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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1888)
* > . , THE OMAHA PAI&Y BEE ; SATURDAY , JANUARY qi\188a : SPECIAL NOTICES. _ ( A < lvfVti etneiitfi iirfiW tTTfi head , lu cent a per lliir tnr\M nrKt Insertion. Tccnttforcnoh siil- f . ( incut Inwrtlnn , nnd tun nHiioixr inpntli. No advertisement tnki'n for less tlnm 21 cents Tor the llrnt Insertion , ( even words will be i otinn d to the linn ! they mii t run cc.n . ititlvo- ly und must lie imld nndvnnre. All advertlM- incnlBlnust be handed In bcforo Lain clock p. in. , nnd under no clruimslanci'H will they bo Inkcn or dlMontlmiid by telephone. I'nrtlf ! ndverlHng In these columns nnd Imv. 1nif the answers nrtilrenwil In euro of thn Ilcc , vlll pleiiM-n'-k for n eliei k to etinblo them to fM t bur Idlers , ns none will bo delivered except .n presentation of ( heck. All unsworn to nil- T crtlii'inc nts should be enclosed In envelopes. All ndvertln'tnents In the e columns nrepub- ll hed In both morning nnd evening editions of Iho lleti. HIM tlrrulntlon of which ngfrrpgutc s morn than l5.fOpnt ) > rrK dnlly , nnd glvesthond- MTtlfcrs the bcnelit. not only of the city c-irrn- latlon of tin : Ileo , but nl < " ) of ( 'ouncll Illulls , Lincoln , nnd other cities and towns throughout fills part of thu wtst. _ SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTlt : > Situations. Our waltlugroom Is constantly IlllVd with girl * seeding PHI- rloyment. If you nncd a girl conic nnd get one , nnndlnn Kin p. ollc- ! , Mrllrefeu ! .V Son. 31 Ho. DM. ( ill. 14' \\"AN'l , HI ) Situation by experienced tcno- > grnpher , w ho bus thorough knovvledgn of e.ll'.cuwoik ' HeferLiiLts. AddriSrtO. , lie.-olllce , Council Illuirs. KO-ll W . Permanent situation ns book keeper orassistantwith good firm , by young man ( married ) . Adddress , T 44 , Ileo. WANTKD- comiictrnt cnglntsT , iilnco to run eiiKluo or tend huiterh. 1' . U. If. , ( Jonn- r.ll-1. ) WANTKD Situation as stenographer and , typewriter by young lady ; best refer- Clicos. T2ii. Ikeollke. 4UII 13 * WANTEU--.VIAI-E HELP. WANTIID AuentH to handle the now Chemi cal Ink KriwItiK I'encLJ. ( iteutest novelty overproduced. Hrust-s Ink In two Btconds : no iibrnslon of paper. H ) to rl l per cent profit. Ono iiKent'H sales amounted to ifOI In sl\ days , nnotherj-c ; In two hours. Terrltoty absolutely fiee. Halary to peed men. No ladles need HII- wer. Sample 'lTi tcntH , Tor terms and full Jiartlcuhirs , iiddress the Momoo JJtiiser Co. , iimimfmtnteiy , La CIOSMVH. | . Wi TiJ rANTKD rirst-dasK general machinists. D.ivls & Conglll Iron works. f.7'J " \ . \ ANTIl ! > A joumx man or stout boy foru V > fewliouisorkoeryday. . S. Lehman , Iron H'.M WANT11I.Man to run t'xpretswuon ( , must have stable of his ow n Call Satuidav at fl ) Catherine st. nui 1.1 _ Hi\rAHTii : good men for Insurance work at , , TT one. ilnj no \ Needhum , n. w. cor. 11th 'lind Hnniny , Omaha. 674 1 1 WANTKD 1 uood man for Insurance woik In Houtli Omiiliu at once. Miivno A : Neidham , 11. w. cor. 151 * . uml 1 1 in iiu y , Omaha. f)74 14 'ANTi : Active yonni ; man with | lXto ( ) inxnngu an olllce , 150U Furtuun , room I ) . 541 iif : " \\rANTKD Oonernl ngcuts for the sale of n TI newnndveiy attractive patent article con- Mstsngof a small padlock and chain for carrj- Ing Keys. Addtess Lock llox 5f.Chlcopee , Mass. 6UH.IJ WM"1.D Agents to canv ass clocks , wring- cln.otc. , In ( 'iimcll lllnlls and Omaim. JoveU lil'fit Co. , (1'tdj ( 221 No. l.fth Ht. , oninlin. I 47U 16'- H\'ANTrl-llarber at * 15 per week. A.V > Jloirls , Lincoln , Neb , 4"M-lflj W /"ANTIMi-50 carpenters at Swift's ice house ' Cutoff lake. 4'M 14 * rANTI.D Two p.nsons to le.irn bookkoop Ing. Hoom54t > lamgo ( block. J. 11. Pinltli , : n HJ 8ALiSMiM : : Flvo tta\ellm'salesmensa. ; nnd expenses ; no ejipeilenco neceshary Addicts , with stamp , Palmer \Co. , La ( rosso W' . 15 * /"ANTED Men for railroad work. Al- 1 blight B Labor Agency , 1120 I'arnam. IWi ! ) 100 men of good appearance to . . try our IC.c meals nt Norrls ichtuurunt,311 nnd fill ) Bout li 14th tititot. ( old Llvo and Lot .Llvo ) UN ) WANTED-FENIALE HELP. xperlencciM steu < > - . A NTr.D-ni st-c.ass waiter at the Km openn hotel , Ha.'H. i'olhst. 617 14 WANTKU--lIoudc keeper i dice , 1JI5 Cnllfor- nL * fit * t M jj ; * * Y\7"ANTI5D ( J',1 for housework , 2214 Douglas. * ' ( ill ) 14 * \A . ' i < TKD Woman cook for Curtis , Neb. , ono . - for ri./ertcm / , 2 women cooks for out of eity , JKI , 25 girls for general hoti'oivork , 2 llrst- ClufS colored gltls and several young olrls to inlhrt chlldicn ; dlillng-room girl for Colorado , & 2.I. fare p.ild. Cnnuillnn Kinp. oflite , Mis.llroga A Son , Itlil S. Te .t4. ( .1513 * W ANTI'.D A Rhl for general liotiso work. Inquire tit H. w. cor. 25th and Caldwcll sis. KO U * 'IJirANTI'.D A girl for general housework ; TT llbeiul wages paid to proper person ; cull 11023th nveinin , neai Uode. | tsi u _ " \\7'AN1in ; A mlddlo-nged girl to take enre T of n baby I\nd ns lst In housework at ' Vf > Bt. JIury'H fve. 6I 1I COOL (1 ( l , 1017 Howard. OH" : . . . ANTKD Hill for general hotibowork. 2112 Douglas. 52 = 1 vyAJifKD-tilillor geni'inl housework , 2C13 WA TKD-lUtrso girl at 212 8.3Utll Bt.KO 'IXrAN'l'r.D A lrl to do homowoik lu a Mmill TT family at 1112 S. 13th. f > )2 ) ONI ! lady In every town wanted to introduce nnd hell rennjiojal Vllls , "Chlcliester's inglUli. : " Orlglnnl nnd only Uenulno. Send 4o ( stiinil'1- ) for pnitlciilais. Llilthoblor Chemlnil Co. , I'hll.Mlelpliln 1'a. ! K7 \\fANTr.D rx ) ladle.s to irv our Ific meals at Tt Notiis'lesthurnnt old Live and Let Llvo. HI and : ni ; 8.14th st. _ " | A IM KS nre iiffpro'd embi oldery neertlevi ork nt Jl Jlhelr own Homes ( town or countiy ) by a whole- Mile house. I'lolltnblo , genuine. Good pay can lo made. Kvc.jthlng iiirnlshed. raitluilnis li-of ! Address ArtbficNcedleworit Co. . VllCth M. , New Yoik City. W 7 _ ' \\/"ANTKD / ( ! lrl for gencTnl homow'ork , fnnv- T > llyof Ihieogiown peieous , 2118 Haven- , ) itst. Mil 14 * _ W ANTKD-Ohl forgeneinlhotipovvork. None but competent fill nwl apply. 