WHERE IS THE COLD FISH ? Commodore Vnndorbilt'a Milllonalro Daughter Floocod. HOW THE HEIRESS WAS DECEIVED Hrr Connection AVIth flic Splrllnnl- Innrr Circle of Huston An IntcrrMltiK Htory For All to Ucail. Boston Globe : "Where IB Mine. Hergc'r ( formerly Mrs. La Bau ) , the millionaire daughter of Commodore Vntulorbilt , once known IIH 'the gold Huh' of the Inner spiritualistic elrclcH of thin city,1' asks the Now York Ilernld. For many month ! ) she fed the hungry professional Ushers for spirits here , and when Hhe loft the Hub the spirit pool was troubled as never before. \Vhorc has she gone ? Thnt is what the mediums in Boston can't find out. They wiv that nho ! H not in the spirit world , or they would burely have heard from her. Who has hidden her away , and why ? At the very moment when she was flinging uway money with most lavish humlH among the needy communicants she dropped out of Bight or was snatehcd nway. Conceive their intense vexation. All are now asking , Who lumber ? and every one ia looking for the hidden treasure. For coal is high , January is here , and they can't alTord to lobe her. How much have thov lobt ? That depends greiitly on how much Hhe has left of her princely inheritance. No fortune could stand sueh drains long. A thousand dollars at a night's sitting was no infrequent gift , and her sittings were legion , for she WIIH an insatiate questioner , seeking for light in every quarter. The cheapest "hack'1 clairvoy ant was not below her. and the JIOST KXTOUTIONATK ' 'FAITH IIKAT.KIl" was not too high for her. She paid what was abkcd without hesitation or hag gling. Her call was for spirits , without price. AH soon as her frcehandedncss became known "spirits" were always forthcom ing. She was never delayed or disap pointed. At the shortest notice practic able all orders were served up , from Co lumbus to Vandcrbilt. But she had to pay proportionately for extra strains of the psychic powers. Yet she uttered no word of complaint. She was a paragon of patrons. Hur mourning friends here remem ber her very vividly. When she came to Boston it is said that bho was still a decidedly attractive woman , though considerably past the natural bloom of youth. Her figure was htout , but well proportioned. Her face was plump and pleasing when she talked , her bright black eyes were lit - ' up with imiiiintion , and when she laughed her dir//.ling white teeth were the despair of dentists and the envy of all othert ) . She was rather fond of ad miration and those about her saw that she had no lack of it. She had every thing about her to make life pleasant , an overflowing purse , fine food , line dresses , llnejodgings , troops of friends , family connections , all the distractions of society , a devoted husband all that heart could wish and still she was not content. Why ? She was a hypochondriac. She was beset with the notion that she had the dropsy , and no expert evidence could fhako her convictions. At first she dosed herself with all manner of compounds known to adver tising geniuses , and haunted the leading drug stores. She fairly distracted the clerks with hoi1' peremptory orders for every variety of powders and fluids which the liuman stomach could bear without instantly collapsing. By per sistence she learned to master the in evitable nausea , and would calmly drink off doses before the ama/.cd faces of the clerks. But her zeal was all in vain. The more she chastised the suspected dropsy the sicker she grow. At length , in despair of self-preservation , she threw herself into the hands of a faith healer. From that moment there was no hope for her. It was her first plunge INTO TIIK FOOL OK SI'IHITUAUSM. So far as is known in this city her head never robe above the surface again. Who wns the lucky healer ? Dr. A. Hodges , "electrician , faith healer and heaven-born' physician. " combining these arduous'duties at his w orkwhop in the little rod brick house l'J42 Washington street. The doctor is ajihort , stout man , with keen gray eyes and a light sandy- colored moustache. Ho wears specta cles and talks rapidly. "Doctor , " asked the reporter , "did you over prescribe for a lady named Mme. Berger ? " "Oh ! yes. Indeed , " replied the doctor , his face lighting up as with the recall of some pleasant momentary memories. "I had such a patient and remember her very well indeed. I always found her a lady in every sense of the word. She had a mind remarkably open to the reception ol truth , and she was possessed of a largo and liberal heart. " "For what did you treat madame , ; 'ir < doctor ? " again asked the reporter , ft "Well , said the doctor " i , .that I can not answer. It wffuld bo betraying pro fessional confidence. But I can say that 1 cured Mmo. Berger completely , and she was kind enough to express her gratitude to me in many ways , " added the doctor , and ho smiled complacently. "You are an electrician , I believe , doctor ? Would you object telling me what your method is ? " _ T "Aro you a believer ? " asked the doc- w [ tor , looking earnestly at your corre- ii epondent. Electricians , faith hcalera and "heaven born physicians" always like U ) know if their auditor is a believer before they tell him of their wonderful cures. Some sneering skeptics say thai this is because it takes as much faith tc believe in a faith cure as to make it. The doctor was assured that the re porter was a firm believer. Then he continued : "I cure my patient- through an application of the Spirit ol Truth. " Something like Dr. Von Swart- wort whom you described in Sunday' * paper. "I do not understand you , doctor. " "Well , 1 will explain. None ot us is a free agent. Wo are all controlled bj t-omo higher power some by a bail power , some bv a good power. I air controlled by Iho Spirit of Truth. " .Lucky old chap ! The reporter smothered a smile s < well that the doctor proceeded withou alarm. "Tho moment a patient enters my of lice I am enabled by the Spirit of Trutl to detect what is the matter with bin or her. I do not want to ask a singh question. 