8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt THURSDAY , JANUARY 12 , 1888. PICKED UP ABOUT THE CITY An Old Man Found Unconscious Ly ing in an Alloy. HE DIES A FEW MOMENTS LATER. A Wreck On tlic Union Pacific About Jclin KlnR'H Mccnsc The County A KC n I'M lloports Strcot Cnro Collide. An Old Mnn'n Dcntli. Yesterday morning about 5 o'clock one of the loy carrier * of the Republican found u niim lylnu in the alloy In the rear of Twcnty-bcc- end and I'icrco In an unconscious condition. Ho notified sorno of the residents of the neighborhood , who repaired to the spot and found the man almost dead from exposure. Ho was aroused , however , from the stupor nnd carried to a saloon on the corner of Twentieth and Pierce , where , after having restoratives applied , ho K.IVO evidence of ic- turnlnK sensibility , hut only for a few mo ments. Ho then sulToicd a relapse and died. The man was Identified as Nels Kcthol , u tailor , who for t\\o years past has woikcd for Uiplnski , the tailor on Tuulfth street between Taniain and Douglas. He was a flood workman and left his plnco of labor last oNenlng at CcJiO o'clock. Ho was sober at tholtlmuaiid Mr. Kjplnsld says that ho liad not been drinking for sc\cial weeks. Ho has u daughter named Mis. Nelso icsld- Ingon Twenty-second street , between Mason nnd I'aclllo , together with a couple of mar ried children In the HlulTs. Coroner Drcxol was notllled mid icmoved thoimnains to his office , where an Imjucst was held in the after noon. The verdict returned was that the deceased had como to his death from exposuic. KNGlXlTTO KNGINK. A DIsaHtrotis Collision On the U. I' . Yesterday Morning. A very disastrous accident took pl.ico at Millard , on the Union Pacific , shortly after midnight. It did not result in loss of lifo but itcaused the destruction of two locomotives nnd BO littered up the tiack in the vicinity with bioken cars that no tialn was able to pass on the main line until after ! ) o'clock ' In thomoining. Tlio fouith section of fi eight train 27 , engine 511 ! diivcn by Stephens , \\.is standing on the trm k heading west. Train iiJ was coming past , drawn by cngino h.'l under the manage incut of Jim Silk-Ids. The latter tinin uas Iwwllng along at a \ cry rojild speed and \vhon the time armed to apply the an brakes the engineer applied them , but to his aimm'ment found that the "air didn't woik. " Uuforo the hand biakes could bo applied , the tialn thundered into No. 'JT with the result abo\ noted. Ilotli engines were badly wrecked and the men of each saved themselves by jumping. Millard station Is again chinning attention as a wrecking btatlon , having for jears been noted * tlie scene of a number of expensive casualties for the Union Pacific ; company. _ KING'S i/ici\sn. Tito Major Chnntes I" * Opinion. "Political 'inlloocnco' " said n piominent city ofticial jesterdav , "seems to bo as ] > owerful as ever. It cntcis oven into the star session of the license board. Mayor Uroatch on several occasions has stated that certain saloon kccpcis would not ho gi.uitcd licenses , jet one of the men whom ho de nounced moio than all other- * his been gi anted a license. I refer to J. A. King. " As it happens the UED icpoiter to whom thoabovoiemark was made knows some thing of this case. The autograph letter of Chief Seavey to Major Hioitch , pub lished In the HFI > , January 3d. con tained the following concerning the 8aloon run bjr Hr. King : "John ' saloon Thirteenth King's , Douglas near teenth sticct , needs a gi eat deal of police sin veillanco. King is hiought bcfoio the police court occasionally , and recently a gold watch was found In his place on a so.uch warrant , that was stolfn by a cab duverho lias smco been convicted of robboiy ( lobbing n man of this same watch ) , for which ho was sent to the penitential j" for four jeais " Mayor Hioatch in conveisation with a Brjc reporter on the day that Chief Scavej 's let ter was published , stated th.it under ny cu- cumstunccs would Mr. If in 15 bo allowed license. Ho said fuitlicr that ho wub con vinced that King's plaio was u ic'oit of thieves , that men had time and time again been lobbed tlicio and that in his opinion it was the "lowest" In the cltj. Majot JJioatch was moro than emphatic In ills ilo lunciatlon of King's place ho uas vindicative. The gc-ncial ( juory now is , why was Mi. King giantcd a lironsci Tlio liccnso boaid