Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 20, 1888, Page 7, Image 7
a fa f THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FEJJDAY , JANUARY 20. 1888. SPECIAL NOTICES. .Ad * pril'cmentii umler thin head , 10 cents per line for the nrn Insertion , 7 cwnti for oath tub * iequrnt Insertion , nnd H.liO a line per month. I > o advertisement tnken for less than 2.1 cHits . fur thfc Ilrst Insertion , Seven words will be | roiinted lo the lluo ! tliny must run ronnecutlvo- ly nnil must bo paid n advance. All advertise- . inpnts must \ > 3 handfd In before l.l : ) o'clock p. Tn.iind undiT no circumstances will they ba tulcn : or < ll rontlnupd by telephone. I Parties adveitlidnif In the < < column * nnd hav ing tl. nniweis addressed In enroot the Ilco , j trill tilriirp title for n elm k to rnnblo thorn to . K 't their letter * , ns none will IIP delivered except on presentation of chei k All answers to nil- ' VcirtlsemeritH should ln > enclosed In envelopes. All advertisements In these ( olttmns nru pub lished in both morning mid evening editions of Hid llee , the circulation of which aggregated more thau 15,10,1 pnpers ( hilly , and gives the nd * Vertl * . I'M the bcnt'llt. not only of thuclty rlrcu- latlon of tin ! Hoi- , hut nl MI of Council llluirs , I.lntoln , nnil other cities uiid towns throughout tills part of the west. i.- . i.ewrd stenographer wl'h college - tlou , Miiall salary , access to library , cm us typo- writer' X I Hotolllce. . NN 31 ; _ A LADY would llku fcome furnished rooms or olllci's to rluan ; good refeieuccs. Address X 8 , lieu olllce. 7IM 31 * " \VANTUO-TNO ladlc.stoknow that now Is the tlnm to get good help. Wo have 1st clnis girls ut i las * wages , WH have girls Whii can't speak English , but urn strong und willing to work for small w ages. We nlsohnvo elderly women who want light work mid Unlit wag"s. In fact nil kinds of lu'lp < nil b < > found nt the Canadian 1:11111. : olllce , Mrs , Hrega \ .Son , axi H. Mth , Tel. w < i. ni i la _ "I \ rANTUD1'osltlon by at'iiogrnphi-r nnd tclcuriiph operator , experienced ininllnud work. Able fo furnish machlue. Aildio , sT41 , Hoc olllc'3. 77S-3IJ \\rANTUI ) A ( .ituatlon by n young man T > lately from Philadelphia , to work'ln pri vate stable , and bo generally useful , ,1. M. , 1103 lluwniflnt. 7(1130 ( * APIHST-CI.ASS pastry cook and baker wants n situation lu n good hotel. Addtess H. Kross.r s. lUth st. 773 111 * "I7 ANTEDHy n young Suivllsh girl , who Is n dressmaker nnd waiter place us seamstress or family work. Piefersa jilacu % vhern hhbwoitld have a good chance to leant English. Address ailU Daymport Ht. 771 30 * " \\7ANTUO Situation as bartender , f > years IT cvpeilence. Address T l > 0 , llee olllce. TJ7 VII WANTED Position as collector 01 salesman ! iy young manof experience. Addn.8" T Hi lieuollice. . 71(1 ( lit * "IVANTED-Sltuatlou by experienced steno- TT gnliilier. Thoioiiuh knowledge of ollh e work. Helerences. Addrens o , lleo olllce. Coun cil Illuirs. 7U3-1H \\rANTKD-Hltuutiun hy trimtuorthy ijter- ' inanif 4iiM porter or co.iclnnun : e.xiel- lent city lefeiuiues. Caliadltin imnloinulit ; olhce , ; iliiHoiith. a el. HH. ffillL'I * \\rANTii-Sltuatiouby : a llrst-clnBs clothliw T limn ; formally manager for eastern house ; Bniaiy not less than Sl-"i a month. At leisure alotit ; I'eb. 1. AddiehH T fill , llee ollUe. ( > 'i ' WANTEUr-NIAUE HELP. \\7ANTKD-A > oung man 'with thorouuh exT - T peilencolu the shoe business In Omaha to 1ak.o charge of Indies' and chlldien's line shou 7jltslnoss. Mud have Hrst-class references as to Mumllng nnd capability. Addiuss T 73 , lieu Ollice. TlU 20 * AV /ANTED Two llrf-t class canvassers at Ed- helm \ Akln's. 7U7 30 "V\rANTED Iliad waitress ; net oral dining T rooms glils ; 4 experienced cooks for prl- /ate fumlllep. Germans preferred ; 20 girls for UOI.SHUOIIC , $ .1 to $5 ; woman cook out of elty.WI ; HOiond , ifill ) , both for same house ; 4 cooks , vomen , at i'M. Canadian Kmploymcut olllce Airs. Hiega & bun , 31U b. 1.1th. 'lelephoue K" ) . _ 13 lit 'V\rANTED. Ilarber to take charge of shop , t > { 15. ClaSlSthbt. 7(14 ID * TvMNTKif-r.xperienced milker. lllil'Saun- f ders st. 715 "WANTED Agents. Canadian Employment , T > 31U S. 1.1th t. . ; ii')2il ) * \\fANTUl ) Good comet player for Sunday I ntteriiooli at S. 10th St. M. E. Sunday fcchool. Address T 55 , llee olllco. 77 IU * \\rANTED Sulesiucn everywhere for door > bells , burglar alarms nnd our new silver udjuHtnble door plates , l nest in thu world. ( No ghim or paint. ) Can , sull and deliver mimn iluy. One sale nn hour will juiy J18 profit per lnv. Send 3 cent stamp for ( free ) clrculais , lit hoginphs.samples.etc.'o prepay the express. N. Y. Door Plate Co. . Cambridge , N. Y. ( Kilt-ID * ' \\7ANTED An energetic niun to sell thu most T > vuluabln and most useful artlclu ever of fered to schools. Address llox 7lD , Omaha. C.Vt-31 * WANTEIV In every county lu Nebraska , re liable energetic men to sell goods by so liciting for n well established mtg company permanent employment to the right men , no cnpltal or exnerlonco necessary , reference ro- qulied , addicss llox 2u7 , Omaha , Neb. ( > 30fll \ \ LTANTUI ) Men for railroad work. AlT - brlght's Labor Agency , 1130 Farnam. \\T ANTED 1MI men of ijood appearance to T > try our Jf.o meals utNTirris restaurant,311 Hid ,113 South 14th street , ( old Live and l. t W\ol US ! WANTED-FEMAUE HELP. W AN'I ED A good girl for