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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1888)
" ' ' ; . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : EKIDA Y , JAmjABY 20 , 3888 ; . 8 i Tiirr < itititrr'TO- SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Very Llttlo of an Encouraging Na ture to Grain Buyers. LIBERAL SELLING OF CORN. Provisions Kxlillilt More * Hlciullncim "With 1'rlucfl AvcrtiKlnK lll Jicr Cntttc VnlucH llcmnln About the Hiuiie Quotation * . CHICAGO PltonUCK MAIIKKT. CHICAGO , Jan. 19. fSixH'lal Telegram to the Hii.lTho : : bears on 'changedo not np- iwar to be able to get up much activity when things go their way , unless by some con- ccrted professional raid like that In mess pork on Tuesday evening. The opening prices to-duy for grain and provisions were either steady orsllirhtly better than Wednes day's closings , but after nn hour ef hesitat ing , narrow markets , there was a flight downward - ward movement ull around. Thu surprise was that prlci-s did not break Instead of sag ging u little , as there was little to encourage buyers. Cables wcro blow and the Liverpool demand % vas "poor" for wheat , com und pro visions. There were no export clearances to mention and outside orders to buy were the exception. May wheat sold down before noon * Ho from the opening and touched KtX1- , which was 1 point lower thn.ii the lowest on Wednesday. Heforo the close of the session it was generally bellwed that the principal cause for tliu early depression was a rumor that a great quantity of pork was to bo thrown on the market by two largo houses. It did not come , und then it was said It had been margined. As proof of this it was pointed out that pro visions rallied after the first decline and sold nt Ihu opening price of the session. The bears In wheat and other grains took ad vantage of the little drojion the start and the lifeless condition of trade and kept prices near the bottom. A bold front and a few large orders to buy , either by local houses or the country , and things would have been different. The bulls made no efforts to con trol , less sustain , the market. The ex treme range In tin ) price of wheat for the session was ' < e. February opened nt 702fc nnd sold down to 70)1c. ! March sold between " 'ji ' ? and iViftJ. May opened at St't.fiSl o and after several little rests dragged down to MJtfO'b8jvc. There was little sold at the bottom , the principal transactions being at b8 4'Ntc. < . The closing prices at 1 o'clock were 70 : , < h'e .himiar.y , 70 e for February , 'M-'VC for March , b'-ijge for May and S3J..C for June. Corn sold at one time-about noon to-day 9ffe under the closing price Wednesday. There was quite liberal selling during the forenoon b.v the country , aided by local op erators. When provisions reacted to the opening price there was n slight reaction in corn. Local houses took advantage of this nnd helped it along by covering considerable , und during the laft half hour the price ad vanced ? , Jc. Kxcept the selling orders re ferred to , the deal was entirely local and the market was decidedly heavy. May sold for tvo hours at 53'4iitritlc ' ( ; : and then wont r.iTiilght off to 5'4J < 1 * ' After a slight reaction u second decline- look thatjfuture to 58Xc , the bottom for the session. The closing prices were 4 < c for .liuiimry and February , ) for March and Me for May. Provisions , on the whole , were steadier nnd prices averaged a fraction higher. Hogs were higher at the yards and there appeared to bo less disposition on the part of the bears to force trading and more of n desire to even up and secure prollts before making another raid on the countrymen. The latter class Btill believe in ultimately higher prices , butler lor the present are going slow. Some of the bog traders hammered pork , while others bought in their shorts , several bouses taking 110,000 barrels each. The opening was steady nt * 14.40 for May , sold ut * 14.45 , down to 114.85 , rallied and closed at 1 o'clock at f 14.40. The first trades of March this season wcro made to-da.v nt $ l3.9.Vi < 14.10 nnd closed at fl4.00 ( 14.0221. Lard fluctuated 5e and short ribs lOo. AITKHNOON RusMox. The markets , both In grain and provisions , developed llrmness on the late board. The effects of the morn ing raid were soon spent. The closing prices were as follows : February wheat,709 < ( ! < < 70 ? < e , March 77H.T77V.ic ( , May S'JJj &lc. February corn 4Sj'e | , March 4814' ' , May " " ' May oats B3'fc. "February pork' * 14"ll ( , May J1I.55. February lard J7.35 , March S7.48H , May * 7.55 Si'7.57li. ' February ribs $7.50 , Nlarch $7.02 , May $7.77' $ . CHICAGO I,1VH STOCK. CntrAfio , Jan. 19. ( Special Telegram to the HCB.I UATTI.I : Trade was steady and prices about as yesterday on good and useful native steers. There were mcircplain and half- fattened stock among the arrivals than any day tliis week or last. Steers , 1350 to 1500Ibs , { 4.40015.00 ; liilHI to 13.Vlli8i.Sli ) : ) ( ? .40 : ' .150 to 125(1 ( His , $ ; i.XJ@i.75. ( : Ktoclcers and feeders , H > Uai ( : O ; cows , bulls and mixedl.75 ( < 7i.40 : ; bulk , | 2.IOff2.40. ( Texas steers , W.40@3.00 ; cows , * 1.00i'.MO. ( lions At the oDcninp trade ruled brisk all along the line. Shippers and packers were anxious to get the best heavy and speculators went in for mixed sorts , and during this spurt prices were advanced n strong fie , in some Instances lOc , but finally , when the run showed up v5lHK ! , ) to 'Jii.dOll against the 21,000 to 2VKX ! , ( ) estimated early , and after shippers got what they wanted , values drop | > ed bactt , closing barely 5e higher. Later arrivals , as n matter of course , met the down-turn , and , if sold , did not make within 5c of the o ) > enlng Kales of the morning. Light mixed may be limited at Ki.UXn.VS.'i ' : fair to good mixed , W.40 ( . ? 