Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1888, Image 3

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Wheat Shows a Sagging Tendency
During the Morning Session.
A Goodly Amount of Attention 1'nlt !
to 1'ritvlHlon liiiftltiRra A Notice
able 1'iillliiK Off In Slock
CHICAGO , Jnn. 10. ( Special TclcKram to
Hie Hun. ] It was n sapling wheat
Market thin morning until about noon ,
when a lilt of warlike news
came from abroad to help the bulls. The
KapKlriK had been slow and tedious , while
the reaction was sharp and lively , but both
covered the same ground , and May wheat at
1 o'clock stood Just where It opened In the
ir.omlnj , ' . News came by way of cable from
New York and It was that a report was cur
rent In London that the Kusslun prime minis
ter had resigned his office. The only other
factor which appeared to have any Influence
in the wheat market was the visible supply
statement. A decrease of about 1,000,000
bushels hud been expected Saturday and It
\vus thought that a decrease of a
less amount would have a favor
able effect upon prices. When ,
therefore , the early figures pointed to a
Hmiillrr decrease , the Influence was weaken-
In , although the effect of it had been dis
counted before the actual decrease of 014,000
busuels was announced. . The bears said that
except for the snow blockade last week an
Increase Instead of a dourcaso would have
been shown. The stock of wheat In Chicago
increased ! i'fiOO ) , bushels. May wheat opcm-d
lit h4'C ' and In the early trading sold It M'f '
( 'O V'i then" dropped slowly until Sl % was
barely touched , then advanced toSl c , with
very fuw transactions at that price , and ile-
rlini'd to b-IJ c , which was the 1 o'clock close.
Vor February wheat ? be was asked at the
opening and that was the nominal price at
1 o'clock. ' 1 he lowest point was 77JjO asked
and the highest nominally Tbe.
The corn market was exceedingly Jlull ,
nothing being done apparently except by
fccalpors , and their operations were very lim
ited. AH for several d.iys past , price fluctua
tions in this market weru governed largely
by those In wlieat. The increase in the visi
ble supply of .Vhi.OOO bushels was more than
cxx-ct | < 'd and had a depressing effect , weak
ening the market a little when it became
known. May corn opened at fH e , advanced
to MMc , fell to KIJjJi1 , advanced to M a and
closed at I o'clock at 5Uii. > 4j < c. At the openIng -
Ing ! < . ) was asked for February corn and at
the close of the morning session , WJjfr was
bid. The low point was -Ib ( g4bfe ; ! and the
high point nominally .
Dullness was the feature of the speculative
nat market. The fluctuations only amounted
to Vc and the trading was very light. May
oats oiK-ned atHJ : < ( ; t4fc } , sold down to ! Hd ( )
! U'jJo and closed at fb'ulock at3l } < e. Febru
ary oats sold at 'lie.
The provision trade commanded considera
ble attention. No great activity character
ised trading at any time , but as the bears and
bulls worn watching each other closely for
an advantageous turn , the market possessed
a lively Interest. The feeling was also quite
Htiong , and , as compared with
Saturday's closing , May the favor
ite delivery showed an advance of fie
in pork and a decline of 'J'rfc in lard and
short ribs. The last named articles were
also easier for the nearer months.
AFTKHNOON KKSSIOX Wheat steady ; May
sold at 48,1fi8 ( ( tf ( b4j1j'c on the split , closing
HtMLfc. Corn firm. Oats firmer ; May sold
arm CiJi.'H. ' e , closing at : J4j4'o asked. Pork
advanced 7' ' e ; May sold ai * li.l7 ! > ( iUr . 'J. >
and closed at f Ifi.'JS , January at $14. US and
February at ? 14.h7. Lard was steady , closing
nt$7. 7 > < ? for January . S7.40 for February ,
t7..10 for March and * 7.l > r > for May- Short
ribs were l ! ) c higher and closed at $7.I17J4
for January , $7.77 for February , $7.bO for
March and $7.'J7 f for May.
\ * CHICAGO , Jan. 10. [ Special Telegram to
* the UEU.I CATTI.K The effect of the storm
and the Intense cold of the past forty-eight
hours was mada manifest to-day in the light
run of stock , the most noticeable being in
i cattle only about half the number that was
\ hero last Monday. As a matter of course
, anything that was at all useful sold at an
1 f advance , in some cases 10@15o higher than
Saturday. The shipping demand was light ,
but local dressed dealers seemed to want all
good cattle. Dutehcrs' stock went oft like
hot cakes , making a strong advance ovet
tiaturday. Texans were scarce. Stackers
and feeders were scarce and rather ( inlet
, Fancy , tS.'O 'MO. Steers , ISM ) to 1500 Ibs
I W.OOM5.1.V VJOO to 135011)9 , $4.00@4.75 : US ) t (
I 1260 Ibs , } .0t4.00. ) Stockers and feeders ,
) fj.OO(3i.W ( : ) ; cows , bulls and mixed , Sl.SOfJfU.OO :
bulk , fy.lO@S.40. Texas cows , fl.DO . ' 'O
steers , t3.iT : > ( i2i.OO. :
Hocis Trade was brisk , with an upturn ol
about lOc on medium and packing sorts. Tin
advance was largely duo to the arrival o :
pecuhitors to load up , and at the close inunj
of that class found themselves "stuck , " no
being able to sell out ut as high prices ai
they paid. Packers were going slow , henci
the demand for big , heavy sorts was not iv.
brisk as the market ought to warrant con
Hidcringtho litght run. Light sorts wen
' 3 also neglected , selling no higher than hereto
Union Stock VnrtlH , Chicago , Jan. 10
The Drovers' Journal reports :
Cattle Receipts , 7,000 ; active and 10@15
higher ; fancy , $5.00(5 ( } 5.40 ; steers Ct.OiXi75.15
stockers and feeders , $ -.00(3:1.50 ( : ; cows , bull
and mixed , ? l.bO@3.00 ; Texas steers. il.'J1
( VflLOO.
Hogs Receipts. 11,000 ; opened higher am
closed with the advance lost ; mixed , tri.l.Vi
6.55 ; heavy , * 5.45@5.75 ; light , * 4 > 0 < g5.40
skips , | 3.25@4.75.
Sheep Receipts , 4,000 ; stronger ; natives
CMKXK.V.Ti ; western. W.MKJiS.H ) ; Texans
F5ir.i.85 ! ( : ; lambs , KUKKgflM
Nntlonnl Stouk Yards Enst SI
lAiiilH , Jan. 10. Cattle Receipts , 1,400
shipments. 100 ; market stronger ; ehoie
heavy native steers , W.40@5.'J5 ; fair to gooi
native steers , I.'JOU.45 ( ( ; butchers' steerf
medium to choice , f.'I.0@4.10 ; stockers an
feeders , fair to good , W.lXKtfS.UO ; rangers
ordinary to good , ? 'J.25@4. J5.
Hogs Receipts , : , M)0 ) ; shipments , 200
market firm ; choice heavy and butcher !
selections , J5.r > 05.l' ( ( > . ' > ; packing , medium t
prime , $5.100iT.5 : > ; light grades , ordinary t
good , $4.fO@5.15.
Kuntma City , Jan. 10. Cattle Receipts
1HH ( ) ; shipments , ! 4 ; demand strong ; mai
ket active ; values 10@15c hlcher for goo
and fat , and lOo higher for others ; good t
choice corn-fed , * l.y5@4.t5 ! ; common t
Jiuilium , l.20.fl.2.stockers ( ; , ? 1.SO@2.5C
feeding steers , $2.00@U.a3j cows , tl.K ! ) (
L'.tH ) .
