Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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    - , . - . V , ' . ,
Aitvcitlsemmts tinder this head. 10 cents pT
llni * for tlio first insertion , 7 cents for each Biib-
Fflqilrnt ln * * rtlon , niul JIM n line per month.
No ndvortlfetnetit token Tor less tfianSircntl
for tlin tlrit Insertion , t-nven words will bo
minted to the line ; they mint run rouseentlvo-
ly nnd mutt bo paid ti advance. All advertise-
mcnts must ba handed In b" fore l.l : ) o'clock p.
m. . and under no clmim lnnrM will they be
taken fir dlw ontlmicd by telephone.
I'lirtlui ndvertlMnc In tlicso columns nnd Imv-
ln tin- answers ndilre < * sed lu earn of the lien ,
Mill please a'.k for a diet If. to enable. them tenet
net tliolr letters , ns none will bo delivered except
on presentation of cherk All answers to ad
vertisements should bo enclosed 111 envelopes ,
All ndvertl emcnt-i In these column * ) are pub-
lisl.ed In both morning mid svcnlnK editions of
the. line , the circulation of which nKirreKates
moro than I5UI ( papers dally , nnd given the ad *
voiil eri > the benefit , not only ot the. city circu
lation of th llee , but also ot ( ' ( Hindi llhilfs ,
Lincoln , and other titles and tow ns throughout
tlrt.spfirtof the west.
\\7ANTI.O Situation by experienced Bteno-
T Krupher. Thorough kmm ledge of unite
work. lluferentes. AddiefcsQ , lieu olllce. Coun
cil lllullH. 7W-1U
\\rA.VI KD-Sltuitton by trustworthy Gar *
> ' iniinot-lus porter or roachtiiun ; excel
lent rlty references. Canadian Kmplovmcnt
olllce , 31(1 ( So 15th. Tel. SM. Ull ! . ?
\\7ANTKD-.SItuatlon by n llrst-cliias clothing
' man ; formerly iminiiKcr for eastern housu ;
Hillary not less tlmn tt i u month. At leisure
about 1'ub. 1. Address T M , llee omco. fiMl aj *
WANTIJD Mttmtion by young TIIIUI attend
ing Hchool , whern hii ton work for board ,
Mrs. llrega & Son , ; )10 ) S 10th ft. Telephone , > m.
\\7ANTKD I'ertnnnent situation ns bookkeeper -
> keeper or assistant , with good llrm , by
young limn imuiriid ) . Ailddrcss , T44 , Hee.
\\rANTr.D-ltoy to run crrnudsj ouo good
T fiinnhan.l ; men COOKS ; como mid leglsler ;
WP nil n great tiiiuiy ordora. Canadian I'.inp. of-
lice. 'IIP So. 10th. Tel. bf4. li'.H U. '
WANTKD-Hoy W > ears old for olllce work ,
must llvu lit lioiiiu. Uiuuhu limp , llureau ,
11 ! ) N. 10th . ! 1(1 (
* \\/'ANTI.I ) r.xperlenced box p.ipercr. Apply
T T iui : St. Mary's K. : . Sanbuin i Co. ( . ' .w 10
WANTKI ) llonestand industrious boy nt MB
fa , l.lth st. U'Jt 17
" \VANTKD ( lood cornet player for Sunday
afternoon nt S. 10th St. M. K.Sunday
fichool. Address Tii.1 , lleo olllce. 6T7 ID *
"lATANTKI ) An active , intelligent , young man
TT ot good address , willing to trawil In n
fujtian * . legitimate , profltablo business. Must
huvo&WO. Particulars , Munition , 1512 Farnam.
ANTED Actlvo young man with J100 to
manage an olllce , liVfj rariiam , room U.
Ml 17'
WANTI.D Salesmen everywhere for door
bells , burglar alarms and our new silver
adjustable door plates. 1'lnest in the world.
( No glass or paint , ) Can sell and deliver srimo
day. Ono sale an hour will pay S18 profit per
day. Send 2 cent , stamp for ( free ) circulars ,
lltiiogniphs.samples.etc. We prep.iy the express.
N. V. Dooi- Plate Co. . Cambridge , N. V. ( W.-1U )
WANTKD Salesmen to sell a line of goods
to the furniture and bedding trade In
Omaha mid vicinity on commission. Ono who
is well acquainted and Is selling goods to the
trade , preferred. Liberal arrangements with u
good man. Address 1BS-1U1 Hiillroad avenue ,
Jersey City , N..I. H71-17 *
\A/ANTK1) Two oxpeilonced lire Insurance
TT solicitors on commission or salary. Apply
to IHurlch Si Lalng , room 4 , 1417 rarnain st. _
\\T ANTKD An energetic man to sell the most
TT valuable niul most nviiil article over of-
fired to schools. Address llox 719 , Omaha.
WAOTS JI8- Will be paid weekly to a young
man wltn good leferences. Ono willing
to represent us In his locality. No capital re
quired and a full line of samples sent absolutely
free. Address enclosing a Mo .stamp for icply ,
Now York M'f'g Co. , Cor. IJro.ulwuy and Diiano
htb. . New York city. 070-10J
WANTIID An energetic young man for n
prlvato business , In all western towns.
Addiess with stamp M. S. S. Agency. Lock box
M. ) , Minneapolis . Minn. ( E.-J KIJ
\\7"ANTKD In every county In Nebraska , re *
TT llablo eliergutiu men to sell goods by so
liciting for u well established mfg company
permanent employment to the right men , no
capital or exnerlmico. nercs * > nry. rofenmrn re
quited , address llox l ! > i , Omulia , Neb. ( fulfill
WANTIID 2 or 3 energetic men of good ad
dress as canvassers on guaranteed salary.
Nlcewoik , steady Job. Call tally , llnoni 4 ,
Promise block. I HI N. Kith. B.U
" \\rANTKD First-class general machinists.
TT Davis & Cow gill Ironworks. f > 7U
WANTKIAgents to canvass clocks , wring
ers , etc. , in Council Hlntis and Omaha.
Lovell M't'g Co. , ( I'td ) 121 No. 13tli st. , Omaha. I
470 Id *
AV _ Harbor at il5 per week. A. W.
Morris , Lincoln , Neb , 4VclJ ( !
\\7ANTKD Mon for railroad work. Al-
TT brlght's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam. OST >
WANTKD 100 men of good appearance to
try our Ific meiils nt Ispn-ls restaurant , 311
and 313 fc'outh 14th Micet. ( old Live and L t
Live ) UN !
\VANTKU Dining room girl for Colorado ,
TT J2U , fare paid ; woman cook for Cuitis ,
Neb. ; ono for 1 ulleiton and ono for McCook ,
tan s paid. In city CotAn for boarding houses
, and pilvate families ; 2.1 glils for general house-
, / Woiklotsof ; nlco places. Canadian Kmplov-
llltnt oillct * , Mrs. Hrega A : Son , H10 So. ll > . Tel. hS4
bill li (
W ANTKD A llrst-cl.T-s gill for general
housework , three in family , 1W.M Vnrnam
(1711 ( 17 *
WAN'.T.I > Competent kitchen girl. Mrs. K
W. ( liay , SJKl Douglas st. ( > H7 17
WANTKD-UIrl for housework,2214 Douglas
OS ) 17 *
WrNTEDOood girl for housework at R19 S
imli st. GJ
\\fANTKD-Housekeeper between 30 and 41
T > years old who nan spe.ilc Danisn am !
English. Apply 2(111 Cumlngbt. ( KJ 1
1,000 LADV figents wanted Immediately , grunt' '
new rubber undergarment for females , till i1
duy.pioof free. MrH. . l > \ Little , Chicago , 111
tl'H 18'
W ANTF.D ( iood girl for general houst
.work. l'J17 ' Cuss st. . 633
\VANTii : > Immediately , ladles to work foi
a wholesale house on needlework at theh
homes. ( Sent any distance. ) ( Iood pay can In.
mado. Kverythlng furnished. Puitlcnlan
free. Addres-s Artistic Needlework Co. , l.llbtl
st. , New Vork t ity. IM7
W ANTED filrl for general housework
at ; tw s. loth st. ou IG *
" \A7ANTKD Olrl for gonerul housework. Sll :
V > Douglas.