1 only cast one glaneo upoi my patient's lace and Ihen cloao in ; eves. ' ' ' "Why do you do that ? " "To invoke the great Spirit of Trutl to descend upon mo and enable me ti see my patient as she is. . 1 elo o m ; oyee , and t scarcely do BO before I fee my mortal frutno beginning to .nuiver The Spirit of TKUTH lp UESCKNDINO WON MK. I see iuy patient us she is , \'od , I se < t"l" -li' . . ' , X- her a ? she IK. I fee the entire frame work , the whole inside of her body , just as her Maker does , and the name Spirit of Truth which enables mo to see all this tells mo what remedy to apply.1 "I suppose you use the faith cure a great deal ? " suggested the reporter. "Oh , yes ! " continued the doctor. "I work my greatest cures through that all healing and wonderful mystery. When Mine. Bcrgcr. for instance , came to me , as soon ns I had ( through the great Spirit of Truth ) detected what was the matter with her , I told her that nothing on earth could cure her but the power of faith. " 'Mine. Bcrgcr , " taid I , 'you are in a very dangerous way. Your condition is more than critical. It is alarming , and nothing on earth can save you except the power of faith invoking the Spirit of Truth. ' " "Did Mme. Bcrger express her will ingness to be thus cured ? " r'She did , " replied the doctor , "and I must say for her that I haVe never had a patient whose faith"was more entire and free from prejudice than was hers. She not only expressed her willingness to bo cured by faith , but she said she felt entirely certain that nothing else on earth could cure her. You see , " added the doctor , "I did not hide from Mine. Berger her real condition. I told her frankly , as I have said , or rather the Spirit of Truth , speaking through mo , told her the terribly alarming state she was in , and she , being iif-ensiblu woman , resolved to adopt the only means possi ble to cure herself. She requested mete to pray over her. " What rot and non sense. "Did you do PO ? " "I did , " said the doctor. "I uttered a prayer. I invoked the grcnt Spirit of Truth , and immediately 1 felt my frame beginning to quiver. The Spirit of Truth , you see , was descending upon me. For a moment I knew not what to do. I said. 'What must I do , oh , Spirit ? ' and immediately a voice as if from the ceiling answered'Go to that woman. ' I did so. I then wild , 'WHAT NKXT , OH , SIMIMT ? ' ' "Lay your hands upon that woman , ' said the voice. I did so. 'What next , oh , Spirit ? ' And the voice replied , 'Invoke the Spirit of Truth and call upon the invisible harmonies. ' I did bo. " Quite a neat racket , isn't it ? "What , did you say , doctor ? " "I know " doctor "be- not , replied the , - caiibo iit/nieh times I am. as it were , in a state of trance and I cannot remember all that I say , only parts. But I did as 1 was ordered. I invoked the Spirit of Truth , and immediately I felt Mine. Bergor's frame beginning to quiver. " Xaturally. "The Spirit of Truth was descending upon her , " suggested your reporter. "Kxnctly so , " answered the doctor , "and Mine. Berger felt its descent. Wo stood there together mutually invoking the Spirit of Truth for some time , and as wo stood there the soft music to which I have referred continued to bo heard , all the while increasing in vol ume , and over and anon a voice , as if from the ceiling , cried out : "Well done ! Halleluja ! She will bo saved ! " "Doctor , was Mine. Burger accom panied In any of her visits to you by her husband ? " "No ; Mr. Bcrger never came with his wife. In fact , I am informed that he was opposed to her coming at all. for , you know , ho had a narrow mind and did not grasp greater truths. He was , poor man , not a believer. 1 rarely met him not oftener than three times all told , I believe and even at those meetings our conversation was not of a very pleas ant nature. It was soon evident to'mo that Mine. Berger and her husband were not suited to each other. She was altogether above her husband. Her mind was centered on spiritual things and the nature of the unseen world , while M. Berger was engrossed with the fleeting affairs of this meo mortal world. They did not live happily together. " "Mine. Berger used , so it seemstohave long talks with the angel Gabriel. " "Always after these spirit talks. " says Mrs. Perry , "Mmo. Berger and her husband used to have quarrels. The night after her talk with the angel Gabriel she and her husband had a great row and the next morning ho left the house , and , so far as I know , he never came back again. The fact that there was ft big row in the house that night makes mo of course remember the night very well and about what oc curred. "For about three months longer Mmo. Berger remained at (128 ( Troinont street. Then , she , too , suddenly disappeared. " Head tbo Death Roll Which the bills of mortality of any largo city may bo litly designated , and you will find that renal and vesical mal adies , that is to say , those that affect the kidneys or bladder , have a remark able prominence wo _ had nlniost said preponderance. Bright's disease and diabotes'in the chronic stage are rarely cured , and gravel , catarrh of the blad der and diuresis slay many. Yet at the outset , when the trouble merely amounts to inactivity of the organs in volved , the danger may bo nullified by that pleasant renal tonic and diuretic , Hostottor's Stomach Bitters , which im parts the requisite amount of tone to the organs , without over-exciting them , and the use of which is convenient , ana involves no elaborate preparation. Dyspepsia , n usual concomitant of renal complaints , and debility , which they invariably produce , are remedied by it. So also are constipation , malarial , rheu matic and nervous ailments. Aii KKCftpoil Cannibal. Louisville , Ky.dispatch to the Globe- Democrat : Very few people in this city know that u Fiji islander , n genuine man-eater , lives in their midst , but it is so. She , for it is a woman , and name less is a very strange appearing character - actor , an it