Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : 'MONDAY ' , JANUARY 16 , 1888.
Delivered by carrier In ny purt of the city at
tw ruty cents per w ek.
II. W TILTON. ' Manager.
ItCMNVfiA Orricr , No. 4J.
N. Y. Plumbing Co !
Kcltcr , tullor , Fall goods cheap.
Good coal ; full weight guarnnt cud C.
IJ. Lumber Co. , 900 Main st. Tel. 2-57.
Parties of 15 or 20 should order Wil
liam Lewis' big sleigh , 410 Broadway.
The Chiintmiqun circle will hold its
regular meeting this evening in its
The police pulled in Dave Freeze out
of the cold Saturday night for disturb
ing the peace.
Common council incuts to-night in
regular session. Busiyess of importance
will bo transacted.
J. G. Tipton has just had built a fine
fitoro building on Broadway for one of
his eastern customers.
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Ruthford. of Hardin township ,
will be buried to-day.
Committee meeting this evening at
the city building to arrange the details
of the return sleighing carnival on
Thursday next. Seven o clock sharp. _ _
There will be a social meeting of the
Woman's Christian association at the
hospital , corner of .Sixth avouuo and
Ninth street , at. { o'clock this afternoon.
Jimmie of Mr.
, the nine-year-old son
and Mrs. John Garnea , who died of
membranous croup , will bo buried at 2
o'clock to-duy in the Garner cemetery.
The revival meetings which have
been in progress at Broadway church
since Now years huvu been productive
of great good , and it has been decided
to continue them , during the present
week , at least.
The funeral of Mr. Bridgcman was
held at his late residence , HI North
Seventh street , yesterday afternoon at
8 o'clock , Rev. G. W. Crofts of the Con
gregational church olllciating. The
ronmitiH will bo taken to Sheboygan
, Falls , Win. , to-day , for final interment.
if Ono of the most elaborate society
events of the season will occur next
Thursday afternoon and evening at the
residence of Mr. and Mrs. Uert Kvans.
The following ladies will receive : Mrs.
J. P. Kvans. Mrs. William Kvans , Mrs.
Horace Kvans , Mrs. T. .T. Kvans and
Mrs. Bert Kvans.
Tommy Brooks , the aspiring light
weight of this city , is notMitislied with
his present success , but will meet Frank
Downs , of Davenport , in the pri'/o ring
about the Ih'st of March. Tlio light will
take place in Kansas , and is to bo for
9600 a side. Biookb is very confident
of winning , and has already gene into
training for the event.
Rev. W. T. Smith , presiding older of
the Council Bluffs district of the Metho
dist Kpiscopal church , has issued an
Eiibtcr service for the u'-o of Sunday
schools , in the interest of the mission
ary cause , by which ho hopes to increase
the collections for that object. Mr.
Smith lias already acquired quite a
reputation as n missionary worker , and
has been very successful. This now
service will probably bo generally
adopted by the Methodist church , and
will doubtless increase the mission col
lections very materially. During the
past three years this district has made
a tremendous increase in this line , and
is now the banner district of the west.
Splendid Business Opening
For the right man who has a capital
of $10,000. For full information call on
or address Forrest Smith , 14 Pearl st. ,
Council Bluffs , In.
For Sale Cheap Lots near the bridge
to parties who will build at once. Ad
dress or call on J. R. Rice , No. 110
Main btrcet , CouncilBlulYs.
Money to loan. W. S. Cooper.
A Simp.
Splendid chance to go into the imple
ment business 14 Beatrice , Neb. Since
the history of Beatrice there has never
been half so favorable a time as at pres
ent. If taken at oace will sell the entire -
tire stock of general implements , con
sisting of seasonable goods , regardless
of Address mo at Council Bluffs ,
la. , or Beatrice , Nob. O. P. McKesson ,
assignee forW. I. Shullenburgor.
An elegant residence with beautiful
grounds for sale. T. B. BALDWIN.
Ono thousand head of ono , two and
three-year-old steers for sale. Will give
credit to reliable parties. Enquire o
A. J. Greonamayer , 023 Mynstor st.
telephone 121.
For best quality coal and wood , call
on Glcason , 20 Pearl street.
Working a Salvation Sister.
Ed O'Donnoll. n lodger nt the city
jail , was in a great hurry to get out yes
terday morning , as ho wanted to go
over to the Salvation Army hall.
