Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 15, 1888, Page 7, Image 7
* * * - * - -T - - . * P I - - " - - . * * - , , 4u WR , . ip : , - s , , . n. - , , , , - .pv * ' " * r' " II H riit THE OMAHA DAILY ' .B E : SUNDAY , JANUARY 15. ISSS.-TWELVE PAGES , V 'l ' SATURDAY MARKET FIGURES , Traders In the Qrnln Pits Sing Songs aud Guy Kach Othor. FEATURELESS SESSION IN CORN. In Provisions On n Very .Slow He-ale Too Sluiij Cnlllo On Snln Tor Good 1'rlcen Quotation * . CHIOACO MAUKHT. CIIK uio , .Tnn. 1 ( . [ Special Telegram to the Urn.During ] an hour or more of to-day's ' short session of tho. d of trade the crow dot traders sang songs , gued each other , bid for pork ut w prircs and of fered wheat by the thousand barrels and genet ally conducted themselves Inn jojous , free-froin-cuio fashion. which they adopt \vlien Is no business to bo done. 'Iho pcrfoniianco Indlcate-d as cloiily as nn > - tlilni ? could , the listless feeling of local tra ders regarding the nnikots and the absence of oi dci s for commission men. Trade for n tlmo seemed to bo iibsolutc'1) dead. During the brief time when any business was done in the market hud the same features iis jesteiduy. Hutclilnson was a seller , and Jonot , MoConnlck & Kcnnctt were the principal bujers. The purchases of the lat ter have been the principal support of the market against the bearish Inclination of local traders. May wheat opened ut 81c , sold up to S1) ) i * , then fell to S4o , very slowly advanced to b4fe again , fell to ( Mound closed at 84' < c. Pcbtuury wheat sold ut 73c. The noiiilnallv low point was 77'foiind ' the close 77J e. The visible sup ply stattment on Monday Is expected to show a deci case of from 750,000 to 1,000,000 bushels. The co i n maiket appeal ed to bo absolutely featureless. Trading was very light and fluctuations weio lonlhied within uiangcof Ke. Pi Ice variations followed closely those In the wheat maiket. May coin opened at , sold down to Me , back to JVI 7..VHfe , touched .Me again and clo ( d a .MtWII'ge For Fobruniy corn I'M was asked at the opening and 4s. ; < eat the close. In Iho Hpecillativo oats market there was se.uceh enough business to keep tiadcis to irethei . The llu < tuutions for the day amounted but ML : The trading was all in May dullvoty , Whii h opened at 3U4C , sold i down to 31 $ aud closed at that price bid. The piovision ti ado was a little slow. In the em ly pint of the session theio was n lit tle stir iu poik for May deliveiy , occasioned by the fre o selling of a couple of commission liouoes , but us the day. advanced a compar atively quiet feeling nsittmed contiol of the entile maiket. Outside cudeis of all desenp- tiimsweie limited nnd local tradcis kept within consoivativo bounds in their tiadlng. Mav , as usual , was the favorite delivery. The pioduet was quito well suppoited , and , as composed witli last night's closings , pork'at adjoin n- iinch inged to 2'fic ' easier for the Ma ) option , lard unchanged and shoit libs nt 2' < e easier For May deliveiy poik sold at M50'i.iiil5 ! ( 1,1 , laid at 67 lM ( < i > 7 ( > y and short i ibs at ? 7 UVnt > ( X ) Pol k closed foi the s line month at $15 12'-J , hud at ? 7.li7 and shot 11 ibs nt 571(7 ( . In the months nearer than May lindens weio icstueted. At the adjournment January poik stood at 14.70 , Janmn y 1m d at 57 12-Jjf , January short i ibs at $7.70 , Fobiuaiy pork at $14 71 , Febiuary laid nt > 7 I2 > bid , Fobuuiiy shoit libs at 7 70 bid , Match laid ut * 7 DO and Match short libs at * 7.bO _ CHICAGO IjlVJl STOCK. CIIIC-.00 , .Tan. 14. [ Special Telcgiam to the Hi r 1 CVTTLI : "Too many cattle for Satwdi'v , " said eveiy salosman. Tiadevva slow , vv ith pi Ices lOo low or than ) csterday , but it should bo lemcinbeiedth U values were almost up to high water mai Icon plain and lommoii htoek. The week's tiado has been one of the most i umiit kablo on iccoul. A big > un was expected on tu count of the shoit up- tmn of the week bofoie , but no one lookce for near 00,000 , the number aetu illj iciohee mid disposed of. Under this unpiecedeiitee number pi ices hnvo withstood a gica , % allies baiel.V going lowci than Little on plain and common while best hnvo sold equally us hl < jh anytime. I1 * * .ov s nud hoifeis me on the steady upturn mid may go considerably higher The stoeker/and feeder trade has not been as active as dealeis would like , \et prlies have uudeiwcut little or no change. Steeis , 1310 to l.r > ( X ) Ibs , $4 I0 ( < ? 5 20 ; 1200 toJjJIO Ibs , S3 00 04 W ) : ' .HO to 1200 Ibs , * . ! 00S4 ( IX ) Stockois and fccdeie , $ i21i ( < 350 ; tows bulls and mixed , ; bulk , Si 15 2 40 ; Texas Btceis , ? . ' 25a..HO. ( Iloos Trndo was fairlv active , with val ues about lOc low or than the highest vostoi- duy. $5 fi.ltJZ.1 75 ; . in line > pieheis and good mixed , ? 1 IO ( 5tiO ; ' -lit mixed , .1 ir > @ 5.n ; best assoited light * 1(50 ( 11) , $5 UXftl IS ; 170 to IbO Ib oveiages , f525 ( < i.1.15 ; pigs of 140 to 150-lbs may bo quoted at f4bO ( < < 501 The week opened on nil adam ing market , Monday's and Tucsduv 's i eceipts aggregated less than 4.r , ( 00 head , and , although the demand was not of the shaipcst , puces ueio udvanced Ific , best light touching J-1 31 and extra as sorted heavy irolng to ? T > 'HfM ' ) in Smco then there lias been a diopof 10il.0o ( ! , to da's pikes being the lowest lei the week , I'lNANCIAIj. Nr.vv YOIIK , .Ton. 14 [ Si > ceial Telegram to the Hrn.1 STOCKS The stock decline of yosteiday was lecovered to day in the light business done , the bi lot session closing strong at an advance of K@X per cent on the gen eral list us compHi eel witli ) esterda's close nnd ? s' @ ? per cent on the Pacifies and the Coalers. There wns but little fluctuation lu values , the opening pi iocs as a rule being tlio lowest of the day , and the subsequent Im provement being gained steadily nnd sti ongly , notwithstanding the unimportant character of the dealings. The market opened quiet but steady. London was a buyer of Uendiitg nnd St. Paul , but not to any gieat extent. Trade-is were inclined to bo bullish , but , on the other hand , the feeling iu the street is conservatively bullish. The latter view was Btiongthened by anticipations of a favorable bank statement under a largo Ituicasc in the jcservo. The total sales were 85,000 shares. GoviiiiNMiiNTa Government bonds weio dull but Him. PltODUOEAJlKETS. Clilongo , Jan. 14. Following are the Sl5i : closing prices : Flour Firm and unchanged : $3 50 4 00 po 1)1)1 ) ; spring wheat , J3HK3450 per bbl ; rye r.\7.lJOO i > cr bbl ; buckwheat , f5.60a02 ( l > er bbl. . 'Wheat Again ruled quiet und fluctuation conllncd within jtfo range and closed } { c be low ) estordo ) * . cash , 77X ° t February , 77J c Way , 8 J < a Corn Qulot and featureless ; owned a nbout ) estenlui 's close and closed J&Oi'iji ' , 4s fc ; February , 4Sc ; May MtSc. Pau-Skowcd no important changes frou esterdavi cnsli , 31g31Vfc ; Fcbiuary , 01 ; day , 34l c. H irley Quiet at 73 < 7j < c. Piimo Timothy tl 4V.(2.47. Whiiky-Jl.10. Pork Moderate ! v active , but Irregular and owcr ; cash , $14 f V' 14 70 ; February , tl4 ( i7'f ( ! 