Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 14, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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Douelaa County's Legislators Make
a Thorough Inspection.
Mr. Hitchcock UcfiiHCS to HccnRtilza
the Hoard Too Much Money
1'nld Out For FradltiK ho
The county coinnilsslotiLTs nsscmblcil yes
tcrtliiy morning to listen to nny clrnrpos Unit
niltfht bo preferred iipilnst SliertlT Coburn or
Jilt deputies , but lifter waiting a considerable
time no one uppcnred nnd the board adjourned
until 2 o'cloek this afternoon.
Mr. G. M. Hitchcock , editor of the World ,
was seen nt his ofllco nnd uskcd if ho would
present his charges nnd evidence against .too
Miller to the county commissioners. Mr.
Hitchcock Raid that ho would not. In the
llrst place the commissioners had not askcd
him to and In the next place , ho upon the advice - '
vice of County Attorney Slmcral could not
rccoKtilro the Jurisdiction of the county
commissioners. The case must ultimately
cotno before the grand Jury , at which
time the evidence In his possession must bo
produced , and to give It to the- public now ,
would rjrcatly weaken bis case. Mr. Hitch
cock further stated that he had prefoncd no
charge against Slu-rilT Coburn. He was imly
nftur.Too Miller and could not understand
why the county commissioners should pass u
resolution to lii'iulrc Into Mr. Coburn's oill-
ciul conduct , so far as the World's charges
concerning the Jail weio rorrcurued.
Shortly after 11 o'clock the commissioners ,
accompanied by u Bii : : representative , made
u tour of Inspection of the Jail. Everything
was found In excellent shape- ex
cept the capo in which are con-
lined the vugs and petty offenders
( tent up from the police couit. The misery
of these poor wretches Is simply app.illint , ' .
Sixty-live men are confined In si filthy , nar
row cage , that was designed to accommo
dated but twenty-four. The stench In this
part of the prison is nauseating. One man
named Fred Kudo is fairly rotten with some
foul disease. His limbs aic black and appear
to bo in the llrst stages of putrefaction. The
odor that comes from this diseased and filthy
man is overpowci ing. Forty-one of these
prisoners ate obliged to sleep on the wet
floor , In the bath tub or remain standing
throughout the long cold nights. There is
not a single one of these prisoners but is cov
ered with vcimin. At least twenty of them
were engaged searching their clothes for the
vermin , and one prisoner exhibited to the
county commissioners a blue flannel shirt , on
which theie was at least one hundred of the
Of course , the abovu terrible state of affairs
cannot bo blamed to the Jailer. The Jail is
overcrowded and ho Is obliged to put the
prisoners , sent from the police coin t , some
where. Judge licrku continues to send
along the vugs and bums , and the limited ac
commodations are cntiiely Inadequate.
County Attorney Simeral brought before
the Judges of the district court a proposition
to Introduce Into the county Jail new rules by
which prisoners would be obliged to do h.ird
manual labor. Police .ludge Ueika has been
instructed , that in sentencing prisoners to
include the wouls , "at hard labor. " Mr.
Simeral believes that this will keep the
regular offenders out of the Jail and lessen
the cost of maintaining the institution. This
This new rule cannot effect , the very men it
should , viz. , the drunks and vags unless the
city council passes an ordinance to that effect.
At ft quarter befoie fi o'clock in the after
noon the commissioners resumed to consider
any charges that might be made against the
nhcriff , or substantial proofs of the vague
allegations against Jailor Joe Miller , Mr.
Hitchcock , of the World , did not put in an
appearance , nor wore any charges presented
by a taxpayer , as the law stipulates and in
The following report submitted by the
roinmitteo on court , house and jails was re
ferred to the county attorney for his opinion :
Mr. Chairman : After c.ueful deliberation
the committee on court house and Jail have
derided that the expense of boarding prison
ers in tlio county Jail is excessive ; therefore
Hesolved , That on and after January 15 ,
1SSS , 50 cents per day shall bo allowed for
each prisoner limited to six days or less , and
IKi cents per day for all exceeding six days.
The report was signed by Commissioners
Anderson , Turner nnd Corrlgan.