convened in iccict ses sion Tneiday af tot noon Two policemen guauled the door nnd no icpoitei was ad mitted. AVIien the \\as1hiownopcn , Mr. Hioatch tinned to the icpoi tots and said , "Why did j on not como in i Wo expected tc sco jou. " Tlio gnaids cl.ilinod that tliey hail been given positive 01 doi s to admit no new s > - paper man. Then followed another stnmgu imniliy by the major. Ilo usUed the ie- portcis if thej' knew unj thing against J. A. King's place. Tlio lepoitcr was not tlieio to innko complaints against Kin , ; or aiubody. AVIiat made the m.uoi's change ofhe.ut , however , is jet u mjsterj' . TJ1H COUNTY A12XT. He Slakes His ICoport to the County The county commissioners mot jestoidaj nf tot noon at ! 1 o'clock. County Agent Mahoney - honey piesented his rcpoit , which shows that there aio now in thepoorliouso eight jMlvo in mates , SOIUQ of whom aio compelled to sleep on nmtti esses on the lloor , tlicio belngi Din scventj'-eight beds in the house. The 'A building is gieatlj' crowdid , pos scssinp , as it docs , accommodations for about sevenlj'-flvo inmates. Among these arc twentj sK insino people Twentj'-t\u of thcso aio incurable and foui of tliciii lui\ never been cw.nlned by the commission 01 insanity , having been sent to the poor lain fiom the county lull , as theio is no available loom in the hospital for the Insaiu nt Lincoln. Ho icpoits tint in UK last thice months , since the matter of countj Inirlal was tinned over to him by the com niisslonei s , ho has intciicd thiit\ eight pin pen the cost of eich bin iul being $ -5 50 inste.u of { ! ! ! ! > 0 as Connelly. Ho locommcnils tha another vehicjo bo piocuicd for puiposo o drawing thcso bodies tothoccmc'teiy because thopicscntouo l in n dilapltadcd conditku mid likely to bicak down at anj moment. The coinmitteo on chiuties icpoitcd unfa- vouibly iigiiiiist the pioposltlon of 1) . Van rtton for tlio euro of Mis.CI.ua S. Ncdioji dm Ing her illness , and the committee on ju dicinry sent. in a icpoitthutthev h.idieferici the justice of PCMCO contest in McAullo pie clnct to the county uttoi uey lor n writtei opinion. The follow Ing claims woi-n adopted : Chicago cage Lumber loiupunv , $ M 50 ; James A. Tin tie , guiding , sru.-U ) ; II. K. Aver.y , woik 01 load , f 19 N ) ; Hans Ivcbbcit , work on load V > 'i 60 ; James P. Uwing , balitT fees , f I ; P .1 nnd MC. . NU-hols , insuianco , Jl'J 50 ; H II Uilght , haidwaic , fTifl ; .l.icob Tioill , haid wire , J7.SO ; 1 { . Hingh.un ic * Son , supplies f r.M. .fit } ; . Kit/p itnck , pluinbing , S'J ' ! U1 ; An rtiow Hajcs , wltLcs1 * , $2 ; Patrick Magh\v loroncrs Juij1. $1 ; H. M. .ludsou , } 10. Join F , Piico , f J , J. S. Kobb , $10. I. , P. Malone $4 , H. Gordon , $2. N. H. White. * 2 nil juiois John Curry , { 3 , U. P.VclU , witness ? * , ft , . CominnnuMtions fiom James H. HIIIIIPI relatlyo to the salai v of depaty rounty super intemlent of cchools , and Gcoijro Holme * woio lofened to the finance committee. The teslKiiatlon of Ior ey H Houck u ronstablo of the Kouith wuiu , and MJVOIU dtljer communications lefeiretl to UK committee on judiciary. The ofliehil bonds of William II Moran auditor of the boaid , David Smith , justice o thopcacoof Chicago inecinct , and Julius Becker , constable of Jefferson pcccinctcu uppiovud and accepted. A iCQucst for nn olcctilo batteiy for th < thoinmntesof the poor f aim was ie f ned to the committee on i > oor farm. The estlmntfl of County Judge Shields fo Cleric hire In his couit for tlio jo.ir l&Sb wr the fliiance committee. UOVKIINING MINUS. < A Numlirr of Gentlemen Who llnd Olllco 'IliniHt Upon Thorn. Tucidny \ \ ns n great tiny for the election f oflkcrH. In nil p.iits of the cltythcro vnre triithcrniKS of club innnbers nnd ( Innn- cinl orgiiiilfutloii'J making eketloni of their > eit uicn for govcinlng mid administrative poses during the coming year , Among the orgiml/iitlous was the Omiilm club , which elected the following : L , . M. Dennett , presi- lent ; M. T. Hnrlow , vlco president ; L. P. Ainkhonser , "eiTctnri ; Luther Drnketrcas- irer. Directors : L. M. llennett , M. T. Uui low , L. P. I'linkhouser , A. C. Wnkcley , H. J. Davis , H. H. Mcd.iy , I-ouis Hr.idford , Joseph Oarno.iu , Jr. , nnd Luther Drake , COMMI HC'IAti NtTHISU. IIIXK. The following dlroctoisero elected nt this hank : W. O. Muul. .Io cph Oninenu , Jr. , L. H. Williams , A. 