Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 23, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered by carrier In any part of the city at
twenty cents per week.
II. W TII.TOK , Manager.
DcdlNKf s Orrice , No. 43.
NKJIIT Kniioii No. 'a.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Ucltcr , tnllor , Full goods clicnp.
There nro twenty-nine prisoners in
the county jiiil.
Miinnwu lodjjo of Good Tcmtilnrs
meets to-morrow cvcninp.
Parties of 16 or 20 should order Will-
inm Lewis' , bitf sleigh , 419 Broadway.
Good coal. Full weight guaranteed.
C. B. Lumber Co. , 5WO Main street.
Telephone 1W.
Missouri Valley has incorporated an
oleetrie light company with a capital
block of 1,000. (
Revival meetings will ho continued
nt the Broadway Methodist church dur
ing the present week.
Colonel Cochran recently lost a valua
ble horse on liis Little Sioux ninuhc ,
the animal being kicked by another
The King's Daughters will hold their
I first sociable this evening at the resi
dence of .Iiidge J. P. Casaday , on Wash
ington avenue.
The leaho of the Masonic temple to
the county has been extended to April
1 , by whic'li time the county olllcials will
be in the now court house.
John Ahlcs complains that the labor
party do not rally as they did before
election , and that they are leaving him
to foot the bills for expenses , while he
had not oven the enjoyment of having
been a candidate.
The funeral of John , the infant son of
Mr. and Mrs , McCartney , occurred yes
terday afternoon at 2 o'clock , at the res
idence , corner of Fourth street and
Tenth avenue. The remains were in
terred in the Catholic cemetery.
Charley Whitmoro is just twice as
lianpy us the average newly made
father. It's twins this time , and of
coin-be they rank a little higher than
any other twins tlfat ever arrived to
monopoli/.o attention and nursing
The Council Bluffs aldermen looked
with dihduiii upon the kindly invitation
to ride over to Omaha to the carnival , in
the patrol wagon. There was too nuu-h
of a Mivor of room 24 to this arrange
ment , and they chose a different con
Notwithstanding the snow of the late
htortn is now more than a week old _ in
some portions of the citjvupon the side
walks daily used by the public , it still
lies whore it fell. Evidently something
more potent than an olllcial notice ib
neces-sary to cause its removal.
It is reported that arrangements are
being made for the opening of a new
Havings ban ) ; , to occupy the building
recently vacated by Voss , the jeweler ,
on Broadway. C. U. Waite is named as
the coming president and John Bennett
as cashier. It is expected that the bank
will begin business by thoilfbtof March.
The misswiiary sociable , which was
imlollnitoly'ohtponod on account of the
storm , will take place next Thursday
evening at the home of Mrs. N. P.
Dodge. The subject will bo "Bohemia. ' '
Interesting papers have beem prepared ,
and arrangements made to injure a
pleasant evening. Everybody is in
The now board of trndo meets this
evening at " : . ' ! ( ) in the council building.
Ono of the soliciting committee stated
, to n BKK man yesterday that the mem
bership now assured will reach seventy.
This will put the association in good
condition to commence lictivo opera
tions. At the meeting to-night the
organization will bo completed.
Ollicers will bo elected , committees ap
pointed and the various details for im
mediate work will bo arranged. All
members and those intending to join
should bo present to-night.
Union Abstract Co. , 230 Main st.
For Sale Cheap Lots near the bridge
to parties who will build at once. Ad
dress or call on J. R. Rico , No 110
Main street , CouncilBlufTs.
Pernonul Paragraphs.
Hon. William Butler , of Clnrinda ,
was in the city yesterday.
.7. T. Hart has returned from a busi
ness trip in the northern part of the
Mr..Tohn . Evans , of Oswestry , Eng
land , is the guest of George II. Champ ,
of Kimball & Champ.
T. C. Reed , of Little Rock , Ark. , nr-
lived in the city Saturday evening. Ho
is interested in the Manawa motor lino.
C. J. Blanchard , deputy state oil inspector
specter , loft yesterday for Sioux Citv ,
where he will make his headquarters in
the future.