Commissioner Anderson presented the ap <
pendcil resolution which was adopted :
Kesolved , That the county attorney bo nnd
is hereby requested to present his opinion in
writing to this board In regard to the advis
ability and legality of working the city pris
oners now confined in the county Jail anil
those that may be hereafter confined tlicioin ;
also should the city prisoners bo boarded at
the expense of the county if i.ot what steps
should bo taken to place the expense where it
rightfully belongs.
The commissioners to a man arc warmly in
accord with the foregoing resolutions , 'and
they are beginning to think that the county
tax-payers have been imposed upon long
enough and have determined to call u halt.
Said Commissioner Anderson to u llir : re
porter : "The causes that lead mo to intro
duce that n solution are that I feel the county
| s paying too much for the feeding of he'r
prisoners. Wo are paying more than any
other county in the west. Ther o will bo a big
margin nnd profit left for the sheriff even at
the prices wo propose to adopt. "
"How did jou find things in
the Jail to-day I" \yns asked of
Mr. Anderson , who is chairman of
the Jail committee.
"Well , " ho replied , "myself nnd Commls-
sloneis , Turner , Mount and O'Kcefo put In
about an hour looking the interior nnd pris
oners over. Wo did not complete our visit ,
but will make an ther investigation in n day
or two , when the Jail committee will make a
repoit. "
"Did you have a talk with the prisoners ! "
"Oh , 1 spoke with ono or two of them , "
"What did they have to say as to their
treatment i"
"One of them said it was a hell hole. "
Hero Commissioner Mount interrupted
with the information that the individual who
referred to the place as a hell hole was a
chronic * drunk by the name of McGuire , who
spends seven eighths of his time in Jail for
petty offenses.
Kesuming the conversation with Commis
sioner Anderson the reporter asked him If
the prisoners were Interviewed in refer errco
to the abuses alleged to have , been practiced
nt the Jail , To this , interrogation Mr , Ander
son replied :
"I did not question them closely. This
visit was moro to acquaint our selves with the
crowded condition of the Jail , and the sani
tary relations of the pi isonors , Wo found
many of them In bad shape , and cover oil
with vermin. This of course prevails in the
'bum cage,1 where prisoners sent up from the
ixilieo court arc conllned. Nearly all these
characters tire city charges , and 11 strike *
mo as wrong , as it docs my companion com
inissionors , that the county should bo taxed
to keep them. If the commissioners find that
they have any redress , the taxpayers of the
county may rest assured that wo will punc
ture and dispel this barnacle. "
Chairman O'KeelTo Is also anxious that the
amount paid the bheilft for meals for the
prisoners should bo cut don. . Mr. Cobui n's
bill for feeding ( prisoners during the month
of December was over $2,000 , and this in the
estimation of I tie commissioners is too much
money. By law Mr. Coburn is entitled to
73 cents n day for feeding prisoners receiving
bix day sentences , and 60 cents for everyone
over that period. A majority of the prison
crs , Mr. O'lCcoffe says , are those sent u |
from the police couit and arc fed for dayr
and weeks on bread and water at an average
cost to the sheriff of 6 cents a day , leaving
him a clear nrollt on each prisoner of cents
a day. This the commissioners claim is an
imposition on the county tax payers , in so
much as they nro taxed for the maintaining
of prisoners that are strictly nndlegiUiimtoli
the clmrgos of the city.
Tire Oinnlm Fair Not Almmlnncil.
The report which has recently giiinei
credence that the Omaha Fair and Kxposltloi
association Imd decided to abandon 1U > anniui
fair was pronounced yesterday by Secretary
, McShuno as unfounded. The association in
tends to maintain the annual cxlii
'iltlon with the additional determlna
)4on ) , Of making/ / every ouo of then
norc IhlorcstlnR ns the years po by. The ro-
ion , U Is thought , wns baton tl | > on the nn-
10uncod determination , made ionic time ago ,
of tliu dealers In agricultural IrliplcmentH to
nnhc no more exhibits at cltlrOr stnto
ir county fairs. What the assocla-
Ion now needs Is n better place
n which to hold Us annual fairs , and it will
rtiiirr rts present grounds until u moro do-
nimble pluco bo obtained.
Lou Armleost. of Heatrlee , Is on the mar-
( ct with a ear uf cuttle fruin his Culberlson
anch ,
( toorpe Worth , of Chicago , Is stopping at
ho Exchange.
Samuel Armloost , of Cincinnati , Is looking
over the yards.
