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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1888)
Sf- . . . " " ' THE OMAHA DAILY BEE TUESDAY/ JANUARY .17 , .1888. ' PROCEEDINCS--OF .CONGRESS , ' E' ' " * * * 4 . The Reading Railroad Called Upon For an Explanation. It 1 ITS DELAY IN TRANSPORTATION. Member * ofthe House Complain of the Slow Manner In Which Work IH Done liy ttin I'nbllu i'rlntor. HoitSC. WASIUNOTOX , Jan. Ill Mr. Anderson of Kansas offered In the house ) to-day u resolu tion directing tlio committee on commerce to Investigate the extent of the onuses and effect upon Inter-Btntu comtncrco of the continued failure by the Itcadlug railroad company to transpoit such Intcr-stato tralllo and report to the house , by bill or otherwise , for consid eration at any time , such legislation as Is necessary to secure to the public regular and complete execution by a r.iilioad of its obli gations and services as a common carrier of Intcr-stato eOininerce. Ucfurrcd to thu com mittee on commorcc. Coinmlltco on merchant marine and fisheries re/ported the Slngley resolu tion calling for information relative to discrimination In tolls against American vessels passing through the Wollund canal. Mr. Dingloy said vessels passing through the U'olland canal bound for Montreal and foreign ports were permitted to pass on a toll of ii cents , whllo vessels bound for lake ports wore charged 'M cents a ton. It was admit ted that this discrimination was made for the purpose of encouraging the exportation of grain by way of Montreal , but Canadian of- llcialssald that stleh discrimination was In violation of treaty rights. It was asserted that so long as the Canadian government did not discriminate against American vessels as Bitch , but only against American ports , thcro was no such violation. This ground Mr. Dingloy contended to be untenable. Ho had olTcred the resolution in the hope that at an early day the president would call the atten tion of the Hritlsh authorities to this discrim ination In violation of the treaty and in order that congress might bo Informed of the facts and take such action as it might consider ad visable. The resolution was adopted. Mr. Uiehardson of Tennessee , chairman of the committed on printing , submitted the re port of that commiUcoou ( Jrosvenor's resolu tion , directing it to inquire into the cause of delay Jn supplying to members copies of the daily Uccord. The report contains a letter from the public printer , stating that the delay had only occurred upon two occasions and In each case was caused by the lailuro of the clerk's oftice In the house to furnish the copy until a late hour. There is also n letter from Iho clerk of the house stating that this failure was due to the immense number of prlvato bills introduced through the petition box. The assurance is giv'cn by both these gcntlcrncii that thcro will bo no delay In the future in the delivery of the lie-cord. Mr. Hopkins of Illinois moved to recommit the repoit with instructions to extend its in quiry to the delay in the printing of bills and other public documents. In the diib.ito that followed Messrs. Springer of Illinois and Hogcrs of Arkansas defended the public printer , while Mr. Hen derson of Illinois and others criticised the management of the printing ofllce. Mr. Hopkins' motion was defeated , tho. re port of the committee agreed to and the com mittee discharged. Under the call of states the following bills and resolutions were introduced and re- fen cd : - LJy Mr. Landis of Illinois To reduce the treasury surplus and to grant bounties to wheat growers. By Mr. Anderson of Illinois To establish n national cemetery at Quincy , 111. Hy Mr. Cannon of Illinois For the reliaf of purchaseis of swamp and overilowcd lands. liy Mr. Baker of. Illinois For the erection of a public building at .East St. Louis. By Mr. Mason of Illinois To provide for the retirement oFUnitcd States bonds before maturity. By-Mr. Lawler of Illinois Appropriating $200,000 for the erection of a public building ' nt Chicago ; also to test the science of spell ing and to provide for establishing 100 schools for-that purpose. By Mr. 1'ayson of Illinois ( by request ) Making grants of public lands to the state of Illinois. * By Mr. Whlto of Indiana Authorising the commissioner of public lands to furnish citi zens with maps at cost. By Mr. Outhwaito of Ohio Amending the Pacific railroad acts and to secure to the Uilltcd States the payment of all the indebt edness of said companies therein named. By Mr. Doekory of Missouri Placing all kinds ofluinber on the free list ; also to re peal the law for the payment of attorney fees on claims for an increase of pension on ac count of an ijicrcaso of the disability for which tho' pension is allowed. Mr. Shaw of Missouri , chairman of the committee on accounts , reported a resolution assigning clerks to all eomnpHteoa of the bouse. Mr. Perkins of ICansas offered an amend ment providing that every committee have as many clerks as their members on the com mittee. After discussion this was rejected. Mr. Shaw's resolution was agreed to and the house adjourned. Senate. WASHINGTON" , Jan. 1(1. ( Mr. Blair in the Rcnato to-day presented a memorial and reso lutions of the KuiL'hts of Labor general as- BCinbly in favor of an investigation into the management of the bureau of engraving and printing , and for such legislation as will prevent the debasement of cuircncy notes , C'tc. ; "also for an investigation as to the pres ent method of supplying postolllce utnmps , etc Among the bills introduced were the fol lowing : By Mr. Evarts To indemnify settlers on the DCS Moines river lands above. . Raccoon Forks , In. , for payments made upon lands Rubscqucntly taken from them , and also for damages sustained thereby. It authorizes the president to npjwint three commissioners to determine the amounts which should bo paid each settler , By Mr. Cullom For the establishment of u bureau of haroor.s and waterways in the war department to bo olllcercd by a corps of United States naval engineers , the proposed bureau to bo charged with the construction , conduct and preservation of harbor and waterways. Mr. Vest , from the committee on public buildings and grounds , reported favorably the bill to appropriate $1XIMK ( ) ) for thu erec tion of a public Imildim * at Kansas City. The senate then went into executive ses- Rion and at 20 : ! ! was considering Lamar's nomination. After devoting three hours and n half to executive business thu senate ad journed. 