4 70 ; May , Jlfi.IOMl.1 12' . Lard Quiet und lower ; cash and Febru ary , * 7.42 } 7.I1 : May , 47.MV7C7 07W. Dry Salted Moats Shoulders , fci'WZO 00 ; short clear , W.15Cii820 ; short ribs , $7.70. Huttor In good demand ; cieamcry , 22 ® II , c : dairy. SlCifiOc. Cheese Qirrot ; tull cream cheddnis , JftHc ; flats , HQUKc'ioung American , Eggs 20W22c. Hides Unchmigcd ; green hides fi fio/cn , fie ; heavy green salted , li's ; llgql n-eii s ilted , fi ; salted bull , 5 ' 40 ; gu'cu Imll , l'C ; green Halted calf , Sc ; diy flint and dry calf , 12 < : branded , 15 percent off ; dene-ons. 'We * each ; dry silted , 10c Tallow I'nchnngcd ; No. 1 , country solid , 34'c , No. 2 , ; ) ' { ; cake. 4. 4.Uccelpts , Shipments. Flour , bbls . 21,000 10,000 , Wheat , bu . 14,000 12,000 Coin , bu . t4,000 & 1KX ( ) Onts , bu . bl,000 ) 4'XH ! ( ) 11)0,1)11 . JKIO ( 2.000 HIM Icy. bu . .Til.OOO 31,000 .Milwaukee , Jan. 11. Wheat Dull ; eash , 77 " 4 r ; May , bJ > < c * Corn null , No y , bK < - . Oats-Qulct ; No 2 white , 3IK& Ko Stioug ; No 1 , CIJCc. H nley Fiiinor ; No 2 , 7sc. Provisions Quiet ; pork , January , f 14 75@ 15 00. St. TJOI-IH. .Tan. 14 Wheat Lower ; cash , feJ' c ; Mav , bl c. Coin Stead ) ; cash , ISJi'e ; May , fiOc. Oats-Dull ; eash , : u } { < , ttc\ \ May , 3JXc. Pork-HOO(3152- > . Lard -$7.20 Hutter Unchanged ; creamery , 21@30c ; daiiv. ISiS-Mo. Whisky # 1.05. 3IlnnonollH , Jan. 11. Millets vvcro nbout the onlv buers mid they picfeiied holding oft until some of the blockaded trains arrived It Is exiected that by the lattei pnit of next week the icce'ipts will bo quite lingo Hocclpts , 1 ear ; shipments , 43 ears. Closed lu stoio : No 1 hind , .lanuai ) , 7Hc ; Fehruiny , 7Ke ! ) : May. 82''c ; No I northern , .lanuai ) , 77Kc ; Folnuarj , 7bc ; May , 8Jc ; No 2 northern , January , 75e ; Ma ) , nc. On track * No 1 hind , hoc ; No. Inottlieni , "si e ; No 2 not them , 71c. . Flour Patents , sacks to ship , stock car lots , $1 15@4.25 ; bnkeia' ? 1 SfitJZ.l G5. Clnulnnntl , Jan. 11. Wheat Steady ; No 2 red. S'lc. ' Coin Easy ; No 1 mixed , 52e. Oats Cas ) ; No 2 mixed , SlJJ.OiriOc. Kvc-Dull ; No 2 , 70e Piovlsioiib Unchanged ; poik , ? 15251nrd , 7 21 Whisky Steadat f 1.01. LlvcM-pool. Jan. 11. Wheat Dull mid unchanged ; holders offer fieoly ; Call- foinia No I , ( Is 10d@ds lid per cental. Corn Fnm and demand fair ; now mixed vvcstoin 4 s lid per cental. New York , Jan. 14. Wheat Ucccipts , 7,000 ; exporUs , 04,000 ; options declined 1 < ; Q $ ' 40 , but closed quiet ; spot lots weak but very dull ; ungraded led lWOl jfc ; No. 1 red , nominal at Die ; No , 2 led , Ill' ' c in eleva tor , iU'-JfltlLBfc ' delivered ; Fobruaiy closed Coin Heceipts , 20iOO ! ; exports , 115,100 ; spot dull and a shadelowei ; options ( ffi o bettoi , but very quiet ; ungiaded.l.O . CfJdJ-'fe ; No. 3 and No. 2 , UlJJc elovatoi , t.Jc . deliv- cied ; Febiimiy closing at ( ilj c * . Oats Keccipts , 21,0K ( ) ; exports , 10,000 ; mixed westein , .iO@10c ; white wcstciu , 40@ 4o. ( ! 4o.Coffee Coffee Dull : spot , fair ; Uio , $17.75 ; options opened weak nnd closed steadier ; uales , 30,711) ) bags ; Jnminrv14 ! 1(781" ( 01 ; Fob- luir.y , i.l481Lil4 ( 11 ; Mtiich , $ ll.2114 ( 10 ; Apnl , * 14 I.lcml425 ; May , ? .l4.10Vt. ( 14.25 ; June , $ l3t)1j14.tO. ) ( Ijggs Stepdv but quiet ; westeinl21(32JKc ( * Petiolcnim Finn ; United , Ol c. Poik Model ately aetivo at $15 25@15 50 for one v ear old. L nd Shade lower and very dull ; western steam snot , VT.72K. Huttor Quiet but firm ; western , 10 ( < 7T > o Cheese l ° mn and unchanged ; wcbtcin , Kansas City , .Tan. 11 Wheat Steady ; No 2 soft , cash , no bids , M'40 asked ; May , b'J'f bid , 6 le * asked. Coin Weak ; No 2 , cash , 42Kc asked ; May , 47J < c bid. 4s' ' c asked Oats No. 2 cash , 27J-ic bid. Now OrlcniiH , Jan. 14. Corn , stiong lit IMC. Onts Steady ; No 2 , 42 } ; Coin Meal Quiet iit $ ) 7.1 Hog I'lodue tsOuie t ) ' \ ' , , , ' , ; nrd , ? 737 < j' . HnlkiiH'.its Shouldeis , SO23 , long clear , mil clcai libs , * s 00. LilVU STOCK. Union Slock YiuclH , Cliicaio , Jan. 11. The Dioveis' Jouinal lepoits. Cattle Keccipts , 3.000 ; slow and shade ow cr ; ste-ei s ? 5 00V ( ( 5 20 ; stoekei s and feedei s , ' 2 21 < 1 < . ) 50 ; cows , bulls and mixed , $1.75 ® J 10 ; Texas steels , W 2.1Qf ; ! 00 Hops Heceipts , 11,000 ; slow and lower ; nixed , # 5 l.lfeifi 4.1 , heav ) , * 5 lOfel 7.1 , skips , S3 21@4 fell Shc'ep Kecolpts , 3,000 : strong ; natives , ft OOrtt.1 50fuir. , 10i 3 10 ; Texans , fj 00(0 ( ! 3 SO ; lambs , $4752021. National Stock Yards Hnst St. Louis , Jan. 14 Cattle Receipts , UK ) ; shipments , 1,81'0 ; uiaiket steady und un changed ; choice heavy native steois , < 4 31 ® 00 ; fair to good native steers , S.1 bO ( < t4 10 ; Dutchers' steeis , medium to choice , ? 3 15@ 4.00 ; stoekeis and feeders , fair to good , 00LiJ20 ; laugois , oidiuary to good , $ ' 20 ( ICIfl \ Hogs Receipts , 1SOO ; shipuicnts , 130 : marl.ot strong ; choice heav ) and butcheis' selections , ? 151i170 ( ; picking , medium to iirnne , ? 5 l.lOf.l.'lj ; lilit giades , oidmaiy to good , ft ( JO@3 20 KansiiH City , .Tan. 14 Cattle Receipts , l,2lM ) ; shlpiiKMits. 200 ; shipping dressed beef steeis , choice and buteheis' steeis lltm , e-om- mon weak ; good to choice corn-fed , $ 1 35f ( < > 5,00 ; i-ommon to medium , Si23 ( ) 10 ; stock- crs , il.b.Xi7200 ( ; feeding stecis. * , ' ( Ma2 ( 05 ; cows. ? 1.25T(300. ( Hogs Receipts , b,200 ; shipments 300 ; 'O to 5c lower for choice , .VTMOe lower for common ; c-ommoii to choice , fl.70i(5 ( 10 ; skips and pigs , JJ 50(2J4 ( 00. OMAHA MVi : STOCK. Cattle. Tlioiecclpts of cattle ) estoid ly weio 107 head and llieio was no m nkot , but ono sale , nineteen cows , being made , HOJ-H. The i eceipts of hogs were 1,450 head , and theio was , strictlv speaking , no market , al though one load u good burs sold at fJ 40. . Slierp. Theie were no receipts and nothing doing on the market. Ofllclnl KecelplM. Cattle 107 Hogs . _ . 1,450 PrevnllluK Irlco * . Showinirthe prevailing pi ices paid for live stock on the maiket : Pinno steeis. 1300 to 1.100 Ibs . ? 4 25 ( ! 4 50 Choice steoi s , 1100 to 1300 Ibs. . il 7.1 0 > 4 25 Fat little steel 3,1)00 ) to 1010 tbs. 3 UD ( rfJ ! > 5 Corn-fed range steeis , 1200 to 1500 Ibs 40(1 < J425 Good to chole o coin-fed cows. . 2.2.1 ( a 1 ( X ) Common to medium cow s 1.7.1 ( U22.1 Western cows 1.7.1 ( .tJ.K ) Good iaiiKU feeders 230 gu ( Good native feeders , POO Ibs and upwauls 2.25 (2300 Fair to medium native feedei s , 900 Ibs nnd npw .mis 2 21 @ 2 50 Stockei s , 4X ( ) to 7tX ) Ibs 215 $2 7.1 Pnmo ftit sheei 350 ( $4 00 Good fat sheep , D0i ( 100 Ibs . . . . 3 25 ( it.J 50 Fair to modiuiii blieep 2.2.1 ( < i.J 00 Common sheep 175 fir-2.5 Light nnd medium hogs 4 < X > 05 00 ( ! oed to choice heavy hogs 525 ( .540 Good to choice mixed hoga 5.15 (55 ( 30 Representative Sales. COVNS. No. Ay. Pr. IU U07 $2.43 noos. No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr. ite..105 40$4.00 7(1..210 ( bO$520 20..121 bO 400 72..224 100 52.5 1..2HO bO 425 75..240 200 5.2.5 14.141 430 71..2ttt 240 525 20..15J 4)0 ! ) 69..2.13 80 530 25..190 40 500 tV > . . . 