' ' " > KPlMNMrfMp MiflBEilll . * > ( " , T"f > * Bjfy * ' il'TfwT ' J r * w * * ( THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , JANUARY 21 , 1888. CHARGED WITH HIDING GOODS ii. Another Development in the Harold Failure Case. AN INSANE MAN GOES A-GUNNING Anil Create * Coiis..lcrnblc Ai > i > rclicn- Hlini In Jloek Creek I'reclnut More liiHurnnoo Ili-piirtH Dlitrlot Court Cases Ijlncolii NCWH. fritOM TIIK nKh's UNCO ! . * nUllBAU.1 Now developments wore inndo ye.sler- duy Iti the CUHO of Uio arrest of Christian ( j. llorold mentioned a few duya ago the complaint being for Hcc'rctlng goods at ilio lime of his failure nnd previous to his term in the penitentiary. His arrest u few days ago on this elmrgo by Frank "West , agent for the He'rolds , was fol lowed ycHtcrday by tlio bringing to this city of William and Herman llorold , two brother * ) , of PlutUmouth , who are charged with a like offense , together with Mrs. C. G. llerold and a young lady , a niece , both of the latter resid ents of this city. For the prosecution of the charges prcfored by Mr. West , Messrs. Stearns and I'liilpot appeared yesterday as attorneys and Mr.IIartigan , of Plattsinonth , appeared for the Her- olds. Hearing was postponed until the 'iOth and the individual ball of each was flxod at "HM ) , John Fit/gorald signing the bond and William and Herman llorold returning homo in the afternoon. The ITcrolds claim the entire case iHtrumpod up , while the other side say nothing , ap parently willing to rest their ease on the developments they have prepared. IXHANi : AM ) ON THIS WAIH'ATir. Yesterday morning Sheriff Mcliek re ceived a letter from Jiibtico of the Peace J. H. Wileox , of Uock Creek preeinct , Hinting that a man named Noils 1'oters was roaming around that section of the country on horseback and armed with a Hholgun , threatening to shoot jwoplo on hight. The uhoritT at once dispatched a deputy with a warrant for the man's ar rest , and as all evidence obtained pointed to his insanity , the insane board were Hummoncd to examine him as to his mental condition when ho should arrive in the city. It is ascertained that I'etor.s has been an Inmate of the asylum for four years , being sent up from Cass couply. About a year ago ho was re leased as cured , since which time he has remained in this county and has worked u portion of the time as a farm hand. 1NSUUANCK HKTUIINS. The record of the business of insur ance companies kept at the auditors of fice had the following additional re turns of business during 1887 added yes terday : Connecticut , of Hartford Premiums. $31,835.30 ; losses incurred , $20,520.35 ; losses ) paid , $15,707.8 : ! . State , of Des Moinosj-Proiniums , $35,09.44 ! ; losses incurred , $15,720.53 ; losses paid , the wimo. The Orient , of Hartford Premiums , $112,705.40 ; losses incurred , $2,001.01. Franklin , of Philadelphia Premiums , $5,404.7(1 ( ; losses incurred , 1,708.1(1 ( ; losses paid , same. British American , of Toronto Premiums , 81- 817.71 ; losses incurred , $1,7.15.55 ; lObSes paid , $ } ,65(5.50. ( Spring Garden , of Phil adelphia Premiums , $1,307.50 ; losses none. United Firomons , ot Philadel phia Premiums , $958.00 ; losses none. Central Nebraska Live Stock Insurance company , of Kearney Premiums , $9- . lo > incurred $2,375 losses 285.74 ; - ! > eH , , ; paid , $1,71)7.50. ) Farmersand Merchants , of Lincoln Premiums , $95,972.08 ; losses incurred , $17,204.50 ; losses tiaid , $ " , - f > 45.i8. ! In the report ot compa nies thus far received by the auditor the last named company , the Farmers and Merchants , furnishes a nhowing of the largest amount of busi ness done , and the record shows that the business of the year has been very profit able. The Pluimix.of Brooklyn , stand * second in the list for amount of business transacted. The Manufacturers and Builders' In surance company , of New York , has made application to transact business in Nebraska. 1HSTIHOT COURT CASKS. The county attorney has filed peace warrants in the Tlorpolsheimer-Posl eases. In these cases the parties caeli make atlldavit against the other setting forth that they have just cause to feai that the other will do bodily injury cither to themselves or members ol their families , llorpolnhoimor'8 boml to keep the peace is lor $500 and Join : 3'ost's for $ -100. The trouble arose ovoi the possession of a house. Marshal Hiorbower has been sued ir the district court of this county by Join F. Miller ; who claims that ho was wrong fully and forcibly deprived of a stock o goods in November , 1880. Ho asks Judgment for $1,5K53. A broach of contract case tnat had i liearing in the lower court has been ap txmlod to the district court , the COM l > oing brought bv Poor & Fuller , rea state agents , against W. A. Doggctt , i cowing machine agent of this city. Ono divorce case was added to the list yesterday for the coming term o court , entitled West vs. West , and re citing the usual domestic troubles. THUFIU8T OltDKlt. Adjutant General Cole issued yester day the ih-bt order of the new year ui follows : HKAIKJUAUTKUS Nr.musKA NITIOXAI GUAIUM , LINCOLN , .Tun. iio , Special OrdorNo 1. Cuptuln H. A. Moreluml , of Company F First iVKliiieut , having tendered Ills resign ; ! tlon niul tlio same ImviiiK been approved b ; the coloaol of said regiment , Is horcby hon onibly discharged from the service. First Lk'Uloimut L. A. Ballon is hereb ; ordered to call un electioa of Company F fo thu purpose of iUliiiK the vacancy caused b , the reslptuitlga of Captain Moroland. Uy order ol the couiiuaadcr In chief , A. V : COI.K , Adjiitunt General. A WKDDIXQ IK aotJHKAUSjr. On "Wednesday evening of this tvcol Miss Jennie A. Hyde , the accomplishec daughter of Colonel T. II. Hyde , of tin Lincoln Daily News , was united in mar viago to Mr. J. W , Jordan , who occupie u responsible position with the Slat Journal. The wedding was a ver , pleasant affair occurring at the horn of the bride's parents in the presence c the 1-olutiven and intimate friends of th contracting parties. The bride , who i creatly esteemed for her many excel lent qualities and graces , was attondei nt the ceremony by her younger sistoi Mies Nellie liydo. The llov. II. 'I Davis olllciated. A pleasant cottage al ready prepared for their reception wil bo the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Jordan and they take to it a largo number c handsome and valuable presents ri colvctl from their many friends. HTATK IIOUSK IIUIKKS. G. W. Carpenter , of Rulo. Richard eon county , has filed a complaint wit the board of transportation against th Chicago , Burlington & Quiucy rallrau reolting that the road , when it bull through the city , made deep cuts an high ombanknuHittt that crossed th publlo streets of the place , and tin blnco making those cuts and grades