Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1888, Page 4, Image 4

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    r p OMAHA DAILY. BE fl : MONDAY , JANUARY 10 , 188a
IMlyMornttiK ( IMltlom InclmUiiK Sunday
m.K.One Year . 1J ft ]
rorSlxMontln . f ; ' "
Kor Three Month * . , . v -M
Tlio ( Jiiinliu s-mulay IIKK , inutktl to any nd-
dros * , One Year . 2 ra
O MllAOmcr..Nos.OHANii9lir.\nNAMSTiiF.KT. )
Nrvr YOHK OFI-ICK , HOOM W , TIIIMUNK lliiu.u- WASIIIMITON Office , No. M3 1-oun-
. .
AH communications relating to news and
rdltorlal matter Khotild b Bddrt-SEod to the
All tillMw-Es Icttois nnd remlttnnrni iliould bo
addressed to Tin : III.K I'IUIMMIIMI CoMi'isr ,
( IM * It A. Draffs , rlr < Ks nnd ixxtulllco orders to
1,0 inaile payable to tlio order of tht ) company.
* Tlic Ecc Polsliingliipiy , Proprietors ,
TIIH l > AlijY 1JKK.
Hworn .Statement of Circulation.
Btntn of Nebraska , I „ _
roimtvoMoiUlM ) ! , I ' '
( ii-o. II. T/.Mhuck , hcrftnryof Tlio BPO Pub-
llhhliii ? comvwny , docs Holoimil } ' Hwoar Unit tliu
uclnulc IrctiliiUon of tlio Dully llio for the week
ndlnjr Jun. l.'l , 1HWia us f
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Wciiiif'ilny.Jiin. 11 . 14.HV ! )
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ono. n.
Sworn to mid subscribed In my iin-iunci1 this
lllli day of January , A. U. , 1HH8. N. 1' . I'Kllj ,
Notary Public.
Etntonf Kehrnskn , I . _
County of Douglas * , i
( loo. II. T/hchm-k , being llri-t duly mvorn , dc-
ones and nays that He IH hcrrotary of The lleo
ubllshliitf tompiiny , that thu attnnl -
COj ]
IMfi. Tti < f copies ! for'AUKi'lst , isvr , H'.l.ll copies ;
for September , ITO7. H.W copies : for October ,
1H-7 , 1I.KM ; for Sin ember , IBM , 15S.'i ) copies ; for
> i
Pworn nnd BUb"crll td to In my iircwMicu this
Sd day of January , A. 1) . ISM. X. I' , Kill l < .
Notary Public.
SKXATOH ALMSON leads all oilier
prcsidontal candidates in the Ilawkoyo
slate. The bunntor lias many warm
friends on thla side of the Missouri.
RAISICKS of northern hoes want lard
made out of southern-cotton seed placed
on the saino footing as oleomargarine.
If this is sectionalism make tlio most
of it.
A JiKMliKU of congress has introduced
a bill to discontinue the coinage of
thrcu-cont pieces. If Huch u bill becomes -
comes a law it will bo a hard blow on
the thrifty people whoaro in the habit
of trying to inalco that little coin do
duty for u dime.
IT never freezes in San Francisco and
nobody was over known to bo killed by
lightning in California. But they make
up for this immunity by opidomio and
contagious diseases. Just now there is
an opidomio of smallpox in San Fran
cisco which is carrying off men , women
nnd children like shoop.
CHIKF GAI.T.IOAN is enforcing strict
discipline in tlio fire departmentami for
this ho is entitled to credit. At this
Reason of the year when disastrous fires
are frequent and life and property en
dangered , it is of the utmost importance
thut sobriety , vigilance and obedience
bo enforced in the flro department.
Now that Tom Platt has been ousted
from his position as quarantine commis
sioner of Now York city it is to bo hoped
his place will bo filled by some man who
will attend to the duties of the position
with the thoroughness which its im
portance demands. The whole country
is interested in this matter.
MK. COLOKOW , who it will bo remem
bered had a little misunderstanding
with some of the citizens of .Colorado
last summer , wants thirty- ono thousand
dollars from the state to defray the ex
penses incurred during his little excur
sion from the reservation. The com
missioner of Indian affairs supports the
claim. Colorado will not bo so ready to
got up a bogus Indian war again.
Tim Kansas City brick-makers have
combined to raise the price of brick
when the building season opens , but
their avarice is liable to bo checkmated.
A number of contractors have made
heavy purchases of brick in St. Louis
nnd flat-boats are now being built to
transport them up the river when navi
gation opens. This is suggestive to
Omaha contractors.
ARKANSAS wants more inhabitants.
A convention for the purpose of devis
ing means to induce immigration is to
bo held at Little Rock on the 31st of
this month. When Arkansas was ad
mitted as a state half a century ago she
was twenty-fifth in rank as regards pop
ulation. She occupied the same rela
tive position in 1880 , when the last
national census was talcon. The tide of
immigration has been westward across
the great temperate belt and it cannot
bo diverted so long as the resources of
the great west remain only partially
A NKW company hasheen incorporated
for the construction of a railroad from
Omaha to Yankton , Dakota. Exper
ience does not warrant the public in in
dulging enthusiastic expectations re
garding this enterprise , but there is
good reason to believe that the now
company really means business , and we
think it may safely bo said that the OHt-
look for this mobt important addition to
the railroad outlets of Omaha is more
favorable than over before. That the
contemplated road will ultimately bo
built there can bo no doubt , but the time
is , now ripe for it and Omaha interests
ought to bo vigorously exerted in promoting
meting the enterprise.