11)11 ) t'ass , 317 AV vNTI'.D-Tilrl to wink In kitchen , Doian house , lii H. lull ht. , nt-nr Kt. Jlnry's aye. \YyANTIlb- Ladles m dty or country , for our T * holiday ti ado , to tnko light , plen .int work nt tilt li on n homes , fl to jt per day can bo nul-'tly made. Work sent by mall any distance. J'.iitktilnis fiee. No canvassing. Address at onto , fi-cent AH Co. , 147 A Milk Bt. , llostqn , Jlnss. 1' . O. box 11170. 1 * * * V\rANTiD : Umtoniinloiuiikote. Illraiimm * E M P LO YM E N T BUREA U S. Emplojiuonl onico , male and fo- CANADIAN innU help n'lit to all paitHll fniolsml- vnnied. Hefeivnce , Omaha National bank. Ml-s. HreyM A Sou , 3IU S. 1Mb. Tel. KM. WANTS. " \ \ rAN I'KD To lease boarding house by March J t. Address Till , llee olllce. . 517 I4J BOARDING. _ _ AS'W board with heated room , prl- -J \ atu nouee , 81 50 per v * ovk , HV Harney Kt. 3t ( ! 15 * _ _ . , " \ uv-Tiiblo K > arders nt the I.ndles'nuil Vs Ojtc-r Parlor. Ul'l N2nth st , 3 i oICumlnsjH ; table fit rlcllytlrst class. 6S1 1JJ Tn I.ASS tnblo boaid , served in Iioine JD pljle. for. I or I gentlemen. 1-14 Dodge. ? ' > ' ZWANTED - TO RENT. _ HxrANTl.D To rent a suite of 3 rooms two > T uuftit nt jlied and ono furnished , w 1th heat Kan and bath : must bo reasonable. Addiesb T. K. M. , UixHW. 5T' ITANTHDHy n family w Ithout children , n gofilhouse. by Tib. 1st. If po lble , .Mils 1 > e w Ithln 'M minutes walk of 1' . O. . w Itli not le-a tlmn four sleeping rooms , and rent not to ex fwi per month. Addri"'s , "A , " care o Onmlia Heal I.-tate iirdTiust Co. W > 2 II * \\MNTKI ) To rent a umall Job piest. will TT outlll ; will pay leasouablo prleo nnd give security If n.'o.ulted. Adiliess TJl. lieoolllce. \\rANTKD To rent iThntol with llto'iliooni T > In a good bu > Ins town. Address I , . / . llr > i > olllce filO-llj FOR RENT-HOUSES. . . HUNT lionse. < ltv vvntcr d t ni , N , U. cur. Joth nud Clarx. Gal 1 Ij FOH lir.NTTwo molcrn C-rootn. Junt llnUlKiJ. Sltli nvc. nnd IMorco lit. 1 ho L ) . T. DnVlK cotupauy , t'05 i'urnam . fi.01.1 ' J. "sTnitNi"n < ) 'uFirToom"No. B. lYenzor Ijlock , 01,11. r. t ) , lins ii hmi'oforrcnt that will stilt ynti. Choice Hit to Mlect BlO-li F Ull ItKNTrnhil hcd lioii ( > on I'lonialit t. ncarbt , Jtnry * nve. linjulry nt)17 ! ) S llth , ITIOlt linXT-lx-room hott'c. ROW ! loci\lty . .1tTi u month , \ Co. , Chamber ot Commerce. " 01113 H oral * , for rent , . W Cli rlc st. Apply WnT Aithnr , .Mnnilcr on'8 lintldln , no earner of llth and Cnp nvo , or arw Cliiirle" . 4.1M.1J TOH HUNT If jou wish to rent n hott'f or JL1 Hut 1 have thc'in from M to } W for cottam-t , nnd M und ID room modern liotixc . from t l to 1 10 per month. Call at J. II , 1'arrotto , Kchtul Afiuney , lllxl ChlrnKo st. t > 7tll Alin/.t'Tiri'IifotlnKf near Pliermnn ave , liiinil oini > 1y furnished , u cd only 3 days ; will M > 11 ihc fnrnltnrc atu Krcat i-.icrlllco on raiy tenni If taken at once , low rent. 11. 1 ! . ( 'old n > ! uur 15th and Dowlm Bt. W.1 1.1 _ " 1710H HUNT 7 room cottage , furnished. Cnhlo J ears run pant the door. AcUlretiT 40 , Ileo onico. 6'3 15 " | ? Oll HUNT Cottntraof erooinc , closet * , rcl- I1 and woodshed , n mlirutM Walk fiom pnstolllce. 1 Mock from street cnw , nk ii neJKhliothood ; ftiinltnro for bait- , complete for hoiHekeuplnir , If de > sired , Rontlrinon and wife will retain 3 rooms and Imnrd nt Jti.1 month. 1 Ionic rent Jro iniinlh. If yon want to liny furniture and rent address T 43 , lleti ollicu. 117 ! 11 * FOlt HKNT 12 room hoti p , nil modern 1m- provemi'illf , 'MM Citnltnl nve , Iminlrn A. SplKlo , 7118. 13th st. or lllu Kainnin. ltjO-l.J4 ) FOIt HHNT AnS-rooin rottn e with modern Improveinenls. Iniiulro''lst nml St Mnry'a uve. frivnj KS HOUSl'S for rent from J12 np. J K. I. . Gregory , llentnl Agent , 30-J S. Idth st. FOH HKNT A honsu of H rnoinvclo et < s iood well nnd cIMi't lHh t. ear line , tie- tvveenj'aclllc and 1'lerco Bts. liuinlro at 1I1JS. l.'lth Ht. rxtl FOH HKNT The lower utory of my home No. UW South Ith t , T > looms , gas nnd heat , hot nnd eold water and cistern watir , cellar nnd yaid. ! H7 TRIOK HUNT a I'leuntit new- brick hotisei , 10 JD tooint , nil modern Improvements , line loca tion , II mln , walk from P. O. . cm street car line , runt 17U per month. H. M. Getilus , IWi DuiiK street. 4.W IfOlt HKN'T Tlirco new ID-room houses with nil modem ImptoveinentH , highly tin- nlshed 1'or pnrtlrulnrslncmlru of S. Kntz nt houio adjoining or room Uir , , luuigo bulldlm ; . FOH HUNT Seven (7) ( ) room house , all film- Ished , No. 1(17 ( north Uth Ht. 4U4 "f J10H HUNT Threu (3) ( ) room house , for colored Jt ? .people , llth and Chlcngo sts , 404 FOH ItENT-SmaUcottiiKo ; Inciulro KH S. Ihth Bt. , near ht.Mary's avo. ) rilHIJ house I now occupy will lie for rent , .Inn. JL nary 1st ; contains ID-looms nnd all modern impt'oveinents. 'MJ S. " 4lh Ht. Morltz Meyer. Cnll ut llth and raruani or at 207 M.4th s * : 5 i _ T71OH HKXT One seven room house , hot and JU rold water , gas and heated by furnace , situ - u ati-tl on Suunili rs ne.ia Lake. AKo. four six room houses Militated on Klni ; st , nortli of I.nkoht. 1'utilck llros. , Arlington lllock , Hoom 2. I7 13 FOH HUNT 2 new 7 roomed houses , well , cis tern , largo cellar , lllth near UlurK st. W. O. Shrlv or , opp postolllee. S2f : FOH HUNT 0 new 7 roomed houses , city water , clitern , cellar , 2itli ) st near I'aiil , w. O. Shrlver , I'luiizor block oppoulto poatofflto. "VfO. llfl1 ! 7th nve,5-room house , igood ro -L > pair , large yard , cistern water ; will run- to responsible poison with not more thim 3 chil dren for W > per month. 4U FOlt HKN'r New house , 0 rooms , etc. , largo gicmndi , corner 23th and Cupltol avenue , Inquire 2K.4 Dodge st. IW1 "I710H HKNT A r. room house cheap tosiiiail JU family , l&W S 21st net Center nui1 Torcas st 412J 14 * T7IOH HKNT-2 nc-w" rood houses on 8 30th - inear Leavenuoith. 0. K. JIayne. 311 "fi OK KKNT Nw 5 room cottage In Ambler .n I""Cl ) o od7room 2 story house. Orchard Hill : go4 room cottage , Olchard Hill , ( , ' . E. M'O e. jj. W. cor. 16th and Harney Bt. 1U1 K HKNTiloiiso . W. - 11 rooms. M. Hush- mall , N K corner 10th and Douglas. W4 FOR RENT ROOMS FURNISHED. ri\VO looms , 20 minutes from V. 0. , ono JL block fiom 11th street car , live evenings and Sunday , $1 w oek each to i gentlemen. 0.18 N 7th St. C02 13J THOH HUNT Lnrge handsomely furnished up. JL * per Iront room , steam heat , 1UI.I Douglas. 