\\7ANTKD-Olil for general housework , 201
TT Cumlng. KM liif
T-frANTUD Mirbo girl ut 212 S. 30th st.
T * ( luU
ONKhuly in every town wanted to introduci
and sell rennyroynl IMIls , "Chlchester'
English. " Original and only ( ienuine. hend 4
( stamps ) for particulars , Chtche.iter Chcinku
Co. . 1'hlliidelphU 1'a. H27
\\7ANTKri-50iadles tony our Me meals a
TT Norrls' restauiaut old Live and Let l.lvoi
miundUUS. 14th bt. . swi
eral housework. Non
but tompetent plrl need apply , lull Cas >
UTANTI'J ) Ladles in city or country , for ou
holiday trade , to take light , pleasant worl
ut their own homes. tto \ , l per day fun b
quietly made , Woik sent by mail any illnlunc * .
rurtlculars fiee. No cuiivusslng. Address a
omv , Ciescent Art Co. , 147 A Milk St. , Hester
Mass. I' . O. boxfil7U. UN *
CANADIAN Kmployment olllce , malunndl't
miilti help sent to ull p.irts It' Hire Is in' ' ,
vimced. Iteference. Omiihu National bunl
Mrs. llregu .V Son , 310 S. l&tli , Tel. N < 4.
018 t K
TVANTr.D'TlMTieater-goers to "beirtho'lJ
T T Lormo-Neal Co. , ut the Tcople't. the.itei
t niiorrow night. t)7b 1U *
"YVANTKD--A roller top desk. 1'rlco must li
T loiiMmable. AddU' T63 , Heoolllce.
u It ! *
* \VILLareuderof the lleo give mo the ai
T i ilreNa of Almond 1' . KlnKun. A. . 1
Klnren , Cameron , Mo , 1.11-Plj
" \ VVNTr.DHoard In private family or pr
ute house withbreuklust bi'toi
_ > boarding WU--MI , ( Ut VHVMt' V * " *
7. No fancy price. . \ilduvn , terms and locr
Hon. T 51 , Ik-o olllce.
lHRT-CliAPS table 'lionrd. served 'in how
fct/le , fora cr. i yvntlcinuu. Uli Dodge.
XN TK U To rent oinro apace on ground
lloor or bascmrnt. Muit bo centrally lo
catcd , Wright St Lasbury , 1401 rnrnam st .
I > * 0 IS
WANTKD to Kent Vacant room to Moro
some furniture private house preferred.
Address T , fit. llee. 7U7 17 *
FOH UI.NT 1'our new ten-room hon n on
street car line , ten minutes from postoltuo ,
all modern improvements. 115.00 per month. V ,
It. McUonnoll , llEO Fnrnam. " 3S !
HOUSr.orent : ; ! ' Charles st. Apply Win.
Arthur , Manderi-oii'x TmlldtnK , n o earner
of llth and Cap ne , or am Chnrlel.'ll "Jij
OH IIKNT A lint of Brooms * . w. cor. Ifth
nnd l.euvenv orth sts. Kmiulre at H. P. cor.
17th and Lea * , enworth. ( -05.
"I710U HI.NT An 8-room cottnK with modern
-0 Improvtments. luiUl | > aSl * > tund bt. Mary's.
T71OH HKNT A hou o with 5 rooms , llnrney
JD M. but. Hh nnd Uth. Iniiuire at 11. Dohlo *
Co. , shoe. More. _ 01' ) 10
\\TK have a law Hsl of furnished hollies and
ft Hats for rent , and furniture for sule.
mats reasonable , and prices and terms to suit
nil. Cull and examine our list buforo Investing ;
Co-opcrntl\c Land mid Lot Co , UTC N 10th * * t.
MI ; in
T71OH HUNT If you wish to rent n house or
JL1 Hat I have them from tn to J .1) ) for cot tapes.
and Band 10 room modern houses , * from $ -.1 to
$4U per month. Cnll at J. II. 1'arrotte , Hental
AKcncy , 1(00 ( Chicago Ht. _ te7tll
C/filOIJShH / for rent from ? I2 up.
O 1' , I , . 0 ret'ory , Hental Agent , 300 P. Bt.
_ r to _
T71OH HKNT The lower story of my hou o No.
JJ iS17Hoilth2ltllht , n rooms , RaS iiml heat , hot
ml cold water and cistern water , cellar and
aid. . 3-VT
HKNT 2 eleKant new brlrk houses , 10
rooms , all modem Imptovements , line loca-
Ion , M mln. walk from I' . ( ) . . on btrcet ear line ,
ent J70 per month. H. M. Qenltts , H08 iJottnlas
ilreet. 4.
'lllOH HKNT Seven (7) ( ) room house , all furn-
JJ Ished , No. 107 north Oth st. 401
H HKNT-Small rottiiRo ; nuuilro 4.5. S. 18th
ht. , near St. Mary'w ave. -M
K house 1 now occupy will bo for rent , .Ian.
XIH nary 1st ; house contains Ill-rooms nnd all
nodern improvements. " > " . > 8. 24th st. Moritz
leyer. Cull at llth und I'ainam or at 207 S. 21th
"C1OH HUNT 2 new 7 roomed houses , well , cls-
-T tern , largo cellar , IDth near ClarK st. W.
1. Shrlver , opp postolllce. KI1
11011 HUNT fi new 7 roomed houses , city
water , cistern , cellar , "Oth st near Paul , w.
U. Shrlver , 1'renzer block opposite postolllce.
NO. 1109 7th uve.G-room house , l good repair
pair , large yard , cistern water : will ren-
to responsible pel son with not more than" chil
dren for J " > per month. 44.1
FOH KKST Now bouse , 0 rooms , etc. , largo
grounds , corner "sth aud Capitol avenue ,
'nqtllru -"S-'t Dodge st. tWl
HKNT U newlt room houses on R 30th
near Lc.ivcmvorth. C. I. . Mnyne. nil
FOIt 11KNT Now A room cottage In Ambler
place ; good 7 room " story house , Orchard
Hill ; good 4 room cottage , Orchard Hill , (3. U.
Miiyne , N. W. cor. 15th and Hartley st. 191
FOU lir.NT House 11 rooms. W. M. Hush-
man , N R comer IGth and Douglas. IW
T71UHNISIIKD rooms Day week or month 311
J3 North 12th st. , by Funnlo Argyll' . WJ Ib *
ilOH KENT Furnished rooms at 71 ! ) South
1 15th st , near Leavenworth. 69,118 *
. ) loooms with board , 1WM Farnaiu
flia ' "J *
. . HKNT Largo handsomely furnished up
per front room , steam heat , 1U13 Douglas.
71'Ji IS *
FOH lO'.NT 1'urnlshod front room , J10 per
mouth. Suitable tor " gentlemen. Kits , st. IIUS 18 *
SUITI. of furnished looms ror 3 geutienieu.
Ill S. SOth near Dodge st. 5SU 17 *
POH KENT Furnished rooms ; terms moder
ate ; steam heat , gas , bath room and on
treet car line , ail" Douglas st ( tt8i.1l *
"ClOlt HKNT Pleasantly furnished rcom for
J7 ono gentleman , $ . * i per month , at o.'i N 17th
st BIS 16 *
FOIl HKNT Nicely furnished rooms with heat
$7 per month , 4HH Williams bt , 8 minutes
walk ( southeast U. P. depot. Kii
I OH HENT Pleasant room for two. 1023
Dodge. 6UM7J
FOH HKNT Nicely fmnlshed room suitable
lor two gentlemen , 1C21 Farnam st. KM 12 *
HKNT Suite of furnished rooms , A
ispe. 54'J '
J1CT.LY furnished rooms cheap DOJ 8 IMh St. ,
upstairs. tVH lilt
F OH HF.NT Furnished room w ith board for
1 or U persons. CJJ N. lUth st. r > 01
71OH HE.VT-Nice room for i ! . 1013 Dodge st.