When asked by Jailer White what his
object was , ho exhibiilcd several rents
i'i his clothing and sakl , "I stand in
with Mrs. Smith and she don't want mete
to go around like this , so if I get up
there in time she will llx mo up like a
dudo. I toll you a follow has a 'pud' '
when ho gets a sister in the army stuck
on his shape. You needn't give the
biiap away , but if you over need any
thing of the kind just lot mo know , ami
I'll llx you up all right. " Charley said
heas not in need of a ncedlo-wieldor
just at present , but thanked his boarder
for his generous offer and lot him go.
It peoms there are several of the needy
ones who nro working the bame scheme
for all it is worth.
If you ilcslro to pot a now Hull typo writer
cheap , drop a postal card to 11. A. P. , HIB :
ofllec. A great bargain for the llrst who
E. II. Shcafo loans money on chattel
security of every description. Private
consulting rooms. All business strictly
confidential. OlUoo 600 Broadway , cor
ner Main street , up-stairs.
For Snip.
Wo offer as a special bargain 110
ncros , three miles east of the citysuita
ble to plat in live and ten acre lots.
! ! 3 Main sc.
Mrs. E. J. Baldwin , who has been
seriously indisposed forsomotimo , is re
ported as rapidly recovering.
Judge Carson spent Sunday with hia
family in this city.
C. R. Johnson , Knn&as City ; P. V.
Miller , Keokuk ; Eugene Kyi , Cincin
nati ; and L. M. Hartley , Salem , la. ,
were among yesterday's arrivals at the
"Boston" McCluno , of Omaha , hat
charge of the Council Bluffs department
of tuo Omaha Herald during Mr. . .
Thompson illness.
* i
Opium , morphine habits cured. Dr. .
, Bellinger , 014 B'wuy , Council Bluffs , .
Mayor Rohror and the Oommlttoo
Gather Encouraging Information ,
The Police Have nn Easy Sunday
How n Hnlvntlon Sister In Duped
Arranging For n Cold
r Tlic Clmutnmiim Move.
The committee appointed by the city
council to go east in the interests of the
Chautmiquiv assembly has returned ,
having accomplished all that was ex
pected on this trip. Their mission waste
to secure the co-operation of the various
railways centering hero and to do some
other preliminary work of this nature.
They were very fortunate in securing
personal interviews witli nearly everyone
ono of the men whom they desired to
see , without any of tlioso annoying delays -
lays which are so usual in affairs of this
kind. Most of the managers wore for
tunately at their offices , and there was
not ono but gave the matter a careful
hearing , and promised kindly consider
ation. The committee were very pleas
antly received on all hands and cour
teously treated. The importance of the
enterprise they represent , and the out
look for its success , seemed to strike the
railroad men with favor , and the com
mittee was assured that the matter
would be fairly and promptly consid
ered. The committee report that they
accomplished all they expected to , and
the mission was by no means in vain ,
the prospect being brighter for the es
tablishment of a real Chautauqua than
Mayor Rohrcr proved a host in him
self. He is an enthusiastic worker for
all enterprises which tend to build up
the eity , and this enterprise , reaching
out for still broader results , he threw
much xcal into securing for it such sup
port as will insure its grand success. J.
E. Ilarkncss , who has been very enthu
siastic in the movement , and has put
much time and strength into it , was also
asti'ong member of the committee , being
secretary of the nss-embly association ,
and having done much to'bring the en
terprise thus far along. Colonel Tul-
leys , president of the association , was
also ono of the committee. He aided
greatly in properly presenting the
matter to the ollicials whom the com
mittee visited , and then left for the
eilst , being called there on important
private business. D. W. Archer , ono of
the most energetic of the business men
of the city , was also on the committee ,
but unfortunately , after partly complet
ing the business , hoiis taken ill and
had to forsake it. S. S. Stevens , of the
Rock Island , was also on the committee
and was of no little aid. %
After attending to the business in
hand , Mayor Uohrcr paid his respects
to Mayor Koeho. of Chicago. Chicago's
mayor treated the visitors in a very
courteous manner , and though crowded
with hi'bincsH demands- , took time to
show them such matters as would be of
interest , and would prove of value to
Council Bluffs' mayor in the affairs of
this city. Chief Sweeney , of the lire
department , was nlso vorv kind and
arranged for giving Mayor Rohrcr and
his comrades a showing of the workings
of the department , but the terrible
storm came up and interfered. Mr.
