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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1888)
m-wi * ' * _ _ fc THE O DAILY B SEVENTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA , SATURDAY MtKRNING. JANUAKY 21 , 1888 , NUMBER 217 "SUNSET" FORGETS HIMSELF , Ho Starts to Open the House With out the Usual Prayer. MANDERSON MILITARY MEASURE IleproHcntativo Dorney Thinks It AVIII Go Through Without Any Great Opposition MPH. Grant at the Capital. Ijniighlng nt the Sprnkor. WASIIINOTOV Bctir u TUB OMAIH Hnn , ) Mil Pot IITF.ENTII STIIFFT , , V WA iiiN rox. D. C. , Jun . 20.1 Sunset Cox , ns sjieakcr pro tempoio of the house , walked In a very stately , dignified manner , jet with his usual steps , up to the speaker's chair to day and , picking up the gnvtl , exdalmcd In stentorian tonesThe : house will ( onto to01 dor and the clerk pro ceed to read the Join mil of jcsteiduy , " nml , dropping the diminutive maul , the little Btutcsman from New Yoi k sat quit kly dow n In the ( hair mid began rummaging over his memoranda. The members of the hou o looked ut him quostlonlngly and in aina/e- ment. Tlio reading clerk uioso with the man- usciipt Journal In his hands and was on the point of beginning to ii-ad when the speaker piolcmpoio looked a few feet to-his light and discoveicd Hev Dr Mllbuin , the blind chaplain , waiting to be escoitid up for the Invocation. Quick as u Hash Cox sprang U ) his fcrtmul , holding Ills hand ndmonishingly towaids the leading clerk , exclaimed : "Oh , hold on prajei fiist. " Theie was a tipple of half suppressed laughter in the galleries mid on the floor of the house as Dr Milburn walked up in fiont of the speaker's desk and began his prajer. A few of the membeis lot their i isablcs rise to such an extent that they were compelled to retho to the cloak rooms for n hearty laugh , 1.1 \ 11.riMr.s iTIIF iiousu. Mr , Spiingcr , of Illinois , under a question of pilvllcge , aioso when the Journal of the house was read and said it was not true , as stated b.\ Judge Kclli , of Phila delphia , in the house jesterduy ho ( Spiingci ) hud chiu e-d the government 110,000 for putting Into the bill which loaned u half million of dollais to the Philadelphia centennial exposition , in a clause which ena bled the government to sue and got the money back again. Ho acknowledged , how ever , that as uttoi noy in i ollccting the loan , ho hud asked for sei vie-o icmlcied and that a bill was intioduccd to pay him $10,000 for such sei vii'c , but lie the meas ure liad not been acted on by eongicsH , and Unit ho had iccclved no pav. But Judge Kelly , w ho is the oldest member and know n as the "father of the house , " did notieticat fiom his utterances. Ho said that the thing hud an ugly odor about it at tlio time , and that it was not suvoiy now. The talk be tween the two men made a sensation. fill ; TIIOl III'CVIII.I'il.L ( ONrisT. About thrco houis weio consumed in the dlsiusslon of the Thoobe Caihslo contested election. The muont.of ] . the committee ro- poitcd In fuvorof coiillimingMi Cailislo's title to the scat , but the minoi ity divided mid submitted two repoits , both agaiimt Carlisle's right to the scat , but pioposlng dllTcicnt wins of getting ut that fact. Judge L.vniun , of Council Bluffs , spoke half an hour in Ja\orof the mlnoiity report , asking that the cus-o bo reopened and a spcciul committee sent Into the distru t to tuko testimony and make an Investigation Into the ehunres of fraud in the ictuins of the election. Ho was given more attention than any ono who spoke today and biought out applause n number of times When the pievious ques tion was culled a substitute wus otToied to icopcn the case and make an investigation , mid , gieatlj to the surprise of the demonals , it wus only defeated bv seven votes Seven di'inoeiats Bv mini and Shively of Indiana , Forun of Ohio , Fillman of South Carolina , Hal oof Texus , McKimiuy of New llampshiio und Weaver of Iowa voted for mi Investigation. Had four moiu voted in tlio ufllimuUvo the ( aso would have been u1- opencd and in the opinion of a m.ijoiit.v of people in Washington it would have led to the unseating of the speaker The vote wus iijcs , 12" ; nnjs , 1112 Then the vote re- cm led on the previous question. On tills tl.o ajcs weio 110 and the navs 5-all but tin co icpubllcans lefialnlng fiom voting. The point was mudo that no quotum had voted und so the pievious question was not oideied. The house then adjoinncd till to- mouow. It was a close call fortho speaker. 'Jim lopubUcuns will likelj continue to 10- fraln fiom voting to niouovv , thus compelling the democrats to dium up a quotum and vote the spenkoi in by strict putty woik. The 10- publlcans say that it is an outrage to icfuso an investigation in this case w hen 4,000 voters in the dlstuet have petitioned for It , when investigations have been oideied on the pcti tlon of twenty , and , besides , they do not think Mr. Cuilislo was elected and say they will not bo u party to a doclaiutum that he is entitled to the scat he now occupies. MANDHIsON'S MIUTVltV Vl'ASUIli : . Hcpresontallvo Dot soy said to day that ho hcuitily supported the Mundcison bill to In crease the efficiency nt the infantiy branch of the army and Unit it was to reeeivo the ap proval of the house ) committee on nf- lalis. Ho expressed the belief that tliero Would bo as little delay us jKisslblo In the pas sage of the bill , oxphllning at tlio sumo time that theio would bo strong opposition , ns there is nlvvav s an e'ffort to defeat any kind of Incieaso of the mmy or navy. Till ! dill FNIIU K t million KINO. Hciu eseiitativo Wllklns.of Ohio , said to day that ho intonde-d to keep up his fight foi the pussugo of his bill increasing the bank ell di lation to tlio par \ aluo of bonds deposited till it was adopted if it took him all summer There was a e'lear mujoritj in the hou u in favor ot the meusine' , and ho did not Intend to let a few dcmagognn giee-n- backeisundobstiuctUmistsfiustiutohim Mr Wllklns is very much in cm nest , and will un doubtedly sin ceed. The handful of gice'ii- backcis who arc filibustering nic inaktng a cost to the countiy of huudicds of thousands ot dollars every dav bv the waste of time Their objection tei it is Unit it increases to the o\tent of about 10 per i cut * JOIKHI , the ciiculat ion of bank notes , nml thciefoio it is legislation in favor of national baiiKs. Thoc-lmnccs nio that u good deal more time will bo wasted bolorc thu incusuio is dlspohcd of. The gieenback- crs havn imido an o\i > etiso already by Illlbus- toiing which will amount to 10 per cent ol thu proposed intieasoof the ciiculatlon ol note's. 