Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 20, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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Another tay ) In the HOUBO Wasted
By the Orconbackors.
A. 'I'fit Vote In the AVnjs nnd
Coiiunltteo HcsultB In n Vic
tory I 'or the Tarln1
W\snt > feTes lUnrAU Tiin Ouvnv Brr , )
M'iroutri i NTiiStmr.T , >
Wv nixoTos' . D. C. , Jan. 10. )
R Another day Wns flittered tuvny In the
house by the gicenbackors lllbusteilng
? ngalnst consldi ration of the AVIIklns bill
nuttion/lnglhu Itsuoof nati6nul bank notes
to the full p ir value of bonds deposited for
circulation. Weaver , ot Iowa , led the pee
ple's fight and icsnited lo Iho mostildlculous
tiictitsin lllbusleiing. The bill has u inn-
Joi 111 of votes in both branches of congress
ns H-iwtCd unanimously from Ihu coinmlUeo
of banking and cut i cncy , and slnco It Is sure
of ( inut pasagolhls lllbusteiing appears to
bo a lostly and useless pleasure. The green-
bnekeis want silver ceitlfleules Is-
bui'd Instead of bank notes und will
ofTci the proposition us mi amendment finally.
Just befoie the motion to consider this bill
Iho house passed a Joint resolution uppropi i-
uting ? f > 0,00 ! ) to cnnblo Iho United States to
make a display tit the exhibition to bo held nt
Melbourne , Austialla. Thoie was a short rc-
CCSH and then a number of speeches accept
ing poi trails from tlio state of Massachusetts
of thrco out of the four spi-ukeis which she
has fut nished the house. Mt Bieckcnridge ,
of Kentucky , made one of Uio most eloquent
nddiesscH over heard in tlio house. After a
slioit moining hour the senate cclosed its
doors nnd went into sci let session to con
sider nn extradition tieaty with the Nothei-
I lamls. AVIien it ndjouincd it was until Mon
day next.
Heprcscntativcs of the bogus null division
convention held at Abeideen , Dak. , loeenllv ,
m i ivid to day They como to fight the pi op
osillon to divide the leu itoiy and admit the
Bouthoin half to Hlalehood , und are woiking
to have tlio territory admitted to stutihood
nsn whole , which they know cannot bo ac
complished. They ore not leccivlnga voiy
coidiul reception , even fiom Ihoso who mo
opposed to statehood , and it is not ut all
piobablo that thoj will wield any iulluenio
one way or the other.
IO-.PAI. TI 1 1 ( invrnv ni' < i IMNO.
Kliboiato aiguments uio to be niiido be
fore tlio senate and house eominitlces on posl-
ofilees and post loads ugainst tliovauous
bills looking towards postal tolegiaphj. I
huvo made lonsideiublo inqiiny mid do not
find that nnv thing now is to bo urged against
tlio government contiol of the telegraph
HjHtom , but in making tlicso iuquiiies I find
lhat the pioposition Is not neatly BO popular
with membois of congie'-s now as It was
when congicss first convened. At first blush
tlio senators and membeis were Inclined to
lake hold of postal teliguiphy , but they say
that investluation has led them to regal d it
cautiously , if not suspiciously , and they UIRO
tig.uust it niiinv objections peculiar to them
selves. If I vvoro going to foicoan opinion at
this time I would pi edict that theie would bo
no postal telegraph bill of mil kind passed by
this congiess
Senator Mandcison has done u great deal
towaids udvmtislngOiiiahu by dlstiibutmg
copies of tlio New cditionsof hornews
pnpors to members of the senate and house
committees on military alTaus , public build
ings and giounds , etc , whole Omaha
jneasuros mo pending A number of the sen
ators and members have cxpiessnd their sur
prise und admiration over the issue of the
jju , pionouncmg It the most intoiestlng und
tmterpl Ising cdltlnn they have ever seen of n
newspaper. It gives , they say , just the in-
fortmilion ueojled "to curry through the
Omiihu bills. Thcio is little if any doubt of
the success of tlio public building and bur-
raiks bill becoming u law.
The first ical test on the tnrill issue was
luadg at the meeting of the house committee
on ways mid mums to day. Mr. McKinley ,
of Ohio , one of the most pi eminent protcc-
ilqmsls. and n member of Iho committee ,
moved to take up for consideiution his bill
ubolishlng the tobacco tux , Chad man Mills
is siik and Mr McMillan , of Ten nossoo , pie-
sided Tlio motion was voted down by a
pmtyvoto , the icpublicuns voting to con-
fddor the bill. Then , bv a party vote , it was
decided to indefinitely postpone consideiution
Of thu niousuie A genuuil eonvoisation fol
lowed , dining which the democratic immibeis
of the committee guv o the icpublicuns to un-
Coi stand' that there would bo no intern il
revenue disi ussed until it was
would bo done on the tuufT , us the mnjoiity
in tlio house do mil want the success ot their
tuiitT bill wliuh tht'V will picsently repoil
jeopuidi/Cd by u bill abolishing or leducmg
tlio Intel nut tax Since all of these mcasnics
must como fiom Uns i omiuittce , it will con
trol the older of consideiatlon.
roMius is i m : 01 1 > DOMINION' .
A light fur political supicimiev is going on
down in Viiginitv bctwien ox-bcnaloi Mu
liono and Senator Uiddlobeigcr which is nt-
ti luting a good deal of atl ntion heio. The
recent living oil on tangents of vauous kinds
by Kiddloht iier , such as voting for the um
lit million of Lumiir on > | omla\ , , has led the
lepubllcaiiH , readjustee , etc. , in Viiginla to
feel , like tluovving Kiddlebei er oveiboatd ,
nnd ho is fust losing castot At Richmond on
Tuesday night theio was a meeting of mpub-
llcuns tqoigani/o u state league oi national
republican clubs Kiddlebeigor went down ,
but got theie too Into and discovetod that his
ii lends hud been loft out , at which
ho became nngiy und talked ugly ,
Kvcn his own comity was
set up nguinst him. The senator is indignant
ut the lough tioalment ho has roioived
Ycs'oiduy moining ho denounced the leagui
und club orguni/ation as aschemo to i.uso 11
campaign with whiili Mahono could pack the
next Htato convention in the interest of Sen-
ntor Sheiimin Hodoehucd that ho wouli !
mil subtml lo such u high-handed pioecediii } ;
on the pail ot Mahono. If nocessari hi
would icslgn his scat in thoHonutoundHtumi
thi ) hhito against it Ho intends to oigunizt
nil the untl Muhmie icpubliian factions um
inako u light against Muhone. But Muhoiu
is us Htiong in Ills state us ho over vsas urn
liun hold his own with any ono
Mouin imiso NOTIIINO
Thq following fiom u lengthy cdltoiial under
dor the caption "hlowli Doing Nothing" u
this morning's Post , thoudnunisti ution oi gun
isiogmdodus a piettj poitincnt and a ban
ship utn demon atio house : "Tho house o
repicsontatives met on the fiist Monday o
Dei ember , six mid u halt weeks ago , und
bairingu two weeks' iccoss , it liassintobici
In session The outcome of moio than r
month's vv oik has been the passage of foui
hills Wo assume that no other bod.v In tin
woi Id takes up so much lima and spends si
inui h money doing nothing It is not bccausi
thuie mo too muuy membeis. The Butisl
house of common' ) has moio than Iwitoiv
many , the 1'ionih chamber of deputies ha
over two hundied mine , the Cioimai
loichstug Hoventy more , the Austuai
liouso is a tritli ) larger and the Italian chain
her of deputies has isu moio members , bu
no ono of tiiese piirllamontmy bodies can b
Justly charged with such un absolute wusto o
time us the houseof ropicsentutives. Mattel' '
have been going on thoie trom bad to woi si
until the piesent methods of doing , or rathe
of not doing almost m-andalous
The ixxstoftlto nt Hmnbuig , Ked Wtllov
county , has been discontinued. The mal
will go to Danbury.