5.f > 0 ; heavy , * 5,00.75 ( ( ; light sorts , $4.b.'i@ 10. lilVK .STOCK. Union Hlock Yardu , Clilcn jo , Jan. 19. The Drovers' Journal reports : i ? Cattle Receipts , 11,000 ; market strong for good : others weak ; fancy , ? . " > .2. > ( ( "t5.508teers ; , KI.OO&5.00 ; stockers and feeders , 11.80(8 ( 11.40 , cows , bulls and mixed , $1.75uU ( ( > ; Texas cattle , * l.yOV1.00. ( ! Hogs Receipts , 91,000 ; market strong nnd r > u higher ; mixed , tn.avftfi.40 ' " ; heavy , 5.t5jr : ( ! > .75 ; llgllt , M.SOQ5.2. > ; "aUlps ) J3.2J ® 4.M. Sheep Ueoeipts , 4,0KI ( ; market stronger ; western , t4.50fti5.10 ; Texans , f > .75@4',00 ; lambs , trKK ( < ( ! . ( ) . National Slock Y arils Rant Ht IiouiH , Juu. 11) ) . Cattle Ueccipts , 2,4X ( ) ; Hliipments , ltXHI ; market active and strong , ; choice heavy native steers. ft.40@5.t0 ! ; fairtc good native steoi-s , $ ; t.Wif4.4.r > ; butchers , hteers , medium to choice , $ Ut > @ 4.10 ; stock , ers and feeders , fair to good , 12.00ia.UO ( ; rangors' , ordinary to good , ? ' , > .2fl < if4.0. Hogs Receipt * . 5,00(1 , ( ; shipments , D.rtOO market active and shade higher ; choice heavy and butchers' selections , t.l.It.'iffi5.50 packing , medium to prime , fl.W ( < r5.40 ; lighi grades , ordinary to good , f4,70ft 5,05. Kansas Clly , Jan. Ui. Cattle Receipts : iHHi , ( ; slilpincnts , l.'lk ) ; market slow bui hteiuly to Ao lower ; good to choice corn-fed , t- . ! i.-i4.50 ( . ; common to medium , I.20@4..V ctockers , * 1.M1.J2.50 ( ; feeders , fJ.IXKM.25 I cows , $1.2.ii2..Hl. Hogs Receipts , 11,000 ; shipments none market steady to So higher ; common ti choice , ; skips und pigs , fJ.SOQ 4.00. FINANCIAIj. Ifnw YOIIK , Jan. 1U. [ Special Tclegrati to the Hcc.l STOCKS London was i seller tins morning and the market on tin 1 other side was reported sagging. The re suit of the selling was to cause a genera t dumping of long stocks by big holders MUbourl 1'aelllo was the special feature am dropped l ) ( per cent. Although it Is a. 7 pe cent stock and selling nt about S5ypcculi ! tors nro suspicious of It being manipulate ! l > y the Gould party In the same manner th Wubash was , and are afraid to touch It. Th pool In Reading was reported to have liquid 1 nted lus a result of the strike. This left th securities of that property without adequul support anj prices declined ltf per ccnl The weakness and declining tendency i : Iheso stocks dragged down other * , and get ne tral slumps extending , to 2. [ wr cent were n rordcd , the lurpcst being In I'corlu , Uccntu U Kviuibvillc , i\n inactive block. Oruncct 'dropped { ( ( ? | Xmt 'and Lockawnnna- * { ! Hlnt. Tim only stock showing decided Btub- trarnncRs was. Delaware ft Hudson , a 0 per cent stock , which is higher now than for a year. About December 1 , lf * ! , It sold at 107U' , and pointers were given out that jt waste to be put to 120 or over. The bait was taken by a good many oiwratorx , who , instead of getting an advance , sny that it dropped to par. For a year it has fluctuated between 101 and 105 , and not until yesterday did It get above 107. About mill-day the selling began to subside and a fair rally followed. Long stocks came out freely during the latter part of the session and caused n further sharp decline , last sales being at almost the Inside figures nnd recorded declines ranging to 2 , < 4 per cent , the largest being on Missouri I'aclile. Rending was off IJf , Union Pacific 1V , St. J'aul ! ' ( , , Northwestern Ki New Knglnnrt 1 , Louisville iV Nuhville ; < , Northern - ern Pacific 1 , Oregon Transcontinental Ji , Oregon Navigation ! ( , , Manhattan 2 and Western Union per cent. The drop in the latter at this time , under severe drawbacks In the shnpc of heavy storms , ww a surprise. The total sales were 750,410 shares , against 112,500 shares yesterday. GOVCUNMKNT.S Government bonds were dull but steady. Vr.STEHUAY'S QUOTATIONS. IT. S. < < registered C.&N. W I' . S. 4s coupon. . . lin ; " , ilotirefelTPd ll.'lli U.8.4'isrgltriMl.WS ' ! N. Y. Central 1U7 C. H 4iscoiixm..1tisi ! | , O. H. N m 1'nrlllc Ks of 'lij. . . .WHS P. T 21 ? ( 'iiniulu Southern. . M ? ; I'nrltlr Mnil : iii ! IVntriil I'iu-lllc. . . rO'j'.o. I ) . * K IHU rhlrniiii Alton HIT ( I'tlllnnui 1'aliiceCnt 141 ' ' ' " ' ' n. , , * \ . . ; ! ! ! ! > Uork Island ll'-M < I ) . & H. G ! St. Ij. &S. K STi'/i ' Krlc. . . < lopreferred 71s ! ilo iiri'forretl. . . . Kl C. . M. & Kt. Paul. . . 7ft IllinoisVntriil. ( . . .117 do preft-ire l 1I4U I. , II.AtW 1.1 Bt. I' , ill Il'ii K..VT ilo prcfi'rri'rt 10715 I.akeShoro . l 'j ' TI-XIII I'.iclllc . ' . ' 4 I..V N . Wi I'nlonPiirillc . U\ \ . _ Michigan Central. . KJ's.W. ' . . St. I , . A.p . Wi Mlsx < iurlPnr1Hc. . . . C4 il do preferred . XU MLsiiurlPacllIc.V. : . V. Tfli'grnph. . . 77i ! do preferred . 4U I MOXHV On call easy at " © 4 per cent ; last loan nt 't pur cent ; closed 3 per cent , of- ered nt 'l | > er cent. 1'niMC MnitCAMiLC 1'Arcii 5.11)il7 ) ( per cent. STHHI.IXO KXCIIAXOI : Dull but steady at I4.S4 for sixty day bills , and t4.iJ ( for de mand. * i no i ; cio i A 1 1 K i : TH. Chlonjo.Tnn. 1U. Following are the 2:30 : closing prices : Flour Nominally unchanged ; winter wheat bbls , fj.70@4.23 : sacks , * 1i.50ji ( : .7.'i ; spring wheat , bbls. $ . > 4..IHl ; sacks , 11.75 ( Ltll.KO ; rye flour , 12.snga.10 per bbl ; buck wheat flour , 15.000jt5.7n per bbl. Wheat Ojiened a shade better than the closing of yesterday nnd after' fluctuating considerably , closed } t'clower ; cash , 70 7-l(5c ( ; February , 7(1 ( 11-Hie ; May , 62 l.Vllle. Corn Opened firm at yesterday's close , fluctuated frequently and closed the same to higlier ; cash and February , 4S'fcc ; May , Oats Active but lower ; May , 3'tJLiC. Kyo Firm at ( Vie. Hnrley Quiet at 75c. Pi imo Timothy J2.40. ' AVhisky-11.10. Pork Active but Trregular within a small range ; cash , $14.10 ; May , 114.50. Lard Moderately active and steady ; cash and Kebruary , S".1) ! ! ; May , $7. . " > fii7.57).j. Dry Salted Meats Shoulders , ir > .0l't(5.00 ( ( ( ; short clear , § 7.i5ih7.Sjj ( short ribs , 17.50. liutter Firm ; creamery , 23 ( i,31 e ; dairy , S1fr72(5c. ( Cheese Steady ; lull cream chcddars , 10X ( < ? IH.JO : flats. UOllPjC ; young Americas , Eggs- Quiet at 20 0j22c. Hides Unchanged ; green hides "O e ; green frorcn , fie ; heavy green salted , li' < . ; ligut green salted , ( ijf ; salted bull , ! ; greeu bull , 4'4e ' ; green salted calf , ( Jc : dry flint and dry calf , 120i'iie : : branded , 15 percent off : deacons , 30c each ; dry salted , lOc. Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , country solid , 3 4'c , No. 2 , " , ' 4 ; cake. 4. 4.Receipts. . Shipments. Flour , bbls . 14,000 18,000 Wheat , bu . 