Al Lempko stole a march on the boys. Ho
vns iiulctly married on January 1 to Mips
May Coy , and had started housekeeping be-
ore any ouo knew It.
The funonil of Humphrey Sullivan will
ake place to day from St. Hiidgct'tt church.
Stock yards tracks are now all clearWalk-
ng Moss AlcKeo releasing two Northwestern
engines about 10 o'clock in the morning ,
No stock has been r waived since Thursday
iftci noon , nnd commisslonmen are looking
'or heavy lossob by the freezing of hogs and
cattle. *
A sleigh was found Inn four foot snow drift
nt tire corner of Twenty-fourth and J streets
yesterday rnoi ning , and the limlers are look-
tig for the owner. It Is said to belong to the
Grand Union hotel.
For three hours yesterday morning the com
mission men could not reach the yards on ac
count of the HIIOW drifts and no business was
.rnrrsactcil ,
The suit of Jacob Smith against James
N'elson forobtnlnlriir money under false pro-
.crises was dismissed yesterday. Nelson
proved that he hud not sold the blacksmith
shop , as was claimed , hut only his right to It
tlnough a lease ho held.
Any number of stock trains are reported as
jcing snowed In , both In Iowa and Nebraska.
Mill. Til P.O. WII.I.HMS.
The funeral of Mrs. Theodore Williams
oolc place- yesterday from her late resl-
lence on Ninth street , between Harney and
ftrrnum. ' The funeral services wore con-
luetedby Hcv. Wiltaiil Scott , of the St.
Mary's avenue Congregational church. Tim
remains were interred In Forest Lawn ceme
District Court. , C3
.riiKiT/.S 1'Kunit.
Yesterday Ferdinand Strciu petitioned the
court to compel John Oeorgo Hartman , trus
tee , and Walter Hlock , Thomas S. Howlmul
and W. L McCague to set foith bv answer a
full , true and correct statement of the man
ner in which they ami e.rch of them received
deeds of lots in Hartman's addition.
Two small relieving and darnago suits
were Hied , the largest being for f.'iUU.
1'ollco Court.
George Wright and P. JJrewer , charged
with liavniLj robbed Charles He-decker at the
City hotel , Monday , of ? J17 , were bound over
to tire district court In the sutn of * 1,000. L.
Swlnghr.mcr and Kedccker himself were
hold In the sum of J-iOO each , us witnesses.
John A. Logan , a dry goods clerk from
McCook , was arrested last niu'ht in a helpless
btatoof drunkenness. He had $ ltY ) > on his
person. He was discharged , us were also
Frank Engle and W. J. House , same offense
AVIrai "Peonliar" Means.
Applied to Hood's Sarsapiirilla the
word Peculiar 5s of pruut importance.
It means that Hood's Sursaparilln is
different from other propiirations in
many vital points , which make it a
thoroughly holiest and reliable rncdi-
cino. It is I'eciilmr. in u strictly medi
cinal sense ; fir. > t , in the combination of
remedial u cnts it > ed ; second , in tire
proportion itr which they are prepared ;
third , in the process by which the active _ -
ivo curative proper-ties of the medicine
are secured. Study those points well.
They mean volumes. They make Hoods
Sarsaparilla Peculiar in its curative
powers , as it accomplishes wonderful
cures hitherto unknownand which ( , 'ivo
to Hnocl'tj Sar.-aparilln , a clear right to
tire title of "The jjrealeit blood purflier
ever discovered.1'
Clear OrT tire Srrow.
OMMM , Jan. Uf. To the Public : Section
15 , chapter-10 , Chase's compilation , requires
all sidewalks to bo cleaned of snow and ice ,
"within ono hour after the cessation of any
storm or full of snow unless such storm or
fall of snow shall take place in the night
time , in which case the sidewalks shall bo
cleaned by 9 a. in. the following day. " A noncompliance -
compliance will bo treated as u misdemeanor
and upon convict ion a fine can bo imposed
not to exceed WO. The chief of police has
been instructed to enforce the ordinance.
W. J. Uuo.ircn , Major.
Lcland hotel , C'hieago.
The Scw * r Stopped Again.
