Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1888, Page 6, Image 6
HB K k Von E ' " Ei i . .0 . . . . - ' : . . ; ' ' THE SUNDAY , .BEE. JANUARY 8. 1888. - YVtfL'VE PAGER .THE 8'tTN.DAY. : .BEE. ' ; COUNCIL. BLUFFS. ' } ' Ol I-'ICK NO.1 'IB ; t'KAltt * STItKKT Dclh < > rc l by carrier In nny part of the city ftt twenty cents per week. II. W Tll/iiiN. r Manager. Tlil.Ki'HONKSi JlrmFiiM OFFKT. No. 4. ) . NICIIIT KIIITOII No. 2) . MINOR MMNTION. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Hclter , tailor , full goods cheap. Tlio African Hnptlttt church has released Ilev. Mr. Mills from Its pustoruto. The county board adjourned jcstciday af- tcrnoon until Monday afternoon ut'J p. in. flood coot , full weight guaranteed. C. H. Lumber company , DUO Main street. Tel. ' - ' " . The canning company's office has bcrn moved for the winter from the works to No. 52U Uroodway. Edwin O. Johnson and Miss Mary H. Cook , of Oarncr township , were married Tuesday evening by Kuv. W. H. W. Hoes. The infant child of Mr. und Mrs. Morris Traverse was buried yesterday morning at 10 o'clocg , from their home on Sixth street. Any one desirous of engaging In business , should read the announcement of n "Knap , ' ' inadu in another column by O. I' . MuICessou. It Is a big "chance for the right man. The "Old Hickory" ball to-morrow evenIng - Ing will bo quite an extensive atfalr. A largo number of tickets have been sold , and the indications point to u very largo attendance. Messrs. J. L. Formal ) and P. H.Witid have Withdrawn from the bond of J. A. Spuulding , which necessitates his securing other bonds men In order to hold his place upon the force of the city constabulary. The wife of Hon. K. S. Hart Is seriously ill , and unless there is soon a decided change for the better , Mr. Hart will bo unable to bo present at the convening of the legislature , which takes place next week. An Episcopal sociable will be entertained Thursday evening at the residence of Mrs. lic'iison , corner of Willow avenue and Eighth street. Mrs. Hcnsonwill bo assisted by Miss Davenport and Mrs. Hradbury. A time Is anticipated , and a general Invitation is extended. An upset lamp came very near causing a conflagration at tiio store of E. L. C nmlsbcrg. on Krldny last. The accident happened iibout NliitO o'clock. The lamp fell into u box which contained papers and other inllam able material , and but for prompt attention u lire of no small dimension would have re sulted. When the sewer and paving tax notice was nerved on the county board they did not kick against its payment , but promptly ordered the auditor to pay the bill. Now it will bo in order for certain property owners to protest against the assessment of tax ux | > n theirprop- ci ty for the payment of this bill. \Vaukesha\Vator.bytho gallon , 35 cents , lit Troxell Uro't ) . GUIIH of all kinds at Odell & Bryant's , CU1 S. Miiin St. One thousand head of one , two and three-year-old steers for bale. Will give credit to reliable parties. Enquire o A. J. Orconamayor , 0:23 : Mynstor st. telephone liil. _ I'crHonul Miss Lou Keellno of Omaha is visiting Mr. mid Mrs. Geo. ICecllno on Pierce stieet. W. O. Templeton. of the Citizens' National bank , Omaha , wis in the city yesterday. Heprescntatives U. K. Hart and A.V. . Wyiwui left for Ues Molncs yuaturduy morn ing. ing.Mrs. Mrs. Sarah Lawrence , of Hudson , Kan. , is visiting with her slater , Mra. Louis JSur inuchlcn. S. T. French , an attorney of North Pluttc , Neb. , was In the Ulull's yesterday , the guest ol.I. U. Chiistian. Dr. S. Stewart leaves for Atlantic thi > eve ning upon professional business. Ho will re turn Tuesday evening. Senator Gnmeweg leaves for the state rap itol tills morning. Ho will make his headquarters - . quarters while thcro at the Gladstone hotel. Capt. Nick O'lirien returned yesterday from a shoit visit to Sioux City. Ho fre quently brings back a man when ho goc's on these llttlo pleasure trips , but this time he returned sad and alone. Roller skating Monday night. Everybody invited. Driesbuc'h's hall , ! i. > Main street. Money to loan. Cooper & Jiulson. Splendid UuxincHH Opening For the right man who has a capital of $1 ( ) , < HH ) . For full information call on or address Forrest Smith , 11 Pearl st. , Council Bluffs , la. Over tlio Pant. Last evening the oftlcers-elect of the G. A. K. were installed. The following will servo during the coming year : J. J. Steadmaii , commander : C. S. Hub- bard , vice commander ; William Ifcipcr , olllcer of the day ; , I Jncoby , quartermaster ; J , W. Kilgoro , chaplain ; Eugene Casey , onicor of the guard. Tlio installation was followed by a r.upper. not of hard-tack and pork , but of the good things which un ex-solillcr knows full well liow to apprceiate. Then came the camp-tire , with its tales of hairbreadth escape and the living over again of the days and scones of the war. For bargains in real estate , go to Johnston & Van Patten , ftt Main st. A Snap. Splendid chancu to go into the imple ment business at Beatrice , Nob. Since the history of Beatrice there ban never been half to favorable a , time as at pres ent. If taken at once will sell the entire - tire stock of general implements , con testing of seasonable goods , regardless of cost. Address mo at Council BlulTs la. , or Beatrice , Nob. O. P. McKesson assignee forW. I. Shullenburyer. Deals In Dli t. Heal estate transfers from day to day give a fair Indication of the prospect for the year's building , as well as being a thermometer o the business temperature of a town or city , During the month of January few sales are expected , and the results during the pas few days have been most Mattering. Yes tcrday's transfers were as follows : Margaret Sehraum to Herman Grote , th w K of sw , ' { section 0 tp 75 r 42 w , elgh acres , SI.IV.U Same to .1 C. Whitcmah , R > i of so' { of s c tp'.lr 4''w , fS.NW ) . Michao Carr to Matthew , Mary and 13. 