THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , JANUAKY 23. 1888. THE CRY OF HIE COAL BARONS , They Attempt to Justify 'Tholr Ex orbitant Charges. DISGRACEFUL DOMESTIC BRAWL. A Mrmikr-n AVIfo Who IiiHlstn on Liv ing Wllli Her UmvlllliiK Lord JlrtM'/.y 1UH ( From tlio Police Court. frnoM Titn nnB't * uxcot.N ntmiuu.1 Tlio coal doalorHof Lincoln nro Htirrcd up with wrath because their scheme to HWallow nil the reduction of rates on coal IIIIH huen exposed to the public. Uecauso the facts wore laid bare in u paper printed in Omaha \vtin HUlllelent OXCUHO for Ufo Journal to ru h to the ilofenHO of the coal pool and thin dodo of jouriiuliHin evidently thought that such u mouldy cry no Unit "n paper printed in Omaha exposed the hohoino , " was fjreat enough to hide its alliance with the ring fiom puhlie fjnzo. The eoal people have gone into lltfiircH also on the question and exposed the fallacy of the Htalemeiit that "Ilfjures cannot Ho. " According to tlio niathcmatirB of the coal men dealers on the Misnouri river who bell coal at $10.50 a ton are making consumeiH a present of 91 on a ton. No one believes for a moment that any coal man ever became t > o liberal. It is not , in fact , a question at all what coal Kolls for at any point in Nebraska or in the entire country , hut the fact thatdoes confront the people of Lincoln is that the freight bureau and the state hoard of transportation secured a reduction of GO cents on every ton of hard coal shipped into Lincoln , and not a nioldo of this benefit lias over reached the con- Humor. This is the entire question be tween the coal pool in Lincoln anil the consumer. Sixty cents a ton on coal is worth something to the public , and it was secured for them and not the half- dozen coal linns , and until the people got the direct bonolitof reductions made it makes the work of tlio hoard of trans portation a farce and renders it without , courage for future work. Every citizen of Lincoln who pays for a ton of coal sur renders to the dealer ( JO cents of his own personal money that the hoard of transportation secured for every con- Humor in the city , and for the GO cents the citizen gets absolutely nothing in return. This is the coal question in Lincoln in a nutshell , and if the paper that tells the truth in the matter is printed in Omaha it is no less the truth. The Journal is welcome to its position in assisting the coal ring ; it is directly in its line of business. DIKOHACINCJ TUB DAY. For some time hack trouble has ex isted between John Livingston and his wife , residents of this city. Warrants liavo been issued in' police court , the wife making complaint of assault and Imttory against her husband and the husband making a like complaint i against the wife. Saturday the wife was allowed to sober up in jail sifter too much drinking , and when the charge against her came up for hearing , the husband withdraw the complaint and ngreed witti the olllcors to supply his wife with $0 a week of his wages if she would depart from his roof and give peace a chance to dwell therein. Yes terday morning , however , the woman invaded the promises and a hand-to- liand sculllo was witnessed on the side walk before Livingston's rooms that was highly disgraceful in itself , while the oaths , imprecations and vile language wcro positively disgusting. The woman had evidently been drink ing again and was attempting to force herself under the protecting roof , while Livingston was equally determined she should not. The woman disappeared iu time to avoid arrest. 1'OLICK COUNT MATTUK3. The police put in part of the night Saturday in search of a girl , Martha Bragor , who has not been at homo since she attended a dance the llrst of the week. There was no sensation in the matter , however , for the police reported yesterday that she had simply been Htaying at one of the hotels in the city with ono of the proprietors of the dance , a man by tlio iiaino of Hart , and the po lice had the girl located yesterday at \Vost Lincoln awaiting the action of the parents. In speaking of the man ITart the police aver that ho is an ox-convict from the Missouri penitentiary , and that lie has an unenviable record in nu merous ways , but from appearances yes terday there was not liable to ho any de velopments beyond a line in court even if the trouble was taken to arrest Hart on the part of the parents of the girl. Two men named John Mohan and William F. Hottman.woro under arrest yesterday and ono of them detained at the station. The charge against thorn is for fighting , and they had a lively scrap Saturday night that they will answer for at the Bitting of the court to-day. Two young men wore evidently tryinsr to have a little amusement at the ex pense of Polsky , tlie second-hand man , t > y pawning a revolver and raising $1 for Sunday enjoyment. They attempted t > Jarrange the law and thu ownership of the gun in a way to make the second hand man a loser , but lie turned the tu- hles and had ono of them , named Jack- l-ll Mm , arrested toy petty larceny. The hearing of the case will ooour to-day. An eminent Presbyterian divine an nounced to his congregation that ho mint take a vacation on account of bron chitis , the elders raised his salary and gave him Dr. Bull's Cong Syrup. Ho was cured. i My daughter suffered greatly with neuralgia in the face and forehead and 1 was unable to secure any relief. 1 saw Salvation Oil advertised , sent fora bottle tle and ono application gave entire I relief.J. . J. S. McCAm.i.KY , ( Policeman ) , Kobidonce U04 N. Head bt. , Balto. , Mil. if at Swell Mexican StitilnntM. A Now Haven , Conn. , correspondent writes to the St. Louis Olobo-Domoerat : C. E. Paul and Count Jose Davohrs , al leged Mexican students , who caino to Yale college to take a course in the Shofllohl Bciontillo school , have disap peared , causing great excitement among their student companions hero and the tradesmen , who were left in the lurch to the extent of nearly $10,000. It was ascertained to-night that the last definite knowledge of their whereabouts was at tlio Southern hotel in St. Louis , The career of these two Mexicans in Koxv Haven is a remarkable one. They came hero in the fall of ISSti , and Paul Marled to lake a special course at Yale , hut only remained long enough to make the acquaintance of wealthy Yulon- Hions. bavolas ostensibly came hero to improve his knowledge of the English language. Davoles dressed in the height of style and lived on the strength of expected remittances like a million aire. Ho dressed in the height of fus-h' ion , had jot black hair and mustache and looked not moro than twenty-three years of ago. Pani is a different type of Mexican. Tie is short , thick-set ant ; went about with a ditferent capo over n % oatoauh day , that swept the sidewalks nn odd-looking headgear and tJ'oull ter rier. The Mexicans , . by old of forged letters ; induced 'al most every ono they came in contact with , nnd Ihelr acquaintances were very numerous , to advance thorn money. They hnd most sumptuously furnishednppartmontfl in a Hat and took their meals , Which wore the best the mnrket could n fiord , at Drobel's fashion able restaurant on Chapel street. 