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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1888)
OMAHA. DAIItt BEE ; StHSTDAY , JANUARY 8 , 1888.-TWELVE PAGES. HOME COMFORT , WROUGHT STEEL RANGE , > o1' Specially made to be tlie most perfect range of the present day. Refined wrought steel body and malleable iron top , Cracking forever done away with. Two special features are its beautiful baking and smooth operating qualities. From Mayor W. J. Broatch. Wo have used our Range about two years and are very much pleased with it. From E. O. Hamilton , 408 S. 18th St. Mother requested me to tell you that she is delighted with her range. From C. C. Orcutt , 25ih and St. Mary's Ave. * My neighbors advised mo to geta Range like theirs , but I know too well that the Homo Comfort is the best , so I bought it , and am glad I. did , because it is the best working thing I over had in my house. From A. J. Van Kuran , of the U. P. Headquarters. I take pleasure in recommending the Home Comfort Range to any one contemplating pur chasing a Range. From Fred Hertzke , Formerly of the Elkhorn Valley House , who is using a IjAJ and a Homo Comfort Furnace , which is the only absolute gas tight furnace made. Anybody that wants to know any thing about the Homo Comfort Range and Furnace , send thorn to mo. I can recommend thorn. S. W. Cor. llth ADorcas. The following and many others have bought and are using the Home Comfort : C. F. Goodman , Druggist ; Christ. Specht , Cornice maker ; D. Fitzpatrick - patrick , Plumber. Sold only in Omaha by W. F. STOETZEL , 1621 Howard Street SATURDAY MARKET FIGURES , The 'Boars Manipulate Wheat the Last Duy of the Wuok. LITTLE LIFE AT THE OPENING. Corn Dull Most of the ScHslon With lilKht Trailing A AVonk l-'ccl- IIIK in IViivlHloiiH G m- crnl Quotation * * . CHICAGO PllOIHJCE MARKET. CiiiCAcioiTim. 7. [ Special Telegram to the Bin : . ] It was ubcnr clny in the wheat pit. The market opened with M > little life or ac tivity thnt it Huomcd us if nothing would bo done to-day and traders would bo loft free to nttoml to board polltica , It was the dullest opening for weeks. All of the big traders on either sldo scorned to bo out of the fight and u little listless trading was done by the scah > - ers. The arrival of the government crop report - port changed tills. There was heavier trad ing , but. not n considerable decline when it first appeared , the crowil refusing to bcllevo the report authentic because of the unusual time of its coming. When they were satisfied on that point , however , there was n rush to sell and a f peedy decline in prices. The feel ing had been rather weak nil the morning and prices had dragged somewhat , but when the llrst heavy selling began was also good buying. Kcam and Bloom wcro selling freely , but Hutchlnson was n lioernl buyer. The other buying was thought to bo for Kent , nnd for the llrst tlmo in months Armour's inline wiii mentioned in connection with the wheat deal. It was said that he was buying the grain. About the. only bull arguments wcro light receipts and the approaching cold wiuo , bringing with it much peril for unpro' ' terted winter wheat. Against tills wcro the nnfavoranlo foreign news and the crop ro- jiorts , the latter being by far the weightiest influence. May wheat opened at S5c , and pugged slowly to 84c , reacting to S4c , dropped to S4c , advanced to SM'Jj'c. and then fell back to the neighborhood of 84J < Jo , then dropped suddenly to ivlfjfc , advanced to S4J.Ce , and on the next downward turn barely touched S3Xe "I'd ' closed at 1 o'clock at Sljtfc. February wheat opened at 7bau hid , and ad vanced to "S c bid. The low point was nominally TT Jc , and the 1 o'clock close 773fe. The corn market was exceedingly dull dur ing most of the session , n nd prices dragged. Urudlng was very light , and the only faction of inlluenco in the market was the crop re- jMirts , and that influence was bearish. The opening was at M tgSli/c for May , and dur ing the early trailing that delivery sold at 6IJ/0 straight. Then there was ti gradual decline toAlifc , and the close was at , " > 4c. 3'\'brnary aorn opened atlO c , sold down to nnd elosivl nl40Uc. The oats market was qulot , and that grain / suffered n slight dooliuo in common with the P/ other markets. Trading was altogether in . the which ut &lc May delivery , opened % , sold down to and closed ut3t * c. In provisions n stronger feeling hold con trol. Notwithstanding tlm hog receipts were Jarpo for the last day of the week , the hull party supported the trade in a vigorous man ner. Tim product was in good speculative demand from the start. Houses supposed to represent Knglish patrons were frco buyers , nnd after a little depression early Tjcttor I" jirices were the rule. Bused on last night's closings , pork at adjournment showed an ad- ! vnnco of io lSJ c , lard of fie and short ribs . 