JEATLY furnished largo front room for ono
or two gentlemen , very cheap , -1U4 llarnuy.
Uo 17 *
F UHNISHED room , steam heat , Ml R 21th.
F 1OH HUNT Nicely furnished rooms at ITW
Dodge. Oas , batli and fuinaco heat. 8W1
"VTICKLY fiirulslipti front room with or wltn-
IN out board. 1812 Dodge st ,
| 7U > K HKNT Newly tiirnlshed south fron
-C room , in new ; steum heat mid every
convenience , 1-1 Davenport. iM
"VT1CK large front room , furnished and heated.
--s Suitable for two gentlemen. Alsommill
room. 1U17 Cass st. f ' ! 2
FUHN1SHKD rooms , 1810 Dodge.
303 f7
ItOOMS Well furnished , with use of piano.
Farnnin. HI3
F I OH HlINT li rooms at all Woolwoith ave. ;
utlll per month. ! ! < . '
L'HNlbHUD rooms and board , KHV'l I'arnam.
J 7I J i
F IOUH oleirant rooms nil modern convenloncos
1704 WubMtur st. -538
TTIOH HKNT Furnished rooms , 3309 Dodge.
JC 5.V ) 17 *
171OH HF.NT Furnished looms in Grounlgblk ,
.1 ? cor. l.lth nnd Dodge sts. Inquire of eo. It.
Davis. Mlllard hotul blUlurd room. t j
T7IOH HF.NT Two nicely furnKucd front rooms
Jv on ground floor , ut 311H Hurt , for Jl.1 pnr
month , with boatd H per week additional , liOl
TjlOK HENT-A nicely furnished room with all
! modci n improineut3 tor ono or two gentle
men , Oil S. 30th , 'J33
SlNOLE'und double furnished rooms , 34'Jj
Dodge. 3JJ f fij
FOH HUNT Largo front room with alcove
and closet , gas. bath room hot und cold
water on the same lloor. Two gentlemen , 01
man und wife. J3U per month. No. 307 S 3ltli st.
! | S7 _
LAKGU south trout room , all modern conven
ienceM.ltuble for two gentlemen ; also
first-class table board for three or four ; refer-
fhces. 1H14 Dodge St. WJ
| JHH IIKNT Nos. ICO I and 100.1 Fnrnam st.
Jv lately occupied by Pcvcko llrothers ; pos
session i'obruary 1 , 'M. A. J. I'opplolon. 097 18' '
OFFICF. room for lent , Frenzur block , JIB pei
month. d7 1U
lllOH HI.NT dronnd lloor olllce room , cenT
-T trnlly located , heated and lighted. C. F
Harrison , 418 S. 15th st. 1UU
F OH HF.NT OHires on I'arnain s. at 110 to fl
per mouth. One olllco furnished. 1613 h'ar
ITHJIt HI.NT Ollico , chenpbest Uicaiou in tl
J : cltv. I.M.I Dodgw sr _ li-11
7IOU HKNT Two unfurnished rooms forllsh
- housekeeping. Address T. t7 , lieu olllce
1KB 18 *
< TKW unfurnished room for rent. MIS )7tl )
N UM l.'i *
. , _ . . HKNT A arge room furnished , centra
JJ location. 1410 Chicago at. 3i > 4
l - -
J. Two i2) ) rooms. No. 114 llo aril st.
Three (3) ) roomNo. . 1011 north 201)1 ) st.
Three. ( .1) ) looms. No UUi north 21st st.
MX (0) ( ) room house. No , Slid Nicholas st.
Threu ( .1) ) room rottiui ; < . 21st and I'.ml st.
Three (3) ( ) rooms. No , llii north 21st st.
' 1 hreo (3) ( ) loomNo. . Kill 1'lt-rce t.
Three (31 ( rooms. No. 1112 south 7th st
Three (31 ( rooms. No , "u ; l'a"Itlc st.
One ( D nice olhce , No. 31U south 15th st.
. beds Jl a week X. W..corner Kith am
I' ; warm tvoom. KO *
' ' ' '
, -
" ' ' ' '
' ' '
' " : ' ' ' " " '
, * . - . . . ' 'V' ; . . . " :
' ' " ' '
' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' '
- . . . . . - . > . . '
OMAHA LortRlnc llou * < p. 010 and OI2Jack on
fit , bet. 0th nnd intli sts. Hetitu 'slncle beds
ot tl pur ecte ; clean beds. ftft Iob 8'
L.OHKdOHV , rental agent , 30 8.16th st. ,
ground lloor. Telephone Ml , 4M
Sl'KCIAlj attention Riven to runtlng hou p4 ,
furnlshcil and unfurnished rooms. I.lst with
us.V. . M. Harris. uver'-iMS. luth st. IlXI
FOK 1IKNT If you wl h to rent nhnu e rail
on Iienawa d Co. , 15th st. , opposite P.O.
' YOHK Storage Co. have innit extensive
facllitlcB for storage of furniture , tiluwx ,
les , general murclmndl'e , wit of Novr
York. Cash advances to nny amount ; ware
house lecelpts given ; goods Insured ; brick
building On-proof ; special arrangements for
commission merchants. Call New York Storage
Co. , Capitol nve ami N. 15th St. , llounott's block.
PI.UFXAl.-My ( Darllnn Maud : . Don't for
get that we go to the People stlienler to
morrow night to son .MlBS IClttlo Do Iotin ns
"Clilck. " Harry Muntrosc , b"81b
13I.HSONAL r.ngngemeuM to d
J ln In families solicited. Call onornd-
diess .Miss Jessie bturdy , Ml S. SOtli st.
131.1ISN'AI ( < I want vacant lot , north part of
city , for good housu and lot In Omaha
View. 0. C. Spotswood , IW.V.4 S 16th st : , Omaha.
PKItSONAIIadlcs and gentlemen ran rent
innsiiuvraile suits at OWN IWh bt. , upstairs.
6NJ til *
Pl.Hs ONAr. Private homo for Indies during
confinement , strictly Infants
lu-cpteil ; address R f ! lieu olllco. K ) 11U
DR. 12. Hooper , magnetic , trance nnrt clulrvoy-
unt. Perfect diagnosis of dlseasn. Satisfaction -
faction guaranteed. MN. \ . llilh at. 471 1UJ
LOST Sunday ir % on N. luth St. . black nstiak-
ban mutt. Under please retuiu to room "I ,
3id lloor l.Vl ) ) ranuim bt. 7HJ ( Ib *
LOST iletwcen 8H S7th st. andes Col fax. oil
Saturday , a l.idles' gold watch and chain.
The Under will bo llber.illy rewarded by return
ing same to room 17 , Omanu National bank
building. ( M lh
IOST A tea-chest containing 2) ) Ibs tea ,
J marked ( ! . U alls , l.VriHMadisonave. Piuder
return to American DUtrict Telegraph Co. , 13J4
Douglas and lecelve Kiiltablu reward. ( i78 17
STHAYKD niackrolt , tw-o yeai old , white
stic.ikoii forehuud. one white hind foot.
f.ost Saturday noon.Va.s seen last Ulst and
Cunilng. Anyone knotting his whereabouts
will please Inform Clulst Wuethrlch , St. Maiy'n
nVo and 1'tli st. Llbuial row aid for discovery of
the animal. ( M in *
JOST A small gold breastpin set with twenty
six pcarN. cinder will bo rcxvuided ou
calling at lllii ; California st. 40)
LOST Contracts to lots 8 In U and tW and 21 ,
II , 1 , Cielghton Heights. Uew.ird at 10JU
I'arnain st. 1177
Ki\VAKD-Will : bo given for retum of bay
mare , ( WO Ibs. , halter on. Strayed from
y.M Cumins Ht. ( ! .S. Ostrom. r > W
IflOH SAI.E The lest ) seats at the People's
1 theater for only 3i rents during this week ,
when the Do Loruie-Neal Co. hold the boards.