Yesterday the sewer on Dodge street
became stopped again and an overflow took
place , for tlie second time within a few weeks ,
Hooding thcpriiitingofHcoof Ulvnrr ACook , In
the basement of Leslie & Leslie'sdrug store ,
Sixteenth and Dodge-streets. The stieet was
torn up to llnd where the obstruction lay
hose was inserted in the man-hole east of
15tlr street to force the obstruction out of
Hcnl Instate Transfers.
Samuel D Mercer and wife to the Mer
cer Avenue Uuildlng association , all
blk 1 , all blk' ' except lot 'JS , lots 19
and iiOblk.'l , lots 1,3 and : t blk Hi ,
lots 5,0 and T blk ! ir Walnut Hill
wd 80,000
John Gallagher and wife to Edwin
Overall , lots K , 7 , ' . ) and 10 blk 1(1 (
Meyers , liichards & Tilden's add
w d 0,100
Alexander II Swan ct al , trustees , to
John McAithur , lots 4 and 5 blk ita
South Omaha wd -i.10
William U Hawrew ct al to Will H
Thompson , lot 3 blk ! i Exchange
place wd COO
Kulus H Smith to Patrick MeEvoy , . "
41 ! 1K ( ) acres com at center see. yii 15-
lllwd 7.JOO
Martin Quick mid wife to Andrew
Eliimon , wj lot 14 blk 45' ) Grand
View w d 200
John Hobbs to George H Davis , lot 1
blk ' .I Hr irrpV place w d 2,000
Egbert E French , trusteeto John A
Swan cn , lots 2) ) , . ' . " > , Jii , 27 and 2-3
blk 2 , and J < j of lot ir > blk 5 Pullman
place w d
Ualthas.letter and wife to Lucy K
Slate , lot 5 blk 0 , .letter's add to
South Omaha , w d 1,000
George E Uarker et al to Kiclmrd
I'lvseotl and Kdwurd Pli-kett , lots I
and 5 blk 2. Thuinlnirg Place add , w
d 700
W J Council and wife to Charles J
Smith , lot 14 , Hickory Place adu , w
d. , . , . i
Jonas U Harris and wife to S UTowno
and II Sornvra , lot > blk 5 , llan- > com
Placo.wd 3,000
J A Ltnahan to Feliv J MiCaithy , uiul
JJ of lot W blk ( i , Omaha View , w d. 1,500
Henry Mies anil wife to Albert M
Giant , lot a blk 0 , KliUuuuil , w d. . . 1,1. > 0
Fourteen deeds $102,201
"H needs , " ns Hamlet says , "no ghost
To comoaud tell" this truth.
Pure SOXODONT preserves the teeth ,
In age , rn manhood , youth
If any substitute h otteicd
For this , icjcct'U when 'tis proffered.
John Shea , of Palmer , Mass. . was at
tacked by air aniji1 ; , " bull , which throw
him down and drove ono horn through
his thigh. Shea was in a fair way to bo
killed , when his dog catno to the res-
euo and worried the bull so persistently
that ho turned from Shea , who birc-
ceeded in crawling away.
I''or throat diseases ami coughs use
Urown's Hi onchlal Troches. Like all really
good things , they are. Imitated. The genuine
iiro sold only in boxes.
Clnin Chowder , Now York style , at
all hours. ' En MAUUKU'd Restaurant
lil ! 1 Farnaur street.
Continental Clothing House
Unprecedented Attractions in Fine Satin Lined Overcoats , The richest and most elegant overcoats
ever shown on our counters.
All tailor made garments , nothing cheap about them except the prioo , An offering never before attempted of the finest jintl most elegant overcoats ever.
manufactured by us since we have been in business. Our unparalelled sale of the famous Sawyer woolen Go's. , line all wool double and twist
, . \ heavy winter weight suits.
LO1 No. 1 100 of the finest Elysian Beaver Overcoats made this season ( goods from the famous Middlesex Mills , of Lowell , Maas. ) Full indigo blue , wool
dyed goods that will not fade , lined throughout with the finest quality ofVm. . Skinner's satins , the richest and most elegant goods made in this country.
AVe olTer them to close , now in regular sizes , from y5 to 44 , at the extraordinary low price of $16 each. We believe this to bo the most attractive
bargain in a fine overcoat ever offered west of New York city. AVe will send a sample overcoat from this lot by express C. O. D. to any addrosd in the west or
orthwcst with the understanding that it is worth fully $30 and to be returned at our expense if your judgment does not correspond with ours. Remem-
er the price , only $16.
