer and his parents unupprisod of where lie hud gone. It was not until three yours after his disappearance that the old couple re ceived information of their son. When they read the letter , and finding noth ing in but the young man's exporlonco on an Australian sheep station and a promise to refund the money lost them through Jim running away from his master. Mr. Maitlund sarcastically re marked : 4 > lt is very easy to make big promises when there's 17,000 miles ol sou between us. , ' After months of anxious waiting the young boundary-rider received a lottoi from his mother , giving his fathor'n cutting remark. When Jim read the sentence the blood rushed to his face with linger , and he crumpled the leltet in his oloni'hed list , saying haughtily : "I am a Maitland , sir , and by heaven a Maitland bovcr broke his word Never will pen of mine touch paper foi you until I repay you ten times ovei Qvory farthing 1 have cost you. I was wild , ; I was foolish , but Hod knows I an honest ! " mid toiLr * coursed down his sun-burnt face , the flrct since ho was a child. Twice had Jim Maitland attempted the roll of "squatter , " and each time had fortune's hand been against him long , weary months of drought dcstrov- his flocks and herds. These failures did not dishearten him , for ho again com menced at the foot of the ladder by as saying the stock-whip and hugging the pigskin of a boundary ridor. "Lord Harry ! this is a scorcher , ' ' Maitland said , as ho rolled over and peered through the bushes far out onto the plain , where not the slightest ves tige of grass was noticeable. The eighteen months of dry. warm weather had burned up every blade of green. "God help the poor wretches on the plains , " he continued , rising and placing his big , broad sunhat on his icad. "Come Relief ; get out of that , "Jurso. Wo had better be stepping out. lullot What's that ? looking out onto ho plain , and as Curse sprang forward , barking furiously. "A dingo ! I'll have ho bruto. Hero boy , down. He's mnk- ng for the river bend. " Ho stood vntching ttio animal come limping tlong as if unaware of any danger. As it came nearer , Mnitluud noticed somc- , hing tied around the strange dog's icck. Giving a long , tmrill whistle , which caused the tired brute to ston md look in his direction , the boundary- nan moved forward. "Hero , pup , hero. Come , good old boy , " Jim called , holding out his hand enticingly : t The foot-soro , half-starved dog moved slowly and suspiciously , and as Malt- and patted the animal it whined' and wagged its tail and pawed at the hand- ( crchlcf around his neck. Taking it oil , the boundary rider carefully tin- olled it , taking from its fold a piece of shin , on which was written with char coal : Hob's Station Send mo help. Am ilvintr. bon. "Well done ; plucky dog , " said Jim , stroking the poor , tired-out hound as it ay stretched at his foot. "Come , drink , old boy ! " motioning toward the river. At the word "drink" it quickly rose to 'ts foot and limped into the riverwhere t lay lapping the water. Bob's Station , from which the dog had just traveled , was over eighty miles 'roin Dooribang , which happened to bo .ho nearest point of civilization. 'Strange Bob , " the owner of : ho station , had been nicknamed so by the "squatters" of the district. His history was shroudca in darkness , uid ho was a very reserved man , neither inviting nor accepting comprn.y , all was guesswork on the part of gossipcrs. EIo was understood to bo very rich , but liow wealthy , nonobut his lawyers could toll , and , of course , they wero'not likely Lo satisfy curiosity-mongers. Being thus distant to his neighbors and out of the world , nobody troubled about him , satislled to lot the "old butter" get along alone. "Poor , miserable fellow ! Alone and ill. I wouldn't bo in that fix at this season for the bank of England. Get up , Relief ; there's hard work ahead of us , " and he touched the old horse with his heels as ho turned its head for the "home