7XI ( 15' FUHNIHHKD roooma with board , I'.HV.t rnrnam 012 15 * T710H line tootns w Itli nil modern conveniences , JP live mlmilcs' walk frompostolllco. Addte H 1'48 , lleoolllcD. ( OS It of fmntshed rooms for 3 gentlemen. S. 13th near Dodgu > t. f > S'.i 14 * filOH HKNT Largo alcove room , with two L1 commodious clo ets , bath room adjoining , with board lu private family , sullablo for iiuu- rled couple , within one block of horse cars and cable line ; reference required 1' . O. box 274. f.s2 14J | 7OH HUNT 1'nrnlshccl rooms with table I ? board. U''lll I'linuim ht. f.09 14 * T7WH HIJS'T A nleely funilshed soulh room JL1 with till modem lonvenlences nt 1711 ] ) edge 34l ! It' N ICRIiV furnished rooms , 2214 Faruam street. 6l ( ! 15 * FOH UI.NT-l'leasant room for two. 1023 Dodge. 5HM7J OIt HUNT Nicely furnished room suitable for two gentlemen , 1IU1 rurnnni st. fk'HI 12t F OH HI.ST-Suite of ruruUhed vooms7 A llospe. _ 5 lit Y furnished rooms cheap 603 S 1Mb St. , upstairs. _ , Ml 1(1 ( ? Felt It EXT fl furnished rooms for house keeping , 414 S 15th st. Knrb.ich blk , 3d floor flat No. 2. M3 17 FH light housekeeping , fnrnl-med and un furnished rooms. aNo sleeping looms for Rentlemen at ts per month , Inqulioat Nfi How- aid st. fj.1l lilt Y furnished heated rooms. W to J12 per month , also first-class table bonid. I40U D.iveupoit. 611 14 * TTIUHXISIIED HoomSby day. weeK , or month Jto ladles or gentlemen. 311 N 12th st.4V 4V 15 * lir.NT niinWied room with board for 1 or 2 persons. 22 N. luth st. 501 TrUMlNISHED"liod.M8-New and warm. All X1 conveniences , private family , 1 block fiom P. O. 161J Capitol uve. 407-1.1J JJIOH HE.NT-Nlco room for 2. 101.1 l5uHNI8HED roonm with tlr t-class board , L heat gas nnd bathi Near cable line , 201J Douglas st , 15H * "VTKATljY furnished large front roomforone -l- > or two gentlemen , veiy cheap , 2104 Harney. ! 1J2 17 * lUHNISIIl'D'ioom , steain heat , 201 S "aith. N.7J27J F I OH ItnNT-Nlcely furnished rooms at KIT Dodge. Gun , bntn and furnnco heat. Wl Y furnlshea front room with or with out board. IhlJ Dodgu st , 1W7 " 171011 HKNT-Nt-wly nirulshed south fron -L room , In now house ; steam heat and ovoiy convenience , 1721 Daveupoit , fiSI "V ICK largo front room , tin nUhoil and heated. ! - > Suitable tor two gentlemen. Also small loom. K'17C.i ' : > f. i I UHNISllf.D rooms , ism Dodgo. TJOOM8 Well fiirnUhcd , with use of piano. 1\ _ l'Ji < l rarimnu UOl I71OH HI1XT 3 looms at 311 Wuoltvorth ave. ; I1 ut ill per month. 3U "Ij Ol'lt elegant rnoms all modern conveniences Jv 17i > l Wfbbter st. 413 " 1T1OH Hl'.XT T o nicely rurnlshed front rooms Jt ? on gtound lloor. nt 21H Hurt , for ill per month , with ho.ud il per week additional , 1,01 " HlTNT A cheap south room. lt17 ! Chi- cagost. frOU 15 lOll HKNTA nicely furnished room with all -L modern Improvements for ono or two gentlemen - men , fVU H. 20th. vi'i SlNni.r.'ana double fuinl ln.'d looms. 2ii7 - Dodgo. 3JJ t 5J 1JVH lir.XT Largo front room with alcove and ck ) > ut , ga > . b.tth room , hot and cold water on thn s.tmo lloor , Two gentlemen , or man nnd wife , t-i per month. No , 2J782lthst , 1 * ( \ : ; boaid , IWtl Karuam 74HJ22J _ IJ A OU HI..ST-1'urnUhed rooms , 22W Ikxlgo. FOR HHNT PumlsheiVrooms In Clreunto blk , cor. l.tth ntld Dodgo'dts. loqulroof eo. IU DO.VU MlUnrd Uotol TiUllnrd n , ui. C.U TJIOJl HUN'T TiirntjIied" Foom'w ill\ board for -lU'tw-oKe'ntlcuien , I'll IKnlplns t.oo71l LA HOI : ronthtront room , nil modern conVfln. lcnce , Ht.ltnblo for two gentlemen ; nlv > first-class tflbln lx > ard for three or four ! refer- dices. 1SI4 Dodge it. I'M FOR RENT-STORES AND OS-TICES. "IjlOH HUNT f-ture nnd choice rooms , nit liv v. J1 rensonnble , inquire drua srora , Shfrninn nvc and Corby. M7 1,1 * "TTIOIl HKNT Store In Sander's block , -L1 nud Saunders Ms. liniulreHIOI Cii 370 U Foil HENT-OtHco room , nrst tloor , nt.'lWH 15th tt , 1U ( FOH HENT Oronnd lloor olliee room , cen trally located , heated and lighted. C. if. Harrison , 418 a. 15th st , KM FOH HUNT Oltices on rarnatn stTnt tin to MO per month. OnoolUco furnlslied. 10U I'ar nam. 101 FOR RENT-BROOMS UNFURNISHED. r unfurnished room for.rcnt. 813 S. 17th ' BWIV F HKXT Two unfurnished rooms forlluht 1 liotlsekeeplng 1UO Davolipoit st. MM U * . I HINT : Two G ! ) rooms , N'o. 1S14 Howard st , 1 lirce. ( Mi rooms. No , lOir. north 9ith Rt. 1 hreu ( .11 r ( ims. No Hot north ilst st. SU in ) room house. No. 'M Nicholas st. ' 1 liree (111 ( room cottage , aist and l > i Ut st. Three CD rooms , No , ll ± i north 'Ist st. Thrcu ( Hi looms , No. Itlill'leno st. Tlirco CD rooms No. 1112 south "th Bt. Three CD rooms , No. 1IM I'oclllc Mt. Onu (1) ( ) nice olllce , No. : ) IO hoiitli 15th st. 40. ) " 171OK HUNT A larcu room furnished , central A1 location , IUO Chit ago st. ! > til FOR RENT-MISCELANEOUS. OMAHA r.odKlnc lliiuseTuM and PIS.lackson Ht , bet. nth nnd loth tts. Ucuts slnKlo beds nt $1 per week ; clean beds. ( K" > Kub ! l * RENTAL AGENCIES. L. OltndOUV , rental npent , W S. 10th st. , ground tloor. Telephone SI 1. 4SI SI'HCIAL attention Riven to renting houses , furnished and unfurnished rooms. List with us.V. . M. Harris , over ! MO S. 15th st. 101 FOH HUNT If you wish to rent ahonso call on Iifiniwu & Co. , 15th i.t. , opposite r. O. 104 STORAGE. "VTEW YOHK Storage Co. have mo t extenslvo - lfacllltles for stortiKO of furniture , tiUuioi , buRKles , general merchandise , west of New York. Cash advances to any amount ; waro- houie receipts ul en ; goods liiimed ; brick butldlnit flru-ptoof ; special nnaiiKements for commission merchants. Call New York Stor.ica Co. , Capitol uve and N. 15th at. , Dennett's block. PERSONAL. PIIIISONAI. 1 want vacant lot. north part of tlty , for good house and lot In Omnha View , C. C. Spotmvood , IMVi S 16th St. , Omaha. 004 r > KltHNAI.r-l'rank , S. and T. York want to &CO you soon as convenient. Union.Ull Ull n PP.ItSONAL Ladles and Kintlemen cam out masquerade nulls at 510 N Ibth st. , upstairs. OsSflt * PnHSONAIr-l'rlvatnhomn for ladl confinement , tttilctly contlilcntul , i"-- aecpted ; nddis s 13 V Itee oltlce , W7 t 111 DI * . r. . Hooper , mutlc ( , trance and clairvoy ant. 1'erfect ili.iKiiosIs ot disease. Satlb faction ( juavanteed. 