1' . Me Menomy , an undivided Interest in lots 3 nnd 4 bile ' ' 5 , lots 7 , 8 , 15 and 10 in blk ' - > 8 , lots M , 14 15 and 10 in blk 41) , lots 4 , 5 and 0 in blk 07 , lots 7 und S in blk 9 Kiddle's sub , lots 5 and It in blk 7 , lots 13 and 10 in blk II , lots 10 and It in blk 12 , lots 1' ) and SO in blk ID , lots 5 and 0 in blk 1)1 ) Howard's add , $ l,0'.Vi.8. ! .1. C. Norton to U. E. Uriglitmun , the nw V of so } { of nw if of see 1 ! ) tp 73 r 10 w , ten acres. , f .MX ) . Cross-cut taws. Odoll ft , Bryant. K. H. Shcafe loans money on chattel security of every description. Pidvnto consulting rooms. AH business .itrlolly confidential. OflU'o 600 Broadway , cor ner Main street , up-stairs. For best quality coal and wood , call on Gleason , lid 'earl ' street. The Central drug store , under the management of .1. I ) . Stuart , hits been enlarged and refurnished with a com plete stock of fresh drugs. A fine holi day line of books , stationery , cutlery anil imiblcal goods at. very low prices. If you deslro to get a now Hall typo writer che.ip , drop a postal eai\l to H. A. P. , HUB cfllfo. A croat birg-aln for the llrstlio applies. I offer a reward of $10 to any one who \ylll llnd out for mo who it is that inter- foivsvith my cemetery lot in Falrviow ccmotcry and with the mementoes which nrb placed upon the grave. grave.C. HALUAXK. HIE NEWS IN 'THE BLUFFS , ' ' ' ' * ' " ' 4 * ' ' ' ; A Fftlr Malddn BocuroS ) Honvy Dam- For Seduction.- DOINGS AMONG THE CHURCHES. Tlio Onn I'osts I'lnRRf-d Tim Kli-e Getting Coinlbrtnbly Kl.xctl A .Salvationist Fined For Thumping a 1/atl. Damages Tor Seduction. The court at Olenwood has had Its time taken up for two weeks with the trial of u case which has excited much Inteiest , and has been especially sensational for the Mai- vcrn folks , as the parties are so well known. The plaintiff Is Miss Mary li.itrd , a , charming looking young woman , and the defendant Is Lou liochncr , a prominent and qulto well to do young merchant of Malvern. The fair plaintiff claims that ho ruined her some years ago , under the false promise of mar riage. She says ho Induced her to accom pany him to a hotel ntCilenwood , and after that they continued their Intimacy for some time. Then it appearing that he was in no hurry to fulfill his promise to make her his wife , she determined to break off their rela tions , and she went to Kansas , where she re mained for eight months or more. On her return , so strong was her love for the man , and so great his Influence oycr her , that she again yielded to his beguiling words , and lie reassured her that ho would marry her , oven showing her the house that was to bo their homo. As ho disregarded these promises , she ut last commenced action against him. The first trial iesulted In her securing a verdict against him for $7,0 < X ) . The case was taken to the supreme court , and the Judgment set aside. The second trial came to a eloso at Olenwood yesterday afternoon , the Jury bringing in a verdict forf < i,7l > 0. The burden of the defense was the at tempt to break down her character , and to disprove her claim that he ever promised to marry her. It was claimed that If the seduc tion was at their meeting at the Hotel In Glen- wood , that act was barred by the statue of limitation. Any later act of seduction could not bo proved. The jury returned the ver dict just the same , in favor of the fair plain- tin' . The plaintiff had for her attorneys Messrs. Stone & Sims , while Watkins & Williams looked after the defendant. Instead of paj ing out your last dollar for gas , purchase lamps of Homer , 23 Main street. A choice lot in Terry addition for sale. T. B. BALDWIN. the Churches. The following announcements are made of services to bo held in the several churches of the city : HA1IMONY Ml'MOX. Services to-day at I ) o'clock , conducted by Hev. G. W. Crofts. Sabbath school at 4 o'clock. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening ; subject , "Tlio Tongue , a Powerful Instru ment of Much Good and Harm , " James III. coxonro * TIOXAT , ciit'urit. Services to-day , morning and evening. In the inoinlng the pastor will preach on "Re conciliation " In the evening the Hev. D. D. Dclang will preach ; subject. "Christianity Aggressive. " A cordial Invitation is extended. Mr. Crofts will speak for the Harmony mission at I ! p. m. In connection with the musical part of the services the following selections will bo iven : JIOUX1NO. Organ Prof. Do Normruidio Mcrkel Solo "Hear my Praver" Handel Mr. Westcott. Trio "It Is I , Ho Not Afraid" . ' Wilson Solo - "Better Land" Cowen Mrs. Wadsworth. EVIININO. Duct "There Is a Green Hill Far Away" Armstrong Solo -Hock of Ages" Abt Mrs. Evans. rilKMIITKIIIAN CIII'llCII. In the morning the pastor will preach and administer the sacrament of the Lord's Sup per. Wo love to have visitors commence with us at the Lord's table. Those , however , who may not wish to remain for the saero.