UTS lli *
N"I.nSSITV : compels mo to sacrillco nil my
fiirnttiiro consisting of the entire furniture
of Mx-ioom house. Including bedding , curtains' ,
ilishes , stoves , lamps and curtains. N'oien-son *
nble oiler refused. For particulars address loci :
box U > , city. OJ1-17
fTlOlt SALE Klegunt new furnitiiro and car *
X petb ut a bargain. UUU Douglas st. KSi lit
FOIt SAf.K Iluggy sleigh runriors. pet double
buggy liurnebs null btocK scalsuU01 N' . : > ( ltli at ,
C. 11 Spray. 4W li , *
FOlt SAI.n-Presh milch cows. Hill V Smiley ,
opp. Hxchango building , Union Stockyaryn.
Telephone 08. 101-tub-l
pUK ninth series of stock of the Mutual Lonn
1and llulldlng association Is now-open for
subscription , nt 310 S. Kith st. fl.OO paid
monthly w 111 obtain a loan ot WO on each slim e
secured by real-estate security ; ( i per cent paid
to withdraw ing stockholders. Olllte hours r > p.
m. to U p. m. daily. 0. M. Nattlnger , secretary.
STANDAHD Stock Liniment is not a patent
medli-lno but is compounded from purest
ingredients by men who have made the treat
ment of stock the study of their lives and is as
carefully put up at a physician' * * prescription.
It is filllj * guaranteed to accomplish all claimed
or money refunded. Manufactured by F. II.
Sanborn & Co. , ITttl St. Mary's avenue. W'0-17
rill IK banjo taught as an art by Geo. F. Oelleti-
J- beck , a. e. cor itlth nnd Douglas , up stairs.
IN !
'F you wish good , prompt paying tenants ,
. . list vour dwellings. Hats and storerooms
with J. H.l'arrotto , Itotitul Ageucy , HWl Chi-
cagost. MTtll
HK. COLK insurance. Itellablo companies ,
. N K cor 13th and Douglas. Telephone
11)33. ) MO ai
rpo liRASE For long time nnd a How rate.
X lots S' ' and H ) , Nelson's addition , und part
of lotiis , Hedlck's.and add. A. P. Tukey , l.C-4
I'arnam st. y W
nnd Cnttlo Food is not a
"Condition Powder" made up of mineral
substances which injure the animal , but is com
pounded of the purest vegetable Ingredients by
men of experience. Tlio Food cleanses the blood ,
cures ipl/ootlc , pink-eye , distemper , Inlluenza ,
prevents and cures colic. In making claims oil
the curative powers of the Food they are sub
stantiated by a guarantee. Manufactured by
F. K. Sunburn ic Co. , 17WJ St. Mary's nve. For
sale everywhere. 6ft. 17
H. Ahmanson's ollico removed from Frenzcr
block to MS 8 Pith st. M Fi ( *
c11..1OHNSON. . cistern builder , wells bored
and dug , 400 N UOth St. , Omaha , Neb.
34 JJ *
C ASH paid forFecond-hand books nnd Libra
ries. 30S N 10th fct. H. Shoiileldnntlpiarian.
731 .1 33
DH. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. Med
ical , business nnd test medium. Diagnosis
free. Female diseases a speclaltj * . IIS ) N. 10th
ft. , Hooms 3 * 3. Tel. UI4. 107
WANTKD-A vm or W > 0 Ilrst mortgage note
on Unproved property. John Dale. 311 S.
15th. Ij3fl 10 *
\S7ANTKD A Job printing press. Call nt CoT -
T T operative Land & Lot Co. . 205 N IMh st.
OKI 111
ANTKD A meat market , n country town
preferred. Frank Wood , Alnsworth. Neb
Iwill buy n ft > X ) mortgage note. O. U.
Thompson , 314 S. 15th st. 449
"VXrANTIID A good stock of merchandise In
Ti good location. Co-opei'fttlvo Lund ic. Lot
Co. , S03 N Hith st. r > 3 17
V\7ANTI'.D To tmy Hliort time paper , J. W.
> > Gross , ut C. K. Muyuo's olllcii , 15th und
llurney. 3S3
HK. COLK lans money on real estate and
buys Ilrst mortgage notes. N I ! cor 1,1th
and Douglas. Telephone lUKi. TOT 31
MON KY to loan nt lowest rntea upon Improved
and unimproved real cstuto m Omaha und
ulso upon farms in western Iowa nnd easteni
Nebraska. Mortgage notes bought und < > ltl
Oilejl llros. * i Co. . 1531 1'urnain st. _ 3iirj
MONKY to loan on Unproved real estate ; nil
conunlsslon < hurgud. Leuvltt Uurnham ,
room 1 , Crelghton block. 131
MONKY to Loan On furniture , piano * ,
wagotu , or other personal proptrty without
removal ; ulso on collateiul sociirlty. liustuese
conlldcntlal. CIms. H. Jacobs , tiW S. 15th st.
" \IONKYto Lonn-O. F. Davis Co. , real entile
-i > 1 nnd loan agents , -Wi I'arnam st. 108
MONEY to loan I can now place om tlrit
class city loans Immediately. Cull nt onca
If jou deslru to bo nccoininodatoa. D. V , Stioles ,
r Darker block , entrance in alley. 109
" "VTONKY to loan , casn on hand , no delay. J ,
ill. w. and K. L. Squire , 1113 Fattiam Bt. Paxton -
ton hotel building. ill
MOMKY loaned on ptancu , furniture ,
organs , etc. , low raU'8. ( J. II. Ztuiiner
man , room 0 , Arlington block , 3 doors west ol
postolllc * * 077 J31
LOANS mmte on real estate. Cash on hand
_ W. M. Harris overS-MS. l.lth at. 110
" \roNKYIoaneitonrurmture , pianos , organ ?
-Ill horses , etc , low rates. J. J , Wilkinson A
Co. , 1J34 Farnam , over Hurllngton ticket oince ,
_ 118
$800,0(10 ( lo Joan in any amount at lowest rate ol
interest. H. H. Irey , Preuzer block. H'J
Gl'KU CENT Money.
1'attenoa 4 Faw c < Ill
MONEY To loan. * lowest rates. No delay
,1. IHlce St Co. , orer Couitncrclal Na
tional bank ill
LOANS made on real rttjtn nnd mortgages
bought. Lewis S. ttdOiii Co. , 1.131 Fnrnaiu.
RHOHTTitno" tnnttci on nny n7\iifibln
_ ecurlty , in reasonable .amounts , Secured
notes bought , wild or e'-Johnngod. Oenernl
financial business of nnyu kind transact * * * . !
promptly , quietly ami fairly at llio Oinnhii Fi
nancial Kxclnuge , N. W.iirfir , 15th and Har
tley fits. , overstate Natlauul band. Corbett.
malinger. 117
MONKY to Ixan-lly th,9 , nndersn-ni > d , who
. hns the only propwly organized loan
agency In Omaha. l/oans ] iJio to f lit ) made on
furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wrgons , ma
chinery , etc. , without retnMnI. Nodelaj'H. All
business strictly coiitldentfaJL Loans so made
that any part can bo pnldat any time , each ) > aj' *
incut reducing the cost pro rata. Advances
made on tine watches and diamonds. Persona
should carefully consider who they are dealing
w ith , ns mnny new concerns nre dally conilmj
into existence. Should you need money cnll and
oeo me , W. H. Croft , room 4 Wlthne.ll building ,
15th and Ilnrnev. 111
LOANED nt 0. F. Heed * Co.'s Loan
Olllce. on furniture , pianos , horses , wngous ,
personal property of nil kinds , nnd nil other ar
ticles of value without removal. UIO S. nth ,
over lUngrmm's rotmiilHilcm store. All bust-
ness strictly confidential. 133
(01(100,000 ( To loan on Omaha city property at 6
P percent. 0. W.Day , 8. E. cor. Ex. Hid.
