A RED MAN BADLY FROZEN , Adventures of a Half-Brood Indian in the Cold. WANTED FOR BURGLARY IN IOWA. Cliitrlm Itnttckcr Held for an Alleged Crime In Djxvcnport DoliiKH In the 1'olluo Court Other City XCWB. Ilndly Frozen. A hulMirccd Spaniard and Sioux Indian , known na Omopi or Uurnnrilo Hniiirillswiis found lying bytliesido of the road late Sun- ilny night near Sheolcy's packing house , In u badly frozen condition. The man , more dead than alive , was curried Into an adjacent sa loon , and restoratives being administered ho was finally restored to consciousness. Yes terday morning ho was brought Into the city , nnd City Physician Kniph made an ex amination of his injuries , which consisted of u couple of frozen ears niitl ono foot. The lattrr member Is In u horrible condition , swollen to three times Its natural si7c , and resembling a mass of putrid Mesh. Amputa tion may bo necessary , but the doctor thinks the foot can bo saved. Ho was sent to the poor farm , but Just before ho was taken thither it lici : reporter had un interview with him through a Spanish Interpreter. Omega said ho was ubout forty years of age , and that ho came originally from the region of the Lake of the Woods , In Minnesota. He says he took part in the memorable Indian outbreak under 'Little Crow in IblW , and was imprisoned with th < > . thirty-eight Indians who were hanged at Mankote. After the execution he was liberated , and went south , finally bringing up at El 1'aso , Texas , where ho IIIIH been ever since , up to two months since , when ho started north , intend ing to iiwko his way back to the land of his fathers. Ho set out upon his long journey ustrldoa staunch llttlo burro , butthls was stolen from him near Fort Smith , Indian ter ritory , and lie was compelled to continue the journey on foot. His feet wcro frozen Saturday night , but ho kept resolutely on until Sunday night when ho succumbed , and fell fainting by tlic roadside. Omega is a tall , wiry fellow , with . long , coarse , black hair , in which is en twined the feathers of a hawk's ' tail , along with several gay colored ribbons. Ho is a typical specimen of the noble red man , but rather weather beaten and dilapidated as to costume. Ilo seems greatly annoyed at the thought of being delayed on his journey to the scenes of his former exploits. r w CHAUIjKS UADKK10U. An Allowed Hnr-Klnr Whom Ilic Bee AHwIstH In ItuntiiiiK Down. Charles Hadckor , the man who said ho had been robbed on Friday lust at the City hotel of ' 317 , and who is in jail under a bond of ; ) . < )0 ) , being held as a witness against the alleged thieves , Wright and Hruner , it seems is a crook and a thief himself. The article in the Bui : touching upon the above affair was seen by the chief of police of Davenport , la. , and ho at once recognized from the man's liamo and the description given of him , that ho was the party badly wanted at Newton , la. , for burglary anil grand larceny. City Marshal HSihop , of the latter place , was communicatul with by the Davenport olll- cials. Chief Scavey is in receipt of a tele gram asking that Hudcker bo lieltl by all means until an officer can bo sent hero for him. ! District Court. A I'HOMISMWY XOTi : [ if IT. Edward JJ. Callahan yesterday flled an action against Sarah Hernstein , Abram Hcrnstcln and Fanny McClurc , to collect 44,000 with interest on a promissory note. County Court. Jl'IHlMI-.NT.S Ui.NI : > Elir.I > . ' Judge Shields yesterday allowed the fol lowing judgment ! * : Spltman vs. Delaney , $217 damages for the plaintiff ; Charles A. Smyth vs. Julius Meyer ct al sued for ij.'l.H2 : , Judgment for the defendant ; Welsh vs. Watts et al , verdict for defendant on suit of $00.00. Police Court. p The dock was crowded with drunks nnd vaga nnd other niinorofTcndersyesteritaymorning , nnd Judge Uerka's justice mill was kept industriously grinding away until noon. The com t was induced to let many of the drunks go , owing to the crowded condition of the county jail. Vagrants Tom McSlmne , Ifidays ; Frank Smith , John Kenning , John Kelley , John White , Tom Uichio , Lang Logan , Charles Smith , T. / , Kelle.v , Frank Casey , James Haiti , John Francis , discharged. Drunk J. Cassldy , James O'Hrien , W. II. Emmett. .1. (1. Kopler , M. Christberg , William Steward , M. Horseman , A. Comisky , J , McXutty , discharged. Suspicious Characters James Franklin , ordered outof town , James Dunn , discharged. Discharging Fire Anus Joseph Souuk&i nnd costs. . Disturbing the Peace M. McDonald , $10 nnd costs ; John Collins , S'JO and costs ; Jack Inlnlan , $ ! ( > and costs. The