Hogs Receipts , 4,400. ; shipments 1,501'
steady , but 5dllo ) lower ; common to cholci
H.25 ( 5.50 ; skips and pigs , fJ.50(24.GO. (
Nr.w YOIIK , Jan. 10. [ Special Telegra :
to the HEK.I STOCKS The returns of 1
roads for the month of December show npgr
gate gross earnings . " , > , ' - ' ' ! , < V4 : ) again
120,277,240 for the corresponding month i
last year , an increase of * 2C ! > J,402 , or 11
Ver cent , with an increase of 0 per cent
mileage. For the year the returns from 1
roads show an aggregate gross earnings
1300,250 IW7 against WIO.040,237 , an increa
of fl4,21DttO , ! , or 14 | > cr cent. Only s.ovi
roads show smaller grass earning * than lu
year. Twelve roads rcjiort gains for the ye
ranging from $1,000,000 to fJ.iWO.lKW ,
.follows : Lake Shore , f..SNt.OOO ; Atlantic
. . Pacific , * lan)70 ! ) ; Canadian Pacific , $1,511
V' ( b70 ; Denver * & Rio Grande , il,240,5U7 ; En
' . Tennessee , $1,015,525 ; Louisville & Xus
vllle , 2,017,417 ; New York Central , 1,04
(00 : Northern Pacific , f t,577OSS ; San Fra
Cisco , $1HOW2 ! ; Manitoba , $1,317,8SS ; Me >
can Central , (1,031,313 ; Michigan Ceutn
f 1,021,218 , , Taklni ; ftl per cent off the gro
carnlngb as thu cost of Deration , leaves n
earnings of about { 130,000,000 for the \
for the year , an increase of nbout'
1 16,000,000 , or 14 per cent. The incrciiso In
mileage was 3,70 , which , at the rate"of
2. ' > , < iU ) per mile , would Indicate an Increase
of tU2,72S,000 of the amount of the securities
Issued and tS.Ml.OOO lu annual 0 per cent
Interest charges over li > $ fl. The stock market
opened fairly active and during the llrst hour
gave Indications of n good day's business ,
the sales being ! l,700 shares. The general
feeling was steady. The continued Increase
In the bank reserves at New York and the
largo business in bonds created an encourag
ing feeling nnd prices moved up fractionally.
The principal feature U > the trading was the
activity and advance In Cotton Oils , which
were said to be bought by Insiders , partlularly
the Flaglers , and prices advanced 1J but
reacted yt per cent. The other Important
stocks were the Grangers and Coalers.
Reading has gained friends by the stubborn
ness displayed In standing up under the
recent pounding , and , despite the continued
strike , was purchased fairly by commission
houses. London was eager and sent selling
orders for St. Paul and Reading. The
market stood ml under the selling for a time ,
but In the last hour the whole list gradually
weakened. The closing sales , however , were
ut u flight advance over Saturday's except on
Northwestern , St. Paul , Reading , Western
Union and Missouri Pacific , the losses rang
ing from X to yt per cent. The total sales
were 114,505 shares.
Govr.u.NMn.VTS Government bonds were
dull but steady.
IT. S. 4s registered. iai i C.AiN.W . 10-
II. H. to coupon. . . liii4 ! dojiit-fcrrcd 141U
. . N. V. Central 107Ji
U. H 41is coupon. .Km O. II. N.
rucitic OH or I' . T.
Citimilu Southern . W , I'nrltlc Mnll H7'4
( Vntrnl 1'urlHc irj'S'O. ' I ) . .V K i.1'i
Chicago & Alton. .1117 'Pullman ' P.ilnceCaiHO'i '
C. . ILAtO 12 'i ' Kl'nillnu' Wi' ,
! > . , I\-W Him , itoek Island nn :
IJ.Mt.O Z ! ISt. I , . .VS. K l > .
I.rle ! .Vji dopreferreil 7ly
ilo pieferreil | C. . > f. iV St. 1'iiul . TliU
Illinois Central. . . 1I74' ! ' do preferred lift
I. , Vf 13 | St. I'.AM ) 411
lv..VT 17'4' ' do preferred 1UH
Lake. Shore KlVTc.\iiH I'nclflr y ,
I..AS.N KJ'j ' rnUin I'nciiic r > : ? i
Michigan Cent nil Kl 4 W. , St. I , . .V-1 * Ifi
Missouri 1'uclllc. . . b73ij do preferred. . . . 1M
MlssouilPiiclllc . MSJi W. U. Telegraph. . . 78
do pi-cferred 47'J
Mos'KV On eull cuiy at3V ( cl4Jf pur rent ;
lust loan at 4 per cent ; closed offered nt 3 per
PIIIMB MniiCANTii.n PAPEII 5 } ( iI7j per
STEHMXO Kvciuxor. Dull but steady nt
$4.84 for sixty dny billn , and fl.bO ' for de-
Ko.Jan. 10. KollowhiK are the 2:30 :
closing prices :
Flour Steady ; winter wheat bbls , $ -2.,0@
4.ii5 ; Hacks , .50uiTn ( : ) : ; spring wheat , bbls ,
* : i.rtOii4.f ( > 0 ; sacks , # . " . ( : . ( ( : rye Hour , W.S5
@ : i.l ( ) per bbl ; buckwheat liour , ? 5.00W .75
l > er bbl.
Wheat Dull and unusually quiet with very
sllcht changes In prices : ( Inctuations contlncd
within ? Mc rnncu and closed ' 40 above Sat
urday ; cash , 77c ; February , " } { v. May ,
Corn Quiet ; opened steady at Saturday's
rloso anil closed } o hiuher ; cash and
Kebrnar.v , 4ic ! ; May , 5I)4V.
Oats Dull and ( | tiiot with no important
change from Saturday ; February , 31 ; May ,
Kyo Quiet nt ( U'.te.
Hurley Quiet at 7.1l8.'c. (
Pi line Timothy (2.17 ( < i2.49.
Flaxseed(1.43K. .
Whisky (1.10.
Pork Moderately nctlvc , but irrnpulnr
within small range ; cash , (14.i > 5 ; May , SI5.2r > .
Lard Qniet and steady and a trillo lower ;
cnsh7.37K : February , * 7.40 ; May , ? 7.lM.
Ur.V SalU-d Meats-Shoulders , ? 5.00G ? < ' > . ( K ) ;
short clear , (8.1S < ff8.20 ; short ribs , ? 7.li7 .
Huttor Quiet ; creamery , i4@S2c ! ; dairy ,
Cheese Quiet ; hill cream Cheddars ,
© ll'fc ; flats , ll ( > li ; c ; young Americas , I
KKRS Fresh , 2K322e.
Hides UnchanKeiljgrecn hides ftj c ; preen
frozen , 5c ; heavy green salted , ( i } < J ; ligiit
preen salted , tJf ) ; salted bull , 5J4'o ; green
bull , 4 > 4c ; green salted calf , 8c ; dry flint
and dry calf , 12@13c : branded , 15 per cent
off ; deacons , ! le ) each ; dry salted , lOo.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1. country solid ,
3Ke , No. 3,3 ' ; cake , 4.
4.Heceipts. . Shipments.
Flour , bbls 15)00 ( ) Hi.OOO
Wheat , bu 21XX ( ) 13,000
Corn , bu 5.r ,000 ttl.OOO
Oats , bu ( W,000 Wi.OOO
Kye.bu 2,000 3,000
Uarley , bu 34,000 21XX )
St. Iouls. Jan. 10. Wheat Cash , 82i4' @
S3J4c ; May , 8.V 'c.
Corn Kirm ; cash , 48S4SJ ( e ; May , Mkc. )
Oats-Dull ; cash , 32c ; May , 32 e.
Lard -(7.-0.
Whlslcy-l.V ( .
13uttcr Unchanged ; creamery , 24 ( 30e ;
dairy , 18@20o.
Afternoon Hoard Wheat , firm ; January ,
82 obid ; February , 83oasked ; May , b5) < fe.
Corn , higher ; January. 47J < e nnil nominal ;
February , 47 ; G48u bid ; May , 50kiT50 ( > 4c.
Oats , dull ; 3'J'i-cbid.
Minneapolis , Jan. 10. In the local board
there were a few cars of wheat oftercdantl u
few millers who were buying were compelled
to bid up. Kcccipts , 70 cars ; shipments , 14
cars. During the past week local stocks de
creased 183 , ( 9 bushels. The Duluth road
has made u three-cent rate In wheat from
Duluth to this city. Closed in store : No. 1
hard , January , 7S4c ; ? ; February , 7Uc ; May ,
82) ) 0 ; No. I northern , January , 77 c ; Feb
ruary , TT-liV ; May , Sic ; No. 2 northern ,
January , 75Wo ; February. 75 } jc ; May , 7Sc. )
On track : No. 1 hard , 80e ; No. 1 north
ern , 7 ! > e ; No. 2 northern , 77c.
