Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1888, Page 6, Image 6
r"'T : ; r Jj , . .THE OMAHA DAILY BEK : ATCKDAY. JANUAUY 21. 1888. ' THE DAILY BEE , COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICK NO. 12 , 1'KAIIL HTItKET Btllvcrcd by currier In any part of the city nt twenty cents per wesk. 11. W TII.TON. , Manager. cr , No. 4 J. NKIIIT KPITOII No.- ) . 9IINOH 3IIONT1ON. " N. Y. PlumbliiR Co " Holler , tailor , Fall goods clicnp. The Prcabytorltin boclul WIIB hcltl litbt ovoninfr. The Pull Mull club hns Its fifth party next Tuesday evening. Parties of lo or 'M should order Will iam Lewis' big oleigh , 410 Brandwuy. Mr. Ghntnp is still further improving hla elegant residence , a vestilmle anil other changes causing un expendituru of about $1 , ( XX ) . The Unity guild , a mission society , organized by Episcopal ladies , now starts into active work , olllcercd by Miss Louibo Swan , president : Mrs. Gardiner , vice president ; Mrs. Shepherd , secro- tnrp ; Mrs. Levine , treasurer. Colonel Hepburn hat been invited to deliver an address in this citv before Abe Lincoln post of the Grand Army. It is to be hoped that the nrrtuigoments will bo such that the public generally can enjoy the privilege of hearing him. Recorder Thomas received a telegram yesterday afternoon , slating that his brother-in-law , Frank Peterson , living near Honey Creek , was very hick. Mr. Thomas loft for there on the evening train. C. Wesley , the newly elected con stable , is waiting patiently for s-ome of ficial notification that ho has the right to wear a star. For some reason the signed and scaled document has not reached him. Arrangements are being made for or ganizing tin association of the Sunday schools in Garner township. A conven tion for that purpose is to bo held at Grange hull , Parks Mill , February 4. An interesting programme bus been provided with papers by Dr. Montgom ery , Prof. MuNuughton , Mr. Joseph Wells and others. The ceilings of the principal rooms in the now court house arc wild to be the finest in this quarter of the globe. The cornices are . which metal gives wonderful scope in modeling. The de signs tire entirely now , and the finish of the whole is elegant indeed. They have been photographed for the use 'of the contractors , who are in Ohio , and who intend to have the decorations pub- lished in some art und builders' jour- nnls. nnls.The The qoard of trade meets on Monday evening at the city building. Kvery business man and property owiiorshould see that his name i i enrolled among the members , and not leave the good work to bo done by a few , while all rcau the benefits. The new organization pur poses to work for the upbuilding of. Council Blulls with an energy never be fore shown. Let all join in the effort , and wonders will bo accomplished. No special invitation i& to be expected , for all arc urgOd to join. Hand in your iiuino. Special classes for boys under .sixteen years of age ; also for ladies will bo formed at the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium as soon as satisfactory arrangements can bo made. Two clashes are now be ing taught in gymnastics ; one at X p. in. each day , and another at 8 o'clock each evening , The first is constituted of school boys hbovo sixteen years of ago , and the latter of ticket holders , all ages admitted. This latter class is well filled , and it is no rarity to POO a gray haired boy turning the dumb bolls , etc. , and they do it with the alarcity dis played by their younger classmates. The gymnasium is u , success and yet there is room. If you dcslro to pot a now Hall typo writer cheap , drop a postal curd to H. A. P. , Hun office. A great bargain for the lirst who applies. Union Abstract Co. , 231) Main st. j ! IP Personal Paragraphs. R. J. Boles is reported on the sick list. Messrs. William Seidcntopf and W. A. Moore are in St. Lous on business. Representatives Wyman and Hart are at homo during the legislative recesM. Mrs. Simon Kisoman is entertaining us her guest Mrs. New man , of Creston. Frank Parks , of the firm of Parks & , Son , is confined at homo by a severe ill ness. ness.Hon. Hon. William Groneweg is at homo for n week's vacation from assembly duties. Ed. Flaven , an old-time Blufllto , now It n resident of the golden state , is in the Itt , city on a brief visit to friends. Ed. Miller returned yesterday morn ing from Michigan where ho was called some weeks ago , to attend the funeral of his mother. A private letter from California con tains the information that Laban Childs , who recently went from hero , has purchased cloven lots in Los Antic- los for $3,000. Miss Emma Eno , from New Jersey , is spending a few weeks here , the guest of Miss Anna Oberholtzor. Miss Eno has a sweet and cultured voice , and has kindly consented to use it in a solo at St. Paul's church to-morrow. 