Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1888, Image 1

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Cleveland's Protcgo Confirmed By a
Very Small Majority
Senators ltlddlehcricr , Stanford and
Htrwnrt Cant 'ihclr ItallotH With
the DemocraiH IMekliihon and
Vilas Follow Huh ,
A Close Sim * r Tor It Q. O.
WASIIINCITOV , Jan. 10. The senate went
into executive session at 1 o'c lock this after
noon , and three quarters of an hour lalcr
took up the nomination of Lamar. The con
sideration lasted until I o'clock , nt which
tltno the nomination was continued by a vole
of ! U to 'JS. Senalors Klddlebeiger , Stanfotd
and Stewart voted with the domoetats. All
the other icpublicuns voled or were paired
ngalnsl Lamar and all the democrats were
In his favor. The discussion xvas almost
entirely confined to the republican side. The
principal speakers weio Kdmunds , Kvatts ,
Cullom , Shot man , Allison , Hoar , Haw ley ,
Ingalls , Wilson of Iowa , and Kiddlebcrger ,
Iho last named making txxo speeches. The
line of opposition covered the official and
IKilltical r ceo id of tliu nominee us vxell us his
age , business habits and legal qualifications.
It Is understood that no spcei lies xxerc iiiado
by the democratic senators. Tlio voting be
gun at : i o'clock , but was Intelmpled , and
nearly an haul's argument inteivened before
Die roll cull was finished.
The nominations of Alessis. Vilas and
Dickinson vxero then at once taken up and
confirmed without debateand it xvas ordered
that the president bo notified of the Unco
Tlio following is understood to bo the vote
In secret Cession on the continuation of
Lamar :
AX rs.
Hale , Faulkner , Hlddleboigcr ,
Heik , Gcoige , Saulsbury ,
Hurry , Goiman , Slunfoul ,
Hlodgctl , Giay , Stowail ,
Hrnxxn , Hampton , Tin pie ,
Htitler , Hums , Vance ,
Call , Jones , ( Ark. ) Vest.
Coc ki ell , AlePlu i son , Voorhees ,
Coke , Moigan , Wilson , ( Mil )
Colquitt , Pugli , AValUwll-aj
Daniel , Kcgiin ,
Aldrich , Edmunds , Paddock ,
Allison. Kvails , Palmer ,
Hlair , Fat well , Plait ,
How en , Fr > o , Plumb ,
Cameron , Hale , QUII\ ,
Chase , Haw ley , blieiman ,
Cullom , Hiscock , Stoekbndgo ,
Davis , Hsar , Spooner : iS.
Davves , Ingiilis ,
Dolph , Aliti hell.
1 hose paired in tlio anlrmntlve weie :
Hlackbum , Hustis , Gibson , Ho.ust.Kciinn ,
Piisco , Pii ) no , Ransom.
Those palled in the negative xxero :
Chandler , Jones ( of Nev ) , Alandeis n ,
Mori ill , bubin , Suwer , Tellei.
Army Orders.
WAS ii \OTOV i , Jan. 10 [ Special Telegram
to the Hi-r. ] Captain Chandler P. Kakin ,
First artillery , having been found inca
pacitated tor uclivo BUI vice on account of
disability incident to the suivlcc , lelircd
from dale of Iho lOlh insl.
Lenvo of absence gi anted Second Lieuten
ant Francis I ) . Huckcr , Second cavalry , Jan
uary ! * , is extended seven das.
First Lieutenant John A. Pa ) no , Nine
teenth Infantry , is oidered lo his homo lo
await rctii client.
" Posl Chaplan Hi ant C. Hammond , on being
' < ! cliex'ed from duty in tliu Department of
aniToxas , is oidercd to dut ) at Foil Douglas ,
„ , , First Lieutenant John Al. K. Dax is. First
nitilleiy , is appointed captain , vice Kivin ,
18 ictiied.
In Second Lieutenant Charles J. Hailey , Fiist
nnnrllller ) , is piomoted to bo fiist lieutenant ,
nj rice Dav is , pi oinoted.
fc > ' NohriiMkn and loxva Pensions' .
I" WASHINGTON , Jan. ID [ Special Telegi am
B' ' to the Hi r 1 The following pensions weio
issucil for Nobiaskans to du ) Snah W. ,
mother of John W. Kerns , Table Kock.
Oiigmul Josiah Kiser , .lohnstoxvn.
Pensions for low tins Oiiginal James W
Diinguns , I'ust DCS Aloines , John P Dev ,
Hrighton. Kelssuo John G Fen is , Alt.
A ) r.
OnthvMtlto's I'aclllc FiindiiiK Itill.
Wx-inxiiroN , Jan 10. -The Pacific i.iil-
j load funding bill , intioduccd by Outhwaito
I in the house lo da ) , diffeis in man ) essential
i points fiom the committee's bill icpoited in
J the lust congicss. It pi ovules , Hist , for the
ascertainment of the amount of debt of the
i companies , both principal and inteiest.
I Fiom thai amount is to bo taken Ihe inteiest
allcady paid. Tlio picscnt woilh of the te-
iimindor is to bo found as of July 1 IbSb ,
money being icgaided as woith S per cent. ,
the simple Inteiest for the period between
that date and the avciago date of the matur-
l Itv of the bonds. From the picscnt woith is
I to betaken the amount In Ihe sinking fund of
each company , Iho icmaindcr being the in-
ilebtulncss duo fiom each compaii ) on July
1 , li5 S , if their debts were to bo paid in cash.
For this sum the companies me to issue
bonds seemed by moitgages covenng the
present lines and blanches. Tlio scheme
provides for the icpainent of Iho debt
within lift ) jours by a seiies of bonds fulling
duo semi annually and p.iing inteiest at a
perienl. Honda are to bo issued in four
hctics , so arranged that } i , of 1 per cent , of
the piineipal of the debt will bo paid eveiy
hix months of the second ten ) uns , 1 pci
icnt. ovoiy six months of the sec ml twent )
) oais and 2 pel cent , every six months
of the hint ten ) ears. Among the essential
illffcienccs between this and the old
bill Is an increase of penult ) In case of
of ( ompllanco to accept its ptoxision , MI as to
uquiio the pa.vinent of t.r > per cent under the
Thurinan in t , whereas the old bill fixed the
penalty at10 per cent. It piov ides distinctly
that the sinking fund shall bo applied on the
principal of the debt , vvhllo in the old bill ,
this is liifoientlal. It allows the companies
to pay any part of Iho whole of the debt al
liny lime the bonds me to bo camelled , or the
hccietaiy of the ticasui ) ma ) at an ) time
hell Iho whole of the bonds lo the cieditois of
thoioinptiny erin the general maiket. No
dividends aio to bo declined until all cm lent
obligations have been met. After Unit tlio
ilividcndsine restiic ted to 4 per cent , which
must have been earned dining Iho piecedlng
jear. It Is , however , that linger
dividends ma ) bo deviated if the earnings
\\airant it , upon condition that the compan
ion pay upon their indebtedness an amount
jqunl to Iho excess of the dividend. The
uthof changes are of minor chiiiut tcr anil in
tended to strengthen the government in its
claims ,
Senntn Conlli-inatiniiH.
