8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , JANUARY 22 , 1888-TWELYE PAGES. MOlTDAir MOETDAT 1519-1521 DOUGLAS STREET ; Owing1 to the great success of our Test Sale last Thursday and Friday , we feel so enthused that we have decided to duplicate it , and we prom ise our friends and customers that they will "be more than pleased and you will fully realize that we are bound to "be THE BABSA1H HOUSE OF OMAHA. BE SURE AND COME AND SEE US MONDAY , IN THE BASER8EKT. BLACK EHilo , en f.iiclii's' Itltrk lln.irlo .lcvjoyi , inoilo of lieiivy Impo ) ted < t < ith , lullnr miidi * ruaibui k , Mouility ( < nly TbC cm Ji , a.M.il juice jl.To. W D07.IJN Children's Jerseys , 48c. All wool , nil fb.es , all colors , nil nt ono pilee , 4So oath. ro T > OKIX : Seersucker Skirts , 25c. Nicely ciiilii'olilerfil and plt.itiMl li'ittuin , utiiiillj sold ntTiicvi.ili : our luka-Moudayouly "fie e-ch , roiocn ) I.ndle-.1 Heavy riotli , Wn.-in Embroidered Skirts 59o Sold iii \ini-paln \ all mev tlio city at JI fi ) . OuriH'liu Monday Is t'JC i-iu-li. LViuu euilylf jou want nnkiit. 35c PAIR ; 3 PAIR FOR $1,00 $ , 100 do/.tn ( Jtnt's Imported heavy Hbbul scotch f.iey HOSE. They imt Jil.l'O ' a ( lo.'ea to Import. BUTTONS , 5c a Dozen. Wo done the balance of our t'leat Job lot of Dre.-s lluUcm- fie a do/un. 100 dozen Eagle Lend , ONE with ijubbor tip , worth IOc , at le each. CENT. N. It. I'AIjCONKU MONDAY. Patterns ( 'Iveil Away. Underneath wo give particulars of the special sale of dross goods which begins Monday and continues all the week. During this sale _ wo will give away one of McCull's iitipoi * patterns with each dress sold. The goods wo otTer are combination suits at about one- third their value , dress sorge.s at half price , French satccus , Scotch ginghams , etc. With each dress purchased , one of any pattern in slock ladies' , misses' or children's will bo given away. NEW GOODS ! NEWGOODSI1 Special importations of line Irish ; md German linens , Torchon laces , embroid eries. Also special sale of muslin un derwear. TOWELS. ISc. Damask towels , size 22x11 , with fancy border at 15e , reduced from 22Jc. 20c. Fine bleached damask towels with open work end and knotted fringes at UOc , worth 3oc. Fine blenched Huck towels , fancy borders , at20c , worth 27jc. AT 2oe. Fine bleached Huck towels with knotted fringe , also finest hemstitched Huck towels at 25e , worth 50c. Damask towels , open work anils and knotted fringe , at 25c , worth 35c. AT 50o. Extra largo line bleached damask towels , fancy ends , also hemstitched damask towels at 50c , worth 85c. Fine extra largo Iluck towels , fancy ends , at 50c , worth Too. Also a very largo assortment in nov elties of hemstitched , knotted fringe and open work damask and Huck towels , till now choice patterns. BLEACH ED DAMASK. 40 pieces 03-inch bleached damasks , at 75o , worth $1. BLEACHED DAMASK. 155 pieces 8-1 bleached damasks at OOc reduced from $1.25. BLEACHED DAMASK. 10 pcs 8-1 bleached damask at $1.35 , worth $1.75. EXTRA ! EXTRA ! ! EXTRA ! ! ! 8 pc.s verj fine double damask- the finest goods nindo that wo have been Rolling from $2.75 to $3.25 per yard. Dur ing this sale tlio jiick will bo $1.85 per yard. ON MONDAY. Wo will show the finest line of choice lunch setts that has ever been imported to this country. The patterns are all now and have never been shown in Omaha. Wo will also show a wonderful assortment of choice Momio lunch setts open work and knotted fringes will do flies to match. match.NAPKINS. NAPKINS. fi-S bleached napkins at $2.i5 , wortl : 3.00 ; these napkins will match our Me ) damask. 