'Squire Biggs has received the sad news of the death of his only brother , which occurred in Ohio on the IHli inst. This leaves the 'squire the onlj survivor of ton children. Ho seems yet halo and hearty and it is hoped has many happy years in store for him. E. II. Shcafe loans money on chattel Fecurit.y of every description. Private consulting rooms. All business strictlj confidential. Ollice 500 Broadway , cor ner Main street , up-stairs. City KiiuincuH. Disbursements of general and police funds. Total amounts of each fund fron March 15 , 1887 , to December HI , 1SS7 are as follows : General fund $ 0,417.7 Police und marshal departments. . 11'J707 Streets and alloys 7,0-'tS.i Piro department 11 , CU.-t City engineer's department ; ! , ( < ) * ( Jus and street lumps H..M' ' . ' ( > Printing und . ' ' . supplies 2 , M ! D.uuugoH anil comlflunations 1,117. : ) Intersection grading S Uil. ! Pollc-o cash fund U.iMU.'J . i. - Total giMiernl expense $ .VsiRXUi Amount of special levies for sum period : . Levee or sewer district Xo. 3 , com prising nil land within the city limits west of Tlilt tecuth street. , $ 4lir > . ; Oldsowor a.VUi Seml-tuinual water rent 10,000.1 Indian Creek bewur ditch l/JOSl Parks 1,074.1 Library 1,023. : Intersei'tion sewer 10,1M J Intersection paviug .V-MIU Special assessment paving bonds , . ! , t'0'.i' ' Special assessment grading bonds. . 5,1)20 ) C tjj > eeiai assessment sewer bondsk iJ/'OO.t Council Binds water extension con tract 1,2IXC ) Total special levy J100.737.J ' : ' ' ' r- Staple und fancy groceries utFcaron'i THE NEWS IN THE BLUFFS , A Largo and Merry Crowd Desert Business For Pleasure. A SHOWING OF CITY FINANCES. The legislative Committee tin : riulionl of MntCH A Halvntltin- 11 Mad nt Hejioru-rH A Hlilp- per on Demtirnifje. The Upturn Cnrnlvnl. KotwitliHttuuling thu ninny ] ) rcdictlon tlitit tlio retttrii cnrnlval day would OJKMI with u bli//.iu-d , yesterday morning dawned bright and dear , with thg mer cury 18 = below zero. About noon , when the ulelgliH began to assemble , the ther mometer indicated only 0 below. For more than nn hour previous to starting the streets were filled with rapidly moving turnouts , fitted up in true car nival style , with pining , Hags , ever greens , etc. At 1 ± 45 the procession started from the corner of Pearl ilrcot and First avenue. At that point there were IIW sleighs in line , but the number was constantly inereii'-ed by newnrrlvals until the line reached the other side of the river , where the line numbered over two hundred. A prent many people went over on the dummy trains , and it was estimated that there were 1,000 Blullltes in Omaha during the afternoon. The crowd at the chamber of commerce was M > great that many of the visitors failed 1o procure any of the refreshments , although the supply was ample. About hall past 4 the returning cut lers began to arrive in the HlunV. and from that time until lonp after dark , the stragglers kept coining in. The unanimous expression of the visitors was one of pleasure at the kind and hospitable reception with which they met on the other s-ide , and the exten sive preparations that had been made for their comfort. CAUXIVATj CMl'l'INO" . Dalbey's regimental band led the pro cession. in n four-horse sleigh , and ren dered some of their choicest music. L.vman Shugart'.s Shetland pony and diminutive cutter attracted much atten tion. tion.A A large hogshead on runners was filled with ' olid prohibition element , which fact was evidently known to O. S. St. John , ns he was hurrying along elo-io behind , presumably with the in tention of knocking in the head. For best quality coal and wood , call on Glcason0 Pearl street. Guns of all kinds at Odell & Bryant's. C04 S. Main St. Money to loan.V. . S. Cooper. Visitors. The legislative visiting committee ar- ived hero yesterday afternoon to in- pect the institution for the deaf und iinnb. The committee consists of Hon. . F. Lawrence , ot Sioux City , the settler lor from "Woodbury county ; Hon. F. K. 