Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1888, Page 4, Image 4

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Tt'.ltMS 01 * BtfllSCniPTIOX.
Dully ( Morning IMltiou ) Includlus ? Sunday
llKic.Onb Vrnr . . . . . ; . . . . . . . ' . . t\0 \ M
' For Hlx Month * . . . . ' . 8 U )
KorTliro ; Mohths . > . . SOU
The Oinnha fiimlny HKK , mailed to any nil-
dress , One Venr . . . . . . . . 200
OMAHA < ) rriCK.No . 14AKi ai K-iiSA > iSTitEKf.
NKW YoitKOmcK , Uiiouin , Tniilu.vr. Iiini.i > -
INf ) . WAfllllNUTON OHICK , .NO. Ml I'Ol'll-
TIKlt Til
to TIPWH and
rditorlal nmtti-r should bo aildreaivd to this
UniTOlt orTMK HKK.
All business letters and remittances should Ixj
addressed to Tin : HKK I'tnu.isiiiMi COMPANY ,
OMAHA , DinflH , rlii-cks and poitnillio orders to
1)8 nindo pujnbli- this older of thoconipuuy.
The Bee Publishing Company , Proprietors ,
E. KOS13WATEK , Enrroit.
Hworn Statement orClrciilntlon.
Btntc of Nebrnikii ,
County of Ioii ) lnss , f *
Oeo. II. Tz diiirlc , ecretnry of Tlio Hep 1'nb-
lUlilnKcomimiiy , doen solemnly swear thnt tlio
nctiml rlmimfon of the Dally llro for the week
pndlnp Dec' . IK ) , 1W , win us follows :
BMimluy. Dru. : . ' 11.110
Hiinilny , lec2.1 ) 1VMI
Monday , Dec. W 1ft. HI )
Tllfsilnv , Io. ) 37 14.H7&
Wednesdny. Deo. as 11X0
Thiirsdnv. * ) < < . Kt IWWI
Friday , Dec.iW 1B.010
Avernue 15.1 Hi
mo. : ii. T/SCHUCI ; .
Sworn to and subscribed In inv tin-sewn hl.s
2d day of Jainmry. A. D. . WNJ. N. V. FKIU
Notary I'nbllc.
Btnto of Nebraska , ,
Countynf DoiiKlnss. fs > s >
Qen. II. TzNchurk. being flr t duly sworn , de
poses nnd say.s that he Is secretary of The lice
J'nbllshlinr ( oinpuny , that the actual average
daily circulation of tnii Ually lleo for the mouth
of January , I1 * " , lll.'JMl conies : for Fobrunry ,
1H87 , I I.I7H copies : for March. 1H87 , 14,400 copies :
for April. IKH7. 14,31 * copies : for May. iw-fl , 11 , 7
copies ; for June , IHh" , 11,147 copies : for July ,
JW7.14,1 ? HI copies ; for August , 1H.VT , H.lul copies ;
for September , IW , H.-Hl ) copies ; for October ,
1H87 , 14'fEI ; for November , ISB7,15'J U topics ; for
December , ItW,15,011 copies.
( ir.o. n. T/pnii'cic.
Sworn and subscribed to In my presence this
Zd day Of January , Ai 1) ) . IbSS. N. I' . 1'KI I. ,
Notary Public ,
OMAHA is among tlio cities f-clcctcd
by Princeton college at which entrance
examinations will bo hold in Juno , sim-
ultiincou.sly with such examinations in
the college. The iilmnm of Princeton
uro well represented in thib eity.
TKXAS and Missouri papers arc furi
ous over the reports thut people fro/.e
to death in those states during the ro-
ccnt cold wave. Ah a counter irritant
wo would advise our southern ex
changes to start : i report that the cause
of death was sun stroke.
FIIHO.UKNT and loud complaints roach
us frointhcPnciflceoast over the iiiolTlci-
oncy of the railway postal service.
This city and nearly nil the growing
cities and town's of Nebraska have
wretched postal facilities. The post-
ofllco department is evidently not well
informed in regard to the rapid develop
ment of the region west of the Missouri.
THK scheme for reclaiming the barren
lands of southwestern Arizona is said to
bo working well. Irrigation companies
hnvo lieon formed anil the method is to
have settlers tnko up six hundred and
forty acres of land each under thodobcrt
land act and then deed half of the claim
to the companies for water. The ar
rangement seems equitable for the pres
ent at least , but- those water companies
are destined to become enormously
Wealthy in the near future.
