Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 09, 1888, Image 1

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    - - -
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The Condition of His Health n Matter -
tor of Oravo Concern.
Home of the Promotions Which Wilt
lilkoly Follow Gossip About the
Judge Advoratc Vacancy
Dakota Division.
A Very Sick Man.
MI : rouimu-NTii STIIFKT , >
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Jan. 8 )
General Alfred H. Terry Is a very 111 man.
His condition of health has been no secret to
his Immediate staff for moro thunnjcni
past , but It was only a few weeks ago that
the matter became public through the appli
cation of the geneial for a four months'leave
of abseni c. A medical examination at
the time gave Bright's disease as the diagno
ses and perfect rest and change of climate ns
the temporary remedy. The grav ity of the
ease was kept from the public and the facts
in all their startling prophesy aio now llrst
nmdo public. General Terry is said in army
circles In Washington to bo hopelessly 111. Ho
Is at present in Florida , where a slight Im-
piovemcnt in his sjmptoms is said to bo
noted. A nj. thing moro than temporary re-
lltf is not anticipated. These In a position to
know assert that General Terry , at the ex
piration of his present leave , will make a
peremptorj' demand to bo placed on the rc-
tiied list. The news has cicatcd considerable
ngitatlonln armj'clrclcsalthough nothing of a
public nutuie is suld , and applicants for the
promotion of which will ensue uro legion
General Terrj 's retirement will mean a new
major g ( nciul and a new brigadier to Hll the
\acancj' , with promotions down the line nf-
fzuted bj' the removal of the regimental
commander. General Miles' friends arc al-
readj' iu the Held to push the claims of their
fuvoiitoius an aspiiant for Terry's shoes.
His influence thiough the Shcimans and
Cameron * is thought to bo unusually stioug.
Whether it will be sufficient to overslough
the claims of f tcneral Crook.thc ranking hi ig-
ndler , is problematic. Crook , us the tanking
officer of the next guide , lias the argument of
Hcmoritj' Iu his favor , and the iccoidoftho
longest and most successful war and fionticr
ncrv ice of any officer in the grade. But kiss
ing goes by favors in promotions , and the
longest polo will knock down the double
stars in this us It bus done in other cases
For the brlgadicrship ten cavalry colonels
mid twenty-four commanders of Infantiy
regiments are eligible , and all arc convinced
that thej' have claims. Colonel Albert G.
Brackett , of the Third cnvnlry , and Generals
Kautz and Moirow , of the Eighth audTvven-
t.y-Hrst regiments of Infantry , ate niostpiomi
nently mentioned.
Interest in the light for the coming va-
r.xncy in the corps of Judge ( idvoeates , U. S
A. , for which Lieutenant Dudley , of No-
biaska , Is an applicant , Is deepening in army
circles at the capital. It Is stated by re
sponsible parties that the appointment will
go , in all probability , to ono of the officers
not acting Judge advocates in thodepait-
nicntul stations. Ttiero are live of these , all
holding the tempoiury rank of captain of cuv-
ulij' under the net of July 5 , 1by4 , natnelj' :
John G. Ballunce , Hist lieutenant
Twentj-'Second infantrj- , Department
of Texas ; Arthur Muiraj' , first lieu
tenant First nrtillerj' , Department
of the Missouri ; Stephen W. Giossback ,
iltst lieutenant Sixth infantij. Depaitment
of Dakota ; William E Biikhimer , Hist
lieuterant Thlid urtillory. Department of the
Columbia ; and H. 1C. Bailej' , llrst lieutenant
Fifth infantrj' . Department of Arizona. It
Is also lumored that it is possible that Lieu
tenant B. Gutowood , late acting Judge advocate -
cato and now uK > n the stun of General
Miles , may bo tendeied the honor. Lieutcn
tint Gatewood is a hiavo officer and has been
during several campaigns in charge of the
Apache scouts , Depaitment of Aruona , and
It Is said that Geneial Miles is actively iu-
teicstinghimself in his behalf. Thcio will
soon bo a vacancy in tlio Inspectors gcneial
rorps , nnd it Is said that Captain Livvton , of
thoFouith cuvalij , is pioiiiincullj' named
for the position.
Senator elect Gideon C. Moms , of the
Black Hills , who has been in the city seveial
weeks working for the division and ad
mission lo statehood of his teiiitoryund who
leaves to morrow for New Yoi k , said to-
iiifj't that the senate comuiittcoon temtoiies
would'.iiis week ic i > ort the bill which Mr.
Miindeison iiur'xlm.ed at the opening of tlio
session. Judge MoC'ly diaftcd a bill upon
the suggestion of the con'miltco which will
bo either n substitute or the bifis for amend
ments to the Mundeisou bill. Tlio ul'lwhicl '
will bo reported divides the tciritoiyon fi !
cast ami west line ut about the sumo points
the Ilr.rrlson bill pioposed , names the
north half Dakota , tlio south vhalf
South Dakota r.nd piovldes for the admis
( don of South Dakota to statehood. Ex
DelegatePcttigrevv and oMior Dakotaiiius arc
in the city to look after the bill , and Gov
isi nur elect Mollott and Senator elect EJgcr-
ton aio expected hero n couple of mfrntns
hcnco when Judge Moody teturiis.
The scnato committee on Indian affaiis
will repoit with fuvoiable considei&tion the
bill to open the Sioux Indian reservation. A
nub committee has acted upon the measmo
nnd it is expected to appear in the senate
homo time dining the week. Tlio Dakot :
pcoplo in the citj and otheis Inteicsted in Its
iiassago say It will go thiough the senate am
bo t cported from the house committees bj
Tin : \oonurrs ciUMiipm.uv INTIDPAT.
Senators urodisuissing among themselves
with n good deal of cai nest ness the com
plaint by Senator Voothees against Mr
Chamberlain , who was on the Hoer of the
senate lust week when the Indi.inhm tulku
for the president's tariff message. They ari
nnmred that Mr. Vonibees should open the
Hoods of his Billingsgate against the distin
puished visitor fiom Canada and are not a
nil plca-sccl with it. Ono of Mr. Voorhees
colleagues uatd to-day : "The fact is , Mr
Voorhees Is very much cut becausohls speed
did not rise to the point of entei tainmg quail
ties which would attiaet even the men on hi
side of the chamber , and slnco but few o
them gave him their presence during hi
speech , ho takes this vvuy of showing that h
noticed and felt their absence. Mr. Vooi
bees is but reproaching and complaining a
the members of his own party when h
Jumps into Mr. Chamberlain and charges bin
with talking and occupj Ing attention dui In
the delivery of the speech. So great am
universal is the Indignation towards Mi
Voorhees on account of his harsh mid unjus
tillable words towards Mr. Chamberlain tha
it will bo no suiiiriso If some senator rises t
n personal privilege and takes , down the Hoe
slcr u pet ; or two.