12,000 13,000 Corn , bu . ( ! i,000 $0,000 Oats , bu . 5,000 ! 00,000 Ryebu . ( ! ,000 liarloy , bu . 30.000 3(1,000 Now York , Jan. 1 ! ) . Wheat Receipts , 5,000 ; exports , none ; options ruled higher nt the outset und prices made slight gains , after wards weakened and declined > Vc ; spot was quiet but steady ; ungraded red , b9@ W 4c : No. 1 red , nominal at lUj'e ; No. 2 red , 110)40 ) in elevator , Die f. o. b. , Ul e. de livered ; February closed at lO-ii'c. Corn Receipts , 29,000 ; exports , 18,000 ; options advanced a trifle early , later broke ? @ 'A' . closing steady ; spot dull and weak ; ungraded , nu gtlllHo ; No. it , nilc ; No. 2 , 60.f ! a In store and elevator , ( HJfc delivered ; February closed at OOJfTe. Oats Receipts , 38,000 ; exports , . 215 ; h@lv lower , closing steady mixed west ern , 37i40c ( ; white western , 40(2.450. ( Coffee Spot , fair ; Hio dull at (17.75 ; options lower but moderately active ; sales , 81,500 bags ; January , * 15.15r15.80 ( ; February , 814.4514.00 ( ; March , * 14.05 ( < $ I4.80 ; April , $ I3.90@14.00 ; Muy , $ iy.75 ( 13.00 ; June , S13.05&13.75. Petroleum Steady ; United , 89 ; < c. Eggs Firm ; western , 21J < lC"2ie. : Pork Steady and unchanged ; mess quoted at J15.850M5.50 for ono year old. Lard Opened 3 | K > ints lower , later ad vanced , closing steady ; western steam , spot , J7.05iI7.07) ( ) . ; ; closed at7.70. Hutter Firm and demand fair ; western , 10M34c. Cheese Quiet , steady and unchanged ; western , ll ( ! li ? c. KIIIIMIB City , Jan. 19. Wheat Weak ; No. 8 soft , cash , 79Xe" May , Sic. Corn Weak ; February , 48J/c ; May , Oats-Cash , 30o asked ; May , Jan. 19. Wheat There was only a moderate quantity of wheat of fered , with scarcely any inquiry. Heceipts , 104 cars ; shipments , 20 ears. Closed In store : No. 1 hard , January and February , 7So ; May , 80Xc : No. 1 northern , January and February , 70fc } ; No. 8northern , January and February , 74o ; May , 77 4e. On track : No. 1 hard , 7'Jc ; No. 1 northern , 77c ; No. 2 northern , 75c. Flour Patents , sacks to ship , W.03g5.15 ( ; bakers' , 3.35@3.0C. St. IioulN. Jan. 19. Wheat Lower ; cash , SiJ c ; May , S4e. Corn Lower ; cash , 47 } { ( < i475 e : May , 40e. Oiits Dull at 31if < 31J c ; May , 38c. Pork-14.75. Lurd7.H ( ) . Whisky-1.05. Hutter Firm ; creamery , 24@30c ; dairy , ! S@'JtJo. . Afternoon Hoard Wheat , firm ; January , , 8IJ e asked ; February , Sl o bid ; May , S4@ 84 , ' c. Corn , linn ; January , 40J o bid ; Feb ruary , 47o bid ; May , 4'Jj ' e. Outs , irregu lar ; May , ! HXfc38c. Ijlverpool , Jan. 19. Wheat Dull ; holders Ofter freely. Corn Quiet and demand poor. Milwaukee , Jan. 19. Wheat Irregular ; cash , 70JSA ; ; May.SIJfc. Corn Lower ; No. II , 4So. Oats-Steady ; No. 8 white , 34c. Kyo Firmer ; No. I , O.V-fe. Harley-Hluher ; No , 8 , 78J4'o. Provisions Steady ; pork , January , ? 14.00@ Cinolnnati. Jan. ] 9. Wheat-Quiet ; No. 8 red , ) c. Corn Dull ; No. 2 mixed , VV. Oats Steady : No. 8 mixed , ! Kyo Easy ; No. 8 , ( V.ic. Provisions Pork , nominal at $14.50 ; lard , nuti'l ' at 47.85. Whisky-Firm at J1.05. OMAHA MVK STOCK. Cattle. Thursday , Jan. 19,1SSS. 1 The receipts of cattle were modcrato am the general run only fair , The market win devoid of any special features with the ex ception of a little activity toward the close. llou . The market opt nod slow but soon becami more active and closed about 5u higher thai ' " on Wednesday , Everything was taken , io Io Sheep. Iot. t. The receipts of dlioep were lit ) head. Thi market was about steady. inn n- OMlc-lal KccciitH. eir Cattle irrs 8.S4I rs Sheep . , , . . ; . ' . Ill Priced. . 'Showing the prevailing prices paid for live stock on the market : Prime steers. 1300 to 1500 Ibs..14.15 Choice steers , 1100 to 1800 Ibs. . 3.50 Fat little steers , 900 to 1050 ibs. U.OO Corn-fed range steers , 1800 to 15(0 ( lb fl.75 (3 ( .00 flood to choice corn-fed cows. . 8.85 0i.K : ( ) Common to medium cows 1,75 W3.85 Western cows 1.75 Oi'J.M ) Good range feeders 8,30 018.05 Good native feeders , 900 Ibs and upwards 8.85 Fair to medium native feeders , 900 Ibs and upwards 2.25 (32.50 ( Stockcrs , 400 to 700 Ibs 8.15 (3-2.75 ( Prime fat sheep 3.75 Good fat sheep , 90@1 ( > 0 Ibs 3.85 ( a 11.50 Fair to mcd luui sheep 8.85 wi.oo : Common sheep 1.75 ( 2.25 Light and medium hogs 4.15 ( a 4.75 Good to choice heavy hogs 5.10 W5.80 Good to choice mixed hogs. . . . . . 5.95 & 5.15 ItcprcHcntntivc Snlcs. NATIVE STERItS No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 40. .1219 20 1207 3.S5 8 .107(1 ( 29 8.M ) 8H .1280 3.75 10 1219 3.1C. 3 3.75 19 1254 4.10 40 1213 3.75 .1240 4.10 41 .1240 3.50 .1872 4.10 COWS. 1. . 930 2.00 .1111 2.15 10. . 973 2.00 .1110 2,00 HUM. ? . .1520 2.00 1 1730 8.75 STOCKF.IIS. . 505 2.50 26. 733 2.70 smr.i' : . 110 57 3.25 iiooa. No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr. 70. . .114 fcO 3.50 77. . , .242 13U 5.10 95. 4.30 00. . . .207 40 5.1(1 ( 81. . .188 120 4.05 70. . . .844 80 5.10 81.Jj. . . .200 40 4.75 73. . . . : oj 180 5.10 77. . .2CO .SO 4.85 70. . . . ' . ' .VJ UX ) 5.10 OS . .80S 180 4.85 . .237 840 5.10 42. . .171 . . 4.90 45. . .271 60 5.10 74. . .885 llX ) 4.90 59. . .8S3 280 5.10 91. IJ820 3.0 5.00 51. . .850 100 5.10 74 , . .199 180 5.00 72. . .802 800 5.10 , . .195 840 5.IX ) 45. . .807 210 5.10 12. , . .880 80 5.00 50. . .800 880 5.10 . . .344 80 5.00 19. . .375 5.15 19.WI. . . .884 2-10 ' WI. . .877 100 5.15 73. . . .838 80 505'J ] 82 ' . .895 180 5.15 34. . . .aci 80 5.05 54' . .311 180 5.15 34.W. ( W. , . .840 IOJ 5.05 00. . .878 JI80 5.15 74. . . .830 80 5.05 52. . .800 120 5.17J4 47. . . .848 . . 5.05 58. . .8CO 1'JOmt 5.17'J ' 54. , . .858 12(1 ( 5.05 59. . .8S4 mt 5.17M 47. . . .240 200 5.05 05. . .854 HUI 5.20 05. . . .241 20 5.05 49. . . . § l8t ! 180 5.20 54. . . .250 840 5.05 54. . .813 840 52) ) ot. : . . .843 840 5.05 04. . .370 40 79. . . .810 40 C.07K llv < ; Stook Bold. Showing the number of head of stock sold on the market yesterday. CATTLC. G. H. Hammond & Co 811 Shippers 801 Feeders : . . 88 Local 1 Total . . 501 1IOGS. Anglo-Ameriran Packing Co. 130 G. 11. Hammond & Co SIS Armour & Cudahay SMS Swift Packing Co 3SO Harris & Fisher 315 L. 15. Doub 413 Speculators 1(1 ( Total 8,970 , 813 beau unsold. Harris & Fisher. 