thread road has wholly neglected to ropai crossings or put streets at such plact in condition for use. The complah further alleges that the company hi .moved its depot building into thobtroc where it seriously luterfolvs 'with th pubHo traffic and travel. The .boar pas ILxcd upon January 0 us. answer da to thin complaint anil so notified General Manager Holdregc. Adjutatit General Cole lias received n communication setting forth 'that Generals Morrow nnd Hatch , of the regular army , are arranging for a sum mer encampment of the regular army at borne point ort the Loup river dur ing the coming Bummer. The date for the catnp has not been agreed upon , but the information is given that there will be at least twenty-eight com panies of regulars in attendance. A cordial invitation is extended , through Adjutant General Cole , to the state militia to join in the encampment and pitch their tents with the regulars. Kent Kxtntc TrniiBfors. F Souncntcht'ln and wife to Jno Hro- nicr. uudiv K lot Hi 15 , 10,17 Kemp- ton llfiKhls , wd $ 1,000 Gee K Hurkcr aad 'wife to Mury K Utist , lot 5 blk 2 , Orchitrd Hill , w d. . 750 Siual D Mercer and wife to Fred Vf Gray , lots 40 , 41-13 Ulk ii , Mercer jiark , w d .1,000 1 A limy ton and wife to FUcllono. lots 1 , a , ! l , 4 , Union I'lnceadd , wd 'J,7uO John F Flack and wife to Mlimlu D Gunrgu et al , lot 4 blk 4 , Jetters add , w d 1,000 J A Hoedcr to Clara Hoedcr , o 20 ft of lot U blk 21UJ4. w d 1 E B French and wife to Ira CVinn , lot 10 bile 5 , Central Park , w d COO P Hector nnd wife to wuac , Iot5 blk 1 , South Omaha , w d 400 Gco I. . Dunham and wife to same , lot 2 blk 11 , Central park , w d COO Ira C Whin to B H Corbet , lot 10 blk 5 , lot 12 blk 14 , Central park , lot 5 , Auburn hill sub , wd COO asT Moriarity to P .1 Tifihe , lot 1 blk 4 , Albright's ' annex , wd 325 rjauie to Jus Douglas , lot 22 blk 4 , same , wd 325 iVin Iluwlcy and wife to Bll/abeth Moses , o * 4 l ° t blk 2 , Exchange place , iv 50 ft lot 23 and s 21 ft of w 50 ftlot2T , Hawlo.v terrace , wd COO Same to Peter Jacobs , lot 11 blk 4 , Albright's annex , wd 800 m E Hawley nnd wife to F C Hi own , lots 18 aad 10 , lluwley terrace - race , wd 450 G A Kagel to John MeArthur , lota 5 atullibllc 5 , I.iymaa place , wd 1,450 , Vm G Albright nnd wife to Thos Jefforis ct al , lot lit blk 2 , .IclToris' re-plat of blk 1 and lot 15 blk ! l , re-plat of blk 2 , Albright's Choice , wd 1,000 iVin H Cowlcs nad wife to Jas P Dny , 11 lots in Northsldo add , wd 5,200 2has W Porter and wife to S T Peterson , u % lot 41 > Nelboa's add , w d 1,550 ohu W Oriniths ( trustee ) to C A Flynn , lota 5 and C , block 1 , Uakcr placew d GOO William B Hawley and wife to Mary L Wolfe , lots 15 , 10 aad 17 , Hawley Terrace , w d C75 harles II Woolley and wife to John and Mary L Wolfi- , lots I and 2 , block 1 , Exchange place , w d 2,000 Samuel S Campbell to liuth C JaniCR , lot 8 , block 2 , Pruyu's subdivision of Il.vdo Park , q c 1 O S Hoffman and wife to Hosa Levy , north 20 feet of lot 12block80Soath Omaha , w d 1 Charles W and Sophia ilartman to J A Hcrgor , south ! ) feet of north CO feet of lots7and 8 , block 7 , Patrick's 2d add. , w d 3,500 liarles W and Sophia Hartman to , T A Ucrger , north HO foot of south 00 feet of lot * 7 aad 8 , block 7 , Patrick's 3d add. , w d 4,000 Far.nio W McCandlish and husband to C H Toacray , north y. of east \4 \ of lot 05 , Horback's 1st add. , w d 8,000 William G Albright and wife to Fred Sonncnschein , lot"l , blk4 , Matthews sub of lot 10 , L'O , 21 , 22 , ! SI , 2S and 29 , Albright's choice , w d 500 Hans P Hcruia and wife to Samuel Mortcnacn et al , north 175 feet , of east 27K feet of lot 30 , blk 2 , Park place , wd 2,000 Samuel Mortenscn ct al to Hans P Ilerum , lot 3 and west 20 feet of lot 2 , bile "G , " Lowes add 2,000 John L McCnguo to the Publlo Plat of Spriagdale , situated in tux lot U , in 17,15 , 13 James II Wheeler odd wife to John F Helm , lot ! t , blk 9 , Ambler place , w d 1,350 Nellie MoNamara to Andrew Itlloy ct al , lot 9 and 10 , blk 1 , Kilby place , w d 3,800 Lyman Hichardaon to the Public ex tension of Itarney street through tux lot 10 in 13 21,15 , v ilbort M Hitchcock nnd wife to UenJ S Urown , lots U and 12 blk 7 Hitch cock's 1st ad w d 750 John W Griffith , trustee , to O F Wood , lot 12 blk 1 Barker place w d 300 Andrew J Stanley and wife to John Anderson , undivided Yt of lot 4 blk A Lowes' 1st ad w d 800 Morris Morrison , trustee , to Phillip Cassady lots 2 and 3 blk 3 Mt Doug las w (1 3 George II Uoggs et nl to Martha M Ilensel , lotsi and 4 blk 0 Arbor placow k 893 Same to same , part of lots 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 blk 0 Arbor place qc 4 Mrs. Nellie McKamara to J J Cam- inings , lots 13 and 14 blk 7 Graddy's sub of Lowe's 2d ad w d 7,500 F II Miller and wife to G M Guilder- sou , undivided y oflois 1 , 2 , 3. 4 and 5 blk 15 Uoyd'a ad w it 15.00C John L Allies ot al to Christian Perter- BCII , lot IS bk 3 Walnut Hill w d. . . . CSC A F lioscho and wifotoll Frank Hart , lots 0 , 7 and 8. blk 8 , Urown Park , w d 3.00C Sarah K Hartman and husband to Mary A Uusaell , lot 4 , Crescent 1'ark , w d 3.50C Ellen Barrett to John A Doe and An drew Haas , lot 8 , blk 88 , South Omaha , w d 3,00 ( Homo Investment company to Jatnos H Wheeler , n td ft of lot 0 , blk 5 , Denlse's add , w d C.WX Charles L Van Camp and wife to J E Hiley , 1 acre in nw-ne-3-14-J3 , com. 128 ft e and 227 5-10 ft s of mv cor , wd 3,001 Charles L Blazer and wife to C F Ucod , lot 11 , Washington Square , w d. . 2,0X , ( Louis Schroeder , truatee , to T I' Mahoney - honey , lot 4 , blk 1 , Cleveland Pltice , w d 90 ( Thomas C Jofferis to Charles Corbctt , lot 15 , blk 3 , Jefteris' replut , w d. . . . 80 ( Fifty-two deeds § ' .H,93- Oiio Building Permit. ' Hut one buildinc permit was Issued yes tcrday and that was to Nels Larson to creel a * T > ( X ) cottage on the corner of Thirty-lift ! and Dccatur streets. Old pillboxosnre spread ovcrthe land by the thousands after having beer emptied by suffering humanitv. Wha ! a mass of sickening , disgusting medicine cine the poor stomach has to content with. Too much strong medicine Prickly Ash Bitters is rapidly am surely taking the place of all this class of drugs , and in curing all the ills aris ing from a disordered condition of the liver , kidneys' stomach and bowels. * KING MWANGA BAPLY SCARED Jtumnrfi That Stanley AVas Coining t ( Filit Him Minle Him Nervous. The savage ruler of Uganda , Kinj Mwanga , who murdered Bishop Han ningtoa and many of his Christian sub jects a while ago , thought judgmen was aluHit to overtake him when h < heard a while ago that Stanley was 01 tlio way to Central Africa. It will b remembered that before the king or ( lured the murder of Hanni-ngton hi called his