A MEXICAN actress playing in Buffalo
became so intensely earnest in her portrayal
trayal thnt she very nearly amputated
the hand of one of the actors , and the
unforlnnato follow may have to lose the
member. Actresses with such extremely
strong emotions should not allow them
selves to us > o real daggers whore other
people are concerned. . A harmless im
itation would answer every purpose so
far as the audience is concerned. It
may transpire in this case , however ,
thut there was method in the alleged
IK discussing the condition of the
poor in England recently Cardinal
Manning ia reported to have said :
"Every man has a right to lifo and a
right to the food necessary to sustain
life. So strict is this right thnt it prevails -
vails over all positive laws of property.
Necessity has no law. A starving man
has n natural right to his neighbor's
bread. " Some rnslern papers comment
ing on this declaration call it anarchy.
It is not. It is the law of humanity.
Starving men and women have been im
prisoned and punibhud for stealing food.
But their net was jubtillable by the law
that stands aboro all the laws made by
men the law of self preservation.
WHKUIC is the governor of Texas ?
Last week tlio pronident issued a proc
lamation claiming for the United Staten ,
Jurisdiction over the land lyingcnstof the
100th meridian and between the north
Und south forks of the lied river , which
land is also claimed by Texan. It was
expected that the governor , who is nl-
vnys prompt to assort the rights and au
thority of the state , would immediately
is-suo a counter proclamation assorting
the jurisdiction of Texas over the dis
puted territory , but thus far he has been
Client. It is not yet too late for him tc
Cpoak , but as it is a democratic presi
dent who has taken this somewhat arbi
trary action it would not bo surprising
"if the Texas governor quietly submitted
CONNECTICUT is one of these state ;
trhiuh enjoys whatever benefits are U
1)0 derived from the high tariff. Yol
the average prosperity of its people ii
by no means high and is considerably
l > olo\v that of thu pcplo of several statci
'that do not got any of the advantage !
ascribed to the tnrltt. The commis
fcionor of labor of Connecticut reports i
condition of affairs nmong the workinf
people of the state that is anything hu
reassuring for the radical protoctioi
advocates. Lust yenr was otuj of oxcop
tlonal business notivity and prosperity
Yet many families in Connecticut
,5s. with mo't of their m&mbors working
s. * were unable to earn moro than suf
ficicnt for the scantiest "subsistence ,
nnd seine found their necessary ex
penses to exceed their , income. Then
nro other protected localities which wll
toll an equally gloomy story , yet UK
high tariff advocates will go right on
ringing tlio changes on the advantage
of their policy to labor and thousand :
of thoughtless people will continue U
Vollovo them.
Our Duly ± o the loor.
While Omnha is still eongvat'nlnting
herself over the magnificent record of
material improvement which the yonr
Just closed has shown , It may not bo
amiiH to look upon a side of the picture
not so pleasant , perhaps , butstlll hardly
less Important. Riches and poverty go
hand in hand , It dooq not need the
graphic poii of a Henry George to make
the fact apparent nnd clear , that added
population means Its proportion of weak
and helpless and unfortunate , and that
increased trade carries with itinrrcnbed
numbers of Deckers after employment
and incroaied numbers of those who do
not always succeed In finding it. The
larger the city the' ' harder the winters
for those who , through no fault of their
own , nro forced to struggle against pen
ury , and want for food and clothing ,
fuel and shelter. The wider extended
the city limits the wider are scattered
the poor. The denser the population ,
jnst ns surely the denser Is the misery.
Omaha has just reached the point when
she is beginning to have forced upon
her attention the unwelcome fact , promi
nent iu all large cities , that poverty and
prosperity go hand in hand. The great
truth spoken centuries ago by the great
teacher , that "tho poor you have with
you always , " is pressing Itself upon us
as it never has before. Individual ef
fort , which In .a small town or larger
city has been ample for individual re
lief , is lo-st in a great city in the mass
and sinks into comparative inefllcioncy
when called upon to grapple with a
yearly increasing number of the sick
and poverty btrickfjn and unfortunate.
' Dying Jrom destitution , " is a head
ing which ton years ago would have
been impossible in Omaha. Friendly
neighbors would have discovered the
need and been iuicU [ to apply the re
lief. To-day with a round hundred
thousand bustling , active citizens ; it
falls with some ncnso of surprise upon
the ear , but with no biirpu..Miig ' feeling1
if shock. Communities like persons rnp-
dly become cnllouted , through no fault
H may be of their ownbut because repe
tition dulls the edge of novelty.
The call to remember the poor comes
to us at this season with more than
iiiial urgency. The prosperity of the
ity ab a whole has never been o great
is it is at present. The proportion of
.vealth . to population is largo among us
jvon for a western city. Advanced
value * , of realty , an enhanced volume of
rude , and steady employment for wage-
earners during the year just closed have
been the rule. The increased deposits
in the banks show an increased fund of
savings , and the large number of small
dwellings , as well as the more preten
tious mercantile structures erected , cvi--
lenco that thrift has been among us
working its bonoficient results. Omaha
has never been in b ttcr condition to
see to it that honobt poverty should not
beg shnirifnccd for relief , and find a deaf
car turned to its petitions.
