, THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ? MONDAY , JANUARY 23 , 1888. nntno In green annals placed bcsltlo the names of Fcrlo's , Cora's nnd Marco Haz/nro'n Ho hnd irjde niluMons to the ix > ct's sad death , like that of Wolfe , or Nelson , or Sir John Moore , nt the dawn of victorious suc cess. His peroration had related to the debt that tbo Greeks owed to England , which gave them such n man. I fancied tlmt be hind the ccclcslastla'9 very expressive nlnlost burning eyes there lurked n thought which sought -this expression : "And yet Knglishmcn In general gave no public sign to-day of recognition of such n man or of his genius.1 ' After the service the Greek minister nnd many of the Greek residents In London pro ceeded to Hamilton Gardens , where they do- iwsltcd on the steps of Lord Hyron's statue the wreath of fresh flower * . Mr. Richard Kdgcumbc , addressing him self to the Greek minister , said , us secretary to the late Lord Hyron commit tee , formed thirteen years ngo under the presidency ot Lord Hasconsllold to do public honor to the genius of Hyron ; "In the name of my follow countrymen , and the Greek minister und Gteek residents , touching the graceful tribute of respect and gratitude , wo feel sure this spontunooiis good will to wards the memory of the English poet which llnds at thl. " moment nn echo both In Athens und Wcssolonghl , cannot full to strengthen the bonds of unity which exists between the two countries. " Tlio Greek minister also placed u lyrc-shupcd wreath of bayleune.s nt nt the foot of the statue and the assemblage disposed. _ Itriiiciiilicrod In Greece. LCoj > i/rlJ/i ( ( 1SS.S lin Jiitiioi C/unfdii Itennrtt. ' ] ATliKNit , Jan. 22. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to the Uci : . ] Tlio hundredth I anniversary of the birth of Hyron Is the themu of enthusiastic articles In nil the Greek papers to-day , which express in the warmest terms the grutltudo of the Hellenic nation , the im-stlmublo services of the Eng lish poet to the cause of national regeneration nnd independence. At Mesoboughl , where Hyron met Us death , the statue erected to him In the center of the town was to-day covered with wrouths of spring flowers and evergreens. _ Colobrntctl nt Vienna. [ Cojlutit | lffi-1 Im James Goiilnn HcmirIM Vinx.N.i , Jan. 22. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the Hun. ] The centeuury of Lord Hyron's birth was celebrated by a grand representation of "Manfred , " with Schumann muJic , both in the Vienna nnd Oflthopcr a houses. All the leading papers of Austria-Hungary publish articles this morning o.i Hyron's llfo and works. German NIIIIH Visit Home * . ICoj/t/rfu/it / J&S8 % Jmnrs Oonlim llen > iett.\ \ ROME , .Tun. 22. [ Now York Herald > Cixble Sncciul to thoHr.u.l The pope to-day received Prince Lowenstein , who presented n deputation of German nuns und , later on , f nn Austrian OMO which included , nmongst > others , Countcss'lJergcn , Countess X.iehy and % Countess Appony. In a long speech the pope exhorted Austrian Catholics to bo in > readiness to net In fuvor of the holy see. "I rely , " said Leo XUI , "on the In- lluenco of all Catholic people to solve the present unsupportable position nnd enable mo to regain the tern porul ixjwer which fs cssentlul to the pros perity of the church. " The canonization of the venerable Grignon of Monfort tofk place to-day. The ceremony was attended by un enormous crowd , und umong others the F.rgnch ambassador was present. After the ceremony tlio pope , followed by the entire tire sacred college , proceeded to the chapel of canonization to pray before llgure Grignon do Monfort. The pope received to-day the general of the Jesuits and a representation ol the order. Dcntli of Commandant BrnsKcur. [ CopuHiilitSS3 lin Jnmen Gnnltn Ilennctt. ] PAIHS , Jan. 22. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the * . BnpJ Commandant Bras- sour , ono of the heroes of the Franco-Prussian war'died yesterday nt the Invalids , aftci eighteen years suffering. Ho occupied a prominent place In Do Nucvillc'a famous pic ture Of "Lo Houreget. " Ho wtis ono of the elevo'tcel defenders of the church shown lr thoiilc.turo in tlio foreground. On the rlghl of the composition is an old wounded ofllcei disarmed , gum-tied bjPrussians. . Tills ofll ccris Brussc'ur. Tlio Crown Prince. 'il ' JSSS l > il Jamrt nimlim Ittnnelt. } litmus , Jan. 22. [ New York Herald Cable -iSpecial to the HIK. : ] A telegram fron San Homo states that the -crown prince to day went out walking and afterwards took i drlvo. Ho Hceined rather paler than usua after beitiK confined to the house for n week During the last few days secretions of sninl particles have taken place fron > that par where , In November , the growth was ob served. 'Theso particles were sent to Prof Vjrchow to bo analyzed. It is added thu such accretions never occur in canceroui discuses. ( i _ AD111FT ON AN ICE FLOK. ThrllUnit Ailvi-nturo of Four Voting Men On Iiiiko Mlctiiciin. CHICAOO , Jan. 32.Tho agonized cries o four young men who after dark found them nelve slowly floating out into Lake Mtchl Ban on a hugb cuke of ice brought scores o people to the piers nt Thirty-seventh stree to-jilght. . The four young follows , Pete Paulson , Thomas Ash , James Johnston am J.'M. ' Whltc-sido , had been out for a holldn ; frolic on the icei Not till 7 o'clock on the ! return did they suspect that the thaw 1m parted the ic'o from the shore and the mas wus breaking up and drifting uwuy. A slice of wiitur llfty feet wide lay between thor nnd land , und the pup was gradually widen lug under the Inllueiieo of the wind thu begun to cover them with spray , while th rising waves dashed off great sections of th ice floe upon which the lives of th luartetto depended. For over an hour th men. women and children on shore wntche helplessly the four running frantically abou on the ice und faintly heard their hours shout's for assistance. Whitesido , who wn unnblo to swim , restrained his companion with dlniculty from Jumping into the fre-ezin Hood ; nnd attempting to swim ashore. Who finally u boat had been brought from th nearest | > olnt , a long distance up town , it wr found to be leaking b.ully und the pollco wh manned it hud to put back , liy this tint Whitesido wus nearly crnzed from cold nn fright and the others were in little botte condition. The irallce , not without peril t themselves , managed , however , to tuko thei off safely ut lust. They were at once carric f to their homes and put to bed , exhausted bi supremely happy. Corruption In