WVSIIINOTOV , Jau 10 The senate made
the following confirmations to day :
K L. Huigg , to bo minister to Mexico.
Kuolvcis of public mone.vs John Tiacy ,
KOIth Platte , Neb. ; A. W. Ciites , Chadron ,
Noli ; G H. Hlukelv , Sidney , Neb.
Postmasters W U Leiinon , Huilry , Wis ;
r. C , Hcnnett , Moinoe. WU , G. W. Levis ,
HUHUiver Fulls , WIs
Spill O ( III ! I OlChth.
WA HI\OTOV , Jan 1C. Senator Halo to dor
introduced u bill piepaied by the American
Foiestry eongiess to preserve foiests. It
\vltlidraws fi-om entry as forest lands , all
public lands of the United States more valu
able for their timber tlnui for ngiic-ultural
U institutes the oftlco of counnU-
sloncr of forests and authorlrcs the appoint
mcnt of four assistant commissioners. The
commissioner is Instructed to form forest
lands into what are designated as forest re
serves. Ho Is given power to frame rules
and regulations for the govcnimcnt of these
reserves mid to appoint rangers lo co Unit
the rules are observed. No forest hinds are
to be sold , but the slumpage on them may bo
disposed of in the discretion of tlio commis
sioner. _ _
National Capital Notes.
WVMINOTOV , Jau , 1(1. ( W. H. Higclow , of
Maim1 , formerly agent of the postofllco do-
pirtmcnt , bus been appointed postmaster of
the United States senate.
the senate committee of postolNecs and
posl roads , will next Fiiday , hear arguments
from Dr. Norvln Green and Giudincr G.
Hubbaid , upon government tclcgtapli bills.
Tlio senalo committee on tor i Hoi ics will meet
Monday to hcararguinenls in icspcet totho
pioposed annexation of not them Idaho to
Washington lurritor v.
The senate postolllco cominilteo Ibis morn
ing ordered a favorable lepotton tlio permls-
sable matks bill which has ulieady passed the
Ui'piesentallvc Piiison's icsolutlon , intio-
iliiced by ictiuest , giants to the state of Illi
nois nil public hinds ( about 10,000 ucics )
within ils limits to. s.iti itsclalm . for swamp
hind indemnitv.
Heprcsenlalivo Hovev of Indiana , to day
inlroduced a bill in Ihc house to pav to sol
diets of the late war a sum equal to 10 per
cent of the amount of their oiiglnal pa.v , to
make good the dlffci em c between Iho value
of the1 inceiibacks in which they were pi.d
and the gold mm in which the gieenbacks
weie eventually tedcemed.
The board of ditectois of the bar associa
tion of the- District of Columbia have issued a
ciiculurto the bar associations of the conn
tiy suggesting Uils cltj as the p'.ue ' , and
Tucsdav , Max -J , as the time for holding the
national convention of lawyers. The object
Is to form a national legal bodv for the ad
vancement and promotion of science and law
in Ihiscounlri.
AVASIIINOTON , Jan. 1(1 ( A bill authorizing
the construction of public buildings for the
post and other gov eminent ofllces Ineveii
city having a postmaster was intioduccd in
the house to dav by Hepio entativo Taisncy ,
of Alii The cost of the buildings tango
fiom fJO.OOO to iOO.WK ) inhabitants to Sir.0,000
in towns of f > 0tHXJ inliiibllaiits.
It ( Miles' .
Jan. Id llugciic Hlpgins
severed his connection with the ticnsuiy de
partment to day and tui ncd oer the olllce of
chief of tlio appointment division to his suc
cessor , Pcii.x C Smith , loimeily disbuising
clcikot thcpostollhc dep.iitment.
1'OTi 1:11 : TO KISK\ : .
The Union I'acllli * lanaKcr Tluent
( tied With u Complete llreakdimn.
Citicvoo , 10 It is stated hero that
Vieo Pi csideiit Potter w ill resign and sev ei
his connection with the Union Pacific on
Apiii Ifi , al Ihe end of his Hist jeai's man
agement. Hrs doetoi s have oideied absolute
lest and lelitemcnl fiom iidixe pailicipation
in i.iilway affiins. Oveivvoik and mental
stiain have hi ought on hcait tioublcs and he
is Uticalcncd wilh complelo bieakdowu.
THE riHi ; UKCOU1) .
A Thlrtecii-ThoiiHiinil-Dollar Iila/c at
Aspen , Colo.
ASI-FN , Cole , Jan. 10 [ Special Telegi at
to Iho 15i i J Aliicbioke oul at 0 o'clock
this morning in a largo lodging house 01
Cooper avenue , east of Gulinu slicut. The
Ihe plugs vxeie frozen and bcfoie water conic"
bo gotlcn on the li o it had spio.rd to Ido's
store on the east and to Lang's saloon on the
west. A half blodc was ( leaned out , but the
buildings weio mostl ) cheap ufTiiirs and weie ,
occupied by Kstaurunts and saloons The
line buck block of the C'lohm Merchandise
companv opposite was damaged about $ . " ( > (
and the H T Pemeo block in about the sain
amount The total loss foots up about tlXX ! ! ( >
The heaviest losots tnoS. L Gniiet > 1,000 ,
James Watson $ J,0X ( ) , A. Lessem Mf > 00 , J. A.
Ide ? law , Airs. WJicutly l.-NX ) , Huiton
Hlmkcr * .KM ( ) , Fiank Snell sno. Mo had
t"iUO insuianee , Lessum * M < H ) and ( ! ai lett "IK >
Aji ActiesH IttiriKMl tu Death.
STI ini.Nvn i r , O , Jan. 1(1 ( - Calne'svaiiettv
theater binned this evening The ( lames
communicated to Cnlno's hotel neioss the
stiectand caused a livdj sci.imblo amoiif ,
tl o guests. Anna Dcvoe , an acliess fron
Pittsburg , who was asleep in her toomon the
thiid floor was buined to death.
Othcf Co
Pun vui t i-iiiA , Jan. IdK.ulj tins mom
ing a Hie in the boiler and conduit woiKs
owned bj Henii Win den , eau&cd a loss 01
the contenls and buil&ing of aboul $100(00 (
which was amply Insuied.
KINSVS Cirx , Jan. 1C The ofilco of the
Kansas Cit.v Evening Star , on Sixth sticot
between Delawaio and W.vandr tte. took flic
this aftei noon and In two houis was almos
completely destioied. The loss to the btn
is loughlv estimated alfWXJO. ( Thex are in
sinedto tlio iimounl of . * ITIKHl. Lulhiop iv ,
Smith , ovvneis of the building , estimate
their loss at $ . ! 0 , < XXt , with an insurance o
$ ir > ,000 Oilier minoi losses make the lota
fool up bolvvi en $ : . ( ) , ( H)0 ) and illtl.ODO.
Cilicvdo , Jan. ill A * 10.X3i ( ) llto oeeuiiei
to night in tlio John C Dale block. The
linns nflectcd aio the Union T.vpo
J. J. Hiinlon , blank book inaiiulaetuier , the
Ameiicun Pi luting eompain mid the West-
em Pilnting company. A week ago thieo
stones in the same block were complete ) )
binned out , when half n million went up n
Ci u ui Itiins Ta , Jail 111 The Highl.v
building , a huge bliek block , was damagei
by tb c1 , w Inch has just been put out. Loss 01
building mid stock , S10OOJ. fully insuied
Chief Kngmecr Ajeis mid the assistant o
the Hi o ( lepailment * weio injined b ) the ex
plosion of a gasometer.
