THE COMMERCIAL TRAVELER , A. Tohat Locnl Orennlsotlpn-Hon- orlug the Tourist THE CAPITALIST OF BIGTOWN. A. Splendid ItpipoiiNp AV. C. T. Ilonrd A .Suggestion .Small Order * Omalm'H Sunday OIIIUH Thawing Out Samples. A Toast. Could I sip of the nectar the gods only can , 1 would 1111 up the glass to the brlin , And drink success to tliu traveling innn , Anil tliu liouso represented by him. And could I but Uncturo tlio glorious draught With the smiles IIH I drink to him then , With thu laughs ho lias laughed and the jokes ho has told , I would 1111 up thu goblet ngalti , I would drltilc to the sweetheart who bade him good-byo , With u tenderness thrilling in bll < u , Ho thinks of her now , us hi.- ) heart heaves n sigh , Recalling the sweets of the hiss. To the purest of hearts and fairest , of hands I'd drink with my IIOIKJS and my prayers That tlio ono nho must trust Is a traveling man , Who will shato nil her Joys und ht-r carc.i. I A fiulil drink to the wife with her babe at her knee , Who awaits his return bye and b.vo , Who opens his lottcra'so tremulously , And reads as the tours 1111 her eyo. [ would nimlt to the feeble old mother , Who Bits by the llresldo alone , Who murmurs und wocua o'er the stocking she knits , As she thinks of her wandering win. I'd drink long Ufa and hoaUh to llm friend Who meets him with many n cheer , To the generous hands the strangers extend , To the sojourucr wandering hero. And at hist , when hoqiiits this rnrthly abode And has paid tlio last faro that ho can , "Mine Host of the Inn , " at the end of the road , Will welcome the traveling man , A Ijiioul I'ost. At the annual convention of the T. P. A , hold in St. Louis In Juno last , Mr. O. P. I'in. doll was rc-oleeted president of the iissocia tlon and placed on a salary , lu consldorn tlon of this salary , n very generous figure bj the way , President Pindoll was to "take tin road January 1 in the Interest of the nEsocin tlou. " In accordance with this Mr1 Pindel began his now duties the first of the year am is now "doing" the southern states. Hi : mission Is to establish local posts of the T. P A. and ho will visit every city in the coun try where there Is u distxisltlon among tin commercial travelers to org.inUo. Any clt ; whcro fifteen traveling men mnho theii headquarters Is legitimate prey for the na tinnal orgnni/or , and the number of loca posts is oxpceted. to mcrcaso very rupldl ; from this time forward. The promotion o BocliU good fellowship being the ehiof aim o the T. P. A. , its oflleers can readily fratcr nlzo with the sectional organi/ation of drum liters , and Mr. Pindell stulca that ho ban beei most cordially received wherever ho has moi tlio officers und members of such bodies a : the Western Commercial Travelers' ussocia tion. It Is not likely that Prosl dent Pindull will omit In his tour the city o Onialm. On the contrary it was stated b ; Mm in a recent conversation with an Omahi traveler that this city would certainly re celvo a visit from him , as Omaha as a jobblni center was prominent throughout tin country. When "tho T. P. A drummer" docs visit Omaha i is not likely that ho will meet with any o | position In his effort to establish a post ii this city. Among the number of traveler who represent the commercial Interests o Omaha uro many with the ability requlslt to inuho such an organisation n success. Th promotion of good fellowship Is not alone th object of such an organization , Whllo it wil cduco all the kind and brotherly feeling possible in such an organization , It will fin ulsh u resort where the many things alTcci Ing the Interest und welfare of the travelln ; man can bo discussed and steps taken t remedy the wrongs and Inconvenience h cidcnt to their ntTuirs. There nro many propositions which mny b K made which whim acted on will prove ben < ilchtl to the commercial traveler ; and it wl bo noticed that In nearly every instanc these propositions affect matters in whit every clti/.cn is interested. The orguniz.itic of the Omaha traveling men will bo ben lleinl to the citizens generally ns well as t the fraternity. In conversation with u nun .11 IHT of leading traveling men , a represcntati\ . of the HKIJ was assured that there would I little trouble to orgaul/e a post in this cit us tlio greatest ot interest in the iuatt < would bo manifested by all concerned. Honoring tlio Tourist. It is n pleasant custom now being observe by many of the hotel managements throng ! out the country , Unit of giving banquets I the commercial travelers of their rcspectii Boetions. The hotel derives more pitromi { nnd benefit from thcso travelers than fro nny other class of people and these rccogr lions have been fully appreciated by tl pucsts at the banquet table. The number traveling sah-imen who como to Omaha ai Iiatroniio the hostleries of this city is exccc liigly large. It will bo strange if an cnU prising hotel management of Onialm do not , in tlio near future , tender these touris n banquet. It is all the go now and tl Omaha hotel cannot alTord to bo behind th of other prosperous cities. Tlio Capitalist of lilgtown. The friends of Captain C. V. Hainafor nnd he has many of them , toll of an interes Ing experience which happened to this ge tlemaii in southern Iowa in the early part i December. Mr. Unlnsford has for four you represented the house of Peycko Brother nnd is to-day traveling for Pcyeko Urotho company over a territory where , by uprig dealing , ho has maintained a flattering trad On one of the first Tuesdays in the moir of December Mr. Ualnsford arrived atiism : village in Iowa , nnd utter registering at tl only hotel In the town , proceeded to visit li p.Urons. The house of F - & Co. is t only establishment of any importance In t place , und it did not take long for thotravcl to sell u very satisfactory bill to this fir This completed , he found that ho could get away from , say Higtown , until noxtnoi nnd with characteristic contentment t genial traveler proceeded to make himself Inline at the store of his patron. Now , C ; tain liainsford knows one or t' tilings , but is not especially ( bervunt only when , occasion demands Not In the least eu lions , ho did not not ! that during all the lima ho was helling 1 bill u well ( IresM'd stranger was an allcutl witness to nil the proceedings , Hail ho be observant lie would have noticed that nil t tlutu ho was in the store tltU stranger