THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SEVENTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA , SATURDAY MORNING. JANUARY 14 , 1888 , NUMBER 210 DEATH IN THE BIG STORM , Victims of the Blizzard Discovered During the Day. CHILDREN REPORTED LOST. Harrowing Tali-s from Mnny Places ol1 the iiTects : of the Terrlhlo Cold-.IudKC I'ost Haiti ( o lie Ofllclul Storin Dnln. A Hri : rrportcr celled nt the signal service ofllco yesterday morning , and in abiipfehat with Obscivcr Chnppell leaincd some very queer things In connection with the night's tei rlilobllz/ard nid mctcorlogiealmatteis gener ally. At I o'clock in tlio afternoon thcio was u fieshenlng brcevo from the southeast which Inci cased with u few moments to a velocity of four mlllcs an hour. At 4lb : thcio was onoof the most remaikablcchangcson record , the wind shifting from the southeast to the noithwest in a twinkling of mi ejeandwhiil- Ing and bowling along at a speed of thirty-six miles an hour. Tlio snow drlf ted badly.and the air was filled with lloui-llko paitleles , which rendered locomotion by either man or beast almost impossible. 1 his condition of things continued until 7 o'clock , when the stoim reached the nemo of its fury , and thu wind , having incicasid inelocity to forty-four miles an hour , went shrieking and screaming thiough the sticrts like fiends from the hjpeihorean legions Iho tcmpciaturo , too , kept going down , until it tlneatcned to diop out of the bottom of the tube , and did not be come atnthing like stationary until it had reached 18 degrees below /eio. Notwith standing the Intense cold the snow continued to fill the air in blind- 1m. ' quantities , nnd for hours it was impossible for ono to make out objects on the opposite Hide of the street. The snow was banked up in gieat diifts at liiegular inter vals along the sidewalks , and unlucky pedes trians took many a shivery plunge into their depths Pinallv , the seventy of the stoim was such that those who went foith to bravo iUXury , inn a lisk of being overwhelmed and lost , and for houis the streets of the city weio IIH tenantless as Goldsmith's "Dcseited Village. " Long tow aid ! J o'clock In the mom- ing thi-ie was a tcssation In the tiemendous force of the wind , and by the break of day the heavens were unflcckcd , and the wind had died away to an unpictentious biee/o. Jt was Intensely cold , the theimonictcr icglstering 18 below at the signal seivice obsei vatory , and any- whcrefiom 18 to 25 below at other places tlnoughout the city. All Thursday after noon the snow stoim was general all over this state , Dakota , Iowa. Minnesota , Wis consin and Illinois At Hismaiek , 13. T. , the niereiiiv marked CS degrees below 7ero ; at Tort CnstoiM. . T. , 'J4 , and at Helena , 3J ; Noith Platte , 20 ; St. Paul , lb ; Laciosse , ( i ; Uavenpoit , 0 ; Les ) Moincs , Is , and Leaven- worth , b. IOUM > DFAI ) . P Yesterday inoiiiingut : ) o'clock n telephone dispatch leached tlio eential police station from citizens , that n man wash ing dead In the BIIO w at the corner of Tw cnt.vthii . d and Leav- enworth streets. Sergeants Mostj n anil Pu- laslujw ere Immediately dispatched to the si one with thepatiol wagon , and the man was found as announced. Ho was fiozcn almost solid , nnd lookid as if his Buffering , before getting under the influence of the cold had been intense. Ho was put In the wagon , car- lied to the police station , and thence later to the office of the coioner , whence his icmalns now lie. In themoiningtheannounccmcntof the man's death atti acted a number of people to the moigue , and among those who called were some who identified the remains as those of l rcil Ullcr , a cigar maker , and mem ber of the union of that craft In this city. He is ajoung man and has icsided in this city for some time , having worked for Ml. Hocck- holT , the tigar manufacturer at 1712 St. Mai\'s , avenue. Cot oner Drexel sot about immediately to seeuio witnesses who could shed some lU'ht as to the cause which brought ubiat the death of thu dccecscd. m ru i OST. Little Wexell Hei k , the eight-\car old son of P. C. Hielc. a buck mason who resides in AViUntitWHll , is lost aud his patents are over whelmed with the- most dicadful appichen- HIOIIS U ho little fellow left tlio school house Hhoitly after 3 oMock Thtnsdaafteinoon , Just about the time the teiriblo storm set in and as jet has noti cached his homo or been ticnicl ft out. Diliirent search was prosecuted all through the teiiiblo houis in the night , teiday his gi loving pirents , woin out and exhausted , weio . give up In despair. They seemed to bo possessed with a hoi i iblo foieboding that the poor little lad , over taken in the feai fill stoi m , became bewil- dcied and wandeied helpless aw ay to his death. The neigh bois and police weio ban ! at woik in nc.u'ch of the missing child all day. lllll Ol'OllOn At I.KS l-I Illsll ? Itisfeaied that little Georgio Allen , son of u pi eminent fm mcr living about onomilo west ofthocltj limits , on the militaiy load , polished in the storm. Mr. Align is n well known milkman mid member of the II nil of McDonald & Allen. Ho is neatly beside - side himself with giiof and fiom his iamb ling talk only the following facts could bo leaincd : Young Allen stalled for school Thursday motning about S o'clock. The Bchool house is ly ono mile fiom tlio Al len tesidence. Since that time the father has not seen his son. When thu stoim tame on , and the boy did not retun homo Mr. Allen , in company with a hiietl man , stalled out to go to the school and see that the lad got safely home. When they leached their destination they found the liouseilosed. A caieful seaich was made along the honiowmd toad but no tiacool the boy could bo found. Mr. Allen then so cm cd the assistance of neighbois , and will lanteins they seal died the nolshbothooi throughout the night. The blinding stoni handicapped them gicatb in their searcli but e\eiy diift of snow was examined , am still no It. tee of the lad. Tlio seaich was con tinned \isteidav. It is h m ned that the school closed Thins clivj at 3 o'clock. Shoitlj after this joum Allen stinted for homo and had si art eh lef the house beloie the storm bioKo foith in al lit. fuiy. v \oi so t.vm MISI\O. It was repotted that Giaham Hrown , tin well known rnisoi of fancy poultij and fin stock , went to the Hluffs Thuisday , actom panicil by tlnco ladies. On the way back tin team ran away nnd o\ei turned the sleigh Hath ono was loft to battle with the stoi n alone nnd when the bank of the ihcrwa leached ono of the ladles was missing. Mi Htowu nirivcd in to\Mi \ Jast evening and said that all Ins patty weio safe. I'liht-i ) riis mi : MiiriT. Thursday evening alxmt 5 o clock P Hoafoy , of Hariett .S : Hcafey , was diivmg litho the midst of the bllz/aitl along Twenty-fouitl street , iu the vlcimtj of the shot tower , tc South Omaha. Ho found a little fellov named John Uhler , who was returning homi from the Gci man school on bouth Seventeentl Htreet. Huwas ci\in bitterly and did no known in what diieetion ho was going , al though ho was really ictiaclng his stops Mr Heafey took him Into his wagon , carried bin to South Omaha , moie than a mile distant found his parents nnd thus saved Ills life. Later , the same fcntlenuin in 10 tinning to South Omaha fiom Ham mond's packing house , found i fanner blng unconscious In the roai and almost covered with snow. His tean btoodsluvciingin the blizj.ird shoit ills ttinco away. The man was picked up , car- rlcd to a saloon lielongingto J .J , Donovan ou Q stieet , whcio at last accounts the man was still unconscious , A CHAl'THIOr IUIX IN At . The much talked of giund sleighing paity to the mults , which took place Thurs day uftcinooii , could not have been bet for u moro inoppoilunu time. Many moro inlsndventines , pilxationa end nccidoutshuvo comb td light , Messrs. J , J. Hai-dln and Fred Gross weio driving u spli itcd animal , and thei had n most thiHl- us well ua u butrbicudth c - npo. The steed became frightened when tiey reached the center of the river at the . uniting ilraM.