'Meld , of Shenandoah , representative rein Page county ; Hon. Charles G. Hit- veil , of Davenport , representative from scott county. The visitors were last veiling given an opportunity of seeing ivhat the pupils could do in many wtiy.s , v hurriedly arranged programme bei'tig prepared , a sort of informal or family entertainment. Although to-iluv is not one usually devoted to regular classes , irrangcments are made for class work n the different departments , so as to jive the visitors further opportunity to ather information as to the progress being mado. The committee will to-day uuiko a thorough examination of the buildings and the various features de manding their otllcial attention , so as to "DO able to make up an intelligent rc- uort. Superintendent Hothcrt gives lordlal welcome to the visitors , in ac- joiMlanco with his policy of having the nstitution onen at all times for the free nspection of any and all who have any nterobt in it& proper management. One thousand head of one , two and hree-year-old steers for sale. Will give credit to relinblo parties. Enquire o A. J. Greenanmyer , ( U3 Mynster st. iolephono 121. _ _ Splendid HimlneHH Opening \ > r right man who has a capital of > 10,000. For full information call on or : uldre - > Forrest Smith , 14 Pearl st. , ' 'ouncil Blulls , la. - * - Deiniirn to Demurrage. "I see the Iowa railway commission ers have decided rather queerly on de murrage , " remarks one of the wholesale men. "I suppose they decided what they thought was right , but look at it for a minute. ' They decide thattwenty- four hours is u reasonable time in which to unload a ear , and thaffthe demurrage rate of $3 ti day after that is likewise reasonable. Now the railways have " been allowing us forty-eight "hours in which to unload , and I don't see why the railway commissioners should out this down one-half. These demurrage charges are not always fair by any moans. For instance , wo order several carloads , and arrange to have them como along ut different times , BO that our force can unload them promptly , but you know it is hard to calculate closely on freight time tables. Some of the cars may bo delayed , and the first wo know there are several of them hero in a bunch. "Wo cannot po-isibly unload them all within twenty- four hours. If the ears had arrived on time , wo could have handled them all right , and it isn't our fault that they como in hero in a bunch. Perhaps they are from over different roads. Wo can not put on green men to unload these cars , for the goods or stock is such that it needs experienced meu to handle thorn. Now if wo don't unload all these cars within a day , \\o have to pay de murrage. It seems that the commis sioner * might haio lot the tinio for un loading remain where the railway com panies themselves have placed it , forty-eight hours , without cutting it down one-half. Of course it only affects thee who have largo ship ments. A man who only gets a carload at a time can got along all right , for ho ran manage to unload promptly , and even if ho has to pay demurrage , it doesn't amount to much on ouo car. Those who have a good many carloads cannot got around so quickly , and the demurrage amounts to considerable. It seems that the commissioners might have decided that forty -eight hours was a reasonable time in which to unload , for that is the time allowed by- many ol the railway companies themselves tc largo shippers. On the market for ever twontv years , Still the most reliable and the moat popular sewing machine mtido. The light running Domestic. Olllco lOi Main st. Pulled < V\wiy From Captain L. S. llussoll , formerly ol .thiscity , arrived hero u'fow days bincc I rum Ilia homo at Staiiton , Neb , , it search' , ofthe . ton of'ti wealthy ' that place , who had come to Council Hlutrs to see the nights and "rush the growler. " The captain t-oon ran across the voting fellow , but that worthy refused - fused to go homo tin ho "hadn't had fun enough. * ' Persuasion wns of no avail , and finally the ( services of Marsnal Gunnella wore secured. The would-bo "blood" was landed in jail on a charge of vagrancy. He had lost his Inst cent and wa.s in a peck of trouble. He Hent for bin friend , the captain , and willingly promised to go homo if ho could procure Ills This was easily accom plished , and the pair left for Stan ton yesterday morning. During his brief Htuy here the young.