25S 120 53.5 SS..1RO 200 Mill T.S-M 120 58.5 iu OJ..207 SW " Lite ; Htook Hold. Showing the number of head of stock sold on the market yesterday. CHTTI.n. Stevens , Hamilton & Co lt > 11003. Armour & Cudahay 4fiil G. H. Hammond &Co SI'l Spcculaloi s H Total , b03 Sliipinent.s. Cattle , 5 cars C. H. & .Q Chicago ItniiKc ; ol' Prices. Showing the extreme highest and lowest rates p ild for le uliug grades of ho s on dates mentioned : ime. Heavy. MlYPil. I Light. Jnn. T > ii J ) G 1(1 ( O.1 25 4 75 Oil 25 Jmv. n r. 40 ah to n 2.1 tjs 40 4 ffl cHI Ifi .lull. 7. o 11 < < . > 45 5 11 f&1 J5 4 DO W > 11) Jnn. H | Sunil iv. Hnnduy. Httndny. .Inn. I * | 5 Mil < tM i'I 4 70 < 310 Jan. U ) n y. " . el M c&i 40 4 ! W f/tT , 10 M M r. 11 46.1 ; 4 21 fM PO Jin. U. la ) G" ' 40 r > ID 44.1 .w ,1 75 C'tv.1 W Jan. II No market Nei III in kct No mm ket Jan. 11 r. ai w ; . 4U fi 11 (2Ji M 4 U ) Of > W ) Dockage anil Commission. Public liispSw-tors dock tiroguaut sows 10 pounds , stags 81 pounds each Dead hogs , 100 Ibs and over , 1@3 cents per Ib , less than 100 Ibs , of no value Yautago : Cittle , 2jc ; hogs , Se ; sheep , 5c per head. Feed : Coin , * 1 per bu ; timothy hay , ? . )0. ) pralrio hay , $ JO per ton. Commissions : Cattle , 5K ( ! per head ; calves and von lings , $10 per car. Hogs aud sheep : Slnglo decks , ? > ; public inspection on hogs. lOc per car. All sales unless othei w iso stated per 100 Ibs live v. eight. Ijlve Stock ; NoteR. Thn market is fio/en up Fiftthree dead hogs vvcro taken out of the catsesteiday. Twenty ono cais of hogs and five of cattle constituted tlio receipts ) estcrday. Onoof thoquestioiisvvhlchwill be discussed ut tlio meeting of the Live Stock Shippers' as- sociatiou on Wednesday next will bo the ad visability of requiring all commission men to give a bond. Thlsstatement has brought out the following fiom u number of commission men doing business at the exchange building : "Tins ac tlon may bo well enough. If in i etui n , they , the shipper's association , w ill only give the commission men bonds in like amount to piotect them , the commission men , against any loss siiffeie'd b ) them on nccouut of shippeis belonging to suld ship per's association , for we think wo can safely nsseit light hcio , that the commission men's losses have amounted to doll'irsvheietho shippers losses hade not amounted to cents , They seem to oveilook this mater of inteicst and also seem to forget that as soon as their stock is sold they can , an do , nine times out of ten , get their money for their net pro ceeds deposited in bank befoio the commis sion man lias made Ins collection ; and also that in a gieat many instances stock is paid for by ill aft n day or so bofoio it is iu licicou the market. In the histoiy of these jnids thoio has been only one falluie , and ih that failuie , wo undei stand , ono of the Him is able and willing to inaUo good all losses to shippers Wo think that the shipper's asso ciation will put their foot into whatever they undertake to comi > cl commission men to give bonds in any amount. All commission firms doing business heio arc , we piesuino , re ported by our commercial agencies thiough vv hich the shipper can examine into their standing , linancially and morally , which is theii privilege and duty to do , and it is solely their own fault if they don't ship to responsi ble pit ties Wo say us a word of vvai ning to the slnppoi's association , the ) don't want to act too hastily in this matter We claim the Intel ests of the shipper and the commission men aio almost identic il. Trade * ToplcN. Owing to the extreme cold weather vv Hich has prevailed since the holidas matteis in trade en cles have been only quiet , nnd the usual inci case in the volume of business is much less than usual , although there is no reason to doubt that tiade will bo veiy lively w hen the cold snap vv Inch is now upon us subsides Pi ices on mvii ly all lines remain stcidv and bat very fovv changes have oc- curied , dry goods being quoted now ns they weio in the middle of December , although a change is anticipated soon. Giocoiies remain in ncnly the siniie condition as icfrirrds puces that they woio tin cc or four weeks ugo , vv ith the exception of a few lines , which have adv anccd a ti iile. Heavy haulwaro is steady , the only change noted being that of the icduction in the Iron late fiom W 70 to : nd , which oecui red last week. Spirits are inchangcd and h ivo been for some time. ! t vtis believed bv no"is tuili "rhCa Her entered ho tius > t that prices would immedi- itoly advance , but as yet no jlinngo has been noted Drugs mints and oils continue fii in , witn little or 10 vauation in prices , vv hilo leather is steady. L'he maiket on hides , pelts and furs has been lull and weak , but Is at present assuming n inner tone. Lumber is quoted at pi ices ivhicii have been unchanged since December , and vv ill piobnblv leniuinsteidy unless the rates on the various railroads should be re- luced , when puces would of necessity de cline Flour Und feed nro steady at picsent , although an advance was noted m some giadcs of the latter in the "beginning of the week just closed. Hay is nt present almost i drug on the nuuket , and choice upland .iruiim . is quoted voiy low. Country pro- luce is improving in price , several lines hav- ng advanced very recently , among thorn > cmg eggs , butter , potatoes and ponltiy. Dther lines have remained nearly steady. [ Jcports fiom business houses representing neailv nil branches of trade throughout the city show collections to bo generally good , mil indications aio that the jcar IbNj will bo u very piospoious ouo. OMAHA WIIOIiUSAWJ MAUKF.TS. Produce , Fruits , Etc. The foUnu Iwi < nc tlic jir/ccs / nt with It intnul lot * uf l < > tl memo MiM un f/i/s / / mir- f. Until * iiroHtcrllnuitifunotti m/uli/m/ / iMi tnhor of jtnchlnu cannot eilitni/s / ha i > it ) > l > lhil on > at MIC scum * ] i/ feet 7N'c ) ( ( ( Uic local tntilu Bi'TiFU Kecotpts were light , only ono or two houses ie | > oi ting nnj , but the quahtv was s ml to be fair. Puces icmaiii firm and un changed , nnd we quote : Creameiv , solid packed , 22(7Wie ( ; choice danv. 17ulUc ( ; me dium , ir > < il7e ; low giades , 10@12c. Kcicw Aio given as before tit unchanged puces , and wo quote 21 ( 2-Jo for cold storage auu 2iS2e ( ! for stiietly licsh. Limed eggs are vcr ) slow at Lie. Pofi.Tiiv Ueccipts were much larger , but over ) thing was worked off , nnd little if any were loit to commence the week. We quote ns befoio : Dressed chickens , wg'.ic- per Ib ; tuikevs , SHi'lOc ; ducks , 7i < sc ; geese , .IfelOc. Ti iiMi1Theio are really none in theunai- ket , but intabagas aio selling at 5Sti.Oc ( ( per bushel. CLUCIIV OfTenngs nro very light and of a jmor quality. What does coino to hand sells at Ma ) loc per dozen for choice und45ij50c ( for fancy. AITI.FS Low priced apples are now out of the murkrt , nnd commencing on Monday nothing will bo offered for sale under $ .1 Wi. Wo quote * Hastern fruit , fair to choice stock , 1 fiO@J 7 , " > ; fancy stock , M 7.r > @ 4 00. POTVTOF.I Are at a dead standstill duung the present weather. Prices , however , nio linn with an upward tendencey , nnd