hep curious gaze upon his ample form. It u Into in tlio afternoon when "C. V. " was < Joying his cigar nnd endeavoring- ku warm by un untlijuatcd stove , that u lull the trade ooeurcd nnd Mr. V - , the soul member of the firm , came around to ci with him. Seeing tlio stranger , Mr. turned to the traveler and remarkr "B.iinsforil , are you acquainted with A Henry W - 1 Mr. W - , Mr. Hulnsfoi Mr. H. is tx traveling man. Mr. W. is t capitalist ot Higtown. " Now if there is ai thing Hnlnsford 1ms n weakness for it i capitalist. Ho is never moro at homo th when discussing the tlniinclal qucstli menus for reducing the surplus , el imd It wn's with unusual cord I ity that ho seized Mr , W hand. Mr , W. himself wns equnlly gl to meet the traveler. Ho hud many wa friends In the fraternity , ulwuys found th well-Informed gentlemen nnd wns pleased become acquainted with ono of the class. did not take long for the commercial tn elor to perceive that the now ucqualntni boio a troubled look us if burdened w some hidden sorrow ; but this he uttribul to | H > rhnps some family ufllictlon or coin ] cnted disease , Quito u pleasant hour wns spent by I two in exchanging mutual views and pleased was the traveler with his new ( jualntunvo that ho invited him to take b . . - . . * * * U5i per with him. Mr. W declined , how ever , nnd "C. V. " proceeded on his way to the Inn , where ho did full Justice to the hos pitality of 'mine 'host. It was perhaps 8 o'clock that ex-enlng when Mr. Hainsford wns seated In the "ofllce" Of thp hotel , that Capitalist W made his nppearnnce. In response to un Invitation to bo seated the capitalist declined nnd asked If ho could tres pass on the tlmo of the traveler for about thirty minutes. Ho deslreil to sco him In private nnd would not trespass longer tlinn absolutely necessary. The accommodating Hainsford was only too glad to comply und taking u candle Invited the capitalist to his room. Arriving In the apartments set aside for his use the traveler handed his visitor the only clniir In the room and seated himself on the bed with n "now what can 1 do for you old follow" expression on his genial face. "I wunt to conilde In you , " exclaimed the capitalist In husky tones , This was somewhat startling to the travel ing man und ho moved his rotund form un easily ns visions of some horrible tulo being entrusted to him ro , c before him. With com mendable firmness , however , Hainsford refilled , "confide away , " From this on the events of the night are more llko a vision than reality to the traveler. An absolutely accurate uccount of those events will perhaps never bo received and they are given In us brief form und with as strict ndhcrcnco to facts us is inmi- ble with the data at band. "As you must bo aware , " continued the capitalist. " 1 am possessed of considerable menus. For some time pnst I have hud u premonition that I shall soon die. I nm not a man of family , though 1 have many relatives who would llko to secure my property. They arc not entitled to it by reason of their treat- mcntof mo in the past , nnd I wish to urrnngo so that they shall not secure a cent. To do this I desire to make my will. There Is only one lawyer In this town , und him I do not trust. 1 appeal to you us a now found friend to aid me. Certainly with your knowledge of fiscal affairs and general Information you can frame my desires on paper so that my hard-earned money shall go where I want it. " This was u startling request. It happens , however , that Uulnsford has some uciiuunt- iiuro with legal forum ; In fact it is stilted thnt Vthi'ti his parents realized the Impropriety of making n minister out of him they started their young hopeful In n legal course , and lu this way the gentleman became somewhat acquainted with the forms of law. Obliging in all things , the traveler agreed to undertake the tusk , und from the folds of his the cuirttullst drew forth pen and paper , Uainsford took his seat at the table and the stranger prepared to walk the room. It is unnecessary to go Into details. With masterly skill the commercial traveler drew up the preface to the legal document , which assured a curious public that the de visor wns n mnn of sound mind , etc. , und then prepared to take a list of the legacies. These will bo us interesting to the public ns they were nstounding to the trnvelor. To tlio county commissioners ho bequeathed in trust $10,000 , to bo used in a movement to discountenance sowing tens among women over tweuty-llvo years of ago ; to the Hunker - or ' association ho entrusted $2,000 to bo usoo to reward with u comfortable funeral bunk cashiers who die tills ftldo of the Canadian line ; to a prominent citizen of the county he gave in trust $15,000 to bo expended hi curing Sarah H. Crluipsoii , u local spinster , of stutt ering ; for the erection of a town pump in Uigtown he gave the liberal sum of (500 ; out of his abundance ho remembered the com mercial traveler with no sparing hand , J5.00C was the amount ho donated for the agitation of the subject of better rates to the traveling men. These rates to bo u faro of 0111 cent per milo und permission to carry 2000 extra pounds of bnggngo. In addition to this ho gave t-0,000 to aid in the erection of a homo for retired und destitute traveling salesmen , to bo located In Omuha. To the secretary of the treasury ho entrusted $10,000 to bo paid out as a prize to the person offering the best means of reducing the sur plus in the national treasury ; contestants for this prize to bo over the ago of llftcon yours , bunk cashiers , coal barons und news- p.ipcr reporters not eligible ns contestants. As nn Incentive ho bequeathed In trust to thr Western Commercial Travelers association | 3lX ) , ( ) ( ) to bo by the board of directors distri buted into thrco prues llrst $15,000 , second SI 0,000 , and third $ T , OUO ; to bo paid out as r pri/.o to the thrco commercial travelers wno during a period of live years subsequent tt his de.ith should sell the largest amount ol goods west of the Mississippi river. And so the distribution of wealth went or until nearly f lf > lOUO ) , had been disposed of am the capitalist turned to the man of eommem nnd rcmnrked : "Aud now I'll Ux you foi "No ; no , " exclaimed Buinsford , I won ! take a nlcklo. " "How iheiican I pay you for your trouble ? ' "I don't want any pay , " said C. V. , "ii you've got un extr.i couple