-tor cut one of hio eyu teeth , and thus endeth the first les son. son.All All kinds of poultry at Foaron's. An elegant residence with beautiful grounds for wile. T. B. BALDWIN. Domestic patterns at 105 Main st. - S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money. Buy your groceries at Fcaron's. AVnnt to Kick the When business gets extremely dull in police eirelcs , the "peelors" run in one of the old otTonders just for exercise. On Thursdav night the victim was Ed O'Donnell , whoso b uccoss with the Sal vation army sisters was chronicled a few days ago. Yesterday morning the usual brief dialogue \\as ro > ietirsed by the judge and the prisoner , winding up with the inevitable " $7. ( > 0 , to bo com mitted until paid. " ' After finishing his business with the judge , O'Donnoll turned his attention to the reporters , and announced his intention of greatly disturbing the physical comfort of the one who hud brought his name into un due prominence through the medium of the great American press. Ho said that the atTection ho had for the Sal vation army in general , and one of the sifters in particular , would not permit him to keen quiet and let the writer go unpunished. As a result , the Blulls re porter now sees blood on the moon as ho walks abroad , and the ghosts of his victims go Hitting by in endless pro cessions. A vug by the name of Vocano was given twenty minutes in which to reach the river and got under the ice. Ho eagerly accepted the permission and reached Outturn in time to welcome the bleighing party from this city. Choice apples at Fcaron's. A Snap. Splendid chance to go into the imple ment business at Beatrice , Neb. Since the history of Beatrice there has never been half so favorable a time a& at pres ent. If taken at once will sell the entire - tire stock of general implements , con sisting of seasonable goods , regardless of cost. Address mo at Council Bluffs , la. , or Beatrice , Nob. O. P. McKesson , assignee for W. I. Shullonburger. * - City property to trade for land near itho city. Johnson & Van Patten , IW Main street. _ * . - Sheafe loans money on real estate. BENSON'S MISAPPLIED TALENTS. Some IntercHtliiK Kvonts in the His tory of the Clever HOKIIC. New York Herald : Hascality seems to bo an inherent instinct in some people ple and no bettor demonstration of the proposition can be found than in the person of "Harry" Benspn , ulias Meyer , etc. , who is now squirming in the grip of the law. The exploits of this clever rogue in Mexico , where , us Mine. Patti's advance agent ho succeeded in swindling the Mexican public out of thousands of .dol lars , are well knowg. His general his tory has been often published , but there are many interesting events in this jentlemun's checkered career which nave not hitherto seen the light through newspapers. ' A well known gentleman of this city , whoso name is withheld nt his request , ind whoso father was a prominent mer chant in Paris , detailed lust evening to u Herald reporter some interestingfacts concerning Benson's life. "I huvo known Benson , " ho began , "since boyhood. Ho ( Benson ) was born In Paris about forty-two years ago. Young Benson received the best of edu cations in the schools and colleges of Paris , but often caused his father much sorrow by his many escapades and by the tendency ho then developed to cheat liis schoolmates as well as other young men with whom he associated. "In 1808 Benson secured a position on the Gaulois , und wrote many clover irticles , signing himself "Lo Domino Noir. " AB u journalist ho advanced rapidly , the errors of his boyhood wore forgotten and ho gave great promise for the future. "When the wnr broke out it seemed to have a bad effect on Benson. The town of Chateau d'Un had been de stroyed by the Prussians , und petitions had been sent to London for relief , to which fund 100,000 francs had been sub scribed , und which sum the Rothschild * had on deposit. Benson got wind of thu in some way and resolved to secure this money. "He called on the lord mayor of Lon don shortly after this , botiring a letter of introduction from Leon Say , then Prcft do la Seine ( which letter , of course , wns forged ) , and representing him to be 'lo Muiro do Chuteaudun. ' Ho was also armed with other forged credentials , which wore generally written upon the official paper of the 'Department do hi Seine , ' and it was with very little difficulty that ho secured from the lord mayor letters to the Rothschilds , who paid him the money intended for the Uhateaudun sufferers. ' 'Tno lord mayor soon after gave a banquet , to which Leon Say was invited , and when his lordship broached the subject of the young mayor of Chateau- dun , who had visited him and whom ho had taken quite a fancy to , M. Say wan very much surprised. Ho was still further astonished when informed of the letter of introduction which pur ported to have como from himself. Of this