latter two had a desperate light Sunday evening at Tom Garvcy's saloon , corner Thirteenth and Jones Directs , and a crowd of several hundred people ple gathered there. Oftleor Kissano arrested Collins , but it required the combined efforts of Policemen Hinchpy , Kissano and Sergeant Moysten to take Inllilan. Ho inudu u ferocious reslstence , but was finally over come and thrown bodily into the patrol wagon over the side railing. Had It not been for the crowd keeping Quintan's tough friends back the officer would ceitainly have met with rough usage. Chief of Police Seavoy ordered the whole gang arrested ves- terday morning. Sol Netzner and J. Cohen , two bell boys lit the Paxton , wcro urged on to a light by suv- cral guests of the house Sunday night , and yesterday morning were arrested and lined fj and costs each. The trial of Olllcer Uaworth , charged with theft , comes up this evening. Urant King , a hackman , was fined $10 and costs for assaulting and kicking a little bov , Antoine Swlska. HIS DKCIDKDIA' IJKTTHIMIAM-\ Mrs. Theresa Hotliolill Arrests Her llu.slmml. Theresa Hctholdl , accompanied by a small son , marched her husband , Thomas lictholdi , into the polieo court yesterday nnd de manded that ho bo locked up. She had the old man by the collar and clung tenaciously to him while hho explained to Captain Cor- illicit they had not been living together for homo years , bin that her husband , who , she said , was an idle , drunken , good-for-nothing fellow , persisted in coining to her house in North Omaha and abusing and annoying her. Ho had threatened to kill her and her boy , and for fear ho would carry out his threat , she arrested him. She then asked the cap tain to give her a divorce , saying she w.is willing to pay him J for it. The officer ex plained to her that this was about the only thing a policeman could not do. Thomas was then locked up and a charge of vagrancy entered against him. The man is evidently unbalanced mentally. lln Wan lilt With a Towel. Yesterday a young man named Emmet Cadwell , who has been confined in the Jail for several days for vagr.incy was dis charged , lils term having expired. Immedi ately upon his delivery ho circulated the story that ho had been assaulted by Hig Frank , ono of the prisoners , and by way of proof of the attack showed a swelling on his head and a scratch on his nose. Ho asserted that the assault was unprovoked , and that Frank had ( .truck him twice with his closed list. Assistant Jailor Frost says that Caldwell , b&foro being released , and In response teA A question as to who had struck him , replied in hubstanco that ho had gotten Into a light with a uiim over the possession of a towel Uiid had boon struck by him a couple of times. Ho was asked why ho did not uiukonu out cry nnd answered that there was no use in making u squeal. ' "lllg Frank's'1 version of the story was as follows : "You BC'O borne of these men huu towels of their own , nnd ni BO many of these prisoners arc diseased , the owner naturally objects to any one but himself wiping on the same rng. This Cadwell had n towel nnd one of the other fellows tried to t ko It this morning nnd they got Into a light over it. Cndweil got a couple of blows In the fnco be fore I could reach them , 1 parted them and that was all. " Y. M. C. A. Intci-nxtlng Items ronccrnliiK the As- Noclntlon. There Is quite a revival In the Y. M. C. A. An orchestra has been secured to aid in the Sunday afternoon meetings. The noonday prayer meetings are being more generally at tended. Many recruits have been added to the organization lately who arc now actively engaged In furthering the work. A debating club and literary society Is being talked of. Tuesday evening a meeting to complete such an organization will be held in the rooms. Friday evening the ladles of the Calvary Hnptlst church will hold a reception in the apartments of the association. They will bo assisted by the members. An invitation Is to bo extended to the mall carriers. Re freshments are to bo served. An Interesting programme will bo carried out. Arrange ments have been made whereby the ladles of the various churches will hold receptions In the rooms once every two weeks. The fire men will bo entertained next. The Itallroads. Trains on all of the main lines are still greatly delayed. The overland mail on the Union Pacific was eight hours late yesterday. All of the 15. & M. trains are from two to six hours behind time. No train over the Hea- trice division of the Union Pacific has been sent since last Thursday , but one lull last night about b o'clock. XOTIS. ; ! Mr. II. A. Johnson , first assistant freight agent of the Union Pacific , loft last night for St. Louis. Mr. J. A. Monroe , treueral freight agent of the Union Pacific , left for Kansas City last nlulit. Ho will bo married on Wed nesday to Miss Hattlo Francis LJakcr of that city. city.Mr. Mr. J. M. Murdoch , traveling freight agent of the Union Pacific , has gene east on a four weeks' vacation. His place will bo filled by G. J. Necdham during the time. Mr. T. M. Orr , Vice President Potter's private secretary was seen yesterday. He said that he thought the report concern ing Mr. Potter's ' illness was greatly exag gerated. Mr. Potter went to his homo sim ply to recuperate , and there was nothing alarming in his condition. Mr. Orr stated that Mrs. Potter's mall is forwarded to him daily , and that ho continues activclv to manage the affairs of the company. Mr. Potter will return to Omaha In about ten days. Election of OlliucrH. The board of directors of the board of trade assembled around the long table in the office of Secretary Nattingcr yesterday and elected the following ollleers for the year 18 : President , P. D. Ilor. First vice president. II. II. Meday. Second vice president , E. Martin. Treasurer , John A. Wakefield. Secretary , Gcorgo M. Xattingcr. An attempt was made to elect the standing committee for thu year , but owing to the late ness of the hour the election was dispensed with until the next meeting. Ail Engineer Killed. An engineer on the Norfolk branch of the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha rail road , by the name of Ollio Sawyer , waskilled yesterday afternoon near Hastings by his en gine colliding with another. Sawyer was assisting in cutting out a big snow drift with a plow , and by some mix up of orders he ran his engine will ; great speed Into ono from an opposite direction. His death was instantane ous. A few laborers were slightly hurt. Sawyer's remains will bo cared for by the Masonic fraternity of Wayne , where they were taken last evening. Morchunts Ijiahlc to bo Fined. The discovery made by the county clerk" that but very few firms doing business in Douglas county had complied with the statutes which provides that every firm must lilo with the county clerk articles of copart nership , has created a decided sensation in commercial circles. The oftlco of Mr. Hocho was thronged yesterday by merchants anxious to lllo their papers. It must bo ro- membercd that the for penalty noncompliance - anco with the law ranges from 510 to 1,000 line. Mr. Hocho will give the merchants ample time to file their articles of partner ship before instituting any proceedings. Crushed to Death. Yesterday Joseph Smith , an old cm- [ tloyed of the Union Pacific switchyards , met Ills death in an unfortunate manner. Ho was riding on the foot-board of the engine , in front , when the locomotive dashed up against a box car , horribly crushing his lower limbs. The poor man was conveyed to St. Joseph's hospital where ho died at 11 o'clock. Ho was a resident of Valley in this state and was about fifty years of age. Coroner Drexel was notified and held an inquest in the afternoon. Cable CunT AjMin. A force of men was put to work yesterday picking the cable tramway track clear of snow and ice. This was done to enable the grips nnd coaches to resume their trips. Since Thursday night tlio journals at the cor ner of Twentieth and Dodge streets , which were broken , have been repaired and , as a consequence , the cars of the Harncy street line commenced to run last evening , while those on Dodge street will resume their runs to-day. Again Alter the Saloon Keepers. Chief of Police Scavey yesterday o'v- dcrcd the arrest of Hans Thulgiml , Fred Slrox and Chris Hemlrix , charging them with selling beer without a license. The otTenso was committed at a dance given re cently at Germania Hall. They wore arrested once and lined for selling on Sim- day , but it now turns out that they were selling without a license. A Gnrbajie Mnn Arrested. John Nelson , the garbage man of thu Fourth ward , was arrested yesterday charged with dumping refuse in a lot near Twenty-fourth street , between Douglas and Dodgo. On arraignment ho admitted dump ing a couple of loads of ashes only on that lot , but said he had done so at the request of the owner of the property , Mr. Schlesinger. The judge decided to let him go uullned on condition that ho pay the costs of arrest and trial , tf-.ul ) . Ho did so. In New Quarters. Yesterday the headquarters of James Allen , sidewalk inspector , and Josiah Kent , street commissioner were removed to the office of the board of public works at the city hall. Last week Hubert Duncan , Inspector of plumbing , was assigned a desk in the same place. This will give the chief of police hia former quarters , making a most desirably change both for him and the mayor. IjIceiiKoil to Wed. The following marriage licenses wcro issued yesterday by Judge Shields : . Name and residence. Atro I Andruw Newman , Omaha . ! W I Anna O. Peterson , Omaha . ! i7 I William \Vindcll , Omaha . I0 ! 