Oniois have boon Issued making otlic
postal changes In Nebuisku us follows : Lh
wood to David City Kiom Kcbitiury 1 ill-
continuo seivico from Abeo t
David City , fifteen miles. Ulissc
to Stroinsburg Prom t'obrumy
omit the teiminal onties and begin atSut
priso und end nt Wuvlnnd , decieasing th
ilUtiuiro lll > f miles. I'loasunt Homo to Yoi
Prom Pt btuury 1 omit Yoik mid cud n
Thu.v or , decrouslng dlstunco 111 miles. Sut
ton to Stocklnun Prom Pobiunrv 1 oml
fintton mid begin ut Farmeis' Viilloy , ill
rrcusiug distance 10 miles : reduce soivit
them o to Stockham , 0 } < miles , to tri-woeklj
Among the orders utlocting the exihang
pf throuBh roKistotf d pouches after the i ? '
\tist. vvus tlni follow ing on the route bel > vco
and McCook , dully : LeavoOuiuh
at 10 p m nnd MeCopk nt 0 a. m. yla tlio
Omaha nnd McCook nillronrl tvistonice.
A postoftlco has been established utClmlco ,
Sarpy county , mid Charles btutzuer ap
pointed postmaster.
The following Jovvi postmasters were ap
pointed to dm . Miss B. P. Burns , Pranklin
Willis , Dos Moines county , vice Mrs M. A.
OindorfT , lefl the place ; 1'rvvln O. Blllolt ,
Port Allen , Louisa county , vice O. H. Stick-
ncv , left tin ! pi ice. Cnlvln C. Pone , cio ,
Lucas count ! , v Ito H. W. Gettlnger , resigned ,
National Capital Notes.
AVviMNOTOV , Jan. 1'J. ' Among the bills In
troduced lu the scnntu to-day wns one by Mr.
Hoar to grant u service pension to all nur-
vIvors of tholato war. It provides that nil
olliccis und enlisted men who served In thom
m my , navy or mm Ino iorps , Including rcgu-
laisand VBJtttttCQrs , subsequent toMmch-4 ,
IbCl , und piiuiMo JulyyM \ \ \ , shall bo on-
lilted to n iivnsinn at the rate of 1 ccul frr
c.u h day's sci vice , this sum to bo in addition
to any pension RI anted for disability.
'I he deficiency uppiopiiallon bill , ns to-
poi ted to ( llosnnnto ted iv , omits the paia-
giajih aipiopiiatlng6-s"i. | . "iito pxy tlio judg-
montof tlio comt of claim * In favor of the
Pacific lalhoads.
ThoHCimto this aftornnon ratified the ex-
liadition ticaty with the Netlicilands.
anil Iowa Pensions.
WvsniNflTox , Jan 10. [ Special Telegram
to tlio BKR. ] Tlio following pensions wcio
gianted Nebiaskans today : Waroflbl'J '
Mintlii U , widow of .Samuel Haitfoid ,
Scotia Oiiglnal-rUoboit Hunt , Newcastle ;
Jacob Stelninnn , Hcpublican Citi ; ha J.
Buileson , Atkinson ; Bllas Pi car , Kepubli-
can City ; niilin Phillips , Tccum cli. In-
croiso Chailcs H. KobbinS , Coiil ; Pied-
eiick A. Halbnglit , Sinson ; Geoigo W. B.
Lellle , Beaver City ; Clulstlan Miller ,
Belvideie OM war Coniad Kiigloman ,
Decatur ; Abiah.lm AV. Shaffer , MeCook.
Pensions for lownns : nilrabcth , mother of
Henry Hllbcit , alias William Hass , Davon-
poit : inlnoi of Jolm Campbell , Iowa City
Mexican War John Bishop , Malvcrn. Oiigl-
nal Celcsllus B Amhew , Kale : Uugenus
Ainmons , Sejmour : Putnck nilligan , Noith-
wood ; Henry vV'olboil , Pont niello In-
cieiso David Beoms , Gieencustlo ; John II.
Matllngly , Dowitt , Cjuts M AVnght ,
Dihuquo ; Ames Hoinshci , Chauton ;
Clement M. Cioss , Ma'dnd ; Gooigo H.
Smiilley , New Hampton ; David Hundley ,
Hullour ; John L. Satidois. Now
bhaion , James P. Sisson , Sinbotn ;
D.iniel K. Dean , Monto/uma ; Henry B.
Kdmonson , Beulonspoil , James L. Barger ,
Can oil ; Isaac Gum ) ) , Seymour ; James
bpihks , Albiu ; Abraham K Ilurdcnbiook ,
Peteison John C A'unCatnpcn , Sanboin ;
Geoigo Coctchls , Osccola ; William II. Him1-
hart , Macedonia ; A ml tow J Butts. Hai dm ;
Moindeit Tillcma , Otlev ; William P. Sailer ,
Leandor ; Stewaid M C.istner , T.imtor ; Klias
L Biow neil , SpiitLakoUoboitWhitwoith | ; ,
Miicksbuigh : William Deal , West Union ;
Geoigo K. Fr.vo , Countv Line ; Lconaiil
Homewood , IIopovillc. Keissuu Christopher
C. Wutson , Chaiiton.
Scnnto Confli niatlons.
AVvsitiNOTov , .Tun. 1 ! ) Posttnustcis : No-
biasku II. Bnltcnboig , HuySpilngs ; Flunk
Pay , Benkleuian ; W. J. Boulaware , A'alen-
tmoAV. ; II. Cooksey , Geneva ; J. B Galbraith -
braith , Albion ; C. V. Gallagher , Om ilia ; J.
Galley , Nelson ; I. A. ilmimng , Cambiidge ;
D. Maccuaig , Nebraska Citj ; Came Patlon ,
Ogahala : L. A. Kjan , Palls , Citi ; M. O'Snl-
livan , West I'omt ; C. M. Walwoith , Loup
Citj ; .1. H. Welch , Pail mount. lllmois-S.
Beirv , Winchester ; H. SJ Corwin , Peru ; T.
G. Dennis , Wuvoily ; D O'Donnell , Newton ;
T. B Coon , KllbomnoCitv , Wis
B Scmplo to bo governor ot AVushington
leuitoi v ; W. C. Hall , secretaiy of Utah tci-
iitoiyS ; D Shannon , secretary of W.voniing
tei iitoiy ; James Sheaklcv. commissioner for
Alaslcu ; Colonel Wesley Morritt , Fifth cav-
ahy , to bo luigadior general , mid a long list
of uimy and navy promotions.
Army Orders.
AVvsnivoTOK , Jan. 10. [ Special Telcgiam
to the BLI. ] Captain Abncr H. Men ill ,
Pirst aitillery , has/been ordeted foiepoil for
cxmninalion lo the aimy ictliing board at
Second Lieutenant LeioyB. Sobrcc , sig
nal corps , is oideiodto icpoit for examina
tion to the army retiring boutd at Sun An
tonio , Tex.
Dining thu Diplomats.
AVA8UINOTOV , Jan. 19 The second of a
series of state dinners was given by the
president to night to members of the diplo
matic corps. Covers woio laid for forty-nine
persons The president esioited-Iho Baio-
ness Fava to the dinner table and Mis.
Cleveland was oscoiled by Minister Pieston ,
of Huyli , deun of the diplomatic coips Other
guests piesent vveio tlio Bnlish minister ,
Mis Romero , the Fiench minister , the min
ister of Sweden and Noivyay , Mine Do Guz
man , tlio Chinese minister , the minister of
Columbia , Alls Shoiinan , the Mexican min
ister , the Hussiun minister , Mis.
