Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 20, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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    S B
Delivered l > y cnrrlpr In any part of the ilty t
twenty lents per week.
It , W TitvrON. MnnttRcr.
Jlt'FjNFPft OFFICE , No. t'J.
N. Y. Plumbing Co !
Kolter , tullor , Fall goods cheap.
Harmony chapter O. E. S. installed
ofllcers last evening.
The Odd Fellows hnvo their ball at
thu temple hall this evening.
The Odd Fellows will take supper nt
the European restaurant to-night.
Parties of 15 or 120 should order Will-
inm Lewis' big sleigh , 410 Broadway.
Money to loan on improved city prop
erty by W. S. Cooper , ISO Main street.
Yesterday Lewis Hammer purchased
of Smith Sautiders block ill in Harris
For Rent House of five rooms ivt ( i51 !
131uT ( stieet. Enquire ofV. . S. Cooper ,
130 Main street. ' '
The funeral of little Frankle , son of
Mr. and Mrs. John Mikuscll , was hold
yesterday afternoon.
Everybody invited to attend the Pres
byterian social at Mrs. Isaau Miljor's ,
805 Second avenue to-night.
Jurgon Kief , of Crescent township ,
and Antonia Edger , of this city , were
yesterday granted leave to wed.
The Good Templars tire planning on
a great time nt their cold water conven
tion to bo held at Avoca , February 11 ! .
The Council Bluffy aldermen who
visit Omaha to-day should beware of
visiting room 24. 'The Omahas will mix
drinks on thorn if they do.
The total cash received from Council
BlutTs for the home of the friendless
during the past week , including sub
scriptions to the paper , amounted to V .
There is some talk of a toboggan
slide here. Council Blufls atl'ords a
number of natural slides , and the only
wonder is that thn toboggans were not
called out earlier in the season.
Peter , the two-year-old son of Mr.
nnd Mrs. Christian Thompson , died yes
terday of lung fever. The funeral will
occur Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock , at
the residence on South Eighth street.
There is a growing demand for some
system of incandescent electric lighting
for stores and residences , and the llrst
company to organize and got started
will got a liberal patronage , if terms
are reasonable.
The Odd Fellows' ball , given by the
degree team of the lodges of this'city ,
will occur this evening at the Masonic
omplo. Those who have not obtained
tickets thotn at the door.
Warner Hahne and Robert Mo Far-
land , two wild youngsters , were before
.Justice Burnett yesterday , charged with
assaulting a peddler. There was no
doubt as to their guilt , but the 'squire
told them that they ought toboatschool
instead of in jail , and putlhcm on thirty
days' probation , at the end of which
time ho will dispose of their cases.
The funeral of William Ramson will
bo hold at the African Methodist
J9 church Sunday afternoon at U o'clock.
' The following young men will act as
pall bearers : Charles B. Jones , Oscar
Brewer , Henry Henderson , Edward
Burke , jr. , John Williamson , Harry
Green , John Saundcrs and George Free.
Friends of the family arc respectfully
invited to attend.
Numerous buildings arc being
planned ; the work of erection to begin
early in the spring. Among the resi
dences will bo the elegant one of George
F. Wright , which will cost $40,000. C.
B. Waite is to build a row of line flats
on , Sixth nvonuo. Ed Sherlock will
build a residence on Ninth avenue.
Owen Wickbam , Martin HughcsW. A.
Mauror are noout ready to lot contracts
for carM3ntor | work'on residences cost
ing from $8,000 to 915,000. There arc
numerous others , and the residences
promise to increase very rapidly this
Some clti/.ons hnvo joined in a com
plaint to the board of education in re
gard to Mr. Coggeshnll , ono of the
teachers in the high school. Tho.v
claim that ho is not qualified to tench
the branches which ho is expected to ,
Mr. Coggoshall was formerly a tonehei
in St. Joseph academy , and loft that
school for some reason unknown. The
queer feature to the affair is that if he
is as really as Incompetent ns is claimed
why the board of education has not dis
covered this important fact befor this
or , having discovered it , why the in
competent teacher 1ms not boon re
moved. It seems odd that there shoult
exist any necessity for citizens t <
take the iniativo move in securing ti
teacher's removal on the ground of in
If you dcslro to pet a now Hall typo write !
cheap , drop n postal card to II. A. P. , llui
oftlce. A great bargain for the lirst win
For Sale Cheap Lots near the bridge
to parties who will build at onco. Ad
dress or call on J. R. Rico , No 111
Main street , CouncilBlutTs.