Manitoba. Wisxii'Kti , Jan. 22. [ Special Telegram I the UKB. ] Mr. Greenway to-day said tl public might look for some developments i connection with the administration of ufful ; by the lute governhient , which won ! nstoulsh the country. Although In onli only a couple of days , the cabinet hi learned sullU'lent to warrant it in making I thorough investigntion. For instance , thci were only fllt.Hi ; In treasury when the no government took hold , despite the fact tin $250,000 were received from Ottawa n fo I days ago , It being half a. year's subsidy. Tl government was having a statement i ntTuIrs prepared , so that It would kno exactly whc'ro It wus. As to n diasolutlo n short delay might occur in order that may bo learned Just where it wus und win nets the old government was guilty of. Ie > st anil Found. Elmer Davis , n little ten ywar old Inmate the deaf nnd dumb institute , caused t ! managers of that school considerable unxlc yesterday by suddenly disappearing. Wo was sent to the pollco station nnd the litl fellow was found late lost nlgUt wanderl nbout the streets in a half-frozen eondltk ! lo was sent back to the superintendent w tvas greatly relieved at seeing him ugain. WILL FIGHT TIIE MANITOBA , A Merry ftollrond Wnr Promlsod in the Northwest DISPUTING HILL'S SUPREMACY. Tlio Northern Pacific nml Other Itoiuls MnkliiK K.UcnslvoI'rcimrntluns to Invalln the Illuh Terrl- lory'of the Northwest. A TrlaiiKiilnr CuntCHt. ST. PAUL , Minn. . , lnu. W. [ Correspond- cncooftho Bnc. ] Present Indleiitlons uro that next season will witness nn enormous amount of railroad building In the norlhwest , mm this , too , in retaliation ( or encroachment of territory during 1SS7. For several years before the past season thorp imtl been com- parutivo hnrmony between the Northern Pfi- ctllo nnd Manitoba companies , both living up to their bid ugi-cemcnt by which neither waste to build Into the other's territory. This truce- had been In existence sincu the plan of the Canadian Pncltlc , or .ratlior of the syndicate formed to build the western end"of that road , of n llnd runnhiR southwesterly from thu main line west of Winnipeg through Great Fulls to Helena , was abandoned about live years ago. In return for this concession the Northern Pacific at that tlmo nbandoncd its plan to secure a line to Winnipeg for which it had arrangements all made. The syndicate was composed of J. J. Hill , Sir George Stephen , Donald A. Smith nnd two or three others , then owning the Maul- tob.i road , from the time that this agree ment was nindp the ifrcat wheat producing I ted Itivcr valley has been considered the es pecial territory of tho- " Manitoba which kept out the mining country of the mountainous district In Montana. Thus the Northern Pa- cillo had n monopoly on tlio llvo stock busi ness of Montana and only tlio Union Paclllc to compote with in the mining country , while the farmers of the Ked Hivcr valley were obliged to ship their wheat over the Manitoba of which they constantly complained as n grinding monopoly , But now everything is changed. Last year Mr. Hill built a line to Helena and this seems to have been the opening wcdgo of a triangular warfare to be carried on by pre datory excursions into the enemy's territory. No sooner had Mr. Hill announced his plan to build to Helena , which was done in 1SSI5 , than the Northern Pucitlc took up the gaunt let thus thrown down and the Duluth &Man. itoba to thu boundary is the result thus far. The Manitoba runs into Helena over the same route from Great Palls , which was or iginally proposed but abandoned by agree ment. Ho likewise the Northern Pacllio will reach Winnipeg eventually over practically the same route that was before contemplated. Uutthis isjiotall. Thu Manitoba 1ms planned to build brunches in the mining country and is even now gathering information of the extreme northwest , with the intention ol building to Puget Sound. The cost of build ing railroads in mining country is not less than $40,000 per mile , and the Manitoba lines in the llotl river valley arc already encumb ered to this amount. Hut it costs nbou $ S,00 ( per mile to build in the Ked river val ley pruirics , and hero it is that the Northern Pacific has planned to blab its would-be rival in the fur northwest.After the Dulutl : & Manitoba was opened last fall , and without any cut rates , it hauled nearly ono hundred cars of wheut per day out of the abundant harvest that had before that time boon the exclusive business of the Manitoba road. Ol course a part of this was given the now road on account of the independent way in whicl the farmers hud always boon treated by the Manitoba. It has always been the promlncn1 feature of Mr. Hill's management to do as lit liked without regard to the interests of tin people. Hence ho bus acquired the reputa lion of a man bound to havo. his own wu ; whether it coincided with the ideas of his im mediate advisors or not. As long as ho hat the only road in his tcr ritory und.trod on the toes of no other rail road magnate ho wont along swimmingly , bu when other managers found that the bos way to tnako railroad property profitable li to keep pace with its neighbors , and that hi was bound to play a lone hand regardless o couseiiuenocs they concluded to retaliate The Northern Pacillc company has been get ting itself in shape for a fight , and since tlv successful negotiation of the $13,000,000 $ loan has had several surveying parties out run uing a network of lines throughout the Hot river valley. Some of these jiartics are stil on the ground and have suspended labor enl ; on account of. the cold weather. Some o the surveys have boon completed , and as sooi ' as spring opens buildlug'w Uegin. Not enl will the aggressor be attacked , in the Rei river valley , but the Northern Pacillc ha also planned branches leading northwesterl' from its main line to Fort Liuford and Greu Fulls on tlio Manitoba , us well as other spur in Montana. Now comes the triangular part of the fight The Manitoba has pursued the sumo pollc ; as outlined above in pushing its nose soutli westerly at several points , having ulread , reached nWatortown nudf Aberdeen , th former branch being projected to Huron am supposed to be headcjd for Denver. In ad dition the line from Duluth to Wilmur ha been projected to Sioux Falls , getting dangerously gorously near Omaha. Those off-shoots frar ' the alreadyIgr'cat system intersect the Milwaukee waukeo & St. Paul and the Chicago & Nortli western , and the former proposes tp tlgh buck. Its Fargo & Southern is already thorn in Iho sidu.ofthu Manitoba but