V * " < trli JH..HW" * I 1 , , . . . 5 , > THE .OMAHA DAILY BEE ; WEDNESDAY , JANUARY. 18. . 1888 , ; SPECIAL NOTICES. No AlKet tlMMiienlH ulll lie Inkrn Tor Ellipse columns nllcr'-t ! : : ( > p. m > \ Terms Cnsli lit advance. Advertisements under Mils heart , 10 cents pfr r line for the tlrst Insertion. 7 cents for vof h cub- -eciuent Insertion , ninl Jl H ) nllpiMwr inontli. Konctvertltpiurnt tttk'-n for lens tlmni'xruu . for the first insertion. Prvcn * ords 'ntll ho l4 rounted to the Him : they must run consecutive- fc' Jy nnd mu t ! * paid n advance. All ndvrrtleo- , incuts mupt l > s handed In before 1.M : o'clock p. In. , ninl under no circumstances \\111 they bo trkeu or illi--oiilliittPil by telephone. I'nrtlcs iiOvcrtl 'nc In tliTC columns nnd hrvr- Ini ; thii unworn addressed hi euro of thn lleo. Mm pleas ? ns' < for a click to rnnblo them to KH. their l ttf M , iw none will IIP delivered except on presentation of rhc k All answers to nil- fertlscnic-nM thould 1m enclosed In mvelopes. All advertisements In thp c columns nrupub- Jl hcd In both morning and j\enint { editions of tint IIPF. tliu circulation of which npKippatcs morr ttmirlS.liii papers ilnlly , imtl clx es the nil- verllscr ! ' the benellt. tint only of thuclty circu lation of the Ilex , lint nlsn of Ooimcll lllmrs. Uneoln. nnd other elllw and tov.ns throughout thlH part at tliu xvest. SITUATIONS V/ANTED. SB ITI'ATIONS Wanted for 1 excellent mi\lo 7 cook , A-l references : nlco 3 dlnlnK-room Kills , 1 ( iPininn kitchen girl , II hou ekeepei- * eA\IiK Klrl. mid 4 general housemaids. Again v"\lxdy ( clerk , 2 mulu chrks or book-keepers , I fuUichmnn. I Inhoiero , etc. Stiilo Emplouncnt luilor. < , 1JI7 r.lrimm St. , roun II. W 17 * WANTED The ladles to know tlmt now Is thotlmo to get good help. Wo have 1st clnss girls tit 1ft ilnss wap s WP lmv girls whocnn't speak English. but inn strung and Tvlllliu to x\nrk for smill wapcs. XVe nlso have elderly women - whoMtnt Hunt work unil light Wii'cs. In fact nil klndrf of hi'lp can bo lonml ut ( IIP rnwulhin Kinp. olllcf , Mis. llretfii .V Pun , ! ll S. r.th. 'lei. 3I. 710 IS * \ ANTHl ) Situation us linuscmnlil or second woik , good refciuiico. llf.'l Cnllfoinla . TM-K" WANTED Situation ns Imtender , Ci years' cxpc'lk'UCC' . AddtessTU ) , llee olllce. 717 l'.t [ _ WANTED 1'osltlrm us collector or sali'Miiim hy ruling inunof experience. Addresi 0' ( 1183 olllcc. 7IB ! ! > _ _ WANTKI > reriniinent Hltiiiitlim HH jmielpr : Ifi ji-nrV fXlieilt'lirp. For telins Him references uddicss Kills llnrkcr , A\orn , In. VJS 18 * _ MIDDI.liMU dl.id.vdcilii" * llglit hoilic'koci- Ini ; . Xorthf .tit corner of 1 ill ) mid \ \ Illlunis. 710 17 * _ _ _ ' \A/ANTii : ) .Situation l > y experienced Meno- T i KI apher. 'I horoiiKli kno ledge or olllcu \\oik lltteiencct. Addrt-sn Q , lieu olllcp , Conn- < ll lllnllH. TQ'MU _ \irANTKD-Pltniitlon by trustworthy ( ! ei- * T inuti ofI in porter or roncliinan : excel lent city ruferuucpi. Cnnndluti Cniploynient olllce , illft Ho IMh. Tel. BC4. ft'Jl l"7 TtfANTlflVlttmtlon by u llrHt-class tlotliliiK > innn ; formerly m.iimger lor eustorn IIOIIMJ ; wilary not l"ss limn Jlia n month. At lelauro iibont TVli. 1 AtMrc TW. Hoc offlio. i l : * WANTHD1'cinu.nont Hllnntlon us book- Uuijier or iisslttiint , with good linn , by young limn ( married ; . Ailddie , T 14 , llee. 86.1 17 * WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED 'Jood farm hand , ono bell boy. and small boy to run enands ; several good agents , C.imidlan Employment olllce , Mrs. ttrcga .V Son , UK ! S. irith. Tel. fi4. ! TIM 17 * WANTED"-"Colloctor. Apply to I1. V. Collier ] Itoom f.i. ! llelmnn Hlk. 7U ! > 18 WANTED-Honeatand industrious boy at ( ittJ So. ! : ih t. 01'i ' 17 WANTED ( iood cornet player for Sunday atternoon at H. 10th St. M. H.Sunday school. Address T ( V > , lice olllce. U77 111 * WANTED-An netlve , Intelligent , voting man of gond ucIihcm. willing to triivnl In a pqnprr. leglllmiite. prolltable buslne-s Must Imvo'.WJ. 1'artlculai * ) , M.iunlon , IfiU ! Pimmm. IN. 18 * ANTED Artlro youutr man wttlTTlOO to miuiagii uu olltce , 1.VUU 1'iunnni , room H. nil 17 * WANTED Salesmen p orjuhrro for door b-jlls , burglar alarms and our new sliver ndjustablo door plates. I'lnost in the world , ( No glass or paint.J Can sell ami deliver same di'y. One sale an hour will pay f IS prollt per - lay. Send li cent Mnmft for ( free ) circulars , lit hographs.snmples.e.ti1. no prepay the exptess. N. V. Door 1'lato Co. , Cambridge , N. Y. WANTED Sidesmen to sell a line of goods to the furniture nnd bedding trade In Omaha and xlclnlty on commission. One who Is well acquainted nnd Is helling goods to the frado , preferred. I.lbeial arrangements with n flood man. Addiess 1W-1U-I llnlliond avenue , JciseyClty , N..1. U71-17 * \\7V\NTED Two c-xperlnnced lire Insurance TT solicitors on eommlsnionorsalnry. Apply to Ulbrlch & I.nlng , room 4 , 1417 F.unaui st. 6.17-17 * NTEJI An energetic man to sell the most valuable nnd most uselnl article ever of- Vred to schools. Address , llox 719 , Omiihn , CM-iM * itfANTKD In eveiy county In Nebraska , re- IV llnble cnnrgetle men to pell goods by M > - llcltlng for a well established mfg company ] X > inmnent emploj meiit to the right men , no capital or experience necessary , reference required - quired , nililrc ss Hoi i7 , Omaha , Neb. CilOf 11 "VA ANTED -Uor .1 eneigetic men of good ad- TT dress as ennvawerM ongnmaiiteed salary. Nlcewoik. bleudy Job. Cull uirly. Itoom 4 , Cronus block , IlliN. Pith. OX ! " \\7tN1ED-rirst-ilnsR general machlnlstH. TT Ia\is.t ) Cowglll Iron works. f-u lAfANTED Men for latlroixrt. woik. AT T > brlght's I.nbor Agency , 1120 rarnam. " 5 " \\rANTED l l men of good appearance to TT tiynur lf > c meiils nt Noirisiestniirunt , 311 find oUBoiith 14th fctrcv't. ( old Live and I , t Ll\o > U-fi V/ANTED-FEIViAUE HELP. \\rANTEll-A good"girTfor Oakdnle , ! . ' girls TT tor i'l.tttsinoiith and -11 tli-st-class gills to icglster for places nil over the sinte. Call nt 11m Mate Employment I'nrlors , 1417 rarnain st. , l ooiii 11. 7413 17 * " \VANTKII ninliut room girl for XVyomlug , TT M ) ; woman cook for Mcfook , Neb , om1 for rulleitonuml ono for Curtis ; " "i glilsfoi liunfc'uoik , $ .1 to > jier NU'ilc ; imihtt gills , Lltchcn hrlpcr * , 2 woman COOKS for small hotels. rauHdlun Emp. olllce , Mrs , llrega > V r-tni , IllflS. IRth. Tel. SSI. 73J 17 * " \\7ANTEI > i hhlit Ironers ut lUiiton Steam l.nuudiy , & South IMhbt. VJMS * A.NTEIVGUI. . A. IIospo , 31" , N. 17th.TSli TS-li ) WAXTED-A tlrst-clas ? girl for general housiwork , three in f.unlly , UW rainam , Ii7ll7 ( * \\rANTKD-Oompetontkltchen girl. Mrs. I' , T > xV. ( lrn > , ttJ Douglas st. i 17 \\T ANTED-Good B'rl ' for house oik at Sin S , TT llith Bt. ' 0.79 " \\rANTED-lloilsekeeper between : ! (1 ( and 4 ( TTeniB old who can speak Danlsn ami llngllili. Apply L-fill CumliiK st. cti is * i , ix l.ADVngenfs wanted lniiniillal * > > .v gi.viii -I new i libber uiidergarmcijt.f-7 ipm , | , . , } ] 0j tl.i } , proof tree. Mis. il. Jff j.ittio , Chicago , 111 , ' CB is * AVr 'TT D-tlood flrl for gener.il housi * . woifc. 