TUB governors of several statessouth
and west , have urged in their annual
messages the importance to their re
spective states of emigration bureaus
nnd organi'/cd olTorts to induce immi
gration. Those messages forcibly illus
trate that the olTorts made in congress
to check immigration are premature.
Laws against the importation of pau
pers , criminals and iuwuio people are
already on the btatuto books , and if
faithfully enforced afford ample protec
tion against undesirable foreign immi
gration. Thrifty and healthy men and
women , who want to bettor their con
dition in this country , will continue in
demand for years to come.
.IiiiR.t Aot.
.Mr. Lnmar uiguull/.cll bis retirement
from the ofllco of fiocro'tary of the inte
rior by removing , as the last act of. his
administration , the land-cleric , of the
land olllco , Mr. Lo Linrnca. The dis
missed olliclal had held the position for
eight years and discharged ltd duties
acceptably and faithfully , Uoforo the
present administration cumo into ixwer
lie had became known as an advocate of
land reform , thereby Incurring thu dis
pleasure of the land-grunt corporations ,
the syndicates and the private land
claimants. When Sparks was appointed
commissioner ho found Lo Barnes a
most valuable help in acquiring
the information ho needed ,
and the two worked together
in full accord and sympathy.
It was the land clerk who furnished the
information and matters of detail on
which the land-grant forfeiture bills
adopted by the last congress were based ,
lie framed for Mr. Lamar his reply to
Dorsoy , involving a statement of funda
mental principles aud an announcement
of administrative policy. Ho prepared
the public land portion of the presi
dent's message to the second session of
the last congress , formulating and de
fining the public laud policy of the ad
ministration at its head. In short , ho
lad shown himself a most capable , use-
ill and upright olllcial , with the inter-
istsof the government and the people
it heart.
Being such an official ho had earned
ho displeasure of all the powers arrayed
igainst a reform of the land policy , and
hey have steadily pursued him. Re.
'erring ' to his removal ho said it was u
nistako to Bay that It was summary.
There Mad been many demands for his
ollleial head during his term of ser
vice , but it remained for Mr. Lnmar , the
iirofesscd champion of reform , who in
iis last report sought to arrogate to
limsolf all the credit of what had boon
iccompli&hod in the way of reform , to
icriflce this faithful and zealous olllcial
to the hostility of the land plunderers of
every class. Was this action necessary
io carry out the full terms of a contract ?
Sparks was driven out after Lamar had
> eon invited by the president to accept
the vacant justiceship in the supreme
court , and now that the quos-
rinn of his confirmation is pending
n the senate- the ollloient adjutant of
the ox-coinmissiotior is deposed. Mean
time unearned lands have boon turned
over to railroads , and the policy of co-
"orm has seemed to como to a halt. Is
there in all this the fulfillment of an
igreomont by which Mr. Lamar is to
secure the votes of railroad-attorney
and land-grant senators ? This is most
naturally suggested , and the sequel
will show how far the suggestion has
warrant. The circumstantial evidence
! it hand does not put Mr. Lamar in a
nero favorable light before the country.
Several members of congress have
M-otostod to the president against the
removal of Lo Barnes , but thus far Mr.
Jlevoland has made no response. Ho is
not likely to do so , for the reason
that Lamar will convince him that the
removal was necessary , on the same
rounds upon which ho sought to justify
the demand for ousting Sparks , and will
iidviso Mr. Cleveland to take no notice
of the matter. Tho. president will do
nothing that might prove inimical to
the chances of the friend for whom ho
has a "positive affection , " oven though
it should bo obvious to all the world that
his friend has for his own advantage be
trayed his confidence and sacrificed the
interests of the people. To-day , if the
president is not hoard from , it is ex
pected that a resolution will bo offered
in the house of representatives call
ing for an investigation of La-
mar's last removal , but this , also ,
will probably amount to nothing.
The democratic majority will bo
very nearly Bolid against it ,
ind if the corporations are taking an
interest in the cause of Lamar there
will bo republicans who cannot bo made
to see any wisdom in. the proposed in
vestigation. LoBurncs is outand ho is
out for good. The indications are that
Lamar will bo confirmed. When that
is done the country may bo able to learn ,
without a special invesliga'tiou , the true
inwardness of what has transpired in
connection with the general land office
since Mr. Laraar was invited to take a
place on the supreme bench.
Carl Isle Will Keep Ills Seat.
The committee on elections of the
house of representatives will to-day re
port that Mr. Carlisle is entitled to his
seat. 'In this three republican members
of the committee will unite with the
democrats. The other three republi
can members , while not convinced that
Mr. Carlisle is not entitled to his seat ,
are of the opinion that the request oi
Thoobo for a reopening of the case , in
order that ho might bo given an oppor
tunity to introduce now evidence ,
should have been granted. The result ,
however , was a foregone conclusion.
Only the most overwhelming evidence
could have induced the demo
cratic majority of the committee
to report unfavorably to Mr. Car
lisle , and such evidence was not pre
sented. What was shown , Iiowoverwas
far more formidable than Mr. Carlisle
had anticipated , and forced him to n.n
elaborate defense which ho had not in
tended to mako. As to the now evi
dence which it was wild the contestant
had scoured , it might have matoriallj
strengthened his case , but it is not at al
probable that it would have re&ulted in
a different judgment. However desira
ble ruluise from public life would bo to
Mr. Carlisle , and ho seems not averse to
laying down the burdens and cares of t
public career , his party does not fee
disposed to spare him at present
It may not have nny largoi
honor for him than ho now en
joys , and It may not as n whole be quite
satisfied with everything ho has done
but It has no other man who at this
time could quite fill his place among its
leaders. If there had over been a ques
tion regarding the success of Mr. Car
lisle in the contest for his seat the entire
democratic party would have domandec
of its representatives in congress t
judgment in his favor.