1'anl alone owed A. Thill , a tailor , $1,600 , anil various billiard saloons , livery stable keeper ? , wine merchants nnd tobacco nists from $200 to WOO each. A billiard nnloon keeper mimed Miller says Pan ! had some trouble wllh a young woman on Ashmun street , nnd it is thought thai she precipitated his flight , as she wanted to see him worse limn ho did her. Pani was lasl seen at his res- lauranl , where he owes a bill of $ . ' ! 00. Davolas had a big railroad scheme which lie laid before many wealthy New Haveners nnd got them to lake slock In. II was for tlio construclion of a railroad between tlie United Stales and Mexico , nnd ho said that the capi tal of the company was 58,000,000. Ho gave il out that ho had been authorized by the government to push Iho mailer , and that Jay Gould was to bo secretary of the company. Ho hnd almost com pleted arrangements when ho loft whereby many moro of the merchants would have boon victimized. It was an alleged plan whereby their goods could bo easily introduced in Mexican mark ets , where his wealthy friends would nid the tradesmen. Pani claimed that his father was a senator in the Mexican government , and Unit his uncle was a rich bishop of Mexico. Ono story that ho told was that he had fallen heir to $11.50,000 from his aunt's estate , and ho kept giving out promissory notes on this alleged wind fall. The notes kept coming overdue , but lie satisfied the credilors by tolling them plausible stories of how there was trouble in llio bottling of the esiate. Unclaimed Gold. Manager Coffee , of Wells , Fargo & Co. , recently said to a San Francisco roporler : ' 'You may bo surprised to see what slacks of gold coin and gold dust remain hero uncalled for. When wo have kept it long enough , wo sent the gold dust to the mint and get it coined , and then credit to the unknown. Years ago an old fellow living up on the John Day river , in Oregon , sent ns a big bag of gold. Wo stowed it away until the bag looked like a rclio of the middle ages and would scarcely hold together. Then wo sent the bag of dust und nuggols over to the mint and got it transferred into $8,000. Eight years afterward an old , bedrag gled-looking follow walked in and said ho guessed ho had some money hero. Wo asked him his name , and when ho gave it wo told him yes , ho had , and asked him why ho hadn't called long ago. Well , ho said , ho had so tit it down in advance of his coming himself , and when ho got hero he didn't need it , and he went on to Australia und finally around the world , and had only just'now got back. Wo asked him why he hadn't taken it to the bank , saying that ho could have got a good many thousand dollars interest on it by this time. Yes , ho said ho know that , but the blanked banks might break , and ho thought ho would jubt leave it where it was. " Great State Missouri IH. Washington Critic : In the South Kensington musouin , London , there is an enormous skeleton of a mastodon from Benton county , Missouri. This summer when Congressman O'Neill of that stale was over , ho was wandering around the museum lonesome enough to kill and worn out looking at so many strange things. Finally ho ran across Iho mastodon. Ilisoyo rested upon the inscription and a wonderful light came into his face : "By thunder , John , " ho exclaimed rapluriously lo his companion. "Look at that ! Just look at it once 1" . His companion , an Englishman , looked with moro or less indifference. "I see it"he said with provoking cool ness. "But , man , look at that inscription ; it comes from Missouri 1" continued the congressman onthusiaslicnlly. "Old Missouri ! My state , man 1 And it's the biggest tiling in. the whole mus eum 1" The glory of the Indian has passed in the far west. Recently n number of school boysallondinglho Central school at Ogdun polled two Indians , who were passing , with snowballs. The Indians gave eliaso and captured one litllo boy , but on his saying that ho had not thrown any snowballs they let him go. The Indians made a complaint , but got no satisfaction. John L. Sullivan in marble is now the great attraction at Boston's horticul tural hall. The liguro stands upon a pedestal , erect , the head slighlly in clined , the arms extending slightly forward , the llshts clinched. The right arm remains close by forward slightly , of the body. T.ho loft is u litllo clo- valed. It is said that elegantly dressed ladies linger longest before it. , Saxony and Thur'ingia nro the home and paradise of dolls. The annual pro duction o ( dolls' stockings alone in Sax ony is : ! o,000 dozen. Thousands of shoe makers Hnd constant employment in making dolls' shoes. The export of dolls to England , Franco und America is very largo nnd increasing every year. Turquoise is the rage this season , and jewelers who had seen stocks of Ihcso gems run down to prices almost nominal blcf-sed fashion when it t > ot seal of ap proval on these protly bils of blue. A year or Iwo ago -liltlo turquoises could bo bought ns low us $1. To-day the same stones are worth from $12 to $15. In Connecticut there nro over 83,000 acres along the Sound shore devoted to oitetoi * cultivation. CREAM BAKING Its superior pxrellouco proven In millions i > homes for moro than n nimrlor of a century. It H used by the United Ktates ( ioveriiment. IM. : dorsod liv the heads of the great uulvorxttles , ns the Strongest. I'lireat nud MoU Jleiilthful.nDr. 1'riftt'g tux unly linking 1'owiler tlmt does not contain Aniinnnln , l.lmo or Alum. SoM only ( n CH11S. 1'IIICK IUKINO I'OWUKIl CO. . Now Vork. Chicago. St. Louis , THE COMMERCIAL'TRAVELER The Coflln Drummer Aahland's Tribute to the Tourist , A LOVE STORY WITH A MORAL. TIckctH A Corporation Jnck Tot President 1'lnilell Sus tained Omalm'H Sunday Guests Samples. The Co nil i Drummer. The Cailstt. From Illinois , Town , Nebraska nnd Dakota. To Michigan , Wisconsin , lee , And lovely Minnesota ; From Luke Superior's copper mines , Thmugn Hoosicr Indiana , To Mississippi's cotton fields And low Louisiana. 