11117 Cass st. tiX _ \\TAyrV.D-InimcillHtely. ladles to workfo : T T a vholei.iln house on ncedlewoik at thel : liuiura. ( Sent nay distance. ! ( Iood p , y can hi nmdc. I\TI jthliiK furnished , I'mtliMilnr free. Addu-.s ArtKtlc Needlework Co , , in MI M. , New yorkUty. t'b7 ' AV ANTED-lrl ! for general hoiibcwork. Sll DoiiKln * . Bil ! 7CS r El ) - MUMJ girl r.t'U'S. . : wth st. fi..l 1' liidy Micveiy town XMinted to tntioilnri rtnd i-ell ivmiyro > u ! I'ltls , "Chlcluster1 J'nqllsh " OilKlnnl nndulllvtiemiliiH , Send 4 Utitmpi ) for particulars. OhlchostcT Chemlcn Co. , I'linadt-'phln 1-a. : K7. totivuiirita me.is 1 Noi rib' restaurant old I.hoandLvt Live Sll uiuiaiUS , nthst. < JM ) W A'STTn ilrforTrcnerathoURewoik. Neil lint colni'ctent gltl need apply , ivil I'IIH > \\TANTKD--1adlcsm | city or country , for mi J i hy'lday trade , to take llht , pleannnt wor nt thdriiwn liomes. ( l to jj per d.iy can h noli tly inadi' . W ork Kent by mall any dUtanri I'nrticulinti free. Nn cnn\iiKstnp. Address n once , rre * cent Art Co. , H7A Milk bt. , llostoi Miifa. I'.Q. boxfi70. ! ik-vS E M P LO Y M E N T B U R E AtTs7 Uinploymcnl Parlors , U17 rarnajii n C1ANAD1AN KmploymeiU olllcp , main and li ' male help tent ro all paitslt fare Is at vanccsl. Ili-fcrenciv Omaha National bant > lr . llrcga * Bon , 31ft S , IMh. Tel. 11. HIS f I' ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ni BO ARIP I NO. IJllUhT-tl ASS table boardTwi lu tioiii 4 ? etyle , for 3 or 1 uetitleiueii. 1S1I IJoilgw V" KuarnntcciL Term * II lu ady.meo , HUN .ItllBt 7H 18 * ' WANTED.-TO RENT. WANTED Rentleman hnd wife , without clilldrou , pleasant , well furnished rootim. rlth innrd , In private fumllv , or vhew there ire few other bortrdcr Highest refercncp. \ddrcsH , t'lvlUK location , terms , etc . T. Kt , llee > IIC01 | 70.- . ! _ ! > * \V'ANTKD-TJ rent olllco ppacc on Rroim-l TT Ikinror bacdnc'lit. Mu t he centrally lo- ratvd Wilglit It Lasbury , 1101 Karnam * t \\rANTED to Kent Vacant room lo store T T fiome furniture private hotl-w prefeired , \ildrfBsT. frf . llee. 7U717' T71OH HENT A 7 room flat with Imlh room. J 1017 Howard st. Inquire at I.eo & Nlchol's livery stable. 'I oleplioiieMU. 7.'I HI' . Coin hasTllst of 27H houses tor rent , ianglng In price from M to I12o. and In MM , from iltoI room * . N. e. cor. ISth and Douglas , Teluphone l.tTO. TCP 31 lipOH KENT -I'our new leu-room houses on JL' ntredt car line , ten minutes from postolhce , all modern Improvements. JI5.W per mouth. I' . H. McConnell , 1 KM I'arimm. tft"32" " HOl'SE for rent , 2437 Charles st. Apply Win. Arthur , Mandurson's bulldlns , no earner : > f 1 Ith and Cap avp , or 21G ) Charles , 411'J F"OlfltKNT A thit of 4 rooms . w. cor. Irtth and I.pavenworth Ms. Emiulre at s. o. cor. 17th nml liCuxFiixvorth. < Kfi. HENT AnS-room cottnRowlth modem J. Improvements. IiKiulre lstand bt. Mary's. M--17J TTOH KENT-If you wish to rent a house or JL ; iint I IIIIAH tliem from J. " > m WJ for cottanes. ind 8 and U ) room modern IIOUHM , fiom ft-'l to HO per month. Call at J. H. I'.irrotte , llental AK ncy. iroOClileairost. 67fll Ki > HOrSES torrent from IK up. J i' . L. . Gregory , Ucutul Agent , 'M ) S. Ifith st. FOIt KENT-a elegant now brick houses , 10 rooms , all modern Improvements , line locu tion , lil mln. walk from I' . I ) . , on street car Hue , lent i\0 \ per month. It. M. Genius , 1108 Douglas street. 4.C.I IrOK KENT-Seven (7) ( ) room house , all turn- 1 Ishcd , No. 107 mirth nth st. 4U4 rpllEhousal now occupy w 111 1m for lent , .Ian. -L nary 1st ; hnusn contains ID-rooms and all modem ImproMiments. "n'.l S. "Ith st. Morltz " lej er. Cull ut llth nnd raitrun or at 207 S.Ith l/ r > " 4 _ rK ( HENT "new7 roomed hnu es , well , els- tein , laigo cellar , llith near CUuK st. XV. O. Shrlxor , op | > postolllce. KJ1 "CTOIt HENT 0 now 7 roomed hoiiaes , city I ! water , cistern , cellar , 'Mft \ near I'aul , W , O.Shrlver , l'icuzer block opposite postollh-e. NO. UOO 7th ave , n-rnom hotise , i good re pair , large yard , cistern water ; w ill ren- to responsiblepeison with not moie than2 chil dren for | 23 per month. 4U [ 71OH TIE.V'r New house , 6 room' , etc. , largo J gioiinds , corner 2Sth mid Cupltol avenue. Inquire 2821 Dodgost. IM1 IflOlt IIP.NT 2 new ! ) room houses on S 30th near I.eavenwoith. C. I ! . Mnync. 341 Foil HI'.NT New ft room cottage In Ambler place ; good 7 room 2 story housp , Orchard Hill ; good 4 room cottage , Oichard Hill , C. 13. Jlayne , N.V cor. lrjtll and llarnejist. 191 FOR HKNT-ilouse It looms. W. M. Hush- man , N K corner Ifith and'Douglas. W4 FOR RENT-ROOMS FURNISHED. Ii'OIl HENT Nicely furnished front room xUtli llrtt-classboard. 1U.J1 1'arnam. 7J1-1 * XTICEI.Y furnished looms cheap , 1100 D.tven- IN poit. 73D-1H * oil HUNT Suit of newly furnished looms ; all modem conveniences ; board If desired , I.J2 Conigla Ave. W2.19 * f ELV-nnnlsheil room , ? 4 month or cheap by week. ( yrs. If-th St. , Up stalls. 737--J * I neil HI'.XT-Nlcely furnished room , 17W3 ' Douglas , for gentleman. 711 SI * T71ITUNISIIKD front room for2 gentlcmpii. In- JL1 ( | uiio 1KU DoufhiH , lloom E. 7U 2:1 : * Il Iir.ST Four (4) ( ) elegant rooms , all mod- erncou\enlences. 1702 Webster st. 7lH I rooms Tay xcek or month illl North 1-th ht. , by Fannie Argjle. KM Ib * FOH HKNT Furnished rooms at 719 South 101 h t.t , near Leavenxvorth. 09. ) IS * FUHMSIllID rooouis with board. lK ! l Fnrnain 012 22 * LfOH IIE.NT Laigo handsomely furnished up per front room , steam heat , lttii : DouglHS. 7CO 18 * FOH KENT-rurnlshed front room , $10 per month. Suitable for 2 gentlemen. 814 S. 13th ht. 1)88 18 * S 1U1TR of furnished rooms toril Bcntiemcn. HIS. a > th near Dodge st. teU 17 * FOH HENT Furnished rooms ; terms moder ate ; "team heat , gas , bath xoom nnd on trcet car lino. . ' 17 Douglaa st C2 0 * FOK HENT Nicely fumlshed looms with heat * 7pennonth , 4WI XVIlllnms bt , 8 minutes XMilk houthcast 1T. 1' . depot. t'w" FOU HKNT I'lensant room for two , 1 B Dixlge. rtt'T-ifj HENT Nlcelj furnlhhed room biiltablo f ii tivt. hciitl-jint'ii , 10J1 f'aimimst. Bill U't OH HENT Suite of furnished rooms. A " " sp . 5411 UUNT-NIco room furS. 1613 Dodge st. D' J XTIJATLY fitinishcd.lirgo fiont roomforone is or two gentlemen , \ ery cheap , " 104 llarney. y.j.'i 17 * FUHNI.S11ED room , ste.un heat , > l S 24th. N.7J--7J POIt HKNT Nicely furnished rooms at 2.i7 Dodgp. Gas , bath and furnace heat. Wi "VTH'KI.YfurnNlii'U front room with or with- -L > outboard. 1S12 Do < lgo st , UU7 FOH HENT Newly turnlMied south fion room , lu new hoii e ; steam heat and every convenience , 1721 Davenport. fkSl "VTICi ; largo front room , furnished and heated/ -L > bult.ible for two gentlumen. Also small loom. IUI7t'nss8t. KU lU rooms , IMtl Dodfe. i XX'ell furnished , x1th nso of piano , rariuim. iKk'i F' ! ! . ! NT ! l looms ut 311 Woolworth ave. ; , per month. > ! H "I UUNISIIED rooms and board , "IWti rnrnain. l"K elegnnt rooms all modern convenience ; ! 