A ins rcTiNG HOOM rixn.
There is nveiy high state of indignatloi
heio among the old sohlleis over the dUcov
ciy of the body of Captain Amos Clift , wh
was member of General Sheridan's stuf
foi nome tlmo , but his condition was nvt foil
sidored serious and the Grand Aun.V of tin
Republic , know lug that he had seme means
took no particular notice ef the case
Ho died suiUlenly and befoio his fiiend
were uvvaro ot It the body via
burled in the potters Held. Last week , ut th
uioollng ot the Grand Al my of the Kemibllc
ueommitto was unpointed to have the re
mains dlsintuiied and piopeily burled n
Ai Huston cemetery , w hen It was dlscoverei
that the grave was robbed , Search was lin
mediately made and itho body found , a
stated , on the disbci tin ) ; table of the George
town nnivurslty. U was in a condition tha
admitted of its identification bojoiid al
( lOulH uml was UUeu iu chU ( cx > f L > y the com
mtttce. On Tuesday it will bo buried nt the
\rllngton cemetery with approplutc honois.
One 01 the oldi st and highest ofllclals In the
reneral land ofllco explained to me to clay
vhv Sparks was askc'd to step down and out
) f his office. "It was purely on aciounlof
nsubordlnntlon , " said he , "for months bo-
ore Lamur went to the president about the
natter , when it was agreed Sparks' reslgnu-
len would bo asked for , the commissioner
uid been icfusing lo piomulgato the decision
of the secretary , rinallj there was a great
illc of decisions on Sparks' desk , some of
Hem months old , which he lofusod to sign ,
H.C.IUSO , ho said , thej' weie not right. Sparks
Icclaied he would not sign any pf the
secretary's decisions unless ho could himself
agree to the grounds upon which the decisions
.veic . based. When Assistant Commissioner
stockslager enmu to the front as acting com
missioner the decisions wcic taken up and
promulgated , and now the business of the
office Is up to time. " PLIIHI S. HEATH.
The Coming Week In Congress.
WASHINGTON- . 8. The education bill
s senate "unfinished business" for tomorrow
row and is likely to hold this position during
.ho week. An elToit will piobably bo mndo
3j' some scnatoisnot mcmbeis of the judi
ciary committee to reach an undei standing In
the Lamar case , should the committee not
act upon it at the meeting to moi low Many ,
even of these who oppose the continuation ,
are becoming tliccl of the ncccssltj'of re
ceiving and answering letteis of inquiry
nnd advice on the subject , nnd wish to have
the matter out of the w.iy.
It Is not expected thatanj' measure of gicat
imblic Interest will come bofoio the house of
representatives for action this week. A gicat
many bills introduced last VA'edncsdnj' huvo
not vet been pi luted and the moro important
committees of the house have vci.v little to
consider and nothing to report. The llrst
meeting of the committee on nilcs will bo
called early this week to consider
various proposed changes in the
tules , and a repoit embodying the
committee's views maj' bo piosonted to the
house for discussion dut ing the week. The
Dingloy icsolution , calling for infoimation in
tcgard to alleged discrimination against
Amci lean vessels passing through the Wei-
land canal , may be brought befoie the houso.
The Judiciary committee will lepoit somoun-
impoitunt measures to bo placed upon the
calendar. Monday will be devoted to the
Introduction of bills , but no general tariff
bill formulated to meet the v lews of the ina-
joiitj1 will be presented.
Springer on Statehood.
W SIIINOTON , Jan. 8 , Spilnger , chairman
of the committee on ten itoiics , said today :
"Vcrj' piobablj' enabling acts will be passed
for somcof the temtoiies ; that is , wo may
puss an act enabling some of the tcrritoiies
to adopt state constitutions nnd construct the
nineliinciy of state govei nment , j'
to recognition us states. The admission of a
new state Is \eryimpoitant matter and
cannot bo done on n meio application or on
iiiijr mere iirithomutical basis Some
how nn impression has gone
nbioad that the terutoi v must have a ccitnin
population to qualify it for admission There
is no law and no custom about it. The ad
mission of a now state is cntiiely n mutter of
legislative discietion It is within the power
of congress to ctect "No Man's Laud" into a
state and admit it to the union. The state of
Illinois was admitted when she had less than
40,000 population. Dakota has over 000,000.
Congress , in its discretion , may exclude Da
kota nnd may admit "No Man's Laud. "
The Financial Transactions of the
Past Week.
BOSTON , Muss , Jan. 8. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEF ] The following table
compiled fiom dispatches to the Post from
the managers of the leading clearing houses
of the United States , shows the gross ex
changes for the week ended Januarj" 7 ,
ISbS , with the rate per cent of incieaso or do-
cieaso us compared with the amounts for the
corresponding week last jear :
, Fin. , Visited By a Fiery
Stone of Alarming I'roportioiiR.
Our.cvCovr , Fla , Jan 8 [ Special Tele
gram to the UI.B. ] During a violent thunder
nnd lightuirg storm ut Mlllcisbuig , ten miles
fiom heie , nn immense ball of lira was seei
to fall iu a forest near town , making a tto-
mcndous concussion. Seniching paities
were sent out , and the news of Us discovcij
has Just ) reached hot o. It struck a big pine
demolishing Hand splitting the tock into
two pieces. _ Ono weighs SOS pounds and the
other twenty-llv o. It hud gone into UK
ground neaily eight feet. U appeals like
iron oi e and is covered with opaque white
cri btuls.
A Hyphenated Kolrtor.
NEW YqiiK , Jnn. 8. When forty-two Aral
immigrants woronbout to land at this port recently
cently It was intended to ship them back tc
Hot deaux , whence they came , as theyweic
likely to become paupers. At this Juncture
John Ab-El-Hour. the noted Arab peddler
nnd W. H. O. Edjo , of Punch , Udjo & Co
cumo forwaid with fcJ'i.OOO sccuiity bom
that they would not become uaupeis , Thoj
wcro then iclcased and went to dlffercn
boarding houses. Hero ono Sarah Saff , n
lieutenant of Ab-Kl-Hour's , went to each o
them nnd succeeded In getting $3 each fron
thirty-eight of them on the ground that thej
would have had to go back hud it HQl boei
for Ab-El-Hour. Four of them would not
put up awl repo\tod the mutter to Castle
CJaulcn. Oru < 'cialohd\viiU.uUiik' for Salt ,
Two Chinamen IiccOinO
N'Kvv'Yo : : , j\n. ( S. Two Chinamen , Dai
Leo ar.i phll Wing , were formeily baptisec
and adtiilltod to the churcii on probation at
Hausos Pluco > iOthodlst Kpiscopal church u (
Hrooklj n to day They 2 > beliov cd to be tin
first Mongolians ever iceclv'cuUi the chuicl
of this faith In America.