Domestic patterns nt 105 Main st.
H. C. McCnbo , of Taylor , is in th <
Mr. William Andrews , of Vermont , i
visiting friends in the twin cities.
J. P. Cobb , of Baltimore , nnd A. W
Davis , of Philadelphia , were at th <
Bechtelo yesterday.
J. W. Bell , operator nt the North
western depot , is about to move hi
family hero from Dunlap.
Clnus Timm , of Davenport , one of th <
best known cignr men In Iowa , wns u
the Kiel hotel yesterday.
Chief of Police Mullen returned yes
tordny from Ottawa , 111. , whore ho wen
to attend the funeral of his sister.
L. W. Tulloys is enjoying a visit t
Now York and other eastern cities. 1 }
will bo absent from four to six weeks.
Jntnes MeDormott , who presides ovt
the register at the Bcehtole , is oxeeei
ingly reticent since a recent exponent
with chloroform nnd a dentist.
W. C. Morgan , of Sioux City , wns i
the BlutTii yesterday. Ho was former !
a member of the llriu of Cook & Mo :
gnu , real estate agents of this city.
A. C. Stern , Sioux City ; W. D. Condi
DCS Moines ; G. W. Smith , Ottumwi
Mrs. M. Baker , Persia , and James 1
Rico , Burlington , were .ntnong tl :
lownns registered at the Paeille yesto
The firm of Toiler & Egan , dealers
( lour , feed and coal , has been dissolvt
by mutual consent. Henry Teller cetin
tin lies nnd will settle- the business
the old llrm , Mr. Egnn retiring , Jan
ary 10,1888.
S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money.
Union Abstract Co. , liiitt Main st.
E. II. Shcnfo loans money on chatt
security of every description. Pi'ivn
consulting rooms. All1 uusinets strict
confidential. .OnicoSOO Broadway , co
ncr Main street , up-stairs. . ' . > .
The Merry BluflUos Have Made All
Beady to Go.
The BenjntnIn Debarincnt Proceed
ings Uncle Snm'H New House Hnll
Bound Over The I'urk Brlcffo
and Personals.
To-dny's Carnival.
From the names thus far handed in it
appears that fully 60Madies ( and gentle
men will to-day take sleighs for Omaha ,
if weather proves favorable. There are
over UUO sleighs listed for the line , nnd
they will average over two persons to a
sleigh. The committee of arrangements
have delected a good road to Omaha ,
nnd they desire that all who go will
please keep their places in the line both
to Omaha nnd while driving about that
city.t All parties having tandems or
four-in-hands nro requested to trntlier
on the south side of Bnyliss park , so
that they may bo given their proper
places in the procession. Others will
meet on First avenue , near the park.
The line will bo formed to start
promptly at hJi0 : ! o'clock to-day. It is
necessary that every one going on this
jolly trip bo provided with a badge.
These badges cnn be secured at Moore
& Kiplingcr's , at the Council BlulTs
Carpet .company's store , or of Dan
Fnrrell. No one will bo entitled to the
privileges , nor be allowed to join in the
festivities , unless provided with a budge.
The arrangements in Omaha nro such
that it will bo necessary there also to
display the badges in order to bo recog-
n i/.oil as belonging to the party.
Kir-Kant Hospitality.
The spacious residence of Mr. J. F.
Evans , corner of Sixth avenue nnd
Sixth street , was the scone yesterday of
two largo and enjoyable social gather
ings , one in the afternoon the other in
the evening. In the afternoon a re
ception wns given , to which about two
hundred ladies wore invited , nearly nil
responding in person , causing the largo
parlors to bo filled withabrilliantnbscm-
blago of fair forms and faces. The
fluests were received by Mrs. J. F.
Evans , Mrs. Horace Evans and Mrs.
Bert Evans , assisted by Mrs. William
Evans and Mrs. T. J. Evans. Mrs. J.
F. Evans was dressed in a black , corded
silk with yellow roses. Mrs. Horace
Evans nnd Mrs. Bert Evnns wore heavy
cream faille Frnncaise en train. Mrs.
William Evans wns dressed in a rich
golden brown silk trimmed with velvet.
Mrs. T. J. Evnns appeared in a heavy
black satin. The parlors were grace
fully adorned , there being stands ot
potted plants , the chandeliers nnd other
suitable places wreathed in sinilax.while
the mantles were banks of llowers.