of thousand t < spnro give It to build a school house here Lord knows you need It. I won't tnko darned nlcklo. " " \fery well put down your $3,000 for i school house in Uigtown. " The legacy went down and the instrumcn1 was finished , barring the acknowledgomen and witnessing of the sumo , which the cap Italist said ho would do before n Justice th next morning ; and bidding his traveling f ricm good night withdrew , leaving the tired mm of commerce to dream of the events of th evening. The next morning Bainsford nrosi bright and early und ufterllnishinghis oreuli fast wont out in the "oftlco. " Presently ; citl/cn entered and remarked , "Well , pee old Capitalist W is no moro. " "What , " exclaimed Uainsford , "you say h h dead I" "Yes , died last night nt 12. " Drawing on his coat Hninsford hastcnc to the store of F & Co , where mcetln Mr. F , the senior partner , ho asked to sc him in his private ollleo. "I say F , they tell mo Mr. W 1 dead. Is it possible ) " "Yes , poor fellow , ho died last night at 1 o'clock. He's better off. " "Hut , nay. let mo tell you In confidence , wrote his will for him last night , nnd ho wn to have signed and acknowledged it till morning. " "Wrote his will I Great Crcsar , man , th fellow didn't have u cent. Hccn living on th charity of his brother-in-law hero. I forgi to tell you why wo called him the capitalist "Why was itl" gusi > cd Hainsford. "Ha imagined lie was ono. Crazy as a loon , replied F. Uuinsford fabled. ' ' ' A'Splendid itespotiso. At a banquet given the traveling men < the northwest January 8 , in'St. Paul , Mr. . C , Applegillo responded to the toust "Tl Commercial Travelers , " In the followin words : "The commercial traveler is tl : offspring of the evolution of ideas in con merco. lie occupies with a graceful hautci a position in the universe around which rt volvo the constellations of finance. Tli sturters in the race for gold wait for nini t give the word. The speed at which the world moves , 111 quality and degree of its SUCCORS , depend upon his diligence. In these days of nrbitn tlon and hignly developed diplomatic servid there is no more striking example of the su cess of the system than Is furnished by tl unprecedented growth of the fraternity < commercial travelers during thp quarter of century that has elapsed since' its inceptloi Doubtless n largo majority of the able ; diplomats of the ago. hove Mood withoi recognition in the ranks of the commcrcii traveler. They have been men , too , wlv their patriotism stimulated by a propt pecuniary consideration , would joyfully ha\ sncrlllrod themselves by consenting to ndoi this department of their country's scrvic When such a condition ot ulTulis us this possible of existence it Indicates some radlc ; defect in the civil service Hut , gentk'inc : the day star of hope Is visible iu tlio horizo . our deliverer is at hand. Wo have with i I : to-night , as ono of our most honored guest r. a statesman of no small caliber and inllucnc r.d. who , doubtless , having now had this matt < in properly presented to him , will desire i iny greater boon than the privilege of devotii u what remains to him of a well-spent life in the achievement of so lofty an ambition i inn , that of scoui ing to every common-la ! traveli . ' . , duo recognition of his talents at the hnndb < ds the general government. - sid "Standing scntlmiMlkc upon the hlghwt idm of progiess , the mminprcinl traveler nink < idm the era when the ill ones of the past we m succeeded by the lustlcis of the present ; tl U ) pathway behind him , ns far into the past i Itv history enables us to discern , is thick v- htroun with the empty shells of the birds vca genius who uro now sonring into the rualii th of discovery , delving Into the debris of tun nnd the accumulation of exploded theories conscientious search for grains of truth , wandering , grip in hand , over the bro ; lie domain of his majesty , the storm king , In so moro or less successful endeavor to razz ] 10.- dnzzlo the unsuspecting granger merchni Since our eminent brother Do Laitro cross ttic raging St. Anthony In n dugout In ' 07 , the fraternity hns grown from thrco or four pioneers to an army exceeding l.OCOmon representing mercantile interests locntcd north of Chlcnpro ; since that many change * hnvo been wrought touching matter * of Import to the commercial traveler , but gentle men , ns heretofore , Jncks or better are still necessary to the successful opening of a "Jack | K > t. " "The commercial traveler Is ono of the most conspicuous und Important features of the advancement of the rontury. Conspicu ous because omnipresent and so entirely cos mopolitan ; luit > ortutit because ha furnishes so largo a proportion of the railway nnd hotel pntronngoof the country ; conspicuous bccnuso every whcro heard ; Important bo- causoeverywhere felt ; conspicuous because ho roams the country with nn nlr of holding letters patent to no smnll portion of It ; im- txirtnlit because ho leaves a cash trail behind him In keeping with the width of the swath ho cuts ; conspicuous because to him the art of kicking is by no means u lost nrt ; ImiKirt- tint because no guest knows qulto so well as hohow to express his satlafaction with fair treatment ; ho Is conspicuous finally because when through some misdeal ho llnds himself in n village church , ho looks as If ho realized that ho had been steered against a brace gnmo ; ho is Important then because ho U fro- imcntly the only mnn In the house who , when the collection Is taken up , chips In us If ho hud a cold thousand In his Insldo | > ockct nnd was prepared to bet 'em to u standstill should they give him provocation. Among all pro- fo slons that of the commercial traveler is , by its chief characteristic , raised Into pre eminence : the preacher with his prayers , the lawyer with his lies , the doctor with his doses retire Into the oblivion of Insignificancy before the dug/ling splendor , the Impressive ponderosity , the transcendent Imcomparu- blllty of the gull of the commercial traveler. "Tho distingue and utterly Irresistable hotel clerk , who all the ladies say is inirfoctly lovely , bows In tacit admission of the iiinuto knighthood of the commercial traveler. "To the rural merchant our traveler an swers as a substitute for an International gazetteer , Is considered undisputed author ity In law , politics , love and religion ; In fuel , hais