501 N. Kith bt. 471 1UJ LOST. OST Iliown and giay setter iloi ; . nbont " mouths old. Answers to name of Hob. He- uni to F. 1' , 1 uy , K17 1'lc.isaut t.t. , and t t re- \ard. 571 10 LOST or Stolen A large liver-colored Irish spaniel dot ? about ten days ago. Any onu ing Infoimatlon 01 duluerlug him at K. K. . & 'ith and Lea\en\\orth sta. , will receive u landsome : uward. C > " 7 f OST A small pold biea < ti > ln setw Itli twenty * i fix peails. ' flutter will be lewauled on calllliK at I'.llll Caltfornln St. 40'J ' LOST Contracts to lots 8 in 3 and SI ) nud SI , U , 1 , Ciolghton Heights. Itcwuid nt 1COU ; 'Hl'iiam st. 377 K i\VAHD-\Vlll : be given for return of bay mare , 100 Ibs , halter on. Strayed fiom O.S. Ostrom. MW FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. CHHA1' One now Kmerson upright plano.sHV- eral good bURgli's , haniess , etc , O. F. Steins- lorff. loom 0 opp 1 > . O. BIO 15 OH SALE Cheap largo poll parrot , well trained , good talker. 70il 8 10th. 372 13 * flOH SALE Furniture ot 3 room house. 1024 1 N. 21st st. 577 13 * F ) H SAIiH A llist-chiHS cutter , used one sea sou , at half cost. AddrojsT41 , Ileo olllce , 570 14 * THOH SALK Klegant new furniture and car JD pets at a bargain. 2319 Douglas si. 52.117 * EOH SA LK Furniture 7 room house , ptlvato sale. 1012 Hurt St. 5211IT "UlOHSALn-lliiggy Hlelgh runners. Bet donblb JJ liuggy harness and Block scalse,1201 N.isoth t. C. H Hpray. 4lii 1C * 7KH SA I.r.-1'resh milch cows. Hill A. Smiley , - opp. i\clmngo : bulldlns. Union Slockjarjs. Telephone US. 191-feb-l MISCELLANEOUS. II' vou w ant to buy , Bell or trade , call on or ad- (1 , .1. Stcinsdorll , Hoom fl. Kienzer lllock. Opposite postolllce. CIO 15 llll. banjo taught as an art by Geo. 1' . Gellen- beck , H. o. cor lutli and Douglas , up stairs. IfcS II" you wish good , jirrtmpt pnjlug tenants , list your dwellings. Hats and utoroiooniB with .1.11. I'arrotte , iteutal Agency , li ! Chi * cngo st. 587f | 1 HE. COLE Insurance. Hellable companies. N K cor 1'ith and Douglas. Telephone llW. 5WJ31 NOTICE to bad wrltof , 3 lessons by my new HjHlem Is milllclent to enable any pel-son to become a good wilter. Address T 411 llee olllce. HU l. OPEN evenings untll:30 ! ) : ; yon cnn buy tilnuoii organs , furnltuie , Ktoves , lamps , purlur suits , chamber a gicat sacrifice , wpo- elnl sale for the next 10 days. New Yoik Stor age Co. , 1508 Capitol uva. 5.C1 13 WEaio selling less than inanfgs prlo s pia nos and organs , call nud see our bargain ! * Vfohavoa piiino for $ J7. Ne\v Vork Storage to 1508 Capitol me. 53.1 13 nillK holidays arc over , now wo are closing A out our Mtoves and furniture at a great sac- illlcc .o p ly storage chat ges. New York Stoiage Co , 110S Capitol a\e , K 13 rpo LEASE I'or long tlmo and a low rate , -1. lotH f- and 50 , Nelson's addition , and pint of lot ! i.s. Hedlck'o 2nd ndd. A. I1. Tttkey. 1124 rnrnam st. itftl D H. Ahmanson's oflico removed from I'lonzer block to 512 S 10th st. iKl I'd * DO O II. JOHNSON , cistern builder , wells bored and dug. 400 N 30th bt. , Omaha , Neb. 101 J.-J * CASH paid forsecond-band liooki nnd Libra ries. 303 N loth bt. H. Shonfeld.nntlriuarlan. 724 .1 22 * CLAIRVOYANT. DH. NANNIE V. Wniren , clnlrvovnnt. .Med- lent , business nnd test medium. Diagnosis' free. Kemnlo diseases a specialty. 11 ! ) N. 10th ft , Hooms2\-3 , Tel. UK 107 WANTED-TO BUY. \\7ANTI.O-To buy a now or good secondlnnd hnclc or cab nnd pay for It lu Nebinska w lid land. C , i' . lleujamln.310 S lith. 6U7 14 \ \ * ANTIJD A meat market , n country town , > > prefetred. 1'rank Wood , Alainoith. Neb r."i nr Twill buy n * 4H ) mortgage note. ( ) . 1 ! . Thompson , JI4 S. llth st. 419 " \VTANTI.H A good stock of merchandise in TT good location. Co-opeiutlvo Land .V Lot Co. , 2iV > N Ibtli st. MS 17 \lfANThD To buy snort tune paper , J. W. ( Jross , at C. E. Mayne's olllce , llth and Hnrnoy. jsi MONEY TO LOAN. IJ" E. COLE Loans money on leal estate and 11 buys llrst mortgagrt notes. N U cor and Douglas. Telephone 103,1. 60031 MONEY to loan on improved real estate ; no commission charged. Leavltt llurnham. room 1 , Cielxhton block. 121 " \rOMEYlonnedonplano8 , furniture , horses , -k'l organs , etc. . low rates. O. II. Zlnimor- ntiin , room 5 , Arlinstou block , S doors west of post-orat- . t)77 ) JS1 " \roXKV to loan nt lowest rates upon Improved i'l and unimproved real dsthtc in Omaha and nlco tipou farms in westernoWwn and eastern Nelirnskn. Mortnuce tiotas. bought and wld Well llros. & Co. . IWI Farnaitflt. 303 MONKV to Loan -On rprnltun1. pianos , wngon' , or other personal prowrty without removal ; also on tlu liie g umthlcntlal. Chas. 11. JacoV , aS ) S. Uth st t 170 "nfONr.YtoLonn-O. F. MVftCo. , real eMnte -HI t\nd loan ngpnK , Ifffi Kmliani t. 103 MONKV to loan 1 can noWplace como llrjt clas city loam linmcdfMnly. Call nt once If you desire to bo accommodiifod. 1) . V. yiiol room I llarker block , entriinpydn alley. Wi MONKV To loan. Ixiwostirates. No delay .1. L. Hlce & Co. , over , i Commercial Na- _ llonal bank 114 LOANS made on real e t.ito and mortgago-i bought. Low Is S. Heed & Co. , 15'1 I'm num. FKlfrKNT Money. Patterson JL 1'awcctt 15th and Harney. 110 SIIOHT time loans niano on any available security. In reosonablo amounts , Pouirod notes bonglit , sold or exchanged. General financial bu < < iiies4 of nny kind transacted promptly , quietly and fairly at the Omaha Fi nancial Kxchanue , N. W. cor. 1,1th and Har- ney stt. , overstate National baud. Corbott. manager , 117 "JVfuNKY toloan , eain on nnnd , no delay. , T. 1 > 1 W. nnd K. I , . Squlro , 14111 Fttruam 8t. Pnx- ton hotel bulldlnc. 115 OANS inruto on real estate. Cath on linnd. JV.M. . Harris over iTJUSMAth ttt. HO MON KV loaned on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , etc , low rates. J. J. Wilkinson * Co. . 13-4 Fnrnam , over llurllngtou ticket olllco. IIH $ o loan In any nmnunt nt lowest rate of Interest. II. 1) ) . Jruy. rrenzcr block. ill ) MONUVto Loan Hy the undersienedlio hns the only properly ornanlzed loan nRcncy In Omaha. Loans of 110 to tlUlnnuleon funilture , planox , organs , horses , wr ons , mn- clnnery , etc. , without removal. No delays. All buslne s strictly confidential. Loans so madu that any part can be paid at any time , each pay ment reduclnK thn cost tire ratn. Advances made on fine watches nnd diamonds. Persons cliould carefully consider who they are deallnc with , as many new concerns are dally comlne Into existence. Should you need money call and sen mo. W. 11. Croft , room i Withtinll building. lfth and Harnuv. 