And so , in the midst of a severe win
ter , the BKIS appeals , as it has so often
done before , to the benevolent men and
women of .Omaha , to open their hearts
iiud purses in behalf of the many worthy
organized charities which are struggling
to relieve want , and penury and misery
in the heart of a great city. There is
no need to specify or to particularize.
Their namcb and objects are well
known , and the un&ollish hearts and
hands behind them vouch for the proper
distribution of the funds which they
collect. Whether it bo in the
churches , or societies , or quito
outside regularly constituted re
ligious or benevolent associations ,
they deserve and should receive a
hearty and a generous support from our
people. It is as 'much the duty of a
community to take care of its deserving
poor as it is to educate its growing generation -
oration , for pauperism and crime are
twin sisters.
Public School Policy.
There can be no question that the
consensus of opinion among the most in
telligent educators of the time , as well
as among thoughtful men not directly
engaged in educational work , is opposed
to the policy that has grown up within
the past dozen years , and is steadily ex
panding , of crowding the public schools
with studies which can never bo of any
service to the grout majority of chil
dren who must bo content with the
acquirements to bo secured at these
schools. There have boon heard during
the past year or-two numerous protests
from scholars and men of experience
in teaching against the tendency to
continually en largo the curriculum of
the public schools , regardless of the
question of practical results to bo de
rived and of the conditions surrounding
the majority of those who attend the-o
schools. It has boon shown that as to
the larger number of public school pu
pils the value of .the schools has really
depreciated under the alleged progres
sive policy. The children who can de
vote only u , few1 years to school work ,
and who should hnvo the fullest advan
tage of this time in acquiring a knowl
edge of the rudiments of an English ed
ucation that would bo of practical u o to
them in after life , tire forced to squander
u considerable share of this valuable
period on studies that will never bo ol
any service to them ; but which deprive
them of an adequate knowledge of those
branches that will bo of UbO to them.
The explanation of the xinnocessari
innovations that have invaded the pub
lic schools anil are ovoi * threatening
thoin , may bo found in several causes.
The universal spirit of liberality with
respect to public education is an in
centive to extras tigant expenditure in
this direction. It is ti stigma on any
community to refuse any duimmdt ; thai
may be nuulo upon it in behalf of the
public school system , and the proudes !
"Tnol in the record of n , community i :
the generosity it has shown in
providing for its schools. Kc
one will wish to discoiuago this spirit
It is whun rationally oxercihod nuwi
proper and commendabUi , and ought tc
lie everywhere maintained. Uut it i :
manlfofctly wise in the Interests of those
who are to profit by the schools , and ju.v
to the o who inuot pay for their support
to Inquire whether the expenditure ii
being made with su'olt thoughtful dis
crotlon ns to produce the best attain
nblti result * . Another explanation i' '
found In the Incapacity of the majorit.i
of thocu having the administration o
school affairs to understand what is u
once necessary and , proper for tlio
schools , or else in their disposition
ns politicians to use their powe"r
In furtherance of their personal ambi
tion. It is the uxpurienco of nearly
every city in the country that a majority
of the men oltioted' to boards of educa
tion are utterly until for the intelli
gent performance of the duties of such
a position , while others who may not
lack the intelligence nro wanting in
that disinterested devotion to the work
which every man In such a position
should possess. The former clubs arc
mere creatures in the hands of un
scrupulous colleagues or solf-sireking
persons identified with the schools ,
while the latter are over on tlio alert to
avail themselves of an opportun
ity to advance their personal
interests , generally as politicians ,
by having some now scheme
that will quarter the friend of some
body of influence-upon the schools. Still
another explanation is the fact that
specialists in almost every line of in
struction , who do not find their knowl
edge available as a means of livelihood
in the ordinary wny , seek to load Ihem-
belves on the public schools , and frequently -
quently succeed in doing so when they
have the right sort of inlluonco to reach
a susceptible board of education.
In the January number of the Forntii
llov. M. J. Savage considers the ques-
.tion , "What shall the public
schools tiSach ? " and his simple
answer is that they should im
part to all children such instruction as
will enable them to become self-sup
porting , which involves a measure of
industrial training , to much general in-
tolllgenco as shall make it safe for them
to become citizens , and such moral
training as shall snrvo to keep them
out of the ways of vice. "A public
bchool , ' ' ho says , "supported by public
money can justly aim only at public
ends. The managers of the public
schools arousing money not their own ,
and have therefore no moral right to do
with it what they please. They
are only the agents of the pub
lic , and it is their business to
see to it that the public money is
not turned aside to merely individual
uses , but is faithfully devoted to such
ends as shall subserve the public wel
fare. " Such judicious friends of the
public schools do not desire that they
shall bo loss generously provided for ,
jut they do demand that the provision
nado shall be wisely used for producing
the best practical results in the interest
of the great majority of children who
itteud tlio public schools and can look
for nothing beyond them.
