Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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January Clearance
BM Velveteen ,
Monday morning , we will ofTcr BOO
Jf rds Hlaclc Hklrtlntr Volvetecm , a
quality worth 7Bo n y ril ; wo roared
then * Ktauoli n Imritaln that wo can
oil them at 2J c. Ttioy make splendid -
did skirt' . banqueii , etc ,
Silk Rhadames ,
Nn y , wtnp , nrown , tan , tnyrlle , etc
Ihcr cost 91.5O a ynnl ro ninnutnc-
ttiro ; our buyer imrcliiiMpil them In
New Yorlclnnt wo ok at such a hnrtfiln
that we olTor them Tor $ l.Ott next
Magnificent Quality
Faille Francaise
Vfc Hectirod 25 pieces or the very
flnoHl ( ( iiitllty I'olori-il Faille Praii'
cnlso. TheHiero Imported to Hull
for $2.5Ua ynrd ; coloin , navy , myrtle ,
\vlnp , tan , brown , cronm , plntc , llchc
hlueH , orniifir , gicy , heliotrope , nyard.
Ends from 8 to 20 yds.
50O Lengths ,
That wo do not wish to cut and will
# 1.50 HI uric RilkHfor $ I.1O.
$1.75 Black Sllki for $1.25 ,
$2 Illack Kilks for $1.50.
$2.50 UlaukSllkR for $1.75
$11 Itlack Bilks lor $2.25.
$4 Black HIIICH far $2.75.
All desirable , and hear In mind , fully
guaranteed tojtlve uood wear.
A Pointed Reply to the Strictures of
An Omaha Dally.
A Lengthy Opinion Filed By the Su
preme Court Mr. I-'ittikc Leases
Opera HOUNO For
Farmers' institutes.
I Goveiuor Tbayor to-day mulled the follow
, ing very interesting letter to tno Oinuhn
Herald. It will bo read with n great-deal of
interest by the Io > al friends of the governor
in Nebraska :
Liscot.x , Neb. , Jan. 0. To the Editor of
the Omulm Herald , Omiha , Neb. : In the
Herald of Iho 2nd fust , you quote an article
from the St. Louis Republican , headed
"Where Is Governor ThujeH" In the llei-
nld sorno days previous j ou had an article
referring to m.\self aud the protest I for
warded to Senators Munderson and Paddock ,
headed "When Was Ho in UurnesU" Thun
jou quote from un interview with mo , repro
duced fiom the Lincoln Journal of December
HO , ISN'I , fiom which you quota as follows.
"Tho democrats won the i election and the
presidency. They have the responsibility of
conducting the government. They hnvo the
light in political ethics to fill at least all the
oflicos necessary to the proper meeting of that
responsibility. Under the rule of fair play ,
the administration should have the unre
stricted namjng of all its agents to the end
of securing ; i cheei fill and loyal cooperation
with its policy. Wo have nlwaj s churned so
much for our own party , wo should bo will
ing to concede no loss to the democracy. " I
stand by what I then said and I say now that
I conccilp to Mr. Cleveland the light to fill
the executive offices with democrats. I con
cede to him the tkiqutstioncd right to make
Frank Ireland or lr Bear , ( u confederate
officer , ) or anj other good dcmociat United
States marshall for the state of Nebraska ,
and I would vote for his conili mation. I ex
pected him to fill all of the i\ccutlvo : offices
with democrats such offices ns collectors ,
customs , iutctnul revenue , postumstcix ,
United States marshnlls , land officers , ter
ritorial govcrnot sand secretaries ; and if 1
were in the senate 1 would vote for the con-
111 mation of such appointments. I hnvo
never questioned the light of the president
to put even confederates in thcso offices.
Whether I liked it or not , I hnvo never ob
looted to theii confirmation , but I never would
usbont to the placing oi a man who had done
all in his iwwor to overthrow und de
stroy the constitution und the Union , upon
the bench of the fiupremu court , to expound
und interpret the constitution. In the In
terview whii h you quote , 1 may hnvo neg-
lifted to muke this exception , but I certainly
did , In sovcrul speeches which I mudo u year
ago last autumn , say to the people that I
would confirm Mr. Cleveland's appointments
with thu exception of the nppolntmcnt of
rebel upon Uio supreme court bench , aud
there wore muny who heard mo make thu
exception. Lmipttu-ot and Mo by accepted
the results of the war , apparently in good
fulth. uii'l ' admitted that they were in error ,
but they were only up ] > ointed to subordinate
positions. There is a vast distinction between
Mich appointments nnd appointing judges of
the United States supreme court : the only
couil which can expound Iho constitution of
the United States , tuul v.hose declslocs txio
irruvorsablu l.iv.s.