1' . Hopkins , Cl.uk Wood- nan , 1' . M. Morsoman , Andruw Henry and Alfiod Milhtul. No flection of oillcers will .aki * pl.ico for u couple of dnjs. touriT utt.s 01 Mr.TLin VS'-OCIATIOV. The tuistees of this nssoclatlon met In the nfternoon , there being pi csent Messrs. JOHn - n , Denis , Wood , PoisMli , P. 15. Lowe and hai Its H. Utou n. Followiiiff ere elected : Dr. Denise , chuhm.ln ; Ch.ules H. Hi own , vice-chairman ; .TnitiLs 1'oisjth , ( .lei U ; S. T. loilyn , tionsiticr ; J. V. Cialg , superintend ent ; . ! H. Daniels , agent. It was icportcd Unit the new house for the ttcxton and the ollico of the cemett'tv had been completed at n costof ubout t-,000 ; also , that ill the money iCLci\ed tluting tlio jear bv .ho n so2liition had been expended n beautifying the gi omuls and .hat tlio s.imo policyould bo ; iui sued during the pii'sont .Near , the tract .tndur Improvement being the enst eighty ncres on the giounds belonging to thonssocla- Lion. Landscape GiudciiLr fcni nshiiwas ii.ild the amount duo him for ( kslgiiing the impioveiricnts amounting to Wi > ! ) U. Theio .ire now about ono bundled iteiaous , buried in the ( .etneteiy. 1'iospec.t Hill cemetciy Is now closed to all but lot-owners , the management which is In the hands of this as sociation , Insisting ui > on nil transients being bin led In Torest Lawn. To the Inttcr plnco a number of icmovalsill take plnco next summer , because the owneis of lots in Pios- l > ect Hill have all e.uly glen notice ; of their intention to do so , and some of tlicio have aheadv puichascd lols In the new cemetery. The cost of lndildu.il pel mils for burial is $10 and of giound for lots 15 cents per square foot. 1 ho pi leu la Piospet t hill i angcd from J"i to ilt' i-ents per sq.no foot. Astiong cf- foi twill be made this sei'son to e\tcnd a spur of tun k fiom the main line of the Chicago cage , St. Paul , Minneapolis At Omaha to tlio lemetciy to enable the latter to teacli with ease. inn rinsTTIOVU , IIVMC , The dlrectots of this bank were elected Tuesday , the names being the same of these of last \ear : Herman Kotint/e , J. A. Cioigh- lon , W. A. P.ixton , .1. M. Wooluoith , A. Kount/e , A. .T. Poppleton , J. K. Uo.id , r. H. Davis and .1. A. McSlutne. OMMU NATION VT. ItlVK. This bank elected directors as follows : J. H. Millard , . ! . J. Hi own , A. .1. Simpson , Wil liam Wallace , A. U. WMII.III , Guv U. Haiton , Charles II. Hioun , r. W Nash , N. W. Wells. i'ltcso then elected the tallowing ortlccis : T. H. Millaid , piesident ; A. U. Witnau , vko iiresident ; William Wallace , i-ashici ; E U. IJ.ilcli and U Cnincr , assihtaut cashlcis. FIRUV STATISTICS. AH Shouu by Chief Galll an'M An nual Kcpoit. Chief of the lire dcpai tment , J. , T. G.illigan , submitted his annual icpoit to the city coun cil Tuesday evening. The shou ing made is ns follows : At picscnttho ilcpaitmcnt consists of 51 men. A now chemical engine , and two new lioso carnageseii1 pin chased duiing the } ctu : A liist-clnss steam Ilio engine nnd t\\o lioso carts aio leeoinmcnded for the business pii t of the city. One o ! the hose cai ts to bo placed in Kountzo place and the other at Twcntfourth and Vinton sticcts. A hook and ladder tnu-k is ulso suggested for the lat ter point Up to the Hist of December' there weio KU nlai ms , with losses at the diffeient Hies as follous : Huildlngs $ .U,427 , insur ance 40lH)0 ; on stock SoS/JlU , insurance f53- OVid-J Tollouing will bo found the number of flrcs nnd losses dining the past sc\cn ieais end ing Apnl 1 of the icspcctivoeais : > To Tiles. Losses. Si . 4S § 5T,2ilOO > 1 . ! S fiiOiOOO ( i . 54 ( WJ 7 . \ . ' \ S , nine mos. endlngJan. 1..133 1)1,340 ) 00 Total . - . , . WiS * VHOniO K\pcnscs of dcpaitmcnt for past niuo montlis , s" > ) , ; ! ( d'l ' The condition of tlio dcputmcnt is fust- clahs , and impiovini ; continually. Itci l Ijstnic Tuinsfors. I ? .T King to M Lnui o Mapes , lotL'.blk 10 , Hnnscom Pl.ico , w d . 7r 00 M Louise JM.ipcs and hubband to H J King , o 17J Hoi lotj. ) . Hoi bach's 1st mid , wd . 5,000 1) ( > 1. S Slubbs and liusband to D J Hutcliinson , lot 4 , bile ' . ' , Ilaiibcoiu Paik.wd . 050 .lolui w Uiauliuli and wife to AHodg- ctts , n aj ft of lots 10 nnd U , bill 10 , Pntrit U's 2nd add , w d . 2,553 South Omnha L ind Companv to Fian- cc-s Spoi'ttler , lot U , blk 51 , South Omaha , w d . , . 