'I his is n de-ad loss to everibody. Weaver , of lowu , imagineho is making u gicut de-al of capital in what ho is doing. AIT CMNel SUNtTOn MVNDHtSON , Yesterduj's 1'os.t , demociat , of this city , which backed the president in his vetoes ol in ivuto and general pension bills , had an attiick upon Senutor M.indeison und othci lepilblle.uis who aio advocating pensions. It declined that they ucro doing It for buncombe combo and to compel the dcmoi-rats to show tncir hands. This inornng'n ! National Hepnb lie-ail comes to the defense , and among othei things , sajs : "Tho statement made is that the se'iintors who intioduce pension bills uu hv pocntct and demagogues. Thin i haigo 1' almost silly enough to ciui.v on Its fae-e it nvvn leifutulum. In the fiist phico the ice on1 shows that Genciul Alandeison , who to be slngli d out for some icason for an espc cial attack , has Introduced but thrco genera pension bills , ono being the G. A. U. measure li.u'kiHl up by : , fk)0 ) old veterans. Thi- bill hardly has the contempt o the soldier , as nllcgeul by tin 1'ost. Thei be-cond bill offeie-d by Mandersoi is the mciis-ino to pension the n\uvIvors o : thobinbaritie-s perpe'tratcd by a dc-mocrai named Wcrz. Manden-son's ihlid me-asun prop cs to incivuso all IM.IIRIOIIS below * 2t < fHis well known to all patriots and ul lo.v nl men w ho have fought , voted ami writ ten on the right side dining the war , that tin condition of the surviving vetcians issue ) that T cents u day In no way bellcvc-s then and that the. number of allowances nt t t month has been v cry lai gc under a demo cratlc administration. A stipend of but $2 a month Is more of an Insult than a favor. It f-cts lee low n price on the wounds and other dis abilities of n veteran und merits might but contempl. It Is also shown that If the re publicans nro guilty of Introducing pension bills" for buncombe , Ihc democrals arc equally guilty. " A list of general pension measures Introduced by well known democrats is given. It might have been added that If the design of the republicans was to make the democrats show tholr hands , they succeeded and the hands wcro decidedly against the soldier. Mil" . r.F.srnu. OIUNT tv VVVSIIINOTOV. Mrs U. S. Grunt , who is the guest of Mis. Senator Stanford , Is otlractlng unusual nt- lentlon In Washington society. Mrs. Grant was always a great favorlto at the national capital , and her return , after an absence of many > cars , has brought lo her munv pleas ant new acquaintances , with old , happy and sad memories. She assisted Mrs. Stanfotel nt the lattor's reception .vesterday and the house wus densely crow deel nil the afternoon. Mrs. Giant wore utrailing gown of dead black silk and a diamond phi of unusual beiiutv. She is quite stout , shows her ago much more than was expected , and docs not iccognl/o her friends us quickly as thcv' ex pected. Mis. Grant Intends to icmaln in Washington some time- , and is experiencing some difficulty in deciding which , among a Hood of invitations to dine out , she is com pelled to declino. A SFl OV OF CONV FNTION'S. There have been about a do/eii e-onvcntlons of rcpii'scnlulivcs of various manufacturing intc-iests held every day In Washington dui- Imr the past wce-k. The city und hotels aio crowded witli sti angers , and those' who look for meeting places and meetings , when the places uro found , expeilcneo not a little diffi culty in locating them. Most of the con- fciene-es uro in sccict and it is aselifllcult to ascertain w hero thcvoecur as to team the proceedings The agitation of tai Iff and the internal levenuo in congicss is whut brings so many people and makes such ficqucnt meetings. I-OSTVI , MVTrrit" . Tlio superintendent of the lailvvaymail service lias has directed that after tins week Iho thiough registeied mall pouch exchanged between Nebraska Cltj and Chicago will bo elisiontinucd. Ch mgcs have been oidercd In the time schedule of the star mull louto between I-'airllc-ld und Compentlne , la , us follows : Lc-uvo Tali field daily except Sumlavs ut 12 in. ; nriivo at Compeiitlno by fiMS p. m. Lc-avo Compentino dully except Sundajs at 5.20 p m ; nriivo ut Abingdon by 7 p. m. Leivo Abingdon eliiilv except Sundajs at a. m. ; uirivo ut Fan Held at lO.iiO a m. Pi.itni S. HKVTII. Arm } Orelcr * . WttiNTiTOV , Jan. 20 [ Special Telegram to the Hn : ] Captain Piunk Barker. Old- nance depaitment , has been appointed to act ns inspectoi on coitain unserviceable medical propel tj at the riaiikfoid uiscnul , Phila delphia. Second Lieutenant Tileo II. Hivcis , Third cavaliy , Is relieved fiom rcciuitingsetvico at Memphis , Teiin. , and 01 deicd to Join his tioop. The leave of absence of First Lieutenant Geoigo U Backus , riiste-avairy , November I , Is fuither extended liltecn dnvs The leave of absence UManted Major William H. Livcimoi c , engineer corps , Dec-ember ID , is extended ten da\s Iho leave of absence gi iiiiu-d Tirst Lieutenant Luther H. Hiiro , aide do camp Seventh cavnlii , November 10 , is extended one month. Ninety five iccinits ate ordcicd for assign ment , foitj to the-Tenth infantry and fifty- live to the Thiitc-ciith infantiy. Tliiiteen colored icciuits aio oideied for iissigiimcnt to the Twenty-fouith infantry. Nebraska and town Pensions. WvsiiiNOTON , Jan. 20 [ Speeiul Telegram to the Bi r. ] Pensions weie gi anted to the following Nebraskuns today : Muilhu H , mother of John P. llickcrson , Soward. Oiigmal David V. Coo , Evving ; Patiick Mahcr , Cnmbudgc ; James Hobinson , Min- deu. Increase Jumcs Blown , Mexico ; John Uhlmann , Arapahoc ; William Stack- man , Lincoln ; William A. Ullis , Oelell ; Mi- hac-l L Little , Cent ml City ; John T. La- billeNoith Plntte. Hestoiation nndiclssuo John W. McKovnolds ( deceased ) , Ashland. He-issue Alf i cd W. Shiftman , Pluttsinouth ; Milton D. Cupp , Wahoo. Pensions for lovvans- Mexican war Daniel Leper , Anamos.i. Oiigmul Chailes Ball- slodt , Mansion ; Charles Maikham , Yinton ; Edward N Kitchen , Mount Pleasant ; Jacob Smith , Monona. Increase Mathias Clnisk ncr , Maqnoketii ; Daniel N. Smith , Glidden ; Kdvv.nd Gill , Annmosu ; Cyius N. Biudloy , Spiiiiglleld ; Adion B Stoiv , 1'iivvoith ; Jo seph S. Cole , Independence. Heissno Chuilcs Bhicklego , Salem. Heissuo and in cieaso John Howe , Sidney. Hestoiedanel amin Andeison , Davcnpoit. The National Koarel of Trade v-iiiNdioN , Jan. 20 The national boaiel of tiade today adopted nicsolution uskni ) ; congress to amend tlio natuialization laws It piovides that no poison bo natm.dizce : who does not picsc-nt to the com t a ceitillcate fiom the custom's ofllccr setting foith the date of the uriivalof