this i to bo extended down the Hod river and , u every llfteen or twenty miles , brain-he tire to bo thrown out into thu rjch furmin country with the design of gathering up Ih wheat , that year after year has contribute to the Manitoba's earnings. In addition t the invasion of its territory the Milwaukee J St. Paul has no other reasqns for wishing t prod the Manitoba , for it is as natural for ; railroad company to light as it is for n bull dog. Sinca its southwestern extensions hav been in operation the Manitoba has mad some reductions in rates that were hardl , agreeable to thu other , by which Duluth hu boon put on mi equality with Minncapoll with reference to wheat and lumber. As th Manitoba has a line to both cities and th Milwaukee & St. Paul to bi one , these reductions have tendency tti decrease the business of th latter lino. WiU all these new lines i the Hed River valley the Manitoba's whei tonnage will bo mutcriully reduced , a redui 3 tion for which its Montana extension will t little to compensate for a number of years i leust and only with the adjuncts of expensh branches. In the general warfare again ; the Manitoba the Union Pacilio will sytnp thUo if not nsslst , us Us vuluablo business i Hutto was seriously interfeiired with by tl largo cut in freight rates with which tl Manitoba inaugurated its entrance in Helena. These were reduced from $3 fci.JlT ) , llrst-cluss. while the general opinion i railroad men hero was that they were noi too high before nnd that the new road cou huvo obtained Just a much advertising in business , for that nuittcr , by a cut th would not have boon so destructive revenue. The ire of the Northern Pueill tlio Milwaukee' & St. Paul and the Unii Pncitlo bus been excited und the coming se son will show a bitter war of conquest. Funeral ol' AclJntAiit Woods. SCIIUYI.KII , Nob. , Jan. 22. [ Special Tel gram to the HER. ] To-day the Interment the remains of the late Joseph II. Woo- - took placo. The services were conduct under the uusplccs of tha ti. A. U. , and t body was escorted to its final resting pin by tlmt order toge'ther with members of t 1. O. O. R , A. O. U. W. and Company Seconel regiment , Nebraska National guan Mr. Woods wus tjuito uctlvo in nodal , bu ness nnd political circles , nnd in his deu Schuyler loses ono of her best and me highly esteemed citizens. Weather InillciitioiiH. For Nebraska : Colder , fair weather , llg to fresh winds , becoming northerly. For Iowa : Warmer , followed by cold fair weather , followed by snow , light fresh southerly winds , shifting to northwc erly.For For Dakota : Local snows , slightly warm followed in northern | X > rtion by coli weather , light to fresh variable winds , gi orally northerly. . A NAHKOWRS l-'orly People lluvivn Closes Cfnt \ i\ Chicago l-'irc. Cmcvfip , Jnn. 22. About forty people barely escaped being burned to death this morning In a lire that destroyed the greater part of the big apartment and store bujdllng at the south e-ast corner of Oukwood boule vard nnd Cottage Orovo avenue. Not one of the forty had tlmo to give the slightest atten tion to dress , aiid many , Including several ludloH , were dragged out by the dromon Into the frosty nlr , unconscious. Miss Abblo Hlrdsnll , teacher , was found lying in n foot of water In u cellar two hours after the lire started. She had become suffocated nnd lost her way in the smoke. Her recovery Is not expected. T. I ) . MeKIllip , n gentleman rooming In the building , is nlso iu u precari ous condition , the result of Injuries received in making his cscupo. A few of the people had to bo tnkon out of the upper windows by means of ladders. A. P. Tregcut. with his wife und buby , were forced to climb nwn.v from the llames to the roof of the houses next to the burning block. Wiillui'o Li Do- Wolf. n local lawyer , owned the building. His loss is $20,000 ; fully Insured. About $10,000 worth of fnrnlturo und clothing , hnlf insured , belonging to nlno fuinilies , was de stroyed , and 510,000 additional dmnrtgc , also partly insured , was indicted on the stock of the several storekeepers occupying the ground lloor. CitiCAeio , Jan. 22. The residence of Perry Trnmbull , son of ex-Senator Trumbull , was destroyed by lire this morning. Mrs. . Trutn- bull nnd three children had a narrow escape. The loss on the house is but $7,000 , but n number of valuable paintings nnd other articles were irreparably duru'ueed. Other Conllnjrntlons. MANMSTCK , Mich. , Jnn. 22.- Cron's furni ture store was burned at 10 o'clock Saturday night , loss , $15,000 ; Insurance. , 00. A flro- man was killed and four others were seri ously injured by fulling walls. HOI.VOKH , Mass. , Jnn. 2. The cast wing of the Holyoke JCnvelopo company's ' mill burnt to-day. Loss $ IK.,000. The envelope company will lese about $200,000 ; insured for half. The loss of the Holyoke 'Water Power compnnv on the building Is about # 75.000 , und the whole mill is insured for $100.000. H. F. Perkins machine works , nil- joining , lese $23,000. The Moore Filter com pany will lese about $10,000. The envelope company had about f 100,000 worth of stock nnd finished goods on hand. They hud nearly two hundred tons of paper and about two millions of envelopes in the mill. There were fifty envelope machines nnd twenty printing presses in the building besides other valuable machinery. The Tower ilolncnnst. TOWEII , Minn. , Jan. 2J. The search for the bodies of these burned in the boarding house lire was continued to-day , and live moro wore taken out of the ruins , making a total of nine. All are too badly disfigured to bo recognized. Jack Collins , of Superior , Wls. , loft his room before his comrade but did not get out. It Is believed his remains were among those found to-day. _ Henry Hoordecker arrived hero Friday evening nnd is believed also to bo ono of the victims , Letters in his trunk at the station show that his parents live in St. Louis. Itf.is not known how the tire originated , possibly from n cigar stump thrown into the saw dust on the bar room floor. THREW THE PltKAOKEU OUT. Sensational Denouement of a Church How in Pennsylvania. PAIIIVICW , Pa. , Jan/22. [ SpecialTelegram to the Dec. ] The Presbyterian church ol this place needed a now pastor about three months ago , when Kov. John I. Hutler , s young divine from Philadelphia , preached i : sermon before the congregation. He was prepossessing in appearance , eloquent to an unusual degree and made such a favorable impression that a call was immediately extended tended to him to como and preside over the affairs of the church. Ho .accepted , tool hold of affairs with an energy , and quicklj became a social favorite , so great was his popularity with the married nnd unm'nrrici ladies. Fairview church entered upon t period of. unwonted prosperity In the religious ligious annals of this region , nnd the pillar : thereof found cuuso for congratulation ! in the wise selection they Imtl made. II soon began to bo whispered , however that Her. Hutler was too partial to ladle ; society , nnd the growing Jealousy of the male portion of the community was brought to i focus nt watch night services Now Year ; ovo. What actually occurred has beoi screened in the closest secrecy , but it is stated upon reliable authority thnttho.youiif pastor offended several ladles. Great ) , "lndig nation was felt by the menibers."of".tti < church , but no formal action was tiikoiv til u day or so no , when Mr. Uutler wjs- sum mpncd before a bourel of trustees for idvestl gallon. High words arose between thQMuin Isternnd .lames Gilbert , 'president..of tin board , which ended by the former bein ; taken in bund und forcibly thrown from * tin room. The board then formally dischargee him nnd ho was advised to leave town , bu before doing so ho had Gilbert arrested nne held for trial. The reverend.gontlemau re turned to Philadelphia. Growth of Snrjjcnt County. SMinu.s'T , Neb , , Jan. 12. [ Corrospondenci of the L5in. : ] In my letters to thollEB duritij the years 1831 and 1835 from this place , wlioi tills county was comparatively now , I urgci these desiring to locate on lands of their owi to come. There were at that time many excellent cellent pieces of government hind und pointed out their location , of the same nni spoke of the good quality of-tho soil , the in telligent class of settlers here , and oven tool the trouble to show them these lands in pet son. Many settled und are happy und prosperous porous , while now nnd then ono was dlssatis lied and came back east to "wife's folks , ' Custcr county to-day , wo believe , rank fourth in the state , contains over 1,000,00 acres of land , over 33,000 intuibitunts , has in bonded indebtedness , its warrants are wortl 100 cents on the dollar , und will soon bo tin possessor of two , if not three lines of rail ways. The crops have never fuiloi but once , nnd that was dur Ing the general grnshoppor ruid of the summer mor of 1S7I. The town of Sargent is beautl fully located in the vulloy of the Mlddl Loup on the Lincoln & Ulack Hlllabrunch , o the U. & M. railroad. The grading wn finished through the town lute lust fall , an while the r.illroad company endeavored t reach Sargent before winter set In , tie | were unnblo to do so , and stopped work n Arcadia , twenty-three miles southwes Track laying will bo pushed forward us see ns spring opens nnd Sargent will gro' rapidly. This point will bo a division , un besides the bright prospects it 1ms in th future for a county scut , the lurgo feed ynrel for stock , mnchino shops , etc. , which will c. necessity keep u largo force of men ut worl The couytau" tributary is well settled anil hn good soi Pu Sargent draiws her Ir.ulo froi this section. Arlington's AIII.ISOTONNeb. . , Jan. 20. [ Corrcspom enco of the UKK. ] Arlington has ton passei gor and express trains each day and two a commodation freights. It is twcnty-cigl miles from Omaha nt the Junction of tl 9- Sioux City & Pacific- und Fremont , Klkhoi & Missouri Valley railroads. U has thri is elevators that bundle moro grain than ui id other three elevators on the lines. It Is tl nunt beautiful townsito on the Frcmoii 10o Klkhorn & Missouri Valley and it is now si o tied that several prominent railroad men ute 10 to build residences hero. A creamery will 1 under headway us soon ns un exprrlcnci creamery man can bo secured to take charg A mill would bo u paying Investment hero i there has been none ore-ctcd since the bur ing of the Arlington mill. llooinliiK nt Stnnton. ST\NTOX , Neb. , Jan. 111. [ Corrcsponden tit of the UKB. ] Tlio excitement of the liolldi weeks bus passed , und Stuntem can say th the three lust weeks of December und t to llrst week of January have been thobeatbi tness .months the city has ever seen , T streets have been lined with teams from t T , or country until late in the night every day , ai orn twice the amount of grain has been market hereof any two months in previous yeai The price has Y-cachO'l ' Me for corn. Carloml nftcrvarlmtcJl of hngs.hnvo been shipped from Irero to thoOinalm'hnd Fremont packlntj houses : The pcfjehU stores ImVo had an unprecedented " * amount of busi ness. A L'ofiMdcrublo ntinntlty of real cstcto lmsfchangcd hands , The two c-orncr lots opposite the new- Odd Fellows' block was sold tb syndicate to put up a three-story brick 'hSftel us soon ns spring opens. Nnson & Co. ' , dealers In general mer chandise , contemplate putting up u two-story brick store to nAorimodato ; | their growing business , A. Loeflre , the baker , llnds his quarters too small vnnd Is contracting for n line two-story bakery. The Odd Fellows' block Is ready for 'rVcftpuncy , and was dedi cated January U. About two hundred people witnessed the. ceremonies , which were fol lowed by u dance iu IJamb's opera house nnd n flno supper gotteWtr ) ' bv tlio Indies of the Odd Fellows. They realized , over nnd above expenses , $100. _ ) TO THE POPE. How CIcvcinna'H Jnlillro Gift Wns Uc- ocivcit by Ills Utilities * . J3\i.Ti.MUit4 , Jan. M. The following cable- grain was toMny received bi * the Sun : Archbishop Itynn , In presenting the pope's jubilee gift .from President Cleveland , said It wasa tribute puld to his holiness by tlio ruler of 00,000,000 of freotnen ; it ruler fleeted by them , who feels deeply the supreme responsi bility of his exulted station , his dependence \i\mn \ God's providence nnd who has had the wisdom nnd fortitudo'to discharge faithfully nnd conscientiously nil the Important duties devolving upon him. Ha hits publicly declared his solemn conviction that Christianity fur nishes the true permanent basis of real civ ilization and perfect order , representing nt once the moral conquest over the greatest nations of the earth. In the American re public the Catholic church is free to net and to carry out its sacred and beneficial mission for the human race by the fundamental right of constitutional guarantee ns demonstrated in this volume , the appropriate gift of the president. The members of the delegation , kneeling before the pope , received the npostollc bene diction for themselves nnd for their people. Dr. O'Connell , rector of the Amer ican college , presented an album