1 Susan Garrison , Omaha . Ill j Frank Prova/mlk , Omaha . -i 1 Fannlo Jccha , Omaha . IS Itiimorod Compromise. The parties at variance in the Parkhurst- Hrown trial , that has been dragging through Judge Anderson's court for several days back , failed to show up at the appointed time yesterday and there is a rumor thai some compromise is to bo effected between the parties , _ Internal Uevcnuo Collections. Yesterday the receipts of Mr. Hallantmo the deputy Internal revenue collector amounted to f 15,510.79. _ All parties Interested nro requested to meet at the office of the Omaha Uoirt Lstnto and Trust company , l. ' 04 Furmim street , this afternoon at It o'clock , to muko preparations for receiving tlw Council mull's vlsiUrs on Friday next. HOUTJI OMAHA NEWS. Hen Miller of the Missouri Pacific switch engine is laid up with nn Attack of malaria. John F. Moore , of Moore & Gardner , Cowles , Neb. , is in with two loads of hogs. He sold them at satisfactory prices. P. J. Hooney , of Hoonoy & Co. , of Braytou , Is in looking over the yards. SntnCoffman , of McCloud , Love it Co. , is Imek to work after a trip to Chicago. Ono car of hogs shipped from Atlanta. Neb. , last Friday , turned up yesterday with ten dead ones. Uvcry care had been taken of them and they had been fed at Lincoln , but Iho weather was too much for them. A. Agnew , of Hubbell , Neb. , registered nt the Exchange. H. H. Oiler , of Chester , Neb. , is a guest nt the Exchange hotel. C. C. Clifton , of Wahoo , Is stopping at the Exchange. L. and Chns. J. Hart , from DCS Motncs , registered at the Exchange. Thomas Higgins , of the Chicago , removed n part of his furniture on Sunday , nnd sold out his business , but some of his creditors Dccomlng suspicious , swore out a writ of at tachment. Thomas will have a chance to ex plain to Justlco Levy. James Marshal was clerking for Maggie Watson , and between board bills inul bor rowed money became Indebted to her for about $110. She sued him in Justice Levy's court and recovered the full amount. Hurt Parshell , who died at the Heed house Saturday night , was always popular with his fellow stockyard employcsamt yesterday they turned out in full force to attend his funeral. i'liey took entire charge , providing an ele gant casket for the body , and dclraylng the uxpensesoof its transportation to his friends In Che.sanlng , Mich. Godfrey Stedroy will spend a week in the county jail for getting drunk Sunday. Wiunnf Turelc , a Uohomlan , was fined . * , mil costs by Judge Heuther for becng drunk. It's the first fine imposed this year. Fred Kreibs was allowed out on a $100 loud to await the result of injuries ho in- llletod on Adam Ports Sunday night. Postmaster Cockrell received thocontlrma- . ion of his appointment as a postmaster of the third class yesterday. Two years igo the entire mall for South Omaha could lave been carried in a hat , and now the olllco is rated third class and its cancellations show .hat It is entitled to a place among the second end class. It will get there in a month or two. two.Tho The family of Pat Howlcy were seriously ill on Sunday , from the effects of eating Kiultry that was not strictly flesh. Four la dies who had partaken of the food were sel/ed with cramps and fits of vomiting , and but for the timely aid afforded Dr. Ensor , night have died. As it is they are now in a fair way to recover. TI1I3V HAVIO POWKK. County Attorney Simcrnl'H Important Decision to flic Commissioners. A few days ago the county commissioners referred to County Attorney Simeral for his opinion on the following communications and resolutions adopted by them : Mr. Chairman : After careful deliberation the committee on court house and jail have decided that the expense of boarding prison ers in the county jail is excessive ; therefore jo it Hesolvcd , That on nnd after January 15 , 18S8 , 50 cents per day bo allowed for each prisoner limited to six days or less , and 5 cents for all exceeding days. Yesterday Mr. Simeral submitted his ro ily , but the full import of the decision will not 10 made publlo until it is submitted in open session of the board. The Uin : , however , is iwarc that the decision is favorable to the commissioners , nnd assures them they have full power to regulate the prices that shall bo paid the sheriff for feeding prisoners. Kcnl Kstutc Transfers. Flora M Philleo and husband to Chas T Evans , lot 11 blk 1 , Doneckens add to Walnut Hill , w d . $1,500 W W Way to Jas E Hilny , n 44 feet lot 4 blk S ) , S E Hogers add. w d . 