Conditions to Success.
What gives success:1 That is en
tirely apart from the kind of success
sought what most helps a man to get
what ho wants ? The stock virtues are
generally paraded by theoretical phil
osophers ; the practical man has not the
time nor inclination to analyze the
force behind him. Ho is content to
use it without speculating about its
characteristics. Hence few people have
tin adequate idea of the value of that
peculiar quality which is not solf-con-
lidenco , not determination , not perse
verance ; but which is a combination of
all throe , and which is somewhat im
perfectly comprehended in the word
grit. "
Conscious power is the first requisite.
The man who knows positively how a
thing should bo done can do it ,
barring unforseen mishaps. Accidents
are often called the result of
ill luck. A man's own lack of
something is the only real ill luck. Ho
succeeds who without expecting accid
ents is always prepared 'instantly to
meet them. They are more nonessential
tial atoms in his general plan.
His determination is to roach a given
point. That determination once checked ,
obstacles will spring up at every turn.
"Tho woman who Hesitates , " wo are
told , is lost , but not more certainly than
is the man. Ho who would succeed
iniifxt never doubt.
Finally to confidence and determina
tion must be allied untiring energy.
There must bo no "lot up. " Concen
trated on one closely defined purpose ,
all the powers that can help along must
bo brought into play.
So much for success in the abstract.
What is commonly known as "success
in life" ' calls for good judgment in
choosing the objects of one's efforts as
well as power to secure them. They vary
for different people. Often the people
most gifted in the qualities needed to
achieve their ends are specially unfor
tunate in deciding what their aims
shall be. But , in general , the success
ful man is one who never doubts his own
power and never turns from his pur
pose. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
Change in tlio Gulf Stream.
Navigators have recently made the
statement that the ( iulf stream is
changing its course and renewed inter
est in the wonderful current has boon
created. The United States roast sur
vey olHec hnsboutn steamer to the south
to take careful observations. It is not
likely that the stream has changed
much cither in course or temperature
during the period that man has boon on
ourth , but should it do so in the future
it would bo a serious matter to the
European countries forming the At
lantic coabt. England would probably
bccomo as bleak as Labrador and thu
Scandinavian peninsula as frigid us Si-
When IVLesaops first proposed to cut
a canal across the Isthmus of Panama
some English papers raised u cry of horror
ror predicting that the Gulf stream
would bo destroyed or diverted from the
egotistical little island. Such a calam
ity , however , does not at present loom
up to any alarming extent and at the
present rate of progres , future genera
tions ) of Englishmen for any extended
period of time need not worry.
The Gulf stream has always boon an
object of sviontlllc interest , but little is
yet definitely known regarding it. Why
it should plow through thu ooonn at the
rate of rom two to live .milcH an houi
hat n iver been satisfactorily oxplainod.
In a general way wo know that the trade
winds , hot at the equator and cold in
the north , etc. , will jjemmito ocean cur
rents , but why this Mroiun should tin.
quire-such nn impetus in the vicinity o
Florida , follow the coast for n distance
and then shoot across the Atlantic tu
ho northern .shore * of , Europe , if ? a *
nach of n m > bfcr ltiyti'whetvPonce
le LCOH'M cxpedffliji first noticed it at
hq time Fl'orjyUj was dlscovoreeU
) oubtles s the Gulf , of Mexico and the
motions' of thc * * rous | Wwt Indian
slatids ard the jiriliclpal factors
n determining the direction and veloc-
ty of tlu- gulf strain. It looks as If tin
x'can current ( lowing northward along
the coast of Central America during
nt ages hud etrterr away nil the soft
XM'tions of land.leaving the firmer ones
is islands pr pcninsithiH , nnd hollowing
out the Mexican gtiff,1 from which it now
ippettrs to issue tib.U starts on Its trans
atlantic course.
If a canal of immoii o proportions
vere cut. across Central America or
'annum it is not unwarrantable to sup-
KMC that the Gulf Stream might be
seriously affected.
A CASK which interests the medical
rateruity in general was decided by an
llinois judge last week. A few weeks
ngtt the Illinois stale board of health
evoked the license of a physician be-
caiiso he advertised his business. The
doctor continued his practice nnd the
board prosecuted him. The court de
cided in his favor. This is a sad blow
o medical ethics.
In Philadelphia , lcm Cameron is regarded
ns a presidential candidate.