small lots of choice homo grown sell at $1.011. Wo quote : Utah nnd Colonido stock uro eiuoted at $1 10W1L" ( > and choice ) homo grown at 90@1.00 ; common grades at Mc. ) OHVMIFS Are in good supply with ono more consignment on the wnv fiom rioridu. prices are unchanged und wo quote : Vulencius , $7..10 < rr8 00 per case of 420 ; Louisiana , $4 00ii.2. ( ' > ; Florida , brights , fl 25 < ( c4 MJ ; russets. W 5 ( 4 00. Svv i KT POT vtobi Veiy few in the market , aud very little demand for thi-ni. We still quote : 2 ( .2 } o per Ib. , with extra at 3c. CVIII-OKMV FUUITN Nothing but u fovv , pears offer , and they are lather slow sale , We quote them unchanged at f2&0@-J.75 , ; extra tine , * J 00. UKA'SS Oulc'rs are genoially transferred to wholesale grocers , as few , If uny , uro now in the hands of commission men. Wo still quote old price * , aud quote good stock , $2 W ( a'JaO ; fair to good , Jl.COQl.bP , nnd Call- fonila bcuns at * i.25@2 40 , Cinun Old prices still rule , and the btort on hand is sufticiont to meet all wants. We quite choice Michigan cider , fti Q0u < } M pel bbl. of Si gal. NUTS Peanuts , 7@7i c , raw i Urazll nuts 13e ; almonds , Tari-agoua , 22o ; Engllsl walnuts , 15@lSHj ; filberts , ISej Italian chest nuts , 15c ; pecans , 12c , HANAVAS The supply is modonvto , bui , lully ! to tuu dciuauil ot traUu wUioh ii somewhat slJw. ' Woquote ! Choice binanas , ? J 7.1GM fiO ; nnxllUtnbuncht's' ? J ( XV3 ( Ot ) . OttArEs Are i in fair supply at unchanged prices. Woquotjoj Malagas , ftU > 0 ( < l7.00 per bbl. , with souiouixtra line sold ut $7.f > OiilS 00. LK-MONS ilatfii are about out of the mar ket , but wo quOUb the old figures $5 IX ) per box. McsslnnM fcre In fair supply and selling nt from M OOrVf > V > . Poi-c oils Ghoice lice corn Is quoted at 4Jlc t > cr Hi , other kinds , S'-TO'Sc Per Ib. SUFK KitvuTr-Cholco jier bbl. ofiitl gal. , fS.SX.nHW ; i , bbl. , * 457fi ( : > 00. Jll.OO l > er bbl of W ) gal/ C untoTs iO ? 5 < ? 2 .V ) ] ier barrel. P . ii" sirs VMW stock , t J 50 per barrel- There are feW An the nun ket. Ovsirns Plnlu standard , 2 , " > c ; plain se lects , HOe'jstandaul. 40c ; cvtia selects , Ka\ \ Now Yoik edtmtV , 40c * . bulk oysters , counts , St.SI i > er 100 ; selects , f J 00 per gal1 , standard , jl.'A'i per gal. CAL i IFI on r.n Good stock , ? 2 00 2.30. CM.IIOHSII FnuiT' * There are only a few peais In the maiket , nt 82 50g.J.7o ; ; e\ti.i line , f ) 00. C inn UIK Prices me unchanged $1 per donnd 2ft'c ( ! per Hi for Callfoiniii. CiUAMiFituins-Hell & Cherry , tlOOOtjMO fiO Hell ft IJugle , ? 10 DOfjJll.OO ; Cape Cods , $11.00 @ 11.50. ONIONS Homo giovvn , 7r > @ ( ' "cc ( Spanish onions , per TiU-lti crate , ( l.riO ? 1.7u. HO.NH 10j ( < Jlo for Mb fiumes ; canned honey , lOfil'-V l' ' " ' . Fins In la ) cis , I3@l(5o ( ; cake , lie per Ib. s Pntsslan , bo per Ib. Groccf'H PROVISION'S Hams , IH iJMlVc ; breakfas bacon , lli llj c ; bacon sldest | (7Ty ( t. ; di v silt , SKgSJiO ; shoulders , 03i7c ; diledbccf , UXflllc. KhFiN rt > Lint ) Tierce , 79/c ; 40 Ib square cans7Ji'o ; 50 Ib round , 7Jifc ; 20-lb round , 7 o ; 101bp.Uls , 8)fc ) ; fi-lb pails , 8s'e ; 2-lb nails 8Wc. UnooMi Extra 4 tie. SJfiO ; No. 1 , $200 ; No. 2 , * 1.7 : > ; heav ) stable , 1 00. CvNm Mixed , 9@lle ; stick. S @lt c. Srnt'f ' No 70 , 4-gallon kegs , $1 50 ( 1.55 ; New Orleans , per gallon , U MOc : muplo s ) nip , half bbls , "old time" per gallon , bOc ; 1-gallon cans , per doz , $10 50 ; half gulou cans , per doz , W 25 ; cpjait cans , f.1 2i STAUCH Minor glass , 5fc ; Graves' corn , OUe ; Oswci'o gloss , tic ; Oswego com , 7c. Hoit.vNii HruniNOs 7I7ier ! ( ] ) keg Woonrsvv vui : Two hoop pills , per do7. , ? 1 45 ; three-hoop p ills , $1.70 ; No. 1 tubi ( 50 ; No. 2 tub , $50 : No. .1 tub , flf > 0 ; wash- bo.nels , $1.40a2 ( 7S ; assorted bowls , $ J2"i ; No 1 churns , * 9,00 ; No. 2chinns , SOOj No. y Ultima , $700 Pic hi B s Medium In bbls , $7 00 ; do In half bbls , WOO ; small , in bbls. * 3Wdo \ in half bbls , $1 50 ; gciklns , in bbls , * ; > 00 ; do iu half bbls , $5 00. Coi-Fcr Ordinary grades , in' < f(321c ( ; fair , 20Vi20W'c ( ' ; pumo , 21iJlKc ( > ; fancy giceu and Vcllow.'y.K'itJ'io ; old goveinmeiit .Invn , 23i ( ( > yOc ; intei ior Java , 25l-5e ( ( ; Mocha , 2 ( Vf'iOe ; Aibueulo's ixiastcd , 24t4O * . McLinglilin's XXXX , 24 } o j Dilvvoith'a , 21 c 5 Hed Cross , 24 c. c.Ji i T irs ; ! 0 Ib palls , ? l.n-i ( 1.7B Trvs Jupans , 20@ " > " ) e ; gunpowder , 20Ji ( ? OOo ; Young 11) son , 25i.55o ( ; Oolong , SOfe Coc. CVNNFD Gcros Ostcrs , stuiidnrd'per case , { v ! & 0@ ' ! 3i ; straw beiries , 2-lb per case , $ .1 100. ) 20 ; laspbeuics , 2 Ib per case , $ -1 H'Q 1120 ; California pears , per case , $ 1.70 160 ; npucots , per case , $4 tiO@l 70 ; pouches , per case , J5 bOigri 85 ; white chenles , per case , 4t 00 ; plums , per case , * 4 OJQ4 10 ; bluebei- ues , per case , ? 3 ! ! 0ii. ( ! 40 ; egg plums , 2 Ib pei case , JJ50 ; pineapples , 2 Ib , per case , * . ! 20@5 75 ; Mb salmon , per doz , $1 7r @l HO ; 2 Ib gooseberries per case , $ ! 2 * > @ 3 35 : 2-lb stiiug bennsMpcncasc , $1.75@1 SO ; 2-lb Lima beans , per case , § l.00@l 05 ; 2-lb muuowfat peas , J < > ( ) ( < ? > 70iJlb early Juno Dear , per ease. J 'M : 0 Ib tomatoes , 4050 ; 2-lb com , $ J J0 ( 2 40 ' Si cu c Granulated , " ( TVc ; conf. A , " STV ; wttitolntraC , tl tftii'fc ; extra C , l > ( itOYcellowC : , 0'(2-i-ifo ( ; cut loaf , 8M ; powdcied , Hfeb c ; New Oilcans , C'jde . Dun D Fnuns Apples , news , 7 oviipoiated 50 Ib ling , ' .l dilOc , laspbeuies , ovajoi atedii72bc : blackbei i ics , evupoi ated , ' ? ( 10e * pittecl cherries , 21Cj.2-'c , peaches , new , btRMJcj evaporated , peeled peaches , 2SI @aOc ; evaporated , unpaied , ISfciJOc ; now currants , 7' < @ 7Ji'c ; piunes , new , citron , 25o ; raisins , London lajeis , 250 ; California IQOSO muscatels , $ J.10ft2 ( 15 ; new Valencia , sf SJ c. Horn Seven si\tcenths. . Ton u co Lot illunl's Climav , 45c ; Splen did , 44c ; Mechanic's Delight , 41e ; Lcggett & MecrsStar , I5c ; Coi net itotic , K'JC ; Dium- moiul's Hoiseshoe , 44c ; .1. T. . 