84 Shippers lilt Total 205 Left over. 1 Shipments. Cattle , 15 care , N. W Chicago Cuttle , 1 car , H. & M Ulysses or Prices. Showing the oxtrcma highest and lowest rules paid for leading grades of hogs on dates mentioned : r IJIYO Stock Notes. J. Elliott Is back from u trip to Chicago. H. 13. Oanimcl , of Herman , was among the shippers who came in with cuttle. John Lute , of Paxton , Neb , , cumo in yester day with a load of cuttle and hogs. A. Smith and Fred Eborhart , of Ithaca , wore on the market with u load of cattle. J. C. Thompson , the well-known shipper of Council Bluffs , was on the nuirket with hogs. Mr. Wyutt , of Wyutt Hros. , came in with u load of hogs and u loud of sheep from Wilson- villo. The many friends of the accomplished book-keeper of Woods Bros. , H. Nash , Esq. , arc enjoying line Havnnas ut that gentleman's expense. Mr. Nash left on the 4th inst. for Milwaukee , where ho was married to Miss Mury Uurns , a very charming and accom plished young lady. For the present thoj have taken a suite of rooms at the Barker hotel , where they will bo pleased to receive their friends. The BKK rustler with the rest of the boys Joins in their good wishes for a long , happy and prosperous life to the newly wedded couple , and hopes that their voyage over life's troubled sea nmy be u peaceful and pleasant one. OMAHA WHOLESALE MAHKETS. Produce , Fruits , Etc. Thursday , Jan nary 19. The fnUoirlnu arc the price * at which round lotx of produce arc Hold on this mar ket. Emits in"other lines of uootls renulrlny crtra lalior of jxiclilnij cannot always lie mipnlled onout ldeordcrnat the same nrlces quoted the local trade. BUTTKU Kccoipts were light and the de mand for all grades good. Prices , however , were unchanged. Wo quote : Creamery , solid packed , 82rti.33e ; choice dairy , 17 ( 19c ; medium , 15@l7o ; low grades , 10@12e. Euos No change In the demand , but re ceipts wcro rather light and prices un changed. Wo quote : 21@i2c for cold storage and 32@23o for strictly fresh. Limed eggs are very slow at 15c. POUI.TIIY There were lots of turkeys on the market but the demand was somewhat limited. Chickens , geese nnd ducks were in light suppl.v and good demand. Prices are un changed and wo quote : Dressed chickens , 8@Uu perlb ; turkeys , 8(39e ( ; ducks , 7(3Scj ( geese , 9(2 ( lOc. Arn.r.s The cold weather has practically put a stop to trade , but there is a good demand nt firm and unchanged prices. Wo quote : Eastern fruit , fair to choice stock , $3.50@3.75 ; fancy stock , 3.75@4.00. ' CAIIIUOK Prices nro unchanged $1 per doz. , and 8K@3o per lb for California. ONIONS Stocks are heavy but of a poor quality , but those that are sent out are always picked and the customer gets the ben- ellt. Wo quote prices unchanged : Homegrown grown , 75/s85co ( ; Spanish onions , per 50-tb crate , fl.50@ 1.75. Grocer's Lint. PROVISIONS-Hams , HKll' ' o ; breakfast bacon , ll' lljtfe ; bacon sldes,9)4'i/OVo ) ( ; dry salt , 8il5 } ( ! > e ; shoulders , 0 070 ; dried beef , UK'Cllc. CANIIV Mixed , 0@llo ; stick , 9 ( < j9 > fe. CANNED Goons Oysters , standard , per ries , per case , W.itla'J.4l ; ( ) ; egg plums , 2-lb per case , fJ.W ) ; pineapples , ! i-lb , per case , SI/JOGi&iS ; Mb salmon , per doz , Jl .V l..W ; U'-lb gooseberries , j > cr case , f3'J.V : i.n : : 2-lb string beans , | ) er cnHc1LMXi21.S5u ; ! > .lb Lima beans , per case , tl.iaxgl.ivt ; 2-lb marrowfat poas$2. ( > ( ) ( B2.70 ; 2-lb early Juno Dear , per case , $2.85 ; 8-lb tomatoes , fj.50 2-lb corn , : H- ) HDniKD DniKD FHUITS-- Apples , now , @ 30o ; evaporated , currants , 7@7\4o ; prunes , new , citron , 25c ; raisins , London layers , KM.VJI1 2.50 ! California looao muscatelst2.10i ( 2.15 ; new Valencia , SfiJS'fc , POTATOES The receipts are light. Quota tions arc unchnnged , , Utah and Col orado stock arc quoted at $ lIO < < i)1,15 ) and choice homo grown at 90(21,00 ( ; com mon grades at COo. OIUNOKSPrices are unchnnged and wo quote : Valonclas , t7.500S.00 per case of420 ; Ixmlslatia , * 4.00@4.2Ak. ' Florida , bright ? , M.85Q4.60 ; russets. f3.50Q4.00. HEANGood stock , * 8.K2.tO ( ) : ; fair to good , * 1.001.SO , and. California beans at . . . TfiiNirs Hutnbngas1 'ufe ' selling at W jier bushel. ' : CEI.KHT There was sqmo very fair stock offered to-day at 4 < \ < Z4Sc per dozen for choice aml4X8MV ! for fancy. SWEET POTATOKS Are nearly out of the market. We still quote : 'X&iiic per lb. , with extra nt So. Cinnii-Choloe Michigan cider , f0.00 < p.M per bbl. of 32 gal. NUTS Peanuts , ' ( AT 'o , raw. Brazil nuts , tile : almonds , Tarragona , ! S ; Kugllsh walnuts , 15G 18c : filberts , 18e ; Italian ehest- nutt , 15c ; pecans , 12c. BANANAS Choice bananas , f2.7. > < ( i..rpO ) ; ini-diumbunches ; f2.00fflt.iO. : ( OHArns Are In fair supply ut unchanged prices. Malagas , ? i.Mit7.IHl ) per bbl. , with some extra line sold ut7.r(0@ 8.00. Lr.MONs Malaga are about out of the mar ket , but wo quote the old figures $5.00 per box. Mcssltms are in fair supply and selling at from $5.tX ) < ; i.r > 0. Poi'CoitN Choice rice corn is quoted nt Ci-4Kc ] i > er n > , other kinds , 2' < ( ( a3o per n. . * Sit'Eit KiiAi'T Choice per bbl. of 311 gal. , .MWO.OO ; if bbl. , t4.n7@ri.00. $11.00 per bl of SO gal. CtimoTs $2.25(512.50 ( ) > er barrel. PAIISNIP. " New stock , $2.50 per barrel- There are few on the market. OVSTKUS Plain standard , 2. > c ; plain se- ects , JtOi ! ' , standard. 4dc ; extra selects , : t5o ; Ve'.v York counts , 40o : bulk oysters , counts , 1.8. " > per 100 ; selects , $2.00 per gal ; standard , 11.2. " ) per gal. CAi'Mrrownii Good stock , $2.CO@2.SO. CAI.IFOIISIA KHUITS There are only a few icars in the market , at t2.fiO&'J.7. > ; extra Hue , $ : i.OO. CiiANMiEiiiiir.i Bell & Cherry , $10.00 ( < T10.r > 0 Jell & Bugle , $10.V@ll.K.lCape ; ) ( ; Cods , fll.lK ) J11.50. "Ho.snv llK < ? 2lc for 1-lt ) frames ; canned loney , 10@12c per Hi. Pins In layers , IH@10c ; cake , lie per lb. DATIIS Prussian , Sc per lb. Hnrisr.D LAKH Tierce , 7'-jc ; 40-lb square inn , ijio ; Wl-lh round , 7iic ' ; ' . ' 0-lb round , i4- ; 10-lb pails , So ; olb'pails , Sjo , ; 2-lb jails. 8J/U. liuooMo Extra 4-tic. .r,0 ; No. 1 , * 2.K ( ) ; No. 2 , 61.75 ; heavy stable , . * UH ) . SYKUINo. . 