F pO LOAN Monej- Loans placed on 1m-
JL proved real estate in city or county for
New England Loan A- Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bank , Iflth and Chicago sts. 1JI1
$750,000 to loan nt C per cent. Llnahan & Ma-
honej' , l&OU Farnam , 134
MONKY to loan , mortgage notes bought , loans
made on chattel security ; no delay J. J.
Ciiinmliigs. Hoom 10 llarkor lllock Stil
to loan. Notes ana it. H. ticket ,
bought nhd sold. A. Forman , 313 S nth sts
WANTKD A working pirtnor with not loss
than MIO in money making business. A
horse anil delivery wagon would bo taken. Mrs.
Hrega \ Sou , 310 S. loth. aVi-Kl
HOl'SKS and lots for western lands , farms ,
etc. 1(109 ( I'arnam. (134 (
WE have all kinds of business chnnctjs , and
can furnish any kind of stores , livery sta
ble * . , restaurants , meat markets , feed store" ,
stock of goods , midIn fuut , an.\ thing in the com ;
merclnl line. Co-operutlvo Lund and I/ot Co , .Mi
N 1Mb st. 04 IB
\VANTKD-To exchange- splendid lots in
T > Douglas add for house and lull lot nearer
business center. 11. K. Copsou , cor 13th and
Pncllli * . IVH 1C *
jiuil SALK For cash , stock of mcr *
-L ehandi-d with buildings , good loc.itlon , In
country , postoltlco in coimettlon , address I" , M. ,
Paddock , Holt Co. , Neb. ( ilfl 1 *
( MOObuys V ! interest in established mercantile
I1 agency ; with eiieigetlc p.utner can be
made bitiutlvo business. For particulars call
nt 21 , Ficnzcr block. 302
"VVK have for trade a large list ot non-ns ess-
T > able mining stock , wild lands. Improved
farms , vacant lots , bouses and lots , tlneo lively
hams undertaking business , Hue trotting stal
lion , fui nit in u and lease n fill room Hat , re-taur-
ant , u nun steam bout , horses stocks of goods ,
etc. Co-operative Land & Lot Co. , 205 N lilth st.
( Uli 10
ALAHOII. pleasant store room tor rent , one
of the best points In the iltv for retail
boots and shot's , hats nnd cup- * , dry goods , etc. ,
within half block of coi'nitr.jfltn and Farnnin.
Long lease , cheap lent. K. K. Souver , Idi.Hi Far-
i st. ' tttt
HT. COLU gives special attention to trading
Write tor our list , , N H cor nth and
Douglas. ' ' _ MiHl
Kxchango. If you hftro farms or lands to
sell or tiade stfnd for oar descriptive blanks.
If yon have any kind of property to sell or ex
change , list it with us ; wAcan ( tuinlsh you n
customer. S. S. Campbell c O. W. Horvoy , 1110
Hoard ot Trade Omaha , ' . 3l'i
IHAVi ; for trade improved farm In Cass Co. .
near 1'lattsmoiitli , will trade for Impioved
Inside property. Adurcss M'lit ) , lleo oDlce.
' / 9S8
7ANTED Oooil in exchange
> for lot , McCullochltf Co. , cor 15th and
Farnnin. , isa
tj Oll exclianpe--l,000 worth of lioisci for stock
4. ofgioceiles. '
' &VXH ) tarin clear for $ lr > 00 stock of drugs , bal
ance cash or moitg.ige ,
fc'Kt ( ) ) Imported rerchon stallion for land.
f-.V.iU elevator clear for land or Omaha prop
10.101 acres Nebraska school lands for s.ile or
triidn cheap.
lH ( l ai res improved ranch on H. H , N R. Nebraska -
braska , extra line tract hay and water , for Im
proved farm within So miles of Omaha or Coun
cil Illulls.
DUO actes Mo. land , clear , for town property In
Nebiaska or Iowa. H. S. Campbell A , Cl. W. Her-
vej,110 Chamber of Commerce. 5IJ
FOIt Hxchanco-Lots In I'actory Place , Al
bright's choice , i'.ittersnn's .subdivision ,
Oxfoid Mace , and Mnyno'8 addition tor good
Iowa or Nebraska latins. Also ( ii ) acie.s in
I'rontler county. Neb , , for exchange for Omaha
houses and lots , or Dout'Ias count ) Kind. A.I' .
Tukey , l.til I'ainam st. If-'i !
It j'ou have anj thing to cxchango call on or
address H. K. Cole , n , e. cor. 15th and Doug
las. : ! I7 Fl
- of merchandlso to ox-
chiingo for lands and city orouertv ! C. C.
Spothwood. 30" ) > s S. llitD. ISii
" \\7ANTKD-Housesandlots to excnango for
TT impiovedand unlmprouud lauds in Nebraska -
braska and Iowa. Ch.ulud U. Spotswood , M i\ \ >
S. lUth. 185
"VTUnilASIvAanfl Kansas farms to exchange
-Li for Iowa and Coloiodu lands , and vice
versa. Co-Operative Laud and Lot Co. , 'M" N
inthst. U'l ' )
WANTI.D Oooa rarms in exchange for
Omaha property , C. 0. Spotswood. IWil-J
S16th. K'.i
Br.NMlNAiCAH.MICHAHI , furnish compioto
mid guaranteed abstracts of tltlo to any
real estate in Omaha and Douglas county upon
short notice. The most compioto set of abstract
books In the city. No. 1511) ) rarnani st. III
M IDLAND GunranTeo nnd Trust Co. , IROi
Fam.'im street Complete abstracts fur
nlshed , and titles to real estatu ixumlntiil , per'
fected and guaranteed , U )
ONIiV $ . " .0 cash , balance to Milt , will buy u
JJ.'iO lot a few blocks from the packing
houses , South Omaha , also other bargains cm
be found with 1) . 1) ) . Smeaton , room 7 , ItarCei
block , cor. 1.1th and Farimin sts , W,7 *
C nnAI'lotsil.'iOeach.
1 luest low-ptlced lots in city , must bo sold ,
ot , .
Host bargain In Omaha , corner nnd inside lot ,
2Mb nnd Dodge , only JflHrt for both.
I.legant realdento lot , Djdgo and 25th nvo. ,
Two very valuable lots , cor. 23th and Douglas ,
sell cheap. SfM ) . \
One hundred and forty cljolco Insldo lots to be
closed out Immodlateljfortune : In tli.s .
Two hundreil houses amrlots Inside belt line ,
build houses to order , $1UO to J ! Ul down.
Will build need houses , IWh ami Dodge , ami
sell on oasjpayments. .
For exchange. J.'ilM.O ) ' ) wirrth of clear. nnln <
cumbered III. st-clnps leal e , with cash , toi
No. I business propel ty. ,
Drake llros. . .110 S. l.ilh s , _ 007 10
I 'OH SA LK-Cor lot Oixl . ' ( I and 2 story house'J3 (
and Pacillo st. Inqulic.lumes Christlanson
U. 1' . ft eight department. _ .V.4 21 *
COHNiit--rj4\l'i. : . Prnvarrt and aist st.l,7W )
- t. JU cash , or Jl.HW KW wish.
F. L. ( Jrcgory , Heal Fstiito , ; SM South Iflth st.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5-til _
FOH SA I , i : Finest location for n tiomo n
West Omaha , adjolnlni : the mansion liomn-
of Klrkmidall. Coe , llrady , . tasson nnd others
Nothing liner in the city. Can so "Pttxls" or
less ; for prices and terms s > o 3. A. Sloman , 1'iJl
Fariinm st. _ ( > - mj
1MI'HVin farm In loilli for Omaha resl
deuce property. JJ. Wllkiii'-on , 1KI 1'arnnm
_ _ _ _ _
iT'OH SA IK ( < ixsu feet enable line KplendiT
-L1 inside location for four Huts * n.v . Mus
bo cold at once. Marshall A : I/beck , room 'J
Chamber ot Com. _
FOH SALU ICO acres of lanit tour miles frou
stock yards , at t2j ! perucru ; thU Unbar
gain. McCugue , Opp. 1' . o. HB
AND , farms and lots to exchiimre tor share
In good paying concerns , Itiuu I'arnain st.