is worth ft long walk to take a peep at her canibalship. She never goes further away from homo than the immediate neighborhood in which she lives , and is quite as inoffen sive n person , though not as beautiful , perhaps. , as one would care to meet. " " to this "Spotted Johnny" was brought country in 187H , from the Fiji islands , along with a small band of her people , by Foropaugh , of circus fame. She ran away from her captors while the show was in Pottsvillo , Pa. , andnoono knows how she got to Nashville , where she was finally found doing drudgdgcry , the only sort of work she seemed capa ble of , for a family that hurt taken the fantastic and repulsive outcast in out of the cold. An otTort was made by the circus people to reclaim her , but Johnny did not like the idea , and expressed herself so forcibly that her friends sent the circus men about their business , At this time Johnny was averse to wcarjng clothing , and it was only with great persuasion that she could be induced to keep the simplest garments on her. She ate raw meat with avidity , and cared for little else. Now she is u vegetarian and scarcely ever touches meat , though she eats lish Shu wears clothing just as most any one elfc in her position would. She is very much devoted to Mrs. Cain's children , and they are equally fond of her. her.Tho The family with whom the escnpod cannibal had taken refuge in Nashville removed to a distant city , leaving "Johnny" with Mr. and Mrs. Cuin , who 0 \\cro.tlicu liviuu in thy Tennessee capi tal. This was more than live years ago. I I At Urst Mrs. Cain's children were much , afraid of their strange servant , but j I this wan soon conquered by the mildness ' of her manner and her simple devotion. 1 Her intelligence is of a very low order , and she is able to perform only the plainest labor. The children of the neighborhood , and some of the older ones too , for that , | matter , stand considerably in awe of the strange being , but ns she seldom loaves the house and interferes with no olie , but little is ever been or heard of her. Do you suffer with catarrh ? You can bo cured if you take Hood's Sarsaparilla. the great blood purifier. Sold by all "ruggists. He Was Cured of Hln Guy in jr. Frankie Cleveland won the hearts of he people by marrying a president. Iho deserves credit for thatbutaGrand 'orks , Dak. , lady won the hearts of the cnizcns of that lively little city not eng ago more completely in half an lour , says the Dakota News. She did it vith a horse. Tlie lady drove a sleepy-looking car- lage horse about town on her shopping ours Unit in appearance didn't look as hough it could go a mile in a week. A veil known citizen had a spanning big earn that was acknowledged to bo the wiftcst in the town. The lady and gentleman mot in society frequently , ind the latter never lost an opportunity 0 ehafT her about her ill-looking horto. One day they happened to drive up to a jity drug store at the sumo time. "Say , " began the man as ho looked at he lady and then glanced at the horbe , 'why don't you hitch a snail to your car riage ? It would go faster than that horse ind look a deuced sight better. " "You have 'guyed' mo repeatedly ibout that horse , " replied the lady. 'Now , I'll wager that I 11 beat you in a mlf-mile race. " "I'll bet you $10 you can't. " "Wait till I drive homo and get the nonoy and I'll take you. " "Never mind doing that ; I'll loan you 10 money , " broke in a bystander. The ino'noy was put up , and half a mile ) ii a level street was chosen. Half the , own witnessed the race. The flyers got ) ii an oven start and away they went. The little horse spurted at the start and ook the lead. The little beast's mane ind tail fairly stood up in the air as she vent at a Maud S gait. The big team vas not only beaten , but in a straight ace would have been distanced. The .own wont wild. They are guying the nan yet up in that country. For fear of losing a day's workj many persons put oil taking physic until Sat- irday. The better plan is not to delay > ut take it as soon as needed , it may save you a hard spell of sickness. If you want the most benefit from the east amount of physic without causing you any inconvenience , loss of appetite or rest' , lake St. Patrick's Pills. Their iction on the liver and bowels are borough , they give a freshness , tone ind vigor to the whole system and act 'n harmony with nature. Strangely enough , Mrs. Sarah .17 Hale , who was for many years the editor of Godey's Lady's Book and did a vast unount of literary work , is to-day best omembored by her verses : "Mary had 1 little lamb. " Lclaud hotel , Chicago. The French government has again taken up the building of great armor- clad ships. F.ight are now being pressed forward to completion. Admiral Pullu do la Barriero has caused a vessel to bo built ehcased with coeoanut fibre in stead of armor plates. It is said to have greater power of resistance than steel. Old pill boxes arc spread overtho land by the thousands after having been emptied by suffering humanity , What ii mass of sickening , disgusting medi cine the poor stomach has to contend with. Too much strong medicine. Prickly Ash Bitters is rapidly and surely taking the place of all this class of drugs , and in curing all the ills aris ing from a disordered condition of the liver , kidneys' stomach and bowels. English ladies arc learning dress making either for their own advantage or to help the poor. Two of the daughters of the Prince of Wales have learned a oystem , and their example ) ms been followed by a great number of titled ladies. There is a school in Lon don for teaching dressmaking and millinery. OMAHA WIIOLjESAIjK MARKETS Produce , Fruits , Etc. Saturday , Jannnry . 