3-4 bleached napkins to match our $1.85 damask at $3.05 , worth $1.50. FINE DAMASK SETTS. Wo have just opened a full line of Jno. S. Brown & Son's and Wm. LSddell & CO.'H duo dnnuisk sotts. Many now patterns will bo found amongst this shipment and customers will find them much cheaper than these line goods have over been sold for before. MUSLINS. Fine bleached muslin OJc , worth IOc. Only 20 yards to each customer. SHEETING. 9-4 blenched sheeting at 20e , worth SOe ; 10-4 bleached sheeting at 2Jc , worth 83o. 83o.PATTERNS PATTERNS GIVEN AWAY. FRENCH SATEENS. CO pieces fancy French nateons at SOc , worth 45c. 45c.SCOTCH SCOTCH GINGHAMS. PATTERNS GIVEN AWAY. 100 nieces fancy 'Scotch ginghams at 85c , worth 85c , . Domestic Department. One bale Lawrence L. L. 30 inches wide 4c Yard , Monday one hale Badger L. L. 30 inches wide. Uiifoleacliecl Muslin , 4c Yard. 100 PIECES FINE IOc Yard. Now goods just received. Monday IOc n yard ; worth 15e. Figured Prints , 5s Yard. Monday , 1 case Turkey Hod Figured Prints , oe per yard Monday. Indigo Blue FIGURED PRINTS , Be Yard , I case for Monday. N. JJ. VALCONIOU-MONDAY. Patterns Given Away. ZANZIHAR SUITINGS. PATTERNS GIVEN AWAY. 1 case fancy striped Zanzibar suitings at lOe , worth I5c.CALICO. CALICO. PATTERNS 01VKN AWAY. Fancy dress calicos , also navy blue , at 5e , worth .Sje. PATTKRNSGIVKN AWAY. GINGHAMS Tie. Fine apron checked ginghams at 7Jc , always sold af IOc. CMHKOIDHUIKS ! EMBROIDERIES ! Wo take considerable pride in calling ttontion to our new stock of embroid eries , which is just opened , and will bo ) laced on bale Monday. When wo say hat thib is the largest and best selected , tock over shown in Omaha wo only isilf express it , for wo show a stock that 'or quality , quantity and prices cannot > o equalled outside Now York. Wo will show some of _ the finest goods manufac tured in Nainsook edges and llouneings , otc.andbomo of the cheapest in cam brics over ottered at any sale , at 5c , ( ic , 8Jo , IOc , 12je , 15e , 20c and 2oc ; at these prices will bo found some very great bar gains.LACES. LACES. LACES. LACES. On Monday and during the week wo will show a stock of Torchon and MeSl- icis lacc.s that for prices , patterns and quantities surpass anything ever shown in the west. These laces will bo shown Monday for the llr.it time and wo know that there will bo a rush on these goods all the week. Torchon and Medici laces at fle , 8e } , IOc , 12Je , 15o , Kilo , 20e and 2-lc , worth at least one-half more than wo will Bi311 them for during this sale. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. CIIHMISK. Chemise at 2.je , Itoc. 40o , 50c , 0-3c , 7oo , < .He ) , $1.00. 2oc. Chemise of good muslin , plain bund. 40c. Plain heavy corded band. ( We. Yoke of all over embroidery or yoke of tucks and insertion. 7tie. Yoke of either Torchon lace or embroidery or fancy yoke of very fine tucks. $1.00. Yoke of line medicis laces niitl tucks very line muslin or cambric. DRAWERS. Drawers MeJOo , We ) , ( iOc.Ooc , 7oc , 8" c $1.00 , H.lW. Wo direct attention to the following prices. Hoc. Heavy muslin with deep hem , I clusters of 5 tucks these are worth oOc 50o. Good muslin with either cnm- brie"or embroidered rulllo with cluster of line tucks. "oc. Wide rulllo of embroidery will tucks. S."ic. Either cambric or muslin will embroidered rulllo verv finely tucked. CORS1CT COVERS. * In these goodwo oiler the finest as sorted in either high or low-neck over shown by us. Corset covers at 27e , Me IOcJoe , 60e , ( | .ro. 7.C. DOc , $1.00 , $1.15. The styles in this line are too large to enumerate , but wo call special notice to the best valuu over ottered at any of the above prices as the styles are entirely now and the 111 and finish unsurpassed. GOWNS. Night gowns as 50c , 7oc , $1 , $1.15 31.25 , la.oO , Sl.T.uimlifcJ. COe Funcy corded front with rufll lit neck and sleeves regular 76o quality 7 5c Mother Hubbard yoke tucked with embroidered rulllo. $1,00 Mother Hubbard yoke of insertion tion and tucks or fancy yoke front of in Bortlon and tucks. iH.lC Solid yoke of wide and nnrrov tucks and embroidered rufllo. This gar ment is worth fl.oO. In all the higdcr priced gowns from $1.7oto { 8.50 wo 'show the finest line ever brought to Omaha. . . . . . . . COTTON BATTING iOc Per Roil , Monday fill bales of our special sale Cotton Battingat lOe per roll. Compare it with any lee Batting in the city. 14c. 10 pieces prey Union Twill Flannel 1-lc a yard , worth 25c. Flannels , 20c. 10 jneces RED TWILL FLANNELS , all wool , very heavy , 20c u yard , worth I5c. ! Flannels , 20c , 10 pieces FANCY PLAID PLAN- NJOLS , Monday 20c u yard , worth Me. 3Oc. Monday AD tlorcu T.ndleV AlHVool Cnslimcro Hose , blacks and coloix , IWc pnlrj worth 4f > c. IX ) docn I.ndlPB1 rrunch Woven Corsets 75c cncli , woitn il.W. 15c. One cn e Fancy Dress ( Jools , double fold IBc yaul , woith UUc. DRESS GOODS , 0 ] ) lcct-s 3-1 llgured Dress Goods Monday 3c a yam. 1IAYDION IMonoy IjosiiiK Sale. We will to-morrow Monday offer omo of the greatest bargains over jiven in this city. 'Wo are about get- ing ready to invoice , and having too nany goods in some dopartnienti ) for his season of the year , we will sell them it some price rather than carry thorn over. Ladies will do well in attending his sale , as it will be the greatest nonoy losing sale of the ueason. Extra lelp has been added to our force , so all CAN RELY BEING WAITED ON PROMPTLY. Children's all-wool hose that wo have been selling for itfe per pair , the price will bo cut in two for lo-morrpw , all sixes , only Itijoper pair. This price for Monday only. HOW IS THIS ? 100 dozen ladies' heavy fleece-lined hose , in black and unbleached , for Monday only , I'Jo per pair ; reduced from -10c. 1 case of ladies' lambs' wool vests and [ innts ; these goods you cannot match for less limn $1 ; OOc each for Monday only. 1 case of children's heavy union suils , all sixes , to-morrow at oOe each. Great reduction in our corset deparl- ment ; our ! )9c ) corset has no equal. On Monday wo will offer CO dox.on fine filling corsets , nicely finished , and can not bo matched for less than $1 ; our price to-morrow , only COc each. We will oltor Dr. Stono's self-adjusl- able , perfect fitting , with elastic sides , and a fi.e simile of Dr. Ball's , at VJo each. Our gcnls' unlaundriod shirt , made from Now York mills' muslin , has no equal , and at the price , 53c each , is the best thing over ottered , n Boys' heavy all wool mitts only IOc per pair. pair.Boys' heavy double mitts only 2oc per pair. Gent's athletic shirts and drawers in fancy colors , only 13c per suit , reduced from fcJ.00 , wishing to close this line out at once , wo Imvo put the price down re gardless of coil. 1 case of gents' seamless socks , only 7c per pair , reduced from Ifie. Gents'Scotch grey underwear , shirts only on Monday , l ! " > c each , reduced from COc' 1 case of sample flannel ovorshirts in all shades , at OOc , 7oJ , $1 and up , worth double. Ladies' heavy fleeced lined gloves in all shades , only ICc i > er pair , worth lioc. IlAYDKN' BllOS. , 10th st. , bet. Douglas and Dodge. On or about Febuuary 11yill open uu in the stand formerly occupied by Wal ter Sams , U10 S. 15th st. , a now and complete line of FINE WATCHES , DIAMONDS and NOVELTIES in rich jewelry. Your patronage solicited. Respectfully , W. L. Auction Hnlc. ' Wo will sell at public auction , on Monday , January 13 ! , on the promises , No. 1M1- . Hurt street , furniture and household goods , consisting of bed room suits , carpets and stoves. WKST & AM.IN' : , Auctioneers. No. 10S N. 1-lth Bt. Dr. Ramacciotti has removed to his now veterinary infirmary , Nos. ISlOniul 181U Harnoy St. , where his facilities fm- the treatment of domestic animals , tire unsurpassed anywhere else in the whole country. The doctor is assistant s'tato veterinarian , as well as city veter inarian , and invitcsa visit of inspection to his now quarters. The Singer company repair all kinds of machines and sell noodles and sup plies for all at greatly reduced prices' . Ollico 1018 Douglas st. ( SPECIAL TOWEL SALE MONDAY. /24x48 indies' ' V in size , 25c. rOOdoen tine blenched Tuiklsh Until Towels , size "l\18 Indies .Norn Tin : Sl/.K. Out1 day only " . 5c cnch. Towels , 25c. ISO dozen line bleached Satin Dntnnsk Towels , coloied bordurs , knotted frince , " 5c each. Towels , 25c. 200 dozen line bleached Huck Towels , knotted _ frlugi' , woith leally toe each , our pricu .Monday , 'jc each. Monday we offer .10 doz. dents' All Wool Scnrlet UNDERSHIRTS and DRAWERS 87 % Each. AKo on Monday 20 doz. Gents' W hltc Meilno UNDERSHIRTS and DRAWERS 20c Each. 1519-1521 DOUGLAS STREET , N. IJ. PAIiCOXKIl MONDAY. Patterns Given Away. SKIRTS. In these goods we sJiow a very largo line of novelties at the following prices : 3oc , 50c , Hoc , 7.c , 85e , $1. $1.15 , $ l.'J-3 , $1.50 , $1.75 and $1' . 15-50 1'liiin tucked skirt with 4-inch hem. 50c Good skirt of heavy muslin with rufllo of embroidery. 75e We show at this price four styles with plain wide hem or wide liom with tucks and with ombroideried rullles. $1.00 Skirts with cambric rullles edged with embroidery or wide em broidered rullles' . At $1.15. $ l.i5 ! , SI.50 , $1.75 and $2 we show special values. SHORT WRAPS. S.O-l Boncle short wraps trimmed ivith fur in black only , reduced from W.50 and SS.50. $ ; { .50 Glace and diagonal short wraps ( \slrachan and fur-lrimmed reduced rom * 8.50 and S10.50. $ ; ! .50 Ladies' ulsters with capes or leeds in mixed eloakings , reduced rom SO. DRESSS GOODS. WOOL SERGES 4oo. . PATTENS GIVEN A-\VAY. 10 pieces -1U , 4a and 50 inch wool serges that have been soiling from S5c to Sl.lJo , Monday and all the week 45e per yard ; also 50 nieces English Tweed suitings that have never been sold at loss than Ooc. Monday 45o. In Ibis lot will also bo found some Gilbert suitings that nro worth ยง 1.00. Monday the price is 45c. Patterns given away. AT 1 > ! ) C. 38 inch all wool English striped suit ing ; also US inch all wool serges plain colors ; also mixtures all at 2lc ) , worth from 45e to Boo. PATTERNS GIVEN AWAY. COMBINATION SUITS. Fine braided combination suits at $0.00 , worth * 12.00. Fine French combination suits at $7.50 , reduced from $20.00. Fine French combination suits at SS.50 , reduced from J22.50. Fine French combination suits tit $13.50 , reduced from fcJ-j.OO and $30.00. Fine French combination suits at $10.50 , reduced from S'17.50. N. B. FALCONER. Kdcn MIIKCC. This week the management have secured a phenomenal list of attractions headed by the musical marvel , * 'C'ody , ' the cowboy pianist. It is said of this artist that ho plays the piano blind folded , his hands encased in mittens and the piano keys covered. The cliiin is made that he has not received nil ) musical education. The eastern press speak highly of his entertainment. "Del Mo/'art , " the hypnoti/.or in mar velous experiments in hypnotizing sub jects selected from the audience. ' Win. H , Peak's " iniiiio is famous as the originator of Swiss boll playing u : America. The saltorio players from Mexico , Win. L. Marsh , Barnum's trombone soloist , Frank and Mable Halls appeal in a society sketch. The English