111. ONKY IOANin : at C. I' . Heed & CO.'H Loan Olllce. on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons. personal property of all kinds , and all other ar ticles of \ nine without removal. ai'J ' H. inth , over Hlnuham's commission store. All busi ness strictly confidential , 122 (11600,000 To loan on Omaha city property at 6 P percent , a.V. . Day , S. K. cor. Kx. llld. 1 0 TPO LOAN Money Loans placed on 1m- X provetl real estatn In city or county for New England Lonn A Trust Co. , by Douglas County bank , 10th and Chicago &ts. 1- ! lJ7nO,000 to loan nt fi per cent. Llnahan * Ma- < J > honey , 15trj raruani. 124 MONEY to lo'in , mortgage notes rjout-ht , loans made on chattel security ; no delay J. J. Cumntngx. Itooiu 10 Ilnrker lllock 2 > il MONEY to loan. Notes nna it. II. ticket , bought ulid .sold. A. Porman , 21J S 13th sta BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTKI ) I'.irtnor to gt > Into the produce commission ims-lucs-s. Jtefeiences ex changed. Addle-- . 47. I lee , O'U 1' . ' WANTKD To sell half-Interest In express business. Cooperative Land nnd Lot Co. , 20 * N. Ibth t. I0' 6.7J 1,1 FOH RAI.K-fir CM.V. glns-waro and notion stocK and fixtures. Nicest stole on Ctnntii" st. . Invoice iltH . 11 ! take ilsit In good i'T'i i-sl tate or banK.iblo paper , niluiwss T ! ' ' ' , 'ieii oflite. . - , ; KK 14' "ITIOH SALE A 'r.Voiy dolnrf blj , ' busln'ess In a X' good ' "Cation , good ica4jn lei selling. Ad- dre-- j ; i7 HLO olllce. | V1 ! IJt v.i "I71OII SALK-rorraMi. Moitiof general mer- ' J ehandlie with bulldlugiit , good loc tflon , In country , postolllcu In connecjtjvn , address I' . M. , I'ttddoi-k , Holt Co. , Neb. " ; Mil H. MEAT market on mved , street , doing good bublness , for sale ! refit low. Tto. . llee olllco. ' ' ' I'M 14' F Oll"sALE-A TiT'-st-classotel business , the only hotel lu town. For p.utlcular.s apply Windsor hotel , Stromsburg , Neb. 4H ( 13 * FOH SALE A good palti frs > > Kniitllre 317 a. Utfi. ' ' ' ! 14 * $ fiflO buys'5 Interest In established meicautlln agency ; with energetic partner can be mnde lueratlvo business. For particulars call at SI , Frenzer block. . ! ! tSJ ITIOH SALE-JIO.WH ) Htnplu stock of well bouglit Jv general merchandise In one of thn fastest gtowIng ngrlcultnial towns In Colorado ; sales. ? 4nono per j oar and can bo great ly Increased ! sickness only cause for Felling : this Is a rare and genuine chance ; exactly as it-presented Address Til. Hoe olllco. i l 14 * A LAHtE. ( pleasant store room tor rent , one of the best points In the cltv for retail bootK and shoes , hats and caps dry goods , etc. , within half block of corner llth and I'arnam. Longlease , cheap rent. 13. F. Seavor , 1013' ' Far- nnm st. t t FOR EXCHANCt. IF\ouha\1i anjtlilng to trade , call on ( i. J. Stetnsdoiff , room 0 , opp. ] ' . O. Trading a specialty. 1110-11 HE-COLE ghes special attention to trading Wilto for our Hit. N E cor and Douglas. Wfl 31 TO THADE T\vo improved farms In Iowa for Omaha property or Nebraska lands. Mc- Culloch \ Co. , cor ; luth and Farnam. 123 1I1OH Exchange. If you have fni ms or lauds to JU sell or tiaile send for our descriptive blanks. If you have any kind of propel ty to sell or ex change , list It with tiHjwrt can furnish you a customer. S. S. Campbell & O. W. Hervoy , 310 Iloaid of Trade Omaha 3U I HAVE for trade Improved farm In Cass Co , near I'lattsmouth , will trade for Improved Inside propel ty , "Aduress J13U , lleooillce. U.KXl,0 ( ) worth of property , fteo fiom encnm- P biance , to trade at the olllce of (1 , J. Steins- dorlT , loom ( ! , opposite postolllce. OIO-IA WE have some clear nnd food property wblch w e w 111 exchange for horses , Co-operatl\ Land and Lot Co , Sin N lllth ht. 47U 15 WANTED Oood family Imrso in excnaugs for lot , McCulloch & Co. , * cor I'ith ' and Farnam. 128 " \\7Ehavo for tiadoa line stock of books , if stationery and fancv goods. Co-oporatlve Land * Lot Co. , 2trj N. Itlrti st. MI 13 TUVO corner lots valued nt . * fl , < xm , free of en cumbrance , fronting tlnee stieels , each lot (0x157 , l' ' miles fiom P. ( > . . to ttado for housa nnd lot. Address with full description T. 2s , llee olllco. 4'J1 ' 13 * FOH exchange-l,000 worth of horses forstock of giocerles. & 3.NX ) farm clear for ? 1,50Q stock of dnigs , bal ance cash or moitgngrt. $ -MXfl ) Imported I'erehon stallion for land. tJUX ) elov ator for land or Omaha prop- city , lu.liOO acres Nebraska school lands for bale or tiado cheap. 1,01)0 ) acies Improved ranch on II. H. , N K. No- biaska , extra tlnetioct hay nnd water , for Im proved farm w Ithln 21 miles of Omaha or Coun cil lllnlls. ' ami acres Mo. land , clear , fonlown property In Nebraska or Iowa. S. S , Campbell & U. Vt" . llei- vey , 310 Chamber ot Commerce. ol'-J V. STKHNSnOHIT. ltm < nin. rrenzc-r blk , opp P. O. has several stacks of good , clean meiclmndlso to tnulo for cllyproperly. lilO 15 \\7K have } .i1,0 HI \ \ 01 th of iod ( non-assessable > mining stock. Co-operuth o Land nnd Lot Co ; , 205 N. 10th st. " KW-1J. Tl yon have anything to .rjcrhanKO call on or address H. E. Cole , n. o. ciir. If.tli and Doug las. l J -17 Fl \\7ANTKD Stocks of merchandise to ex 11 change for lands and city pronertC. . C Spotswood , mtti ; s. jiitt , . Jhfl ri O THADK Insldo property for good hou e -1 eight or nine rooms , and full lot. McCul loch A Co. , cor 15th nnd Fnrnam. U'.J \\7"ANTnD Houses and lots to exchange for ii impiovedand unlmproued lands in Ne braska and Iowa. Cliarles C. Spotswood. 3UiJ ! B.l th. 185 "VTEIlllASKAnnd Kan as farms to exchange -Li for Iowa and Colorado lands , and vice \ ersa. Co-Operatlve Land and Lot Co. , 205 N 16lh st. H " \\7"ANTiD : ( loot lanns in cxchamjo for 11 Omaha property , 0. 0. Spotswood. 