a perambulating cyclopedia of events past and present , to his customers , nnd at times when it seems to him expedient ho es says the role of astrologer and , giving rein to the Pegasus of his imagination ho horoscopes scopes startling advances in the near future in the commercial value of goods ho Is en deavoring to unload. The well-known rep utation of our traveler for sagacity serves to protect him from the assaults and machina tions of semi ! of the deadliest enemies of so ciety ; the confidence man marks him down and passes by on the other side , while that Inhuman creature who vacillntntes to nnd fro In the train , vending indegostiblo and nervo- shattprmg literature to thounsalted , disturbs not bis meditations. No class of society is to the "tender " moro nusceptlblo passion" than are commercial travelers. At times they seem to fall about us "like loaves in wintry weather. " Time , however , is the es sence of the drummer's contract at lovemaking - making , and , ns is frequently the case with his dinner , ho must bolt it or go hungry. "If our traveler bo a married man ho com mands the respect of his neighbors and tlio love of his wife and babies Is his. If hobo smglo ho stands 'way up in O' in the regard of his liest girl , while ho is considered u law ful target for the smiles und blandishments of the rural beauty. "In conclusion , I hope that every member of the fraternity hero present will so conduct himself us to gain and merit the respect nnd confidence of his employers , and by upright ness of demeanor 'win golden opinions from nil sorts of people,1 that when his lust trip has been made , his last earthly uccount ad justed by the square of virtue and honor ; when the mist that rises ever the vcrgo of life has wrapped him in its folds , nnd he has turned his face , radiant with hopeful long ing , toward the eternal holiday , ho may need no further passport into the realms of the beyond than the blush of modesty so char acteristic of and so unerringly proclaiming the commercial traveler. " W. G. T. Board. At the first regular monthly mooting of the board of directors of the W. C. T. A. held in St. Louis the following applicants having conformed to the requirements of the consti tution wcro admitted to membership : How ard U. Ackcrman , Patrick J. Brown , Robert Hurnio , Charles C. Hrooks , Henry E. Tan ner , Elishn P. Jackson , Emll j. Kramer , Joseph M. Levy. John F. Lynn , Edwin Massii. Allln Mollicr , Henry E. Nuffz , Lnw- rencu S. Pearson , Fielding A. Randall , Dan iel R. Super , Robert C. Scott , John Weisert , Charles F Plumer , Hurry B. King , all of St. Louis ; Gcorgo H. Hrnsh , Montreal , Canada ; AV. W. Humphreys , Memphis , Tenn. , Charles H. Glllham , Quiucy , 111. , Charles Evortz , Washington , Mo. ; Augustus F. Nell , Quincy , 111. ; William L. Dates , Washington , Ark. ; Charles F. McLnln , Toledo. O. ; George H. Linderberger , Louisville , Ky. ; Samuel N. Loxvis , Scdalla , Mo. ; Isuau M. Lcfllngwoll , Clinton , la. ; William A. Kromor , Emnoria , Kan. ; Philip G. Johnson , Independence , Kan. ; Louis N. Holberg , Mucon , Miss. ; Clarence R. Hambleton , Keolntk , la. ; Cor- win E. Goldsmith , St. Joseph , Mo. ; John A , Randolph , Denver , Colo. ; Lyons Snunders , Fort Smith , Ark. ; Freeman O. Smith , Little Rock , Ark. ; James D. Rogers , Kingston , Ga. ; Joel A. Ray , Canton , Miss. ; Horace B , Thompson , Hannibal , Mo. The president appointed the following committees : Finance I. R. Trask , S. C. Bunn and James D. Mnlin. Beneficiary James F , Coylo , George W. Wilson nnd Mark Taylor , Printing D.W. Caruth.W. E. Schwoppo nnd A. F. Shapleigh , jr. Total membership tc date , 2,032. A Suggestion. M. B. Roberts , a traveling man of tin northwest , makes the following suggestion "My suggestion is that the several rollronc companies issue a 5,000-milo ticket for ? 100 good over any road , and to avoid impositioi they require each purchaser to paste In th < cover of the book his photo , the company' ; stamp to bo stamped pait on the book anc jwt on the photo , so that the conductors cat sco that it is properly stamped , and cat identify from the photo the owner nndholdoi of the ticket , and if others present the ticko they can take it up nnd avoid imposition Tills plan has been in practice by the govern ment for the use of the railway mail service so that no ono could ride in the mail can without this idcntiflcutiun , and I understam it hns proved very satisfactory , thus cut ting olt any chance of parties not entitled ti these ticket buying a piece of u ticket am using It to us much advantage as a comtner cinl man , whom the companies are willini should hnvo this advantage. I hope thii much-needed arrangement can bo satisfuc torily made. " Oinatm'H Sunday Guests. There was a largo and Jolly crowd o knights of the grip nt the hotels yesterday A majority of the boys were caught out Ii the blizzard of the past few days nnd the ; report having had a pretty tough time of it They put in the creator part of Sunday thaw ing out , nnd will to-dny swoop down upon th merchants of Omaha with their samples am Inducements to place their orders now. The arrivals at the Mlllard were : Gcorgi Solbort , New York ; W. S. Emery Grand Rnplds ; S. Danzlngcr , Milwaukee ; L H. Slmltuck , Chicago ; W. Scott , Chicago ; S H. Hutlmwny , Now York ; T. Klmball , Nev York ; John Tcbbotts , Chicago ; H. 1' . Glen son , Boston ; Frank Nowhouse , Phllndclphla H. Leigh , St. Louis ; R. M.Cherrio , Chicago C. Dobrincr , St. Joseph ; O. Leister , Moline C. D. Luce , Chicago ; W. O. Evnrts Milwaukee ; John B. Warner , Boston G , B. Sdlter , Burlington ; W. D. Hunt , St Louis ; J. Flanagan , Chicago ; H. D. Martin Indianupolls ; H. Schokcr , Bnltimoro ; Tleknor , Philadelphia : A. B. Cole , Gram Rnpids ; H. C. Stewart , Dos Moines ; H. W Gordon , Rochester ; F. C. Butler , Newark N. J. ; A , M. Krinstcin , Chicago ; W. H. Rob crts , Now York ; J. C. Singer , Chicago ; S Emst , New York ; H. Douglas , Chicago ; H C. Black , Dayton ; D. V. Bishop , Chicago ; L J. Leon , Now York ; E. V.Johnson , Chicago J. V. Berg , Chicago ; Mat Jucobson , Phllu dolphla ; A. Linderbaum , Now York ; S.I1 Skinner , New York ; R. Dodd , St. Aaul ; F T. Sherwood , Chicago ; O. R. Price , Chicago J. B. Magulre , Chicago ; S. Bass. Cincinnati H. A. Thaycr , Chicago , L.J. . Stitch , No\ York ; H. M. Crane , New York , A. W. Buck