general house work S 31st . Ki 31 * \l * JV , tOI MiOWOit | t > fMt A girl for general hoiu-euork , r , > understands cooking , NrJ s auth st. 7liI ! ! ) T ANTKD A good Protestant girl 11 years of age to mind children and assist in iMiuoikt- < > od wages and good home. Apply lit lt-30 N 25th ht. 7H4 19 * " \\7ANTED-Glrl for housework , ouo who ci.n > cook. Apply ll l Douglas st. 7MI ID * * ! \7ANTED A girl about 15 > ears old , of good ' i.haiacter tonssNt n llttlu In housework nnd bu coiupnuy to a ludy , w hose husband Is lib beui from the city ; call or address II , 2025 S 15th. VK tVANTEO-Small girl to take care oj chll- * , dren nud maku hersulf Useful ; German preferred ; llci3S. 13th st. KB ) 11. * \\f E want some good lady canvtu-sers at once. ? > Good paying article. Hoom 14 , 1404 Far- nun st. TV 7ANTED- Girl for housework at lloruber- gcr's. 030 South 17th st. 757-19 \\fANTUI ) A thoroughly competent girl In family of two. Mrs. D. II. Wheeler. Jr. , 001 S. 2Mb st. 770 UI \\TAN'lii-Joort : took In family of 3. No Htihhlng clone. Itufeieuce required. 133 D. 17th St. 773 30 wANTUDGlrl. . A. Ilo.spe , 315 N. 17th 2-U > TLVANTED-Immedlately , ladles to work for T > n w holesalu housu on needlework at their ll'uio.s. ) ( Sent any distance. ) ( loc > d pay can bo made. Everything furnished. Particulars free. Address Artistic Needlework Co. , lltt Mb 8t. , Now York City. U 7 W ANTED -Girl for general housework. 2113 Douglas. 633 _ ONI.lady lnevi > ry town wanted to introduce nnd sell IVnuyiriyul Pills , "Chlchet-ter'H KiiHll h. " Original and only Genuine. Send 4c ( stamps ) for iiaitlcnlars. Chlchester Chemical Co. , I'Ulludelplila PA. JC.7 \\7ANTKlV-5u ladles to try our l.V ) meals nt T > Norrls' restaurant old Live and Let Live ) . 811 and 31.1 S. 14th 8t. i'NI ' 1\TANTUl > Uulles in city or country , for out i holiday tnule , to take llpht. pleasant work t their own homes , Jl to } 3 per day can bi1 quietly made. Work sent by mall nny distance. I'uitkulais free. No canvassing. Address at orce , descent Art Co. , 147 A Milk bt. , lioston , Hass. P. O. box 5170. UN * EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. CANADIAN Employment olllce , male and f male help mil to all parts If fare Is ad vauctMl. Heft'ieitce , Omaha National bunk Jlrs. llrcga & Sou , 3H1 S. 15th. Tel. W . (118 ( f 12 BOARDING. " 1/llHST-CLASH table board. nontM In home * V style , for 3 or 4 irentleniPU. ls4 ! Dodge , iwi ' " WANTED -TO RENT. 1\rANTF.l-lly gentleman uiul wife , wlthou > children , pleasant , well furulhhcd rooms Vlthboaid. In ( irlvnte family , or when * then Hie few other boarders. Highest reference Address , ghlug location , terms , etc. . T. fiu , llei olllco. 705 ll- t-'OR RENT-HOUSES. TOH HENT-C'ottngKOf 0 nwms , closets , eel .1. livr and woodshed , n minutes walk fron uoHtofllce , I block fiom street cars , nice neigh iKirhood ; furniture fi r ale , completu for lunioi1 kefplug. If desired , gentleman and wife wll retain 2 rooms and Ixnud at ft. ) II month. 1lou-i rent { n mouth. If you want to buv furnttun nd rvut c-otlti'e , addff.-s T til lleo olllce. 7J 1710H 1IK.NT A 7 room Hat with bathroom JL 1UI7 Howard Nt. liiiUlr | at Leo X Nlchol' , Xry stable. Telvplumu Md. , TUO HKNT A new dwelling , fl room * " , nil J. modem Improvement- , good stable , ten' minutes' walk from t > o * > tonic < \ i > pj > lyto D , J. O'Donahoo , nt O'Dounhoo & ShelfyX IMh Bt. , next to thupottofllce * HO 17VH KENT 3 to f.-r < Km Hatmodem nnprove- JL ; uient , n wcor. llth ; nnd Williams st , over drug store. Inquire , Andrew Pleultrl2ll s 13th 7N5 Si1 IJ" U. Cole hna n list of 273 himte < lor rent , I ranging In priio from J.1 to (13.1. and In Mzo , fiom ate -l rooms , N. e. cor. 1'th nud Telephone 1,03.1. 7l ) ill lj"HH HUNT Pour new ten-loom houses on JL. ' * treut dirlHie , tcnintnute Irom postotlice , nil moilern ImtirovMupnts. Jll.UJ per month. F. H. Mct'onuell , 1030 Farnam. ( . ' . ( . ' 23 "l.rorSU for r < nt , SI37 Charles st. Apply Win. J 1 Aithur , ManiK'rcon's building , no earner of I4jh and Cnpayi } . or-Wl Chi ) tlen , 43122J Foil IM'.NT A lint of 4 rooms s. w. cor. Mth nnd l.eav nuorth stn. Kmiulro at a. e. cor. 17th aud Iea\onw < nil. ( Ui. IflOll HUNT If yon wlch to lent n hout-e or 1 Hat. I havii them from i > to JJJ for cott.tues , nnd Hati'lJ'lroiMM ' inoikTii IIOIISMH , f rom f i" > to JUJ per month. . ( .Mil nt J. H. 1'arrotte , Itentul r > i7tll rrr , noi > l.S for rent from ? I2 up. O F. L , Gregory , Hutitul Aent ( , 303 S. 10th st. fT'Olt ' UnNT-Hevcn (7) ( ) room houte , nil fun Inhed , No , 107 north Utli st. 404 rpl I K house I now occupy will bo" for rent. .Ian. J unry l tj house contains Ili-rotmis ami nil modern Improvements. 'MJ S. 'ltl ! st. Morltz ileyer. Call nt llth nnd rnrnnin or ati.J7S.aith ht. KSI _ _ FOK HKNT 2 new 7 roomed houses well , cis tern. larRe cellar. lUth near ClnrK st. W. (1. Shrler , opp poslolllce. Sil IJlOlt HJJN'T fl new 7 roomed houses , city I : water , < Istoru , cellar , a > th st near Paul , W. O.Shilver , 1'rcnzcr block opin ito ppitolllce. ' "VTO. 1IW 7th nvn. . fi-room Iiou e , > KOOI ! ro -lA pair , l.irco ynnl , cistern water : will rcn- to rcsiionolbln person w 1th not more than 'i ehll- dien for 4 ' > per mouth , 4 U FOH HUNT New hou e , I ! rooms , etc. , tart : Kiouuds , rornur 2tth and Capitol nvetin lmiulre2H31 Dodge st. mi I ilO II HUNT anew \ > room houses on S 30th near Leavenworth. C. U. Mnync. 