Pentecost Pre.xches.
New YOIIK , Jan. S. The first of a scilo
o ( services to bo conducted In Hrooklji
under the auspices of the liov. Hugh O. Pen
tecost weio held to dr. ? . it is understooc
that the untl'iwvcrtv uhd labor element o
Hreoklj n w ill crcc u church uud iuslull hln
us. pastor.
His Body Found Lying in a Field
Near Oozad.
The Ilesnlt All That Was Kxpeetcd
How NoD li Pio.spered During the
Pnst Yenr-The Itnlnrall
l'rollcni Discussed.
Frozen to Death.
COZAP , Neb , Jnn. 8 [ Special Telegram
to the Br.B. ] Last Thuisduy evening n
farmer named Hotits , living about eight
mites south of here , left homo to go to a
neighbors. The weather was very cold and
stormy and it is sui mlsed ho lost his w ay. A
scat ching party was foi mod and his fiozen
body was found j'csterday lying on the
luairlo a short distance from home. Tracks
In the snow show that he had been wander
ing around In a circle , and the piqbabilitj' Is
that ho became benumbed and sunk to the
ground from sheer exhaustion.
The Wahoo Waterworks Tested.
W \iioo , Neb . Jan " . [ Spoclal Concspon-
dcncoof the Bui : I The finishing touches of
the pump house of the waterworks were
made last week and at midnight last Satur
day night the water was tuincd into the
mains. The mains ate not all laid jet and
will not be until next spring. At picsent the
mains extend through the business and more
cential parts of the city onlj' , thus affording
piotcctiou fiom flro to the business part of
the city. To duj' a pciliminarj' test of the wa-
tci woiks was made. The lire department was
called out and hose was attached to the hj-
diant at the coiner of Bioadvvay and Fifth
stieet , and two sticums of water were sent
hcuvcmvatd to the giutllicatlon of the ad
mit ing populace. Water was thiovvti more
limn ono bundled feet high and the picssuie
was verj' light , thus indicating what the
power would be at a high piessure. In a few
dajs it is intended to have the flnal test ,
lequlicd to bo made by the contiact , when
the liio dopnitmcnts of neighboimg towns
and cities will bo Invited to bo picsent and
witness the exhibition. The test uiiulo to day
is in evciv way satisfactory and most grati-
f \lng Wuhoo is pleased with her sv stem of
wuterwoiks end takes a Just pi ido in the fact
that she has us good a sj stem us any city in
The Growth of Nellgh.
Ninon , Neb , Jan. 0 [ Correspondence
of the Bin ] In common with the
greater poition of Ncbiaska , Antelope
county has pi ospeied during the past jear.
Especially has this been the case with the
village of Neligh. During the past season
there has been an unpiceedented amount of
building done , the total impioveinentsfortho
year amounting to $112iU5 , The laigest
amount invested in this manner bj' any ono
person or 111 m is bj * the North American Cat
tle company , which has constiucted pcima-
ncnt feeding yards capable of accommodat
ing 5,000 cattle. They huvo built u substan
tial steam elevator at the j'.u ds and also
have their own sjstcm of watcrvvoiks sup-
plj ing all tlio building and feed j ards. A
prominent now building is the Mei chants'
bain ; block , with an oinatc Chicago pressed
biick front and containing u Hue stoio loom
in addition to the bank. Gates' college has
erected u largo brick boarding hall
for the lady students at n cost of * 9 , < XX ) .
There hav o been a largo number of new
dwellmgs elected , all of which aio of the
better class , In the line of public improve
ments the most piomment is the vvatcivoiks
sj stem , put in and owned by the city. The
woiks are giving the best ol satisfaction and
nfloid ixn ixmplo supply of pure water to the
ptinupal poitions of the town and are also
capable of rendcimg efficient sei vice in case
of Hre A census of the town is being taken
and. though not jet entirely completed ,
shows a population of 1,150. In lSb > the cen
sus gave us T05 and most of this inciensu has
been within the past jcar. This will place
Neligh in the tank of a citj' of the second
class. the com
ing j ear will bo oven moio prosperous than
the one Just closed. Several laigoa business
buildings aio ulreadj' assured for next
summer. _ 55 $
The Halntall in the AVest.
LiINOSTOV , Neb , Jan. 5 To the Editor
of the Bin : Noticing the statements of
Charles Fiaucis Adams , General Monovv
and otheis , Hint the rainfall is and has been
mci easing throughout the west , I wnto to
icquest the piiwloga of contiadicting such
statements so far as thej' refer to Lincoln ,
Keith and Chejeuno counties in Nebt.isku.
It is gcnerallj' believed and to some extent
conceded , that rainfall has followed cultiva
tion , but tlio belief and concession is based
upon ignoianco of facts or misicprcscntation
as the case may bo ; as neaily every old set
tler or pioneer may mid will testify. There
his not been an increase of rainfall in the
above I'aracd terntorj- , but a more neai Ij
equal distiiiratiOHOf the annual amount oi
inlnfall , or Instead of coming in floods , vvatci
sjwuts and cloudbursts , as it did ten jeuis
ago , it now comes in showen equally dis
tnbutcd throughout the VIM ions seasons.
As a proof of the statement that the rainfall -
fall oiiginally curao in Hoods as I have
descnbed , I refer jou to an y old settler in
either of the tlueo named counties. Upon higli
points and hills in vauous localities , can be
found dead timber and wood , evidently car
i led theio by the water , as there mo no hull
cations that it natur.dljglow there , and
w icds of such velocitj' as to eairy such log'
are unknown in this poition of the globe
Allow me also to cite the fact that bones ol
animals and pieces of wood ma often found
many feet below the surface of the earth.