Barrett , the veteran electrician , showed
the visitors all the workings of his de
partment , and gave them all needful in
The committee went from Chicago to
St. Louis to there interview other offi
cials. They were met with like encour
agement , and then Mayor1 Roher im
proved his spare moments in calling
upon Mayor Francis. This official re
ceived him and his companions very
courteously. The arrangements were
made for Chief Lindsay of the lire de
partment to show how quickly the boys
could turn out. The visitors were on
their way to the engine house to seethe
test made , when they heard the bell tap ,
and quicker than it can bo told ono
steamer after another wont Hying past ,
until they had counted seven. They
thought the display a good ono for so
short notice , and their bewilderment
was only cleared up when they discov
ered that the exhibition was not for
their benefit , but that a real lire hai :
broken out and nn alarm been sent in
Thp lire was a big ono and the boys put-
in their time in the more practical work
of putting it out , which they did well.
The test was not such a ono as they
were looking for , but they were well
On the way homo Mayor Rohrer and
Mr. Hnrkness stopped at St. Joseph.
Dr. Doyle , who is mayor of that city ,
gave the visiting mayor generous oppor
tunities for observation , and the gather
ing up of information from the various
departments. John Brady , chief of the
police , Chief M. Kane , of the lire depart
ment , and other ollicials , did all in their
power to make the brief stay a pleasant
ono.It was hero that they had ' the pleasure ,
too , of meeting Harry' Curtis , who
recently resigned the secretaryship of
the Y. M. C. A. here , to accept a like
position at St. Joseph. They found Mr.
Curtis getting into his new work with
every prospect of making it a grand
success. The now building occupied by
the association there cost $85,000 , and is
complete in all respects.
A Sermon Upon liberality.
Dr. Phelps , at the Presbyterian
church preached an instructive and
practical sermon yesterday. The points
presented are especially appropriate at
this time and will bo read by the read
ers of the Bin : with interest. The sub
ject was "Liberality , " expressed in the
words of Paul in II. Cor. , 8:9. : Fol
lowing the introduction the speaker
said : Paul was writing this letter to the
church of Corinth. Ho had organized
it , had preached to it nearly two years
and had over since been deeply inter
ested in it. Ho urges its members to
bo liberal. There was a special call for
liberal giving just then in the fact that
the i > oor Christians wore suffering down
in Judea and Jerusalem. Besides thiti
Paul urged four cont-idorations.
1. The example of the Christians
throughout Macedonia. They were
very poor. Their business was broken
up through the persecutions of both
Jews and Pagans. They were driven
from their homes ; hated , hunted ; prop
erty confiscated , heavily taxed , deso
lated by the civil wars ; burdened by
the tribute to their conquerors , and yet
they gave. They gave beyond tholt
power , and earnestly solicited Paul tc
receive it and take from them to the
poor at Jerusalem. There is nn exam-
plo here that wo may well study.
- . Ho urged that they possessed the
other graces ; vi/ , faith , knowledge , dill'
. gcnco and love ; they ought to abound
in this grace also. The Christian char
acter is not symmotical unless it bo lib
oral. A stingy Christian is a contradic
tion in terms.
'H. Ho urged the example of Christ tu
stated in the text. ,
4. Ho urged tho-tnotlvo of gratitude
Christ became thus poor , for your bakes
' 1 take occasion , in connection with
our annual contribution to foreign
eign- missions to-day , to urge
you to bo liberal. I have not
found you lacking in this. You Imvo
given generous responses to every ap
peal that I hilve made , still permit ; mete
to press the subject upon your attention
in the following considerations :
1. Wo need. God does not need any
man's money if Ho chose to do without
it. But Ho gives man an opportunity
to co-opcrato with Him in saving the
world. Such co-operation requires
money. Just now the doors are open to
the gos pel/in all the earth , and millions
of heathen nro calling for it. Men and
women stand ready to take it to them ,
but cannot for lack of money. Money ,
then , is needed. I know there are many
calls , especially on you business men.
You speak of the "everlasting giving , "
but I desire to everlastingly preach this
"everlasting giving'1 ns long as I live.
2. 1 plead your example us indi
viduals. Your name on a subscription
paper and the amount of it or the absence
of your name affects the whole subscrip
tion. As a church your example tells
in this community , in this presbytery
and throughout the state.
8. The pecuniary benefit of liberal
giving. 1 never new a man to grow
poor by conscientious giving. Wo read
of ono poor widow whoso oil and meal
were kept from failing through a famine
of two and a half years by sharing it
with others at the commandment of the
Lord. "Thoro is that scattereth and
yet incrcaseth , and there is that which
holdoth more than is meet and it toml-
eth to poverty. "
4. The satisfaction of being liberal
instead of stingy and of aiding the poor
and every good cause.
o. The spiritual benefit. The
liberal soul is made. There
is intimate connection between good
and good , as there is between gold
and greed and between gold and guilt.