Flour Patents , sacks to ship , stock car
lots , (4.15@4.25 ; bakers' $ ll.35@3.tS. !
KUIIHUS City , Jan. 10. Wheat Steady ;
No. 2 soft , cash , 80 e ; May , Sl 'e.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , cash , on track , 45c :
May , G7/4'i ' : bid. flSc asked.
Oats No. 2 cash , 2Sc bid ; 20J < fc naked.
Now York , Jan. 10. Wheat Receipts
0,000 ; cxjmrts , 24,000 ; very dull ; options
varied but little , closing a shadu higher ant
steady ; sjwt lots steady ; ungraded red , 77 ( < <
We ; No. 1 red , nominal nt U4c ; No. 2 red
nominal at ! lU4x@l 134c in elevator. 02 } < glKJ (
delivered ; February closed at Ol fc.
Corn Keceipts , ( Xt.OOO ; exports , 4StWO
cash , steady but quiet ; options opened linn
later dull , declined Y ( < i14c } , and closed steady
ungraded , ( iKa'W ' c ; No. 3 , fi'.lfaliOe ; No. 2
01J < o in elevator , 02J4o delivered ; February
closed at lilftfe. *
Oats Heceipts , r > 2,000 ; exports , none
moderately active and ! < ( < ilJ4c ; mixed west
ern , 37(3400 ( ; white western , 40@4Cc.
Coffee S [ > ot , fair ; Hio nominal at $17.75
options opened stronger , closing weak am
lower ; sales , 57,000 bags ; January , $14. ' . 5 ( < i
15.10 ; February , J14.400114.55 ; March , $14.2
014.45 ; April , * 14.20@14.35 ; May , J14.05 ( <
14.25 ; June , ? 13.P5@14,10.
Petroleum-Steady ; United , SO c.
Kgps Steady but quiet ; wcstern,21ii22Kc (
Pork Dull at f 15.25(3 ( 15.50 for ono yea
Lard Dull nnd heavy ; western stem :
spot , ? 7. ? %
Huttor Firm but quiet ; western , 10@3."ii
Chees.0 Steady ; demand light ; weston
Liverpool , Jan. Ifi. Wheat Du' '
nnd unchanged ; holders offer freely ; Cal
forum No. 1 , ( > s ldiis ( ) ( ( lid per cental.
Corn Finn and demand fair ; now mlxe
wcbtein 4 s lid per cental.
Monday , Jan 10,1SSS.
The receipts of cattle were 14il head nn
were chietly common stock. There wi
hardly enough to inako n market , although
few sales were nuido.
The receipts of hogs wory light nnd but f (
the stock huld over there would have been i
market. Prices ruled stronger on the heav
hops which were offered and weak on llgl
htull , which during this iirevalllnp col
weather docs not sell well and isadrugc
the market. The. prosinvts for heavier r
colpts is very fair and by Wednesday shou !
tlio roads remain open , the market will doub
less bu in hhnpn once more.
There were none received and noth'up wi
doing on the market. Prices rcuuuu ubot
10 'as usual ,
. < . " ' .
oniclnl KccelptB.
Cattle . . . . . Urt
Hogs./ . . . . . ' 1W
1'rcvnllliiK 1'rlci-s.
Showlne the prevailing prices paid for live
stock on the market :
Prime steers. i ; ) to 1500 Ibs. .14.2.1 ( 4.50
Cholcn steers , HOOtO 100 ! ! Ibs. . 3.75 yi.25
Fat little steers , iKX ) to 1050 lb3.0'J ' ( ( t3.h5
Corn.fiMl range steers , 1200 to
150011 * . 4.00 ( JM.2B
Good to choice corn-fed cows. . 2.25 ( a3.00
Common to medium cows . 1,75 ( JJ2.25
Western cows . 1.75 ( < 2.5 < )
Good range feeders . 2..TO ( .f 2.05
Good native fcederslKXlbsand )
upwards . 2.25 (33.00 (
Fair to medium native feeders ,
5)00 ) Ibs and upwards . 2.25 ( a2.50
Stockers , 400 to 700 Ibs . 2.15r2.75
Prime fat sheep . 3.75
Good fut sheep , lHifIOUU ( > 4 . 3.25 ( ail.M )
Fair to medium sheep . 2.25 < < ni.H )
Common sheep . 1 .75 ( ifJ.25
Light and medium hops . 4.25 ( < 4.70
Coed ! to choice heavy hops. . . , . 5.25 05.45
Good to choice mixed hoga . 5.15 ( jf5.30
ItcprcHcntntivo HnleH.
No. Av. Pr.
5 . ' . > 50 3.05 10 . " 0 3.05
iU . 837 3.05 01 . 1200 3.1)5 )
COW 9.
10 . 1002 J2.70
10 . 1021 2.M )
7 . 1100 $1.50
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
4 . . . . 1 45 $3.00 72 . . . .223 SO $5.30
S3. . . .123 1 ) 4.25 KI..20I1 100 5.35
77. . . . 1110 240 4.X ( ) 58. . . . 251 Ml 5.35
73. . . . 101 280 4.00 03 . . .2IX ) 320 5.35
05. . . . 175 120 4.05 7. . . . 200 5.35
157. . , . W 120 4.70 02. . . .274 2v ( ) 5.40
HI. . . .2(3 ( 200 5.15 55..25S SO 5.40
01. . . . 222 100 5.20 07. . . . 271 240 5.45
50. . . . 231 210 5.25
anil Ci > tniiiissloii.
Public Inspectors dock pregnant sows 40
pounds , stags 80 pounds each.
Dead hogs , 100 Ibs and over , 75@2.25 per
cwt. , less than KM ) Ibs , of no value.
Yardatjo : Cattle , 2oc ; hogs , Sc ; sheep , 5c
per head. Feed : Corn , $1 per bu ; timothy
hay , $30. prairie hay , $20 per ton.
Commissions : Cattle , 50c per head ; calves
and yearlings , $10 per car. Hogs and sheep :
Single decks , $5 ; public inspection on hogs.
15c per car. All sales unless otherwise stated
per 100 Ibs live weight.
Live Stock Notes.
Hogs all sold.
Very light receipts.
Light hogs are dull.
Dead hogs rose In price again yesterday.
S. II. Klwood , of Kmmett , sold a load of
H. H. Alter , of Chester , was on the market
with hogs yesterday.
P. J. Uooney , of the firm of IJooney &
Co. , of Broyton , was looking over the yards
W. II. Jones , of Holdrcpe , Neb. , came in
with a car of hogs. Mr. Jones has been on
the road since Friday.
John P. Moore , of the firm of Moore &
Gardner , of Cawles , Neb. , was on the market
with two loads of hogs.
The committee appointed to draft the con
stitution and bylaws for the stock exchange ,
which will bo organized , will meet to-day.
The Nebraska Uendering and Kcflninlng
Co. wcro on the mnruct yesterday and
bought dead hogs. As u consequence values
The ship | > ers banquet which occur * to
morrow night at the enghago building ,
promises to b the event of the season pro
vided no more blizzards take place.
Gregg & Agnew. of Hubbell , " &cb. , were
on the market with a load of hogs that
brought the top price. Mr. Agnew came in
with them. He has been on the road since
last Thursday , and was snowed in at Chester
but stuck to It and "got there Eli. "
Produce , Fruits , Ktc.
lOmaha , Jan. 10 , 1888.
Tlic following arc the prices tit which
round lots of produce arc sold on this mar
ket. Fruits or other lines of goods requiring
extra labor of packing cannot always be
supplied on outside orders at the same prices
quoted the local trade.
HUTTKII The receipts wcro again light ,
nnd the demand for the better qualities fair.
No change 'is noted in prices , nnd we ngnin
quote : Creamery , solid packed , 22 < Ti23c ;
choice dairy , 17 ( < $19c ; medium , 15@17cT ; low
grades , 10@12c.
EGOS Nothing new to note In this line ,
nnd wo quote a fair supply with prices un
changed nt 21@22e for cold storage ana 22@
23c for strictly fresh. Limed eggs are very
slow at 15c.