- ment , will have an opportunity to retire. The Sabbath school will meet immediately after the morning services. Strangers and others cordially invited to all the services. MKTIIODIST WESCOl'AL CIIUI1C11. Hev. W. II. AV. Kecs , pastor. Preaching at 10yOa. : in. and 7:1)0 : ) p. m. Morning sub ject : "Tho Baptism of the Holy Ghost. " Kventng theme : "Tho Great Contrast. " He- vival meetings will bo held each evening of the week , conducted by the pastor. Sunday school at 12 m. Evening meeting for young people at 0:30. : Seats free , public invited. IIAI-TIYrcllUKCII. Preaching by the pastor at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : ] ) . m. Baptism In connection with even ing service. Meetings continue through the week. ST. FIUNCOIS' cnt'iicn. Mass at li o'clock , and mass will bo after ward every half houruntil high mass at 10:30 : a m. The singing at tlio high mass will bo b.v our own city and the best Omaha talent combined. B. P. McMcnoiny , pastor. ST. I'VUI.'S Kl'ISCOl'Ab CIIU1ICI1. Divine service to-day at 10:43 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. Subject of morning sermon , "Tlio Un certain Future. " Evening sermon , "Ma sonry vs Hcllgion. " The public and strangers cordially invited to attend. T. J. Mackay , rector. SMKTS' cniTitcn. Elder Mark Korseutt will preach at Saints' church this evening. Morning services at 10:30. : The public cordially invited. \ . M. C. A. 11OOMS. Young men's meeting this afternoon at 4 o'clock at Association hall , corner Main street and Broadway. All young men are invited to he present. A brifif spirited sonjj service will precede the other exercises. Murder most foul. To permit your children to die with dipthoria when Dr. Jefferis infallible preventatives euro will save every case. Ten years trial has , demonstrated the fact no physician required. Address Dr. T. Jell'eris , 317 South 15th street. Furnishing For Ftro The members of the lire department are Just now getting their full share of the good things of this lifo. Captain Hapalje , of No. 1 hose house , has presented each of the boys with n pair of heavy sheepskin gloves , which coma at just the time to bo appreciated. The members of house No. 4 , on Broadway , are much tickled over the donation of a rug bj the Council Bluffs Carpet company. The only trouble with the rug is that it will not stay where it is put , for although one of the boys may leave it laying quietly besldo his bed , \\hcn ho returns he is sure to find that it has become dissatisfied and taken up its quarters near one of the other couches. Tlio most pressing want that now exists is the absence of accessary chairs , and thocitj council now has an oppuitunlty to inako . very acceptable present. Special Sale ofn l' < l uant House. One of the largest and most elegant residences in Council Bluffs , modori improvements , largo and beautifu grounds. Ceutrally located. T. B Baldwin , Brown block , Council BlulTs Medicine For tlio Poor. The county board of supervisors , at yes tcrday's session , madotho following appoint mer.ts to treat the paupers of the county Macedonia. Grove and Silver townships Dr. G. M. Parish , Center , Bo'knap ' am James , S. Dr. Toby , H.ixlo Dell and Nor walk. It. 1) . .Icnnings , Carson and Washing ton W. F. Pierce , Crescent , Boomer am Uoekford , J. W. Nusum. The Progress of the Pny. Yesterday afternoon while the Bii : man was hustling his best for news will which to regale the Sunday readers hi stepped into the 'olllce of Dr. Stewart No. 45 Fourth street. The doctor is a recent addition to Council Bluffs , hay ing but a few days ago "moved from At lantic , la. , and purchased the veteri nary stables of Dr. Kcamons. Medicine is nut the BKH man's bca i old. but lie was aiixtotis to learn what 10 < ; oudof ! 'mpdorn invi ntinn for the1 realment of .siok'o.r disabled a'liimals. Jut a'fcw years ago , , when a horse's log vat'broken ho was shot. It wirt not hen ' posr > lblo to heal' , the ircak. hlt-oa cs in the human lace mid ho brute creation are very similar and equiro very similar treatment , but it vas many 'years before bcientifle re- carch showed this to be true. To bo successful in the treatment of hej-o caj < es requires the highest mirgi- al and medical knowledge nnd skill , vith.the assistance of the most modern appliances. These latter Dr. .Stewart ms , nnd ho willingly explained ( o his nipil how they all were ut-ud. lie alto nodestly gave the information that he vas a regular graduate of matcrla med- a as well as veterinary medicine and irgery and has had seven years practi cal experience. The stables arc fitted up with warm > ox stalls where animals can bo kept omfortably In the coldest weatber. Since these stables came into the pos- es-sion of Dr. Stewart ho has changed ind improved their arrangements f-o hat they are now fully the equal of any n the country. A Happy New Year , The Salvation Army figured in the police court npnln yesterday morning. Ocorpo Stownrt has boon one of their regular attcn- lunt.s for some timo. past , but his training Iocs not seem to have done him much good , is ho yielded to the promptings of the devil ind administered a thrashing to a boy named Jarvoy McAllister , who had incurred bis llsplcasurc. Thn army soldiers flocked to its defense , but were unable to clear him , luspito their earnest endeavors to do BO , and le was tlncd f'J.tiO for assault and battery. Vftor taking an account of stock they found t possible to raise the required amount , and he claims of the outraged law were satis- led. Tlio happy brethren then marched oyfullr awav from the station with their omrado , and he now occupies his usual place vlicn the troops leave their barracks for heir mighty