LOT No.2 AVe off era bargain of 04110,1 importance , baing 400 of the very finest quality London Saal Brown Kersey Overcoats geode
made by the famous worumbo Mills of Maine , a mill that has no rival in this country in the manufacture of Kersey Overcoatings. ) Those goods are ths
new shade of London brown , which is so fashionable with young gentlemen everywhere. They are made with lapped seams , cut single breasted , fly frontand
lined with the same quality of Win. Skinner's satin throughout , body and sleeves , the best satin made in the world anywhere for service. AVe have these
at our expense , i1 you do not consider them worth $30each .
overcoat in our stock , and we now offer them to close at $12.
We will .send samples of these genuine Sawyer Cassimere Suits to any address with the understanding that they are worth fully $1S to $20 per suit , as retail houses usually sell them. If not
. so.they may be returned at our expense. They are the most thoroughly reliable and honest bargains we have ever had the pleasure of offering the trade.
Wo offer FIVE HUNDRED DOZEN FINE ALL WOOL SCARLET SHIRTS AND DRAWERS , pure Cochineal Dye , of full heavyweight. The < c goods have been sold all
sons-oil at an. average price of $1.25 , and we offer them at this sale at GO cents each. Comment is unnecessary. They are fine and elegant goods and could not be manufactured to-day for § 12. " .
v > o have them m all sizes from 34 to 44. Sample garments of any of. these goods sent to any part of the country by express for examination or approval , and , i not satisfactory , can be
returned to us at our expense.
ei V < 1 illso"trer "M11,0 Bnrao V10 FIVB "UNDRBD DOZEN FINE ALL WOOL SCARLET SHIRTS AND DRAWERS , the usual retail price all over the country for these goods i *
bl.OO Piicli. We ofler them at this sale at 40 cents each. All .d/es from IU to 41.
Send for our catalogue , giving a list of over sixteen hundred drill-rent articles we sell. Send for our rules for self-measurement and you can bo fitted just as well at home as here in our stoic.
nd to us ami see how much money you can save from ordinary local retail prices.
Freeland , Loomis & Co. OMAHA BOSTON
_ . . NEW YORK
Proprietors : DES MOINES
Corner of Douglas and 15th. Streets , Omaha , Neb.
The Largest Wholesale and Retail Clothing House West of the Mississippi River ,
Usher & Kussell Anslpn.
Usher & Hussell made an assignment yes-
teulay to David M. Kdpertou , in which is
conveyed all the property of the firm. The
assignment is made for the benefit of the
linn's creditors. The liabilities amount to
about ! , UOU and the assets to twice that
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel of puri
ty , MtieiiKth and wholesomene s. MOID ee-onom-
leal than thu ordinary kinds , and cannot be hold
ineonipetltlon with the multitude of low rost.
Mrnrt weight iilnni or phosphate powders , bold
only In eans. lto\al H.iUiiK 1'owder Co. , Ml
Wall St. , New York.
$3 SHOE. '
Tti only 83 SKAMLKSS )
hhoit In Ilio uorlil , ultll-f
out tacks or i
Finest citir , pcrfKt
an'lujiranteil. OonKriis. , V >
llutton ami Lace , all c *
etjli'stoo. A stilish .O
anil tliirablo as jlio.e
all wiar the
W. I , . DOUGLAS S'J.BO SHOE Is tinex-
celle < l rorluavy cr. . K not sold byvnur dealer
write W. L. . DOUGLAS. Urocktou , 51a o.
Kor sale by Kelley , Stigerct Co. , Corner
Doilgc and lulh Sis. ; H.'Sargent , Corner
Seward and S.iigcnt Sts. ; . Geo. S. Miller ,
612 North Kith Street.
Health is Wealth !
On. E. C.VisT'fl NEitvr. V.ND IliuiN
MFWT. a guaranteed sriocltlo for Hysteria. Dlz l.
ness , Convulsions , Kits , Nervous Neuralgia
lleadaihc , .Nervous I'rostrntlon caused by the
use of alcohol or tobacco , Wakefuluess , Mental
Depression , boftenlng of the llralir resulting In
Insanity and leading to misery , decay and death ,
1'rem.UureOld Age , llarrunness , I.oss of power
In either BOX , Involuntary Losses and Hpennat-
orrhu-acaused by over-exert Ion , of thebniln self-
abuse or o\er-lndnlgence. Karh box contains
ono month's treatment. H.OUn box , or six tmxes
for f , r'.00 , sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price.