A IJi-oken llnil CIHISCH a Bad Wieck
Ncnr Topeka.
ST. Lot is , Jan. 1C. A wieck on the Chicago
cage , Kansas & Ncbiasku lallioad occunret
alWillaid , fifteen miles east of TopeUa , Ivan.
eaily this morningTliico wifio throw i
fiom the track down an embankment am
Ivvelvo pel sons were injured , only ono fatallj
The wieck was caused bj a mil hi caking.
Will mm , ICini , .lad 10 Two slecpci
and the chair car of n train on the Chicago
Kansas , \ . Nelnaska load Jumped the trae'
near heio al 4 o'clock this moining and wer
thiovvn down a ditch. All the passengers 01
the thrc'O cms weio moiu or less Jostled , Im
none were serious ! ) hurt excepting Williat
C..lllhan , who lost an aim. A broken ral
caused the disaster.
The Itl
PiTTsnt'ito , Jan 10 Tlio great steel gun
which was cast solid at the Pitlsburg Steel
Casting's works last Wednesday ,
was taken fiom the mould to day and found
to be pei feet. The cast Ing is pi onounced a com
plete success by Supeiintendenl Hainos-
vvorth and ofllcers of the United States navy ,
who made eloso inspection and applied such
tests as were possible in its pie-sent stage.
The gun weighs nine tons.
Dilscnll Senti'iieoU to Hang.
Nbvv VIIIIK , Jan 1C Dan Diiscoll , the
muidei-erof "Heez ) " Garrity , was to day ie-
fused n new tilal and sentenced to hang
Frldav Late this uf lei noon an appeal In his
behalf was taken to the higher couit , which
will probablj act as a stay of execution ,
I < \l > ie H Car Unrnod.
TOPJ-KA , Kan , Jan. 10 The Wclls.l'argo
express ear was binned on the Santa Fo load
eight miles east of Knipora , Kuu. , jostcidjy
nloi nliib . The umouiil lost cannot be ascer
Pacific Railroad Votes Boost Lamar
to tbo Supreme Bench ,
Tloknor Ciirtln , the Counsel Tor the
MorinoiiH , Also Comes to ills
Aid Improving ; tlio
IlK Muddy.
Helped Out Hy the IVillromls.
M.I FotUTiENTii ! : Sturnr , >
WASIIINOTON , D. C. , Jan. 10 j
The Pacific rallioads have won again and
Lamar has been continued to an associate
justiceship of the supreme court of the
United States Hut this is not the Hi st time
( oiiupt coipoiation monopoly has Invaded
the precincts of the highest Judicial tribunal
of the country. Tlio resulted republican
\otestosecure the confirmation of Lamar
were supplied by the Pacific slope , and they
weio given unspailngly. Leland Stanford ,
of California , tlio head of the gloat Southern
Pucillo s.vstom , and Stew tut , of Nevada ,
another Pneilloimn , w cut w ith Uiddlcbci gcr ,
of Vitgitiia , to the i auks of the democrats ,
and Lanmi will be eligible to his position as
soon as his commission is issued. Tlio vote
\vus I ! ' . ! for continuation and 'JS against. So
anxious weio the friends of Lamar to hasten
his presence on the supiemo bench that
b ) a special vote the injunction of scerecv
was lemoved and ho could assume
his duties to moi row if the president c.ued to
be so hasty in making out his commission.
The deb.ito lasted thtco bouts and was nt
times extremely exciting. The principal
spoakcis against continuation weioHvails ,
Kdmunds , Allison , Haw ley and bhcrman.
Senators lefei totho argument of Mr. Ev.uts
as being eloquent and exhaustive. Ho paid
the highest tiibuto to the men who occupy
positions on the bench of the supiomo couit ,
the ability that should bo called to positions *
there and pointed out the fiailties of the
nominee under consideration. The speeches
oftheotheis refeited mostly to Lamai's uii
Illness on account of his constiuction of
ceitain portions of the constitution i elating
to states' lights , etc. , and bis weakness in re-
gaid to all rnatteis giow ing out of the "lato
unpleasantness. " Mr. Uicldlobeigor was the
mouthpiece of the democrats and spoke thieo
or four times A\eii few wouls were uttered
by other li lends of Lamar , but Hiddlebeigor
was expected to sa.v all thai was necesGaty
for him. It is repotted to night that there
were tlueoor four other lepubliian senalors
who weio ic.idj to vote for i onllr matron had
il been neccss iry , arid , slinngo to say , each
of those named us hav ing been ready to
secure the confirmation has been or is now
either closely connected with the manage
ment of the Pacific railtoads or is acting in
the iiipiicity of attorney for those corpora
tions Pacific railroad influence is found in
evcii visage and flssutc. It is not known
whethci Stanford , Stew ait and othcts who
weie led lo vote fet continuation were show
ing their gratitude , but no ono is found who
tan explain why men who have connection
with Iho Pacific railroads or who have luul
wore alone ready to leave their party and
\oto with the opposition Of the seventy-six
votes in the senate sixty were annoumed ,
which act omits for eveij man in the senate.
As 1 anticipated weeks ago , no sutpnse is
cxpicssed ovci the continuation. It was just
what might have been expected. No womloi
the friends of Lamar were so confident. Tlio
influence used would win if directed in any
coin so.
GcoigcTicknoi Curtis , Iho counsel for the
Moimons and Iho Pacific railroad , publishud
a half column caul m this moining's 1'osl in
defense of Mr. lemur's nomination. He en-
doised Lamar as a lavvioi , an udvocato and
a jurist ; declared that his constitutional 111-
toriuetutions weie sound and that the.v wouh :
stivud tlio test of facts , the 10,410 of events
and the logic of pnnciples ; tint L.imai's dis
course on Ciilhoun did not iitToid evidence
that he adheies to the doctrine of eithci
niillitkation or secession ; that Calhoun
himself was not a secessionist ,
although all his consUlution opinions , earned
through a ciitain piocess of reasoning ,
tended to thai icsult ; that Lamar never
t-IKjko as a histouaii , but as a man in public
life , and that he w ill add luster to the bench
of tlio supierno court. A 'very determined
ofloit was made bj all of Air. Lamar's
fi lends to bung about fuvoiablo aclion on
his nomination , and Iho Mormon , as well as
thf Pacific i.ulioad influence was In ought to
bear foi him.
After tlio conllimation of Mr. Lamar , the
nominations of Mr. Vilas to bo sccietaiy of
tlio inti'iioi , Mi DicUintjon lo bo postmaster
geneial and General Bragg , of Wisconsin , to
bo minister to Mexico , weto taKcn up ami
confirmed without opposition.
Ill \H1NOS IN ll.NMON C'FS. .