There was low sweet music siilllcient to
give its charms without interfering
with the happy exchange of greetings
and the merry chatting. The dining
room \\as made attractive , not only by
floral decorations nnd the tasteful ar
ranging of the table , but nlso by the
generous nnd tempting viands , of which
the guests pnrtqok at will , entering and
leaving the dining room at their pleas
ure. The Indies receiving nnd enter
taining were relieved from nil necessity
of giving personal attention to the re
freshment table , that being ably pre
sided over by their friends. Mrs. At
kins , Miss Belle Hatcher , Miss Lizzie
Brown and Miss Merkel. In the center
of the large table was a beautiful ar
rangement of flowers , and the guests
wore served , either sitting or standing ,
as they preferred , with ice cream , cakes ,
coffee , chocolate and grapes. All of the
arrangements wore well planned and
gracefully executed , the guests were
happy , and the reception justly goes on
to the record as on of the most success
ful and enjoyable social events of this
In the evening there was another
brilliant assemblage , the event being a
dancing party given by Mr. nnd Mrs.
Bert Evnns to their young friends.
There were about seventy-live invita
tions issued , and the company was a
merry one. Dalby's orchestra furnished
excellent music. The guests were re
freshed at will during the evening by
lemonade , while in the dining-room
were served chicken salad , coffee , sand
wiches , olives , ice cream and cake.
Anong the guests from out of the city
wore Miss Carrie Atkins , Miss Mollie
Larimer aud Miss Clara Brown , of
Omaha ; Miss Florence Root , of Keokuk ;
Miss Ilaskcll , of Atehison , Kan. ; Miss
Dent and Miss Adams , of Winonii , 111.
The evening hours were passed very
happily by the young people.
An elegant residence with beautiful
grounds for sale. T. B. BALDWIN.
On the market for over twenty years.
Still the most reliable and the most
popular sewing machine made. The
light running Domestic. Ollice 105
Main st.
Itciijuinlii At the liar.
About one week or ten days ago pro
ceedings were tiled to disbar Fremont
Benjamin. The accusation contained
four counts :
That in the mouth of July , 1835 , ho
was retained and employed to defend A.
W. ColTman in all legal proceedings
growing out of the killing of J. K. Main.
That from that time until about the 1st
day of January , 1880 , ho acted as such
attorney , and while in such employ ob
tained the confidence and secrets of his
client , and that afterward he quit said
employment and went over to the pro
secution , gave away the secrets of ColT
man , and betrayed his contidonco and
helped to prosecute CotTman on the trial
for the killing of Main.
U. That on or about the 7th day of
January , 18SO , ho began an attachment
case against t'offman for $11,500 for ser
vices performed in defending him , and
tiled an attachment bond with the clerk
of courts at Avoca , la. , and caused an
attachment tv bo issued in said case
and had the same levied on the real es
tate of CotTman and that afterward or
between that time and the llth day of
January , 1888 , ho erased anil scratched
the cn o from the records , as well as
erasing and scratching out the record of
the levying of the writ of attachment
and took the papers in the cuso includ
ing the attachment bond , out of the
clerk's otllco and destroyed them en
! ! , That while acting as the attorney
for ono E. A. Mllinor ho learned from
Miliner while consulting with him at
Qf such attorney , that there existed n
LI- judgment in favor of Whitney & Holmes
Organ company vs. John Rosoboom
which said judgment was a first Ihm on
a certain eighty acre tract of land sit
uated in this county , which the sail ]
Milinor had convoyed by warranty dccil
and by reason of which said warranty
Ol Mllinor was legally liable to clear tlu
to land ol said judgment amounting ti
iy about $400. Milinor also convoyed ti
r- Benjamin tho'fact that.lie .could buj
-judgment for 2oc on' the .dollar
Miat nftcrwni'd Benjamin convoyed all
he information thus gained from his
licnt to another attorney , atid that
his attorney and Benjamin bought the
udgment together in the name of the
> ther attorney , Benjamin advancing
itilf of the money for that purpose ;
hat Benjamin caused the land to be
old under the judgment through his
o-hort , and all the time wns advising
Miliner that he could settle with the
nirchnser for about 9300 ; thnt on the
itrcngth of Benjamin's advice 'Miliner
? nvo Benjamin the necessary money to
nirchnso the judgment which was ulti-
natoly done and Benjamin got one-half
of the profits , amounting to about $300 ;
4. That while acting nt the attorney
of one Peter A. Peterson he received
or collection against him n note for
iJOO ; that he turned over the note to
mother attorney for collection and gave
uch attorney valuable information that
10 had obtained as attorney from 1'otcr-
on. by reason of which the collection
of the note could be enforced. Thnt as
eon as the note was presented to Peter-
on for payment he went to Benjamin
or ndvico and counsel , and Benjamin
counselled and advised Peterson to pay
ho note , and charged Peterson $10 for
uch advice and counsel , and that aet-
ng on such advice and counsel Peter-
on paid the note to the other attorney ,
vho in turn delivered the proceeds of
ho collection to Benjamin , nnd the
, wo divided thocpmmlssion for collect-
he same , amounting to & 25.