In iM'il John A. Campbell , judge of the
Unl'-rd States supreme com t , scornfully left
Ills se'it and turned his back upon that bench ,
spit upon tlo : constitution , und engaged in
organized secession and rebellion against
that court and the constitution Of the United
Stales , which ho had taken u solemn oath to
huppnit ; he did all In his power to overthrow
that supreme Ivnch and thnt constitution.
Was ho , or wu he not , a traitor ! Whether
ho Is living to-day , 1 do not knaw , but if ho
won1 , and Grove ? Cleveland should nominate
him for u Justice of thnt supreme bench ,
would you , if you were u mem-
IHT of the United Slutos senate ,
vote to confirm him in that raiTcd ofUcel
This Is a plain iuci-Uon ; and illustrates my
point. Lucille ( j. C. Luiiiuv wua H member Of
Great Annual Sales in Six Departments , Commencing Monday , Jan
uary 9th , 1888.
Hamburg Edgings and Insertings , Silks and Dress Groods ,
Linens and Housekeeping Goods , Hosiery and Underwear ,
Hosiery and Underwear , Flannels and Blankets
Our Mr. Brown has been in New York for the past two weeks securing bargains. Bear in mind that
our facilities for purchase are second to none in the country.
1'rennriitlonH lor tills mile hnvc l > cnn
carefully nmdr ; lirsldcs the bargains
In Now York by Mr. Hrown ,
our own Htock linn been carefully rx-
ninlnod nnil any ccitinulatloiid of
marked ilonn lor ( Ills snlc.
1 lot 1100 pieceAlii /
In 4O , 42 nnd II Inches wlilo Utopia
Hliadus ol'iinvv , niodo , inn , wtno/niyr-
tie , etc. , linn culncl'i hutr HITKCH ,
uorilH , Houiistopol oloch , etc. , flint
hnvi * iicVoi1 solil less than 7Gc to O5c
n yaid , nil for
50c Per Yard.
S. P. MORSE &CO. _
Stylish Plaids
48 Unities wide Milk and wool ParU
plntdH on wliioh thr prlc-r- linn boon
$1.75 and $2 ; next week $1.10.
Combination Suits ,
2rt plain color all wool embroidered
panel coinblnatinn nultN , worth $ IO
each ; next week $5. Come early.
Combination Suits ,
Neat , dfHlrnbln plain colors , that
cost $25 to Import , the plain oloih In
these IN worth our pi-Ice , to say noth-
liii-oMho rich | ) ln h ptiiirls mid cm-
hroldory accompanying the ult : our
price $15.
the house of representatives in 1fCO-61 nnd
luul bci'ti inorabcr for several ycais. Ho
was sworn to support tlio constitution of the
United States. Ho trampled upon that con
st Itut'ou ; ho avowed himself a disunionist
and f-eei-ssionist , iind helped to ortfuni/o the
rebellion ; ho served Iho confederacy in the
Held unil in other positions. Ho 1ms de
nounced the amendments to the constitution ,
He said publicly In the United States senate
that if Jefferson Davis was n traitor , ho
( Lnmar ) was a traitor also. Could yon con
scientiously vote for his continuation !
t'uitheruioro , I ask you , Is there such a thing
us treason ) Do these woids of the constitu
tion which name it , and the luus which pre
scribe the penalty of death for treason , mean
nnyttilnK or noli Did anyone commit
treason In the late civil war }
Now these are plain , palpable questions ,
easily answered one way or the other. PleoflO
nlvo srpmie , unevuslve answers. I have In
formed you , without nuulillcutious , whore I
am to bo found. You desito to know if I was
jokiiiR in IbW , or now. I assure you I was
in dead earnest in Ibbfl , und still more in
curliest at the present time. You ask if I nm
talking purely for effect. Yea , I nm. and I
like the fleet thus far ; and I am pity ! totob-
siervo that my letter to Senators Manderson
nnd Paddock has helped to awaken attention
to tno danger to tosult from the confirmation
of L. Q. C. Lamar as supreme Judge. Vou
will never have any diflleulty in lluding my
I believe the appointment of Mr. Lamar as
a justice of the supreme court is the Initia
tory step for the subversion and overthrow
of thi war iTmendinents to the constitution ;
I believe It to bo the entering wedge fore
o | > cniii- ( the way to the treasury of
the United States to socuio compensation for
piopeity destioyed in the south by the union
IUIIIICH during the war , and compensation for
the vnluo of slave pioperty , made free by the
emancipation proclamation. And thus be
lieving it , I have iirotestetl asulnst it , and
still protest , as I have a right to do , against
the confirmation of Mr. Lmnur. On this
question I am ready to go before the people
of Nebraska and leave them to decide who
has made "tho silliest ( quoting from your
own language ) exhibition" 6f herself.