8usv B 16th. jsu _ _ _ _ _ A BST RACTS OF TITLE. MIDLAND Guarantee nnd Trust Co. , lfiO : Fartmrn street Complete abstracts fur nlBhrd , and titles to real valuta xatnlued , per fected and qruaranuwxi. iJy BENSON JtCAnMiritAKL furnish complcto. and inlanvnlocd abstracts of tltlo to njiy real eMMo in Omaha nnd Doimlns county tltton short notloo , Th moKt complete set of abstract books lu the city. No. 1519 Farnnm st. Ill FOR S ATE R E AL EST AT E- C HEAl'lolsilWeach. Flne-M low-priced lots In clt- , must be fold , Ilest b.ifijaln In Omnha. corner and inside lot , ? th und Dodge , only M.500 for both. Elegant ru ldenco lot. Dodge nnd SHh avo. , only } ( ,2)0 , Two \ ervhluabl * lots , cor. 29th and Douglas , sell choip , JS.N.'O. ' One Uuudred and fotly choice inside lots to bo closed out Immediately. Fortunes In thesi' . Two hundred houies nud lots Insidn bolt line , build homes loonier , 41111 to kl down. will build peed houses , 30th ami Dodge , anil sell on en > < y payments. For exchange , ? .V)0ooa ) worth of clear , unln- cnmbeied llrst-tlass leal esfalo , with cash , for No. 1 liiiglnes.4 property. Drake Ilios. , .Ilil S. 15'th st. 007 li' _ F3KUINO rancho. 7,0 ) acres. cholce fln Ne braska , close to the U. 1' . and II , \ M. : very cheap. IXW.aX ) acres choicest agricultural lands In western Nebraska. 10 years' time. For trude llqujcand line lot In Minneapolis , on street car line , for farm on Hue of C. , bt. 1' . , M. > V ( .M.Compiinlek Cliound lcn es on two choice pieces of hu luc s property In Omaha , A fortune to the lesiee. " T. B. Clarkson , 21U S. 14th st. 6liO 1.1 _ _ TjlOKSALE-Corlot txl20 ! and2 story hou e,2ld : -L and I'nclllc st. Imiulre James Chrlstlanson , U. I' , fi eight department. 5-1 SU OOHNEH-r,4\l22 , S.-ward . nnd 31st st , $1,700 , Mlkl cash , or 11,0.10 } 7lM cash. F. L. Gregoiy , Heal Kstate , 3JJ South 10th st. friU _ _ IIIOH SALE Finest location for a homo In -t : west Omaha , adjoining the mansion homes of Klrkendall , Coe , llrady , Knsson and others. Nothing finer In thti city. Can se UNVixlsT or le ° s ; for prices and tornu see S. A. Slomnn , 1301 Farnam st. ( U3 DOUO LAS st. a building lot away below value bildge on this ntu-et. T. S. Clnrkxim. SI'J S Hlhst , 6 0 H IMl'HOVEI ) farm In Iowa for Omaha resl. denceproreity. J , J. Wilkinson , 12I ! Farnam. 127 FOR SALE On new5 room house and lot Omaha View , , . One new 5 room house and lot 1'ntilcks add. , & 7.400. These me both good locations and cheap will be sold on easy teims of pajment , either monlhlv olyearly. . Also 1 choice vacant lot lu A , S. Patrick's add , Sl.oou. 2 choice lots In South Omaha near business tenter , 12,110. For ti ude. IfiO acres Holt Co. land ; KWncres Cedar Co. land. W.N , Nason , loom 111 Chamber of Commerce. ! > ! H 17IOH ALK-OixSI feet on cable line. SplorufiiT JL1 Inside location tor four flats Jrt.O'X ' ) . JIust be sold at once. Marshall if Lobeck , room U Chamber of Com. 3s2 SPECIAL bargains IntOmuhn propel ty nro scarce ; 1 hnu > a , few ; call and bee them , plea e. T.y. Clurkson.Slu S llth st. WiOll FOH SALE ICO acres of land four miles from block yards , at * ! - ' . ' > per ncie ; this Is a bar- coin. JftCngue.Qpp. P.O. l.B AND , farms and lots toexchnnco tor sh.ucs -iJ In good p.tylug concerns , ItiU'J Fiunnm st. 37VI ] ' AND nnd lots to trade forgood hotsos 10JS J Kiinmin st _ . 37 ; FOlt HALF. Oi' exchange. lots in North Onmna for houses. House and lots In Coun cil llhitls. Shires In Lowe ave lliilldlng ass'n. Lots in Hnnscom and Ambler pl.ices. I'lenty of other pioperty. llosworth & Joplln , 418 b. r.tlmt. 17 SOUTH 10th st , m feet nnd 50 feot.owneis bound to tell , T. S. Clir'KSOil , 21I > S 14th st. MO 1J J71OH \LE-Three peed lot1 ? on corner of L Dodgust , om > block west of Lowe ufor 1,500. Address for a lewdajs S 64 lice ollico . 'J71 / 1HE\P Home Lot SSxI'SI , Sew .nil btieet ; good house , < rooms. SIion , MO ) cash. F. L Uri'KOiy , icnl estate , 3ir.i bouth liilh st. [ M TVEI.SHANSA : LOW-OV..1. ii'ius. T iII i\ II Low Heal estnto iinestmeul brokers. Diego. Cala. . Invest for non-iesldents , per- ect titles , attend to all nuslness , tal ; < > title In In- estoisnnmo torshaie of profits when dc'.il Is losud. rum ! stamp for our Investment Contract. an Diego In ins" , had 5,00(1 population , hns now ' > , > we predict W\mIbefoie ! ( ' . Hefurences : Imahn Nnt'I Hank ; First Nat'l Hank , New York ; ity ; Nnt'I Hank of Ameilca , Chicago , 217-17 FOH SALE Wo oRcr as a special hargaiu 160 ncrei of , kind four miles from stock yards , .t ? 12. ' > per acre , on line ot U. P. It. H. McCaguo Jpp. P. O. iBt MANUFA(7fUHINl ( sites on Melt Line ; 1 have two or three , veiy choice amMery cheap. . S. Clarksou , ! ' ! B 14th Ht. U'lO 13 FOH SALK Lot fi blk H A. S. 1'ati Icks ad ; will sell tor few days nt $1,500 , MOO cash. bal. asy. 8. 4(1 ( Bee olllce. W * 171 M STICKNEY fc CO. mane n specialty of 1J property In North Omaha , for sale or lent at Citizens' bank. 2ins Cumlng st. 134 Notice. MATTEK of nppllciillon of M. 1) ) . I'oweli for jitmilt ti > KOlf lliuor | IIH n ( Impel * ! . .Notfie Is hereli ) ul > en tluit M. It. I'nwell ( lit Hum tlia .Mil ( Iny in .liumitrs , A. l > . KS7 , illo lil > iiillintlim | | to the tuner unit illy conndl of Oiunlii nr ll < eii e toxell mull , sphUunuiiml vinous liquor isnilrimul t for lueilk-lnnl , met liank'iil nnil meillcii Hirincs | only nt .No. 'i.M outli llth street llilnl Miinl , Oniiiliii. Neb , from tlio llr t iluy of Jim iirj.l ss , to tliu lirt dny of .liinuiir , | ss't. ' If there bo tie olijectlon , rciuoii < ltrnne orprotesi lei ! irltliln t o neoks iroin . ] iimiur > 5tli , A 1) . lsT the alit license n III be umnti'.l. M. 11.1'uu 1 I.I , , Apl'lloiint. ' ,1 , II. sii'TH.vnn , City ricrk. J'j-11 Dissolution Notice. The real estate firm know nnsMetnsdorll AMc- : Ylcker.lMri Fnrnam bt. , has this ilnv dlssoled by inntual consent. O. .1. Sterusdorll hns opened in olllce In room 0. Fienyer block , opposite Post illlce , where holll cairy on n geneial teal es tate business , while C. W. McVkkerwllUtmaln it l'V/J Fainam st. ( lEO. J. , CllVS. W. McVlCKKII. Omaha , Jan. 12,1SWI. JI3dlt [ No. 3-L. A. No. 017.1 Proposal * I'oi- Army Kiiplic | ) < ) . OFKIOKOr PlJIICHAhlSn AMI COMMII-SAllV SUIISlsTKNCK U. S. AllMV , OM Ml V , Nebr. , Deo. 11 , lbS7. . ( Scaled proposals , In tiipllciile , hiibject to the Usual conditions , will bo iecel\ed at tills ollico until 11 o'clock a. m. on .Monday , the luth day of January , 18W , at which time and place they will bo opened lu the presence of blddeis , for the fninlshlng and delivering of the following army supplies , viz : Corumenl , crackers , and oatmeal , cooked. The light Is reserved to reject nny or nil bids , Illnnkpiopo'uits nnd speciilcntlons showing lu detail the nitldes and quantities