Senator Colquitt Is sanguine the democrats
will agree on the ttirilT-ruUuctlon bill.
There Is a probability thnt Juy Hubbell
will not be returned to congress after all.
Indiana democrats have ut lust discovered
lint their party needs reorganizing , root nnd
n-ancli , throughout every town un'd county lu
th2 state.
Sam Unndnll ii a grandfather , and though
he youngster l < t not jot a week old he is
already crying for "protection" of his "infant
udustry , " '
Ex-Senator Mitchell , of Pcnn ylvnnln is
lustling around nt u lively rule to secure the
lomlnutlon for common picas Judge in Ids
Thc.frcc-Krass question is expected to rc- in Texas politics , as the new land law
.ntcrfcrcs with somu interests that have con
siderable political strength.
John M. Langston ( colored ) , ex-minister to
Hayti , is already in the Hold as n candidate
for the republican nomination to congress in
the Fourth Virginia district.
Minneapolis Tribune : A Louisiana orator
calls the nmlo "the mugwump of the animal
kingdom. " When the mule hears that he'll
kick nnd just men won't blame him.
New York Tims3'Thcre : Is no clement in
the politics of this coUntry so corrupt and so
corrupting as the ia'lhicncfp of the favoritism
in legislation called "protective" tariff.
There seems to be some anxiety about the
actual date of Mr' jlJlsilnc's return from
Europe. Tills is folly. , ) Vhatever else may
, Mr. Ulainc will return in time.
Nearly all tlio countryparishes in Louisi
ana have elected Jdfclcgltcs to the demo
cratic state convention , littd it looks as if the
gubernatorial nomi lpqJAvill bo secured by
ex-Governor FraiiL-i3irI _ . ' icliolls/
President Clevcla'njl lariircported to bo in
favor of New YorkUs , jt o meeting place of
the democratic imUcmuJ convention. He
should not forget tjia tie David B. Hill
claims to hold a mortgngSon that state.
Congressman Townshend's project to form
a now "department of industries and public
works" would group under ono cabinet officer
some fourteen bureaus now scattered in the
war , navy , Interior and treasury depart
The republican legislature of Iowa having
adopted n text book which categorically sets
forth the evils of the tobacbo habit , the demo
cratic papers nro printing extracts in parallel
columns with Mr. ulaine's deliverance on to
bacco as a necessity.
Senator Voorhees is said to bo entertaining
in his bonnet a vlco presidential bee of mam
moth proportions. Heretofore the senator
has been classed as a protection democrat ,
but he is preparing a spcceh iu which ho
will strongly support the ground taken by
the president In his message.
The Washington correspondent of the Phil
adelphia Press says Lamar will bo confirmed ,
because it is evident that all the reasons put
forth for defeating him could bo with equal
force urged against any other Southern man
whom the president would bo likely to ap
Advocates of tariff reform promise no
miracles or impossibilities. The judicious
decrease of taxes will not extract sunbeams
from encumbers. The man who imagines
that the country can enrich itself by taxation
beyond the Just needs of the government is
almost too futuous to reason with.
The difference between the republicans
and democrats Is simply this : That while
the republicans propose to advoeuto meas
ures to keep down the surplus , tlio democrats
intend to use the fact of the surplus us n
hurrah cry to make n general assault on the
principle of tlio protection policy.
According to a Washington correspondent
it is thought now that enabling acts for North
anil South Dakota , for Montana , Now Mexico
ice and Washington territories will be sub
mitted , and that the house will , if the senate
agrees to accept them , pass the bills in such a
shape that all can bo admitted ut the next
session of congress , but neither to have any
vote in the presidential election. This , it is
baid , will bu fair all around.
Will Protect tlio Pyramids.
Jay Gould is ou bis way to Egypt , and tlio
Ixhedivo has detailed u special force for the
protection of the pyr.Uniils.
A Chronic Case.
Terax fM/ /i/ / ? .
There Is n man in Now York who has been
angry for thirty years on a stretch. It is the
worse cnso of standing cboler that wo ever
know. ll
What Kocley llns Waited For.
I'UMmrg Chronicle.
Perpetual motion has'bcon discovered again
this time by a man in Georgia. H is under
stood that Mr. Keoly will buy the invention
to run his motor with. < < >
Prosperous ill Hpt < o oif Drawbacks.
Sf. / < < mf * ( jloiir-Dfinticrat.
The country has too niauy trusts , dishonest
bank ofllcials , and democrats. Dcspito O.cso
drawbacks , however , it appears to be the
greatest nnd mo-st progressive country in the
UnelmiiKcd by Time.
Cfnrlmmlf Oimmcirfd ! ( iatellr.