President Grant appointed Caleb Gushing
as United States minister to Spain , nnd the
republic aimscnutc conllrmcd his nomination.
Altei wauls ( leneral Giant named the same
gvntlcman to be chief Justice of the supreme
of the United States , and because Gushing
had , in the early part of the war addressed
a communication to Jeff. Davis as "Presi
dent Davis , " thus Indirectly ir-cogniz-
ing the southern confederacy , that
Kitme republican senate infoimed President
Grunt that Gushing could not bo continued
for the oftlco. of chief Justice , showing by that
act , that the sum emu bench must forever bo
kept clear of nil who had been engaged In
the rebellion , Just ns present Imvs prohibit
those ofticors of the army and navy , who
threxvup their commissions , violated their
oaths and engaged in treason , from being reappointed -
appointed in the army and navy.
If the utterance of these sentiments is
waving ; the "bloody shirt , " then let U wave.
Very respectfully , JOHN M. TIUTCIU
LO.SO errs A XBVV Tiuvt , .
Jefferson Kong , under sentence of death as >
accessory to the munter of an ugcd couple in
Lincoln county ban been given a new trial
by the supreme court. Thu crime U familiar
to many in western Nebraska , the trial In
loner court proving that an old crmiilo named
H.iscom were murdered in their homo nnd
the house then burned to com cal the crime
Earnest M ) ers was I'.xcd upon as the princi
pal in the mine , but he has uo vr been found
Lonp , who did not attempt to escape , was
tried as accessory In the criuio and , by .ludgo
Homer , sontcmcd to hung. Following In
the opinion rendered by the supreme court.
Lon vs State. Eiror fi cm Lincoln county ,
Judgment ruveiscd , motion fur a new trial
sustained and caut o remanded for further
1. YHil'u the confessions or statements of a
third party not made In the presence the ac
cused uio inndmlssiblo in any form in pros
ecution against person chargeJ with the
Olfcnsa of aiding and abetting such third
paity in the commission of n murder , yet it is
competent to prove the statements of the ac-
cufod made ngjlnH his owu interest , in a
conversation | n which ho U informed that a
confession has been made by such third party ,
ho boin ? the principal Indicted with the nc
ouscd. but not in custody , and In such cuso
the wliole conversation between the witness
ur.d accused nuiy ) > e given in evidence.
2. A witness was culled and examined b.\
the prosfcution. On his croMS-exarnliiHtioi
be waa oakcd U Uo bad ever becu convicted
Honey Comb Towels
For 25c.
Wo atari nor tfnnuarr iilnrn unle
next work with "OO dozen cotton huok
towels , worth $1 a dozen ; our price O
for 25o.
Bed Spreads , 58c ,
Next week we will oiler 25O largest
HI/.O honey comb hod spi-radx , actual
value $1 each ; our prlno CHc.
Elephant Size Huck
Towels , 25c.
2OO dozen largpat slzo hcut Irish
In en hiiok towels , worth37 l-2cncxt ;
I week 25c.
Turkey red table damask 25cworth
Persian Silk tapewtry talilc covers ,
$2 25. worth $ U.5U.
lUoachod ROtlii tnhlu damask , re
duced to ( I5c , worth UOc.
Ulonchcd Hatin table damask 75c ,
actual value $1.OO.
of a felony and sentenced to prison. Ho
insweicd that ho had been convicted of the
ciimo of forgery by the district court of Arn-
> ahoo county , Colorado , und that ho served n
> ai t of the tcini for which ho was sentenced ,
vhen ho was pardoned by the governor of
.hnt state. The conviction was also proven
jy other testimony to which the prosecution
uado no objection , the fact being virtually
tdmittod. On the part of the defense the
record of the conviction was offered in evi
dence , to which objection being made , it was
jxcluded. Held No error , or , if erroneous , ,
t was without prejudice , the fact having
jcon already unquestionably established.
.t. Impeachment is an attack upon the
.ircscnt credibility of a witness ; and an im-
Kmcliing witness who testifies that ho knows
/he general reputation of the iKirsou attacked
'or truth and veracity , will not bo excluded
from giving testimony ns to such reputation
it the time of the trial nnd permitted only to
testify to the tcputation of the witness ut n
prior time. The true question is : What is his
reputation on at the time ho testifies !
4. The indictment charged the murder to
navobeeii committed with n "bludgeon. "
The testimony loft It In doubt as to whether
death was produced by a blow with a bolt or
jlub. The court instructed the jury that
if death was produced with a blow with
bludgeon , bolt or club , it would bo sufficient
us to the manner of producing death. Such
instruction was held collect.