DcGun , the Aigentiuo minister , the
Spimsh minister. Lady Tiinpor , the Italian
minister , the-minister of Switzerland , Mrs
Cutter , the Netherlands minister , tlio Chilian
ministei , Miss West , the secietutyof state ,
the Belgian minister , Mine Do Ueuteiskiold ,
the Huwuiian mlnlstei , tlie minister of Aus-
lna Hungary , lion. Mr Clmniboilain , and
Mis. Hiustus Coining , of Albany ; Senator
Sheiniiin , the eliiuge d'ullmtes of Bi.i/il mid
Miss Muiplis , of St. Paul ; the charge
d'ulTunesof Venc-mohi uud JNlis. Seiitt-Town-
send , tlm minuter of NIcaiagua , the minister
of Dnnmuik and Mis. Alfied C. Cliapin , of
BiookUn ; the minister of Costa Uica and
Miss Bui aid , Sir Chailes Tuppor , Mr. Belmont -
mont and Miss Stoics , of heumton , Pa ;
thcohaigod'afTuiiesof Guutamalalhe charge
d'ullahcs of .lupnn.
The I'ui-o Food Convention.
AVvsui.NiiTo.v , Jan. 10 , The National Puio
Peed convention met to day with 125 dele
gates piesent , repiesentlng nenily all the
leading ti ado organizations east of the Mis
sissippi und there mo also sorao piesent from
places us far west us Coloiudo. Dr. W. 1C.
Now ton , dairy commissioner Of New Jersey ,
, was elected president , and II. AV. Giminis , of
the Chicago Giocer , secietaiy of tlio associa
Bottle Makers Meet.
AV\SHINOTON , Jan. 10. The National A'ial
nnd Bottle association met to day. AVillium
P.lhott Smith , of Alton , Ills , was elected
pi esident.
A Dead Hanker.
AVASIIINOTON , Jim. 10 Thomas Lawrence
Higgs , of Uiggs & Co , bunkuis , died this
moining of Bughl's disease , aged thiit.v-
Kansas County Scut AVar.
TOPI KKan , , Jan. 10. O. N. McDowcllof
Kustis , Shei man county , arrived m Iho city
to confer with the goveiilor concorniug the
forcible removal of the county iccoids from
KustUto Goodland reoontli. Ho sais the
feeling runs high In Sheunan county , and
thoie is danger of bloodshed. The homo-
steadeis' union association , a seciet older
composed of liomesteadois , hits taken sides
with the Goodlandeis , and the latter now
outnumber the Kustls adherents. No law is
iccognizcd but that of foico. County Com
missioner Hamoy at Uustus left that place
Satuiduy to go to Topeka for assistance , and
has not since been heard horn , and it is
thought ho was kidnapped by the Goodlund-
crs ut Wallaiu bUtlon bofoio ho boaidcd Iho
lialn , mid is fort Ibly detained by the lawless
element. Astoiney General { iiudfonl has
ttdvlsed McDowpJl to retuiu homo ut once
and institute legal , pioceedings * to setllo the
county scat tight.
bond is $125XX1. (
lUi.riviom ; , Jan. 10. Peter Grogan made
an assignment to ila > for the benefit of hia
cieditois. The bond of the iruslco is 0,000. ,
They Blew Out thu Gnu.
NEW YOUK , Jan. 19. Two iniddlo-agcd
men rogisleied at the International hotel jev
terduv morning. This morning they vvoie
found li Ing duad on the floor , having blow n
out the gas.
.Toilet's Arson Case falls Through.
JOLIBT , Jan. 10. The charge of arson
against Lumber & Bishop , wire inanufnc-
liners IUIH fallen through. The grand jury
udjouincd wflhoul rcturniuj ; an indictment ,
WA titsoTOV , , Tan. IV. The scnatxs com-
inittco on npiuoprmtlons repotted back tlio
delated denclency bill und stated that the
amendments 'eported b\ the commltttHs were
but few In number and It win nuked that the
senate pass tlio bill next Monday.
Mr. liawloy offered n lesolutlon which wns
adopted , dhcctlug the acctctary of the In
terior to report the plan of legislation thought
by him to bo needed for disposition of tlio
public timber lands so as to secure the
jncservatlon of natuinl fmcsl lands at the
hood waters of navigable rivers nnd to put
within the lights of settleis legal mc.ins of
providing themselves with timber for build
ing their homes
Among the bills reported from Committees
nnd placed on the calendar was one to au-
thorlro the construction of n i.illrotui , wagon
and foot biidguuci o s Iho Mississippi tivor
near Buillneton , la.
'I ho lesolutlon offered by Mr. Mumlorson a
few dni ngo calling on the Bocrotmy of
war for Infoi m.ition us to the constnotion ! of
the biidgo between Omaha and Council
BlnfTs was taken up und udoptcd. After
agieelng to n motion that the adjournment
to day shall he until Monday , the senate nt
12Mil , on motion of Mr. Shi'imaii , proceeded
to tlio consideiatlon of executive business ,
and the calcndai of tieatles was taken up.
'I'hoso of thief coii"e < iueiKi ) uie 'tho British ,
IJussian mid Dutch extiadition ticttics. It
is undcintood that they discussed the ninount
of omhtv/lLtnont or theft which shall lender
a liable to extradition
\Vliciilhodooisicoponed Iho senate ad-
WvmxoTov , Jan. 111. Tire house re-
sullied in coiiunltteo ot the whole , the con-
sideiation ot tlio joint lesolution accepting
tlie invluulon lo the United States to partici
pate In the Melbouino exposition , After n
long debate the invitation was accepted.
The lommitteo on upptopriaUons4 mndo
icndy this moi ning the tegulnr unnual pen
sion bill for repot t to the house The bill ap
propriates $ Marcooo. ,
Tlio commitlco icpoiled the invalid pen
sions nppioiniation bill nnd it
was iofeiled to the commlttcoof the whole
The Wilklns banking bill was tailed up but
no plotless was inadi1. The poitraits of
Tlieodoie bedgwick , Josch ) ) B. Vuimeni nnd
N. P. Banks , foimer speakcis of the house ,
wcio accepted fiom Iho state of Massachu-
bolts Mi. Long of M.issaehusoUs , made the
piesentation specih and Randall replied in
acceptance mid oltcicd uppiopilate resolu
tions , being seconded by Mr. Brcckemidgoof
Adjoin ntd.
Speaker Cnrlisle Improved.
WASIIIXOTOS , Jan. 10. Mr. C.u lisle passed
a comfoitablo night mid is much inipiovcd
this moining.
A Chock on Their Intliset iininatc Admission -
mission Imperatively Demnndcd.
NLVV Yoitic , Jan. 19. Awostein congress
man has vvtittcn to Emigiation Commissioner
Stephenson stating thai an incurably insane
Swedisli gul had miiveil nl Boone , la , ill
icit ftom the old country. The Swedish an-
thoiitics had paid her passage. The letter
depiccated Iho admission of such Immigrants
and cxpiessed Iho hope that the pioscnt con
gress would amend Iho Imnugialion laws.
Commissioner btcphcnson has lepllcd that
the existing laws are adequate if strictly
cnfoiced , but Unit by a decision of the seeie
.ary of the tiensur.v in August last ( in con
tiavcntion of the intent of the statute , as the
commissionci thinks , ) the power to teturn
leoplo ot that class to the conntiies from
, vhieh they como was taken fiom the immi
gration comnussioneis and vested in the col-
eetorof the poit ; that this olllcial never
sees immigiants and is coniollcd ] to icly on
.ho statements of inlciestcd i.irtics mostly ,
riioiouinnssioner ptcsents statistiis show-
ug the icsult of this change in the method.