-ry | of a neighboring cutter and an away. He dashed up the river on IK- Ice at a furious rate , narrowly missing everal holes left by the Ice cutters , nnd fin- lly ran Into the Iowa shore and over the em- lankmont into a deep snowdrift. After loumlct Ing about hero for n few moments , will men succeeded In getting out. Gioss \ith a badly spi allied aim , and Hut din minus ils elegant cap The hoi so and cutter were extricated after much difficulty , the former > cing none the woi o ofT for his wild tun , > ut the cutter had sustained a couple of iroken ribs nnd a big hole in its back. The ncn came ovei this morning on the dummy. Wilt Iviug. who was icpoitcd lost In the slot in , united up late In the evening with a couple of nipped ears and lublcund nose , te- eeived while walking In fiom a point below the HlufTs whcto he was uuceiemonlously lumped by his uncontiollable steed. Later ills horse and sleigh w ore bi ought ] fby some lowan , who , with others , had gone out to aid and assist the vunfottunato xlctims of the gieat sleigh ride. Mr. Iioy , the real estate man , Hilly Townsend , and otheis , all had the most enthusiastic experience with runaway iioises , and foi a time it was thought Mr. Townsond's Indy companion had been riecovciably lott. Slio was taken out of a dilft , howcxcr , by the icsiuers and taken to the Ogden house und lesuscl- tatcd. Will King hud witli his usual fore thought taken with him a biir quail bottle of arnica , and had It not been for this , it is imllc eei tain several of the gentlemen must certainly have succumbed to the rigois of the Iowa climate. They do say. however , th it the speeches of Messis. T. S Claikson mid L" W. Dixon , after the icmnantsof the excursion had assembled In the p.n lois at the Ogden , were almost as severely eloquent as the storm hud been. The delightful spiead and the delights of Terpsichoie which follow ed went n long way tow aid eountcibilaneing the vicissitudes of the lido across the liver , and until n late hour in the night all went merry as a sleigh bell. { ' . C. MAl.Sr. Mr. Majno's team did not get away fiom lilm , as stated In thu moinlng papeis. Mr. Mayno did not attempt to cross the river , but put up in Council Bluffs until morning , when ho drox o over and arrived all i ight without accident. M'ctlllMKk'S TI'AM. Dick MeCormiek xxas not in the cxcuision , but his team xvas dux-en by Huiiy MeCoi- mlck. They also left the road , cot into a liolo and broke the xxhlfllctrees. The hoiscs , liowcvcr , wcreuninjuied and wcio brought to this side In the afternoon. The team of Hains & Hairis xxcrc dnven acioss the n\er in the moining , having been lioused Tliuisday night in the Bluffs , the oxxner having t etui ned on the dummy , tirsiti iioMxs's i\i-i.niisci : ! . Henry Homan , driver for Joe Witlnoxv , the Harnoy sticet hxety man , had a haul time of it in returning fiom th HlufTs. The wind xvas blowing directly fiom the xxcst and the hnrscs , refusing to face the gale , kept tut ning to the tight and loft. Mr. Homan xxas obliged to get out of the sleigh and lead the fiigluoned animals acioss the ice. He neaily fio/o both hands , and xx hen ho reni bed the Omaha side ho xx'as so be numbed that it was xxith difficulty that ho lould climb in the sleigh and diivctotho stable. Homan sa s henexcr wants another like expel icnce. XXII.TON'S iisnms. Mr. Ed. Mcadinibcr and family and txxo lady fi lends occupied a line family cutter diaxvn by the famous "Cleveland Four , " xxith the ubbons in the hands of Win. Wilton. Shoitly after the stoim broke ox'er the town the p.n ty stalled for homo. Near Pusey's bank the hoiscs vxcro run Into by a single cutter on a cioss stiect , but fottunalely no damage was done. After consldetablo ttoublo and confusion the dummy depot was i cached , the paity disembarked to take the train for homo , and for live minutes Ed. tuincd loose his xxT.ith on the tieacheious elements that desttoycil Iho pleasuio of the leluin tiip. Tlio storm groaned nnd the snow bilious wcio thaxxed bv the fury and wmmthof his exptessions. The patty t cached homo at fi 30 o'clock. The driv erae- eompanied by Thomas Sxxift , brought the liotses and cutter over on the 7 o'clock dummy. Mr. Walton had lingers fiozcnduungtlio tup. MMOSI.I'H IOOT. Michael Maloney , cmplo.vcd nt Fowler's packing house ut South Omaha , foolishlj at tempted to walk to this city tin ough the tori iblo stoi m. He stai Jed just , but had not gene a half mile when ho began looking for shelter. A few jaids axvay ho saxv the light in a small cot tage and attempted to teach it , but cio ho could gain the dool ho fell exhausted. Luck ily ho xxas found a foxv moments later. One of his feet xx'as fioicu , and it is feaied that he maj lose it. rnu rv si\eiii : : TKXFFIC. Both the H & M. and Union Pacific pas senger depots \xeic eiowded to their utmost capacity by waiting travoleis yesterday The 111st train to leave over either load was the Council Minn * dummy , whiehdepaitcdat 10 . ! ! 0 o'clock. All of the Union Pacific trains were vcty late. Train No 1 , xxliich should huvo leltOmaha at1. ) o'clock at night left al 11 o'clock it > the morning. Ti aln No. U , known as tlio Columbus local leaving at fi o'clock p. m. , did not go at all. The Onuihti 6 Republican Valley No. 43 , was abandoned before leaching the Union Pacific lino. TialnNo 2 , duo bore from the xveat at 7 .Wn ) in , loft G t and Island at 1)30 ) a. m , pret cdc-d by the snoxv ploxv , and Iho time of its auix'al could not bo dotet mined. Snow is rcpoitcd all along Iho line , but is only diifted in the cuts The seven miow plows belonging to Iho Union Pcciflouie vxoiUingon every division of the line. STlll I.T 1IA1I.XXAAS. In the morning the hoi so car lines resumci their usual tilps , the btushcs nnd snow plo\x having gone to woik cleat ing the tiackas soon as the stoim abated after midnight. It was announced by the office-is of the oiblo tiamxxay company jcsteiday tha thu stopping of the cms of that icatl icsterday was occasioned by the bt caking of several of the gi ips and not of the cable , as xx'as lumoied on the stieet. It xx'as also stated that the line would not bo in opeiation until next Monday. lAXsl'l KXTISO MISTUJIM. At So'clot k in the moinmg the i enti al stalioi xxasxviung up and