5. In criminal prosecutions the jury must
be satisfied of defendant's cuilt beyond a rea
sonable doubt from the evidence. They must
not go outside of the evidence. Hence , an
instruction that the evidence "includes not
only the sworn testimony of the witnesses
who have testified , but till the circumstances
sui rounding the trngedj" was erroneous.
ti. AVhilo it ia doubtless advisable , and per
haps bettor to use the statutory language
descriptive of a crime in an Instruction , yet ,
where words are used which convey the
same meaning and import , nnd which cannot
bo misconstrued by the jury , the instruction
uiny not thereby bo rendered erroneous.
7. It is the duty of a trial court to submit
to the jury by way of piopor instructions
such principles of law ns may bo applicable
to the case on trial , as it appears from the
evidence ; und ulso such principles as may bo
applied to witnesses who are interested In
the result , or whoso testimony should be
weighed with special care and caution , as
accomplice ! ) ; but it is not projier to discuss
the iwllcy of using such witnesses. This
should bo loft to counsel in argument.
8 The Jury alone nro the Judges of the
weight of testimony. Therefoio un instruc
tion on that "evidence of good chui actor is
entitled to great weight where the evidence
is weak or doubtful , but is entitled toery
little weight when the proof is strong" was
held to bo erroneous.
0. Instructions examined together arc
found to bo erroneous.
10. In the absence of evidence to the con-
ti ary , the law presumes every ono innocent.
And this legal presumption of innocence is a
matter of evidence to the benefit of which
the party accused is entitled. Garrison vs
The People , 0 Neb. 2T5.
Commencing February 1 the Funko Opera
house , which has for several > ears been under
the successful management of Mr. Funke ,
the proprietor , will assume a change , Mr.
Uobort McHeynolds , the present treasurer of
thu the house , and Mr. L. M. Crawford , of
Topeka , having leased the house , commenc
ing with that Jute. Mr. FnnKo retires , not
from ill health or because ho is in particular
iicod of a rest , but because ho has ample out-
sldo business to require his entire personal
attention. To the new proprietor * , Messrs.
Crawford and McHoynolds , an introduction
is entirely unnecessary , us Mr. Crawford bus
been for sovoial yearn ono of the most suc
cessful theatrical munugers in Kansas ami
Mr McHeynolds has proved his entire ability
in Lincoln with the house that now passes
under his management. The change will enlarge
largo the field to the house. Mr. Crnuford ,
with his cii cult of houses , will bo a great as
sistant to the local manager , Mr. Mclioy-
nolds , in securing impular attractions and the
popularity of the house in the futuie , us in
the past , U assured.
Was Skinning When Caught.
A man who signs himself as C. Thompson
was arrested ut the depot lust night us ho
was about taking u train for other pai ts. Ho
wius marched to the central station where ho
is detained oil a charge of attempting to defraud
fraud the proprietor * of the Metroi > oUtui
hotel out of u board bill.
Fringed Cloths , $5 $ Each
15flnent quality Orenm Hntln Dnltmfek
Tablet Cloths , nnmn 2 1-U. Home U nntt
nonio 3 1-2 yi nl lontr , rivluciMl from
$8 , $1) and 91O down to $5 each ,
HO dozen doublu Hatln l > .nnu k U-H
nlze Napkins , our regular $2. 5O qual
ity , next week. $1 115 dozen.
1OO dozen ii'4 largest nlzo
pnrclin fd hy Mr. Hrown In Now York
* H n bargain ; worth $13.75 dozen.
Our price $1.1)5 n : > xc weoU.
$1,75 to $2,00 ,
Two qualities regularly sold at
$2. BO and ; $ : ) . Oiir buy IT closed
those ont In Now York to ncll tor $1.75
and 92 , on sale next week.
A Review of Different Toarao in the
Now Loaffuo.
Batting AverajteH or the New Omaha
Team A Very Strong Showing
GoBsIp About Various
Sporting Kvcnts.
Kaso Ball Talk.
It is a trifle premature to predict wflo will
be the pennant wfnncrsof the new western as
sociation , considering the many comparatively
unknown quantities in the different teams.
However , a resume of the personnel of the
teams will probably prove Interesting readIng -
Ing for the local enthusiasts , und it is here
with given with cursory comments.
First , iu point of interest , here , at least ,
comes the Omahas.and without exaggeration
Omaha's claim for lit st or second place is ns
reasonable us that of nny team in the asso
ciation. The team is not practically the
championship Oshlcosh team of last season
us has been so declared , by nny means. There
is Lovett , Itho piouiisiug twirler , for whom
there was a lively scramble this
fall by nil the leading nluhs of
the country , but who fortunately
fell to Omaha. Next year Lovett will un
doubtedly prove ono of the most formidable
occupants of the box in the whole country ,
und u tower of strength to the local team.