The Pacific1 Kallroads.
NEW YoitK , Jan. 10. [ Special Telegram to
; ho Bun ] Uichard F. Slovenschief , _ ao-
counlantof the recent Paeiflu railway com
mission , has written to United States Sena
tor Kufus Blodgett , of New Jersey , in re
sponse to a ie [ Ui'st , his views of securing
nn equitable basis of settlement of the claims
of Iho United States against Iho Ccplial Pa-
cillo toad. Slovens takes ground in favor of
sctllomenl in line wilh Iho majority report of
.ho commission to congUKs , ] H > mtliig out that
any attempt of the government to wrest eon-
.rol .from the piosent owners would meet
with seiious resistaneo in the courts. Steven
summarizes his plan of setlleinent us fol
lows :
1. To create a sinking fund , with two ti
.cos , one appointed by the piesident und one
jy tlio luilioad company.
2 Let that fund embiaco nllmoncjsnovvin
: ho hands of the United States for futuio
jujmont of Intelest , together vv ith the semi
annual sum of $ bJ" > , lHl.40 ) , being inteiest on
outstanding United States loans.
I ! Intending the power of the trustees and
l > cimilling them to invest in the sccuiitics of
thu i.iilioad company.
4. Keeping inviolate the present profit and
loss account us a icseivo fund.
Western Itoads Still Jloldini ; Out.
Cnicvuo , Jan. 10 The gcnctal freight
agents of western roads at a meeting to-day
ugieed to make no change in grain rates from
Council Bluffs to meet the 5 per cent tcdue-
tion of southvveslorn lines from Kansas City.
The Hock Island und Chicago & Northwest
ern roads have nbout y,000 , < > 0 ( ) bushels of
corn stoied in westein Iowa which they are
anxious to haul out nt u 26 cent rate , und the
Burlington , which hud given notice that it
wouldieduco rates fiom Omaha has con
sented to hold off for a time or until it discovers -
covers that Nebiaska grain is taken down to
St. Joseph and Kunsus City to gctadvnnlago
of Iho rcducllon. Uaihoad ofllcials mo gcn-
eially of Iho opinion lhat low nites cannot ho
kept out of Nebiaska mid Iowa lor any
of time.
Died From Imprudence.
RAPID Cirv , Dak. , Jan. 19. [ Special Tele
gram to the Bun. ] Mrs. Kosanna Pepin ,
aged thirty-lhree , died hero on Tuesday , un-
doubledly from Iho effects of nboilion. She
hud been descited by her husband seine
months since. Arrangements vvcro made to
ship Iho body loMoulical , Canada , forbuual.
Some suspicion was aroused and a cot oner's
inquest held The verdict was , death Xiom
cxposuie and imptudenco.
A Itarl ) AViro Boost.
Cmcvno , Jan. 10 The Barb Wire Manu
facturers' association today advanced the
pnio of who to ? J10 per 100 to tnko effect nt
ante U.K. Lears , of Marshalltown , lu ,
picsided. The ussocialion decided nol to
take advuntago of the leccnt decision of
Judge bhiias , of Dubuque , declaring the
Washburn-Moen patent void. Tlio membois
will Keep on paving license fees until the
matter is passed upon by the United Stales
supreme couit.
Meeting of AValmsh Bondholders.
NEW YOUK , Jan. 10. The first mortgage
bondlioldet sof thoWabash railroad met to dity
and decided to net w tli Iho non-assenting second
end moi tgago bondhlders against the i coi gun-
i/.iitioii of the lompany. Two million one
hundred mid foi ty thousand dollars of first
moi tgago bonds vveio represented. About
f 1,000,000 of Iho second mortgage bondhold-
cismo cxpe'cted to join in an elicit to pre
vent icoiguniiation.
Hoc-option to Commander Ken.
AVAsinxoTOK , Jun. 19. A reception nnd
banquet was given lo night to Couununder-
in Chief Hca by the Grand Army of the Ho-
publlc , Department of the Potomue. Toasls
were rcsixinded to by Senntor Mnndcrson ,
Senator Ilavvley , Hepiesenativo Conifer , of
Iowa , Commander in-Chief Kea und Senator
Palmer ,
IMexiean Malls.
CITV or MEXICO , Jan. 10. Next month
mails from points in Iho United States cast
of the Mississippi will como to this capital
via the International railway. From twenty-
four to thirty-six hours can bo saved by this
route. A'ery cold weather is being experi
enced In the tablo-land cities and a heavy
noithcr is blowing ; at Vera Cruz.
Two Savngo Cpjit/pats / In the Squared
Clrclo Yostorday.
Uriel' Kut Profitable Slu Rl'iR Match
In Itnlliiiiii Attempt to Arrest
Tommy Miller Sends Him
to 3iniioapolU. |
Murray KtiockH Out Dnly.
Nrvv YOUK , .Inn. 10 [ Special Telegram to
tlio lJrn.1 A SUV.IRO pri s fight took place
at Tort Leo , .vestcrduy , for ? llU ) n side , be
tween Jack Milrruy of New Yoik and Ud
Duly of Piovldoneo. In the first round
Murrny did most of the lighting , mid had
the best of It nil through. The second round
ended slightly In Muriaj's favor. In the
thlul round some hml lighting was done ,
principally about the .body. In the fourth
Mm lay knocked Daly almost over the lopes.
Daly caino up like n man In the fifth and
went for Mm lay in a savage manner. Daly
kept it up In the sixth and seventh rounds ,
ntul Mui i ay vv as pretty badly used up. Both
men were pretty badly done up when time
was called for the ninth anil last round.
' 1 hey seemed detoi mined to settle things.
Thov lushed unit clinched scvcial times , and
hud to bo parted. There was peed hilling on
both sides , and Dnly covered Murraj'sfaco
with blood.Vhilo Dalv kept punching
Munni's faqo and neck , Murray plavcd on
D.iH'sribs. Suddenly Daly struck Murray
in the mouth with his left. Mutiny got
nngiv , rushed upon Daly and sti tick him u
tenillu loft-hander under the car tlmt stag-
pel ed him. Thou , following the blow , ho
planted two swinging blows on Dalj's tliost.
Daly seemed dazed , and struck out wildly.
MUM ay caught Dalv a heavy blow in the
libs. Dalv turned deathly pale , imd drop
ping his hands , staggcied back. Ills head
dioppcd on his chest and lid was about to
fall , when the roforco and Mun ay rushed
forward and caught him. They tallied him
to Ills corner. It was fully twenty minutes
before ho came to. Muriay was dcclaied
the winner.
A Brief and I'lolltalihFight. .
NOKTII Jun-ov , Ind , Jan. 1 ! ) A match
for the light weight championship of the west
and $1,000 u side between Harry Gilmoio. of
St. Paul , and Hilly Myers , of Sticator , III. ,
took place hero at tf.23 this moining. The
crowd numbered nbout 200 , the greater pal t
f which came fiom Chicago. At the time
mentioned they spai red for an opening , Gil-
nioi o nppaiently on the agcicssho and
Mieis retreating and keeping' liis left going
'llco a windmill After bucking into his mi
ner , M cis let go with his loft , but was
short. Ho followed with his light , mid
anded on Gilmoic's body. Again hoic-
ire.ilcd as Gilmoic advanced , but stopped
shoit and let go a w liked righthander ,
which Gilmorc avoided bv cleverly ducking.
Feinting with his left , Mjers got an
opening for his Bright , which he
inded with tetiifife , , foico on Gilmorc's
neck. Gilmore went down , falling flat on his
back. Tor a few socj tls ho lav motionless.