The Now lloss of the
The chairman of the ways and means
committee of the house of rcpresonta
tlvos Is accorded the distinction of be
ing the loader of his party in the house
This honor the present head of that.
committee , Mis Mills , of Texas , appears
to estimate at its full value and to bo de
termined to enjoy. Ills first essay at
leadership , however , while not nn&uc-
cessful , has put him into a somewhat
absurd position that ought to bo an in-
f-tructlvo lesson , but may not bo In his
case. When on Friday Mills moved an
adjournment of the house until Monday ,
igreeably to the request of a number of
emocratio members , objection was
nado nnd In the heat of the parliamon-
ary battle that ensued Mills pro
claimed what ho evidently thought
hottld be decisive of all further contro
versy , that ho had promised a great
nany members that no business should
> o transacted on Saturdav. The house
ccolvcd this novel assumption of au-
hority to dotcrmlno when it should do
) Usincs3 as an amusing stretch of lowdor-
hip and Mr. Mills found himself the
object of general ridicule , but it was
finally thought necessary to defer to his
) ositon ! as the ostensible leader and
iis motion prevailed.
The incident is interesting as illus-
irating the character and capacity of
ho man whom Mr. Carlisle , out of ro-
jiird for precedent , has placed at the
lead of the most important committee
of congress. Impulsive , thoughtless ,
opinionated nnd obstinate , hardly
uiy man in the house is less fitted to
lischargo judiciously the very import
ant duties devolving at this juncture
upon the chairman of the ways and
neans committee. Mr. Mills , in his of-
'orts to assort and maintain a leadership
'or which ho is clearly incompetent ,
nay bo safely expected to blunder into
nero ridiculous positions than that ho
'ell into on Friday , and what is it more
serious matter to do things that may re-
lard or jeopardize the legislation ho is
looked to promote. When precedent
cannot bo followed without raising men
positions for which their natural do-
: ccts disqualify them there ought to bo
10 hesitation in disregarding it.
TIIK Ucjntllimn attempts to exonerate
Boehol nnd his man Friday , Southard ,
'or voting a license to .T. A. King , after
bis application had boon rejected , by
reason of serious charges. Bochol's
champion seeks to throw a doubt upon
the reports of the police , and plays
upon public credulity by telling a piti
ful story about King's illness , which is
said to bo the cause of the irregularities
complained of by the police. Wo know
nothing personally about King or his
resort. The report of the chief of poLice -
Lice shows that King kept a disorderly
liouso where people were robbed in
various ways. King himself was
ouco arrested on a charge
of larceny , if we remember
correctly. It was manifestly the duty of
the license board to reject King's ap
plication , whether made for his Doug
las street resort or fora now location.
But Bechol and Southard overruled
Mayor Broatch and thus wont back on
the reform which they had pretended
to favor. Beohel and Southard have
deliberately made their beds with the
lawless elements , and they must be hold
responsible for this betrayal of a sacred
Tnnitn is a very favorable prospect
that the infantry bill of Senator Man-
dorson will bo promptly passed by the
senate , having received the unanimous
approval of the military committee , and
the senator is confident it will also pass
the house before the close of the session.
Our readers have boon made familiar
with the provisions of the bill , which
the best military authorities approve as
necessary to improve the organization
of the infantry branch of the army
Senator Manderson has been commendably -
ably persistent in urging this measure
from session to session , and must re
gard with great satisfaction the favor
able promise of its final success.
As compared with St. Paul , Minne
apolis , Duluth , Bismarck and Fargo ,
where the mercury is ranging between
thirty and forty-five below : : ere , Omaha
is comparatively a pleasant winter re
IF wo are to have any more tax-eaters
wo suggest that the next ono put on the
pension roll by the council will bo a citj
inspector of sidewalk snow-shovolors.
Nebraska Jottings.
The bonded debt of Otoo county is
The Hastings postofllco did a business
of $20,000 last year.
Plattsmouth recorded eighty deaths
last year. Several more are anxiously
Bertram ! had a lively flro early las
week , and $10,000 worth of property was
The Columbus Democrat declares the
growth of Omaha "still continues to bo
marvelous. "
The boot and shoo store of II. A
Tonny , of Fremont , has been closed'bj
chattel mortgages.
The work of replacing the five span
of the Platte bridge at Fremont is being
pushed with all poasiblo energy.
The city council of Fromqnt has con
tracted for seven electric lights , at the
rate of $10 each per month , to blaze
from dark to midnight.
The announcement is made again tha
the B. fc M. will BOOH build a depot ii
Plattsmouth. It was n pretty cold day
when the report wns given out.
Servant girls are scared and hard to
please in Hastings. They demand the
use of the parlor five nights week to
cultivate leap year privileges.
Benklomcn business men rocclvei
eighty-six carloads of freight am
shipped 4,400,000 pounds of grain am
merchandise during the past year.
The hydrophoblc dog shot in Counci
Bluffs afow days ago is believed to bo
the missing link of the aldermanu
party which decorated the interior o
the Ogden houso.
"It ha < j been thirty days slncDundi
county's Omaha lawyer , " says the Dem
ocrat , "filed a claim before the count )
commissioners. May the good Lon
give him grace to forbear anotho
thirty. "
"Omaha , " says the Ouster Leader
"makes a grand showing of nenrl ;
twelve millions in building improve
ments during the past year. Truly ou
metropolis is a city , and n pushing
ono , too. "
Culbortson turned loose about $70,00 (
In building improvements last year
The principal items were a roller mill
ito,000 ! ; bchool house , $10,000 , ; opOru
louse , $0,000 ; several stores , hotels nnd
esidcncos. .