counsellors around him , an < the distinguished gentlemen discussei the probability that the whites wouli make them suffer if they put the Itisho to death. The strong point was raisei that two white men had been killed ; few years before by a chief at the fcoutl end of Victoria Nyanza , and the inui derer had never been called to accoun for his crime. It was. therefore , inferred forred that Bishop Hannington could b murdered with impunity , and the un happy man's fate was scaled. But when the Arabs toldMwnnga the Stanley was coming , his firut though was that the whiles hnd boon aroused t vengeance by tlu\ cruel tiking ; oil c Jlauninglon * Had U.been possible' h would have turned pale when the Araba told him the white man was coming with 1,000 guns. Ho summoned in hot haste the missionary , Mackay. whom ho hnd long held n prisoner. Mackay writes that there would have been a terrible panic If he had not succeeded in calm ing the fears of the king. lie told the de ixH that Stanley was coming to the relief of Kmln Pasha , and ho was not certain that ho intended to visit Uganda at all. He could not have 1,000 guns with himbecause there wore only (100 ( men in his party , most of whom were heavily laden with goods. "Do you think"askcd the king , "that Kaba Kcga will lot Stanley cross his country to Uganda. ? ' ' "I don't know , " answered Mackay , "but If he does , I am sure that Stanley will come here with peaceful intentions , if ho comes at all. " Kubn Hega is Mwanga's powerful enemy , with whom ho is frequently at war. His country lies between Einln Pasha'a district and Uganda , the great country which Mwanga misgoverns. Another fear haunted the king. Sup pose Stanley should come , H would not be pleasant to have Mackay accuse his dusky highness of having forcibly de tained him many months after he had asked permission to depart. lie there upon decided that Mackay should not stay upon the order of his going , but go at once , lie gave him scant time to pack his baggage , nnd packed him olT down the lake , and Mr. Maekny , is now supposed to bo on route for Europe after short visits to some of the mission stations on the wav. Stanley hesitated to take the Uganda route to Central Africa , fearing that his approach might cause the king lo put Mackay to death ; but the news of his approach by another route had the good clTect to set Mackay nt liberty , and wo shall probably soon hear from liim full details of the stirring and tragical scenes ho has witnessed in Uganda within the past two years. It was agreed when he left Uganda that an other white man was to come to take his place , and before this the missionary , "Gordon , has probably taken uptho work rtackay left. Fire and sword seem impotent to ex- inguish Christianity in Uganda. Al- hough Mwanga put about two hundred Christians to death in the most cruel miunor , the survivors never abjured heir faith or ceabcd to hold thoirsecret meetings for worship. Since the king ; rew weary _ of persecutions , the Christian natives have resumed holding meetings in his chief town , almost under ho shadow of his royal hut. e\JV.L WEIQfff CREAM Its Rtipcrior excellence proven In millions n homes for more than a quarter of a century. It Is used by the United States Government. En dorsed bv the heads of the great imUorMUcg. as the Strongest , Purest and Most "Healthful. Dr. Price's the only linking Powder that does not