Gilmoio tued to get up'ut the end of six seconds -
ends , but only succeeded in turning over.
Ho got to his hands anil knees when ten seconds
ends had expncd , and Mjeis was hailed ns
the winner. The incn'hud stood bofoic each
other oulv twenty-eight sci ends The winner
will i eceivo 751)01' edit of the JJ.IXM ) stakes ,
mid $1HU which wusluken in us gate monoi.
The "Spider's" Helt.
DULUTII , Minn. , jiiif. 19 ( Special Tcle-
grum to the Hi r. ] ijlie "Spider's" cham
pionship belt has been deceived and will bo
placed on exhibition at J. P. Clow's place.
Weir will go into tiatnlng hcic n week boloio
his light with Siddons. ,
Death of a > f < jj ' ed Stnlllon.
LEXINGTON , Ky. , Jan. 1U. Milton Young's
celebrated stallion Pizdrro , valued at $13,01X1 ,
died last night of pneumonia.
Priests of Pallas Hall at Kansas City
KANSAS CITY , Mo , Jan. 10 f Special Tele-
grain to the BEK. | A dastardly attempt to
dostioy the Priests of Pallas hall was made
last night between 1 1 o'clock and midnight bj
three desperate char.icteis , and It is only bj
ix miracle that the great Sam Jones taber
nacle is not now n mass of luins. As it is the
pianos and organs aio ruined and nil the
books and pamphlets belonging to Piofessoi
icoll , Tom Donovan and Mosicr < fc Hams
arc destroyed. The stoiv of thccumowas
told by the man who sleeps there , and who
was this moining at 7 o'clock found tightli
bound to a bench , vvlicic , In all piobubility
ho would have becndostiojed if thodastardlj
villluns had set flio to the bnildiug. Hois
Geoigo II. Andeison , a youn man about
twenty-four .veais ot age. 'I his is the stoiy.
"Tho Jones meeting was out at 10.31) ) last
evening , and about tittcen minutes later the
hall was entirely cleaied of people. I was
nlono and had gotten two buckets of coal
witn which to Hll the laigo stove near the
door ut the Ljdia avenue cntiance. Close to
the steve and back of the row of ch ms is the
bench on which I steep nights I had just
put the coal in the steve and was picp.u ing
to shako down the ashes when , fiom the side
door of the apartment in which the Pnests
of Pallas propel ty is kept , thrco men
emeigcd. Two ot them woio nogio
masks and the other a lui go Indum mask.
The latter was ev idently the leader , for ho
did nil the talking , and as they jumped
toward mo the hitter pointed a revolver ut me
and told mo to keep < i"iet. I begged for mj
life , and the big fellow witli the Indian mask ,
who talked in hiokcn accent like an Italian
said they would bind mo to the bench um
tiien they would Hctlho to the place. Thov
took a lot of bunting and first tied my hands
under the benclu 1 was liing flat OIL in )
back on the bench. Then they put two
bands about my hi cast , then one ubout eael
foot and another about both feet. Tlioj
bound mo so tightly that I thought the
blood would btop ciiculatmg in my bodi
Then the big fellow said ho thought I'd
get convcisum before moining Thej
went over to the platform after that
tin ow down the largo organ and the piano
and the sound of the falling msti uments was
like a cannon , but they vvoro perfectly calm
mid went about their despeiato work without
fear of detection. They then began poui in ; ,
coal oil over the piano. The steve w as between -
tween uio and them , and. I could not sco al
that they wore doing. One of them insisted
on setting fire to the plaou at once , but the
others thought they Wmild do enough mis
chief without a hl.ue. jUnt they went into
the loam at the other end of the hall and got
all the hooks and put them into the steve
vvlieio they vveio entn 1v consumed. Tlici
they came back and * .UV > mound the steve
until 4 o'clock in the mllrijing , never oniu 10
moving their masks Thei left at that time
going out of the .Jodui uvenuo en
tiunce. I was faint anit almost dead whci
the janitor came at 7 , v. in. and cut the
bunting. They took mychiiichilla ; coat am
Um in money. Pi oniH , o'clock until 7 this
morning I sneamcd 114 loud ag I could for
help , but no one was .passing. 1 did not see
the men take nnj thing iuil < but my coat Thei
had on shoit pea juckcdpiby ) ) h.\ts and two
of themwero about no ( build , rather slight
The leader was u tall , linavi set fellow um
did all the talking , tt'liuy must huv o bcei
hidden in the Priests of Pallas piopcity 10011
during the meeting , for they came out o
that side entrance shoitlv after " The pollt
arc mauing every effort to discover the per
petratois of the ci line. _
Inditlorpiit to His Fate.
BOSTON' , Jan , 10. James Udward Nowlh
of Soinervllle , aged sevcnti eight , will b
hanged ut Cambridge to-morrow for th
murder of Georo ; A. Codmun , Ho remain
uppaiently ctitiioly iu'lilToreiit to his fate.
NEWYOKK , Jan. 19 , Viva hundied clgai
makers in the employ of Sutro & New-mail
went on a strike this morning.
SuflTrauo ami Seiiliinont.
OLTMI-IA , Ore , Jan. 10. Goveinor Scmpl
loto last evening signed the bill giving th
ballot to womeu IB Washington tcrrltni v.
O. W. Tompklns Htenl * n Diamond
I'rom Unto Kennedy.
(1. AV. Tompklns was arrested shortly bcv
ere 1 o'clock this morning on the charge of
fibbing Miss Kate Kennedy , 12 J North Pif-
ecnth street , of n diamond valued at $125.
'ho circumstances In .this case are unusual
mil peculiar. Tompklns has been pa.vlng
ittentlons to Miss Kennedy for HOUIO time ,
uid has boon apparently u suitor for her
Hindi On sovoiul occasions ho has icmarkcd
on the rarq beauty of the diamond
Ing she wore , and has often
icegcd the privilege of wearing It. As the
ing was a gift to Miss Kennedy , she prizes
tveiy highly and nlwavs lefusod to putt
v it Ij K even for a shoit time. On Wednes-
l.iy evening as Tompklns was returning
lorn nn entertainment witli Miss Kennedy ,
10 again bioached the subject of boirowing
ho ling , icnmrklng :
"Kate , I'm , stuck on that ilug. You had
> etter let mo vvear It until I sco jou again
and It will cose my mind. "
Bjit Kate a'gain refused to glvo up her vnl-
led present , when Tompklns lemarkcd :
"W ell , ! will liavo It nnjway , " and In the
brief struggle Unit followed ho succeeded In
wiling the riug from her linger.
" Jove Kate that ' " said
"By , , ring's u daisy ,
Tonipklns , holding up the oinument. "Seo
low it spaikles even at night. "
After ono ; or two hurried movements with
ils hands ho again held up the ling with the :
"My uotl , Kate , the set Is gone. Where
10 vou suppose it went toi"
Hut Kate , not so easilv foolcd.chaiged him
with hiking the gom. Ho stotitlv denied It ,
uid .vcstoiday Miss Kennedy hunted up the
> oliio and swoio out a vv.uiant for Tomp-
tin's niiest. This moining It was served on
ilin by Captain Giecn and Seigeant
Hae while nt his loom on North SKtceutli
sticct. On being taken to the police station
mil ' rui died the missing diamond was found
011 his poison.
The MuutoG-ttnker Nuptials At Kan
sas City.
