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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1888)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATUKDAY , . JANUARY 14. 1888 , THE SPECULATIVE 'MARKETS , ' " " " " " " 1 ' s Bnrnll ' Traders Stand Aloof nrid . Watch the BJg ProfoBBlonala. LIGHT TRANSACTIONS IN CORN. In Cot tie Sottiewlint Inter fered With on ( Account of tlic Nou-Arrlvnl of Trains Hog ItecclptN CHICAGO rnonucK MARKET. CuiCArio , Jan. 13. [ Special Telegram to the HUE. ] The wheat market full again into a nlmtlltndo of single combat to-day. The variations of price * api > circd ( to bo due almost entirely to the heavy purchases of u single house on the one side , and the sales , nearly us heavy , of an individual speculator on the other. Jones , McCorniick ft Kcnnctt were the big buyers tind were thought to have pur chased u million bushels. Hutchlnson , who was the principal seller , was said to have un loaded about 750.000 bushels. While this wan going on local traders found amusement in trading for small profits on the variations caused by the chief actors. The great out side public seemed to bo leaving the market ulone. The extreme cold weather was bull argument enough to start the market .strong at the opening this morning , and sales of May wheat wcro at Wjfce. Then the price dropped to 84cand looked as if it was aimed at n lower point , but nt that tlguro HuUihln- ROII bought some , selling again when the market hud been bornu upward , Fluctu ations wcro between 84 j < and S4 > V for a long time , but late In the session there was an ad- vunro to 84XC and the 1 o'clock close was at . There was so little of the corn market that It was dependent upon fluctuations In wheat for its course of prices. Trading was almost entirely of a scalping character. Outside orders were very scarce , and oven the heavy professional traders wcro doing nothing worthy of notice. May corn opened at , "Hc , dropped to Wo when wheat fell to Sic and ad vanced again towards the close , when wheat improved , to Wj/rtWaHe ( , closing at 1 o'clock at M'4V ' bid. February corn opened and closed at 4Uc uikcd. Speculative trading in oats was lighter than for weeks past and all the fluctuations wore within a range of } fa. Trading was entirely In the May delivery , which opened nt.'H'jWHYu , sold tit iUJ-K&U c and closed at 1 o'clock at IW glHjVe. The provision trade showed possession of considerable strength. In pork the opening was lOc higher than last night's closing , lard 5o higher and short ribs 2J c. The old bear ( lenient , however , promptly resumed opera tions and by free Helling managed to break piirk ' . 'J o , lard ! ( ) < and short rihs fie. From this depression tn market reacted slmrply and , despite the efforts made to keep it down. worked back 1'JMe in pork , . " > e in lard and short ribs. Later the bears again succeeded In getting on top and | K > rk finally rloscd 20f ( 22) < fe under the opening figures and 7 > jG10i ! lower than hist night's final prices. Lard closed the same as yesterday's last quotations to 2) ) < ; o lower nnd short ribs unchanged. AFTKKXOOX Snssiox Wheat steady ; May Hold np to 84J4c , tlicn to 84' (3Stfc ( on the split , closing ut about 84HC. Corn steady ; May sold at r fMi'iie ' , closing at about MJ/c. O.its wen : steady. Pork was excited nnd weaker , declining fie ; May sold from * lli.2iyj down to * ir > .12 and closed at $ lfi.l5 , January at $14.70 and February at $14.75. Lard inactive , January $7.42l < , February ? 7.-l2 bid , March $7.fi2)f and May * 7.07 > < j' . Khort ribs were 'Jj u easier and closed at ? 7.72J-J for January and February , $7.b2)i ) for March and $3.00 for May. CHICAUO 1,1 , VK STOCK. Cmcuio , .Tnn. 18. [ Spcclnl TulCRram to the HER. ! CATTI.K The non-arrival of trains on account of the storm somewhat in terfered with the regular ( low of trade. Many of the shippers , seeing that the niti was H ht and tlmt there would likely be sharp competition for the best , concluded to hold off for the afternoon , at least , if not for to morrow , as their purchases on Saturday would reach New York on the same day as If made on Friday. Most of the salesmen quoted good and useful natives from strong to lOo higher , but there was scarcely a stiftl- t'ient number of such on sale to make it market. Medium , plain and common natives under went little or no change. Prime fat cows and heifers are making considerable more money than lust week and canning stock continues to sell at better prices than heretofore. This class is likely to go higher unless the market should be overrun with Tcxans , that nre now decidedly scarce. Nice , well-bred feeders , averaging 1000 Ibs and upward , arc l.n good demand and on the up turn rather than otherwise. Ueevps , l.'JSO to 1500 Ibs , W.IKXM.15 : lUOOto lUriOlbs , W.10@4.70 ; 1)5010 ) 1200 Ibs , $3.'JO@-UX ) . Stackers and feeders , $ 'J.20@I.U ! ) ; cows , bulls and mixed , fl.T5ii ( : i.l ( > . Toms steers , * 2.-NVgi.20. : Hens The light run seemed to bring out big buyers , and , under sharp competition. prices advanced to equal all the decline ol jestcrtlay , or say l.ri@20c advance. Host heavy made ? Ti.80i."i.6ri ( , ono lot at fTi.HT j , and closed steady at thu advance. Medium pack ing sorts sold at $5.50 < i5.75 and light mixed ut C.'i.SO@5.-IS. Assorted light , averaging ICO Ibs and upward , sold ut $ , " > .ir > @ 5.25. Strongei averages would make (5i0@5.)3 ! ! ) ; pigs , : ( ii.10. Theroisawido rungo on light sorts. Packers will take all averages of 170 to IM Ibs in a load that may average ' . ' 25 Ibs and not grumble ut the price. MVK STOCK. Union Block Ynrdu , Chicago , Jan. l.'J The Drovers' Journal rcp6rts : Cattle HeceiptslO,500 ; strong ; beoves.2 ; ( ( a5,15 ; stackers and feeders , * 'J.2U < < ii.50 : cows , bulls and mixed , tl.75g'UO ( ; Texas Btcers , t-.40@t.20. : Hogs Receipts , 91 , ( HX ) ; weak ; mixed , $5.2C ( a.MH ) ; heavy , f5.50W5.85 ; skips , $ H.r > 0 < ) , Sheep Receipts , a,500 ; stronger ; natives , $ | 1.00S.85 ( ; ) ; western. W.oOgS.OSjTexans , $3.X Ciit.b5 : ; lambs , $5.00(20.00. ( Nntlonal Stock Yards Rust St IjoulH , Jan. 111. Cattle Kcccipts , 400 shipments , 000 ; market strong ; ehoict heavy natlvo steers , : > (35.00 ( ; fair to goot native steers , $ 'l.bOJ4.4Ui ( butchers' steers medium to choice , U5S4.00 ( ; stackers ani feeders , fair to good , * 2.00@i.20 : ; rangers ciillntiry to good , f. . ' .lS. Hogs Keceipts , 4,200 ; shipments , 1.000 market active and higher ; choice IIPIIVJ nnd butchers' selections , f.V50i.r > .T3 ; lighl giMdes , ordinary to good , $4.STi@5.20. Kaiuns City , Jan. 1 ! ) . Cattle Receipts , 1,100 ; shlpinontH , 4tH ) ; market opened strong nntl lOigirm highcron good , butclosed weaker common , slow andlweukcr ; stackers and focdors , scarce and llrmgood ; to choice corr fed , fl.SOQl4.50 ; common to medium , f3.2 ( ( < 4.10 ; stockers , * l.bO < i2.50 ; feeding steciv r .fi5Si.23 : ; cows. * I.50@2.W. Hogs Receipts , 8,000 ; shipments 200 ; ctcndy and THI higlier ; common to ulioicc. ft. 71 ' ki ] > ! > and i FIXAXCIAIi. Nnw YOHK , Jan. 13. [ Special UVlegrau to the HKK.I STOCKS London was bullisl on stocks and bonds and sent fair orders tc Wall btreet for both , ono foreign house re ccivlni ; orders for $200,000 , for Kuropcan in vestment. This had an encouraging effeci on holders and the market opened strong am Northwestern moved up ? per cent. Cottoi Oils , however , were the feature and advancet ? f per cent. They have been bought for several oral days past on pointers said to emanate from the Standard Oil people. Coal stocks taken as a group , wcro weak. No cncourag Ing news from the striking miners was re celved and holders nro getting weary am selling. Trading during the morning was only 55,800 shares , of which Reading fur nlshcd 28,000. The pool on the latter stock I snld to havn unloaded. Thomas and hi f I lends have secretly sold 25,000 shares. S V. White sold the last of his holding to Wll con yesterday. The latter unloaded 10CO ( shares through Amery , HUsellVhcole this , morning and the market broke 1 point The decline pulled Lackawanna down 3j pei rent , but there was not enough selling prce sure ( o force a further drop. St. Paul was steady. A good deal of pool stock has been unloaded , but the market holds up well. The rest of the list was neglected and price changes were unimportant. There wcr no Important developments In the stock market during the last hour , the market being apa thetic to an extreme , A weak feeling pre vailed and last sales were nt almost inside figures. The total sales were ! Mb72 , shares , almost the lightest ever known. GOVEHXMEXTS Government bonds were dull but steady. TESTKHDAT'S QUOTATIONS. U. S. 4s registered.UW { 0. AN. W . .H II IT , H , 4s coupon. . . IIWV do preferred Its IT. 8. 4'Hrnlstre ( < l.llW N. Y. Central. . KI7V II. H 4'isumpon ' , .KM O. H. N I't'i ' ' 1'aclflc KH of 'ft ) . . . , iaj O. T i-i'i ( 'anudn Southern. M'i I'aeinc Mall : i'i ' Central I'acltlc. . . . ; P..D.&K Sl'i Chlrairo & Alton ,1117 Pullinnn I'liUiceCiil 1.W C. , II.AQ lisi ! { Heading ? ; 1) . , f , . liW . . . . OHi Hook Inland HU'i I ) . Ac II. U . . . .SI St. I , . 43. F. . . . ! W Erie 2K do preferred . . . . 7IJ ! do preferred. . 114 C. . M. & St. Paul . 7(1 ( Illinois Contrr.l. . ,117 do preferred. . . .111 * . I. . II. & W li : 8t.l > . .VO : wjt K.&T 17V do preferred 107 l.nkci Hhore KP/ , TexiiH Pacific ! i'i' I , . A N ft. > i Union Pacific 67 > j Michigan Central , ft W. . St. , . * If , Missouri Pacific. . . . tt'ii do preferred. . . 28 Missouri Pacific. . SIH W. U. Telegiaph. . . 76 ! . do preferred 47 I MONEY On call easy nt 4 ( 5 per cent ; last loan 4 } percent ; closed offered ut 4V < per cent. PitiME MEIICANTII.I ; PAPKII 5 } @TK per cent. STKIII.IXO Kxciuxan Dull and weak , tin * .settled , with actual business at * 4.8I for sixty day bills , cand $4.Si , ' for demand. 1'uonuci ; MAUKKTS. Chicago , Jan. 13. Following are the 2:30 : closing prices : Flour Unchanged ; (3.50 ( < r4.00 per bbl ; spring , * .1.50a4.50 ( per bbl ; rye , $2.75 ( i 3.00 per bbl ; buck wheat , (5.ftOg ( ( > .25 i > cr bbl. bbl.Wheat Quiet but moderately actlvo ; the feeling was unsettled and prices , after de clining ? 6C , recovered and advanced J e , again ruled easier , but closed } ( , u above yes terday ; cash , 17 c ; February , 7s,1c ( ; May , Corn Hilled quiet and inactive ; opened about } u above yesterday , fluctuated within J di-'Vc and closed about the same as yester- cash , 4$2C ; February , 4lc ! ; May , 54V- O.its Showed very little change as com pared with jcsterday ; May , 3-l c. Hyc Firm at 02e. Harley Quiet at 73(3Silo. ( Pi line Timothy $ 'i.4."i ( 2.40. Flax-seed $1.44Jj Whisky $1.10. Pork Moderately active ; fluctuated some and closed a shade below yesterday ; cash , * 14.70 ; May , * 15.12) ) < © 15.ii. Lard Tn limited demand and steady ; cash and February , $7.42 } : May , * 7.ri7' ' % , . Dry Salted Mcntn Shoulders , t7.Ki ! ( < TO.K ( ) ; short clear , $ > (7S.20 ( ; short ribs , $7.75. Button In good demand ; creamery , 2'i@ KG ; dairy , 2liUtc. ( ? ! Cheese Quiet ; lull cVcam cheddars , 10' llc ; flats , HfSfllJ c ; young Americas , 11J3' 'Kggs 20(3 ( 22c. IIides Unchangedgreen ; hides "Oic ; green frozen , Tic ; heavy green salted , fi'-j' ' ; ligqt green salted , ( ijj ; salted hull , 5'.jo ' ; green bull , 4' ' c ; green salted calf , Sc : dry Hint and dry calf , 12@iiu : : branded , 15 per cent off ; deacons , I0o ! each ; dry salted , lOo. Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , country solid , 3c , No. 2 , 34 ' ; cake , 4. 4.Uecoipts. . Slilpinontft. Flour , bbls 25,0(10 ( 25IK)0 ) Wheat , bu 21,1100 18,000 Corn , bu 1I5XH ( ) i',0K ( ( ) Oats , bu 85HK , ( ) 5'.i,000 Hyc.bu 3,000 4,000 Hurley , bu ' 'U.OOO ° 12,0)0 ( ) St. Ij iilH. Jan. III. Wheat Higher ; cash , b2K < Ji8i.1.4c : ; May , b5c. Corn Higher ; cash. 4Sc ; May , W)4'e. ) Oats Firm ; cash , H2c. Hutter Creamer. : , 2JitiOc ( : ; dairy , 18@ Afternoon Hoard Whcut Steady ; Fcb- , ruary , 82J4'c bid ; May , We ( SVJfk1 ; June , h5 > ( c bid. Corn Firm ; January , 47Jic bid ; February , 47e Wd ; May , 50 } . , e. Oats Dull : February , 31 Jifc ; May , 32J e bid. MliinenpollH , Jan. 13. There was such n small amount of wheat for sale it was diffi cult to establish the market. Closed in store : No. 1 hard , January , 78ijC } ; February , 7lc ! ; May , 82 ? c ; No. 1 northern , January , 77o ; February , 77 ! < c ; May , hO > , ; e ; No. 2 northern , January , 74i' ; May , 77c. On track : No. 1 hard , 79.jc } ; No. 1 northern , 78c ; No. 2 northern , 75c. Flour Patents , sacks to ship , stock car lots , ? 