11 Spiritualist. HOSTOX , Mass. , .Ian. 111. Judge Bacon , In the Superior Criminal court , gave a decision In the case of C. U. Uoss sustaining the de fendant's motion to quash thu Indictment. Mr. Hess , who is a spiritualistic medium , was indicted under the public- statutes , chapter 20U , section ( 'ft , which provides a punishment for any person who fraudulently obtains money by means of a trick or device by the use of cards or other implements. DoTond- nnt'h counsel said that Koss and his wife wore spiritualists , and this was the first case ever brought In this commonwealth where it was sought to punish parties for holding a pcanco. Counsel held that thu statute was intended to apply to games of cards and gambling devices , and that the cabinet and other apparatus of the medium would not constitute "implements" within the me.uilng of the statute. Another objection to the in dictment was the alleged person defrauded paid her money upon her out ranee and before anything was done by defendant. The VUlblo Supply Statement. CHICAGO , Jan. 10. The visible supply of grain for the week ending January U , 1SSS , ns compiled by the secretary of the Chicago board of trade Is as follows : Bushels. Wheat . 43/J4 1,000 Corn . . , . , , . r.y.yiXM ( OuU..t. . . . , . , . 6,731,000 Hyo . < . , . . Hurley . ; . . . . 3,0 4,000 , . . IIAII.UOAI ) UKGUIjATION. . The lotvn 1/cj'IMntttrc lllpo For Action. Dr.s MotxEs , la. , Jan. 10.- [ Special to the BRR. ] 'Governor Larrabeo's vigorous attack upon the railroad monopolies has been thot uppermost topic since his Inaugural address was delivered. The anti-monopolists hall It with great satisfaction , and say that It Is In entire accord with their sentiments and they bellox'o with the sentiments of the farmers of the state. They say that the time has como for very plain speech on this subject , and that the governor has boon none too severe In the scoring ho has given the railroads. They declare that the railroads long been accustomed to dictate their own and other people's attaint that they had about come to believe that no one dare protest. One promi nent member of the senate committee on rail ways , In discussing the question , said : "Tho railroads aroall and more than the governor lias charged them with behtg. They have persistently defied or Ignored the rights of tholr patrons , and cared foV no Interests not their own. Sitting in their offices in Chicago they mark out the course they will follow , never consulting t ho people live hundred miles away , to whom that course may bring un limited Injustice and distress. They build up or tear down towns at tholr pleasure , and the residents of these lowtr ) n'rb helpless and have to submit to the outrage in silence. " " 1 tell you , " said ho , "tin ) tyranny and oppression - pression of tho. railroads ! dcsurvu the most scathing condemnation Unit can bo given them. " Another member of the same committee spoke In more guarded language and yet very earnestly emphaslm ! the general sentiments of his associate. Among other things ho said : "Let mo give you one instance of the merciless manner in which the railroads have been destroying property or rendering it practically useless. There Is no bettor water power in the state than Is furnished by the Cellar river. Formerly there were a do/en prosperous Hour mills along its coui so. Hut n railroad running by their very dams dis criminated agahlst them In favor of Minne apolis , so as to make It impossible for them to do any business , mid their property , when thu inter-state commerce law went into effect wasn't worth 10 cents on the dollar. Al though an Iowa mill might bo KiO miles nearer Chicago than Minneapolis mills , the railroads would charge the former $40 a car more for freight to Chicago thnn it charged the latter , font distance over 100 miles fur ther. Now under the inter-stato .commerce law the road is forbidden to charge more for the short than for the long haul , but it charges just the same to the Iowa mill as to the Minneap olis mill , over a hundred miles further away. Why , I understand,1' ho continued , "that the railroads of Iowa have iimdo a million and a half dollars more sinoe the now law went into clTcot than they made in a correspond ing time before. If regulation by law act ually increases their profits. I think they ought to bo glad to have us hell ) look after their affairs. " Both branches of the legislature have ad journed till Tuesday. They have to meet at li ! m. of that day to elect a United States senator. By a singular state of things the Iowa legislature always votes twice In elect ing a United States senator. It comes about in this way : The federal constitution pro vides that the legislature shall begin ballot ing for senator on the second Tuesday after organization. But the Iowa legislature meets on a Monday , and makes temporary organi zation then. The next day it makes its permanent organization. If the constitution has in view temporary organi/ation , then the second Tuesday , nine days later , would bo the flmo for voting for senator. If it means , perma nent organi/ation , then the Tuesday referred to would bo a week later. The legislature for years has been accustomed to hedge on the subject by voting on both Tuesdays and BO it will do this year. Accordingly Mr. Wilson will bo re-elected United States sen ator next Tuesday , and then again a week from next Tuesday , but it is rather a queer state of things anyway. A few years ago an effort was made to getn ruling on the matter from the United States senate , but the com mittee on credentials said that they had ex amined both sots of credentials , and as each were made out correctly and as one of them at least would be the proper one , they would accept the case without deciding the question involved. That was the lazy senatorial wnv of doing things , and so the question is still unsettled , and the legislature has to continue its double election so as to bo on the safe side. side.The The question of how to secure a better en forcement of the prohibition law is likely to como before the legislature this winter. One member is intending to introduce a bill for creating the ofllco of state liquor dealer. His idea is that the state should appoint u man to sell all thu liquor that is permitted to bo .sold for logilimato purposes , and pay him a salary for doing so. U is thought that if the profits are taken away from the business thcro would bo no temptation to evade or violate the law. There are a few liquor dealers , as in Dos Moincs , who have a monopoly of the business , and are making enormous protits from it. If the sale of all kinds of liquor was confined to state agents , who received noth ing but their salary , many believe that the consumption of liquor would bo greatly re duced. At any rate the legislature is likely to have an opportunity to discuss the matter. Tl ; ! recent decision Of the railroad com mission on the subject of demurrage , or the charge for detaining freight cars an un reasonable length of time , after they have reached their destination , is one of general in terest. In the cases submitted to the com mission the complainant admttcd | having de tained oarsconsigned to himfor several days after arrival. The commission holds that one day of twenty-four hours is a reasonable time for unloading a car after it has lcen put in an accessible position , and the