7Jf@10c. May was again the favorite future in the trading , which won Quito nutlvo. Pork tor May closed at $15.50 , lard at * 7.i J and Bhort ribs atfS.10. The nearer futures for jerk wcro almost inactive and for short ribs And lard only moderately active. CHICAGO hiVK STOCK. CHICAGO , Jan. 7. ( Special Telegram to the UF.R.I CATTI.U The week rounds up , hfter nil , much more favorable than the out look Thursday , when prices dropped 15 ( < ir25e , rallying again on Friday with the entire loss inndo up , so that after the sudden up and down turn prices are .about the same as a voclc ago. . It is expected that thn udvnnco of Friday , firmly sustained to-day , will bring in a largo number of cattle that are waiting car by for n favorable turn. A Surge num > | > or of telegrams were sent to-day and yester day ordering in cattle for the early p.irt of next week. Native buu-hor.s' stock Is liable to sell better , as Tcxans nro not coining forward in nny great numbers. The demand for strong voight feeders is liable to last for some time , but light , little thing are not so saleable. Ucof Htoors. 13.10 to 1500 lb . , M.55uT.ri.25 ; 1200 to 1350 Ibs , $4.00rtN.70 . ; f.OO to 1200 ibs , j3.ooG3.7 < ! . Stockers and feeders , * 2.00ff 8.00 ; Cows , bulls nnd mixed , ? l..V > ( ( iHa5 ) ; bulk , $3.000(2.40. Texas steers , $3.03:1.35 : ; cows , * t.o.x < j2.Ho. Hoes Trade was fairly active and prices about the unnio us ye-ttunlny. A few fancy uiiulo ? 5.75cJ5.85 ( and host packing norts $5..V ) ( ifo.03 , with common to medium at * 5.10i ( 4 t > .45. I'rimo nssortod light made f.U"On " .V.3i > , largely r.t * 5.05@3.JO ; pigs , * 4.75 < 24.S5. FINANClAIj. NEW YOIIK , Jan. 7. [ Social Telegram to the Bnr..l STOCKS The sales on the Now York stock exchnnpe were 58,155 shares , con- elstlng mainly , of St. Pnul , Lnckawanna , Hiehmond TefmlimlVe tern Union , Mis- Bouri Pacific , Delaware & Hudson und Louis- Vllle & NashviHo. With Mich n light show- log It was not expected that the market would exhibit nny decided fluctuations , and , nstdc from an udvnnca of 1V per cent in Hocking Valley coal and Iron , changes wcro fractional and unimportant. News from the Heading strike was conflicting , but the im pression prevailed that the dlBlculty with the liilucr * would be arbitrated. The news sent from WttU street was chiefly bullish , but op- tators n anile wsr slow iii advising custom- coit to purchas * . Expectations of n good tank statement kuld th bears in chock and Celling was confined to small lines of special ties. The statement of the Now York banks Showed the Increase In the reserve of 92,2d7- $75 add ID deposits cf $11 , WO , 109. The large gain In the latter was attributed to the fact that the January interest and dividends have gone into the bunks and are held subject to check instead of being invested In securities , Investors being inclined to go slow and look , over the ground carefully before loading up with shares and bonds. The week has been n disappointment to tlio hulls and bears , the ' market being narrow 5ind the January bulge i has not materialized. There is still time for ' it , however , but largo gains , as in years past , | tire not expected. GOVKUSMKXTS Government bonds were quiet but firm. Vr.RTKIIDAT's QUOTATIONS. tr. 8. * s registered. 12.V/ C. AN. W HH'J ' IT. S. 4i coupon. . . liV/ ! do preferred 110'J U.P. N. Y. Central 107" If. S 4'Hcoupon..117' ' , { O. It. N I'liRlflnlisoflKi Ill ) it ) . T Canada Southern. . Oii'ji'l'ncllle ' Mail - Ci'litnil I'ucltlc. . . . W : , 1 . , D. & I ! 22'J ' rhlrapo'A-Alton. .1117 | l > iillinnnl > iilaccCuil4U j U. , II. A : Q r-T 'lleadlllj' ' HS1 j D. , I. . AV ISlMKock Island Ill I ) . .V It. O 22H , St.I < . &S. ] ' ! I5 Krlo 2HS , donrcferrpit 71 y do pri'forrod Glli C. . > f. Sc Hi. 1'nul. Illinois Ci'iitrul 11(1 ( do preferred ni'i ; 1. . II. Ac W 1SV4 St. ! ' . & ( ) : i H K..VT 18 do preferred lt i5 ! l.uko Shorn 05 Texas I'.iclllc 2.1U I , . Ar N . . Union 1'acillc. . . . Michigan Central. . W'iiNV. , St. J , . & I' . l.Vi . JllssourtrnclHe. . . . KSijI do preferred . 2T ; Jll.ssoiirll'iicltlo. . . . JB'i.W. U. Tulegraph. . . 77i doprofened . 4 , ' | MOXBV On call easy at UJM per cent : last loan a percent ; closed offered at ! 1 percent. PitiMn MEUCANTILK PAI-KK SJ fe'W Per cent. STIHMXO : RXCKAXOK Active nnd firm , with actual business jitfl.SMK for sixty day bills , nnd S4.N ) , ' { for demand. IMIODUCK MARKETS. Jon. 7. Following are the 2:30 : closing prices : Klour Steady nnd unchanged ; $3. ! > 0g4.)0 ( ) icr bbl ; spring wheat , S > i.W@4.50 ) > cr bbl ; rye. * 2.75C 3.00 per bbl ; buckwheat , ? 3.Wjfi ) ( i.2."i per bbl. Wheat More doing on a weak nnd decling market ; opened about J e higher than yester- lay , closing became weak and after ilucttmt- .i . > g cloned OM/e l > clew yesterday's close ; cash , 77M'e February , TT-tfo ; May , Sljtfc. Corn ( Juiet ; prices show but liltlo activ ity and fluctuated within narrow range , clos- ng U@'V" easier than yesterday ; cash , 4Sc ; February.Hi'do ; May , M fi-l .j. Oats Steady with hnrdly any change to note ; cash , ! ! % ; February , 31J4c ; May , Xo. Ilyo Firm at 02c. Harley Finn at 7.@S.c. Piimo Timothy S5.4S. Flaxseedf 1. 2Vjil.4a ( > f. \Vliisky-fl. 10. Pork Offering wcro fair with demand moderately active , at tiuins ruled irregular , closing steady after some fluctuations ; cash , $ M..C > ( ! 4l5.00 ; February , Slj.l'JUfti 10.00 ; May , .vr.0. Lnrd Comparatively quirt and steady , with slight advance ; cash , 87,05 ; February , $ r.l > 7)'j' ) ; May , $7.i57.lCi. ! Dry Salted Meats Short ribs , ST.SO ; shoulders , $ ( ( ; short clear , $ S.Ht ( ! ! 