40c ; boig's Spearhead , 44e ; Catlm's mecischaum , ! ) lc ; Catl.n's Old St ) lo , 2Jc CIUCM ns , CVKI-S , KTC. Pii-cs subject to chnnso. Soelu , 5c ; soda ( cit ) goods ) , 7c ; soda snowllakes ( in tins ) , lie ; soda dtuidv iiVti1 ; soda vvafouj ( iu tins ) . " * " ; Soda /eph\i , Sc , city ot < , i , 6 } c ; execlsloi , 7c ; liiiina os- er , 5J e ; KCIH ostei , fie ; monitor , 7c ; ) maha oj ster , 7c ; pearl o ) stor , fie ; pu nic , fie ; now drop o ) stei , be ; butter , 5c : Hoston , Sc ; Omaha butter , 7c ; saw tooth butter , ( > - c ; i ticket meal , 5Kc ; giaham. be ; giaham vaieis , lOc : giaham wafeis in pound pack- ges , V % ° \ hatd bread , 5c ; milk , 7VjC ; out- : oatmeal wafeis , 10c ; oatmiHilwa- eisiu ib pkgs , 12lje ; animals , VJc ; bohver ginger dound ) , 7e" ; cieani , be ; Cornhill , Oc ; eiaeknells , l ( > c ; fiostcd c'leam , bj c ; ginger snaps , Sc ; ginger snaps ( eitj ) , Do ; ionic made ginger snaps in boxes , Lie ; homo nude ginger snaps (1 ( Ib cans ) per ilonrn. eJr > 0 ; Icmod cre-am , Se ; preUcls ( hand nado ) , ll } < fc ; assoitcd cakes and jumbles , l } c ; assoited inigors , 15c : ufteuioon tea In tins ) per dozen , $7 00 ; banana hngois , 4c ; butter Jumbles , llj c ; Iliunswiek , Lie ; irandv snaiis , Ific ; chocolate drops ( now ) , .Oc ; chccolato wafeis , Ific ; Christmas lunch 'in tins ) , per doren , $4 r > 0 ; cocoa taffy snaps , 14c ; coffee * cake , Uc ; Cuba jumbles , HKc , cream puffs , 20c ; egg jumbles , lie ; gingei diops. He ; honey jumbles , IlUe ; jelly ling ers , 15c ; jolly wafeis , lie ; julh tart ( now ) , I5e ; lady lingers , 13c : vanilla bai , 14e ; vu- nilla wafeis , 14c ; Vienna vvafeis , 1 dozen i.ick.iges in box , per doen , $3 50 All goods packed in cans 1 ct ! > cr Ib ad vance except Snow Hake mid Wafer Soda , which is packed only in cans Soda in 2 Ib mil .1 11) . paper boxes , Yt cent per Ib advance ; ill other goods , 1 cent pei Ib advance. Soda in 1 Ib. paper boxes , 1 cent per Ib. advance The 2 Ib boxes aio packed m cases holding H in a case. The alb boxes me packed incases holding 12 m a case. The 1 Ib boxes aie packed in case's holding ! ! in a case. Ono Ib Graham and Oatmeal Wafeis packed 2 doz in a case. Show Tops M boxes , with glass opening to show goods , 75 cents. Cans for Wafer Soda , $ .100 not ictuuiablc. Cans for Snow flake Soda , ftl ( X ) per doTin Cases with Glass Face to display the goods , 75conts each No chui gc's for Packages except for cans and i e- tin nuble eases Glass Front Tin Cans and "Snow flake" Soda Cans uio ictuinablo ut prices chaiged , Dry Goods. DITCH West Point 20 iu S oz. , lO c ; West Point 29 iu. 10 o12' ' c : West Point 10 in. 1 J oz , Ifie , West Point to in. 11 oKJe Checks Caledonia X , ' .tYcs ; Caledonia XX , Economy , ! ) i e ; Otis , Stovefi . vens' A , 7tX'c7 ; bleached , bV e ; Stevens' P , 8V ; blcaUniii , i Q < * c > ; Stevens' N , bleached , lOXc ; Stevens' S U T , 12fc. | Mi cri.iVNu\yi \ Table oil cloth , $285 , plain Holland , > vSjC } to Oo ; Dude Holland , Uo. . , CA VIHKUS Slrnor , ! } < e ; Woods , 4 > ic ; Stan- duid , 4VjC ; Peactick , 4' ' Co vii oirrrA' 1 Mi-t 15 ( K ) . 00@750coloiccU1.10 ; H 00. Hi Fcni i > iSiirfcTivo Heikeley cambiic- , No. W ) , ' .IV. Hest Yet , 4-4 , rt-4c ; buttei cloth OO,4J c ; ; Faiwell , So ; Fiult of Loom. Ue , Gtocno G , < > c ; Hope , 7Jfe ; King Phillip cambric , lie ; Lonsdalc , HKo ; Lons- dale , SJfc ; New Voik mills 10' ' < c ; Pcpperell 42 in. 10XcPoptierell,4iUn ; , UMoPoppoioll ; ( M 15c - 8-4 20c .M 22c , ; Poppei-oll , - ; Peppercll , ; Pcpperell , 10-4 , 24c ; Canton 4-4 , S' ' e ; Canton , 4 4 , V ; Tuuuiph , tic ; Wamsutta , lie ; Val ley , 5c. iANNbi s Plaid Haftsniun , 20c' : Goshcn , : t2fc ; Clear Lake , V ; Maple City , ii Whito-G II No. 2. 9f. 21c ; G H No 1 , * { , ; 27 0-JJ H No. 2 , tfVW HH .No * , } , ftj , ' ' " ' E , J4'ineh,21c'GG24 ; inch , Ibc ; H A 25c ; J U F , 5f , 27 c ; G , X , USc. PIIINTB Semi ) Coi.onsAtlanta , c ; Slater , Sc ; Herliu Oil , O' o ; Garner Oil , l 2 7c. PINK AND Uonn Ulchmond , Co ; Allen , tic ; Utver point , Oo ; Steel Ulver , lkv Kich- mend , Oc ; Pacific , OJ o ; IMIIOO Hi.l'iW I- ington , co ; Centuiy Indigo blue prints , Anieiiean , 15 } ; Arnold , 6c ; Arnold H 10 > 'e ; Ainold A. 12o ; Ainold Gold Seal Dnnss-ClmrterOak. ' 4J c ; Uunnipo Lodi , 7K ! Allen , 5' o ; Kichmoiid Wludson Uc ; Kddistoue , Go ; Pacillc Oy. COTTOV FiiNNrlO iior cent trade dis count LL-fiJ4ej ; CC , 7 > * e ; SS , bWc ; Name less 5V < c ; No. 5 , ( V ; KB , UUc ; GO , lOSe ; XX , 12c ; OO , He' NN , lOo : UX , isc ; H , 200 ; Np. 10 , 8Sc ; 40 , lotjc ; 00 , la u ; bO , l.Vs ; 'M , cxilorcd , lee : W ) , colored , 12c ; 70. colored , l5c ; Hristol. 1I ! < J' ; Union Pacific , ISO. CAiifLT Wiitt1 Hubb white , 10lc ; colored , . Hnovvv SIIKKTINO - Atlanta A , 4-4 , 7'io ; Atlantic H , 4-1. 7c ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , Ol < c ; At lantic P , 4-4 , 54e ; Aui-oia LL. 4-4 , fif/c ; Au rora C , 44 , 4V : Crown XXX. 4-4 , 0-jC ! Hooslor LL , 4-4 , 55/c : Indian Head , 4-4 , 7 > 4c ; Lawrence LL , 4-4 , 5ke ; Old Dominion , M , 5V. Peppcrell H , 4-4 , tl'i'c ; Pcpl'Ciell O , 4-4 , IkPeppciell ; , 8-4. 18c ; .Pepi > t < rcll , 1M , 20c ; Pepperell , KM , 22e ; Utlea C , 4-4 , 4Jfo ; Wn- chusott , 44 , 7e ; Aurora H , 4-4 , fi\'c ; Auroia 3.4-4,00. H VTTS Standard. Sc ; Gem. 10V ; Hcauty , 2'c ' ; Hoonc. 14c ; H , cased , fl 50 CiiNaiuM Plunkett elieclr * , 7Vc'i Whit- enton , 7V York , 740 ; Normandl dress , V2 ; Calcutta dress , ' 'V ; Whittenton dress , : Henfie-w dress , VrMJisc. ) ( TICKS Lewiston , ! iO-ln , 12V ; Lo-vlston , 2-lu , 11V. ! Voik. .T2-ln , 14c : Swift river , V ; Thoincllke , OO , S c ; Thoindtke. HF , V. Thoindlke , 120 , 1140 ; Thomdlke , XXX , ,5e ; Cordis , No. 5 , ( . ) Vjc ; Coidis , No. 4 , lie. DiMvts Amoskeag , Ooz , lOc , Lvorett , ' -07 , 13e ; Yorlc , 7-oz. , Wo : Hnv maker , bV ! alTrey , XX , llV ; .latTie.v , XXX , 12UC ; leaver Cioek , AA , 120 ; Heaver Creek , HH , le ; Heavei Cicek , CC , lOc. ( Jene-ral Jlnrke-ls. FIA\SI n > Steady. Good quality quoted nt 1 20 per bushel. CHAIN Pi Ices nro steady ; wheat No. 2 , OOc bushel ; ie , 53o ; com , 40c ; oats , DOe , inrley , dOiJIOV , according to quality. H vi Common coarse , S500c ( < 000 ; unlaud irali ic , ? ( ! 00@7.00 SU aw , $0 00 COVL Kgg , $1050 ; nut. $1030 ; lauge , 1050 ; walnut block , j-l.'J. ; Iowa lump , 75 ; Iowa nut , W IH ) ; Illinois , * r > OOSH 75. Hinns Giecn bute'hers' ' , fiQjE'iVi giecn tired. 0@c ( ; dry Hint , Oc ; dry salt , 8c ; ; rccn calf skins , 7o ; damaged hides , two- thirds pike. Tallow H' c. Grease Pilmo vhltc , lie ; ) cllow , ! ic ; blown , IV * Sheep lts , 2'iWOiOOo. Finn Iaccon,10'i0cinink. ( ( ; UifitMOc ; musk at fall,2C5o ; stuped skunk,5c25c , ( ; mouutuln ivolf , No. 1 , Jl 500i J 50 ; No 2 , piaiue , 75ii ( ) We ; No 2 , 25C'f40c' ; beaver , No. 1 , per Us w'lKitOONo. ( : ; 2 , ? 1 lK > dl.2' ) ; otter , * 1 00@ I 00 ; diy deer skins , 20C'.t" c per Ib ; diy ante- ope , elk , moose , etc , 15u25e. ( Diit'os Hemain steady. Ammoiil icarb,14c ; amphor refined ! )0c ) jcoppei as i'fc , cream tin - ar , 410 ; cieam tin tar powdeie'd. 20iS50c ( ; In- lia , 75o ; moiphla sitlph , .150 ; soda ) ! . c.ub , dOe ; Venice tiiipentino , 40c ; gum ipium , 54 to ; ( piicksilver , 75c ; quinine , Ger nan per oz , 5"ic ; wax , .voilow , pine , iK'c. OILS Finn. Caibon,12 < vi'2'ie ; linseedboUed , ( lc ; llnsoed , law , fiilo ; castor , No 1 , ; l,20 ; No. 2 , st12 ; sperm whale , $100 ; tlsh , ) anki < ' ) c ; ncatsfootexti.i , 5"ic ; neatsfoot No I , 50c ; gasoline , 74 degrees , 15c ; W. S laid , Ac ; No Haul , 50c ; No 2 laid , fiOo ; W. Vii. : eio , 14c ; W. Vn. summer , 12c ; golden No. 1 , JOe ; golden No 2 , 2V ; whale , 20e ; naptha 1 degree , lie ; headlight 150 degrees , VJc , head- "ight , I'Sdcgiccs , 15c. PAINTS White , pure , f > o\ \ white oad , fancy , ( 'J < lC' 1'UltV , in bhuldois , 'i ; Pans ivhltc , 3o ; Whiting , common , 2' ' c ; red lead "c. WINDOW oi vs Single , 70 jior cent ; double , 70 nnd 10 pei cent discount. FICHU \ND Fi m Minnesota patents , $ J GO [ iercwt ; Kansas and Missomi fane ) winter i.itcnts , < J ( > 0 ( ' < 2.7r > per ewt ; Nebtaskn pat- juts , SJI5 ( J50 per ewt ; ijo lloin , $ JOOporowt : wheat giaham , 5175 per ewt , vo giaham , $1 40 per ewt ; Now Yoik buck- , v heat , & ' > 50 7.00 pel bbl ; Kxcelsior. $ T ( H ) ici bbl ; ready raised. W ( M ) poi HH ) Ib case ; cornmeal , ) ellovv , ? 