These charges were presented to the
court , Judge i'arson , bv Snpp&l'usoy
uid G. W. Cullison , attorneys forG. W.
tobin on , relntor. Judge Carson or-
lered the cleric to docket a ease against
lonjnmln in the name of the state of
'own. When the case wns being set fin-
rial the attorneys for the state an-
lounced that on the account of the ab
sence of certain witnesses it would bo
mpossiblo to try the case at this term ,
mil asked to have it continued to the
\sbruury term , 18SS. C. It. Scott , wtio
ippcarcd as attorney for Benjamin , then
said they would have till the witnesses
isked for. and Jhe court then set the
nse for trial at 10 : ! p. in. the 17th day
> f January , 1888 , at which time the
Dirties all being in court and the most
naterial witnesses for the prosecution
lot being pre-eut. an application for
continuance was tiled , claiming the ab
sence of certain witnesses and as to
what they would testify. The court ,
looming the showing eiiflicicnt , MIS-
ained the application. Then Mr.
scott stated that they were wili
ng to admit that the wit-
ics-es , if present , would testify
is stated in the application.
[ t was then discovered thatsby clerical
rror the most material testimony of
! udge Loofbourrow had been omitted.
As the application had been passed upon
it was too late to remedy the defect.
Colonel Sap ] ) then stated that in such
in important ca e he would not go to
trial until till the testimony and wit
nesses were present in court and that to
save the state all her rights and to pre
vent a ' 'guilty man going unwhipped of
justice" he w'ould withdraw the nccusa-
, ions and relile them , which was accord
ingly done. So now the result is
hat after having occupied the boards
icre for several days the disbarment
proceedings against 'Benjamin are now
exactly in the same position as in the
start. The charges still stand nnd it
low looks as though the charges would
invo to bo met when all the state's
testimony has been thoroughly mar
shalled. It having been stated that G.
W. Robinson , who is the rclator. was
urged on by A. W. CotTman and A. W.
Askwith. Benjamin's old partner , Mr.
[ { obiuson has come out in a card deny
ing this , and saying that Askwith re-
'used ' to have anything to do with even
drawing up the papers.
A Snap. >
Splendid chance to go into the imple
ment business at Beatrice , Neb. Since
Lho history of Beatrice there has never
been half so favorable a time as at pres
ent. If taken at once will sell the en
tire stock of general implements , con
sisting of seasonable goods , regardless
of cost. Address me at Council Bluffs ,
la. , or Beatrice. Neb. O. P. McKesson ,
assignee for W. I. Shullenburger.
City property to trade for land near
the city. Johnson & Van Patten , . " 3
Main street.
Uncle Sum's HOIIHO.
Despite the cold weather on the out
side , work on the government building
is going steadily forward at the hands
of several different gangs of laborers
in the employ of the firms who have
contracts on the building. One of the
largest forces is that of Joseph Eastman
& Co. , of Chicago , which consists of
twelve men nnd is doing the plastering.
The second , third and fourth stories
have all been first-coated , and work has
just been commenced on the second.
This branch of the work has been going
on for about ten days and will require
about three months to complete , as the
cornice is put on by this same firm.
There are about lO.HK ( ) yards of plaster
ing to bo done in the building. Al
though there are but four men engaged
in spreading the ' 'mud1 the showing
made thus far is very good. The story
of strikes , walk-outs , etc. , that was re
ported in some of the papers a short
time ago is denied by the foreman , who
says ho has all the men he wants and at
his own price.
The steam fitting firm of Kirkup &
Son , of Cincinnati , also has a force of a
do/en men , who are engaged in fixtog
up the galvanized iron ventilators.
There are chambers built
through all the brick partitions
opening into the various rooms , and all
connected at the other end with the
main ventilator which opens into the
upaeo that surrounds the smokestack
from the boilers , where the hot air cre
ates a current , causing a steady How of
impure air from all parts of the build
ing. The large court room , which is of
the height of the second and third
stories , is connected with the ventilator
later shaft by a six foot register in the
coiling. This room is heated by hot
air blown by a huge fun through 10,000
feet of pipe in a steam chest , thence
through pipes to the court room. The
post ollico on the lower floor is to bo
heated in the same manner , although it
in now warmed by means of radiators.