17U4 XVebster ( .t. 4 > FOH HENT Furnished rooui * Suj Dodge. E.V. 17 * t T OK HKNT-i > nlhpj room , in ( jrcsnlg blk , ' " c'r * * iiiuinHx > dire sts. 'IniintrooC eo. * It. B11 : ix. Mllhird hotel blllianl loom. 995 FOH KENT Tw o nicely furnished front rooms on ground lloor. i\t 2118 Hurt , for J11 per month , with boaiAiflpirweeU additional. ( All "IjlOH HK.VT-A nicely funilshed'room w Ith all JL1 modem Improvement * for one or two gentle men , WI S. aith. Ira * SlNdl.Erand tloublu furnished rooms , 2115 Dodge. JHJ f fij "I7XOH HENT l.argo front room x\lth ulcorn JL1 and closet , gas. bath room , hot and cold water on the same lloor. Two gentlemen , or man nndlfo. . < - ) per month. No , 'M S 21th st. " 1 AllOK Foutli trout nh > m , all modern conven- J J lences , M.ltnliUi tor two gentlemen ; also llrst-clnss tiililx board for three or four ; refer- ehces. Ibll Dodge t. VM FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. ir\Oll \ HiXT-'lhel'dnndOdstorj-of : the flood- I1 ih h building , - doors westuf 1'axtim hotel , c.ich floor ! SixHl , Hiiltable for ofllccx ; studies , hall or mamifaiturliw purposes ; also cellar same size. r < K pleasant IIHUIIH o\er the llollmt ot Lords , Dodge st. ; \\lll lent -.eiuiately or to gether Two new 10-rooiu dwellliiK houses. All modern com elilc-ncex. onhticctcar line. Apply to.I. II. i\aius : , 1MU Dodge. 7.14 111 17101Uli.NT-Nos. : IWUan.l liWi Karnam St. , .1 lately occupied by Peycke llrothers ; poses - . . ses lon rebruarj I'l * A..I. I'oppletou. ii'7b ' * 17011 HUNT-Ground lloor otnco room , ecu- trally located , heated nnd lighted. C. F. IUrrt on. 4ls S. 15th bt. . lee FOIt HKNT-oIhces on Karnam st , at * 1U to ] per month. One oillcu furnbhed. IOU K.ir- mini. 101 ITlOltTlKNT Olllco , cheap ; beat location In the J1 city. l'r. Dodge st. hfll FOR RENT-ROOMS UNFURNISHED. 1710H HIJST-Two unfurnUhed rooms forllglit 1 hou-ekeepliifc' . Address T. i7 , Hee oltlce. UA is * HI1VT - \ ar e room furuUhvd , central , J410 Chicago t. 3WJ FH ) f- Twor-rooms. ) No.l lllloward t. Three ( if ) rooms , No , ion north suth t. Tlirre CD room-s. No KWl north -1st st. Hlx ( fi ) room hottso. No. 21(11 ( Nh holhs M. Three Cb rcKJiu cottaee , 'Jlst and I'unl st. Tlireo (3) ( ) rooms , No. IUV north Slst st. Three ( Hi rooms. No. lll'il'terre ' t. Tliree ill ronm , No 1112 "Mith 7th st. 'I lirrc ( .11 rooms , No 7HI 1'arltlc st. Unoil nice olllce , No. .11(1 ( south 15th st. 403 FOR RENT-MISCELANEOU8. HINll.Hbe < l fla weekN. W. corner l th and Farnam ; warm room. ( Mi MAllALo.iRlnglloU3e.WlO and ! .1 ackson tit. l ) t. ! th and loth its. Ilculs slncle beds at tl per week ; clean beds. ( M I'eb ! ! * RENTAL ACENC7E3 FL. ( IHKdOHY , rental agent.J8 : , mil st. , i ground lloor. Telephone V > 1. < M SI'KCIAL attention given to renting houses , furnished and unfurnished rooms. List with us. W.M. llnrrls.o < eraMS.nthKt. K "ITIOIMIENT If you wl h torent ahousn call i' on llcnawa & Co. , 15th St. , opposite ] ' . O. 1D4 ' STORAGE. VTKW YOItK HtorflgoCo. nave'most extensive J- > facilities for storage of furniture , planoi , buggies , general merchandise , west of Now York , Cl > sli nilvivuccs to r.ny amount ; ware house receipts given ; goods Insured ; brick building fire-proof ; ( special arranecmcmvi for commission merchants. Call Nmv York Storacu Co. , Capitol ave and N , 15th St. , lletmctt'fl block. PERSONAL. T > r.HSONAI. Kng.lBCmcnts to dortrnsmnk - Ing In ramlllos solicited. Oflll on or ad dress Wlss Jessie Murdy. K.'l S. ) th at. fC * PIlltSONAI/ I wnnt vncnut lot , north part of < ltv , for good house and lot lu Omnhu View. C. C. Suutanooil , ! Wo5 ! S ltth ! St. , Omaha. > iilPONAr1 : I.ndlea nnd gentlemen run rent nniMiuernilu suits at old N lotli t. , upitalriti ] OEUM.VAr. 1'rlvalehoniB for Indies dm Itig coiillnement , stilctly contldcntnl. Infants necpted ; iidilieis I' U lieu otllce. W7 f 10 ' Dll. R. Hooper , magnetic , franco and clalrroy- lint. I'erfnt dl.ignosH ot disease. Satis faction guaranteed. Ml N. 10th kt. 171 1 J LOST. TOST llctvrecii rnrnnin nnrt Cunilng street l on lltli , Diivenport or loth stteot-x , a patk- age containing plmnb-coloteil ca"hmeie nndvel- > etwlth linings fordie s I'lnder plonse re turn to ( ' K Montgomery. Itoomlli , on Sil lloor , Omiilm National Hunk building. 7lil 17 * TOST .lannary Ifi , lietween Hth ntid Knrniim , J and If.th anil Cans. Illatk and purple wenrf. I'lnder liberally lewurded by lea\lii | { ntfilON. LOST Sunday r > , on N. Ihth - < t , , black astr.ik- linn mull. Under plctisu letutu to loom 24 , 3ul lloor IWl Knrniiiu Kt. 7(10 ( 18 * I OPT lletween 814'JTth St. nuil ( > ( H Coltux , on J Siitunlny , n Indies' gold watch and chain. 'I lu > Under \ \ ill be llbeially nnvarded by return Ing Mine to room 17 , Omaiia National bauk building. & * l 11 * LOST A tea-chest containing 2) Ibi tea , innrkeil ( i. \x alls , liVfi Jladlson nve. I'lmlor return to Ameilc.in District Telegraph Co. , UJI Douglas nnd iccelte Miltnblu leward. l78 ! 17 JOST A small gold breastpin set with twenty t six pcails. I'lnder will bo lowuuled on cnlllnK at llll.l C.illt'oinla St. 4l > 9 I , OST Contracts to lots S lull ami ' "O and SI , _ U 11 , I , Cielshton Heights. Howard at IfXW Farnam sr. 1(77 r.WAHD-Wlll bo clven for return of bay mare , I M Ibs , Imller on. btiayed from ar.4 Ciunlii ) , ' st. U. S. Oatrum. 5'iti FOUND. FOIINO Horse blanket. Owner ran have by paylns charges. Call "OJ X. 10th , 7J4-17" FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. TC1O11 SALE At n barpiln TO fi et of shehing , * - ! JO feet of counters unrt one Ice chest , suit able for grocery store. Knquliu at M3 S. 10th Ht. 735. KCKSSITY compels me to sncrlllco all my f multure consisting of the entile furniture of nix-room house , Including bedding , curtains' , illshex , Hto\es , lamps und curtains. Noieasoii- able otfer refused. For particular address lo ( k TKMr.iKK.clty. 074-17 T71OH SALU Klegant new furniture nnd c.ir- -IX pets at a bargain. tl ! > Douglas st. fiU. > 17t FOll SALK-Frcsh milch cows. Hill .V Smiley , opp. Kxcliango building , Union Stockjatys. Telephone 6 * . lfll-feb-1 MISCELLANEOUS. I A DIES' and gents' garments neatly and * cheaply repaired. Mucus and hoslerv pre ferred. 