crusade. Mauri Crlgg donated $8.10 to regain his Iberty after a lively boozo. Opium , morphine habits cured. Dr. loliingor , 014 U'way , Council BlulTs. No More Street The gas company has removed the burners rom the street lamps and soldered a plug hi liolr places. The reason for doing so was hut since the expiration of their contract vitli the city the boys have been in the habit of lighting the lumps. In some parts of the : ity this has been tlono for the purpose of 11- umliiatlng thuir slides , and in other places 'or mere mischief. Some of the cocks wore opened without lighting the gas. and the escape would not bo detected until tlio citi zens of the locality would make a complaint of escaping gas. The company objects to furnishing gas without pay , nnd hence the ictlon. At tlio Fair. Commencing to-morrow clearing sale of woolen goods and remnants of all \inds of goods , that have accumulated luring our last six month's business. Two yards prints , He , a < yurds for oc ; H-own sheetings. 86 inches wide , 3 yards for 12c , 7 yards for U8c ; Ginghams , Jo per yard , in remnants. Also a great many worsted dress goods , in remnants , : it low figures. Twenty-live pair lace curtains , 3 } yards long ! Hoc a pair , only one pair to each customer. J. GOLDIIKUQ , 18 Main t. - A pr.iirie chicken yesterday flew against a : clephono wire In front of the Homo Steam Laundry , anil was so dnrud as to bo c.isily captured by Patrolman Thomas. Attention , Company A. All members are requested to meet at the urmory on Monday evening at 8 o'clock , sure. Dullness of great importuned Is to bo trans acted. C. H. IIl < ! II\UTI [ , Lieutenant Commanding. THE SHAH'S GREAT WEALTH. One Hundred Million Dollars' Worth of ProcloiiH Stones in Ills Museum. What ho terms his museum , s-ays a writer in the December Cosmopolitan , speaking of the Shah of Persia , is a curious place. It contains a profusion of costly articles and objects of art , such as exist nowhere clbo at the present day , it being the opinion of well-in formed Europeans , who have viewed these treasures , that their money value is perhaps twenty-fold that of the contents of the bo-called green vaults at Dresden. It is impossible to give exact figures , for they could only be obtained after a long and minute inspection and valuation by experts ; but , roughly estimated , it is probable that there is more than $1X ( > , ( H)0,000 ) worth of jew elry , precious stones , coined and un coined gold , cobtly objots do vcrtu , fine porcelain and glassware , old weapons and armor , tableware and ornaments of riuisito Persian and Hindu workman ship , etc. The s-o-called peacock throne ( a part of the plunder Nadir Shah car ried oil from Delhi 150 years ago ) is alone valued at many millions , oven after a number of the large , rough and uncut jewels have been broken out and stolen. It is an incongruous place , this mu- souin. Thcro you will see vases of agate or gold and lapis la/.uli , said to bo worth millions ; and alongside of them empty perfume bottles' of European make , with gaudy labels , that can bo had at wholesale for about /i / cents apiece. You will sec. priceless mosaic and exquisitely painted cups , and cans , and verses , which were presented by some European potentate , and side bv side with them you will' notice some horri ble daubs , veritable 10-cont chromes , picked up the Lord knows how and where. You will perceive glass cases filled with hugo heaps of rubies , diamonds mends , emeralds , sapphires , turquoises , garnets , topa/.es , beryls , of all sizes and kinds , cut and uncut ; and cheek by jowl with those your eyes will see cheap music boxes , Jew's harps , squeaky hand- organs. The Shah must also be in con dition to ' "bull" the market on pearls ; for hero is , for instance , a big glass case twenty-four inches long by eighteen inches wide and high , that is moro than half filled with beautiful pearls ( mostly from the Persian gulf fisheries. of all sixes and degrees of loveliness. Iii a separate long case the orders and dec orations of the shah , coming from nearly every country in the world , are kept on exhibition ; but the crown jewels are in a little box that is always locked , and for which the shah himself forever , waking or sleeping , carries the keys. The contents of this box , and of the sev eral vaults where ho keeps his pilles on piles of bright , shining , unused money ho never allows others to view , although the musuum may be visited once a yeat by the European diplomatists and the friends that they vouch for. Barrels are made in Jersey for the use of the Channel Islands farmers whicl will fold up when empty , and thus , hav ing been tent to market , can bo packet into a binall spaoo on the return. The staves are fixed upon the hoops bo tha the heads being removed , they may bo rolled up. They are made poefoot eylin dors , and therefore occupy lo s space for the same capacity than ordinary barrelh The Art Review has this intoiestin , and instructive paragraph : "A biblio pegist Is biblionhilo with a special re gard for bookbindings. A bibliotaph is a book mNor. A bibliopole is a book poller for bibliophiles. A biblioklopt Is a stealer of valuable books. Mr. Lenox who would not let Prescott see his Moxl can manuscripts , was a bibliotaph , am S.un I'opyfa was a biblioklept. Hlbliola try is the \\ors > hip of books. " WEEKLY BUSlNE&i REVIEW , The Yonr Opens W16li n tight De mand For Mouoy. EUROPEAN FINANC At CENTERS. A Conipnratlvply Striufy Kccllnjj Pro- vnlln New Vork