To cure any case. With each order received by
us for six boxes , accompanied with J-T.U ) . we will
end the purchaser our written guarantee to ra
fund tne money If the treatment do s not effect
a cure. Uuarantt-es issued only by a. F. < 5OOI > -
MAN. Drugvlst , tJule AftnJ , IllU J-'axuaia SU ,
The Old Reliable
Specialist of many
j cars' experience ,
treats with underfill
success nil TJIKOAT ,
and all CHRONIC
advance of any institu
tion in this country.
Those v. ho contem
plate KoitiK to JIOT
hPKINUSforthe treat
ment of any 1'KIVATB
, - rr - can be cured fur ONIC-
TIIIKU 1 UK COST nt onr Private Dispensary.
MALARIAL OIBKASK8 permanent/ ! eradicated
front the s\ stern and acurcKUarnnttld UI.C1JRS
nnd I'P.VHK bOKKS , rc-nliing from VAR1COSK
KI'ITKLIALCANCKKS nnd I'lSTl/I.A / of every
Mud successfully ; ! ! ! ! ! permanently cured.
IR R. has untie the trc.ilmcnt of I'KIVATK
niSKASKSOH MKN n special study and practice
for many \cars. Ovcr .ooo cases treated j early.
Kccent casts ofPRIVATK UISKASKS cured in a
ON Till' PACK OK I1ODY cured without git.Ing
MIIKCL'RY. DR. K. Is well known over the
United States and Canada by Thousands of Old
and YoniiKMcn he has cured , and it is a well-
known fact that for j cars he has confined himself
t the study and treatment of sevtial and chronic
df senses , thus gixin hitu adx antaijcs few possess.
Ily a combination of remedies otKreat cnrati\
power , DK K. hasso arranged his treatment that
it will atTcird not only immediate relief , but per
manent cure.
I nOT UAMUQflfl Thotirandi who art inflVrlog
errtlona , knowing torn * of the following lyioitoini. fiervoui and
riij > DcliUlt ) , lmt . | c > , lirnpiicllj , LOST MANHOOD ,
Abuin o ( the Svilem , Fih iiilr < l \ lUllty , Cuiifuilon of I JtM Dull
tnJ IfU of imiLMAM'Y to lh ' ) , A.hrril to Suclrl ) ,
nt.SrOSDENC'y , rlMI'Ll-Sontli. Fact , Lou of t n rfy , < u
may be In tbi flrit lUcvi , hut reiuvmtcr that \ouarffait .rprnarh
mi Id. hit. HonltKAl.SK I'HIDKonJSHAbl UOOESTV
Jrtri > c , from mtrntllo tooitr allnicnti.
Th an ljill of th blood , Tvllhtlv aralyill ef the crinf , with paprr , themlrkli and a mkrotci ) ofig \ \ \ \ f > owtr furoliliri him
in ft ) lanatloii of otrtrur. dltfalvl whlrli ran t > t' obtain ? . ! In no
Dtber way TtU fiiablet him to rnri man ) of tb moit urloui and
mini llcaU 1 rate * trrnird Incurftblr.
I AnilTC Hy hti treitmcnt a t > urf , I Teh Comiletlnn ,
LAUIC.O. fte.froui i ll < -u..i. ftwkl , , , Uiikliudi , rnj
tloni , tc. , llillliant F > fl and iirrfftt lieal.u ran W bid.
That "tired" frrllni ; and All f nule wralne.ivi irotiiptlrmrM.
Hvatlachpl , .Ntrvyut I'roitratlon , Oinrral Ptblllty. ? Itfj f ntti.
r > f | tf.ilon and lndle tnn ! , Ovarlln Tronbl l. lullauiuiallon an 1
Ulirrnllonl-alllnKand riliplaceuientl , Steal | MVakntti , Kldnvy
( ' 4 nil l.lntt and Cb nce of Uftf. Con.utt tb old 1 > > rtor.
CvC AUFi 17 A D AcuU of Chronic Intlammatlon 'f
E.IC. HIlU CHn nnd ( j > r or Nrar
tlclit dnrii rD rr.lon of tb. Lldf , rrrnfiiloni I ) r , t'lt.ralloni , In
HjttnnutUmi , Abuviiei , riliQn.nof Vlibn of on. or both f\ei , and
Tiimorlof 1.IJ.