1413 Davenport st. 725 17 * ON receipt of 20 ctsf liver I will forward to any address eight family lecclpts. Ad. F N ! B 1'ostolllce , Omaha , Neb. 712 li > * iTIli ; ninth s ries of stock of tlio.Mntnal I.OMII L and llnlldliu : assod it Ion Is now open for uliscrlption , at 1110 S. IMh st. ifl.dO p-Ja monthly willobtaln a lo.jn f.t ? a on each shaie seemed by real rrroto hecurity : tl per cent paid tQ V. .liKiraw ing stockholders. Olllco hours ft p. in. to II p. m. daily. O. JI. Hattlnger , hecietary. STANDAHD Stock Liniment Is not a patent medicine but is compounded from purest ingiedlents by men who have made the Meat- men ! of stock the study of their 11 ; cs and is as carefully put up as u physlci.in'.s pivcrlption. It Is iully guaranteed to accomplish nil claimed or money refunded. Manufactured by P. E. Sanboin A Co. , 17U1 St. Mary's avenue. < ! c > 0-17 lli : banjo taught as an art by ( ! eo. F. Oellen- beck , S. e. cor llith aud DonulnK , up stairs. / is ; II' you wish good , prompt paying' tenants , list your dwellings , tl.its and store room * with J.H.l'ariotte , llontul Agency , llWi Chicago cage .st. rwm HI ! . COM ! insuiunce. Itellablo. companies , i N K cor IMh and Douglas. Telephone VK > . Ha ill rpo lilJASIJ ror long time and at low rate , - Ilots K ! and W ) , Nelson's addition , and p.irt f lot af , Hedlck'd Siul add. A. I'-Tuksy-1.121 1'arnam str. 33) STANDAHDIIorso and Cattle 1'ootl is not a "Condition I'owdcr" made np > fit mineral substaiK c which Injure the animal , but Is com pounded of the purest vegetable Ingredient sy ) men of o\peiienco.Tho Food cleaUHefc'thlibloO'l ' , cm es epizootic , pink-eye , distemper , . , prevent sand cures colic. In mul-'lsg d. Unison thocurativoiKmersof the i-'ooil they are sub stantiated by n guariP-'ee. Manufactured by P. n. Saiiborn \ f'j. , 17UJ bt. Mary's a\o. ' lt.r sale every wlio'-o. Offi 17 \ Ahnianson's ollice removed from I'rt't tr * block to niS S Ifith st. : ) Vif C . H. JOHNSON , extern builder , wells bored and dug , 4W ) N 30th St. , Omaha , Neb. CASH paid for second-hand booits and Lltira- rles. ; J3 N l th fit. H. Hhonfeld.antlmiarlan. 74 JZ \ * CLAIRVOYANT. DH. NANNIK V. Warren , clairvoyant. Med ical , business and test medium. Diagnosis free. Femaln diseases a specialty. 11 ! ) N. 10th St. . Hooms S A 3. Tel. ! )44. ) 107 WANTED-TO BUY. " \\7ANTUD A meat market , n country town TT preferred. Frank Wood , Aliuworth. Neb 5m 17f Iwlll buy a MTU mortgage note. ( ! . K. Thompson. 3US. nth Bt. 4U ! \\7"ANTii : ) A good stock of merchandise In TT good location. Co-operatlvo Land \ Lot Co. , SO. . N lUth.t. . WS 17 \\7ANThD-To buy short time paper , J.W. TT dross , at C. K. ilayne'u olllce , I'jth and llainey. i'Ki _ M O NEY TO LO A N. M ONI5V loaned on real estate. i i'h on hand. H. W. IluntrubS , 150.11'arnam Ht. HK. ( "DLK Loans money on real estate aud buys Ili t mortgage notes. N IJcor 11th and Do.iKl.ta. Telephone UU' > . W.\ \ [ MONKY to loan at low c-t rates upon Improved and unimproved real estate in Omaha and nlio upon farms In western Inw.i and e.istern Nehr.i-ka. Mortj.Mk'e notes li'iuuht and hold Udell llros. \ Co. , lrc.'l Karnam ut. W " \rONljVtoloanonlmpioved real rotate ; nn JTI commission charKed. Leuvttt llurnham , room 1 , Crelyhton Mock. l.'l SHOUT time loans made on any available becurlty , In reasonable amount * , rU-curod notes liouulit , sold or exchaiiKtMl. General financial Imslness of any kind transacted promptly , ( iiilutly and talrly at the Omaha Fi nancial Exchange , N. W. cor. IMh and Har- ney ts. , o\vr State National baud. Corbott , manager. 117 MONKV loaned on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , etc , low rates. J. J , Wilkinson A Co * lXi t'arnaui , over Uurltngton ticket oftico. MONFTV * td lonn 1 can fie r place gnmo first olaMclty IOHIV * 'linnieOtittelr. Call at once If you desire to IK ) accommodated. I ) . V , Shole- ) . room 1 Darker block , oiitraace lit alley. IW M ONKVto I/inn ny tflp undcr'nmed , who has the only proparly ortranlred loan ngcncy InOmnha. Loan DfHOto tluomadoon furnlturf , plarros , orpans , her c" . wrpons , ma chinery , etc. , A < llhout mivlthL No delays. All buMtiess strictly conndcntml. Ix > ans i < o made that any part can bo paid al'Any time , each pay ment reducing thn cost lun rata. Advances made on fine watches and diamonds. 1'ersons should carefully consider \vhofhty an ) dralliiK with , ns many new concern1 } are dally comlna Into existence. Should yo < i heed money call and Feomo. W. K. Croft , rooni ; ) [ WlthiiHll building , 15th and llarncr. , . 111 _ _ Moxr.v LOANED at c. F , iio - < i , v co.v Loan Olllcc. on furniture , pliinos , horses , w aeons , pemmiil property of all Kl fl , and all other ar ticles of value without removal. 318 S. 13th. on Illnnh.im'A comml slon store. All btisl- nens btrlctly contldcntlal. 1 ! MONKV to I.oau-On furniture , pianos , waKens , or other peisonal ptotierty without removal ; also on collateral security. Iluslnrsa conUdcntlal. Chas. II. Jacobs , 33J S. 15th st. 17U _ M ONEV to Lonn-O. T. Davis Co. , real rstato nnd loan nL'onts , lav , ] ' 'aruam at. UW " G 1'Ell CENT Money. 1'atterson & Kavrcett IMh and Harnpy. 110 MuNKVtoloan , casn on hand , no delay. J. W. and F. L. Squire , H1J Farnatn st. I'ax- ton hotel buildlnc. llfi M OMIIV loaned on planoi , furniture , hores.i organs , etc. , low rates. ( ] . II , Zimmer man , roortro , Arlington block , 3 doors west of poatolllce. 677 J'1 OAKS made on real citato. Cash on hand. iV. . M. Harris over J.-JUS. l.'th st. 110 MONEY To loan , lowest rates. No delay .1. L. Klco & Co. , over Commercial Na tional bank 114 LOANS made on real eftato and mortgages bought. Lexvls S. Heed & Co. , 1821 I'limnm. llti ( JJfiPO.niX ) To loin on Omaha city property at 0 P percent. 0. XV. Day , S. E. mr. Ex. Hid. _ J _ 12d TO LOAN Money Loans placed on 1m- pt ovoil real estate In city or county for Now England Loan A Trust Co. , by Douglas County bank , llith and Chicago sts. 1'il . " to loan nt 0 per cent. Urmhnu & Xla- $7."AOOO honey , 1W rariiam. 134 MONEY to loan , mortgage notes bought , loans made on chattel sccitrltv : no delay J. J , Cummlngs , Koom 10 Darker Illock 201 M ONI'.Y to loan. Notes mm it. H. ticket , bought nhd sold. A. Formnn , 213 S 1 Ith sts BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTI'D Man to Join company now organ- l eilj ulll bear liucstigationand pay 200 per cent monthly on money Invested ; capital re- ( lulled , * lOHl : nonn but those inennlng business need ajmly. City reference given in regard to business. Till , llee. 741 17 * WANTc'.n A man of expoiienco and capital to Join a stock company to build mid operate n water power Homing mill ; a splendid location. Address 1' . O. box 224 , Swanton , Neb. TX 1U * IflOll SAIiTJ A drug , book , paint anil Wall paper store , u store that paid n < arly fl.Otnj gross piotltslast ycarwlth an espei e of less than Ji.ftCO n year ; a store with nn established trnde ; the leading store In u growing town of WKPIJ ; cash receipts in 1887. J11.4IU ; thevo are facts that will bear the closest investigation ; will invoice about f * > , r > iiQcortospondenco ; and ln\etlgntlon solicited. Address \Vlndham AT Daxies , riattsmoiith , Nebr 723 22 * HOUSf.S mid lots for western lands , farms , etc. iww F.irimm. ' " Kil $ fiOO buys ' { interest In esdiblished mercantile agency ; with energetic paitner can bo made lucrative business. Tor particulars call at 21 , Kienrcr block. ; i 'JKi A IjAKQK. pleasant stornVooin tor rent , onn of the best points In' ' the. cltv for retail boots and shoes , hats and caps , dry goods , tc. , within half block of coi nor 14th and Farnim. Iongleasc , cheap rent. E.T. Seaver , 101U1Par - limn st. 3i' tei FOR EXCHANCfc. $ luO.iOU ( of inside impion-d or unimproved Omnhu- property wanted , for whhh 1 will tr.ule som'y' of the choic est { farm lands and lots Uu the best towns In the state , unlncumbored , and assume encum brance. Tills isnn opportunity not often ollered , 'and ' NebiasWa hinds uro rapidly advancing. ' 1. S.Clarkson. 