341 "T710H HENT New 5 loom cottage In Ambler -I1 place ; good 7 room 3 story house. Orchard Hill ; good 4 room cottage. Orchard 11111 , C. E. Mayue , N. W. cor.lJthni.d Harneyht. ' 11)1 ) you HINT : HOIWO 11 looms , w. M. man , N K torner loth and DoiiKlns. FOR RENT--ROOMS FURNISHED. _ FOH HUNT- LarK hnndkomely furnished up per front room , steam heat , Idlil Douithis. 7B ( ! Sl I71CIH HP.NT Pnrnlshed rooms , also rooms for hoiisekeiplnn , 10091 avenpurt. 784'J ) % "VTlCUIiV funilshed flout room sultablu for -L > one or two ; hteam heat.bath , with or with out board ; aoo.saith. 77:1 : 19 ; KIiV furnished rooms , south fiont , nppo- slto HlKh school , Mill Davenport. 7J ! ( 1UJNT-.1 nlcelv furnished front rooms , ( i-ntrally located , furniture fors-ale. X a , Jlcoollliu. HIO ai HUNT Knlte of furnished rooms for 4 xentlemen , , auaa St. Mary's axe. "Ma * ITIOIt HUNT Partly fimiUhed room for house X1 keeplliK , ird',1 Cass st. 7I'.I ID * 17UH HUNT a nicely fiirnWied rooms , Jl week I.1 eachto4Kentlemen. 01J N. 17th st. 747 1W FOH HUNT Three partly furnished rooms for hois-keepliiKiitiiaa month. Address TGJ , llee olllce. 745 111 ; flOH ItUN'l' I'lensnnt furnished room at 537 1 Pleasant st. 441 IVf FOH HUNT Furnished rooms cheap , cor. IHth and Cnmlng st. luiiulie , Meat marki t.lbth aud Ctimlng st 75331 ? TJIUHNISHUDroom with board for two gen -I ? tlemen , MI5S 17th st. 75331 H HUNT Nicely furnished front room with 111 It-class board. 11121 Faruam. 733-'JI * VK-'Ul'V furnished rooms cheap , 140U Daven- - > pott. TJJ-IU * IilOH HUNT Suit of newly furnished rooms ; all modern conveniences ; boaid If desired , taa Ceorirln Ave. ' TK.l'J ' * NICUIiV 1'urnlshed room , J4 month or cheap by w eek. OH S , 18th St. , up stall 8. 737-'ii T71OH HHNT-Nleely furnished room. 1703 -I ? DoiiKhis , for gentleman. 711 al : * ont room foragentlemen. . In- -I ? quire IMU UouirlBH , Hoom E. 7IU SI * F I OH HUNT Four (4) ( ) elegant rooms , all mod ern convenience ! ! . 1703 Webster st. 703 I17HN1SI1UD roooms with board , 1W Farnutn 013 23 * FOH HUNT Furulshed rooms ; terms juocler ate ; steam heat , gas , bath room aud on treel car Hue. 3317 Douglas st C3S 33 * T71OH HUNT Suite of furnished rooms , A -U Ilo.spe. 5Iil HUNT Nlcu room for 2. 1013 Dodge st. 5 ! < 0 F UHN1SHED room , steam heat , 301 S 21th. Wi7J 37J FOH HUNT Nli-ely fnriiUlied rooms at 2337 Dodge. Gas , bath and heat. VM "IJ1OH HUNT Newly furnished south front -t room , in new house ; steam heat and every convenience , 1731 Davenpoit. > f3 msllil Dodge. Foil HENT 3 rooms at 311 Woolworth ave. ; at HI l > r mouth. 3U board , IW Farnam. 746 J 33J F IOl'H elegant rooms all modern conveniences 17M Webster st. 458 FOH HENT Furnished rooms in Grounlgblk , cor. IJIth and Dodge sts. luimlrucif co. H. Davis. Millard hotel btlllard room , D "C1OH HENT Two nicely furnished front rooms JC on ground lloor , at 211S Hurt , tor ill per month , with boanHI per week additional. tJHl TflOH HENT-A nlcely"furnlshed r7)om with nil JL ; modern Improvements for ouo or two gentle men , fin I 8. 20th. trii SINGLE oaud double furnished rooms. 2l'l5 Dodge. 33. ) f BJ FOH HENT Largo front room with alcove and closet , gas. bath room , hot aud cold water on the name floor , -Two gentlemen , or man and w Ifo. J2J per month. No. 207 S 21tli st. FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. fjlOH HUNT ' 1 he 3d nnd 3d story of the Good- Jrich building , 2 doors westof Paxton hotel. each floor 2ti\MI , suitable forolllces , studies , hall or manufaituiiug purposes ; ulso cellar same size. SK pleasant rooms over the House of Lords , Dodge st. ; will rent separately or to gether. Tw o new 10-room dwelling houses. All modern conveniences , on street car. Hue. Apply to. I. H. Evans , 1510 Dodge. 731 19 FOH HUNT Ground floor olllco room , cen trally located , heated nnd lighted. C. F. Harrison , 418 S. 15th st. 100 _ ' < TjUH ) HENT-OIIices on Faruam st. at llfl'to J.10 JL1 per mouth. Oiiu olllco furnished. 1U13 Far- num. 101 . . HENT Olllco , chenp ; best location iu the city , lfil.1 Dodu'e st. ( V.11 FOR RENT ROONIS UNFURNISHED. "iTtOiri liNT 3 unfuriilbhed looms 1109 S UMtT. J.1 St. Mil 31 J1OH HENT A urge room furnls-hed , central 1 location. IHB Chicago st. 3tl4 | T71OH UKNT Jd Two (31 ( rooms. No. 1S1I Howard st , Three (3) ( ) rooms , No. 1015 north 2Uth ht. Three (3) ( ) rooms. No. 102ti north 21st st. Six ill ) room house. No. 3IU1 Nicholas st. Three (3) ) room cottage. 21st nnd Paul st. Three (3) ( ) rooms , 7 0 , n . ' noitU Sl t at. Three (3110011111 ( , No. HID Pierre st. Three (3) ( ) rooiuii. No. 1113 south 7th f > t. Three (3) ( ) room * , N'o..u'i Paeltlont. One (1) ( ) nice oll\co \ , No , 310 bouth 15th bt. _ FOR RENT-W'SCELANEpUS. ' SING l.E bed * 11 n week N. W. corner Kith nnd _ 1' ; warm room. USU 23 * MAI1A Lodging lloiiic. 1)10 ) and U12 Jackson stlx.'t . , llth u nil loth sts. Hi-ltts slnglu beds at f 1 ir v eek ; clean beds. \ireb3 * RENTAL AGENCIES. 171 L. GHEGOHY , rental agent. 300S..16th st. . JL ? grouud lloor. Telephone 831. 4S1 SPEC1A L attention given to renting houses , furnished aud unfurnUhed rooms. LUt wltti us. W. M. Harris. over230S. 15th kt. 1UI * | 7JOH 1IKNT } t you \ l.