Mr. L-urd inti educed in the house to day a
bill which was piesentcd in the semite 10-
tcntlj bj Mr. Mandeison to prevent the
sumnmi.s cancellation of pensions and cer
tificates and piovuling for hearings in cases
lelating theicto ; also the Mamlerson bill ,
providing for the holding of toimsoftho
United States distiict and circuit comtb in
the statu of Nebtaskn
Mi. Doihei intioduccd a bill extending foi
ti n j eat s the time for pa.v incut for land pur
chased on the Omaha Indian rebcrvatiou in
Neb in ski
i M n T t n cot UTrvTTi R .
Mr Puller , of Iowa , mil educed a bil
amending section HSb of thoiovisod statutes
to piovido that wjiero bj laws of states de
fendants in com tslhoreof are entitled ton
stav ol execution , the defense in thecouitsoi
the United States held thciein shall bo en
titled to a Slav npcm the same conditions , m
eluding the giv ing and cnfoi cement of bonds
01 olher bccuilti lor Iho performance of Iho
Judgment thus stated
A bill was introduiod by Mr. Lyman , ol
Iowa , authori/ing all poisons to use and ex
amine * and rnako copies of papers , rccouls
etc , In United States couits at seasonable
tunes so as not to intct fere w ith the business
of the couits , and dtiectingtho clerks thcreo
to offer pioper facilities and accommodation.
Tlio heeictaij of war has scut to congress ,
to bo used in compilation of Iho river am'
haibor bill , the icpoits of the engineer am
his lecommendalioim on Iho improvements
needed for vai ions rlveis and hatbois u i
the amount necessary to be approprlaNcl
The document contains 7W ( closely piinlei
pages and contains this in icferenco to the
improvement of the MUsouii river fron
Sioux Cit.lo . Poil Honton : "Tho origina
comtitiou of the navigable cli.iuneluaj o
the Missouri liver above Canal , Moul. , was
extremelj bad In low water , the merago
depth being aboul thieo feet The cluinne
is quite sham In its turns and tilled in imiiiv
pluics with projecting ombeddei
rocks and loose bouldeis The | > ortion below
Car roll dow n lo Sioux City was and is bai
in low water , owing to unstable banks , shift
ing channel , moving sand-bars and snugs
Tlio or iginally adopted project for the im
ptovemcnt was the lemovul of snags fron
Iho lower or sandy jioitioii and on the uppei
or rockj part tlio nanowingof the channo , i educing the Mope and rals
ing the water on the rapids by Iho consliuc
lion of brush and gravel dtuns.lho removal o
rocks and loose boulders and the diedg
ing of heavy giavel bars , BO as to
give a navigable channel of four am
ono-lmlf feet at low water. Oi
this project thcro was cxpcndet
up to Juuo ao , KM ! , f.1U,4V > At that time
the channel for purjioses of navigation and
commerce was much bettor than at any previous
vious period , and \ essols loaded to three am
n half fcot could make their way to Poi
Hruton by careful pilolago and hard rubblns
on Iho bottom. Dm ing the jc > ar ending Juno
bO , ISsT , thcix : has bee-u expended , l
outstanding liabilities. 1 9.002 for the repair
of plant which had been lying Idle for over a
ear and consequently Imrt rapidly deterior-
ited ; for the euro and preservation of prop-
; rty ; for surveys ; for Iraiisjwl-
ng men and material , clc. Ono
ui ml red thousand dollws can bo
irolltably expended during the > car ending
lime 30 , 1 > S9 , with which it Is projiosod to
clear out snags from Sioux City , la , lo Carrel
rol , Mont , aud above Carroll to continue the
Inigging of gravel bars and Iho removal of
rocks and boulders and the conslrucllon of
lams. The advantages and benefits to bo de-
hed arc a safe navigable channel at all
stages as far as snngs arc concerned and a
'air ' low water channel for boats drawing
'our feet over the rocky portion of the river.
I'lio estimated amount required for the entire -
tire and permanent completion of the work
of Improvement of the pottion of Iho river
ibovo Carroll In accordance w lib Iho ndoplcd
projecl Is tino.OOO.
M ! Crt t.AXFOt s M4.TFIIS.
Henry W. lllio , of Sioux oiVi wns * ° l nv
mlmilted to practice before the Interior de-
) .ir tmenl.
Colonel W. W. Wilson , of Lincoln , V. O
Sanlry , of Omaha , W. P. Peoller and family
mil Hon. Solomon Draper , of Nlobrara , [ ute
The senate to dayronfirmed thctiotnlnatlon
of A. W. Crites as icgister of the Chadron
land olllco and reported fav or ably the nomi
nation of G.Montgomciy as receiver , whojvvill
bo ( onllimod to morrow.
Senator Paddock to day repoited favorably
from Iho pension eornmi.Ueo a bill to pension
Ahs. Painter.
POSTAL tiiANors.
The following Nebraska postmasters were
appointed to day : Fannie 1) . Dilstin , Dustln ,
Holt county , vice William Uustin , resigned ;
Mis IJli/a S. Funk Grouer , Sewaid county ,
vlco.IolinJ Hrlggs , resigned ; W. H. Dav ,
Klmball , Cheicnnq county , vice Cliailes A.
Schooley , reinov ed. j
The time schedule of the Star mull roul
entering ftom Prairie Center to Hazard ,
Neb , lias been changed as follows : Lca\o
Pi ah ic Center Wedncsduvs anil Saturdays
nt t > a m ; arrive at Hazard by 13-30 p. m.
Leave Hanml Tuesflavs and Fndajs at It !
in jairivo at I'lairio Center by flJO : p. m.
Tl ( I'-ONAIS.
Victor Uosewator , of Omaha , is in the
city. I
V. Langtiy aud on , of Omaha , arc spend
ing a few dnjs in tbo city.
Claudius Jono of Sewatd , with his daugh
ter , is in the city. Ho will lemalu lieio some
da\ .
N. .T. Scrritt and wife , and Hany I. Allen ,
of Sioux City , are at Iho Ubbilt.
A Forger anil Ills I'arninonr SIICCPSS-
fully Htiuidlntciprru Wliolo Town.
Wiu.iVMSi'oitT , pa , Jan. 1(5 ( [ Special
Telegi am to the Hi r.J Piank Gordon , the
murderer and forger , in a franip house all
day \csterday succowfully hold at liuj
olliceis ut-law , who carne to arrest him.
The ganlson of his improvised fortress con
sisted of Gordon himself and Muggio Tute ,
the woman with whom ho n is been Urine.
The besieging iiimy Includes the police force
of Williamsport , the sheritT of tli county
and his posse , and a goodl ) piopoitlon of the
citbens of the town. Gordon is a dcspeiate
chn racier.
Less Ihun a year ago ho was released fiorn
the eastern penitentiary , after seiving out
part of his sentence of five years for the
mutdcr of George Lewis. Saturday do-
teclivcs succeeded in tracing lo him u mini
her of forgeries , which though not for largo
amounts , have recently annoyed the ofllccrs
of the Lumbei man's National bank. Gor
don's accomplice was James Hinklcs When
the forgeiy was discovered warrants were
issued for the arrjiw of Gordon and ypnng
Hlnkles. The latter was arrested late
Saturday night but Gordon heard of it and
swoie he would not bo taken without a
light. The officers entruslcd w lib Iho war-
ratils pursued Iho foiger lo the house
of Maggie Tale and demanded
admission. Maggie appeared at a window
w lib her finger pressed upon Ihc tr iggcr of a
bigrcvolvei ami threulcncd to shoot the first
uiuii who attempted to enter. Gimidsweio
then placed inound Iho house to prevent cs
cape , and so the night was passed.