POULTHV The receipts of chickens were
light , and not enough come to hand to supply
the demand. Turkeys were rather slow sale
nnd n peed many held over. Prices , how
ever , arc without change , nnd wo quote :
Dressed chickens , 8@0o pcrlb ; turkeys , 9(5 (
lOc ; ducks , 7QSc ; geese , Jl@10c.
APPLES Are firm , and from this date noth.
ing will bo shipped at less than $3.50 per bar
rel. Local buyers may occasionally piek uf
n small lot of speckled fruit for less
money , but it will bo rarely. Wo quote
Eastern fruit , fair to choice stock$3.50M3.75
fancy stock , t3.7S@-t.00.
POTATOES Are without change , very few
moving this weather , and prices remaining
linn at last quotations. Wo quote : Utnl
ami Colorado stock nro quoted at $1.10@1,1 !
and choice homo grown ut 90@1.00 ; com
inon grades at GOo.
OHANUES Are moving off slowly , with i
sufficient supply to merit all demands
Prices are unchanged and wo quote
Valencias , ? 7.riO@S.OO per case of 420
Louisiana , fUX4.2.Florida ) ; , brights
fl.25@4.r > 0 ; russets , * 3.50@4.00.
BEANS Hani to get , and in peed demand
Wo still quote old prices , and quote pooi
stock , $2.X2. ( ) 0 ; fair to peed , (1
und California beans at $2.2T > (22.40. (
Ti'iixir. > There are really none in the mar
kct , but rutabagas are selling at WidjGOo pc
CEI.EIIV Offerinps are very light nnd of i
poor quality. What does como to hand sell
nt 4l@4r ( > e jwr dozen for choice and45i750o ( fo
SEKT POTATOES Very few In the markel
nnd very little demand for them. We stil
quote : per lb. , with extra at 3c.
CIDEII Old prices still rule , and the stoc'
on hand Is sufficient to meet all wants. W
quite choice Michigan cUler , fO.OOuO.0 ( pe
bbl. of 32 pal.
NL-TS Peanuts , 7 ( 7J c , raw ; Brazil nuti
13o ; almonds , Tarragona , 22c ; Englis
walnuts , ISQlSc ; filberts , ISo ; Italian chcsl
nuts , 15o ; pecans , I2o.
BANANAS The supply is moderate , bu
fully equal to the demands ol trade which i
somewhat slow. Wo quote : Choice bananas
? 2.75 < Vi3.H ) ; medium bunches ; 2.00ft3.00. (
GIUPE- . Are in fair supply at uuctiangc
prices.Vo quote : Malagas , W..VH'rf7.00 pc
bhl , , with some extra line sold nt $7.r > 0g9.0 ( <
LEMONS Mnlngn are about out of the mui
kct , but wo quote the old figures $5.00 pc
box , Messinas nro in fair supply nnd scllln
nt from tt.OOffi5.50.
Poi'coiiN Choice rice corn is quoted c
* @ - * ) per Ik , other kinds , 2J ( S3o per Iti.
KiiAtrr Choice per bbl. of30 gal
. . > { bbl. , fl.57 < 25.00. 111.00 pc
bbl of 50 gaL
CtuiioTS f2.2. > @ 2M ) per barrel.
PAUtsiPs New nU % $2.5(1 ( per. barrel-
There are few on the market. . '
OTSTKIIS Plain Btandan ! , 25c ; plain selects
lects , : tOe ; standard. 40c't extra selects , 35c ;
New Ydrk counts , 40o : bulk oysters , counts ,
f 1.85 per 100 ; selects , $2.1H ) per gal ; standard ,
(1.25 per pal.
CAi-i.tri-owEit-Good stock , $2.00d2.SO.
CAUFOIINH KiiriTS There arc only a few
pears In the market , at $2.00 (2.75 ; extra
line , 3.K ( ) .
CAIIIUOR Prices arc unchanged tl per
doz. , nnd 2 ( r3e per Hi for California.
CHANiiKiiuiK ! ) Hell & Cherry , $10.00M0.50 ( ?
Hell & Uugle , * 10.Wi@11.00Cupo ; Cods , 111.00
( -MI.50.
ONIONS Homo grown , 75lS5cc ( ; Spanish
onions , per 50-11) crate , $1.50@1.75.
HONEV lKjlc ( for Mb frames ; canned
honey , 10@12c per It > .
Fins In layers , 13@10o ; cake , lie per lb.
DATES Prussian , 8c per lb.
Groccr'fl Lint.
PitovisioNs Hums , lUjVi'Ml a ; brcakfas
bacon , ll' UKc ; bacon sides.O' . ' QOUc ; dry
salt , 8) ) ( ii i'c ; shoulders , 0 > @ 7e ; dried beef ,
HEMNED Luiti Tierce , 7Jfc ; 40-lb square
cans , 79/13 ; 50-lb round , 7Jje ; ; 20-lb round ,
7)ic ) ; 10-lb palls , 8 0 ; 5-lb pails , 8 c ; 2-lb
paihi 8' < c.
BIIOOMS Extra 4-ttc , 2.fiO ; No. 1 , 12.00 ;
No. 2 , $1.75 ; heavy stable , $4.00.
C\NI > Y Mixed , 0@lle ; stick. 8J30J < < c.
Sviiui1 No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs , $ l.50iM.5r ( > ;
New Orleans , per gallon , 3 > 040c ; maple
synil ) , half bbls , "old time" per gallon , bo ( ) ;
1-gallon cans , per doz , $10.50 ; half galoncans ,
per doz , $0.25 ; quart cons , $3.25.
STAUCII Mirror glass , 5f4e ; ; Graves' corn ,
OVc ; Oswopo gloss , Oe ; Oswego corn , 7c.
HOUAND HEitniNcis 73 < U70 per keg.
WOODRNWAHE Two-boo ) ) pulls , | ) cr doz. ,
$1.45 ; three-hoop pulls , $1.0 ! ; No. 1 tub , $0.50 ;
No. 2 tub , $ .50 ; No. 3 tub , $4.50 ; washboards -
boards , $1.40S2.75 ( ; assorted bowls , $2.25 ;
No. 1 churns. $0,00 ; No. 2 churns , $8.00 ; No.
3 churns , f7,00.
Pli-Ki.Ei-Mcdlum In bbls , $7.00 ; do In half
bbls , $4.00 ; small , la bbls. $ S,00 ; do In half
bbls , $4.50 ; perklns , In bbls , $0.00 ; do in half
bbls , $5.00.
COPKCK Ordinary grades , 10'4@21c ; fair ,
20f20jJe ( ; prime , 21it2IJ ( < i'c ; fancy green and
vellow , 23u25o ( ; old government Java , 2S@
30c ; interior Java , 25f28e ( ; Mocha , 2 % 30e ;
ArbucKlo's roasted , 24Vfe ; McLaughlin's
XXXX , 24 > 4"e ; Dilworth's , 24c ; Ued Cross ,
2lc.J i : 1.1.1 is : 30-lb | ) alls , $1.05S1.75. (
TBAS Japans , 20@55o ; gunpowder , 20 ( < i )
OOc ; Young Hyson , 25uf55c ; Oolong , 20u ( >
C5c.Koi'E Seven-sixteenths , 1 1 @l 1 t/c.
Toiucco Lorillard's Climax , 45c ; Splen
did , 4tc ; Mechanic's Delight , 41c ; Legpett &
Meyer's Star , 45c ; Cornerstone , 3Sc ; Drum-
mond's Horseshoe , 41c ; J. T. . 40c ; Sorg's
Spearhead , 44c ; Catlin's meerschaum , 31c ;
Catlin's Old Style , 23o.