8oC L Scluoeder , tinsti-u , to A F Hoochs. lots 1.1 and 14 , blk C , Blown P.uk , w d . 1,400 A I1' Hooscho to the Public , plntot sub- divof lotsl and 2 , blk 1 % , Blown P.nk . Oustav Ho\\el and \\ifo to Otto IJau- mniin , mid y5 ft of o ' of lot C ! , Haitnunadd , wd . v5,000 Allco Gcitiudo Howaid and husband to ( Jcorgo L Uedman , &o > 4 sw ja , 10-nUwd . . . . 2,800 Jdhn Hess nnd wife to John B I vans et nl , lot 10 , blk 1 , Hitchcock's Fust. wd . 500 John A Lauroiuo and wife to E II Cochrun , lot 10 , blk 10 , Walnut Hill , wd . 1,500 .lolin L Miles et al to II B Allan , lots ! > , U ) and 20 , blk 21 , Walnut Hill , wd . 1,500 , J M Swetmnn to Thomas Vates , 5 aciob vw com nw cor c } if MJ'I ' 3-14-1M , > 1 u b . 50 Owen Sfor and wife to L C Hill , lot 1 , Pali mount Place , w d . . . . . . 4,101 John \V Tostci to W J Panto , lot 30 , blk 21 , Walnut Hill , w d . . 2,200 John Amsllcid ct nl to Steen Mate-has , lot 5 , AmshYld add , w d . 500 KNMillPrloNeKoiirnddon , lot 11 , blk ! fc , Benson , w d . 2r)00 II A Benson tiustco to U N Sillier , w d . 2 00 Omaha rioioiao Land and Tiust compaiiY to Henri Dupont , nw so V.i , 111 , lit , wd . 10000 II I ru m M Chittendon and wife to Aug ustus F Box lie , lot 12 blk 1 , Wai teu ton , uil . 7000 fno A McShano to Isabella Moms , lot 1 blk 2 , McSt.ano's 1std . 4 000 Win Latelj ( t al to . .lasuter et al , o ) Sf ft , lot C. and w 12 , ' ft , lot 5 , blk U , KosterS ad , vul . 5250 Moil is Moil Nor. tiustcu to .las Walsh , lot ' , ' 07 , blk 3 , Mont Douglas , d. . . . 1500 T\\enty-thieo deeds . $0(5,353 Ilo ! The lllulTH. All paities intending to go on the grand sleigh udo to the BlutTs to day niti ic- iiictted | to be on hand nt tlio stai ting ] > oint , coiner of Douglas and riftocnth sticef , as the tun fiom hcioto tlio Ululfb will coiibumo much moio time ttian ib lommonly bii.pobed. | All au.ingcMiients for a gloiious good time lun o been completed. Will all members of tlio W. O. T. U. of Xobnit-K.v tuKo tiDtiuo , that tlio time is fttbt unprotuOiiiiK for twymcnt of ntitionnl dues. All local unions will nd- vance tlio work by promptly paying hoinl-ainiual ntnto dues , nlbo donation lortiito lioatlquurtcrd. Oroto a cm- My fund , Gernuui or foroiyn uorlc , etc. , | ) U > iibo bc'nd ilii'octly to the Stuto W. C. T. U. tveuiiiior. MilMAHY M. LAXTUY , 1'or V. G. L.vxruv. Jan. 10 , 1SSS. ilallril I'o i1 8lcullu Spocw , JlinJUyan , a diukcn : ) fakir , % \us Julli'd jcs- torday for stealinga box of spectacles from tbo stdio of riccluud , Continental Clothing House A GENUINE COLD WEATHER SENSATION. Unprecedented Attractions Hn Fine Satin Lined Overcoats , The richest and most elegant overcoats ever shown on our counters. All tailor made garments , nothing cheap about them except the price , An offering never before attempted of the finest and most elegant overcoats ever manufactured by ns since wo ha vet been in businoss. Our nnparalolled sale of the famous Sawyer woolou Go's. , line all wool double and twist heavy winter weight suits. a s. ) Full indigo bin ? , wool goods made in this country. . . , . , , _ . . this to bo the moat attractive bargain in a fine overcoat ever oflered west of New York city. Wo will send a sample overcoat from this „ lot by express 0. O. D. to any address in the west or uorthwest with the understanding that it is worth fully $30 and to be returned at our expense if your judgment does not correspond with ours. Remem- br the price , only $16. LOT No. 2 We offera bargain of equal importance , being 400 of the very finest quality London Seal Brown Kersey Overcoats goods made by the famous Worumbo Mills of Maine , a mill that has no rival in this country in the manufacture of Ker.soy Overcoatings ) These goods areth o now shade of London brown , which is so fashionable with young gentlemen everywhere. They are made with lapped seams , cut single breasted , Ily froiitnuu lined with the same quality of Win. Skinner's satin throughout , body and sleeves , the best satin made in the world anywhere for service. We have thcso vercoats in all sizes , from 33 to 44 , and olEer them at the extraordinarily low price of $19. We have no better overcoat in our stock at any price ; wo could not make a better one if you should give us $30 for it , neither could we use better materials or better trimmings , and we do not believe that the Kersey Overcoats , lined with satin , can be purchased outside of