Chicago ; R. H. Gilmore. Chicago ; Krna Chirk , Minneapolis ; P. H. Dean , New fork R. A. Donnclson , San Francisco ; R. W King , New Yorn ; Dawson Mayer , N YorkjM. Cohen , Chicago ; R. S. Huwki Albany ; W. O. Stevens , Boston ; H. M Goold , Rochester ; J. L. Huno , Boston ; fc W. Gerold , Chicago ; F. S. Miles , Chicago W. N. Foster , Chicago ; C. Hrackobusli Chicago ; F. > Barnar , Blooralngton ; Oharlc Eastman , Chicago ; G. Bean , Chicago ; C. \ \ Hubbard , Sioux Fulls ; W. H. Turnei Chicago. The guests at the Paxton were as follows J. M. Wolfe , Chicago ; . J. L.Bcll , New York ; W. H. Todd , TIV.V ; J. B , Fluey. Pittsburg ; O. W. Solomon , St. . Louis ; , William F. lieu' ilchoufcn , Newark ; 0. H. Kirk , Chicago ; J. W.Ellsworth , Cleveland ; J. F. Wertz , Boston - ton ; J.H. Dean , Chhuffo ; . G. W , Perkins , New York ; Charles Rundrctz , New \ork ; E , B. Parker , Boston | 1) . Witfikowslty , Chicago cage ; E. F. Whlthkowsky , Chleigo ; L. A. Kohn. Chlcaco ; A. A. tinindlll. Now York ; C. D. Miller. St. Louis ! F. W. Slovens , Chicago cage ; G. W. Wheeler * Chicago ; S. I. Pope , Chicago ; C. 1) . Gurrctt. St. Lonla ; O. M. Lowery , New York ; E. W. Cudahy , Chicago ; I ) . Morgan , Cincinnati : U. N Fenn , New York ; C. G. Codmnn , Boston ; M. Salinger. Philadelphia ; , M. M. Miller , New York ; Win. G. Fiilrl iih ( , New York ; O. H. Harvey , DCS Molnes ; f.Tiutlun , Now York ; A. J. Hedge , Chlenpoj H. E. Cobb , Chicago ; E.Dellslo , New York ; It. H. Douglas , Chi- rage ; E. A. Smith , New York ; 11 , L. Kink * mnn , New York ; B. G. Yocom , Duliith ; B. Phillips , New York ; II. C. Morchouso , Mis souri Valley ; T. H. Lark. Missouri Valley ; H. H. Osgood , Chicago ; L. F. Blue , Now York ; C. M. Lunduor , Now York ; F. B. Clark , Chicago : P. Meyer , Chicago ; O , G. Tuttle , Painsvllto ; H , L. Dougherty , Blnghamton ; J. Hlekok , Now York ; F. Charles , Bliighnin- ton ; M. W. Cane , Now York ; II. Broben- stool , Rochester , N. Y , ; H. Hurolton , St. Louis ; I. L. Tucker , Now York ; M. Fohln , Now York ; M. I. Larson , Rochester ; G. J. Spitz , Boston ; W. 1C. Kent , Chicago ; A. Achcrson , New York ; H. M. Guylord , Now York ; D. A. Halt , Now YorkJ. ; T. Bonobough , ChcagoG. ! ; D.Chasan , Chicago ; J. C. Hocicstoff , St. Louis ; E. C. Michrior , Minneapolis ; Chas. Smith , Now York ; H. L. ShaulTer , St. Louis ; H. C. Cutter. Boston ; C. Hemp , Now York ; H. A. Fitzgerald , Now York ; J. E. Glaus , St. Paul ; F. B. Newell , Peoria ; C. F. Knnpp , Jackson ; A. Martin , Denver ; J. A. Mathews , St. Louis ; T. J. Bowman. Lo Mors ; C. H. Smith , Chicago cage ; I. H. Green , Chicago ; I , H. Rich , Boston. Hainples. It Is stnted thnt since the ndvent of fnst trnins ont of Omnhn the Jobbing trade of this city has Increased materially. A movement is now on foot for a 5000 milo interchangeable railroad ticket for the use of members of the national ussoclatlon. The proposition hns already been mndo to the railroads. In the event that the railroad com panies comply with the request of the asso ciation , this ticket will bo sold to members nt the rate of U cents per mlle und will bo rcc- ognired by conductors on nil railroads in any one trutlle association. The thirteenth nunual convention of the Commercial Travelers' association of tlio state of Indiana was held nt Evansville Jan uary 0 ; between 12,000 und 15,000 were in at tendance , great preparations having boon mndo by the local society to welcome them. Every part of the state was well represented. The visitors were received at the depot by the local members of the association and sev eral bands of music. A grand reception und ball and banquet took place after adjourn ment. A corrcsponcnt in the St. Paul Globe has this to say of a well known Nebraska trav eler : "Nick Sloman , notSlowinan , hns been getting olT ono of his dynumito Jokes. Now ho can do it us well ns nnybody , Nick came from u town some hundred miles cast of Oniuha , but ho has been out in the great west so long that ho ceased to bo a tender foot yours ago. The writer knew him when bo was about knee-high to a tond. Ho comes from a class of natural born traders. nnd will got there as persistently as anyone. " The commercial trllvclors of St. Louis want a club house and'havo ' devised n novel plan for the fulfillment of their hopes. They propose to name their post after .tho firm which shall behave most liberally in helping ' : o establish tlioin in suitable quarters. Tlio iroposltlon looking to , this , and which re ceived most favorable consideration was the sale of associate memberships in the T. P. A. at } 25 each , such memberships to bo honor ary nnd to bo taken by ( members of the flrms not eligible to active membership. It Is esti mated that 3,500 will fit up u club house in fitting style , and for the present the local post would bo contented with a routed house or flat ; but its members confidently expect to own their house and furnishings , as do the local posts of other large cities , within a short tlmo. Sam Jones in a tahV'dellvercd ' at Kansas City recently , said : "Lhoard a commercial traveler sav once that a follow wcntwithhim selling a different line of goods he gave this for a truism the follow commenced cursing and cursing and ho suld ho traveled with him a full week , aud ho didn't sell a hundred del lars' worth. 'How is it , ' ho st Id , 'that I can not sell goodsl' I said 'I expect the reason is you take it out in cursing. ' [ Laughter. ] At the end of the second week the fellow quit cursing. That week ho had sold thousands of dollars worth of goods. Ho had quit curs ing. 1 woula not patronize a house that would send out such black-mouthed drum mers. [ Applause. ] What do you want to go around the country tingeing the atmosphere of the country for ! You nre sent out to sell goods nnd not to dofaino the word of God. It has boon a long time since you fellows caught it this way [ Laughter. ] God help mo to rub it in on you till you feel like a dog. " [ Laughter ] . m For fear of losing a day's work , mnny persons put off taking physic until Sat urday. The bettor plan is not to delay but take it as soon ns needed , it may save you n hard spoil of sickness. If you want the most bciiolit from the least amount of physio without causing you any inconvenience , los > s of appetite or rest , take St. Patrick's Pills. Their action on the liver nnd bowels