station , " followed by the dogs. An hour's easy canter under the swel tering sun landed him at the manager's door. "Well , Jim , what's the matter ? Where did you raise the dog ? " Mr. Closotho of "run " , manager Dooribang , nsked as Maitland , holding the chip in bis hand , and the hounds entered the dirty little ollico. "Picked him up on the plain. Here , " handing him the , chip. "You hud bettor 'hook it' at once , then , " was the manager's answer alter reading the dying appeal of "Strailgo Bob. " "If you don't think old Relief will carry you through you can take my horso. Wo must help the old man. " "I'll take both horses , but I'm afraid I won't bo able to reach him in time , " Maitland replied. "Well , try it. But the old fool , he's no business to live up there anyway. This is the third time. Trouble him and his old sheep ! Well , it don't mat ter , poor follow ; wo are all confounded fools at the best , " Close sympathetically remarked , after giving "Strango Bob's" precarious situation a thought. "Give mo the medicine-case and the drug-book and I'll slide at once , I'll catch old Comto and then will be ready in a jilTy , " Jim said , leaving the man ager to prepare the medicines. Having caughtand saddled old Comto , and given his own horse a thorough rubbing down , Jim brought from the kitchen a brnco of heavy navy revolvers II ml placed them in the holster of his saddle. "Well , Jim , sling these over your shoulders , " said the manager , handing to him the medicine case , to which was strapped a largo tin flask of brandy. "I will send Ned after you as soon * as ho comes down. Look after the old man , and give the poor devil all you can. Send word by the dog if you want any thing else. " It was late in the afternoon of the next day that the rescuer arrived at the dying man's shanty. Without delay ho entered the half open door. On a pile of sheepskins in ono corner of the room lay the miserable and emaciated form of "Strango Bob , " covered by a dirty and torn red blanket. Not n sign o'r movement of the body showed that the entrance of the stockdrivor had been recognized. The dying num's long and matted white hair and beard had not been dressed for mouths ; his big , rough right hand hung o\or the side of the rude couch , touching the filthy floor. A few feet away was lying a dirty , greasy "billy , " the slight rust on its inside showing it had not contained water for several days. The old man in attempting to quench his burning thirst had managed to upiot the can. Maitlaud shuddered as ho stooped over the in-ensiblo man's couch , and thought of the poor fellow's loneliness and miserable surroundings. Gently inising the suiloror , ho succeeded in pouring a few drops of brandy down his throat. This partly revived the uncon- bcious "tfjiiattor , " and encouraged Jim , who sot uiKMit doctoring and watching his patient with all the skill and ten- dornesi of a rough "bush-doctor. " Early next morning , while "cat-nap ping , " Maitland thought ho heard his name mentioned. Going to old Bob's couch , ho found him awake and con scious. "Maitland , God bless you ! God bless you ! " the poor sufloring outcast whis pered as bo feebly grasped the young man's hand. "Kneel down beside mo ! J want to speak to you. I am dying , my boy ; in a few hours Strange Bob will bo before his master. " 'Comcjnow , don't bo taking it so hard ns that. This spell will soon pass , and then you'll bo as right as a two year steer , " Jim said encouragingly. "Listen ! Do you hear the pmn they howl that is my death-knell , Jim Mait laud , my death-knoll. I'm old , and I don't need them tell mo my time-glass glass is run down. " ho said , slightly moving his head and closing his eyes. For a few minutes ho Icy greatly ox- hau-ted , but still clinging alloctionatoly to the boundary-rider's \ . Then ho startled his rough nursery gayiug : "Jim Maitland , you a.Q nV HOII ! " "Yes ; " replied Maitluj | , * frlltisled | to humor his patient. ( "Jim Maitland , you , iloi.t , ft my hon. on will nitirryu".luuirfltol. . , You saved little " " ' ' n. " * _ - ? . life in Melbourne. The paper * In Unit box will tell you all. Give mo water , my son. Hour Uib pups ? Bo good to Nelly ! God bleiwyou both ! " nud a fo\V long gasps and "Strango Bob" was no more. For several minntcs the stock-driver could hardly rcnlileo ho was alone witli the dead father of Nelly Gwyno and that "Strango Bob" WHS the father of his be trothed. The howling of the dogs , how ever , awoke him to its stern reality , and writing a note telling of the death , ho dispatched it by < 'ursc to Dooribang. The work of digging a grave under the shade of a large wattle-tree , and the making of u cotllrf but of several boards torn from the walls of the shanty occu pied him the remainder of the day. Before sunrise next morning the body had been buried on the place where "Strango Bob" liad spent the last years of his life. Placing a wooden cross to mark the grave , Maitland mounted his horse and returned to Dooribang. * * * * * * * * * The papers found in the tin box dis closed "Strango Bob's" eventful his tory. His name was FitzherbertGlyno , who had been transixn-tcd from the mother country for murder , for which lie had been convicted on circumstan tial evidence. Years after his arrival in the penal colony of Sidney the Brit ish authorities discovered the true mur derer. A "pardon' ' and a largo sum of money was granted the injured man. Being free and untainted in the eyes of the law , but unfortunately not in these of gossips as well as prosperous , Glyno removed to Melbourne where ho mar ried a wealthy merchant's daughter. His prosperity and happiness did not continue , for it soon became noised about that ho was a puraoned "lag. " "Society" was greatly exercised at what it called his "duplicity and bruz- enfuccdness , " so to make amends im mediately , "dropped" Fitzhorbcrt Glyno and his wifo's family from its "s'et. " Glyno , unable to stand the per secution , returned to Now South Wales , where ho lived an outcast under the nnmo of "Strange Bob" until his death. His wife died several months after the departure of her husband from Mel bourne , leaving her baby daughter , Nelly Glyne. Shortly after his arrival in Melbourne from Scotland , Jim Maitland succeeded in saving the life of "Strango Bob's" daughter by rescuing her from a burn ing building. From that time Mait land and Nellie Glyno had continued to correspond , until it hud ended as usual in such cases in their becoming en gaged. "Strango Bob" hadthrough his lawyers , become aware of the great debt ho owed the young boundary- rider and now managed to pay it by be queathing him ono-half of his immense fortune some 1200,000. Eight months after "Strango Bob's" death there appeared in the Melbourne papers , the following notice : MAITLAND GLYNE On the 9th inst. , by the Kcv. J. Lorrie , James Maitland to Nelly Glyno. Mr. Maitlnnd , with his happy little bride , paid the mother country a visit. For several weeks his agent in Scotland cauBsd considerable activity among painters , carpenters and furniture- dealers in repairing and furnishing a pretty "wee cottage just outside o' Edinboro. " On Now Year's eve of 1870 , and as the Maitland family wore gathered in the little Btone-lloored kitchen , a lady and gentleman entered unannounced. "Is this Mr. Mail-- " Jimmy , Jimmy ! " the old mother cried , running forward and throwing herself on the prodigal's neck. "My son ; thank God , yo arc wcel ! Aye , but it's like you , always pluyin' your mad- like trick/ ' and the old lady gave the1 wanderer another sounding kiss and a loving hug. His old father forgot about the ap prentice money , and hopped about in great style , and extended a thorough Scotch Hogmany greeting to his son and his young bride. "Father , " said Jim Maitland , after they had got through exchanging greet ings and compliments , "we have come all the way from Australia to pay that- " "Never mind to-night , Jimmy , we'll talk over