2111S 14th st. * 71J 2U GOOD city lots , well located , to exchange for good horses or cattle , Iliadrick & Voie , 15th st , 1'renzer block , room 7. 704 22 * HE. COI.E gives special attention to trading . Write for our list. N K cor 15th nnd Douglas. MA 31 "IjlOIl Exchange. If you have farms or lands to JL1 sell or tnula send for our descriptive blanks. If you have any kind of property to sell or ex change , list It with us ; wo can fmnlHli you a customer. S. S. Campbell it U. W. Uorvey , U1U Hoard ot Trade Omaha 3U I HAVK for trade Improved farm in fj . , o near I'lattsmoutb. will tro. ' . < - rflr Improved inside property. Adrucss JI 30 , Bee office.OSS OSS WANTED Good family horse in excnangti for lot , JlcCulloch & Co. , cor J5th and Farnnm. 123 Tl you hii\u nn\ tiling to exchange call on or luldiesb 11. K. Cole , n. e. cor. 1'ith and Doug las. 217 I'l WANTDD-Slocks of meichandl-io to ex change for lands and citj urouertC. . C. Spotsw oed , ariH s. intb. l o V\7ANTr.D Houses nnd lots to exchange for TT linpioveil and unlmproned lands in Ne braska aud Iowa. Charles C. Spotswocnl , flOjli S. Pith. IW "VTKIlHASIvAnnd Kansas farms to exchange -l- > for Iowa and Colorado lands , anil vice versa. Co-Opei alive Land and I ot Co. 205 N loth st. IVU rarms in exchange for Omaha property , C. C. Spotswood. IlitiVi 810th. 12V ) ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. BrNONfcCAU.MICHAr.I , furnish coujpleto pud guaranteed abstracts of tUIo to any real estate in Omaha and Dougta * county upon Rhui t notice. The most complete sutof abstract books in the city. Kr > . l.'llt Fariiam .st 111 MlOuANT ) Guanmtpe and Trust Co. , ivn Furnam street Complete abstracts fur nished , and titles to real estate jxamlned , per fected and guaranteed. 13u -"OR SALE-REAL ESTATE. GEOIUIE M. roOIT.lt , I-KIU rarnain , olleis the following bnigalns : Wjxl.t ! , l.ltli and JOIICM sts.pa } Ingl2ja month , trackage in rear. Jin.VK ) . N xi : > 2 , inth and .IOIIPS , jno : ! a foot. 22 feet on tnunder.s , touth of Odd Fellows' block , J.I.V l. 22 feet adjoining above. J.1f 10 Lot C. block II , lliiPd'H 1st add. , J"ionO. Lots 1 nnd 2 , Saunclers' add. , forJIO.mW. Lot V. , block 11 , $ ; , IK . Lot II. block : ils. tiackage. . . hot 1. block : i , Kounters 4th add. , flr(10. ( I.otil. hlockO , Milnn's2nd add .T.Ml. ( Lot ! i , blocK 4 , A. S. I'uti'ick s add , corner , block from Saundi rfl.H ) V ' Lots'.iand 10 , HuidvttnCcmrt. forJl.MO. LotsIn Table Land , JlVlto Wvi. easy terms ; best lncstment neai citj ; ( "KO out And sco Ihesu lots , j t Lots In lllchmoncl , J4W to 1100 ; any of tm e will make you money. Pouth Om\lia. Lots ! l and 10 In 2 , Mlualmti \ Mahoney's add , for tl.UX ) . Lots n and 14 in.l. and lotilfi and 17 in , [ , lp. ton place.all fi r . ' ' . " . ni-h.-JIr'.t w hat owner paid one year ago , and who hnslttWll. lincstluatc. Lot K In. 'I'l , South Omaha. fl.Krl. Lot 4 In 4' ' * . South Onuhiiilliin , Lot fl Int'J , South Omaha , il.'AXJ. I'oi heilt. HOURO IMh and Mason. ( Nlrt. Ilou o2 d nnd ( ii.inl , > tr. l . House If th and Unit. iii-MtJ. House IHh and Cal. , JliUVI. I or Trade. ICO acre * , clear , Impio ertfnimlnMontgomerj C'o.Haii. &T fito IUTCK. fencc.l. highly impio\ed , liuiim branco yWM , fc.ti.7U ) , ' I or , interest in beU addition to city , eqnltj Slti , < OMorf2J.u ) . 1 keipfully ported Iniesaid toieaity mid In Vlto ( niresnoiideiice , Utorge M. Cooper , 1WJ 1'aninm 711 S3 AND and lots to trade for good hoiaes. 100 : 1'armim st. II7S C Hi\IMot.sllVeach. : 1'inest low-priced lots In city , must bo sold WO to * l,4 ( ) . llest bargain in Omaha , corner and inside lot 2-th nnd Dodge , only Wtfl for both. Elegant residence lot , Ujdgo and 23th ave. only M,2 ) . Two \ ery valuable lots , cor. 2Dth and Douglas bell cheup , ihhU ) . One huudied and forty choice Innlilo lots to b ( closed out tmmmllrttely. Fortune ! In then" . Two hundred houses and lots inside belt Hue build houses to order. ilt' i to Mul dow n. \V111 build good houses , KOth and Dodge , am sell on easy payments. For exchange , l'MW > worth of clear , nnln cumbciecl Ilrat-rlass real estate , with Cash , foi No 1 business property. UraLg JJros , DlO H , 15th st. 007 19 CHEAP llome lot I'.xlCO.Pcward street : pmnl house , < rooms , f i , < , w. MM rnsh. 1 % It. Gregory. ri'M estate , tut tkmth inth gt. Wi ) filOIUlA UVCorlot Wxi'M nnd 2 torj-"hons ( .SM A. and I'aclllc1 M. Inquire , lames Christiansen , U. 1' . f i eight department. _ f > ' ; i 21 ? ri' , Scwiird and ilst ! St. , II.TW , MXI cash , or } ! , $7110 cash. I. . lj. On-gory , Heal rttite , W South inth t. _ _ ' _ _ _ _ FOlt'PAliK-yinest location for ( Theme In XX'estOmah.i , ndjolnluq the mansion liomes of KlrkendMl. Co ? , Ur.tdr , Eissoti eincl others. NothltiR nnor In tha city. On so DimxIitT or less : for prices and ternu see S. A , Sloman , 11 Jl Kiuimmst. On TK you want cnntis hero they nro : Lot ! l block ! 1 , I.i'AvenvNorth Terrnc * . jNio : lot ! ! hlock 4 , letter Hdd.South tlmnlm.WVlot ) : : i block 10ls\ao \ Seldon's odd. , J'-V-W : lotilblock III. 1'hilnvlew , JI.KKl : lot in block lii. 1'lalnx lew , iumja.M feet of lottt block T , Kirkxvood , JVM. Many moro siime klnJ. If jon want cheap pi opet ty coma where It Is for nle. II. E. Cole , N. E. cor. IMh nnd Douglas. Telephone HU3. 7U7 1 / VNI Y CTcash , b.ilanco to suit , will buy n V/ "Jii'iO lot a few blocks from the pickitm houses , South Omaha , also other bargains can bo found w 1th II. I ) . SmcAton. room , . llarker block , cor. IMh nnd I'timnm ts. fi 7- TMl'HOVEI ' ) fnrm In Iowa for Omalm reiT- JL dencq prorerty. .1 , J. Wilkinson , 1 JI rarnam. l'J7 1J1O11 SAI.K lifivsl feet on caulo Hue. Splendid J2 Inside location for four Hats ffl.WO. Must bo Fold at once. Marshall & lx > ucck , room V Chamber of Com. IK ! "nioll 8.VI.E 100 acres of land four miles from JL stocK yards , m Ili'i per acre ; thin Is n bar- pain. McCiigue. Opp. 1' . O. _ la ; LAND , farms nnd lots to exrhamre tor shares I liKood pay Inj ? concerns , 11WJ rarnain st , _ 3711 "JjlOH SAIiK-Or exchange , lots in Noftli JL1 Omana for houses. House and lots In Coun cil Illnirs. HHnrcs In Low-o uo llutldltu ; ass'n. Lots la Hunscom and Ambler places. Plenty of other property , llosworth & Jonlln , 418 a. loth st. 1T 1710H S-\IiE Tlnee pooil lots on corner of JL1 DoduoMt , emu block west uf I.owu nve for W.600. Address for u linvdays S M llee olllco. 