Miss RoseEd'tly , of Hastings , experi
enced the first leap year rebuff froinJohn
lobson , and took to strychnine. She
van not Uobson's choice , nnd the reali
sation shattered ! her spirit.
The sheriff of Dawos county ha1 ? col-
arcd Miller Miles , a colored soldier at
Fort Robiiipon , who Is supposed to boonb
of the murderers of Sergeant Stance.
The latter was shot full of holes near
Crawford , Christmas week.
Columbus is ready to swear on a stack
of chips that the wisdom of the supreme
court is unbounded. Since the decision
> f the court that the city had a right to
ssuo bonds for a brldgo over the Loup.
, ts praises have boon sung by young and
Dr. Slicker , the Stratton medic who
sprung into notoriety by his willingness
.o sacrifice himself for democracy as a
candidate for regent , has slid out of
: own on a wave of wrath and exposure
of past wickedness. Ho left reminders
valued at )00 , which can bo bought
The Fulton tract near Nebraska City
will bo auctioned again , February 18.
A committee of vigilantes should at
tend , prepared to rasp the clutches of
speculators should they attempt to de-
'eat the plan to purchase the land at its'
ippraiscd valuation and present It to
the city for a park. Mr. Morton's gen-
croaity should not bo balked by individ
ual greed.
Kilpatrlck Bros.fc Collins.of Beatrice ,
claim to bo thu champion railroad build
ers of the state. Last year the firm con
structed 6I0 ! miles of read , nnd employed
0,000 men mid teams , at an expense of
$ : > , loO)00. ! ) The work was done for the
following companies : Chicago , Burling-
Lon & Quinoy , S2S9 miles ; St. Joseph &
Grand Island , 90 miles ; Union Pacific ,
08 miles ; Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska ,
00 miles ; Missouri Pacific , 82 miles.
The humorists of the Fremont papers
are easily moved to merriment. The
report that the Elkhorn Valley road
built a one-stall round house at the
South Omaha stockyards produced sev
eral paragraphic guffaws as bilious and
fuddled as the authors. The twenty-
stall round house and freight house
built by the company at a cost of S100-
000 , in Omaha last year , would accom
modate the population of Fremont and
give separate stalls to the newspaper
North Bond is waging a vigorous war
on the elevator monopoly at that | point.
The two elevators there are controlled
by Himobaugh & Merriam , of Omaha ,
whoso extortions and galling treatment
of patrons has raised a blizzard of indig
nation. A meeting of prominent citi
zens and farmers was hold Tuesday , and
the elevator company unanimously de
nounced. Resolutions wore adopted
reciting that ground cannot bo had for
a competitive elevator at North Boijd ;
that competitipn is prevented
by the refusal of jtho railroad to furnish
cars ; that a fair market is impossible
under the rule of that "prince of monop
olies , " the elevator company , and that
stops bo taken to organi/o farmers'
co-operative association preparatory to
building an olovtltor and stockyards.
Tlio resolutions passed with a shout
and a committee of seven was appointed
to confer with the Union Pacific and
Elkhorn Valley roads to ascertain which
will give the be privilege for locating
the elevator either at North Bend or
Morse. '
Iowa i Items.
Muscatino parties are shipping fine
horses to the Philadelphia market.
Two hundred and eighty-two sheep
wore killed by dogs in Jefferson county
during 1887 , and. ninety-three more in
Senator Schmidtl of Davenport , is the
youngest member of the Iowa senate ,
and is said to have fallen heir to
Clinton has begun arrangements for
the annual meeting of the State Fire
men's association. The citizen's will
raise $7,000.
The records of the state board of
health show the deaths in Iowa result
ing from lightning in the past four
years to bo eighteen.
Since the opening of the Orphans'
homo at Davenport in 1862,1,4015 sol
diers' orphans have boon received. OI
these 95 per cent , are good and useful
citizens , according to the report of the
A young girl at Kookuk , on Tuesday
last , fell on n bridge , and , being unable
to rise immediately , her tongue froze
fast to the iron railway , and remained
in that condition until she was released
by Borne passer-by. It is thought she
will suffer much before her tongue heals.
George M. Armstrong , a brakemnn
who was coaxed with a gun to marry
a Miss Carr , in Perry , Juno 16,1885 , is
suing for a divorce in Denver , Col. , on
the ground of immorality. Armstrong
says that at the time ho was forced to
marry ho deeded to his wife forty acres
of land in Jasper county , which she
subsequently sold for $ -500.
A. W. Fullio , a farmer in Taylot
county , was accidentally killed last week
and his untimely taking on" illustrate :
a sermon on divine wrath. Two weeks
ago when the first blizzard came he
made use of tlio expression , that 'i :
there was such a being as Goi
Almighty , ho was without love or fool
ing for humanity or ho would not send
such storms upon them , ' at the same
time declaring that if another such
storm came ho would go to a climate
that had never been cursed with such
storms , and escape the vigilance of the
almighty. The storm came on Tuesdaj
morniiii ; and ho began preparations for
departure. Securing a largo trunk ho
packed it and Wednesday morning went
to load it into a wagon to haul to Villiscn
where ho expected to take the nftornoor
train. Ho had ono end of the trunk in
a wagonbox and was raising the othei
end from the ground when his feel
slipped from under him , the sharp edge
striking him upon'tho neck as ho laj
upon the ground. His neck was" broken
nnd ho died almost instantly.