ieiidied | , and giving full Information as to conditions of con tract will be f mulshed on application to this olllce. .1. W. , HU. Ilrlg. ( Jen. and 0. S. , U. S. A. (117d4tJiil2t ( ! TOO 19 rtiCQUAINTUD WITH THK ClEOdlUrilT Or Tml cocmui WILL etc iiv XXAHIMMI THIS SUIT Tail rua CHICAeO.DOCKISUND&MGIFIGBAILWAY Hy reason ot Iti central pnsttlo { .oie relation to llnf Kait of Chlcap-i , and contlnjJJI Ha33 at terminal points Writ , Northwu't and hoallmctt , U tlio true rnlildle link in that transcontinental Hjstcm which Inviteanil facilitates travel and traQla between thu Atlantic and Tactile. The lloct Inland main line and branches Includa Chi- cag" . Juliet , Ottawa , La Hallo , I'roi la , Oenrieo , ilollni and Itock Uland , In llllnolsi la\fnpnrt ) , BJuscatlaa , \VrihloRton , Fulrflrld , Ottum iiO > Valoora , West I.1U- ert j % I ° w City , Dei Molti < n , Indlanola.WI ntcnet , Allan- Uo , Knoxvllfci , Auduboa , Harlan , nuthrlb Centro and Cornell lllutla , In IOWHI Oallatln , Trenton , flt. . ' , ifi > n , Cameron anil Kania > City , In Mloaurl ; I.en inortll and Atchlson , in Kansaai .Albert l.ea , Minneapolis and 61.1'aulflnMjnnesotii Watcrtown and Sioux Kails,19 Dakota , and hiiodrediof Intcrnicdlato cltlei and towiu. VTho Great Rock Island Route" Guarantees rprtd , comfort , certalntjr and safctjr. HI permanent war In dlstlnfrulihrd for Its excellence. Its brldrrs are of .tone and Iron. Itf { rack Is of la'lt rtcel , Its rolling stock tvjrf ect. Us passcnpsr equipment bin all the att tj sppllances th at ex perlenco ha s pro el meful , and for luimlous accommodation * li u. ' . - , . l aesed. Hi Kxpress Trala eonvltt of pupertor IMf Coaches , eleesnt Pullman 1'oloro I'arlor an 1 Hleep 11 Ctr > , cuperb Dlnlnj Can , prorldlne dellilons nit > al > , c.nd ( between Chicago ani frt. Joseph , Atchlson tnl Kansas City ) restful IXellntng Chilr Can. It * man. open-cut U conservatlro , lu dltclpllne exactlngr "The Famous Albert Lea Rove" IlotwMn Clilogo and Minneapolis anil fit. l'i Is tha farorltv. Orer this line Solid Vast Kiprtis Trslns run dally to attrictlce resorts for tovrlsls In Iowa and lllnnesota , and , via Waterto\s n and Sioux Falls , to tha rich wheat and trailnr lands of Interior Dakota , Via Beneca and Kvikake * , the Kock Island offers superior Inducements to trarelcrs between Cincinnati , Indian , apolls , Lafnyett * and Council BlulTs , St. Joseph , Atchl- con , Le&venwottb , Kansas Cltjr , Bt. I'aul.andlnterme. dlato points. All patrons ( especially ladles and chll- drenrecelroprotectloncourtcrr ) and LlndlT attention , For tickets , maps , f olden , copies of Weitcm Trail , or Any desjrf-it Information , applto principal offices In Uu > Vnltdd Statei and Canada , or address , at CMcifo , R. I. CABlt , I. ST. JOHN , t. A. HOUIOOI , ' ' TlioAVhlto Hoi so iiltliQ'IU-a-Hiilroil Girl. Clnclnnntl CommoreJnlOrtzot'tot Copi1 infj.dotvn from Whlinil hills onu ovonlup on the Avny to Homo Under XutVi i * reil- luilrod ( jirl tjjol oil nil "up" onblb enr nt The Coniof ! < . Slw ciu-rlcil iv lunch bnskcl , nnil WHS ovltlotitly KO\\\K \ \ \ homo from whrk. Thnl mystorluuspoinothlnpr thnt controls every ono's oxpuHonco nt once fWUKOstuil tlio test , nnd I looked nruutul for \vhlto hovso. 1 didn't o.\- ject to see any but blacks and bays , but there , a short distance north on Gilbert avenue , was a while horse being led In from work to his supner , ovoil a * the red-haired girl was on nor way to hers. A little further along my attention was directed to a red-lmlrud matron busy with her'work , and no doubt with much labor still bcforo her ore- she could rest. "Now , whore's a white horse ? " was asked triumphantly , for none was in sight. Hut n second later a I'ark avctiuo car came nlong , out bound , with a white hortiO In the har ness , good for ono or more trips before turning in. Later in the evening another rod- haired girl was seen at Sixth and Vine , umlh > , thu "Uaymlllor" car In which we were riding was drawn by two hoi > cs or mules , I forgot which one of which wua white. Tlio here was making hib last trip , nnd It is reasonable to mippo u that the girl was homeward bound. That is what charity suggests , anyway. If any one thinks this is a fairy story , 1 htivo a witness. If any ono doubts the test , lot him make it himself. There is another iilcldent , as" related to me , tluvt is apropos here , though pos sibly ol a tendency to put the test to scorn. A conductor on a West Knd line had heard bomo ono Miy that whenever a red-haired girl was been on the street a white horse was also in sight , and ho resolved to bear it in mind next day. In the evening he spoke to n rear platform pass-ongor , and wanted to know what it ineant.and if it was a bad org < x > domen. lie was assured it was favorable , and wits then asked if ho had boon applying the test. Iluhiul , and it had proven itself every tlmo. The passenger glanced forward ; ono of the horses dnuviug the car WIH white , . Herman is up to many tricks ; but ho will never take in as muchas Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup in its big raid on coughs and colds. Wo endorse all the proprietors have said relative to the merits of Salvation Oil. It is Nonpareil. DRUNKENNESS Or the Manor llnlilt , IVHUoly Cnrotlby Atliiiin tei'ItiK Dr. llnliies' ( joldeu Specific. ut Itnn lie plven In n cup of eofTee or tea w It hoe o the knowledge ot the iieisoii taking It ; i'solit ) tlly hiiimless , mid will elfei t a peimauent an especdy cute , whether the patient Is n modeiat fell Inker or an alcohollo wieck. Thousands o drunkards have been iniidn temperate men who linxr taken ( lolden Speclllc In their colfeo With out their knowledge nnd to-da > bellcxotheynult dilnkliib' ol their own fiee will. IT NftvEU FAILS. 