1 furnish wooden overcoats To many an undertaker ; For banker , beggar , 0110 nnd all , The butcher and the baker llakcr Butcher and the baker. From gloomy swamps of Arkansaw To sunny South Carolina , Where salty marshes waving yield Their rlco to Pomp nnd Dinah ; From yellow orange groves I go To purple fields of clover From Florida to Ohio , I skim the country over , And furnish wooden overcoats To many an undertaker ; For bunker , beggar , one and all , The butcher und the baker Bilker Butcher and the baker. I watch the farmer , north nnd south , 1 Ih wheat and cotton growing ; From many n little stream to mouth 1 view the rivers ( lowing ; And every year I scan the woods To catch a dogwood blooming- First herald of thO'busicst time For burying nnd tombing ; And laugh und joke us round L go , With many an undertaker , For he and I must follow soon The butcher and the baker- Baker Butcher and the baker , Oh ! Life Is but a running race The hind ones nnd the head ones , Where many a live man sets the pace For running after dead ones ; But ho at lust shall peter out And tumble down a-dylug Shall need a wooden overcoat ; So wherefore are wo crylngi For all the world shall peter out ; The butcher and the baker , The banker and the drummer and At hist alii ! undertaker Taker- All , there ! Undertaker. Tribute. Friday , January" ? , n banquet will bo given to commercial travelers at Ashland , Neb. The affair Is being arranged by the business men of that enterprising town , und with the liearty co-operation of the ladies of Ashlund there is every Indication for a royal time. The festtvivities will occupy the afternoon nnd evening , n grand ball being the feature of the latter hours. This is the first banquet tendered the traveling salesmen in Nebraska , and the citizens of Ashland arc entitled to great credit for taking the leadlnir in a pop ular movement. The affair at Ashland will take place at the now and commodious Hotel Selmu. which will celebrate its opening by doing honor to the commercial tourist. The committees are as follows : Committee of arrangements : W. E. Wright , chairman ; U. D. Cooley , W. J. Den nis , II. A. Wiggcnhorn , W. B. Lunius , I. L. Simlngton. lleception committee at hotel : Mr. nnd Mrs. H. H. Shedd , Mr. nnd Mrs. A. B. Ful ler , Mr. nnd Mrs. D. D. Cooley , Mr. and Mrs. W. E Wright , Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Dunbar. At bull : Misses Stratum , Dunbur , Bell , Liv- ; erty , Wiggenhorn , Messrs. George Scott , H. A. Wiggcnhorn , Gill Hulls buck , Alex Lav- erty , G. I ) . Lawson. Entertainment at hotel : Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Bentley , Mr. and Mrs. John Hinklcy , Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Liinius , Mr. and Mrs. David Dean , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fotsom , Air. und Mrs. William Harnsbcrger. Floor managers : W. J. Dennis , H.C. Scott. L , . S. Gould , Mrs. W. J. Dennis , Misses Eda 'Wiggcnhorn and Kate Simlngton. Toastmastcr : I. L. Simlngton. A TJOVC Story With a Moral. "I had n queer experience up iu the Repub lican valley about four years ago , " said Nick Sloman to the UEB. "It was my first trip through that country , and I was caught Sun day in a little town , the name of which shall be nameless. Sunday morning I required a new collar and I started up town to get it. The first place I happened to see open was a little , warped , ono story frame building , across the whole front of which was painted : Solo- imin ICahn , Clothing. The room was badly lighted nnd the very nir was redolent of shoddy. There was no ono In the store room and I stepped back to the open door of a room back. I saw It was a living apartment as I approached the door , nnd us I thrust my head into the room a glib word of apolo gy formed on my lips but it was n thousand miles u'.vny the next instant. Standing in the center of the room , her hands clasped before her nnd her eyes turned upward toward some object on the wall , was the most beautiful crcuturo I over saw. Beautiful I such a facoas operates on n fellow's heart like u lighted fuse on u jwwdor heap I was the worst struck gosling you ever saw In a minute. She was not in the least startled by an introduction. She turned her great , dark eyes upon mlno with some such grave , unfrightencd , questioning look as u celestial , hedged about by beauty , might bestow upon a rashly venturing mor tal , Then , after u second's serene scrutiny , her features broke into the most dazzling smile that ever finished the business for any fellow. I was about to stammer something I've ' no Idea what when a weazen little fellow ns warped as the building , came hob bling in from the rear door. I stepped aside to admit him to the store room. Entering ho slammed the door in my face , shutting out out the rapturous presence I was staring at. Having accomplished which act of fatherly protection ho inquired wherewith ho could servo mo. Bo had no collars of the stj'lo I wished , but no matter I bought half n dozen half a size too small ; I lingered lovingly over brass cull buttons and glass pins ; I fondled trousers that might have been made during the Bnbalonlan captivity indeed , they bore marks of convict labor ; I caressed coats of the fastness of whoso colors ray hands bore witness for many a day after. Then , with tender circultousncss , I lead the old man to crops , the weather , court , courting , marriage , children to his daughter. Ah , the old gen tleman's Jaw closed up Hkn a clum ; ho went suddenly deaf but , "I hat a elega'ul line of sgarvs ere , vut I zell ud Imv gost oud , mine new koots to mage room ver. " The strength of my incipient passion may bo understood when 1 say that 1 spent half a month's salary in collecting from thu old man a perfect museum of dry and furnishing goods monstrosities. Ho courteously and patiently displayed