1171 VITT'WANS.V I,0VV..I. . XVelMians , T. K. T > low > Heal estate Investment brokers , Pan Diego , Cala. . Invest for non-iesldents , per- li-ct'tltles , attend to all Dullness , take title in In vestors name for .share of prolltswhen deal Is f losuil. Send stamp for our Investment Contract. S.m Dleco In 18S.1 had & . ( Ml popiilUlon , has no\v : V.imweplcdlt ! ! likVulbefoie \ . Hefeiences : Omnhu Nitt'l llnnlt ; First Nat'l It.mk , New Vork City : Nut'l Ilauk ot America , Chicago , aVM7 FOH 8 A I.l'X XXV oil eras a special bargain 1(53 ( acres of land four mllns from stocl : vnrds , at $1' ! i per acre , on line of IT. P. H. H. McCaguo Opp. 1' . O. Ml SA IE-I.oti.- S A. S. 1'atrleks ad ; w 111 sell for few dais at $1,500 , JflOO cash , bill. f. S. 4(1 ( llee otlleu. 917 EMSI'ICICNK" & CO. mnKO n specialty ot property In North Omaha , for sale or rout nt Citizens' bank. 2kH Ciimlui ; st. Ul Notice of Incorporation , rpo Whom It 3I.iv Concern : Notice Is hereby .1 ghen that "The lleo llulldlng Company" has Hied in thw olllco of the county clerk of Douglas county,7\'ebrn kn , mtlclos of liuorpor- ntlon. The principal pl'ico of transacting its business l"t Omaha , In Douglas county and stutoof Neinnsk.i. The ! general imttno of its biulnosM Is to nciuire ( , own , .hold , lease , mortgage , cell and com ey ieal astute , erect buildings and Improve ments upon the same , for tenting such icul estate , \c. The amount of capital stock authorized Is fitfUim' ' . ten per cent of which to bo paid at the time of subscilblng for the h.iinc , mid theie- imiliifleraH leipllred by the boanl of directors. The. coriNiintloii eoinmeniod .lammiy I'th , A. U. isss , and ill terminnto the l&th day of Jnn- uarv , A. I ) lliv * . The highest amount of Indebtedness or liabil ity to which the c'orpoiatlon shall at anv time subject Itself is two-thirds of the capital Mock issued. The business ntlalra of the corporation are to be conducted by a loud of directors of live members who shall select fiom their number a president , hccictary and treasurer. KDWAIID KOSF.WATKII , W vx JlKvr.n , CJui. II. T/-oiiuric , . IlASKEI.I. . Xotlco. ATTlIIt of application of Charles S.TorWtt for M penult to sell liquor na n ilrinul > t Notice Is hcreb ) K\RII ! III it ( uurlei S Torbltt did upon the irili day of .liinniiry , A. I ) . 1.S , tllo his np- pmntlon to Hie mayor iind city council or ( linalin.ror penult lo M'll ninlt , xplrlttious anil % Inous liquors us H drniKl t for mudictiml , incihaiilciil und cliuiiilnil puruses | only , at No. 2211 I urnum utreet. Fourth nurd.OmnliK , N'ub , from tlio ITrnl day of January. 1WW , to the llretdiiy of January , Hfl. If llieru be no objection , rcinonstrancn or proU-st liled wllliln two weeks Ironi January Itith , A. I ) . l ! 8. Die said permit will be granted. I HAS. s.TonntTT , Applicant. J. H. SoUTiiAnn City Clerk. JI7-SI OF TUB Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y , The Best Route from Omaha and Council IHnfTs to THE EAST = - TWO TUA1NS HAILT BKTWKBN OMAHA AMI. COUNCIL IILUFFS Clilcngo , AND Milwaukee , St. 1'HiiI , Minneapolis , Cedar Itnplds , Jlock Island , Freeport , Kochford , Clinton , Ihiluiquc , Davenport , Elpin , ModlfMin , Janesrillc , Bclolt ; IVitiona , La Crosse , And all otber Important points East , Northeast and Southeast. For through llcfce' i call on tlio ticket ascnt at 1411 r nmm itrcct , In HaxtMi Hotel , or at Union Puclrto l > epoU Fullmsn Sloopom nfl tlio flnett Dining Curt In Iho world r run on tie main line of the Chicago , Mil waukee & K. I'hll Halliray. and eTi-ry , attuutlnn l > paid to iiaifOnucTB by courttout employes of tuu eompusr. K 1HIl.I.Kn , Oenornl Manager. J. F. 'lUCiKHIl , A'slntant Oc-neral Mnnnpfr. A. V. H. CAlfl'K.NTiJll , Guucral l'a engor and ( JF ( . KCH KAKI-'OUI ) , Anlittnt General Puieogcr and Ticket A Kent. J.T. CLAUK.licncra. Snrertntcndfnt. THE CHICAGO AND NorthWestern - Western Railway Short Line. Wie onlr rO 4 to take Tor Do Molnos , Marialltntrn , Certir I.pIit , Clinton , Illxun. Clilcnpo , MllwankPti unit all rolnts cast. To tnc jienplu of > obra ka , Colo. rado , WyoniliKf , t'tab , Malm , Nevarta , OrcKnu , \ \ ash' Inxton unit Cnlunrnla , It ulfuri eupeJIor uJ nt l po ยง lle Ly any other line Anioni : a fen lit Ihti HUIIICTIIUS points of nilpnrlorltj enjoyed by Uin patron < ir tills road between < ) mah nj Chlrayo , uru II two tralo n day ut DAY COACH' } . > , nlileii are llio Uncut that niiman art and In enul tr ran create. Us I'AUACK M.KI'.IM.SJ C'AltH. which rumoitflsof temtort miJ eleuancc Its I'Altl/XI UKAWIMI HX 1 CA11J < , unjurp i < pil by any and Its widely celebruted I'AI.A'l IAI < IIIM.NU CAIl * . tin euual of which cannot bo found ei < * ivherG At Coun ell lllultitlin trains of the Union I'acltlc UnlUay , con iii'ct In union dcpul Hli tliow of the Chicago A hurtli ( > lorn It ) . In Clilcauo tliu Irnlns ot IliU llni inako clore connection n lib those of nil oluer eastern Kor Detroit , rolumbii" . Imllntinpolls , Onclnnntl Niagara 1 allis , llur ! lii. 1'lttraurK. Toronto , Muiilreal lloston , New \iirX , I'UlladcIptilK , llnllhuornusli liiuton , and ull point * In tlio cast , utk fur u ticket Tl ! Uit > "NORTHWESTERN. " If yon wtsh the tiont accommodation , All ticket gjnti Kill tlrkctii vii tUU lluu. .HUUIIHT. K I' . W1L ON. Gcnl , Manager , ( icnl. r r W.M.IUHCOCK. Chlcai:0'II"i.n.nou.K3. WuMruAguut City 1'ut'r. Oraabi , Ndbru K * . ir. j , Surgeon and Physician , Olllce N. W t'oiner 14th aud Douglas Ht. Olllce telephone , 4'i.i ' , * Iteiildencu telephone , C'W. V/EAK , UNDEVELOPED PARTS Uf the llcidy n'ared and itrrnalbtntd. r'ull iwtlcti- larlientinlfd ( ree tlilK MKU. CO. . llcrriLu , K. Y , SUFFEBEHS HEBVOUSKESS I&y33ffi litult of uTU-Wvfk , luillKietlbD , etc , , addtet * Oova. CURED DY A' .MISTAKE. A Ililitliorlii I'ltMcntN Ilciitnrknlilu nnd Hnvltii ; Error. Clnvinnnti Tlinos-Stnr : It ts not pon- enlllv known Hint the fOLmit rocoxory of ML- LytUix Jonhin frojn dlpljthorlii \\na the rtstilt of it fortvimto nuctdont. Ont-sltlo of it low , tbo fainllv and tx foxv frloiids. the serious coiitlition of the youni ; litily xvas not noiKTally known. Mips .lonltin is ono of the most jiopti- lui1 yotiiis1 women in Walnut lltlls fool- cty , anil it is aid that slu > xvill shortly inurry a yonnjj Avuntlulo man. About two xveoki tie Mn xvont to eon n frioatl xvho wat slok xvith tllphthoi'la , and , unthinkingly , sat in the nwitn for ever an hour. In a few days who bonan to whoxv symptoms of the dioato nnd it soon developed that she had it in its uuwt x'irulent form. Tlio family physician , Dr. Dlsnov , ho- ian to lo-o hope , M ) strong tx hohl had tliu dibosjso talvon xipon her systoin. Miss Jordan kept trotting1 worse and \Aorsu , until linally the doctor found to his utter cotistgrnation that a tVil.so membrane - brano xvas forming in her throat. ThtM is regarded as the x\orst jiosslblo form of the disease , and ono xvhioh is abso lutely Incurable. The rapid prowth ot the membrane xvas attended xvith inuivtmeddiUluulty in hrcathinp. \vasfjraduallyolosiiiRtho air passage. The dootors infovmod Mr. and Mrs. .lot-dan that the strupulp xvan ox'or , and that the disease had tri umphed. The xinhappyparonts xvero almost xvild xvith prief. The pirl had been an es pecial favoritito xvith them on account of her handsome face and sunny dispo sition. It hardly seemed real to them that she oould bo lyinjr otl l'CI ' < death bed , \vith her younp life slowly lleoinp axvay xvith each laborious breath. The doctor said that in a foxv hours all xvould bo ovor. . Already the membrane - brano had proxvn ever the throat , so that only a hole Iho sixo of a larpe ncedlu r'omaincd. Tlio pirl xx-aa lyinp xvith her head throxvn back. 