Saloon Hconso in Hamlin county has
boon raised to $1,000.
, T. E. Whitosido'has boon appointee
register of the Deadwood land olllce.
Custcr City is nuilp sure that in the
near future it will huvo the first complete
ploto tin plant known in America.
A Deadwood druggist has packed his
stock and will move to a sicklier clime
The country is too healthy to hold him
The coroner of Deiulwood whoso valu
able services last yoaramountod toU.U ! )
now threatens to resign because the bil
was cut down to $3.20.
Delegate GilTord , who has suffered
ccnsideraoly from disease of the eyes
resembling catarrh , has had an opera
tion performed , and has been obliged to
give up evening work altogether. As
soon as gas is lit ho is forced to retire.
He is mending rapidly , and hopes to
find his eyes in a normal condition in a
few days.
Cheyenne is enjoying a three-ply
boom the legislature , street cars and t
republican city council.
Oil and plumbago have boon dlscov
orod within thirty-five miles of Cheyenne
onno by John Ellison , a machinist.
Throe grades of lye ore made at the
Lnrumiu Chemical works , of dilleren
logroea 'of strength. The "Elk" Is the
strongest , the "Wyoming" crushed Ivo
ocond , and "Daisy" crushed lye llio"
bird. All of them are pure , and are
nit up in pound cans. Tlio Elb lye is n
superior disinfectant , nnd Is a great soap
maker , but the Boomerang Ho still
nnlntatns the first rank in strength nnd
The city council of Cheyenne baa de
cided to Invest in nn artesian well 1.000
'cot deep. A great dual of anxiety and
expense could bo saved if the Cheyenne
lads would apply to tholr Omaha brotti-
ron for the grade and brand of unadul
terated prohibition which they tapped
on the biirfacu of Council 13lulls last
An attempt was made last Wednesday
to wreck two pansongor trains on the
Union Pacific between Sherman and
Buford stations. A heavy tie was
placed on the track. The descent at
Ibis point is very sharp , and the first
section of No. " was running lively
when the obstruction was mot. Fortu
nately the engine threw it off the track.
Fifteen minutes later the second section
had a similar experience , but the ob
struction was again thrown from the
track. A vigorous search is being made
for the miscreants.
A Famous Advonturosi.
Fannie B. Ward in Philadelphia
Record : Next to the Bazatno mansion
is that once occupied by the Princess
Salm-Salm. All middle aged Washingtonians -
tonians , and especially veterans in the
Army of the Potamac , will remember
that dashing adventuress. She was
Agnes Lo Clorq , a native of Baltimore ,
who In early youth was a circus rider ,
danseuse and star actress , by which ac
complishments she accumulated quite a
fortune. When the war broke out she
was making a great spread in Washing
ton , though rather on the shady side of
society , and was a prime favorite among
olllcers of the Army of the Potamac.
Finally she married a genuine prince , a
Gorman , Felix Salm-Salm , who had
volunteered in the Union army. The
Tlio prince did not amount to much , but
his wife was a princess all the same , and
through her still powerful influence he
was made a brigadier general. Many
will remember her spirited style of
beauty as she appeared in the reviews of
those days , always dressed in semi-
military garb and riding magnificently
upon a splendid black stallion. Whou
the war was over , and while the army
wim being reorganized , she passoil a
winter in Washington , endeavoring to
obtain for her husband a colonel's com
mission. But she was unsuccessful , for
really the prince was not worth a row of
pins , and tnoro wore too many would-bo
colonels , most of thorn belonging to the
noble army of invineiblos in peace and
invinciblos in war. If the complete
of Madame Salm-Salm's
history - intrig
ues in pursuance of her purpose should
be dragged into print many a fair repu
tation would suitor among the shining
lights of the United States capital.
Afterward she came to Mexico , where
the weak Maxmilian was easily won to
her cause , and teen Prince Salm-Salm
was made aid-do-camp to the oraporor.
For a time they lived in clover , but
when the crash came Salm-Salm barely
escaped being executed with his
master. Doubtless ho would have
boon but for the energetic interces
sions of his wifewho went on horseback ,
unattended , all the way from Quoro-
taro to San Luis Patosi , and on her
knees besought the Indian president ,
Juarez , to spare both the emperor and
his aid. She could not save the former ,
but the royal family of Austria was
duly grateful. So it was to her advant
age to return to Europe , where the
prince was appointed a major in the
Grenadier guards -Prussia. . After ho
was killed at Gravelotto bis irrepressi
ble widow raised a hospital brigade ,
which really accomplished a great deal
of good during the war. Afterward she
married Mr. Charles Honeago , an al-
tatcho of the British legation at Berlin.
But Madame Agnes LoClorq-Salm-Siilm-
Heneago did not find the scion of John
Bull BO pliant and manageable as her
gentle Gorman husband , and the pair
soon separated. She died about four
years ago , having mot with more ad
ventures than any woman of her day.
O A 'Romance in a Senuto mil.
Philadelphia North American : A bill
which was introduced yesterday , to
amend the record of an officer of the
army , covers n romance. During the
war a young officer was put under arrest
for some trivial offense , tried nnd ac
quitted , but while waiting for a verdict
was in technical confinement at the fort
at Mobile. In the meantime ho received
a telegram that a young lady , to whom
ho was engaged , nnd her father wore to
arrive , and lie was asked to meet them.