3,500 B J King to Ira H Maples , undivided \ { of 1T3 feet of lot 50 , Horbach's 1st w d . , . 2,000 , Thos Haley to Jas E Kilcy , lot 3 J E v Kile.v's sub lots 54 and 55 , S E Kog- ers , Okahonm , w d . 1,200 R C Patterson nnd wife to F M Wil son , blk 3 , Armour Place , w d . 4.000 Jno ti Miles ct al to Katey Coulter , lot 19 blk ( i , Walnut Hill , w d . 500 A F Hosche and wife to T B Minahan , lots 1 and ! ) A F Hoscho sub w d . . . . 2,750 J Kendis and wife to A Lewis , undi vided yt of lot 11 blk 03 , South Omaha , w d . 1 H Quick and wife to Sophia J Dcnal , s III ) ft lot S and 9 blk 10 , Patricks wd . 3,500 E J Wohlers et al to Catherine Par sons , lot L'O and ' 21 blk L' , Gate City Parkw d . COO Louis gchroeder trustee to S 1) Par sons , lot 18 blk 10 , Brown Park w d 423 Esther Wilson to LcKoy Mayne , lot 11 nnd T blk . " , Myers , Richards .t Til- dens , w d . 2 500 Thos H McCulloeh and wife to s.amo , und half n ! I5 ft lot 15 blk 4 , sub of J 1 Kodicks add , wd . 1 COO Jno T Dillon and wife to Esther Wil son , lot II and 7 blk 5 , Meyers , Rich ards & Tildons , w d . 2050 LeRoy Mayno to same , und half of n ! 15 ft lot 15 blK4 , sub of J I Rodicks w d . 2T.OO Chas F Fahs to H R Carpenter , lot 3 blk l > 5 South Omaha , w d . 1 000 South Omaha Land Co to Robert T Maxwell , lot 14 blk 135 , South Omaha , wd . COO Gee II Boggs and wife to Eliza Nor ton , lot 24 blk 43 , Hocrgs add , w d. . . 200 Edward Hainan et al to Theresa Hen- mann , lot 7 , blk 3 , Riverside add , wd . 125 Robert P Hosworth and wife to Win MeMnrtrie , und Jf of s yt lot 11 , blk W ) , South Omaha , w d . 2,200 Richard M Genius to Howard H Bal- driee , und lot 12 , blk 90 , South Omaha , w d . 750 Gcorgo H Hoggs and wife to John Pros , lot ! ! , blk (1 ( , Park Forest , w d. 200 Edwin S Rood and wife to Gustav Raff , lo5 , blk 4 , Albright's annex to South Omaha , wd . 119 Catherine Higgins to R E.I Welch , lots 2 and 3 , blk 2 , Mayno's add , w d . 1SOO C O Howard and wife to Robert F Williams , lota 1 , 2 , 3,13 , 1 1 , 15 , lit , 17 aml IX blk 1 , and lots 1. 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , t ) , It ) , 11 and 12 , blk 4 , Mt Pleasant , wd . 22,500 William Coburn and wife to W H lliekmaii , lot 1 , Marian place add , w d . 3,000 Twenty-blxjdeeds . * 01,720 Permits. The superintendent of buildings issued the following building permits yesterday : Fidelity Oil company , cottage , Twen tieth , near U. P. railway . ? 100 Frank Fiala , cottage , Dccalur , near Thirty-fourth . 400 Two permits aggregating . * 500 Sinnttlieil the Cutter. A team belonging to Jouck Martollc , a farmer living about ten miles south of this city ran away Sunday night on South Thirteenth street. The driver was thrown' out Just be fore reaching the Union Paclllc side tracks and it Is fortunate for him that ho was. Just us the animals reached the track a switch engine under a full head of steam approached and s > o near was it to the flying horses that It struck the passing cutter , smashing it into a thousand pieces. . The horses wcro unin jured and were stopped at the corner of Thirteenth and Howard streets. Mr. Mar- telle sustained a badly bprained wrist and a cut thigh. Allen Found. Young Allen , the twelve-year-old lad re ported to have been lost in last Thursday's blizzard , was found on Saturday at the resid ence of Mr. Raleigh , a farmer living nearly three miles from the boy's home. The little fellow , when ho loft the school house , lost his wav and was picked up in nn exhausted con dition by Mr. Raleigh who look him to his houso. Transported for Keilneilon. A young nian named Aaron West , ar rested by Sergeant Mostyu yesterday , is wanted at Shemimloah , olu. , where ho is charged with having seduced n youtig girl. Ho was surrendered to Sheriff Skinner , of Page county , who returned with his prisoner labt evening. WH1TB AM ) UfcACK , Fnnny llrown's-IjovliiKnillctto Jimmy Dunn. Jim Dunn , a rather handsome , well dressed young white man , was arrested Sunday for 'onsortlng with Fwmv Brown , a vicious lookIng - Ing negro woman , .black as the ace of spades. Last night this dnsky charmer visited the | nll , bringing Dunn a warm supper In a tin