InHanunatlonrlth K r Ulrrrallon or Catarrh , Intprnal or Ki >
tfrual IV.fueiior r'aral .U , bindingur roaring uobri , 7blrLtDed
I .rntanintrnra elfvilvd Inrr ) fcrm rf Scalp an t SVin IlUrair ty
a tclfntific and r nulvit nirthtxl of tr * atinrtil. Mr > Ul , rrrtkl.i ,
llmplfi. lilvkbtaJi , Ilve5xjti | , JUiu Wormi , Paudriiff , Ucd-
nrllof lh Noir. Strofula
DIIDTIIDC' Curtd without pnln or hln Iranre from tni-
llUl I UnC. Inell Corrritonilnro | retrUn iromrt at-
In linn , > nl < tt.rl an.wfrpl uulen aitiiiiipaukd bv f'ur cintl In
uait | . * > tnl tn r nli In * ltmi > i fi r iain | l.t nnd Hit ofui |
lloui npoa rrhal , Spn-la ) and Sprinni r > i.iant , > vuiin l weak
\arluHl . T ruii ilVlrtl ) r.ili Cnll or a I
uit. rou'KLi , KIIVIS : ,
.No. 351 South 13th M , Omaba , N > b.
1707 Olive Street , St. Lotrli , Mo.
Of the Missouri State Museum of Anatomy. SI.
LcinlM , Mo. , t nlveisity I'olle it Hospital , Lon
don , ( ilesen , ( lerrnaiiy and New Vorlc. Il-ivl
demoted their attention
More especially the n arising from Impru
dence , invite all t > o buttering tocorresouil | with
out delay. Diseases of infection and contagion
cured bafely and i-peedlly without use of dan-
peionsdriiKH. 1'atlentx whose CBM-S linvu been
ni-Kletted , badly treated or pronounced incur-
nble , Hhould not fall to wrlto us concerning their
symptoms. All letters receive Immediate atten
And will be mailed I'KKK to nny address on re
ceipt of one " -cent atainp , "I'ractical Observii-
Uimson Nervous Debility and I'hyxlcnl I'xhaus-
tion , " to which 18 added an "iNsav on M r-
rlttKe. " with Important chapters on diseases of
the HeproductlVi ) Orctnns , the whole forming ,
valuable medical treatise which bhould be read
uy all yotrng men. Address
DRS , S , and D , DAVIESON ,
17O7 Ollvo Street St. Louis , Mo.
N. W. Cor. 13th & Dodge Sto.
nest facilities , apparatus and remedies for sue-
cesslul treatment of e\ery form of diaense requiring -
ing Medical or hurgical Treatment.
Iloard and attendance , best hospital accouimo-
clntions in the wevt.
WKITI : row CIRCULARS on ileformlties and
Hraces , Trusses , Club I'ect , Curvature of the
hpine , Tiles , Tumors , Cancer , Catarrh , llror.chitis
InhaUition , IJlectricity , Paralysis , lipilepsy , Kid
ney , Illadder , Ije ! , War , bUm and Wood , arid nil
Surgical Operations.
Diseases of Women a Specialty.
All Illood Diseases successfully treated. Syph
ilitic Voison remo\ed from lite t > } stcm iMtntmt
mereurj' . New restorative trcatiiRiit for loss ol
Vital 1'owcr. I'ersous unable toisit us may he
treated at home tiy correspondence. All commit-
mentions cotificlcminl. Medicincsor instruments
sent by mail or express , t-ecurely packed , no
marks to indicate contents or hcruler One per- Interxleu preferred. Call and consult us or
s-cmi history of jour ease , and we will bend in
plain u rapper , our
Upon rrivatc. Special or Ncnous Diseases , Itn-
iwteucy , Sphilis , elect nnd Varicocele , with
cjucstion list. Address
Oinalia Meillcal nnil Kiirfilenl TimtltntrOT
Cor. 13lh and DoclseSts. , OMAHA , NEB.