his "elegand lines ; " ho unctuously gathered la my shekels ; but when it came to his daughter no go , his loan old jaw came together Hko a trap. By Inquiries ut the hotel and about town I got a good many facts regarding Kuhn. nnd a good many guesses about his beautiful mys tery. Some said she was his daughter , some said Khi ) was his wife , some had u shrewd suspicion that she was some sort of a divinity whom ho was harboring. I learned that she never went out of doors except at night. und then always closely veiled and accompanied by the old man ; that she had no friends or acquaint ances ; that only ono or two people had ever seen her face to fare , and then the meeting had been accidental. Well , for the rest of that trip and for sev eral others , I never sat down for a quiet smoke after supper but what n pair of black eyes would look down at mo from out of the smoke clouds in short , I was as idiotic as a fellow that's hard struck Is apt to bo , and among other Inanities you can bet I counted up the days that must elapse before my trip would again take me to this town of no name. The days wore themselves away finally , and I sat smoking my evening cigar in that very dingy hotel oalcc in which I had unt cherished drenms of the beautiful jrlrl. District court was setting In the .town and tli * room Was full of lawyers. Presently , 1 lienrd one of them say something nbout 'State vs. Kuhn.1 No more dreamt Uion I I listened for every word. I overheard that the old man had been arrested , charged with arson , ami Unit the trial was llrst on the docket for the next morning. Pcrhnn * ftho would bo there 1 Of course it was dead sure that 1 would be " .hero. 1 was there an hoilr before the case was railed , and I don't think no much as a iloij amc Into that room that morning that os- TJKHI my eyes ; but she did not cojno. Initially hey brought the old man In and the case ivus called. The first one at the flro testified that the itoro room was all hblazo when they arrived it the scene , and that Just as they came up hey saw Miss Kahn dart through the door : ommunlcatlng with the back room , run 'lirough the HamcH , catch up some object 'rom a shelf and run buck ; but that though hey were nbout there until the lire was out hey saw nothing furtherof her. Then there ivas a lot of testimony , uninteresting to mo , nbout the value of the stock , the probable aiuso ol the fire , etc. When this testimony was lu , the county attorney started up. "Call Itachcl ICahn , " ho demanded. I straightened up from my lounging post- Ion , and ran my lingers throng my hair and surrpctltlously adjusted my tie. Hut some- 'hlng extraordinary was shaping In front at : he attorney's table. The old man had started up , turned nnpcalingly toward the Judge , then frantically toward his lawyer. His emotion was pitiful to sec ; his face was drawn ; his hands twisted about each other. Ho whispered a word to his lawyer , then sprang up , stretching both hands toward the Judge. "Do laty Is mine vlfc , " ho cried , "mlno vlfe you canned mage my vlfo to tcsdifyl" The learned nud astonished prosecutor -urned upon him. "Will you swear to that ! " 10 roared. The old man turned white as snow , but ho never flinched. "f vill svcur , " ho said firmly. Tno prosecutor was considering the next move , when an interruption occurred. The ilccp hush of expectancy was over the room. The spectators saw what these at the bar did not , viz : a lull , veiled figure moving grace fully down the uislo toward the prisoner. Just as the county attorney opened his lips to speak a calm voice behind him asked in Ger man tongue : "Do you want me , father I1 * The redoubtable prosecutor turned about. Ho saw the situation at a glance. "Shu calls him father , " ho yelled. "D' you hoar thatl She calls him father. I demand that this woman bo sworn and bo compelled to testify as Soloman Kuan's daughter not as his wife. " 'Can she speak Engllshl" ho asked of the old man , with the air of saying , don't you lie to mo again , sir. Kahn started up from the chair in which ho had flung himself , a ghost of hope flicker ing into his woo-bcgono face at the question. He shook his head. An Interpreter was called and the old man settled buck with a moan. Old Kahu's daughter hail stood , with her veil still over her face , Just as she stopped when she asked the toll-talo uucstlon. The interpreter spoke to her now , directing her to take her place in the witness box. She turned to her father. The poor wretch nodded and covered his face with his hands. The girl took her place , reached up her arm and lifted her veil. A murmur of ad miration ran around the room. Her face wore the same look of serenity ivs when I first saw it , except'that her brows wore slightly knitted , and she looked toward her father as though expecting some cuu from him. him.At At the Interpreter's direction she held up her hand and the oath was administered. Every breath In Hit ) room was hushed as the attorney opened his lips to question her. 'What is your name ? " ho asked. "Wic HcisenZloC'TCpcatedthointcrpreter. The audience hung upon her reply ns much as though it were the life or death of the prisoner. She sat motionless , looking Intently at her father. The old man's ' emotlou was terrible. He writhed In his chair , ho twisted his lingers into his scant hairhis , teeth ground to gether. "Wie hclson Ziol" the intcrpreler asked again. ' > Not a sound. The court turned toward the father. "Is the young lady deaff" he asked. Kahn leaped from his chair , his lace livid with agony. "Mine got , shentlemans , mine tear daugh ter is grazy , " ho shrieked. That was the first and last romance of life " said the traveler "and my , , you can wager every cent you have that I cut my teeth on that occasion. " Mileage Tickets. The roads in the Central Traffic association may as well adopt at once the proposition to resume the Issuance of 1,000-mllo tickets at a 2 cent rate , says the Chicago Tribune. The drummers have won this fight , and the sooner the railroads surrender the less odious they will be. The western lines gave up the contest months ago and somewhat grudgingly resumed the sale of mileage tickets at the old a cent rate , and there is nothing left for the eastern roads but to follow the example with the best grace they can. The discussion at the last meeting of the Central Trafllc asso ciation disclosed the fact that , while the rules of the combination forbid the sale of mileage tickets at a less rate than Ji > for 1,000 miles , the provision is evaded by several of the lines. The Michigan Central and a few other eastern roads are now selling tickets good for seven persons at the rate of $40 for 2,000 miles. The Grand Trunk is selling 1,000- mile tickets for ? 