-.h to rent a house call JL ? on Uvuawu & Co. , 1Mb. St. , oplXslte P. O. PERSONAL. IIUltSON A L Wonted t > omeoue to take care 61 an Infant. Address statins price'expected X 1. lleooihcu. ' ' . . TVi-V Thc per on Mho tnV.fs Kiirh nn J. Interest In my welfare us to write anony mous notes to my fi lends had. best dI i'oiitUiue such proi eedltms , us we nil have n good Idea i\s t j the atitnorof wld notes. Further ell. rtsoii your part to estrange friends will | < ruvc inellect * mil. turthermore. you are rtviue tcd to rail at 1UI7 Cn nnd receive suitable n word for tlm "good" you have tried to ( icconiplL.h. Lillian Stadelmnti. 7.s , aa 33UHSONAL- uinicerswnnteit tn lines- ! . cato the Kellogg-Fri'lich tailor ny-fm nt dre scnttlntf , good wages , traveling expeu. es , to energetic ngents. ( .nil or nddress for cir culars. Mine. Kellogg , Hotel Esmond , ( m iha , * OKHSONAII'iicagenienti to dodre i-mak- J Itm In families solicited , Call onovurt- dress Miss Jessie Murdy , tfil S.aoth t. - IJUHFONAL 1 want vacant lot , no , th p irt of cltv , for good house uiul lot 111 Omaha View. C. C. Spotswood , ! jit S 10th st. , Omaha. Oil r. Ladies and pmtlemrn ran rent JL. masi.uerade suit sat 318 N lull St. , umlalrs. l H lL4 JiUltSONAI , Private home for ladles during coulluement , strictly ctmtldentnl , Infants aecpted ; tiddless F 13 lieu olllce , 037 f 10. , DH. U. Hooper , magnetic , trance nnd clairvoy ant. Perfect diagnosis of illseim. ' . Satisfaction - faction guaranteed. 501 N. 10th Bt. 471 U'J ' -STORAGE. "VTEW YOHIC Storage Co. hare most extensive. - A facilities for htoragoof furtfltlite , pianos , humlcS'general luei'chandlsH. iWWt.iof New York. Cash advances to miy Amount ; ware house receipts given ; goods lntjred ! < l > rtck " " - - - - - building tire-proof ; special commission merchnnts. Call. . Co. , Capitol ave and N , 1.1th si. , ' ' 101 LOST. T OST Howard : ladles fcalskln mulf on Notth JJ IMlist. lleturnto lt > ia llntney stand re- colrufuv.'arJ. KO ! LOST Very lan'o black dos , white patch on breast ; reward for leturu to It. i.McKelvy : , Soao Charles ht. . SW 2J * LOST A lady's oxldl/.ed watch , open face , with two ih.irms attached , Leave at Itee ofllco and receive leward. 7l'8 19 * IOST Hound nold lirawlet with double t chased top : Under will pljaso leave at lilt N. 15th st. . .801 ti ) LOST Pair of ox > ra KlnNsesTuMdayevenllip. Reward for .return to Republican bindery. . K 81 IOS'l lletween corner ! iid and Casa street and i exposition building , u paik-iRu coiituliilnx n dress and maiked > ll-s Hell Moward.JackMin- vtlle , Illinois. Will Under leave word nt lice of- lice , where package can be had. 74U 1'Jf [ OST In the postoilice. n ladles' right hand U fur glove. Leave at the llee olllce and K t eward. 7U1 aii * l > iWAltl-WlU : be given for return of bay -l-t' mare , ! X ) Ibs. , halter on. Strayed from a ! 4Cnmlnjf t. O.S. Obtrom. WW FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. TTUHKWOOD I IIIIMI at my farm seven miles -L1 from Omaha , puitollice , Mlllard road , two inndred cords foasoiied oak and hickory wood for sale at Jl.iVJ per cord In lots of twenty coals and upwards. J. M. Paddock , Jan. 1(1 ( , lb ? . oil SAM ! At n bargain M ) feet of shelving , tlO feet of counter ! ) nnd one Ice < hest. suit able for gioceiy uue. Knqulre nt Sia S. lotli St. FOIl SAI.K-l'rehh milch cows. Hill A : Smiley , opp. r.xchaiiKe building , Union Slock > nrya. Telephone Ui * . 101-feb-l MISCELLANEOUS. llli banjo taught as an art by f5eo. K. ( Jellen- beck , H. e. cor loth aud Douglas , up stairs. STANDARD Horse i-nd Cattle Kood Is just thn thliiK to feed to your horses at this time of year to lit them for sprim ; work and keep them 'icalthy durliiK the severe winter weather It s cheaper thau corn or oats. TrvaboK ; 7 Ibs. or tl. ( i. Manufactured by P. K. Snnhorn tc Co. , 171H St. Mary's ave. For sale every\\heic. .d7 'M IF you wish good , prompt paying tenants , list your dwellliiKs , Hats and store rooms with J. H. Parrotte , Rental Agency , liiiKI Chicago cage st. r > S7fll HI' . C'OLi ; Insurance. Reliable companies , N 1 ! cor 1'ilh and Douglas. Telephone 1035. 1035.O O I < KASK For long time and a low rate , lots a and W ) , NeUon's addition , and part of lot ! W. Rcdlck's and add. A. P. Tukey. KKl Farnnm ht. sx D H. Ahmanson's olllco removed from Frenzer block to 513 S 18th st. * fl Fu STANDAHD Stock Liniment is the best thing of its kind ever invented for the euro of cuts , bruises , spavin , ringbone , lameness , barb wire cuts , etc. Price50cper bottle. Every bottle guaranteed. Manufactured by F. E. Stillborn & Co. , 17U3 St. Mary's ave. For sale everywhere. 7C7 30 C II. JOHNSON , cistern builder , wells bored and dug , 40UN 30th St. , Oinnliu , Neb. O.V1 J3U C ASH paid for second-hand books and Libra ries. 308 N Itith st. II. Shoufcld.antlqunrlan. \H J 33 * CLAIRVOYANT. DH. NANNIE V. Warren , clnlrvornnt. Med ical , business and test medium. Diagnosis free. Female diseases n specialty. 11 ! ) N. 10th M. , Hooms3&3. Tel. ll. 107 WANTED-TO BUY. Iwlll buy a S > m mortgage note. G. U. Thompson , 314 8.15th st. 449 \V-\NThD To miy snort time paper , .1. W. > V Gross , ut C. E. Mayno's ollice , IMh and Harnev. 