8.15. 8.15.Mutter Mutter-- Unchanged ; creamery , 233lc ; dairy , 22(0 ( 20c. Cheese Unchanged ; lull croain Cheddars , ; Hats , HJ4@lIJ c ; young Americas , Unchanged ; fresh , 22024. Hides Unchanged ; green hides SJc ; green frozen , fie ; heavy green salted , Ci ; liglit green salted , OJX ; salted bull , fi.'i'e ' ; green bull , 4 , 0 ; green salted calf , Sc ; dry flint nnd dry calf , 12(213c ( ; branded , 15 percent off : deacons , litlc caih ; ; dry salted , lOc. Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , country solid , 3c , No. 2,3' ' ; cako,4. Heceipts. Shipmonts. Flour , bills . 15,000 S5,000 Wheat , hu . , . 20,000 Jtt.tHX ) Corn , bu . 82,000 144.IKK ) Oats , bu . 71,000 97,000 4,000 Harlcy , bu . 4S.OOO 52,000 St. IjouiH , Jan. 7. Wheat Lower : cash , S2J < feS3Jfc ; May , S5 ? c. Corn Firm ; cash , 4Se ; May , Oats-Easy ; cash , : ) ej May , l Pork $1.V.T > . r.nnl * - . : ) . Whisky -SI.05. Mutter- Firm ; creamery , 31030 ? ; dairy , lS@20c. Now Xork , .Tan. 7. Wlieat Hecoipts , 27.WH ) ; cx | > orts. 41,400 ; options declined 'f- l u , closing lieavy nt bottom after slow business ; cash grades dull J-j(3Kc ( lower ; ungraded red , S''QOSJfo ' ' ; No. 1 red , nomi nal at 04 } c ; No. ! 5 red , ! M@yiK in ele vator , 02Jf ( aWte delivered ; February closed at Olj < c. Corn Kocelpts , fi2nOO ; cxjwrts , 83.00 ; dull , MtfK'1 lower ; ungraded , ( XXjJOSo ; No. 3 , ( MKjiiWJio ; No. 2 , ( Vj Uj e in elevator , ( Vl3 < o delivered ; February closeil at O'ic. Oats - Keceipts , 70,000 ; exports , 71.V 000 ; "sQ'Hc ' lower and houvy ; mixed western 37ft4Hc ; white western , 40T ( < ! 4l'c , Coffco Spotfuir | ; Kio dufl and nominal tlS.- 25 ; options fairly active and decidedly lower , closing htendy : sales 75f > 00 hairs ; January , iiriO.Xrfl5.lft ; February , * l4.7Ua ( < l5.uOMnrch : , * 14. < W < < 14.UO ; April , * iri.XK'JI5.73. ( May , 14.00 t U.SH ) ; Juno , if 13.00 < H 13.7ft. Petroleum Firin ; United , VtiXc- Ktigs- Steady , with fulr inquiry ; western , 2i2.V. ; ( Pork Steady , trading light. Lard Dull ; heavy , and a shade , lower , western steam , spot , quoted nt f7.S5. Uuttor Quiet und h'nn ; western 15f < 134c. Cheese-- Steady , trading light ; western , City , Jan. 7. Wheat Steady ; No. 3 soft , cash , SlJ o uskod ; May S3e bid , SU. ' o asked. Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash , 44o naked ; Mny , 4slc hid , 43Jc asked. Oats Xo. 2 cash , 25'f c bid , 200 asked. Mllwnukoc , 'Jon. 7. Wheat Weak ; cash , 7H > 4''c ; May , 82fc. ; ! Horn Strong ; No. s , 49Ko. Oats Firmer ; No. 2 white , 350. Kj'0-Stcad.v ; No. 1 , Crtl/c. Harley-Wuk ; No. 2 , 7r.J o. Provision * Firmer ; pork , Junuary , 115,10 ® 15.So. ClticlniKitl , Jon. 7. Wheat Dull , No. 3 red , fc'Jc. Corn -Dull ; No. 3 mixe.1 , 52 > 'c. Oats- Strong : 'No. 2 mixed , 35& Kyo Dull , No. S , 70o. Pork Quiet at $15.50. Lard Steady ; at f 7.00 , WhUky Steady ; at $1.05. Mlnnei. polls , Jan. 7. Tiicro was scarcely nny business in wheat to-day. Receipts , 148 cars ; shlumonw , 53. Closed in store ; No. 1 hard , January , 7Sc ; Fobi-uary , 7SVc ; tay , S2c ; No. Inorthcrn , January , 7i ) > Je ; February , 77 o ; May , 80 } < ; No. S north- bakers' , SI.3Ti@3.V5. ( Liverpool , Jan. 7. Wheat Quiet but steady , demand poor , holders offer modcr- titclv. Corn Quiet , poor demand ; new mixed western 4s ltd per cental. Cincinnati , Jan. 7. Wheat Easier ut MI&I yoc. Corn Dull ; No. 2 , mixed , r > 2)/Br ( > 3c. Oats Strong ; No. 2 mixed , 35c. Kyc-Quict ; No. 2 , 70c. Provisions Pork , easier nt $15.50 ; lard , dull anil lownr at $7.00. Whisky Firm nt * 1.05. Now Orlcnns , Jan. 7. Corn- Firmer ; white , 03c ; yellow , Goo. Oats Steady ; No. 2 , 42t @ 3e. Corn Meal Quiet at..75. Hog Products Quiet but firm ; pork , $15.37' ' < f ; lard , S7.50. HulkmeaUs Shoulders , $ f.23 ! ; long clear , S7.77K i clear ribs , iS.OO. IjlVK STOCK. Union Stock Yarils , ChlcnRO , Jan. 7. The Drovers' Journal reports : Cattle Receipts , 2,000 ; market strongnnd 10o higher ; beef steers , * 3.00@5.25 : stockers nnd feeders , * 2.00S3.r ( > 0 ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , * 1.55-t3.25 ( ; Texas steers , $ l..i5@i.25. ; Hogs Receipts , 21,000 ; market strong ; inlxud , W.IOCiW.50 ; heavy , S5.50J5.SO | ; light , $ t.Si.V40 ; skips , $3.40 ( < ? ,4.70. Shce | ) Receipts , 1,500 ; market slow ; in ferior to choice. $3.50(31.75 ( ; western , S4.X ( ) @ 4.115 ; Texans , J2.50@I3.00 ; lambs , $4.5005.75. KiinsuH City , .Tan. 7. Cattle Receipts , WH ) ; shipments none ; offerings light and trading chiefly retail ; dressed beef and shipping steers nominally .r10o higher ; choice cows lOc higher ; com mon steadv stockcrs and feeders scarce , ilrni. Hogs Receipts , 55,01X1 ; shipments , 300 ; choice strong , 5c higher ; common , steady ; a shade lower ; common to choice , Jl.70 ( ( ! ! 5.55 ; skips and pigs ? 2.50GM.OO. National Stoolc Yards Kast St. Imuls , Jan. 7. Cattle Receipts , 200 ; shipments , 000 ; market strong and higher on all grades. Hogs Receipts , 1,800 ; shipments , 1,800 : market active ; strong , choice , heavy and butchers' selections , ? 