specialists , the Miller brothers. , with their famous duranio illusions ; Robert Eminett , the Irisl comedian ; Baby Boll , the child artist the Kulu Embu&sador , constitute the greatest amount for the least mouoj ever seen in Omaha. The first grand domino ball will bo given by the Gorman ladies of the school society on Saturday .Inn. .28th , 1K88 , at Gonnania hall. Tickets , 50 cents each , can bo had by all- members of the society. JIAYDIOX Kill ; and Dress Goodw SnJe. On Monday we will sell : 3 pieces black gross grain silk at ( > 2e ! , regular price $1.25 ; warranted. 2 pieces extra quality black and col ored at Toe , former price $1.35. Extra heavy black and colors gross grain at ! )0o ) , 'others ask $1.75. These arc the best colored goods on the market , either foreign or domestic. Plain silks either colored or black at 20c to 50c , worth double. One lot of brocaded silk , all good shades , at 35c , wore sold for $1.00. Heavy brown morey silks 25c per yard to close. SATINS. Plain satins , till shades , at 23c to 45c , wcro50c to $1.10. Brocaded satins , , best colors , 29c , re duced from $1.10. Morey and fancy striped satins 35c , usual .price bc. ! ) Remnants of satin , black and colors , from 15c to 2oc per yard.PLUSHES PLUSHES AND VELVETS. A good silk plush at 48c , n bargain at 80c. Silk velvets , all shades , tit lee to Ooc , a good thing for 75o to $1.10. Silk finished Gorman velveteens from 25c to 55c. DRESS GOODS. Atlantic FF cashmeres , 18e worth 35o. Fancy brocade cashmere 20c , reduced from 4Sc. English body cashmere 2oc. 40 inch all wool cashmeres 3'Jc , never sold less than 09o. Double width all wool French serge 22c , worth Ooc. 48 inch all wool and finest quality camel hair 05c , former price $1.75. 41 inch Henrietta clcfhs SSc , usual price $1.50. One largo lot of J fancy brocaded and stripes at 5 to IOc , just ono-lmlf their real valuo. 22 pieces double width checks and stripes at 1'Jle , from 45 < . 38 inch tricots , all wool. 2Sc , were Ooc , 50 inch tricots and flannels at 55c , sold every place at $1.25. Silk mixed French tricots 55c , a bargain at $1.75. The above goods tire all positive bargains and cannot bo duplicated in this or any other market for less than twice our sale prices. Should any purchaser desire - sire money will bo refunded on all goods. HAYDENBROS. , 110 and 118 S. Kith St. , near Douglas. IfcnlliiK tl > < > Kick AMtliout Medicine. Circulars are out announcing the ar rival of Dr. French of Now York in the city. The doctor has leased Grand opera lioiiso , where ho will publicly heal the sick free every morning for about two weeks , from 0:30 : to 10:30 : o'clock , begin ning Monday , January 23. All are in vited to witness these wonderful cures. Ho has lakon parlors 7 and b at Arunflo hotel , where those willing to pay may como for treatment. Admission to the opera house free. Treatment also free. Consultation at the hotel also free. Ollico hours from 0 to 0. Flat of four rooms for light housekeep ing , or rooms rented separately on car line. 113 S. 21th. _ On or about February 1 I will open up in the stand formerly occupied by Wal ter Sams , 210 S. 15th st. , a now and complete line of FINE WATCHES , DIAMONDS and NOVELTIES in rich jewelry. Your patronage solicited. Respectfully , W. L. S.VKI.I , . High Art W. S. Reynolds , late of Now York Citv , teacher of drawing and painting. Portraits in oil , pastel and crayon. Room 411 , now Paxton block , Omaha. _ Celebrated Knabo piano. Cost $ SOO. Only iJ5 ! , $10 per month. ' Sold for stor age charges. N H W YORK STOR AO E CO. , 150S CilpUal Avo. Visit Our Cloak Department Monday and the Coming Week. Deeper Cuts ! S Formerly ol l for 25 do/.cn Ladies' Seal