W. H. Dooley , of Leroy , 111. , ono of
the proprietors of the Ogdcn house , is
in the city for a few days looking after
Ins interests.
Eddie Everett left for Boston Satur
day , via the Chicago , Burlington &
Quincy , to resume lis studies , which
were interrupted by the holidays.
E. H. Shcafo loans money on chattel
bccurity of every description. Private
Consulting rooms. All business strictly
outidential. Olllco 500 Broadway , cor-
be * Main street , up-btuirs.
best quality coal and wood , call
n Gleiibon , tJO Pearl street.
Money to loan. W. S. Cooper.
A Petty Crook.
The suspicious character now locked
up at the city jail under the name of
Charles McCloud is the fellow who ob
tained a goose from Eugene Mottaz , an
'upper Broadway butcher , by represent
ing himself to be an engineer on the
Northwestern and then failed to pay for
it until caught some tlmo afterward.
He has worked the MUUO game in sev
eral other instances , and is said to have
turned quito a number of various kinds
of swindling tricks. It bcems that in
the court.0 of his overy-day life ho if
not above picking up mittens and othot r
Biniill articles belonging to other people B
and appropriating them to himself. .
When boarding at the St. Joe IIOUK
ho registered as Charles Aldrich , nni
requested the landlord if any ono calloi
to SOB Mr. Aldrich not to show him win
ho was. This and other like incident !
have convinced the police that the mar
is an all-round crook , and certainly t
worthless , if not dangerous , person t (
bo running at largo , and they deciOci
to shut down on him. His CIIBO comei
up for the consideration of Judge Aylcs
worth this morning.
Splendid lliibinenn Opening
For right man who has a capital o
$10,000. For full information call on 01
address Forrest Smith , 14 Pearl st.
Council BlulTn.Ia.
Guns of all-kinds at Odoll & Bryant' *
J01S. MuiuSt. . '
The Rollttlon of Count Tolstoi Dla-
cuBBOd at St. Paul's.
The World IN Growing Hotter The
Clty'H Financial Policy Criticised
Brief lilts of News and
Personal Mention.
What is ruble UcllRlon ?
Last evening at St. Paul's Episcopal
church Uio rector , T. J. .Mnckuy , de-
livorctl the first of a scries of lectures
\ im"Tho \ Coin tunnels of JCHUS Are
They ObeyedV Why NotV" These lec
tures uro bused upon Tolstoi's "My Pil
grim , " and , judging from the ono hero
given , will bo u practical exposition of
the teachings of Christ. Ho opened
with nn exhaustive review of the his
tory of the church and its departures
from the spirit of the commands of
Christ. Ho demonstrated that religion
SH not ereedism , nor a negative accept
ance of scriptural doctrines. He referred
to the attitude held by unbelievers
toward the church and to their declara
tions , bused upon the lives of professors
of religion , that they are unworthy to
boar the nnino "followers of Christ. "
Ho referred to the prevailing religions
of the world and bald : "Their teaching
and doctrines are inspiring and grand.
It is on the application of these teach
ings to life that these religions fall
short of the religion of Jesus. "
The speaker continued : ' 'These pre
cepts ( which form the groundwork of
the religion of Christ ) the author of
'My Religion * condenses into live , viz. : '
T5e not angry. Do not commit adultery.
Take no oaths. Resist not evil. Do
not make war. ' His explanation of
these principles is as follows :
Jesus paid we are not to be angry and
not to consider ourselves better than
others. Tf wo were angry and otTond
others so much the worse for us. Again
Ho said wo were to avoid libertinism ,
and to that end choose one woman , to
whom lie should remain faithful , and
more , He said we should not bind our
selves by promises or oaths to the ser
vice of who may constrain us to
commit acts of folly and wickedness.
Then Ho said we were not to return
evil for evil , lest the evil rebound upon
ourselves with redoubled force ; finally ,
He said we were not to consider men as
foreigners because they dwell in other
countries and speak a language dilVer-
ent from ours. The conclusion is , if we
avoid doing any of these foolish thjngs
wo shall bo happy.