'flic followlnv arc the prices at which mum ? intn tif produce arc xold i iJit * r- hct. I'Yitit * or other linen nfgoiiilH rcqnlriny extra labor of jxtctilim cannot alwaiin be i/ > /lfc < f on ontatflc orders ( it thesaine prices ( juntcil the local trade. BUTTEII Receipts were moderate and the demand good , although the quality of the offerings was scarcely up to the murk. Prices remain firm nnd unchanged. Wo quote : Creamery , solid packed. ± 2@liyc ; choice dairy , l" ( 19c ; medium , 15@17c ; low prudes , 10 ( < 512c. Eons The receipts of strictly fresh con tinue light , but otherwise the situation. Wo quote : 21@i'Jc for cold storage is un changed , Ii2@23o 'for strictly fresh. Limed eggs arc very slow at 15c. POULTRY Arc steady. The receipts are sufficient to supply the demand , but no more , and prices remain as before. Wo quote : Dressed chickens , 8@9e per lb ; turkeys , S@ Sic ; ducks , 7@8c ; geese , l10c. ) Arri.ES Are firmer , and anything , in less than ' . ' 0 bbl lots cannot bo had for less than $3.75. Wo quota eastern fruit , fair to ehoicco block , M.50 ( < .75 ; fancy stock , * ; ! .7.r4.00. llEAXS-Good stock , $2.00@2. 0 ; fair to peed , $ l.tXX J1.80 , and California beans at S.2.r2.40. TnuNirs Rutabagas are selling at 55ffCOc ( ptfr bushel , SWEET POTATOES Are nearly out of the market. Wo still quote : 23X I' ' " ' lb. , with extra at 3c. CiiiEii-Cholcc Michigan cider , * < 5.00@0.50 per bbl. of 33 gal. LEMONS Malaga arc about out of the mar ket , but wo quote the old figures * 5.X ) per box. Messtmis are In fair supply and helling at from * 5.00 < a5.fQ. Poi-coHN Choice rlco corn is quoted at i4Kc l > cr lb , other kinds , SJ CgUo per lb. S.VUEII KiuiiT Choice per bbl. of M gal. , * 3.85u ( 9.00 ; } { bbl. , f4.57 ( < i5.00. tll.OO per bbl of M ) gal. CAUIIOTS $2.25(112.50 ( per barrel , PAH.sxii's Now stock , fJ.50 per barrel- There arc few on the market. OVSTEIIS Plain standard , 25c ; plain se lects , 80o ; standard. 40c : extra selects , 35o ; New York counts , 40c ; bulk oysters , counts , f 1.85 per 100 ; selects , $2.00 per gal ; standard , 11.25 per gal. . CAt'i.iri.owKH Good stock , $3.M < 32.80. CALIFORNIA FHIIITS There are only a few pears In the market , ut $2.50 13.75 : extra line , 1.00. CiiANiicimiES Bell & Cherry , * 10.00@10.50 Bell & Bugle , $10.50@11.00Cape ; Cods , $11,00 ( 11.50. Fios In layers , 13 < glt5c : cake , lie per lb. UVTES Prussian , fco per lb. POTATOES Are not movlngln this weather , and prices remain firm and unchanged Utah and Colorado stock are quoted a < $1.10@1 , 15 and choice homo grown at 90 ® 1,00 ; common grades at ( Me. CAMI.KIB A good deal of frozen stock Is reported , and U selling at 'Jo per lb. , bu otherwise prices are unchanged $1 per Uoz. , and 2Uu3c per lb for California. ONIONS Wuquoto prices unchanged : Homegrown grown , 75@S5cc ; Spanish onious , per 50-0 crate , $1.50 < rt'1.75. ORAXOKS Stocks are very light and wil not bo replenished until next week when a car of Mexican is expected. Prices arc un changed and we quote : Valencia , $7.50 ( a.S.00 per case of 420 : Louisiana , $4.0004.25 Florida , brights , H.25&4.W ; russets , $3.00 04.00 , CKI.EIU No change In price , but stock arc light and demand fair. We quote 40 ( < $ . 46c pcT-dotcn for choice and 4XriOc ! for fancy. UANANAH'-Cold weather U checking milt's to some extent , but price * are firmer and higher. Cholco bananas , t2,40W.l.r ( > o : medium bunehes ; ? 2..VVit.OO. ; NUTS Peanuts , ! > ( ' ? 7c , raw : Brazil nuts , Ilk1 ; almonds , Tarragona , 22c ; KngliMi walnuts , 15 ( < ? lfc ; nibertu , ISc ; Italian chest nuts , 15c : pecans , I''o. C5iurKs Are becoming source and are narkfd higher , at $7..V.K.i8.00 per bbl. for Malagas , and larger sized bbl ? . In proportion p to $10. HONEY Is somewhat scarce nnd found at irovlous quotations ; KKgSli ! for l-tt frames ; aimed honey , I0@12c per lb. Grocer's PnovisioNs Hams , Utilise ; breakfast jacon , 11 VrMlJfc ( ; bacon sldes.Hfau.c ! : dry alt , S.'f ' y c ; shoulders , Oii$7c ( ; dried beef , lfANnr-Mlxe.1 , 0@lle ; stick , P < < t9 ; < c. CANNKH Ooous Oysters , standard , per esc , $3.HO ( ( 3.3. > ; strawberries , 1Mb per case , U. ! > 0rt3.iO ( : ; raspberries , 1Mb per case , $ .1.1f < < ? .25 ; California pears , per case , $4.70@4.80 ; iprlcots , | > cr case , $4.IJ < ) @ 4.70 ; peaches , per asc , $5.70firi.bO ( ; white cherries , per case , 0.00 ; Cal. jilums , per casi'4.aO ( < f 4.40 ; blueber- , -lb goosclrcrries , per case , $3.25(33.85 ( ; 2-lb itring beans , per case. $1.80rfl.85 ( ; 2-lb Lima beans , per case , $ l.OOVjl. ( lft ; 2-lb marrowfat > eus , $2.00 ( < i2.70 ; 2-lb early Juno pear , | > cr aso , $2.85 ; 3-lb tomatoes. $2.50 ; 2-lb corn , vj.30u2.40. ( DKIED FIIUITS Apples , new , J s , 7@7 } c ; ! Vai > oratcd 50-lb ring , 9 } @ 10e ; raspberries , mipo rated , 27i28c ( ; blackberries , evuK | > rutcd , "SIOc : pitted cherries , 22fe2tc : ; Eastern , peaches , new , 8S8J ( e ; California > euehcs , new , } s , 14 ( < i'l5e ' ; ovapor- itcd , peeled peai'hcs , 2yj30o ( ; evupor- itod. unparcd , 20u21e ( ; new cur rants , 7 ( ,7 c ; prunes , new , 5tf5.fc ( ; ; Itron , 25c ; raisins , London layers , $2.45@ 1.50 ; California loose muscatels , $2.10 ( < f2.15 ; tew Valencia. SWsvI.f'e ; Valencia raisins , 7 > f S8c ; California L. L. ruisins , $2.40 ( 2.50 ; California C. M. ruisins , $2.00@2.10. KKFINKD LAUD Ticrco , 7J c ; 40-lb square cans , 7 , c ; fiO-lb round , 7&e ; 20-lb round , ' { a10lb \ pails , 8c ; 5-lb pails , SVc ; 2-lb BU'OO'MS Extra 4-tlo , $2.00 ; No. 1 , $2.00 ; No. 2 , $1.75 ; heavy stable , $4.00. Sviiui1 No. 70 , 4-gullon kegs , $1.50@1.55 ; Jew Orlenns , per gallon , 3SS4 ( ( > cj muplo syrup , half bbls , "old time" per gallon , 80c ; -gallon cans , per doz , $10.50 ; half galen cans , > er doz , $ ti.25 ; quart cans , $ ; l2"i. STAIICII Mirror glass , 5J c ; Graves' corn , ij c ; Oswego gloss , Oc ; Oswego corn , 7e. HOLLAND HKKUINOS 73@70 per keg. WOODENWAIIE Two-hoop palls , per doz. , $1.45 ; three-hoop pails , $1.70 ; No. 1 tub , $0.50 ; N'o. 2 tub , $ .50 : No. 3 tub , $4.50 ; wash- wards , $1.40E2.75 ( ; assorted bowls , $2.25 ; No. 1 churns , $9,00 ; No. 2 churns , $3.00 ; No. } churns , $7.00. PICKLES Medium in bbls , $7.00 ; do in half ibis , $4.00 ; small , in bbls , $3.00 ; do in half bbls , $4.50 ; gcrklns , in bbls , $9.00 ; do in half bbls , $ . " ) .00. CorpCE Ordinary grades , 19)f@21c ) ; fair. i < 7MO > c ; prime , 21S21J ( c ; fancy green and yellow , 23@'J5o ; old government Java , 2S@ ( Oc ; interior Java , 25u23c ( ; Mocha , 2S@30c ; ArbucKlo's rousted , 24'i'c ; McLaughlin's XXXX , 24fc ; Dilworth's , 24c ; Ucd Cross , one. 05c. 05c.HOPE HOPE Seven-sixteenths. ll@ll4'c. .TOIIACCO Lorillard's Climax , 45c ; Splen did , 45c ; Mechanic's Delight , 44c ; Lcggett & Meyer's Star , 450 ; Cornerstone , " ( Je ; Ilrum- fiiond's Horseshoe , 4-lc ; J. T. . 