T71Olt SAT7K - < TF exchange ; fots in Nortl
A ? Omana for houses. Housu and lots lu Cetin
ctl lllults. Shares In Lowe live llutldlng ass'n
I.nto In Haii.scom and Ambler places. I'lont ;
of other property , llosworth A ; Joplln , 418 a
8AL11 Three good lot on corner o
-L' Dodge 8t , nuu bloolceat of Lowe live fo
(1,000. Adilrc'ssfyr u fuwdnya S 51 lleo olllco
_ _ _ 71
IIUA1' Homo IxJt 25x1.5) . Poward street
good house , 4'rooms , < 1,400. wn cash.
F. L. Gregory , real estate , 3JU South liith Bt.
T AND and lots to trade for geol IIOKes. 1003
JLJ Funiuin st. 373
LOW-W. ( .1. Welshans. T. V ,
Low- ) Heal e tnte Investment brokers ,
Pan Diego , Cala. . Invest for non-resident * * , l > or-
feet titles , attend to all ouslness , tuKe title in In
vestors name forshare of profits when deal Is
closed. Send stamp forour Investment Contract.
San Diego In ISS1 had 5X ( ) populiitlon , has now
S.VMII we predict UKMMl before IMtt. Iteferences :
Omaha Nufl Hank ; I1r t Nat'l Hank , New York
City ; NHt'l Hank of America , Chicago , 257-17
FOH SALK We ofler as a special bargain IBO
acres of hind four miles from stock yards ,
at } 12.1 per acre , ou Hue of IT. 1' . K. H. McCaguo
Opp. 1' . O. IVJ4
T710II SALK-Lot n blk K A. S. Patricks ml ; will
J-1 sell for few days at $ IWO , * COO cash , b.U.
ea. y. S. 40 lleeollice. IU7
EM STICKNKY iCO. . nniico a specialty ot
propcity in North Omahii , for sale or rent
nt Citizen * ' bank , ' 'KM Cutnlm * st. 1It
Notice of Incorporation.
rpo Whom It .May Concern : Notice Is hereby
X given that"Tho lleo llulldlng Company '
him tlleil In the otllco of the county"i'lerk of
Douglas county , Nobra-'kn , articles of Incorpor
ation. The ptlnclpal place of transacting ll.s
business is at Omaha , tn Douglas county and
state of Nebraska.
The general untitro of its business Is to
ncqnlre , own , hold , lease , mortgage , sell nnd
convoy real estate , oiet't buildings and Improve
ments upon the same , for icntlng such real
estate , Ac.
'Ihe. amount of capital stock authorized Is
JW.uiiO. ten per cent ot which to bo paid at the
tlmn of nubsorlblng for the same , and the re
mainder as required by the board of directors.
Tim corporation commenced Jammry l"th , A.
I ) . 18SA nnd will terminate the Uth day of Jan-
iarv , A. 1) ) Ills * .
The highest amount ot Indebtedness or llahll-
-tyto which the eoiporatloti shall at anv time
subject Itself Is two-thirds of the capital stock
The business offnlrs , of the corporation are to
bo conducted iiv a board of dlrectois of live
nembeis who snail select from thelrnumbera
inesideut , socrutary mid treasurer. - .
OKO. H. T/ > CHUCK ,
A. llA8iiit , .
Dissolution Notice.
Tlie real estate ilrmknown nsSternsdorn'.V Me-
VlckiT. | . " > 09 r.iniain St. , has this day dissolved by
mutual consent. 0. .1. Sternsdorll has opened
im oltlco in room C. 1'rcnzer block , opposite Post
illlce , whiu' ho will enrrv on it general leal es
tate business , while C. W. McVlcker will remain
at IMR ) Fnriiiiin st.
flr.O. .1. STRIlNsnOHKK ,
Omaha , Jan. 12,1S88.
Senlecl Proposnlo.
Pealed proposals will be received at the onico
of the architects. Mendelssohn , Fisher.V Lawilo ,
Now Pnxton llulldlng , Omaha , until Saturday ,
JanuniyL'sth , isss , for the carpenter and Joiner
work , of the four story anil basement brick *
Danish Association Hulldlng. The plans nnd
specillcatloiiscan bo had , and information ob
tained of the architects
MtNiii.--soii.v , PjMiir.u A JAWIIIF ,
Jll-27 Architects.
MATTKU cif application of 1' . J. Kreltnu for liquor
llcen c.
Nntlco Is lioretiy irlvpn tlmt I' . .1. VrcltnK illrt upon thn
ll'tli ilny of llt-eeinlii'r. A. I ) . Iss7 , tile. Ins nppncutlmi
to tlio nm ) or ami clt > council ( if Omiilm fur llvenso to
sell mult , nplrlluounntl vinous liquors nt S. W. cor.
Ittliand Dorcas street * , Huiontlnnl , Oinnha , Nob. ,
from the tlrst tiny of Junuur1S83 , to the llrst day of
Jiiminiy , I is' ' .
If Ihero ho no objection , remoiiMriUK'p or protect
flleit within two wot'ks from December Utli , A. II. 1SS7 ,
llio 9.ild lU'cnsii will be urnntu.l.
1' . J. I'lttlTAD , Applicant.
,1. ll.'SOLTii.Mii ) . City C'lcrli. j'.t Hi
MATTTIl of npi-llcntlon of I'M win LcoJer for
llqinir license.
Isiitlni Is lii'reliy Klven Iliat Kiltvln Leertor illil
upon the 7th ilas of .liiiiuiry , A. I ) . ISST , llio lilsup *
pllc.illon lo tlic in'icnrnml illy ciiimcll nt Oumhn lor
n to malt , " -iilrltunu1 * . imtt vinous Honor * * ni No.
1811) ) t'ebter utroot. Ulth AirilOminnNeii. ! : , from the
Hi t day 01 January , o the llrst day of Junuury ,
issl' .
If I there be no objection , remonstninco or prolp i
Ill ledulthln t o weeks frnm .iHiiu.iry "III , A.I ) , iso" ,
the said Ili'en'-o will bu granted.
Kim IN l.iiniii. : : ; Appllcnut.
.T. II. Sot'TIIAltl ) . City Clerk. J'.MG
T1AKIIN UP Ono grov pony about 12 years
old , weigltt about sM ) Ills. Can bo had Ji of
a mile west of poor farm. Park street.
. 1 > . , IOIINON.
Leave Arrlvo
Omaha. Omaha.
Depot 10th nnd Marcy sts.
Pacillo L'xpress 0:00 : p. in. 7W : ) a. m.
Limited llxpross K.-M p. m : K p. in.
Local llxpress fiOU : p. m M p. m.
J i\cept : Sunday.
Depot liltli and Mason sts.
Chicago K.xpross , NosJ\ 3:1" : p. in , fin. : " ) a. in.
Chicago Mall U:50 : u. m , 7a.i : p. m.
Chicago Local (1:4 ( : p. m ID : ' u. m.
Dem or Kxpress lilu. : . in ; io : ; ; p. m.
Denver Mall 8 : 0 p. m :40 : a. m ,
California Man 10c : : > n. m 0:45 : p. m.
Kansas Cltj' Day Kxpress VM : a. m tiiWi p. m.
Kansas city iilglitt-x ] ) ! oss : M p. in 7UO : a. m.
tf. St. I'T M. .V O.
Depot IMhand Webster Bt
Sioux Cityt : ill'k Hills Ex * 10in : n.m * SriO : p. m.
llancrott IXpress 4:10 p.m 3.i a. m.
l.xcepl Sunday. . _ .
Depot 1.1th and Wobaterst
Day l.xiiress 10:11 : a. m ( la" : > a. m.
Night Uxpicss. . . " . _ . _ Di''O p. in li'M ; p. m.
F.K.M.V. . H. H.