a call from P.nk am Leavcnxxoilh streets tame hi , to thoeffcct thai a man had been found frozen llioio. Tlio paliol xxMgon XXMS manned and was sent fly ing to Iho si ene , and sine enough thcio lay. . toxeied xxith snoxx' , something what looket X'eiy much like the foun of some bolatei way furor. The sturdy iiallcctnmi jumped to the giound , nnd thiusting his bauds doxxt beneath the supposed body ho lifted it up The next moment a i hoico sekcllon ol quota tions fiom some x'cri old masters vx'ere ul teied by thoolllcer. Ho xxas about the mad dest mail in the xxorld. He held in his arn a section of old gas pipe The wagon retuined poslhastu to the station only to find uwailing Ihctu another summons to the coiner of Txvoutj-seventh mid Leaven xxoith. Another frozen man had been found This , too. proved a mistake. The supposei tongealed gentleman was nothing moio o less than a pile of snow laden bricks. LAST MCtllt'b HEVEI.O1'MESTS. Last night , txx'entj-four bouts after Iho ten iblo bhzzmd that prevailed on the pic ceding day und night , found the vv outlier con sldei ulilj moderated mid the vat ious hi anches of tiade , tommeico nnd liansporlalion tif fecled by the demonstrative eleincnla re covering , slowly but sutely. Many sensa tional reports of loss of life that had gainci credence in excitement ol the hour dice out from luck of couth mutton , and the people again settled doxxn lo their usual quiet um" peace of mind. The vaiious sources of In fotmatlon , the police , coroner , doctois am undeitakeis xxcio visited by Dcr roportois mid all vxeto unanimous in sajlng tha nothing additional fioui Unit all eadj icportet had been ic-coived. lllsOX FIlFt ) IS' TIME. | | Last evening an engineer on the H. & M rushed breulhle into the train dispatcher' onico nnd leported that a man xxas lyini. fivzen to death beside the tiacks near Gib son's siding. Without delay a switch onglno WIIB manned and dispatched under full speed lo the de-signaled spot. Just as Iho icllcf P-nly tcacheil Iheio tvxo men put , in nppoa\-ance , and hustled the supposed fiweu individual ' Off to his home > icnr by. While In a beastly 'htattiol intoxliatiou he had laid down , und had It not been that hean itiscovc-ied when he was he sui di vx > ftld huv e pa ishcd , Ab It xas he xx us badly blllcn by Iho frost , nnd It x ill bo some da ) s before he vv ill be able to bo about. about.C.OAI. C.OAI.vt > t'liox floss rou THE roan. Counly Agenl Mahoney was sin filed from eat ly dawn to candle light j cstcrdaj dealing out orders for coal , flour and provisions lo Iho > oor of Iho city. The cold wave sxxclledtho 1st of applicants for assistance preceptlbly , and all day long men , xx omen and ehlldien lied In nnd out of Mr. Mahonoy's ' supply room In the county building. The procession compilscd all classes and nationalities , and ill had pitiable laics of want and sufTciing to unfold. "My customers are tncicasing dally , " said Sir. Muhoney , "aud this cold snapisbling- ng lliem in by droxes. " Appended It. a llsl of Iho fuel and provis ions dealt out jestetdai : Txxcho tons of coal ; 2 ( WO pounds of flour : 75 pounds of tea ; 75 pounds of coffee ; 150 ixninds of beans ; ITS bars of soap. llAIIltOAI ) Tit \FF1C llLSUMFn. The demoralization experienced by the raihontis was partly straightened out late yeslciday aflcinoon , nnd trains wcio sent out and tame in fiom the cast and west , though somewhat behind time. The lljer over Hie H. , \ . M. steamed into the depot at 5'J1 : p. m , nearly txvo hours lute , and pushed on a little later. The local train duo nt 5:30 : fiom Lincoln did not get bete until 11 o'clock last night. Most eastern trains did not wait for connections , and the Kansas City tiain xx cut out last night nt 8"X : ) , scheduled time. There XXMS a icsunioofthcftcighlruns on the main line , but branch lines xxeie somexxliut neglected oxvlng to Impassible buiriers of SIIOXX' . None of the loads from the cast running Into the Union Pacific timisfcr weio on time , and Iho night tiains lust night over the Chicago & Northwesletn. Chicago , Milwau kee & St. Paul , Wabasli , and other roads were fiom txxo to six hours late. Thelljer fiom the xx-est oxx-r the Union Pacific was tardy tlneo hours , mid the moining tiain duo fiom the west nt 8:20 : n. in. canto In a few minutes after (1 ( o'clock last night , neaily ten houis behind time. The main line is teported ilcar. and fi eights have been put In motion. Tinflfc continues suspended on the Omaha & Republican Valley , btiomsburgand Noifolk divisions. The Missouri Pacific got n train through from the west last niglit , but the Chicago , St Paul , Minneapolis fi Omaha and the Pie- inont , Ulkhoin vC Mlssomi Valley were not quite us foi lunate. Hoxxevcr they expect by to day lo haxe their toads again in apple pie order. TIII : rioiiTis'tJ CIIVPIAIV uxocknt ) OUT. Kev. T. H. Lozier , of Mount Vcinon. la , Hie "lighting chaplain , " is at the Windsor. The chaplain has been holding a series of very successful campliio cnteitalnments at points In this vicinity , and was booked for Wahoo last night. Wisner to uightnndVnno and Horlington Monday and Tuesday , but the bli77.n d has knocked his appointments higher Ihan Giboi's kito. Ho spent Thurs day night in a blockaded tiain near Weeping Water , and icach Omaha txx enti-four bouts late. 'J ho chaplain sax s all further Nebraska appointments are "off" till the noith polo leans the other way. He vx ill fill Ins appoint ments in vxestein Iowa , and rctuin to Ne braska in nboill tlneo weeks. HTIlt CK ll\ THE M1KTII XXIXP. Washington Jackson , an old genllcman from Chicago , slept in one of Iho Sottlh Omaha hole-Is in a loom fronting to the north. AVhen Iho bli//ard slruck Iho loxvn ho felt its full force , mid jestc-rday morning ho was found nearly dead ftotn chills Med ical aid was called in and ho is noxv doing as xx-cll as coultl bo expected , but the physician states that another hour of exposure xxould hnx'o placed him bciond the need of a phj- slcian. T1IHS-EI ) HACK AS I ) VXEIir SAVED. C. A. Jacobson , publisher of the Sxvedish Post , and xvifo slat led lo cioss Iho Missouii from Hroadway on Iho Iowa side of the liver on Thuisday night and were caught in the bliz/ard. Aflera hmd and Ir.ving struggle xvilh Iho olcmeiils , dutlng xxhich Mr. and Mis. Jacobson had their faces frost-bitten , they succeeded in regaining the Hluffs , whci o they remained until jestcrday aflcrnoon , when they returned lo Omaha. OVEIl Til 1C STATE. Norfolk School Children .Snoxv-Boiinil Tnilllc null Ilnsliii-SH StiHpcntlccl. Nomoi.K , Neb , Jan. 13 [ Special Telo- giam lolho Hnr. ] Piobably Iho worst bliz- rardcvcr cxpciicnccd piovallcd hero from - o'clock jcsleiday aflernoon until midnight last night. Tlio storm came on full-fledged without n moment's wanting and thcrefoio much sufTc-ung and loss of lifo seems Inevit able. Txxcnty children weto stoi in hound and lemulned in the scliool building duiing Ilio nighl. Tlio temperature has fallen to 20 below and this morning it is clear. * ° ATIOtl'CITV. LouCITV , Neb , Jan 13 [ Su eiiil Tele- ginm to the UFE. ] About 12:15 : p m jester- day a ten illobli/7aid struck this place and bj 3 o'clock all