'JO , the mileage being good for ono person and limited to a year. Of course the trunk lines cannot go on charging at the 2 } < i cent rate without provoking a seri- ious demoralization of regular business. The Jig is up , and the eastern lines cannot get their 2 cent mileage tickets on sale any too soon. In the entire administration of the Inter state act there has been nothing more signifi cant than the controversy over this mileage ticket question. At the outset the eastern and western roads united to Jump up rates on the drummer 20 per cent , falsely claiming that such an exhorbltant and unreasonable advance was rendered imperative by the terms of the inter-state act , and calculating that such misrepresentation would make the now law odious. Theyprofessed to make the advance reluctantly , but averred that under the now law they could do nothing else Manifestly these allegations were insincere While the now law did away with favoritism and required all persons patronizing the rail roads under similar conditions and cirpum stances to bo treated alike , it distinctly pro rldcd that nothing in the act should prevent "tho issuance of mileage , excursion or com mutation passenger tickets. " Clearly tlio meaning was that while special rates might bo allowed regular travelers the roads must sell to all purchasers of a largo amount of mileage on the sumo terms. There was nothing requiring a rcgu lar traveler to pay the same rate as a chance or occasional passeriRcr. The only thing ncejlod was for the roads to surround thcii mileage tickets withqcrtain conditions whicl would make them available only for drum mers and other regular passengers , and ii consideration of such limitations to grant a special rate. . . . ' A Narro y Escape. Many of the commercial travelers had nar row escapes in the recent blizzard. Ono es cape imrticular , that of Mr. Landers , who travels for u Chicago hat and cap house , will no doubt bo of Interest to his many friends and acquaintances throughout the state. Alter dinner on the eventful Thursday after noon ho , in company with the liveryman , started in a sleigh from Rising City to drive to the town of Shelby , seven miles distant on the Stromsburg branch of the Omaha & , Republican Valley railroad. When about half way the storm struck them In all its fury , completely blinding them. The horses became unmanageable and refused to go , after persistent efforts on the part of the driver. Not knowing what would bo the best to do , they , in a spirit of desparatlon and as a last resort , determination to detacl the from the sleigh , and lot them go where'er they would , and themselves starlet on foot In hoi > cs to Hud , If possible , some friendly shelter. Becoming bewil dercd ns ono blindfolded thej wandered on and on , facing the blasts with an almost undaunted determination to go through. Hut the fury of the storm was moro than any human being could withstand and the bravo fellows were compelled to sue cumb to the raging elements of the stern king. After vain and futile attempts to pro ceed they drifted onto a pile of llax chaff whore they undertook to take refuge. Thl was about a o'clock In the afternoon. They proceeded to dlj a uolo iu the chaff largo nough for thorn to Ho In , and there resolved 0 remain until the storm had f pout it force. 'heir robes and clothing wore wet from the Jilting snow , which before the storm was melting as It fell. The sudden change chilled he very marrow in their bones , and their vrnps were frozen stiff , lly constant ex- rtlon , such a. pounding the ground and their xidles with their hands , to keep up circula tion , until bruised to almost bleeding , they nanaged to pass the evening and night. Lying on one another's feet by turns , they saved those extremities from severefroatlng. . in doubt they uttered expletives In a prayer- ul mood , ns traveling men can to n degree of icrfectlon. Their horses remained with hem until the storm ceased , ibout 2 o'clock In the morning vhen they loft them and sought shelter in n ricndly grove about half a mile distant. When daylight dawned and It was the most icautlful and grandest daylight scene the > o.vs had ever witnessed they found them selves within n few feet of n straw stack vhere , If they had known of lt existence , hey might have burrowed Into it anil made or tnemselves u comparatively comfortable shelter. Forty rods distant was n farm muse , to which plac-o tney started almost ex- mustcd and partially frozen. Their hands uul lingers were badly frosted , but will not mvo to be amputated , The faces of both were badly bitten , which now makes their noses and cheeks the color of n minstrel , flic most remarkable feature of the domi cile In which they passed the night is It was occupied In part by n family of skunks , hero being only u thin partition between the rodcuts and themselves. A Corporation Jack Pot. A commercial traveler writing to the St. : 'aul Glebe says : The railroad people have > con discussing and tinkering with the mile age question of late , and any real system atized action Is ns far oft now as six months ago. The 2,000 nillo book has been pro nounced Impracticable. Several schemes mvo been advanced , among others the 5,000 nile book good on all roads , but so fur not ono adopted. The 5,000 mile books find most mlversal favor among travelers and mercan tile houses. Very many of the eastern roads are selling 2,000 mlle S20 books , and It Is most Ikoly that form will come Into quite general use. Legislation upon the Interstate com- nerco law In the near future will make some changes and the traveling tourists may confidently look for a better and moro uni versal form of mileage before the ides of Do- ember , 1888 , and perhaps in the form of a 5,000-milo book , no rebate , good twelve months. There is no good reason why the commercial men or their respective houses should put up a sum In shape of rebates of several hundred thousand dollars for the