5.50u'5.0.r ( > ; packing , medium to prime , $5.15i'i.55 ( ; light grades , ordinary to good , * 4.85Vj5 ( 20. OMAHA MVI3 STOCK. Cattle. The receipts of cattle were moderate nnd made up chiefly of common stork. There wore a few loads of fair native steers , but nearly half the receipts were western hay-fed stock , which were shipped to Chicago. The bulk of the sales mude ou this market were common stock. Hogs. Tlio receipts were liglit. The market opened slow and fully 15 cents lower on the best grades. The "Anglo , " however , began buying about 10 o'clock and prices stiffened up a little and on the whole was not moro than 10 cents lower than on Friday. The quality of hogs received was not as good us on the day previous , there being considerable light stuff among the offerings. Sliccp. ' The receipts wcro 112 head , and the market us usual was dull. Prices are about steady. OtHclal Ueeeints. Cattle 070 Hogs 3,4)1 ! ) Sheep 112 Prevailing Prices. Showing the prevailing prices paid for Ilyo stock on the market : Choice steers , 1300 to 1500 lbs.$4.0a @ .50 Choice steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs. . 3.75 Fat little Hteors , 000 to 1050 ibs. 3.50 Corn-fed range steers , 1200 to 1500 Ibs 3.75 @ 4.25 Good to choice corn-fed cows. . 2.25 M2.50 Common to medium cows 1.75 Western cows 1.75 Good range feeders. . . . k 2.30 Good native feeders.KKIIbs , and upwards 2.50 © 3.00 Fair to medium native feeders , WO Ibs and upwards 2.25 @ 2.50 Rtoekors , 400 to 700 Ibs 2.10 ( V < (2.00 ( Prirao fat sheep 3.25 W3.75 Good fiit sheep , 900100 Ibs : t.)0 ( ) ( a3.50 Fair to medium sheep 2.25 ( i(3.00 Common sheep 1.75 W2.25 Light and medium hogs 4.00 05.00 Good to choice lu'iivy hogs 5.25 ( rtCi.45 Good to choice mixed hogs 5.15 05.25 JtnprcHcntativc Sales. NATIVE STEKU1 No , Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. H . 078 * 3.15 13 . 1300 S4.12J < 13 . 1000 3.25 IS . 1370 4.35 FBRIIKIIM. IS . 112'i 3.25 20 . 037 3.40 cows. 10 . 1000 2.40 19 . 1030 2.75 10 . 1100 2.57JHUM. HUM. ? . 1 . 1 00 2.25 1 . 1850 2.50 5 070 2.25 1 , 1070 3.25 mir.KV. 112 04 2.S5 lion * . NJO. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr. 11..13- ' . . $3.85 70..215 80 $5.20 2-2..125 . . 3.1H ) 5(1..201 ( 2 > < 0 5.20 12..133 . . 4.10 78..213 100 5.20 30..13-J . . 4.10 71..33ft 120 5.20 33 . . .15(5 ( . . 4.35 58..333 240 S.B'JJtf 40..153 . . 4.25 (1I..2IO ( ! 210 5.2JK S3..149 SO 4.25 M..250 2X ) 5.2 J } { 21. . . . 100 . . 4.25 70..2t)0 200 5.22Ji S3..175 SO 4.50 51..2(53 ( 80 5,25 35..170 40 4.50 B7..2 55 liO 5.25 SS..179 . . 4.50 51..23S 40 5.25 ( W..323 80 5.05 77.3il 200 5.25 70..841 80 f..lO 73..350 120 5.33 87..ISO 40 5.10 C0..2S4 80 5.25 40..233 120 5.10 04..203 120 5.30 81..233 310 5.10 73..257 120 5.30 07..344 300 fi.15 00..38(1 ( 120 5.30 77..257 400 5.15 54..278 SO 5.30 73..330 340 5.15 ,49..270 120 S.iBJtf 13..317 120 5.15 58..285 340 5.32K fi.V..S4H 100 5.17K 04..2U4 240 5.35 70..233 160 5.20 54..377 240 5.35 1U..200 40 5.30 S3..290 100 5.IH l . . . .34a 320 5.30 ( W..2)V8 . . 5.35 C3..24U 2SO 5.30 50..207 200 5.40 31..330 40 5.20 00..315 XI 5.40 ( M..250 2sO 5.20 7U..3H 40 5.40 07..350 210 5.30 07..373 310 5.42J 59..335 120 5.30 43..334 120 5.45 C7.-34rt JOO 5.30 05..833 bO 5.45 04..2M 240 5.20 5J..33 : ) 40 5.45 68..331 , . 5.20 lilro Stock Hold. Showing the number of head of stock sold on the market yesterday. nous. G. H. Hammond Si Co 577 Armour , t C. Packing Co 1,483 Anglo American Packing Company. . . . 1,017 Swift Packing Co 453 Local 40 Speculators M Total 4,2:11 : All sold. CATTLE. Shippers 151 Local 19 Total 170 1 tango of Prices. Showing the extreme highest and lowest fates paid for leading grades of hogs on dates mentioned : Date. Heavy. .Mixed. Light. n 15 © 5 ! I5 4 75 ffi-l 10 Dec. III. u 35 Oil 41 5 15 © " Ik ) D CO ® 5 20 Jun. 1. Sunday. Sunday. Sunday. Jan. 2. Nmv Year. New Year. Venr. .Ian. II. 5 : n < ijr. 55 r > ir > © > IK n ni .Inn. 4. r > in 5 in 4 M 5 1U .lull. n. 5 II ) OJ.1 2.1 4 75 Jan. U. 5 40 5S5 IX ) B 2.1 W 40 4 M 1 15 Jan. i 45 B 15 05 3,1 4 00 ® 1 10 ami Coiiiiiilsslon. Public inp3ctord dock iirogiiant sows 40 pounds , stag. ? 8 ! ) pounds cacti. Dead hogs , 100 Ibs and over , 75 cents per cwt , less than 103.Ibs . , of no value. Yardage : C.itllo , 25e ; hogs , Sc ; sheep , 5c nor head. Feed ? Corn , $1 per bu ; timothy hny , S-0 ! : prairie hay , $20 per ton. Commissioits : 'Cattle , 50c per head ; calves and yearlings , * IO par Hoas and sheep : Single deck. < S.j.public : inspection on hogs. 15c pur car. 1\.H sales unless otherwise stated per 100 Ibs HVo height. IV ShipinentH. Cattle , 12 cars , N. W . Chicago Cattle , 18 cars , C. . U. & Q . Chicago Hogs,2carsj C. , IJ. &Q . Chicago Sheep , 1 car , C. , H. & Q . Chicago i - - IJIYC Stock Notes. Lower. Hogs all sold.j Not many iatt\o \ here. The hog mniUft ; ) opened loTvor. No sheep market worth mentioning. Win. Carter , of Stromsburg , was on tlio market with liog.s. John Sandburg , of Oakland , was on the market with -15C hogs. J. K. Thompson , of Western Iowa , was on the market yesterday. T. J. Aldridt , of Frieud , marketed a load of hogs at the top price. M. Hogur , of Union , was on the market with a load of light hogs. M. II. Jeffrey , of Osccola , was among tlioso who were on tlio market with hogs. J. E. Thompson , a heavy shipper from Council Uluffs , was over with hogs. Joe Uixon , of Shelby , In. , marketed a load of hogs. Ho came in to look after them. R. H. Gammel , of Herman , marketed two loads of hogs , one load bringing the top price. Mr. Hunt , of Pnpillion , sold a load of { 15- pound sheep , Texas and natives mixed , at $2.85. $2.85.Mr. Mr. Lowry , of the firm of Lowry & Mitch- cfl , of Lincoln , was among the visitors at tlio yards. Charles Heclit , of Laramie , was on the market yesterday with thirteen loads of hay- fed western cattle. A public telephone station lias been opened in the Missouri Pacific office , opposite the Exchange building , which will give those who wiih to URO tlio telephone an opportunity to do so without troubling someone else by using their instrument. Horsey IJros. & Clifton is the style of a new commission firm which has made ar rangements to open up on Monday. The members of the firm are George W. Uorsoy , H. II. Dorsoy and C. C. Clifton. They will succeed Gosl'ng ' & Chumbley. OMAHA. AVIIOLKSAIjK MAKKIOTS. Produce , Fruits , Ktc. The ffilluwlnu arc the price * ( it which round win / produce urcmliliin thin innr- Jct. iYiilte or other llncx of ijomJs rajn/rii/ / [ { extra Ittlmr of juirMini rnnnot d/icdj/.i / / lie siippfJcd oit initHlilcontcrs at the same jirlccn f/iiofeel the lorttl tnulc. HUTTKK Ri coipts are light and tlio ( Hiality rather jtoor. Good grades command outside prices , but the poorer are not wanted. We quota us before : Creamery , solid packed , 22 ( (02i : < % ; choice dairy , niiil'Jc ; medium , 15 ® 17o ; low grades , lOGtl-c- Kr.os Are in good supply and prices lower. Wo mark them down to 20U'21c ( for colrt storairo and an occasional sale of Htrlctlv fresii at SJ5c ; limed very slow at 15c. 15c.POUI.TKV POUI.TKV Receipts , of all kinds are very light and the demand good , especially for chickens. Sales of turkeys were made as hlnh ns lie. but' vo quote dressed chickens , 7 < tf"ic per pound , < Turkcys , 10@llc. Ducks , 7@ 80 : Geese , HJ&Hlr < UK\N It Is" impossible to till tlio orders received , as ft 'appears there are very few in the city. Ho'wuver wo give quotations for good stock , fcM)0a'2.30 ) ( ; fair to good. $1.00 01.80 , and California beans ut$2.25u. ( > 2.40. POTATOES "AH * very scarce and prices are firm und hlgheri We quote $1. 1001. 15 for Utah and Colonulo stock and choice homegrown grown ut lHw95c ) ; common grades at t < 0'C ' 70c. ' - CA uoTS--fzJ.3.1/i2.0 ( / per barrel. PAIISXII-S iNewatock , $2.50 per barrel. OTHTEIIS Pluifi standard , 25c ; plain se lects , 3o ( ) ; standard , ! Ko ) : extra selects , 35c ; New York counts. 40c .Hulk oysters , counts , $1.35 per 100 fselbcts , * 2.00 per gal ; standard , 11.23 per gal.1 " CAUI.IFLOW KII Good stock $2.fMXS2.80. CAI.IKOIIKIA FRUITS Are scarce. Tlioro nro only a few IHWM in the market , but we quote thorn ut $3.fiO@2.7S ; extra line , $3.00. LEMONS Only a low Malagas are in the market , and are selling at $5 a box. A car lot of Mcsslnus came in to-day and are mar keted nt t5.00rii5.50 per box. OIUNOKS Continue in fair supply , witli the exception of Louisiana , which are about of the market. A car lot of Valencia * was received to-day , and quoted nt f7.50@3.07 per case of 420. We quote Louisiana oranges at 4.l)0@l.25 ) per box , and Florida at ti.250i.50 ; with a suit ) or two of extra tine nt $1.75. BAXANAS Prices tlrm and unchanged. Choice bananas , t2.7503.50 ; medium bunches , IJ.0003.00. CinKK-ChoicoMchganeidorfrt. ! ! 0000.50 per bbl. of 8'i gal. QUINCES Choice California quincei , f 3.00@ 2.35 p r box. CAIUI.KIK Prices are unchanged at 11 per doz. , und 2$3o ( ? per 11) for California. Uell Si CUorry10. , 00(210.0 ; ( | ) Boll & Bugle , $10.50@11.00 ; Capo Cods , $11.00 @ 11.50. GiiAi-KS Malagas , ? 0.50S7.00' ( ! per bbl. , with some extra line sold at $7.50QS.OO. Poi'coiix Choice rice corn 3j(2lo } ( per Ib ; other kinds , 2 } ( c 3o per Ib. Cni.r.iiY Choice , 8j@45o per dozen ; fancy , 45&MOc. NUTS The demand is fair und tlio supply moderate nt peanuts , 1@ c , raw ; Brazil nuts , 13c ; almonds , Tarragona , 22e ; Kngllsh walnuts , 15 ( . < $16c ; filberts , 120 ; Italian chest nuts , 15c. _ _ _ _ _ Grocers' List. Puovistoxs Hums , Ugll i1 ; breakfast bacon , JI JJ 'o ; bacon sides , 0(30'o ( ' ; dry salt , 8J ( jS5Yo ; shoulders , H 'O e ; dried beef RKFINT.I ) Ltitn Tierce , 7 fc ; 40-lb square cans , 7Jji" 50-lb. round , 7J e ; 20-lb. round , 7j < c ; KMb. pails , S c ; 5-lb. pails , S o ; 2-lb. 'BUOOMS Extra 4-tio , $3.00 : No. 1 , $2.00 ; No. 2 , § 1.75 ; heavy stable , $ t.OO. CASur Mixed , ( ailo ; stick , S9 CW e. Svtiui' No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs. SI.50 ( 1.55 ; Now Orleans , per gallon , ; S > llUr maple syrup , half bbls , "old time , " per gallon , 80c ; 1-gallou cans , per doz , $10.50 ; half gallon cans , per doz , $0.25 ; quart cans , $3.25. STAUCII Mirror gloss , SJfc ; Gsaves' corn , Oife ; Ojwepo gloss , 7c ; Oswego corn , 7c. lIoMAxn HKHUIMIS 73jj7XJ ( ( per keg. Cuu'Kiii.s : Garneau's soda , butler and pic nic , 5o ; creams , 7c ; ginger snaps , 8c ; city soda , So. WOODENWAUF. Two-hoop pails , per doz. , SI.45 ; throe-hoop pails , $1,70 ; No. 1 tub , $ t.5 ( ( ) ; No. 2 tub , $5.50 ; No. 3 tub , $4.f < 0 : wash boards. $1.40012.75 ; assorted bowls , $ ' 3-35 ; Fo. 1 churns , JO.CO ; No. 2 churns , $ S-00 , No. 3churns , $7.00. PirKi.r.1 Medium in bbls. , $7.00 : do in half bbls. , $4.00 ; small , in bbls. , $ S.OO ; do in half bbls. , $4.50 ; gerkins , in bbls. , $9.00 : do in half bbls. , $5.00. Coi'i'KK Ordinary grades , 20Ji20j ( c ; fair. 20J4 ( < ? 