tiams on the H. & M. nnd Union Pacific roads xxeio snoxxbound and business In toxx n XXMS cntiiely suspended. At 7 i > . in. the theiinomeier had fallen 28 de grees. AT cnxiwos' . CIIADHOS- , Neb , Jan. 13. [ Special Tele gram lo Iho Hrr. ] The hindcst slorm this season , a matin ed blizzard , is noxv raging , The vv mil is in the 1101 thwest Trains are abandoned and it is feat cd the road will bo blockaded for u number of dajs. AT M'COObJUM'llOV. McCooi , JUSOTIOS- , Neb , Jan. 13 [ Special Telegram to the Hi.r ] Vesteiday afleinoon McCool was visited by the most terutio snow slorm of Iho season. All the Kansas City and Omaha tiains wcio abandoned. Stock suffered considerably. The therinomclcr langcd from 10 to 20 degiees below zeio. A 10U.SO HII.STI K'S Plil Sf NCB Ol' MISD. Exi TFII , Neb. , Jan. I.I [ Sueeial Tclegi am to the liri : . ] A thlitcen-.vearold son of Claik Johns , u fanner tlnco miles vxest of hcio , was caught in yesterdaj's blizzaid while out hunting. Ho XXMS only u mile fiom homo at the time. The weather changed in fix-o minutes fiom a light snoxv f i om the soulh loan impencliablo sheet of blinding snow fiom the northwest. It vx as impossible to see fifty feet , and ho wandeied oxer Iho piaiiio unlilabout4 p. m , vx hen , coining , tea a snoxv diift near the H & M. tailioad , ho dug a hole in the drift and ciaxxled in with his dog and gun , alloxving the snow to duft oxer him. Seaieh pintles weio oigan- bed , but abandoned the dinicult task at dark , not dm ing to go far in the blinding slot m. The search XXMS rencxx cd this morn ing and about 7 o'clock they met the boy walking up the H. & M. liack toxxuids homo. Ho fainted al sight of his icscuers , but was carried homo and n ph.sician summoned. His dog bud left him early In the evening , but , he , haying presence of mind to ! : cep awake , had lain with no shelter but a snow- di ift for fifteen hours in ono of the mosl lei- i Iblo blizzmds. with no bad effects but u few frozen toes and complete exhaustion. Several school teachers in the country weio compelled to stay all night In the school houses xxith the children , not daring to dis miss in the slorm. Two of Iheso teachcis weio 7. O. Davis , tlnec miles south , and Miss Ada Hobinson , txx-o miles east. A Clllt I ) FltO/LS' TO HE XTIt. DxvinCm , Jan. 13 [ Special Telegiam to the HIE. ) The vxotst storm over leported in this country struck here i estei day al 2 , ! iO p.m. II was impossible lo see any dblanco whatever thiough the blinding sheets of snow. W. J. Auslm , of this city , hud his hand terribly frozen , nnd three childicn be longing to John Dcullnger , of GurrLsgu , Vtuo had attempted to go homo from school , lost their way mid were out all night. When found they xxeio partially bmried in the snow. Ono of them xx'as fro/en to. death and the others , though sufTciing intense agony , vx ill likely iccoxcr. Judge Geot go W. Post mid another man who were out hunting vx era caught in the stoi m and are j et missing. In soxernl school dlstucls scholars and leachers were compelled to shellcr lliemselves iu the selioolhouso dui ing Iho n.rlit. ! ( nT > l > IS' 'UIS'O HIcllll DlltV. SCHUH.HI , Nob. , Jan. 13i-LSpeelul Tele giam lo Iho ULE. ] During thu stocin x ester- day afternoon J. V. Hines , living in the notthc-rn part of the cily , slarted to bring his children homo fiom school , On his return ho became exhausted just bofoiu reaching thu house and had to bo helped In. Hu sooi after died from the effects of his i-xposuio. A iciKJi teenies fiom the count ij that Mlchnc iCUcues , living seKuuilki north , staUCd lo ho scliool house for hls'chlldrcn mid has not icon seen since. A * qulto n number of armcrs started for homo Just before the blizzard set In It Is feared that some have letlshcd. Liscoi.v , Neb , Jan. 13 [ Special to the -iEK. ] Every kind nnd character of railroad ravel was blockaded nt Lincoln to-day until teen , nt w hich hour No. 1 on the H. it M. arrived from Omaha. Tlio branch lines to .ho north were burled in drlfls nnd Iho Elk- lorn , Missouri Pacific and Union Pacific were lot running trains. All roatls , hoxx ever , were making strenuous cffotts to overcome the snoxv and open the toads. At noon no it-ports of loss of life In the vicinity of this cily weio reported. Anetnplojo at the packing house was missing , but It was thought ho was safely housed In some part of the city. The lollco vxcie called on for aid lit only ono In stance , and that was to assist homo n .voung girl w ho xx as lost and xx undcring on Cast Q street. AMvntEii MAN inni.x ruozrv. Nrt ion , N b , Jan. 13. [ Special Telegram to the HFF.J Ycslerday's sloun was Iho worst ever knoxxn here , and the weather changed from pleasant , wllh Iho wind fiotn [ he soulh , to a norlhxxest blizzard , and the tempc-iauiro fell 20 degrees in txx only min utes Large numbers of cattle have been fiozen to death. The only person known to : > o seriously frozen Is F. W. Taylor , of Clear- vxaler , who was picked up Ihis moining barely nblo to speak and xx ill piobably not recov er. _ In Iowa. SiouCITV , In , Jan. 13 [ Special Tel- cgiamlo Iho BFE. ] A gieat many cases of f i ozen cars , noses , checks , bands , feet and other parts of the body mo leported today as results of last night's storm , to say noth- ingof inoic hni rowing fatalities. Quite a number of the flieincn xxero frozen badly , one Charles Esllek , having both feet frozen to the ankles. During almost all of last night searching parties were out hunting for Biow nio Higman , a joung son of W. E. Hig- man. The boy did not reach homo after school and was supposed to have lost his way In the blinding slorm und pet hups pcushed. The gieatcst excitement prevailed on this ac ' count. The boy tinned up all light this moi tiing having remained ov er night w 1th a family not mote than a. block from homo being unable lo reach Ihcie. Quito n number of the men employed in the Silbcrhoin pack ing house yesterday did not return to woik today. Tvxo at least of those missed weio supposed to have perished and men xxcic kept hunting for them all the forenoon. One has since turned up alive and safe , but the other ono was found near the nexv biidge on the Floyd , dead. Ho xxas one of the ICelllng gang. A telephone mes sage fiom the stoekymds confirms the rcpoit that a lady has been found on the Flo.x d be tween the Xoot bridge and the noxv biidge. His biolhcrs are searching for him. Anolher man fiom Silxerborn Is also missing. He has not jet shown up nt the boarding house. Ho a total stranger here , and it Is suuniscd that ho wandci ed away and perished. He- sides these txxo other men me missing , a man named Sxvciln and Peter Johnson , txx'o fote- men of Holseth's curpenler gang , Ole Hasen xxho WMS reported lost last night vxas found late this aftcinoon nt Morning Side , vciy badly fiozen. It Is thought ho will live , how- ex er. Many instances are reported of people being ox ercomo. The fatal ilics in this local ity .no numerous and severe. 