Depot I.'ithaud Webster Ht
Hastings .V Ill'k Hills Pas 10:5.1 : a. in , 1:15 : p. m.
Noi toll ; Passenger 5:4.1 : p. in H:4i ) : a. m.
Hunnlng between Council Illnlls and Albright
In addition to the stations mentioned , trains
iVn K capCCoHTlet Captnroil WliHo
IioitdtttK nn Honest Ijlfc.
A sail 8COHO , illustrative of the utter
inunuvnbility of justice to all PCOIICS ami
Uvlua of Hontitnout , wiw onneted in u
comfortably funiislicd Hat on East
SovutUy-n.nth slfL'ot Friday ovonlnp.
.lulhta Fuoror was forood to confess to
hlHyounj ; wife , who had married him
supposing him to be an honest manthat
how as an escaped convict , that ho had
married her under n false name nnd
that her happy home was abuut to bo
broken up and she and her slxleen-
months babe wore to be thrown upon
the world's cold mercy. Ho had been
captured after moro than throe years of
freedom , during which lie had led a
spotless life , and , oven while ho made
tlio confession , was in company of two
ollloors of the law , who were waiting to
take him bade to Sing Shi jr.
Fuoror was convicted of forgery in
this city in May , 1881 , and was sen
tenced by .ItidL'o Cowing to llyo years'
imprisonment in state prison. Ho was a
young man , about thirty-two years of
ago , tlio non of ti minister in Oermany ,
where ho had received an excellent
education and had graduated with a
diploma. Coming to this county ho ob
tained employment ns n drug clerk and
eked out his income by obtaining goods
on forged orders to the amount of sMKM ) .
In September , 18S1 , ho escaped from
Sing Sing by slipping out of the Hue of
prisoners nnd hiding in a corner of the
prison. Ho had beqn permitted to
sleep in the old female prison on the hill
on nccount of the crowed condition of
Sing Sing. Ho made his way to the
river , stripped himself of all but his
trousers and plunged ill. Half way
across ho thought himself .
too weak to get to the other
side , and ho made the best
of his way back to the prison side. _ llo
wandered half naked in the woods till a
kind female supplied him with clothing.
Tlion ho made his way to Stamford , ob
tained work in a drug store , aud saved
enough money to travel to Hartford ,
where again ho earned money , pro
ceeded to Hoston , worked there , ami
thence pushed to Canada.
Detective Jackson , of Sing Sing , found
him employed in a drug store in Mon
treal. Although the crime of forgery
comes within the extradition treaty , yet
an escaped convict xinder sentence for
forgery con not bo reclaimed. There
fore Mr. Jackson could do nothing
while Fuoror remained in Canada.
Fuerer worked at his business of drug
clerk in Montreal , Toronto and Quebec ,
under the name of Charles Chestnut ,
but all the time conducting himself un-
oxcoptionably. About four months ago
Fuoror began to drift back to this city
by the way of Hot-ton and Philadelphia ,
lie was accompanied by a young wife ho
had married in Canada , and by his lit
tle child. Detective Jackson became
eonvincod recently that Fuerer was
somewhere in the city , nnd ho consulted
Inspector Byrnes , who detailed Thomas
F. Adams to assist the ollicor from Sing
Friday evening the two officers en
tered a 'drug store on Graham avenue ,
Williamsburg. Fuorer was boliind the
prescription desk , when Ollicor Jaekbon
stepped up to him. The young man roo-
oni/.cd theolllcer , turned pale and ceased
preparing the prescription on which ho
had been at work.
"You are my prisoner , " said Detective
"So yon have found mo at last , " said
Fuorer. attempting a ghastly smilo. But
the smile boon changed to tears , and ho
sobbed : "Oh , my poor wifol My poor
wife and baby ! "
"Come along quietly , " Ofllcor Jack
son said , "and wo will make it as easy
lor you as wo can. "
"Lot mo BOO my wife and baby first 1
Let mo see thorn oneo moro before I
go ! " sobbed Fuorer.
"Certainly , " replied the ollicor , "you
can see them , and wo will accompany
you. "
Sadly Fueror , accompanied by the ofll-
eers , came to this city to his homo on
East Seventy-ninth streetwhore in neat
apartments were found his wife and
child. The wife , a bright , young
brunette , at first started to welcome her
husband , thinking ho was homo for the
night , when something in his appear
ance and in that of his companions
caused her to stop back without the kiss
of greeting she had evidently meant to
"Oh , Charley ! " she exclaimed ; "what
is the matter ? "
The husband and the ofllcor.s sat down
and tlio husband could not control him
self hufllciently to talk for some minutes.
At last , as his little child crept to his
knee and looked about wonderingly at
the unaccustomcfl visitors , ho bobbed
out :
"Mary , I have a btory to tell you I
should liavo told you long ago. " Thou ,
with brolfon voice , and every now and
then stopping , as if to summon courage
to proceed , ho mndo a clean breast to
his stricken wife. lie told hoi * that his
name was not Charles Chebtmit , under
which ho had married her , and that lit
the time of the marriage ho was a fugi
tive from justice. Ho asked her to forgive -
give him , and declared , which there is
no reabon to doubt , that ho had re
formed and bad pursued an
career since his escape fro'm prison. The
olleet of the confebbion upon the wife
was heartrending. She was too dazed
to speak for several moments after her
husband had concluded his story. Hut
she had not a harsh word for tlio man
who had deceived her.
"You have boon a good husband lo
mo , Charley , " she exclaimed , "and
love you still ! " and she Hung her arms
around the convict's neck und joined
her tears with his , while the little baby
cried with them.
The scene could not last. The ofllccrs
permitted a tender farewell and the
wife was assured by her husband that
she would be sent to his relatives in
Germany , thcro to be cared for until ho
should have completed his prison term.
Fuoror was than taken to Sing Sing.
On the way to prison ho told Detective
Jackson of a singular presentiment.
Tlio portrait of Mr. Jackson was pub
lished recently in the Sunday World.
Fuoror saw the portrait , and read the
accompanying article. "As I looked at
the picture , " ho said"l had a presenti
ment that you would capture mo about
Christinas , und it made such an impris *
sion on my mind that J felt uneasy until
Christmas had passedand then I began
to breath freely again , " By his escape
Fuoror forfeits one-half of the seven
teen months which would have been de
ducted from his five years' bontoiico for
good behavior. Should ho bo an oho-
diont prit-ouor hereafter , ho will have
about four years moro to servo. An
cITort will probably bo made to obtain
his pardon on the ground of good con
duct since hisoseape.
The ghost at the white house is said
to walk half of every night , but ho coulc
do double that amount of work if In
wasn't afraid of the morning air , ami
knew that Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup cured
all kinds of troublesome coughs urn
She otood at tlio gate in the lat <
Spring twilight , and whim she said gooi
bye she felt neuralgia klbj herrovi
check ; but she only smiled for bho hut
Salvation Oilthe greatest cure oueartl
for pain-
Tim children in Bogota carry thoii
own cliaii-H to school , us well n ? thoii
owa pens und iuk.
Voluntarily Offered the 1'itWlc by l'arson
Wlio Know What They Spjak Of.
An Interesting Article on An Important
Subject of Vital Interest to Every KM-
ilcr of This 1'apcr.
Among the numerous patrons to the advertis
ing columns ot this piper the re.ideis have nu
doubt read seine of tut ) nitlcle.s of Dm. McCoy
and llenrv , w ho ollkvs are located in the Hamgo
lliilldlng , corner ir > th nnd Iliirney streets. It Is
not the business of this paper to uphold any In
stitution orhuslntst iirm who are not thorough *
ly reliable and hencethe. Inspiration of thlsnitl *
rli < . 1 Irs. McCoy and llonry cntnu to thls. 'Hy
last summer , highly lecoimnoudcd , and opened
their olllces nt the above-named location , mak
ing yearly contracts with the now pniitrn mid
leiitlng the looms for ouo year with the pilvt-
legoor a term of jearti. Their specialties con
sisted ot" treating i'ntntrli and l < ung Tioubles ,
Having had the experlcnco of several years In
the lending hospitals of both America uiU |
lluroi'O , be-ldes belii | ' graduates of tlui b'st colleges of this country , they have
acquired the ability and are well known as skill
ful aud reliable phjulclans.lth them it M
not experiment but a sclontltlo course of practl * treatment. Whllo these eminent speclallstH
are In business the B.imo us any other business
llrm , to make money , they ha\o been doing ex
cellent work and have ftom week to week nd *
iiertlsed some of their many cures. They dij
not iiiheitUu all the patUnt.s they cure , but
when they do publish testimonials they ghe the
full name and addiess that the person so men
tioned may bo vliltod by tho"0 who doubt the
truthfulness of the statements published ami
make nil the necessary imuilrlos before consult
ing the doctors.