such person ; the poll w hence he dcpaited for this country , place o : inatui ity and the country ho shall have left Other icsolutions vveip aelopted as follows Advocating tlio lofunding of the present per cent debt of the Unitcel States ut a low rate of interest , tonbo icdeemablo in iinnuii Installments fiom IbUl to , with n view te use the now loan ns sccuuty foi thociicuhi tion of the notes of national banks uigmg the icpcal of the law piovldliu for the compulsoiy puichaso ot silvc-i bullion ; dcchu ing that the government shemle pay Ainei ie-an steamship lines a fair pi ice foi lair sei vice iuespcetiveof amount of pobt.igi collected on any paiticular route and thai ovei v legitimate incans bo uscel to foster 0111 met chant murino. A picamhlo und icsolu tions rcgiiiding tlio extiadition licatlcs , pie poied by Iho Chicago boaul of tiadc , wen adopted. They decline that , as immunity fiom punishment of embc7lcis and default cis by cscapo to Canada and olsowhcio ex poses the business community to ci lines ol gi cut gravity , it is the dutj of the nationa goveinmc-nt thct willcnublo it to sc-cuiotlK rotmn of pe-rsons necnscd of s-ueh ci lines nml Unit eongicssbo memoiiulized in uccoiehince vxltli this piopositlon. Adjoninc-d sino die The boarel nie-cts in Chle-ago on the Bccone Wcdnc .day of November next. Iho Pure Food Convention. WASHINGTON' , Jnn. 20. At the puio fooc convention this mouiing a lesolntion wa adopted i-ecommendlng the necessity of tin immediate enactment of laws to pi event thi ariulteiatlon of food. At I : ! 0 the pic-slde-n iccoiv eel thu delegates in a body. The e i ) siderntlon of Iho adulteration billwasie sumed at the uftcinoon session and approvce and u icsolutlon pisseel instructing the com mlttoo on legislation to uigo its cnuctmcn by congress. In its main featmes the bill re mamus intiodue-ed by Senator Shcunan A poimunent oiganizution was c-lTecteel undo the tttlo of the National "Pure Teed iissociu tion , and oftleois weio elected for the en suing A car us follows : President , J. W Callihan , Njuck , N. Y. ; secretailcs , K. H Gi .ranis , Chicago. Louis W. Buckley , Phihi dolphin. Benjamin Johnson , Boston ; ticas urcr. Pmley Ae-Uer , Philadelphia. A vicv picsldcnt for each state icpitsented v\as albi elected. PoNtotllcti Clianges. Wv-niNoiov , Jan. 20 [ SK-cial | Telegran to the HIM : . ] A postoillco was established u Moiso Blurt" , S Hinders Wullu appointed i > ostmaster. Steamship . \rrl\aln. Bostov , Jan , 20 , [ Special Telegram t Iho HfcB.J Arilvcd The Bulgaiian , frov Liverpool , Pn Mount , Jan. Si ) Ailived The Mo ravla , from Now Yoik for Hambuig. Ihc I'lro Kec-oid , PiT'SJit'iui , Jnn.20.-'riro destroy ctl n brie' ble > ck occupied by McClo.v i Co. , wholesnl btatlonci's , this evening. The losses aggie t'Ute100UOOj LOCKED THE TEACHER OUT , The Palmyra School Board Qots Into a Wranglo. YORK CITIZENS KILLED BY GAS. Anther mill Son Anpli } xlniod In n Hun Diego Hotel HiiHtliiK and tlio Missouri Pacific Measlc * In limn. Locked Her Out * PU.MTIU , Neb. , Jan. 20 [ Sncclnl Tele gram to the HFC. ] There has been an intci- csllng case in school district No. S , near here , 0 decide , Inhlch the school board and cachcr arc the principal actnis. A month igo the bo.ird became dissiitlslled with their eachor and naked her to loslgn , which she refused to do , and continued to teach for ono nontli longer unmolested. The board then irocccdcd to lock the door of the school inuso. The teacher has now brought suit igulnst the district and the cltl/cns icfuse to > , iy damages , but arc dutci mined to make the inard lese the money because tholr action in lischaiging tlie teacher was unwananted. Will Ilulld Through IIastlnKH. HVSTINOS , Neb , Jan. 'JO [ Special Tele gram to the Hi K ] Church Howe , general literacy for tlio Missouii Pacillc rallioad , ins been in this city seveialdajs , dealing up complications regarding Missouri L'nclllc af- 'alrs here. The enemies of Hastings have 'or ' weeks been engaged in circulating icpoits that this road would not build into and through Hastings. The woik of systematic nlsrepicsentationhas been seconded by the ofllcers of the construction company , who de cided to frighten the citizens of Hastings nto giving them u ft ce right of way. Lust week the Missouii Pacific dhectors took tlio 1 oud into their own hands and decided to build . H ) miles of load inNebiaska.Mr. Ho\\o iissmcs tlio people of Hastings that the Mis souri Pacillc never had any Intentions of julldiiiK around Hastings , and that the 10 lorts circulated by tlio constiuction company ivcro without foundation. Mr. Howe is now Liuying a i ight of way and depot grounds in tins city and guarantees the completion of fho road immediately. The tiaek-luyc-rs have already crossed the sou them line of the county and the bridge bnildcis are building across the Little Blue liver , thhtcun miles south of Hastings , and the road will bo fin ished us soon ns the weather will permit. It Is the intention of the company to push the road northwest to Wvoming at once and also to complete a line fiom Cieto to Hustings caily this summer. Died in San Diego. YOIIK , Neb , Jan. 20. [ Special Telegram to the Her ] A dispatch iccelvcd here to day announces the death of P. L. Ma.vhow and his son Geoigo , of this city , at San Diego , ! al. , last night. Mr. Mnjhew and his son occupied a loom in a hotel at San Diego and uponictlrmg failed to piopcrly tuin out the ? us and weio found this morning smotheied In bed. The news comes like u shock upon the city of Yoik , as Mr. Majhew was the wealthiest man in the city and the leading spirit in e\eiy enterpusc. Allowed Minors to I'luy Billiards. YOHIC , Neb , Jan. 20 [ Special Tclegiam tothoBRE.l D. O. Leavens , a billiard hall man of Benedict , this county , wasaiicsted and brought hero to-day by Deputy Shoi iff Tom Hamilton , chaigcd with allowing two minors , under the ago of eighteen , to pluv billiards in his hall. The peculiar fouturo of the case is that the father of the boys , \\lio brings the conlplumt , in the hull w ith them and placed uith them in the game upon which ho brings the ptosocullon. The case was continued until the HOth. AVant the County Printing. LINCOLN , Neb , Jan.20 [ SpecialTelegram to the Uhu.l Papers weio filed with the clerk of the supreme couit to-day asking for a wnt of mandamus compelling the county boaidof Di\on county to uwaid the county printing to William Huso & Son , of Ponca , piopiictois of the Noithein Nebraska Jour nal. The petition also asUs that the boaul bo compelled to awuid them the delinquent tax list for lss,7. Tlio petition claims that the paitics aio