As pioof of thoiisseitlon that the rainfall i'
mot o equally ( list ! United thioiiffhoutthe jeai
and that such floods ai o rat ely , if ev er , known
I lofer jou to any person who has been o
lesidcnt of the described teiutoij the presenter
or the post j ear. I bulicvo that the cultiva
tion of the land has brought about thli
change , making the countrvfarmoro valuable
as an agricultuial district than it was a half i
of but I ' the statement
s > coio veais ago , dcnj'
that the annual amount of rain fai
was inci eased in the least. During a ceitali
portion of the jcar , vapor d.illy uuses fion
the melting snows on the mountains. Yean
ago there was no cultivated land In tliii
countrj' , and little attraction for thesi
clouds , hcnco thej' were cairied ut the will o
the winds , until they mot some cold cuireir
of air , when thoj' would suddenly condense
dash upon the earth and rush off , scared ]
dampening the foil to the depth of an inci
and doing but little good , < Now the rail
frills upon some cultivated liekh uml hinit :
i icudlly into mellow eaith ; a little vapor ii
constantly arising from these Hclds , iiuothei
cloud comes passing by , each field has an at
traction for the cloud , and drawn bjf thesi
magnets , it stretches wider , giving icficsh
ingbhoweis to a laigo teiritory instead of i
Hood lo a small territorj' . In this mantici
the climate has changed.
Fiillerton Facts.
Neb , Jan. 7. [ Correspond
cnco of the BEE. ] A partial report fron
lanchcs in this county show that nearlj' 5X , ( >
cattle ai C fattening for the spilng imuketfi
A complete repcit would make the uuuibe
much laigcr.
The Fulleiton bomd Of trade ftio preparin
n pamphlet Retting forth the resources o
Nanco countj * . Ih is intended for caster
circulation ,
E. B. Penny has moved-hls store to Pa
mer , Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Lumry lost en , Infan
child on Tuesday last , its death being cause
by an overdose of morphine accidentally ni
ministered. Some doubt mid dissatUfuetlo
existed in rcgiud to the matter and on Tue :
day acoione.i's.inn.uest waauelderdiu , n
urned "Death caused - of
: bj-overdose mor-
ihlne administered by mistake. " Evidence
'ailed to attach the bintne to any one.
The most disagreeable bllrzard of the sen-
.on . visited Us t-'rlday.
The new county ofllccis will take their
) lnces on the 10th hint.
Hon. B. D. Slaughter Is spending n few
ajs in Lincoln.
The Heading Conl Trafllc Practically
Stopped Since the Strike.
KFADI.NO , Pa. , Jan. i > . The run of coal
lown the road slnco midnight was but flvo
liundrcd cars , whllo three weeks ago today
here was shipped through this city 0SOO
-Hirs. Navigation closed on the Schujlkill
'anal ' on December 10 , and about two dozen
boats engaged in the coal trade , each con
taining several humircd tons , became lee-
bound. It was not expected tills ( enl could
bo moved before spring , but now
cverj' pound has been bought up. Infornm-
' .ion received nt tlio company's oftleo to night
s that to day's meetings of strikcis showed
: hat there is no break in the miners strike.
\ Sunday tour among the mining towns
hewed that the women are Just ns enthu
siastic for the strike as the men. In many
cases where the husbands were hike warm ,
their wives urged them to stilke. The
miners make on an average between $ . " > 00
and $ ( .00 a jear. Neaily all have largo
families to support.
WjonmiB Minors" Will Htrlkr.
Nrvv YOUK , Jnn. 8 A confeienco was
iield last night in Jersey City between repre
sentatives of the various trades involved In
ho Heading strike and It was decided that
the men should be ordered out of the Wjom-
ng mines. This action , it is said , would
) rHctically stop work in the anthracite
egion. A piominpnt member of District As
sembly No. 4'J ' BttUl the knights had
made up their minds to tight this
.tnko . to the end. The closing of the
iVj'omlng mines , ho added , would result in
thousands of men being tin own out of woik
'roui want of fuel to inn factories and mills.
Sympathy For the Strikers.
Nnvv YOUK , Jan. 8 A meeting of the ccn-
ral labor union was held to dny. Upon mo-
ion of icprescntativcs of the mixed trades
section a icsolution was adopted denouncing
.ho Heading railroad company for causing a
gieat stuko of coal miners , bj' which the
kvclfnro of the entile population has been
Affected in raising the pnco of coal. The
suppoit and sympathy of the ccntial labor
Jiiion was pledged to the stiikeis.
Her Kscapiulo Kccnllcd ny Her
Father's Presence at a Hall.
NEW YOUK , Jan. 8 , [ Special Telegram to
the BHE. ] The prescnco of Signor Moroslni
and his daughter at the chantj- ball has set
; ossips to marveling as to what had become
of Mine. Schilling , whoso desertion of the
! asino and her husband was something more
than a nine dajs wonder. The suggestion
that she Is now secluded in a house on the
Hudson is * - intimates
cmphutlcaUj pooh-poohed bjin
timates of the family and is
stienuouslj' denied. Some of them
acknowledge that Muic. Schilling
was at her parent's house for two or three
dajs after her mjstic departure from the
Cus mo. but that , oa soon ns circumstances
assuicd privacj' , she hastened to Canada.
There she stopped for some six weeks not
in n convent us was gencrnllj" presumed but
at the house of some friends of her father.
Fiom thcro she went to England and thciuo
to the estate of sonrp relatives In Italy , quito
near the buth place of Giovanuo. That she
has been in this country since that time is
denied by these who pretend to know nil
about the uftair. And they further claim
that she bus made no special endeavor to
conceal her whcieabouts or idcutitj * . They
sij that she has been met in Homo within
the last few months by Americans tiavcling
abroad and that she has resumed her maiden
name of Victoi m Moroslni.
"Then , of courseit was suggested "a di
vorce has been secured fiom Ernest Schil
ling { "
"Possibly , " came the non-commltal answer ,
"but thcie's no law to prevent a woman call
ing herself bv her maiden name , even if she
has not been di voiced. At nnj'rate she's as
good ns divoiced , sa far as Schilling is con
cerned. "
Formation of an American Organl/a-
tion Similar to the Garrick Cliih.
NKYOUK , Jan. 8. [ Special Telegiam to
the Bi r J Tlio first steps have been taken
for the formation In this city of the Plajcrs1
club , an oiganizatldn which , whllo it is to bo
founded on the general principle of thoGur-
rick club , of London , will be to n great ex
tent , nn institution peculiar to Ameuca The
founders and chaiter members of the now
club aio : Augustln Daly , Edwin Booth ,
Luvvienco Banett , Joseph Jefferson , A. M.
Palmer , Eugene Tompkins , James Lnvvis ,
John Di ow. Harry Edwards , John A. Lane ,
Samuel L. Clemens , T. Bailey Aldnch , Clar
ence Hutton , Brander Matthews , General
AVilllamT. Shei man , Judge Joseph F. Day ,
William Blsphaln and S. H. Olin. The arti
cles of iiuoiporation were drawn up and cir
culated for siguatuio j'estcrday and will bo
forwaided to Albany at once , so that the
Plaj ers1 club may bo regarded ns having
been already practically launched. The club
is to be , above everything else , American in
spirit , and in order to muko its Influence ex
tend bev end the local circle of New York ac
tors and ai lists , several of the incorpoiators
have bccu chosen from other cities.