'Tho veins in her forehead xvere sxx'ollen terribly and her face xx'as llory red. The mouth xvas xvido open and out from the throat cnmo ti horrible Imlf-ratUinjjj half- xvhistlinp sound. In every curve of her form , in the fearful olutchinp of ho lln- pors , ono could read the agony- she xx'tts ondurinp. Dr. DUnoy nad been very fond of Mi < s jydia. and seeinp that nolhinp moro lould bo done ho loft a phial of medi- iino "to boused xvhen the brculhinp had ibout stopped , " and started axvay. Ifo ully expected never to sco the pirl ipain until bho lay in the colliti xvith the ivhitcnofS of death in her features. The medicine xx-as some hi tuple restorative , hut mipht compel the soul lo fret a lit- , lo longer in the body , but could never tlo any pood. The medicine xvns jilaced on a small able near the bed ainonp a lot of other ihials of simihir size and shape. The lather and mother sat close by the bed side of their dyin j child. Soon the sound of the breathinp proxv louder and inrslier. The xvriihinir of the frame ihoxved that the end xvas very near. Mrs. Jordan started up , took from the able xvhtit she thought xvas the lait jhial the doctor had left , and measuring out a close , poured it quickly down her daughter's throat. Tho'cfTect xvas instantaneous and hor- ible. Tlio pirl xvrithed as she had not ilono before. Her linger nails tore into tier flesh. The x'oins fairly leaped from icr skin. Her face prew black , and licr xvido staring eyes fairly started from their sockets. No scream issued rom the xvrithinp lips. It xvas the per sonification of mute agouy. This only lasted for a minute. Suddenly there xvas n sharp , cracking sound. The girl's body lifted itself from the bed. There xvas a terrible pasp , a groan , and then a lit of racking coughing. The su'G'iicn veins began lo s""oiuo ' , the black color of the face changed to n dull red , the eyes slowly clobcd _ , and the girl began to breathe again. While this x\-as happening and the girl xviis at the very hoightof her sulTer- ing , the mother looked at the bottle xvhoso contents had produced this ter rible ellec-t. To her horror she dis covered that , by mistake , she had gix-en the girl a largo dose of aqua ammonia , u sulllcient quantity to have sullocatcd a xvoll person. The doctor xx'as immediately sent for , and xvhon ho arrived xvas told xvhat had been done. To his astonishment ho found the girl resting easy and looking far bettor than she had for a xvoek. Hot- lips and the lining of her month xvoro burned by the ammonia , as her throat must Imvo been also. An examination1 into Miss Jordan's condition shoxvs that , although she xvas very xvcak , yet her throat xvas com paralix'ely clear and tlieru xvas o\-ory indication of certain recov ery. ery.On the cover , in front of her , the doc tor found the false membrane xvhich had been the cauno of all the trouble , and xxhieh the girl had ejected in that last paro.xism. So singular in appearance xvas it that at llrst the doctor could not believe it had been torn from her throat. It xvAfl a hard , elastic , rubber-like lump of flesh , of a sickly xvhito color , cylindrical in shape , three inches long , and about half an inch in diameter. Through the center of it ran a hole , barejo large enough for the insertion of a knitting needle. It was by mc-iins of this hole that she had been able to breathe , and tlio gradual closing of it had brought her so near death. Dr. Disnov took it to his olllce and has pro- borved in alcohol. Taken altogether the case is a most curious ono. In the limt place , although the ammonia xvas the only tiling that could possiblv have saved Mis' ? .Ionian's life , yet no phjbicianould have been justified in prescribing it. A fortunate accident xvas fated lo accomplish that xxhich the imperfect medical art could not do. The fal = o membrane itself is the only ono of the ki.d known in the history of medicine. It is largo in si/e and pecu liar in shape. The rapid formation of it is a pnx'/.le to the phjsifian , As for the joung uoiniin , aside from a slight soreness of the throat , she htii enliiuly recovered. Itcail 11)0 Dcatli Itoll Which the bills ot mortality of any largo city may bo fitly designated , and you xull Iind lhat renal nnd vo.iieal mal adies , that is to say , tlioio that affect the kidneys or bladder , Imvo a remark able prominence xvo had almost iid- prcpondcrance. liright's disease and diabetes in the chronic stage are rarely cured , and gravel , catarrh of the blad der and onurcsloslaj many. Yet at the outsut , xvhun the trouble merely amounts to inactivity of the organs in volved" , the danger may be nullified by that pleasant renal tonic and diuretic , Hosteller's Stomach Hitters , xvhich im parts the requisite amount of tone U ; the organs , without ox-er-exciting them , and the use of xvhich is convenient , and involxcs no elaborate preparation , Dyspepsia , a usual concomitant of renal complaints , and debility , which thoj invariably produce , are remedied byJt , So also nro constipation , malarial , matic and nervous ailments. ' In Pa oo county , Florida , u man on ( hundred and three years : old has jus * pre-empted eighty acres of land unt proposes to farm it himself. \Vho I * WF.AK. NKRVOl'M. nF.IIII.ITA- TF.D.wholnhUI'OI.I.VntidlMNMKA.NCi : ln TRIFI.KI > n\v T hi * 1 1 ( JO It of IIOI V , dmlns upon I lie K U'M'AI > S of HKAl > ArilK , nATKACHK , f , tVRAK FMH of Monmry. IIAN1I * HOOIETY , .KS llum | th < FATR. ntiilnllttU' F. TE < T Ipndlneto KAKI.V nrCAYxnd pcthnps t'U > NVm > . TIO ! or INSANITY , JhonM COM u It lit once the rF.I.KIIHATKD Ur. Clnrkp , KMnlillthoJ ! 