70 , 4-galloit kegs , * 1,50@1.55 ; New Orleans , per gallon , S Uie ; iiiaplc synip , half libls , "old time" per gallon , Nhr ; " giillon cans , per do/ , $10.5(1 ( ; half galen cans , ler doz , $ .25 ; quart cans , 1.25. STAiint Mirror glass , 5Jfc ; Graves' corn , B'ic ; Oswego gloss , tlo ; Osvvego corn , 7e. Hoi.iANi ) Hiitui.Nis : ( 7l@70 ! per keg. Woonr.NW.vitK Two-hoop pails , per doz. , $1.45 : three-hoop pails , 81.70 ; No. 1 tubJii.50 ; No. 2 tub , $ / > ( ) : No. II tub , J4.50 ; wash boards , Sl.40Qi2.75 ; assorted bowls , S-J.2.V No. 1 i-hurns. $9tiO ; No. 2 churns , $8.00 ; No. ! i churns , $7.XI. ( PirKi.r.s Medium in bbls , $7.K ( ) ; do in half tjbls , ft.OO ; small , in bbls , $ S.H ( ) ; do in half nbls , $4.50 ; gerkins , in bbls , $ ' . ) .00 ; do in half bbls , $ : > . ( H ) . Corrr.i : Ordinary grades , 10l < j@21c ; fulr , 20ii20' ( ' < jc ; priino , 21(321li'c ( ; fancy green and yellow , 2 : ! ( 25o ; old government .lava , 2Si ( < ) ; ) c ; interior Java , 25iJ'JSc ( ; Mocha , 2-jiOc ( ; : ( ; Arbuckle's roasted , IM'jo ; McLauglilin's XXXX , 24 c ; JJIlwovth's , 24e ; lied Cross , 24c. Jii.i.iis-0-lb : ! pails. $1.C5@1.75. TEAJ , Japans , 20 ( < i55e ; gunpowder , 20S ( > lVc ) ; Young Hyson , 'J.Xfj.Vie ; Oolong , 'M < ji > IMC. IMC.Uoi'E Seven-sixteenths , IKS'll c. Toiucco Lorlllnrd'hi ' Climax , 45c ; Splen did , 45e ; Mechanic's Delight , 44c ; I.eggett .t Meyer's Star , 4. > e ; Cornerstone , Il'.le ; Drum- mond's Horseshoe , 44c ; J. T , . 4De ; Sorg's Spearhead , 44c ; Cntllu's meerschaum , 31c ; Catlin's Old Style. 23o. CiiArKiius , C'AKKS , ETC. Prices subject to change. Soda , Sc ; soda ( city goods ) , 7o ; soda snowflakes ( in tins ) , He ; soda dandy , 0) < fc ; soda wafers ( In tins ) , lOc ; soda zephyr , 8c ; city oyster , OJ e ; excelsior , 7c ; farina oys ter , 5) ) c ; gem oyster , 5e ; monitor , 7c ; Omaha oyster , 7c ; pearl oyster,5c ; picnic , 5c ; snowdrop oyster , 80 ; butter , 5c ; Hoston , 8c ; Omaha butter , 7e ; saw tooth butter , O } 1" cracker meal , ; graham. So ; graham wafers , lOc ; graham wafers m pound pack ages' , 18 0 ; hard bread , 5e ; milk , 7j < jc ; oat meal , 8c ; oatmeal wafers , lOc ; oatmeal wa fers in Ibpkgs , 12l c ; animals , 12e ; boliver ginger ( round ) , 7c ; cream , 80 ; Cornhill , lOe ; cracknells , lOc ; frosted cream , 8Jo ; ginger snaps , 8c ; ginger snaps ( city ) , 9c ; home made ginger snaps in boxes , 13c ; home made ginger snaps (1 ( lb cans ) per dozen , $2.50 ; lemod cream , 8c ; pretzels ( hand made ) , H3 c ; assorted cakes and Jumbles , ll } c ; assorted lingers , 15c ; afternoon tea ( in tins ) per dozen , $7.00 ; banana lingers , 14c ; butter Jumbles , llj c ; Urunswick , 15c ; brandy snaps , 15c ; chocolate drops ( new ) , ICc ; chocolate wafers , 15c ; Christmas lunch ( in tins ) , per dozen , $4.50 ; cocoa UifTy snaps , 14c ; colteo cake , 12c ; Cuba Jumbles , ll ) e ; cream puffs , 2c ( ) ; egg Jumbles , 14c ; ginger drops , lie ; honey Jumbles , llj < c ; jelly ling ers , 15 ; Jelly wafers , 15c ; jelly tart ( new ) , 15c ; lady fingers , 13o ; vanilla bar , 14e ; va nilla wafers , 14o ; Vienna wafers , 1 dozen packages in box , per dozen , $2.50. All goods packed in cans 1 ct. per lb. ad vance except Snowllako and Wafer Soda , which is packed only in cans. Soda in 2 lb. and 3 lb. paper boxes , ) cent perlb. advance ; all other goods , 1 cent per lb. advance. Soda in 1 lb. paper boxes , 1 cent per lb. advance. The 2 lb. boxes are packed in cases holding 18 in a case. The 3 lb. boxes arc packed in cases holding 18 in a case. The 1 lb. boxes nru packed in cases holding IK ! in a case. One lb. Graham and Oatmeal Wafers packed 2 doz. in a case. Show Tops for boxes , with glass opening to show goods , 75 cents. Cans for Wafer Soda , $3.00 not returnable. Cans for Snowtlako Soda , fli.00 per doz. Tin Cases with Glass Face to display the goods , 75cents each , No charges for Packages except for cans and re turnable cases. Glass Front Tin Cans and "Snowflake" Soda Cans are returnable at prices charged , Dry Good * ) . DrcK West Point 89 in. 8 oz. , IDJ c ; West Point 89 in. 10 oz. , 12 } < e : West Point 10 In. 18 oz , 15c ; West Point 40 in. 11 oz , lOc. Checks Caledonia X , UYc ; Caledonia XX , 10 > c ; Economy , 9 e ; Otis , 8 > Jc. KENTUCKY JHANH Memorial. 15c ; Canton , 18o ; Durham , 2K" ; Hercules , 18c ; Leaming ton , 22 | c ; Cottswold , 85o. CHASM Stevens' H , ( io ; bleached , 7o ; Stc- vens' A , 7Uc ; bleachedSJjjc / ; Stevens' P , 8 > e ; bleached , 0 } < ; cStevens' N , 'Ji o ; bleached , lOjtfc ; Slovens' ' S K T , 12kc. MISCEI.I.ANKOUS Table oil cloth , $2.85 , plain Holland , bj c lo 'Jo ; Dado Holland , 12Kc. CAMIHIICS Slater , 4 } < fe ; Woods , 4) ) c ; Stan dard , 4 o ; Peacock , 4Kc. CoMroiiTKiis fo.oo ( < ii5.oo ; HuXKCTb White , S1.00@7.50 ; coloredS1.10 8.00. Iti.KACiiEO Sur.ETiNd Hcrkeley cambric , No. 00 , 9 c ; Hest Yet , 4-4 , OJfc ; butter cloth OO , 4 > fe ; Cabot , 7J < fo ; Farwell , Sc ; Fruit of Loom , 'Jo ; Greene G. Oc ; Hope , 7Jfc ; King Phillip cambric , Ho ; Lonsdnlc , 11JA' ! Lons- dale , bjfc ; Now York mills , 10 } < c ; Pcpperell 42-in , lOj o ; Peppcroll,40-in. , llj c ; Pepperell ( M , 15c ; Pepjicrell , 8-4 2le ) ; Pcp | > oreH 9-4 , 88c ; Pcpperell , 10-4 , 24c ; Canton 4-4 , 8j c ; Canton , 4-4 , 9 } c ; Triumph , 60 ; Wamsutta , lie ; Val ley , 5c. FI.ANNKI.S Plaid Uaftsmnn , 20c ; Goslicn , .ISJfc ; Clear Lake , 38 , ' o ; Maple City , 30' ' ' White G H No. 8 , Jf , 21c ; G H No. 1 , 27 e ; H II No. 2 , If , } < o ; H H .No. 1. 25c : J 11 F , Jf , 27 c ; G , ? 4' , 3Se. PHINTS SOLID COLOU-J Atlanta , 5J o ; Slater , 5o ; Berlin Oil , li } < o ; Garner Oil , li ( ' $ 7c. PINK AND Hones Richmond , ( ic ; Allen , tic ; Kiverpoliit. 6 ; Stt-ol llivcr , Go ; Ilich- mend , ( io ; Pacific , OUe ; Ixnino BI.UE Wash ington , Oo ; Century Indigo blue prints , lOo ; American , fi' < ; Aniold , ( JJ/c ; Arnold B , 10'fc ; Arnold A. 12e ; Arnold Gold Seal 10 > Jc. DIIESS Charter Oalt , 4 c ; Kamupo We ; r ) dl. 7 > . ; e ; Allen , SVfo ; Iliohmond fiKe ; Windsor , Cc ; Eddystone , ( io ; Pacific , lie. COTTON Fi.ANsr.LS 10 per cent trade dls- rolorod , 10o ; 50 , colored , 12o ; 70 , colored , lie ; Itrlatbl.