contain Aiunumtn , T.tme or Alum. Hold only In ram. Place HAKINO POWUEI ; Co. . New York. Chicago. Bt. Louis. CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000 We do hereby certify that wo iupervbo the ar- rniiKenients for all the monthly iiml iiiinrlerly lrnwhiB ) of The IxiulslHim State Lottery Cunipuny , nnd In | > er on ruanaKPjiml control the drHWlnKStlu'iii- ftelrea , and that the ttnniD uroconductvtl with honesty tnlrnriis and Injcood faith toward all Imrtlca , and wo authorize the Company to u o thin certificate wltti lue simile * of our ; IiatUuru : attachud , In Us adrcrtDu- lucnts. " COMJIISSIONKK3. We , the undenUned Hanks and Hankers will pay all 1'rlii's drawn In the I/oulKlnna Htato Ixtterlv9 which may bo presented at our counters. J. H. OGI.Kb'llV , Pres. Ixiulslana Nntlonal Dank. I'IKRUK I.ANAUX , 1'res. State National Hank. A. IIALWVIN , 1'rei. New Orleans National llnn'i. CAUL KOII.V , 1'rcs. Union National Hank. . TTmECEDENTEiTATTRACTlON. * OVEH HAI.C A MH.IJONDISTUIUUTKI Louisiana State Lottery Company. incorporated In ISiS. for 25 years , by the legislature for Diluratlonal and charitable purpoaes-wllh a caiil tal of Jl. Oiulo which it it urvu luiul of ovei IUO.UUI has since been added. lly an overwhelming popular vote Us franchise wns niado a part of tlin present conslltutlou adoiittid Deccnibcr SJ , A. 1) . 137U. Tlio only lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people of any state. It never scales or postpones. Us Grand Single Number Drawings take place monthly , and the Urand ( Quarterly DniwIiiKS rvtiu larlj every three months iMarch , June , beiitembei und December. ) A Sl'I.KNDIl ) OPIH1HTUNITY TO WIN A KOH TU.NH ; . fprondnrnnd DruwlnK. Cln II , In the Acad einy of Music , New Orleans , Tuesday February T lsat > 2Utu Monthly Drnwlnif. CAPITAL PRIZE $ , $150,000 , Notice- Tickets are Ten Dollars Only. Salves , $5 ; Fifths , $2 ; Tenths , $1 , LIST or 1 CAPITAL PIU/.15 OF | lw.ni ( JlSO.m I IIHANIl I'KI/.K OK W U Mljll 1 I1IIAN1I P1U/.K Ob' JI.IH 21 .AIIOH I'ltl/.KS OP 4 I.AUOK I'ltlZES Of 1U " 1UI " Ml ( fa New express tat our expense ) addrcssrd U. A. DAUPHIN. Nrwom.KA.ss.M , 0M.A.nAtlPIUN. WAHIII.XUTOX , D.C. Address Beglstered Letters ta SEW OKLEAXS NATIONAL HANK , NEW OUI.EANS. I.A 'PI\l"IV"\nyi71 Ft I > It Tbattlieprcienroof rraU Hcauresanl Ccn n i Karly , who are In charge o ( the drawings , is 11 Kuar anteti of absolute fairness and Integrity , that th < rbuhcvt are all equal , and that no onu cau pusslbl1 dlTlnii what number will draw n 1'rlie. ItNMKMllUlt that the payment of all prlies I ni-AiuNrccn MV mini NATIONAL UANKM IIP MCV out EA M. and the ticket * are rlnned liy thu prvtldon of an Institution whoi0 chartered rights are rccon iiltnt In ( he hlshf l rourUi therefore , beware ut aaj BiltHIouj ur taouruicus tohcuiet. WHICH IS THE CHIEF ? Well ; their are many claimants , but the reports that that come from nil parts of the wide west seem to indicate that the products of Messrs. Jas. S. Kirk & Co. , arc unexcelled. Their "WHITE CLOUD " Soap is particularly in favor. It is snow- white and absolutely pure. Perhaps the people's verdict thab " WHITE CLOUD" IS THE CHIEF Is in accordance with the facts. It is certainly a splendid soap for the bath and toilet , as well ns for fine laundry work. ' HANDS. ECHCMA. IlTVra ClIAl'ITD other ntloctlonn of the hklu can lie < 1 by SKAIIUUVH MEint'vrKii 8Si SOAPS , rtollcnk-Iv pertuinuil and each cake In u decorated tlu box. rOQTHACHE , NF.imAT.OTA OF TIIK PA OR , ii ; ) OPMS , from any CUUMJ , /rellovoil ltyI\u v'R TOOTIIAOIIK us. which tntyi the pi ice of oplutvs nnd dangoroiistoiithachu drops. OEWEH CA8 ! AND OTIIRIt DANfiEHOUS OH 0 DISAOItKEAllI.E GAHES call bo rrndeiod Inociious by hurnlui : Sr.