last piece of roguery Scotland Yard was informed , and Benson was dis covered by the detectives in a fashion able hotel on Regent street and sent , awaiting his trial , to Newgate. While there ho displayed his wonderful nerve , lie know ho would get u long sentence and so thought of a scheme by which his time in prison would be shortened. "Ho stripped elf his coat and shirt , and , with the intention of injuring him self just enough to bo sent to the infirm ary , placed his naked body ever a burn ing gas jet , thus indicting upon himsoll u horrible burning that nearly co-it him his lifo. Ho was not expected to live long after this and was sentenced to but a year's imprisonment. 'While Benson was in Newgate he wns said to have directed a successful railroad robbery , in which the Bank ol Franco lost a largo sum of money , whlcli was never recovered , and when hit year s term had expired ho took up hit residence in the Isle of Wight , whore ho become interested with Kerr in r swindling sporting paper , the parties Itirs ot which have already been pub lished. " ( n thin hist scheme he wu.s in th < habit of publishing glowing accounts o the success of the horses of a mythical Count Montgomery , predicting the re sults of equally mythical races , und fol lowing up these predictions in the fol lowing week's isstitS of his paper by such 'editorials' us it will bo seen that , us wo predicted last week , the horses of Count Montgomery have won in all the races. etc. These notices caught the * eye of BtmmcHs do Goncourt , a wealthy widow of Orleans , who fell a victim to Benson's scheme to the tune of $5.5,000. "Benson served out twelve years of a fifteen years' sentence for this last piece of swindling , and then came to America in 1880 , with what results the public is already awnre , but there may have been other villainies practiced by thin rascal elsewhere in this country which have not yet reached the light. "A master of no less than six lan guages , all of which ho speaks like a native ; u line musician , and a man of ex ceptionally good address , it is not to b wondered that so many of his schemes have been successful , and in this regard may bo mentioned the fact that he con ducted his own defense when first ar rested in London , displaying an unusual knowledge of English law. " When Benson was brought before Jus tice White in .Jefferson Market court yesterday morning ho was discharged owing to the fact that the offense for which ho was arraigned had been com mitted in Mexico. Inspector Byrnes had expected a dispatch from the St. Louis authorities asking that Benson be remanded for certain swindling oper * ations in that city , but the dispatch did not show up as expected. AH soon as Benson had loft the court room he was again arrested by Detect ives Hanley and Adams , who took him back to police headquarters and later on ho was brought before United States Commissioner Lyman for a consider ation of his ease , with a view to the is suing of a warrant for his commitment and the ultimate granting of extra dition panor.s for his removal to the City of Mexico , there to await a charge of forgery. mo discourse , and I will enchant thine ear with tales of astoundingcuros of all sorts of sulleringby Stilvalion Oil. Price only 1W cents. An Indian hey wanted io hang him self after seven school girls had kissed him. Ho didn't , for ho found they had given him nothing more serious than a cold , which ho speedily cured with Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup , und then married the prettiest one. A GREAT COLISEUM. AYonilprful Arena at Meellulm * Hut to On the Sioux llcsorvntion. Chamberlain ( Dak. ) Correspondence of the St. Paul Cilobe : Amoricu'.s won derland is not conllncd to the Yellow stone park , nor the famous Yosemite valley. While they tire existing won ders of to-day , and their beauties are unsurpassed , they awake no emotions of the mysterious past , und do not recall to the imagination the strange events that have passed into oblivion , and which are discovered und brought to light by the merest accident. Medicine Butte , sixty mile * west of hero on the Sioux reservation , bus a history that is as legible as though it were written in the purest language and stamped with the ntimo of the most truthful and enlightened historian. Its history is written in the wonderful excavations and great arena , whichtaken together , mark it us the coliseum of amighty past. It is silent now , and the shouts of the multitude , which centuries ago was wafted on the wings of