CANNI'.II Goons Oysters , standard , per
case , $ ! ) .3U@ 3.35 ; strawberries , 2-lb per case ,
$3.10(33.20 ( ; raspberries , 2-lb per case , SLlOQi )
3.20 ; California pears , pur case , sM.iO ( < ? 4.vO ;
apricots , per case , s4.00@4.70 ; peaches , per
case , $5.Mii'5.85 ) ; white cherries , per case ,
$0.00 ; Cal. pmmspercase$4.30@4.40 ; blueber
ries , per case , $2.30@2.40 ; egg plums , 2-lb
per case , $2.50 ; pineapple * , 2-lb , per ease ,
$3.20@5.75 ; 1-lb salmon , per do ? , $1.5S1.00 ;
2-lb gooseberries , per case , $3.25r3.rt5 { : 2-lb
string beans , per case , $ l.b ( > ( tfl < ! ! 5 ; 2-lb Lima
beans , per case , $1.001.05 ; 2-lb marrowfat
peas , $ J.OOi2.70 ( ; 2-lb early June pear , per
case , $2,85 ; 3-lb tomatoes , $2.50 ; 2-lb corn ,
$2.30(1(2.40. ( i
Si ; < uu Granulated , 7J ( 5 > 73fc ; conf. A ,
Ditun Fui'iTS Apples , new , } { s , < jt o\ \
evaiKtratcd 50-lb ring , OJ < @ 10o ; raspberries ,
evapo rated , 27V28e ( ; bliuikberrlcs , evaporated ,
OJiXjglOc : pitted cherries , 22QJ23c ; peaches ,
new , SgSJfJ'c ; evaporated , peeled peaches , 20
@ 30c ; evaporated , unp.ircd , 180I20c-L new
currants , 7 ( ff74'e ! ; prunes , new , 5 ( < i5'4c ;
citron , 25c ; raisins , London layers , $ .2.4 , * > C' &
2.50 ; California loose muscatels , § 2.10ij,2.15 ( ;
new Valencia ,
CHACKKUS , CAKKI , ETC. Prices subject to
change. Soda , 5c ; soda , ( city goods ) , 7e ; soda
snowllakcs ( in tins ) , tic ; soda dandy , OV c ;
soda wafers ( In tins ) , lOc ; soda 7cphyr , 8c ;
city oyster , 0rfc ; excelsior , 7c ; farina oys
ter , 5)gc ; gem oyster , 5e ; monitor , 7c ;
Omaha oyster , 7e ; pearl oystcr,5c ; picnic , 5c ;
snowdrop oyster , 8c ; butter , 5c ; Boston , So ;
Omaha butter , 7e ; saw tooth butter , 0 } < e ;
cracker meal , 5 } c ; graham. 8e ; graham
wafers , lOo ; graham wafers In pound pack-
apes , 12) ) . c ; hard bread , 5c ; milk , 7c ; oat-
mealj 8c : oatmeal wafers. lOc ; oatmeal wa
fers in Ibpkgs , 12J c ; animals , 12e ; bolivcr
ginger ( round ) , 7c ; cream , 8c ; Cornhill ,
lOc ; cracknclls , ICc ; frosted cream , 8J < fc ;
ginger snaps , 8c ; ginger snaps ( city ) , Oc ;
homo made ginger snaps in boxes , 13c ; home
made ginger snaps (1 ( lb cans ) per dozen ,
$2.50 ; leinod cream , 8e ; pret/els ( hand
made ) , UKc ; assorted cakeb and Jumbles ,
lle ; assorted fingers , 15c ; afternoon tea
( in tins ) per dozen , $7.00 ; banana fingers ,
14e ; butter jumbles , llj c ; Brunswick , 15c ;
brandy snaps , 15c ; chocolate drops ( new ) ,
lOc ; checolato wafers , 15c ; Christmas lunch
( in tins ) , per dozen , $1.50 ; cocoa taffy snaps ,
14c ; coffee cake , 12c ; Cuba Jumbles , 11 j o ;
cream puffs , 20c ; egg jumbles , 14c ; ginger
drops , lie ; honey jumbles , HKc ; jelly ling
ers , 15c ; jelly wafers , 15c ; jelly tart ( new ) ,
15c ; lady fingers , 13c ; vanilla bar , 14c : va
nilla wafers , 14c ; Vienna wafers , 1 dozen
packages in box , per dozen , $2.50.
All goods packed In cans 1 ct. | > cr lb. ad
vance except Snowflake and Wafer Soda ,
which is packed only in cans. Soda in 2 lb.
and 3 lb. paper boxes , J cent per lb. advance ;
all other goods , 1 cent per lb. advance. Soda
in 1 lb. paper boxes , 1 cent per lb. advance.
The 2 lb. boxes are packed in cases holding 18
in a case. The 3 lb. boxes are packed in cases
holding 12 in a case. The 1 lb. boxes are
packed in cases holding 30 in a case. One lb.
Graham and Oatmeal Wafers packed 2 doz.
in a case.
Show Tops for boxes , with glass opening to
show goods , 75 cents. Cans for Wafer Soda ,
$3.00 not returnable. Cans for Snowflake
Soda , $0.00 per doz. Tin Cases with Gloss
Face to display the goods , TSccnts each. Iso
charges for Packages except for cans and re-
turnublo cases. Glass Front Tin Cans and
"Snowllako" Soda Cans are returnable at
prices charged ,
Dry Goo < ls.
DUCK West Point 20 in. 8 oz. , lOJ c ; West
Point 20 in. 10 oz. , ! 2 } < c : West Point 10 in. 12
oz , 15c ; West Point 40 In. 11 oz , lOe. Checks
Caledonia X , 9 Ye ; Caledonia XX , lOJ e ;
Economy , O e ; Otis , 8 e.
KENTUCKY JKANS Memorial , 15c ; Canton ,
' 18c ; Durham , 27 > c ; Hercules , 18c ; Leaming
ton , 22 } c ; Cottswold , 25c.
CIIASH Stevens' H , Oc ; bleached , 7c ; Ste
vens' A , iycbleached \ , 8 } < fc ; Stevens' P ,
bleached , OKc ; Stevens' N ,
bleached , lO c ; Stevens' S KT , 12Uc.
MISCELLANEOUS Table oil cloth , $2.85 ,
plain Holland , 8Ko to Oc ; Dado Holland ,
CAMIIIIICS Slater , 4 c ; Woods , 4Kc ; Stan
dard , 4) ) c ; Peacock , 4J < fc.
COM roit mi" ? < t.0a ( ) ( 35.00.
BLANKETS White , $1.00@7.50 ; colored $1.10
BLEACHED SHEETING Berkeley cambric ,
No. 00 , 0 0 ; Best Yet , 4-4 , Oifc ; butter cloth
OO , 4 > ifc ; Cabot , 7Ko ; Farwcll , Sc ; Fruit of
Loom. Oc ; Greene G , Oc ; Hope , 7Jfc ; King
Phillip cambric , lie ; Lousdalo , HKo ; Lons-
dale , 8 fe ; Now York wills , 10J < e ; Peppercll
42-in , 10KcPepporell,4 ; ( . , \la ; Peppercll
( V4 , 15c ; Peppercll , 8-4 20o ; Pepporell 0-4 , 22e ;
Peppcrell , 10-4 , 24c ; Canton 4-4 , 8) 0 ; Canton ,
4-4 , OHe ; Triumph , Oc ; Wumsutta , lie ; Val
ley , 5c.
FIU.NNEI.S Plaid Raftsman , 20c ; Goshen ,
' '
iriVc ; QuccheoN'o.4 , 9 , 32 > o ; Anaw
. Jo ; Windsor , 22 > 'c. Itod-C , 24-inciu is ; . _
E , 24-inch , 21c ; GO , 24-inch , 18o ; H A F , JS4' ,
25o ; J H F , V , 27 > JoO , ( , 85a
PHINTS SOLID Coi.ous Atlanta , fi e ;
Slater , Oc ; Berlin Oil , iic ; Garner Oil , t'Ky
7c. PINK ANII Honr.s Hiclimond , Co ; Allen
Oc ; Iliver poltit , Sc ; Steel Uivcr , lie ; Kleli-
mend , CMJ ; Pacific , ( i'rfc ; INDIOO Bi.un Wash
ington , Oc ; Century Indigo blue prints , lOc
American , OK ; Arnold , fijfo ; Arnold B
10 } < c ; Arnold A , 12c ; Arnold Gold Sea
10 > ic. DUESS Charter Oak , 4'ic ; Katrmpi
SJfc ; Lodi , 7 0 ; Allen , 6.l c ; UichmoiK
Wjo ; Windsor , Oc ; Eddystone , Co ; Pacific
COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dis
No. 10 , 8 > < c ; 40 , 10 c ; 00 , 12Mc ; 80 , 15c ; 30
colored , lOc ; 50 , colored , 12c ; 70 , colored , 15o
Bristol l , I3)c ) ; Union Puclllc , ISc.