1.00cW1.10 per ewt ; white , Jl. lOgl.ll i > er ewt ; bran , * ! ! BOtUlT.OO poi ; oii ; scieenmgs , $ l'i OO l.l 00 par ton ; horn .ny , 2"ipei bbl ; e hopped feed , $ -0 00 pei : ou ; chopped corn , $11) ) ( X ) per ton. LI.A miit Stead ) ; oak soles , ; r ( [ j.7e ; hoin- ock slaughter sole , 2tiiZ21e ( ; homloclc diy sole , 21i'J7e ( ; hemlock kip , ( iliJtOOc ; A it H i mi nor kip , 570e ( ) ; A. hemlock calf , 'J0e@l 05 ; A. A. hemlock calf , "backs , " 75e ; hemlock ippcr , llJ4c ) , ; nuglishgiainuppci,25o ; hem- oek grain upper. 21 ( ( < J4e : Tampico H L. M. Kaiigaioo , 40o'Ameucau ; calf kid , ! Ue ; Griesen kids , * . ' ! 00@.l 50 ; Fiench calf kids , S.J2V oak kip skinf , bOesl ( 00 : oak calf skins , $1 OOW1 21 ; Fiench calf skins , $1 21Q < > 2X ( ) ; Freni'li kqi skins , ? 1 IOC" 1.10 ; Hussitt linings , Mi OOfJ ? ( ) 10 per dopink ; , ciearn and white llmnirs , > 7SOC'clUUO jici doz ; coloied toppings , s'lOOfitll 00 bruins Cologne spirits 1SS pi oof , $1.10 , do , 101 pi oof , $ ! 12 ; spluts , second quality , 101 pioof , $1.10 ; do , IVj pioof , flOM ; alcohol , Ib1 ? inoof , per wr.o gallon. SJ 10 ; icdistilled wi.-Viesl ; OOfcOl 50 ; gin , blended. * ! r.oi5J 00 ; Kentuek ) bouibons , S'.Kfill ) ; Kentucky and Pcnnsjlvania ies , JJOOi50 ( ( ; Golden Sheaf bouibou and rvo whiskies , ti 50tf3 ( K ) ; Inanities , impoited , f5 00V/s ( 10 ; domestic , $1 : ; 0a.l 00 ; gins , impelled - polled , 5-150tOOO ( ; domestic , ? 121 ( 30d ; clinmpignes. impoited , per ease , $ JS 00V ( IS. ! 00 ; American , per case , $10 00 ( < li ! 00 HnvHAUDVN Mir Is sto.idand un- eluinged. The following prices are stancl- tiiil : lion , late , .JiO . ( ; plow steel , special cast , 4-c ; cmciblo steel , O c ; cast tools , do , 12uLie ; wagon spokes , per sot , 200ft.150 ( ; hubs , per set , # 150 ; felloes , sawed dry , $1,50 ; tongues , each , 71c ; axles , each,75c ; siiuaio nuts , peril ) , ( Keltic ; coil chain , ] > or Ib , t ) j@13c ; niolleablo , b@10c ; non wedges , Go ; ciowbars , Oo ; hiniow teeth , Ic ; srmg ] steel , f@.1c ; Huidcn's horbo Bhoes , f4 7" > : Hmden's mule shoes , $575 ; barbed wire , in car lots , 64 00 per 100 Ibs ; iron nails , latcs , 10 to 50 , W 40 ; steel nails , & 50. Dry Ijmnhcr. JIIMI NMONrt AM ) TIMIirilS. a , u . IU ft. 18ft Mt J2ft. - ° K4 it jiii.Ts twsi ( xiiii ( tji ; 17 fiO 'M ( H ) Jl Wl ! ( HI J2 " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' itin..1' i" oii.'i noji ; oo 1:1 . ' I. a-i'ju ' _ ' ' . ' XL' . is ( io'i iio-'i ( Ki.4 4 1-Kx8 18 TO III Gil .11 fid 1 ( > SI llOMIIis. No 1 conr , s 1 s ? 1S 50 I No .T com , sis $15 50 No 2 com , sis 17.00 | No 4 com , sis. Ill 50 1 F.NC INO. No. 1,4&Gin 13 .S . , 14ftiough . ? ll ( 50 No. 1 , " " 1 " . l')50 ) No 2 , " 12 14 " . 1050 No 2 , " " 1(1 ( " . Is 00 SIDINfi. A , U , 14 A Kl ft * J1 50 I C , 12 , 1 1 & 10 ft $1.1 50 H , " " 20 .10 | D , " " 12 .10 riooniNO. A fi in White Pine . ? 01 .10 Ufiiu " " . ! 5l ( Glim " " . : ) ( H 0 Dtiiu " " . 21 50 HO in " " ( Sol Fencing ) . ID ' .W ( i in. Diop Siding 50o per M extra. criiiNcj VNII I'ViiriTiov. 2d comj in White Pine Ceiling . ? . ! ! 00 Clear , Jf in Norvva ) " " . 10 ( HI 2deom.Ja in " ' " . 14 ( XJ STO ( KIIOVIIIIS. A 12 inch sl H . ? 115(1 , ( U 12 ' . : i')2 ) 10 ( C12 " . : ) ( 012 " . 2toi No. 1 com , 12 ins Is , 12 ft . 20 SC ) " " H ft . I'.lOt " " 10 ft . IbK i ( " " " 10 , 18,20 ft . 21 51 No 2 , " " . 1U < K " " " 12 ii 14 ft . 18ri i < ' " 17 ft . 17 W 12 in Grooved looting , $1 per M. more than It [ In Stock Ho nils same length. 10 in Grooved Hoofing same price ns 12 ii ; n Stock Hoauls. sunHP. . No. 1 Plain Sand 10 in . , $19 0 ( No.2 " " " . 1751 No. 1O a , Sin . 10 . 10 FINIMIIN(1. 1st and 2nd , clear , 1 , 1' ins 2s . $ .11 W " uj a . fil.H M , clear , 1 in , s 2 s . 44 . 10 IK , IK , a I" . 4 ( IX A , select , 1 In s 2 s . 40 m A , " ! > / , IK , 'J hi s 2 s . t40i H , " lins'Js . 0x ( H , " lMlKJius2s . 97.01 SOLTIIKIIN TKII.OW 1'I.NK. Com. 4 Ino h Flooi Ing . f 17 5 Star " " . 21 5 1st and 2d clear 4 inch Flooring . 2JO Six inch 40c less. 00W Clear ( f inch Ceiling . 'Jl.5 Clear Jf Inch Pin tition . 2 % 0 Clear % inch , Paitltion J above Js' inch Coiling . , . 25.0 Clear Finish , 1 aud I1/ huh , H 2s . 20 IX Clear Finish , IK und 2 Inch , s 2 s . 'MO - Clear Corrugated Celling , 4 inch . 215 Clear Yellow Pine Casing nnd Hase . . 27 0 rnpi.vK i.UMiirn. Cl. Poplar Hx. Hds % in , B 2 s . $35 0 " Ki" . Paiiul , R2s . . . -J7.0 ( " " c'orruguted Celling , X. , Si 5 BATTENS , WH.1. 1UI11NO , 1'ICMSTS 0. G. Halts , 2 > i lu 03o i x3 , sis. We ; 1 3u Well Tubing , I ) . & M. nnd Hcv. , F-JJ ( XV Pick- cts , 1) . & 11. Flat , f JO Ml ; I ) , It. S't , fil.60. 8IIIN(1IE4 ( , 1ATII. XX clear. $10 ; extra A * . $ - ! . ; * A * Bland- ard No. 5 , No. 1 , * 1.4,1 ; lath , $2 55. ' White ccclar , 0 In. , < i a. 12' c ; 0 In. qn. , ll > ic ; white cedar. 5 < J in V ll'.e ; 8 lu. qrs lOc ; white cedar. 4 in. round , Hike" Ten nessee red cedar , split , He ; split oak , 10i" tl in. . 7 in. nnd bin. ) > ' each ) S ft , , lound W.C. posts Mlt. POIUMjUTOX KisiGNB : After T only-four 1'cnrs ns Union Puulllo Attorney [ From 5ili ( ltiKvtnlno Itce , January U. ] Hearing a rumor that Hon. A. J. Poppletou had tendered his leslgnatlou n-s the general attorney of the Union Pucltlc , n Hun repte- Rcntiitlvo called upon that gentleman In his oftlco In the he.idquuttcis building , and asked If the report wete tine. Mr. Poppletou re plied that It was "When Is jour resignation to tuko ctfcctl" ho was asked. "At once , If possible ; and not later than April 1 , " Mr Popple-ton icplied ! "I wioto out * my formal icslgnation n few weeks ago , and scut It to Judge Dillon , the companj's geneial attorney In New Yoik , ut the sumo tlmo nccompanjiiig it with a letter giving my reasons for icslgnlng " Mr. Popiiluton then stated th it the punrl- pal reason for 1m icslgiilug was that his health would not nny longer penult him to continue the laboiious duties .of his oflleo. The close confinement to business , ho said , is becoming too gieat a tax upon tils energies. He-sides ho has leached that ago when , If ho ever Intends to take n test or have any re- en cation , he must at once cut loose fiom his pi eseut'cmplo ) mcnt. Ho Is not compelled to work any longer , and ho cteslies to bo in a position to do whatever ho feels inclined , without any interfcienco by loutine duties , It is his intention to devote himself to his private interests , and to tiavel , not only lu this countr ) , but in Europe. Ho will have an ollice in thu now Fust National bank building , and make It his headquaiteis , but ho will not entei into general piactlie If ho takes any cases the ) will bo only those of the most im- poitaut character , and involving large intei- ests Piom now OH Ml Poppletou pi oposcs to take life much easier than he has for the past tvv cut ) -tlv o ycai s. Mr Poppletou has iccclved from Mi. Dil lon a lettei in ic triad to his icslgnatlon. Mr. Dillon e\pi esses gieat suipiise and i evict that Mr. Pcipplcton has dec ided to take this step , and hopes lie willieconsulertho mattei. Ho nlso sa.