uro thorough , they give a freshness , tone and vigor to tlio wliolo system and act iu harmony with nature. A Wealthy Darkey. When the Now York papers a few days ago rcforrcd _ to N. W. Cunoy as being the wealthiest colored man in Texas they had evidently not hoard of the Lincoln family , now residing nt Dallas , six children in all , who have como into possession of $48,000 , giving thorn the snug little sum of 88,000,000 apioco. Ono of the heirs to this immense property is in Galvcston , and a NOWE reporter looked him up _ yesterday , as much much out of curiosity to sue n a negro possessed of such enormous wealth as in search of an item. The following item from n paper pub lished in Paris , Tex. , in connection with the information thnt ono of the city , is that which directed the rcdortei in IUH search : "Tho Lincoln heirs ( colored ) , living in Dallas , who a year or so ago hocamc the wealthiest colored people in Amer ica , have recently como into possession of all of their property. The amount duo them was on deposit in the Bank ol England , and aggregated the enormous sum of $48,000,000. ( Forty-eight million dollarsl This has been divided nmoiifi the heirs , Abraham , Ed , Bur , Mat , Fannie - nio and Lulu , each having received 58,000,000. Eight million dollars ! " The party in Galvcston bears tlio illus trious cognomen of Abraham Lincoln , Tie was traced to ay colored hoarding- house on Twenty-fourth street , between Postolllco and Church , but not hoing found in , ho courteously responded tc the request of the News man to call i\1 the oflieo , which hcrdld last night , com ing in ns meekly ns'though ho wanted to borrow $1 instead of owning $8,000,000 , Abraham is a young man , appnrontlj not over thirty-live years of ago , of ii saddle-colored complexion , mid evi dently a man of moro than the average intelligence of his race. Ho has crcdon tials , printed letter-heads , etc. , whorcir ho in styled Governor Abraham Lincoln showing him to bo the manager of tin estate. AVhon asked by what moans sucl enormous wealth had boon acquired bj his family , ho replied that its was an inheritance horitanco from his grandmother , Kannj Ellis , who resided at Dallas when she died , a year or two ago. Fanny Ellii was a Juoxican woman , aud some fortj years ago her husband acquired immense mense- wealth in speculation in Moxicai woman , and f-oino forty years ago hoi mining claims , which was deposited ii the Bank of England. Preceding tin late civil war they bought and holt slaves , and among one of their purchase from u slave tradol- was the father ol th < six children who have re cently como into possession of the J-18,000,000. The father Innrrlcd the daughter Of his mistress by whom ho was sot free , and the six chllu- rott being the direct isstio of that marriage - riago , establish the chain of direct in heritance. Some litigation was noccs- 8ury in establishing their claim , ami it was only a few days ago tlmt they ac quired actual posMjsslon ol their fabu lous Inheritance. Abraham Lincoln is bore , ns ho saya , with the view ot probably locating at Gnlvcslon. \Vhon asked if ho had malum ! any plans for limiting this vast estate , bo replied that they hud decided lo invest it all on January 1 iu United States boiuln. Tlio interest on Iho bonds , said ho , will give UH mete limn enough lo live on , with a good margin for specula tion without touching the principal. It is alto ti safe investment and carries with it au immutiitv from luxation. Men Who Itun tlio Dyers. Chicago Ilorald : The shirting otft of so many limited trains lo the west has caused quite ix shaking up among the locoiuollvo engineers of tlio Chicago roads. Not a few ambitions have boon stirred only to bo disappointed , for only ono onirinoei1 in a. hundred of these anxious to got u run with the flyer could bo accommodated. Only half a dozen men on each road could gain the honor which a hundred craved. A run on the limited is about the top notch of locomotive engineering. Yet these who wore lucky enough to gain the prizes find their tasks anything but cosy ones. Tlio now fast , runs out of Chicago nro not so very fast , but they are exceedingly dillicult to make oil schedule tlmo. This is because of the largo number ol stops which it is neces sary to make on uccount of railway crossings and other obstructions. The schedule tlmo of the now trains between Chicago antV Council Bluffs is rather les than thirty-ilvo miles an hour , but In making the trip engineers often find it necessary to steam ahead at the rate of fifty to sixty miles. Between Chicago and the Missouri river a train must como to a halt about thirty times for railway crossings or other causes that may bo dopondpd upon day after day. In addition to thcso certain stops nre several contingent ones , making an average of probably forty full stops on roulo. As each full stop i * equivalent to the loss of four or live minutes at the least , a litllo calculation shows us that the time spent in slopping und starting amounts to nearly thrco hours on the trip. This brings the running time up to almost forty miles an hour , aim 113 along a goodly portion of the line it is impossible to muko any such speed , on account of stoop gradients and passing through towns and cities at street grado. the engineers find it necessary tospood up to sixty miles an hour on the most favorable stretches of the road. The fsist runs out of Chicago are all night runs , nnd it is the night run that trios the ongineor'ti courage. Driving ahead at a milo a minute into a sea of darknoHS which human eye can not pcuolrato is work such as no cow ardly or even timid man could perform. Among engine drivers there are bold mon and timid men , but only the former were selected for thcso fast runs. A timid man , prone to shut olT steam for every shadow soon on the track , or for every imaginary danger , for engineers are called upon continually to beat back their own apprehensions , could never muko time on n run like ono of the limited trains to the west. Some of the best and bravest engineers in the world are on thc&o foot-plates , and in this cli- miilo and under the disadvantages besetting - setting thorn they will find enough to try their mottle. A Dog Mall Carrier. San Jos Times : Dorsoy , the Scotch colloy , who has just had his picture painted , enjoys the dibtiction of being the only regularly employed