to the pope nnd translated the president's message. Thu pope listened with the utmost satisfac tion , examined the gift carefully , nnd ex pressed his admiration for the exquisite taste nnd the neatness of it6 execution. It was an especial pleasure , ho said , to receive a copy of the constitution of tlio United States. Dr. O'Connell then read to the pope a letter from Cardinal Gibbons in which the cardinal asked for n blessing on the country. The pope then read his reply to Archbishop Ryan , expressing tlio pleasure ho felt in re ceiving the gift from the president of the United States. Ho contitiued : "I have received offerings from all parts of the world : from Italy from Franco , Germany. Hungary , Spain , England and ono from tlio president of the United States a most pleasing ono. " "As archbishop , " ho added , "you enjoy there perfect freedom. Tlrat freedom , we admit , is highly beneficial to the spread of re ligion. As the head. of the church I owe my duty , love and solicitude to every part of the church , but toward America I bear an espe cial love. The care of. your nation is great. Your government is fi'po ; your future full of hope. Your president commands my highest admiration. Hence this offering which I hnvo received to day. has truly touched my heart. It ufTorils mo pleasure to pour forth through yoq to your president and to your great country my most profound sense of appreciation' gratitude. In con clusion , I grant you my blessing , nnd ask that of yourself undof-tho , president of your country. " Turning Ho Dr. O'Connoll , the pope said : "I dcsiro yc > u to make tills known to your people. Describe the solemn manner in which I have received the gift of their president. " Afterward the pope received the delegation privately. Ho was dqlighted with President Cleveland's gift and engaged in conversation with the delegates , fpr. nearly nn hour. The prelates present brought jubilee offerings amounting to $30,000. The delegation in cluded Archbishop.jtyan , of Philadelphia ; Bishop liyan , of'Buno o ; .Hurke. of Choy- oiino , and SadcnbUBh , of Minnesota ; Mons. Quiglcy , of Charleston , S. C. ; Rev. Mae- Donncll , of New York ; Farrilly , of Nasti- vlll ; Custaldl , of Buffalo , and the correspond ent of the Baltimore Sun. A Practical Joker Breaks Up a Chicago cage Poker Party in a , Hurry. CHICAOO , Jan. 2 J. [ Special Telegram to the BEE. ] A report that Finley D. Brown , partner of the well known board of trade speculator , 1C. Robert Lindblom , had been thrown out of n window during a quarrel over cards ut the Century club last night nnd had fallen sixty feet to the pavement , breaking his back , caused much excitement to-day. The report , it seems , has been greatly exaggerated. Brown's injuries con sist of a broken unklo und dislocated knee cup. Ho and C. S. Mcllcnry , an employee of Lindblom. it is told , had promised the hit ter tp let liquor i\nd poker ulono while nssociuted with him. Nevertheless they and others engaged lust night in a quiet game of draw witli champagne accompaniment in the Century club , of which B. F. Hutchitison , father of the president of the board of trade , is a leading spirit nnd Lindblom himself a member. During the progress of the game some joking friend thundered ut , the door for admission , shouting that ho was a deputy sheriff. McHenry nnd Brown , presumably fearing exposure , endeavored to got away by means of Iho llro escape. McHenry suc ceeded , but Brown , forgetting that the lire escape terminated twelve feet from the ground , hud a bad full. Ho was hurriedly put in a cab and such strenuous efforts made to keep the mutter quiet that it wus magni fled in a most tragic and sensational manner , Lindblom will withdraw from the Century club , it is said. Tlio Duntli Itrcorel. S x FitANCisco , Jan. 23. Walter M. Gib son , ex-primo minister of the Hawaiian islands under King Kalnkuuu , died in this city hist evening of consumption. SOUTH OMAHA NEWS. Council mooting to-night. Marshal McCrueken is busy hunting up evi donee in the Jim Snoddcrly arson e-ase. unt it looks us though It would go hurt ! with him No arrests were ! reported up to mldnlghi last night. There was only ono sleeper in the lockui last night and ho was a sick and homelcs : vag. vag.Tho The council will hnvo to mnko some provi sion for e'oul for the lockup , because now tin policemen havu to htutlt ! and llnd thu ticces sury fuel. The question is if ull that ii burned is puld for. i/ > Councilman Smith laB | como back from tin prohibition state and will bo on hand at tin council meeting to-nlUht. Further develop incuts uro expected. ' ' * A Sunday ! school waX'inaugurated ' In Hunt' : hall > ' " yesterday. The Knights of Labor held u meeting 01 Saturday night to cosij | up some unllnishei business. Their regular meeting will bo 01 Thursday next. , , , v An unappreciative . .bartender stopped violin solo by hitting fto , musician over th head with the violin , case yesterday uftci noon , but there were no-urrcsta. A. E. Lompko and wlto were thrown froi n cutter Saturday , butAUoro were no seriou results. t . . The Unlucky Thirteen. Tlio notorious Hello Smith paid her week ! visit to the police station lust evening. Thi time shu wus ace'ompanied In the patrt wagon by Henry Kline , with whom she Im hud a stormy scene. KHnu charged Boll with stealing his pockctboolc containing Jus $13. Hello pretended to bu greatly Incense over the charge und a free , go-uvyou-ple.ih light resulted between the two. in wine there was u mutual exchange of black eye : wcltb und bruises. Dr. Gulhinimlii's Magic. It was a binall audience Hint grouted Dr. . ' E. Geismardo , the magnetic heu'.cr ' , nt tl Grand Oporu house lust night. IJcMde there was n noticeable absence of "tho a dieted , " whom the doctor had previously iv vcrtlscd to cure or benefit by hU mugi Only eau Invalid , a inuu who said ho hud ni used opo at his arms for n period of eight years , presented himself for manipulation by the doctor. After nn exchange of words bo1 tween the doctor and 'n mint In the audience , the light ? In the hull were turned out and the people dispersed. The management of the ojiora house unuounvcs that it will refund the admission money to all who will call ut the box oftlc.o to-day , as none of the uudlrnco seemed to bo satisfied with the exhibition of the "magic healer. " lion Hofjan's WhorcntiotttH , G. T. Ilouacr , secretary of the Young Men's ' Christian Association of Cincinnati , writes to the Hnr. and says that Hen Hogun , the reformed pugilist , is In that city nnd is represented to