In brief declares that the sayings of
Jesus ( sermon on the mount ) arc clear ,
precise and practical , and that Jesus
could never have uttered them had He
not thought they would , in some
measure , bo lived up to.
If these commandments ( wo call them
precepts ) were intended , by Jesus , as a
rule of Christian living wo must admit
that the author's assertions are only too
true. Christians do not regard these
commands as having any weight in the
conduct of the ordinary life of business
or of society. From earliest childhood
to old age they hear the beatitudes ,
the sermon on the mount and
the golden rule read in the homo
and in the church , enforced as they arc
by the most solemn sanctities of relig
ion , it rarely , or never , enters their
minds that these precepts , which they
arc taught to regard , as the highest ,
the purest expressions of their system
of religion were intended as an actual
rule of life and conduct. They are led
by the associations ot thought and the
teachings of their clergy to regard
their commands as loftv principles of
life to which all shouldnspiro , bill which
human nature can never hope to attain.
As Tolstoi declares " 'Christians decide
n the first place that they arc imprao-
icublo commands , and so high above
lie best efforts of man that it is impos
sible to follow them. "
Even teachers of religion from their
mlpits , and by means of learned com-
nontaries assist in this work of destroy-
ng the force of these special commands
of their Master. * * * The sin of
ingor ; the duty of self-denial ; the love
of enemies ; the practice of the golden
uleand dwelt upon und rules of life are
aid down more suitable for a religious
vindorgurten than for a body of adult
loliovers in the religion of Jesus.
When an earnest effort is made to cstab-
ish the practical nature and the bulki
ng force of the golden rule it is re
garded as the ctTort of a fanatic and met
vith the retort from Christians "to at-
empt to follow such a command would
csult in the destruction of all
jusincss and chaos bo the re
sult. " As Tolstoi says : l > Wo bp-
iovo it all but only in the sense that it
is the ideal toward which humanity
night to move ; the ideal which is to bo
ittaincd by prayer and by believing in
.ho sacraments , in the redemption and
in the resurrection of tiic dead. It is
too true wo call ourselves Christians ; i.
e. followers of Jesus , but wo take good
care that our following of him shall not
interfere with the duties of life us wo
liavo made it , or with our following of
the world with its varied interests. It
is a fact that a man who tries seriously
to carry into practice any of these com
mands of Jesus would bo laughed at by
not only his business associates , but by
his fellow Christians. How true is
the statement ' 'When wo ask a Cath
olic or Protestant or Orthodox believer
why ho leads an existence contrary to
the doctrines of Jesus instead of udircct
reply ho begins to speak of the melan
choly state of scepticism , characteristic
of this generation , but he will not tell
you why ho does not act in conformity
to the commands of the religion he pro
fesses. The average man , when wo ask
him why he continues to load a life thut
ho condemns , without making any effort
towards its amelioration , makes no di
rect reply , but begins ut once to talk
about tilings in genernl. If lie bo a
member of the police , or a prosecuting
attorney , lie asks , "What would become
of the state if 1 were to cease to servo
it ? " "What would become of com
merce , " is his demand if ho be a mer
chant. His response will always bo
in this form , as if the duty
of his life was not to geek the good con
formable to his nature , but to serve
commerce , the state of civilization. "
# * *
"Tho doclrlno they follow Is the doc-
trlno of self Interest , " suybToltsoi. ' 'The
distinctive trait of civilr/.ed man is to
obey what the majority of men regard
science. " "I
as iniquitous , contrary to
seek in vain , " he says , "in civilized so
ciety as It exibts to-day for some clearly
formulated moral basis of life. There
is none. On the contrary , wo find the
extraordinary conviction that theao uro
superfluous. That religion is nothing
more than a few words about God and n
future Hfo , and a few cgromonlcs very
useful for the hnlvatton of the souls of
some , and good for nothing according to
others , but that life happens of itself
and has no need of any fundamental
rule , and that wo huvo only to do what wo
.are told to .do. The majority of civilized
people have nothing to regulate fife but
faith In the police. "
* * * See Jesus ns he refuses to meet
violence with violence and bows meekly
to the unjust sentence of an unjustcourt
and meets his cruel death as if the tit-
ting end of such a life of self-dcnlnl ; no
thoughtful man can sec and hear all this
without the conviction creeping over
him that If that earnest , graiui , devoted
life was intended as u model for all life ,
Christians of to-dav have never realized
that fact. * * * There are men who believe -
liovo that the precepts of Christ are
practical and can bo carried out if wo
arc only in earnest.