When davlight came the siege was ic-
nevved. Hundiedsof citirens nirivcd from
all qu.irtcrs of the oily and stood behind Iho
police and gtood garing upon the closed win
dow blinds Tlio ciowd urged the oftlcois to
bieak in the doors but Iho oftlcers , after a
confeience , concluded not to do so. The
ciovvcl hissed hut tlio police paid no atten
tion. All day long the people lingered , and
when daiUncss carne the streets were
blocked. Special ofllcors weio appointed lo
relieve thOsO who had been on duty for
iiiiinv hems Not a sign of light could bo
seen within the barricaded house. A ciovvd
of men got together and voluntccml to loud
theofllcers in asall.\ , but llieirsei vices v.ero
declined and nt a late hour many of the
people left , disgusted at the police for allow
ing themselves to be kept tit bay by a man.
a woman and .i banod door. It is expected
that \igoroud efforts will be made to moiiow
to secuio Gaulnor.
The Heading Strike.
POTTS % nil , Pa , Jan. 10. For the past tw o
da.vs a condition of utter stagnation has ruled
the sliiko situation.
Pim.uu t run , Jan. 10 For several dujs
there has been under consideration by lead
ing men in the Knights of Labor the advisa
bility of bringing suit by the commonwealth
thiough the attorney general against the
Philadelphia & Heading Uailioad and Coal
company , lo compel them lo do ceituin things
which , it is alleged , they tuo obliged to do
under their churtcr. Ono charge is that the
compan.v , bj lefuslng to selllo with the men , mid other necessaries foi
the puiposo of enhancing their values , and
extoiting cxoibitanl prices fiom Iho com
munity. Another chai go t chiles lo Iho 10-
sponsibiliti of tlio company as a c ominon
carrier rl being alleged Unit on account ol
the companj's action men aio employed who
do not give the best of hoivieo , and whose of-
foits result in dclav and loss to tlio < om-
mimity. There aio other charges whicli
have been discussed , and II is said some legal
inoccedings will shoitlj bo instituted.
I'atal Collision ol * Tinlns.
OTTI MVV v , In , Jan. HI The Wubash pas
senger train from DCS Atonies and tlio water
tiain of the Ottumwa & Kiikville road , col
lided four miles west of hero tit J ) ID lasl
night. Hoth loads run over the Uock Island
tiack from hero to Coinstocks , eight miles
west. The collision occuired on a hharj
cuivo where the track runs close
to the river and around a high
bluff. The night was frosty and
the enginevis could see only a shoit distance
ahead. The trains were running til full speed.
Tlio engines were complelclj demolished.
The Wabash baggage car was derailed ; also
four Ottumwa kt ICirU'illo H K Peck ,
the Walmsb engineer. Jumped and escapee
with a slight sprain. His Hi email was scalded
to death Gcoigo Miller and Isaac. Huden-
stein , engineer and Hioinan of the olhei
Irian wore killed and buiiedundertho wieck
Several persons were badly but not fatalli
bin t. The c ollision. was caused by a mistake
of the Hock Island tiain dispatcher.
I'livorH Annexation.
, Jan. 10 Jeftrey AlcCall , a mem
her of the provincial legislaluio for Piclon
in a speech to his consllluents to-day , advo
cntcd tlio immediate abolition of local legisia
luiesaml the annexation of Nova Scotia to
thoUnitcd States HU idea is that with the
Noith American continent and West Indies
under ono government on this sldo of Iho
Allautlc , and the British government over tlu
United Kingdom , India , Australia , Asia nm
Africa , the Anglo-Saxon iaco wlllnminuh
the peace of the world.
Woman Suflrauo in AVjibliltiKlon Ty
Tcouf. . T. , Jan. 1(5 ( Holh branches o
the leglslaluro of Washington tcnltory at
Olyinpla huvo re enacted the woman's suf
fragu law , but exempting women fivui Jury
Huiidroda of Now Victims of the
Blizzard Discovered.
Dakota heads In the Number of I'eonlo
AVlio Lost Their IihcH In the
Storm A OlinMly
Show Ing.
A Mule Girt Found Troren.
NrniHsiu CITT , Jan 10 H was 2ft degrees
iclow ? cro this morntng , but the weather
nodeialed today and the Indications aio
: hut Ihe exlreme cold wculhcr is over. The
body of the lilllo duughler of Chrlsl Uodine ,
n farmer , living Ivvelvo miles southeast , who
md been missing since thobli/findof Ftidiiv ,
nan been found in a ravine mote than a mile
Tiotn the house , she having been oveitaken
by the storm when leturning from school and
within slgbi of her home , bul losl her way.
Henry Goldlg. a fanner , while iclurnlng
liome from this city was orei taken In the
itoi m and fi o/en so badly as lo have his
hands and feel amputated.
Frozen to Death With Hln Team.
OtKi.iMi , Neb , Jon. 10 [ Special Tele
gi am to'tho Hn : ] NclsChristcson , a Swede
farmer foity llvo .veais old , was found eleven
miles south of Oakland ) esteida ) fro/en to
death , together with his two hoises. He had
been to FontanelloTliui sdav w Ith a w agon and
team. He faced the blforjnl until the hoises
weio dlifted into n ravine , where all fio/o to
death. Ho was a bachelor and n pioneer
fanner of Hint county.
TrnliiH UuiinliiK ol1 the F. C. Jt > I. V.
FnrMONT , Neb , Jan. 10 [ Special to the
Hi iTho Fremont , Hlkhorn & * Allssouri
Valley road has raised the blockade on all its
lines except the Albion branch. The Hist
train from the west since Thursday got in
to day at 10 o'clock fiom Long Pine. If
theio is no u oie snow Iho liains will tun
icgulail ) now.
Oakland' * ) Visitation.
Ox.Ki.tM > , Nub , .lun. ID [ Special totho
Hi i : ] Damaging icpoits fiom the counliy
are coming in of Ihc eiTccls of Iho bll/nnd.
A great many callle and hogs weio
dlifted and fi07011 to death. One mannoith
of hue lost foity head of cattle , and many
faimeis and cattle fecdeis lost small mini
hers The loads have been blockaded in
such sbapo that funnels could not get to
tow n.
A Itoj'et Hod ) Found.
Con Mitt's , Neb , .Tun. 10 The body of
Fiank Aletz , a lad twelve years old , was
found near hero ) estcrday. Young Aletz left
living to drive home , a distance of tw only-
live milcH , on List Thuisduy with his mother
and litllo sislcr. The pailygot lost in the
lei nblo bli//ard and became separated. The
mother and litllo gnl weie badly frozen , but
eventually found shelter and uio alive.
IHt in the Drifts.
Fiti MONT , Neb , Jan 10 The search for the
two childt en of J. W. Westphulen in Cotleicll
township , Dodge county , has pioved futile.
The children , aged eight and tbitlecn ) etirs ,
slurted from school for home , during the
storm , Thursday , and have not been seen
since. It is believed they are buried in Iho
Judge IIOVC'H Son AH Right.