4.15@4.25 ; baker : , ' f3.CiV.t5. ; : ) ! Mllwankoe , Jan. 12. Whcut Firm ; cash , 77c ; May , 82 0. Corn Firm No. 3 , 49c. * 14.75 Cir > , oo. Cincinnati , Jan. 13. Wheat Firm ; No. 2 red , b9c. Corn Easier ; No. 2 mixed , 52'fc. ' Oats Lower ; No. 2 mixed , 35ai'i ( : > jC. Hye Easier ; No. 2 , 70c. Pork Nominal at (15.25. Lurd Firmer at $7.25. Whisky-l.05. Liverpool , Jan. 13. Wheat Dull and unchanged ; holders offer freely ; Cali fornia No. 1 , tis 10d(3 ( < is lid per cental. Corn Firm and demand fair ; now mixed western 4 8 lid per cental. 1 New York , Jan. 13. Wheat Receipts , 0,400 ; exports , 30,000 ; exports none ; options , ruled dull , opening } i@lt better , but later settled back } $ < W ? c , closing essentially as yesterday. Simt , linn but quiet ; ungraded red , "OglWiJfe ; No. 1 red , nominal at U4e ; . No. 2 red , OlJ e in elevator and f. o. b , \ H3ffii2Jfe ( } delivered ; February closed at 1 W&c. Corn Ilccclpts. 5,720 ; exports , 2,700 ; siwt lirm and options J < @ 3lfc better , closing firm after slow business ; ungraded , < iOa ) Ol c ; No. 3 , 59 } @ iOi5 ; No. 2 , 01'aO , elsvu- tor , t2) ! o delivered ; February closing at "dats Receipts , 80,000 ; exports , 3,000 ; j market less active but } k@Q } better ; mixed western , 3S@40c ; white western , 40@4lic. ) Coffee Sjiot , fair ; Hlo , dull 111(17.75 ; options higher and moderately active ; sales , 77,500 bags ; January , * 15.15 ( < Z 15.30 ; Febru ary , $14.55@ 14.75 ; March , * 14.40@14.I15 ; April , (14.30@14.50 ; May , 14.25U.40 ; June , (14.15@14.35. Petroleum Firm ; United , 04c. J Eggs Steady and fair requests ; western , Pork Firm and moderate demand ; mess quoted (15.25@I5 50 ono year old. Lard Opened higher but closed dull nnd weak and advance lost ; western steam spot , (7.7lX < r7.7.r > . Uutter Firm and in fair request ; western , 10 ( < T35c. Cheese Firm and trade moderate ; western " " " ern , KniitmB City , Jan. 13. Wheat Steady ; No. 2 soft , cash , SSo ; May , b2o bid , S3u asked. Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , cash , 43c asked ; Feb ruary , 424C bid , 44c uskcd ; May , 47 0 bid , 4Sc uskcd. Outs No. 2 cash , 30c. Now OrleaiiH , Jan. 13. CornStroiiy at ( Vic. Outs-Steady No. 2 , 42 ? < f@-43c. Corn Meal Quiet at $ 4.75. HOR Products Quiet but steady ; pork , fl.r..37k . ; laiil , * 7.37 < . HulKiucats Shoulders , fO.25 ; long clear , rind clear ribs , * S.OO. OMAHA MVi : STOCK. Owing to the bliz/ardof Thursday no cattle or hogs wore received at the Mockyards yes- terduy and no business was transacted. OMAHA WllOLKSALi : M.VHKKTS , Produce , Fruits , Etc. lite following urc the prices at which roiuul lots of produce are tolil on this mnr- l\ct. Emits or other linen of floods rctjtilrlnQ citni labor of pucIJtni cannot uliniys ( mi milted on nutsMc orders at the same frlcct the local tnulc. Nothing now can bo said in thlf line , the demand keeping puce with the sup ply , and quotations remaining IIrm and un changed. Wo give prices us before. Crcanv cry. solid packed , 22 < < if2io ; ; choice dairy , 11 ( i lOo ; medium , 15@17o ; low prudes , UK'Sl' c , EGOS Arc quiet , with stocks accumulutine but prices unchanged. Wo quote : 20@21 < for cold Rtorugo and an occasional sale ol strictly fresh at 22c ; limed eggs 15c I'uULTitr Hecelpts were very light yester day , owing to the delay of the incoiuluf trains , and most everything offered founiVn buyer. Prices , however , did not advance and wo give them unchanged. We quote ; .dressed chickens ) 8@ ! > e per lb ; .turkeis , I' ' Kie ; ducks , 7ilSc : geese , 0 ( 10c. TlMtNll'S Rutabagas arc selling utfiSfflfiOi1 per bushel. Other grades about out of the market. CF.I.F.HT Good celery IK In demand and very scarce. Prices are nominal at i'Xa-J.V ' : per dozou for choice ; nnd 4Va.Si'c ' for fancy. Arri.KS The cold snap has cheeked the movement of ripples , and there are a number of orders to fill when the first tine weather weather comes. In the meantime prices are stiff and we quote , eastern fnilt , fair to choice stock , l.50 ( < t.'l.75j fancy stock , (3.754.00. POTATOES Arc at n dead standstill during the present weather. Prices , however , are firm with an upward tcmlcnccy , and small lots of choice home grown sell at 11.00. We quote : Utah and Colorado stock are quoted at ( lIO < iil,15 and choice I'omo grown nt ( KVtli5c ) ( ; common grades at 0c. OKAXOES Are In good supply and fair de mand , with prices unchanged. Wi1. quote : Valencia * , * 7.50ilb.OO jCr case of 420 ; Louisiana , (4.IX ) < ii4-25 ; Florida , brlghts , $ I.25J4.50 ( ; russets. (3.50(714X ( ( ) . HEAXS Orders are generally transferred to wholesale grocers , as few , if any , are now in the hands of commission men. We still quote old prices , and quote good stock , (2.110 ( ( (2.30 ; fair to good , tt.tWtal.bO , aud Cali fornia beans at $2.2542.40. * Uinnn Old prices still rule , and the stock on hand is sufficient to meet all wants. We quite choice Michigan elder , fC.UOttt ( > .50 per jbl. of 32 gal. NL-T-S Peanuts , " ( Wi/f , raw ; Urarll nuts , 3 ; almonds , Tarragona , 22c ; Knglisb valnuts , i.VjjlSo ; tllburts , is.- ; Italian chest- nits , lfnj ; pecans , 12c. HAXAXA The supply Is moderate , but 'ully equal to the deiniuids of trade which is somewhat slow. Wo quote : Choice bananas , * 2.7.ytfi. : > 0 ; medium bunches ; $2.00di3.00. GitAi'is : Are in fair supply at unchanged iriccs. Wctiuote : Malagas , &l.30 ( 7.00 per bbl. , with some extra line sold at (7.50 8.UO. LEMONS Malaga are about out of the mar- jet , but wo quote the old llgures fcVH ( ) per jox. Messinus are In fair supply and selling at from ir > . ( XCfrr ) > . .l)0. Pol-colts Choice rice corn Is quoted at iQi l ) o per Hi , other kinds , 2'ii3i' ( ner Hi. SUT.H ICiurr Choice per libl. of 3(1 ( gal. , , S5(7'J.OO ( ; i. bbl. , $4.5715.)0. ( ; ( ) (11.00 per bbl of 50 gal. C.MtHOTi f2.25Q2.50 Per barrel. P itsxii" New stock. (2.50 jier barrel- There are few on the market. OV TEII Plain standard. 25c ; ] ilaln so- ccts , 30c : standard. 40e : extra selects , 35i- ; S'ew York counts , 4o ( ) ; bulk oysters , counts , M.85 per IWI ; selects , $2.00 per gal ; standard , fl.25 per gal. Sniur : POTATOI.K Rumalii stcadi at'JQJ'iC ' icr lb. , with extra at 3c. CM-MFI ownu-Good stock , ? 