It is an instinct of our nature to give as
prayer is. It is an act of worship. It is
pleasing to God and glorifies Him.
I plead the closing consideration of
gratitude for what Christ has done for
us. Though so rich Ho became poor ;
so poor that wo , through His poverty ,
might become rich. He was that babe
in Bethlehem , which knew only a
manger for a bed. Ho was that carpen
ter at Naxoreth , supporting Himself and
His widowed mother by His trade. His
poverty includes His humiliation which
involves all Hin suffering which was far
greater than wo know.
Tlio speaker clohcd with a number of
touching anecdote , illustrating liberal
giving and enforcing the appeal.
Guns of all kinds at Odell & Bryant's ,
C04 S. Main St.
On the market for over twenty years.
Still the most reliable and the most
popular sewing machine made. The
light running Domestic. Olllco 105
Main st.
Domestic patterns at 105 Main st.
Hopeless Strusfjlc Atjalnst Cold nnd
Frank Wilkc on in Now York Times :
The Tollcs realized that they had to
have coal. They had lost their crops
and were aa poor as their neighbors.
To buy coal it was necessary to take it
portion of the small sum of money they
had sacredly laid aside to meet the ex
penses of the coming of a longed-for
child. For several days they hesitated
to draw from this store ; then a sharp
cold night , during which the north
wind blew keenly * warned them to pre
pare , as winter drew nigh. The next
morning John Tollo hitched his incuni-
borcd horse to his mortgaged wagon
and drove thirty miles to town to buy
coal. Arrived there lie found many
other settlers , all of whom were poorly
clad and in llnancial straits , in town
after fuel. All told the same story : Cow
chips to burn , no solid fuel , almost a
total failure of crops and hardly any
money. These hardy men discussed the
danger which lurked in coming bliz
zards freely , as there were no women
there to bo alarmed. There was no
coal in the town. They surrounded the
empty bins and demanded and there
was menace in their tones of thedcaloi
ho had no coal.
"Gentlemen , " the dealer said ,
ordered 500 tons of coal weeks ago. The
railroad company will not haul the fuel
for mo. " lie was silent for an instant ,
then , in further explanation , said : "Yoi
see , the directors of this corporator
own the controlling interest in the coa' '
mines in the Rocky mountains and ir
Missouri , on the output of which wo depend
pond for fuel. This railroad companj
will not supply cars to free mines. The
corporation has resolved to put up the
price of coal , and they are dolibcratelj
creating a natural scarcity of coal so as
to bo able to charge higher prices for i
tit the mines. They arc preparing to
form a western coal trust. "
"Great heavens , man ! " the settler
exclaimed as ono man , "we raised noth
ing this year. Wo have neither graii
nor stock to sell. Our teams and tool
are mortgaged. Wo cannot raise : in >
moro money. How does the company
expect us to pay increased prices fo
fuel ? "
"That is just the trouble , " the dcalo
replied bitterly ; "you produced nothing
this year. Yon supply no outgoing
freight. So you must pay extra for in
coming supplies. At least that is the
way I look at it. See hero , men , " ho
added sardonically , "you Imvo mort
gaged your laud and chattels , and spent
the money in improvements and in liv
ing. Don't you sco that the railroad
corporation can make no further profit
out of you ? The sooner you are forced
to quit'the land the sooner other men ,
who will afford better plucking , will oc
cupy your places. That is about the
size of the tiling , " ho added , as ho nod
ded his head emphatically at them.
All the settlers talked and thought
and acted , so did John and Mary Tollcs.
One morninga week after John had re
turned coalle s from town , the south
wind was blowing briskly when they
awoke. It whistled rather mournfully ,
as is the wont of vapor-laden winds ,
around their small house. They arose i
and dressed , and walked out onto the i
prairie. The sky was cloudless , but ha/y.