-lHiii'i Union Pucitlc , Is ; . , . CAtirEt WAIIR Bcbb white , 10' ' c ; colored , w.v SiiERTtxn Atlanta A , 4-4 , 7'/c ; Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , 0\c ; At lantic P , 4-4 , 5\e ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , 5 ic ; Au rora C , 4-4 , 4V'e : Crown XXX , 4-4 , flV ? Hoosier LL , 4-4 , 6V ; Indian Head,4-4,740 , ; Lawrence LL , 4-4 , 6 4e ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 5Jc ; Pepporell K , 4-4 , OVp ; Pepl' ' rell O , 4-4 , Oc ; Pcpporell , 8-4 , Uo ; Peppcrell , 9-4 , 2 * > e ; Pepperell , 10-4 , 28o ; Utlca U , 4-4 , 4jc ; Wa- chusrtt , 4-4 , 7e ; Aurora K. 4-4 , tike ; Aurora H , 4-4. Oo. HATTS Standard , Sc ; Gem , 10' c ; Heauty , 12Uc ; lloonc. 14c ; H , cased , 10.60. GINOIIAM Plunkett checks , 7' c ; Whlt- tenton , "ifo ; York , 7140 ; Normandi dress , 8V" Calcutta dress , SJfe ; Whlttenton dress , IV ; Kcnfrcw dress , ( ifjSrJ c. TICKK Ix-'wiston , : )0-lii. ) , 12Ve ; Lexvlston , 32-ln. , 13V : York , 32-ln. . 14c ; Swift river , 7Vjo ; Thorndlko , OO. S'4c ; Thorndlke , EF , 8V" Thorndlke , 180 , 9V" Thorndlke , XXX , 15c ; Cordis , No , 5 , 9V ! Cordls , No. 4 , Me. DENIMS Amoskeag , 9-oz. , lOc ; Everett , 7-oz. , 13o ; York , 7-oz. , 13c ; Haymaker , 8Vi Jaffrey , XX , 11V ; Jaffrcy , XXX , 12 > , c ; Heaver Creek , AA , 18c ; Heaver Creek , HH , lie ; Heaver Creek , CC , lOc. General Markets. /V/rrs / n fffmrciiiii/ < l < ; i/iifr / < ? fii this column arc thotc iilvcn I'll jobber * and are. tint retail. I'rh-e * on Hntln arc tlnmc ' ' ' bit Oinaha miller * delivered. GUMN Wheat , No. 2 , ( iOc ; rye , 5Sc ; corn , 40coats ; , 2U(330 < J5b > l y , tKiftHVic , according to quality."X COAL Egg , $10.50 ; nut , $10.50 ; range , $10.50 ; * walnut block , $4.25 ; Iowa lump , * ) . " , ; Iowa nut , $ ! I.K ( ) ; Illinois , $ 5.tXg4.75. ) ( Hums Green butchers' , 5a5 ( } e ; green cured. ( hJMII/c ; dry flint , c ; dry salt , 8c ; ! green calf skins , 7o ; dnnmged hides , two -thirds price. Tallow HJ/e. Greuso Prime while , 4'fe ; yellow , 3c ; brown , 2c. Sheep pelts , 25c ( $1.00. FritHaccon,10 < ( tt')0c ; mink , 15@40c. ; musk rat fall,2 f7c ; striped skunk,5 ( < ii25c ; mountain wolf , No. l1.50C't2.r.O ; No. 2 , prairie , BOCJ1 ttc ; No. 2 , 256 ' 0t' : beaver , No. 1 , per lb f2.KJtt.lX ( ) ( : ) ; No. 2t.tOC ! ' 1.25 ; otter , $ l.Hi ( ( < n i.OO ; dry deer skins , 20iti 5o per lb ; dry ante- ope , elk , moose , etc. , 15 ( 2."n > . Ditfns Kemuin steady. Ammoniacarb.Hc ; 'umphor ' refined ; iOccopperas41-icrcam ; ! ' tar- iir , 45c ; cream tartar powdered. 20rii50o ; In- ligo Mndrns. 7."ic ; niorihlit | sulph , 63.50 ; soda ; > i. curb , H.V ; Venice turpentine , -tlU' ; inini ipiiim , ) ; quicksilver , Srtc ; quinine , G IT- HUM per ; wax , yellow , juire , 3Jc. Oll.s Firm. CarbonI''feT'.V ; linseed.boiled , ? c ; linseed , raw , 5'Jc ; castor , No 1 , 1.20 ; No. 2 , si.12 ; sperm jvliale , $1.X ( ) ; tl h , > ank ; tV ; neathfoot extrn , .Vu" neatsfoot No. , 50c : gasoline , 74 degrees. 15c ; W. S. lard , : > c ; No. 1 lard. 5dc ; No. 2 lard , 5c ( ) ; W. Va. ere , 14o ; W. Va. summer , 12f ; golden No. 1 , Oc ; golden No. 2 , 25e ; whale , 20c ; imptlm 1 ilepreo , 14e ; headlight 150 degrees , 12c ; head- ight , 175 degrees. l. > c. PAINTS White lead , pure , li' e : white cad , fancy , ( iKc ; putty , in bladders , 3 ; Paris ivhite , 3o ; Whiting , common , 2'ac ' ; red lead Wis'i owoi.A s SinglefiO-lOfSiVj per cent ; double , 70 and 5 per cen > diseount. Fi.ont AND FIII : : > Flour , as a rule , Is un- ihanged. Minnesota patents , $2.00 per cwU Kansas mid Missouri fancy winter intents , $2.i' > jicr cwt ; Nebraikn 'iils , $2.45(1(2.50 ( per ewt ; rye flour , $2.00 per cwt : wheat graham , 61.75 per cwt : ryn graham. * l.40 per cwt ; New York buck wheat , tfi.5Ji(7.00 ( ( ( per bbl ; Mxcelsinr , $0.011 per bbl ; ready rawed , 65.110 per 100-lb case ; cornmeal , yellow , 81.OOS1.1U ( per ewt ; white , S1.10fl.l5 per cwt ; bran , $ l ( ' > .00n ( 17.00 per on ; screenings , $ M.mirl5.Ml ) ( per ton ; liom- ny , 63.25 per bbl ; chopped feed , f'JO.IKI per on ; cliopped corn , $ U > . ( N ) per ton. Sl'llilTs Cologne spirits 1SS proof , $1.10 do , 101 proof , $1.12 ; spirits , second liiality , 101 proof , $1.10 ; do , l.s ; iroof , 61.0 ! ) ; alcohol , 1SS proof , per wine .ralloii. $2.10 ; redistilled whiskies fl.OOfrt 1.50 ; gin , blended , $1.50i(2.K ( ( ) ; Kentucky bourbon1' , $2.oOKi.X ( ( ( ) ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , $2.Xl ( ii.5 ( ( ) ; Golden Sheaf bourbon and rve whiskies , $1.50i(3.lX ( ) ; brandies , imported , * 5.XiS.r,0 ( ) ( ; domestic , S1.30 ( : i.OO ; gins , im- wrted , $4.r > 0itOOO ( ; domchtic , 8l.25r 3.Ki ( ; hampagnes , imported , per case , J2S 00 ( < i 1U.OO ; American , per case , . IO.Olia'l.00. ( ' ( ! HEAVY HAUIIWAHE Prices arc unchanged. Iron , rate , $2.00 ; plow steel , special east , 4j e ; crucible steel , 0 , ' c ; cast tools , do , 12 < ai5e ; wagon spokes , | > er set , $2.00(35.50 ( ; hubs , per set , $1.50 : felloe.- , sawed dry , $1.50 ; tongues , each , 75e ; axles , each , 75c ; square nuts , peril ) , Hr l3o ; I'oil chain , per lb , 0J@13o ; melleable , ( ( ilOe ; iron wedges , tic ; crowbars , ( ' ; harrow teeth , 4c ; spring steel , 4@5c ; Burden's horse shoes , $4.75 ; Burden's mule shoes , $5.75 ; barbed wire , in car lots , $4.00 per 1X ( ( Ibs ; iron nails , rates , 10 to 50 , $2.40 ; steel nails , $2.50. LEATIIF.II Steady ; oak soles , 35 ( 37c ; hem lock slaughter sole , 2 > ( ii29e ; hemlock dry Mile , 2Kg27o ; hemlock kip , tMVlOe ( ! ; A. & B. run ner kip , 50@75e ; A. hemlock calf , WlelrtfUS ; A. A. hemlock calf , "backs , " 75c ; hemlock upper , lU@24o ; English grain upper , 25c ; hem lock grain upper , 21 ( < i24e : Tampico B. L. Morocco,20Sie ( : : ) ; Tampico pebble , O. 1) . Mo. , 2lfri32c ) ; Curacou , B. O. Mo. , 0e ; Simon O. D. Mo. , $2.75@3.0l ) ; Dangolu kid , 30w5o : ! ; X. M. Kangaroo , 4c ( ) ; American calf kid. 32e ; Gnesen kids , $3.00(33.50 ( ; French calf kids. 83.25 ; oak kip skins , 80etf81.oo ( ; oak calf skins , $ l.Krl.25 ( ) ; French calf skins , tl.2.V < 6 2.00 ; French kip skins , $1.10ftl.50 ( ; Uiihsitt linings , $ ( ! .0t.50 ( ) ( " ) | ier doz ; pink , cream and White linings , $7.50iglO.OO per do/ ; colored toppings.l.00i ( ll.00 ; green ox pelts , 3 ( < T3c ! ; kip skins , ( unfrozen ) , 4QtI ! c ; .cowhides , 3Ji ( 5c. Dry Lumber. DIMENSIONS AND TI.MIir.K9. : . ' , u \ 1U ft. l ft. 2x4. .17 nnai 1x121 01:2 : msj 2x . .17 M : W ( wii wi'si ' ( H'si ' ' 'XH. .17 W ) ) ( H'21 ' 0022 ( K122 ' ' ' ' ' ' 2x in' ! ! ! ! ! ; ; . ! . ! 