City property to trade for land near
the city. Johnston & Van Patten , 153
Main street.
Shcafc loans money on real estate.
Travelers ! Stop nt the Bechtelc.
The World Grows Hotter.
At the C'ongregtttionul church yester
day morning the pastor , , Rov. G. W.
Crofts , preached an excellent sermon on
the query , "Is the world growing bet
ter':1' : ' He chose as his text a portion of
the Lord's prayer. "Thy kingdom come ,
thy will 4 ° done in earth as it is in
heaven. " The speaker took the
optimistic view of the mutter , In
answering the query. Ho believed the
world was growing much better , despite
the grcut evils , the presence of which
could not bo denied. He quoted from
some of those who took the opposite
view , and declared that if ho held such
gloomy views of this world ho would
feel like asking God to let him die. Ho
thought it was akin to infidelity.
Christ hud taught his followers to pray
tot the coming of his kingdom , for
the tlmo when his will would
bo done on earth as it is in
heaven. It would bo to offer
such a prayer if it could never bo an
swered. It would bo answered , and if
earth was over like heaven , it would
certainly be a happy place in which to
live. He believed that the world was
getting better , and he cited numerous
features of progress. Among these was
the growing of religious liberty. There
was also an advance in Christian unity.
In speaking along this line of progress
he paid a glowing tribute to the press
for the part it was taking in making the
world better. Ho thought the news-
pupors were doing a grand work in en
lightening the people. Ho had no sym
pathy with those who , like Dr. Parker ,
denounced it as the ' 'Satanic Press. "
He called attention to the one fact alone
that every Monday morning ,
sermons , which had perhaps been
delivered to small audiences.
were taken up and carried to audiences
of thousands. The pulpit was given by
the press many times a larger hearing.
and much mpro influence than they
could otherwise got. The press also
gave a great amount of religious infer
mation. It showed ii ] ) wrong and
worked for good in many ways. It was
unjust , for the pulpit , especially , to in
dulge in scathing , bitter denunciations
of the press.
The speaker , after reciting various
causes for believing the world was
growing better , spoke of the effect of
such a belief on the life of a Christian.
lie should have his faith in God's prom-
"scs strengthened. He would bo able
, o look fonyurd to a glorious future life ,
mt in leaving for a better world , would
'eel that he was leaving behind him a
ivorld that was better than when he 011-
.ered it.
On the market for over twenty years.
still the most reliable and the moil
[ > opular sowing machine made. The
ight running Domestic. Ollice 105
lain st.
If you desire to got n new Hall typo writer
cheap , drop a postal card to H. A. P. , Uiu :
} fflce. A great bargain for the first who
An elegant residence with beautiful
rounds for sale. T. B. BALDWIN.
Domestic patterns at 10o Main st.
S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money.
The City'H Financial Policy.
In the course of his perambulations
about toun the BEE man gets a very
; orrect idea of the public mind in re
gard to the administration of the city's
iffnirs , and the method pursued in con
ducting the municipal business. Yes-
; erday u prominent citizen expressed
nimsclf fts follows : "During the past
week much complaint has been made
concerning the policy now in vogue of
turning over the city's bonds to the con
tractors for work performed in public
improvements. The ill effect s of such u.
course tire very obvious. When
placed in the hands of the
contractor , who almost invariably
has paid out largo sums of monoj for
labor during the progress of the work ,
the bondb prove to be a load that must
bo immediately turned into cash to ena
ble him to meet his obligations at the
banks , whore ho was compelled to got
his money. For this reason he is com
pelled to hawk about hero * and there
paper that ought to bo at a premium.