Plush Sncques , 42 inches long , quilted satin lining.1 seal ornaments , clmmois-lined pockets. This beautiful garment has retailed nil season for $ -10. For this one week wo will bell tlicm tit $28 each. ASTRACHANWRAP ! $10 Now. Fur bull fringe all around , The price wab $10.50. We are making special nrices on all BlankotH , and now is the time to buy. 100 PAIR 11-4 SCARLET WOOL BLANKETS , $2,25 Pair , Worth $3.f > 0. no "FINE TOBOGGAN x BLANKETS , $6.50 Eaeh. Worth $10.00. . HKYMA.V ft DKICUK'S Fashion Emporium. Will sell all evening sh- des in plain , striped and figured moirces AT 95 cts. Former prices $1.60 and $1.75. 70 ] ) icces of black dress goods consist ing of cashmeres , Henriettas , drab d'Alma , drab d'Ete. , Biaritz cloth , im perial berge , large assortment of ar mours from 15 cts upward ; none worth under 70 els. Muslin and cambric underwear at lowest manufacturer's prices. Best brands of corsets at45ets.,05ets. , , 75 els. , $1.00 , etc. liKYMAX < fc DIICIIIS : : , Fashion Emporium , 1518 and 1520 Farnam St. A New Toi'iii of Mrs. Magrano's Dancing school will commence Saturday , January 121 , at Metropolitan hall , s w cor. 1 lib and Dodge sts. , which has recently been re fitted and is now one of the finest halls in the city. Mrs. Magrano's success the past two years has demonstrated her ability as a teacher , that is heartily endorsed by her many friends in Omaha , also by the best teachers in the eabt. Professor Marline , of Chicago , in a personal letter pays Mrs. Magrano this compliment : "I am much pleased to hear of your success in classes , and am sure that you are capable of giving en tire satisfaction , for of the many 1 have practiced with with a view to "finishing oil , " the essential ininuliu necessary to make them successful teachers , I do not remember one more apt in conception , or graceful in execution than yourself. " To those desiring instruction in the art of dancing an inspection of the fol lowing clashes is invited. Adult's class Tuesday and Saturday evenings , 8 p. in. Children's class Tuesday p. m , and Saturday 2:30 : p. in. Ladies' clans , Thursday afternoon , I ! p. in. For terms call on or address Mrs. Ma- grano , 2020 St. Mar.v'n avo. VKKDIUl' MAKKltS. Names of Those Krleotrd to Do Duty an .Jurymen. Yostcnlny , for tlio ilrsttline , District Court Cleric Moores presided over the drawing of Brand and petit jurors for the February term of the district com t. Tlio sixty names fur nished by the county commissioners were put in the box , and were drawn us follows by Air. Moores , assisted by .Sheriff Coburn : I'etlt Jury .James I'ollard , Nutliun Mer- Lonon'an , Adolth | Uurmulsti-r , Henry Hob crU , O. II. Shipman | , Thomas Hy.ni , J. U. Grand Jury John Cllnlccr , John 15. Furay , Hrnpst Stuht , C. H. Stobblns , J. II. Millard , ArtcimisM Clark , K. K. Loiifr , Hichurd Kitflton , Fred Schroodcr , M. 'J' . Kitnclt , M. Hclimiin. William Suivi-rs , W. G. Sloan , Thouiub Swobe , Michael Toner , Henry Hull. DUtrlct Court. WANT ) IlKll I'AV. Nannie J. Whaitoa loaned Chwles K. " 'orthliib'ton , Koboit 1' . UoswortH and Joul W. West * I,000 , taltliik' as security three promissory notes of .13a.l.l ! each and a inorl- ( 'ago on lot 11 , bloclf 'M , Ilunsuom 1'luce , for security. She now petitions the court that the mortKUKo bo foreclosed and the property sold to reimburse her with interest. County Court. SUED III' DKNNIM 1IUUI.KV. Yesterday Dcnnlft A. Hurloy brouglit fic tion against M. J , Schollor to recover a dubt of ? .V)7.I5 ( , thn amount being duo for mer chandise furnisliod tliu dufvndant. These are atin lined with coat sleeve and ball fringe sill around ; former price $10.60. PLUSH "WRAPS , Now $15 , Satin lined , fur-trimmed , was $25 , now $ IC , Misses' and Children's CLOAKS White RED SPREADS i\on < : THISI : ; IMUCKS. 