\nuuv's HVDIION- AITIIOI , I'Asni.i.iiH. 'Iho safest , nio t fi-a- yraut and mostclllclent deodorizer. AND 11UNIONS are promptly relieved by MKAII'S CHUN AND HUNION ri.As-ri.ii3. On soft felt , hlglily medicated Hollovo pres sure and reduce lullaintimtlou. ALL DauoaihTS SELL TIIBSE GOODS. CLUCK & WILKINSON. DRUNKENNESS Or the Llouor Habit , Positively Curcdb Dr. Haines' Gulden - t It ran lie clvon in aciipof coffeoortpnwitho c-tho knowledge of the perfon taking It ; iibsolut ( lly harmle.41 , and will I'llcrt a perinanont an t pcedy euro , whether thu patient Is a moderut fdrlnki-r or an alcoholic wreek. Tlioasiinds o drunkards have been made temperate mou who have taken Golden Ppeclllo In tlu'lr rotr o with out their knowledge and to-tiny bellovo Uioy quit drinking of their own free will. IT NRVKH VAILS. The sj-htcm once ImpreKnated with the Ppei'lllc , It becomes nn litter Impossibility for the liquor appetite to exist. For tale by Kuha A : Co. , 1'ith uud Douglas sts. anil Ihth and Cuui- Ing hta . Omaha , Neb. ; A. D. foster Ic Ilro. , Council lllulls , la. DREXEL & MAUL , ( Succp'sors to John G. Jacobs. ) Undertakers & Embalmers At the old stiinil. 1407 Faruam St. Orders by tele graph solicited and promptly attended to. Telephone No. iii STREET 1119 4,000 4,000 AT $2.90 which was made to order lor . : $ 5.00 S.30 " " . 0.00 ; i.70 " " . 0.50 4,0- " " . 8.00 4.r 5 " " . 8.50 4.80 " " . 9.00 5.00 u " . 10.00 5.2.5 " " . 10.50 5.05 " " . 11.00 5.:55 : " " . 11.50 0.19 " " . 112.00 0.35 " " . 12.50 ( J.70 " " . 13.00 0.95 " " . 13.50 7,15 " " . 14.00 3,200 SUITS. 3,200 AT $ 8.20 which was made to order for $10.00 10.50 18.00 18.50 19.00 20.00 22.00 J. . 23.50 21.00 25.00 25.SO 20.00 27.00 28.00 29.00 A I 1.1 j $ 7.70 which was made to order for $10.00 ' 9.00 " , n " -M-00 1 10.40 " " 22.50 1 11.80 " „ " 2.1.00 i 12.20 " ' " 28.00 } 13.40 "Ml " 30.00 J 14.10 " . " 32.50 15.30 " " 35. ( 0 10.70 " " : :8.oo : 17.40 " " 40.00 18.00 " " 42.00 19.80 " " 45.00 GAUT1OIST THE PUBLIC IS PAIVriCULAnLY CAUTIONED AGAINST A PHILADELPHIA BEER , Which ( Jlctnu Folntctt upon the. Unit-it ry I'ttrcliHtrrjias the dcnnlno Jut Johann Hoff's Malt Extract Tlip nrllclo In qur llon h | iut up lit n Sgit.VTTV lion I R with ( irrinnii niul Knclljh Itbcl printed In bliieim I tlu1 rnrk nivrriil llh ji'lliiw win , iilUtijf ( ln > imrkiiKO B lirriimn Apiirxriiiici' . Mho uit iirini"oil rllninli'r ) of HIP citriuirnuon mi'hlns ilii'V KOO < I In cnlllni ; tliolr ilonipjtlo bi-or "fii'iiu. tni' linpiirtitl Mull httrtict"nml tliolr npi > iMil to tlieriiplillljr nf iiMlMliirln"r of trmlo ttu'ii lijr ( ironlfHiif ono Immlrcil uotllra ami niw nl in IIHI C lie run ho luilm-mlto puictiuv their KoiM' , nmj iui ; o thl Aiui-rli'iin leer to bo prtlimM utron th unnnry. TIIK UfiXl'lXE AXD ONLY IM TOUTED Johann Hoff's Malt Extract Introilnrcil Into the U. S. liy l.voi'ol n llnrrlnVt \ \ flip nnrlvnlloil niitrlllvo to'.ilonmt food for liivnlhln , HUM. lnt ; iiiiu'ti , trpluiM pnllrnt * niul cnknv lnrliliMit lo niti' nnd ri > nviilt > vi < nl < pn .T | | M | tir