As they talked of the future they heard 1
a low , faint roar , as though a distant sea
foamed on ji sandy shore. Steadily the
roar grow louder and louder. ' The dog
howled mournfully outside. The cattle
lowed plaintively. The Tollcs sat up to
listen. Then with a crash the wind 1
whipped into the north. The rain
drove furiously against the frail house
and blew through tiny cracks in spray
over them. Their house shook and
trembled. Gusts of wind blew down the
stovepipe and caused the light ashes to
lly in jots out of the openings in the
stove door , as though the steve were 11
mighty puff ball that was squeezed by
unseen hands. The dull sound pro
duced by falling rain was speedily re
placed by the sharp rattle of hall boat
ing against the house , Then ice parti
cles and fine snow began to sift into the
Louder and louder the storm raged ,
until the air resounded with the voice
. of outraged nature. It grew colder and
; colder , The youug people trembled in
bed. They piled all their clothes on
their blankets , and there they lay and '
shook through the night. The Tollcs
Wcro experiencing their first bliz
zard. As they suffered , and
through suffering added to their
scanty store of knowledge , their
hearts burned with anger at the brutal
wickedness displayed by the managers
of the railroad company , men who
know the land and its climate , in not
hauling coal to the towns along their
road for the settlers to buy. They
quickly realized the folly of attempting
to keep the room warm with the fuel
they had. They resolved to hoard it to
coolt their coarse food. So , after making
an unsuccessful attempt to get to their
stock , and in making which they very
nearly became lost in the storm , they
went to bed.
One day , two day , passed , and they
suffered physically and mentally the
while. When they awoke on third
morning the sun streamed redly through
the ice-coated eastern windows. The
blizzard had passed , the sky was cloud
less. It was intensely cold. They arose ,
dressed themselves , and opened the
door to look out. To the extreme of vi
sion the plains were white. All the ravines - > -
vines were drifted full of snow. Kvcry
familiar land mark had disappeared. The
cattle shed in the ravine was almost cov
ered with tightly-packed ice and snow.
After eating a scanty breakfast of corn
meal and bacon the Tolles dug n patch of
their cattle and watered and fed them.
Then they carried straw to their house
and rolled and twisted it into bundles
to burn in their stove , but it afforded
little heat , and the house was very
cold. The next day the wind blew from
the south , and it seemed to bo colder
than the north wind had been. The
day after that the snow began to melt ,
and in two days it had disappeared , ex
cepting in the ravines and draws. The
meadow lark returned and sat on the
sunflower stalk and sweetly proclaimed
that spring was coming soon.
The young people realized that they
could not live through another blizzard
without a supply of "coal. But it was
thirty miles to the railroad station and
John'hesitated to drive that long dis
tance on the mere chance of getting
fuel. On the afternoon of the fourth
day after the bli//.nrd a neighbor rode
by' their house and as he passed ho
shouted to them that there was coal at
the town. The young man determined
to go town the following day. The next
morning uas a delightful December day
on the plains. There was not a par
ticle of wind. The grass , coated with
hoar frost , glistened in the sunlight as
though millions of tiny electric lights
glowed on the prairie. The horses were
fed and hitched to the wagon. The
young husband came to the house to get
money and some food to eat on the
journey. Mary counted the sacred
hoard. It amounted to $11. She gave
John $ o with which to buy coal.
"John , " she said , hesitatingly and re
luctantly , "John , if you will sleep in the
livery stable in town it will save ome
money. You can take on of the blan
kets ; I will not need all of them , as the
weather is so warm and pleasant , and
you will be back to-morrow , you know. "
"Of course I am going to sleep in the
stable , " John said , pleasantly. "Butt
guc s I can lind bedclothing there. I
am afraid to lake any from you.1 lie
looked at the sky attentively for a few
minutes. It was clear to his eyes. Ho
did not notice the faint mist hanging
just above the plain away off to the
north. Again ho looked at the sky , and
saw no sign. "I do not believe it will
" he said "and if it
storm , , is chilly
night you can cover up with our clothes. "
Ho toolc the blanket from her out
stretched arms and tossed it into the
wagon. He leaned over her , and as her
arms twined around his neck ho drew
her close to him and kissed her lov
ingly and whispered , "I'll bo back to
morrow , dear. " She was loth to lot him
go. She clung to him and kissed him
repeatedly. lie laughed nervously and
very near to tears as ho gently loosened
her arms , saying lowly , "I must go
Mary , or the coal will all begone before
I get there. " Ho clambered into his
wagon and drove off.
The day continued warm. But the
young wife was lonely. She was op
pressed by the solitude of 'the plains.