2.r,0fi2.80. , CMII'OHNM Fin i r > There are only a few tears in the market , ut (2.50&2.7fi ; extra flue , CI.OO. CAIIIIAOI : Prices are unchanged $1 per do/ . , and 2ii3 < ' per Hi for California. UiiANiinuitiK Hell & Cherry , ( IO.OO M0.50 Hell ft Huglc , * U.50gll.OOCapo ) ( ; Cods , (11.00 ( ii\\.M. \ \ OXIONS Homo grown , 75cS5cc ( ; Spunlsli onions , per 50-tti cr.ite , $1.50iil.75. HONKV HtC"21e for l-lli frames ; canned lioncy , ltM2i' ) ( ! per Iti. FK. In layers , 13@U > c ; cake , lie peril ) . UMI > Piussian , be per lb. PKOVISIOXS Hums , llj C'ill'Vc ; brcakfus Vucon. ll C'tll'sjc ' ; bacon ' , ] ( ( ! ) - ; dry salt , 'iiCit ic ; bhouldcrs , lljfi(7c ) ; dried beef , KD LMID Tierce. 7"fe ; 40-lb cans , 7c ; 50-lb round , 7Js'c0lb ; round , 7' ' jc ; 10-lb pails , b4c ] ; 5-lb pails , bi c ; 2-lb pails , s c. HIIOOM- Extra 4-tle , $2.lU ) ; No. 1 , $ . ' .00 ; No. 2 , $1.75 ; heavy stable , ROO. CANIH Mixed , .t < glle ; stick. ( ( ! } < c. Svitui1 No. 70 , 4-pallon kegs. $1.500(1.55 ; New Orleans , per gallon , HsfiUlle ; nmplu s.\rup , half bbls , "old time" i > cr gallon , Sdc ; l-gullon cans , per do$10.50 : half galen cans , pur do$0.25 : quart cans. $3.25. STMIOII Mirror glass , 5 .ic ; Graves' corn , O.l < c ; Oswego gloss , tic ; Oswego corn , 7c. HOLLAND HKUIIIMIS 73S7tl ( per keg. Wooiir.NWvitc Two-hoop palls , per do/ . , $1.45 ; three-hoop palls , $1.70 ; No. 1 tub , $0.50 ; No. 2 tub , $ .50 ; No. 3 tub , J4.50 ; wash boards , $1.40C'f2.75 ; assorted bowls , $2.25 ; No. 1 churns. $0t'iO ; No. 2 churns , ts.OO ; No. 3 churns , $7.00. PII'KI.KS Medium in bbls , $7.00 ; do in half bbls1.00 ; small , in bbls , JS.OO ; do in half bbls , $4.50 ; gcrkins , in bbls , S'J.OO ; do in half bbls , $5.00. COPIT.I : Ordinary grades , Ui1j@21c ; fair , 20W2c ) ' ( ? ; prime , 'Jlrf21)i- ( ; fancy grrcn and yellow , 2.'l i25o ; old government Java , 2" < ( ( * 30c ; interior Java , 25@28c : Mocha , 2SC : ) c ; ArbucKle's roasted , 24J4'c ; McLuughlin's XXXX , 24'4'e ; Uilworth's , 24 - ; Hcd Cross , 24c. 24c.Jr.Li.iKS' Jr.Li.iKS' 30-lb ] ) ail . $ l.tM@1.75. TKAS Japans , 20S5.V ( ; gunpowder , 20 ® OOc ; Young Hi son , 250J55c ; Oolong , 20y ( ) C5c. C5c.CANNED CANNED Goons Oysters , standard , per case , $3.30if..35 ( ! : strawberries , 2-lb per case , tt.lOi7f3.20 ! ; raspberries , 2-lb per case , $3.10i/ ( > 3.20 ; California pears , per case , $4.70g4.80 ( ; apricots , per case , $4.00@4.70 ; peaches , jicr case , $5.Krf5.y5 ) ( ; white cherries , per case , $0.00 ; plums , per case , $ - .00l.l ( ) ; blueber ries , per case , $2.30(32.40 ( ; egg plums , 2-lb per case , $2.50 ; pincaile | ) ] , 2 lb , per case , $3.20a5.75 ( ; 1-lb salmon , per do$1.75 ( l.ilO ; 2-lb gooseberries , per case , $3.25ii3.35 ( _ ; 2-lb string beans , per case , Sl.75 ( < il.SO ) ; 2-lb Limn beans , per cuso , $ l.iOi(1.05 ( ( " ; 2-lb marrowfat peas , $ 'J.t0@2.70 ! ; 2lb"early June Dear , per case , $2.85 ; 3-lb tomatoes , $2.50 ; 2-lb corn , $2.30022.40. SroAU Granulated , 75 ( S)754c ) ; conf. A , 7 } @ 72h'c ; white extra C , 0 ; > 4r(0' ( e ; extra C , ? m0 c ; yellow C , V , ( < ? 5 e ; cut louf , 8&D c ; powdered , SOjyj c ; New Orleans , 5' ' < Dninn FnriT' . Apples , new , Jjs , "OJiJ/c ; evaporated 50-lb ring , 'J)4rcWuraspberries \ , evaporated , 2703Si1 ; blackberries , evuporutcd , OJi'Cuill'c ' : pitted cherries , 21a22c ; peaches , new , SOiSXc ; evnXruted ] , peeled peaches , 2i ( 30o ; evaporated , \inpared , lbj.20 ( % ; new currants , 73 0 } 4'c ; prunes , now5C < ' 514'c ; citron , 25c ; raisins , London layers , $2.450 * ' 2.riO ; California loose muscatels , $2.100J2. 15' ; new Valencia , SOiS c. Hoi'K Seven-sixteenths , UCgll'i'c. TOIIACCO Lorillard's Climax , 45c ; Splen did , 44c ; Mechanic's Delight , 41c ; Leggett & Meyer's Star , 45c ; Cornerstone , 3Sc ; Driun- mond's Horseshoe , 44c ; J. T. . 40c ; Sorg's Spearhead , 44c ; Catlin's meerschaum , Die ; Catlin's Old Style , 23u. CIIACKKUS , CAKES , ETC. Prices subject to change. Soda , 5c ; soda ( city goods ) , 7c ; soda snowtlakcs ( In tins ) , He ; soda dandy , Oku soda wafers ( in tins ) , lOc ; soda /cphyr , be city oyster , 0 } o ; excelsior , 7c ; farinu oys ter , 5 > Jc ; gem oyster , 5c ; monitor , 7c- Omaha oyster , 7c ; pearl oyster , 5c ; picnic , So- snowdrop oyster , Sc ; butter , no : IJoston , be : Omuliu butter , 7c ; saw tooth butter , ( iJi'c cracker meal , 5Jc ; graham. Sc ; grahan wafers , lOc ; graham wafers in pound pack ages , 12) c ; hard bread , 5c ; milk , 7c ! ; oat meal , Sc ; oatmeal wafers. lOo ; oatmeal wa fers in lb pkgs , 12J c ; animals , 12e ; bolivei ginger ( round ) , "o ; cream , So ; Cornhill lOe ; cracknells , ICc ; frosted cream , S ) c ginger snaps , bu ; ginger snaps ( city ) , tic homo made ginger snaps in boxes , Klc ; homemade made ginger snaps (1 ( lb cans ) per dozen $2.50 ; lemod cream , So ; jiretzels ( hand made ) , llj c ; assorted cakes and jumbles 113 < fc ; ussortcd lingers , 15c ; ufternoon tw ( in tins ) per dozen , $7.00 ; bannnu lingers 14c ; butter jumbles , lle } ; Hruiibwick , 15o brandy snaps , 15c ; chocolate drojis ( new ) lOo ; chccolato wafers , ] 5o ; Christmas luncl ( in tins ) , jwr dozen , $ -1,511 ; cocoa taffy snaps 14o ; coffcu cake , 12c ; Cuba Jumbles , HJ c cream puffs , 20c ; egg jumbles , 14c ; ginger drops , llcfhoney jumbles , ll' c ; jolly ling ers , 15o ; Jolly wafers , 15c ; Jelly tart ( new ) 15c ; lady lingers , 13c ; vunillu bur , 14o ; vu nillu wafers , 14c ; Vienna wufcrs , 1 dozet packuges in box , per dozen , $2.50. All goods packed in cans 1 ct. nor lb. ad vunco except Snowtluko and Wafer Soda which is packed only in vans. Soda in 2 lb and 3 lb. paper boxes , % cent per lb. advance all other goods , 1 cent per lb. advance. Sodi in 1 lb. paper boxes , 1 cent per lb. advance The 2 lb , boxes are packed in cases holding li In a cuso. The 3 lb. boxes are packed in cases holding 12 In a case. The 1 lb. boxes are packed in cases holding 30 in u case. Ono lb Graham and Oatrnoal Wufcrs packed 2 do * in ft case. Show Tops for boxes , with glass opening to show goods , 75 cents. Cans for Wafer Soda $3 00 not returnable. Cans for Snowfluko Soda , $0 00 i > er do/ . Tin Cases with Glass Face to display the goods , 75cents each. No charges for Packages except- for cans and returnable turnablo cases. Glass Front Tin Cans am "Suowllake" Soda Cans are returnable a prices charged , Dry Goods. Di'CK West Point 20 In. 8 oz. . 