HlicH | > nly Mod- erntcly Active ProS'lHlons Inclined to Weakness. CntCAno , Jan. 7. [ Special Telegram to the JEE. ] The opening week of the year prc- ented considerable activity in financial cir cles. The demand for money was only mod erately active , calls from all sources being mailer than for some weeks past. Hankers lave Increased their supply of loanable funds ns borrowers have cancelled some of their outstanding obligations at the close of the ear. Operators on the board of trade rc- lucsted very few favors , ns deliveries on lanuary contracts were lighter than usual , icing transferred ahead as much as possible as speculators were fearful of a financial 'squeeze" about this season of the year. Packers have presented some paper for dis count , but their demands hnvo not been press- ng and their wants have been readily sup- ilied. There was about the average amount of miscellaneous paper offered at the banks ind parties in good standing were accom modated without much complaint. Whole sale merchants were model ate borrowers nnd , to some extent , in the way of extension of papers. There is considerable money being forwarded to tlio interior for the pur chase and storing of grain at interior points , hough even this demand is lighter than some weeks ago. Kates of interest are nodcrately llrm , though there is a larger percentage centago of paper accepted accepted at ncdium figures. The bulk of paper from good parties was accepted at 7 per cent , with small amounts at 7K ( < JS per cent. Eastern r.onoy markets' demand for discounts con tinues quite active with only a moderate sup- ily of loanable funds , and rates of interest , vero maintained at 0@7 per cent. Heports from European llimtidul ocntores indicated comparatively steady feeling in that quarter and Interests were without material change , i'ho weekly reports show a further decrease n bank balances. New York exchange was n good demand during the early part of the week and the fooling was stronger. Offcr- ngs were not very largo. Sales were made Between banks early atnogOOe premium per fl,000 , but near the close the feeling was easier and transactions were rnano at 2oS40o ( premium , the market closing steady. For- cipn exchange was in good request and offerings were somewhat limited. The market was stronger and prices ruled higher. Shipiwrs sixty days docu mentary bills on London changed hands at fl.Sla' @ l.S2) and the market closed steady at ss4.8'rf4.i5 ( . Stocks in Now York were only moderately active dur ing the week just closed. Trurtlng was mainly in speculativcs and the feeling was somewhat unsettled. Offerings was not very large , while the demand from all sources wa's limited. The reports of the earnings of the leading railroads for the .closing part of the year continue to show quite liberal increases , Vet this feature docs not appear to have any particular effect on the course of the market. The i eductions in froigljl on somooftho western railroads has tended to an unsettled feeling and In some instances caused a slight reduction in prices. Stocks of the trunk lilies have shown some Strength as rates have been well maintained ; both on local and through business. Some weakness was manifested at times , but the fluctuations in prices were slignt. Trading was largely on Wall street account the outside and foreign business doing very little. Sales on the New York stock exchange aggregated about 7-12,000 shares. A moderately active business was transacted in the Chicago produce markets for the in troductory week of the yeur < though the the trade in a general way has not fully re covered from the usual holiday quietness. The volume of speculative business was only moderate , and operators in all the leading nurkt'ts appeared to give preferred deliver ies the preference. Considerable trading was reported in the way of transferring con tracts. Deliveries on January contracts wcio surprisingly small , which may bo at tributed to the fear of a "bquce/o" in finan cial circles. Some wheat , lard and short ribs were tendered , but the quantities of other articles were very limited. The feeling in a general way was inclined to weakness , and pieces for most articles have favored the buying interests- The receipt of groin has not been very largo at the principal western markets and the movement eastward and to foreign markets was moderately free. Sup plies of grain arc increasing gradually with the exception of barley. The movement of live stock to jeading western points has been fair , but not in excess of that of tlio corresponding spending time in Ibb7. The firmness in freights and the scarcity of cars , coupled with the refusal of western railroads to transfer their shipments to eastern railroads , which has delayed freight , has Deen somewhat of an embargo to the shipping business , yet our merchants have managed to forward considerable prop erty in the aggregate. Advices from foreign markets in reference to stocks on hand and the demand for all interests , has not been very favorable to holders and the homo mar kets have not exhibited much life. Stocks of hog products are gradually accumulating at the packing centers though they arc generally believed to be lighter than at this time last year , due to the increase in the packing of the west. .DISASTERS IN THK OKIKNT. Terrible SufTcrlni ; From tlio Overflow of tlio YniiKtzc-Kianf ; . The Hu Pao says : The bed of the old southern course of the Yellow river being too high , the current cannot pos sibly bo taken into it , oven