con signee has been notified. The charge for demurrrago $11 per diiy is held to bo fair and reasonable. In view of the fact that for several months the railroads have been unable to furnish single cars to meet the de mands of Iowa shippers , and can find con stant use for every car they can secure , tends to make the commission's decision ap pear generally Mr and reasonable , and it will probably have a good effect in hurrying up tardy men who are slow in unloading their cars. Iowa House ClialrninnsliipH. Dr.s MoiXKs.Ia , , Jan. 1(5. ( [ Special Telegram to the BIK. : ] It is wild to-night that Speaker Redman has about made up his selection of chairmen for the important committees , although they will not bo announced for a week. The slate , as it is reported to stand at this time , gives the ways and means to ex-Speaker Head ; the Judiciary to Hiloy ; railroads to Wilson ; agriculture to Tealo. The appropriations Is determined. The speaker has Intended to give the chairman ship ofthat committee to Bcrryhill of this city , who had the same position two years ago. But Senator Oatch of this city is at the hcail of the appropriation committee of the senate and many members say it will not do to have DCS Moines at the head of both committees. So Burryhill may bo given the judiciary and Ulloy the appropriations. The committee on rules will report to-morrow. A new commit tee is to have eharfco of telegraphs and tele phones , taking those two subjects from the old committee on private corporations. This indicates that considerable legislation on these subjects is expected. * Killed Ity Iallin Slate. Dr.s MOISKS , la. , Jau. 15. [ Special Tele- tram to thu Dit : : ] William Andrews , n miner employed in the suburbs of this city , was crushed beneath a mass of falling slate this afternoon and instantly killed. Brakeinnn Killed nt Di'iiUQUc , la. , Jan , 10 , [ Special Telegram to the BUG. ] John Lnlsol , of this city , em- pleyed as brakeman on the .Milwaukee road , fell from the train whllo crossing Columbus bridco to-day and was instantly killed striking on the Ice In the liver below. He was making his second trip as brakeman , A Chicago Hero. CniCAoo , Jan Id. The burning of the flno residence at 1 $39 Michigan avenue at 1 this morning was accompanied by n display o heroism. Joseph Homer , a well known mer chant , lives at this number with his wife child and two femnlo servants and it was to his courage and presence of mind that they al owe their escape from a horrible death. Mrs Horner uivoko about 1 o'clock wltli a stilling sensation caused by smoke. She awoke he husband , who hounded out of bed and snatch Ing up some wraps put them .urouud his wife and chiM ntul carried them down the burn- ng stairway into the street. The thormom- tor was 15 below and the weather was bit er cold. Ho rushed back and after running hrough the fire saved the two servant plrls , vho were asleep on the top Moor. The flames vero quickly extinguished when the engines arrived. Loss , $10,000. SCANDAIj IN MISSm'UI SOCIKTV. V Prominent "Mini Charged With Opcn- IIIK Ills Itlval'N Mall. Si'itixoriEU ) , Mo. , Jan. 10. Frank Stew art , the son of T. D. Stewart , one of the vealthlest business men of Nospo , was ) ound over by United States Commissioner ticLain Jones , of this city , to answer In the federal court the charge of opening letters iddrcssed to another person. It seems that Mr. Stewart and Vincent KatclljT were in eve with Miss Kmma KIdoo , the daughter of > ne of the richest millers in thu southwest. Katcllff seemed to bo the highest in favor , ind Stewart took means to break down this favor by establishing hinwolf firmly In some way ho obtained KiitclliT's letters to Miss Kidoo from thopostoftlcoand read them , iip was detected and arrested. The charge s a serious one , and may send the young mane o prison. All parties are prominent in so ciety. British Grain Trade llcvlcw. LONXOII , Jau. 10. The Mark Lone Ex- iress , in its review of the British grain trade luring the past week , says : The English wheat trade is slow. The bulk of. the sum- iles are in bad condition , Prices have 'avored buyers , even for Iho soundest par cels. The sales of English wheat during the > ast week were f > $ ,074 quarters at Uls 4d , against 4. > , sE : quarters at Js yd during the corresponding period last year. Flour Is ncg- ected , owing to late foreign supplies. Forelirn vheut is dull. At Liverpool there has been a leclino of M per cental. The foreign Hour radu is sick. Arrivals from Now York con- Inuo to pour in supplies. The Imports into Treat Britain of Hour now weekly exceed hose of wheat. The result Is that the Eng- ish milling industry l.s ( loomed to early de struction. Corn Is a fraction dearer. Thirteen vheat cargoes arrived , four were sold , six vilhdrawn , five remained. . At to-day's narket the tendency of both English and foreign wheat was firmer , but without any lotablo increase in values. Four was do- > ressed. Corn was ilrm. Oats , beans and > oas were unchanged. Arrest ol' a Dnlutli Seducer. Dfi.L-ri * , Minn. , Jan. 1(1 ( About a year ago Archie Brown with the eloped ilftccn-year- old daughter of Captain A. Paul , leaving n vlfe and children. Ho and the girl went to s'ovn Scotia , where Captain Paul followed hem and brought the girl back. About two vceks ago Brown reappeared in tills vicinity > ut managed to elude thu oftlcers until U I'clock Saturday morning , when he was ; atight at a hotel in New London. A day or wo before that ho went to Captain Paul's louse to see the girl , who refused to have inything to say to him. Ho persisted in coming into the house and thu girl took cfugc in a closet. Mrs. Paul appeared on he scene and ordered him out of the. house , jut ho refused to go until she got a revolver ind drew it on him and tried to shoot him. lo will bo indicted for abduction. IIo said le had secured a divorce from his wife and came back to marry the girl. The Oakland Wreck. OAKI.VNMI , Neb. , Jan. 10. [ Special to the 3Eij. ] The wreck this side of Craig was cleared by U o'clock this afternoon. Oakland icoplo hail the passenger trains with delight , icing the first since last Thursday. Conduc- or Smith and Engineer Brumbies of the ill- 'uted train that dashed into the engine are blamed for the wreck as it is claimed they were running their trains at too rapid speed and too near the front engine. The tender of thu engine was forced half way through the aboose , where there were sixteen men. [ low they escaped being all killed is consid ered almost n miracle. The wounded men ire doing nicely and will all gut well. Thu loss to the company will bo great. About ihirty-ilvu men have been hero since Satur day clearing the wreck. Taken Back to Jail. LINCOLN , Nob. , Jan. Hi. [ Special Tele gram to the UEU.I Sheriff Hill , of Minden , ICearney county , has returned Shaffer , the Minden murderer , to the Lancaster county jail pending his new trial granted by the jupreine court. The