our store for less than $30 each. We will send a sample garment by express , to bo returnect at our expense , if you do not consider them worth $30each Aelvet which overcoat in our stock , and we now offer them to close at $12. THE OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFE TIME. 1 a - - rsa nw s m - MM r m - v m m m M LOT No. 4- --We offer 150 pure All Wool Cassimere Suits , cloth made by the famous Sawyer Woolen Co. , Dover , Now Hampshire , the besfc manufacturers of line all wool cassimeres in New England. The suits are made in single breasted sack coats , are new regular goods , all sixes , and we offer them now at the extraordinarily low price of $12 per suit. The lowest price for the"samo suits in September of this year was $20 per suit , and they are worth that price to clay. Send for a sample suit by mail and you will not regret it. We will send samples of these genuine Sawyer Cassimere Suits to any nddrcss with the understanding that they are worth fully $18 to $20 per suit , as retail houses usually sell them. If not nnd so , they may be returned at our expense. They are the most thoroughly reliable and honest bargains we have ever had the pleasure of offering the trade. EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN SALE OF FINE SCARLET WOOL UNDERWEAR We offer FIVE HUNDRED DOZEN FINE ALL WOOL SCARLET SHIRTS AND DRAWERS , pure Cochineal Dye , of full heavy weight. These goods have been sold all season at an average price of 81.25 , and we offer them at this sale at GC > cents each. Comment is unnecessary. They a're fine and elegant goods and could not be manufactured to-day for $1.23 We have them in all si/.es from 31 to 44. Sample garments of any of these goods sent to any part of the country by express lor examination or approval , and , if not satisfactory , can bo returned to us at our expense. Wo also oiler at the same time FIVE HUNDRED DOZEN FINE ALL WOOL SCARLET SHIRTS AND DRAWERS , the usual retail price all over the country for these goods ia $1.00 each. We offer them at this sale at 40 cents each. All sires from 34 to 44. Send for our catalogue , giving a list of over sixteen hundred different articles we sell. Send for our rules for self-measurement and you can be fitted just as well at home as here in our store , lid to us aud see how much money you can save from ordinary local retail prices. Freeland , Loomis & Co. OMAHA BOSTON NEW YORK Proprietors : DES MOINES Corner of Douglas and 15th Streets , Omaha , Neb. The Largest Wholesale and Retail Clothing House West of the Mississippi MOIITUARY. 1KMMV. nobcrt Hanilln , ono of the oldest and bc t known citi/cns of Oinnhu. died Tuesday at 4:15 : p m. Mi. Hanilin had been ill for some tune with a complication of diseases anil flimlly crjsipclassctin , vlikli pio\cd fatal. Tlio funciul will bo Hold tbis ( Tluu-s- day ) nltcrnoon at 2 o'clock , at the icsitlenco on Se\\iud sticot , between Twenty-sixth nnd Twenty-seventh btiects. Cailontl Kate Petitions. Commissioner Giiftltta topoits that the petitions \\hich have been cuoulatcd in this city for tlio slgnatuics of ict.iileis , nsUing the Intcr-stato i.nh\ay commission to retain the system of caiload lates , have been gcn- cially signed all over tlio city and by all the leading men in tlio ict.il ! business. The poutions lun o been sent tin oughout the htato by the leading Jobbuis of this city , nnd tlio icndincssith which they aio received mKUCS that nn excellent showing will bo made \\hcn thcj are piebcntcd to the com mission , \\hich\wll bo on the " 1th of this month. Tlic T.liiiis . James nionnan and .Tames Uonncrput m an appc.u anco at the Odd Fellows' ball at Foicst hallat Si\tli and l'ioreeTuesday cven- inp , and after cieating a geneial low , ran off with au armful of overcoats , hats , caps and uraps. The wore ovei hauled , however , mid ran in Dy Olllcer Hajwoith ut an early hour jcstcidny inorning. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder nocr vnrlos. A marvel of puri ty. btrciiRtli mid wholesonu-ness. Moro itoiioni- leal than thu ordhmrv klnils. nml cannot Iw sold ineompetltlonwltli the iniiUltnde of low cost , shoit wt'tght alnniorphosnliato jmuileri. Sold only in c.uii , . Itojnl IlaUiiB l'o\\de'r Co , Ul \\u\\ \ bt. . Now Vorfc. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. The only 83 SKAMI.KSSl bhnitliitiio world , wllli-f out lack or nails. / Finet Cttlf , perfect nt.47 tndwtmntecl Congm- llullon ami Lice , all Jtylutoe. Asst > lh.