The method of placing the registers is
rather novel , ns they are circular in
bhnpo and will surround the pillars.
This will prevent tired people from mo-
nopoli/.ing the pillars to lean against
when the hot air is turned on.
Seven men are busy setting the eight
safe doors furnished by the Hall Safe
and Lock company , of Cincinnati. The
last one will bo sot to-day , but the
plumbing and cementing will consume
several days more.
The Window Bros , company , of Chicago
cage , have live men engaged in putting
up the iron stairways , with which the
building is to be fitted throughout ,
Their work is but iust commenced , and
will probably require a month for com'
In the basement , Connor Bros. , of this
city , tire busily engaged in cutting
stone for the walks , curbs , etc. , for the
grounds. The stone is brought fron
Indiana , and eight carloads have ju
arrived. The lloors of tho. dilTeren
rooms will bo of .hard w6od , and tht
corridors of marble slabs. The prc&on
tipor,1 which will then bo the bub-struo
turo is of tiling , and is warranted to
sustain 1,60(1 ( pounds to the square foot.
The three boilers in the basement keep
the building at a comfortable tempera
ture , even in the Coldest weather , with
out any trouble. At present about two
and one-half tons of coal are used every
twenty-four hours.
Opinions as to when the building will
be ready for occupancy vary widely ,
ranging from three months to n year
nnd iv halt. It is fnlr to suppose th t
when the work is finished there will bo
no cause for complaint.
Shenfc loans money on real estate.
One thousand head of one. two nnd
three-year-old steers for sale. Will give
credit to reliable parties. Enquire o
A. J. Greonamaycr , 633 Mynster st.
telephone 121. _
A Superior Mimicry ,
Yesterday morning the case of Quirk
was resumed in the superior court. Both
attorneys made lengthy arguments , nnd
it was nearly noon when the case was
submitted. Judge Aylesworth thought
the evidence suftleicnt to bind the pris
oner over to the grand jury , and did so
in the sum of $1,000. In the afternoon
the cases of James Dunn and John Fran
cis , for larceny , and W. F. Pravey. for
burglary , were called. They all waived
examination , and wore also bound over
to the grand jury , which meets on the
llth of February. There was no business
of the regular January term transacted.
The Fall-mount I'nrk Case.
The wrangle over the possession of
Fairmount park has not attracted much
attention of late , and it is not generally
known that the case will bo called in
court on the 2nd of February , athieh
time the city's interest in the matter
will be looked after by City Attorney
Holmes , Finloy Burke , and Messrs.
Sapp & Pusey. The city was iwt espec
ially made a party to the suit , as all
outside parties tire notified to appear
and defend Ihoir claims. Notwithstand
ing the ungraciousness of the invita
tion , Park Commissioner Graham says ,
"We propose to take a hand in the game
whether wo are asked to or not , and I
guess we will slay with them fora while
anyway. "
It is said that there will be an attempt
mtide to have the pint of the park de
clared illegal , and to have the city
ousted without ceremony. If this grasp
ing law firm obtains possessions of Fair-
mount park , it will be after the liveliest
and bitterest legal light known in the
history of Pottawatninio county.
Splendid IliihlnoHH Opening ;
For right man who has a capital of
$10,000. For full information call on or
address Forrest Smith , 14 Pearl st. ,
Council Bluffs. la.
For be t quality coal nnd wood , call
on Glcason , 20 Pearl street ,
The KM } nnd Flow.
There are Mime quiet moves on foot
which will soon bo ready to announce
in detail. One of these is the purchase
of lots near Tenth avenue for the estab
lishment of a large wholesale lumber
yard. The nearnessto the railway
tracks , and the short distance , too , from
the heart of the city. , makes the locution
very desirable for such purposes , nnd
this enterprise will speedily bo followed
by others. The sale is reported of
thirty-two acres , near Wickham's brick
yards , for the opening of another brick
yard. On the other hand it is whis
pered thnt Mr. Geiso is considering the
advisability of closing his brewery hero
and removing the machinery to Chatta
nooga , and there going into business
more extensively than over. The clos
ing of the brewery will be looked upon
by many as a great loss to the city , and
the hope is expressed that the rumor
may be unfounded. Mr. Gciso is absent
from the city , but those connected with
him , who ought to know , do not deny
but that there is some ground for the
report that ho will remove from here.