1R.M. Dr. Cliuko linn mndo Kr.KVOlN 1IK niMTY. nillOMr nnd nil l > lica < ci of the 41E.MTO tTIII\AllY Orcnii n I.lle HMuly. It tankc * M dinerfne WHAT you Jilvvo tnkpn or WHO h failed to rum you. 4irFiM ; A I.KN suffering from rilicnsf i poru. llnr to their sex rnueotuult with the Miin > rtco of i | > fdr icllf fund rure. bond 2 ccoU poitim * fur wntlct on jonr dlxn ct. * -.Sond 4 pcnts IKISIAKC for rclolirntcrt Work * on 4'lironlr , Nnrvoim and l pll rule Dliensei. ConiullKtlon , penxuml'y i > r by letter , frcoi Consult the < il l llurlor. ThniiMn I * cui-Kl. Omcmnnd nnrlor * prlviilo. * 4-Thr o rnnU-wplAtlnR Mnrrlttite tend for l > r. C'lnrko'i celebrated RUlilo Mule nnd Friunlr. rnrh 15r. , both 2V. ( Innipn ) . Heforp conflintiE your en * * , rontult l > r. DI.AItK K. A CrlonJly letter or mil irmjr lAvcmturo tuITcrlncand shninp , and add coldcn years to llfo.lk k "I.lf < 'n ( Fporct ) Kr. ror * , " < o. ( stnmps ) . Medicine nnd writing * sent everywhere , nocuro from e | > o uro. Hears , RtoB : Sumlajrii , to 12. Addre > , F. D. OLARKB , M. D. 180 So. Clark St. . GHICAOO. ILL. CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000 " \Vp iln certify tlmt < vn iip ( > rTl p tlionr * for nil the monthly nnd qtmrtorlf DrnivliiK of T he l.oiil liim tiiln l ) tterj ( NniipKiir , nntt In iieron mnimce ntul control the tlrufflttL'Mhom. ri > lfe , ( lint tliAt the mime arnrondiiftuiltflUiTinneilr fntrne * anit tn Kootl fHitli lovrtiut nil i > uille , nntl wti luillmrlrcUlic Coniimny lo IKO this lertlllcnln wltti inc Blinllcs of our jlV'imturo nttachol , In Its mtrortlia- IIIC'lllS. " COMMISSIONEU3. We , th uni1pr Urnpit tlnnksniut nanka rrlroi" iliRwn In thci l-mil lnnii r < lntu l/ollurles nlilcll rutiy bo | > rescntel nt our counters. J. It. LH1I.KOIV , I'rfv l/iul lHiiii Nnllnnnl Hank. I'liatltK I.ANAtl.V , I'li'B atitlo .NrtUulull ll.lllk. A. liAI.IIWIN" , I're > New Orleans Nuttonnl ll.lut CAUI , KOI IX , 1'rcs. Union Niitluiml llnnk. TTNPRECEDEHTED ATTRACTIOIT. * - * OVKH HAi.r A MILLION UISTIIIDUTIID Louisiana State Lottery Company. Incorporated In IslS. for'i'i yenrn. br tim l.oelsliituro for cducntlonnl nn < t cnnrlt able pnrpoBvH with u c ipl- Inl of ( l.umiia-lu ) whldi n ruse-no fuml uf ever ( .vVl.URlhn ! ! ilnco been milled. Hy an overwhelniltiff popular vote Its franchlso wn min1e n jmrt of Hi" present comtltutlon utlopted December Sit. A. ll.ls-ni. The only l < ittery ever voted on and endorsed by thd people of nn ) ' tttitu. H never cciiles or nnMpnnes. Its ( Irnnrt bliiKlo Nunitier Urnirlnis take placa nionthl ) . nml the Omnd Qnarleiljr llrnwInKS rPKii- Inrly every three months i.Mnrc-h , June , boileiuliur anil Dctvmber. ) A H1M.KND11) OITOUTUNITV TO WIN A FOrt. TIINK.econi1 ! ( irnnd Ilrnulni ; . Cln 11 , In thn Acud- oiny of MuMc. New Orleans , Tutsiluy r'ubruary 7i 'i .Monthly Uruwlim. CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000. Notice Tickets are Tan Dollars Only. Halves , $5 ; Fifths , $2 ; Tenths , $1 , T.HT OF I'ilizrs : 1 O M'lTAIi IMtl/.H OK tl.MlJU 1 lIKAMi I'ltl/.K ( ) ! ' UUti KiUANI ) I'KIZHOK S 1.AIU1K I'KI/.KhOP . 4 I.AUliK IMU/Ktt OK SU.UKI 1,1111 . ai.uu Ml no. , luu .mi. , ( ) 'fit -in. , WJYH nil. . W.UUU 100 Approximation I'rlr.caor ( Ml . , , , | mnm n " aw . swum 1(10 ( " 111) ) . 10.IHI , OUO Terminal w . W.UU 2,170 I'llrcK , fcmonntliiBto , , .fUUUJ Aliplliatlnn forrntcMoclutm HhniiM lie nmJoonlr to tno dlHce uf the compnny In NcwOrlennn. Fur further Inlnrniiitlnii wrlln clenrljrttvllnf full mlilreiis. Itt-.TAI , MiTIJS. e | irei-s moiiBy onlors. or New Voile KxiliHiiuol'i nnllnnrjr lettur. Currency by c'Jpress int our vxpen v ) nililres cil M. A. IHTJIMIIN , NEW UIII.UAN3 , Til. OrM.A. IIAI'I'III.V , XVASIIIMITOSM ) . C , Address Registered Letters to SLW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK , NKXV OHLKANS. I-A. 7TVTTT1 > 1 lint tlm presence of den- Jiil I > I tlerals lleiiureuanl anil Knrly , whunrn In rlmtviiof thn tlrnnlnuH , m a miar- iinteu ( it aliiiilut lulrnesi Hint liilek'rlty , llmt tin ) chni.C.'nro nil cqiinl.niifl Hint no one can | ioaslbly Olvlne whnt number will tlr w n I'rlre. KKMKMIIKU Unit tliu imyinont of nil prltns li ntlAIIANTLKIl IIV KOI'll NATIOSAI. HANKS Of NEW oid.KAitH. nnd tlio tltkelA flfe ftlKneit li > tliu pru Muut ofnn Institution wtiosn clmrlercd rt hls nro rccotf- njieit In lliu liUlie t courts , thurcforu , Uowaro of nf niltntlons or unuiivnioiis suhiiiiti. I'aslly illgoetcd ; of th finest Il.ivor. A hearty tiuMiuittn fur a strong appetite ; a dellc.il e drink forthosensltlM1 Thoroughly testc'd ; nutritious ; lialatable ; unexcelled In purity ; no unpleasant httc-i etlects. Requires no boiling. ' SOU ) IJY W. R. BENNETT&CO. II. \VEE.IHJit tV S a'lllA , IM. WITH HIE oioaiurnr or Tinl cut'Miur vriu , e m KiiJULNLNO luu BAP niir riui CHIGAGO.ROCKISLAND&PABIFIG RAILWAY Ily reason of III central poflttol. c.c ) rft tlon tollnui Kant of Chicago , nil cunllnj Ui linjs At tarmluo ! I > olnt Weit , Korthweit arift Hoathweit , li the trua mtildle link lu that trinirontlnonlai yitem which InvlUi ml facilitates ) trartl uui tiafflo belwf Q Ui AtlonUoui.rt 1'aclUc. 'Tlio Kork Iilarul main lln nnit linmchnlnclmtaCht. CCEO , Joltc t.OCUwn , l.uBlllf , r nrU , Oenoiuo , UoIlD * nnd Huck ] land , la Jltlnolti } Davtnport , Muicattnr , \Vrtlilnirton. V lrn ld , Otluniw , Oi.laloo a , Weit Mb- crly. Iowa City , le4 > lulneilndlaiiolaWlaUri tAUaa > Uc Kliuivlllx , Audiltion , llarlan , Cluthrlti Ontre nl Coancll Itluds , In lowai ( lnlktla ) , Trenton , Bt. otrpD. Cmncron and Kannaa City , In AllMuurli I tv.rjivortli nd Atctili'in , In Knn i i Albert I.cn.HlnnuapoIli < n4 H I'aul , In MUiiiwotti Wattrtown nd Bloux Kallita pafcotfv , ftn I hiir.iircdf of IntermedUlo clllui and towaa. "The Croat Rock Island Routo"fl ( lu r hter wcul , comfort , rvrtilntr anil Bofnty. Ill r rniitntnl way IsdlstlUK ttlifd forltwflic lldnc . It * Widgpi Are of ttont. pnd Iron III trarlc U of follil Hi tl , Hi rutline > t' < ck l tried I In putirnicer iqulpuint r AM all the tbtety a ppl lane en that np rt nc liai pivru t useful , and for luiurlous accommodatlcru Is uiuuv | H > inl Hi FirrcM Tr ln contlut of cup rlor U if Coacht * , t.t'nnt | I'ullmaa Talnce rarJorand Hl.eplor Cant , puprrb l > lntni { Oai , prurldtnt ; dullclom niratF. and ( brlwtili ChUitfa nnd f t. Juiepb , Atcliliun an I K r. > a3 City ) roittnl Ititllnlnif Chair Can. Its man- agercintli LonfccrratlTdlUUIiclpllAe exacting "Yho Famous Albert Lea Rouro" TW > tit cn Clilrnito and JInn ! lpolI and Bt. I' * . ' li th faforlte. Otcrlhlilln * Bolld Fait KipttM Tralnirun ilally to aUmctltn rciorU for toirliti In Iowa anj Ulnnefiota , and , via Watertown and Hlouz Kalli , tothii rl b whrat ant ! Kraclnffland * of liitflrlor I > Akua. VI * BiaecA and Kankakun , tbslCock Ulaniloireriiitperlor InducranntB to trar l > n totwwin Claclnnatl , Indian. apolli. l.nfajrtto ami Ooontll lllulti. fit. Joseph , AtcliU on , l ATenwo1k , Kama * Ctty , Ht , I'aul , and Inlarme. dlato point * . All p lrou ( eii > rclally laillci anil ch 1 * ilrrnr ilT protoftloncourtrfy and kindly attention , Tor tlckctt , inapt , folilcn , toplti of Weitern Trail , or c.uy deilnd Information , upply to iirlorlpal otltroii In tuo VnlUd Rtiitct Bfil Canada , ( iraudrcu , at Cbleacot R.R , tAtlt , f. ST. JUHN , 1. A. MCtBliOOI , rlll Uik1Uiuii.