Ho stated the circumstances
to the commandant at the post
and asked permission to go to the sta
tion , , which was refused , as he thought ,
without good reason , for the comman
dant know as well as himself that ho
had been acquitted by the courtnnd the
oflicial order for his release was on its
way from headtiuartors. Ho therefore
concluded to take the chances of leav
ing the fort without permission , and did
so , because ho realized that his fiancco
and her father would think it very
strange if ho did not appear to welcome
Ho wont , mot the party at the station ,
and conducted them to the hotel. Then
ho returned to the fort. Ho found
awaiting him the order of his release
from confinement upon the first charge ,
but was at once arrested for disobed
ience of orders in having loft the fort
without permission. On this charge ho
was tried and dismissed from the sor-
vieo , but the girl nnd her father , when
they found out the facts , stood by him ,
and the marriage took place earlier
than was intended. On tlio records of
the army ho appears as having been
dismissed for disobedience of orders ,
and he now comes before congress to
have the btain wiped out
Tnbor's Claim on the Treasury.
Philadelphia Record : Tabor , of Colorado
rado , hius bobbed up again. Not now as
United States senator with diamonl
cuff-buttons and-shirt studs and $250
nightshirlsbutasan humble claimant at
the senate's doors. Ills friend "Tom"
Bowen , who has his seat in the senate ,
has Introduced a bill giving Tabor back
$7,600 which ho Bpont on government
account when ho was postmaster at
Leadvillo in the early days of that min
ing camp. Tabor was appointed just ns
Leadville's boom began to grow. It
grew so fast that in order to give the
people decent postolllco facilities Post
master Tabor , had spent $7,000 before
ho could got the poitolllco department
to make adequate allowances. Ever
since then whenever ho has felt a little
hard up ho has fallen back u ] > on that
$7,500. But ho will bo older before ho
shall be richer on that account.
: cllel ] With Their JIoriiN lacked ,
Wausau ( Wis. ) Contrrl : E. J. Ship-
man came across two largo doer in the
woods north of Thorp , with their horns
locked together , in which condition
they had evidently been for several
days. Ono of the animals was dead
and frozen stiff when found , but the
other wns ulivo nnd evidently in a
starving condition , having dragged the
dead deer a distance of about forty rods
and ripped the brush and ground up
generally in his olTorts to got loose. Jvhv
Shipman < lespatched the live deer and
to got tholr heads upart had to breuk
the horuB of each.
Kjporloneo oFn HIUI FrnnclRRO Coup'lo '
I'hntMnjr He Duplicated KHewliere.
Snn .Francisco Chronicle : About two
nionths ngo a gontlomnn and his wife ,
who have boon residing in the vlrlnlty
of Los Angeles for many years , arranged
to take up their roMAonw iu this city.
They lived in "boom" land before the
blizzard of inflation struck It , and rc-
polvlng to profit by the abnormal rlso in
valuations , disposed of their lots nnd
houses at a very fair profit. Having an
eye for future Investments in northern
California , they oamo to San Francisco.
From street to street the couple wand
ered in search of a residence , until ono
day they found a fiat of four rooms duly
advertised and announced as being to
let furnished complete. The landlord
was sought , and he , polite and accom
modating , told his would-bo tenants
that the flat ws to let on account of the
former occupants leaving U > wn.
The Los Angeles couple viewed the
rooms and were very much pleased with
the looks of tlio apartments. But Ills
bettor to narrate the story from this
point as it was told aChron'iclo reporter
by the lady :
"Wo hired the fiat it is on McAllis
ter street and concluded to move in
after the place was cleaned up. I en
gaged n Japanese boy and a white cook ,
and they started to do the work. On
the first day that wo wore in the rooms
I was arranging some books on a table
and had to pull it away from the wall.
To my astonishment back logs fell down
and the top collapsed with tlio load of
literature. This was the first surprise.
1 sent the Japanese boy fora carpenter ,
and while ho was gone wont to the
kitchen to see how dinner was getting
on. Surprise number two awaited mo
hero. I found the cook in n state of ex
citement. She had taken the vegetable
dishs from the cupboard , and when
lifting the covers the dishes had
fallen to pieces with a crash. I didn't
know what to do , and returning to the
parlor sat down on a fancy carved rock
ing chair. Ominous cracking noises
began to manifest na I took my heat ,
and suddenly the entire olfair fell to
pieces. It had boon simply glued to
gether-I had a good cry , atid then my
husband , came homo. Went down town
to a restaurant to dinner and comforted
ourselves on the way homo to the fiat
that the kind landlord would make
things all right. 'Lot's play a hand ut
casino before wo retire , ' said my hus
band , drawing an ebony card table from
the wall. Scarcely had the table boon
placed in position than it , too , fell to
pieces , showing the manner in which it
had boon fastened. The legs and joints
had bits of paper pasted on to hold them
in plaeo. This wan the last straw and
wo wont to bed. I had bettor pass over
the quality of the matresses and pillows
on that bed. The springs were worn out
and stuck into our back and ribs as wo
vainly endeavored to find a comfortable
"Tho next morning llio door boll kept
up a continuous ring. The callers were
duns looking for the last tenants , and as
a climax , when wo returned homo after
breakfast wo found a big , fat-looking ,
dirty man sitting before the kitchen
range , smoking vile smelling cigars.
Ho announced himself OB a deputy sher
iff in charge , and proposed to remain
where ho was until the judgment was
"What judgment ? " wo both asked
aghast , "wo don't ewe anything. '
"No , but the last tenants did for the
furniture , " was the reply.
"Then the furniture don't belong to
the landlord. '
"I should say not. Hero's the bill for
$500. " said the sheriff's deputy , handing
us a document bearing the nsuno of a
firm that rents second-hand furniture.
"This incident filled our cup of woo ,
and the next morning wo returned to
the Palace hotel , resolved to never
agalnt rent a furnished flat. "
Transportation in Mexico.