3V > MONEY TO LOAN. M1 OSil'V loaned on real estate. Cash on hand. . H. W. , 15UD Farnam st. 73U 21 * ONEV to Loan Hy nnilersitined , who has the only properly organized loan agency in Omaha. Loans of J10 to JHMuiiule on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wrgons , ma chinery , etc. , without removal. No delays. All business strictly confidential. Loans so Hindu that any part can bo paid at any time , each pay- muiit reducing the cost pro rata. Advances made on HUM watches and diamonds. Persons Mtould carefully consider who they are dealing w 1th , as many new concerns are daily coming Into existence. Should you need money call and see me. W. It. Crott , room 1 WHhnull building , l&thand Harnuv. Ill HU. COLU Loans money on 'real estate and buys tlrnt mortgage notes N. K cor 15th and Douglas. Telephone 1U35. IM'.M MONUY to loan at lowest rates upon Improved and unimproved real estate m Omalia and iilso upon farms In western Iowa and eastern Nebraska , Mortgage notes bought mid sold Odell llros. & Co. , 1531 Farnam st. : W MONEY * to loan on Improved real estate ; no" commlshloii charged , Leavltt Uurnhaui , room 1 , Crelghton block. 131 SHOHT tlmo loans made on auj' available security , in reasonable amounts. Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged. General financial business of tiny kind transacted promptlv. quietly and fairly nt the Omaha Fi nancial Exchange. N. W. cor. 1.1th aud Hur- ney sts. . over State National baud. Corbett , manager , 117 MONEV to loan l can now place Home flr * class city loans immediately. - Call at onca If you deslru to be accommodated. D. V. Snol .s , room 1 llarker block , entrance in alluv. 103 MONEY LOANED at C. P. Heed & Co.'s Loan Olllce. on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other ar ticles of value without removal. 319 S. Utli , over lllngham's commission store. All busi ness strictly coutldentlal. ' 123 MONUY to Loan-On furniture , pianos , wagons , or other personal property without lemoviu ; ul.Mi on collateral secuitty , lluslnera coiilldentlal. Chas. H. Jacobs , 330 S. 1.11 It st 170 MONEY to Loan-O. F.Davis Co. , real estate nnd loan agents , luVi Parnam st. 10S MONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs , hordes , etc. low rates. J. J. Wilkinson & Co. , 1331 Farnam , over Hurllngton ticket office. US rpo LOAN Money IAMUS placed on inv -1 proved real estate in city or county for New England Loan i Trust Co. , by Douglas County bank , ICth ami Chicago bts. Kf MONEY to loan , casnonntind. no delay. J , W. and E. L. Squire , 1413 Faruam bt. Paxton - ton hotel bulldiui ; . in MO.MHY loaned on pianos , furniture , hores.s organs , etc. , low rates. ( ! . H. Xlmniur man , room 5 , Ar.'jiKton block , 2 doors ww < t ol JOANS made on real estate. Cash on baud , J W. M. Harris over 230 S. 15th st. 110 MONEY Toloha. lowest rates. No delay J. L. Hlcu & Co. . over Commercial Na > tlonal bank 114 LOAD'S madu on real estate and mortgages bought. Lew is S. iteecl Ic Co. , ll.'l Farnam , IU 05500,010 To loan on Omaha city property at t P percent. U. W.Uay , B. K.cor , Ex. Uld. t > * " * " " * GPKH TENT Money. Patterson > V Fawcett IMhanil , Itnrnoy , 110 $7nO,00 | to loan at 6 per cour * Llnnhan \ Mt > - honey , LOU Farnam. _ _ , 134 " ONUY to loan. Notci.iuid tl. H , . ticket , bought nhd sold. A. t'utmau , 213 9 1,1th , 9 a t . ' " ' > . _ "CH'A N C5ES. Foil SAI.U A clean Morh.of , gents' furnish * lug g'lydlis's. ' : . civ > s ! one of the b < st lo cations luomalm Slutk ulPljollght wlthltlouo } er.r. Address p C. ' . llee olkcf. 7M f IrU1 TV * ! : esNationnl llAnksto'k. A bargain 1 if lnk.-n siKin. it-i A will u'ett'-dsliickof.i ' Vjtooils. Host locu tion in tow n , A rare chancejtr anyone w anting n desirable local Ion. Twolmproved fauns Vert' ' 'leap , or will ex change for men haniHjc. A- > . lots In Superior , the ( omlug to\\u of the llrpitlillcnn vnllev. W. W. Hopper , Heal Ustate Agt , Supetlor. Neb. 7.V' ' 201 ACl'IVU paitner , ntilesmnn , to take half-Inter est In permanent nud growing mei clmntllo business. Goods staple , prollts large ; $ N" ) ic- illilred. Address Tlii. Hep. 74ft Foil S ALP.-Finely Improved rnurh on North Plutto river , nrar Os-'tilalla ; 7i1)-head ) good cattle for J2I per bend-counted out ue\t May ; Increase goes with heard ; about 30J calves ex pected. Will sell ranch and rattle together or wparate at much less than value , M. A , Upton & Co. 713 23 T71OH SA tii-0r : trade , a J2.000 stock of milliner I1 goods. A llbenj dibfcount forca h. llox 270 , York , Neb. 750 21 ? FOH SAI.U Or trade , first class restaurant. Address Cllue .V I'lerson ; , 1318 N. Kith \\7ANTFD-A man of exporleiico nnd capital VT to join a stock compauv to build nud operatiia water power Homing mill ; a-plemll < l location. Address P. O. box 231 , S antou. Neb. 727 19 * FOH SAM. A drug , book , paint and wall paper store , a store that p.ild nearly $4.000 sross prollts last year with an expense of less hani.NHa jear ; a store with nn established rade ; the leading store lu n growing town of ' ,0011 ; cash receipts lu IBS7. J11.4III ; these are . 'arts that will bear the closest Investigation ; , vill Invoice about fViU ) ; coriospondeuce and .liMMIgntlnn solicited. Addre.-s Wludlmm A : Da\les , Plattsmouth , Nub. ,33 23 * H. OUSES and lots for western lands , farm' : , . etc. ItXiU Farnam. fill H.A A I.Alton , pleasant store room tor rent , oun of tliu best points In the cltv for retail 'loots and shoes , hats and caps ilry ( roods , etc. , iVlthlnhalf block of corner llth and P.mruu. [ .otmlviiso , cheap rent. 12. P. Heaver , llll'j'j ' Far- lam st. tc."J FOR EXCHAHCc. 3TOCKS of itooiK for Mile nnd exchange for . j farm laml and city property. Addre.-sT "U , llee olllce. 