The very method in itself is suspicious
and casts discredit on the city , while
the bonds uro at a discount ami a drug in
the market. Such is the case in Council
Bluffs , and if this policy is pursued it
will bo but a short time until
it will bo impossible to find a responsi
ble contractor who will undertake to do
any work for the city. The reason is
not because the city is poor , nor because
it is too much in debt to readily redeem
its paper , for the condition of its finances ,
as published in the BEI : a short time
ago , prove exnclusivoly that the pres
ent financial standing of Council Bluffs
will compare favorably with any city of
like si/.o and improvements in the coun
try. The city warrants issued monthly
uro sold at a heavy discount , and with
no results save increasing discredit.
Such a state of affairs is needless and
unwarranted. In other pjuecs , whore
the city negotiates its own paper , the
result is much different. The city has
better credit , and pays its contractors
in ready cash. The adoption of such a
policy in this city would meet with the
hearty approval of its citizens and in
crease its credit and standing to an in
calculable degree. "
One thousand head of one , two and
three-year-old steers for sale. Will give
credit to reliable parties. Enquire o
A. J. Grcenumayer.
A Snap.
Splendid chance to go into the imple
ment business at Beatrice , Neb. Since
the history of Beatrice there has novoi
been half so favorable a time us at pres
ent. If taken at once will sell the entire -
tire stock of general implements , con
sisting of seasonable- goods , regardless
of cost. Address mo at Council Bluffs
In. , or Beatrice , Nob. O. P. McKesson
assignee for W. I. Shullenburgor.
P. C. Allen , of Augusta , Mo. , patron
izcs the United States mails to a liber a
oxtont. Ho paid the post olllco department
mont $140,000 in 1887. Ho publishes
sixteen periodicals , mostly weeklies
employs about $18,000 worth of labor
every week und Is a f ull-ficdged million
, airo. Ilia subscribers number 1,200,000
Oncco-ltiiKslniiB Have a Holiday In
Hun I'rniieUco.
San Francisco Chronicle , January 14 :
San Frnncisco saw another Now Year's
celebration yesterday. Those who hon
ored the occasion made little parade or
display. Gathered together in their
houses in different parts of the city , erin
in their ono church on Powell street ,
near Montgomery avenue , they greeted
the newcomer with praise and bestowed
a blessing on parting. Through tears
they B.IW the old year totter to his
grave , the nil-receiving past ; with
smiles nndcongrutulatfions fought quick
favor with new-born time.
Russians , Greeks , Slavonians ono
pcoplo for a day around a common altar
were the celebrants. They observed
the occasion witli a rigor unknown to
those who have diseased with Julian
reckoning. The llrst hours of their now
year were spent in prayer , and before
the sun hud culled to labor on the Kith
of the month the observers of Gregory's
time , the Griuco-Russinns and Slavon-
iuns were again in their cathe
dral lifting their voices in songs
of praise to the power that lius
wntched over them in the past , and en
treating a similar regard in the future.
Their urehpriest and priests led in the
services , not unlike those witnessed nt
their cclebrution of Christmns. the only
difference being that the exercises were
morojn the nature of thanksgiving. But
the sumo solemnitythe same imprcssivo-
ncss of form and ceremony and rite , dis
tinguished them und made them of inter
esteven toone unversed in the lunguugc
that chanted praise or supplication.