40c ; Sorg's Spearhead , 44o ; Catlln's meerschaum , 31c ; Cutlin's Old Style , 2Du. conf. A , -.ivivvh" . j . . . . " . vy , .i loaf , 8 $ 8fc ! ; powdered , 8@S ) c ; New Orleans , 5J < $ "tftfe. „ CUACKHHS. CAKES , Eiu Prices subject to change. Soda , 5c ; soda ( city poods ) , 7c ; soda suowllakcs ( m tins ) , lie ; soda dandy , 0) ) < c ; soda wafers ( in tins ) , 10c ; soda zephyr , 8c ; city oyster , O tfc ; excelsior , 7c ; farina oys ter , 5 } o ; gem oyster , fie ; monitor , 7o ; cracker meal , 5J o ; grahum. 8c ; grnhnm wafers , lOc ; graham wafers In pound pack- uges , 123 < jC ; hard bread , 5c : milk , 7' c ; oat- incul. 8c ; oatmeal wafers. lOc ; oatmeal wa fers in Ibpkgs , 12Xc ; animals , 12c ; boliver Ringer ( round ) , 7c ; crcanv , 8c ; Cornhill , lOc ; cracknclls , ICc ; frosted cream , 8 > fc ; Kinger snaps , 80 ; ginger snaps ( city ) , Oc ; lionio made ginger snaps In boxes , 13c ; homemade made ginger snaps ( i lb cans ) per dozen , $2.50 ; lemod cream , 8c ; pretzels ( hand inado ) , llKc ; assorted cakes and Jumbles , 11 'e ; assorted fingers , 15c ; afternoon tea ( In tins ) per dozen , $7.00 ; banana lingers , 14c ; butter jumbles , UJic : Brunswick , 15c ; brandy snaps , 15c ; chocolate drops ( new ) , ICc ; chocolate wafers , 15o ; Christmas lunch ( in tins ) , per dozen , $4.50 ; cocoa taffy snaps , 14c ; coftec cake , 12c ; Cuba Jumbles , llj c ; cream puffs , 20u ; egg jumbles , 14u ; ginger drop * , lie ; honey jumbles , HKc ; Jelly ling ers , 15o ; jelly wafers , 15c ; jelly tart ( new ) , 15c ; lady fingers , I3o ; vanilla bar , 14c ; vu- nllla wafers , 14c ; Vienna wafers , 1 dozen packages In box , per dozen , $2.50. All goods packed in cuns 1 ct. per lb. ad vance except Snowflake and Wafer Soda , which is packed only in cans. Soda In 2 lb. and 3 lb. paper boxes , yt cent per lb. advance ; all other goods , 1 cent per lb. advance. Soda in 1 lb. paper boxes , 1 cent per lb. advance. The 2 lb. boxes are packed in cases holding 18 in a case. The 3 lb. boxes are packed in cases holding 12 in a case. The 1 lb. boxes are packed In cases holding 30 in a cuso. Ono lb. Graham aud Oatmeal Wafers packed 2 doz. in u case. Show Tops for boxes , with glass opening to show goods , 75 cents , Cans for Wafer Soda , $3.00 not returnable. Cans for Snowflake Soda , $0.00 per doz. Tin Cases with Glass Face to display the goods , 75ccnts each. No charges for Packages except for cans and re turnable cases. Olass Front Tin Cuns and "SnowHuko" Soda Cans are returnable at prices charged , Dry Gnocla. DUCK West Point 29 In. 8 oz. , lO c ; West Point 29 In. 10 oz. , 12 } < o : West Point 10 in. 12 oz , 15c ; West Point 40 in. 11 oz , Itio. Checks Caledonia X , OYc ; Caledonia XX , 10 } o ; Economy , OJ c ; Otis , S c. KENTUCKY JEANS Memorial , 15c ; Canton , ISC ; Durham , 27Kc ; Hercules , 18c ; Leaming ton , 22 > .Jc ; Cottswold , 25c. CHASII Stevens'B , Oc ; bleached , 7c ; Ste vens' A. 7Mo ; bleached , 8 oStevpns' \ P , 8 > fc ; bleached , 9 } < Jc ; Stevens' N , Uitfc ; bleached , 10 } c ; Stevens' S H T , 12J < c. MISCELLANEOUS Table oil cloth , $2.85 , plain Holland , 8c to Oo ; Dado Holland , 12Jtfc AMIIIUCS Slater , 4 Woods \ , 4Kc ; Stan dard , 4) c ; Peacock , 41 COMFOIiTF.IIS fO.IXX BLANKETS White , $1.00@7.50 ; colorcd$1.10 8.00. BLEACHED SHEETING Berkeley cambric , No. 00 , 9 > o ; Best Yet , 4-4 , O c ; butter cloth OO , 4 } c ; Cabot , 7) ) < Tc ; Farwell , 8c ; Fruit of Loom. 9o ; Grccno G , tic ; Hope , 7Jfc ; King Phillip cambric , lie ; Lousdalo , llj < fc ; Lons- dale , bjfc ; Now York mills , . lOJ c ; Pcppcrell 42-in , 10) < cPeppcrcll,40-in. ; , llJ4e ; Pcppcrell 0-4 , 15o ; Pcppcrell , 8-4 20c ; Pcppcrell 9-4 , 22c ; Pcppcrell , 10-4 , 24c ; Canton 4-4 , Stfc ; Canton , 4-4 , 9 } < o ; Triumph , Oc ; Wamsutta , lie ; Val ley , 5c. FLANNELS PlaidRaftsman , 20c : Goshcn , 82 ! < c ; Clear Lake , 32)fu ) ; Maple City , Whito-G H No. 2 , Jf , 21c ; G H No. 1 , Jf , 27 c : B H No. 2 , % , 22Ku ; B H No. 1 , V , 'Mo ; Quecheo No , 1 , % . 42c ; Quecheo No. 2. V. 37 } < ; Ouecheo No , 4 , % , 32Kc ; Anawan lake ; Windsor , 22 } Jo. Hed-C , 24-inch. 15 c E , 24-inch , 21c ; GG , 24 Inch , 18c ; H A F , 25c : J u F , jf , 27Kc ; G , ? 4' , a-ic. PitlNTH SOLID Cni.oiis Atlanta , Slater , 5c ; Berlin Oil , Ue ; Garner Oil , 0@ 7c. PINK AND Honns Uichmond , Oc ; Allen Oc ; Uiverpoi.it , 5o ; Steel Klver , Oc ; Richmond mend , Oo ; Pacific , UclMioo ; ) BLUE Wash ington , Oo ; Century Indigo blue prints , lOo American , ( ! } < ; Arnold , Gfc ; Arnold B lO o ; Arnold A , 12c ; Arnold Gold Sea lOXo , DHF.SS Charter Oak , 4 ! c : Hamapo 8 > { u ; Lodi , 7 c ; Allen , BJtfc ; Uichmoiu 5 } c ; Windsor , Go ; Eddystone , Oc ; Pacific Cc. COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dls , v , ww , 41U , 11 , tUU , llV , ( UU , ifc , * VU No. 10 8 } < c ; 40 , lOKe ; 00. 12K" ! SO , 15o ; SO colored , lOc ; 50 , colored , 12c ; 70 , colored , 15c Bristol , 13/o ; Union Pacific , Igo. CAHFET w.ur ; Bebb white , 10 n o ; colored MJfo. BHOW > SIIKETINO- . Atlanta A , 4-4 , 7 > fc Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7c : Atlantic D , 4-4 , O' c ; At lantlo P , 4-4 , BJfo } Aurora LL. 4-4 , 5 > 4'c ; Au rora C , 4-4 , 4 > < c ; Crown XXX. 4-4 , Hooticr LL..4.-4 , SJfc ; Indian Head , 4-4 , > awrenco Lit , 4-4 , fi'lc ; Old Dominion. 