1 ! . 1 i''i 117 w20 ) ! OH at m 2:1 : wi 2 : 2X12 ' . .IS 2,121) ) 0021 (1021 ( ( KI24 4x4-8x no in WHO wiai 00,2:1 , : No. 1 com , 8 1 s.$18.5 ( ) I No. 3 com , s 1 6.S15.50 No. 2 com , sis. 17.00 | No. 4 com , sis. 13.50 KENCINO. No. 1 , 4 , t 0 in 12 & 14 ft. , rough $19.50 No. 1 , " " 10 " 19.50 No. 2 , " 12 14 " 10.50 No. 2 , " " 10 " 18.00 HIKING. A , 12,14 & 10 ft.$31.N > C , 12 , 14 & 10 ft.$15.50 H , " " 20.501 D , " " 12.50 FI.OOKINO. A 0 In White Pine 25.50 lilt in " " 33.50 COin " " 30.00 DOin " " 21.50 EOin " " ( Scl. Fencing ) 19.90 0 in. Drop Siding 50o per M extra. Cnil.INO AND I'AHTITIOX. 2dcom5 1n White Pine Ceiling $34.00 " " " " 2S.OO Clear , Jf In Norway " " 10.00 2dcom. % in " " " 14.00 STOCKIIOAIH1S. A IS Inch s ] s $15.50 H 12 ' 39.20 C12 " 30.IK ) D18 " 83.00 No. 1 com , 13 in s 1 s , 12 ft 20.50 " " " 14 ft , . , . . 19.00 " " 10ft 18.50 " " " 10 , IS , 80 ft 21.50 No , 2 , " " 19.IK ) " " " 12 & 14 ft 18.50 " " " 17 ft 17.50 12 in Grooved roofing , § 1 per M. more than 12 in Stock Hoards same length. 10 in Grooved Kooting same price ns 12 in Stock Hoards. Mill1 LAP. No. 1 Plain Sand 10 in , $10.00 No. 2 " " " 17.50 No. 1 , OG , Sin 19.50 riNISIIINIl. 1st and 2nd , clear , 1 , 1J { ins 2s $51.00 " " " 1 > " , 8 51.00 3d , clear , 1 in , s2s. . . . . 44.50 " 1J , IJa , - 1 ° 4"-10 ' A , select , 1 iiiB28 40.1K ) A , " IKy \ , 2 in h 8 s 44.1K ) H , " Iins8s HOOO H , " IJf , lH,8ius3s 37.00 SOtlTIIEIlN YELLOW 1'INE. Com. 4 ino h Flooring $17.50 Star " " 21.50 Ibt and 3d clear 4 inch Flooring 83.0U Six Inch 40u less. Clenr inch Colling 21.60 Clear JJ inch Partition 25.0U Clear J < inch , Partition $8 above % inch Coiling 25.00 Clear Finish , 1 and l f inch , h 8s 80.0(1 ( Cleir ; Finish , 1 } and 8 inch , s 2 s JlO.Od Clear Corrugated Ceiling , 4 inch 85.6(1 ( Clear Yellow Pine Casing and Haso 87.IXJ I'OI'IAU I.UMIII'.U , Cl. Poplar Hx. Hds. Xiu. , s8s f35.Kl ( " J J in. Panel , s 8 s 87.IKI " " Corrugated Coiling , % . . 8S.5J ( llATTCNfe , WKI.I. Tl'IllNd , 1'ICKETK. O. G. Units , ty In C5cx3 , sis , 40c ; JJ in \\VriTubl'iie. h. & 'M. ami Bev. , $ il.OOPick. ; Cts , D. fc H. Vlaf , $20.M : D. U. Sq.i.$2t.W. . stiiNoi.r.i , utii. XX clear$10 ; extra "A . $2.M ; 'A * stand . urd No. 5 , No. 1 , $1.45 ; Inth , r..M. rosT-i , White cedar , 0 In.'j s. liUo ; P In. qtx , ll' c ; white cedar. .Stj In Ss ll , c ; 8 in qrs lOe ; white cedar , 4 In round , ItHjc ; Ten nesscu red cedar , sjillt , 14c ; split oak , KV't il In. . 7 In. nnd 8In , ) ' , , each ) 8 ft. , round W.C posts n Agricultural I m p I o m e n ta CHURCHILL PARKER , Dealer in Afiricoltoral Implements , Wagons , C nUcf ana Botgio. Jonf fin-cl. Pctween tih nj Ma , Omh , Nvtrncl * . AtricHltnral Implements , Wagons.Carrlaees . c. Whol * t , Omaha , Nebruka. "P AR * LIN . 6 R END 0 R P A M ARTfN , . , WbolMa ! * D aler In Agricnltnral Implements. Wapni & Bnggic ? * ° ' -J' " > * * ' * . 0 < ha. P. "P. - MA8Tr& Co'.7 Mannfacto-s of Bnckeye Drills , Seeders. < MUator * . I1r ll k i. Cider MIIU nn.l I.iit.nn rul' _ rerlteri. Cor. llth and Klcaolit Slireln. WTNONA IMPLEMENT CO ? AETicnltnral Implements , ! agons &Bng iet Corner llth and Ntcbolat HtratK. OMAHA 1I1IANCII. J.F. SEIBERLING A. CO. , ( Akron , Ohio. ) Harvestiug Machinery and Binder Twine , W. K.Mpivl , .MiiniiKtT. 1313 lA-ntcnworlli > t. . Onmlm Ar ti B t M atorlol r' Artists' ' Materials , Pianos id Organs , 1513 Iou ! 4U Btraat , Omaha , NebrtnlTa Boots and Shooe. W. V. MORSE Si CO. , Mm of Boots and Shoes , UtirarnamBtOmaha.Net' . Munufaclorr , RanBtt Street. lUiitun. KIRKENDALL , JONES & CO. , ( SuocoMon to Heed , Jonon A Co. ) Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes AgenU fur Uoslon Robber Bhcol'a. I1W , 1101 A 110C llnrnur St. , Onaha , Nthraika. Coffees , Splooa , Eto. CLARKE COFFEE CO. , Omaha Coffei nuil Bplc Mill * . Teas , Coffees Spices , Baking Powder , FlaYonnir Kitractf , IJliindrjr lllue. ln ) . . Kto. 1111-1411 llarnor Htr * t , Omaha , N W. L. WRIGHT , Apf nt for the Manufacturers mid Importer * of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys. Ktc. once , 317 8. 13lh Ht. , Ouinht , Nrbrntka. Commission and Storage. D. A. HURLEY. Commission and Juohing , Butter , Kigi and 1'rniliice. Consignment * lollcllna. Haauauartcrt for Stonoware. Berry UOXPI Dd RIDDELL A RIDDELU Storage and Commission Merchants , WIEDEMAN & CO. , Prodnce Commission Merchants , Poultry. Butter , Game. KrulU. Kto. 330 South 141 h St , Onmlm , Nebraika. CEO. SCHROEDER & CO. . ( Snccenor * to McSbane A Krhrncdcr. ) Prodnce Commission and Cold Storage , K. Ncbraika. Co l , Coke and i.lme. OMAHA COAL , COKE & LIME CO. , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal , KB Bouth Uth Street , Oraahi , J. J. JOHNSON & CO. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Liie. . Ht. , Omaha , Neb. Telephone 811. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and Cole , III South Utb St. . Omaha , N b. Dry qo de ami Notions. M E. SMITH & CO. . Dry Goods , Fnrnisliing Goofls and Notions HOI nd llMDouglu , Cor. llth 81. , Om h , Neb. KILPATRICK-KOCH DRY GOODS Co Importers and Jobbers in Dry GoodsMoni , QeaU' FurolthlDi OooJi.Corncr llth and llarner HU Omaha , Nebraika. Furniture. DEWEY St STONE. Wholesale Dealers in Fnrnitnre , Farntm Street , Om b . Ntbraik * . Groceries. PAXTON , GALLAGHER Jt CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , TO , 707 , TOB and Til S. 10th 81. , Omaha , Ne . MoCORD , BRADY * CO. . Wholesale Grocers , tt and I/eavenworth 8treeU , Omaha , Nebratku D. M. STEELE It CO. , Wholesale Grocers , MB , mi aad 1K3 Haney Btreet , Omaka , Mtb. ALLEN BROS. , Wholesale Grocers , 1111 and 1118 name ? Btreet , Omaha , Neb. Hardware. LEE. FRIED ft CO. . Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tlnware.eheat IronEtc. Agonli fur Howe Bcalei.and Miami 1'uwder Co. , Omaha , Neb. HIMBBAUGH * TAYLOR. Builders' ' Hardware & Scale Repair Shop Mechanic * ' Tooli and nnrTalo Braloi. 