the winds , has died uwuy , while only the bones of the different animals which were sacrificed to make an enjoyable holiday , and which are now lying about the arena , mark enit the spot where sports of other days wcre _ witnessed. On the east side of this elevation is an open valley , about 100 feet wide , which , after running westward about 500 feet , terminates in a largo arena about 1.000 feet in circum ference. The walls which surround this arena are perpendicular in height for about forty feet , when they gradually slope to the summit. It was not curved out by the hands of man , hut is the \\ork of Nature. In fact , it would seem that Medicine Butte is an extinct volcano , and many peculiar formations in its vicinity would would tend to es tablish that belief. Bo that as it may , the fact remains that it was used by a people who have long since passed away is an amphitheater where they congre gated to witness the bloody battles of Lho mammoths which inliaoitcd this country ut that remote period. All around the arena and situated one above Lhe other , like so many windows , tire little caves which are entered from the rear. In those safe retreats would the spectators await with impatience the .avage . onslaught in the arena bolow. It is presumed , from the sio and con figuration of the bones which have sur vived the eroding processes of time , that the animals engaged in those fero cious and mortal combats belonged to a species of which the lion and tiger are now the representatives , only they were much larger. Mixed with these bones are others which belonged to some species of ruminant , and it was custom ary , no doubt , to furnish the victor with a dainty feast after his prolonged con test with a mightier opponent. With a savage roar ho would spring upon his trembling vic tim and rend him to pieces , satiating his ravenous appetite with his warm blood. Koine , in her palmy days , when the Coliseum was her great center of at traction , might huvo boasted of a wealthier and more enlightened gath ering than that which gathered to wit ness the conflicts- this arena , but cer tainly not u more enthusiastic one , und one which has left no legible history of its existence. But wo will not despair , for the early future may unravel the history of those times , and bring to light the origin , methods of life and possibly the literature of that forgotten people. Already there has been found certain smooth Hat stones which tire covered with inscriptions , and lately a cipher , which is supposed to ho a key t' the languagehas been added to the trophies , and which , it is believed , will unfold mysteries that will surpass the wildest flights of imagination. This i the old world , and long before the pyramids wore built , long before ! Monition's stutuo had been erected , and had burst into melodv under the inllu- once of the rays of the morning sun , this portion of creation had grown old and was rapidly passing into decay. To the students of antiquity , what a field for research this opens up , while to the imaginative mind , capable of weaving a romance , what u fountain to draw from. There are little things connected with this discovery which may open to sight the origin of the Indian tribes , and po- > - sibly bottle the question concerning the relation of this country and the coist ol Asia , now separated by Bohring strait , There Is one thing that raises the possi bility that those ancient people whe lived in the vicinity of Medicine Butte in remote ages were oithot of Chinese origin , or that the present inhabitants of the Chinese empire are descended from them. Here is the little fragile link , which , it it believed , will complete- the chain o evidence , and proved beyond a doubi the statements which have just boor submitted. In ouch onu of those little caves which surround .the arena are elevations vations resembling diminutive furnaces There is on opouiut ; connected witl them HO that the .smoke could escape ipuard , and they , no doubt , uere the chimneys. Many of those furnnccH still contain allies , and after being stibmlt- ed to a careful analysis by a competent chemist , he decided that the vsood of vhich they are remnants l.s not in ox- stonce now , and ho has examined everything now known on the subject , nit without being able to guln any in- ormatlon relative to it. To complete .his evidence , small vsels of iH'cular lesign and elegant workmanship have won found , which lit exactly the opon- ngs in thee furnaces , and tire believed o nave boon used for boiling \\titer. Most wonderful of all , though , are the ittlo cups resembling ehinnwaro and bearing figures which resemble in their general outline the deslgnes used by the Jhineso tit the present time. The followinir conclusion must bo the rue one , and offers a solution as to what these vessels were used for. In ho first place , ft must bo admitted that Ills ancient coliseum was opened for lohday sports and great occasions ; that roquontly the spectators would become thirsty , or wanted to stay for the night entertainment. In either case they vould start a HIT in the furnanco , and Hiving provided themselves with water > oforohand , they would make a cup of tot tea , assuage their thirst and enjoy a dnd of mild intoxicationwhile they vitncssed the scenes bolow. The most oncluslvo proof of the above statement s that all tlicso vessels have a strong > dor of tea , and that fact alone should convince the most skeptical. Time ilone can clear away the mystery vhlch hangs like a thick mist between us and the past , and bring to light the secrets which , for the present , will have o remain so. Other portions of the earth- have disappeared suddenly and tnaccountably , and often being en- .ombed for centuries have been un earthed by the hand of mini , and made o toll their story in the light of mod ern times. There has now been or ganized nt this place an enthusiastic lub who haves adopted the euphonious .itlo ot "Knights of Ancient Antiqui ties'and they are going to begin opera tions immediately fen- the purpose of liscovering the ancient people who mvo long ago vanished from the face ) f the face of the earth. It is com- > osed of classical scholars und great ad venturers , who delight in delvintr in the mvsterles of the past. S. W. Di-xcAX. SPECIALNOTICES. _ NOTICE. SPECIALadvcrtlioinontHsucha * l.o tKoutnl To I/nan , 1'or S.iluTo Kent , Wants , llimnlliiK' . etc. , will be InMTti'd In this column at the low ratoofTHN CUNTS I'KIl UN'Kfor thu tlrst In- ht-it km anil 1'lvo Cents 1'er Line for each Mitlisi'- incut liiHi'iIon. ( Iipuvu ailvcitlHi'ini'tits at our illico No. 1" IVarl Street , near llroailway Connell - ell Illuds , Io\v . WANTS. W IANTI3H A Kood nlrl for neneial hoir-e- work. Mis. Lucius Wells. Oakland nvc. FOKSALK Km nit un-nnd stoves ut n sacrl- ncu toreiltii1'stock You can buy at your own pilcus. A..J. ilr.wlel. " " "XClUNlJ i-OmaiFaauim : > nnclTTlUu7s pToi erty ami weitern land for stocks of iner- chanillMi. Call on or aililrev * . ) . 11. Christian , GUI ) llioulwuy. Council Illuils , la. FH HAMI-Srcoml-haml Columbia bicycle very cheap , KMnili , at Hoe olllue. BUILDINU lots and acre piopeity for sale by K.J. Day , IWI'etulst. UOSI'lTU. AND OFFICE 45 KOUKTII ST. , Council lllutTs , la. Veterinary Dentistry a Specialty , A BARGAIN FOR SOMEBODY 1 ha\ < now for sale n 4-year-old trotting htal- lluu , Ills ilro and dnm both stnml.ind DR , WADE GARY , Eighth and Farnain .Streets , Uinalia. O D E & LL Catarrh to Consumption , Catatrh In Its destructive force stands next to and undoubtedly leads on to consumption. It is therefore singular that tho" < > utlllcted with tills fenrfnl disease should not make It the object of their lives to rid tliemscu es of It. Deceptive rem edies concocted by ignorant pretenders to medi cal knowledge- have weakened tint confidence of the great innlorlty of Hulferers in all aihertlsed remedies. 'Jhey become leiigned to a llfu of misery rather than tortuiu themselves lth doubtful palliatives. lint thl' will never do. Catarrh must bo met at u\ery htage and combated with ullour might. In many cases tlm dUo iso IIHH assnmeil danger ous hjmptoms. 'ih bones and curtilage of the nose , the organs of hearing , of seeing and of tasting M ) allected HH to bo useless , the UMila so elongated , the throat f-o Inllamed and irritated us to product ? a constant anil distressing cough , S\.NH > IU > 'H HAIIICII. CUIIK meetH every phnsti of ( 'utiarli , fioin a himplo head cold to the most loathsomeanil ilc-trui tlvu htages , it in local and conitltntlonal. Instant In lelleving , perma nent in curing , hafc , economical und nuvcr-fall- ing. ing.iach ; package contains one bottle of the lUni- C'AI.CUIIK.ono bo\l'\T.lltllll\IS < ) I.VK.NT , lllld Illl iMl'KOVKli iNHAI.nn , with tteatlsii ; price , il. 1'OTTKH Ullt'O & C'llKMICM. ( ' < ) . llDSTl.1 * . UTERINE PAINS And Weakness Instantly relieved by tilt' t'lmrUIIA A.NTI-r.VIS I'l.