bo doing good work for the cause of religion. Citiitnrctl n Deserter. J. H. Peul , n deserter from the United States army , was taken into custody lust evening by Officer Johnson , who will get MIO reward from the government for his capture of the fugitive. Personal Paragraphs. Ed Derr , of Creston , In. , Is at the Mlllnrd. tV. T. Clarke , of DCS Molnes , la. , is at the Mlllnrd. Luke Murrin , of Cheyenne , Is nt the Millurd. W. A. Bridges , of O'Neill , Neb. , is nt the Millurd. Thomus Alsop , of Lnramlo , is nt the Pnxton. C. S. Washburn , of Lincoln , Nob. , Is at the Paxton. S. J. Alexander , of Lincoln , Neb. , Is at the Paxton. Albert J. August , of St. Joseph , Mo. , Is at the Paxton. D. K. Rinelmrd , of Columbus , Neb. , Is ut the Millard. John F. Raymond , of Wahoo , Nob. , Is nt the Windsor. Miss Emma Lindcrmaun , of Lincoln , Neb. , is nt the Millard. Thomas O'Day and wife , of Nellgh , Neb. , are nt the Paxton. Messrs. M. II. Daly nnd A. Allan , of How ard , Neb. , are at the Windsor. Messrs. H. B. Cloud and Frank Cloe , of Knoxville , In. , uro ut tlio Windsor. Messrs. J. S. McClury nnd P. Schrvonk , of Norfolk , Nob. , are nt the Paxton. FACTS ABOUT FELINES. low to Curl Cain' Tails and Keep the Anlninls Small. Few York Telegram : Cortnin Brookl yn young ladies hnvo lately boon seized vith a mild mania for keeping cats mall. Ono young lady let the reporter nto the secret and solemnly declared hat it didn't hurt the creatures even a little bit. " "You sec , " she said , "it is done very asily. Now , hero are three eats. Yes , know they look like kittens , but they ro not , all the same. Nellie , the one vith the blue ribbon around her neck , s four years of ago , but you wouldn't hink hho was moro than six months old. lore is old Tom , seven years old on Vasliitigton's birthday , yet he is no arger thnn Nellio. , No , they don't be- ong1 to the dwarf family. " "Well , how is tills accomplished ? " "I give thorn gin to drink. How ? Vhy , I he > ld their nostrils with ono innd and pour a tablespoonful of the pirits down their little throats with the ithor. I repeat the dose three times a , ny for two weeks. It makes them very risky , anel they out un borne queer aperriat times. Often , however , they ro to bleep and hug the lire all day. 'hey elou t get any bigger , and that's ill ! know about the matter. " "What unusually eurly tails your pets lave , " observed the report. "Oil , yes , ' ' she replied , with anima- ion. "Whon tlio kitten is not moro han two or three days olel wo carefully ircuk the tail in three places. The re- ult is that instead of growing straight , t assumes a graceful curve , and is very > ccoining. " How Manning Iteciuno a Cardinal. It is not generally known that Car- linal Manning was a married man. , Vhilo an archeloaeon in the Church of 2ngland ho married Miss Serjeant , vhoso two sisters married Bishop Wil- > erforco hnd Henry Wilberforco , his ) rothor. Mrs. Manning lived only a ow months after her marriage , and her death' fillecl the sensitive soul of her lusband with a deep and lasting sorrow , ind turned him moro and moro to a life of entire spirituality. Cardinal Man- ling was born in 1809 , the same year , hnt witnessed the birth of Alfred Tennyson. His lather was a member ) f parliament and governor oE the Uantfof England. Young Manning , iftor a preparatory education at liar- row , -entered Balllol college , Ox- 'ord , where ho distinguished him self no loss by his scholar ship than by the polish of his manners , tie become a follow of Morton college at , hc early ago of twenty-four , and arch- leacon of Chiohostor before ho was thirty-three. At that ago the future cardinal arehbislu > p seemed very far 'rom the Catholio church , for just at that time ho preached so violent a tirade : igainat "peippory" that Dr. Newman , rt'lio wus then preparing to join that church , declined to t-oo him the next time ho called. While holding orders in the church of England , Dr. Mann ing maintained the spiritual graeo of baptism , and when the doc trine was by Mr. Gorhain' and the view of the latter was nro- nounced tenable by the Church of Eng land , Manning "felt the very ground on which ho stood cut from under him , " anel shaking from his foot thn dust of the chureh of his ancestors , entered the church of Jtomo. Senator Chicago Mail : Senator.John J. Ingalls , of Halibut , , pruhidont of tbo bonato , is a notiuuablo iiguro anywhere. Ho has a high forohctul , over which bis gray gair is combed in what tlio ladies would call a "bang. " From tbo top of his forehead bis head rises like a sugar loaf to a point in the rear high above his earn , which are largo nnd prominent. Ho wears spectacles , and bus a dainty iron-gray military mustache , which gives bun something of a martial air. Tn conversation ho is n rapid , nervous lalkor , with lomarkablo iluoncy of speech and great verbal powor. Ho is a Massachusetts man , and a graduate of Williams college ) , but has bccomo thoroughly impregnated with western ideas in his lonjf roMiloneo in Kansas. In common with many public men of tlio west , bo bcliovcs tbat tbo scat of empire in this country is rapidly be coming ccnlorctl in tbo great valleys of tbo Ohio and Mississippi rivers ami tbo states adjoining thorutn. Not infre quently in talking with eastern friends ho tolls thorn tbat they should climb the Allegheny mouiitains and look over into tbo wohtorn country in onlor tp ap preciate what a great country this is. ItriKhnin YOIIIIK' * Hiirl.il Placn. Chicago Mail : Hrlglmiu Young's body rests in tbo southeast corner of the ai'ro-and-a-quartcr lot on 15 street , be tween Soeemd and Third ICnit streets. . Salt Lake City. This plot of ground , tbo grass upon which is kept in frosli and beautiful sbapo , is a bleiek from the Tithing bfiuuro , in tbo southeast cornoi of which are Iho Lion and IJoo-IIivt house's and the church olllccs. A bigli iron railing encloses the grave , wbicli is nine feet dcop , with three fcot of boliil mnhonrv at the bides and on tbo bottom mnl n 11,000 pound inscription stone ' ni tbo top. Not oven tbo prophet's mime is written upon tbo tomb. Urigban Young was vovy much afraii that tbo doctors would got bold o him after bis death , and PO lin gave ful iiiBtructtoiib about bis rostiiiL' place , am tbo tomb was bn.Ht according to tnoso instructions , i'or n your and 'n half a night gunrdo kept his oycs llxutl on tbo grave. Tlio prophet lies with bis bead to tbo east. Some distance from his foot lies bis llrst iwlygamous wife , Mary Ann Hngoll ; at her Feet lies Emmilino Free , in tbo