'Iho storm was undoubtedly onoof the woist that ever vis ited llns bcclion. block has suffeted a great deal. At one time lost night it is said the mercury went down to 40 degrees beloxv zero. Di'iiUQUn. la , Jan. 1I ! The thermometer fell from about the freezing point at midnight to 15 below at 7 o'clock this inommjT and 10 below at noon. Notrains arrived or departed cast or west to-day , and those on the t Ivor t o.uls w ere much ctctayed. The heavy snow fall of j cstci day h , s blocked all the roads hi notthci n Iowa badly. In the Northwest. BISMARCK , Dak. , Jan 13 The slago left Washburno ycstei day moinmg for this city , a place fifty miles noith west of hero , nnd should have ai rived hcio last evening , but nothing has ns jet been heaid of it. It is supposed it is lost in the blizzaid. The stage left for Wtnona this moi nlni ; and great fc.ns are enicrtaincd for its safe aruval. The wind last night xx-as . about foity miles an hour nnd the mercury stood 2Ti below. This moin ing it XXMS 30 beloxv. Section gangs aio work ing on the snoxv drifts on the Noi them Paci fic. The snoxv Is packed voi y haul , and as Iho snow plows vxill not go thiough It , It haste to bo shov eled. The fnnnei s in town daio not venttno to letuin to their homes. One of the eailv Dakota pioneers pronounced tlio stoim of last niglit onoof thowotst cxpeilcnccd m many jcais. Trains vxill not ic.ich heio till next week. The city schools m e closed for seveial dajs. At Wiiiona , Minn , the meicurv is 10 below and the i.illioads aio having haul work with Iho drlfls. No ti alns are expected at Fergus Falls , Minn. , until Sunday. The mercurj theteis30 beloxv , and all schools are closed. A heavy w ind blew all night causinir immense drifts. ST. Pxt't. , Minn. , January 13. Affairs tlnoughout Dakota and Minnesota mo improving. Hoxxcx-cr , the tompetatuio In the folloxx ing places xx'as boloxvcio at 10 o'clock this inorninfr. Ginnd Finks , Dak , 35 ; Grafton , 30 ; Nechc , 33 ; Fargo , 23 ; Jumesloxxn , 2J ; Ltirimore , 2 ; Dovll's Lake , ! U ; Mmot , ! W ; Feigns Falls , Minn , 2s ; Hiainetd , 2.1 ; Duluili , 23 It was 15 lo 20 degiees colder Ihan these llgincs at 0 o'clock this morning. Manitoba is tepoitcd fiozen up. At IS ibis morning repoits from various pomls along several roads xx-eio dls- com aging and it wits inmost decided to abandon oveij thing. Trams vxeio sent out with snoxv ploxx's , but wcio stuck all along the line of Iho Northern Pacific1. The Mani toba & Milwaukee , on its Minnesota & Da kota division , make no effortto stmt. Ht.inch lines xxeic all abandoned at junctional points last night aud there is no picdlt-titig when Ihoy will bo opened. The wind is filling up all cuts as fast as they are pumped out. The storm of jestei day Is now i airing in low.i. Manitoba ic-poits fiom Iho noilhxxcst indi cate a cold \vavo with high winds coming from that diicctjon. Each line is putting forth everj- effort to keep Iho Chicago line open and oven lhat Is almost an impossibility. At noon to day no tiain had come in. All trains over xx'cstcrn divisions Imvo been abmdoned and noeffoitxxlll bo made to clear Iho liacks unlil the stoim ceases and the vx ind falls. The limited Omaha fiom Chicago cage XXMS stuck ut Knapp at noon to day The Hock Island abandoned all trains last night and up to noon to-tluj1 no elicit had been made to move a wheel , except on short line tiains. Outgoing tiains have been uhm- doned , but oftle-HiIu intend to start out a through tinin to-night unless icpoitsshoxv tills to bo inexpedient. On the N.OI thorn Pacific the stoi mis the w 01 st which hu ? ever been felt , and to da/ there Is a tegular * l-ljzzard laging in Idaho , with the theimomptcr nt an unusuallj loxv point. The Just ox'erlaud train i cached St. Paul Wednesday and officials cannot say when the next Will icath here. The stoun has been soveio all ttn'C"t'h Minnesota , Dakota aH'l Idaho St. Paul trains iluo tin's morning hav'C not been heard front. No Not them Pacific" trains have arrived or departed. At 10 p. m. the thermometer was 20 below. Advices are tlio name from Duluth Pleicc , D T. , reports an abatement of the stoim , and the theimonictcr 2.1 beloxv and falling Great fears are entertained for the fieighters and farmcis caught In the blizzmd. To night's weather repot t shows the fol loxx ing beloxv zero tempctatuics- Devils Lake , Dak. , 23 ; St Vincent , Minn , , 2s ; Helena , 32 ; HIsmurck , 2i ) ; Mooiheud , Minn , 20 ; bt Paul , 24 ; yankton , Dak. , lb ; Swift Current , N. W. T , 2J ; Qua Appelio , b. Mu.xvxuKFE , Jun. 13 Ueportb front the intci lor of the state show that lumij cities 010 completely shut off from i.illxxMV com munication with the outside xxorld. At Supoi lor no malls have been le-celved for thlity-slx hours. Tim the thermometer reg- itoiul27 below this moining and all tiains on the Northern Pacific are either abandoned or snowbound. No trains have i cached Madison since j esterduj' afternoon U Is 20 degrees beloxv to night , and advices fiom other parts of the state mo to the effect that it Is even aildc-r m some jioi lions. Nearly tery traiu from the west and noith was several hours late , and on the Prairie du Chicii division of Iho St. Paul road passenger ns well as freight trains were suspended on account of the big drifts in the culs. Snoxv ploxvs have been at woi k all day , and It is not expected that passenger trains will bo slatted on any of the Wisconsin divisions. lUrin CITT. Dak. , Jan. 18. [ Special Tele gram to the Hi E. ] Tlio blizzard which set In hero j estenluv morning still lages. The mer- cuiy showed 22 beloxv at 0 o'clock this morn ing. The Elkhorn road Is blocked bv snoxv In both directions from this place. No loss of lifo has jet been leported , but considera ble damage to stock Is fcntcd. JXMESTOXX.V , Dak. , Jan. 13. The storm still continues , although much abated. The ther mometer at noon inatked 87 beloxx- . The ex treme cold foims a crust on the drifts which almost proves too much for the assaults of the SHOXV plows. Yesterdaj's westbound limited , snoxx'cd up nt Whcatland all daj' . ar- rixcd this evening about forty houis lato. The Noithci n Pacific iham line and branches mo all blockaded and all trains aiodclajed from twelve to thirty-six hours. FEIIOUS FXLI.S , Minn. , Jan. 13 The bliz zard has subsided mid is succeeded by In tense cold. The roads arc drifted full and business Is nt a standstill. There has been no train in cither direction on the Manitoba since Wednesday night. The Noi them Pa cific passenger tiain got In jcsteicay at noon and got thiotigh to Wupheton but got stuck on the rctui n Join nry. No rcpoi ts of suffer ing have been icccivcd. ' MIMJT , Dak. , Jan. 13 No tiains nro mov ing jet. The storm has abated , but the wind Is still blowing. It XXMS 3d dt-giccs beloxv zero this moining. An attempt will be made to morroxv to open i uts and move passengers. There | is fourteen inches of snoxv on the level mid It is badly dilftcd. James Smith and txxo sons , aged fifteen and seventeen , started to n stack of liny six miles fiom toxx n on the 1Mb and have not since been heard fiom , Seaiching parties me to day on the lookout. Several other people are missing , but m o supposed to hav o taken refuge. FAUI KTOV. Dak. , Jan. 13 The most ter rific storm ever witnessed in this section has been upon us for the last foitj'-eigbt houis. It