\s that it will he vot.v difficult to Hud a successoi , but In the ov cut that Mr. Poppleton's action is final the eompanj will have to begin nt once to look for a lawor qualified to fill the important position. Mi. Poppletori , how over , is detei mined In his icsignation nnd cannot bo induced to 10- considoi the matter. Ho had been contem plating the step for ncaily u j car , and cannot aftoid to an ) longer saenflce his health Mr. Popplcton bus made Omaha his homo forovei thiit-tinec ) ems He is one of the pionecis who located hcio in Ib54 , when the place was but a meio hamlet of the fi outlet * . Mr. Popplcton is a native of Michigan , hav ing been born in Tioy , Oakland count ) , July 2-1 , isiO cJntit the ago of fourteen no 10 malncd upon his father's fium , nnd attended the county district schools. lie was then giv eu his preliminary tunning for college nt Honico , Michigan , and was sent to Union college , Sehen ec tad v , N. Y. , from which Institution ho graduated in July , Ibll. Fiom Septombei. 1811 , to May , IbU , ho taught Latin andGieek in tlio institution at Homco , wheio ho had been piopared for college. Mr. Poppleton had lead considcrablo law eluiiug his college coins , and enteimg the oftlco of Q. I & 12 C. Walker , of Delioit , ho was admitted to piae- tico in October , 1S5J , after an examination bv tlio supreme court of Michigan. Clinton Hriggs and Jonas Seeloy , who became jiiom- inciit citizens of Omaha , weio admitted at the same time. To complete his pielinilnaiy legal ti.lining Mr. Poppletou attended a six months'com so nt John W Fowlci's law school , Pougukeop'iie , N. Y. , wheio extciui > ' "ej.crikii.g ; and the ol jii""t causes wore specialties He then bejoji ac tiv c pi ae tic o in Dcti oil. Upon the passage of tlio Kansas Nebiaskn bill , he made m- i angemcnts to settle pei mniiontl * , m Omaha , lleiuiivect horoOctobei 1. : , Iblt , und iiiiino- duitelv opened a law oflleo He soon had plentv of piactie-c m claim units and land lit ! gallon , and has continued in active piactico eve r since , devoting himself duung all these ) e.ns wholly to his pi ofession. Mr. Popple- ton hcivcd as a niembei of the Nebiaska tor- ritoiial legislative assembly during tlio ses sions of Ibll .11 and lb.1i ! > S and was mavoi of Omaha dunng the veais IbIS 5'J. ' He icceived with J. Stcilmg Moiton , Iho vote of the demoei atic pat t ) foi United States ( lemitoi , upon the admission of Nobiaska as a state m 1H07 , and was the nomiiieo of th it jinty for congiess in IbO but was defeated Mr. Pop plcton took u promineiit pait m the foi mill bieukmg of giouud foi the Union Pacific ; i.iilio.ul at Omaha , December 2 , ISM On tins occasion ho inado a memoiublo speech , which has nlvvajs been icgaided by those who have known him all these joins as ono of the best clients of his life. The next day he was appointed nttoiney of the Union Pacific by Vico-Piesulent Durant. Fiom that date ho continued his geneial practice until 1b ( > 't. In that j ear the load was completed , uml mueli important litigation ainso fiomcon- stiuction eontiacts. Theieupon Mr. Popplo- ton accepted a tegular salaty fiom the com- ) ) , has evei since continued us gen eral attoincj of the s\stem , except that portion tion located in Kansas. As goncial iittoinev lie has had cliiugo und supei vision of all legal , claim , tux and light of vvii ) business niising in Iowa , Nebiaska , Colonido , W ) oining , Utah , Idaho , Montana , and Oiegon , the local attoinojs in all tlie- jinisdktioiis icpoitiiig to him , and being subject to his cliiection and supervision In IbSI he was inado counsel of the managing and executive ollices at Omaha , in 10 speet to all mattei-s ausing In Kan sas , and on October 1 , issii , Kansas vv us placed nuclei his supei vision and control. His last annual icpoit shows 500 cases pending m his Jinisdiction , involving eveiy vailetv of litigation. To all of tins ) vvoikuro to bo added his labois as counsel ol tlio geneial oflli eis of the line at Omaha , It will bo seen that his lifo has been a vety bun ) one * . It is Mr. Poppleton's proud boast that ho has never sought advancement except In liis chosen pi ofession ; that ho bus never made a dollar JV ) speculation ; that ho has never owned a of i.iilway stock or tail way propertj of aii\ kind ; and that his prop city in Omaha is the ic'sult of his profes sional c.nuings and judicious pcimanent ] investmentri in leal estate. The fact that he * ! has been twent ) fowp veais in the seivico of ) ; the Union Pacilie , and his giadual advaneo- mi-lit to the supei vision of the cntiio svstem ) and the management and contiol of all its ) : legal aftuiis in the west , Is the stiongest ovl- denco of the success of his management of ) the company1 * business ) Thu question natural ! ) nuscs who Is to bo ) Mi Popple tern's succ essoi The piobabilit.v 2 is that a lawer acquainted witli the legal atTaiis of tliocompanv iu thu teuitoi ) tiav- : eised by its v in ions lines will bo tlio man. In that event Hon John M Thmston willverj likely bo selected Ho has been associated ) with Mr , Popplelon for sfveial ) cats in 0 thu legal department of the compaii ) , and was hi ought Into the company's seivico b ) Mr Popple-Ion , vviio cnteitaliis a ) vei.v high opinion of him , both as a man and asalav\oi Should Mi Popplcton bo eon suited in the m.iltci. it Is fan to | uesumothat ) howill lecommciulMr Thuislonas hU buc- ) cessor. ) A Had Cas ol' Destitution. \Vednesda ) evening Albert Lundstiom , the sixteen j eat -old son of Cluis Lundstiom , was killed while out c casting Whet- the re mains vvein convoed to tlm house on Twen ty sovcnnth uti eel near Lcivvcnwoilh u deplorable ) plorable stuto of nffalis dlseovcied , the 00 family nil being sick with Iho exception of a little Roveneai -old gill. Tim futhyr WUH 00 ill with dltln ] ) iiaslillu Mis , Lumlstiom , ) who is in a delicate eondilioii , was Just ready 00 to bo confided. The gentleman who made ro Urn discovery nt onto vnll-itcd tlio sympath ) oo of a numbei of Ids fi lends und , despite the tileicing cold , 1 ibored until neatly midnight Oil In making the affu ted ones comfoitablu b ) K ) pi ovidiu ( { them with food , fuel and 00 Sc'vuin ! nthur cases of want uic nlRO U'liniU'U in tills baruo , which should be uUciulal tu. WEEKLY BUSINESS REVIEW , Bnnkors , Aa n Rule , Well Suppllod With Lounnblo Pmula. INTEREST RATES REMAIN STEADY. A Stronger KccluiK In Stocks I'm- visions nnd ( iinln Decline ; HIlKlitly Trading ModcinlcVontcru I'aukitiK Still Dcoicnses. In Commercial Ciitoioo.Jan. 11. f Special Telegi am in the Hri. ] HaiiKeis arowell supplied with loan- nblo funds , aud the demand for discounts is not pressing. The mauagei s of banks , how ever , mo cautions In their opeiatlons iuul gcncinlly Insist on vvido ami safe nmi gins backed by undoubted secuilt y. The inqulty from speculative mtcicst in gialu nnd provi sions was only moderate and those