entitled to the woik under advei- tisemcntof the board inviting bids. Alleged to lie InHnnc. LINCOI.V , Neb , Jnn. 20. FSpceial Telegram to the Bi n. ] D. A. Holmes , us attoiuey , has commenced onginul pioceodings in tlio supreme premo court for Henry Paulson , a convict in the penitentiary , scrvingu fifteen jeais' sen tence for mill dor in the second degi co. The petition asks the court to set aside the pio- ceedings in the Cherry county distnct com t , In which Paulson was convicted , alleging that Paulson was insane at the tune , and that the distuct court had , after it vvas too late , gi anted a now trial. Death of Kv-Congressinaii Driiinmond. SvDiroo , Cal , Jan 20. Major Willis Druminond , who cume hero a few -necks ago for his health , died hcio jcsteiday of con- Rumption. Hous founeilv commissioner of the genenil land ofllco and lepresentulivo in congress from Iowa. A .Sketch of Major Drnininond. Dts MOINIS , lu , Jan. 20 [ Special Tele- giam to the Ui r. ] Major Willis Druminond , iv hose death in Califoini.i is announced to day , was a very conspicuous llguie In Iowa politics a generation ago. Heus n inombor of tlio state senate , the first session after the capitolwas ii-moved to Des Moines thirtj j ears ago Ho was then a jogng man of handsome presence , very popular in the leg- isl.ituie * , and influential in its woik. Ho was for some ie-ars editor of the McGregor News , and hi'ivcd with distinction in the war. Soon after he was appointed commissioner of the general hind ofllco by Piesiilent Grant. After his retiiement ho bccumo land com missioner for the Chicago , Milwaukee A : St. Paul inilroad , and continued in this position until failing health compelled a change. Poi the past few jeaisho has been piueticing la\v in Washington , and has been cntiicli out ol lowu jiohtics. _ An Old Man Hani ; * Himself. CittsTOV , la , Jan. 20 [ Special to the Hi n ] About S o'clock this morning the life less and fiozcn body of Mr. ricderuk Maj was found hanging under u railway budge about ono and ono half mileii west of thiscitv MrMuy came to this locality from Germanj about thirteen jears ago and was fifty-four jeais of ago. His relatives and friends have for a long time icgauled him us of unsoune mind Until tw o j oars ago ho had owned am opoiatcd a farm about six miles west of hcie but haIng trouble with his vvlfo they sepa luted. The farm was Bold and each took tin shaioof the proceeds of the sale agreed upon hinco then ho has been of a wnndeiing dlspo- sltlon , and the efforts of his sons to have him settle clou n failed of effect. Ho had nt dif ferent tunes made his homo with a son Charles , and on jestcrday afternoon ho visited - ited this son , after an absence of homo four months , and asked to again make his home with him , but the son would not consent , whereupon the father loft and nothing wa ( heaulof him again until his body was fouiu this morning. < MnndfVoin'H Latest Dodge. W\TCUI-OO , la. , Jan. 10. Tlio History sur rounding the imiidcr of Christian Hcuimo is dce | > cr than ever. William Mundfrom , UK stubborn witness who went back on his con fession , and who sworq that lie imjrderec Hcmino alone , has mudo unother statement in which ho assert * that Hcmino wan not ir.ureleted , but committed buicide. Ho sajs he was eJrhiuu cattle \\itli Ileinme a fe\\ \ lajs before hln dcnth , who stated to him hen that he did not want to live any longer and should kill himself. Mundfrom has been returned to the pen- ! cntlury to serve n Hfo sentence for this imir- lor. Ho was convicted solely u | > on his own onfesslon , and It is believed now that in his ast statement he is to ing the insanity dodge 'or the putposo of getting a pardon. An Epidemic of Measles. DEsMoiNF. * , In. , Jnn. 20 [ Special Tele- ; rum to the the HEP. ] The state board of icnltli has been informed of the existence of neaslcs In an ctildcmic form In West Union , Igln , Clcrmont and at the Upper Iowa uni versity. So far nine of the cases lm\o proved 'utal and the disease is not of a malignant jpe. Dr. Kennedv , secretary of the board , sa\s that the health of the citizens of Iowa is mich bettor than usual nt this time of the J car. George C. Mlln an n Correspondent. Hi s MOIN csln , Jan.20. [ Special Telegi am to the BFE.J George C. Mlln , thn ex- ireachcr and ex-actor , arrived hcio to day as correspondent for a Chicago papci. Hols spending some time at the stale house col- ccting statistics about the operation of the irohlbilory law. Helms visited other Iowa cities on the same mission. Three Prisoners Uccaptiired. ADFI , la , Jan. 20. [ Special Telegram to : ho BLU. ] The three prlsonei s William Ho- Ite , John Hatlmwny and Charlie Hubbard who escaped from Jail Thursday by sawing ono of the bars of the window , weio all re- captuiod to day. One was fouiul at Dcsoto and the other two ut Earlham. COHA I-EK'S TIUATj. Very Sensational Tofttlinony Given By Charley Graham. Si'UiNOFiri.D , Mo. , Jan. 20 In the second : rlal of Coia Leo for complicity in the Saiah Graham minder , today , Charley Gtaham .cstillccl icgardlug what lie saw between era Leo aiulGiaham at Elgin , 111. , and ut Washington , Kan. Graham was manager of u paper kuoun us thoMoining and Day of Uofoim , and Cora worked in the office. His mother and Small Graham managed the liouse. He had seen Graham and Com in bed : ogether after Mrs. Giuliani had gene down stalls in the morning. Ho saw Mrs. Malloy in bed with Ginhnm twice. Ho saw nil tin co in bed to gether ut the Malloy farm. The witness then told at some length about going to Spi Ing- field , Mo. , and mentioned that Cora asked if his mother hud iomo with him. When the body was found Cora went to the well but did not want the children to go. . Ho saw Coia und Klla Malloy buuiing letters wi it- ten by Cora to Giahnm. On cioss examination the witness said when he and Hey woie being taken to the Malloy faun Graham told them to say they last saw their mother in bt Louis He also told them shewasieally in PicicoCity ; that lie owned half ol tlio M.illoi faun , and that as soon us ho could get it all ho would send for her and send CoiaundMis Malloy uway. Ho also spoke of meeting Mrs Graham in Spungllcld , and when ashed why Uio latter and Hey were not taken to sco her , said ho did not know- she was going to be there. Other witnesses testified ns to the suspicious actions of Coia befoio and after the murder. The Case of Mm. Parmelec. Ni vv YOIIK , Jan. 20. [ Special Telegram to the Hrr. ] Now and important develop ments came to light yesterday in the mi ster- ious case of Mis Pajmejeo , ofBrooklyo. J. A. Bowman , a well Known Brooklynite , said : "Satuiday