if the pres ent broach be bucees" > fully stopped ; and therefore it has been determined to ro- conduct the river north through Shan tung. The authorities of C'bihli and Shantung have accordingly been in structed to excavate with all speed , in readiness for next year's spring freshets. At Ilukiou Citynear Kiukiang , there has been rioting by the famished people , who forced their way into the Jox- aminution hall and violently demanded relief. A Chiiigkiang correspondent of the North China Daily News , under date of November 1M , saj > : The Yellow river Hoods tire wild to 1x3 m ktyg their way toward North An-hui , and the prefec tures and districts 'of ' Ying-chow , Show-chow and Tjng"yuan are said to have ton - feet of water. The llungtficj hjko is nlso slowly rising , and it is possible a portion tion of the Hood waters ma.M How' via the Chao lake out by Yu-ehi kin ncurWuhn into the Yangtze , and nnot'her portion by the Grand canal hlto the Yangt/o , near this place. Anywpy there will be great mibory this winter1 and nuiu.- ber.s of people have already been drowned. Some of thy wutors may too draw olT into the llwai river. The viceroy at Nankin is said to be much exercised on the matter , as ho doe.i not know where the waters may force their way out. Under dale o ( November 28 the same correspondent says : The waters of the Yellow river are now floating through northern An IIul. and a section of country ItSO square li is moro or lois of a lake , with the river running through the centre. The water has llowcd past Till Ho , Ilsieii and down to Ying-cnow Fu , both towns having suffered much from the Hood , The Hood water lias entered the Iluai river and Wu Ho district city is in great dan ger , The water in the Kao-yu and Shao-po lakes has already begun to rise and a considerable body of water is said to bo entering tlio Yangtco by a creek below C'hinkiang. The Grand canal is , only tcpnratejd. 'from the K < fo-yu .mid 'Shao-po by a tTykovhicli hn , liovfove'r. the hist' few ' yoari 'beenneed with 'roil frcostono' from 'Shao-po to the north miT | of the thi > Kao-yti lako. ' On thtr east bnnkif ( tlio canal the land flu * moro than ImU the dlstanio ! to Oh'ing- Chiang P'u 1" below tlio level of the Grand canal , and if the water should rise above the west dyke of the eailal there will bo u frightful inundation allover ever eastern Kiang u. The present dry weather is so far faxorablo , but the real danger will bo in April and May when the spring freshets arrive. It is essen tial Unit the breach in the Yellow river bank should bo repaired before that time arrives. The judge at Soochow is to superintend the river bank work ; ho is temporarily suc ceeded by the Chlngiang Taotai. According to a report sent to Shi Pao of Xovombor ! 28 and given under re serve , the River viceroy had three days warning of the impending disaster , but unwisely listened to the counsels of u secretary named Li , and neglected to send the money for purchasing block ing materials which were urgently de manded by the head ollloor of the sta tion. A letter to the Yih-won Lull says that the water now reaches to a point only forty li north of Yang-chow , nnd looks as if it will finally enter the Ynngtso by way of Kau-yu City. A mcmorinl from the Viceroy Li states that Tung-minp in Chihll has had a narrow escape from the disaster which look place higher up ; the current was moro overwhelming than has been known for scores of years ; thousand ! ) of taels had already been spent in endeav oring to save the dykes , when suddenly , the waters stopped and news of the breach at Chong-chou arrived. Four million taels , being the Peking romit- ances duo from the provinces bordering on llonan , are to be advanced by those provinces from any funds on hand and hunt to Honan within a month , the amount to count as next year's Peking remltaneoB , and to be gradually reim bursed as collected to the funds whence now advanced. The Shi Pao says that it is proposed to call upon the pawnshops throughout the empire for payinentof several years' annual license fees and quarterly re newal fees in advance , in support of the Yellow fund. The latest news from the breach is that the blocking-up work is progressing , and efforts are being made to lead off the water into its natural channel. The Shantung correspondent of the North China Daily News says : Thcro is a saying current in China that the imperial caiml is a jewel box , and that the Yellow river is a prodigal son. It is taid to have been from the will of the Emperor Chia-Ching that the fa miliar soubriquent'of this stream took its rise , by which it has come to bo known as ' : China's Sorrow. " Of the as pects of the recent calamity from the Honan and Kiaiignan side , wo are unable to speak ; the Shantung side may have some points of interest. The Yellow river has been in the habit of swinging back and forth , from the south of the Shantung promon tory to the north binco the Han dynasty. The northern routes have been various and complicated , and so far as wo are nwaro are not ascorfainablo with pre cision. A good map of Shantung or of Chihli is marked at sundry points along the seaboard with dotted lines , inclosing the phrase , "Old mouth of the Yellow river ; ' ' where thcro have been many mouths there have been many courses. In 18o7 the Yellow river , which for a long time had been flowing south of the promontory , burst its banks and came northward in a mighty torrent , occupy ing the bed of what was then termed the Ta CiringIIowhich at