Her house seemed to bo abandoned. She
called her dog and walked over the desolate
elate plains. She gathered the cow chips
in her apron. She fed and watered the
stock. She attempted to kill time ,
and the day seemed to bo the longest
and most wearisome she had ever expe
rienced. That nightshe lighted alamp
and sewed on small garments. Sdo
smiled as she worked. Apparently her
thoughts were pleasant. Without a par
ticle of warning the wind rushed out of
the north and struck the house with ter-
rilic violence. The air became cold al
most instantly. But there was no driv
ing snow. The poor young girl listened
to the howling wind for an instant , then
she gowed her head on the table and
cried bitterly , to be aroused from her
nervous grief by ablood-curdlingchorus
outside the house , as though 10,000
devils were exulting there. The dog's
hair stood upright on his hack , and ho
growled savagely. Light footfalls pat
tered around the house. Then the
devilish chorus again sounded.
Mury sat with blanched face
and faintly throbbing heart , look
ing through fear-expanded oycs at the
door , where she fancied she heard in
quiring snills. Her dog became wildly
excited and barked furiously. Miir.v
was so greatly terrified that she m
longer lelt the cold. She wont to bci
to hide. She covered her head with a
blanket as a timid child does , and lay
awake for hours listening to the coyote s
frightful ehorous , and listening she fell
into a dreamful , troubled sleep.
It was morning , a few liakos of fine
snow shot through the air. Mary arose
and fed the cattle. She wondered at
the intensity of the cold. The northern
sky was black with fro/.en anger. She
built a lire in the stove nnd boiled a lit
tle cornmenl for her breakfast , a portion
of which she gave to the dog. It grow
colder and colder. The snowllakes wore
becoming moro numerous , and ap
peared to bo smaller than they were
when she aro--o , and ( , ho wind gathered
strength as it blow. Murv glanced tit
the clock , its hands marked 9. "John is
at the top of the second divide by this
time , " she said. Ten o'clock. The
sno was falling freely nnd al-
moat horizontally. The mercury
marked far gelow zero. The noise of
the storm was terrific. She became
anxious about John. But there were
neighbors' houses at intervals on the
road , and ho would surely lind shelter
in ono of them. And maybe ho had
not left town. She became nervous ;
she could not cat ; she thought of her
Ohio homo ; vis-ions of great piles of
firewood and bins full of coal arose be
fore her ; she conjured up the old gray
house and the beehives nnd the apple
trees , and her eyes filled with tears.
She grow colder and colder ; she
crawled into bed and covered hemelf
with the blankets ; shu grow colder ;
she aroo and stuffed the steve with
cow-chips ; they burned freely , but
throw out liltlo heat. Fearful of her
life , she called aloud for her husband.
The shivering dog wagged his tail in
answer and came to her. She grasped
the axe and chopped a portion of the
lloor into firewood and burned it ; she
chopped the furniture into firewood and
hovered over the stove with extended
hands as the hard wood burned.
Darkness fell < m tho' plains. Su
lighted her lamp and hold her half-
frozen hands above the glass chimney
to warm them. She got her sowing nnd
tried to sow. Her lingers were too stiff
to handle the fine nccdlo she worked
with , and the small white garments
which she was making slipped from her
lap and fell on the lloor.
By midnight the storm had passed
and the bright stars shone on the snow-
covered earth. The wind fell. Mary
continued to feed the steve with bits of
hard wood furniture until the room be
came sutllciently warm for her to go to
bed. The mattress lay on the unehoppod
lloor close to the stovo. She lav clown
and covered herself with the thin blan
kets. She could not sleep. She pictured
her husband lost in the blizzard how
glad she was that she had given him the
blanket. Then she saw liini sleeping
comfortably in u neighbor's house , and
the wagon partially lllled with
lumps of coal stood outside how good
it looked. She argued with herself and
tried to bo cnecrful , but there
was a strange , unwonted pres
sure on her heart which
would not bo reasoned away. It inter
vals she slept fitfully , and visions rolled
through her brain. She was up early ,
just as the whitish-gray light began to
disappear. She was strangely weak"and
nervous , and she marveled at her con
dition. While she was trying to build
a lire she heard the crunching of In
tensely cold snow as wagon wheels
rolled over it. She arose and walked
to the door , saying :
"Thank God , ho has como at last ! "
She opened the door and saw the
team of norscs , with low-hanging heads ,
wearily approaching the houso. No
driver sat on the wagon seat.
"John is walking behind the wagon
to keep warm , " she said , as she pressed
her hands to her bo om to quiet her
throbbing heart.
The tired , storm-beaten horses slowly
approached the house. She s-nw that
the lines wore tied around the dash
board. John was not walking behind.
"Tlio horses have run away and loft
him , " she whispered with white lips.
"That is it. Ho will como presently. "
The horses halted in front of the door.