The wedding of J. A. Mnnroo , general
freight agent of the Union Pacific i.iilroad ,
with hcad < iuartci s In Omaha , and Miss
Uakci1 , the handsome and accomplished
laughter of Mr. Hiulowo W. IJaUcr , of Kan-
tas City , on Wednesday evening last is do-
sci ihed by the Times of that city in an mil-
do a column and over In length. The paper
dcsciibcs it as 0110 of the prettiest homo wod-
lings ever held in Kansas City. It was wit
nessed by about foity of the lelatives
imd Immediate fi lends of the joung couple ,
the ceicinonv being pel foi mod at the lesi-
denco of Mr. P. D. Hidenour , 141li
Eighth slieet , nt TrHUp in. bv the Kev. Di.
Man in , evchancellor of the state university
of Kansas , the bnde's old peiceptor.
The lloial decoialions were cxijulsitc. In
the giand hall the light hiiiul new ell post of
Lho stairway suppoi ted a magnificent bion/o
lamp diapi'd in pink silk , vvliilo on the left
was a Jaidinieie of pilms. The lobbon \ the
light of the hall was bunked with llowi'id and
lllunilmitcd with amber lights liiuieccss
of the hall was stationed a band of music
The chandelleis in the fiont or south pu lor
\veie , filled with white wax. tapeis , while on
the mantels vveio pi ctt v antique \ases filled
with vxliito loses and lilies The ciienlar
window in the noith parlor was screened bv
an arch of uiborvittu most nitisllcally ton-
stiucted. Pendant fiom the center was the
"M. H " in Into .
monogi am vvi ought vv roses.
lilies of the valley and hjacmths , cnciicled
b.v a wicath of pink loses and smilax.
In tlio laipe dining loom cables of arbor
vita'veictdtavvn from each coiner and
caught up to the chandelier over the huge
sUaro | dining table which vvascovcied with
fine wlnto f tinged linen , with bouquets of
white loses at each tninei , fastened with
bows of white molie ribbon , which woio
hi ought up to and fastened to the chandelier.
Aeioss the table was a band painted scui f
boltuig silk with thistles on one end and
meadow larks on the othci. Ucstingupon its
center was a diamond shaped mound of pink
and vv hite roses nestling in a bed of southoi n
moss and smilax , while pendant from the
chandelier was a basket of bridal loses and
lilies. On the mantel was abed of vhito
loses with antique vases of biidal roses and
h.vauintlm on either side
Immediately after tlio banquet and icccp-
tion Mr. and MM. Manioc left in a special
car for a two months' tour of the Paciilo
A Cold XiKlit AVflli lUvcry Iiullcatton
ol'u Fall of Snow.
7.eio is ag-ain in control of the thermome-
tei. and began getting in his work al at an
call } hour jestei day. Aided by n stiff north
west wind the temperature rapidly suc
cumbed to the attacks of his /croship , and
from 14 ° above steadily dropped to 1 ( ) = below -
low at 0 o'clock and four notches lower at
midnight. The wind blew at the rate of
about fifteen miles an hour , and the early 10-
tiiemont of the moon and stars hetokcned Iho
approach of snow which is said to bo on its
way liom the west.
At the Miiious railroad hoadquuiteis a
Hi b icpoiter was told that tinlllo was open ,
and that passenger ana freight trains vveio
inov ing , but at a i.ito in keeping with the so-
veiitv of the weather. As a consequent o
schedule time was not iccogni/td , and all
tniins vvoie considerably off time IXtia
piecuutions aio in fotco to'pieAent tiams
fiom being stalled belvveen station and if it
is found that the weather will not
Ill-unit of their progi ess thev will Do tied up
us soitn as icachlng sholteimg points Last
evening a long tiam of cms containing tea
got in fiom the coast over the Union Paeillo ,
mid continued on towaids the east. Hcpoits
of a blockade fat Columbus , Neb , fiom tlio
stoi in was denied by the management , who
tepiescnted that it was ilno to an ovei col-
lei lion of cuts in tlio j m ds ut that plate.
Early in the evening a snow-plow was dis
patched over the Omaha A : Republican Vtilloy
division of the Union 1'autlc , word having
been received that snow was causing some
ttoublo on that line.
All night Uains over the n & M. were sent
out on time , nd no tioublo was anticipated
as to their reaching objective points.
H. O'Neil , of Lincoln , Neb , is at the Mil-
Mis. Charles Fmley , of Chicago , is at the
Mark McCord , of Fremont , Neb , is nt the
J. Watson niley , of Albion , Neb , is at the
A. T. Cole , of Heatiicc , Neb , is at the
H. If. Dunbar , of Ashland , Neb , is at the
G. W. Giccn , of Dunlap , Neb , is nt the
C. P. Olson , of Lincoln , Neb , is at the
H C. Hanson , of Hastings , Neb , Is ut the
Windsor i
H O. Hiuke , of St. Joseph , Mo , is at the
J. D. PatUson , of Clmdron , Neb , Is nt the
Jesse 13 McGce , of Hastings , Neb , is at
the Millard.
A. 1) Holbiook , of Creighton , Neb. , is nt
D P. Kulph , of Nebraska City , Neb , is at
the Paxton.
H. O'Neill and wife , of Suatton , Neb , mo
at the Paxton.
fi T. Taggert , of the United States m my ,
is ut the Paxton.
Frank i : . Hclvey , ; of Nebiaska City , Neb ,
ib at the .Milluid ,
J. T , Uoblnson and wife , of London , Ung ,
aio ut the Millutd.
H. J. Hughes and wife , of Pattcison , N.
J. , uro ut the Millard.
Judge Hopovvoll , of Tckemah , Neb. , was
at the Puxton icstci day.
U L. Meiritt , of the Herald , started for
Springfield , 111 , jestcrday.
W. M. ( iloason and H C. Green , of Chey
enne , Neb , are at the Puxton
Churles Connor , representing the Detroit
Stov o company , is at the Paxton.
Messts. H. G. Fitzmann and A. Campbell ,
of Leav enworlh , Kan. , are ut the Windsor.
Al Iho Harker A. J. Cooper , Dos Moines ;
J H Cobb , Haltiinoro ; George H. Collins.
Chicago ; Mrs. George Hastings and
daughter , Portland ; und J. H. McCabe ,
* uv May nndMIJ.Q'tncn ! , mem
) crs of the state fishery commission , passed
through this city lust ulghl en route to Pro
liant. The gentlomcn have been attending n
meeting of the uomlnlsslon nt Lincoln ,
Messis. Fiunk West and 1) ) . Doggc , of
Lincoln , Neb , mo at the Millard.
The follow ing officials of the Chicago. St
Paul , Minneapolis & Oniulut railway , nil of
whom nro located ul Minneapolis , vveie In
the cltv n few houis vcsU'iduV ! W. A. Suilt ,
general superintendent ; J. l < \ Chuko , gen
oial fieight agent ; H. C. HOIK ; , miiiuriutond-
enl telegiaph : W. H S. Wiight , puichaslng
agent ; L. A. Hobnson | , auditor.
Drank n Pint of Avlcohol.
Yesterday aftrinoun CharlcM Goimley , rtu-
; > U > iod as a stableman at Dick McCounlck's
u.itn , nightecnth mid Cnpltol aenue , found
uiiuattof alcohol in the stable , 'intended ' ns
medicine for the horses. Ho drmtk over halt
if it and found ! o'tlock In
, was about ( a help-
ess diunken stupor. A phjsiclnn was called ,
who oiked with him scvcial houis , nnd it
was thought for uwhiln that the aliohol
would kill him. About 11 o'clock his8\stem
began to icsist the elTocts of Iho utimuhint
mil ho was pionoltnccd out of danger , al
though still diuuU and stupid. lie was then
taken to the i > olce ! station.
lc' nnd Itcmllng.