The management to-day could sell Lovett for
W.OOO or J.000 , but ho will not bo allow ed to
go ut any price. They have also received
llattorlng o tiers for Miller and Annis , and
could dispose of ono or two others ut a IMJCU-
niary advantage , but all will bo ictaincd.
The other members of the team uro Wilson
und Cooney. catchers ; Flynn , Burdick and
Cussiun , pitchers ; O'Connell , iirat ; Miller ,
second ; Dorun , third ; Walsh , short , and
Burns , Messitt nnd Campanu for the field ,
If this isn't n strong aggregation it would be
pleasing to know where jou will find one.
With harmonious team work , ctllcient cap
taincy and thorough tnanagemant , the Oma-
hus' next season , should surelj not disappoint
their most sanguine admirers.
A most dangerous competitor for the Hag
will bo found in the Kansas Citys , and muny
good Judges luto-thcm as the strongest team
In the association , To begin with , tbev have
Swartzel , who , was the star pitcher of the old
Western league , but in no detail does ho rank
with Lovett. ' Then they have Jim Manning ,
who is ono of thc'best fielders in the country ,
Johnson , who did such excellent service ut
thud for the past season's champion Topokas.
Ho also wielded the stick with the best of ef
fect. Conway aud ) Guuson , the old league
buttery , are likewise included in their ranks ,
und CumpaiL unil Cartwrlght , the much
sought alter New Oilcans plajors , besides
Joe Ardner , C. L. Keynolds , Jake Wells , Jack
A. McCuithjvEd : Winkleman , M. Lynch , W ,
F. Knight , George Kopf , Mike Bradley and
Hinsamaer.So. . much for the Cowboys.
They will maljo tough opx | > neuts.
Another team that will make a bid for first
honors , is the St. Paul. Topping the list is
the old veteru7 ! ! , Joe Quest , who eight years
ago was the finest second bosonum in the
country. Ho has not foi gotten his olden
skill , us Is uuipl ) testitied to by his work of
the past season. Hudolph Keminler , of the
old Cincinnati ! ) und St. Louis Biowns , is
another good man , while ICiirl is consldeied
by competent Judges ono of the most superb
catihcrH in the profession. Then there is
Shufer , of the Altoonas , Dwyer , John San
ders , P. L. Murphy , John Pickctt , Jack Cor-
bett , Fred Jeanc , Charlie Uiloy Tom Mor-
rlssoy , J. C. Blngham und V. C. Anderson.
A strong combination , Fiut thu sain of Bill
Souders , their crack pitcher , to Boston , has
materially lessoned their chances for the
The St. Louis crowd must not bo gungod
too lightly. They will bo able to make things
mighty Interesting for the best of them.
Tom Dolan , who , way hack in his old
Buffalo days , together with Jimmy Gulvin ,
made up the gieatest battery In
tlio land , and ho will pilot the
Mound City bo > H to many u victory ,
LUNCH SETS , 85,00
Size ixV ! 1-2 yards , deep Grecian
borders , n dozen frln cd do ) lies to
match the cloths , worth $7.r > O each ,
reduced to $ n OO next week.
84 SATIN DAMASK , $1,25 ,
Monday wo will ollVr 'JO pieces of
llncst double satin damnlt inhlo linen
usually sold for $2 n yari' , for $1.25.
8. I > . MOUSE } & OOMl'ANY.
We shall analn offer the most un
paralleled values next week. Here
$4 White Blankets $2.iH per pair.
$5 White Illanketfl $ : t.5O per pair.
$ { \VhttcHlanketa J , $5.OO per pair.
$1O White Illankcte , $0.75 per pair.
$15 White lllankcts $1O pur pair.
1OOO pairs ( rood , clean , liclit gray
niankrta reduced from $2 r.Odown to
$1.58 n pair next week.
Dolnn , there is Jake Keinon , whoso skill is
well kiitmn to the patious of tlie p.ime in all
western association towns ; Hurry Stalcvthc
usliiff younf ; pitcher ; Hnrry Aleott , the boss
inlielder of lust year's Intcmatioiml league ;
.loo Ilerr , HeniyF. Ilines , James Ueekley.
H. L. Ciint/Kil Sjn-oat , .Jim MuCoruiaclc , and
Clnirlcs Crooks.
Des Monies Is loud in her claims , but is
destined to tuko n tumble. To bosnro they
have peed men in Joe Qulini and Billy Al-
vord , uf the old St. Louis Maroons , and ,1.
F. McCuller , Uan Stearns und Hilly Trallloy ,
back niunbois but jot Rtaucli players ; Uuff
Hulliilay , \VellsGeorpoWhitelyW. . J.
Van Dyke , Harry Sago , and F. C. Smith. Dos
Moines Is apparently especially hostile toward
Omaha , nnd if they lose the flap. nncl beat
Omaha out in the series they'll bo happy.