U > mUiiK | > li M- rlnn UininitliDiit thu wnrM l rt'i-clvivt niilr liy u > inniillilr PIT dli'Niiu'niU Ihn llnniliiirK-Anirrlcnn P i > kv ( Cuiu | > iuir , niul 19 ( HtAIUNTkKH BCiuHlu' niul Itiiportotl by I In' ulcnnturc on mrtnllr r p of TARRANT & COMPANY , UTS , fiSO C X'A'V UJtlSEXH'lVJl S'USEET , ami 10O WAKllEX STItEK'f jfEit' row if. Solo Iilijiortcrs and Agents since ISiVJ , to c < iuaterfelt which Is F15LONY. In orilor to prutcct Ihcin-oKc" nc : > lmt Imposition llm puli'lcnro ro < | iii toil lonpociry HOFFS MALT EXTRACT "TAHBANTS , " When Ordering. A CONSULTATION , ( The Only Hope ) CARBOLIC SMOKE BALL Whj' were over 5,000Carbolic Smoke nails" sold in Omaha In the past year ? llccaiina It has proved to Ijo the only sure nnd permanent cure for Catarrh , AsthmaBronchitis , Noural- Kla , Croup , Uatarral Deafness , Diphtheria , Colds , etc. FKKIS TKSTS glvca nt oar olllce from 8 a. in. to 8. p.m. Scut by mall on receipt of price , $2 , and 4o postauu. Debelutor , tl nddltlonal. CARBOLIC SMOKE BALL Creighton Block , Omaha , Neb. MOW TO ACT. I ttVlror ndM nhoo < IBBiilored. Pte. mature Decline anil Function * ! dlrar. d9ri cured \eithout Stomach Mtdlclne * . B aI ilTrestl OMntrreoon > ppll llnii. $3.00 which was made to order lor $ 0.00 a.40 ' " 0.50 3.00 * ' " 7.00 8.90 ' " 7.60 4.25 ' 8.00 4.00 ; . 8.50 4.85 < 0.00 6.10 ' 10.00 5.45 ' ' 10.60 6.9.5 ' " 11.00 C.20 ' 12.00 0.50 ' " , . . .j | . . . . 13.50 0.75 " 13.50 7.20 " ' 14.00 7.6-5 " " 1450. $ 8.50 which was made to order for $15.00 9.90 " " 17.60 0.45 " " 18.00 10.00 ' " 20.00 10.40 ' " 21.00 11.00 * " 22.00 11.50 ' " 23.00 11.85 ' " 21.X ( ) 12.35 , " 25.00 12.70 " 25.50 13.00 ' " 2l.K ( ( ) 13.45 " u 20.50 13.90 " " 27.00 11.35 " " 28.00 15.00 " " 30.00 S 9.40 which was made to order for $18.00 9.80 " " 21.00 10.70 " " 23.00 11.00 " " 21.60 15.80 " " 31.00 18.20 " " 41.00 20.HO " " 40.00 22.C.O " " 48.00 21.40 " " 62.00 25.70 " " 68.00 28.00 " " 02.00 JJ0.40 " " 05.00 FOUNTAIN FINE ) CUX AND Incomparably the Bast. $4.00 which wus mtido to order for $ 8.00 4.50 " " 0.00 4.95 " " 9.50 5.20 " " 10.50 6.50 " " ll.MI ( 5.70 " " 11.50 0.00 " " 12.00 " " 13.00 0.40 . 6.90 " " 13.50 7.05 " " 14.00 7.45 " " 14.50 7.90 " " 15.50 8.15 " " 10.00 8.05 " , . . . 17.00 9.05 " " 18.00 FOR $16.70 which was marto to order for $35.00 10.2- " ) " " 37.00 10.80 " " 38.00 20.20 " ' 30.00 20.80 " " 40.00 21.35 " " 40.00 21.00 " " 41.00 22.25 " " 42.00 22.80 " " 43.00 23.40 " " 41.00 23.85 " " 45.00 21.20 " " 48.00 21.70 " " 50.00 25.GO " " 53.00 31.30 " " CO.OO 1,500 OYERGCX2LTS 1,500 A SACRIFICED SALE. 810.90 which was made to ordca for $38.50 17.90 " " 40.50 19.10 " . " 41.60 21,70 " " 47.00 23.00 " " 50.00 20.90 " ' " 55.00 c 27.70 " " 00,00 I 20.00 " " 0500 I 31.40 " " 08.00 f 33.00 " " 70.00 < 34.80 " " 73.00 % 30.40 " " 80.00 f WINTER UNDERWEAR AT YOUR OWN PRICE , At the Misfit Parlors , 1119 Farnam Street. 1119 N. B. Orders by mail receive prompt and careful attention. ' . ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' . - " ' . ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' . " ' ' ' ' . . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ; V' \ / . ' . ' : ; ' ' - . ' , ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' / ' ; ' - . ! ' " ' ' ' ' ; ' } . . . . : > . ' ' " ; , . . . ' . i - - -f -i hm.iafc iMiL aMa imn > * * ' 1 .iwjuiiru .iiMigiM 'KJI rimrrr'i i n i n M i miin - -j