Socialists Secure Control.
CHIC too , Jan. S. The socialists had cverj'-
thing their ow n way at the annual election of
oftieeis in Disti ict Assembly No. 24 , Knights
of Labor. Geoigc Schilling was their can
didate for master woikman and was easily
elected bj a vote of ; Ho 1. The couseivatives
were not able to combine and gave divided
suppoit to Albert Cliistello and Thomas
Kami.ill. An executive committee composed
whollj' of socialists was elected , giving that
element entile control of the machinery ol
the ussembl.y. District ! M has Juiisdiction
over all Knights of Labor in Chicago except
those belonging to national district assem.
The Flic Hooord.
HocKioun , 111. , Jan. 8. The Rockford Co-
opeiativo Purnlturo companv's building , n
four-story brick structuio , burned last night
with all the contents. Loss , $60,000 ; insur
ance , ? . ! 1,500.
DITUOIT , Jan. 8 The Detroit Light In
fantry armory was pai tially destroj'cd bj
lire this evening. Loss , M.fKK ) ; fully in
suied. A largo collodion of tiophies won bj
Detiolt commandery , KnlghtaTcmplais , wai
also Dinned.
At 11 o'clock to-night the stables of the
Detroit Omnibus 'coinpuu.v , together will
twonty-Avo 'horses ; w'ere burned. Loss
10,000 ; insuranceunknown' .
Auuir.NK , Kan , Jan b. Berrj1' "rp.s. '
general merchants , were burned out u' ' !
morning. Loss , f50iOO. ( Insuicd.
Wreck on the Omaha Koad.
Dm mi , Minn. , Jan. 8. A freight train or
the Omaha road ran into n passenger tram at
Hawthointhls moinlng. A coloicd portci
was scalded to death by escaping steam Tin
passenger tialn had stopped to clc-au the flre
Lenhc J n CoalliiK Station.
ROVIF , Jnn. S. The Hlfonnn announce !
that Italy has conceded to Spain for llftcei
jcars territory on the Buy of Assab sultabli
for a coaling station , reserving , however , tin
right to lisa it heiself , to the exclusion o
otheis , In time of war.
A Mexican Volcano.
NOOAI.ES , Ariz , Jan 8. San Martin peak
In the state of VeiaCruz , Mexico , has beei
belching foith dense smoke foi sometime
Jt is thought the mountain will become ui
DOB Moines Hotel Lobbies Througocl
With Busy Buttonholors.
Very Few Suspend Solicitations to Cote
to Chiiruh Colonel II iptiitrn'a
Strikers Hcdoublo Their Efforts
Other lima Nous.
Meets To-day.
DrsMoisns , la , Jnn. 8 [ Special Tele
gram to the UF.E. ] The Iowa statesmen
hnve not boon veiy icllglous to iliiy nor kept
the Sabbath \ciy well. All iluy long tlio
hotel lobbies have been crowileil , wlillo the
ctinvuss of the cntulltlatcs has been ptessod
with nearly us much vigor as hoietofoic. A
few of the more devout members went off to
church , but their places were quickly 11 Hod
by others who preferred tontch wlnlo their
brethren prnjcd. The senatorial mucus
contest has iissumed no now phase , though
Colonel Hepburn has had more fiicnds at
work today for him than imy tlmo before.
A largo number of Influential Grand Aimv
men are hcie hard at woik In his behalf and
they belle\c ho Is gaining ground cvciy day.
The Wilson leadets are evidently much
alauncd. They have been sayIng -
Ing nil along that Mr. Wilson
had enough votes pledged in wilting
to re elect him , but they have disci edited
their own words by the heroic efforts they
aio now making to check the tide that is tun
ning against him. They have called a num
ber of their best workers from all parts of
the state to theiescue , though they still in
sist that his re election Is absolutely safe and
nssuied. The contest for speaker is still in
volved In doubt. The Ucirj hill strength is
inclining Unuitd Kedman , and Klley and
Wilbur aio believed to bo about e\enly in the
lead. The legislature w ill meet at li p. in to-
inonow and the caucus for poifec ting organ
ization will follow immediately. It is thought
that the senate ) ! ial caucus w ill bo held about
Him siluy 01 Fiiduy evening.
Iowa 1'olIticN.
Di s MOIMS : , la. , Jan. 7. [ Coricspondoueo
of the Unn. ] All week long the membcis
elett of the Twenty-second Assem
bly hiuo been coming in and the prospect is
that not a member will bo absent w hen the
gavel falls at 2 p. in. Monday. As usual
they arc attended by a horde of office sockets
whociovvd the hotel lobbies and make it
interesting for the unfoitunato mcmbeis
whom they succeed in button-holing. The
new members lather like the attentions paid
to them by these willing to hold ofllco for
their country 'a good , but the old members
rcgai d the whole thing as an unmitig.ited
nuisance. Many le.idlug members have been
hero for some days , endeavoring to map out
a poicy to bo followed in regard to the uiil-
roiid question. Bills to prohibit free passes
to public ofticcrs and otheis ; to icduco pas
senger faro to 2 cents per mile , and piovid-
ing for the election of railioad commissioncis
by the pcoplo with power to fix frcightarates
and will bo introduced into the house early
in the session , and will go through that body
with n rush. The senate will piobably con
cur in all of. the ubovu measures ,
though the corjKjration lawyers will
fight them to the bitter end. These
are all of the bills affecting railroads
likely to leceivo serious consideration ,
unless an effect should bo inline to icpcal
that section of the statute , which authon/es
communities to vote aid to new lines. Should
the Funnels' alliance , which iserv stiong
in this state , push this question with dotei-
mination , a bill of this character would pass
the house , but would baldly go through th'o
scnato. Unless this is douo the matter will
Ho over to the ne\t session.
Lively tanv.issing has been going on all the
week on the qunjtkm , who shall bo speaker
of the house. So far , six candidates have
entei ed the race fortlmt position. They are :
Silas Wilson , of Cass , 12. C. Koueh , of Ljon ,
Albert Head , of Giccne , K W. Wilbur , of
riojd , W. II. Uodmnu. of Powesbiek , L A.
KiJfY , of Louisa , and .1 JO. Hen j lull , Of Polk.
Mr. Wilson is icgarded as the most radical
nnti-inonopC'list and is stiongly suppoitod by
the farmers especially of the hlope. Mi.