10 } c ; Wcs Point 2'J in. 10 oz. , 12''c ; Went Point 10 In. 1'J i1.V \ ! AVont Point 46 in.111 otOc Checks - -Caledonia , VYc ; C dedoniii XX , 10c. , ; . Economv , ( I've ; Otis , SV\ ' ' . KRNTiVKt jRAN J-Memorial. J.V ; Cant-oif , 105 Durham , 2i > ' ! Hercules , ISc ; Learning- on , 22lc : Cottswold.Tie , CKASII Stevens'H.tV : blenched , 7c : Stc- ens'A , 7' C ( bleached , b'jC ' ! Stevens' ! ' , } ,35 nlenched , H' ' c ; Stt-vrns' N , < i , c ; ) lcachcd , 1014c ; Stevens * S UT , lS c. Mis.KU.\NKr ( Table oil clotli. $2.S'i , ilnin Holland , b'ac to ( Av , Dado Holland , 2'oC. , ' CAMHUICS Slatnr , 4'jc ; Woods , 4)i'c ) ; Stan- lard , 4)t ) ( ! ; Peacock , 4' c. CoMroitTRif $0.'iC'rti5. ( ' ( ; ( > 0 HuNKfcts-While , $ l.WOJ7.ri ( ) ; colored$1.10 b.OO. Hi.furiir.ii Snrr.TiNo Herkeley cnmbrlc , No. Wl , .Hc : Hcst Yet , 4-4 , 0'4c ' ; butter cloth OO , 4J4'c ; Cabot , 7'c . : Fnrwcll , So : Fruit of -com. He ; Greene G. IN" Hope. i ( c ; King 'hlllliicambric , lie ; Lnn dult > , 11V" I-ns- lale , b\c ; New York mills , 10V.c ; Peppercll 2-in. loicPepperell,40-in. ; . ll , cPepicrcll ; | M1. 15c : Peppcrell , 8-4 20c : PepN-rell | ! M , 22c ; 'eppercll. UM24c ; Canton 4-4 , 8'4c : Canton. 4 , ; 2c ; Triumph , Oc ; Wamsutta , lie ; Val- ev. , 5c. FLNNKI.S Plaid Kaftsmnn , 2rtc ; Goshen , t2iac ; Clear Lake , 32'ic ; Maple Clty.TO fe ; WhlteH } No. 2 , h. 21c ; ( } H No. 1 , , ' , 27j jc ; H H No. 2 , } { 22340 ? H H No. 1 , i , 30c ; QuccheeNo. 1 , ' ( , 42c ; Quccheo No. 2 , ? ft 373 c : Qupchee Nfo. 4 , 3 , ' , .T. ' e ; Anuwan , 13'c ; Windsor , 22 > < jC. Hod-C. 24-inch. 15''is ; E , 24-inch. 21oGft ; , 24 inch , 18c ; HA F , 4' , 25.J ; U F. "f , 27'a'c ; ( } , ( , H.V. I'IIIVTK SOLID Col oif Atlanta , .Slater , 5c ; Ueilln Oil , OJp ; Garner Oil , 7c. PINK AND Uonr.s Klchmond , Oc ; Allen , Oc ; Kiver point , fie ; Steel Hlver , Oo ; Kicli- nond , Oc ; Pacific , O1.1 ! ; INPKIO Hi.t K Wash ington , Oc ; Century Indigo blue prints , lOc ; American , Ok ; Arnold , 0 c ; Arnold H , 10.3c ' ; Arnofd A , 12c ; Arnold Gold Seal 0 > c. Diii. > ChaiterOak , 4'ac ; Knmapo 1541" ? Lodi , 7'ac ; Allen , fi'ji1 ' ; Klchmond " he ; Windsor , Oc ; Eddystone , Oc ; Pacific , . COTTON FI.ASXKI.S 10 per cent trade dis count LL.OJSi'c ; CO , 7'oc ; SH , 8'yc : Nume- Icss 5tuc ; No. 5 , Oc : tfE , tHjiGG , ; , 10 > , ; c ; XX , 12o : OO , 14c ; NN , lOc ; HX , Ib'c ; H. 20o ; No. 10 , She : 40 , 10 , e ; 00 , 12'c ' ; bO , 15e ; : ) , olored , loc ; 50 , colored , 12c ; to , colored , 15c ; Hristol. 13'c ' ; Union Pacific , Ibc. U\urii : WAIII' Hebb white , Kl'n'c ' ; colored , JO'jc. Hue N Hiinr.riNd Atlanta A , 4-4 , 7'4'c ' : Atlantic H , 4-4. 7c ; Atlantic D , 4-1 , O'c , ; At lantic P , 4-1 , 5V ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , fi c : Au rora C , 4-1 , 4' c : Crown XXX. 4-t , li'ijc ' ; Hoosicr LL , 4-4 , 5j ( " , Indian Head , 4-4,7'4c ; Luwrcnco LL , 4-4 , 5 4c : Old Dominion , 4-4 , Vac : I'eppcrcll R. 4-4 , 0)4c ; Peppercll O , 4-4 , ic ; Poppercll , S-4 , IV. Pcppt-rell , IM , 2c ( ) ; Peppercll , 104 , 22c ; L'ticu I' , 1-4 , 44'c ; Wa- clnibctt , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora H. 4-1 , O' ' c ; Aurora H. 4-4 , Oc. HATT- . Standard , 8c ; Gem , 1050 } ; Hcauty , > -c ; Uoone. 14c : H , ca ed , $ ii. : > < l. ( fiMiiMM Plunkett checks , 7'4c ' ; AVhit- Icnton , 7'4c ' ; York , 7'4c ' : Normandi ilrcss , > ' ' . , c ; Calcutta dress , b' c : Whiltenton dress , , 'c ' ; Ken f row d ics < , ' .iQi 12 * 0. Tn -Li'wiilon , 30 in. , 12's'e ; Lewiston , 32-in. , liJ'jiYork : , 3.-ln. . Me : Swift river , 7J.c ; ; Thonidlkc , OO , b'4c ' ; Thorndikc. iF : , S'jc : Thorndikc , I'M , V ; Thorndikc , XXX , 15c ; I'ordis , No. 5 , JMc : Cordis , No. 4. lie. DKMMAinoBkcug , Do ? . , lOc ; Everett , 7oI3c : York , 7-oz. , lite ; Haymaker , bl < jc ; Juffioy , XX , ll' ' c : .laffrey , XXX , 12'.jc ; Heaver Creek , AA , 12c ; Heaver Cicclc. 1113 , lie , Heaver Creek , CC , lOo. General Mnrkets. KIIIIISteady ; : Good quulity quoted at $1.20 per bushel. Gimv Prices nre steady ; wheat No. 2 , OOc per bushel ; rye , 5Sc ; corn , 4c ( ) ; oats , 30c ; barley , 00if5c ( ( ! , according to quality. Hit Common course , $5.00(1(0.00 ; uulund prairie , $0.0rt7.0i ( ' ( ) . Straw. $0 Oil. Cou.-Egu' , $10.50 ; nut. $10.50 ; range. $1050 ; walnut block , $425 ; Iowa lump , 5-.75 ) : Iowa nut , $3.0p : Illinois. $45.00 ( 4 75. HIDI.S Green butchers' . 5 ( .V , c ; green cured. itO'4c ; ( ( : dr.\ ' flint , ! ) c : dry salt , Sc ; green cult wkins , 7c ; damaged hides , two- -thirds price. Tallow 3'4c. ' Grease Prime white , : ic : jollow , 3c ; brown , 13 < c. Sheep jiclts.-i'lijO/CiOc. Ft lluccnn.lOrjinOf Miilnk , 15f 40c ; musk rut f all , 2C"5c : striped gkunk,5i(25u , ( ; mountain wolf. No. 1 , * 1.50(1(2.50 ( ( ; No. 2 , prairie , 75 ( < 0 HOc ; No. 2 , 25i4lu ( ! ( ; bcuvor , No. 1 , i > cr lb , $2.WO(3.1K ( ) ; No. 2 , ? U'0@1.25 ' ; otter , $1.00 ® O.tH ) ; dry deer skins , 20635c per lb ; dry untc- loito , elk , moose , etc. , 15W25c. Diirns IJemain steady. Ammoniacarb,14c ; camphor refined Wecopperas ; , ! 14ccream ; tar tar , 4.V ; cream tartar powdered. 20 ( < ? 50c ; In dia Madras. 75o ; morphia sulh ) ) , $ : t."iO ; sodu bi. curb , OOc ; Venice turpentine , 40c ; gum opium , $1.05 ; quicksilver , 75c ; quinine , Ger man per o.V > e : wax , yellow , pine , 32c. OIL' ' Firm. Carbon,120j25c ; linseedboiled , .I/ ! ) ; linseed , raw , 5Uc ; castor. No 1 , $1.20 ; No. 2 , si 12 ; sperm whale , $1.00 ; fish , bank 35c ; neatstfoot extru , 55c ; ncatsfoot No. 1 , 50o : gaaolinc , 74 degrees , 15u ; W. S. lard , Cue ; No. 1 lard , 50o ; No. 2 lard , fiOc ; W. Vu. /cm , 14c ; W. Vu. summer , 12c ; golden No. 1 , 40c ; golden No. 2 , 25u ; whule , 20c ; napthii 1 degree , 14c ; headlight 150 degrees , 12c ; head light , 175d'irrccs. 15c. PAINTS White lead , pure , 0 < e ; white lead , fancy. 0)ic ) : putty , in bladders , 3 ; Paris white , 3c ; Whiting , common , 2)fe ) ; icd lead 7c. 7c.Wi NDOW \ss-Single , 70 per cent ; double , 70 and 10 per cent discount. Fi.oi u AND FKKD Minnesota patents , $2.00 percwt : Kansas and Missouri fancy winter patents , $ J.OUii2.7n per cwt ; Nebraska pat ents , $ 'J.45i(2.50 ( per cwt ; rye flour , $2.00 per cwt ; wheat graham , $1.75 percwt ; rye gnihnm , $1.40 per cwt ; New York buckwheat - wheat , $ ( ) .500't7.K ( ) per bbl ; Excelsior , $ ii.OO per bbl ; ready raised , $5.HO per 100-lb case ; cornmeal , yellow , fel.000 1.10 per cwt ; white , J1.106J1.15 percwt ; bran , $10 50 ( ! 