that to-morrow , " the o'ld gen tleman replied , a little annoyed at the subject being broached so abruptly. "But the cake , my man ; and mother , let's hno something with it , " Mr. Mait land said , glad to change the conver sation. In passing the cake to his father , Jimmy placed on the top nf it a package of papers addressed to Mr. John Mait land , with the remark : "Father , there's a New Year gift from Nelly and ono to mother from mo. " On opening the envelop the old couple discovered a deed to "tho cottage just outside o'Edinboro , " and a cheek for 20,000. The two old folks stood in as tonishment , looking first at the gifts , then at their children , and then at each other , as if hardly able to believe what they read. The first to break the sil ence was the old mother who , with tears streaming from her loving old eyes , said : "Wo awfu " and unable to find words to express her love , fell weeping on her son's neck. Then raising her head looked up in the face of her "happy boy" and exclaimed : "Aye , but it's like yo Jimmy , alwaysplayin' your mad- like tricks. " Thus did Jim Maitland keep his prom ise. Two hundred thousand infants under two years old are believed to bo farmed out in Franco. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tills powder never varies. A marvel of puri ty , htretiKtli and whole-.oincness. . More econom- leu ithiin the ordinary kinds , mid r.innot ! > < Hold -ompetltlou with the multitude of low eoit , Mint tweiKht alum or phosnliiitu powder * , { -old only In cans , llovul Baking Ponder Co. , I'M Wall Ht. , New York. E.T.Allen , M. D. , Homoeopathic Speclallit , AND THROAT NOSE , Flip 8p < clack's Accurately I'rescrlbed : liL'K. , 0.1IA SPECIAL NOTICE. In order to give our Boys' Clothing Department a good advertise ment we will place on sale to-morrow : Two thousand pair Boys' Knee Pants , made of good heavy Cassi- mere , sizes from 4 to 12 years , at the nominal price of 15c a pair. The usual retail price for tlie pants is 50o a pair , and some dealers charge even more for them. Our prices will only hold good so long as this lot lasts , and in order to guard ourselves as much as possible that these pants should not be bought up by dealers , we will only sell two pair to one customer. The remainder of our winter stock of BDVS' and Children's Suits and Overcoats , have been marked without regard to cost or value , as we must dispose of them to make room for spring goods. In Mens' Furnishings , our Special Offering for this week will be : 300 dozen Mens' fine all wool , seamless Half Hose , in elegant col ors , at the exceptionally low price of 15c a pair. The same goods as sold elsewhere for 35c a pair. We are determined to close out our entire winter stock , and never before has such an opportunity been offered to economical buyers to purchase the best qualities for so little money. r All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price. Nebraska Clothing Company Corner Douglas and 14th , Streets , Omaha. W. L. DOUGLAS. Manufacturer of the Celebrated W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00 SHOE Made Seamless , without TacKs or Nails , and as Easy as a Hand-Sewed Shoe , Why the $3 Shoe is the Best in the World. 1st. It Is inndo seamless. 2d. No tncks or nails arc usetl In lasting. 3d. It will not to.ir the stocking or hu itUicfco 4tli. Nothing but the best material Is used. 6th. It Is better than most shoes costing K or JO Cth. Kvery pair warranted , and so stamped. 