Mr. Hoach comes irvw noithwcstern Iowa ,
the section of big rcpubi'can ' majorities , and
has a huge following. Mr. Head was
elected speaker two jc.ns ago bv the antimonopoly -
monopoly clement , and icdeoiwd his ple.K'Cs
till the \cry last dujs of thes session ,
when ho appointed a sifting coinmmittec.
against the piotest of his strongest fi lends ,
made up of a majority of coiporatlon strikcis
lor the expicss purpose , many think , of
pigeon-holing every nnti monopoly measure ,
liy this act ho forfeited the confldcnco of his
former supporters and is practically out of
the race. Mr. Wilbur comes from the north
eastern part of the state and will l eceivo the
almost solid support of that section. Mr.
Hedman is a lawyer of no mean ability and is
being supported by the ccntial part of the
state with considerable vigor. Ho made an
excellent record two jears ago in favor of the
people and is winning votes every day. Mr.
Hiley is the distinctive corporation candidate.
Tvv o j cars ago he intioduced the notorious
snow fence bill to condemn land for snow
fences which came near being Juggled
through the Icgisl.ituic , and made a recoid in
favor of exti.ivagant and reckless appropria
tions. He , also , ispi.ictically outof the race.
Six weeks ago the nomination of Mr. Herry-
hill was a foregone conclusion , but ho de
clined to make an active canvass for the po
sition , and many thought ho would not ac
cept the nomination mid bi ought out other
candidates. His friends , however , arc urg
ing his past record us leader of the nnti mon-
opolj foices two jcars ago in the legislature ,
as well as his conceded ability and litness for
the position , with excellent success.
Ho is undoubtedly the second choice of two-
thiidsof the members , and may oven bo
nominated on the Hist ballot , Should Mr.
Hern hill diop out of the race , the spcahoi's
mantle w ill fall upon Wilson , of Cass , or Hed-
man , either of whom would make a very ac
ceptable piesiding officer.
For chief clerk of the house four candi
dates have enteicd the list. Thej are Hrvson
Bruce , of Gaiden Grove ; Georeo H. Nichols ,
of DCS Molncs ; Deputj Superintendent of
Public Instruction Sidney A. Poster , of
Marshalltown , and D. C. Kalp , of Ida Giovo.
Mr. Foster served in the same capacity four
years ago and gave good satisfaction and will
likely be successful again. Mr. Kalp is a
member of the Fanners' alliance and Is re
ceiving considerable tncoui.igemrnt from the
farmer clement. The contest is between him
and Mr. Foster.
William Yoman , of the Independence Bul
letin ; Uobert Hunter , of Sioux City ; L. C.
Brock , of Marshalltown , and ex-Secretary
D. D. tonnan ) , ui o candidates for secretary
of the senate. Mr Yoman is quite likely to
bo 2'iecessful , though the others will have
some stic.1ltth.
United Stut J ? Senator .lamps F. Wilson is
quartered at the KiYiwood and industriously
interviewing the member ? Ho will quito
likely bo ro elected , though M' ' . dis
trusted by both cxtiemo factions of tiiS.uai'ty.
The railroads and coiporations strikers are i'l
favor of Hon W , P Hepburn , of Clannda ,
but they cannot poll over twenty votes in
both houses The ladlcal anti-monoi > ollsts ,
under the lead of Senator Finn , of Taj lor ,
would prefer Judge Heed , of Council Bluffs ,
but neither party is organised or prepared to
makoa vlgoious light. The Homestead , the
organ of the Farmcis' alliance , however , Is
jmbllshlng the senator's moid with the evi
dent pui ) > ese of opKsing | ) his election , and a
strong candidate may bo brought out in a few
daj s Many members would prefer a soldier ,
but how far this feeling may Influence their
votes remains to. bo seen This legislature is
made up Inrgilj'of joung men A m.ijoiity
of the house is under tortjMlvo , and about
twenty under Unity-five soveial of the
ablest 'uembersj 1 he farmers in that body
number flftj ono and the hnv.vcrs only fif
teen. Tliis Is the largest representation of
farmers and the smallest of hiwjois
for many jours. In the senate ,
liovv ever , thnre are twenty lawyers and only
ten tillers of the soil. It Is predicted that
theio will be a deadlock between the hou , o
and the senate on the most Important ques
tions , on account of the largo spiinklliiK of
eoriwratlon attorneys among the members of
the upper house.
An extremely lively onuvuss Is being mndo
for the ofllco of state printer. The leading
candidates are : lleoigo H. Hagsdale , of the
LeMars Sentinel ; W. W. Junkln. of the Fair-
Held Ledger , and Krncst Ho for , of DCS
Molncs , editor of the only Gotman mohtbl-
tion paper In the state. This fact makes him
a strong candidate and the probabilities mo
that ho will obtain the position. Senator
Cnssatt will not wait for the new election or-
doied , but will piesent his claims dlicct to
the scnato , and may bo admitted through
senutoi Ial coin tesy. Kr.x.
The Hoosler Capital Trjlni ; to Kocnrc
the Democratic Con\ out Ion. , Ind. , .Ian. 8. fSpecial Tele-
giaih to the HIM : . ] There Is an evident effoit
on the part of the Indiana democracy to se
cure the democratic national convention for
Indianapolis , it is undeistood that the
Cle\eland adminlstiation has expressed Itself
favorably to this end. In leply to objection *
that the cltj's hotel accommodations would
not bo adequate ) for the occasion , the explana
tion has been made that the coin cntion w 111
piobably bo a very biicf one. "Cleveland
will bo lenomiimted by acclamation , " snid
ono of the gentlemen , who Is dhcvtlng tlio
movement looking to the selection of this
city. "Tho convention will act pie fotmans
to the presidential nomlnniton and
as to the adoption of a plat
form Cleveland has already indicated
what the platform should contain , and us ho
is the stamlaid beaicr , his suggestions will
go very far In nil things The only matter
that will engage the attention of the com en-
lion seriously is tlio the selection of a vim
picsidcut , and national conventions uic not
often dohijed in making second dioUos
Tlio inducements for convention aio hugely
political. Indiana was republican when she
last voted. She must bo icstoicd to dom-
net .icy to insure dcmociatic national success
With the national convention at the Hoosier
capitol and a Hoosiei nominee for viio picsi
dent the chances for earning the state will
bo luigcly multiplied. This convention is
looked upon by Indiana congressmen as vug-
cut. "
New Orleans ItankliiK Firm Ac
cused of Iin | > orlliiKCoiitract Ijithor.