- ! tuJ Uurabloai tlio codingtOorlo Ilo all ihr tlie W. 1. . DOUULAS. 3 Mme n al < ai > f to. ] \V. I. . nOUUI.Af ! V.BO SHOE U upez. cflU-U lor IICS.TT tar. I ( not told by your dealer write VT. L. DOUGLAS. iJrocklon. UMI. I For sale by Kelley , S tiger & Co. , Corner Dodge and loth Sts. ; II. Sargent , Corner Scward and Sargent Sts. : . Geo. S. Miller , 012 North Wth Street. . y The Old Reliable Specialist of many j cars' experience. treats with wonderful success all THROAT. I.UNO , NKRVU and III.OOI ) DISKASI b , and all CHRONIC DIM'Asr.S and Dl- 10UMHUS : far in advance of .m > itislitti- tinn iji this coimtn Ilioselio contem plate Koine to HOT SPKINGblortlietrcat- me-itofuiu I'UIVAIK or ISI.OOU DIbKASi ; , . oan - * < rtr TH1K1) 1 HU COST at our I'rlxate Ii pensar-- SCROI'Or.nnil nil MALIGNANT lll.OOn and MAI.4R.IAI. UlSEASI'S permancntl > eradicated from the s\-lemand aciireguarantee < l UI.CI.RS and rnVltR hORL S , le iiUinfr Iroin VARIC.OSK VJilNij , Nl.CROSIS OV IlONlS OI.I ) UI.CJ'.RS , lU'iri'.UAI , CANCURS and 1'WIUI.A ol oery Kind succe full > ind pertmnenll > cured 1 > K R has made the trcitineiit of 1'RIVATK short time VI CHKS , HL MOKS and ni.OTCIir.S ON TU1 { 1'ACltOR IIODY cured without giuns MKRCURY. DR R U well knoun o\er the United States and Canada b > ' 1 hoitbamU of Old and YOUIIR Men he has cured , and it is a well- known fact that for > cars he has confined himself to the study and treatment of t.c\uil and chronic disease1- , thus ging him advantages few possess , Ily/i combination of remedies offrreat cnmtue pouer , DR R. Insso arranged his treatment that it will afford not onlj immediate relief , but per manent cure. fflOT UAULinnn TliouMQdi who ftrr tuflVrlnv LUO I HlHnnUUU. rrocnUmll licl70ullfulli Jl. critloni iliowlux wine of tl fvllowtn ; ijtuptomi Nervoui nnd fhrilf.l ll.bllllr. lmri > leiCT , luipullt , IOSI MAMIWin. Abu.ciof the 5 > it n Fihauitnl \ tulltjr. Conftiflon of Ideal Dull and Iff * at BIUMUNCY to IUKP , Advrnlon to Scclflj , DESPOXDFNOY , I IMTLtSon IL r e , laa of Eatrgy. Y a nil ) b In tli firlltttcfl but ifmtiiiUr Ihtt ) oiftrcfait nprrMrh be Ike Uit 1 > I < tletrjM E \ R\M \ mdSIIAM ItUOLSTY det.r )0u from ftllelid Hf | to yo ir nil utt tl 1lennilr.il of Ibe Mo.id , with the null ) . I. of II urine , with Uit | tper. clieuilrftli and ft krotcopoof higlt poMrr fnrolibci blni * u tlplinktlon of ohhtir dUvtiei wlilih tD bo ultaluidlil no otUr H v. Tbli rn.iMet htm to ritrf mftn ) of Uit tucil iirloui And iun > ) I'ealrd ' rtict termed Inckriblft * I AI1ICC Uy b I treatuient t tur . Lovely Con pleilon , laMUIbO. freafrojl ikllowue * ! . frerklei. ( .UiLbeadi. erup. Ikni , etc. , HrllllkBt Kyei and perfect tetltb ctn le hid 1 hat ' tired ' feellnz tnd til f.uikle wttluetici promplU cured. lleAdnehei Neret iitrntrltf n , lleneril U.L11 ty. bleej leiireii. lleprenlon an I In 1'jetll ' n Ov&rUn Trouble ! InltftQitt Ktlon aid I'l er tl it. TilllnB and DlipULeuiintl , Spinal \Sea1pen , Kl Iney CoinpUlati an 1 Chinqe cf Ufa C iitdll ibe old n Ur C"U7 AMR CAD Acntl of Cflronlc luflaininitlon rf Uit HIvU Dnn lh rr.it..r.r ] Ol.U ind r.ror.Sr.r ilchte lueil lul Tilgn of the IUi , s\rof lotil f jei , LKeratlm * . 1 1 fUnuniilion * Abuctte ) . Ulmnekl of \ MOD of on * or butb eyef , aud T . "r. of IJJ. Infanimatl noftLefUr Utceratton or Catarrh. Internal or Fi terual Oiafiiuiior laral > nt Slifclnor rbarh ) ; Dul.ri , HULrned SCALP AND SKIN DISEASES. fertn n Lt ( t re eTnrtf. lit txrj form of Smlji 11 d * lvln Diir w by > icUntifl atirt hair nlrn tn th < l of ltr tn rnt. Mnlri , 1 11 klrt , Jit , I l-i , Uickht ! J. , Live Spoil , tlrk \Normi , -\ndru 13 , K d I ri ft iW Nt it , f-rrofuU RIIDTMPP Cur J will out jnio or hlodrtnce from but nUr I Uric. * Icen Corrtipr > n.Unr * rrc < lvn rrouiH | at trnllt a * l olfttfn aniwfrM unlen icotrp-uiled t > l\nirf nt * la it iti nj ten c I * in lUu t-i fur pimtLIct at J lilt ef u 4 tloni upon lltat Ppwljil ird Nirroui l > n > tri Scu loft ) fik itoribstn Imiwtfncy. Svihil . OonorrLoea , ( ltt and liruiiilrUlA cih Lull or Hrtu Dit. I' ( > \ VIMKLIVIS ; , lit ) . 32 * Scutb IClli trt , Om li , .Ntb , i. S. S D. 17U7 Olho Street , St. Louis. Mo , Of tlio Mlh&oml Stuto Mnionm of Anatomy , ft. Louis , Mo , rnhir.