Dts AIoi.NES , lu , Jan. 10. The Associated
press Sunday morning reported William
Love , of Dakota , as ono of Ihc persons fio/cn
to death in Iho bliz/.ud As Judge Love , of
Iho Uniled States distiict couit of Iowa , lias
a son of that name living there , a rcpoit
gained c'liirency thai II was ho who losl his
life. A private dispatch fiom Huron to dav
corieels tins re poit and it was another
Love. Heports have reached heio to-dav
giving the niiino of J. W. Ivy , foi met ly of
DCS Aloines , as among those lio/en lo death
last week in western Dakota.
The Illockado liaised at SlonCity. .
Sioux City , In , Jan. 17. [ Special Telo-
giam to Ihe Mi r. ] Tlio blockade has boon
raised on all the loads centeimg heio but
two Trains aio not limning legiiliuly , but
mo expected lo bo by lo moiiow 01 Wednes
Death From Cold at Clinton.
Ci INTOV , In , Jan 10 [ Special Telegiam
to the Hrr.J Woid was icecived heio to day
that J. Jacobs had been fio/cn to death near
Wheutlaiiil. this county , dining the icceiit
bli7/arcl. Tlio weather heio bus been the
coldest lor man ) jeius
The Coldest lnj in Fifly Ycnii.
All sc XTINI' , In , Jau 10 Yesteida's mean
tcmporatuto heio was iil depiees below 7ero ,
which was Uio coldest da ) in lift ) ) oais.
In the
AIxM > xv , Jan. Dak. , 10 A mail diiverwas
f i o/en to death between New Salem and
Stunton. The thieo day blockade on the
Nor thorn Pacific was i.iised this moining
A revised list of bh/zaid fatalities shows 1)7 )
dead in Dakota , 1 , ' ) in Minnesota , 0 In Iowa ,
17 in Nebraska and ii in Alontanu , total ir : > .
Fillty-iivo pemoiih aio also leportod missing.
Fxci.KroN , Dak , Jan. li ( hix poisons uio
know n to have polished hero , and it is lu-
inoied six or seven otlicis aio also lost.
Mil.WAI M r , Jan. 10 Specials fiom vail-
ous p.nts of Wisconsin indicate that last
night was Iho coldest for ) eais. Tlio thoi-
mometei at Washbutnoobscivntor ) at Alud
ison registered ! ! l ) below /eio. Kail Claiio ro-
poits IS below , Hichland Center rr > , hpaitn
W ) , and Chlppcwa Falls W ) The enl ) Intalitv
icpoited in tlio state llius far was al Ullis
Junition , Maimutto count ) , whoio a lumber
man named-Peter H. Peteison was fio/en lo
'llio following additional fatalities lesull-
mg fiom last'1 lun sdav's stomi are icpoited
Al Yankton , Dak J.icob Seluiof , farmoi
Joseph ICockcr , Annie Shullult and sister ,
ono Coleman. two unknown poisons At
Vltgil The Picison biothcis and mi un
known man At Wentwoith Airs O T
Owens At Lenox Four diildien of Peter
Weincger. At Cliunibcihiln Annlo Ander
son. At Coming Unknovvu woman and
child At Asliton Cliailes Osmuii. At
Lesion ille Jucob Kiut7. At Noithvillo
Hessio Stansfield , teacher , Atht Lawreneo
A. Gosloy , William How man. Al Alolletto
A school tcaehei and four pupils. At Chn o-
mont Aliss Stenbiemor , tc.uher. At
Aberdeen William Aloiiull , farm hand.
At Noithrillo-H. S Chiipin , col
lector , fiom Almneapolis. At Palmei
Saiah Dohm. At CustlcvvoodYoung Tit-
tlcoft. At Siouv Falls .Mis James Kennedy
mid son , At Faulkton Joseph Met/ , Far
mer Clam ) ) , n boy named Kay and an un
known woman. At Wateitown A stage
stage diircr named XVcbcr. Al Pat her
Four children of Peter Wei nga At Miller
Jc'irv nndSaniHowman At Hilstol Hniil-
son Moots. At Huilo ) Liz7lo Dwor At
Inwoou , la Old man Seiry The list of
missing in Dakota includes Llx'cimnii Smith ,
Norths ille , a teacher At Flandiea , tvxo
voutigmen , at Mitchell ; Messis Heiivman ,
Dcc , Nichols and Lavvience , near lluion ;
a man and and four children at Kedllcld.
John O'Connor , Kllsvvorth , Minn ,
ST. P.xrr , Jan 10 Sciittoiing icpotts of
the loss of life ami limb in the great stonn
last week continue aniving liouily. In ad
dition to the list of HO deaths published Ibis
tx'enlng thofolloxxlngiepoilb have been re
ceived to night :
Tndul , Dak , ens six pet sons aio known
to hux'o perished near theie
Appleton , Minn. , icports that OloVigsat
fio/en stiff in his sleigh as his loam turned
lip at his house in Ceiro Got do
Airs. Joseph KcIT , noith of Yanklon. Dik ,
started u short distance lo get a child home
fiom the schoolhouse and got bovvllduicd uiul
fio/o near her homo.
The dead body of n man was found at
Utlea , seven miles noith of Yankton ,
A uiau uamcd Urucu descited his learn aiu
vaiidercd some twenty miles. When found
mil brought to Yankton ho was badly frozen.
Us condition Is critical.
J Koblnson , of Yankton , and A. J. Win-
eis , of L.iCrosso , a sewing machine man ,
vho left Yaukton Tlimsday luonnng by
cam , were found dead between the village of
[ \\ndall mid Spi inglleld. Other pintles in
his countiy aio missing.
A Pierre , Dak , special su ) s that catlle on
ho lunges must have suffered terribly.
A Miller , Dak. , special savs u leport
reaches thcro of the finding of the body of
Alex Thompson. He left Huioii ouTUuis-
lav morniug.
The body of Air. Holz , n farmer , who lived
lorthwest of Miller , has been found. Ho
stinted for his nick wife and xvas oveiaken
by tin ; slot in The lady who went lo attend
his wife was also badlv frorcn , Air. Hot ton ,
who lives noith of Miller , has not been sc'en
since the stet m.
The Cold Wine In Montana.
HnirvA , Al T , Jan. ID The cold wuvo
continues unabated Unoughoul Montana
The then mometer ranires from 'JO to ' 'S below
? ere Local tiains aio running , bul no
through malls have been iccelved foi five
uavs Theio Is abundance of uncoveicd
guiss on the langes , and very litllo sutTciing
iimong Iho calllo icpoited.
The cold holds ou with leumikable per
sistence. Today the sun shone bilghtl ) ,
but the mercur ) lingeied atouiui I0 ! below all
day. It marks ! C > tonight Kepoits fiom
the ranges Indicate no gieat suffeilng as v't ,
and fiom all that can bo learned the slock is
w calhei mg the stoi m well.
It Stilkcs the Cnir.