Ni.w YOIIK , .Ian. S | Special Tclfgiam to
the BLI : . ] A letter teecivcd bj a S\\edo in
this city ftom a conntrjnmn in New Oilcans
clnugcs a banking linn heio with impoiting
contiact labor contraiy to law. The letter
saj s that the w riter anil soci al fi lends w 01 o
engaged in the old country l > i an agent of
this linn , who advanced the money to pay
their passage and tiansportation to New
Orleans upon the execution of a bond
that they should icpay the money
by 100 days labor for adults and seventy
davs labor for bojsupon southern fuims ,
which proved to IK ) plantations and ranches
They were also svvoi n , the better sa\s , to
give no infounution of the i-onttuotto the
oflleer of the ship by which they tfnvcled or
too authorities at Custlo Gaiden when they
landed here. They did land heio
with the agent over a month ago and
carricdout their tcims of the con
tract. But the writer sa > s that they llnd
themselves to oil .iutents..aud purposes sold
Into slavery and threatened with severe pun
ishment if they make any public complaint.
Ho asks his f i lends heio If the eontr.utls
legal and savs ono of his companions has de
cided to lay the matter befoio the commis
sioner of emigration by letter. The firm of
baiikcrs referred to is that of S M. Swenson
& Sons , who aio connected with the Him of
Swenson Bios , i.inchcis. They deny the
Dentil of Olio of Napoleon's Surgeons.
SOUIIH Bcsi ) , lud , Jan. 8 [ Special Tele
gram to the Hen. ] "Father" Louis Nejion ,
a surgeon in the aimles of the Hist Napoleon ,
died at Notre Dame univcisitj jesterday ,
aged ninety-eight jcais. Ho was with Na
poleon in the Hussian campaign and at the
battle of Watoiloo. Eventually ho came to
this country and became a member of the
faculty of Notre Dame univcisity. Ho at
tended to his dutj us professoi of phjsiologj
up to within a. few weeks of his death.
Tiio Maharajah's Genorosi'y ,
Cuci'TTA , Jan. 8. Tlio muhurujah of My-
soic , who is on , tisit heio , has placed his
military loso'urccs nt the disposal of the
viccioy , expressing his deslie to Join in the
defense of India. Lingo bodies of Thibants
are entering Rikkirn. Thibant intilgueis are
becoming moio and 111010 active than ever
and it Is expected the government will bo
compelled to make an immediate display of
foicoon the fionticr.
The Frouch Politic
Lovnov , .Tun. S. Medical gentlemen at
Boulogne nro of the opinion that McNeil ] ,
whoso body was found on the beach at
Boulogne , was robbca and then thrown into
the water. Theiclatives of the dead man
complain of upath } on the part of the French
police , who ask money to cover the expenses
of making inquiiies.
Weather Indications.
For Nebraska : Warmer , fair weather ,
light to fresh winds , becoming southcily.
For Iowa : Warmer , fair weather , light to
fiosh vaiiablo winds.
For Dakota : Slightly wmmer , fair
weather , light to ficsh v.umhlo winds.
Tlio Irish Coast
LOVDON , Jan. & . A dense fog pievailson
the lush coast The steamer Wisconsin was
unable to land the mails at QueensUmn. In
a collision betw pen the stenmois Slim chum
and Colstrup off Dovei , the former v\as sunl )
and seven poisons di owned.
What itiKliiiiI Will Do.
LONDON , Jan S. The correspondent of the
Daily News at Constantinople says : "The
poito learns that Lord Salisbury has infonnci
the German government that if war shall hi
occasioned by an attempt of Russia to occupy
Bulgaiia , England will send two bquadioon1
to the Black sea.
Defeated and l-'led.
CAKUTTA , Jan 8. The NoPaul rebels hav <
been defeated. Kunbm Jung leader of tin
i cbels , and his suite , bivo lied fiom Biitlsl
_ _
Merely a Pittance.
Bnr.iiv , Jan 8 The equipping of the men
demanded by the now military bill will i c
qulio a vote of * ; 0XX,000. ( )
- ' *
Deadly Huino 1'liiRiio.
PAUIS , Jan 8 A swine ilaguo ) prevails litho
the south of France. Thirty thousand mil
mats have died In Maiscillcs dlstiict within
IiiHsian llCHerres
VIUVNA" , J4ii 8. A dispatch from Bucl
arcstsa.vs thottu > " > i''n rosorvcs In Odess
dlstiict have been
An InvlncihUi I.i-avcs KiiC-1'1"1-
LONDON , Jan H. Doile , the only 'r '
vincible lelcascd bj the authoiities , 1ms departed
parted for America Ho was given a ticket
of-lcavo In Apt 11 last.
No Mention of Stanley.
Lovnov , Jan. 8 DIspati lies from th
COIIKO country up to December 10 have b < i
received at iliussi Is. They make noinuntlo
of Stanley.
lo Writes a Sweet LUtlo Letter
Toudorlnu ; His Resignation.
The President ItoplloK In tlio Sixmo
Vein and Andiron the Secretary
ol * Ills Ijovo ami Unit-
inu AlVootlon.
Mutual AdntlrorN.
WVMIIXUTOV , Jan. b. Sevi etur.v Lamnr
cslcnluy tendered the piesldent his icslg-
latloti ns sccrctaij * of the intcilor , and it was
ccepted by the piesidcnt. The foimul rcslg-
ntion , It Is undei stood , w III not go Into effect
mill noon of Tuesday no\t. The following
s a copy of the letter of icslgmitlon and the
uesldcnt's ' toply :
WVSIUMIIOS , Jan 7 , lss $ . TO the 1'tesl-
lent : When , some months ago , jou Invited
no to accept the vacant Judgoshlp In the.
upiemo eoutt , jou oxpiossed a wish that , us.
ho con it was not In session , 1 should post-
ion o the icslgnutlou of my present olllconu
ll a meeting of congiess allowed jou to send
ny nomination to the senate , and tlieio weio
citaln muttcis befoio the ctepaitmcnt lining-
mrated bv mo , which it was thciufoio desli-
iblo that 1 should close before leaving , us I
vould have- been very leluctmit to tnlto
i pluco uiHin the bench until jour-
lomiimtiou hud been ooullimed by the
senate , 1 thankfully consented to
vour request. My nomination has.
low been submitted to the senate , and recog-
ilring both their i ight and dntj to subject its
litncss to the most dltical examination , 1
\ouhl still unit In inv present position their
Iccislon. liut 1 think 1 mil wat united insup-
> osing that the final decision may be dohived
Munetlme. As sou have at the same time
lominatcd mv successor In the postolllco do-
laitment , this clelaj'may. to some extent at
east , euibauass the admiuistiation of public-
msincss in the dopattmonts mentioned To
ivoid such embai lassment and to leave bo-
'out the senate in Its final Judgment upon my
lomimitioii the sole question of mj litncss for
lie position , disassoi lated fioin another
loitiimition and umiffevtod bv nny other con-
sideiations , 1 now iesioctfullv | ask jou to uc-
.ept my losignution as secret my of the in-
enor , wliieh 1 liorcby teudir. In termiiia'liig
nv relation with jou as a member of jour
ittleiul family 1 doshi ) to expt ess my guitu-
'ul sense ol the obligation 1 am under to jou.
icisomillj for the eoiisldciutionand kindness
which have ulvvavs chunietcii7cd jour ticnt-
inent of mo mid for the gcneious ( onflcleiico- .
ind sunpoit which jou have stcadllv given
no In this living mid indiums adnilnistiation
if this depaitment 1 shall iilwuvs be pioud
lo have been associated with the honoiablo-
iccoicl jou will leave upon the pugo of jour
eountij's lustoij.