reached Its worst jcstetdaj' and fiotn 10 o'clock until dark there xx'as not ten minutes during which the building on the opposite side of the stiect could bo seen. Tlio air was full of snoxv mid vxas bloxxlng a gale fiom the northxx'cst. Tlio meicury giad- uully dtopped fiom about 10 . aboxo to 10 below at dmk last night The teachcis nnd most of the scholuis of the two lower departments of our schools xx'eie compelled to remain in one of the school looms nil night. Piovisionsurc being carried to them. Hopes wcio stietched from the coi ncr of Main sti cot to the f school house to enable those cai rj Ing pi o visions to go and como xx ith safctj' . It was impossible to i each the tullroad station after 4 o'clock , nnd the a gent and seveial qthcrs were com pelled to i cumin oxer night xxithout dlntiei or supper. No definite icpoitsof loss of life hax'o been received. It is believed some must have perished. HxiMosn , Dak. , Jan. 13 The damage to live stock xx ill be great , xvhilo the icpoits of suffoiing and death mo constantly coming in. Txxo sons of William Drlx'crvvcro frozen to death within n few feet of their bams. Chmlcs Heath is missing and J. H. Clapp lias been discovered badlj- frozen , having been out all night vvandeiing upon the pra'ine. The clovator of Archer & Hoix'o has gene down with 13,000 bushels of grain. Other minor casualties mo reported. HITCHCOCK , Dak. . Jan. 13 Emil Gilbert- son , formerly of Chicago , was found frozen to death txx-o and one-half miles west of hcie. Ho had left Wednesday for his claim CASTON , Dak. , Jan. 13 Txx-o ehlldien of Inwood , In , xx-cro caught in the blizzard while going home from school nnd perished. HiiAlNAiit ) , Minn , Jan. l.t A pioccssion of Northern Pacific tiains headed bv u snoxv ploxv and a snoxv bucking force loft hero to night to open the road southxvard to St. Paul , and nt last reports was ptoceeding slovvlj' . It Includes clgnt locomotives , neifrly thirty passenger coaches , tlnce timing cars and about ono hundred passengers HEI.JSH , Mont. Jan. 13 The thermome ter registered 40 degiees beloxv hero to night. The cold VXMVO extends over the entire ten i- torj' , tanging from 15 to 40 below. No trains are moving. Txxo men have been fio/ento death at Marjsville , twenty miles fiom Helena. LiTCiiFirm , Minn. , .Tan. 13. No trains have i cached hcio since Wednesday night. Si. , Minn. , Jan. M The last train leached hot o Wednesday night and none ate expected befoio Sunday. MXSKVTO , Minn , Jan. 13 All tiains have been abandoned. The snoxv is packed solid and much difficulty in passenger tiaftlo is expected. ADIIIAV , Mich. , Jan. 13 Sox-oral farmcis living txxelvo to fifteen miles north , slatted home fiom hcie about 3 o'clock jesteidaj and have not j et been heard ft om. Some fifty vilhgcis started out to find the fauneis to dny , but so far have not done so. The stoim is still laging. Ci i ut LXKE , Minn. , Jan. n The noith and southbound Not them Pacific tiains ate snoxx cd In hetc. CIIOOKSTOSMinn. . , Jan , 13 No tiains for txx-o dajs have arrived. Tlio snoxv is piled eighteen feet high and it Is bitter cold. Two Carloads oPCnttlc Fro/en. ST. Josrrtr , Mo. , Jan. 13 [ Special Tele- giant to the HFE. ] The incicuij- tonight is 10 degrees beloxv zei o and falling steadily. All day j-cstciday the thermometer stood higher than 40 dcgiccs above zcio and when the blizzaid stmclrat 0 o'clock fell to 10 de- giecs below in hlf an hour. A great deal of distress is reported fiom the countrj' tubu- tarv to St. Joseph. The cold wav o w as much sevei cr north of here , bctvx ecu this city and the lown line and southuiit Nebraska and not them Kansas the fmmers mo tepoiting great loss of live stock , which last night fio/o to death in the stalls. Txxo stock trains xx'hich had been dela.xcd mrix-ed to-night xx'ith every head of cattle dead. Most of the pas senger tiains nro abandoned and otheis mi- late fiom twelve to twentj--four hours. The only load i uniting its cars on time to day xvas the Hannibal & St. Joseph , whoso limited fast tiain the "Eli" fiom , Chicago , got In this morning txx-o minutes ahead of schedule time. The Missouii Pacific bc-txxecu Omaha and Kansas Citj' is closed mid so is the H & M load bctxxecu hero and Denver , the St Joseph & Gi and Island .ind Chicago , Hin lington Quincj toads mo also blockaded. Another Colil Wave Coming. Dt.s v u , Jan. 13. A cold wave sti uck this cltynt noon to day. It is steadilj growing ctiUler until at 0 o'clock to-night the ther mometer Is tanging at zeto , having dioppcd f i om 40 above. All trains on the Union Pa- ciflo aio Know bound at Columbus , Neb Trains on the Santa Fo are also blocked , and from twcntj-four to thiitj-six houis behind Tludunlington tiains am delujcd but txxo or tlnco bouts. The Atlantic .V Pnuilio Hlocknt ! . Aint'QiniQrE , N. M. , Jan. 1,1 A heavy fall of snow bctxvecn Flagstaff and Williams , Auz. , on the Atlantic ix. Pacific latlioud , has suspended business on this road. No tiains have loft Albuquciquo ovt r this line the past forty-eight houis. Airangcments haxo been made with the Southcin Patilic wheieby rogulm Atlantic- & Pacific passenger tiains ; "lll pass over that line until the blockade is opcnr1't'ho ' sale of tickets lias been stopped anditwi.1 ' ° ti-il dajs befoie liafilo Is icsumcd. AVenllH-r Inilluiitloiii. For Ncbiaska and loxv" * : Colder , followed by warmer , fiosh to brisk norUicily winds , fair weather , followed by snoxx' . For Dakota- Slightly warmer , fair xxeatiicr , folloxxed by snoxx' , light to fics'i ' noitheastcilj winds , becoming vauable. An Iron Oio Piolcst. Ci EVEi.xsii , O. , Jan. 11 The annual meet ing of the Western lion Ore association to day adopted a mcmotlal to congiess re- monstiating against the lemoval orieduetlon of dutj on lion ote. After tetitlng the Im mcnse intciests Involved in iion mid the tianspoitation of it mid its pioducts the memotial declares that if the dutj Is re moved or loxvoied it would tloso many mines. It Is also claimed that if tlio pie ent ilutj' , 10 cents put ton , is insullli lent to allow compen sation with foreign uuukcts. SIOUX CITY SWEPT BY FIRE , Some of the Finest Buildings Are Completely Destroyed. THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS LOST. Many of the Good * Hr-scned rrom the rinittoH Are llulnctl Uy Water Schedule itf Insurance IOUU'H LicgiHlaturo. riro nt Sioux Olty. Smt'x Cm , la , Jnn. 13. [ Special Tele gram to the LJi.i.J Sioux City xxas visited by lire again lost night and very heavy losses nio tlio result. Ycsterdaj-'s storm was 0110 of thu sox'oiest on recoul and tlio night wirs one of the most unpiopltlous for n confiugia- tlou that coulil possibly be imagined. He- t\\ecn 10 anil 11 o'clock , when the storm was tit Its greatest fuiy , an a hum of Iho was sounded. Tlio dep.utincnt icspondcd ptomptlj' and located the Ilio In the third stoiy of T. S. Martin's building on Fourth sticet , just cast of the Hotel Uoogo The Iho oiiginated in one of the sleeping apartments. Oxving to the absence of the Ilio chief and as sistants , who were at the Hi emeu's meeting at Des Molnes , the Hie ttopaitircnt was left without leudctship , and was consequently