2Ie ; prime , 21A33ti ( ; fancy green and yellow , 23i < 25e ; old government Java , 23 ® 30c ; interior Java , 25VJ2 { < c ; Mocha , 28 ( < ? 30o ; Arbueklo's roasted , 24jJi % : Mclaughlin's XXXX , 2l o ; Dilworth's , 24K" ' , Hod Cross , SAI-BU KKAVT MantifiicUirers are holding out for higher prices and offer no Inducements to buyers. However , prices are unchanged. Choice , per bbl of 3 ( gal , $3.5 > 5 ( < i9.00 ; % bbl , $4.57@5.00 $11.00 per bbl of 50 gal. SWIIIJT 1'oTATor.s Very tow , if any , are in the murketbut we quote prices unchanged 'Jfii ' c per 11) . , with extra at 3c. ONIOX- < Are bad stock for coiiiiuission men to curry , as they are spoiling. How ever , the. cannot afford to lower the prices , as they have to innke up for losses by spoil ing.'o iinotu : Homo grown , 755c ( ' ; Spanish onions , per 50-lb crate , $ l.5J@1.75 H\ii : Sumewliat scarce with prices un changed. Wi'cpiote : 10C"21e for J-lb frames ; canned lionoy. 10 ? 12c per Ib. AiTi.nsA few sales of poor stock to local buyers huvo been reported at $3.25 , but as this grade is practically out of tlio market we do not give it as a quotation , \Vociuoto : Eastern fruit , fair to choice stock , $3.50 ® 3.75 ; fancy stock $3.75C < i > 4.00. C.\N\in : Goons OyiUers , standard , per case , $3 . < iQtiU5 : ; strawberries , 2-lb per case , # 3.0Ji ( 3.10 ; raslerries ] ) , 2-lb , per case , $3.0tKiJ 3.10 ; Culiforniu pe.trs , per case , $ l.80ti 4,00 ; npricots , ] ) nr ca ol,30Qt > i.3.'j ; peaclies , jior case , $5.SO ( N.S5 ; white cherries , jier case , $ il.M ( ) ; plums , jt > r case , $ l.20i'tl. : > 0 ; bluelior- ries , per case , $3.30'r2,40 ; egg plums , 2-lb , jier case , $3.50 ; pineapples , 2-lb , | ) or case , f3.20i5.75 ; 1-ib salmon , per doz , $1.00@1.05 ; 2-lb gooseberries , per case , $3,25 ( 3.35 ; 2-11) string , per case , $1.751 > 0 ; 2-lb Lima beans , per case , 81.00@1.05 ; 2-lb marrowfat peas , $2.110(32.70 ( ; 3-lb early Juno peas , per case , 83.85 ; 3-lb tomatoes , $2.50 ; 2-lb corn , $3. ! J&2.10. JKl.Ml'.ft 30-lb pails , $1.050l-75. TKAS Japans , 20if55c ( ; gunpowder , Dfl@ ( We ; Young Hyson , 2."Xg55o ; Oolong , 20&5 05c. 05c.Duir.i Duir.i ) Fni'iTs Apples , new , Ifs , 7@7l4'c ; evaporated 50-11) ) ring , O iX'llOc ; raspberries , cvajwrated , 27028e ; blackberries , evap orated , 'JJfNIOu ; pitted cherries , J1022c ; ; pcachcti , new , S0bi-viC ; evaporated , peeled peaches , U9030c ; evaporated , u p.irod , lSC'(20e ; new currants , 7@7 ! < o ; prunes , new , 505'4c ' ; citron , 25o ; rai.sins , London layers $2.10i(2.45 ( ; California loose musca tels , $2.0002.10 ; now Valencia , S&S.tfc Koi'K Seveii-slxtoiMiths. 11011'4. Tonvcco Lorillard's Climax , 4 ic ; Slcn- ) did , 4lo ; Mechanic's Delight , 4lc ; Leggett it Meyer's star , 4" ) < ; ; Cornerstone , 3Sc ; Drum- mond's HorseShoe , 44c ; J. T. , 40c ; Sorg's Spearhead , .41c ; Catlin's meerschaum , 31o ; Catlin's old style , 23c. SroAii Granulated , 7i < f7 ( iC ; conf. A , 7if0 < 7c ; white extra C , ( \ < a.n c\ \ extra C , O wO c ; yellow C , 5 : < M05Kc ; cut louf , 80 84"c ! ; powdered , S0S'4C ; New Orleans , 5 0 VA- . Dry Goods. DUCK West Point 29 in. 8 Of. . 10' < c ; West Point 2'J ' in. 10 o12K j West Point 19 in. 12 oz , 15c ; West Point 40 in. 11 oc , II ! ' . ' . Checks -Caledonia X , 9Kc ; Caledonia XX , 10) o ; Economy , UJ e ; Otis , uj'c. KEXTI'CKV JKASS Memorial , 15c ; Canton , 18c ; Durham , 27' ' c ; Hercules , 18u ; Leaming ton , 23'ie ; Cottswold , 25e , CUAHII Slovens' 11 , Oc ; bleached , 7c ; Ste vens' A. 7 } 'c ; bleached , 8J-ic ; Stevens' P , 8 > ic ; bleached , 9Mc ; Slovens' N , 9Mo ; bleached , 10 0 : Slovens' S RT , 12 > Jo. MifCKi.iAXi'.ous Table oil cloth , $3.85 , plain Holland , 8Kc to 9o ; Dado Holland ; 12Kc. CAMIIUICS Slater , 4J < fc ; Woods,4 0 ; Stan dard , 4 > < Jo ; Peacock , 4 > jC. COMFOUTKIIS $ H.OOr35.00. UMNKETS White , $1.007.50colored$1.10 ; 08.00. HI.IACIIID : SIIKCTINO Berkeley cambric , No. IK ) , 9 > iJu ; Heat Yet , 4-i , il i ) ; butter cloth OO , 4.fc ' ; Cabot , 7 0 ; Farwoll , 8c ; Fruit of Loom , iio ; Greene ( i , Ou ; 11010,7 ; King Phillip cambric , lie ; Lonsdalo. llKc ; I.on.s- dale , S c ; Now Qork mills. lOJic ; Pepporell 42 inch , llljfc ; Peppcrcll , 40 inch , llKc ; Pep- perellO-i , 15o ; Pepi > ercll , 8-i 20c ; Peppcrell , 0-4 , 22e ; Pepperoll , 10-1 , 24o ; Canton 4-4 , 8)4'o ) ; Canton , 4-4 , UJfc ; Triumph , Oc ; Watnsuttn , Ho ; Valley , 5c. Fi.AXNr.i.s Plaid Raftsman , 20c ; Goshcn , ! ! 3Ko ; Clear Lake , 32Kc ; Maple City , 30W- . Wlilto-CJ H No. 2. ( , 2lo ; G H No. 1 , } { , 37i c ; B HNo. 2 , % \ 33Xc ; B H No. 1 , Jf , 30o ; Quechco No. 1 , % , 42o ; Queeheo No. 2 , * f. 37Kc ; Quochoa No. 3 , % . 