afternoon , on West Twenty- eighth street , near Eighth avenue , I saw com ing tow aid mo n lady of line nppcaiunco and richly dressed. Immediately behind mo was n man whom I had passed , but to whom I had not paid much attention. Ho was ofmiddlo age. As I approached the woman I noticed that she was pule , and fiom her-munner she appeal cd to bo suffering. As I passed the lady loltei eel , gasped and grew winter thun bcfoic. I hcuid her , us she put her hand to her face , groan : 'I am verj sick. ' Just at that moment she seemed about to full , and the man who had been walking be hind her ian foiw.ud and caught her by the aim. Ho suppoitcd her for an instant and then assisted her into the neatest house. I i emai at the time that the number of the house into which the wonmn had been taken was 110 I am now sine that the woman 1 saw fall fainting on the stone steps and as sisted into the house was Mis Pauncleo , Business engagements kept mo fiom muKing the icvelation at once , and in MOW of the publicity , I hesitated to suun > thing for fear of notmielj. " Mrs. Pai melee's eldest son said w hen told of the statement of Air. How- man : "It haimonl/es with the belief wo have nil along hold ; that mother went into that house Ignoiant of what sou of u place it was. " MornioniHin in Georgia. ATLANTA , Ga. , Jan 20. | Special Telegi am to the BF.F. . ] Mormon preaehei s are at work in several paits of Georgia , openly pi caching the doctrines of polygamy. In Wuu en county they hu\o become exceedingly bold , ono of them having claimed a division of time last Sunday w ith a local Methodist pi cachcr. On the line of Clnj ton and Tajctte , an upostlu named Murphy , who hud been foi mcrly a i c- spectcd citizen of that section , but aftei wind went to Ut.ih , having now i eturned as n Mor mon missionaiy , is strenonsly spieudmgthu tenets of the Latter Day Suints. Tlio mis sionaries ha\o lately located in that countiy , while otlicis mo spicad over noithwest Gcoigia Them is much feeling in the sec tions thus selected and many thieuts of bum- maiy punishment have been made. Chlcngo'H Natural CJaw. Cmc\r.o , Jan. 20 Charles Dabney , who is sinking the shaft for the new city water tun nel , claims to have discovered natural gas in it. Ho is an engineer of eonsideiablo c\peu- ence and claims that thisappaiently confliins tlio thcoii ho has hold , namely , that tlieio IH a leak along heie from some big gas dciwsit. The shall is on u lint with the places whine gas has boon found .within the past two or tlneo weeks. Dabney tinnks u big resenoit is located \cry near. 1 * A llallroad At ( ached. NhYOIIK , Jan. 20. Judge Andrews , in the supreme court , grunted an attachment against the Cedar Pulls k Minneapolis rail road company , in a suit brought bv M. K. Jcssupund Ueoigo J. Torrest us trustees ol the mortgage ghcu to sccino bonds foi * 1,40T,0K ( ) . The amount sued fet is tW.OOO , the Intelcst duo Junyiaiyl , ISss. Interfere * ) With the Strikers. HIHDINO , Pn. , Jan. ' . ' ( ) . The shipments ol bituminous coal and coke from the western section of the state In the Schujlklll valley sciiously interferes with the plan of the strik' cis It is thought that tlio mincis of the Connellsvillo icL'ionWill | ho asked to go oul if the operators there j > ersi&t In shipping bi luminous coal and cdKo here. 1- * The Hopkliib Case. CINCINNATI , Jan. 20 , Tlio government closed its cnsetigainst Ben K. Hopkins , ol the Fidelity bank , this afteinoon. The juri was then dismissed to enable them to visit their homes with ins > tinotions to teturn MOM day afternoon. In the meantime the defense begun Its aigument on the demurrer. Two Men IMown to Pieces , JM3u IF , Wis. , Jan. 20. An cxplosloi occuned at Gucen & Co's. feed mill , com plctcly wrecking the establishment and dam nging bo\eral wiirehouses adjoining. Twc men weio killed. No estimate of loss can be glen. . Coal Found at Itlooinlngton. BIOOMINOTOV , 111. , Jam 20.rCoaln < found at Colfax ut100 feet to day. It U a BJ ! foot U'iu There Is a scncraJ holiday thcic A VERY COLD COLLATION , News of the Bllzznrd txnd the Now Cold Wavo. ONE MORE BROKEN BOW VICTIM. Fatal Hprec of n Knrnier 8n > cd IJj n JIor e'H Sagacity The Terrible Death Uoll-Morc Chill/ AVeather. Froze to Death Ahllc Intoxicated. BIIOKF.N Bow , Neb , Jnn. 20. [ Special Tclegiam to UieHnr. ] The report of bli ard fatalities in Ibis section has been somowlint exaggerated. Instead of fifteen persons djlng in Custcr county , as rumored , there was only ono victim , a farmer named Jobr Kced. Mr Heed , who resides two and n half miles south of Arnold , came lo Biokcn Bow lust Wednesday in company with otheis , and dis posed of a loud of hogs which he had. Ho remained In lovvn Wednesday night and Thuisday filled up with intoxicants to such an extent that he beeamo utteilj liicspon- siblo for his deeds , ami proceeded on Thursday afteuioon on his way to Merlin to purchase coal , but Instead of going noithwest as ho should have went , went southwest , mid when about two miles southwest of Biokcn Bow got out of the wagon and lay elovvn on the giound , wheie. in his dinnken stupor , dcnth ovcitook him. When his body was searched , a bottle of liquor uml $54 In cash was found. The weather is voiy moderate hero at pres ent , the thermometer showing from lOlolb0 above zoio. While Iho bli/zard inged the weather was the coldest over known bore , it being J."i ° below /eio nt ono time. Live stock was pi city well taken caio of and very little was lost. Sa\cd Hy His Ilorsp. CIIADKOV , Neb , Jun. 20 [ Special Tclo- gram to the BLIA ] bad case of fi ceding Is rcpoitcd from Grand Lake , the tciminus of the B. & M. railway. Stevens Goodcn stalled to go from Giand Lnko cloven miles In the country and became snow-blind and got lost and wandered in the Rand hills for fenir el n > and nlghls. when hishoiso finally lioanl n liiiin wluslio ton miles awav and took Ws i ider to tlio trac k , und i aih end men took him to Giand Lake , but theio being no suigcon there it wus necessary to come to Chadion , a distance of seventy miles. Dr. Hturls drove ucross the country and suc ceeded m sav ing his life amputating both limbs. DentliH From the Bllz/arel. ST. I'vi'L , ' Minn. , Jan. 20. An evening paper flgiucs the loss of life in last week's bliz/iiidntSTi , A dozen new cases uro ro- poileel fiom Vermilllon , Dak. Over thirty persons were frozen to death m Lake county but it is said the local authoutie-s in e sup pressing the now s. This -umor lucks con firmation. The thermometer indicated f0 ! = below heio this morning Trains from the west ami south are all badly elclajcd and the Omaha bus