She grasped the door post with her
hands to keep from falling , and gazed
wildly through terrified eyes far beyond
the wagon over the fro/en plains. She
shrank from looking into the wagon.
Her white face became deeply lined.
Her heart was compressed as with
slowly-shrinking hands of steel.
"I know ho has remained behind , ' '
she whispered lowly. Then with a supreme
premo ollort she grasped her nerves
strongly and walked with a firm stride
to the wagon and looked over the high
sideboard. She staggered back with the
infirm stops of age. Did she see her hus
band1 ! No. She saw a fro/.en corpse
with its legs drawn up as in pain. She
saw a distorted face with fro/on , lolling
tonguoand eye sockets filled with snow ,
nud the long , black hair was matted
with snow and ico. And the arm.s of
the corpse were extended and the out
stretched fingers grasped at the bottom
of the wagon as though greedily trying
to clutch lumps of coal that were not
Mary tottered into the hou e. She
crouclied on the mattress for a moment ,
and looked wonderfully at the small ,
white garments which were lying on the
floor. She felt tired , very tired , and
sleepy too. She tried to arose hort-clf
to action , tried to realize her loss. She
reproached herself for not caring for
the exhausted horses. But she was too
tired , and cold , and sleepy , that she re
solved to lie down for a moment before
she attempted to do anything. She lay
down on the hard mattress and feebly
pulled the blankets over her. She
closed her eyes and nestled a little , as
though to obtain moro comfort. A
warm glow pervaded her entire body ,
and she was mildly surprised that cho
could have thought the morning was
She was motionless for a few minutes.
Then a rare smile played around her
white lips , her eyes opened wide , she
looked through the open door far to the
eastward , where the rising sun red
dened the heavens. The Kansas life
and all its hard , cruel realities disap
peared as a troubled dream , and she
saw her husband standing under a full-
blossomed apple tree in the orchard.
Bees were humming in the overhanging
limbs. The Miami river shown as a
broad band of silver. The westerly
hills were bathed in warm , rosy light.
Her husband smiled at her 'and with
outstrctceed hand beckoned her to como
to him. Mary smiled radiantly in reply
and went to him.
advertisements , ouch as Lost.Found
SPECIAL . For Sulo.To Kent.Vauts , lionnllnK.
etc. . will be Inserted In tills column at the low
rate of TEN CENTS I'EK LINE for the drst In
sertion and Klvo Cents Per Mue for each subse
quent Insertion. I.oiivu advertisements at our
olllro No. 12 Pearl Street , near llroadway Coun
cil UluflH , Iowa.
W ANTRIA boy with pony to take carrier
route on the Dec.
F Oil SAM' furniture nncl stoves at a nacrl
flee to reduce Mock. You can buy lit your
own prices. A.J.Mandel.
EXCHANGE Omnhaand Council IllulTa prop
erty and western land for stocks of mer
chandise. Call on or address J. H. Christian ,
KM llroadway. Council lllulfs , la.
FOR BALE Second-hand Columbia blcyclo
very cheap , 63-inch , at Uee ofllce.
UILDINll lots ami acre property for sale by
F. J. Day , 3U I'earl bt.
I have now for fcale a 4-year-old trotting sUV
lion. His sire and dam both stamUad
Eighth and Farnam btreetn , Omatia.
Or the Llouor Habit , Positively Ciirodby
AdmlnlsU-rlnt , ' Dr. HaiutV Golden
ut It can bo given In a cup of colfeo or tea Ithi
i-the knowledge of the per.son Mkliu ; It ; ubsolu
dly liariulubH , and will ellect a permanent ui
esneedycuie , whether the patient H a modern !
f drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands f
drunkard * have been made tempeiato men wlic
tmvo taken Uolden Bperltlc In their colfee with
out their know ledge and to day bellovo they nu '
drinking of their own free will. IT NRvlJl
1'AI I.S. The Fj-htem once Impregnated w 1th tin
t-pecltlc , It becomes an utter Impossibility foi
the liquor appetite to exist. Tor wale by ICnhi
\ Co. , 15th and lou las hts. and 18th and Cum1
Ing bin. . Omaha , Neb. ; A. D. 1'oster Jc Hro.
Council HUilIs , la.
tiuoui. mild , > c thh t curtcnu o
llr dlncilj throuih til * eik { uni.rr itoi *
lo h , IUl odYif"rou 8trrnlh. tlt cute
cirrtntJ -I.1 | Ipiuml/ IJ.OOO foruh.