. f'lydcsclnlos and Plilrc , nl o liomn
irjM ( oils Kvt'ry nnliniil Kuiiranteeil u brcedpr
Our Mock lias hi'vn Kvlectfd with rt-tertncMto
both ludlvldiml merit nnd pt'dlKreo. Homo of
theM horses linve titXe-n ili" > { priyo nt the Ne-
liriihku Stnte Tolr , KIST. All our hoises me nc-
rlliiintcd , and colts of their K t can bo shown.
I'rlci'b reasonable and easy terms. Is ucce.-islblu
by tliu throe IfudliiK railroads or tliu .state11 , A :
> ( . : r. , i : . i. M. v. . ami K. u Ao. .
J'lCV 4 rAIlltllAII , York , Neb
Hunarkable for powerful ' yrnjia-
ttietle tone , pllnbln ' at-
Milnte iliira'blllly. m ) years record.
HID bfbt Kiiarantee of the excel-
Tyirte of these Instruments.
JxiltVltroran.Mml.t | < IHwloieJ. I' it.
. | Jf' - P * m loreltcllr | tml t unrllontl d > or.
kdie rBii { i o * Mcm cliMr < lleifiri.
htiled Tiriiiicicnt Irn on > [ > i > litaiiuu.
M/USTON / CO.r l' H e i Uik.
Tire Days of Djrlciiess Are raeuliiK Away and the Gladsome H'r.'o ' or
The Impregnable and Never-Failing
( Joes on from day to day pniformtni ! rnros In Hny 1'cxnr'ntnrrlr. ( . Asthma , Uronchltis , nnd nl
iiiri-otions of the Head , 'ihrmtt nnd l.uniS DON'T WAIT ! OON'I' W'AITI Hut If jou Inivo nil/
of thosiidlse-asi-i ornny syinptoniH. c.tll nt onto and get A Htlil'.TJ.ST , and ) ou will hu\u Irrrruo
dlutu Idcrrce of the ellicaiy of the remedy. '
CAUIIOI ir SMOKI : lUr.r.Co.dontleinon : 1 haxo used your Carbolic Pnioko Itull for tlnont nmt
and IniiK troubles , ami i < Loininrnd It us a pk-asaiit and olloc ttvu remedy. It in a aeiiilbluiy
of tre.itlng dlseiiijes of the head and tin oat. Vonr s trnl > ,
S. A. UKUIIAItl ) , wholesale and Itetall Carpets , Cor. nnd rnrnnin Sts. f
Cuiiioi.icSMOiu : IIAU.Cn. ( luntlernurr : A friend luUKed mo to try tlioSmoko Hall and I Inrf
mediately protuied one , and rommenud nslnw It. The Hist application gave me relief , and In lesJ
tlrurr u week all rrrritorns . of the dlse.iso had ( llsappe.ited. Yours truly ,
CIIAh. I' . romUI , Snpt. Mo. Valley bund \ ( ir.ixel ( ; o. , Cor rninam and Mill RIB.
C\niior.rcPMOKK DAI. I. Co. Gentlemen : Your C.ubolle PinoUo Hull cuii-il my llttlodiild elf
ulioopIiiK eniiKli In less than 4s IIOIIIH. 1 have slncu used It In m ) lumllj foi all dullnui j tulds foe
which it Klves Instant relief and a speedy cure. IteMiectnllv ,
( Hwoirr to before . \V. Kujbor , N. I' . ) 1) . it , IIKIIMI'.II , CoininHhlon Merchant.
1)1 ) 1'HTII Kill A "Carbolic Smoka" destroys tlio germ of this dlse.ise , ami should lie gnen as H
preventntlve. 't. '
.MAIL OIIDRKS C.ubollo RnicAo Hall bent by mail on receipt of price , K OOnrul i cents postage. for the blood 11.0) ) additional.
No , 114 South 15th Street , Nut to Postoffice , Omaha , Neb ,
A magnificent disrlay ) af everything useful and
ornamental in the furniture maker's art ,
at reasonable prices.
The bcl Vnown nnit mnit popular llofnl In tliu
it te. Uimllon conUHl , nmxilntiiii'nu tlr't-rin'i.
lleailquiirtt-ri ( nr commercial men unit Ml | > omiui !
( Huci cs. orfi to John U. Jacob ) . '
(111(1 ( ( Emm
At ilieold stnllO. HfT rarnnmHt Ol tiers by
I'ruuh ucll'iti'd und | ironitlv | ) uttfiukd tt ,
'Jtltilionu | No."j