several railroads to bank upon. If they want > Jack pot let them assess the stockholders. It Is neither Justice or horse sense to extort money from their patrons , whoso labors in the end make them wealthy corporations. While the rate of faro is getting attention from tlio railroad magnates , It Is to bo hoped they will not overlook the excess baggage question. He Was Called In. There was an amusing Joke perpetrated upon a prominent commercial traveler , who represents the interests of n popular farm machinery company of this city during the recent blizzard. It is usual for all salesmen : o report each day their exact locality so , lmt In the cventof n failure of any customer , or anything of immediate importance is pre sented , they cau bo communicated with by telegraph at any moment. The storm of course shut off all mall communications from the outside world. After four or Hvo days of 1 blockade , the house became uneasy in not iiearlng from their representative , so tele graphed a landlord in a certain town where they know ho had been. It scorns tnat some of his friends of the fraternity , who chanced to be "snowed in" at this hotel , got bold of the message and seeing nn oppor tunity to give the desired information of the gentleman's whereabouts , and at the same time perpetrate a Joke , sent , lu reply , some thing like the following by wire "collect : " "D loft hero on last train Thursday morning for Osccola in company with the Blind Boone concert company abandoned ttio fraternity lured by the attractions of the prinia donna. " On receipt of this his employer telegraphed him at Osccola to report at once at head quarters. The first train brought him in , and 'before his majesty sat the victim of the joke not knowing what the matter was. The message was handed him and an explanation demanded. Of course ho hud to tell him it was only n Joke by some of his friends. After considerable argument the explanation was considered satisfactory , the matter ami cably settled and ho left the ofllco with the parting injunction that hereafter , to put him self in no position whereby anybody can have cause to suspect things of this nature. The question to him now is : "Where arc you going to show next 1" Ho is out again , but lie is looking for the party who did the "dirty work. " President Pimlell Sustained. At a recent meeting of the Minnesota di vision T. P. A. held at St. Paul , a communi cation from the national secretary to the di vision was read by the chair , Inclosing charges preferred against John P. Jordan , of Minneapolis , and his withdrawal from the T. P. A. , and disposed of by the adoption of the following resolutions : Uesolved , That the Minnesota division T. P. A. do heartily and cordially second and indorse the oilicial character and actions of both the national president , O. * P. Pindell , and the national secretary and treasurer , J. U. Stone. Hasolvcd , That we ns heartily condemn and censure the actions and writings of John F. Jordan in relation to Messrs. Pindell and Stone , as well as to the T. P. A. as an asso ciation. Resolved , That John F. Jordan be allowed to withdraw from the T. P. A. The following resolutions were unani mously adopted : Whereas , The Minnesota & Northwestern railroad , through the president , A. B. Stick- noy , and the traffic manager , J. A. Hanley , has becfl the first railroad company to grant our association concessions in placing on sale mileage books at 2 cents ; bo it Resolved , That the heartfelt thanks of the T. P. A. are hereby tendered to the Minnesota seta & Northwestern railroad , and to Messrs. A. U. Stlckncy and J. A. Hanley. Resolved , That a copy of these resolution ; bo forwarded to each of the above named gentlemen. _ _ _ _ _ Disturbed Ills Rest. Detroit Free Press : "When I am gone , oh think of mo"walleda screnaderovcr andover again under the window of a Calumet ave line hotel the other night. After ho had said it for the fifteenth time the fat and furious face of a Chicago drummer appeared at an upper window and a voice hissed out : "Ycs'm young man , I will remember you and you'll remember mo for n long time after you're if don't out in less'n three gone , you put seconds ends I 1'vo got nn old horse pistol up herewith with a pound and a half of cold lead iu it that I'll give you as u memento of mo if you don't stop tootiu' and bawlin' under this window at an hour when decent folks are abed. Now you go homo I" The sweet song died away into silence , the lips of the sveet singer wore dumb and ho sighed heavily as ho slung his guitar over his shoulder and ambled off into the cold work with a suspicious policeman following In his wake. Omaha's Snniluy Guests. "No use talking , " remarked a well-known traveling man , while seated in the corridor of the Millurd yesterday afternoon , "if you want to pass a Sunday pleasantly and profit ably with the boys and enjoy the luxuries of life , Omaha Is the place to tie up to. " In this observation the speaker showed a love head , for tlio principal hotels were ycsterdaj crowded with the jolly knights of the grip the register of the Millurd alone showing IV of them in that house. The arrivals at the Mlllard were : C. A Lainmors , St. Louis ; John R. Stevens , Bos ton : D. H , Relnhardt , Columbus ; A A Smith , Now York ; W. D. Mansfield , New York ; H. Rosenllold , Chicago ; W. T. Clark W. H. Paddock , Chicago ; Walter C. Leach Minneapolis ; R. M. Coylo , St. LouU ; T Myrlck. Chicago ; D , M. Knowles , St. Louis F. L , Honorey , Chicago ; Dudley Smith , St Joseph ; C , C. Overtoil , Louisvlllo ; L. M Goldsmith , Chicago ; Henry Auchonheimer Chicago ; A. Crandull , Now York J. A. Tottcn , Now York F. L. Ashhach , New York ; L. Hprmnnn. St Louis ; P. P. Murray , Chicago i C. Drlfoss New York ; H. C. Long , Chicago ; J. W. Lud- vlck , Now York ; J. Wolff. New York ; F. P. 