once became and remained a great turbid Hood. The de vastation must have been similar to what has lately taken place in Honan. By degrees the surviving inhabitants be came accustomed to the invader , and by mighty dikes struggled to re strain it. How ineffectual these efforts have been , may bo ascertained by a casual glance at the volumes of the translations of the Peking Gazette , especially for the past six years. Gov ernors have como , seen , and been con quered. Millions of taols have been as much wasted as if buried in a polar ocean. Square miles of earth have been heaped up , and washed out again each summer. There is a broad belt of Shan tung , which , like the valley of the Nile , has contracted a chronic habit of getting drowned. For years the great highway from Poking to Chi Nan-fu has been inter rupted each summer by a waste of water from ton to twenty miles wide. This occupiad a district fertile and full of villages. When the Hoods came with Buddon violence through a huge gap in the double banks , villages were utterly washed away and crops buried out of sight. Late in the autumn the waters usually subsided , and then some of the survivors contrived to plant alittlo wheat in the soft residuum of mud , and were esteemed fortunate if it was reaped in time to escape Iho Hood of the nextsum- mer. In the fifth moon of the current year the waters came again. Half way between Ta-chou and Chi Nau-fu it was necessary to take boats , which wore pro vided by the magistrate of the district of Yu Ch'eng , to ferry passengers over about fifteen miles of water. When at length this water was crossed there still remained six miles of solid land before the Yellow river was reached. Despite the enormous vol umes of water escaping through the gaps above , the Yellow river itself was full to the top of its natural banks , and on either side ran a swift and | x\vorful current like a mill-race. In the midst where all is generally a smooth , oven flow , appeared a tumultous boiling , hiss ing rapid , extremely dangerous to navi gation. This was the point where the waters came into collision with the broken arches of what had once been a tine bridge over the Ta-ching rivor. Such , for live or six years past , lias been the general condition of the vicin ity of the yellow rivor. in the profee- tu'ro of Chi Nan-fu. The moment the great break occurred in Honan , so fatal to that province and to An Hui , all this was changed. The overflowed river fif teen miles wide , which had so dislocat ing an clToot. flowed away almost as quickly a it camo. The real Yellow river , too , no longer camoand its chan nel became quite useless for navigation. Great junks were helplessly strandod. There was but a few inches of water in the shallower bonds , and. in the deepest readies between the water had settled into clearness , and there was no current whateve.r. Thus came to a sudden end almost exactly thirty years of malignant violence , tho'fury of the waters being transferred elsewhere. Within a few days of the departure of the water tlio old roads on the plain south of the river were re-opened , and in a fortnight what had lately been an impassable swamp was actually dusty. On the northern plain the process was slower. Tlio lack of united action so conspicuous in Chinese affairs , was hero more con spicuous than ever. Nor is it the Yellow river alone which works such ruin. There is not a river on the immense plain * north of the Yangts/.o which is not liable to do the samo. The so called grand canal , the Fu Yang-bo , the Huto-ho , the Ilun- ho , the Poa-ting-fu river , and I'el ho , with many les-er streams and tributar ies are thus threatening or actually working ruin and devastation all the time. Lisabter& ) which , occurring in : IT WOULD TAKE MORE ROOM THAN ALL THE NEWSPAPERS IN THE CITY TO REPRESENT IN PRINT HENRY EISEMAN & CO.'S GRAND HOLIDAY STOCK ! But it is well known that our house contains such a multitude of items that it is impossible to name them , nor could the papers make space to enumerate the articles now on exhibition. Each nnd every one of our departments will offer thousands of "useful and ornamental things SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS Wo have made every effort to place on sale the most attractive and useful goods at the lowest possible prices , and wo Invite inspection and comparison. Special Handkerchief sale this week at 2c , 60 , 10e , Ific , i5c ! , up to 810. Each and all go at about half price. Silk Handkerchiefs and Mufflers in largo variety. Laces , Embroideries , Fichues , Lace Collars. Kid and Fabric Gloves. All must goat'this great sale. Cloaks , Suits , AVraps , Gentlemen's Dressing Gowns mid Smokinglackets. Ladle's Slumber Robes , Japanese Smoking Jackets all Silk and Quilted at $5 , $0 , 97.5(1 ( to 910. Each a very suitable present from a lady to a gen tleman. MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT AT TENTION. HENRY EISEMAN & CO , , 314 , 316 , 318 & 320 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , : : : IOWA. DO YOU INTEND TO BUY OK so , OiTO w is PIANOS Tun rw.i.EST. KICIIUSTTONK. I'lA.SOS THK hATKST STVI.KS IN ( 'ASKS. VIANOS TUB MOST DUAUTIPUI. FINISH. Wo Doly All Competition and Challcngo a Comparison of Goods anil I'rlcet With Any HOIIHO In I lie \Vost. SEE US BEFORE YOU PURCHASE I SWANSON MUSIC COMPANY , 329 WEST BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , . . . . IOWA. Hungary.Italy or Franco would bo heard of within forty-eight hours all around the globe , attract