1U6 Douflat el. Omaha , Nebraika. RECTOR & WILHELMY CO. , Wholesale Hardware , 10th and Harner SI . , Om li . % Neb. Weilern AecnU for Auilln I'undurCq.J r7er on bteel N ll . Knlr- bank > Standard ScaTei. Heavy Hardware. W. J. BROATCH. Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Iprluui , Wagon hlock. Hardware Lumber , tc. 1109 and 1211 Harney atryet , Onmha. JAMES A. EDNEY , Wholesale Iron and Steel , Wagon and Currtayu Wood Hlock. Ueavr Hardware , Eto. llil and UU L aTenirorth St. , Omaha , Neb. nuts , caps , fctc. W. L. PARROTTE A CO. , Wliolcsalc Eats , Caps and Straw Goods , HOT turner Htreat , Onmlia , Neb. Lumber. OMAHA LUMBER CO. , All iMs of Building Material at Wholesale Ittli Btnet and Union I'aclDc Track , Oirmba. LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash , Dogri , etc. Tardt Corner Ttb and Itouzlai ; Comer 9tl C.N. UlE r'Z * Dealer in all Kinds of Lumber , UU and California bti. , Omalia , Hub. FRED W. GRAY , Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , } , Coraci Cth and Ionla ) Sti. , Omnha. T. W. HARVF.Y LUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only , o JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , * " " Wholesale Lumber , Etc , ' - ' ( aorlMl and American rorllknil Ctnont. IUM IfMI fiir Milwaukee illdnolfr Cemanl aaft Quuef 3 . . . ' " "SIX J mrL-.L m.tJ.uu - - * W B CHAS. R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lumber. - . . Wooa Carpet ! and TarquelTloorlnf. tnADiltlM MIIJnery [ land N o tlon ' " I. OBERFELDER * CO.V"1 , Importers & Jobbers of Millinery Srlitp B , 110 tad tit Pouth Ilia Btretl. ' . - , J. T. R O BIN S ON N OTIO'N'CO. , " Wholesale Notions and Fornistiinc tR ami tatPoulh W h Street , Omaha. VIN Y A R D & B CH N ED Em Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Mi llOt llargf r Btr l. Omaha. Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINK CO * Wholesale Refined and Lubrication OiH * Or a o , etc. . Omaha. A. H. Buhep. alaaa < t. Paper. .CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers , Carry a nlfo itork of printing. wrapping wtlttaf pap r. Bpaclal alltnlkm iu n to car load M nT ] JMntcrs' MalerUls. _ ' 'WESTERN NEWSPAPER ONION ? * Auxiliary Fulilisbers , RubDer Gooa * . OMAHA RUBBER CO. , Oil Clothlnit end lother Bllln > . II'M fnrtmm Btt t | Stonm Flttlnns , Purnps , Etc. A. L. STRANO CO. , Piinips , Pipes and Engines , flcnm , wntrr. rullwitr nn < 1 inlntiiE > Uiplli | > < , Vll unit VU Vnrnoin t > trcrt , Unmti * . CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pniniis , Pine , Filtina Etcnm KtulVMnr HuU'llr | < . llcmtqnnitfrr ( or Mtrti Koont ( . Co'n KOOOK. lilt Kmiinni H. , OniRlia. _ - "U.S. WIND ENGINE * PUMP'COT * Steam and Water Supplies , Itillldmj TFInil Mill. * . 01H nnil Wi Knrnnni St. , OmahB , U. K. lion , ActlliK M lia or. B R O WNELL Tc57 Eiigineii. Boilers and General Kacliim , ' . MIUi. JJB-nll Slicet Iron Work Plcnm I'nmps. w L Tenirorth Rtrocl , Omnlm. Soeds. PHIL. STIMMEL& CO Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden ! Ml fiml BIS Joniu St. , Ornnh * Btp ra go , For war ding " ARMSTRONG , PETTIS & co.t Storage , Forwarding and ConnissloiL . llrunflihuuioot the Ilcnncr lloegr Co. Iliundeiu nliokaalu mid retail. Ia : , l3l0 uiul * IU Uanl * . Telepliouc Kn.TOO. OMAHA MA1FACT1 Cornlco. &il , lI EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , I Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Comic John Kiieiielttr , Proprietor. 000 florin ) nd 1Nand ( North Wth Btreet. Oaiaha. : Smoke Stacka , Bollora , Eto. u i SANrVYER ' * * 4 Manufacturing Dealer in Smoke Stacks. ; llrltctilnys , Tnnks and ( leneral Ooller llcpalrtof. Ufl Dodge Street , Omaha , N b. ? Iron Works. PAXTON & VIFRLINQ , Wrought and Cast Iron Bnildine Worr. ! Unglnri , IlrMi work , irneral foundrj , marhln * and blacksmith work. Office and work * , U. P. HT. an * j 17th Btreet , maUa. OMAHA WIRE& IRON WORKS. Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings Dcik ralli , window ituardi. flower itandi , irtr ilfoa , etc. , 1X1 North ICtb Ht. , Omaha. OMAHA SAFE AND IRON WORKS , Man'frs ' of Fire &Bnrglar Proof Safes' Vault * , jail work , Iron nnd wire frnclnx , tiffin , etc. O Aoilrien , Prop'r. Cor. Illh and Jackion Bti. J MOLINE.MILBURN&STODDARD Co t. Muiiulacturers and .lohturs In Wagons Buggies Rakes Plows Etc , , , Cor. Sili mm I'liiinc ttt . , o'imlm.Neu MEACHER i LEACH. General Agents for Dlebold Fafe & I/ick Co.'f 1 Fire and Burglar Proof Safes.Time Locks- Vault * and Jail Work , litt rarnam Btreet , Omaba. i H. M. .Si S. W.JONES. HucctBKirMo A. T , Krnyon & Co. , WliolesnlJ mid retnll Booksellers and Stationers , Kino Wcddlnx Htutloncrr , Commcrrlal 1'Mt DouKlHH M. Oinaha , Neh , Pveralla. CANFIELD MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of Overalls , i Jeani I'anU , HhlrU , Btc. 1102 and 1104 Douglas BtrMt' Omaha , Neb. Saah , ppprs , Eto. M. A. mSBROW & CO. , Wholetala Manufaetnrara of Sash , Doors , Blinds and CHICAGO.&i I Branch office , 1Mb and Iiard Btreeti , Omaha , Neh BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Moulding ! , Blair Work and Interior Hard Wood Fl lib. N. B. Corner 8lU and l aTeuwortti HtrtlU , Oinaha , Neb. OMAHA PLANING MILL CO. , Manufacturers of Mouldings , Sash , Doors , And llllndi. Turning. Rtalr-wnrlc. Dank and OBC4 KtttlnKi. JWli and i'opplcton ATCDU * . Browors. STORZ & ILER , Lager Beer Brewers , 1521 North Kliihteenth Street , Omaha , Neb. C. n. PAI.HCH. N. P. rUCHHAN. J. B. 1II.ANC1IAIUJ , PALMER , RICHMAN Si CO. . Liye Stock Commission Merchants , OWso llooruM , Oppoiltfl Kiehanxe Dullitlnf , Union block Y rJ , Hoiitb OroaLa. Neb. * McCOY BROS. . Liye Stock Commission Merchants , i Market rurnl he < 1 fruo on apiillcatlnn. Htnrken an4 ferilen furnlilied ua cod turnn. lU'rercnren ; Oina * ha National llauk andKonth Omaba Natlunal , Uulon rUotk Yarili. S < iutli Oniaua. , LORIMER. WESTERFIELD At. MALEV Liye Stock Commission , lloom K , Kxrlinnttn Hullillnir , Union rt ) ck VanJ * foutli Uinnlm , .NYb , " ALEXANDE"R & FITCH , Commission Dealers in Liye Stock , liooru r ? , djipoKltc Kichanne llnlldlnK , tlnlou Bt < xt Vnrd , Houlli Omaua , Nub. " ' UTJIO N "ST C K Y ARDS CO. . Of Omaha , Limited , John F. Doyil , 8ui > nrtnt ndent. JUDICIOUS AKD PERSISTENT , Aih'cnUliiK lias ulNMiyR Ilefuro ] LORD ( k THOMAS , IDtrKTlA U ikrXTH , I t to < V lUafeUib , CHICAGO.