sheriff also brought nn insane woman named Lasson from his county lo the penitentiary. Oleo County's Debt. NBIUIASKA Cm' , Neb. , .Ian. 10. [ Special Telegram to the Bni.j : Henry Heyo , a newly-elected county commissioner , who has been investigating the affairs of Otoo county , to-day reports the county Indebtedness to bo $00ii,000 , or about $ yo for each person in the county. Troubles. DALLAS , Tex. , Jan. 10. Attachments to the amount of 73,000 were made on the clothing establishment of Kcinhardt & Co. , late Sat urday night. UAI.TIMOHI : , .Tan. 10. Ilecht & Putsoll , shore dealers , to-day made an assignment fo'r the benefit of their creditors. The bond of the trustee is f l.W.COO. Nnw YOIIK , Jan. 10. Amosa Lyon , manu facturer of umbrellas , made nn assignment to-day. It was caused by the failure ofV. . II. Deforest , silk merchant , to whom ho loaned notes , estimated in tr.ido to amount in the aggregate to flSO.OOO. IIo hopes to settle satisfactorily with his creditors. CIIICAOO , Jan. 10. At to-day's session of the convention of district grand lodge No. 0 , Independent Order of Bnal Brith , a modifi cation of thu endowment law was ma"de as follows : Whereas , Hereto fore members were compelled to permit their endowment to revert - vert to the endowment fund if they had neither widow or children the words , "Members of his immediate family , " has been now extended so as to include the brothers and sisters of the deceased. The annual banquet took place to-night. 1'nrnell Interviewed. Dum.lN , Jan. 10. The reporter of the Freeman's Journal had an interview- with Parnoll , in which lie said there was no doubt that grave dissension exists among mem- burs of the cabinet and that a government crisis may occur at any time during the session over some English questions. Ho urges Pnrnollites and radicals to facilitate government business and thus avoid the charge of obstruction. Ho says thu liberal- unionists are certum to separate on English matters. Clew and Glover to Fight. DULUTII , Minn. , Jan. 10. [ Special Tele gram to the Bui ; . ] John P. Clew has for warded articles of agreement for a light to n finish with Frank Glover of Chicago. The meeting will take place in this state next month. Steamship Arrivals. Qtir.ESSTowx , Jan. 10. [ Special Telegram to the BII : : . ] Arrived The British Prince from Philadelphia ; the Baltic from New York. NEW YOIIK , Jan. 17. Arrived ThoUrabrh and the Ohio from Liverpool : the Werra from Bremen. KorruuiHM , Jan. 10 Arrived The Hotter- daui from New York. Troubles. CIIEVCXNB , Wyo. , Jan. 10. [ Special Tele gram to the Hen. ] Papers announcing the assignment of W. E. Ladd , a flour and feed merchant doing business hero and in Denver were filed with the probate Judge of Laramlu county this afternoon. Suits for SS.MX ) brought in Denver caused the assignment Lfidd's assets are unknown. His liabilities are $10,000. "Weather Indications. For Nebraska : Wanner , followed bj slightly warmer , fair weather , light to fresl variable winds. For Iowa : Warmer , followed by colder fair weather , followed by BIIOW , light to fn-sl wiud , increasing iu force , southerly winds KASTTIJAflK IfAYlNCJ. the r. W. ft r > ? to Ho Completed to Tcxn hy Saturday NlRlit.- ' ' TinxiDAi ) , Colo.-'rVnn. 10. [ Special Tele gram to the J5iu. : ] t'nlcf Engineer F. E. lissell , of the FortMVbrth & Denver , rwho ins made a tour ovijrfo \ \ now grade of his road , says that unlos | providence prevents , ho track of the Fott .Worthy Dc-nvcr will be aid to the state line of Texas , 41)3 ) miles from fort Worth , by Safh/day night. From the Texas state llm $ J Trinidad is 135 idles , of whlchi" , twenty miles Is laid. Contractor Carey and his men will continue t Into Mexico and ] fiytraek at the rate of wo to two and a quUrUr miles per day. In 'act the men will t Aot know when New Mexico territory is reached , The telegraph Inc. is built to the track layers' camp and vord was received by the chlof engineer that t.bOO feet of track had gone down from I to 0 o'clock p. m. Thu Fort Worth & Denver is now operating the roadtoClaren- lon and the other 105 miles is bolng operated by thu Panhandle Construction company. Faster Tlnto Vor Stock Trains. CIIIUAOO , Jan. 10. The competing Hues iroposo to meet tlio'lntrdductlon of improved Ivo stock cars by the Koek Island at equal rctcs witli ordinary stock cars by reducing ho running time between the Missouri river ind Chicago. Stock shipped from ICansas 3lty has heretofore not reached hero until ho morning of the second day. Now it will ) o delivered the next evening , and cattle will have a i night's feed and est before the morning's ' market opens. A inlet attempt is being made by the western atlroad managers to keep the reductions in grain rates from spreading. The Burlingtan innounced last week that under certain con- ingeneie * it would make a l.Veent rate from 'ouncll Bluffs , but this was met by a threat from the Kock Island that it would reduce ates on all classes of 'freight , and this has irought about a temporary pause. Matters ook a trillo more peaceful than last week. A TRAIN UOinUOU'S CONFKSSIOX. Doc HlncM Tells the Htory of the Mapula A flair. EL PASO , Tex. , Jan. 10. Doc Hines , ar- ested on n charge of complicity inthoMapula rain robbery last Tuesday night on the Mex- ean Central , has inndo n full confession. Standing on the platform of thoMexlcan Cen- ral depot in Paso Del Norte , just before the rain started that was to bear him to Chlhua- iua , Illnes surrounded by a condon of Mcx- cun troops , related to the Jcfe Polltica , of 'aso del Norto , Senor Provcncio , the story of the robbery. George Heorld , the Mexican Central brakemnn , who caused nines' arrest , dso heard the tale. Hinessald : "I was in his robbery. The leader of the band was Charles Small. There were five of us in the robbery. Besides Small and myself there vcroCharley Hutchinson and two others who came from Arizona a few days ago , and whoso lames I do not know. For the last twenty lays before the robbery woliad our head- juarters at Captain , T. C. Beatty's Biecho ancho , forty miles south of Chihuahua. Wo cached Mapuhi nearly an hour before the rain was due , and opened the side switch to > ruvcnt thu train from running past the station. A gang of section hands''iHimo along. The foreman , a negro , started to close the switch. 'Dfm't you touch the switch , ' said Hutchlilson. 'Dat's what I'm for boss ' - the . 