inill. Jailor Onrmby , thinking that a bottle of whisky might bo secreted among the savory viands , took It upon himself to Inves tigate , nnd nt the Iwttom of the bucketneatly folded up unden u steaming piece of mlnco pic , ho found the .following note : Darling Jlmmlo- send you n nice worm pepper. Did the coppers tin the knucks on you , or did you thro' 'em away. Now my sweat love , I'll ' do all 1 kin fer you , an you mus not think hard of me , fer oo no 1 loves oo. Don't blame me fer not wakln1 you In time but you were Blepcn' so nicely , that I could dlstlrb oo. Good by , my dove , From Your Wife , FAxxv Huow.v. In ilttHtlcc to Councilman llalloy. Among the parties reported as taking pnrt In the jamborco nt the Ogden house. Council Bluffs , was Councilman Bailey. This report was erroneous. Mr. B.illey returned to Om.iha at 5 o'clock In the afternoon. This correction is made in Justice to Mr. Bailey. l for \Vifc limiting. A. F. Hartley , who has been figuring in the police court lately for his alleged robbery of a car in DCS Molnes , was again arrested yes terday and fined $21) ) and costs for cruelly beating his wife , who had Informed the po lice of his connection with the affair. Pretences. Verniers who by speeious representa tions ns to worthless articles for the teeth , induce the unsuspecting to use them fruitlessly or with positive injury to the unmnul. should ho punished. Buy SO/CODONT only , escape their snares nnd beautify the teeth. Closed. Bi'adstreet's agency yesterday an nounced the closing , on foreclosure , of the lioiiseof II. A. Penney , of Fremont , the amount of the mortgage being 2,000. "Browii'n Bronchial Troches" arc ex cellent for the relief of Hoarseness or Sore Throat. They are exceedingly effective. ChrNtuIn World , London , Eng. Tea Drinking In Itnssla. Albany Journal : In Russia tea is drunk as beer is in Germany or wine in Franco. It may be called the national bovorafjo , and there arc cspccinl saloons or restaurants all about , both here and in St. Peterdburji , for tea drinkers , both rich and poor. The truly Russian res taurant is very dill'orent from the rJuro- petin ones. The waiters are all attired in white from head to foot , with a liu-gc black purse at the waist , and are always ill men1 There is generally a largo barrel organ which gives out the latest airs. It is wonderful how much tea a _ LUissian will drink. The writer entered one morning one of these restaurants with a young tlii'-sinn. Ten \\tis ordered , mil one glass followed another with the [ Uissian until ho had drank seven , olio said ho had often drank eleven , and that lif teen wcro not lee many for an old [ land. The tea is drunk alone or with onion , and the sugar eaten from the liand. A peculiar kind of bread or roll is eaten with it. Tills powder never vnrle" ) . A innrvol of puri ty , wtreiiKtli and \ \ liole-omi'iie.v * . Moic econom ical tliuu the ordinary kinds , nnd citunot bo sold In competition with the multitude of low cost , short wnfuht alum or plmiplmti1 powders. Sold only in can" . Itoviil Unking I'owiler Co. , rM Wull St. , New York. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. Th only S3 bhoo In the miriii.Hiu out tncks or null * . Finest C'alf , perfect flt.J and warranted , tongres- llutton and Lic < > , all ttyltstoe. As stilish , and durable as tlios - costing $ Jorl0.r.oy all wear tlio W. I. . DOUGLAS V4 hhoe. W. I. . DOUCILAS O2.5O SHOE Is unex. celled tor heavy wear. If not fold by your ilealtr write w. 1. . DOUGLAS , liruckton , M 8 , For sale by Kelley , Stiver it Co. , Corner Doilge and 15th Sts. ; II. Sargent , Corner Sewanl and Sargent Sts. ; . Geo. S. Miller , 612 North 10th Street. Tor Localized HheumntKm , ' Sciatica. NenralKla. Pleurisy , BENSON'S I.mil , ' and Chott IMIHcultles , Dnekache , Spine and Hip Dis ease , l.nmhneo. Sprains , Kid ney and I.lver Alleetlons. Nor- IS THE rons Action of the Heart , Cramps , Lameness , Stillness or'eakii hi ot the Joints or MtiscIcM. Severe Aches , Pains -BEST- - - and Stitches , Inflammation , und all maladies for which Porous Planters , Liniments , PLASTER ! Medicated Oils , gnhes. Oint ments and LotloiiH havu been found useful , flew are of 1ml- lions and worthless milihtl- AVOID tutes that may bo olleied. Ask for a "Bonson'B Floater and take no sub- htitute under naniet > hlmll.ir IMITATIONS , to"Cnpslno" or any oilier name. FOR SALE BY FALCONER AND FISHER WEAK , UNDEVELOPED PARTS Ot th llojy cn'.arseJ ' * n < l itrenclheuttl. Full I'llttcii- lartirntitaliil me. CK1K HKD.CO. . Ilo rto. N. V. mult ct ovct-Wcrk , luJUaetli-n , tc. , tadrcu