'iillo , . Now York ; O. K. Schmidt , MIIwitukeo' . K. MeLnuRhlln , Utloa ; Tlioo. McGtatt , Now York ; J. A. Reed , Hailing ; M. S. Chajt- nan , Chicago ; Sidney L. Wright , Phlhulel- > hla ; W. T. Dostclnmn , Now York ; Herman ileyor , Chicago ; W. O. Kvert , Milwaukee ; I. C. Stewart. Chicago ; C. Stowltr , St , xjuls ; .1 , L. Allen , Boston ; J , 1C , llonrko Chicago ; A. A. David , New York ; H Cooli- rane , Philadelphia ; L. W. ( Joldberg , 'hlladclphla ; * J. W. Norton , Biv . on ; George Toosdalo. New York ; G. H. Saltcr. Hurllngton ; N. O. Goldsmith , Cincinnati ; George Albree. Boston ; Charles Vilnius , Now York ; U. C. Kroh. Cincinnati ! F. D. Hefferon , Now York ; Frank North * rup , Chicago ; K. P. Tiffany , Provldoiieii ; J. Moore. Chicago ; J. M. Wlllurd , Dos Molm-s ; V. N. Kelsey , Chicago ; A. W. B.mies. In- lianapolls ; C. S. Hhu-kmnn , Chicago ; W. K , lenklns , Chicago ; W. A. Morris , HoMon ; William H. Council , Wilmington ; C , J , Miller , Chicago ; W. F. Grinin , Huf- fulo ; T. K. Haywary. St. Louis ; t. H. Muchuiore , Chicago ; William Halrd , it. Louis : W. S. Patterson , Chicago ; S. M. Crotgh , Chicago ; Georgu S. Terry , St. Louis ; C. K. Plattonliurgh , Chicago : A. S. Mendelsohn , Chicago ; L , II. Hart , Chicago ; George W. Lewis. Cincinnati ; JamesMurrln , Kansas City ; B. S. Rovnolds , Blnghamton : Ab. Goldsmith , New York F. F. Frt'i'inun , ChicagoR. ; T. Walbank , Chicago ; P. H. Sklpweth , St. Louis ; George D. Orimt , Uoston ; William R. White. Clucugo ; C. D. Hradley , Chicago ; M. Loob , Cincinnati ; Albert Davis , New York ; R. C. Goldsmith , St. Louis ; F. Myrlck , Chicago ; C. M. Hen derson , Now York : C. G. Llttlellold , Chicago cage ; J. W. Vail , Chicago ; G. S. Allison , St. Louis ; J. E. Blair , Chicago ; C. C. Bennett , New York ; M. Woodward , DCS Moincs ; J , A. Bishop , Chicago ; Charles F. Grinln , Cu- ! hnnitl ; E. A. Braymcr , Chicago ; K. P. smith , Now York ; W. F. Hypes , Chicago ; \V. H. Crandall , St. Paul. The Paxton arrivals were : S.Marx , Chicago cage ; F. P. J. Mlnan , New York : F. W. Stevens , Chicago ; S. Rawuk. New York ; J. S. Valentine , New York ; II. K. Hackman , it. Louis ; J. S. O'Connor , Now York ; Will iam C. Boadimin , Chicago ; II. Rcmcmun , New York ; A. C. Lindner , New York ; F. X. lones. Philadelphia ; H. A. Mclntyre , Den ver : H. C. Fileishor , Philadelphia ; A. W. Davis , Philadelphia ; S. Jessiilson , New York ; C. M. LiiMJld , Chicago ; B. F. Adler , Milwaukee ; W. R. Roney , Chicago ; S. F. Frothingham , New Haven ; W. II. H. Doonoy , Indiana ; L. Crager , New York ; D. Evans , Portland ; 1. T. Dictchcr , Now York : C. A. Perkins , New York ; II. W. Allen , Now York ; M. D. Davis , Chicago ; C. Bradford , Chicago ; L. Sotcrboch , Wheeling ; L. Eokhart , Halley ; C. L. Sweet , Halley ; H. Lowilimmn , Chicago ; L. L. Ptitzol , Philadelphia ; E. Woingreen , New York ; J. R. Fussig , Now York ; C. W. Hubbard , Now York ; J. M. Finllmorc , Den ver ; Gus Moslcr , St. Louis ; John Ronald- son , St. Louis ; D. W. Phelps , Plttstlold ; D. Morgan , Cincinnati ; E. W. Cudahy , Chicago ; L. ThompsonChicago , ; J.Jacobs , Now York ; H. C. Decamp , New York ; A. M. Pullen , Chicago : A. Ackerson , New York ; W. G. Whcclock , New York ; William Garner , DCS Molnes ; C. S. Smith , Philadelphia ; G. H. Best , Chicago ; C. B. Buckley , New York ; L. Euscndrath. Chicago ; E. C. Botos , Liv ingston ; F. L. Furbish , Chicago ; C. II. Smith , Chicago : B. T. Whttmoro , Detroit ; G. V , Limp , Chicago ; J. A. Mathcws , St. Louis : G. Gage , Chicago ; G. Bender , Chicago ; C. P. Starr , Now York ; A. Moinheimcr , Now York ; R. M. Heller , Chicago ; E. C. Brown , Jr. , Now York ; L. Washington , Chicago ; E. R. Mann , Chicago ; D. M. Jenkins , Boston ; A. Welling , Milwau kee * , S. Meyer , Chicago ; S. C. Wilmor , Chicago cage ; J. G. Rltchel , Now York ; E. S. Mo- Kinney , Chicago ; C. F. Hollows , Now York ; C. H. Conner , Chicago ; N. R. Brombough , Chicago ; H. J. Peterson , Cincinnati ; C. L. Anderson , Now York ; N. R. Robinson , Bos ton ; C. A. Quigley , Chicago ; A. A. Ballcn- berg , Chicago. Samples. S. V. P. Hollowny has started upon his now year's work with redoubled zeal. The next annual convention of the T. P. A. will bo hold in Minneapolis in Juno next. A. C. Annett , of the Omaha Rubber com pany , has returned from a special trip of ten days. _ Frank Taylor , of the Omaha Rubber com pany , is iu the Black Hills doing a good trade. W. I. Laird will travel through Iowa and Nebraska in 18S3 for the Omaha Rubber com pany. Ono thousand guests did Justice to the com mercial traveler's banquet recently given at Davenport. Captain C. V. Bainsford is doing southwest Iowa. It is stated on good authority that the captain has determined to write no more wills. Ho lights decidedly shy of capital ists. Thursday , January 20 , has been set apart by the managers of the Ice palace at St. Paul as commercial travelers' day and members of the craft will' bo royally entertained on this occasion. Commercial travelers are requested to send communications to this department. Ex periences on the road , personal items and other matters of interest t6 the fraternity will receive pro ] > er attention if addressed to drummers' department. At a destructive fire in New Madrid , Mo. , January 10. Charles J. Hcaly , Jr. , n St. Louis commercial traveler , rescued a little girl from the flames at the risk of his own life. Mr. Healy was severely burned , but was able to receive the congratulations of hundreds who applauded his brave act. The citizens of Ashland have taken the imitative in doing honor to the commercial traveler. It will bo u graceful net for an Omaha hotel to follow suit. The number of travelers who patronize Omaha tiostclerles is remarkably lariru and a tribute would bo ns Just as it would bo appreciated by the bcuo- liciarics. The St. Louis post , T. P. A. , has adopted the following resolution : Resolved , That any manufacturer or Jobber employing con- mcrclal travelers shall bo eligible for hon orary and association , membership In this l > est , upon the payment of $25 , or moro ; and that the annual dues thereafter , beginning at the expiration of the first year , shall be * 25. . A. L. Davis , a Memphis drummer , was found dead in bed in that city January 10. The doors of the house wcro open , giving In gress to the blizzard that was blowing for the past two days. It was evident that ho had been frozen to death. During the reconstruc tion period Davis was a leading republican politician of Panola county , Mississippi , was chairman of the county executive committee , and at one time had the position of chancery court clerk. Ills influence over the negroes was almost boundless , but it is said ho never misused his powcr'to the extent that others of hlsclatsdldat thattlmo. Ho