Gxi.\rsTON , Tex. , Jan. 10Tho Dakota
bli7zaul sti tick the ( iiilf of Alexlco nt this
point al 1 o'clock Sunday morning , causing a
fall in the tempoiatuic of tlility degrees In
two hours Tliebll7/ard came upon the city
with reniurkablo suddenness and without the
slightest warning fiom the weather buioau
at Washington , the bulletins oidcring up
signals and predicting freezing weather in-
r rivi ng only ! ! ( ) minutes bofoio the lili/7nrd
itself. Pram IU degiees at midnight
the meicuiy fell lo SJl degiccs at
da ) light , and a heavy sleet begun to full ,
coveiiiig the citvwitha coat of ice Hy
Sund.iv evening the lelegi.iph unit telephone
whcs leading fiom the main land into the
i ily weio all can led down b ) Ihe beav ) eoat-
ing of lie which hud funned on them , and the
city was entiielv t tiLort" fiom telegtupli com
municutlon for neatly twentv four houis
The mercury today indicated 'JO degiees
above /cto. The giound is coveicd willi
neatly nn inch of snow. All stieet tuifllc
was Intel iiiptiMl to da ) owing lolhe pei lions ,
slippeiv condition of the thoioughfaies
Owing to telegniphie intei nipt ion no icpoits
icgauling tlie loss and suffoiinglo llvo stock
htixo xet been iceeived heie , bul the geneiul
opinion is Unit us the weather is so cold ou
the coast it must bo dniiijeiouslv sevcio on
the stock in the inter ior and wcslem pails of
Iho state.
Itll77ard HcportH Denied.
CITY , Jan. 10 Sensational ic
poits were sent fiom heio last night detail
ing the tori iblcsufTci ing in tills state dining
the bli7/ard of the last few das An authentic
thentic- denial of thcso icpoils has been
sent out by Di. Aloiiison Alunfoid , editor of
the Kansas Cil ) Times.
Anii."Nr , Kun , Jan. 10 Specials to the
Daily Giirctlo from Hrookvillc , Walliue ,
Scolt City , Saline , Solomon , Enterprise , Con-
coidia , Alunhatlan , Detioil , Chapman , June-
lion City , Clay Center , Hope , Horinglon and
other towns icport little or no suffering from
lack of food and fuel. Cattle uio icpoited
In good condition.
In the South.
Jxcivsov , Miss , Jan. 10 The coldest
weather of the season prevails throughout
the stale , extending ns far south us Sum
mit. The ground is covered with sleet , snow
and ice.
FOUT WOIITII , Tex. , Jan. 10. The storm
which began on Satin dav is abating and 10-
ports of losses are begming to bo tec'ivcd.
A fanner named Williams was frozen to
death in Fannin county. A negro boy was
found fto/en to dcalh in a diy goods box nt
Cleburne , in Johnson county , and a negro
named Johnson was fiO7cnto death in Cooke
county. Communii ation wilh Iho cattle ic
gions has not ) el been opened , but the nn-
piession is thai hundicds of head of cattle
weie fro/on. Tlio met euiy langod fiom II
degi ess below 7010 to 10 above on Satuula )
nighl and Sunday.
Murder Preferred to Fioc/iim.
HnxiNiui ) , Almn. , Jan 10 Lumbeimon
fiom Lilllo Falls , who have ciossed Iho
counlry fiom Piincclon , conllmi and give
additional details legaidmg the mnioied
murdcrof an enliio fainil ) . The ) state Unit
in tlio Swedish settlement , about txxenty
miles fiom Piinceton , a fanner named Hem v
Ostiiini muideied his fiinnl ) , ecmsisling of
his wife and seven childien. Ho gave as Ins foi the ciimo Unit ho feaied they
would f ice/o to deiith
TIII ; TiunoioMKrini HIRING.
Indlc-ntlotiH That the Worst of the
Frigid Phenomenon In Over.
DI-NV i ii , Cole , Jan. 10 [ Special Telegram
to the Hi i : ] Seigeant , the United
Stales inetcoiological obsei ver , Unit the
thitkondof thobli//aid which commenced
hcicFiiday , has gene away foi over , and
Unit the iittenutald ] > ci lion of the phenome
non is gliding oft us lapidly as possible Yes
terday morning at dav light the official thermometer -
mometer legislcied yi degiees below 7cio
Towaid noon the meieuiy imUratcdSdcgiccs
above /mo. Toward evening another full
bcc.imo apparently unuvoldablo , and the
ineicury went down again. The sky was
clear , tlio slai s show n oul very biightlv and
Iho air was diy and crisp At Ti o'clock Ibis
moining Iho thei mometer in the "Hui Coup '
icgistcicd 11 degrees below /eio. Inimedl-
ntelv aftet sunrisoa decldcdlr inoio pleasant
condition of Ihings took place and the mer
cur ) began climbing Uio ladder uiitil ill noon
the tenipciiituio in tlio shade indicated 12 !
degrc'es above /eio , with a tendencx liefoio
hiindown to go still higher. To moiiow piob
ably Iho weather will bo waim and genial ,
anil a Chinook will doubtless take the pl.uo
of tlio bitter noithur winch has witheieJ
things genei. ill ) the pist tlneo das. As.vel
no suflci ing among stock is tepoitcd fiom
the tango country , and the loss is
not gi i atcr limn usual
A Stumor Case.
Hv CITV , Midi , , Jan 10 The missing
fanner , Willllam II Fisher , who was thought
to ha\o been muideied In Alonltoi township ,
has been found ill Kochesler , Almn , by Iho
messenger Kent from Hay City His case
was onoof tliu stiangosl ever known heie
The wife and Ivvo children of Fisher ad-
milled Unit ho had been muideied , tlio for
iner acknowledging that she had witnessed
the deed committed b ) ono Wallace , who
stopping on the faim , and that she hail
washed up blood f i oin the floor Fisher was
ttucud to Kendall , Wis , b ) letter , and fiom
theio lo Kothcstor b ) James Gilbert , who
wentlo find him. The accused has been
leleascd fiom juil _
Frightful Coasting Accident.
Osxuoo , N Y. , Jau 10 Henjamin Saw
jer , ono of the ) oung men injured in the
coasting accident Saturday evening , Is dead ,
and one or two otheis aio liable to die. Tlioio
weio ten persons ou the bobs which ran InU
a hoax1) load of lumber , knocking It into UK
ditch Kxcr.x peifion on the bobs was icn-
deied Insensible from the foiro of the col
llslon , and some weio hoiiiblv cut and
Clt > 'H Hall rinh.
ClNciNVin , Jan 10 The Ameilcaii Haso
Hall association meeting adjourned to night
to meet to moiiow A proposition bus been
inado to Kansas City Nothing further of
Importancowas transacted. Mr. Whltclleld ,
i ( presenting the Kansas City club , bcemed to
think Kansas Cit ) would enter tlio associa
Goini ; Up HIM Nile.
Cxino , Jau 10 W. K. Vundeibllt has
ihaiteied n Hteamcr for a trip up the Nile
The tiip usuall ) occupies ubout three wceki
Thomas O'Connor's Journalistic
Venture to Bo Issued To-day.
Kllrain and Smith Have a Sot to at
London "Which NVnrl ) Itonulta -
in n Knockout Otlutr
I'orelizn Ncx .