7 $150.Kjn ( of Inside improved or unimproved Omaha propel ty wanted , for which will trade i-omo of the cholc- st'farm lands tind lots lu the best towns In he slate , nnlnrutubered , and assume onciim- brance. This Is an opportunity not often ottered , and Nebraska lands are rapidly advancing. ' 1. s. ciarksou , am s i ith st. 71:1 : ai " 1OOD "lty lots , well located , to exrhanne for .1 peed horse * or cattle , liiadrlck & Voie , ith bt , 1'renzer block , room 7. 701 ! * Hr. . ( "OIil2 Rives special attention to tr.ultint Write foi our list. N K cor llth and fii'031 371OII IXchauso. If you have farms or lands to sell or trade send for our descriptive blanks. If you have any kind of propel ty to sell or ex- : haiw , lUt It with usu ; can fuinlsh you a L'listomer. S. S. Campbell & G. W. Hervey , all ) lloaid ofTrade Omaha SX I11AVK for trade Improvcrl farm In Cass Co. , near PlattHinouth , will trade for Improved nsldu property. Aduiess M U ! , lleo olllce. .1,1 , S8 IF you have anything to ejtchnuKO call oil or address II. U. Cole , u , e. i/ir. l.'ith and Uouir- as. J17 l-'l V\TANTK ! > Stocks of nierclinndlso to e\- T cluinu'ii for lands and 0ty | uroucrty * C. C. Spotswood , auTiJi S. Ifitp. M WANTKO Houses and U > [ s to cxcliaiiKO for Impiovednnd unlmprouiid lands in No- ) raska and Iowa. Charles U. Spotswood , IlOjU S. 10th. . 1K > " \rUHKASIvAaml Kansas Airms to exchnnpco JL > lor Iowa and Colonuiri lands , anil vl I'ersn. Co-Operatlvo Land and hot Co. , aO" > \\7ANTP.I ) Gooa rarms in exchange for T T Omaha property , C. 0' < Spotbwood. IWuJJ 810th. i 12J ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. lUNSON .VCAItMinilAETj furnish complete 1 Mill guaranteed abstracts of title to any real estate lu Omaha nnd Douglas county upon short notice. The most complete sctof abstract books In the city. No. 1510 Karnam st. I'll MIDI/AND Guarantee and Trust Co. . 150' Farnam street Complete abstracts fur nished , nnd titles to real estate examined , per fected and uuaranteed. leO CORSALE-REAL ESTATE. GUOHdK M. COOPUH , 1309 Parnaiu , oilers thu follow Ing bargains : lifixUf , ' , lIJth and Jones sts.paylugiaj a month , tincknt ; ! ) in rear , ifieWJ. H < xl ! > a , Ifith and Jones , SKX ) a foot. aa teet on tauudert. , bouth of Odd Fellows' block , & ! , suo. aa feet adjoining above. W.ffiO. Lot t" " . block 11 , Heed's 1st add . fi.030. Lots 1 and a , SaundeivT add. , for 110,000. Lot I' ' , block H , KlilO. hot I ) , block .IIS , trackage , W.OOO. Iot 1. block 3. Kotmtze's4th add. . ? tnOO. I.otll , block O , Shlun'sand uild.falKlil. Lot , block 4 , A. K. Patilck's add. , corner , block from Saunders , JI.HH Lots U and 10 , llurdrtto Court , foril.5W . Ixits in Table Laud , ilW to ia.'iO , easy terms ; best Investment near city ; go out and see these. lots. lots.Lots Lots In Hirhmond , ? 1V ) to $700 ; any of tlieso will make you money. South Omaha. Lots 0 and 10 In a , Mln.vhau's & Mahoney's add , for Jl.tliW. Lots 111 nnd 14 I nt. : nnd lots Hi and 17 in n , I. ill- ton place.all for jsas ciu-h , just what owner paid one yearaco , nnd who has to sell. Investigate. Lots InilJ , South Omaha , $1.10) ) . Lot 1 In in , South Omaha , 21,100. Lot ( I in t'J , South Omaha , iH.aoO. For Kent. HOUM ) Ifth and Mason. $ x.XJ. ( Houiua'M and Grant , $15.01) ) . HOUMisth nnd Hint , > M"i.iO. ( House IHh amj ( ' : l1' . : .i ) . Tor Trade , VA ( tcie-i , clear , Improved farm In Montgomery lilO nerts , fenced , highly Improved , incnm- llrauce flimi ! ) , J.'D.7iiO , or , Interest lu best addition to city , equity 1 keep fully io ) ted In regard to realty nud In vite correspondence. George M. Coojior , IIXM Farnam 715J TJIOH SALE--Lo1 riirikYATsTpiitrtcks iidTwilT Jt ? sell for few days at J1,5W , JtiOO cash. bal. easy. S. 4tt lleo ollice. 017 C HUAPlotsWieadu Finest low-priced lots in city , must bo sold , llest b irgaln In Omaha , corner and msldo lot , a > th and Dodge , only W.f.uO for both. UlcKimt residence lot , Dodge and Kith live. , Only HajO. Two very valuable lots , cor. JtU nud Douglas , Sell cheap , fti.SoO. One hundred and forty choice Inside lots to bo closed out Immediately. Fortunes In these. Two hundred houses and lots Inside belt line , build houses to order , 41UO t ( 4.ioO down. Will build good houses , Dot li and Dodge , nnd sell on easy payments. ' ' " For exchange , J.W.OtK ) worth of clear , nplu- cumbered first-class real esliite , with cash , for Xo. 1 business property. Drake jlros. . ,11(1 ( S. st. ' C07 13 _ _ LAND , fin ins and lots to e\ tor shares iu good paying cuiicerin , 1UJU I'armini st. 37'J TjHHSALU-Corlot ttisl'U nfld a story house Jd -L nnd Pacific st. liuiulio Jlimes Chrlhtlanson , U. P. freight department , irf r.'Jl ait BAHGA1NS worth investfgatlng-For tnle Gooii It-room house , city water , hitnOxIKO , east front on Park , nve , nor iof llauscom park , for (5.14m Jl.WH canh , balance tlw per year ; and also fumltnie for sale nUiouse at less thau halt value. Mortem-en .V CiirKtenson , Heal Us- tate ollice , 1414 Farnnm , uplrs. . 7.VV.11 FOH SAI.K Finest location for n liomo In West Omaha , adjolntngtho mansion homes of Klrkendall , Coe , Itrady , liisson and others. Nothing liner In th city. Can s ) lG5zl17 ! or less ; for prices and terms see S. A. Slomau. 