'If lore , , i-eplicfd negro. you touch the switch I'll , blow your head off , ' inswercd Hutchinson , and th.o negro fell lack. The two robbers , whoso names I lon't know , were loft With the section men. Hutchinson holdup the engineer and fireman ind Small and I won't into the express , f got for my share of thtfliooty $100 in Mexi can silver and $50 in Mexican gold. When I was arrested I had Ihd gold in a bootleg , ind it was not found When I was searched. " [ lines refused t6- " give his real name. IIo said ' * 'ho \yas thirly- ono years old , from Mississippi , and had u mother living , but was''unmarried. Hutch inson is said to have beirn a brakeman on thu Mexican Central formerly , lloorld says ho know Small when theA1 "tverc boys in San An tonio. He refused to loll how much money the robbers got. Whllo 7id was in jail at 1'aso Del Norto Friday , he bduglit a knife of a fcl- " iqw prisoner and unlilb "u desperate attempt to break out , but was overpowered. It is said that turning state's evidence in Mexico does not , ns a rule , release a prisoner from the full penalty of his crime , and that Hincs will be shot in spite of his confession. The cus tom house records show that on every day of this week , except that on which the robbery occurred , the Wells , Fargo Express company brought in importations of Mexican silver and gold coin ranging from $7,000 to10,000. . SHE WANTS TO 1JK SUHIO. The "Widow of Charles i ) . Keep An.\- IOIIK to See HIM Collin. Loxo ISIAXD CITY , Jan. 10. A woman calling herself Mary T. , Keep and claiming to be the lawful wife of James T. Keep , f ormer proprietor of the Wall Street News , has made application to the coroner to have the body of ICecp exhumed. According to Iho books of Calvary cemetery ho was buried there on Juno IS , 1SS7 , having died three days before. The woman asserts that ho is not dead -and that he simulated death for certain reasons , or that , if dead , ho was poisoned. She wants the coflln opened so as to identify the body for the purpose of furnishing legal proot of his death , which is necessary in certain legal suits now In progress. In support of her ap plication of exhumation Mrs. Keep lias made an affidavit , in which she declares that on the occasion when it was rumored that Halston , the California banker , had com mitted suicide , ICecp declared that ho would not commit suicide ; that in a like contingency ho would conspire with certain physicians and feign death ; that while the Iraudulent funeral was in progress ho would clleet his escape and take up his residence elsewhere ; that ho repeated this 'intention upon the rumored suicide of " Madame Hestell. " She declares that in 1S7 ! ) they mutually made wills iu each other's favor and that subsequently ho did boat her and declared that ho would defraud her of her lawful estate ; that his alleged will of 1S81 is fraudulent ; that his business in Ex change Place , New York , Is still conducted as if lie were alive , and that Keep's employes have defrauded and assaulted deponent ; that she is entitled to his estate , and , to prove up her claims , must have evidence of Keep's death. She declares that she was coerced into the proceedings by which she was divorced from Keep in lbS4. Keep was wortli $7ixHX ) ( ) . Another woman was recog nized by Keep as his wife. Church and I/eague. Dnir.ix , Jan 10. Archbishop Knov , nrlmuto of the church of-Jrcland , has writ ten to Prof Galbruith , slitting that his mem bership on the eonimittcujif the church as a representative body owning land as a church trustee Is not compatible with his member ship of the national liiiullords. Prof. Galbraith - braith , replying , says tie1" joined the league for conscience sake to' ' , protest against the action of the governmciU.inoIrelnnd. Ho is unable to sou why his ; connection with the league should unfit him ' 'for ' service on the finance committee of ( ho church. Ho" will retire if his resignation , is. publicly requested , but with sorrow and regret. A " \Vlnconnln itajikcr Flees. MILNAUKKI : , Jan. 1 . A dispatch from Port Washington saysja receiver was np- polnted to-day for the private bank of James Vail. The cause of the 'failure ' is not known. Assets and liabilities not tutcd. A dispatch received at a late hour to-night says thai Vail has lied and there are no funds in the bank. It is known that ho has been specu lating. The bank was the only onu in Port Washington and cveryonu will sulfur. Vai was a widower and was Involved in a breach of promise case seven or eight years ago which ended in the gulcldo of the woman. The Manitoba Cabinet Wi.NXii'KO , Jan. 10. The Harrison cabinet formally resigned this morning , and Green way , leader of the opposition , was imuicdl atoly called uxm | to form a new cabinet. The legislature has adjourned over to Thursdaj to give thu new premier time to make up his cabinet , _ _ Thu German Minister. NKW YORK , Jan. 10 , U.iron Van Alvcn slcbcn. German minister at Washington arrived to-day on thu steamer Won A , or PUPATION.- ; AXow 31cmtic * ICIected Itoporl on. ( Night Schools. The board of education hold a lottg and In- cresting session last evening. Considerable online business was disposed of and n now nember , Mr. Pratt , was elected to fill the vacancy of Mr , Blackburn , All the members of the board wore present except Messrs. MuConncll and Clarke. In the absence of ho president Mr. Gray occupied the chnlr. The annual detailed report of the secretary of the board showed fciO''iOl.M of n general 'und , from which there had been taken J'.H- ' ) 174.W In expenditures. The report was or dered printed without being read. A communication from several colored per sons representing the Douglas CouutyColored Republican league , asking for representation iniong the school janitors , was referred , A communication from several Swedes Iving on the bottoms and hills southeast of : hc Union Pacific depot , asking for the use of the school house located nt Fifth and Hickory for Sunday school and missionary purposes , was granted. A communication was received from John Laten.ser , the architect , In response to the order from the board directing the bonds men of JamcsGrifllth , deceased , to finish the work commenced by Griffith on school build ing. Mr. Latenscr. says that according to the contract the administrator or heirs are the ones to finish the work. As yet no ad ministrator lias been appointed , Referred. A communication was received from W. L. McCaguo in regard to the conveying of lots 10.11 and lii in block 1C. Lowe's addition , recently purchased by the board. Ho had discovered an unknown claim of William Btcmley , who held a two ami a half years' lease on lot 10 at the rate of ? i" > per annum , which ho refused to give up. Mr. McCaguo suggested that the board accept the deed sub ject to this lease. Hoferrcd to committee on new territory and the attorney of the board , who recommended the payment of the pur chase price less WOO until the lease is vacated. On recommendation of the committee on claims $ ( W7.41 was allowed Charles F. Good man for Instruments and appliances used In the chemistry and physics rooms. Also the bill of Ulcu & Bassett for $ : 'iOs. 17 for work on Omaha View school house. The keeper of the high school grounds , Hugo Million , was placed on the janitor's pay roll at $50 per month. It was decided by the board to have all its plumbing and painting done by contract and the secretary was authorized to advertise for proposals