If tlio secession war was not treason , then
the war agaiubt the secession Was treason ,
I.amar say * lie waa no traitor , but was light
ing for thu eonstitut ion ns lie understood it.
The constitution is us it was.
Tim Crucial Test ,
tit. lnul , JW-ni-JKI/cfl.
The bureau of Journalism in John Hopkins
university is now in full blast , but the boys
who graduate in this school will not l > o en
tirely twwiliur with the .vays of Journalism
Until they take up their iwst . { rndimto c-o'irso
on thu country wcoklict uud Login to celled
vcRQtnblcs nnd cord-wood from delinquent
Appearances Kotnotliuci Deceptive.
iVfiirmV ; ll'm M.
Holler skull's nnd bicycles have come to
the uld of thq messeiitfor boy. In various
i.ifts of this city mounted messengers nro
rroiuiently soon wheeling along nt n rapid
rate , The days when the messenger boy can
appropriately be called n "standing" Joke nro
nearly at an end.
( 'nlml Iflttiitl liulc ) > ci\tlfiit. \
Omaha does not acknowledge the
llllty ) of a rival in tlio stuto of Nebraska , nor
In any ndjoining state , nnd her growth and
future nro such that she will never know n
rival west of the Mississippi river nnd cast
of tlio Sierra Nevada mountains. Her
growth Is something to be proud of and is
stuntly marvelous.
llnplclly ( Jrowlnif.
I'litttaiHtiulh Juunml ,
The Onmlm papers outdid themselves in
the imiKiilllceiicc of their showing of the
city's progress during the year. They nil
bear splendid evidences of progress nnd development -
velopment , and fully warrant the assump
tions of the press thnt Omnhn is rapidly grow
ing to bo a great city , in population , enter-
[ U'Kc and business push ,
The Father of "Trust" Monopolies.
Diliblt Vite Pretf.
Even In those cases where domestic com
petition has brought the price down and
apparently Justified protection , the Ameri
can manufacturers nro hard ut work to put
the price tip again by limiting production
nnd domestic competlon. This is what the
"trusts'1 nrc for ; nnd these modern Inven
tions are gradually finding their way Into
every Industry where thcro is any competi
Ilcinovu the Curso.
HiilUmnre Amerlenn ,
Wen who hnvo amassed colossal fortunes
and built palaces costing millions of dollars ,
no matter whether the money was properly
or impiopcrly acquired , will not surrender
without n struggle. Congressmen , It must
bo borne in mind , uro but human after nil ,
and thousund-dollnrbllls are as big to them
ns to other people. The best way to avoid
temptation is to remove it out of sight. Far
better would it bo for the government to lose
the whole of its investment in the Pucltlc
roads than for congressmen to bo cursed year
nf tor year with this soulless , conscinceless
railroad lobby sapping the honor and princi
ple of our legislature.
In Toll and Stress , Day In , Day Out.
Carmen Sylrn , Queen of llwmniita.
We hammer , hammer , hammer , on and on ,
Day out , day In , throughout the .year ,
In blazing heat and tempests drear ;
God's house wo slowly heavenward rear
We'll never sec it done !
Wo hammer , hammer , hammer , might nnd
main ,
The sun tormenrs , tlio raindrops prick ,
Our eyes grow blind with dust so thick ;
Our name to dust , too , fadeth quick-
No glory and no gain 1
We hammer , hammer , hammer ever on.
Oil , blessed God on Heaven's throne ,
Dost thou take cure of every stone ,
And leave the toiling poor nlone ,
Whom no one looks upon I
A Work of Art.
Dcntrlco Democrat : Asa work of art the
illustrated BKB is something truly to bo proud
of , and docs that concern great credit.
Tlio Bee's Kiiterprlsc.
Gothenburg Independent : The Omaha
HCK'S illustrated trade review , issued Jan
uary 1 , is n beauty. It not only shows
Omaha's prosperity but the CUD'S enterprise.
A Bifj Scoop.
Fremont Tribune : The HUB got a big
scoop on its Omaha contemporaries with its
annual edition. Its illustrations of Omaha's
line public and private buildings were very
tine. _
Another Monument to Its Kruno.
Dunlap ( lown ) Enterprise : Tlio Hen
issued a handsome paper Sunday , thus erect
ing another monument to its fame and enter
prise ns the leading progressive newspaper
of the west. _
A Great Advertisement For Omaha.
Hardy Herald : As in former years tlio
Omaha Hue issues the .most handsome and
valuable annual review that has como to this
office. It is llnely engraved and its illustra
tions alone will advertise that city more than
any other one thing.
A Fine Holiday Edition.
Wahoo Wasp : The Omaha BEE has a
fine holiday edition. Omaha places her
internal improvements for the year at
10,000,000. Lincoln is modest In placing
hers at 30,000,000. She should have waited
until the Omtiuogs hud made their estimate
and "beaten her or bust. "
No Kqmil In the West.