The day was observed as a civic holi
day , and the celebrants refrained from
nil labor. The children wore kept from
school , and , clad in gala-duy attire und
with flowers or love-tokens in their
hands , called on their companions and
wished them a ' 'Happy New Year , "
much us their Gregoriun'schoolmiites
had done a couple of week's ago. Chil
dren's pnrties were largely attended in
many parts of the city , an the little
folks , although hardly understanding
how two New Year's days came so close
together , were inelinded to make
the most of the lust one and vote it the
palm us having the greatest number of
enjoyments to offer. The other chil
dren told their brothers and sisters
stories of the country they had left , and
if politics , religion or hatred of barbaric
outrages were alleged as causes that
drove pupu from fatherland , wistful
eyes would fill with tears , and little
Ji'stH would clench revengefully and in
impotent anger agiiinst ono who would
raise an autocracy on the ruins of a na
tion's rights. For a day the games of
he old world were transferred to the
lew , and the songs that were sung in
ar-uwuy Russia yesterday had an echo
u many homes'in cosmopolitan San
'ran cisco.
So to the elders the day was ono of
est , und may bo of resolve , a,1 though
he munv broken promises with which
the path of time bus been cumbered
iiuce January l.may have pointed a
Cbson to the later celebrants. The
Mbit among many Russians of casting
up accounts on New Year's day was
ulhered to. and doubtless some mer
chants decided to do business a little
icurcr the cash drawer during the
present ycur. The evening was spent
n social enjoyments , and the theatres
received a fair share of the patronage
if those who made of the occasion a
The urehpricst und his associates in
the cathedral , accompanied by others
connected with the church , after ser
vices visited the Rgssiun consul at his
"ionic in Alumuda , where the afternoon
ivasspent in the pleasures peculiar to
: heir country. The weather proved
tinder to the Gricco-Russians than to
those who hud their New Year a fort-
nightugo , und if the people of this city
tuul known of the celebration going on
iii their midst , they would doubtless
iiuve participated in "it to the extent of
making some good resolutions at least.
There were lynched during the year
1887 in these United States no fewer
than 1215 persons. Of the various states
and territories Texas lends the list with
fifteen lynchlngs , und Mississippi is on-
Litled to second place with fourteen to
her credit. All the victims were mule ,
eighty of tnem being negroes.
SPECIAL advertisements , sueh as T.ostFound ,
To Loan , For Sale. To Itent , Wants , HoardtnK
etc. , will bo Inserted in this column at the low
rateofTKN CKNTS PKIl LINK for thenrhtln-
hcrtlon and 1'lvo Cimts Per Line for eich subse
quent Insertion. Leave advertisements at our
oniee No. 12 Pearl Street , near Broadway Coun
cil lilutls , Iowa.
PEHBON'AL A well educated , retlm-d. dlstln-
Kutnlio.l apiuovliiK young lady can form
the acquaintance of a Kvutleinun ! l ) years of aRe.
Object , matrimony. C. U. O. , lock box 1IKJ ,
Council llhillN.
ANTHI ) A llr t elassbook keeper. Must
Ktvuiefervnci's. Klnto number of j ears vx-
pericnce and uikiry wanted. Addiess X "I lleo
olUce , Council IIHiIlM , la.
ANTKD A peed girl for general hotue-
W work , Mrs. Lucius Wells. Oakland ave.
"ClOKSALK rurnitureund Htoves at a sacrl-
-t flee to reduce t.tock. You can buy at your
own prices. A. J. Mandcl.
EXCIIANGi : Omnhaund Council IlluHs prop
erty and western land for stocks of mer
chandise. Call on or address J. U. Christian ,
LM Ilrottdway , Council lllutfs , la.
T71OK SALE Second-hand Columbia bicycle
JD very cheap , KMnch , at Ilee office .
"DUILDINU lots and acre property for sale by
K.J. Day. US Pearl st.
Council Illuirs , lu.
Veterinary Dentistry a Specialty ,
1 have now for sale a 4-year-old trotting stal
lion , His sire and dam both dtanduad
Eighth and i'arnam Streets , Omaha.
so , S is
ILO WEIR 13 = 3 : A.tT : 33VEIZ BEFORE 1
Wo Defy All Competition and Challenge a Compartton or Goods and 1'rlcei
With Any Houne In the
Several times and stocked up again , and HO they will do to
the end of the chapter.
Cell und be convinced. Send In your nut 1 1 order * .
No. 345 middle Brondwny , : : : : Council HluIlN , lown.
Telephone No. iI9.