A correspondent writes to the St.
Louis Globe-Democrat from Mexico :
When I say I think the system of tram
ways , or street railroads , in llio City of
Mexico is the most perfect system of
transportation I have soon in the repub
lic I probably ewe the jackass , or burro ,
system an apology. This meek , longsuffering -
suffering , ovor-burdonod , unfed , nnd
much-abused animal is utilized on all
occasions and for all purposes. . At nny
time of day and on all roads leading
from the country to the city may bo scon
in countless numbers this jack rabbit
family , with every variety of market
ing , including fruit , milk , poultry in
coops , lumber , charcoal tied in bundles
of weeds or long grass , building stone ,
brick , burned or unburned , and , in fact ,
everything that is movable is piled on
these forolorn , friendless animals and
carried to and from jtho country. It is
said before the introduction of railroads
that ns many as 60,000 were in use In
and around tlio City of Mexico alone ,
and the same svslem of transportation
prevails throughout the republic.
The most amusing Ihinglhavo seen
in the natives is the ingenuity they dis
play in packing these burros with any
thing they want to transport. Lumber
that is Uio long to balance they attach
to both sides of the donkey and lot one
otid drag on the ground , and in that
way haul it fifty miles or more from the
mountains to tlio city , or the minca , as
the case may bo.
There is another class of transporta-
lion in mexico , which should not bo
overlooked , ns it enters largely into
competition with all others , viz. : that
by which the heads and backs of men
and women are used. It is surprising
to sco what heavy burdens are carried
on both sexes , to and from the country ,
the n onion , generally with a papoose on
her back , and frequently with one or
two more children a shade larger , fol
lowing close behind her , and bho be
hind a man , who is driving a herd of
burros , all alike loaded to their fullest
capacity , and making Blow railroad
time. 'There is another class known as
cargadocrs , licensed by the govern
ment , and usually employed in
cities. They are entrusted with
handling all valuable packages , moving
household goods , carrying messages ,
transferring people on their backs
across the streets that are BO often ovor-
fiowed in the rainy season , etc. , etc.
They are , in hhort , a kind of confiden
tial transportation company , and the
only ono Inavo over heard of in Moxico.
As there are few navigable lakes or
rivers of importance in tlio interior of
Mexico , transportation by water cuts
but a little figure , of courso. Still the
native Indian continues to utilize what
there is. The famous Lake Tezcuco ,
upon which Cortcz launched his little
fleet in his attack upon the City of Mexico
ice in 1420 , and into which the drainage
of the city ib emptied , still affords navi
gation for small craft , not drawing more
than two foot of water , and is accessible
to the city through canals which are
utilized by the Indians for transporting
pashongers and every variety of market
ing , of which they raise largoquantitles
along thu canalb and on the borders of
the lake.
It is upon ono of these canals that the
far-famed "floatinggardens"cultivated
in the limp of the Aztecs are located ,
and are btill utilized by the natives for
the production of fruitsfioworsand veg
etables. They are often visited by
strangers and citizens who are attracted
there to sec thu native Mexican in his
aboriginal style of living. Each family
and thuro is a great number of them liv
ing along the line of-the canal , which is
so'ino three miles long , ling ft pmnll , flat-
bottom boiU.HOnjo twotity foot longnnd
four feel wide , 'mow or less , which they
covpr with ntv awning to protect the
iKistiMiRora from the sun and rain. The
boat is profiled by a polo in the hands
of u man or woman , and as there is but
HI tlo current good speed is made and
the trip novi'l and enjoyable and is
Often resorted to by pleasure parties.
Tlio lliiysluii Novcltat.
Fortnightly Review : In a nation full
of life , but young , and newly in oontact
with an old and powerful civilization ,
sensitiveness ami self consciousness tire
prompt to appear. In the Americano ,
H8 well as in the Russians , wo see them
active in a high degree. They are
somewhat agitating and disquieting
agents to their poi ossor , but they have ,
if they get fair play , great
powers for evoking and enrich
ing a literature. But the Americans ,
ns we know , are ant to sot thorn at
rest In the manner of my friend , Colonel
nel Higglnpon , of Boston. "As I take
it , nature said fomo years Binco : 'Ths
far the English is my best race ; buthavo
had Englishmen enough ; we iiocddonio-
thing with a little more buoyancy than
the Englishman ; lot us lighten the
structure , oven at pome peril in the pro
cess. Put in ono drop more of nervous
fluid , nnd make the American. ' With
that drop , anew range of promise opened
on the hitman race , and a lighter , liner ,
more highly organized typo of man
kind was born. " People who by tills
port of thing give rest to their sensitive
and busy self-consciousness nmv very
well , perhaps , bo on their way to great
material prosperity , to great political
power : but they are scarcely on the
right way to a great literature , a seri
ous art. The Russian does nol assuage
his sensitivono'iH in this fashion. The
Russian man of loiters docs not. make
nature say : "Tho Russian is my raoo. " Ho finds relief to
his sensitiveness in letting his per
ceptions have perfectly free play and in
recording their reports with perfect
fidelity. The Hinroronoss with which
the reports are given hai even some
thing childish awl touching. In the
novel of which I am going to speak
there is not a line , not a trait brought
in for the glorification of Russia or to
feed vanitv ; things and chanuiter go as
nature takes them , and the author is ab
sorbed in seeing how nature takes them
and in relating it. But wo have hero a
condition of things which is highly
favorable to the production of gooll
literature , of good art. Wo
have great sonsitivencHS , sub
tlotly and finesse , addressing them
selves \vith onliro disinlorostcdness and
simplicity to the representations of
human life. The Russian novelist is
thus master of a spell to which the secrets -
crots of human nature both what is
external and what is internal , gesture
and manner no less than thought and
fooling willingly make themselves
known. The crown of literature is
poetry , and the Russians have not yet
had a great pool. But in that form of
imaginative literature , which in our
day is the most popular and the most
possible , the Russians at the present
moment seem to mo to hold , as Mr.