'ET WAiif Bobb white , 10)a'c ; cplored
20J e.
HHOWN SIICETINO - Atlanta A , 4-4 , 7'i'c
Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , 0 } < Je ; At
lantlo P , 4-4 , 5Jfo ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , 5Jfc ; Au
rora C , 4-4 , 4 > jc ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , e
Hooslcr LL , 4-4 , fi f { Indian Hcnd-l-4 , 7'4C ;
Lawrence LL44 > 5'ie ! ' Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
BJfe ; Pcpperell H , 4-4 , ' Jv ; Peppercll O , 4-4 ,
Oe ; Pcpptirell , 8-4 , ISc ; Pcpiierell , P-4. 20u ;
PeptMirell , 10-4 , S2c ; Utlca C , 4-4. 4c ; Wu-
chusctt. 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora K , 4-4 , Oli'j Aurora
H , 4-4 , Oc.
HATTs-Standnrd. So ; Gem. 10 > , 'c ; Heauty ,
12'e ; Boono. I4c : H , cased , $ O.W ) .
GiNdiiAM Plunkett checks , 7 ' 4c ; Whit-
teuton , 7i4c ; York , 7'4c ; Normundl dress ,
8c ! : Calcutta dress , SV : Whlttcnton dress ,
DC ; Ucnfrcw dress , V ii 12 ,0. ,
TICK LewlstonIn. : ) . , 12'o'c ; Lcwlston ,
32-ln. , 13i < e ; York. 32-ln. . 14c ; Swift river.
7' c ; Thorndlkc , OO , 8 > 4C ! Thorndlkp. EP ,
8 c ; Thorndike , 120 , Ol4c : Thorndike , XXX ,
15c ; Cordis , No. 5 , V ; Cordls , No. 4. lie.
DENIMS Auioskeap , 0-nz. . Hie ; Everett ,
7-oz. , ilk" York , 7-oz. , 13c ; Haymaker , 8 > 5c ;
Jaffix-y , XX , like ; Jaffrey , XXX , 12.Sc ;
Beaver Creek , AA , 12c : Beaver Creek , BU ,
lie ; Beaver Creek , CC , lOc.
General Mnrkot * .
Vrlcc * nnjltmrnntl feed ( ii/otnl / fn thin
column nrc Hume ulvcn by Ji > Micrn nnd tin :
niitntnll. I'liccmin uniln arc i/io / c jw ( ( (
by Ontnhti inlllciH delivered.
FnxsEi-.u Good quality quoted at $1.30 per
GIIAIN Prices are steady , as regards the
market ; wheat No. 2 , OOc per bushel ; rye.
58o ; corn , 40c ; oats. 20 ( (3tc ) ; barley , 00@
t' < 5 ' , iiccording to quality.
Hvv Common coarse , $ .00 < a7.00 ; tiuland
prairie , $7.50M.K ( ( ) . Straw. JO.f > 0 ( < i7.tK ) .
COM , -Prices continue steady with the sup
ply of soft coal very light , and should the
present cold weather continue some Incon
venience and a rise In prices may be anti
cipated. Egg , $10.50 ; nut , $10.50 ; range ,
810.50 : walnut block , $4.25 ; Iowa lump ,
$3.75 ; Iowa nut , $3.00 ; Illinois , $45.00ra 1.75.
HIDES Given butchers' , 5rf.Vfe ( ! , ; green
cured. ( VTlOVc ; dry flint , Oc ; dry salt , Sc ;
green calf skins , 7c ; damaged bidet , two-
-thirds price. Tallow 3'4C. ' Grease -Prime
white , 4)4-0 ) ; yellow , 3c ; brown , 2c. Sheep
pelts , 25e < a$1.00.
Ft-ns Haccon,10(00cinlnk ( ( ; , 15S4U. ( ( " . musk
rat full , 2ji ( "c ; striped skunk,5ii25c ; mountain
wolf , No. ll.r > 0(2.50 . ; No. 2 , prairie , ) ( , >
" 5c ; No. 2 , 25i4lV ( ; beavt-r , No. 1 , per lb ,
$2.00W3.K ( ) ; No. 2 ; ? 1.1KWFI 25 ; otter. fl.lHH-c
0.00 ; dry deer skins , 20C 35c per lb ; dry ante
lope , elk , moose , etc. , I5fi 25c.
Ditfiis Kemain steady Ammonlucarb,14c ;
ramphnr refined 30ccoppenml ; ' 4ccream : tar
tar , 451' ; cream tartar powdered. 20W50e ; In
digo Madras , 7.V : morphia sulph , $3.50 ; soda
bl. carb , Ii5c ; A'euico turpentine. 40i" gum
opium , $4.05 ; quicksilver. bOc ; quinine , Ger
man per o55c ; wax , yellow , pure , 32c.
OILS Firm. Carbon , 12rt,25e ( ; linseed , boiled ,
02c ; Unseed , raw , ft'.V ; castor , No 1 ,
$1.20 ; No. 2 , si. 12 ; sperm whale , * I.OO ; fish ,
40c ; golden No. 2 , 25c ; whale , 20c ; nupttia 1
degree. 14c : headlight 150 degrees , 12c ; head
light , 175 degrees. 15c.
PAINTS White lead , pure , O'c ; white
lead , fancy. OJc : putty , In bladders , 3 ; Paris
white , 3c ; Whiting , common , ! i'ae ' ; red lead
Wisnowoi.A-s Single. 00 , 10C'di5 per cent ;
double , 70 and 5 per cent discount.
Fi.orit AND FEEI > Flour , as u rule , is uti-
ihanged. Minnesota patents , $2.00 per
wt ; Kansas and Missouri fancy winter
intents , $2.000t 2.75 per cwt ; Nebraska pat-
iits , $2.45(32.50 ( per cwt ; rye flour ,
2.00 per cwt ; wheat prabain , $1 75 per cwt ;
ye graham , * 1.40 per cwt ; New York buck-
ivhcut , 0.50ij7.)0 ( ( ) per bbl ; Excelsior , $0.00
icrbbl : ready raised , $5.00 per KKMb case ;
nrnmcal. yellow , $1.UO@1.10 per cwt ; white ,
'I ' 10C71.15 per cwt ; bran , $10.00i ( ( 17.00 per
on ; screenings , < 11.00(715.00 ( per ton ; horn-
ny , * ! 125per bbl ; chopjicd feed , $20.00 per
on ; chopped corn , $10.00 per ton.
Sl'iniTCologne spirits 188 proof. $1.10
do , 101 proof , $1.12 ; spirits , second
Hiality , 101 proof , $1.10 ; do , 18 ;
proof , $1.00 ; alcohol , 188 proof , per wine
gallon. $2.10 ; redistilled whiskies $ l.HO < ru.f > 0 ;
pin , blended , $ l.'iOVf2.tK ( ) ; Kentucky bourbons ,
$2.00aO.O ( : ) ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania
ryes , $2.0fljT0.50 ( ; Golden Sheaf bourbon and
no whiskies , $1.50(1(3.00 ( ; brandies , imported ,
$5.00 ( < (8.50 ; domestic , $ l.liOVt3.oO ( ; pins , Im
ported , $4.50i ( eOO ; domestic , $1.25613.00 :
champagnes , imported , per case , $2b.0l ) @
33.00 ; American , per ease , $10.00@ 10.00.
DHEAVV IlAiimvtiiK Prices arc unchanged.
Iron , rate , $2.00 ; plow steel , special
cast , 4J.c ; crucible steel , OJ/c ; cast
tools , do , 12 ( > 15.e ; wagon spokes , per set ,
$2.0005.50 ; hubs , per set , $1.50 ; felloes ,
sawed dry , $1.50 ; tongues , each , 75c ; axles ,
each , 75c ; square nuts , per lb , ( l13c ( ; coil
chain , per lb , < j@13c ; mellcuble-810c ;
iron wedges , Cc ; crowbars , Oc ; harrow teeth ,
4c ; spring steel , 4@5c ; Burden's horse shoes ,
$1.75 ; Burden's mule shoes , $5.75 ; barbed
wire , in car lots , $4.00 per UK ) Ibs ; iron nails ,
rates , 10 to 50 , $2.40 ; steel nails , $2.50.