[ Signed. ] L Q C. LVJIAU.
nitov rn's iiKi'i v
H\i ( unvr M\N-ION , U'V-UIIVITOV , D. G. .
Inn b , IbbS Mv Dem An. Lamar : When I
iletoimined to nominate ! jou to a position ,
upon the bench of the siipiemo ( omt the per
sonal gi all Heat ion iiffoidcd by 1 ho tender to
Vou ot so honoiablo and suitable a plucu and
the satisfactoi v conviction that an Impoitant
executive dutj would be pel formed well led
mo ut most to foi get that mv action Involved ,
the loss of jour conscientious and valuable
lid and soi vie o In cabinet councils which
Ten neailj * tlueo jeais 1 have HO much en-
| ov d and appieiiatcd. Yournotoof today
loiecs mo to contemplate this contingency
with most piofound and simcio regret. Hut
1 know the scimiation jou now Insist upon
arises from that ioncopton ! of public duty
w hich has uhvaj s so ( jntliojy gilded your-
conduct iu our oftlciul aclation. Kaui 1.011-
stt allied to accept the resignation you tomlur ,
hoping it only anticipates jour entrance upon
the dlschai go of the higher and more con--
Denial functions than these nowreliniiuished.
What I have thus fai wiltten seems veij' for
mal Indeed I intended this because I am
sine the close confidence and relations of
positive nffeclion which have giown up be
tween us need no expiesslon of
Intel pi elation. And jet I Hud it
uttci ljf Impossible ) for mo to-
llnish the note without assuiing jou that the
things which huvo ihaiac toil/eel jour eon-
duct and beaiing In the position fiom which
jou now rein o , all join devotion to jour
counti\ , pour self sacilllelng c .lie mid solici
tation for public Intel est , all the boncllb
winch jour official sci vices have confeiud
upon v our follow ( uiintiymon and all the
iifleitum and kindness so oltcn exhibited to-
wnidmo pcisotially , 1 shall eiinstantly 10
inember with tondeiness nnd giatitudo.
YOUIH veij sincoielj ,
Guovin Ci i.vri.VND.
Slock Spcrnlullon Veij Quite Tliun
Far 'I his Year.
NMV Yon , Jim. S. [ Special Telegram to
ho Uii'l Tlid opening week of the now
jcar was a vei.y qmci ono. The strike ) of
.ho Uouding Illinois and the icnewal of the
war against the wisloin loaJ.s were used
against speculation inthocailicr days , and ,
under a hammciing hj and tuideis
Heading i an oft IS ? and CJiangeis lj ® i.f '
[ loints. Missouii Ricillu was made to ap
pear veij' weak , and was knocked down " } & ,
while Union Paciilc yielded \ & on the ro-
| ) oitof the government commission , Sub
sequently there was u decided i hungo for the
better , and the highest pi icevvoio generally
made. Heading showed a slight advanca
over openingllgines , and other coaleis were
paiticuhuly stioug , iccoidiiig substantial
net gains. Thoi o was a i ovivnl of confldenco
at London , and foreigners took hold a little
moro freelj' noai the close , whllo nomoof the
local bull opeiatoisentc'ied the inuiket to a
modelato extent , ami thcio was n spiinkling
of investment buying. Long stocks failed to
coma out on raids , \\liidi disappointed tha
bcais , mid they loveied on the Into stiength.
The low piiccd shatcs attiiie ted moio atten
tion , and n number of them seoied an Im-
piovement. Wheeling Sr Ial > o Uiio have
been conspicuous foi unso of 8 points and
quicksilver pioforiod of1 points A promi
nent featuio of the situation was the de
mand for rallioud bonds , whlih seemed to
giow day bj * duv A laigo number ol small
investois came In , and some of the heavier
capitalists weio also looking around and
picking up bonds wheiuver they could
get them at their flguics , The
stock cxdiango showed a gain in
business , but transactions in tha offices of
linns which make u Hpociattj' of the e secur
ities vvoio fai moio impoitant than those nt
thoboaid. All tlio higher guide bonds ura
positively scarce ) and well up In pruo , and
whllo thcio are some who will huvo nothing
else , the piepomleranco of eiders was in
Issued w hich lank low 01 and can bo had afc
icusonablo pi lees. Investors gencially are
looking for an income of 4flt > per cent , and
they give piefcronco to bonds which .yield
such a rcluin and inn bo hud In the vicinity
of par. The lingo lailioud cariilnirs
of IbbT have given many heieto-
foia doubtful moitgagcs u moro Htablo
ehaiactcr and n ficer market Tha
dealings w cm ver.y gcecrul , and extended to
nil classes In ninny cases thorn vvoio ad
vances foi the week of lfi't points , nnd in
stance's were not into w heio a good portion
of the Januarj interest was i e ( ov ei ed. Scv-
ol al of the Wab isliet , exhibited special weak
ness , but otherwise dee lines vvuio few nnd
not Impoitant. ( jovernmcnts nilc'd Him for
tlio most pait , owing to the limited amounts
offering. Thcro was a ver.y uetivo demand
foi foreign oxclungo fiom importcis , and
lates were advanced K@l per ( cut oil a very
model ate supplj of bills of all kinds.
Sleiinihlilp AnlviilH.
NivYOUK : , J.m 8 [ Spin ial Telcfe'raM
to xh" HKK J Aiiivul The Klbo , from
Ureincn ; the 'J''lnsy.ill.i ! , fiom Copenhagen.
I.oM)0' , , Jim S 'Jll < > IJohemia from
Now Yoik lias arrived ai Hamburg ]
La Champngn" fiom Now York , arrivcn
at Havre ; the Wisconsin , fioin Now Yoikfor
Liverpool , arrived utCjm t nstown.
rirsbrovvs.liin 8Anlvcd The Lvid
C'llvu fiom I'hlludolphiu for Liverpool.