Onu tluiprov iuiQtlotfr aIlolK rL tU. Woiilcimptr *
u. < nUT cunil la thru moiUif ktilf il pinipbliMe. rtunp
Ike Iwdt * ElNtria Co. 109 L 3 llc U C Mc c
1'iANOs TUB II TKST Srvi.r.s IN i'RiH : ( OIKIA.NS Kdi.i , IN VOMIMK.
We Defy Alt Competition nnd Ghnltoncc n Cumpnrlrioii of Good * Anil 1'rloci
With Any Ilonno In the Wmt.
Will sell you groceries cheaper than you can buy
them anywhere else on earth. Mail
orders solicited.
DR. C. B. J U D D ,
No. GOO Brondwny , Council Bluffs , lown.
WANTED Good Salesmen on large commission or salary.
RINTflY RTTRKR Attornoy-at-Law , Second Floor Brown
llllJULl DU1UVD ' ) Building , 115 Pearl Street , Council
Bluffs , Iowa.
N Justice of the Peace. Office over American
, Express , No. 419 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
QTVK Attorneys at-Law , practice in the State
011110 , auci Federal Courts. Oflice Kooms 7
and 8 , Shugart Beno Block , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
EO RABMflTT Justioc of tlle Peace , 415 Broadway
, 0 , DAIUimi , Council Bluffs. Pvefers to any bank oy
business house in the city. Collections a specialty.
WflftflRIIRY & QflN < i Dentists. Office coiner o
, , Pearl St. and First Avenue
John Allen , 1'rop. The Great Bargain
Uiitrancos 112 Main
mull 13 Pearl St. SHOE STORE
. , , ,
Open IH at 100 Main Street ,
p. 111. Council lIltilTs Council IllulK la.
Ion a. B. A. 1'k'icc. I'l-op.
Hazard & Co Mrs , f , B , White Wm-FilzgeraW ,
Polo HBcnt" for Dealer la
Ilotnry sliuttleMiimlartl anil Fancy
Sewing Machine Restaurant , Staple QEOCEIUE3.
Fur Nebraxka It West- Store , Now Stock.
. New
rrn Iowa. No. 337 Hroadway.Coun- 'IV Mnln St. , Crcston
, . .
Ofllcc Hki.Maln St.Coun- llouno Hlock.
ell ninth , lowu. , lima. . .
Agentn Hunted. Council Illuffa. 1 *
Nenmayer's ' Hotel Teller & Egan ,
J. Neunmycr. I'rop.
Wholesale and retail
$1.00 1'EU DAY.
Grain. Flour Feed
Street ear connection ] ,
to all elf noti. Ilalcil dayetc.
Klro proof utituln In con
ncitloii.Noi . fur Walnut lllockCoul
210 . llnmdwny. ina Mala St. Council
Opp. Ofcrtlen lloune .
Council lllufftt. lown. Illulls.
No. 201 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Both. Domestic and Foreign.
1514 DOUGLAS STREET. - - -
Carriage and Express Line ,
Telephone No. m.
All nilU from District Telegraph Olttco
promptly attended to.
COO Broadway Council muffs , Iowa. Khtabllsli d
t'AIUTK & SON , I'ron's.
All Kinds of Steam Boilers & Sheet Iron Work ,
Orders by mail for repars promptly attend Od
to. tUllsr.ictlon guaranteed , lirth Avenue. Ad
Uresb Ojulen IJullur Works. Countll Illuff , Iow
i . . - . . . . .
1 ' . . ' . ' ( . - . . ' ' ' ' ' ' .
* '
Star Stables and Mule Yards A
liroiuhvny , Council HluTn ( , Opp. Dummy Iopo& '
Herpes and mnlen ronntantly on hanJ , for
sale at retail or In car load lots.
Onleis promptly lllled by contract on-short
.Stock sold on commission.
Telephone IH. HCIIMJTI'.ll & HOM5V.
Opposite Dummy Depot , Council Illulfa.
Main Street , Council Bluffs.
_ '
Only Hotel in the City with Flro Es-
capo. Eloctrlo Call Bolls. ,
Accommodations First Class , J
Rates Always Reasonable , f
MAX MOHN , Proprietor. jj
0 , H , McDANELD & CO , ,
Hides , Tallow , Pelts , '
Wool and Furs.
Hlcjlw.V. Market Prices. Prompt
Returns. ' >
20 and 3 Main Btreet.Councll lllutrs.Ipvr * .
' '
' . . ' . . * ' . . ' : > ; . , . , . . - ' ; . ' ; .