DR. C. B. J U DD ,
No. 6O6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
WANTED Good Salesmen on large commission or snliuy.
RTNTflY RlTPlfR Attorney-at-Law , Second Floor Brown
lllliJljl DUIUUJ , Building , 115 Pearl Street , Council
Bluffs , Iowa.
N. SCHDRZ of the Peace. Oilice over American
. , Express , No. 419 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
Attoruoya-afrLaw , practice in the State
, aild Federal Courts. Office llooms 7
and 8 , ShugartBeno Block , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
EO RAPMflTT Jnstice of the Peace , 415 Broadway ,
, k ) , ImlUlLlll , Council Bluffs. Kofers to any bank ro
bustness house in the city. Collections a specialty.
. j Pearl St. and First Avenue
No. 2O1 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Both Domestic and Foreign.
D , H , McDANELD & CO , ,
Hides , Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
KOand BSi Main Street.Councll Dluirs.Iowa.
press Line ,
Telephone No. 10.
All rails from District Telegraph Olllco
promptly attended to.
(00 Oroodway Council Illuds , Iowa. KstablUhtJ
Star Stables and Mule Yards
Broadway , Council liluffs , Opp. Dummy Depot.
rv. .
Horses and mules conntniitly on hand , tot
sale ut retail or in cur load lotu.
Orders promptly.Oiled by contract on short
Stock sold on commission.
Telephone 114. HCIII.UTEU & IIOU'.V.
Opposite. Dummy Depot , Council Illuds.
Main Street , Council Bluffs ,
Only Hotel In the City with Fire Ea-
capo. Electric Call Bolls.
Accommodations First Class ,
Rates Always Reasonable ,
MAX MOHN , Proprietor.
CAUTllU & SOX , Prop's.
Manufacturers of
All Kinds of Steam Boilers & Sheet Iron Work ,
Orders by mail for rcpivrn promptly attended
to , hiitlsfuitlon Kiiaruuteed. 10th AveiiiiH. Ad
dms Ogilon Holler Works. Council lllutr , Iow
CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000
"We ( In ntrebr eertlfr that we inp rrli > lhir
rangemrnlii for all the monthly and quarterly
Drawlniu of Th I/uulilaiia Mat * tatter ? Company ,
and In iifrflon manage and eontroltne drawing * tlitm *
elref , and that Ihc m arreondiicled with lioneitr
falrnf M and In iinpd fallh towanl all partle * . and
aulliorlio Iho iVimpany to uie thin rertlnrat * with
lie Minllr i ul our tfvnalure attached , In Its aJrerUia.
rnenlf. "
TTf , the underIgnjd Hank * and n nkeri will pay all
I'rltei drawn In the Uuiltianu State 1/jtlehi'i which
ma ? l > c presented at our counter ? .
J. It. OUI.KHltY , I'ren. Louisiana National Rank.
1'IKKIIK l.ANAUX , I'rcn. Ktalo National Hank.
A. UAMIWIN , I'rci. New Orleant Nutlurml 11 ink.
CAHIi KO1IN , I'rci. Union National Dank.
Louisiana State Lottery Company ,
incorporated In IW , for K > year * , hy tlm l sl l tiir
for educational nrul cnnrttMilo purposes wltli a capl *
tat ot fl.liuiuv-to willed a reacrre fund of orcr
tUO.UUU IIKS Unco been ruldcd.
llj an overwhelming popular vote II * fnnchlio
wai made n part of HIP prrnent conntltutkm adopted
DeccinbcrVd , A. l > . 1MU
The only lottery ever voted on and cndorted by tha
people of any Mate.
It never rcalen or postpone. .
Its ( irnnd Hnclo Number Drawing * take place
monthly , ami the ( IrandOiiarterly DranliiKK rcun-
larly rvory three months ( March , June , September
and Pi'ceinbur. )
A SI'I.KNlllIt Ol'l'OimiNlTV TO WIN A VOK-
TIINK. r < i'rond ( irnnil llnntlnu. Clam II , In the Aciid.