Schuylcr Quill : The Oniahu BED'S illus
trated edition of Sunday last , its 1SSS annual
review , was the llnest thing over issued in
the state. It contained n review of the im
provements of the year with the large buildIngs -
Ings erected Illustrated. The BKB has no
equal in the west.
With Its CharacteristicEnterprise. .
Chcyenno Sun : Tlio Omaha BKK with its
chnractoribtio enterprise , gets out a flno il
lustrated edition that is far superior to any
thing in that line by uny of the newspapers
in the east , uiuVovea handsomer than its pre
vious Now Year publications. It enables
people at a distance to get nn iden of Omaha's
great growth in about fourteen seconds.
Splendid and Succ'caRful.
Dnndy County Pioneer : The Omaha Bci : ,
on January 1 , issued an immense boom edi
tion of Omaha , illustrating her principal
buildings and showing the amount of busi
ness done in Nebraska's leading city. It was
u splendid and successful elfort on the part
of the lluu.
Does the Bee Great Credit.
Bertram ! Journal : The Omaha BEK'S an
nual review comes to us this week , contain
ing an extensive write-up of Omaha and
thirty-three superb Illustrations of its princi
pal business houses. It is immense , and
does the Bnr. great credit. The Ben don't do
things by halves. _
It In a Beauty.
Papillion Times : Tlio BHU annual for
' 88 arrived last Monday and it is a
beauty , surpassing by far nny of its
previous annuals. It contains u com
plete history of the growth and improvement
of Omaha for the past year , Is printed on ex
cellent paper and is Illustrated with forty-
sovcn steel engravings of the most prominent
buildings in the city. _
The Bee Par Iu the head.
Fairmont Signal : As n work of urt nnd nn
index of enterprise : the illustrated Omaha
BKK which came to hand Sunday lust , is the
handsomest we remember having over been.
In thu raeo for excellence , in everything that
contributes to maKe up a newspaper in har
mony with the demands of doclety of to day ,
the BHK Is far in the lead of nil western pap-
ets , ami equal to uny on tlio continent.
This Finest.
Seward llei > orter : The New Year's edi
tion of the Omaha BII : : was the llnest
paper ever published in Nebraska. It
contained n handsomuly illustrated sup
plement showing Home of the liner buildIngs -
Ings that wore- erected in Oniuhu during
lS7 , as well UH a thorough review of the
business nnd growth of the city. The paper
( s gotten up in u very lluu uuuuer , uud U
highly eredltnblo both to 'the city and to the
management of the HKK.
Her < Vpw Them All. . ' ' '
OakliuiJ nomoer.U ! The Oimiha papers
nil i-iiino out with New V"cars editions on
January 1. All how good laste nnd labor ,
but the Bcr. cups them all , The line pajK-r ,
clear elegant engravings , nnd such n Inrgo
number of them , the beautiful bending , the
extended description all were the ver.Kst .
und worthy of the highest commendation.
Excellent In E ory Hespeoti
Crete Globe : The Omalin BII : : published
on last Sunday a review of the bust.
ness for Omnhn during the past year ,
which wns most excellent In every
respect. It contained hnndsomo cuts
of the principal buildings In Omnhn besides
nn exhaustive review of the Improvements
made and the advantage * winch our metropo
lis offers.
It DOM Credit.
Sprlnglleld Mirror : Tlio Ouiahu BKK pre
sents Its New Year's compliments to Its rend
ers with a beautifully Illustrated supplement ,
giving a graphic account of the growth of the
city In the last your. The numerous cuts of
now buildings uro excellent , the paper is of
superior quality mid iu all it is the neatest
supplement wo have seen. It does credit to
the managers nnd is In exact keeping with
their well known enterprise.
The Bee's Annual Was a Dnlny.
Nebraska City News : The Omnhn papers
nil Issued extra largo papers jcsterday , tilled
with the doings of the past year , but none
were ns neat and tasty ns the Bin. : The Bin :
Issued nn eight page Illustrated edition in ad
dition to their regular paper , which was u
daisy , made up of cuts of the prominent busi
ness places of that great and thriving city.
Tlio press work was most excellent , which
makes the paper appear at its best. The Br.i :
always docs things up in grand style , or not
nt all. Long may the busy Br.i : exist , and
may its stinger never grow shorter.
South Omaha's Counc-il linn Another
Stormy Secret Session.