was a man of some property , and leaves a wife from whom ho has been separated for some time , and who now lives In Now Orleans. Albert Smith , n young drummer from Now York , made u substantial and successful protest - test against the overcharge of a hackman last week in Chicago. His remonstrance was backed up by n revolver , five chambers of which was discharged at ttio Jehu. Mr. Smith , who was locked up at the Dcsplalncs street station denied that ho shot at the hackman , but , when arrested , his pistol was still smoking. It seems that Smith , who boards at 2C West Adams street , hired a hucknian to take him to the Wisconsin Central depot , and paid the man it for thu trip. Ho found ho was too late for his train , and says that ttio hackman charged him $1,50 for the return trip to his boarding house. Upon his refusal to pay this sum trouble en sued , during which ho drew his revolver and fired , though Fovoral of them were flattened against the bricks of the Union depot. After discharging his revolver Smith took refuge in his room , where ho was arrested by the officer , who hud heard the shots. Miss Sarah Orno Jowott has been niudo rich through the recent death of an undo. Dr. OTTERBOURG ! 3th & Douglas Streets , Ornatia , Neb , llr\I.Tl. : ! WKU.TII. SPEOiaLlST. Niivous , Menial and Private Diseases 1'romiit uUvntlon Klvi'ii to curiimjiouiloure , by uic'.o.-tmif jioitiiso , Ofllcc lioui-3 3 to u u , ( u. , s to 0 una 7 to 3 p , m Who 1.1 WT.AK , Nf.KVOtlN. IIKIHI.ITA. TKII.wholnhliFWI.I.YnndtHNOKtNCf : imi TKin.rn itwny M < VHJOU of iionv , MIN1 sml MAiCIIOon.rauitngcxliniiillna drnlni upon the rOIITAIMN of I.IFK , MK A It A 'IIK , II AUK AC 1IK , Dremirul DrcAnm , WEAUNF.M.H nf Memory , 1IANII. FUI.NF.SJ * . In MH'IKTY , riMl'l.KS Upon the FACK. nnd nil the EFFF.OTN Irmllncto KAKI.Y I > F. : AT nnd t > orliiM COftNlim * . TION or IXNANITY , ihoiil.l consult at nnco the UF.IKiiltATKI > Ir. Clarke , KMntilltnrd 1KM. Dr. Clnrko hai inftdc NF.KVOIIN DR. niMTY. MIKOMi ! nnd nil UUcMc * of the < 1F.MTO tmi.VAUY Orvinu LI to ifmly. U tnnkci NO dlllerciico WHAT you iMO taken or WHO ha < f Riled to euro you. 49-FEM A I.HM sutrcrlnK from dlicotr * ptCU- llnr to their nex can consult wltli the nMiirnnce Of ipeedy relief nnd cure. Send 2 cenU pcntago fur works on your dl > ru < rs. * -Setid 4 ccnU iKMtnw for Olcbrnlwl Work * on Chronic , Nrrvmm ntul Ht-ll. cat * UlfleiiMt. Conitiltntlon , ] KTfwinnl'y ' or l > y loiter , fire. CotiMiU tlio ulil I > orlor. ThonnnniU on rod. ontrrsnnd nnrlnra prlvntv.Trit o cotitenipUtltiu Mnrrlnm lend for lr. Clnrke'n cclchralril puldo Mitle and Frinnlr. each ISc. , both ' 'to. ( itamrw ) . llefero coiifUilnp your caie , roniult far. CI.AIIKK. A friendly letter or call may MTO future lullcrlngnnd shnmp , nnd add golden years to llfp. a-Book " I.lfr'n ( Petrel ) Er ror * , " f > 0c. ( stamp * ) . Medicine and writing cnt everywhere , nocuro from vxpoiure. Hours , 8 to B : Kunriayn , n to 12. Address , P. D. OLABKB , M. D. ISO So. Clark 8U CHICAGO. ILL. BltKLYAsH BITTERS SENMA-MANDRAKE-BUCHU I It has etood the Test of Years , In Curing all Diseases of the .BLOOD , LIVEB , BTOM- 1ACB , KIDNEYB.BOW- I ELS , Ac. ItPnrlflcstho Blood , Invigorates and Cleanses the flyctom. DYSPEJSIA.CONSTI. CURES PATION , JAUNDICK , lIUlOISWSESOnnt SICKHEADACHE.BI1- LIVER lOUBCOMPLAINTb.Ac dliappear at once under IKIDNEYS iti beneflelal influeiee. STDMACH It if purely a Medicine AND as its cathartic proper- ties forbids Its ! me at a fBOWELS beverage. It Is pleas ant to the taste , and as easily taken by cWJd- ren as adults. ALLDRUGGISIS I PRICKLY ASH BITTERS CO 1 Bole Proprlatora , I BT.LODIR and KAXUI Cm F.nslly < llgot > led ; of the Ilnest lluvar. A hearty bovrmgo for n strong iippctlto ; u dolicntn drink Tor flip sensitive. Thoroughly tested ; nutritious ; [ Hilntable ; unexcelled In purity ; no unpleasant utter BtTccta. Requires no boiling' . Marlon Harland , Chrlstlno Tcrhuno Horrlclc. Doun A. it. ThnmnH , M. 1) . , pronounce It tlio best of all tlio JMIW vilerod clioromt OH. Nn ntlivr i nms ! it in flavor , purity unil ANTi-UYWiiiTicqimUtlos. SoW tin Grocers. Sample mailed for 10 ttampi. II. O. WILBUR & SONS , I'A. B1POBTED STAMjtO.SS FOHSALK FprchoroiiR. Clydesdales and Shire , also homi lired colts. livery iinltnnl gunrantmxl n urpeilef Our Htoclc has been selected with reference tq both individual merit and iiedlgreo. rinmnoi those hor.seH liavu tulteii prl/.o at tlio N braskii State Kelr , ItWT. All our horses uro no climated , anil rnltH of their get cim bo Bhnwn. I'rlroH reasonable nnd enny terms. ] B ucceuitlbla by the three lending rnllroads of the Mtatc , II. < S M. : K. , E. & M. V. . niul K. (5. * O. Kill' Ac PAIIIUIAH , York , Neb on/ ) ono In tbe world ( r n ratlair contlnuoui tltctria tt Ungnttio p * * . * evrrtnt * SeUntjflc. 1'owerful , Durable. _ , , _ Comfortablu and Effxilr * , Avoid ( raudl. U- Ovr 11,00(1 cnwJ , Sen < JMt im > f i-ittniiluS A1.NO KI.KO1VH1C UEI.TA I'Olt BIHEAHEH. Da. H08NE. IHVENTOH. mi WABASM AYE. . CHIOAOO. AND ! Glasgow via Londonderry , Liverpool via Queenstown. Are Hlrlctlr rint-ClaM , and among tlie lament , fasten nnd fined In the world. Baloon. Bocond clntti and stccrairft PuMrnffer Accommodation * Unexcelled. KTery rocrard for the cnmfonand cnnvunluiioo of paa * itudluunlr couildtrtd mid pracUo d Steamers oerr haturdnr for UlanRntr. City of Horn * alia for Liverpool October U. It In the laniPKt end flneal pasaciiKur Bteitincr nflont. Itaten of piinsatfe fuf all clailoa a * low in 117 any other tlrst-rlaii linn. Ha- loon eicuniou ticket * at reduced nlua. Drntta for anr amount at lowest cm rent mien. Kcr booki of Innn , llokpin , .or further Informntlon , auiilr to HKNUKUMJN imoTUKltti , Chicago , or fc'UANK B. HIKMIKS Omahn.Nub WILL NOT UNHOOK WHILC Bcrno WORN. hrcry Inly who cickUC * perfection In M vie and fornt should wear them. Manufacturer ! only liy tlio , WORCESTER CORSET COMPANY , Worcester , Mass. , and 2iS Mitkct klrccl , Cmcaga THE CAPITOL HOTEL LINCOLN. , NEB. The licit known nnd moil popular Hotel In the Mate. Jxientlon centm ! , npiiolnttnunt * tlnU-clan. lleadqimrlun tor coiumurdnl iucn ai.d kild public ifalUei II138. K. I' UOtidCN 1'roprlUor THE 0 AM PART OF nv cuiumi rou 20 Gents a Week. Stivon jini'ura n ciuk. Kemljour order to tlio ollite , 1029 P Street , Capital Hotel Building 1