for the same. It was decided that no stoves , desks or other furniture bo movcu or replaced in the different school houses without special aU ion of the board or per mission from one of its members. It was decided to build the proposed elec tric light towers at the high school grounds of gaso pipe , provided the city council made arrangements for paying half of thu expense of same. A special committee of seven were ap pointed by the chair to examine and report on the plans now before the board for a six teen room building on the high school grounds , said committee to report at an ad journed meeting one week from last night. A motion awarding the architects , F. M. Ellis , Fowler & Beindorff.aml 1) . Fisher , first , second and third prizes respectively for plans was read by request. Mr. Felton said this action did not bind the board to use these plans. Mr. Copeland agreed witli him and said that many weru opposed to the erco- tion of a separate building on the high school grounds. An addition to the present imilding was more desirable. Mr. Livcsoy said a different building was wanted from that needed a \ ear ago. Mr. Felton presented a resolution rescind ing so much of the committee report adopted by the board March 14 , 16S7 , as would imply an obligation on the part of this board to use the plans ot F. M. Ellis for the proposed six teen room building on the high school grounds. A special committee of thrco were ap pointed to look after the heating and ventila tion of the school buildings , particularly the now ones. The president and secretary of the board were instructed to draw u warrant iu favor of school district No. ! H for the amount duo them in adjustment ; also for the Third Con- gi'egatlonal church for lot and building pur- clfased from them last year. The secretary was authorized to pay to Milton Kogers $ S.r > 00 for lots in block 13 , West Omaha. The balance duo E. T. Lewis for Forrest school site was ordered paid. Double windows were ordered in the high school room occupied by Miss Maxwell and for the Long school. The superintendent of instruction was directed to shorten at his discretion the noon intermission of the suburban schools. The board decided to either compel Sul livan Bros , to furnish n competent man for one week , at their expense , or if necessary , at the expense of the board , to run the fur nace in the Park school , and ascertain whether the furnace is adequate to heat the building , or if the fault lies with the Janitor. The committee on manual training. .Messrs. Copeland and Sholes , presented their third annual report showing the work done by the manual trah.lng department of the high school during the past year. It was claimed that it was not the intention of the depart ment to turn out mechanics from this school , but to familiarize the pupils with the use of tools , to train the e.vo ami hand to work together and to develop their self-reliance. They claimed that the expenses of this de partment are no greater than those for main taining any other department in the high school. The total expenses the past year were $ lli.0. The department of domestic economy was spoken of and in case of its proving as successful ns the manual training department it was intended in the future to give Instruction in the sowing , cutting and fitting of garments. The report was ac cepted and ordered printed. Tile following report was submitted by Superintendent James : "I desire to report to the board that in my judgment it is not ad visable to maintain a school at the Davenport building. Thu entire number enrolled in that school up to this time is only twenty- three pupils. And the daily attendance this term has averaged less than fourteen. As nearly all these pupils can attend other schools , and have attended them this year , in my Judgment this should bo discontinuedand unless I am otherwise instructed , 1 shall close the school. I wish also to report that night schools have been opened in seven buildings , a follows : Long school , CO pupils and S teach ers ; Irani school , M pupils and 2 teachers ; Cass school , 100 pupils and a teachers ; Leavenworth school , SI pupils and 2 teachers ; Center school , 07 pupils and 3 teachers ; Castellar school , 102 pupils and 3 teachers ; Bancroft school , ! ! tl pupils and 1 teacher ; Total , 1)07 pupils and 10 teachers. I have assumed authority to instruct the teachers of these schools to receive all who apply for admission without regard to ago , unless they are already attending some day school , publlo or prlvato. I have supposed that it was not the intention of the board to establish night schools for those who are able lo attend school in the day time. From the reports that como to mo I am led to believe that the night schools are proceed ing with unusual success. The attendance 1ms been largo and the attention to work excellent. " The special order of business for the evening was the election of a successor to Mr. Blackburn. Augustus Pratt was placed in nomination by Mr. Clark ; C. S. Stebblns by Mr. Kelly , and C. B. Schmidt , of the Equitable Trust company , hi' Mr. Sholes. The first ballot stood : PrattU , Stebbins3 , Schmidt 0. Eight ballots beingnecessary for the election of a nominee the voting contin ued up to the twenty-seventh ballot be fore an election was declared. This ballot resulted In the casting of ten votes , all for Mr. Pratt. Ho was then declared elected and thu board adjourned to Getty's for oysters. AMUSHSIKXTS. The Urinal Crush at lloyd's to Sec Adonis. A very largo and almost boisterously en thusiastic audience was in attendance at Boyd's last night to see the inimitable Dixie in Adonis. But to accord the premier per former In this grand olla podrida of hyper bolic nonsense all the pralso would bo unjust , as Thcrburt Gresham , who represented the polished villain , George W. Howard , the father of the village maiden , and Amelia Summervllle , Uosetto herself , are entitled to all duo commendation. This quartette com poses the originals who mndo "Adonis" what it is , and continue to preserve it as ono ol the funniest and most popular of all comical extravaganzas. For a period George For- tcsquu impersonated the role of the simple village- maiden , and it must bo ttaldlhnt Sum- nicrvlllo , whllo she Is very funny In her crude gesticulations and rural exclamations , could not hold n candlo' to him. Adonis to day with nil its innovations , its new novelties , hits and gags cannot be compared with the conglomeration in Its original form , Still It is supremely good and draws every where like a porous plaster. Dixoy's songs and dances , his graceful fents of prestidigi tation , his good looks and Indescribable mim icry never fall to bring down the house. His Henry Irving "lake-olT" Is , as of yore , Immense , but his vocall/ation seems to ho a trillo on the wane. Howard , too , Is some what of an Imitator , and his Jefferson Ian Hip Van Wlnklo always evokes tremendous applause. Before