tbutt ALL WE ASK Is that you take the time to see our goods. You cannot afford to let such an opportunity pass without investigating. Our great clearance sale offers the greatest inducements ever heard of. In Men's and Boys' Overcoats , you will find that one dollar expended now will go further than a dollar-and-a-half a month ago. It will pay you to buy an Over coat and put it away for next winter. You can't make a better invest ment. Prices never were so low and in many instances are cut in two Overcoats that used to sell for $4.50 , $7 and $9 , are now offered at $2.50 , $3.5O and $5. We don't mean to have a single overcoat left. All must go. Another bargain to which we draw attention are odd pants. At the end of every season we always have left a good many suit pants. Eve rybody knows how cheap we are selling pants , but our suit pants are always marked far below their value. What is left of them now is taken out of the regular stock and placed on separate tables , and the way these pants are marked ought to clear them very quick. Good heavy all wool cassimere pants in nice plain patterns , at $1.50 , which are ac tually worth $3 and more. Among them is a lot of extra fine corkscrew pants , marked $3.25 , $3.50 and $3.50 ; every pair is worth more than double. All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price. Clothing Company Corner Douglas and 14th , Streets , Omaha. OM AH A MEDICAL i SURGICAL INSTITUTE. N. W. Cor. 13th & Dodge Sts. APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRUSSES. Hcst facilities , apparatus nnd remedies for suc cessful treatment or every form of disease requir ing Medical or Surgical Treatment. FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Board and attendance ; best hospital accommo dations in the west. WRITI : FOR CIRCULARS ou Deformities nnd Braces , Trusses , Club 1'eet , Curvature of the Spine , riles , Tumors , Cancer , Catarrh , Dror.chitl" , Inhalation , Klectricity , Paralysis , Hpilepiy , Kid ney , Illaddcr , Kye , tar , SUiu aud Blood , and nil Surgical Operations. Diseases of Women a Specialty. BOOK o.i DISEASES or WOMEN Tnn. ONLY HELIABLS MEDICAL INSTITUTE MAKINC ) A ei'ECIALTY OT PRIVATE DISEASES. All Wood Diseases successfully treated. Syph ilitic 1'oison removed ftoiu the b > stem without mercury. New restorative treatment for loss of Vital Power. 1'ersons unnlile to visit us may lie tieated at home by coriespomleiice. All coniuiu- nlcnlions confidential Mcdlciiiehoriiistruments sent by mail or express , securely packed , no marks to indicate contents or sender One per sonal interview preferred Call and consult us or send history of your case , and we will send iu plain u rapper , our v BOOK TO MEN , FREE ; Upon 1'rlv.Uc. Special or Nenous nUeases , Ini- potency , S > piilis. ! C.lcct ami VaricocUc , with question list. Address Omaha Mnlleul nn < l Sitralrnl Institute , or DR. McWENAMY , Cor. 13th and Dodge SU. , OMAHA , NEB. SEIDENBERG'S ' FIGARO HE for Tic. , the best cignr ever oiler to MAX MEYER & CO. , $ ! " _ „ be had at retail of the following ilealersV Anderson , A. , -"IS Cumins fctiuei. AnlMield , V.A. , Nr.l'So. . 10th. Allenspaeh. A. J. , " (157 ( Ciimlni ; . Aberly , H. J. , SIS So. SSth. Anthes , ( jeo. & Co. , st ! Ho. 10th. Helming \ Ituimeli , IDlUNo. Kith. Hell , KiV. , Itur Lake. Homier.V. . T. , ItiSl Douglas. ! ) ( > ( lit , Max , Ifith and llarney. Homier. II. J. , Idtli and Vlnton. Colrell * Cory. UK3 f'arnam. 1'onrad , .Max , l.'ith near rarnam. Currle , J. I' . , 15th andCaplhil uvo. Clmniller. I' . , filial Leavenwortli. Cavanaugh , I' . . 4H South With. Dalzell , .1. A. , 115 North llith. Jygert X Co. , K. A. , : > Uth and Corby. Dwyer , Jno. , 21th and ruining. Kngelman , It. , 15th and Howard. 1 lodinun A IVi. , 1' . II. . llith undvDaveupot t. I'r.inelM-o A : Co. , ( ! . o. , saw rainam. I'rank , M. J , , I'ozzenHouse . I'luehauf , .1. I. , 411 So. Ifilh. ( ientsch , P. A , , IMh and Howard. lentloman. Win. , Lake and Saunders. Havana Cigar Store , I40i ( I'ainam. Hammond \ Co. , isi North Pith. Hickok Ilros.L'tth and Lake. Hlrt. M. , PVJOSouth ICth. Hughes A : KVHIH , 1115 Snuilders. Kiihn \ Co , liith ic Douglas , A. Ibth i. t'umlne. Kuhn , freil. , tilU South 10th , Klusler , .1. I1. , VM7 Karnam. I.eod , I } . M. . 1WI North Kith. Lurid \ ChiMluttHfii , Charlei nndSaunders , Llphsitz , .1. , TU'.i South Vith. Lenz , C. , 41h'j ' South lUth. Lang , A. . Kith and , ! onr < . MuDonnlcl. C. C. , Saunder & Caldwell Jlostollur , Scott At Co , inth and Viuton. Mulligan , T. P. , ll iSauiKlera. .Melcholr. C. A. , Smith Omaha , Oriental Ten Co. , 271:1 : Ciimlng. On en A : Co. . MO North llith. 