canine mail carrier in the world. Dorsoy , has , for upward of three years , carried the mail between Calico , San Bornando county , and Bismark , a mining camp between three and four miles distant. Calico is a station , and has a post ofllco. Bismark is without stage or post ollleo. Without the aid of the dog many a minor would have a hard time getting his mail , ns the country is very rough and stoop in places , and most of the year the weather is very warm. Dorsoy belongs to the post master at Calico , and in his youth was not regarded above the average pup. The picture shows him to be about the average sixo , with very intelligent oycs , black and white color , shaggy coat and bushy tail. The way the dog became a mail car rier was as follows : Ono day the post master wanted to send word to his brother at Bismarck , but did not want to make the trip. It occurred to him to try the dog. He wrote a letter , tied it around the dog's neck , pointed the ani mal's nose toward Bismarck and told him to go. Uo trotted off a short dis- tauco , and then turned about to sco what clbo was wanted. Some of the binall boys showered stones at him , und he ran on to Bismarck. Next day lie returned with an answer tied on his neck , and he showed that ho had been well treated. The experiment was re peated , each time with nuccess and ad ditional dignity on the part of the dog. As soon as it became known that Dor soy could bo depended upon , requests were constantly made by the miners to tend theirmail by him. The loads soon increased and it became evident that they could not tie on all the letters. The minors then ordered a1 handsome little mail bag and fitted it to the dog's shoulders. It is fastened around IUH chest by one btrap and around his body , back of his fore legs , by another. Ho has never misnod a trip for about three years , nor lost a letter. Now , when the stage < comes in ho gels up , stretches himbolf , walks to the po t ollleo , waits to have the mail strapped to him and starts oil'as soon ns ho is told all is ready. Ho will make a long detour to avoid meeting a stranger , seeming to realize the importance of its mission. AH might bo expected , Dor- boy is a great favorite with all who know him in that boction. The picCuro should bo in the postolllco department at "Washington , to show thp expedient used to transport the mail in the west ern frontier. SCIENTIFIC GLUCK & WILKINSON. Ulr'ri 1 T H FRI n I A I'ponVourlleud1 "Tll ° "Ioo < 1 l > t if you permit yunr children to die with Dlnli theila. Dr. Tims. JeuVilea' I'rflvenlitlvn mu Cnro Is Infallible. Ten veiir's trial inoveslt No pliyalcl in reimlrpd. Full jirlnled dlr ctlons for use. Address Dr. Thou. JenVrli-s. JUT 8 I'.ll btreet , Omaha. Sent uy oxiiross / " > I I D 17 PI on receipt of price , li.lnj. lie vJ PS ILJ WEAK , UNDEVELOPED PARTS Of lb Ilodreu ! > rit4 aril ttrcuctbcned. Fullpaillcu- l.irnenl ittlpj free. KUIB UIU ) . CO . I'.orriLo. N. V. remit of ever-Work , Itnllscrttluo , dr. , address abi AOvTssmE. HOW TO ACT. mature ! > Mllti9 and Knncilor 1 diior * Its superior oxrMlenco provim In millions ot lomes for moro than u quarter ot n century. It susoil liy the United suites llovernment , Kn- orsed bv the heads of the irrcat nntvorvltlca , ns ho Strongest , Purest anil Most Healthful. Dr. 'rlco's thu only Unking 1'owdur that does not ontnln Ammontn. Mnio or Alum. Sold only In nils. 1'IUCK 1UKINO ruWUKItUlt. , Now Vork. Chicago. Bt. Louis. Who U WKAK , NEItVOUN. nF.lUUTA- ImiTIUl'M-.nnway hl VKlOllof 1IOHY , drain Upon tlio FOUNTAINN of I.1FI : , HUADAOIIK , nA HA : iIK , nrendfnl llrcums , WKAKNrNH of Memory , 1IANII. fUI.NEXSln NOCIKTY , PISUM.KS upon the FACK. and all the KFFEVTM lendlneto iAIUY : DEUAY and pcrlmns COSII.M I . TION or IXNANITY , KliouKl consult nt oneo the cKLUiiitA'rrD Dr. curke , i > tni > iiMic < i 1B.M. Dr. Clnrko linn murto NKKVOUN I K. . niMTY. CHUOMO and all Diseases of the UEXITO II II I. X A 11 Y Omnns a 1,1 to Ulidjr. It makes NO dtllertnre WHAT you iftTC taken orVIIO lias failed to cure you. * -Frtt ; A I.KSsuflerlMK from dleeiw.i pecu liar to Uiulr oox can consult with the nssnrance t > t ipecrty relief and cure. Send 2 cents post 030 for works on your diseases. * 3-Seml 4 rcnli postflfro for ol 'l rnlo l \VorkH on Cliroitlr , Nrrvon * nuil l > ell- eate Dlicasea. Consultation , p raonal'y or by letter , l > c . Consult the nlil Doctor. TbouinndM cured. ORIrrannd narlom prlvRto. 9'Thnsc rontemplntlng Marrlngo trnd for I > r. C'lnrkc' * celebrated gtildo Male ami Femnle. each lbc.f both 'J5o. 'stain p ) . Before confining your case , consult l > r. ii.ARHK. : A friendly letter or call may javo future suflerlngnnd Bliatne , and add poldcn yean to life. 49-Bcok "I.lfp' ( Secret ) ir- : rom , " We. ( it n m ps ) . Mexllclne and writing lent everywhere , secure from cxpoiuro. Iloun , 8 to 8 : Sundays , U to 12. Address , P. D. CLARKE , M. D. 186 So. Clarlc St. . CHICAGO. ILL. : . TUB OF TUB Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y. The Best Route from Omnha and Council Bluffs to - = = = THE EAST = = - TWO TRAINS DAtT.Y BKTWKKN OMA1IA AND COUNCn , BLUFF8 Chicago , AND HilTrankcc , St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapids , Itock Island , Frceport , Rockford , Clinton , Dnbnqae , DaTcnjMtrt , Elgin , Mndison , Junesiillo , Beloit , Wliiona , La Crosse , And all oth r Important point * Eait , Northeast and ftoutbeait. For tbrongh tl keta call on the ticket wtont at HOI Farnam itreot. In Ilizton llotel , or at Uuloa 1'aclOo Depot. piillmtn Bleeper > and the flnott nintng Can In the world are run on tha in lu line of the Chicago , Mil waukee A. Hi. Paul Itahwnr , and ercrr attention Is am to paiiengen l > r couricuut euplo/es ol thi lompanT. B. MII.L.KR , Oenernl Manager. i.V.TUCKUlt , AailitantUeneral Manager. A. V. It. OAItfKMTEB , Oeucral 1'anonjer and QUO. h.HKAFFORD , AiiliUnt General Fuienger nd Ticket Agent. J.T. CLAllE , Ueneral SapartatendenU Health is Wealth ! Dii. K. C. WEST'H NKIIVK AND IliiAiN THKAT. MEIIT , a Kunranteedspeclllc for Iljstorla , Dlzzl. ness. Convulsions , Fits , Nervous Neuralgia Headache , Nervous Prostration caused by tha tisti of alcohol or tobacco , \Vukofiilnosi , Mental Depression , Softening of the Drain resulting In Insanity and leading to misery , decay und death , I'rematuro Old Ajre , Itarronness , Loss of power In either BOX , Involuntary