13)1 ) Farnam st. MJ IF you want snaps here they are : Lot : i block if , Leavenwortn 1'errao. tut ] ; lot : i bloek 4. Jetter udd.Soutb ( ) muhiiU"iill : ; < itil block lu.iac | \ Seldon's add. , iaa > ji ) ; lot i ! block 10. Plalnvlew , Jl.llH : lot in block in , Plalnvlew. * 'ji ) : S M feet of lti : block 7 , Klrkwood , jl ) U. Many morn feamoklud. If > ou want cheap property come where It U for sale , li , K. Cole , N. U. cor. 15th a lid Douglas. Telephone. IDiB. 707 li > ONLY J'Ocash , balance to suit , will buy a * iV ) lot a few blocks from the packing houses. South Omaha , also other bargains can b found with I ) . I ) . Smeaton. room 7 , Marker block , cor. 1 jth and I'limum sts. U)7- ) TMPHOVUI ) farm In Iowa for Omaha rest- J. deuce proj-crty. J , J. Wilkinson , U-'l i'arimm. Iw ? FOIt 8ALK-ftxHl feet on cable line. Splendid Inside location for four Hati f'i.-'iO' ' ) . Mtut l > o eold nt once. Marshall & Lobeck , room 9 Chuiuber of Com. UaJ FOU S A tilt ICO acres of land four mllea from stockyard * , at } ia5 twrucrei this Unbar * gain , .Mcdipip , Opp. P. o. 1.B _ Aft'ST be .sold a' om e. two of the tluest ( o1ie n ' 1 corner ! lots In Cloverdalu add. at about half what lots adloluglnit mo selling for. Or w luit have you to exchange. Address T 117 , llee oHU e. 70 aot Ij jlOU SAI.U-Or e < cchaiuwi loN in North Ji Omniia for houses. House and lots In Cottn- oil lllutfs , Shares In Lo e ave llulldlng nss'n. Lots In llatiscom nnd Ambler places. Plenty of other property , llosworth .V Joplln , 4is S. 15th st. 17.1 1J1OH 9AIJ--Three : good lots on corner of Dodce st , one blcHk wxit of Lowe nve for M.WO. Address for a few days S 61 lleo olllco. 71 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "iroll SAI.U Wo oiler as n special lnrralu M ) Jacres of laud four miles from Htoi-k yards , nt ! - ' > per Kent , on Hue of U. P. U. II. MeCaguo Opp. P.O. _ nil " 1 ? "jfrVrfOKNKY & CO. tiinico impcclAlty of -J property In North Omaha , for s ile or rent at Citizens' bank , au Ciimlugst. 1,11 TIIl llillltriAr lillll ' 1M 111 l n HIE RAILWAHMh \ lABLLS , OMAHA. Leave Arrive Omaha. Omaha. UNION 1'ACinC. Depot loth and Marcy sts. Pncltic Uxprccs . 0fO : p. in. n. in. Limited ISill p. iu. p. 111. G-.oO p. in. 13:35 p. 111. * U\eept " _ _ _ ifl'HLI.NGTON"HOUTK. . Depot 10th ami M.aiom.ts. Chicago Uxpioss , .1:4' : , p. m. n. in. Chicago Mall VM : a. m. p. m , Chicago Local tl:4S : p. in. 10:3 : ; a. m. Denver Express . Dli'i : a. m , : ; ) p. m. Denver Mail . . . , . . . : W ) p. in. 40 u. Ill , CallfoinlaMall . lii5 ) : ; n. m , r > : 15 p. 111. KatiMis City lnv Express. 6.v : > p. m. Kan-as city lilglit e.xpres : M p. m. 7:00 : u. m. ( ' .St. P.M. A O. Depot 1Mb aud Websterst ! Sioux City .V Ill'k Hills UxMO:40 : n.m o p. m. llmicrott Express ' 1:10 : pan a. m. _ Except Sunday " " Missorm PACIFIC. Depot IMhnnd Wubsterst Day Express 10:45 : n. m. a. m. Night Express r iiJ ; ) p. iu. p. 111. P. E. .VM.V. II. U. Depot l.lthaiid Webster st Hastings \ Ill'k Hills PasiUhfV. n. m. p. m , 'i'orlolk Pas.-enger. . I 5:45 : p. m. 10r : > a , m , suntmitAX HIAINS. lluniilng between Council ItluUs aud Albright u addition to the stations mentioned , trains .top . at Twentieth nnd Twenty-fourth streets nil at the Summit In Omaha. WcHtwnrd. i road-Trans- Omaha Sheely. South | AI- way , fer. Depot. { Omaha bright. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. ! A.M. A.M. 5:11 : rri : 11:1X1 : tuui Hlo : lillJU 11:117 : ( I ; .Vi tuuiKi : 0:55 : 7:11 : 7aJ 7:35 : 7:4D : 7:11 : Hia : 8:31 : uia : H:31 : 11:41 : 0K : ! 10:0.1 : 10:13 : 10:3.1 : 10:30 : 10:41 : 10 : fia 11:0.1 : iitia 11:31 : 11:30 : 11:15 : 11 : K P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. 1:2:0.1 : : 13:1 : lass 1:0,1 : , 1:13 : 1:3.1 : 1:11 : 1:0.1 : " 13 3:30 : 3:1X1 : 3:13 : 3f : l 4:01 : 4:13 : 4:31 : 4H : : ) 4:4 : ] r > :05 : nsia 5:35 : fi:01 : 11:3.1 : fifi : 7:05 : 7:2. : 7:4 ] 7 : < ia S:01 : 8:3.1 : Hrc. : 11:05 : U:13 : l:35 ) : 11:30 : V-.K : 10:0.1 : 10:13 : 10:31 : 30:30 : ur.ll ( > ) 10:4.1 : 10:5a : : > 11:30 : 11:45 : I \ :50 : KtiNlwnrd. AISouth bheely. Jmnhn 'L runs- llroad irlght. Omaha. depot , ler. w ay , A. .M. A. M. A. . ' A , M. fi.i Ii:5S : (1:11 ( : ll.1 : 0:4.1 : flsfl'l ' 7:00 : 7lr. : 7:4D : 7:5.1 : b so H:31 : 8iVi ; il :07 0:3H : :31 : 10:07 : :1,1 : 10:38 : 10:31 : 11:07 : :15 : 11:3S : 11:3.1 : :15M. I1. M. M. i' . . p. M. 13:07 : :11 : 13:3S : 1:07 : :15 1:3S : lfiB : 3:07 : :15 : 3:38 : a.K : ) 3.V : > 3:07 : :15 H:3S : 3:111 : : iW : ) iKi : 4:117 : :15 : 4:3S : 4:31 : t.HJ : 4 ; Kt 5:07 : :11 : ri:3S : fi : .1.1 (1:07 : :15 : 11:38 : OtKi 7:07 : :15 : 7:3S : 7:55 8:07 : f :15 : H,15 : ! l:07 : 0 :1,1 : n.rxi : uW : , 10:07 : 10 :15 : 10:38 10:31 : 10:50 : 11:07 aril : 11 11:41 : 11:5) : 11:55 : 13:09am : 12 : 1.1am COUNCIL HIjUKFS. iea ve. A rrlve. CHICAGO , HOOK ISLAND & PACIFIC. A No. 14 1:00 : p.m. D No. 1. 10:50 : . m. 11 No. 2 fiIOp.m. : A * No. 13 11:30 : a. in. O No.(1 ( ( i:30a. : m. No. 5 0:05 : p. m. A No. 4 11:40 : a. in. No. 3 7:00 : p , ui. CHICAGO , HUULINGTON & QUINCV. C No. H (1:1X1 ( : a.m. D H:40a. : m. A No.4 D:40a.m. : ANo.l5 10:00 : a.m. C "No. H . . . .1.3:30 : p.m. C fNo. 7 11:20 : p. m. A No.H 7Wp. : ) m. A No. 