1'arr.JL. 4 1 South Uth. Powell , .M. 11. , ISth and Jackson. I'rlnco A Klibr.si ! ) North Itth , Pryor , W , A. . 1:911 : Park uvo. HedleVm. . , IHtt South l.lth. Itlepen , C. II. T. . llith m-ar Howard. Itehfeld A : Co. , StRHJ South I Ith. Itenther , ( i. , South Omaha. Hlchaid. Henry. 1(117 ( Karnam. Ilogeri < , I'rank , : il- South jnth. Sweeney , J. 1. . . South omali.i. .Savllle. Dr. . 11411 Saunder.s. Shacfer , Au * . Kith nnd Corby. Sobotker , C. II. . Soutli Omiiha. SUilller , .1. , llith und Nleholii.s. Spetman , J. II. , 'Mt'-i l.o.ixcnunrth. hpntlanl , T , W. , tilth and Howard. Stevens II IL , liith near Vinton. Ulioiniisoii , ( Jeo. , llith and Mandei ou. Von Krogc \ Pohl , Uth and Clurk. Waller , K. , South nth. Wlielan , Jus. , la 'i S.innders. Whltehoiibf , H. II. , lUth and \Vebater. Wolfer , Wm. . S'lth ' and Decatur. Wlhot , C. , 814 Nortlt llltli , Ylngllng , 11. . flltlinear Jarkson. WE JL K MB IVBB ! / rtt.0ft > iV- ! 0 K. r. . . . . . . tTKfllllUKT . . ootklnccuninli of - , - , - m trie.JLf Itydli.cllj ihroujt allwua pini.rtitor. - . .h m-WV"'to httllli tDd Vl oicui HlMiih. tl.ctno Currtoi ' > V/7-f < ltlDitinUrer eforftltl > , iwi la cti > . OritKillmprofrraiotiaKf ill olkirttlti. Wornrinir < r > nuniotly cured In tbrf moathl. betlcd r > vitiAltt 4c. ruoia ThoSinden EUctrio Co. IQU L Sillc it. , Chlcigi ADYIOK rnEE. HOW TO ACT. matuta Decline oj Function * ) d > M > r > d rteur < l vilAoulhtomKcb MedicUiea. EoaIcdTreAtKMDtfr [ eooapplIculoD. Sent by mall ou leceipt of pilce , t , ami 4c postage. Debelator , $1 additional. CARBOLIC SMOKE BALL Creighton Block , Omaha , Neb , . DR. HORNE'S Electro-Magnetic Belts ! The Grandest Triumph ol Eleclrlc Science ' Scientifically Made and Practically Applied. ecnUenen'iBtlt Kith Blettric " "fin , DUES CUBED WITHOUT MEDICINES. lllood HUrftflei. l ron y. rtc , . then thin belt U Jult h t JOU EltetHcltu Inllantlll fcU ! _ _ ' " "M WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS. . strcnelli , ami liealtn , wnen an oiner imiment ii iaii imrflnK Tltfor. fnerirr line Hri t re beln * rwoioiUecranil liulonrdbr tbou anas whom H hat cured. „ . , „ , . . . . . , . _ , . , , , , , . > , KEtEKENCESi Any bank commercial aitencjr or wholcialo liouio In Cnlcagoi . Ban Xrancl rn and Chlmiro. i-Hi-ncI itampfor 118 paifo Illustrated pamphlet. . X > JHU W. V. MOXtlWZJ , IflTCDtor aud Manufacturer , 1V1 WabMh Avenue Chlcico. RUPTURE SKtt1 ? DR. HORNE'S ELECTRO-MAQNETIC BELT-TRUSS , DRUNKENNESS Or ( lie LiiMiiir Habit , I'o-ithcly Cnrcilb AilmIiiiU'rin Dr. Dailies' ( iulilctt lit It ran be Klven In a cujiof roireeorteawltho ( -the knowledge of thu netwn tiiklnu ft ; absolut illy harmless , and will oileit a pcimanent an espeedy cine , wlietlier thu patient Is a modcrat fdilnker or an alcoholic un-ck. ThouMinds o di unkurilH tmvu been mndii tempeiatomen who li.ive taken Colden Spedllc In tlielr colleu wltli- out their knowledge und to day believe they quit drinking 'if their own rreu will. IT Nlvl'.lt : TAILS. Thu Hybtcin own Impregnated wllh tlm tSieclllc ] , It becomes an utter Imposblblllty for tlm liquor appetltntooxlst. i'or Hiilo liy Klilm \ Co. , 1.1th and Dougliis bis. and IHth and C'lim- IIIB hts. , Omaha , Neb. ; A. U. Toater A : llro. , Council llhilitf , Ja. SCIENTIFIO - URIHQ 1420 GLUCK & WILKINSON. Epps's Cocoa "fir a thnrniiKli knnwlt'ilgn of Iho nuniral tiirl * hka umerii lliu nierHilmi [ of dlKcMiim mid niiirl * linn , und b ) Litretul Hiil | < < ntliin ol tln < Him piopi'rtli- * ( if tu'll-ii'luilud CIICMIIlr lipp1 * hm pnivldi'd our breukliiit Indies wllh ill-Hourly Itavnn-il buvernuu which iniiv nivi ) 114 iiiiiny lii'iiv ) duclor'n MIH , 1114 liy lllo Jiidlclnun u u nt > uili nrllcliM of dli I Hint it loimtllutlon limy bu urnduiilly liulll uti until Htronic cniiiiuli to lc"l l itri'ijr tuiiili'iiry to ilUon ii. Hun. ( lri-i ] of Biilille niHlmllcii urn Munlliiu nriiund u rtmilr tontlHck nhurnvi'Mlii'ii ! l n i-.ik poliil Wn iiiur r Hi | nmiiy i Ir.lnl idi.ift liy Leeiiliu iiuriolrr well toillllud nlln piiiu til'iud ' und a properly nuiul lic > l Irmuu. Civil service ( .H/iitlo. .Mndo hliuply wild Iiotlln4 watwr or milk bold only In hull pound Him l > y ( irnci-r Inuulnd Iliut. " " Homii'opathlrCliemUH , LOMIO.X , i.Ml.\.M : ) . Tourtl ki Ilietctl icni > ly . CuritlD _ known tQull.f Ououul'trt "l TO & li T8.1 _ And ( jtccU fOu rtot. 4 D > | 11 \\chive toll conl ter C10lltiUl9Lar < t ftl'lr , * ndln cvny C4 e II Uf4 nl/l > 7li ! Alcott A Ll.k , KAETUiChealulCt. Ilud&OA. N. Vk L Clncinnttll Ohio.