4-1 , BJfcS Popperell R , 4-4 , tlVi Peplierell O , 4-4 , to ; Pepporull , 8-4. I8c : 1'opperrll , 9-4 , ViOo ; 'eppcrell , 10-4 , ! Mo : Utloa C , 4-4 , 4'jc ; Wn- hnsett , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora R , 4-4 , O'-jc ; Aurora { , 4-4. Oc. BATTS Standard , 8c ; Gcui , 10'i'c ; Beauty , \ " , Henfrow dross , . . _ , „ . TICKS Lewiston , flO-in. , 12 < 4'e ; Lowlston , 32-ln. , IM'tfe : York , 32-ln. , 14c ; Swift river , 7 , ' < c ; Thorndlke , OO , 8l/c : Thorndlke , EF , 8i < c ; Thorndike , 120 , 9'c ; Thorndlke , XXX 15c ; Cordis , No. ft , } { e ; Cordls , No. 4. lie. lc ; Beaver Creek , CC , lOc General Markets. all articles < } iwtcd In this col- tmn arc wholesale and are corrected dittt\/ \ / . tatcn on flour and feed arc Jvblicrx iirtrcn ind arc not retail. Prices on yniln arc hose paid Omaha millers delivered. Quo- atloiiH on hides and furs are MiocIrt'ii ( / by lie leading purchasers of the cltu. FLAXSF.ED Has advanced and Is quoted at 1.25 per bushel. Gmtx Wheat , No. 2 , OOc ; rye , f > 5c ; corn , ellow , 40@43e ; corn , white , 42@45c ; ats , 29@30e ; barley , GO GSe , according o quality. FLOUH AND FEED There are no radical hanges in prices on Hour mid feed and the irosi > ccts are that these lines will remain iteady. Minnesota patents. $2.liO per wt ; Kansas ami Missouri fancy winter mtents , $2.GOf2.75 ( ? per cwt ; Nebraska pat- iiits , $2.45jc2.50 ( per cwt ; rye flour , 2.00 per ewt ; wheat graham , $1.75 per cwt ; rye graham , $1.40 per cwt ; NewYotk buck- vhcat , $0.50S7.00 ( per bbl ; Excelsior , $0.00 per bbl ; ready raised , $5.00 per 100-lb case ; cornmeal , yellow , ( UNKgl.lO per cwt ; white , $1.10@1.15 per cwt ; bran , $10.00CS17.00 per on ; screenings , $14.00 ( 15.00 per ton ; horn- ny , $3.25 per bbl ; chopped feed , $20.00 per on ; chopped corn , $1',00 ) per ton. COAL Egg , $10,50 ; nut , $10.50 ; range , 10.50 ; walnut block , $4.25 ; Iowa lump , $3.75 ; Iowa nut , § 3.011 ; Illinois , $45.00@4.75. HIDES Green butchers' , 5tf5Jic ( ; preen cured. 00'/c ; dry flint , lie ; dry salt , 8c ; green calf skins , 7c ; damaged hides , two- thirds price. Tallow 3/c. ! Grease Prime vhite , 4Jie : yellow , 3c ; brown , 2c. Sheep iclts , 25ci$1.00. ( Finn Ruccon,10@00c , ; mink. 1C ® lOc ; musk rat fall , 2@7c ; striped skunk,5g25c ( ; mountain volf , No. i , $1.50 .2.50 ; No. 2 , prairie , 50 ® 5o ; No. 2 , 25t40c ( ; ' ; beaver , No. 1 , per lb , $2.00@3.00 ; No. 2$1.00@1.25 ; otter , $1.00ig ( 1.00 ; dry deer skins , 20 ( ii5c : per lb ; dry auto- ope , elk , moose , etc. , 15@25c. Diiuos Remain steady. Ammonia carb,14c ; camphor refined 30ocoppcrasll4cci-eamtur- ; ; ar , 45c ; cream tartar powdered. 20iJ5c ( ( ) ; In- ligo Madras , 75o ; morphia sulph , $3.50 ; soda ) i. carb , ( J5a ; Venice turpentine , 4lc ) ; gum opium , $4.05 ; quicksilver , 80o ; qninine , Ger- nnn per ot , 55c ; wax , yellow , pure , 82c. OILS Firm. Carbon , 12@25c ; linseedboiled , 02c ; linseed , raw , 5'.io ; castor , No 1 , ' 1.20 ; No. 2 , sl.12 ; sperm whale , $1.00 ; fish , junk 35c ; neatsfoot extra , 55c ; ncatsfoot No. . , 50c ; gasoline , 74 degrees , 15c ; W. S. lard , Kic ; No. 1 lard , 50c ; No. 2 lard , 50c ; W. Va. zero , 14c ; W. Va. summer , 12c : golden No. 1 , lOc ; golden No. 2 , 25c ; whale , 20c ; nnptlm 1 degree , 14c ; headlight 150 degrees , 12o ; head- ight , 175 degrees , 15e. PAINTS White lead , pure , OJ c ; whlto cad , fancy. OJ c ; putty , in bladders , ! ! ; Paris white , 3c ; Whiting , common , 2 > c ; red lead 7c WINDOW OLASS Single , fi0.10ij0.5 per cent ; double , 70 and 5 per cent discount. Sl'iniTs Cologne spirits 18S proof , $1.10 do , 101 proof , $1.12 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , $1.10 ; do , 18 ; proof , $1.09 ; alcohol , 183 proof , per wlno gallon , $2.10 ; redistilled whiskies $1.00M.50 ( [ ; fin , blended , $1.50(32.00 ( ; Kentucky bourbons , ? 2.000.00 ( ! ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , $2.00 ( < t0.50 ; Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , $1,50(33.00 ( ; brandies , imported , $5.00S.50 ; domestic , $ l.303.00 ( ; gins , im ported , $4.50iiGOO ( ; domestic , $1.25f ( 3.00 ; champagnes , imported , per case , $2S.OO@ .33.00 ; American , per ease , $10.00@10.00. HKAVV HAUDWAHE Prices are unchanged. Iron , rate , $2.00 ; plow steel , special cast , 4 } e ; crucible stcol , 0 > 4/c ; cast tools , do , 12(5 ( > 15e ; wagon spokes , per set , $2.00@5.50 ; hubs , per set , $1.50 ; felloes , sawed dry , $1.50 ; tongues , each , 7uc ; axles. each , 75o ; square nuts , per lb , G@13c ; cell chain , per lb , 0 } < f@13c ; mclleablc , 8@10o ; iron wedges , Go ; crowbars , Oc ; harrow teeth , 4c ; spring steel , 4@5c ; Burden's horse shoes , $4.75 ; Burden's mule shoes , $5.75 ; barbed wire , in car lots , $4.00 per 100 Ibs ; iron nails , rates , 10 to 50 , $2.40 ; steel nails , $2.50. LEATHF.H Steady ; oak soles , 35g87c ( ; hem lock slaughter solo , 20B29c ( ; hemlock dry sole , .21(3270 ( ; hemlock kip. 05@90e ; A. & B. run ner kip , 50@75c ; A. hemlock calf , 90c@l.(8 ; A. A. hemlock calf , "backs , " 75c : hemlock upper , 19@24o ; English grain upper , 25c ; hem lock grain upper , 2I@24c : Tamplco B. L. Morocco , 29@33c'Tampico ; pebble , O. D. Mo. , 29@32o ; Curacoa , B. G. Mo. , 80c ; Simon O. D. Mo. , 2.75@3.X ( ) ; Dangola kid. 30fe35c : X. M. Kangaroo , 40c ; American calf kid. 32c. ; Griescn kids , $3.00@3.50 ; French call kids , $3.25 ; oak kip skins , 80c@$1.00 ; oak cull skins , $1.00@1.25 ; French calf skins , $1.25 ® 2.00 ; French kip skins , $1.10@1.50 ; Hussltt linings , $0.00@0.50 per doz ; pink , cream and white linings , $7.50@10.00 per doz ; colored toppings , $9.00@11.00 ; green ox pelts , 3@8Jc kip skins , ( unfrozen ) , 4@0c ; cowhides , 31 Dry Lumber. DIMENSIONS AND TIMIIEUS. - ' , 14 & IB ft. 18ft. 20ft. 28ft. 2x4 . 17 60200021 OL-J 2x8 .17 mis ; : oo2i ! 00.2:1 : 0023 ZxH .17 50.20 00'21 ' (1022 WI22 2x10 .17 W)200n21 ; OH 21 00 23 2xl2 .18 2.20 ' TO 21 00 24 00'24 ' 4x4 CXS . .1H M.lll M-M MZl ( U 2:1 : DOAIIDS. No. 1 com , s 1 . $ DOAIIDS.No. . 3 com , s 1 s.