A Home 1luli Dally. 54 * ,
[ foVV > tulit fvSS I HI Jiiinrn UnnlouIflltlffU W * *
LONDONJan -New [ Vmk Herald Cable 'V"
Special to the Hir ] An electilostar , M " i
night begins , is btlllliint over Parringilon *
market , near Ludgur circus , mid Is attractIng - *
Ing ciowds of lookoison. "Wlmt Is Itl"
thousands nsk , as seen fiom Holborn vla-
duet on one side mid Hhukftiurs bildgo OH
ho oilier. The star is fixed nearly opposite
lie old Fleet pilson , the sumo walls of which
foi m the sides of the gical Casscll printing
louse. A sententious policeman answers to ' * !
.ho Inquiry ofatlmoious old gentleman : *
"Only mi iidxertisement of Laboucltxjro's 4 $
nexv evening paper. " .
The idea of this elecliie slar placed over JJ
.ho nexv newspaper building em united from
.1'um O'Connor , an Al P. for Liverpool anil
editor of the Stnrwlihh appeals te-moiiow
the outside pages of which mo now being net N |
o save time. Theio mo gieat. picparntions i
ev iitcnt about the building. Little wagons J
mo about the fionl door , wilh u
lillle buttciy Inside to feed the
electlic slar on the xxngon polo. News- r
jo.\s aio I'lamouiiiig to get on the toll of the
nexv nexxspaper. Yesteidux's cable dispatch
told ) out i cadets how tadlcalism had re
cently gtown in London. The issue of the < *
newspaper evidences this stiongly. Mr. j.f
O'Connor gix cs out bis nexv platform to day
thus :
"I believe in advanced radicalism , but not
congestion of politic * I believe in tlio
espousal of the poor and oppressed , I
believe in Iho tieutmcul of le'iKirts an
a line art. I believe in n line and % (
l.n go collection of new s I bulicv o in the free
use of the Intel view I also believe in short
stoi ics and in the use of pu lines. I believe
that a London piper should bo wi ill en by
Londoncis foi Londoneis.
To an inlet view or to-lay Air. O'Connor
nisoguvoa sketch of his Joinnalistic experi
ence , in the com so of which bo said , aflor
icfeiiinglo junior xxoik when ho icported ou
the Daily Telegiaph for llttcen monlhs :
"I severed my conncctioii wilh Ihe paper
mid 1 joined Iho London staff of the
New Yoik Herald. Hero 1 remained for
thieo ) cms in comparative comfort. Th
now paper is intended us u i ival to the 1'cho ,
which is Hlill radical in all except the Ghul-
slono-Pui null plan of homo lulc. "
Mr. O'Connor Iwo \cars ago married an
American literal ) lady , a daughter of Ihu
Into United States Judge Paschal , of Texas ,
and she xx .is formerly a xv i iter for the Har
pers. She enjos the double distinction of
having been the wife of a foimer member of i
Iho Uniled States congress , noxv dead , ttntl
again the w ifo of a member of the British
parliament. ' ,
Talking of evening papers an injunction
was made final to day , subject to bo heard
to mot ioxr , against H. II. Mark's newspaper ,
w Inch ho hail named the livening Post. Mho' '
injunction issues at u suil of Uio Moining
Post. The judge siis the latter has the right
to issue an evening edition , hento the dam
age Upon tliis law the Daily Nexx's , which
is liberal , lias a light to stop the evening ,
which is toiy.
Smith and Kllrain Spur.
lO/J'l/'ylif / ' ' 'kVinif * ! / * Imiiliin Itrnnctl , ]
LONDON , Jim -Now [ Yoik Heiahl
Cable Special to Iho Hi i 1-While Smith
mid Kilialn this evening weio exploiting tlio
r. H ut the West End , Jem Muee and Wolf
Hemloff wuioat the Kml in the IJoyal
Albert music hall loviviti' , ' the P. K's tia-
dilions. At both pi ices laige ciowds at
tested the continuing populai it ) of pui'ilistio
exhibitions At the Aquaiiuin it evi
dent that both Smith and Ivili.iin icncvv
their icminibicnccs of Kouen veiy ener-
gelicall ) and are on their mettle At onetime
time in the last lound it looked foi a moment
as if they xveio foigetting tneio science and
xxcio going foi Imsim ss it xx'as in round
Ixxo that Smitli gaxo a thnioiigh fuccr , which
wokoup ICiliain , xxho luunclicil out his light
wild terrific foico against ,1cm and landed
another hoi ono , so hut , indeed , that Air *
Fleming had to caution the audience with ,
"No icnmiks , gentlemen " Heaxy ex
changes then ( iihticd of a suipiising chaiacv-
aeter , dining xxhldi Alildiull called
time. In Uio final lound ho added :
"Noxv xxo'io beltci ; that's how xxe felt. "
btiaiglit out went Kiliain's duxlei oar ric'ht
on Jem Smith's damaged listening appaiatus.
Kvldcntiy ho couldn't elude the bloxv , but
took It with his usual smile anil sent a pile
diIvor Into J. K.'schest which made him look
sci ions. Then they xx enl on fin iousl.x , think *
Ing , no doubt , thai Mitchell would call time ,
but ho left the champions enough loom to
paxx the air.
A Frene'h Imlior Defender Dead. "
[ f"JiW ttlht / MSijImnr * ( liinlnii llriiiiftt 1
Pxnis , Jun ill [ Now Yoik Ileiald Cable
bjiccial to the Hi : J Godln , founder of
Uio Fumillslvio , at Guise , a close i Iption of
whicli appealed in tlio Heiald in iSsi ) , is
dead Ho xvas mail led biu-h eighteen
monlhs ago to Millie Mai io Mai ol , his inde
fatigable fclloxx u inker and pluluiithiophlst.
Ho leaves the gieat labor problem behind
him If Fmnilisteio lives without him tnc
problem will have been solved.
Hi in is , Jan 10 Italian staff of
ficers in o bei o consulting w ith Gci man mill *
tin ) authoiitlcK II is tepoitcd that their
mission is in connection with Itilv s under
taking to soul 150XXJ , ( lioops to Galuciu la
event of wui .
LONDON , Jun ID A dispatch ft nm Masse
vx'ah sas Iho king of Abssmia lias sum
moned Itusuluhi and other i hlnfs ton ( oun-
c il to in i ango for a lei ward movement when
the main bed ) Joins KasaluU's- force at
VnsNt , iliin 10 Tlio icport Is cuirent
that the second Caucasian inmycoips has
bcn oideied to piocced to tlio Austtollou-
manlan fionller It is stated that the gov
ernment lias decided to he-gin a irfovement ol
t loops at an c.uly date It will send Intgo
lelnfouenunts of Hung.nian t loops to
Fienc'h IjCKl
PXIIII , Jan 10 The budget committee ot
Iho chamber of deputies bus i ejected the
llnamial seheino of Tiiaid , piimo minister
mid minister of finance , and bus lefused to
ac'iec to Immediate surtax on sunir , which
would bo appllc.iblo to the stock now In ic-
liners' hands The lommitUo insists that
the tax should commcneo hejitembei next.
Parncll'H FollovxorH Dlsjileasc'd. < l
Di m iv , Jan ID The follow eib of Panioll
nro gii'iill ) dissutmllcd with Ills udvlce , gJveu
In an Interview with a I'lceman's Joumal 10-
pnitur , to iibandon obittuUum uii thuds la
thucumiiiQiis ,