17.00 per ton ; sciccnings , $13.000 < ; 15.00 per ton ; horn iny , $3.25 per bbl ; chopped feed , $20.00 per ton ; chopped corn , $19.00 per ton. LBATIIKH Steady ; oak soles , 350737c ; hem lock slaughter solo , 200' 20c ; hemlock dry solo , 21@27c ; hemlock kip , OoCifKJe ; A. & H. run ner kip , no@70c ; A. hemlock calf , lKle$1.05 ( ; A. A. hemlock calf , "bucks , " 75c ; hemlock upjier , I'.iOl'-'u ' ; Knglishgrain upper , 25c ; hem lock grain upper , 21n24c : Tnmpico H. L. Morocco , 29gi3c ( : ; Tnmpico pebble , O. D. Mo. , 2U ( < (32u ; Curucoa , H. G. Mo. , 35e ; Simon O. D. Mo. , $2.75@3.00 ; Dangolu kid , ; ) ( a35c ; X. M. Kunguroo , 40c ; Americun calf kid , 32c ; Gricsen kids , $ ; t.000 ; < 3.50 ; French calf kids , $3.25 ; oak kip skinf , bOc@$1.00 ; oak calf skins , $ l,00rtiil.25 ; French culf skins , f l,23fi ( 2.00 ; French kip skins , $1.1067)1.50 ) ; Hussitt linings , $0.00620.50 per do/ ; pink , cream nnd white linings , $7.506110.00 per doz ; colored toppings , $ ' .I.OOtfll.OO. ( SrniiTS Cologne spirits 188 proof , $1.10 ; do , 101 proof , $1.12 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , $1.10 ; do , 188 proof , $1.09 ; alcohol , 188 proof , per wino gallon. $2.10 ; redistilled whiskies$1.00 ( > 1.50 ; gin , blended , $1.50@2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , $2.006(0.00 _ ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , $2.KHV0.50 ( ; Golden Sheaf bourbon nnd rye whiskies , $1.50a3.00 ( ; brandies , imported , $5.006TS.50 ; domestic , $1.306T3.UO ; gins , im ported , $4.50 ( 000 ; domestic , $1 2563.00 ; champagnes , imported , per case , $2.000j ! 33.00 ; American , per case , $10.010 ( ) 00. HKVVY HAIIDWAUU Is steady and un changed. The following prices are stand ard : Iron , rate , $2.00 ; plow steel , special cast , 4j c ; crucible steel , 0)40 ; cast tools , do , 12itl5c ; wagon spokes , per set , $2.0001550 ; hubs , per set , $1,50 ; felloes , sawed dry , $1.50 ; tongues , each , 75c ; axles , each , 75u ; square nuts , per lb , 0@13c ; coil chain , per lb , 0'tfOJ13c ' ; mclleablc , b@10c ; iron wedges , Oc ; crowbars , flu ; harrow teeth , 4c ; spring steel , 4@5u ; Hurden's horse shoes. $ -1.75 ; Hurdcn's mule shoes , $5.75 ; barbetl wire , in car lots , $4.00 per 100 Ibs ; iron nails , rates , 10 to 50 , $2.10 ; steel nails , $2.50. Dry Ijiiinher. AND TIMIIK11S , i 14 A. IB ft. ISft. SOft Sift. 84ft. 2x4. ,17 no 20 oo 21 < n si an sim i.'xii. .n w as mai 00 , 1 oo _ x8. .17 H)20 ) (1021 ( 00 J 00a W ) 2x10 1. 17 BO20 U)21 ) 0.1,23 ( flil , U ) 2X13 . lg .V nU2l CHI 21 0024 U ) 4x4 8x8 1..18 SOl'J MM 60SJ OOL'J 00 IIOVItDS. No. 1 com , s 1 s.lS.50 I No , n com , s 1 s.I5.50 No. 2 com , a 1 s. 17.00 | No. 4 com , s 1 s. 13.50 rcNdNO , No. 1 , 4 & 0 in 12 & 14 ft. , rough $10.50 No. 1 , " " 10 " 1K.50 No. 2 , " 13 H " 10.50 No. 3 , " " 10 " 18.00 SIDINO. A , 12,14 & 10ft.$21.W C , 12 , 14 & 10ft.$15.50 U , " " 20.501 D , " " 12.50 KLOOUI.NO , A 0 in White Pine . . * . $25.50 HOin " " ai.50 COIn " " 30.W DOin " " 21.50 ECin " " ( Sel. Fencing ) 1'J.WJ 0 in. Drop Siding 50o per M extra. CBll.lNtl AM ) I'AKTITION. 2d coin > f in White Pine Ceiling $34.00 2 In CJroovctl roollnp , $1 per M. inorotlmn 1'J In .Stock Hoards sainu length. 10 In Oroovcil HoolliiR sumc price as 12 in Stock Hoards. imp LAP. \o. 1 Plnln S nniUu In . , $10.00 No , 2 " " " . ir.M ) No. 1 , OG , Sin . 10.M st niul 2nd. clcnr , 1 , In s2s . tft.OO , 2 . M.OO M , clear , 1 In , s2s . 44.M ) Us , IJ-tf , "I" . * llo ° V , select , 1 insy 40.IK ) A , " l s . 44.1X ) , Kfl.OO D , W , 1 % 21ns2s 97.00 SOI'TIIRIIX ' YEI.I.OW I'l.NB. Com. 4 Inc h Flooring (17.50 Star " " SI.50 1st and 2d clear 4 Inch Flooring 23.00 Six inch 40c less. Clear } < Inch Ceiling 21.50 Clear f Inch Partition 25.00 Clear % Inch , Partition (2 above arf inch Ceiling 25.00 Clear Finish , 1 and 1)4 ) Inch , s 2s 20.00 , Clcar Finish , l > f nnd 2 Inch , s2s 30.00 .Clear Corrugated Ceiling , 4 inch 25.50 Clear Yellow Pine Casing and Huso. . . . 27.00 I'oi'i.ui i.u.Miir.n. Cl. Poplar Hx. Hds. J < in. , s2s (35.00 " " 1 in. Panel , s 2 s U7.00 " " Corrugated Celling , K. . 2S.50 IHTTEN" , WP.1.1 , Tl'lllXO , riCKKT-4. O. G. Halts , 2i , , , ' in (15c ( ; Kx3 , s 1 s. 40c : 3 In. Well Tubing. U. & M. and Hev. , (23.00 ; Pick ets , 1) . & II. Flat , (20.50 : I ) . H. Sq. , (21.50. SltlXOI.KS , l.ATII. XX clear , (10 ; extra * A * . ( J.S5 ; A stand- ird No. 5 , No. 1 , (1.45 ; lath , (2.55. ' White ccanr , (5 ( In. , ' / s. 12' ' c ; 0 In. qrs , , ll e ; white cedar , 5 < . ; in > s ll'jc ; 8 in. irs Itlc : white cedar , 4 in. round , Hike ; Ten nessee red cedar , split , 14c ; split oak , lOc ; I ! in. . 7 In. and bin. ) ifj each ) b ft. , round W.C. lostf , A SURE CURE OR NO PAY. Our Magic Remedy WILL POSITIVELY CURE All f j-plililllc IMf cute * , of recent or lone t tnnalnp.ln frnni ten to llftecn dnyi > . We will Klve written Kiinr- " --tees tn euro any ctiMMir refund ymir money. Anil . wonlil cay tn thoi'o whi have employed the mo t rkllli'tl l'iy ) Ulani > , u pd every known rernody anil nn\eni > t lu'en cured , Unit you are thu jnnjeon wo aru InnMiiK lor. Vou Unit linvc been to the cvlebratcil Hut Mulnt , " or Arknntan , ami Unve lot all bope of 'tiTi'i ' } , we Will Cure You orinnkonochnriro. Our remoi.j1 is unknown tn nny i no ( n the worm outf l(1oof ( niir t'omtwny , HIM ! It Is tlirnnly roiiitHty m tlip nrMtbHt wlllciiru ) < MI. Wo will euro thu m < i t otiftlnutv ca o lu los Hum mm month. MVPM < lH4ln icccnt rtt i'H < l < > t > ! 