LEATHBII Steady ; ouk soles , 35 ( ( 37c ; hem
lock slough tor sole , 20ii ( 20c ; hemlock dry sole ,
21 ( ! i27c ; hemlock kip. 05 ( OOc ; A. & B. run
ner kip , 50@75c ; A. hemlock calf , Wcal.fS ) ( ;
A. A. hemlock calf , "backs , " 75c ; hemlock
upper , 10@24c ; English grain upper , 25c ; hem
lock grain upper , 21 ( < i24e : Tamplco B. L.
Morocco , 20@33c ; Tampico pebble , O. D. Mo. ,
20a32e ( ; Curacoa , B. G. Mo. , 3lc ) ; Simon O.
D. Mo. , $2.75(33.00 ( ; Dangola kid , 3T(35o ( ) ( ; X.
M. Kangaroo , 4o ( ) ; American calf kid , 32c ;
Griescn kids , $3.00@3.50 ; French calf kids ,
$3.25 ; oak kip skins , SOcOJM.OO ; oak calf
skins , $ UKr ) I 25 ; French calf skins , $1.25JI ( >
2.00 ; French kip skins , $1.10 ( 1.50 ; Hussitt
linings , $ C.OO ( < 10.50 per doz ; pink , cream and
white linings , $7.50@10.00 per do/ ; colored
toppings , $0.00Jll.OO ( : green ox pelts , 3@Ufc : ;
kip skins , ( unfrozen ) , 4@OJ.e ; cowhides , 3 } < ;
Dry Liinilicr.
2 , 14
10 ft. 18ft. 20ft.Sft , 24
2x4 17 H ) M 00 21 OJ.22 . 00
: > xo .17 l21 0023002:1 :
> y U .17 WI20 (1021 ( IK ) 22 0021
' ' ' ' ' ' "
' , ! ! ! ! . ! . . . ! . . ' . .lit M.-JO iio' ' i 00 , 1
2xi2 . .182.120(1021 (10,24 ( , ( ,24 ,
4x4xS I..18 Mil ! ) M-M 6023 ( BSI
No. 1 com , s 1 s.$18.50 I No. 3 com , s 1 s.$15.50
No. 2 com , sis. 17.00 | No. 4 com , sis. 13.50
No. 1 , 4 & 0 in 12 & 14 ft. , rough . $10.50
No. 1 , " " 10 " . 10.50
No. 2 , " 12 14 " . 10.50
No.2 , " " 10 " . 18.00
A , 12 , 14 & 10ft.$21.50 C , 12 , 14 & 10ft.$15.50
B , " " 20.50 | D , " " 12.50
AOin White Pine . $25.50
BOin " " . 33.50
COin " " . 30.00
DOin " " . 21.50
EOin " " ( Sel. Fencing ) . 10.00
0 in. Drop Sldinp 50c per M extra.
2d comf in White Pine Ceiling . $34.00
Clear , % in Norway " " . . . . . . . Ifl.OO
2dcom. % in " " " . 14.00
A 12inchsls . $15.50
B 12 ' . 30.20
C12 " . 30.00
D12 " . 23.00
No. Icom , 12 in sis , 12ft . 20.50
> ' ' 14 ft . 10.00
" " " 10ft . 18.50
" " " 10 , 18,20ft . 21.50
No.2 , " " . 111.00
' " " 12&14 ft . 1S.50
" " " 17 ft . 17.50
12 in Grooved roofinp , $1 per M. more than 12
in Stock Boards same length.
10 in Grooved Hooting same prioo as 12 in
Stock Boards.
No. 1 Plain Sand 10 in . , . , $10.00
No.2 " " " .
No. lOG,8in . 10.50
1st nnd 2nd , clear , I , l lnsSs . 1.11.00
" " " \M , 2 . 51.00
3d , clear , 1 in , s 2 s . 44.5U
A , select , 1 in s 2 s . 4000
A , " I1IK , 2ins2s . 441X1
B , " Iins2s . 300IJ
H , " Itf , % 2 in s 2 s . 37.CKJ
Com. 4 Ine h Flooring . $17.5f
Star " " . 21 5C
1st and 2d clear 4 inch Flooring . 23 OC
Six inch 40c less.
Clearer Inch Ceiling . 21.5C
Clcar % inch Partition . 25.0C
Clear % Inch , Partition $2 above ? „
inch Coiling . : 25.0C
Clear Finish , 1 and I'/ inch , s 2s . 20.01
Clour Finish , 1J * and 2 Inch , s 2 s . ffli.CX
Clear Corrugated Ceiling , 4 inch . 25.5 (
Clear Yellow Pine Casing nnd Base. . . . 27.01
1'OI'IAlt I.U.MI1KI1.
Cl. Poplar Bx. lids. % in. , s2s . tsn.Of
" K lu. Panel , s 2 s . 27.1K
" " Cornigutcd Ceiling , X25.W
O. 0. Batts , 2K in 05c ; } xx3 , b 1 B. lOc ; 3 Ic
Well Tublnp. D. & M , and Hcv. , $23.00 ; Pick
Ct * . D. & II. Flat , $20.50 ; D. H. Sq. , $21 M.
. , IATII ,
XX clear. $10 ; extra A * . $ J.S5 ; A Blind.
nrd No. 5 , No. 1 , $1,45 ; lath , $2.53.
White ( Trtar , 0 In. , 14 s. 12' ' c ; 0 In. qrs. ,
ll'c ; white cedar , 5 < , In > , t IlUc ; 8 In ,
qrs UV ; white cedar. 4 In. round , lOXo ! Tennessee -
nesseo rod codnr , pllt , 14c ; split oak , KK0 ;
In. , 7 In , and Sin. ) ' „ ouch ) 8 ft. , round W.C.
posts _
Dealer in Agricultural Implementsagons ,
Cma * e a lUMlfi. Ji > nc * Htreei. Between Kb and
_ i. KUi. Wholf tale , On h ,
' " ' ' "
, WbolM > * Detltra In
AjjicnltHral Implements , faeons & tWer
Kl. M. 6 ni > W > . JonM Btrc t , O ht. _
' " '
P.'P. MAST & CO" , '
Manufacturers of Buckeye Drilli , Seete
0 IUTkU < ra. lltf nki , Ctdtr Mllli aid I.ubtu Pul-
Terlicn. Cor. nth anil Nleholn 8U l .
AiTiccltnral IiuDlemGnts , Wagons &Bn lei
Corner 14tb and Nlcbolai 8U U.
( Akron , Oliln. )
Harvesting Machinery and Binder Twine ,
W. K. Mend. Mniinnor. 121.1 U-nvtMiworlli St. , Oninlm
Artlata' Material * .
A. HOSPE. Jr. .
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
HIJ DouflM Rlrott , Omaha , Nebraska.
oota and Shoea.
W. V. MORSE St CO. ,
Jobbers of Boots and Sim
VKl ranntn 8UOmaha. Net > . Minufactorj , * !
glreet , lloiton.
_ _ ( Succeiaora to Reed , Jono A Co. )
Wholesale Mannfactnrers of Boots and Shoes
AcenU ( or llosloo Robber Bho ( Vo. HOI , 1104 * 110) )
Ilarntr Bt.Omaha , ) l brn ka.
Coffo * f ( picas , Ito.
Omaha CotTo * and Spice Mllli.
Teas , Coffees Spices , Baking Powder ,
FlaroMng Eitracti. Laurnlry Blur , InICtc. . 1414-1414
llarner ntract , Oinaba , Nebratkn.
Crockery and Olaaswarp.
Atent for the Manufacturer ! and Importer ! of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
Ktc. Office. 317 B. 13th St. . Oruaka , Ncbraika. '
Commission and Storage.
Commission and Jobbing ,
BatUr.Kffi and 1'rnduca. Conilnnruenti lollelted.
Htaanuartpri for btonewarp , Herri lloiei and
Grape HaikeU. 1414 Doi1 e Ht..Om li .