Guns of all kinds at Odell & Bryant's ,
504 S. Main St.
Money to loan. W. S. Cooper.
oinc Hints Upon tlie Art of Kissing
Other Mmi's AVivos.
Barbour&villo ( Ky. ) News : Never kiss
young girl if she doesn't want you to.
Tlie main ingredient that makes kiss-
ng endurable is a willingness on the
Hirt of the female. If it deepens into
inxiety , so much the better. When n
'irl claws a man's hair and scratches his
'ace like n little fool drop her nt once.
She is destitute of good sense and
natural aftection , and the sooner you
iegin making love to her sister the
better. As long as a girl don't claw and
yell and struggle like a panther it's
perfectly safe to continue prospecting.
Jet a little behind her , pass the right
iirm around the waist in front , take her
left hand in your loft , and if you don't
know what to do next go and associate
with the boys in Greenland.
If you are just beginning to tench a
iy girl who has only been kissed here
tofore by her brothers and father , touch
your lips gently to her forehead. She
will take this for an exhibition of pro
found respect. Thnt portion gninc l ,
working the way down to the lips is as
natural and as easy as the course of a
log sliding down stream ,
a Never sit down to kiss. It nppeiirs
awkward in case anybody is lookingand
seems awkward anyhow. Stifnd un , and
the closer you jiress the girl the higher
estimate she will place on your good
taste , common sense and experience.
Kissing married ladies is a separate
branch of the art and requires constant
practice. While" tenderness and a little
hesitation and bashfulnessif well put on
go a long way with a young girl ,
such nonsense is not swallowed by a
married woman to any consider
able extent. Bo warm , vigorous
and hearty , and above all things
bo frequent. One of the prime requi
sites on such an occasion is a quick ear
for the footstep in the hall and a nice
calculation as to how long the husband
will take to reach the door after ho has
passed the head of the stairs. A house
heavily carpeted with Brussels requires
eternal vigilance and sometimes rare
presence of mind. By the time the
worser half of the family gets his hand
on the door knob you must be seated in
the far corner of the room seriously
perusing Talmago'ssermon on Covetous-
ncss.A kiss can sometimes bo snatched
when the husband , is in the room , but
this requires an export nnd is risky.
Our young man once know an instance.
A married lady asked her husband to
wind the clock , and a young man in the
room thought ho saw his golden oppor
tunity and went for it. If the clock
hadirt had a clock just before the face
that young man would have been all
right ; but for three weeks after his
Sunday school class had n picked-it ]
teacher and ho liad the appearance o
having bucked against a cyclone. This
is one of'tho vicissitudes of kissing from
mere impulse.
Mothers do not fail , at the first indi
cations of a cough , to give yourcnildiei
n few doses of Dr. J. H. McLean's Tai
Wine Lung Balm ; 2-5 cunts u bottle ,
SPECIAL ndvprtlst'meiitH , stir-lias Lost , Found
To IORtt , For Sate. To Hcnt , Wants. Hoarding ,
etc. , will bf Itwrtpd In this column nt the low
rntcofTRN CUNTS 1'KH UNEfor the first In-
nrTtlnn and Five Cent * Per Line for each slibio-
rnient Insertion. Leave advertisements at our
oilier No. 13 I'earl Street , near llroadwny Coun
diluting ,
_ _
TpOHSAI.n Kiirnlttnennd Ktoves at a crl-
- * - flee to reduce stock. You c u buy at your
own prices. A. J. Mnudel.
TVXC HANG i : Onintm mid Council IIUtlTi prop-
Jerty nmto tern land for utocks of iner-
chandlxe. Call on or address J. Jl. Christian ,
6ZU llroadway , Council lllulTs , In. _
FOU BAT.K Second-hand Columbia bicycle
FOUcry cheap , 62-Inch , at Ilec ollice ,
. lots and acre property for sale by
BUIt.niNU , 391'carlst.
1 Imvc now for sulo n 4-yenr-old trotting stat
ion. Ills sliu und ( linn both stiuulnnd
Eighth iiiitl Fiunam ttieots , Umslm.
Star Stables and Mule Yards
UroHtlway , Council llluff * , Oiip Dunimy Depot.
Horses and ninli-H constantly on linnd , for
sale nt retail or In cur load lots.
Orders promptly tilled by contract on short
Stock sold on commiislon.
Telephone 114. SCIll.UTIMt & 11OI.KV.
Opposite Dummy Depot , Council liluirs.
Main Street , Council Bluffs ,
Only Hotel In the City with Fire Es
cape. Electric Call Bells.