twith\vent corner of tbo in- i-lewuro. Mary , Van Colt , tin ) youngest of tb prophet's wives , at the time of his death , lias a lonely spot near tbo mid dle of the lot. Tbo graves of tbo wives are marked wlth.hori/.ontal marble slabs inscribed with their mimes and tbo elates of their deaths. A gardiier bus charge of tlio ground and answers ibo questions of strangers. CK3ARS. Oneofthc Tricks Which Has Lctl to ProHcnt Stnto ot'ThiiiKM. Now York Sun : "I read tbo editorial in yesterday's Hvoning Sun on ebeap cigars with interest , " said n cigar man- ufnctimir this morning to a reporter , "I not only nmnuTncturc cigars , but I do a retail business as well. I do not think that tbo quality of tbo popular cigars is as bad as it has been pictured. "Do you think tbat tbo quality could bo made any worse , "asked tbe reporter. "Certainly , " said the cigar man. "It could bo made n great deal worse. " "Then I should give up tbo weed and go back to tbo cob nlpo and oak leaves of my boyhood delight , " said the re porter. "Tho fact of tbo matter is , " said tbo cigar man , "there nro a great many people who do not know a good cigar when they got bold of it. I've tested tbat matter to my satisfaction. 1 have deliberately retailed a 10 cent cigar for 5 cents , and Mmvo had persons looknt ono of these , turn it over , smell it , and declare it was no good , and insisted on the regular olel 5 center. Again , a cus tomer , after smoking my regular grade of 5 cent cignr for a long time , was fur nished some of the 10 cent brand. Tbo aoxt time be came in hero bo said : " 'Why did you change cigars on me ? ' " 'I gave you a better grade and I thought vou would prefer it. ' " 'Well , I don't think there is any thing bolter about it and 1 am sure I don't prefer it. Give mo some of the same stock 1 have been used to having. ' "You sec , the man's taste is thor oughly vitiated. Ho would have made the samo' complaint bad I given him a 20 cent cigar. Tbo better the cigar the worse ho would have considered it. " . "That all may bo true , " replied tbo reporter , "but tbo fact remains tbat most of tbo cigars offered at public prices are simply stinkers. How do you account for it ? " "Tho fact of tbo matter is , " said tbo dealer , "my custom is good and I have to furnish a high grade of cigar. But there is a class of manufacturers and retailers tailors who cater to what-wo call tran- ciont trade. They are the people who get rich in a hurry and retire Irom tbo business. They never expect to see him again , mid unless ho investigates his cigar very closoky ho will not dibe-over tbo inferiority of it until it begins to burn bis tongue. Then bo lires it into tbo gutter with an imprecation. They are the men who have no conscience , who make tbo money and who are re sponsible for the growl about cheap cigars. Wbcro are they ? Everywhere. "Then , again , those tnmbieiit trade follows calculate tbat when a man has smoked tbo Hrst half of a cigar ho throws it away. To clinch an uncer tainty they have manufactured for them cigar the Hrst half of which is filled ith lirsl-class tobacco , while the second end half is filled with miserable pick- ngs. When the man finishes the llrst : ialf ho is in sploneliel humor ; when bo enters on the second half bo finds bis tongue beginning to itch , and the saliva in bis mouth to have a pungent , nause ating tusto , which makes him throw the igar away. He cannot understand it , but thinks that it is all caused by the : iicotino which collects in the ) second lialf of the cigar the nearer it is burned out. out."Oh "Oh , yes ; it is a sharp dodge ono of tbo trade ) and dealers who count al most entirely on transcient trade work t for all its _ worth. It is in a majority of cases this second half of miserable ickings whichls causing most of the complaints about the bad quality of tbo popular cigar. Not every man wakes up immediately to the deception , and ie puffs away on the second half with as much vigor and satisfaction as ho did on tlio first. Sometimes be don't discover it and sometimes ho does , but don't care i lig. Ho smokes to bo smoking , nnd a 'itinkcr ' suits him just as well as tbo choicest brand of Havana would. " An assault-at-arms , executed by la dies , occurred recently at Berlin , Ger many. Five lady pupils of a fencing school , beaded by their lady teacher , all [ Iressed in sky blue , with antique cuirass in silver , went through a series ) f exercises with foil and saber. ' The teacher defended herself blindfolded [ gainst two assailants with foils most lUccessfully. Scarpia nnd Justinian are tbo names of Sarah Hornharilt's two lions , which she lets UIOMS occasionally. Ono of Sarah's frienels always brings bis re volver witii him when be calls. Alexandra Dumas says ho docs not write bis memoirs because be does not care to write about hiniholf , and thee of whom bo would len-o to write , were ho to make such a work complete , would rather ho would remain silent. A flock of twenty-three wild turkeys sailed slowly ewer the village of Ilock- villo , Ga. , the other day and made the mouths of tbo local sportsmen watorbut no ono was lucky enough to bag any of tbo birds. Four of the turkeys were snow white. Leo XIII. always dines alone. No king in Christendom over rccoivcn higher honor than to lie invited to partake - take of a cup of colleo. Beware of Scrofula Scrofula Is probably moro general than any other disease. It N insidious In character , and manifests Itself In running sores , pustular eruptions , bolls , swellings , enlarged Joints , abscesses , sere eyes , etc. Hood's Sarsaparllla expels all trace of scrofula from the blood , leaving It pure , enriched , and healthy. " I was severely aniicted with scrofula , nnd over a year had two running sores on my neck. Took Ovo bottles Hood's Sarsaparllla , and am cured. " C. 15. LOVBJOV , Loncll , Mass. C. A. Arnold , Arnold , Me. , had scrofulous gores for seven years , spring and fall. Ilgud'a Sart3i > : ulla ! cured him. Salt Rheum Isono of the most dhngrce-ablodlseases caused by Impure blood. Ills readily cured by Hood's Saraaiiarllla , the great blood purifier. William Spies , I'.lyrla , 0. , suffered nreatly from erysipelas and salt rheum , caused by handling tobacco. At times lili hands would crack oi > cn and bleed. Ho tried various prep arations without aldj finally tuoU Hood's Sar- Baparllla , and now says : " I am entirely well. " "My son hail salt rheum on his hands and on the calves of his legs. Ho took Hood's Sarsaparllla and Is entirely cured. " J. I ) . Btantou , Ut. Vcrnon , Olilo. Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold lij all dnigtfili. glj eliforjii. Made only by C. J. HOOD & CO. , Apothecaries , ! / > ell , Mail. | OO Doses Ono Dollar A SURE CURE OR NO PAY. Our Magic Remedy WILL POSITIVELY CURE " All Mrlilllllo I > l ci > i ( > .of teffni or lonz "tnncllnir.tt. from tin totlftrrntlnyi.i > mil RIVO written tinnr- Hntrnloruronny rn nor return ! your mutiny. Atnl 'V'1" " " * "J lo lho < > who Imve rmiiloyoil tlio mo t fkllk'il I'lijndclniK , UXH | t'vurr known remedy nml IIATII not licpn curi'tl , Hint you nro the unblecti we nro lookinii for. Vou tlmt himt boon to tlio n < lobrato.l Hot MTIMk-s e > ( Aikunsas , and lnuo lost nil liope o/ tvcoTcry , wo Will Cure You ormfiXonnchnrpo. Oiir romcily l nnkiioirn In onr ono In tlip fo lll ouKMcnf our Company , iituj II It the only iviiuM ) in tlio world tlmt will runyou. . Wtf will euro the mint olxtlnnto rnno In hthnn ono month , Semi i1 ) In roci-nt cn i'i UOPI tlio work. It ( Mho old , chronic. dt ( H > - ealtt l rnso * thftl wo solicit. \\VlmvnriinMliiinilruH nlio liml been iibiuivlonuj by riiyMiMnns nnd | > rououucod Incurable , nud We Challenge tha World to brine iii a case tlmt wo will not cure In lei than onpnionlli. MncjIII , , lilMorjr of mpillolnp. Tnio SpcolHo for SyplilllllpKniptlin\ | , , Sore month , Ac. , ha * U-i'ii lou I fur but never found until Our Magic Remedy wa < 1l covprp < 1 , aid WP arp 1n tltHv1 In i ylni ? It In the only ri-mpily In tlfw world ( but will | > o < ftlTi > ! y euro , liccnnnH tbe latrn nipdlcnl work * , i < ulill liud by the l > csl known antborttlpK , uny tbpro WRI never n trim ( iiocmu lietoro. Our Hcmcdy It tbe only nirdlrlnetn ! Iif > world Hint will cure when ercrylhlnR el 8 lm < [ iillnd. It haahvvn vocmucded by n lurnn uunibcr of Celebrated l'h > lolivn . IT n.\s MCVEH YKT FAILKII TO runs. Vtliy WMto > our tlmo and money with | > atpnt medicine * tuat never bml Mrtue. i > r doctor with pbyMrlann tbat cumin ! euro you. Vou that have tried everything eltenlinuld come to u now nnd rot permanent lellofi you IIKVIT mil uct Itfilmmhvni. Mnrk what wo say : In tlio end you mnatukitonr Ueniedf or NKTKII recover. And yon Hint have bwen alltlctou but R ihoit tlmi > should by all mean * ronio to us now. Many get help nnd tlilnk thuya rw free from the itl ea e , hut In one , two or three yearsaftor.lt PlKiar nuiln In mothcrrlblo form. InvotlKat oar financial Mandlnc through tlio mor- enntlle anenelpe and note thnl wo are fuHy reM'onsI- He nnd our written guarantee ! nrn KOCH ! . We have A IlKMEiir prepared on purely Scientific 1'ilnclplei and wp wlili to repent that It NKVEII FAILS TO CUIIK. All ettera nacredly conildentlal. TIIE COOK KEMIIDY CO. , Omaha , Neb. looms 1C. ami 17 Hellman Bloek. U. S. DEPOSITORY. MAHA , - - NEBRASKA. CAPITAL , $500,000 SURPLUS , 100,000 HERMAN KOUNT/.K. I'roslilcnt. JOHN A. CUKIOHTON , Vlce-t'reslileut. F. II. DAVIS. Cashier. W. II. MEfJQUIKH , Assistant Cnsliler. ) AimiFCOMMEI ) 510 North Mil Street , Omaha , PAID IS CAPITAL , $100,000 GKO. 12. IlAIlKUIt. President. UOIIT. L. GAUUCIIS , Vlco-Presldent. JII. . JOHNSON , Cuslilec IMUUCTOUS : BAMUEI. It. JOHNSON , Or.o.K. IHuKr.it , UOIIT. I. . GAIIMCIIS. W i. SKIVUIW , F. II. JOHNSON. A General Hanking Hu ln s Transacted. In tcrest Allowed on Tlmo Deposits. CAPITAL , $300,000 , Loans Made on Real Estate , School , County and Municipal Honda Negotiated \VM. A. 1'AXTON. President. WM. 0. MAIIU Vice-President itonr. OAHLICIIH , secretary. V. II. JOHNSON , Treasurer. niKECTOItS : \VH. A. PAXTO.V , JlESfUVT.Cl.AUKE. \V. 0. MAUU I" WlLMAMS , HOllT. L. ( JAIIMCHS , S. It. JOIINSO.V , F. it. JOHNSON. M.'R. RISDON. INSURANCE AGENT Morchftnts * National Hunt Ilnlldlnt ' , , Ituora 1 , Ulistalni. Telephone No. 'Jri'i , Otnaha , Nebraska. HFl'llKSFNTI Phccnlx , Ixindon , Knuliiiui Ki.7SVRI.ia Flretnon'K. NewarkN. .1 ! , Ki4tKiniI ( lien's Falls , aU-n'B 1'tilln. N. Y UK.a ! . 4 ( llrard , Plilladelplila , I'u. . IailWW.iU ubtuliubtor Nuw York N. V l. : > IU.r > il ) li FOR SALE BY N. B. FALCONER AND FISHER BROS. Notice. "VT ATTKIl of appllcatlun of John Ilnlino for liquor Niitleo li lieri'liy KlTPn that .liihn Ilnlino dlil upon tbo'Jntb duy of December , A.I ) . IKMT.IIIo lilt iipplkiitloii tiillionmyiiriindeltytoiincllof Onmlni fur lliin ; i ; to m'll limit. aplrltuniiH nnd vliiini * IhiunrB t No. IJH Wllllmn street , Hecond want , Oiiiabn. Neb. , from tbo HrxtduyotJunuary , I'M , to the llrst iliiyof Junuury , 1 * " . . . If there bo no objection , renion'trnnco or proton Died wltliln two wi'i-V triim Duteiuber&tli.A. I ) . ua > i the .aid Hum * .III bo antulwl. . , . Apl > | 1lnt. , J. II.SoimiAllli. City Clerk. _ ' Notice to Contractors. Pealed iiroXsalH | IIUio iccelved at the olllce of tun county Herk up to a o'clock p. in , of I'll- day. rVlintury 10 , I"1 * * , for riinnliiK the < iiunty KrudliiKmutliliH'H for tlin yrur 1NW. Tor full purtlcmars liiqnlre at county clork'H olllco. A dupoilt of one hundred dollars ntiitit accompany each lild as a guaranty of K < " 1 faith. Tlio rlKht Is if < > erved to relect any mid all bids , lly order of the Hoard of Commlfc'ilunirx. ocill' Jlldluwlt County Clerk , IOII'KI.IK ) ( ' < I , Ne'li Slioi-llV'H Kali * . lly virtue of an nxt-cittlun lst.no 1 by his honor. ( ieoru'o W. Shields , county Jud o In and for DoUKlns county , Nebraska , \ipon a Jiiduiiicnt tendcrid In hiifil court In favor of John frank and acalnst James McVcy , I ha\o levied upon the follow lnKKood undrluittel astlio property of said .luinm .McVoy. to-"H Uno bay horM- . And I will , on the lit day "f rnlmuiry. IrKH , at II ) o'clock u. in. of h.il < l day. ut the Htablo of Trank , V Muhi.nvy , ' " H' ' north Hide of DotiKliut Htieet. bctwcrii I'lKhth "d Ninth MfcctH. In tint City of imialm , DoiiL'liiHioniity. NeliniMku . MiOl ( .iildpri.peily at public aiit-tlon to thu hlnhont bidder for ruih , to hittlsfy the amount duo oil mild uxecilt Ion. In Hm aKurei-iilo bi-lliK i fAr ! > , with iiili-iHit then on from the I''th ' day of Jim- uary , ! ( * * * , and ucaultiKCostHon nald execution. Wn.i.iMCoiiimN , Hhfrlir of Donulas County. Nebraska. Onmtm , Nobrafkn , January 31 , ItoH. Sonloil Proposnlst. Pealed proposals will bo received at tno olTlct of tlt urchitw In. .Mendelssohn , Klsher A : Ijjwrle , Now I'axton llulldlni ! , Omaha , until Saturday , JrtiwaryiMh , IXM , for the catpenter and Joiner work , of HIM four tttnrv and basement brick' Uaiili-h Aiitoclatlon lliilldlni ; . Thu plan * and Hpetlllcutlons fan bo had , and Information ob tained of the iiichltfCtfi MK.MUI.SSIX : ( | , r'ibllEiti l.twuit. *