32Xc : Anawan 13Kc ; Windsor,22' < c. Iled-C 21-lnch , 15 0 ; Kii 21-inch. 21c ; GO , 31-Inch , J8c ; HAF , % , 35o : J H F , W.STKc ; O , H , " - PIIINTS SOLID Coi-oiii Atlanta , 5 } c ; Slater , 5c ; Berlin Oil,0 > o ; Gamer Oil , &Jj7c. PINK AND KOUKS Ulchmond , Oc ; Allen. Oc ; Kiverpolnt , 5c ; Steel lllver , Oo ; UiolimonO , Cc ; PclllcC > Jc. I.siunoiii.VB Washington , Oo ; Century Indigo hluo prints , JOe ; Amer ican , O' c ; Arnold , 6Je ; Arnold B , 10J < c ; Arnold A , 13o ; Arnold Gold Seal , JOKc. Charter Oak , 4J < o : Itiimapo , 3J/o ; Ix > di , 4Ko ; Alloti.S o ; Jichmond,5Xoi Win dsor.Oc ; Eddystone , Oo ; Paclfto , Oo. COTTOX Fi.ASNBi.s 10 per cent trade dls- count-LL , 0 fc ; CO , 7XSS ; , S u ; Namo- less , 5o ; No. 5 , Oo : KK , 9 o ; OG , 10 'c ; XX , 12c ; OO. lie ; NN , lOc ; RX , 18o ; R , 20c ; No. 10. 8 ! e ; 40 , lO' ' oj-OO , laVtfo ; SO.lfie : 3(1 ( , ( olored , lOc ; 50 , colored , 12c ; 70 , colored , 15c ; Bristol , 13 > < fe ; Union PacithI8c. ; . CAIII-ET WAIIP Bibb white , 18 > fc ; colored 20Ue. Biiow.vSiiKF.Tixn Atlanta A , 4-1. 7 < fe ; Atlaiitle H , 4-1 , 7c ; Atlantic 1) , 4-1 , OU'c : At- lentlcP , 4-t , 6Jfo ; Aurora LL. 4-1. 5re ; Au rora C , 4-1 , 4kj'o ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , OV ; Hoosier LL , 4-4 , SJjfo : Indian Head , 4-1 , 7 > 4c ; Lawrence LI , 4-4 , 5o ; Old Dominion , 4-t , 5'ic ' ; Pepperoll R , 4-1 , 0o ; Peppcrell O , 4-1 , i'-c ; Pepperoll , 8-1 , ISo ; I'epperell , 0-1 , 20c ; Peppcrell , 10-1 , 22o ; Utlca C , 4-1 , 4.V ; Wnchusctt , 4-4 , 7o ; Aurora , R , 4-4 , 0 } e ; Au rora B , 4-4 , Oc. BATTS Standard , So ; Gem , 10) < fe ; Beauty , 12ty- ; Boone , lie ; B , cased , $0.50. GlxoiiAm Plunckett checks , 7' c : Whit- teuton , 7 , ' c ; York , ' ' .jV ; Normandi dress , S. ' o : Calcutta dress , SVfo ; Wliittonton , Oc ; Renfrew dre-ts , 9012' ' c. TICK.H Lewiston , ! W-in. . 12Vc ; Lowlston , 32-in. , 13 c ; York , 3J-ln. , 14e ; Swift river , 7 > > ; , o ; Thorndike , OO , S' c : Thonidiko. EF , SH'o ; Thorndike , < 20 , 9 > io : Thorndike , XXX , IHc ; Cordis , No. 5 , Hj c ; Cordis , No , 4 , lie. DC.VIMS Amoskeag , 0-oz. , lOo ; Everett , 7-oz. , 13c ; York , 7-oz , 13o : Haymaker , 8Uc ; Jaffrey , XX , ll' c ; Jaffroy , XXX , 12Kc ; Beaver Creek , A A , 12c ; Beaver Crock , BB , lie ; Beaver Creek , CC , lOc. General 'MarkctH. Fi.AXsr.nn Firm at $1.15 per bushel. GUVIN Wheat No. 2 , OOc per bushel ; rye , iiono on the market ; corn , 40c ; oats , 30c ; bar ley. 500OOc , according to quality. HAV Common , course , $5.00ii.00 ( ! ; upland prairie , $0.K)07.00. ( Straw , $5.5000.1X1. COAL Wo quolo : Egg , $10.50 ; nut , $10.50 ; range , $10.50 ; walnut block , Si.25 ; Iowa lump , $3.75 ; Iowa nut , $3.00 ; Illinois , ft.50 © 1.75. BIDHS Orcen butcher's , C05Wo ; green cured , 0 ( 0 > lc ; dry flint , 9c ; drysalt , Sc ; green culf skins , 7o ; damaged liidcs , two- thirds price. Tallow 3Jfc. Grease I'rimo white , 3e ; yellow , 3c ; brown , IJ 'c. Sheep pelts , 25V i > Oc. Fi'iw ( Quotations nro now as follows : Raccoon. 100t0o ! : mink. 15@40o ; musk rat , fall , 205o ; striped skunlc , 5025e ; mountain wolf. No. 1 , $1.5002.50 ; No. 2 , pral- rie , 75090c ; No. 2 , 250(00 ( ; bonvor , No. 1 , peril ) , $2.0003.00 : No. 2 , $1.0001,25 ; oiler , $1.0000.00 ; dry deer skins , 2)035o ( ) per Ib ; dry niitelope , elk , moose , eto. , 15025o lniro.s Steady ; Ammonia carb 14c , cam phor refined 300 , copperas 1'ic ' , cream tartar 15c , cream tartar powdcii'd 20u50c ( , India Mad ras 75c , morphia stilph $3.50. Soda hi. carb l ) e , Venice turpentmo 40c. Gum opium $4.05 , quicksilver 75c , ( | uiiiino , German per oz , 55c. AVax , yelhjw puivit'ie. OILS Firm jcarbon , 12t)25c ( ) ; linseed , boiled , We ; linseed , raw , 50ccastor ; , No. 1$1.20 ; No. 2 , $1.12 ; sperm wlnilo , $1.00 ; fish , bank 35o ; ncnts foot extra , 55c ; nontufoot No. 1,50c ; g.lso- lini',71 degrees , 15c ; W. S. lard , 05o ; No. 1 lard , 50c ; No. 2 lard , 50o ; W. Va. zero. 1 Ic ; W. Vn. summer , 1' c ; golden No. 1. 40o ; golden No. 2,25c ; whale,20o ; naptlia 1 degree'l4c ; head light 150 degree * , 12o ; headlight , 175degrees ; 15c. 15c.PAIXTS PAIXTS White load , pure , O' ' i1 ; white lead , fancy. O'c ; putty , in bladders,3c ; Paris white , 3c ; Whftiny , common , 2 , ' e ; red lead , 111. Wixnow GIAS I Singlf , 70c per cent ; double , 70 and 10 per cent discount. LiVTIIKH : Steady ; oakHolos , 35037chem : lock hlnughtprsole , SOfJl'JOe ; hemlock dry solo , 2lir27c ; hemlock kip,050IKX ! ; A. & B. runner kip. 500700 ; A. hemlock calf , ! > 0c@1.05 ; A. A. hemlock culf , "backs , " 75c ; hemlock up- | ) or , 19@24e ; English grain upper , 25o ; hem lock grain upper , 21021 ; Tampico B. L. Morroco , 20033c : Tampico pebble. O. D. Mo , , 290320 Curacoa B. G. Mo. , 35e ; Simon O.1) . Mo. , $2.7503.00 ; Dangola kid , 300Ji5c ; X. M. Kangaroo , 40u ; American calf kid , : ! ' - ' < ; ; Griehon kids , $3.00 , )3.50 ) ; French calf kids , $3.5 ; oak ki ] ) skins , S00f.OO ; oak calf skins , $1.0001.25 ; French calf skins , $1.2502.00 ; French kip skins , $ l.10g'l.VO ( ! ; Russitt linings , $ ( l.00ai.5i ( ( | per doz ; pink cream and white lin ings , $7.50010.00 per doz ; colored toppings , $ 'J.00011.00. ' Si'iuiTs Tiicro is no change as yet although one is anticipated soon , Cologne spirit * ; , 1SS proof , $1.10 ; do , 101 proof , $1.12 ; spirits , second qual ity , 101 proof , $1.10 ; do , 18S ju-oof , $1.09. Alcohol. 