58c Each. For Iloncycoinh White BED SPREAD 5 Cases Monday. < c BED QUILTS , $1.00 Each. ii 2 ca cs Marseilles Pattern Bed Quilta on Monday $1.00each , worth $1.CO. vj 11KA l/rV AM ) HAXKIXO. The Week's Deals In Oinalia Dirt Thq Clearing House. Notwithstanding the neveiv cold of tha past week the real estate iniirkct has been an , net ! ve nno and a table sliowingthcdally sulca will bo found below : Monday , .Ian. 1C. . $ ftl,72J ( TuesdayIan. 17 -Iti , ! ! Wednesday , Jan. 18 ! ii,41U ! Thursday , .Ian. lit II7t78 Friday , Jan. ! il ( f > 7,7 : > ( V Saturday , Jan.1 -11,178 Total W.1,700 The rcpoit of the Omaha cleariiif ; holiso isj ' as follows : I Monday .Inn. 1(5 ( ? 52r. . , ( 0.1 Tuesday , Jan. 17 ; ! ' . .ii,7s.13 : Wednesday , Jan IS -171,187 III Thursday Jan. Ill i : , .Ml ! 1(1 ( Friday , Jan 'JO Ilii.iOS.Ol Satin day , Jan. 'Jl Total ? Incrcaso 'JU.7 per cent. At the Grand Opera house to-night Dr. Geismordo invites all chronic crip ples and paralytics to come to his lec ture free of charge and he guarantees to euro them by his wonderful power. His feats in mesmerisms are said to bo truly marvelous. Heal Charles M Coo mid wife toV MVol - verton , lot li , 7 mid north 5 feet of b , bile 1 , I'ottor&CobbsiuU. wd . .1,500 , S K MrCiiulev and husband to Louisa M Arnold , lot'JI , blk ' . ' , I'litterson's sub , wd . 1 , 00 Moiris Morrison , trustee , to Johumia M Johnson , lot lb , blk 1 , Mount Dou- ( 'Ias , wd . 700 I'lnllp A Kyan to Frank Irvine , lot : i , blk It , Ilaiiscom 1'ark , wd . 'CO F S Hinitb and wife to John J Uiclcoy , undivided , ' n c , u w , n e , 'M , \ t , 1' ) , w d . r.,000 George W Masson and wife toOrnmnd Cole ct al , lot 11 , blk (1 ( , 1st add to S Omaha , w d . 9,000 William K Hawley ut al to Frauk Irvine , lot ( land 7 , blk ! ! , Kxclinnitu place , w d . 1,335 Niithan Shulton and wife to Mary K Smith , lot I , bll 7. Windsor Ten-aeo , w d . S03 Alls J Season ct al to C M St 1' A : O Kv Co be ) ? at n line lot U Millard it Cald- well' , w d . 1 Same to same , be ; , ' I'.Ci ' ft n and ! EJO ft w of B o cor n w H c 10 , 1 ! > , lil , w d . . . J , S.uno to DUiiiu , strip boK at Intel m-ct Ion n line lot 8 Millind < te CiddwuH's , \y d . 1 Do Forest \V S.ixo ct al M > Win \V Fan-ami , lol ' .I blk 1 Oxiord place , w d . 250 Wm C ! Albright and wile to .las Callu- nian , lot A blk Ite , AlbriKht's choice , w d . 450 Jno A Mc'Slmno to A F Host-he , lot 10 blk y.l west Hldn , W d . -100 Jno I1 Hay and wlf to C Norris , lot . ) blk ! l I'luinviow , w d . 1.-100 C U Sherman to Wm H.urd , lot ! ) blk 1 nxclnuih't * pluco , w d . T. . . bOO Jno H UoKan to C L Wright , lot 37 Millm d .1 Cald well's , w d . r.,500 William i : llawlcyet al to John M Wolfe , lot I blk 1 , lixchttngo jiluec , w d . 8W' Mary L Hcldtiif ; and husband to School District of City of Omiihn , lots 10 , 11 , 12 blk " 1C , " Lowes' add , \v d . 3,000 , John Frey to Frcdurick Uellmm.Iot 10 less .1 ft of n side , in blk it , 1st add to South Omaha , w d . . . . . . . . . . . 4,000 A F Hosi-Iiu and wife to Li/xlo 1'cr- HOIIS , lot I , A F Hosi-ho sub , w d. . . . 1,1250 , William ( J AlbriKlit and wife to H Jiiukson , n WlxIlKl ft , belli } , ' a sub of lots 13 uml 1 1 blk 1 , .letter's add to South Oiimhn , wd . 2,500 Samuel Moilenscn ct al to tJIrich Frcdenrksen , n l < ri ft of o l7Ji ! ft of lot 'M blk ! . ' , 1'urk place , w d. . . . | . . . .2,000 Twenty-three deeds . ! 'J,278 , Black walnut corso organ , only * 27 , ! . ' { ] er month. Don't pay piano dealera profits1.NEW NEW YORK STORAGE CO. , LOOS Capital AVO ,