MMK Ot' Till1.
qne * . .
w 1th Catarrh for more than four yo.irs and trleil
dlireient doctois , besides using various kinds ot
patent medicines that were lecommended to mo
li ) my ti lends. lused to liavo acold nearly all
the Him1. .My nose would stop up , so 1 could
not breathe through It. .My head was contin
ually aching. 1 had the night sweats so thnB
my night dro s would look us though I had been
out In the lain. I was always hawking and bplt-
tlng in a vain cndca\or to clear my throat. In
the morning I would gag and frequently would
vomit. 1 united the ollicos of Dr-t. McCoy and
Henry and begun treatment. It was only n slunl
time until 1 began to get better , and now I nm
not troubled with my former symptoms anil
Joel like a new man. "
Mr. Kdens resides on Twenty-sixth street ,
South Omaha , nnd will verify the abo\o.
A.vmiKit CASH.
II. V. llrown. KM ] . , 11 former resident of Coun
cil Illnlls , but now living lu North Omaha , Bays :
"Yes , sir ! Drs. McCoy and Henry cured my
boy 1'rannleof catarrh , whlcli ho had In n very
bad form , after I had him treated by some of
best physicians In Coloiado and Iowa , loon *
slder those pliysl Vans of merit and helluva them
iully capable of tR'atlng successfully any dht-
iMiso they may tail * hold of , "
Mr. James White , a blacksmith in thn U. P. H.
It. shops , says : "Three months ago 1 had the
cutiurli In Its worst form , and was treated with
entire success by Drs. McCoy nnd Henry , nf let
Mivernl unsttccessfnl attemjits by other physl *
< Inns and Inimmcrahlo patent iireuaratlons that
1 tried , lam perfectly satisfied with the belie-
lit 1 derived from their treatment. 'Ihey did nil
for me that they promised nud fur more thau I
expected. "
"Drs. McCoy and Henry did all for mo they
told mo they would ilo. 1 went to their olllco In
a deplorable condition , and after taking their
medicine and using their treatment tor three
months , 1 can tiuthiiilly say 1 never felt better
in my life , " ronmikod Mr. Frank Dablstrom ,
who resides at ill I William street , and 1 cull loo-
ommvudtlium to thodoallliuted. "
A Few Symptoms of n Disease Thai /
fllny I'rovc Serious to You. |
Do you have frequent ills or mental depreSj
sion ?
Do you expeilcnco ringing or buzzing noises
in your emu/
Do you feel as though you must BUffocata
when lying down ?
Are you troubled with n hacking cough uUl (
general debility/
A ru you r eyes generally weak and watery , ana
frequently liillmnedt1
Does jour voice have a husky , thick sound ,
and u nasiil sort of twang ?
is your breath frequently offensive from some
unurcountublo cause/
lluvo you n dull oppressive headache genor-
nil located over the eyes'/
Do you have to liuwk and cough frequently la
the ollort to clear your throat ?
Are you losing your sense of smell , and 13
your sense of tusto becoming dulled.
Does your nosoalwajs feel stopped up , forc
ing you to breutho through jour mouth ?
Do you frequently tool dizzy , particularly
when stooping to pick anything oil the tloor ?
Does every little dianght of air und every
sll ht climntu of temperutuie give you a cold'/
Are you unnojed byu eonstnlit desire to hawk
and spit out an endless quantity of phlegm ?
Am you uhwijs tired and Indisposed to exer
tion , w hether of business , work or amiisenient ?
is gi t at effort lequlrud to keep your thoughts
fixed upon muttem that formerly weio easily
Do you ilso froM bed as tired and weak ns you
weie the night beroio , and feel as though you
wanted to lit ! then * forever/
Is your throat tilled with phlegm in the J
morning , which crn only bo discharged after I
violent coughing , nnd hawking and spitting ?
Do you oerusionully wuko f torn a troubled
sleep with u shirt mid feel us If you hud Just OH *
ciiped a horrible death by choking/
Have you lost all Interest In jour calling or
business or tormer pleasures , nil ambition
gone , and do > ou feel Indlllereiit whether to *
moriow llnds you alive or dead ?
Aio you troubVd with a discharge fromtho
head in the tliiout , hometlmes wiito-y nnd ex *
tesslve , sometimes mutous , thick sticking to
whatever it touches , sometimes bloody iiml
nearly always putrid und ollenslvo ?
The nhoxu are some of the many symptoms ot
cntmrh mid the beifiimlng of lung troubles. Not
one ( useIn u hundred will huve ull of thorn , but
every one elloi. tul will huvo u few or iiiuny ot
them. The. greater or more serious your symp
toms , the moro seilous your symptoms , the
moro seiloim jour condition. This class of di
scuses Is treated --.cry muiushfiilly by Dr. Mc
Coy and his associate ! ) . The many cusos report
ed tlnoiigh the columns of the dully puperH ,
piovn this , nnd each statement published Is sub *
stuntlully the same as given by the patient cur *
ed. Dr. McCoy , und bis ns ortuti' . Dr. Henry ,
use no teciet nosliiim , but cmo discuses by their
hkllltul combination of the best knouii reme
dies , iipplled In thuniost uppioved muiincr anil
by using the latest and most highly recommend *
ed appliances known to their protession. 'rhi-y
thus produce lesults wlilch speuk for them
selves in the many patients cuicil and we as
sure our leaders that these eminent phyHictans
have iithleved u success ill curing disease whltU
lew or no other doctors can duplicate.
Drs. McCoy und Henry liavo permanently lo.
ciited In Omyha , und have olllco parlors in the
Humgo block wheio ho und his associate. Dr.
Henry , huve treated within that time at Joust
1,000 people , publishing weekly testimonials of
some of their many wonderfulcures. ,
Consultation ut ollico or an opinion by mull
$ l.uo. All letter * should bo accompanied by i
cents in stamp-i to insure a reply. , j
jj )
Late of Bcllcvnc Hospital , Hew Yori ,
Dr. Columbus Henry
( [ . 'lie of Unlvnvslty of I'nnniylvanla )
No. 310 anil ,111 IN ItAMUi : IIIIII.DINO ,
Corner riltuiinth ami lluruny sts. , Omali.i. Nu1).t
where ull curulilu C.ISCM uct > truutud
Medical disease. * tiuiiti-d skillfully. Consump
tion , llilu-lit'H disease , DyHii'MHlv ' , Ithmiirmtlsm ,
and ull NKItVOI'.S DIHI.ASI.S. All dNe.iSi-s p" to tlio t > oxo3 a hiioclulty. O'ATAItlXll
critii : > .
CO.NHI I.TATION at odleo or by mall , Jl.
Olllco tiours 9 to II a. m.lto ! 1 p. m. , 7 toSp.
m . Siiinlsy.1 Included.
Correspondencu receives prompt attrition.
Many diseases am treated siicoo-mfiiliy ! iv >
Dr.s , McCoy and iluiiry tlirouRl. tlw malK anl
It Is thus possible for thosn nimble to muKtf
Join ney to obtain miccedsful lioapltul tresvtmsu
at their homes.
No loiters nnuwercd unlosi accompanied b/
Ic in stumpH.
Address all letters to Drs. McCoy and Henry
Hooms UIO uuU Ull Uaut < ) bulldlm ; ,