in China but little atten tion. They are too little known. They are to % common. They are supposed to bo remediless. Yet the recuperating power of the Chinese Is remarkable. Drowning , freezing and starvation &eom to act as but a temporary depres sion. Helpless as they obviously are , and hopeless as one would expect them to be , they rise from temporary extin guishment and "do the next thing. " It is a sight truly ama/.ing to see square miles of mud which would not bear the weight of either man or beast , and from which the waters had barely subsided , which had yet been tracked over by both man and beas-t the former guiding and the latter drawing a simple sharp pointed drill which cut a slit in the mud , and dopobitcd therein grains of wheat. The abundant moisture and the warm autumn sun caused the wheat to spring up rapidly , and whore on'y ' yotiterday absolute desolation prevailed , there is to-day the promise of an abundant har vest. vest.What will bo done with the now dis persed bodies of fatal waters , which were once the Yellow river , wo do not know. The untold and unimaginable horrors of its latest outbreak may never bo revealed. Wo hear of whole porfee- turos submerged of a district city from the walls of which but two men escaped alive ; square miles of villages obliter ated in an instant as leaves are turned under by an autumn plow. China has many necdfa railways , telephones , mints , banks , and balloons , not to speak of loans and syndicates ; but in our opinion what she needs most and first , and without which all UICMJ and much else will bo as usclcns as the trilobiticb , is a government. A man in Thomaston On. , ifi said to have caught fid" chimney swallows in one night by putting a board over the chimney where they came to ni'ill > oiiilily Vindicated. Under the above heading the St. 1'aul Pioneer Press has a Waohington dis patch as follows : Sigournoy Uutler , second comptroller of the I'uiToncy. to-day notified the sec retary of the interior that the accounts of V. T. M'Gillvcuddy , late agent at Pine Kidgo , Dakota , had been thor oughly examined and found correct , and that Or. M'Gillycuddy was in debted to the United States , in the sum of $ lU..o7 ) dif-allowed items. For several vearx a mer-'ilchs warfare against Dr. iM'Gillycuddy has boon carried on by various franks and interested pi'i'Hms hero in Wiihhingtou and less than a vear ago the acting commissioner of i Indian alTairh. Unshaw , took occiihion to j rolled upon M'Glllcuddy's honesty and integrity , referring to curtain charges made bv an cx-olllcial again-t the ox- Indian agent. ThU report by the comp troller is considered a complete viudlca- Spccial bargains in our Art goods de partment. Stamped Linens , Knit goods , Underwear. Kvorything must bo sold this week. Come to the People's store lirst and see what we can do for you. Wo know wo have the goods and that our prices will save you money every timo. With every $2 purchase you will receive - coivo a ticket for one chance in our 100 grand frco presents. S-SMOOTH IN TOKB. OIKUNS Fl'I.I , IN VOMtMK. Ona\Ns II.EIIANTIV : FINISHED CASES. tion of the doctor , nnd oven the interior department olllcials spuak with the highest s-atisfnction of this outcome. lU'Gillcuddy was considered the best Indian agent ever in the borvico , and bib removal was severely condemned. SPECIAL NOTICES. _ NOTICE. SPF.C'TATiUclvPitlsempntH , surhfis Ijnst.Fonnrt , To Loan , For Sulo. To Unit , Wuiits , ItonrrtliiK. i'li' . . will bo inserted In this column lit tlio low rutoofTKN" CUNTS I'KK MNKfnr tliotlrntlu- nei tlon nail Five Cents Per l.lnn for uui-li mibso- ciui'nt Insertion. I.OHVU ailvcrllii'iiii'iits ut our cilllrn Nn. Tourl.Stieet , near Uroiulwiiy Connell - ell lllillf.M. IQW.I. WANTS. WANTI2I1 A place to woik In olllco or fam ily In Council IIlullH or Omaha , nights or evenings unit morning ? , for bounl b.v middle- agt'il gentleman of uo > > il di.iruclcr unit ability. Ili'fi'ri'iui'S. .1. K. K. . 70'Mjnstur ! ) ht. , Council llluirs. OH HAI.K Tluei > Davs Only-Lot fi , block 0 ; lots H mill H , block I * ; lot * 1,3 and I ! , block a i. nnd loin : i , 4 , ( > an < l 11. bloc ) ; ; X ) , Hi.vant anil ( 'hnk'H aililltlon to Council lllullx , town , chvitp , by M K.Jtohrcr. TflOll HUNTAKOoilnov. . ' HCVHII room liuusn. X1 ( iooil location. Umiulro ot W. T. Oolo.Wl I'earl ht. W ANTKO A boy with pony to take carrier route oa the lire. \\7ANT1U ) A flrst-clii'-s cook iiml linker , ono Y T or both can obtain p < rniuni'iit I'lnploynu'iit In n llrnt-class hotel In u largo rltv In Iowa by aililii'Hsliiu , with rvfcrvnci-H , 1' . O. llox No.U Council Illulls. OHSAI.n rurnlturcMinil ntpvcs nt n sncrl- F Ilfutoriluri-Ktock. You can buy at your imn prices. A. . ) . Manilt'l. Flt IllIS'T A six-room home. No. ml Myns- ter _ t. Apply _ to A. L nilii , fi.i' > llroailway. V\7ANTii : ) Firm class utirdener. without. TI rnnltul , to work uxlunahu garden on. Khares. Fllst rlftS8 ( haucu. Address t-inltli , Counrll JIlullB , la. BXCIIANOi : Omaha and Council HIiillH prop erty und ui'stern land for utoikit of m r- ( Imiullhe. Cull on or uddtorix J. 11. Christian , Kil Ilio.idw.iy , Conmll lllullX la. 1/Wll PAI.K-Hci-ond-tmnd Columbia btcyclo- -I ? very cheap , KMnch , at lleo olllce. Bt JI.DI.S'U loiHiiiul aero propuity for Haiti by F. .1. Day , : U I'earl Bt. OFFICER & PUSEr , BANKERS COO llrooihruy Couutll Illuirs , Iowa. Established * Ik. " . GREAT DISCOUNT SALE - OF 20 run VENT o.v HATS AND GAPS FOR GASH. aOUGLAS STHEET , - - - OMAHA.