abandoned its truins out of St. Paul and Sioux City. The state board of railway com- inissioneis to day investigated the rc-porls of Buffeting fiom scarcity of fuel on the Brown Valley munch of the Manitoba railroad , which bus been blocked for a month. They found no suffering , but coal supplies woio running low. General Munngcr Manvol promised to double the force employed in opening the road. The Biting Gold ! . * < MufcOATiNE , In , Jon. 20 Tlio mercury dropped to 10 ° below this morning. Thcro Is no storm. Tinlns nro lunning on time und no fatalities me rcpoiled. LINCOLN , Neb , Jun. 20 The mercury was 1 ( ! = below at this mouiing. Trains weio delayed somewhat last night by snow 100 miles west of hero. QUINO , 111. , Jan. 20 At 0 this mouiing the inereutj wasS = below 7010. Trains sue running icguhuly and Ihus far Ihciohus been no fatalities lepoi ted fiom cold In this locality. Mvnsnui.TovvN , la , Jan. 20 The cold wusaccoinpanied by high wind , but no snow. The tcmpeintuio leiiohod l'J = below last night. Drifting snow dclavs nil loads in central Iowa more or less. Both the Jowa and Chicago , St. Paul & Kansas City huvo hud fi eight ti.iins in the snow since jes- leiduy , preventing thiough tiams moving. LA Cuossp , Wis , Jan. 20 The tempern- liuo lo day is 20 = below zeio und is failing. No fatalities icpoited BHOWN'S VMIM , Minn , Jan. 20 This place bus been blockaded for Ihieo weeks. Unless u liain comes in wilh fuel within tin eo duvs thcro will bo seuous suflc-iiiigheio and in Iho vicinity. Theie is no wood or coal in the market. OTTUMVVI. In , 20 The cold wave reached hc'ioicstciems , and tlio thcimometcr fell to 12 c below/ero lust night. Tiains about on time. WINONI , Minn , Jan. 20 The cold wave caused a diop of-iO .und this moining it was2P ( be-low. The weather is clear and fiee from stoun , but is accompanied by wind , which fills the inil odd cuts and causes block ades west of St. Pete-is. MADISOV , Wis , Jun. 20. The minimum tompeinturo lust night was 14 ° below 7010. At 7 o'clock this moi ning it was 13 = below , ami nt noon 11 ° below. The sky is clear nud the picdicted bli//aul has not i cached heie. Dm NroiiT , Iu. , Jan. 20 The cold wave ) has not icuched lieio. The mercury Is 2 ° below. Tiams aio but slightly delujcd. SIOLV CITV , In , Jan. 20 Theio is no storm at this point and veiy llttlo wind. The thermometer at midnight stood 15' below , at 7 this morning 17 = below and ut noon 12 = below. Tiains noith and west , except the Yankton connection , uio abandoned on ac count of badly dufted loads , icsulting fiom jcstcidaj's wind. Theio is onlj ono open east to Chicago. The Sioux City & Pa cific south is not intciiuptcd. No fatalities BO fur rcpoi ted. J\CK > ONVIIU : , 111. , Jan 20 Although theio has been a chiingo of ! 15S in tlio iner- cuiy within the last twelve honis , thoio have been no fatalities. Tlio thcimometer hoveis mound /eio. BI.OOMINOTOV , 111 , Jan 20. At noon theio weio noslgns of a bib/aid. The Iheimom- eler langcul fi = above and Iho weather is fine. fine.CFIUKKAIIIIO CFIUKKAI-IIIO , la , Jan. 20 The foico of lust night's teuiblo slorm did not icacli heie Pifty miles noith and west the storm i.iged all night The theimometer was 27 = below. Trains aio all lute. No fatalities mo re- polled. HOCK j4ii.M ) , 111 , Jan. 20 At l-l.r the tcmpi'intuio was 2 = ubovo and slowl.v fall ing. A cold wave Is evidently appioaching. AVeather IndluatloiiH. ForNebiaska. Warmer , fair v e-uthor , fol lowed by snow , light to fiesh winds , becom ing southeaster ! v. Tor Iowa : Wanner , fair weather , fol lowed bv snow , light to fresh winds , becom ing southcasteilv. Tor Dakota Slightlj wanner , fall weather , light to fresh variable winds. < Vanderhllt Bullion. NI.VN YOHK , Jan 20 [ Special Telegram In Iho Bu ] The Woild sajs : Not contented with leasing ono of Iho falry-liko pala < es ol Iho Into King Ludvvig , of Bavaria , W. K Yandeibill appeals to bo fuithor disposed If udopt some of the ccccntricitico of Unit ill fated monarch If wo are to bcllevo ui Knglish journal , Ihe Picnch aelor Couquelii gavoaprivalo perfoimaiieo duiing his lny ut Constantlnoplo on board of thoAlva , at which Mr. and Mrs Vandcrbllt constiluleel Iho solo audience The charge for Ibis en * tertuinment was ; ) , 'JOO. Litllo Josef Hoff. maniiwas paid W.OiX . ) last Satuidav to furnish - nish music at a musicale given by Mis. Cot- ncllus Vandcibllt In this city. A British Hear Admiral Sillr-lden. rvi.MOUTii , Jan. 20. Hear Admiral Louis Hullon Ycrslurmc , of Iho British navy , c iiiiUeel suiuldc licru to Uuy la a 1 APTHIl AMMUNITION. The Knnxnn County Scat right Ma > lle.snlt In Bloodshed , Tori UA , Kan. , Jan. 20. A special from lllrd 3lty received lo night s ijs that jiersons wcro in town Ihcro today fiom Ku tls , Sherman county , In scat ch of tillcs and ammunition , and Hint n fight between Goodland and i'ustls , the livuls for Ihe county scut , was an- llclpale-d. K. L. U.\ons \ , of P.iiHils , Iho miss ing county commissioner of Sherman county , who was thought to have been kidnapped while en louto to this city to confer with Iho governor concerning the J-'ustls Goodland county sent fight , iinlvcd hcio safely to night. Ho left Kustls Sunday , bul was mi iivoidably delavcd by Ihe lialns. Soon after his urilval hcio ho received u telc- giatn fiom J. H. Tall , of Kustls , editor of the Dark Horse , dliectbik' him to re turn via Colby and to bo on his guuid. Lyons SIIVB Unit the aggicssivo Goodlanilers aio be ginning to e-ool off and icall/o what ilsk thev have run by forcibly lemov lug Iho rccoids fiom Kuslls and that the piobuto Judge and county cloik have uliciidy retui ncd the rce-- tirds. The mob ho sav s which icecntlv at tacked lUlstls was ficiirled by whisky , mid il Is little less than a mil unit ) that the town was not binned and the Inhabitants massacicd He believes the trouble Is now over and Umt Iho Goodhmd people und their supporteis , the homesteadeis , have concluded to allow Iho courts to setllo Iho matter. Ljons 10- lurncd coma to-night. ANTI-TAH1TF AVOUIj UHAIiKKH. Slgnitlonnt SentiinentH Kxpioiscd Tlirouuh n Boston Newspaper. BOSTONJun. . 