Gladstone would say , the field.
Indian * UN Joekcyf ) .
Sportsman : Pinto Indian jockeys who
created such a sensation at Stockton ,
Cal. , last fall will have to look to tholr
laurels , as some British Columbia In
dians are after the position of premier
riders among the aborigines. On this
point Victorian ( B. C. ) advices bay that ,
as jockey riders the Flathcad Indians
and their relations have , perhaps no
equals on earth. Raised as they are
from childhood almost on a pony's buck ,
BO to speak , it is no wonder they bccomo
superior equestrians. When preparing
for a race the young bucks skin them
selves of their clothing so as to
present ns little resistance to the
air as possible. A Flathcad jockey
mounted for business if dres cd in noth
ing more than a breech eloul , and , per
haps , a thin cotton shirt , which floats in
the brcozo , but offers impediment to the
rider or horse. ' Loaning forward on
their hardy little cayusos , they dash
down the race course like the wind ,
jumping ditches and dodging trees with
a precision and skill truly marvellous.
The white man's race rouse is a fiat ,
level stretch of ground , rolled smooth ,
over which the animal simply runs ,
while the rider has nothing much to do
except to hold to his sent. On the other
hand , an Indian will race over any kind
of ground , among timber or bwimniing
streams , combining with the simple
speed of his animal individual skill and
judgment in surmounting a score of ob-
saaclcs , and always coming muter the
wire ahead. A white man seldom wins
a race from an Indian , and there is no
How to Test Silk.
Boston Journal of Commerce : How
to determine the actual quality of silk ,
says an exchange , is a question that
often puzzles the mind. A sure plan is
to take ton fibers of the Jilling of any
silk , and if , on breaking , they show a
feathery , dry and lack-luster condition ,
discoloring the fingers in handling , you
may at once bo sure of tlio presence of
dye and artificial weighting ; or take a
portion of the libers between the thumb
nnd forefinger , and very gently roll
them over and over , and you will BOOH
detect the gum , mineral , soap and other
ingredients in the one and the absence
in the other. A simple but effective
test of purity is to burn a small quantity
of the fiber i ; pure silk will instantly
crisp , leaving only a pure charcoal ;
heavily dyed silk will binouldor , leaving
a yellow , greasy ash. If , on the con
trary , you cannot break the ton strands ,
and they are of a natural lubter and
brilliancy , and fail to discolor the lin
gers sit the point of contact , you may
well "DO assured that you have a pure
silk that is honest in its make and
durable in its wear.
Constitutional Catarrh ,
or Imstenoil the breaking tip ot thli constitution
than Catarrh. The seiibo of Mnell , ot tuitc , oi
slKlit , otliuarliifc. tlio Imrrmn volrn , tha inlnd
onu or inori1 , anil hulni'tlnioMill , ylold toiUdii-
t-triutlvo Influence. The iiolbon It illstilhntei
throughout thti cystem nttiirkHu wry vital force ,
ana brcakx up thu most robust ot constitution * .
Ignored , bucuuiiu but little ; nmliir.-ftooil , by most
pbynlcInnH , linpott'ntly iibsalleil by 01 nicks and
clmrlatfiiiH , tlioso xnllVrliiK from It lutvo llttlu
liojio tobo rclloveilof It UifsKlclo of tlio fravi ; > .
Itfs tlniu , then , that tha popular treatment of
this tm-rllilo disease by ii-modlcs within thu
reach of nil pusscd Into hand * at onto compe
tent nnd trustworthy. The nuw uml hitherto
untilod method udohted by Dr. Bunfordln the
piupnrntlon of Ills ituitAi , CITIII : bus won the
nonity nppoviil of thousands. It la Instnntiinu-
ons In nrlordlliK rxllof In all lioid ; cold.s , snc-ez-
IIIK. HiiullIluK and obstructed breiitiiliiK. iuij
rapidly removes the most opnrosMlvo Hymptomi ,
clt'iirliiK the bund , Bwoetenfni ; the breath , ro-
Htorlng the senses of Hindi , taste mid lieurlnK ,
mid iiL-utrallilUKthu ronslitutloiiiil leudeucy of
the dlsiaxo touurds tholunK-i. liver nnd kldnoyx.
KANtoiin's HAIIICU , CUIIK consists of ono hot-
tlootthe HAIUCAI. CUIIK , onnboxof OATAiinn-
M , SOLVENT , mid IMI HOVII : ) IMIAI.KII : price $1.
ANTll'ilN 1'litMTll rellevro llht-li-
nnatlr , Sciatic , Hudilcn , Hhurp , unit
NervoiiH I'Mim. Htrulnt and U't-Hk-
. Tlio nnd only puln-klllInK plaster.
A now and Infitllllilu antidote to imln , Inllain-
million nnd wcakm-Bi. Utterly nnuka nd vast
ly superior to all ether pluuters. At itlldruu'
gtatiiKc ; llvo for II ; or jiostnKo fieo of I'oltcr
Drugund Chemical Co. , lloiton , JliiKS.
Surgeon and Physician ,
Unico N.V duner lltli and lioiiiilas St. OIllco ,
telephone , lt5 ! ; Kcsldcaco tcluDlioue , Ua ) ,