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry. Butter , Game. Krulu. ICtc. 220 Houth 14th St ,
Omsba , Nebraika.
( Bucceiiori to McShane A Schroeder. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Omaha , Nebrmka.
Coal , Coke and Lime.
Jobbers of Hard and Son Coal ,
South 15th Street , Omaha , Nebraika.
Manufacturer , of Illinois White Line.
ld ihtpper ! oi Goal , Coke , Cement. Flatter , Uii
TJraln fnie and Sewer Pipe. Office. 1'aiton HouU
raraam St. , Omaha , Neb. Telephone 111.
Shippers of Coal anl Cote ,
J14 South 11U > St. . Omaha. Nek.
M. E. SMITH & CO. .
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Motions
1101 and llMDouglaa , Cor. 11U > Bt. , Omaha , Nib.
Importers and Jobbers in Dry GoodsMow ,
Bent * ' mnlihlnf Ooodi.Corner llth and Ilarnej Ble ,
Omaha , Nebruka.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture-
Faraam Street. Omaha. Nebraiks.
fnolesale Groceries and Proyisiom
Wi , 707 , TOO and HIS. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
Oik and LeaTenworth Street ! , Omaha , NebrMkfc ,
D. M. STEELE * CO. ,
Wholesale Grocen ,
1U , 1B1 and ua Haner Street , Oaaaa , Nek.
Wholesale Grocen ,
1111 and lilt narnej Street , Omaha , Nek.
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
naware.Sheet Iron.ICtc. Aaenti for Hove Bcalei.and
Miami 1'owder Co. , Omaha , Neb.
Bnilders' ' Hardware & Scale Repair Shop
Mechanic ! ' Tool ! and Hnffalo Bcalei. lUtt Dotulai-it.
Omaha , Nebraika ,
Wholesale Hardware ,
10th and llarner Pti..Omaha'Neb. Wfitern Aientf
1 or Auittu 1'owder Co. , Jeffenon Bteel Nallt , Kalr-
banki Standard Hcalua.
Heavy Hardware.
Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Iprtngs , Waxen Stock , Ilirdwara I.urabtr. etc. UOt
and 1211 Ilarnejr Street. Omaha.
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
nuts , Uupa , tto.
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
llOTlIaroer Street , Omaha , Nrb.
All kinds of Building Material at Wholesale
18th Street and Union 1'artdo Track , Omaha.
Dealer in Lnmher , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Boon , eta. Yardi-Corner tin and Douglai j Corner Ma
. and Uouglai.
C.N. DIETii.
Dealer in all Kinds of Lnfflher ,
Uth and California SU. , Omaha , Neb.
Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
, ComerCthaad Doimlai BU. , Omaha.
To Dealers Only ,
. : ; -y : - . , - . - - . ; . . . .
Wholesale Lumber , Etc/ * -
t rl d kail American Portland Cemenl.
for MUwaukM ll jdraullc Oeme l
Whiu Lima. _ _ _
- . . juu. . . . . . lumbor. iiOMUM
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber , . .
Wood Carpcta and parquet Flooring. Mb and Pf * < ftB
. - . . -
Importers & Jokers of Millinery & Hotij0
M. IO and HI South llth Street.
, ,
Wholesale Notions and Fnrnishini
_ CO and Ktt South 10t Street. Omaha.
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Gwfc
_ 1106 Ilaraey Btreet , Omaha. _
. _ . . . .
Wholesale Refined and Interim Oili
Axl * Ore tie , etc. , Omaha. A. II. Blihop , M
Wholesale Paper Dealers , .
OtrrrkBlc * dock of printing , wrapping a < HIIMij
paper. Special attention gUen to car load etdere. _
Aniiliary PnWishcrs ,
Rubber Cooan.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Riler Good
Oil nothing and Leather Belting. 1IHH Kiirnam gtrxt.
8 to a m Fit tin KB , Pumps , Eto. . _ _ '
"X L. STRA JO"cc57 ;
Pnmps , Pipes and Engines ,
Bleam , water , ralloar amlmlnlnn uiipllot , eto. HA
_ 9tl and B4 ! Varnam Street , Oiimlia.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
gleam and Water Hunpll > . Hondqunrtcre for Malik
Kuoit * Co'e goodi. Hit tnrnnm St. , Omuha. _
Steals and Water Supplies ,
ntlllda/ Wind Mllli. 91H aiul .Oil Knrnaiii Bt. , Omaha ,
U. F. Bosn , Acting Manager. _
Engine ! ! , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Kheet Iron Work , Steam I'limpn. w .Mllli , 1313-1211
Leareuworth btrvct , Oninlm. .
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seed !
Vll and 813 JonH St. ,
Storage , Forwariling and Commission , , ,
Ilrnnch IHIUPC of tbo HonnpT lluar To. lla Bl |
wlioleiitle * iul rotall. l.'Ue.UIO anultlU U r ( Hlr l ,
Umalia. IV lephone No. 7M. tj
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice.
John Epeneter , 1'ioprletor. 030 Do.lBO nnd IBand 10B
North lUHi Street. OmiiSit. ' . I
SmokejBtaoka , BolIer8 , Eto.
Manufaclnring Dealer in Smoke Stacb ,
Drltclilnii , Tanki and ( leueral Doller Kepalrlnc. Ul |
Dodge street , Oinaba , Neb. I
Iron Works.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Wort ;
Knglnn , Brait work , general fnundrr , machine an4
blacktmltb work. Office and worka , U. If. 11 ? . IBdj
ith Street , OmaLa. J
' *
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railing
Desk rails , window.guanU , flower itandi , win llgi
Man'irs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes
Vaultt. jail work. Iron and wire fencing , ilcnt. fesla
Andreeu , Prop'r. Cor. litb and Jackion tu a
-Mniiulucturcrs and Joblurs In
Wagons Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
Cor ' . 'in nun 1'uLlllu tfu. . L > 'uHb . .NeU
General Agenli for Dlebold Safe li Lock Co.'l '
Fire and Burglar Proof Safesjime Locis.
Vault * and Jail Work , HIS Farnmm Street , Omaha. I
H. M. & S.W.JONES.
Burci'Sforsto A. T. Kunyon It Co. ,
Wliolfsala nnd rotall
Booksellers and Stationers ,
Kino \Ved < llnK Statlnncrir , i'diniiii'rrlal Hiitlonerr.
WU Duuttlai ht. OnmUtt , Nul ) .
Manufacturers of Oreralls , i
leani PanU , ShlrU , Ktc. 1103 and 1104 DouglM BtrttV
Omaha , Neb.
Sash , Doors , Eto.
M. A. DISBROW it CO. ,
Wboleialo Manufacturer * of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Branch Office , llth and Iiard Rtreeti , Omaha , Neb.
.Manufacturers of Sasn , Boors , Blinds ,
Uoudln ) , Stair Work and latorior Hard Wood Kin-
lab. N. B. Corner Mb and Lvaveoworth BtretU ,
Omaba , Neb.
Manufacturers of Mouldings , Sash , Doors ,
And BMndi , Tufalng , Blair-work. Dank and Offlct )
Mttlngi , u and 1'tippleton Aronoe.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1U1 North Elghteontb Street , Omaha , Neb.
o. u. ri.un. N. r. nicriMAK. j. n. rn.ANch.iiuJ.
Live Stock Commission Mercnants >
. B-lldta. ,
Liye Stock Commission Merchants ,
Market farnlihed free on application. Ktookert an
foilerl furnlibed oa good larrat. rU feroncoi ; Omaha
ha National Ilank an.1 SouUi Omaha National , Union
Block Yurd , Huuth Omaha.
Live Stock Commission ,
Room 16 , Exchange HulldlnR , Union block YardJ ,
houtu Omaba , Neb.
Commission Dealers in Live Stock ,
Room 22 , oppnMto Kirliauite IlulliUne , L'ulon BUXk
Vunlt , South omalia , Neb ,
Of Omaha , Limited ,
John K , Bord , Sui'trlutondent.
AdvuitUliiK hna always provea
iiiccchiful. lloforo pluciiiKnny
Nnvrepitprr AdvcrtltliiK consul !
4i tt 19 KtaK lk blf.,1 , CHICAGO.