'IhOMj-sfem once ImpieKnatcd with tin Speclltc , II become an utter ImpOHslbllltv lei the Hiinor appetite to extht. Foi sale by Kiihn .V Co , 15th nud Douglas .sts. and IHth ami Cum Ini ; sis , oin.ihn. Neb. ; A.I ) . Foster \ Uio. , Council Itlulls. la. FREE OF CHARGE ! Imoortant to Spectacle Wearers. Dliect from London. Now at 1512 Farziarxs. Street , AVill thoroughly teat your cycslclit Free or Chnrttc , nncl Nliovv you where necessary tlio Glasses most suited ti your condition , 1 hero are thousands of persons permanent ! } Injtiilng their ejos by the u-e of Interior am Ill-tlttlng ( .lasses , who reget vvhcn too late thol inlsliikc. Wo would Invite those persons aboil , to begin and those who think they cannot bo suited to see us. Hememliei' , It costs you nothing but a few moments' time. The proper iidliistment of Spectacles Is a KCloneo which noun but the skilled optician or oculist should practice Wo havp thu most lm proved and stlontllli Instruments and tests for ( letei-minlii ! ? the deli-cts of v Islon nnd prom- Ixo to remedy where possible by the use of Spec tacles. We use none but the most perfectly ground nnd'aceniately centered louses , and makoframos to tit the lace. No fancy prlfes. Our C-rystnllno Spi Urtdosat Jl.tiO nro unequalled for comfort and ease to the weaier. Notlco of Incorporation. rpo Whom It May CoiK'ein : Nolle u Is hereby JL that ' "Iho * ' given Ileo Hiilldlng Conipiiny has tiled lu the ollieo of the loiinly cli ik of Douglas county , Nebnifkn , articles et ; Incorpoi- ntlon. Tlio pilnclpnl plnco of transacting Its business Is at Omaha , In Douglas county and state of NchiasKa. The geiicnal nntiiro of Its huslness Is to ncqtihf , own , hold , lease , mortgage , sell and convey liiil estate , oievt buildings nnd Impiovo- ments upon the HIIIIIU , tor lontlng such e-tnte , &e. 'Jho amount ot capital stock nuthorlred Is ? MKiOXi. ten pel cent of which to bo paid at the tlmo of mibsciibliig for the siinie , and thoie- innlnileriiHiequliiil by the board of din-dors. The c'orpointlciti commented .litunniy IMh , A. D.lKso , and will teiiiiinato the day of Jan- uaiv , A. I ) VKS. The highest amount of Indebtedness or liabil ity to whldi the ( oipnrallon shall ntiinyllmo subject Itself Is two-thlids of the iiipltaf stock ItHUCll. The busIneKS nllalis ot the coiponitlon nro to be conducted by n I o ird of dliectors of llvo members nho shall selee.1 fiom their numticr a piesldent , se'cielaiy and truism er. Kuwutii Hosv.WATKll , il v.MRVPII , ( iKO , II. TC'1IUCK , lIltt'.NOT/seilUCK. llhMtr A. r Proprietor Omaha Business College , IN WHICH IS TAUGHT Book-Keeping , Penmanship , Commercial Law , Shorthand , Telegraphing and Typewriting. Send for Cillcco Journal. S. E. Cor. 10th and Cnultul Ave. Mention the Omaha L'u. Mcrelianls' National Bank OF OMAHA. Northwest Conior rnniiini nnd 13h ( Sts. PAID urriTAi ( - , $10(1,000 ( SUIU'LUS FUND , 80,000 1'llANK MI'HPHV. I'resleU-nt. SAMl ii. : li. HOOI.HS , Vlce-I'icslclcn HKN1I.OOD. . Cashier. LL'TIIIIH DHAKK , Assistant rashler Accounts solle lied and piompt attention given to business entiiutcd tons eaio. ONV RUVJLiOO NV9IU3WV NUnBHSVM OK TIIB Chicago , Milwuukee & St. Paul R'y ' , * The Best Route from Omnha nnd Council lllulft to EASTi AuJtli oth r Important polnti K t , Nortlicust nnrt For throiuh tlfUi c lt on thn ticket MontMIIOI r rn m street , In I'niton Hotel , oral Union ficlda i- ISillra n Plpcporn nnd Din ( Input ninlnjt CM * In Ilia worhl are run on thn nmln line of the thlmito. Mil waukee A ft. I'nul Itnllwiir. nmt crurr mtomlon ti pRlil to passengers lj courteous uuiplojus 01 tuu "ul iULLKtl , Ofnsrnl Munngor. J. Ir.Tl'CKKIl , AuMstnnUJenoriit MunnRKf. V. K. CAlll-KNTKH , Ucuernl l'a > . Uer KUit .D , AwliUnt Qcn r l nJ Tlckel Aiiunt. . J , T. CliAUK , General Suporlntoniltnl. SCIENTIFIC U GLUCK & WILIUNSON. THB CHICAGO AND NorthWestern - Western Railway Short Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago , Tb cnlr road to tnko for Dos Molnoi , Mnrlnlltown , CertRr llaplds , Clinton , Dtiun , Clilcnijo , Mllwauk Bnit all polnt > en l. To tlm iienple of NetirMk * . Colp railo , WyoraliiK. Utah , lilohn , NernrtB , Orrgony t - Innun aim CitmornlH , It AT r < rapaalor adTkntagM nr t t'Of slulu i > y any utlicr llnu. . . . . /.ncnR a few of the nnmeruui points of inponomr njoyod by the pnlrons of this road betwrcn Omah unit OIHI-BIIO , are lt Ino Iralp * a eliijr of 1)AV COAOU- KS , which nro Ilia flnes.1 tbnt niimiin art ami Ingenal. IT cnn create. lt I'AI.ACIC HI.KRl'INU OA1W , JJji fh arunioiIe-lK of comfort nnil vleiianrtt. Its rAIlLOR tts'wirteiy'colfi'riitert ' I'A'liA riAI/TiVNINO / OAlfe , th equal of which cnnnot tie founit eisewhere. At Coun cil IllutTn the trnltn of tlio Unlmi TaUrto IXallwM.conj r ' ni-ct In union depot with tlumo oftho Clilcufco * Northwestern Hy. In Chlrn o Iho trains of this line make close connection with these of all oilier uasUtra " "r Detroit , rolumlim , Indlnnnpollii , CtnclnnalL L Nlnnaral-ftlld , Itiitraln. l'llt niirsr. Teironlo , Montreal , IloMon , New S ork , J-hlliKlulphU , llaltlmorH. Wash. Intitou , nd all points lu luounst , ask lor a tlcktt Tl * tba "NORTHWESTERN. " If ron with the he-lit accommoilatlon. All ticket ag nt # . . . tienl. Mannncr , ( Icul. 1'ass'r Agon , .M.I1AHCOCK , ChlcB8011"i , . n. DOI.T.K8. WMtctn Agent. city r sT. Agent Onuho , HebrMta , THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES , OMAHA. HUnUUIlAN 111AINS. Hnntilng between Council HlulTs and Allirlcht In nddltlon to the station * mentioned , truiim stop at Twentieth nud Twenty-fourth streets and at tlio Summit in Omaha. "Westward. CJOIJNCIIj Lvavc. Arilvo. OIIICACO , HOCK ISLAND & 1'ACI1'10. A'No. 14. . . .4. ( ii. m. 1) ) No. 1 ( ) : 11 No. L' . .rKp. : ) in. A'No. II . . . .Ihiilln. 111. U No.d II. la. nit No.n fl : ( lii. in. A No. 1. U:4 u. in'A ' . . .T. > l > , m. CIIK'ACIO. lliilI.INTN ( i , QUINOV. C No. .fi'lOa. in. II UMOn.m. A No 4. ll-fda in A No , 11 lUiWIn. m. tJ * No II IS-.1J ] > in ( JUNo. 7 llsaup. III. A No. B ,7.1" ) p. in.IA Neil 7WJj.lll : , CIIICAK ) . .1NOIITIIVtT.STr.ltN. . A No. fl . llIO : a. A No.n. . . . . . : ir a. m. A'No. 8 ,4 : ( a.l > . A'No. 7 II:1) : ; : ) Ii. in , A No. 4 .4 If ) 11. m. , V No.5 7:00ii. : m. OIIICAK ) , .MIliWAUKUi : & ST. PAUU A No. 3 . U:10 : a. m.lA No r. . ll:10n.m. : A'No.ll .4.iJUi > . ni.'A ' No.Il . 7Mp. : ( in. KANSAS tITVST.JOK & COUNCIL JII.UJTH. A No.1. . 9Sia. ; m.A | No , 0 . C'll : n. m. A No , I- - , 'J.lUii.m.iA No. 1 . 0'JOp : , JD , SIOUX C'lTV & I'ACiriC. A No. 10 . . . 7aia. : m.lA No.O . SiBln. m , A No. IJ . 7l : Jp.iii.A ! No. 11 . viWp.m , OMAHA i : bT. I.OU18. A No. B . .1:4.0 : II.III.IA No. 7 . lllip. : HI. A dally ; II dally except Hftt. ( 0 ilMly.evcpj'l Bun. : 1) cycejit Man , : ( Viva Mnll ; 'Imlt ) ( lj I Will prolwUiy chaufs to lWp : , ta.Vvtutu I'l-0. 1