Their prospectn for any especial felicity on
this seore , however , are exceedingly btnull.
At Milwaukee Manager Jim Hart has suc
ceeded hi getting a good crowd together ,
among whom are some old familiar faees.
Leach Maskrey is one of the old Louisvilles ,
and is a good Welder and reliable dtickcr. Ar
thur Ferson , one of the pitchers now with
the Philadelphia * on the , is also with
this team. Then there is K. N. Mills , Wil
liam Shinkle , William Fuller , P. K. Pettio ,
Joe Strauss , U. L. . Lowe , D. J. Davlu , W. F.
Harney , Ed Warner and Tom Foster.
Chicago is sanguine of creating a suiDrlso
before the pennant is won. They have
Schocncck , the giant first baseman ; D1 E.
Dugdale , the great backstop ; Engcno Mo-
rlaity. of last season's Indianapolis team ;
Fred Lange , K. , r. Henglo , H. C. Lei oy , John
Crogan , J. E. Dunn , Ucorgo Hooks , J. U.
Ualhs , J. W. Nicholson and J. A. McC.iuley ,
Minneapolis is still busy on the lookout
for talent. So far the men signed are but
little known here. They hnvo Jim Bionson ,
who was with DCS Mollies' last season ; George
Winkleman , Mike Lynch , F. Knight , Kreig ,
Klopf , Hawes , Patton , William HHIIUS
and Tom McCollum. It is a trifle
early in the season , us was mentioned In the
outset of this uitlele , to predict the positions
of the teams next season , but hero goes at a
risk : Omaha , Kansas City , St. Louis , St.
1'uul , DCS Moities , Chicago , Milwaukee and
Thu Team's Hatting Strength.
That Omaha will have a great team next
season goes without saying , and while her
chances aie as good as any for the pennant ,
she may full short. Last year's disappoint
ment In this i egavd is still fresh 111 the
minds of all. Hut there is no comparison
between thlsycai's team mid the late la
mented. Glance ut the batting list for in
stance , O'Connell , Flynn , Miller , Hums ,
Doran , Burdick , Coonoy , Walsh , Annis ,
Campanna , Messitt , Wilson and Ixivctt.
Theioill bo terror in this team for any
pitcher in the association. Their ofllciu !
averages , for the past season weio as follows.
O'Connell Ml
Burns , avj
Miller in !
Annls HVl
Do ran ii-M
Walsh 3 > S
Burdick a * !
Coonoy IUI
Campaniiii .1M (
Messi tt nCK )
Wilson USri
Lovott ' ' . "
. > : >
No team in the western association can
make such u batting exhibit. From a tare-
ful insjx'ction there seems to bo but ono ele
ment minus in the team to invest it with the
collective strength which the individual ubil
ity suggests. That is the want of u cumiie
tent team captain. The onb tuoln the list
who would make u fair attomiit aio Miller
and Walsh. The former has the abilitj the
knowledge but lacks the necessary grit and
ambition Walsh , too , is well up on the
| > oiiits of the game , but his Judgment In
handling the men is poor There is no man
among the entire team who can bo compaiul
with Shannon , who was to have boon captain
had ho been signed , but now Unit there is
little chance of engaging him , Miller , the
next best man , will bo installed in this Im
portant position.
lloo\rr Invited to I.cuvr.
Charles Hoover , one of the catchers of last
season's Lincoln team , WAS hauled up bofme
the district court at Lincoln ono day lust
week and fined ISO foi assault. Hoover was
sen t to ] ail two weeks ; o with a fair pros-
poet of being sent to the pen , being bound
over in the xum of t-JOO for attempting to
fihoot a luckman. He plead guilty to the
P. D , Corsets , $2,00
Beginning to-morrow wo will offer
our entire Htock of the celebrated 1 * .
1) . Cornet *
guallty 117 Satiitc , $2 25 ; uorlli $ 5O
Qunlliy 152 Coutil $2orth $3
Come unity while wo hnvo all
French Plaid Wfappef Flannels ,
Stupendous Bargain !
Scuurrtl In New Vork l > y Mr. llrown ;
51) pleccH llni'st all wool plaid and
Hlripn lindlon' Wrapiior KliinneN ,
UUU IMllCI ? , Unc.
Eiderdown Flannels , 38c ,
Monday we oflVr 25 pii-ccH h
quality Ptrlpcd Kldrrdown Flannel * ,
usually Hold for ( I5c. Our price ; t c
Child's ' ToLioggans , 75c ,
2O dozen linst hnncl knit ClilliN'
Toboggan Hoocln that have been sen
ior $1.25 , for 7Oc next week.
lesser ciime , however , nnd was lined as
above stated , provided he loft the town. At
the di&bandmcnt of the Western league ,
Hoover at once signed with the Chicago club
for the coming season , and over binco he has
been on ono long continued Mirce. Ho was
a great favorite in the late Western league ,
ils populaiily in Lincoln reaching such u
height during the summer that one of the
leading papers of that town presented his
name as n presidential candidate. Ho left
Lincoln the day following his appearance in
H Halliilar Will I Inyin Oi-s IMolncH.