Accommodations First Glass ,
Rates Always Reasonable ,
MAX MOHN , Proprietor.
D , H , McDANELD & CO , ,
Hides , Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
KM and 822 Main Strect.Councll niuffs.lowa.
O B 4 M
Y A cTOvWJ" .
E 0
L T 6 N
Telephone No. III.
All rails from District Telegraph Ollico
promptly attended to.
BOO Droodway Council llluffs , Iowa. Established
CARTEIl & SOX , Prop's.
Manufacturers ot
All Kinds of Steam Boilers & Sheet Iron Work ,
Orders by mall for repars promptly attciulO'l
to. Satisfaction Kiiarantceil. 10th Avomin. Ail
dress Oudun Holler Works. Council muff , low
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y ,
The Best Route from Omaha and Council
Bluffs to
- = = THE EAST = = -
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapids ,
Rock Island , Frccport , Rockford ,
Clinton , Dubuquc , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Janesville ,
Bclolt , IVInona , La Crosse ,
And all othtr Important polnti Kail , Nortbeait and
For through tlckotn call on the ticket azent at It'll
Tarnain itreet , In I'aiton Hotel , or at Unloa I'acino
Pullman Sleeperi r.n-1 the fined Dlnlnif Cars In the
world are run nn the main line of the Chicago. Mil
waukee & tl. Paul Hallway , and every attention I.
id to paneniicn by courteoui emplojei of tbe
u. H&.KnGeneral Manager.
J. KTUCKElt. . A il tant General Manager.
A. - V. II. CAHl'K.NTEU , General l'a eng r and
OK'O. ' "KAFKOUD , Aiiliunt Qentral raueagei
and Ticket Aiiect. , .
J. T. CLAUK , Uenerai Superintendent.
IF SO , fcT IS
I'tAXOR-Tiir. rui.i.F. < tr , Uirnc TToMt. OiiotNH HMOOTII IN TONE.
I'IANOS Tun LATEST STM.KR IN C * ( > r < < . OlUMNSKMl.t. . IN VOl.tTMR.
Wo Defy All Competition anil Challenge a Comparison of Goods and I'rloei
With Any Uotiso In the Writ.
Will sell you groceries cheaper than you can buy
them anywhere else on earth. Mail
orders solicited.
DR. C. B. J U DD ,
No. GOO Bi-ondwoy , Council Bluffs , lown.
WANTED Good Salesmen on largo commission or salary.
Attorney-at-Law , Second Floor Brown
j Building , 115 Pearl Street , Council
Bluffs , Iowa.
N Justice of the Peace. Ollice over American
j Express , No. 419 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
QTfiNfl Jfr QTM Attorneys at- Law , practice in the State
01Ull l ( X 011UO , ami Federal Courts. Office Kooms 7
and 8 , Slmgart Beno Block , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
E ft fiDWPTT Tustice of the Peace , 415 Broadway ,
, 0 , DAAllEill , Council Bluffs. Kolors to any bank or
business house in the city. Collections a specialty.
QflMQ DeiTtiHk bffl w corner
bUWb , Pearl St. nd First Avenue
No. 2O1 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Both Domestic arid Foreign.
NorthWestern -
Railway Short Line.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
Tb enlr read to take for Pet Mnlnei. Marlalltown ,
Cedar lUplcli. Clinton. UUon. CblcBBO , Mllwaiikee
" ml all polnti e t. To tb people of Nubranka , ( olp-
"ailo ? WYomlng. Utali , Idaho. Ncvnrta , Orenon , W h-
luxtou Mill CalltornU. U ufTeri luptulor advantage !
r&SSS'.1 ' ? Slh".i'urJll5S'n. ? ? ; ' point , of .uper.or.ty . .
njoy ed t > j Uie pntroni of tbla roa.1 between Omaha
and Cblcajro. are Iti t o traila ilur of DA V COACH-
JCH , wbltb are the nne.t thai ijiiman rl anil InKeiml'
tj ran create. IU I'AI.ACK rll.KKl'l.NU CAIIH. which
aramndelaof oomforl and eleuanco. Ita TAIll/JIJ
DUAWINCJ HOOM CAHH in ] urpa. 5d l.y anr. and
tuwldelr celebrated I'AI.A'UAh IHNIMJ CAUS , tb
equal of which cannot bo found emewhere. At Coun
cil Jlluffi the tralnt of the Union I'aclfloIUl way. con
nect In union depot with tho.e of the Chlcato 4
Northweitern Mr. In Chicago the Iralrn of thli lint
pake close connection with those of all other eaitcrn
1"r Detroit. Colurabui. Indlanapolli , Cincinnati ,
NlanaraKallnuTalo.nttiaurK. ( 'jnronio , Montreal.