closing It may not como mal apropos to airaln refer to last night's splendid auditory. Every seat down stairs was occupied and the balcony and gallery looked as If they were overrun , Manager Boya was about to dust off the "standing room only" placard when the great crush ceased and the curtain went up. SCHOOL Al-POUTIU.NMI5XT. Oinnhu'H Slice Immense Attendance of Scholars. County Superintendent of Schools Hruncr , has completed his apportionment for the year ISbS , and has sent out tabulated statements to the secretaries of the board of school di rectors of the .respective districts similar to the appended , which refers in part to the schools of Omaha : Oflleo of County Superintendent , Douglas County To .1. B , Piper , Secretary of School District No. 1 : 1 hereby certify that there is now in the county treasury school moneys subject to apportionment and divided as fol- fows : Amount certified by state superin tendent $ 2:1,185.01 : Amount from fines and licenses. , . . lti05.X ( ) Amount from dog tax . , l.oo Amount from all other sources. . . . -11.71 Total amount to bo apportioned. . ? 2lNti.O.'i : Number of districts entitled to share in ap portionment 51' . Number of children in districts entitled to share , 10,411. One-fourth divided equally among Ijljt , ' dis tricts gives to each district .M'-0.f > 5. Three-fourths , divided equally among 10,411 children , gives to each .lCi ! > 5. Number of children in district No. 1 Is Itl.ia.V Your pro rata share therefore is J15b27.34 ; your share of the one-fourth is ? 1'0.55 ; total amount apportioned to your district , $15,11-17.69. .1. B. BitrNiiH , County Superintendent. The Press Cluh's ICeception , The Omaha Press club held their first reception at their now rooms in the new Byers building last night and the affair was a great success. Henry E. Dlxey , who has a world wide reputation as "Adonis" was present and favored thu audience witU some of his best selections. Prof. Franko rendered a number of his favorites , while Professor Sully , of Council Bluffs , charmed his hearers with his comic recita lions. Thcro were about two hundred per sons in attendance. Among the number was Mayor Broatch , and other officials. Mr , Dixcy was chosen god father of the club. Perhonal Paragraphs. P. Martel.of Cedar Hapids , la. , is at the Paxtoli. E. S. lcClure , of Crcston , la. , is at the Paxton. A. C. Colton , of Beatrice , Neb. , is nt the Paxton. D. V. Shaw , of Fullerton , Neb. , is at the Milhird. F. Hallgrion , of Holdrego , Neb. , is at the Millard. John Newban , of Wahoo , Neb. , is at the Windsor. F. Armstrong , of Iowa City , la. , is at the Windsor. W. F. White , of Lincoln , Neb. , is at the Windsor. Thomas II. Thorp , of DCS Moines , la. , is at the Millard. H. S. Li'ipencott , of Lincoln , Neb. , is at the Milhird. O. H. Echbaugh , of Holdrcge , Neb. , is at the Windsor. Mrs. .1. T. Aitchison , of Hastings7Nob. , is at the Paxton. Hichard Block , of Nebraska City , Neb. , is at the Millard. " Frank E. Helvey , of Nebraska City , Nob. , is at the Millard. Mrs. O. B. Willard , of Loup City , Neb. , was at the Millard yesterday. Miss Loula McLaughlin , of Blair , Neb , , was at the Paxton yesterday. C. A. Coobeighlv , ot the U. S. A. , with headquarters at Kock Springs , is at the Millard. Messrs. H. E. Wiggonhorn , H. C. Scott and G. J. Katlsback , of Ashland , Neb. , are at the Millard. Alfred Williams and wife and twenty mem bers of the Dixcy combination are at the Hotel Barker. Arthur E. Marriott , stuwart of the Hotel Barker , has retui ned after an absence of sev eral weeks at his former homo in Detroit. The OhioKlcctfon Frauds. Coi.UMHfs , Jan. 10. [ Special Telegram to the Bui : . ] The tally sheet forgery cases that have made Columbus notorious for several years have broken out in a new place. A pe tition has been prepared at the instance of AlleirO. Myers , ono of the persons indicted , for beginning a suit in damages fixed at $50,000 against the citizens' committee that worked up the evidence submitted to the grand jury at its last Hitting. Mr. Myers thinks his name has been injured to that amount. Outside the little cotcrio that have n personal interest In the failure of the forgery prosecutionstho pro posed action of Mr. Myers is looked upon as a bluff to cover up some bicger game that lies concealed in the bushes. The day fixed for the opening of the trial is fast approaching , and there is already it rat tling of dry bones. The citizens' committee , against whom prosecution is made , is made up of the business men of the city , both dem ocrats and republicans , and the ovldenco they have gathered against the gang that did the "lino work" on the tally sheets is simply overwhelming. For over a year they worked under cover , expending $10,1100 in securing pointers and testimony , that they say can not bo shaken or bluffed by Mr. Myers' damage - ago suit. The hand in thu proposed libel case is that of Allen O. Myers , but the voicu be hind it is supposed to be that of somebody else. _ The Fororn ; on Trial.' Jan. 10 , The second trial of the tally sheet forgery cases began to-day in the United States district court before Judge Woods. The first trial was hold in July last , the jury having been unable to agree. The jury was completed this afternoon and the court adjourned for the day. A sensational incident supposed to have a hearing on these cases that occurred late to day. Saturday Judgu Woods received an anonymous letter , stating that ho was en gaged in thu prosecution of innocent men , and threatening him with assassination. Late this afternoon the Judge received through the mall a small lmof the kind in which slate pencils are packed. The letter had put the judge on his guard and ho handled the box cautiously , but opened it sufficiently to get a glimpse of two percussion caps. Ho turned the box over to the police for Investigation. It was taken to the station house and will bo opened to-morrow. Mrxlrnn Murderers Lynched. GALVKSTON , Tex. , Jan. 10. A special from Cahlwoll to the News says : A mob gained entrance to the jail hero last night for the purpose of lynching thrco Mexican charged with the murder of a planter named Alford suvural days ago , Pa/o , ono of Iho prisoners , confessed. The mob found the murderers in the cell with a negro whom they commanded to throw the Mexicans out of the cell ono by ono. The negro ejected Pazo and another Mexican , both of whom were shot. The mob then retired. The ISrltiih Admiralty. LONDON , Jan , 10. The St. James Gnzctto nnounccH the resignation of Lord Charles Bcrcsford , junior lord of the admiralty , and says other changes in Iho admiralty oifieo are probable. _ _ Blnlno In Venice. . Vr.sicn , Jan. 10. James G. Blnlno has ar rived hero and will remain some time. A comparison of the mulls across the Atlantic and 1'ucillo shows Unit the nmvs of nn event In Sinyuporo reuehod Now York by the 1'uoille route ouu tiny t CAlU/l.SLi : I to IN Taken Wllh