20 The Commciciiil Bulle tin will give lo morrow a special icpoiton carpet wools and tlio advisability of icmov- ing the existing duty on that gradoof llecees Opinions urc contained in the letter fiom Iho hugcst cat pet manufuctuiois in Ihe counliy , the leading wool giowe-rs , Including the pi csl dent of Ihe nationul iissoclatlon. leading blanket and woolen munufucturcis , leading impoiteis , mid chief deuleis. Pi om the icplie-s it may bo said that fice cat pets will bo favoicd bv the i at pet and blanket mamif.u liners , the govcintnc-nt statistic ian , a stiong minorit.v of wool glowers , piacticullv the wholoof the Impoiteis , and many of the luigo miiiiulnc- tuic-is A dutv on cat pet wool is favored bv thoPhll.ulelphi.i wooltiiidocu musso , b.v deul- ois in the intcuor maiKets und by most of the wool giow cis. A St. I'eterslini-jj Iteceptlon. ST. l > i.Ti.iisiiuiia , Jan. 1 20New [ York Heiuld Cublo Special to the Urn. ] Tlio icccption given by Lady Moncr was attended by u laige number of the corps diplomat Irmo nnd the most biiiliant society of St Petcis buig. Loid and Lady H.indolph Chuiehill utlructod gicat ullcntion nml much cuuositj , csccially ] among Iho ladies pie'i cut Luly Hundolph Chuiehill was lesplcndent in diamonds. Lotd Chin chill , in the ( ourso ot conveis.ition with some of the Hussian political eek hi ilies , expressed Iho ulmosl balisfactlon with his Btoy here. Ho would have liked to postpone his dep.iituic , ho said , but ho esteemed It his duty lo relurn lo England without delay. Fiom some fuither icm.uks diopped by Lot el Handolph It might bo concluded Unit imme diately after bis reluin homo ho intends to open a serious campaign against Lend Sails bury , if not for the purpose of ovcrtln owing him , at least to pi event him from joining the triple alliance. Don'Onrlos' Ainhltlon. lCoji/r/y/i | / / / ( JfkS liu .lamrt Gordon /fcmirft.l Muuii ) , Jan. 20 [ Now Vork Herald Cable Special to the Bri ] Fiiilny , on re turning fiom the papal Jubilee , Senor Oiteg.i Munilla ; a libcial Journalist , had an intei- view with Don Cat los in Venice. Don C.ulos , it seems , thinks it certain that the picsciit r < gimc In Spain w 111 bo logically ovc-i tin ow n bj icpublicanisin. He will not intcifeio in Castillinn polities unless again asked by the bpaniuids In that cnso hisptogrannnowoulel include ) the nnnoxation of Moiocco , the m- cicaso of Iho naval and uim.iments und an active foieigh poliej in older to iiinko Emopc admit Sain ) ) us ono of the gicat t > ovv ci s The desci iption of the Intel view i csem- blcs a page fiom Daubot's noiel , "Kings in i\ilc. " Carney Iteplie-H to Me-AiillfTe. irojiyify/il / J SS li\i \ Juinia ritinliiii llcnnrtl. ' ] LONDON" , Jun. 20. [ New Yoik Heiald Cable Special to the Bi 1. 1 Cai noj , w ho is givingu spauliig exhibition ut Hull , thus wulcs lo the Spoiling Life : Sir : In reply to the boasting way in which Mr. McAuliffo talks , I think It makes him look like what ho is , n cowaid , and his backer us lie calls him , Jem Colvillo , ono of those scamps who cutiopcs and helped bic-ak in the ring when his man McAuhfto was beaten. But to show that I mean fight , I will fight McAuliffo for a stake of u 1500 to jEICOO mid pay all his expenses of coming over to England , or I would go over to Amciica and meet him if I could be hiiro of gelling fair play , although , after Iho other light , I think I should not gut it. I waited one jcar to llchthim over in his own countiy und ho told the people ho would not fight till ho seemed a mob , which ho did that lobbed mo of Iho fight. Tvvico I huvo been over to fight him. Once ho gave mo a foi foil. Thu next time ho hud his mob , but I will beat him mob and all should ho come over , though 1 nm ufi aid ho never will. 1 will ensiiie him fap- play and fight him staking odds two to ono. My monuy was down thrco weeks after the last fight to make another match , hut I failed to sco him 01 his backcis. They weio nfiald to como to tei ins. Yours , etc , J. CtiiM-r , Lightweight Champion of the Woild U'ltiien N' , Jnn 20 William O'Brien , M P , and editor of United Ireland , w lip has been confined in pi isnn since October 31 , was 10 lease-d from Tullamoio Jail to day. Ho pro ceeded to the priest's house in Tullamoio , followed bj a largo eiowd , which cheeied him re-pe.itcdlv. O'Bi ion ai rived in tills city this evening Ho was giectcd ut the railwu ) station bi mi immciiso ciowd , which included inan num bers of pailhune-nt und u lai go number of pucsts On alighting from the tiaiii ho en- teicd the loid major's cuiriago und was driven to a hotel , followed by along pi o eession On ui riving nt the hotel O'Biic-n made a biicf speech. Ho rejoiced that in splto of Iho elToils of Balfour tin ; lush weio stronger than ever. Although the Knglish were slow in Joining them , thc-y would bo slow in di soiling them , The Iiish would not resort lo oulrago hut would follow Pnrnoll mid Gladstone , trusting to the de mocracy of Gicat Hiitnm to make Ireland u nation. P'llricn's looks denote lhat his eon stitutlon Is shattered and bis phjsicinns In- Hist that ho should go to the south of 1'i.URt for the benefit of his health. O'Brien iccelved muni icmgiatulatoii let ters in Iho course of the daj , somoj coming fiom America Hefcuing to Blunt's charge against Hal four , ho said ho had heaid them fiom Blunt long before theio bad been 11 likelihood that Blunt would bo the vlcllin It was because ho ( O'Brien ) , had that state ment in mind that ho told Mom head anil 1'iran in Iho bet-inning tint ho believed he Juid boe-n biought to prison to bo muideicd Apart from Blnnt'b lol.itlons ho thought tlirj had u right to Infci the woist fiom liulfonr'h secrecy in immuring them in what ho sup posed would tuin out to bo UioTullumure calucombs. Called Hence. LONDONJan. . ! JO. < Sir Hobe rt Waller Car eku is dead , lie ; was U The Woatorn Union President Dls- cusses Poatnl DEATH TO PRIVATE ENTERPRISE , Why. tbn Government Would U Obliged to Bnj Out the Present Jjlnc Wlmt a Now Ono Would Cost. Postal Telegraph. Jan. JO. Senator Sawyw , chairman of the senate pe > stofllee e-ommltleo , e-ulled his e-ommlUeo to order this morning , miu Dr. Maivln Giee-n , pu-sldent of Ilia Wesicin Union , nddicssed Ihe commlllco in pposllion to govcuimcnl telegraph bills. Ho devoted himself Hist , though briefly , to constitutional questions , to which the mens- uio give ) i ! c Ho limited the decision of the supiemoeouil in effect that teh-ginph is neo cssaiy lo eommeieeand Uml the tele-graph is In Itself eomnien-e He touched upon this constitutional i > oiiit , lie said , me-ioly hevanso lie did not wish the committed to undcistand Ihc compan.v waived It. He claimed that no lie-oplo on cait honjo.ved as peifect a sjstem of tele-graph us the Anioi leans. Oroon then e-ompaicd the telcgiaph systems of Knglxnd nml the ) United States and ussei ted Unit the long distance lutes of UioWcstein Union we-io clic-iiper than iinv other long distance ) late in the woild Ho ( letile-d thocliargo that the vVcstcui Union was a moiioixily. Ho said it no exc-lusivo fraiuhiscs or legislative , giants , mid lhat the Held was open to an.