$15.50 No. 2 coin , sis. 17.00 No. 4 com , sis. 13.50 FF.NCINO. No. 1 , 4 & 0 in 12 & ' 14 ft. , rough $19.50 No. 1 , " " 10 " 19.50 No. 2 , " 12 14 " 10.50 No.2 , " " 10 " . . . . . . . . . 18.00 BIDIKO. - A , 12,14 & Iflft.t21.ft0 I C , 12 , 14 & 10ft.$15.50 B , " " 20.501 D , " " 12.50 FI.OO1IINO. A 0 in White Pine $25.50 HOin " " 33.50 Cflill " " 80.1H ) DOin " " 21.50 EOin " " ( ScV. Fencing ) 19.90 0 in. Drop Siding 50c per M extra. CEILINd AND rAKTITION. 2dcomjf In White Pine Ceiling $34.00 it ti ii Ii OU ( Ut ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Clear , % in Norway " " . . . . . . .I m00 2dcom. ; ' 'in " " " 14.00 STOCKIIOAI1D3. A 12 inch sl s $15.50 B12 ' 89.20 C12 " 30.00 D12 " 28.00 No. 1 com , 13 in s 1 B , 12 ft 20.50 ' " " 14ft 19.00 " " " 10ft 18.50 " " " 10 , 18,20ft 21.50 No.2 , " " 19.00 " " " 12 & 14 ft 1H.50 " " " 17 ft 17.50 12 In Grooved roofing , $1 per M. more than 12 in Stock Boards same length. 10 In Grooved Rooting samu price as 12 in Stock Boards. snip LAP. No. 1 Plain 8 and 10 in , $19.00 No.2 " " " 17,50 No. 1 , OG , Sin 19.50 risismsn. 1st and 2nd , clear , 1 , IJfin s2s $31.00 " " " 1 ,2 51.00 3d , clear , 1 in , s 2 s 44.50 " D < , IJ-a , 3 ill 4000 A , select , 1 in sin 40.IK A , " Itf , IK , 2 In s 2 s 44.00 B , " lins'Js 80.W B , " IK , 1H , 2 In s 2 s 87.00 MIUTIIUKN YELLOW 1'INE. Com. 4 Inc h Flooring - . . . $17.51 Star " " 21.50 1st and 2d clear 4 inch Flooring 23.00 Six Inch 40o less. Clear < T Inch Ceiling 21.50 Clear % inch Partition 25.00 Clear & inch , Partition $2 above Jtf inch Ceiling 2.X < Clear Finish , 1 and l > i Inch , s 2s 29.IX Clear Finish , IK 'l'- ' inch , s 2 30.00 Clear Corrugated Ceiling , 4 Inch 25.M Clear Yellow Pine Casing and Base , . . 27,00 VOI'l.All LUMIIEU. CPoplarBx. Bds. Xln. , s2s 535.00 " " J < in. Panel , g 2s 27.IK " " Corrugated Celling , K. . 2 < i.50 I1ATTENH , WELL TUIIINO , 1'ICKIITS. O. 0. Balls , tyf in C5o ; Xrt , s 1 s , 40ej an Well Tublnp , l\.ft M , ami Bev , , I2.1.W : Plclc cts , D. A B. Flat , $20.50 : D. H. S i. , $21.50. flllMII.KS HTM. XX clour. $10 ; extra "A . $2 > 5 ; A * stand- nrd No. 6 , No. 1 , $1.4 , * ; lath , r.53. 1'0 TX. White cedur , 0 In , , > 4 s. 12'vc ; 9 In. qrs. , 1'ic ' ; whlto cedar , : , < „ in > s Illvc : S in. irs ltc ) : white rodnr , 4 in. round , (0 ( > to ; Ten- lessee red oodur , ] ) lit , 14c ; split ouk , lOc : 0 n. , 7 in. and 6 in , ) ' ( each ) 5 > ft. , round W.C. ) osts o CHURCHILL PARKER , Dealer in Aericoltural Implements. Wagons , OurtacM M4 Butt ! * * . JOIIM fllrt'et , ! l twt Q 9th nj M&iOintDft , Xebtftikft. LTNINOKRi"M ETCALF'CO" AiricDltorallmplenieots ODS.Carriacos . , Etc. Wbolcitlt , Ontht , Nbrttk * > P AR LIN foR EN DOR in Wb lui D l r Ml , KB. 101 ( ml OTJ < m * fin virtb ' P. P. MAST * CO. , Kannfacturers of Buckeye Drilli Seeders. te'UTva ' | b r . ; s ! ' WIN ON A IMP'LENlENTCb. . WbalMtl * Ajflicnlforal Implements , Waps JBnatffl Corotr lltb and Nlcbolii HtratU. OMAHA IIUANCII. J. F. SEIBERLINO It CO. , ( Akron , Ohio , ) Harvesting Machinery and Binder Twine , V. K. Mead , .Mantinvr. 1213 l.vuvcnworlh t. , Ouiiihft Artl > t ' MatarlaUi. A. HOSPE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1411 Donf ! BUoat , Otntba , N br k . Boots and Shoes. W. V. MORSE & CO. , Jobbers of Boots and Shoes. IA1 Vanamdt. , Omaha. N b. Manufactory , Etr t , Boitoa. KIRKENDALL , JONES & CO. , ( Buccauora to Reed , Jontu A Co. ) Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes A < enU ( or Hoiton Bubbir Bko ( M. not , 1104 A1106 llarnayBt..O iahaM kr ka. , ( pices , Cto. CLARKE COFFEE CO. . Omaba Coffoa and Bploe MIIIi. Teas , Coffees Spices , Baking Powder , narortng KitraeU , I-mundrj Blue , InKtc. . 14U-1UI lUnuT Btraat. Omaka , Mebratka. W. L. WRIGHT. Aient for the Manufacturers and Importer * of Crockery , Glassware. Lamps , Chimneys , Etc. Office , 317 S. 13th St. . Omaha. Nebraska. ' _ Commission and Storoga. D. A. HURLEY , . Commission and Jobbing , atUr.Bffi and rrmluce. ConilintuenU iollclted. UtMau > rter < for Htonewara , U rrj Iloiei and Orape Baiketa. Ul > Dodge St. . Omaha. RIDDELL& RIDDELL , Storage and Commission Merchants , WIEDBMAN & CO. , Produce Commission Merchants , Poultry. IlultiT.Ganie , Frulti , Elr. KOSoulh Uth Si , Ouiaha , Nebriika. CEO. SCHROEDER & CO. , ( Suc'ceuori to McShane A Bcbroeder. ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage . . , _ . . , Omaba. Nebra .b. . ' Coal. Coke and Lime. OMAHA COAL. COKE & LIME CO. . Jobbers of Hard and Soft CoaL M Bonth Uth Slr t , Omaba , Nebraska. J. J. JOHNSON & CO. , Manufacturers of Illinois White IM am flt. . Oaaba. Meb. Telephone ill. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. . Shippers of Coal ani Cote. Ut toutb Ulh Bt. . Onaka , Meb. Ooodji and llotlenii. M. B. SMITH & CO. . Drr GooHs , Fimiistiiiii Goods and Notions lid aod UMDouglu , Cor. lllh Bl. , Omaha , N b. KILPATRICK-KOCH DRY GOODS Co Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goods.NorioQi QeaU' mmliblnf Ooodi.Cnmer lltb and llarn Omaba , Mebraika. Furniture. DEWEY & STONE. Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Farnam Btreet. Omaba. Nebraika. Groceries. PAXTON , GALLAQHCR * CO. . Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , TO , TOT , 1W aad Til B. 10th St. , Omaba , Ne . McCORD. BRADY * CO. . Wholesale Grocers , IMh and Leavenwortb Btreete , Omaba , Nebraika. D. M. STEELE A CO. . Wholesale Grocers , m. mi and ira Haner Street , Omaba , Web. ALLEN BROS. . Wholesale Grocen , 1111 ami 1111 Ilareer Street , Omaba , Hek. Hardware. LEE. FRIED * CO. , Jooliers of Hardware and Nails , Tlnwan,6beet IronEtc. Atenta for Howe Bcalei.and Miami 1'owder Co. , Omaba , Neb. HIMBBAUGH * TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware & Scale Repair Shop Itecbanlci' Tool ! and Buffalo Bcalei. U06 Uooilaa-it. Oraaba , Nebraika. RECTOR * WILHELMY CO. . Wholesale Hardware , 10th and Hlrner Bit. , OmahaNeb. : Writern Agent ! tot Auitlo 1'otder Co. , Jnffenon 8t el Nallt. rilr- bankB Standard ttcalea. Heavy Hardware. W. J. BROATCH , Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , priogi , Wagon Stock , Hardware Lumber , etc. 1)09 and Hll Uarney Btrett. OmaUa. JAMES A. EDNEY. Wholesale Iron and Steel , Taion and Carrlaiia Wood Block , Uaarr Hardwank Bto. Ull and Uu Learenwortb St Omaba , Neb. nats , caps , tto. W. L. PARROTTE A CO. , . Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods. HOT Ilarnor Btre t , Ouaba , Neb. Lumuer. OMAHA LUMBER CO. . All kinds of Building Material at Wholesale Utb BUect and Union I'aclfla Track , Omaba. LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash , Doon , etc. T rdi-Com ir Tth and Uouglai ; Corner WV _ , , and Doujlu. ' C.N. DlETil" Dealer in all Kinds of Lnmber , lltb and California SU. , Omaha , Nub. FRED W. QRAY. Lnmtcr lime CoiBGui Etc Etc , , , , , , , Cora.i Ctli ted Dauglti SU. , Omiiluu T. W. HARVEY LUMBER CO. , To Dealers only , CfcCC , ItW fwau glf V. OnUIW J I JOHN A. WAKEFIEUV" Wholesale LnmliBr , Etc , * 4 and Aracrtdtn Fortltnd Ca C. * * Utdmlfe CerotBl lC Lumbor. CHAS.R. LEE , Dealer In Hardwooi Umber , . , . TocaC4rpeU na parquet Fooflni. tth tnd " 7 Millinery and Notions * " " " " "Y. "b BERFELDER" * co. , Importers & Jobbers of Millinery & fttgp | m. IIP ( ! IHIWiulh 11U Slr t. , Notion * . J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO-f ' Wholesale Notions and Fnrnishini Gooft < oa ind 406 gonth 10th Btmt , Oi h . * VINYARD ft SCHNEIDER , Notions and Gent's ' FarnisliiiiE Gools , 1106 Htniir Btrtfl , Om h . Oil * . , fc CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholesale Refined and Lubricate Oils , All * QrtM , eta. , Ontk * . A. 11. Dlthop , M IM * . Papor. CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers , ITT nice Hock of nrlntinc , wrtpplof m vrltlni ptp r , gptclnl tt ntlo ilt n to car load t < * ri. Materials. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION. Auxiliary Publishers , Ruboor Cooao. OMAHA RUBBER CO. . Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods Oil Clotblni and Leather BeUlng. H H Kurnnm Htreet , A. L. STRANO CO. , Pumps , Pipes and Engines , team , watrr , rallwar and mlutni itiinpllet , etc. m and VU rarnain Htruct , Omaha. CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Eteara and Water Buppllei. Hra.lqunrtfri for Maak Kooit & Co'i KOUOI. 1111 i'arnitm St. , Uinahn. " U.S. WIND ENGINE * Steam and Water Supplies , lUllldej Wind Mills , WB anil WO Karnam t. , Omaha , U. K. lion , Acting Manager. BROWNELL & CO. , Engines ; , Boilers and General Machinery , ibul Iruu Work , Htcam Pump * . S w Mllla. UIO-1211 Leayrnworth PI rout , Omaha. Seeda. PHIL. STIMMEL& . CO. , Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seed ? 11 and SI ! Jouot St. , Omaha \ < Storage , Forwardjna [ ARMSTRONG. Storage , Forwarding and Commission , . Jtanch house of tbo HmmeT UUBIT Co. Hu l iai wliol > ale and retnll. law.UlO nu"S:2 Uard dtreetT ! Omaha. T lupbone No. luO. 4t Cornco. EAGLE CORNcE WORKS , Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice , latin Kpunutei . Hronrlf tor. 910 Iloilge ai ud 103 and Id North luth Street. Omaha. : Smoke Staoka , Bollera , Etc H. K. SAWYER , Manufacturing Dealer in Smoke Stacks. Ilrltcblngi , Tnnki and CJeneral Boiler llepalrtng.t 1311 Dodge tttreet , Omaba , Neb. 7 Iron Worka. PAXTON * VIERLINQ , Wrongnt and Cast Iron Building Work Cnglnci , Bran work , icniral foundrymachine an * blackimUh work. OBo * and worki , D. 1' . llf. ac4 > S 11U Btrtet , Omaba. 4 OMAHA WIRE * IRON WORKS. Manufacturers of fire and Iron Railing * I > c k ralli , window gnardi , flower itandi , win lc. , in North 16th St. , Oraaba. an'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes' ] uHi , jail work. Iron and wire fencing , tlgnf , et . ( U Andreen. frop'r. Cor , lltb and Jack.ua Bta. f MOLINE.MILBURN&STOODARD Co Mtiiiufauturen aiKlJobtcru In Wagons Buggies , . Rakes , Plows Etc. Cor. Dili kuu 1'utiinc bl. . . o'uaba. Neb MEACHER & LEACH , General AgenU for Dlebold Safe It Lock Co.'l 1 Fire and Burglar Proof SafesTime Lucia Vault * and Jail Work. Uli Kaniam fltreet. Omafca. H. M. & S.W.JONES. Buccuasirnto A. T. Kenyan ft Co , Wbolciala and retail Booksellers and Stationers , Kino Wedillntt ritallonorj , Ctinnuficlal UUUaaerr. UZi Douglaa bt. Omaba , Neb. Overaila. CANFIELD MANUFACTURINa Manufacturers of Overalls , JMBI PanU , BhlrU , Ktc. 1101 and 1104 CoaglM Bint * Onaha , Ntb. Saah , Doora , Eto. M. A. DISBROW it CO. . Wboleiale Manufacture of Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , Brancb Offlce , 1Mb and Itard SUeeta , Omaba , Neby BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. . Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Moulding ! , Stalr Work and Interior Hard Wood K1a > lab. N. K. Corner Mb and Ixiavenwortb BUe U , Omaba , Neb. OMAHA PLANING MILL CO. , Manufacturers of Mouldings , Sash , Doors , And llllndi. Turning , Stair-work. Bank and Office ) Kitting , . JOtn and Toppleton Atenue. Brewera. STORZ & ILER , Lager Beer Brewers , I IU1 North Klghtoentb Street , Omaba , Neb. 1 aiLPALHEH. H. P. KICBMAN. J , n. DI.ANCUAUDi PALMER , RICHMAN & CO. . Live Stock Commission Merchants , 1 Offloe Ilonra 24 , OppotlU ) Rzchange Ilutldluc , Union block Yardi , South Omaha , Neb. McCOY BROS. , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Market f urnlihe.1 free on application. Htoeknri and feeders furnUhod on good tormi. llef ri > nre ; Oiaa * ha National Hank and HoutU Omaba National , UnluU Stock Yardi. rtouth Omaha. LORIMER , WESTERFIELD & MA LEV Live Stock Commission , noon la , Kicbanna Ilulldlng , Union Block TardJ. Houlh Omaha , Neb. ALEXANDER * FITCH , Commission Dealers in Live Stock , Boom 12 , bpinxlti * Kichantie Ilulldlnir. Union BtoeJI 'arUi , South Oniaun , Neb. UNION"sfobrT YARDS co. . * Of Omaha , Limited , John F , Bofd , Buperlntendenl. JU-JICiOUS AND PERSISTENT AUrurtUInK IIIIH ulwuys ] > > even succccaful , Jlcfoio placliiif nnjr .S'owspnpnr AUvfrtlsIiiif conau > 6 LORD & THOMAS ; ; . inuiii : i\J.iu\T , . -I M K * > U 'o li. ! , blr l , CHICAGO.