It appears , after all , notwithstanding the
decision of the arbitration committee awardIng -
Ing Bug Halliilay to the St. Louis club , that
ho will play next season In Dos Moines. Man
ager Morton of the latter club lias con
clusively shown that the telegram Mint by
Halliday , accepting St. Louis' terms , was
sent on October in , Instead of the ! > ( > th , one
day before the legal time for signing. Ac
cord ugly the arbitration committee must
revoke its decision in favor of the mound
city , and assign Halliday to Dos Molncs.
Messrs. Penroso und Hardln ore in Now
The Omaha Amateur Atlilotlo club has u
membership of thit ty-elght.
Kcnyon , of last year's Topcka elub , will
catch the coming season for Cleveland.
Jack S. Piinco goes to Minneapolis on
Wednesday next to prepare for his gieat
race with Dingley.
The DCS Moines club Is after Orator George
Shaffer. Shaffer , however , wants to get
back into ono of the older associations.
Since the recent middleweight llasco , the
prospects of any further exhibitions hero , lot
nlono lights , are exceedingly poor. Oomhuns
hope , however , that Tommy Miller will bo
found both tough and plucky enough to "do"
the Spider in their coming battle at Minne
Frank N. Chuke , of the First National
bank , and an enthusiastic wheelman , was the
llrst to tnko u spin in Ibtis. On New Year's
day , after a sumptuous spread at Ml- . Will
Kii'iiig's of i east wild goose und apple sauco.
with toothsome ct cetoras , ho mounted Ins
cycle and made the ruu down to the club
Tommy Miller is getting himself in elegant
shape for his coming twenty-round contest
with Iko Weir. The tight will take place
Satin day evening , the iilst , at Minneapolis ,
the winner to icccne " per cent and the
loser35 of the gate receipts. Mlku Uicslow ,
the Spider's manager , says there will bo
. ? . " > , ( > OU It. the house.
Fied S. Gilboit , the qimsl middic-weight
champion of Jowa , came to Omaha Friday ,
hoping to make a light \\itlt porno of. the
sluggers , of this city. After getting into a
wrangle , and his nose smashed 111 u South
Tenth street saloon , however , ho ceased
instantor talking light and took the evening
train b.iok to the wildi of lown.
A ( > rcit Deal of KiisincHM Done at
VuHterday'H Ttlrctlni ; .
There was a .full attendance of the coun ty
commissioncis at thi'ir regular meeting yes
terday afternoon , Chairm.n O'Kecffo pie
siding. Several comnnr.ilcutlons were 10-
ferred to the committee on i liurity. The con
tract and bond ol the Schl'cht ' A. Field com
pany for fmulshing mttallo lollnr books anil
United States ilouurmyit files w.iappinvod. .
The oftlchil bonds of Hans Weiso , Hounan
Heibo , William Olmstcad , John W. Hull ,
road supervisors , and James i . Stoncr , ton-
stable , were submitted nnd accccptcd.
The schedule of personal proiifity owned
by William 'Jentlonmn was submitted.
Piotcsts against evcosslvo taxation from
James f ! . Oarpcntor and 1) ) . Uoy.s were le-
fci red to the lommltteo on finance.
The following connnunicatiuii from County
Clerk M. D. Hochoas icfeucd to tUo com
mittee on flimnio :
OMAHA , Nob. , Nov . " . -To the Honorable ,
the Uoaid of Comnilssluncii' Gentlemen ;
After u careful survey of the fees of the ofllcc
of county clerk , I have estimated the receipts
of the ofllui to bo about f. ! , . ! < xj per year ,
which of coin so will not pay Uio s.daiics of
tUu ulerl'.a employed , aad BOUIO
2 Enormous Bargains !
12 l-2c.
\Vo Hfcnrcrt Uiesn , fn 'our opening
hnrcnltiH uoxt week ; they nrn rnl
Knotl nunllty , regularly nolil for "On ,
I p.ittcriiH ( o ohuoBu from at 1lUu
onuli ,
(1 to K Inchon wide , regularly Molder
( or ; > . " , ( , : t7 I--o and > Kc , I or n pat
terns to choose IVoin al - > " ceutfl n
1OO dozen Imdlcn' hand knit
irnn HoodH , Hold hcretoluro Tor O5c
iio.xt week : iUc.
Finest Toboggan Hoods , 90c.