A pleasant muslcale nnd leading was hold
nt the chapter loom of Ti iulty cathedial last
evening. Although the evening was veiy
cold there was n good attendance. Among
the fcatuies of the c'nteitainment were songs
liv the Mendelssohn quartetlo , composed of
Mis. Cotton , Miss Koeder , Mr. Wilklns mid
Mr. Fiance : the ladies quit ! lotto , ( onsisting
of Mis Sqnil es , Mis. Cotton , Mis. l stabiook
and Miss llll/iibetli 1'eiincll ; a duet by dnil
Yatcs and DoWitt Uurglmid mid leadings by
Miss Mabel Fonda and Mr. Hobinson. The
music was good mid was well tecolxcd , Tlio
leadings vveio exceptionally lino.
Witli I ho Law.
Theio is npparent disposition among pat t-
nership films in the city to comply with the
law in lefeteneo to filing the same witli the
eountv cleik , mid they keep coming in ut the
rnto of ten mid fifteen n day. Delinquents
after u few moiodujs will bo piosecuted.
Internal Ucvemie Collections.
Yesteiduytho icccipls of Mr. Ualcnlino ,
Iho deputy intctmil icvenuo collector ,
amounted to the unusually low figmo of
,302 27. Still , them have never been any
touiplnmts that the ofllee is not self sustain
ing. _
Tlio lit ilnnniu Arrives.
NL\V YOHK , Jan. 1 ! ) . The liiitannia , which
has been innn.v dajs oveuluo and which has
SOU Italian emigiunts on board , miehoicdolT
the light ship this 11101 nlng. bhc bhowedno
signal of distiess
AioiTheio Oilier Ilitlillnhle AVorlds V
Prof. Onint in Good Words : IIoio ,
.iiii , wo linvo only oonjet'liuo to fjuiilo
us. With luspi'ct 'to tlio botlios consti
tuting the 6ol.ii1 sytlonij vvliii'h from
tlioir cpinpuuitive ] iro.\iniily to the
earth mitfht bo supposed lo fuinish a so
lution to this jnoblom , c.ucful observa
tions have hoiotofoio olloioil no indica
tion whatever of the exibtonco of life
upon their surfaces. Hut Ufo in sonio
form or anolhur mny. notwithstanding ,
exist on those bodies.Vc mu t hoar in
niinil Hint the planets aio in all piob.i-
bility in various binges of development.
It ii'iay ho roa-onahlj prebiinioil Hint
Iho planets Jupiter. S.ituin , IJiiiniisi ,
and Neptune , in coic-equt'iicu of theii1
oiiormous hull : , have cooled down inoie
blovvly tlian tlio o.irtli and the other
biiinller planets of the Astern , nnd
aio thcicfoio less advanccil as abodes of
animated o.xisU'tioo than the hitler inc.
But even in the ago of the eiuth it must
ho admitted to hnvo tovolved millions
before life apjwated on its suifaco , anil
even after it had cooled down and he-
come the abode of animated existence it
produced , during countless millions of
. \eaismote , life onlj in its low esl forms.
The existence of man is hul of v ester-
day. This is nn instiuulivo lesbon.
II lenches us thai although man exists
on the earth's siirf.u'O it does not fol
low lhal beings of the same order of
intelligence as man exist upon all the
other planets or oven upon any of them.
Upon homo of the planets life may not
have yet como into existence ; upon
others life may oxiHl , hut in a less ad
vanced stngo than upon the earth ; and
the b.une remark is obviously applica
ble to the numbeiless bodies of the
starry iirmanont. The state of the
question then is thisVo : cannot pio-
imuju'o posilively upon the existence of
life anjvhoio ho.vond the planet upon
which we dwell , lint teasoaing from
analogj , wo may suppose that cci tain ,
if not all , of the oilier bodies of Iho
planetary sjstem , which in ho many
lespeets hear a htiong alliuity to
our own planet , aio in like manned the
abodes of lifo in borne foi in or another ,
and thai similarly Ihoro aio countless
bodies in the stellar legions which inaj
also ho the abodes of lifo. This is a
qes ion , however , upon whieli the noble
science of a.stionomv , K > distinguished
for the e.xncitudo of its conclusions , docs
nol vcntuie lo pionounco a posilive
opinion , seeing lhal Iheiooxiwls no Mine
basis of facts available for its considcia-
tion. lu these eitcurastiniccrt it is loft
for oaeh indiyidunl inquiior to form his
own opinion independently of any sup
port derived fiom scientific authorily.
rr Ml loiijlaKS anil the Irishmen.
Cincinnati Commoicinl Gn/ollo : A
few nighls ngo Mr. Douglass was one of
Iho npoakeis ( and Iho bout one ) at the
lecoption given to O'Connoll and lls-
inoado in Masonic hall. Llis wit and
eloquouco never showed moio brightly ,
and he kept Iho groal atidioaeo in
shouts of laughter and applause fiom
the moment ho began until ho closed.
Mr. Dougla&d told about a convoca
tion that was ovorheaul in a ciowd be-
tvv-eon two liishmen alter ho had made
a speech in Ohio.
Said one Irishman : "That was a
mighty phoino speech for to ho made by
a nnjgc'i1. "
% 'Ah , vcs , it wns qiioiti ) phoino ; but
ho in only half a nayger. "
"Well , if half a naygor can inalco
.such a Hpueeh , andphwat the divll kind
of a magnillccnt speech would a whole
nuygor maUoV"
In a meeting of Irishmen , mainly to
pay homage to Iwo noted Irishmen this
story convulsed the nudieaco with
laughter , and tlioir applause ran into
jells of delight.
The nudionco broUo looio again when
Mr. Douglass said fie had lonsoated to
como to the meeting to give a litllo
color to Iho occasion.
Hut the gieat point of his Bpeeoh was
reached when ho said slowly and sol
emnly : ' 'Kilty years ngo I stood on the
same' platform with Daniel O'Connoll ,
tlio Irish liheintor , on the banks of Iho
LilTe.\ . and boforu the vast tin eng ho
turned to mo and wild : "Iie oico to
gtasp hj tlio hand the black O'Lonnell
of America. "
The rats huvo become " -o annojing
around Washington , Pa. , Ihnl the far
mers have instituted "rat hunts , " form
ing parties to dri\o the animals to
gether and kill them. W. ( ' Condit ,
leading the party at a recent hunt , mio-
ceoded in killing 7,000 , and Captain H.
D. Miller , aa captain of another party ,
scored. 6,1012. making a total of I'J.NW. A
big buppor follood. .
A young lady teacher in one of the
Hooheslor public schools hrs been
threatened vviti [ the loss of her posit Ion
by the shoccutters' union , because she
elcos out her blender income by cutting
shoos at odd limes. The young lady has
two orphan bistgr.s to Mipport , and great
indignation hai boon aroused over the
unjust atlair.
Papers Bond on Progress ofVorU
on tlio Nicaragua , CoiuU.
A Itcsoliitlon Urging the Ncoosulty oi
n ( iuvei ninent Postal Telegraph
bjstem Pnssctl Alter
Commrit'lnl Men In Conference.
WviiiXirox | , Jan. 10Hofuio thu Na
tional Board of Ti ado. Ciiptnln H. C Tiy-for ,
U S N , lead paper on the piogicss of thu
wink on the Nli era un Canal and the 1m-
poitant lommeiclal itsults to follow lit con-
struitlon Captain Taj lor said thu ic < | uho-
inents of cominoico miiko it cciluln that
therowill bo transit for ships between the
Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. American en-
gmeeis are now on the giound losune.vlm ;
mutes mul making the final location of Ihu
line of the canal.