4 the work. It ji tin * old , i hronle , ( Uiop- ont iI < .nc * that we solicit. W 1 liavo ciiri'ti hundrtut who hud l > crn atmnilouecl by I > hlclnii3 inul pionotinccit incuruble , and We Challenge the World HCU O that wo will not cure In less than ono month. Mneo th , , nl tnry of medicine , n True Pi'CrlHp for byphllltlcnKru | > tlonn , Ulcori. bore month , Ac. , has I'vvu ' fuu t lor but never found until Our Magic Remedy wsBrtlJoovprc'd , nnd we are juMlflcd in raying It In the only reined ) In the world that will positively cure , hot HUM ; the latest medical worki > , published by the best known authorities sny there was never u true fnccinchetore. Diir Itemcilr l the only medicine In the. world that will cure when everything oljo has failed. It ban been i > o conceded by n fnrne number at Celebrated I'hyi-klanii. IT HAM MVKK : VBT FAII.KII TO CHUB. Why wane your time and money with patent medicine * Hint never had virtue , or doctor with phytlclnns that cannot euro you. Vou that have tried everything i'l oxliould come lo us now and get peinianent reliefs 5011 never ran get It elsewhere. Mark what wo pay : In the end you must take our llemedy or NEVl.ll recover. And you tlmt have been anilcteu but a short time should by all meann eonie to ii. < now. Many get help and think thuya ro free from the disease , but in one , two or tlireo > ar after. It appear * again In a more horrible form. Investigate our financial ( landing through the mer cantile agencies and note that we are fully rci-ponsl- ble and our written guarantee ! ) are good. We have ft ItElirnr prepared on inirely Scientific Pilnclplen and we wish to repeat tlmt It Ntvtll FAII.h TO CUIIK. All letterp sacredly confidential. TIIK COOK REMEDY CO. . Uninlin , Neb ' Itooius 1C and 17 Hellman lllock. . AND ! Glasgow via Londonderry , Liverpool via Queenstown. Are Strictly Flrit-Clau , and amana the largcit , fastest and finest In the world , Batoon. second class and ftteerage Pttiienvcr Accoaamodiktlona Unexcelled. Kvvry regard for the comfonand convenience of pat * leasers itudlouslr consldired and practiced. feteamers every Saturday for Olasgow. City of Horn * mils for Liverpool October 12. U Is the largest and finest passenger steamer afloat. Hates of passage for all classes as low as by any other first-class line. Sa loon excursion tickets at reduced rates. Drafts for any amount at lowest current rates. Kcr books of tours , tickets , or further Information , apply to UKNDKllMJN imoTUKlW , Chicago , or FKANK K. MOOIlK8.OinabB.Net > FffiST NATIONAL BANK. U. S. DEPOSITORY. MAHA , - - NEBRASKA. CAPITAL , $500,000 SUItI'LUS , 100,000 IIEHMAN KOUNTZE , President. JOHN A. CKK1GHTON , Vice-i'rcsiilcnt. F. H. 1JAV1S , Cashier. W. II. MEGQUIini. Asslbtant Cashier. H. K. BURKET. Funeral Director and Embalmer , 111 North mil btree JMlli 510 Nortu 16th Street , Omaba , I'All ) IX CAPITAL , $100,000 GEO. K. IlAnKEfl. President. 110UT. L. aAHUCHS , Vlce-Presldent. 1' . II. JOHNSON. Cashier D1UECTOUS : SAMUEL K. JOIINBOV , Oeo. K. HAnKEii , HOOT. L. GAHLICIIV , WM. BEIVEIIS , F. H , JOHNSON. A General Danltlni ; lluilni * Transacted. I ntertbt Allowed ou Tlmo Deposits. QHAUBEn Agricultural I m pie men ! . _ _ _ CHURCHILL PARKER , Dealer in Agricultural Implementslaps. , L1NINQBR A METCALP CO. , Auicnltnral Implements , ! agons.Carriage. . Wholesale , Omaha , NebraAa. " " ' " PA R U N , O REND 6 R F "S'MARTl'NV" WholesaJe ttoalera In Ajjicnltnral Implements , Wagons iBoanet 3I.BO . C06and K77.JOBM Street. O i a hi. " " * P. P M A8T"i"c O. , Manntactorers of Buckeye Drilli Seeders , Agricultural ImplcincD , ! , ! agons SBninin Cornsr Itth unfl NIcholM StrMU. Artists' Material * . A. HOSPE , Jr. . Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , ltl > noagWn Bir t. Omaha. Mtbraifca. Boota and Shoee. W. V. MORSE A CO. . Jokers of Boots and Shoes. Ml r rnam St. , Omahk. N b. Manutactorr , IVKBM "Elreot , Boitun. KIRKENDALL. JONES A CO. , (8uTC ( aora to R * d , Jonn A Oo. ) fliolcsalc Mannractnrers ofBoois and Shoes AcanU for notion Babbar HhM ( ! . 1101,11M A11H Ilarn 7 St. , Oaaah * . Ntbratka. , liploet ) , Kto. CLARKE COFFEE CO. . Omaha Coffee and Bplc Mllli. Teas , Coffees Spices , Bating Powder , FlaTOrlng RttracU. I undrr niu . In ; . , Klc. 1411 1111 Ilamej BtrMt , Oinaba , Nabraika. _ Crockery arid Glassware. _ W. L. WRIQHT. Agent for the Manufacturers anil Importer ! of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys. Etc. ( Jfflco , ail H. ISUi &t. , Um&ha , Nobrnika. _ Commlaslon and Storago. _ D. A. HURLEY ! Commission and Jobbing , mtUr.KMii and Trndnce. Contlfnnionti aeltelt 4. Biadquartort for 8ton w rc , Birr ; lloiei and _ Oraiie Daakell. 1411 Dodf 8V. , Omaha. RIDDELL& RIDDELL , Storage and Commission Merchants , WIEDEMAN A CO. . Produce Commission Merchants , Pomltrr , Butter , Oarae. Krulu. Rtc. 220 Houth lith Bt- Omaha , Ntbratka. GEO. SCHROEDER & CO. , ( Buccciiort to McBtaane A Sohrotder. ) Produce 'Commission and Cold Storage , _ Omaha. N hr ka. _ _ Coa l , Coke and uimo. COAL. COKE & LIMB CO. , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Goal M South nth Street , Omaha , Nebraska. J. J. JOHNSON & CO. . Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime , 4l.d ihlnurri of Goal. Coke , Cement , Pa ! U > r. Umt , Uraln Vila sncl Sewer Pipe. Offlro. Paxton HoMI , Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb. Telephone 811. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal ani Cote , 814 South 13th St. . Omaha. Neb. Dry Coode and Notions. M. E. SMITH & CO. . Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions 1101 and llMDouglai , Cor. llth at. , Omaha. Neb. KILPATRICK-KOCH DRY GOODS Co Importersand Jobbers in Dry GoodsNotioni , OenU' FurBlahlng Qoodi.Corner llth and Uarner 8U. , Omaha , Nebraika. Furnlujre. * DEWEY di STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Tarnam Street , Omaha , Nebraska. Orooerlee. PAXTON , GALLAGHER * CO. . Wholesale Groceries and Provisions. TO. 707. T0 and Til B. UXb SI. . Omaha. Neb. MoCORD. BRADY * CO. . Wholesale Grocers , Ulk sod Lcarenwortb. BUeeU , Omaha , Nabruk * . D. M. STEELE * CO. , Wholesale Grocers , MB , Ull and 1221 Harner Street. Onaka , Neb. " " ' ALLEN BROS. . Wholesale Grocen , 1111 and Hie Harner Street , Omaha , Nek. Hardware. LEE , FRIED * CO. . Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , flnwaraBheet Iron.Kte. Axdnti for Howe Bcalci.aod Miami fowder Co. . Omaha , Nob. HIMBBAUGH * TAYLOR. Builders' ' Hardware & Scale Repair Shop Mechanic * ' Tools and Buffalo Rcalei. 1KB Douglai-it. Omaha , Nebraika. RECTOR * WILHELMY CO. , Wholesale Hardware , loth and Harner Sti , Omaha , : N b. Weitern Ajenti for Auitln rowd rCo..J ff non Steel NatU , Palr- banki 8t ndard Scle § . Heavy Hardware. W. J. BROATCH , Heayy Hardware. Iron and Steel , JAMES A. EDNEY. Wholesale Iron and Steel , natsj , copa , tto. W. L. PARROTTE ft CO. , Wholesale Eats , Caps and Straw Goods , HOT Ilarner Btreet , Omaha , Neb. Lumber. OMAHA LUMBER CO. , All kinds of Building Material at Wholesale Ulk Btrtet and Ualoo Pacific Track , Omaha. LOUIS BRADFORD. Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash , Doors , eU. Yards-Corner Tth aod Douglas ; Corner M and Douf laa. C.N. DIETZ. Dealer in all Kinds of Lnmlier , Utb and California 8te. , Omaba , Neb. FRED W. GRAY , Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , \ Comer Ctb aad Donflas Hts. , Omaba. ' T. W. HARVEY LUMBER CO. . * To Dealers Oftee. lift K rosj Btreet. Onabk. ' ' "JOHN A. WAKEFIELD.1" ' * ' Wholesale Lumber , Etc , fspoAe < ) am American Portland Cement. Stile at Ht "lor lljlwaukM HjJraulu Cement init liulncr we rcrdtiiiy ricomBi rK ) rourU klthet'Cit Ifn.etly . Dt.ll lOUlfglOcDbnltUS d Oltlt. We hav sold conildtr. fcle. tntiln ttciy ens II bai giv ii kititfActlco. AUett A Ulk , Ikdto. H. V. Scldljr Druffliu. fiU. tl.UO , 0 UumDer. CHAS. R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lnnte Wood Carp U and rarauet Hoorlni. tth nd'D < iM | _ aM1111 n e ryjin d Not I on aw j I. OBER > ELDBR & CO. , f Importers & Jobtiers of Millinery & Notion ! HE , IIP aad > H goat * tlta 8lr t. i Notlona. _ . J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , , Wholesale Notions and FnrnisbiBi ( M ga and OB 8out > 10t BtfMt. Omaha , tl VINYARD A SCHNEIDER. J Notions and Gent's ' Famishing Gooii ] UOtHtratr Mr i , Omshs. i CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE COU : \ Wholesale Refined and Lnbricatint OiM ; All * Oreai * , tfl. , Oakka. A. H. Blshap. Ms sg f [ CARPENTER PAPER CO. . " Wholesale Paper Dealers , j lr itock of prlntl f , wrsp ln nd wrttti papsr. 8MCUI atttntlon jlTeo to or lo d ul < l r . Prlntara' Matyrla hj. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION. . ) @ II Anriliary Publishers i r5- , AAUmlAlUt J UM * UUV U i < let l O kl rt iBlTPf , prsiiss and crtnttrs' mppll t. giuth hth gtrttt. Omsha. Ruboer Oooas. OMAHA RUBBER CO. , Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goodi Oil Clothing and Leather Belting. 1008 Farnnm StreeU Steam Fitting * , Pumpa. Etc. A. L. STRAND CO. . Pmnps. Pipes and Engines , Stonn.wstcr , railway an * inlnlnnsunpllff , etc. H $ 9li and WI raroani street. Ouialia. CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , * u. s. WIND "ENGINEA"PUMP CO. . Steam and Water Supplies , i Wlnl Mills , 918 anil VM Karnam f t. , Omahak U. r. Hosi , Acting Manager. BROWNELL & CO. . Engine ! ! , Boilers and General Machinery , Sheet Iron Work. Bteam rump * , w Mills. 1213-mS LeaTenworth Street , Oiualm. Seeds. PHIL. STIMMEL& CO. , Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds (11 and 113 Jones St. , Omaha ; et Fo r w a r d In g & , C oni ml B a I o n ARMSTRONQ. PETTIS & CO. , il Storage , Forwarflinir and Commission , . f Branch liouse o ( the Ilenncr nu T Co. Ilunlpi a | il liolvsale and retail l.KM.HIO an ! .312 liard 8lroet,4 /I / Ouaba. Tel phone No. 7W. \t ' ' 0 ' jComlce. _ _ , _ , _ _ EAGLE'CORNICE WORKS. / Mannfaclnre Galvanized iron and Cornice , ohn Kpeueter. Proprietor. WO Doriiiu ami 1(11 ( and 105 North lutb Htrcut , Omaha. * 8 ta o ka , Bo 11 ore , Etc. H. K. SAWYER. . , . MannfactnrinE Dealer in Smoke StacisJ Urltcblngs , Tanks anil llcnsral Dollxr llupalrlng. 13ll Uoilia Btreet. Omaha. Nob. J Iron jVorkja. PAXTON * VIERL'NG. Wronglit and Cast Iron Building Wor Knilnes , Brass work , lenoral foundry , machine and ] blacksmith work. Office and works , U. f. Hy. nd . . ntk gtreet , Omal.t. OMAHA WIRE& . IRON WORKS , Mannfactnrers of Wire and Iron Railing Desk rails , window guards , flower stands , wire slgoai' etc. , 193 North 16th St. , Omaha. , i OMAHA SAFE AND IRON WORKS. ' Man'frs ' of Fire & Bnrnlar Proof Safcsni Vaults , jail work , Iron and wire fencing , signs , etc. < n Andreen , Prop'r. Cor. 1Mb. and Jackson Sts. , MOLINE.MILBURN&STODDARD Co Manufacturers and JobLurs in Wagons Buggies Rakes Plows Etc , . . . . . . , , . , . . . for. Vtii a i 'i"iS > , o.iiaiiu. .Nuu MEACHER & LEACH. Cf ncral Agents for Dlebold Safe It Ixick Co.'i ' _ I Vaults and Jail Work , HIS Farnam Street. Omaha. H. M.&S. W.JONES. Miff esitor * to A. T. Kenon &Cu. , Wholesala and retail Booksellers and Stationers , Kino Wedding stationery , ( 'omniunlal Stationery. 1 ! DougluH bt. Omahii , Neb. OMAHA HKANCIt. J. F. SEIBERLING & CO. , ( Akron , Ohio , ) Harvesting Machinery and Binder Twine , W. K. Mead , .Munugur. I'il3 Lvavcnwortli St. , Omabft _ _ _ _ _ _ ' CANFIELD MANUFACTURING 'CC' Mannfactnrers of Overalls , Jeans Pants , Shirts , Rtc. 110 ! and 1104 Douglai Street , i Omaba , Nub. * ' , rti. Sash , Dopre , Etc. rX. DISBROW & C rTnolesale Manufacturer * c Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , Branch Office , 1Mb and Isard MtreoU , Omaha , Neb. BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. . Manufacturers of Sasn , Boors , Blinds ; Mouldlugi , Rtalr Work and Interior Hani Wood Mo- Itn. N. K. Corner Itb and Lvarenworlh Btrtsts , Omaha , Neb. ' OMAHA PLANING MILL CO. , Mannfactnrers of Mouldings , Sasb , Doors , And Blinds , Turning , Rtalr-work. Bank and OfBcsj anh anil ropi'luton ATenuc. Brewers , STORZ Si ILER , Lager Beer Brewers , 1621 NorthKlgbteenth Htreel , Omaha. Nob. 0. U. Pyll.MIK. N. P. niCllklAN. J , II. BLANCHAIUD , PALMER , RICHMAN & . CO. , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Offloe Huom 24 , Ojiposlto Kicbanio Ilulldlua , UoloM Mock Yards , South Qnialia , M ti. Me C OY BROsil ' Live Stock Commission Merchants , ' Market furnl < li 0 fr on application. Htorkers anfl feuilvrs ( urnlitlied ua uodd Iprms. tlercrences : Onia * lia Nittlonil Haul : and HouUi umaba Niktlunitl , Union Htoik Vartls , btiulh ( ) ia hu. L6Rl"MEn , WESTEF1FIELD& . MALEY Lie Stock Commission , IIOO.B tt. Ktctianeo llutlillne , Unloa BVock Yards. HouUi UraaUii , iS b. ALEXANDER i FITCH. Commission Bealers in Live Stock , Kooro 22 , opposite Fljrrhane * llulldlnit , Union Htoel Vard , 8outL OioaUa , Neb ! UNION ST6ci < YARDS CO. , * " Of Oraana , Limited , John V , BQfd , Hupertntendent. AND PERSISTENT Adviutlsliiff has alwtiyn proven successful. Ileforo pluclntfntjy Nuwnpapcr AUverllslriB conault LORD & THOMAS , i U U 49 < U.t. ! U blrml , CHICAGO * ' " " " '