\hTKIt , a Perfect Antiiloto to I'aln , liillam- . . _ , _ niatlon and Weakness. A new , most ti'-'reeahlo. Instantaneous and Infallible painkilling - killing plaster , especially adapted to relline feinalHpnlns and weaknesses. Vastly Mipeilor to all other plasters. . At all drngglhts 11 ents ; flvu for tl.dOj or , postage fiee. of I'OTTKH Duuu AMI CIIKMIC Co. , Iloston , Mass. I HEJoy likes best ! Tbli lithe III- Uorde Ttp- lire Trice-Hit , ricblrlllUBtn- led In colour- print , of lb ANCHOR STONE ltflNG BOX , which houM b ( Duo4 ID ftmllr nd m y I * obutn d ftom Ul Toy dticrl , SUUoneri and Edaotloul DepOII. Tbe fdct-Utt will be forwtnled gnUt on ppllcallan to F. AD. RICHTER & Co. . DO YOU INTEND TO BUY FI-AJSTO OK so , iTO-vv is 1 lANOR-TlIK PUM.F4T. KtCIIKSTTONK. Oiin INS SMOOTH is TONP. 1 lAMIN-Tlir. lATKKT Sft . . . , . - - I.K * IN Nruu vot. .ii.i. < > \ i r n i i i i.r. \ & V tPt.t * * N-- IN 1'IAMW TlIK MOST IlKAUTlrUt. Kl.NIXII. N. * KI.MI W.TI.V . FlMtUtrn CtRKg. zIcTwEEC1 AVe Defy All Competition find Chnllnngo n I'ompnrlaoii of Goods anil 1'rloei With Any Honne In the Wrat. SEE US BEFORE YOU PURCHASE I SWANSON MUSIC COMPANY , 329 WEST BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , . . . . IOWA. -STRICTLY CASH COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. Will sell you groceries cheaper than you can buy them anywhere else on earth. Mail orders solicited. GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU FROM 10 TO 20 PER CENT , DR. C. B. J U D D , MANUFACTURER OF ELECTRIC BELTS AND ELECTRIC TRUSSES , No. GO6 Brondwny , Council Bluffs , lovvn. "WANTED Good Salesmen enlarge commission or Biliary. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. FTNTFY RTTPO Attornoy-at-Law , Second Floor Brown rillJjDl DUR1VD , Building , 115 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. NOpUTTDy lustice of the Peace. Ofiice ever American , 0\J11U1\ZJ , Express , No. 419 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. ITftNF ftlIM Attorneys at-Law , practice in the State \ i tJlvlllj ( X 011110 , ailj lfediral ; Courts. Oliice Kooms 7 and 8 , ShugartBeno Block , Council Bluffs , Iowa. F RARNFTT Jus co ° f 10 i0' ! 15 Broadway , u. IJi Dnilli illj Council Bluffs. Refers to any bank or business house in the city. Collections a specialty. DRS. WOODBDRY & FINK GOLD WORK A SPECIAI/TV. EUROPEAN mmm .lolm Allen , Prop. Entrances , 112 Main mill 11 ! ) I'earl St. M KAI.S AT ALb HOUIIH Open from to 10 p. m. Council llltitl.s Iowa. Hazard & Co Solo ncent * for llotarj StiutlleStiindanl Sewing Machine For Nebraska A West ern Iowa. Office. MM Main St.Coun- ell Illiiffi , lowii. Atientd wunted. Nenmayer's ' Hole ; J. Neumuycr , 1'rop. $1.00 PER DAY. Street cnr connections to all el < * l . Klro proof lUnGTe In con nectlon.IsoH aHnncl Jld llrimtltriijr. Oii.Oirrien | Illume , e'onncll lllufT * . town. Hn , W , B , White Restaurant , ' . . , S'o.3.17 IlroailwayCoun cil IllutTi , Ion * . Lcu't Forget . The Great-Bart SHOE STORE , IK at 100 Main Street , Council HlulK la. S. A. t'lc'ict' . 1'rop. WEFitzgeralil , Dealer In Staple ami Fancj GROCERIES. New Store , New Stock , 21'J Main St. Crotoii lloii o Illnck. Council llluffn , U. Teller & Egan , Wholesale anil retail Grain. Floor , Feed Ilalcil ( myetc. Audits /or Walnut Illnck Coal VU Main bt. Council lllutri. A. RINK No. 201 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Both Domestic and Foreign. D , H , McDANELD & CO , , Hides , Tallow , Pelts , Wool and Furs. Highest Market Prices. Prompt Returns. KOand K2 Main Strcct.Councll - GREAT DISCOUNT SALE OF 30 1'Klt CKNT ON HATS AND GAPS FOR GASH. . OMAHM. 1514 DOUGLAS STREET. - - - WM. WELCH , Carriage and Express Line , OFF1CIS 015 SOUTH MAIN HT. Tnli'plionn No. WI. All calls from District Tdcgr.ipll Olllco promptly attemleil to. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS KOlirooduay Cniucil IIIutTs , Iowa. i ; tabllnlitd IbSI , Star Stables and Mule Yards Uroaduuy. Council lllutls , Opp. Dummy Depot , llorm-s ami mill * * constantly on hand , fo sale lit retail or In < ar load lots. Onlrra promptly Jllled by contract on short notice1. Stock sold on commission. TeluplioixilM. hUHI.UTKU A 1101,15 * ' . Opposite Dummy Dupot , Council lllutrs. CRESTON HOUSE , Main Street , Council Bluffs , ; Only Hotel in the city with Flro Ea capo. Electric Call Bolls. Accommodations First Class , Rates Always Reasonable. MAX MOHN , Proprietor. OGDENBOILERWORKS &SO.N , 1'ron's. .Manufacturers ot / / / Kinds of Steam Boilers & Sheet Iron Workt Ordorn by mall for rcparn promptly uttcndod to , KatlHfactlnn Kiiarantti-d. Kith AM-IIIIU. Ail Urttb UlS'lm llolkT Worka. Council lllulT , low *