In effectual to extinguish the tlames. However , all night through they woihed , aided by the policemen , as best they could. The building is a comparatively now brlcU strut tuic , built sevcial jcais ago after another disastrous flic had done its work. Tlio occupants of tlio building and approximates of their v.ulous losses are as follows : Fiist floor , PIxloy & Co. , wholesale and retail clothing , insuiaiRU $11,00(1 , loss about half ; O'Meaiu \s Webster , merchant tailors , insurant o & > 000 , about half loss Second floor , Cam- nil ! und Sholleb.nger , ph\sleians , total loss of librai v , otllco fuinituio and ihstiumcnti. ; lintloii A , Hex ington , attot nc.s . , libi ai v and fumltuto almost entliely saved ; U. 1' Hioxxn and \V. 1' . Whitter , aichitetts and civil engi neers , beay loss on instruments , books and fuinituio ; Sheldon & McAtthur , fliesmnuk- crs , loss light , almost even thing saved. Aicliltect Mai tin also sustained considerable loss. On the tlih d floor Ocoi go A. Mi ad lost $700 on household furniture Tlie Hwcdish- Norxxcgmn Good Templais' lodge hud $ .MH ) insuiance ; nothing saved. The icmalning occupants of this floor \\ora help emplo\ed .it the Jlotol Hooge. They lost everything. The building was owned bv T. S. Martin , of the diy goods 111 m of T. S. Mm tin & Co , and was an Imposing three stoi v block , in suianco $17,5000 ; actual loss $ v5,000 ! The building adjoining , o\\ nod bv Schulcin Hros , , \ \ as somewhat damaged. The vmious occtt- l > ants of this buildlnir all sustained moro or less damage by smoke and uater. The boot and shoo stock of Mai tin , Skinner & Adams both sustained heavy losses. The Insurance OH the block is as follows : St. Paul , $1,1X10 ; Continental , * 1,000 ; Ger man-American , f 1,000 ; Kojul , $ J,500 ; Trad- eis , $1,500 ; other companies. $ .1.500. The building to the cast of the Martin block Is the Schulcin block. The thlid and second stories of this are affected similar to the same floors of the Martin block. A partial list of the in surance on this building Is us follows : Hoyiil , $ J,000 ; Haitford , § 1.500 ; oNiagaru , ? 2,500. The Hrovvn block to the cast of the Schulein block is only damaged by water , and to no great extent. Pixlej' & Co . occupying the west loom in the Martiu block , carried u $40,000 stock , a portion of which was saved , but all was more or less damaged. The insurance carried was as follows : National , $ -3,000 ; other companies , $5KX ( ) ; Phoenix , $2,000 : Etnu , $1,000 ; Glenn's Palls , * 2,000 ; Hutish , $1,000 ; Piovidence , Wash ington , $1,000. O'Mcaica & Webster cat nod a * 12K)0 , ( ) stock , most of which w as saved The insuiance was as follows : American Cen- tial , * J)00 ( ) ; Guardian , $ , ' , < H)0 ) ; Hambuig , (3,000 ; German Americanfcj,000 The room next east occupied by L. H. Mai tin's boot and shoo stock. The stock was notto- moved and is badly damaged bv water. He CMU icd insuianco in the London and L.nica- sblie. ChnkHios losts-r.0 ; W. E Powell , $1,000 , iiisuied in the Ouent ; Sackctt , Flour- nov .x.Goss $1,500 , msuied ; Pcteis & Dwight 1,000 , in the Phoenix : Mc Neil M,000 , in the Gii.ud ; Foley & Hluitt ? 1,000 , in the Fni > association ; Phil Muiphj , fl.OOO. Skinner & Adams' stock of bootsand shoes in the Hieun building was \\etdo\\n consldciably , but the loss is not heavy and they aio lontinuing business as bcfoie They carried * , ' ,000 insuiaiuo. The goods of the roomcis in the thlid floor of the Mm tin and Schulein blocks w ere about all dostiojod. The b-Hlioom fix tincs owned by K T. Chenci , of the Hooge , and used bv his hell ) , is about all dcstiojcd. Ho earned * 500 insuianco The llxtuicsin the Swedish tempeianco lodge loom weio in sutcd forifhOO. All aiodestiojed. Governor Me.ul , who loomed in the block , lost all his fixtures valued at $700 ; insuianco100. . Geoigo Hoko and Chailoy Webster sa\cd but little of their fuinituio. They earned $ " > 00 Insuianco. .1. W. Martin , architect , will bo able to save n pint of his oflli o pioperty although much of it is mined. Ho earned an fSOO policy. Coi mil & Spellabargci 's fix- tuies aio badly damaged. 'Jhoy were in sured Tor ( TOO. Attoi nc v Collier loses about all hisflxtuics ; insuianco300. ChailcsP Hioxxn and W. P. Whittcn can led $1,00(1 ( insuiance. Their fixtures are badly damaged and in pai t destio.\cd. H. L. Lofts law olllco was wet down completely , but his fuinituio is not badly damaged , Hurton X Haiiington faicd lahlv well , their ofllco being flooded but the furmtuio and fixtures damaged only by water. They wcio msuied. .Sheldon \ , Me- Aithur , diessmakeis , got out a gieater pait of their household goods Thcj weioinsuicd. Major Hoach. United States paj master , is absent from the tit \ and Ins ofllco is locked. J. H. Pi eston lined badly Ho lost all ho had In the loom , a (3 TO shot gun , all his clothing , etc. Chailes Pauls lost his loom llxtutcs Plank 1 ! Kidcknmn and family lost neailj all their household coods. They can led 500 insuiance A I'AMO I > KIVINTII : : > . Chicago St liool 'li-ucihoiM Slum Jtc- marluthlr I'lrsi'wiil'Miml. . Cuii\io , Jnn 1.1 The wood woik on the IiMiig public school engine room took lit o this aftcinoon. A thousand thildicn xx-oio in the building when the smoke filled It and for a while a panic was imminent. Though the pupils loft their beats the tcuchfis held the doots shut until they could give the danger blgnal , which the ehildicii iiiRtmitly obi-jcd. At the Hit sltikc ol the hong ihej taught up their wiaps and books , at the second fonmd In line and at a thild maichcd in older to the stitet. Out of a thousand thihlien but onu lost his picscntoot mind. He was a lad of eleven and bicamc so exi Itcd that hu tin LAV his slate and books thiougli a window and then dashed his list ihtough a pant ! of glass His teacher fnieed him Into line after he had b.ulljjuit hnn-elf This was the onlj incid ent , and lliu building was not damaged much. Olhc-r CnulliiKiatloilN. CHICAGO , Jan , l.tTho tineo upper floors of a six stoiy Inick building on Clark street burned to night , causing fi5OoO damage , fully insuicd. Hlakc , Shaw & Page , owners of the building , sustained a loss of $35,000. The icinalnUer of the * 73,000 Is divided abou/ equally between the American Hlectiotjplng company , H II Kohlsaat , H. C Tiffany , ( Joorgo T. Hulla A , Co , and the Chicago jicctil > mid Stcuotyping company and Ucoigo Albeit. Durmx , ! ' ' i Jnn. 13 The ear woiks owned by Seholl & Sheep buined last night , us did also a chinch near by. 'J ho totalloss issOOp : ) ; Insurance , ? tM,000. INDIANAPOLIS. Jan. , 1.1 A ftVico Ilio has necn raging in the wholesaledistt ict on South MciUlan street for ono hour undisnotjit under tontiol. Txx-o huge tonceiim have been buined out and seveial otheis ate In danger. 12ay a , in. The fire uas already buined } ? ' ' ; 111 ,0 ? " ! 