7th. It Is as easy as a hand sewed shoo. 8th. Warranted to gh e the best .satisfaction. Made in Congress , llutton and Lace , w 1th all styles of too. The W. L. DOUGLAS $4 SHOE The W , L , DOUGLAS $2 SHOE , Is the only hand-sowed welt Bhoo K > ld fur II. It Is Kor Hoys Is very tyll h anil neat ! It will vc.tr better made scnmlcss. of the best nmtcrhtl , imd very stylish tliiill 11 hlKh prlei-d "luie'i nuver losui Us xlinpu , anil It Wears unit looks us well us u tuslom-mudo suoc , cost Is adapted for clUiurdrcs-i or school near. Miulu In ing from t'iloF. ' ' . CotiKrt'PS , llutton and Kuco. Tor sale by Keller , Stiver & Co. , cor. Dodge and 15th Sts. ; II. Saigent , cor. Seuard and Sargent Sts. ; Oeo. S. Miller , als North liith St. Display at their warerooma , 13O5 and 1307 Farnam Street , the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to be found at any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the highest class and medium grades , Including STEINWAY , % ji It ! X-vr- * FISCHER , PIANOS r HEALY" LYON & , BURDETT m- * , * * * , ORGANS STANDARD V rvaJ" " * * * MuirAiv , Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long established reputation of the house , coupled with their most liberal Interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible defects in materials and workmanship. LYON & , HEALY , 1303 * 1307 FARNAM STREET * SteckPiano Hcma.knlilo for pow erf nl sympa thetic tone , pliable action and ab solute durability ; i yearn reeord. The bent KUantnUu of the uxftl- Irnui of thei < I WOQDBRIDOEBROS , FOUNTAIN FINE CUT AND PL-UG- incomparably the Bast. ] ! ' . J , flALTIKAITII , Surgeon and Physician. Olllre N.V Corner Mth and UoiiKlaH St. Olllce , tulepliouo , 1U ( ; Itualdeuifc tvlcphoiiv , 6W. MEDICAL ° SUBGIGHAUNSTITUTE , N.W.Cor. 13th A Dodge SU BR.AOHJS , APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRUSSES. nest facilities , apparatus and remedies for suc cessful treatment of every form ut disease requir ing Medical or Surgical Treatment. FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Hoaid and attendance ; best hospital rfccommo- dntions in the west. \VRITH ion CiRcri.Ans on Deformities and Braces , Trusses , Club I'eet , Curvature of the Spluc , Piles , TumorsCancer , Catarrh , Bronchitis , Inhalation , I'.lectricity , Taralysls , Kpilensy , Kid ney , lllndder , 15ye , ftar , SUn uud Wood , and alt Surgical Operations. Diseases of Women a Specialty. DOOR ON DisrAEiK or WOMEN Fun. ONLY HELIABLE MEDICAL INSTITUTE MIKING A 81'ECULTT Or PRIVATE DISEASES. All Hlood Disease1) successfully treated Sypn- ilitic 1'oisoti removed from the - > stem without mercury. New restorative treatment for Ions ot Vital rawer. Persons unable toisit us may bo treated at home by corrcMmndence All commu nications confidential Mcdicinrsorinstrumcntit fent by mail or express , securely packed , no marks to Indicate contents or sender. One per sonal interview preferred Call and consult us or * send historyofjour case , nud we will send 111 plain u rapper , our . BOOK TO MEN , FREE ; Upon Private , Special or Nervous Diseases , Itn * potency , Syphilis Gleet and Varicucele , with question list. Address Omaha Medical and Xtiriiical InitUutcOT DR. McMENAMY , Cor. 13th and Dodge Stt. , OMAHA. NEB. DIAMONDS , WATCHES , = JEWELRY , = BRONZES ! MAX MEYER &BRO , Omaha , Nebraska. Tsll " 17)70ll ( ) c Street , St. Louis , Mo. Of th Missouri State Museum of Anatomy-St. Louis. , .Mo. , I nlveislty Collect ) llotpital , Lou- dnn , ( Sli'icii. ( icrniHtiy and NuvYurie ll.wl devoted tlielr attention SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT OF Gknnie nil Blood . DISEASES. Moro rupodnlly these arising from Impr * clencc , liuluiiill Mt miHVrliitf toiorre-xpond ulth out delay , Illse.mi'H of Infi ctiou and contagion 'tired hafcly and > l" udlly without nso of dun * 'genius drugs. I'Htli-ntH whosu cases h.iv ii bcer in gleetrd , liadly treated or pronoumed IncuN iililo , Mhoiilil not full to wiltdiiH lorueriilng their symptoms. All lelturd recelvu Immedlatu uttuaJ JUST PUBLISHED , And will bo mailed I'HIM' to iiny mlilrein on r frlptof ono ' < PM htunip , "I'rurtlLul Ohsorv- lions on .Vrrvons Debility and I'liynlcKl lixlniu * . tlon , " to Hlilth In added nn "I'sn.ty on Mar- riinc : , " with Important chaptnrs on dlHcasi'M ot tliii Ili-prodiicthn Organs thn wliola fanning ft valmiblo medlrul treutlsii ulilcli Bhuiild boroail by all young men. Address DRS , S , and D , DAYIESON , 17O7 Ollvo Street St. Louis , Mo ,