who vvero regular customers of banks vveio readily accommodated. Thci c wns considerable our- icncy foi warded to the Intel lor. Meivhnnts nio puichaslng grain to some extent nnd stoilnglt Injirivato clevatois , and the- move ment of livestock Is gradually improving. The i eceipts of uiouoy fiom country merch ants have been fair , as they huvo been col lecting some accounts up to the close of the ) enr. Packets huvo been moderate bor row ois though their demands woio not plir- tictilarly tu gent , nnd they succeeded In ob taining all the favoi.s asked for. WhoU'snlo met chants have piesonted considerable paper for discount , and they have been icadlly accommodated. Not much paper is offered on the sheet. Kates of lutciest woto steady and unchanged nt 7 ( 7 per cent on call and 7i8 ( ! per cent on tlmo paper , with a good shaio of the good offerings accepted ut 7 per cent. In custom inonc-y mniKcts the demand for discounts continues model atoly active , with Intctest rates ranging at fitVi" per cent. 1'orelgn mone.v mat Kets indicate an easier feeling In that quiuter witli only u moderate inquiry for loins. The Hank of Knglaml has In- i renscd its supph of loanable funds and the late of discount has bcvii i educed to ! ! ) / per cent. The Hank of Fiance has leduced Us balances. Nexv York exchange was in fair suppl ) dining the past week nnd the demand was quite active in a quiet wav. Sales be tween banks weie made at 4070o ( premium foi J 1,000 and the 111.11 kct closed steady lit if > ( a70c. Toieign exchange was In good 10- ciucst tin oughout the wee ) ; and the ofTei ings v\eio light. Shlpiei's slsty dajs documen tary bills on Lonclon changed hands . @ 4 sji mui the mat Ket < losed stc ul v at $ t 82V ( if I b-'itf. Stocks in New Yin k exhibited only a fairdegieo of activity dining the vveok. Tuiding eiiteiod laigely in about six or eight of the leading stocks ami fluctuations in pi ices weio confined within a inn low range. The earnings of custom and southern rhll- loads still show an iuci ease as do nUo some lailioads in Iho iioithwest but thoshaip com petition m the southwest rogaidliig freight i.ites has icduced piollts in that section and had some effect on puces of the stocks of southwestein lines. In u gcnoial way the feeling wns stiongcr and prices weio a little moio favorable to selleis Ti tiding was hugelv in the inteicstof Wall street opora- . tois , though speculators In foielgn markets tiaiisacted an Incieased business. Westoin opeiatois weie not Inclined to do uiucli busi ness in stocks and veiy little tu'diug was c-i edited to them. Iho sales on the Xew Yoik stock exchange for the week vvcro 1,011,000 , shnios. Speculative finding was only modoiatoly active in pioduco c lielcs : about equal to that of the week piovious The undeitono to the markets indicated un easier feeling. In a geneial was , the decline in puces wns rather light m giam while quite m.nked in pro visions , the government icpoits showing quite liberal letuuis of ciops of lbS7 , mid , .the piospei-ts for winter giaiu not being veiy dis- coiiiaging , tended to cncoin ago the "shoit" side of ttic grain market , though the crop iciioit'i fiom puvato sounes weio less favor able In provisions , theellect of uoo.1 icceipts of hog- , and a geneial desltV to dispose of cousideiahlei"lc.iB"piodiict caused decidedly WC2 ir reeling In both ginin and pio- visions , thogieal bull * of finding centered In Mav delhciy. In tecoiving and shipping clu les tiadiug was onlv model ato. It is claimed that li eight i ate s me being cut for west points at least ; i and fie lor K 0 pounds under Chicago i.ites , consequent inleiior shippeis nio taking advantage of the situation ami fuiai cling their consign ments thiough to eastem iniukets , or men hunts at inteiioi cities leceivooideis dnect fiom the east for the pin chase of giain. ' 1 lie meichaiits of C'hiiago have dlieitecl the attention of imimi'joirt to this situa tion of tilTiins mid on Thuisdiiy aftoinoon agents of the leading lines adopted resolu tions iigieeitig to equalize lutes fiom nil westcin points and not to allow any disci iml- imtion in uiti's against the giain tiadoin Chicago in the futuio. I'nder these clieum- stances om i cceivers and shippeis anticipate a lev ival of this In until of the tiado. The i eceipts of giain have not been veiy largo' the puneipal wcstein maikets due paitially to exti erne cold w eather and snow storms Supplies of giain uro not changing much. Ai rivals of live stock tuo modoiatoly free. The firmness in fi eight lates maintained b ) ' the leading lines and the seal city of c.'us has dol.i\ed shiiiments to some extent but the bloc Undo is being gradual ) ) icmoved. Stocks of hog pioducts aie giadually enlaigmg. Adv - v ices fiom foieign mail.ets weie favorable to holdeis of gi.un but uuftivoi.iblo to selleis of of piovisions Domestic mniKots mo inoclei- atoly netivo and changes in pi ices slight. The packing of hogs In the west shows iv fuithei deciease. AX1J ItANKING. The * AT'cck'H HnlcH of Omiilin Dirt In- orc'jisc in ClcarliiKK. Dining the past week theio has been cOn- sidci able activity in the ical estate market and n , it u Lilly but little In the building line * . The banks have done a laigo business , und the mo ease , w hilo not as lingo us last week , isgratiflng. Uelow will bo found u tabu late d statement of the value of the warranty deeds filed with the county rcgistei durlui ; the week Monchi ) , .Ian ( I . * 4n,8fi'J ' Tuesday , .Inn 10 . : iilll Wednesdiiv. .Ian , II . UiltS" , Thin sdiiv , .Ian 12 . 20-0l Kiidav.liiu 111 . 10J.201 Saturdi ) , Jan 14 . 02VM ( Total . ? , rj7,2al i in. c i rviusci . KollowlnglH n statement of the clearing house business for the week : Tuehda\.lan 10 . 4UIKH.2l ! Wednesday. .Ian 11 . 54slOs ! ( , 'J Thui sdav , Jan 12 . 4S7.IWI.12 riidav.Ian lit . Hill.llM. hntuidu ) , .Ian. 14 . ! KJtJJI.9r ( , Total * JSdHra)5 ) fit Increase over the coiiehpondlng week for 1SS7 , 20 2 pei cent. "Auction" Mm AriTHlod. The auction stoio of lliomas at 320 south Tenth stioct seemb to need Invc Ugn- ticm. 'llieio have been soveial conipliilntb nt police headquiittcts the past vve-ek luiegard to it , and ) estciday on complaint of Pied Mct7 , Connor undChiulcs Mi > ) ois , a capper of his , who is employed to stand in thumnvd and stuit the uitiel(3s at a high llgilHi and bid against "sucki'is , " woroariested foruttomptj ing to def i ami Met/ out of $7 Meorn hail eoiiio into the stoio , and pulling a watch out of his pocket motcndcd It was vvoith HA unit put It up to be auctioned off. It was kriockcd dow n to Mot/ for * 1 ! > , and piovC-H to bo worth about fifty ce-nts. On going Into his pockets ho found ho had but $7. Thin they took from him , und told him they would give him thu watch when ho paid the rest. Afterwards ho Icarnod of tlui fraud peipetiated on him and asked to beioleasod Thin they icfusjd to do and ho caused their at rest. , Tlio Iluluarlan Tin one * . VIFAVA , Jan 14 Thu Now Tieo Prc > s sus Kussia leeently pioposed to ( leinmny nnuAustiiu that I'llnce Peter Kuuigeou- geJhch ho inado ruler of liulguila. Austria flatly lufusvd to uecudu to thu uiui > o itlouiUMl