a Congestive Attach While KntliiK Dinner. WASIUNOTDX , Jan -Speaker Carlialo has not been well for several days. This evening , while nt dinner at the Klggs house , ho was taken suddenly and seriously III and reached his room with the utmost difficulty. Dr. Sewers was called In , who pronounced It an attack of u congestive order and administered medicine and advised the speaker to keep quiet for several days , as ho was In great need of rest mid his nervous system greatly Impaired , Thu lllneso of C'ur lisle will doubtless prevent him from presid ing over the house for the next few days. t a. m. The speaker Is somewhat Improved nntl the high fever that he had early in Iho evcninghas slightly abated. DKKIKI ) TMi ; t'OLICK. A Pennsylvania Desperado Hind's the Authorities. "U'n.LUMsroUT , Pa. , Jau. 10. A forgery was traced to Frank Gordon and James Hlhklo Saturday last. Hlnklo was arrested but Gordon swore ho would never bo taken alive. Saturday night ho was traced by of licet * to the house of Maggie Tale , with whom ho has been living. The officers du manded admission , but Maggie came to the window with n revolver and threatened to shoot the first man who attempted to enter. Guards were placed around the house to prevent escape , and so the ulght passed. Crowds gatheied to-day and urged the police and sheriff to break in , but they would not mid were roundly hissed. When darkness came Sunday special officers relieved those on duty the night before. Do/ens of citizens volunteered to lend n sally on the house , but their services were declined , and HO for two nights and days the men and women alone have defied the entire police force and the sheriff with his posse , Gordon is a desperado and served time for murder. The officers finally gave up the contest , as It was reported Gordon had said Saturday night 110 was going to Philadelphia , though It is said to-night Gordon was seen to day In the back yard of Maggie's house. A Very ICmpty Honor. Dis : Moivn-s la. , Jan. tO. In the joint caucus to-night of democratic members of the legislature it was decided to glvo the honor of the nomination of United States senator to Captain T. J. Anderson , of Knoxville - ville , late democratic candidate for governor. No nominations are made for state printer or binder , as thu democrats will move to have the office abolished or the mode of conduLt- ing it changed. POOR AMY COOK. The Child Kleptomaniac Again Comes to the l-Yont. Sacramento Uee , .Ism. ! ) : The Hee ro- eontly published nn account of the ex ploits of Amy Coo ! ; , llio twelve-year-old kloptniimiiic , who hiis committed n num ber of small robberies with : iU the skill and eunniiif , ' peculiar to those- affected with her form of insanity. Since hot- lute arrest hho has boon 'imprisoned at the homo of her piirontH , and it is suid , chained to a hod. On Saturday niorn- iiif' , however , Iho child succeeded in breaking the chain about half way ils length. She proceeded to to her 'fath er's bed-room , secured the key to hur ' mentieles , and was boon free 'of them. She then look U , > cents and wont to n restaurant tmd breakfasted. She next proceeded to the Stale. Houses hotel , and entered the parlor of the hotel. B. B. Brown , the proprietor , observed the child , but stippo-eci lior to bo the daughter of Mrs. MeKime , a Rtiest of the hotel. Amy played about , the parlor , when Mrs. Ih-own and Mrs. McKunu went to lunch. When Mrs. Brown returned to her room she found that it hud been rolludas ) her jowelory and ether articles were scattered nil about. She informed her husband and expressed the belief that the strange girl had committed the theft. Mr. Brown called the girl into a parlor and closely questioned her. She gave her ntuno as Annie- Wells , and said her father , who resided in the suburbs , lia loft her at the hotel while he made noun1 ptireluibcs down town. She told tin. story so plain , htraiyhtfonvard wa\ that Mr. Brown believed her' ' : and allowed her to depart. Thojj only articles whieh Mrs. Brown missodJQ was a pui--e containing a small 11111011111"- of change , and a baby's bracelet , to'- ' whieh had boon attached coins ofr- , various denominations. In a Miort" time Mrs. MeKuno wont to her room tt and found that slio , too , had been robbed , aa her purse , continuing about , iivo dollars , was missinir. Brown then i went to the station house , gave a de scription of "Annie Wells" and the r police at onro know that Amy Cook waf. at liberty and gratifying her morbid desire to steal. Search was at once ' inaugurated for the ehild , and nho was found on an uptown street by her father. She ran when hho saw her parent , but was captured and taken homo. All the stolen articles wore found in her possession , except 81.CO of the money. She had given SI to a trump and lifty cents to a small boy. Mr. Cook at oue'e offered to make i > oed the amount taken by liis unfortunate child. Hunting-Alligators in Florida. St. Louis Globe Democrat : The host and most common modi ) to hunt them is by Hushing their eyes at night , the Mime as doer-stalking. Two generally hunt together in a eanoo , one bitting in t the stern paddling the other standing ' , 111 the bow with a bull's eye fastened lo " liis head. They move on cautiously , , the ono in front coach ing the course by blow motions of Iho hand. Ilistl u warn ing hand is upraised , the motion of the paddle cases , and the eanoo glides on almost imperceptibly , the slight ripple at the bow being the only sound heard. The one with the rilloall-calibre Wia- ehcplot1 , slowly raises his weapon , peering - ing expectantly forward , now to onesido then another. Suddenly a gleam is seen ahead like a coal of tire shining through the darkness , and the upraised Taken altogether the case is a moil curious one. Jn the fir-it place , although the ammonia was thu only tiling that could possibly huvo saved Mist Jordan's / life , yet no physician would have boon ! justified in prescribing it , A fortunate accident was fated to accomplish that ' whieh the imperfect medical 'art could not do. The false membrane itself is the only ono of the ki..d known in the hiitory of medicine. It is large in M/.O and pecu liar in shape. The rapid formation of it is a pir//.lo to the physician. As for the young woman , aside from a slight soreness of the throat , she has entirely recovered. A man in Boone county , Kentucky , wenl to liis hlnhlu after dark to mill ; a. cow. IIo mistook a mule for the cow , and in consequence was kicked almost to death. In Bogota there are no carriages which can go through the streets , or , rather , there are no streets which car riages can { fo through. The streets are HO paved that the gutters are in the ( middle. Children Cry for Pitcher's ' Castorja. When natjy wag lclc , WH gavei her Castorfa. When hu wiw a Child , blio crloU for Ciuitorla , ff When him liccnmu MUj , pho clunt' to Custorla , Y.IJIMI BIU baJ ChfiJrui , IIQ Kavu them Cojitorla. Cojitorla."T "T