\bodv who might choose to enter It In legmd to the charge that lutes would 1m lalscd the picsc-nt jeur , ho said th it on the coiitiur.v the lutes would be i educed The speaker mild the Wcstoin Union had to py fiom > UKKH ) ( ) to fJflO.HH ( ) a for its mistakes. He believed that the deficit of the goveminent s.vstem , as suggested in the * Cnllnm bill , would be fiom fiHH,000 ( ) to * UlXH ) , > ,000 a j c'ur. He-wished to s iv c-oiiceinin tlio Western Union that its value , us stute-d by the pi ess , -I - LI would not buv the wno at the fiictoiy , nnel tlie e-ompaiiv' other equipments amounted to i Ihico.orfour timi-s the ) value ) of the WH | > . ( The piopeit.v of the We stem Union ton hi i not bo duplicated to da.v for its eapitali/ation. If Ihc * government did inn a tele-giaph " \stcm it must buv up existing lines. No pilvato ciitcipriso ( ould inn in i-onipc-tition against the United btates tieusur.v. Would the goveinment icsponsiblo for dolajs andc-iiors ! ho asked. I o goveuimont sys tem cvor was Theio was a popular belief that the comp.inv's system was owne-d bi ono man The compan\'s diicc toiute was composed - posed of thn t.v men The millioniilics of tlio countii lind less than tin co eighths of tlio stock Ovc-i twontv thousand people in nil weio inteic-sted in this pi openly. "I um tirld , " the doc toi lontiiiucd , "tluit a petition bening MXl,000 slgimtuies is lo bo scut to this ( ommltte-o in favor ot tlio gov- euimcnl system. Tlu.v will ionic by com mand , oiignniting in spite against one man with whom Mi. Povvdeil.s had a 1)11.11101. ) I Not ono in a bundled of the signcis ever ucu t tlio telegraph ; jet the.v weio asking to bo ! taxed foi the hem. lit ol uehbiokois , bankeis , moi c hauls , commeiclal opc-iuloiH mid spec ulators ' Di G i ecu said ho had pic-pined a petit km mid lemonstianco to eongiiss which lie in tended , b.v the eouitesy of HOIIIO membeis , lo get betoio the senate mid house und ho would not longc-i detain the eoinmiUe-o. Gaidlncr G. Hubbaid uddiessed Iho com mittee In favor of the postal Je-Jogiuph sis- tern pioposcd In the bill introduced bv Sena tor Daw es. IIu gave it us his opinion that of the ? M * > ,000,000 eupitul stock of the Westcin Union compm.v , about 3OlKOOOm ) S10tH,000 ( ) ) bad been paid in cash b\ the stock holders of other tch-giaph lompinies v\liieh had he- como bankinpt and he-en bought up by the Westein Union , and thai the ic-st ol it had been taken fiom the public in the shape ) of teU-giaph lolls It was line the piesent value 11 of the piopeit.v w as ve-iv hugeHo did not bcllevo it possibletodupllcnloitsliKiHUmiles ( ) ) t \ eif wno foi less thnn SHItKX,000 ) Over and above this vnluo of piojic-rty were other lingo values He- had ulwujs legmded its light of way ovci the lalliouds of the tcuilor.v iisbc-ingiiemlv us valuable ) us the other liaiu hisc-b of the e'ompanv. Theio wus , then , this gi eat monopoly with a capital of > -M ! 000,000 , neailtlnce eighths of which was held bj the dhoe tots of the ) company , Thov , theii-loie , had viituallj a monopoly slmo it would bo uttcilv impossible at an > stock- lioldeis' meeting loobtuliitho continuing vote of stock held bv the diic cton themse-lves Di Gice-n eoiiectcd this statement and slid Unit ut a stoc kholdeis'meeting tin e-o- Htoek wus ficqucntly ic-inescnlcd. Mr. Hubhaul said that in this country theio was p..utieall\ competition in the telc-giuph business and theio could bo none , foi it was a business which could bo managed moi c easily and cheaply by ono company than by a number , but the question uioso w hether Iho gov ei nine-lit could not manage ) it moio ehoiph than tlio Westom Union and and whether tlio Westcin Union itself could not miunigo it , much moio i lie-.iply than it docs. Tills question should be unswcicd in the uftlimativo. Mr. Hubbaid then p.ivo Ills well known view son tlio subject of postal telegraph ut gicat length. Dr. Nndal'h Case. WASHINGTON , Jan. 20 'Iho statement cabled fiom Miidiidtlmt thy United States goveinment lias demanded of Spain heavy damages on ai count of alleged 111 ticiitmcnt of Di Nudal bi tlio authoiltic-s of Poito Hlco is not stiictli coiicet. The depaitment ot state bus taken the diplomatic c mil so usually udoptccl In such cases and has instux t < d our miiiistci to Spain to lav Di Nadal's claim bo- fete Iho govc-iiiinent with a ic-piescalation that it tlio allegations contained theiein mo found to bo turn he is entitled to compensa tion Dr Nadal , while on u visit to Porto Hicowusuuohtcdoii suspicion of he longing lo mi autonomist societ.v mid so maltieate-d that ho him hlnco lost the use of ono of his aims. National Capital Notes. WvsiiisoroN , Jan 20 - A favoiable icport on Mason's bill , piovldlug foi mi invcstiga lion of ti lists mid combinations , was 01 del eel bi the houses commltloo on manufactuics The subject of the Heading iullio.ul stilko came up ln-foio the house committee on com- meico to day tlnoiigh the ic-quest of the siib- ( oimnittee , to wiiic h had been lofeiied the Andeison icholuliim pioviding for imiuiry Into the htlike , Unit it bc disc hinged from fuithci considei.itionof tliomattei Asiiiea- HOII foi making this ic-qncst , the mib commit tee statc-d that it icgarded the subject us ono of sue h gi av Hi as to demand c cjiisldei iition at the haiidH of the full committee Alter a shoit discussion the icqucst was granted and mi emncsl de-bilo ensued upon the met Its of the pioposilion 'Ihe matter will bo further considered newt Tuesday , when an cftort will bo made to dispose ol the icsolution A delegation fiom the national em ampmcnt of the I ! rand A tiny , befoie the house com mittee on invalid pensions to day , lilted Iho foimuhilion of a dependent pension bill sub stantially similar lei that Introduced In the senate hi Mr Mamlcison. The postmaster general has Issued a cir cular cmhod\ing the lules und i emulations which will heieafler govcui under tlio now law iclatiiig lo peimlssablowiltiiigiindpilnt- Ing on second , third and fouith class mall matter , .lames.T Btooks , chief of the secict service - vice of Uio Itc-usuiy dcp irlmcnl , lendcrcd his icHignallon when Iho present udminislia lion came into i n\er and it was lucepte-d to- daj to tuko effect Pebinuii 1 John S Bell , foimeily chlof of uolleo of Newark , N. J , , - will succeed him. Transc-ontlnental Details Arranged. ST Lous , Jan 20At u general meeting of the tianscontlnental lines to-duy vuileius details ueio nriangcd Headqumlois wcro ( HtnbMshed at ht. Louis , wiicio Chairman L < eels w ill open an office Tebi nary 1. Agen cies wjll also ho I and Siln Pi auciseo ,