Hand Knit , all color. " , heaviest ij'inl. '
Hy jubt rrditccd IVoin $1.5 ( > nnd
$1.75 down to OHc.
. . .
will have to bo made by which I can pay the
ne < ossary force emplojed in the county
clcik's ofiloe. My force for the pi escnt will
bo us follows : Ono deputy countuleik , ,
$1X)0 ( ) per year ; ono recorder , foTi per month.
A.toting man to bundle ehattli1 moitgagcx
posting the same , also keeping slock of sta
tionery nnd blanks in order and
dealing it out to the proper
pai ties , I think would bo u saving to the
county. I can get such young man for $ M a ,
month. Afler commencing on the assessment
books the force will necessaiily bo Increased
and 1 would respect fully ask the boaid to
make such aiinngemcnts for an appropriation
as will enable mo to pay siu h help us the
office may requite at present , Mrs. Howe who
is my rccoidcr , and the others to handle the
books and attend the stationery supply. Hop
ing you will sec the consistency of those requests -
quests , I remain very truly yours ,
M. D. Itorm : ,
County Clerk.
Several communications and small claims
were referred to the committee on charities ,
ns was the appended :
To the Hanoi able , the Board of County
Commissioncis Messrs : If no other suitable
place can bo obtained for Mrs , Clara K. Ncd-
loy , I pioposo that Mr.s. L. Van Elton will
take her until such time ns hu is. able to cant
her own living und furnish her own room ,
lio.iul , lodging , lire , lights und ordinary nurs
ing for $10 per weeic U ) be paid to Mrs. Van
Kttcn by tlio county , the county
also an extra to fuiiiish her
with medical attendance and professional
nursing , If any is lequlrcd , which I presume
will not be , Very respectfully ,
Mrs. Nedroy , the woman spoken of in the
communication , was recently divorced from
her husband , and she is i upi escntcd to bo In
u delicate condition. Nedivy , her lute hus
band , is emplojed in ono of the newspaper
offices of the city , and is said to be ourniui ;
! flO a week.
Frank McArdIe who was elected n Justice
of the pom D in McArdlo prcolntt and was
disqualified for not complying with the law
in Hit nlshlng a bond und not taking the oath
of ofllio , sent hi u protest , ulleging that ho
wus never notified of his election by the
county clerk , us in required by law. The
committee on judiciary was directed to take
the matter In hand and confer with the
county iiltornoy
The claim of 13. T. Duke , for hardwaronnil ,
communications relating to the building of u
biidgoat Cutoff , were icfuriud to tlio com
mittee on bridges.
The commit toe on court house recommended
the purchase of a desk for Ueglster of Deeds
The auditor was nrdcrod to unvcrtlsu in the
dally and weekly Bu : for pioposuls for run
ning thy county grading machine for the your
Thu Ifccso Printing company was awarded
the contract for fui nlshlng blanks ; Gibson.
Ulchurdson Miller that of supplying record
books and stationery nnd Mr. Kedlleld the
bar dockets for the next term of court.
Patronize Home. Industry.
To the editor of the Bun : A gicnt deal hni
been said about our Omaha fuctoileu and you
have urged business men and piojioity own
ers to cnrnuragii new Indutitiics Now wo
nave in I'xistnnce. foundarlos , machinesnops ,
safe factoi let and other industrii s that are
htiuggling hard tomako a living. How many
lion Irontsiiru mado. in Omaha that are on
our line bi-lik buildings ) Whcio do your
safe and vault doois como from ) \\hlto
lead , soup nnd ether nitlcles ate impoitcd
finm Chicago. New York or St Louis , where
it is noioiious that you can get evitiything as
cheap that is munufuituied In Or.iuhu with
the freight aildi-d. Why not imtrrinl/n homo
industry ! Kvcry nun that Intends to build
this year should wo to it that our homo
factoili\s aie pationUcd. It maj cost u little
moie , but give them a chance , oven if some
of the architects lee the per centngo they
could get fiom thu eastern cities 1 noticed
fiat the siifns nnd vaults in the lioordof
ti.u'o ' building v/eie not mndu in Omaha , I
understood becuuso thcio was { 'JO difference
against Omaha. This In helping homo in
dustry with u vengeance. All building ma
terial brought frun JUhhngoor the east has to
bo paid for in cash , \vulle our homo Industrie *
nr put elf fiom tlmo to tlmn and nro obliged
to pay largo Interest ( o the banks for the
Hakoof KC-Uing the work. Now , in con
clusion , I will Hay , If \\u pull tOKClunr and
stay by our home Industrie * , our manufactur
ing interests will be duuUo In one your.
Pic-asa inibllsh the ubovi and obllco a fiioml
of home Industry. Jou : ; F. BKIIM.