1'iuy of Muilc , New Urluant , Tucfcday February 7 ,
l21.lth Monthly Drawlnn.
CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000.
Notice Tickets are Ten Dollars Only. Halves !
$5 ; Fifths , $2 ; Tenths , $1.
M I'HI/KS OK 1.011 ai.KU
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
l ( ) " : r. . . . . . . . . . . . fJi'.iui
UKI " 'Jll. , I.UU
UM " 1UI fUM )
in ) Approximation I'rliesof | .ii ) f .tn.ini
mi " vsn auuj
KKI " mi lo.iui
1UI Terminal " W ( O.UUU
2,17'J I'rlter. amoiintlnK to fi'o.UU
Applleiitlon for rates to elnlis nhould liu lundo only
to the onien of thn eompnny In New OrleuiK.
For further Inforninilnn write clearly , Klvlnit full
ncldre" . 11) ! TAli NOTHS. eipro * money onler * . or
New York Kiclmiino In ordinary letter. Currency by
x pre > tat our ex pen c ) uddre 9ed
NtU UIU.I.'ANB , I.A. ,
Address Registered Letters to
That llio prevneo of < lcn-
eruli lleiiurcimrd and
Karly , who arc In elm rue or the drawings , nn guar
antee of abxiiluio luirni'fi and InleitrUy , that Urn
thnnce are all euunl , mid that nn one can possibly
illUne whnt numliiT will draw a I'rlie.
KKMKMIIICIt Hint the payment of alt prlres la
( mr.EANs , and the tlcket arc tinned by the president
of an Institution whoi"c chartered rlxhts are recog
nized In the hlKhcut courts therefore , beware of anf
umnllons or unomnucUD teucmcK.
Or tlm I.lonor lluldt , Positively Curodb
Administering Dr. Maine * ' ( Joldeu
Specific- .
ut It cnu lie given In a cuji of coffee or tea wltlio
c-tlie knowledge of the nerxon tuklnu It ; abxolut
illy harmless , uud will t'lfect u permanent an
ospeeily euro , whether the patient Is u moderat
fdrinker or nn alcoholic wreck. Thousands o
drunkards hnve been niarto temperate men who
have taken Golden Spcclflo in their coffee with
out their knowledge and to-day nellevo they milt
drinking of their own free will. IT NEVEll
FA11.S. The system once Impregnated with the
Specific , it becomes uu utter impossibility teethe
the liquor appetite to exist. For bale by Kulm
& Co. , l&th and Douglas stH. and iHth and Cum-
ing Ms. . Omulm , Neb. ; A. JJ. Foster & lira , *
Council llluffs. la.
C and all other affections of tlio bkln can b
TOILKT Bo APS , delicately perfumed and vacn
cake in a decorated tin Cox.
1NF1.AMKI ) GUMS , from any cause.
promptly relieved by DAIIIIY'S TOOTIIACIIB
PLASTKIIP , which take the place of oplatcu
and dangerous toothache drops.
O DI8A(1KEKAIIU3 OASES can bo rendered
InocuoiiH by burning HKAIIUHV'B HVIIKON-
Ai'Tlloi. PASTII.I.KH. 'Iho safest , most fra
grant and most elllcleut deodorizer.
AND 1IUNION8 are promptly relieved
On soft felt , highly medicated. Relieve preu *
sure and reduce inflammation.
Have the largest and most complete
Assortment of
Fire Place Furnishings
One Hundred & Seventy-Fve
Different designs ofire places can
be seen all set np in our show
rooms. Also complete
Bath & Toilet
Rooms all fitted up with Tiles. < ; j
Brass Goods ,
Of all the choicest and most orlyinal
Headers of this papa-
floods in our line atioiild call npon
or communicate.
wo cotdliny reconimcn4
VburfJ It lli.t bt icmcily
* " " * *
tn/l / Glut.
Holme toM ccnilJcr.
ltl , sn.lln cvtry m 14
liugivtn laUiftctica.
AI < U it Llik ,
lludun. N. %
tiitt * 1.V0.