'I 7:00p. : Ill , NOHT11WESTEHN.7:00p. CHICAGO & NOHT11WESTEHN. A No. (1 ( 0:40 : a. m. A No.3 ! ll,1u. : m. A'No.S 4:110 : p. in. A'No. 7 11:30 : a. m. A No. 1 4:30 : p.m. A No. f. 7:00 : p. m. CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE i : ST. PAUL. A No.3 0:40u. : ni.ANo. | IS 11:30a.m. A No.i ( : No.3 7:0)p.m. : KANSAS C1TV ST. JOE & COUNCIL HL1IFFS. A No.3 U.Mn.m.A : | No.3 0:35n. : m. A No,4 DilOp.m.lA No.l 0:30p.m. : SIOUX ( JITV iV PACIFIC. No. in. . , . . .7:05a. : m. A No.l ) R.11n.m. : No. 13 . . .7:00p.m. : A No. 11 ! ) ; 00p. m. OMAHA .VST. LOUIS. \ No.8 3IUp. : ni.lA No. 7 11:3.1p.m. : A dally ; H daily except Sat. ; C dally except Sun. ; 1) ) except Mon. : KFast Mull ; "Limited ; IIW111 probably chaugB to IjOOp. m.before Feb. 1. Notice. The wholesale ) Hijuor house of Henrlchs & Prick , has this day been succeededed by A. Frlck , V Co. . whonssumoull liabilities aud col- leu all outstanding debts. .A. 1'iuci ; Co. OMVIU.NKII. , Jun. 13. IMS. Jlhdatp Not lets M ATTKHof iippllcntliuiuf ( i. Her for liijuor ife. Is hereliy tl\eu Hint Stnr.v Her illil on tliu r.'tlnlity ol .iHiiiuirj , A. 1) . liM , Ille tliulr uppliin- tlun to Din imtynr tin city counril ol Onmlm , lur II * I'eiihu to * < > ll initlt , bpirllotiH nnil vlntnis liquors nt Nu , I ay I iirimm street , Tlilrtlniil , Oinnliu , .Neb. from the 1st ( iu ) of Juiiunrv. Ibos. to the 1L : tiny ol Jaauury , > > 'I. It HicrnliiMiii iilijertlun. ri'iiHuiHtriiino or proton tlliMl wltlilntno "I'i'ks iroiu Jnnutiry 1'tli , A.I ) . 1 7 , the stiltl llteifie will buKrunleil. Moll/ . II.KII , A | ) | > llrniit < < . J. II. boi'Tll.\ni ) , City Clerk. JU-1'J Sealed Proposals. Sealed propos'nU will bo received nt the olllco of tlm architects , Mendelssohn , Laurie , New Paxton llulldlng , Omaha , until Saturday , Jnuiiury2Mli , 1N4 > , iorthu cnipeuter nnd joiner work , of the four storv anil basement wick' Danish Association llulldlng. The plans aud specifications can lx > had , and information ob tained of thn nrchlti cts MK.MIUI.S.-OII.N , I'IPIIUH & Lvwitn : , jll-27 Architects. Notice to Stockholders. NotfcoIs hereby given that a special meeting of thostocknolders of The HKH Publishing Com- any. will bn hold at their ollice on Saturday , S an.asth , U'S ! ; , nt 10 o'clock a. m.for the purposu of considering thn transfer of lots 7 aud rf. in block 11D , aud cast 41 feet of r , and II in block I''l , city of Omaha , 16 The HKti llulldlng Company , aud such other business ns may come before them. U. HOSKWATEU , Piesldeut. OMAII.V , NKII. , Jan. 17th.W # . Notice of Incorporation. rPO Whom It May Concern : Notice Is hereby -L given that "The lleo llulldlng Company" has tiled in the olllce of the county cleik of Douglas county , Nebraska , aitlcles ot Incorpor ation. Thu principal place of transacting Its business Is at Omahil , in Douglas county and state of Nebraska. The general nature of its business Is to nc < | tilre , own , hold , lease , mortgage , fccll and convey renl estate , erect buildings and Improve ments upon the sdine , for renting such real estate , \c. The amount of capital stock authorized Is $ .V imW , ten per cent of which to be paid at the time of subscribing for thu same , and the re mainder tin reipilu-d by the boaid of directors , The corporation commenced January llth , A. D. li-hH , and will terminate thu IGth day of Jan uary , A. D. ltw . The highest amount of Indebtedness or liabil ity to nhlch thu corporation shall at any time subject Itself is tuo-thinH of thu capital stock Issued. Tlic nuslnc-ns nlTalrfl of the corporation are to bo conducted by a board of directors of llvo members who shall select from their iiumOvrii president , CKJ tary nnd treasurer. UIIUAIIII Hnsr.w.vmt , MAX MKVKII , OKO. II. T/.SCHUCK , IlKMtV A. llAhKKl.t. . Notice. MATTKH of application of M. Socry for li < ] tier llcTHMi .Notlco 1 licreliy k'Ui'n. tbut M. Sccry illil upon tin. 1'th iluy of Juuiiury , A 1 > . Is > v4 Ilia hla null- ratlDii to Iliu minor nnd rlty cnuncll of Ouiuliii , fur II- crnsn tiiktill mall , < < | irltui | > u iiml Vilnius liquor * nt No. Till .Nurlh lull Mreut , Klltli wur.l , Umuhu , Nub. , 5 ruin tli" tlrn.iluy uf Junuury , lss > 8 , to llio tint dar of niuinrytu. . KtlnTH liu IKI ohjeetjon , remonilrunco or prut t flluil KltlilntHii vi < ki trotn Juuuary JJtli , A. 1) . 1SJ7 , the talit llwn "III tenrantuJ. ' il. Stuiv Al-llr | nt. CityClerr . tB-W GREAT SPECIAL SALt OF On Wednesday morning , January 18th , we will commence and continue until February 1st , the following Special Prices on Dress- Goods , to reduce stock before invoicing : NOTE THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL REDUCTIONS At 5c wo liuvu put iu a complete line oC colors of Dress Goods , never sol' . 1 for less Hum lOe , nntl are worth that to-day ; for this sale at 5o per yard. AtlOc we have put in all of our half wool Tricots , worth ISc ; for thw sale lOc per yard. At 20e wo have put in a full line of colors in all wool Tricot that \vo have sold as a drive at 30c ; for this sale 20c per yard. At 30c a complete line of Plaid Dress Goods , worth -15c , for this sale I50c per 3'ard. At10c we hart1 made up n big job of goods ranging from 50c to 7oc , and make the entire lot JOc for this sale. At GOe we have taken goods ranging in price from 75c to $1 per yard , and put them iu this sale at GOe per yard. $20 Pattern Suits at just half price , $10 each. It will take but little time and trouble to visit our store and see what we will sell you in Dress Goods at 5c worth lOc ; in Dress Goods at lOc worth 18c ; in Dress Goods at 2Oc worth 30c ; in Dress Goods atSOc worth 45c ; in Dress Goods at4Oc worth 5Oc , 6Oc and 75c ; in Dress Goods at 6O worth 75c to $1.5O. We show goods with pleasure and if you can not visit our store we will send you samples gladly. 1319 Farnam Street. OFF ON ' : . -"r : ' ' * . ' ' . > ' : . . ' ' ' ' ' ' / . ' ' . . ' ' : > . . ' . . . . ' ' . . ' . y. ' . - : ' ; ; ' . ; . . .