Jloiton.New Sork. 1'blladelpbla , Baltimore. Wain *
Ington , and all polaU ) la tbaeait , auk for u ticket Tta
" "
If TOQ with tlie belt accommodation. All ticket MnU
efi tloki'H TI thli line. . . . .
iLllUlilllTT , E.I' . WILSON.
Uvul. Manager , ( ienl. J'an'r Asenl
.H.BABOOCK. . . . .
t. City I'aM'r. Ag BU
OmAba , Nibruu.
WW "T U..tVU'iraiulM.iiUwll' > luflil. I'ls.
llfHfir ia lnrelrclh | < > ixt Fui.flUi..l d'lor. '
fclAU' ' . ri..ri , JuilAi > Mlhl < > iu : h Mfjk-lntl.
i '
. . " . * . ' ' ' - ' ' ' ' . . '
no is cxicquAiiiTiD WITH mi giooBimi or rail
tf rtaion ot It * ceatrr.1 poiltloT close rotation to lint * of Cblcifro , and cuntlnJ > us knei * t terminal
pulnli Weit , and Boathw it , | i tbe trun
tnlddlo Ilttk In that trancoontln.ntai pytt m which
IMTIUI ml ficlliutas truTel anil trafllo bctwstu U
Atlantic and r9lae ,
Tlie Hock Inland mitnllnaandbranehtilnclntUChl *
ogo.jlsliot , Ottawa , LaK'IU , I' orla , Uen eo , Holla *
ad Icotk IiUnil , la llllnolif liavvuport , Muscatlnf.
\Vnihln ton. tfalrfkld , ottumw , Oikalooia , Wet Ll -
erlj , Iowa CltyU Molat , IndUnola.WluUrict , Atlan
tic , KnoivlIU , Audubou , Hf.rlin , ( Juthrlo Ccntro n
Co jnrll lilufTi , In Iowa i Oallatln , Trenton , St. irpa ,
Cameron and Kaniai Clt/.ln XUlourl ; l. i worth
and Atchlion.lnKaniati Albert l.ta. Minneapolis aaa
* t. I'aul.lnMlnneiotai Watertown anil lloui K lll.l
Dakota , and Imndrediof Intermediat cities and town * ;
"The Great Rock Island Route" *
lluarantoes p d , comfort , eertalntr and s f ty. It
tarmnnent war ll dlitlnrulihril for Its eietllunc * . Its )
bridges are of tonu and Iron. Us trick In of solid
rtfclIts rolling itock perfect. Itipaiisntert ulpminj
ba * all the lari-tTarpllancti , that eii rlenceh .iprore4
useful , and for luiurlout accommodatlors Is uiuar.
raurd. Hi Express Tralni cunilit of luptrlor Unj-
Conclin , clrirint I'uHmnn I'alicn Parlor and Slcet > lia !
Can , taperb Dining c ri , prorldlnf delicious ratals ,
anil ( betwrvn Chicago ana Bt. Jovrnh , Atehlion an4
K > n > City ) reiUul Ittcllnlng Cbafr Cars. II' manj.
agemcnt Is con.urrt.tlTO , IU dltctplla * eiactlny ,
"The Famous Albert Lea Roi'e" I
Kelwsen Chicago and Hlnn polli and St , I'a. Is thsi
farorlle. Oier tbli line Build Fait Kiprcis Tralas run
dally to attractive rsiorts for toirlits Irt Iowa and
UlnoenoU. and , Tla Watertown andSloui t'alli , to tba
rich wheat and grtilng Units of Interior Dakota. Via ,
eneca anil Kankakae , tha llock l landoffersscperlor )
InttucrmtnH to trarelert between Cincinnati , Indian *
apolU. Lafayette and Council Bluffs , fit. Joseph , Atcbt *
son , LeaTenwortb , Kanias City , Ml. I'anl , and Intermo
dule points. All patronn ( eipeclallr ladles and cblb
dren ) receive protection , con rteiy and kindly attention.
I or tlcV ts. roapi , folders , copies of Weitern Trail , or
ny deilred Information , apply to prlnnlpal offices l
tbu Vnlted HUUs end Canada , or addren , at Callage ,
1.1. CAHI , i. ST. MlHIl , I. A. HOUI08I. '
' 9iaUI.tru4.sA