Losses anil Spormat- orrlnracausedby over-exertion , of the brain Helf- abuse or over indulgence. Knch box contains ono month' * treatment. } 1 00 a box , or HX boxes forn.OO , Bpnlby mall prepaid on receipt of price. \VK GUAltANTKK MIX JIOXIOS To cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxes , accompanied with t'i.w , wo will send the pin chaser our written Kiiarantoo to r fund the money Jf the treatment does not effect a cure. Quaraniees Issued only by C. K. GOOD MAN , Urunglst , Solo Agent , IllU Faniuiii St. , Omaha Kn ) ( auuiKii ualK , U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB. Paid Up Capital , - $28OOOO Surplus , - DO.OOO II W. VATKS , rrcslileni. . HKEII , Vico-rreslrt nt. A , K. TouxAl.tN , 2d Vlre-l'reslrtent. W. H.H. HuaiiK.s , Caihlor W. V , MOIIRK , JOHN S. COI.MNS , II. W. YATKS , LEWIS S. UUKU , A.K. TOUZALIN. Danklng onlco THE IRON BANK. Cor. I-th and I'arnnm Kin. A General lianklnu lluslness Transacted. THE OMAHA BEE , DEUVmiED TO AM PABT OF -iir CAiniir.u Foil- 20 Cents a Week. Seven papers a week. Send your order to the olHce , 1029 P Street , Capital Hotel Building TruicoratneU. ( § iium * uiruiu 'onlj one la thu world ? enrtlfiu iicontlnuoui XtectHott tfaynrtfy - - , . , tnt , bcUntlflc , 1'owerfut. Dumblo , - / vCoraforULIu and Kflceuve. Aruld fraud * . r * < Or-r B.OfiO cured. KendhtainnforpamiiLltiL Al.MO KU.Of UIU HKLTH KOIl niHUAhlX Di. HURHE. IwviHioa. IU1 WACASH AVE. . PHICACO. FOUNTAIN FINE CUT AND Incomparably thu Bast. THE VICTOR SCALE , Manufactured by Molinc Scale Co , , " " - D , 111 , SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS , BECAUSE uriltST The Imlopomlont connoctlon of Its lovers with the bonrnrocl , Insurcn each cnttro freedom of action , cnnblcs us to dlopcnsQ with thotrius rod.hulldulth n shnllow pit ( nn important sating ) , nnd diminishes liabil ity to iinnoynnco from \vuter nnd diingcr ot freoztnglu v Inter. RKCONn The novel nmnncr of suspending Its lover : , under the frame , mid application ot our now Improvocl pIvot-Riinrcl , niTords n inoro complete protection to the plvot-odiras or boarlnis tlnm Is found In nny othur scale. Other 8c le-i protect their banrlnRR , only , by the timbers used in building , , while the Victor , nlono , has u special contrivance , In Its new pIvot-KUfxrd , which keeps Its licnr- Ings free from lee nnd dirt rendering the scnlo accurate uud seiiiltlvo lu all conditions ot weather. DEERE , WELLS & CO. Western Accnts , COUNCIL IIMTI'FS , - IOWA FREE OF CHARGE ! Imoortant to Spectacle Wearers , Bliect from London. Now t 1512 Sticot , Will tlioronnhly test your eyesight Kroo or Clinrjjo , anil slioiv you wliora necessary tlio Glasses most suited to yunr condition. There nro thousands of pnrsoiiB pernmnently Injuring their OJOM by tlio nsn of Inferior and ill-luting Oln.iaes , who reset when too Into their mlstiike.Vo would Invlto HIOHO persons about tobeuln and who think they cannot 1 > A suited to HOB lift. Heinember , It costs you uothlngbuta few momenta' lime. Thu proper adjustment of Spectacles is a BClenco which none but the nklllcd optician or oculist should practice. Wo bavo thu inont 1m- proved ami Kclentllto liiHtnimonts nuil teslsfor delormlnln the defects ot vlslon nnd prom * Iso to remedy where possible by Iho use ot Spec- tuclos. Wo use none but the most perfectly ground nnd accurately centered lenses , and make frames t o 111 the faco. No fancy prices. Our Crystallna HpectnclBs at II.IHI are unequnlled for comfort u lid ease to the wearer. PUBLIC SALE 01' IMI'OllTKD I Clydesdale Stallions and Mares , At Railing's ' Bam , Lincoln , Nell , , FEBRUARY 1 , 1888 , AT 1 P. M. At which tlmo nnd plnce I will soil to the highest bidder 18 head of choicely bred nnd grandly formed Moron nnd ptnlllons , nil Imported from Kcotliuul iu August , every nnlmnl warranted to be n brooder. Thu stallions , HOIIUI 10 In number , rnnio In ages from ! Mo 11 years ; their ancestors will bo rocognl/.i-d by breeders us being some of the moil noted animals recorded In the Cljdes- dnlo Ktml Hook. They nro ns well formed us they nro bred , and cimnot fall to plense tlio breeder who utipruclnleii style with good notion , IIVTKO boliu urn ! muscle ami uconstltntlou hnrdly equaled and not excelled by nny other breed o ( llraft IlorbC.s. TKUMS OK SALE-lii mouths for bnnknbh ) paper though longer tlmo will bo ulvenwheu desired If nppllentlon Is made before snlo. l < 'or Cntiilogno uppljr to RM. Woods , Lincoln , Neb , after January 0,18fvM. V. il. WOODS. N. T. I'AHKKU , Ain-tlonetir , Importer nnd llreedor , Lincoln , Nob. . Hlmcoe , Ont. N PORTED STALLIONS FOKSAb I'ercheronB , Clydesdales nnd Shire , nlno homt bred cults , Kvcry nnlmiil KUiiranteeu u breedei Our stock hns been selected with reference tq both Individual merit and pedlfrreo. Borneo ! tliesn luirses liuve taken ] ) ri.e at the No * britska State Kelr. 1W7. All our.horsn.-i nre ac climated , and rolls of their KOt can bo shown. 1'rlccH reahonablo nnd easy terms. Jg aeces.slbla by tliu throe lending rnllinails of the utate , II. & 61. ; K. , E. If M. V. , and 1C. O. AsO. ' I'AIIUIIAH , York , Neb * BlTWetN JEWYORK AND Glasgow via Londonderry , Liverpool via Queenstown. * Arc Htrlelly FlriLClnn , nnd nniona t the Ixruent , fatten nnd flnrn In the world / Baloon. BecunJ < 'lu8s unit Htcorugo . . . . . . F AccomiiiuilutluiiB t/nrxcelted , Kverf ro ard fur thn coniforianil conTunlenco of pBt < eenfiem atudiuuBlr conBlderud and practlcud Bicnni r > overt S-utunlay fcir Olnxtnw. CHr or Iliimi nallilor l.lvorjioul Ocluber 12. It In thn InmcUniK ) fnc'ft i > a onKiT ntrnincr utlnat. Itntri of | in"nio lot all rlasies in loir in bjr any iithor flrnl-tlaii HHH. Hv loonezcunlon Urkrli at reduced i-aten. liralti fur nf miifjunt nt lowest rurrent rate * , tcr l > uoki itl tiiiirn , llcki'U. nr further Inforniullon , auplr to ] IINIIIIISUN : IIHOTHKUS , Chicago , or KHANK B. IOOICKSOm liii.Nulj , THE CAPITOL HOTEL LINCOLN. , NEB. The Lest known nnd niott popular llntnl In th < ttalo. Jxieutioii rentrul , npiioliuiueiiu nrst-olim. llemuurteri ) | for commercial msii and all iiullllu * ! and publicKjvherlngs. K.i * UOaOK.N Proprietor Proprietor Omaha Business College , IN WHICH 13 TAUOHT BookKeeping , Penmansliip , Commercial Law , Shorijiznd , Telegraphing and Typov.ritinij. Ccnd for Ci'lleee Journal. S. E. Cor. 10th nnd Caoitul Avc. Mcntiuu thu Ouutlu lieu.