1ry p ° 0il < 1 ! "potgfli W. Stout ft Co. , wholesale grocers , and PenN sou is vVetzcl's building , unoccupied. Tha flames caught in the buildings onthooppo * site side of the street nnd many firms nr j certain to bo burned out. 1 : , tO v. M The fire Is now apparently under control. It Is Impossible to give tha losses to night , but all the firms carried heavy stocks and the estimates vmy from f 75,1X10 to # 100,000. The loss on l > oth build. Ings and stocks seem at this hour almost total. DKTKOIT , Mich. , Jan. 13 At 11:30 to night Ilio broke out in a building adjoining the FieoPie-ss , ( luickiy enveloping the lnttoi building with smoke. Thu lira appears to ba bejond conttol. Tno Arcade building adjoining the Fits Pi ess mid occupied by a number of weekly publications and Job pi luting establishments ! xxaa completely gutted by tlio about ll-.JK ) to night. The llii ) Is still burnIng - Ing lleicely but It is noxv believed that It will bo confined to the Arc-add building. The total loss xxill aggic-guttl * J ( .000 , of which (10,000 Is on the building and the icmalndcrdlsttibutcd among several firms. The Instil anco is unknown. HniMis'cnixM. Hug. , Jan. 13 Mori Is & Norton's fumituiifactotx' , the hngest In Iho city , is on Hie. The flusmcud lo the print ing rooms of the Dally Post in mi adjoining building , stopping the issue of the paper. The i loss vxill bo henry. The loxxn Dr.sMotsrs , la , Jan. 13. [ Special Telo- giant to the HFE.J The legislature settles down to xvork veiy sloxvlj- . The speaker has not j-ct announced Ills committees and the house theiefoto Is doing nothing but passing lolnt resolutions mid indulging in much talk. Uoth houses to day decided to con tlntio thd old prnitlco of going on a tour of Uiu various state Institutions , nominally culled uu In spection , but pnu tie-ally qulto n picnic for thuf statesmen , who have n nice trip and arc gene sox'euil dajs and find all their expenses paitl by the state. The legislature liaa , to meet next Tuesday In joint ! convention to vote for United States * senator but It is thought It xxill adjoin n then * for n week xxhllo the committees visit thcr * rations institutions , it was uiged in defense of the visit that the legislatuio xx'ould not bw nblo to appioprmto money intelligently forv their institutions unless petsonul uiit.s ofnJ \ spectlon xx-cro made by tlio members them selves , so they xvlll make the usual trip. A , loint resolution mcinoiialiritn ; congiess lit favor of a postal tt-lcgiaph passed the house o daj- and was bin led in a committee in the senate. The contested election case of Cus- satt vs Young In the senate xxas defeiied tilt-1 to morinvr. [ Piess. ] Theconemlent resolution of the ! touso was considered and a substitute offercdT by Mr. Woolson which ictains the present sjstem of legislative visiting committees testate state institutions. A bill xxas intioduccd making it the duty ot dlicctois to ftiitiish all text books for schools in their distucts. A bill for the election of laihoad comnnV sloncrs nnd to Incteaso their power and num ber w as introduced by Senator Young. The house held a short session , mid a con current tcsolution was passed appointing a committee of tlneo fiom each house to in vestigate nnd irport on the feasibility of eon- tiacttngfoi public ptinting nnd bimUng , unit abolishing the offices of state palter and jln dor. j The proposition to piint the governor' * message and inaugural address In tlo Gor man and Scandinavian languages was re- fcried to the committee on reticnehment und reform. The committee to which was referred the matter of printing the house journals dally , rojiorted favorably. Mr. Hussell , of Adams county , introduced a resolution providing for H special commit tee of twelve , to xvhich shall bo lefeiicd all questions concerning text books for public schools. The committee on the Cnssc-tt-Young con test in the senate was ordeicd to report to- mot tow morning. The senate adjoin ncil until to monow and the house until Tuesday. An Iowa Hcinil Chan i-H Ilnnilft. Di s MOISIS , la. , Jan. 13 [ Special Tele gram to the Hi i ] The DCS Moincs , Osco- ola & Southern railioad has been tinned over to the pin chaser , Mr. M. V. H. Edgci ly , of Sptlnglleld , Mass , by E. H. Mason , 10- iccoiver. Mr. Edgaily has appointed .lumen Donohoo as supciinti-ndi-nt of the noxv lom- punv and his tepicsentativo in DCS Monies. The name of the new oiganization Is the DCS Moincs . .x , Kansas City tailxxay companx ami the sx ndicatc is one of the st longest finnn- ciallv In the eastern states. As soon as the weather will peiniit the toad is to bo make standatd gauge and extended to Kansas City. H alieadj tuns to Caincsxillo , Mo. Keappolntod Adjutant General. Di sMoisi s , In , .Ianl3 [ SpecialTelcgiam to the Hi r. ] Tlio governor to daj' ieup- pointcd W. L. Alexander to bo adjutant gen- eial for the next txxo jems. A Hrakcnian'H Miraculous Kscapo. WXTEIIIOO , la , Jan. 13 A brakomau at tempted to cioss the tinck in fiont of a snowplow - plow jcstcidaj' , but fell , and in tin instant xvas hidden front sight beneath the ponder ous mass of hon mid snow , nnd apparently under the xvheels of the mifrim * . The en gineer saxv the man fall , and , leverslng tha lever , stopped the ttaln , but not until the victim of tlio au ident had been draggetl about ilftt-ou lect. Ho xxas taken out uutl found to have sustained no injuiy. Will Ilolaliatc. Ciucvno , Jan. 13 Tlio Chicago , Hurling- ton A , Quincy company Insists that the i educ tion In grain i.ites of 5 cents per 100 fiom southwestern Missouri points will alTect the mo\ement of corn out of Nebraska , as it will di aw the cm i out tow-aid St. Joseph , and it today ga\o notice that should such bo the case it will make n 15 cent i ate from Council Hluffs to Chicago Oflehiln ! are ot the opinion that theio will bo no possibility of the icdu < t ion spi fading in every diieetion. Tlio Wisionsin Ontial is about to Intioduco the same element of discoid into the noith- west that the Hock Island has into the. west and southwest , being in negotiation with im- pio\cd stock ear companies to intioduie palace tais at i educed lateson its line The St Paul and Hinlington will make Iho same fight in that diieetion. The Hopkins Tilal. Cis'cisvvn , Jan 13 In the Hopkins trial to day J. W. Wilshho testified that Hopkins was pi escnt when ho called on Hut per to ar- lange about going to Chicago with &iOOj , ( ( ) ! ) fol bioKcis. Hopkins went out to telt phone for Hojt to go with him Tills was to whew Hopkins' connection with the fiauds. The Atlanta at Alexandria. ICnpj/ifi/'it ' ISSS liu Jmnm Hiniloii Ileitiirlt. } Ai r\\si > iiiA , Jan la. [ New Yoik Herald Cable Special to the Htn ] The yacht Atlanta - lanta urricd hero to-day. AroiiKclorl * In Wi MnWAinii : : , Jan 13 John Aiunsdoif , of Sioux City , who was recently acquitted of the ehai go of killing Hov Haddoek , is in Nccnah , WIs. , negotiating for the puicliasu of a biow cry. fi ( . rr.inciH Xuvler Dcfcateil. " \ViSMPro , Jan. 13. In St. Trancis Xuvlcr the government candidate Is defeated. A motion of want of conlldenco will ba mudo la the legislature Monday. An Iimaiie 'J'ia\cler. SAN ANTOSID , Jan , 13 L. A. 1'urlong , ot Illinois , en touto to Kan rianclsco , bus been pkki d up by the police hcio in an Insuno cou- tlitlon. -fin h Jliadloid Vlcitlm. UAVMIIIIII. , Mass. , Jan. 13 Gcorgo D. Wentwoith died tb night , making tilt thli txuith victim of the Hradfoiil ttulVABVv .