188 proof , J2.10 per wlno gal lon. Redistilled whiskies , $1.0001.50. Gin , blended , $1.5002.00 ; Kentucky bourbons bens , $2.0000.00 ; Kentucky and Penn sylvania ryes , $2.0000.50 ; Golden Sheaf bourbon nnd rye whiskies , $1.5003.00. Bran dies , imported , $5.0008.50 ; domestic , H.SOfnJ JUKI. Gins , imported , $4.5000.00 ; domestic , $1.2503.00. Champagnes , imported , per case , $23.00033.00 ; American , per case. 110.00 010.00. HcAvr IlAitmvAiiE The following prices are standard : Iron , rate , $ ' 2.00 ; plow btcol. . each , 75c : square nuts , pe.r ! b , 0@Kto ; cjl : clialn , per Ib , 0'-f@13o ; miiiloable , 8@Uo ) ; iron wedges , fir ; crowbars , Oo ; harrow tooth , 4c ; spring steel , 4@5o ; Burden's horse shoos , $4.75 ; Burden's mule shoes , $5.75 ; barliod wire , in car lols , W.OO per 100 Ibs ; inui nails , rates , 10 to 50 , $3.40 ; slcol nails , $3.50. Dry Immhcr. IIIMKNIIOXS ANII TIMIIKKF. IIO MUIS. No. 1 com , B 1 s.tlS.M ) I No. 3 cam , 1 No. 2 com , sis. 17.00 | No. 4 com , 1 H. 13.50 FUNTINO. No. 1 , 4 & C in 13 it 14 ft. , roufh . 110 50 No. 1 , " " 10 ' ' . JO 00 No. 3 , " 13 14 " . 16.W No. 3 , " " 10 " . 1800 MiiiN'n , A , 12 , 14 , .t 10 U.3I.BO I C. 12 , 14 & 10 fttl.ri.M B , " " B0.50 1 I ) , " " 13,50 A 0 in Wiiitc Pine Biliu " ' " COin " " nfiln " " . 31.50 EOln " " ( Scl. KoncliiK ) . 10.00 C In. Drop Siding 50u per M. extra. CEILIXO ANU I'AUTITION. Sdcom J/iu White Pine Culling . S-UOO > n . m.oo Clear1 % in Norway " " . Jfl.IV ) 3nd com. > ' ( , ' In " " " . U.OO 8'rocKitonns. . AlSinclis Js . 15M ) JJl'i " . , . 30.20 C 13 " . 30.00 IU3 " . 23.00 No. 1 , com , 13 Sim Is , 13 ft . 30.50 " " . " 14 ft . 10.00 " " " JO ft , . 1S.W " " " 10 , IS , SOft . 21,50 No. 2 " " , . ly.ixi " " " 13 & 14 ft . 18.50 " " " Illft . 17.W 13 In Grooved rooting , * 1 per M. moro than I'l n Stoek Boards same longtli. 0 In. Rmn ved Hooting same price us 13 in. Stoek Boards. SHU' I.U1. No. 1 Plain S and 10 in . $10.00 No. a " " " . 17.50 No. 1 , OG , S in . 10.50 1st nnd 2nd , elcar , I , 1'4' ' Inch , s 2 a . f.M.00 " " 1 , ,2 . ) 3d , clear , 1 Inch , s2s . 44.50 " 1 Mi l i 'J liifh . 40.IH ) A , select , 1 fiii-li , s 2 s . 40.00 A , " 1V , l.'tf , 3 inch , s2s . 44.00 B , " Iinehst2s . 30.00 U. " 1' ' , 1 ,2 Inch , s2 H . 37.00 SOl'TIIIIHXU1.I.OW 1'IXU. Com. 4 inch Flooring . f7i50 ! Star " " . 21,50 1st and 2d clear 4 Inch Irlooring . 33.00 Six-incli 50o loss. Clears Inch Celling . 31.50 Clear 4- inch Partition . 25.00 Clear $ g inch , 1'artltioii f J above % IcuU Cell ing. Clear Finish , 1 nnd IJ/ Inch , s 2 H . $20.00 Clear Finish , 1 } and 2 inch , s 2 s . 30.00 Clear Corrugated Colling , 4 Inch . 25.50 Clear yellow Pine Casing and Base. . . . 37.0 1'Cll'I.Alt I.UMW.Il. Cl. Poplar Bx. Bds. X In. , s 3 s . $35.00 " " U' in. Panel , s 2ft . 27.00 " " Corrugated Coiling , X. . 28.50 1UTTCNS , WKMi TUIIIKO , I'leKKTI. O. G. Uatts,3U In. iKo ; ? < x3 , s 1 B. 40ii ; 3 in. Well Tubing , I ) . A M. ami Bov. , $33.1X1 ; Pick ets , D. & B. Flat , $20.50 ; 1) . II. Sq. , $21.50. SIII.VOI.KS , IATII. XX clear , $ .10 ; extra A , $2.55 ; A * stand ard No. 5 , No. 1 , 11.45 ; lath , $2.55. I'OST * . White Cedar , 0 in. , if s. 12) ) 0 ; 0 In. qrs , llKi" white cedar , 5JIn. . J B. 11J < c ; 8 In. qrs , 10o ; white cedar , 4 In. round , H ! > Jo ; Ten nessee red I'cdnr , split , lie ; split onk , lOc ; 0 in , , 7 in and 8 in. ( > each ) S ft , , round W. C. posts. _ U ) ) to the prcHont lime Sir Morroll Mnckonzlo has received X'8,5K ( ) Htorlliif ; for ultondiiiicu on the crown ] > riuuo uf Gurmtiny. THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES , OMAHA. KUBUUBAN ' 1KAINU. _ . . . Council UlunVand Alhrlelit In addltlun to the stations inuntloui'd , trjhm stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth Mrcuttt and at the Summit In Omiilm. "Westward. 11 roadI'raiiM - Oiuulm llL'fl- . South AJ- wuy. fur. Depot. ) ) naha irlght. A.M. "A.TT A3S:45 A.M. \.M ? S:45 : 5r : > l G:00 : flU-i : 11:1 : II : M 11:55 : 7:112 : 7:15 : 7 : : 7:4i : ) 7:4.1 : 7fC : 8 : H-.4.1 0:12 : 11:2.1 : ti(5 : ( 10:12 : J:2.1 ( ) : 1(1:4.1 ( : 10 : ra 11:12 : 11:2.1 11:1.1 : 11:52 : I'.M. I'.M. I'.M. P.M. I'.M. I'.M. J2fi ; ( 12:2.1 : 12 : K 1:0.1 : 1:25 : 1:41 : I : 2 : Hii 2:25 : UfM 3:25 : 3:41 : 4:2.1 : 4:41 5:0 : } 5:1 : : . 8:1 : : R-M :45 : a-j 7:05 : 7:2.1 : I'M 7:4 : ill ! 8:25 8:4.1 : Uisr :46 : inili 10:2.1 : 10 OT ar. 11:0.1 : . " 110:52 : lv.ll : : < 0 JIM. KanUvni-d. Al faoutli iShcely. Omaha llroad bright. Uinulia. depot. fer. wny. ! . A. M. A.M. A , M. A.M. rM rin8 : .0:0.1 : 11:15 : : ! ) ) 0:43 : 7:05 : 7:15 : 7:15 : 7IEI : 7:40 : 7:55 : 8:07 : B:15 : N:2ti : 0:15 : 9M : ! lo)7 ! ( 10:15 : 11:07 11:15 : 11:2S 11:55 : I * . H. r. u. I * . M. I'.M. M. I1. M. 12:07 : 12:15 : 12M : | . - : 1:15 : M 2:07 : 2:1. : 2:2H : 3:07 : 3:15 : 3:28 : 4:07 : 4:15 : 4:2H : 4M : 5:07 : 5:15 : ( ! : l.1 li-28 7:15 : 7:2.S : 7B : : 7M : KU7 : HM ; H2S ; -JO H.V : , l':07 : Uil5 028 ; 10:07 : 111:15 : 11:07 : aril : 15 11:4.1 : IvllSU COUNCIL IJIjUKI-'S.