J W Miller , manager of the Stonlngton
steamboat hue , followed Ho slid the In-
loinnl commeue of the western states , seek
ing exit Ihtough the Mississippi , Is iciidy for
the niaikets of South Amciiia. The miner
als , grain and lumber of the Pacific states
mid tenltoiics await new nnd tlicapcr chan
nels to custom maikots. Whit may bo the
development of tlio timlo of Central Ameilcii
the future must show , but to day n tonnage
exists to jie'dtothe Isthmus cannl 12 per
cent on a uipital of $ liiHHtXO ( ) ) ) iMIllor
nigncd the snpciioilt.v of thoNkai.iguuiouto
and dcclaied that Ihigland and Oeinmiiy
stand icady to avail themselves of thu oppoi-
lunit.v , should it olTei , toiontrol this louto.
No action was taken upon tlio subject
Postal telegiaph.v wastnken up Thuibcr ,
of New Yoik , submitted unswcis to tlio
qucstious he liad Bcnl to Kentio B Muiiay ,
secietai.v of the London chamber of com-
mcice. Mr Kema1 , in substance , said the
puu huso und opeiatlon of teli-giaphs by Uio
Biitish goveinmcnt wcio successful us far as
the sei vice was loiii'oined , but not finiiutially
to postorthcs ( Juitkness , ioitiiint.\ and
seircvof seiviceweio iiupunod under post-
otllio imimigemcnt 'Uio initiiiso of cm-
iiloves in the postolllio depaitnicnt had not
been piodmtivo of political evils. The In
ducements to got up now inventions in tele-
giaph.v was not so gieat under the gin orn-
mint sj stem us if the sci vko VMIS hi pilvato
hands The iccont i eduction in tolls has
bien ol gieit benefit to the public- and
the number of moss igcs sent huv ing tin i casi d
.M poi tent , but the leveuuo inn cased
only I ! per icnt. sent !
ment among the public is against a letuin to
pttviito management Mr Thutber , In speak
ing , s viil the Biitish govoinnu'iit had pild for
laige additions in the plant out ot Ihocuncnt
leieipts , and if the telogiuplis had nol o.uh
voar p ild tlio Intel est on the bonds issued for
theii pin chase , mid if the.v had boon i icditod
with these bettci incuts and with the fico ser
vice uf the gov eminent depmtnicntH , thev
would have been able to show a cndit snllli1
lent to pav the intotettt on tlio bonds , and If
thi'i vveio ucdited with the inc loaned ei
v ice giv i n the public bej end w hut the pi iv ate
lompinlos woio giving at the linn the tele
giaphs vvoie taken ovoi , It would show nn
enoimous balance on the ciedit side
Eiastus Winuin , of NowYoik , spoke In
opposition to government cnntiol , claiming
Unit the Biitish icpoits showed a Ktrndv
deficit , and to meet it the whole poinilation
was taxed so that low i ould u o the BOI v ito ;
tliat the soi vko was bad , being taidv and uncertain - .
certain , with no lull ess lei u'ioss negligence.
If the Biitish ttlogiaph s\stom in u ciicum-
sullied in ea * owed v , > , ; HKlHH ( ) a j ear deficit ,
in the United htatos , with its gt out urea , the
sumo sistdn would show a deficit of $10-
0KtK)0 ( ) ) If the United States ado | > ted the
si stem it would iiuroaso the government
emplojcs U10IHH ) , and these oinplojois would
fool bound to woik in the inteiest of their
A icholution v\as adojled ) assoi ting that
the uselulncss of the postollk o department
should bo extended In the ditoetion of tele
gtuphic cominuniuitlon and congrows was
uiged to favoi ably consider Iho question ns
e.ulv us possible.
'Iho executive council wns directed to
memoializoCougiesb to piovido for iccipio-
citv with Canada
The question of the abolition or reduction
of the inteiiml lovcnuet.ix occupied aim-go
shmo of attention. It was
Resolved , That tecent events have shown
the d.mgoi lo the business inteiests of the
tountiv fiom the government lontinuing in
time of peace to oxi cssiv e taxation which wss
ncussm.s in timiMif war A huge suiplus in
the tn asm y tics up tlio iiitulatlng medium ,
which is tlio lifo blood of comment ) , Oiposos
people lo a still pi enter taxation in the shape
ot high i.itos of intoiist , nits us amomuolo
imlustiy , dwaifs business ontei pi ise , gives
the ticasiiri pow crov or loniuii ice which wan
novel contemplated and is a constant leuip
tation lo cxtiavag.into in the administiatlon
of tlio government
Kosolvcd , That hiisim ss men of all paities ,
whether piotoi lionists or fioo tiadi is , should
unite in demanding early action by congiess
to icdtiie the piosent enoimous icvonues in a
wa.v vvhiehwillat le sl cmbai ass existing in-
dllstl los
Kesohod , That while it is desirable to rc-
dnco inteuml taxes , it is not desiiubloto
abolish the intomal levcnuo Hiatem ns a
Tlio icsnlutmn oinbodv Ing the pioposltion
toiecmnnifiid the total iol > eulof Intcmal
icvenuo taxes failed.
The county elm k "is dnily icioiving
povoial of tlio county funding honda for
cancellation. Tlio tottil nniount yet
outstiiniHiiff is f-'i.KSii.diJ.
The countj commissioner * nnd Shor-
ill C'obuin niiido n tour of iiiHpcction
of the jnil .vcsterdny 'J'ho Hherilt
will hnvo flio jnil oxnminod ntouco ua
to its1 bticiifjth.
The chief of ixilico received u lolo-
Hiiini fiom Titusville , PH. , vestotdny
iiujuiriiiK wholher ( Jinnt Miller in the
city Inni ] ) llfjhtorfor Oinnhnnnd whethoi1
hisinothor Htill livea. \vusuigncd
.Incoh Miller.
The Oumlut Exposition nnd Kairnsso-
cinlion has iccoived 'rlbUO of Iheir in-
buuinco inonoj. for dninn es nt the full-
ffiounds hist full. The bociotnrj IhiiiKs
the entiio nibiiuiiico , hoinotliin hko
87,600 , will ho niiiienhly iidjusted.
JlitildlliK PoimltH.
Two jiei mils daily BCOIU to bo the present
limit to the number Issued hi tlio supeiln-
denlof building.s Tlio Iwo icslerduj vveio :
James Kkh.udiuv.Co , additional stoi v
to planing mill , Bightccntli near
Mason . . K > 00
B Meliicst ( | , ito house , 1'ifth mid
Jones . . 1N | > 0
'Iwopamits , aggicgutlng . ? 2tiOO ,
A Knsor ' 1 liiif.rroHtod. .
L W Dallnij , alias Pml.H , u colnrod
ciook , was micslod jestoiduy tihaigi'd with
bioakmg Into S P. Kiinnunuol'B barber shop
on the torncrof l ifloonth nnd Painum and
stcnlinga number of razors and other m ti
des Tim burglaiywus dftclcd em li last
week , but Jalhuy hiici ceded In iluUhifc' thu
oflleeis up to icsterduy
n Dollnis rorSatlflaotlon.
nusliudolph , who gave iu : ; no Slovens
undS Hlmmoihafor a Bound thiiiHhlng for '
Insulting him on Tuesday night , was given a
hemingieitordav , which icsulted In u line
of ? l.r > and costs Ho Hindu lonntor charge
nf dlstuiblng thopoac. ) against SUivoiiH nnd
h'iinmoihaliir , but after airaitjnincnt Uloy
vvciu disunsiod.
MceiiHotl toN od.
The folio vving licenses to marry woi o JsiueA
yostcrdai by Judge Shields
Name and lesidemo. Ago.
( Puler Johnson , Omuha . Ui )
\ Tht'ii Johnson , Oiifiha . > . "i
minim * 1 1 Youiirfurs , Omaha . 2 ?
I Mattiu Dailci , Omaha . , . -1
* . > > ' ' " ' - v'rAtK