-.ltj Colltyii Ilospilul , London - don , flli'sun , Uenuany und N'uw Vurk. . dc\cted their attention SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT OF DISEASES. More especially tho-e arlsliis from Imprn- deuce , linlto all so sullerlnt ; to cut respond \\ltli- ontdehiy. Ol'-cuses of Infection und contacton cured btifely and hptedllyithoutuso of tiHii- KcrntM dniKS. I'H'lenta whose rabos hne been ntplcetod , badly treated or pronounced Incur able , hhould not full to wrltn ns coiiei-rnlinf th lr fc ) mptomd. All letters receUo JmineJlatu alien- JUST PUBLISHED , And w 111 be mailed KltKK to any address on re ceipt of onu 'i-eent Htainp , "I'mctltol Observa tions oi ) Xenons Debility and I'hxHlcul Kxhaus- tlon , " to ulilclt Is added an "KHHiiy on Mar- rltif'p , " with Importnnt chapterx on Alseasos of tlm Iteprodnctt\o Orgins , the whole forming a \aluablo medleal treatise wlilch uliould bo read bj alljouug men. Addreni DRS , S , and D , DAVIESON , V7O7 Olive Stioot St. Louis , Mo , MEDICAL /SUR ICAUHSTITUTE , N.W.Cor. 13th & . Oodso Sts APPLIANCF.5 FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRUSSES. Dest facilities , apparatus nnd remedies for suc cessful treatment of e\erv form of disease requir ing Medical or Surgical Treatment. FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Board and attendance , best hospital nccomuip- ditions in the west. WKITL roa CIRCULARS on Deformities end Braces , Trusses , Club I ect , Cun attire of the Spine , Tiles , Tumors , Cancer , Catarrh , llrot.chitis , Inhalation , Electricity , Paral > sis , Hpilcpsy , Kid ney , Bladder , i : > e , Car , SUm aud lllood , and all Surgical Operations. Diseases of Women a Specialty. BOOK os DISFAOCS or WOMEN Tniz. ONLY RELIA2LE MEDICAL INSTITUTE M1K1.SU A er/ECULTY OF PRIVATE DISEASES. All lllood Diseases successfully treated Syph ilitic 1'oison removed from the hjstem without mercury. New restoratrt c trentment for loss ol Vital 1'oner. I'ersons unable to Msitnsmay be treated nt home by correspondence- commu nications confidential. Mcdicinesorlnstinmciits sent by mail or express , securely packed , no m.irks to Indicate contents or i-cudcr. One per- bonal interview preferred. Call nnd consult us or send htstor > of > our case , and we will s > end in plaiuvrapper , our BOOK TO MEN , FREE ; Upon I'rivitc , Special or Nenous Diseases Impotency - potency , hjplulis. C.lcct nud Vancocele , with question list. Address Omaha Metllrul < tntl Siir-jicnl Institute , or DR. rvlcr/IENAF-IY , Cor. 13lh and Dodge Sis , OMAHA. MED. Health is Wealth ! Dii. K. C. WEST'S NUIVK AMI Iliuiv TUP XT. HEHT , a suarnntee'd t.pceltlc for Il > bterlu , Dizzi ness , CoinulsloiH , Fits , Ni-nous Tsenrulgla lieaduehe , Nir\ous I'roslratlou caused by tha tifie of alcohol or tobacco , \\ukefiiliivni , Mental Depression , Softenlncof the llraln resnltliiB in Insanity and leading to misery , decay and death , J'renmturo Old A tie , llarrenness. Loss of power liKlthernex , Imolimtary Losses and hpeimat- orrlui-a caused by over cxe'tlon , of the brain suit- abuse or over Indulgence. Ilach box contains ono month's treatment. M OOn box , or six boxes forJS 00eutby mail prepaid on receipt of price. WK UUAKANTKK hlX IIOXKS Toturoanycase. With earn order rccched by u-jforslx boxes , aocoinpanledwlth SMiO.wowlll benil the purchaser our written ( junranteo to re fund tno money if the treutim nt does not ilfoct a cure. Guarantees Issued only b > C. t. (1OOD- HAN , Druggist , bole Agent , IllU 1'aiuam bt. , Omaha N'nli SteekPiano Hemarkableforjow crfnl Byropa- tTictlc tone , pllabln action and itb- ' ' boiutn'd'urabllll > . M > earfl reeord , the be > t Kiiarantee of lliy excel- lencuof thcbu InvtruinentA. WOODBRIDGE6ROS , MASON'S PATENT RUNNER ATTACHMENT ' Light , Strong and Practical. ' by their use jour vclilUo can bo quickly tinniforiiit.il Into a contfort- able bklli. | Mnduiit MASON'S ' CARRIAGE WORKS , WAVENI'ORT , IOWA. For Sale ty Dealers Everywhcra. leetro-Magnetie The Grandest Triumph of Efcclrlc Sclcnc P Gentlemen's Belt S'ijnttfle Sc'CJllif'ca"y ' ' Made and Practically Applied , Kith Klcctrle BKI ! , DISEASES CORED WITHODT MEDICINES. w.iwT you I'alm In the Haob. IIIpn. Ifead or l.lml.i.t . Ntr.oua IltLllllr , I.umhoai' , tltncrnl I rilllr ! ( , Ithiu- maUtam , r r lr la , Mfumlalu , Rolotlce , llapua < - at Kldiicyn , hplnal Dlwnara. forplil I Itrr. ( tout. FihBuaUOH. KRilaalou . Aithma. llvurl DUciur. I > japep lii , CqnatlpattoD , ICrjrMpi tnt. Indlajeatlon , Wca > knf , Imvalrnrr. Cotsrrfc , 1'llrii , Epllep.y. l > umU Ayiltt l > u I > clcl > Ur < lruk lc Iilo4 llliraM * . I > ropaj , tie. , then tlila tnlt U Jual nh l jou nec l > llltctrioitt InttanUv fell/ Can IJH appllfrt . _ . . . _ to anjr part of the bo3y. Whole lamlfy rcan VwrStE\ | | \ | mtatm aa n am adaWOCi * torn w r If It eluctrlHM the blooj and carol TCOTIMnVlll C Errry one cennlneftndtiiFU by permission. NOTE lit f ailowlnr ho ItollRlUKiALO C1IRKI.I-A. J HoayUtiJ , K. R. rcrktr.n.U TIU lett. U6nBoFrJof Tr d ( , , j Chlcagoj A. Uroiror ) ' , commlfilon merchant. HtoctcT ril ! Iludil DoLle.ltiocroftt hort-omaul Col V > n * "ji | of the Mer Oriant O. W. Bcllus. M. V . Morinontown , lowai Lemuel Mlli , KankAtieo.JII i JutlRO I Nil Murrar.Narervllle , III i L * I. Abbott , napt cltywaterivorka. Houthltend.lmt t Itobt II HAtnpson.Cltlcaffuf post nfilcei L. I > McMUbael , U D , DutriUo , N. T " Your In It tins aceomi lUln ri wliat no other rioniJT ha 1 1 itradT nrrrr and romfortablo l fp t uJcht. " Itobt. Ilull , alderman , l&U Uatt JVtk Struct , Bew fork- and tuousaiiclii of otlurt . f I1i > HdDUK'C Ci COTDH UNGUCTIP RCI T litupcrlortoallothirsnrrrntinrclrctrlel. . Uri nUHnC 1 > CLEuInU MAbUClIU DELI ty nro ( trone or InllJ a tln > wearer inajr ilo ilroi produces a continuous current ] convert elnctrlclty throimti tlio boilj on tlio n < > rrfls It run dl capt [ br KineratlnK a continuous current of electricity (10 ( or lit huunout of l ) throughout thu Imman sv tnru , I allaying all nervousness. Immudlatcly , and produclnorancw clrculttlon of tuo IIIH forma the LIooiIlni- | partlnir rigor , strcntth , energy and health , when an other trcatmi nt hai failed. Tlio luorlts of tb.li sclin- ilflc Ftrlt are bring rtcotTnlseil and Indorsed by thousands whom It baa cured . . I REfKKENCESi Any bank commercial iivcncr or wbolvsalo bouso In Chicago ) wholcsnlo ( JrUKglst , I Ban t ran Uro and rhicAfro LV Hi nrt stamp for lift papo lllnstrattd pan > pMft ZD L. 'W. if. XXOXt.9irjEl , Inrintor aud Manufacturer , 111 Habuali Arcuue Cfclcago. RUPTURE 0eru7rS ° Dn , HORNE'S ELECTRO-HflSHETIC DELT-TRUSS.S I'crcherons CUdosilitlos and Plilro , also homo lired ( olts KM ry unliiml KUuruntitLil a liiet-ilnr Our Mm k h.is In in soliotid with rofeitnroto l > otli liiill\Iiluul morlt and pedlKreo. SOIIIH nf thesnhcin.i'1 hiixo tiikin tlrtl prlzu nt the No Inaskuhtiitorelr. IM7 All our horses itro no rllmutcd , and rolls of their jct eun bo shown. 1'rires roa onnlilo and c niy tt rms 1A atc sslblci b\ this tin i o lending rallroddKof the slate1 , II. A. DRUNKENNESS Or tlio T.louor llubll , Pos.lhcly Cnrodhy Dr. llaiucs' ( jutilvii tit It canlnL'I\enlnucupof ) ( .onYoorteawltho the know ledift of thu iieiMin taklnc It ; absolut dly harmless , and will elfeet u permanent nn ( speedy cure , whetlici tliH patient is a moderat fill Inker or an alcoholic wieik. 'Jhoiisands o drunkitids ha\o been made tcmpetatu mt n who ) m\etak < n ( lolden t < pieltlc in their coin u with out their know ledKo and today bfcllcM ) they quit drinking of their own frto will. ir.N'ftVKU KAILH. 'ihu Bybteni once ImpreKiiated with th * ' hpeclllc.lt becomes an utter Impossibility for the llnnor appetite to exist. For Halo by Kilhn & , Co , 10th and Douglas uts. and Ifith and Cum- liiK HR , Oiniihit , Xeb. ; A. 1) ) . 1'ostcr .V Ilio , Council IlliiUa. la. FOUNTAIN - BR-A-NDS - - - JP1NE ) CUT A.ND F > I Jucompsirably the Bv ts Proprietor Omaha Business College , IN WHICH 13 TAUQHT Book-Keeping , Penmanship , Commercial Law , Shorthand , Telegraphing and Typewriting. Oend lor Culrgs Journal. S. P. . Cor. NUh nnd Cnnitulvc. . .Montloil thu Oiu.Uia Ike. 'RSa ' natiuua U. S. DEPOSITOBYjJlIAIIA , NEB. Paid Up Capital , - $2BOOOO Surplus , - BO.OOO H W. YATEI. LLH is H. Iti 1 1 > , Vice-President. A. K. TOU/AI i > . Si ! Vlco-1'renldent. \ \ II. H IlL-nnts , CaBlil8sr | W V. MOIISF. .InilS P TOM INS , H.W. VATLS , UwMb.ltEt.it , V. IlnuiciiiK Ol'lre THE IRON BANK. Cor , l.'lh and I'arn tin ? ts. A Ocneral Jlaukln ltublr.es > 'Iruniacted. w rerlTillf rf rrronfn yburU i tttetxikt llmcuy C.I S | ( M knuwn to us tVi Ounwlit u DATS. n't ( * lc t. U faol. . am uW , Veh'I * ' ' ' ' 1"J CKItBlrlsUfS. st'f.sn'llB ' l cs l ( VMeol/lylbs JLIc tt A J.lik , C2jt'itiRistlC ! > . lluJicn. H. Y4t Claelnnitl.l t Ohio. Ii ! J ty Dtuf ; lilv