It was nearly S o'clock when Councilman
Glasgow made Ills appearance ut the South
Omaha council meeting lust night , nnd in ex
planation of the delay told u story of u train
two and one-half miles long having prevented
him crossing the railroad tinck. Kverjhody
was there the councilmen , the defendant
und the witnesses nnd everybody seemed
willing to tell what lie knew , or someone
ono knew , about tlio alleged
improprieties of the nmrshnl. This time the
meeting was held iu n little 1013 room thnt
is in future to be tlic oflloe of City Attorney
Gricc , nnd ns it would not hold the crowd ,
the onlco of tlio eity survej or was ulso tin-own
open for their uccomodation. The same old
crowd was on hand , only more so , nnd the
only noticeable change was that the elgurs
smoked by those present were not so good as
on former occasions , and the tobacco ehewcrs
swallowed the quids instead of spitting on
the now floor. Councilman Glasgow's
arrival made a quorum , and Councilman
Loeselicr , lost no time in taking the chair
und calling the meeting to order. The llrst
thing done was to clear the room of the wit
nesses und all outsiders , the reporter of the
being included. Even this did not sat
isfy Councilman Loescher , and ho wanted
both Mnrslml Hico und his attorney to go
with them. To this Attorney Makepeace )
raised nn objection , but lie wns interrupted
by Loescher who could only say , "I object. "
"Mayor Savage , do you wish that 1 shall
go ? " asked the attorney.
"Yes , " said Loescher.
"You need not go , " said the mnj , or.
The attorney accordingly remained , nnd
some conversation ensued on tlio old topic of
how tlio examination should proceed.
"Gentlemen , " said Councilman Loescher ,
"to innko a long story short , wo want to have
our witnesses sworn und fo hear what they
have to say. "
"iVo want only the witnesses whoso names
appear on the aflldavit , " said Attorney Make
"Sit down , "returned the councilman. "Wo
arc the fathers of .the city of Seth Omahn ,
and we have called this meeting not to bring
in any outsiders but to hear witnesses.
Furthermore , we should not have any out
siders to say what wo should do nnd what
not. Once for all , those wlio are not mem
bers of this council shall retire at onco. "
"This thing has gone far enough , " said
Councilman Glasgow. "Tho last time wo
permitted the attorney nnd Marshal Rice to
remain nnd hear the charges. Wo can't in
vestigate them unless we do. Wo don't want
tills to bo a ono-sidcd affair , and the attorney
has as much right us you or any one of us to
remain. "
"We nre the icprcsentutives of South
Omnlm , " replied Loescher , "am ! wo don't
want no outsiders. Wo want one side llrst.
Wo can't ' serve two masters you wore not
uorn to servo two masters. You must hear
the ono side first. "
"I can see by this that Marshal Rice
has a majority of the council on his
side , " said Councilman Uurk , si > eaking for
the llrst tune. "Somo of these witnesses
may be in Chicago , but bring tliein in one by
one. "
"Wo don't want Rice or any one in here , "
said Councilman Loescher , retaining to his
old stand , therefore I won't allow any ono in
while 1 am chairman , I won't. I never will. "
Councilman I'afCerty asked how Marshal
Rico could bo defended unless hislawjer
were present , but Loeseher said it was no
trial only an investigation. Attorney Make
peace attempted to explain that all his wit
nesses were within call , but Chairman
Loeseher drowned his voice in Ills cITorts to
stop him , and failing In tliia , excitedly left
the chair.
"This is my chair , " ho said , while leaving ,
"and I won't have it. I'll leave the chair
lirst" And lie did.
The meeting did not como to a close , how
ever , for Mayor Savaw appointed Council
man Glasgow to till thu vacancy. Council
man Loescher was llrst to his feet and once
more said : "We don't want Uico hero to
defend himself. This ain't no trial. Wo
want the charges brought down to the point ,
therefore every ono shall leave this room
except the council. I inako this a motion. "
The Umlrumn attempted to explain that nt
the former meetings it was determlneit to
bring all witnesses together that night and
to linully Hcttlo the case.
" 1 don't know what Councilman Loescher
is trying to fret nt , " Raid Mayor Suvago.
' There may be places where n man can he
brought to trial without having a chance to
defend himself , Kit , thank God , it's not in
free America. Whenever I'm in a place
where u man can't defend himself I'll leave
it forever. Now. we will either go on und
try this case , or I for one , will walk out "
'As far as free countries go , " said
Loescher , "We've met hero as tlio people's
representatives. I'vo brought them hero us
witnesses. Why don't you let them In !
Why don't you support mo I"
At this time the councilman was called to
ortlur , but refused tn obey and Interrupted
the chairman with any number of "I objects. "
Finally City Attorney Grico rnado his voice
heaid , und stated us the anlunts In the affidav
its were material witnesses and wore not
present , It would l fl better to suspend the in
vestigation until they eould be present. At
torney Makepeace asked that It should
go on , conceding in the iru-.antlme the
evidence contained in the afllduUts , as with
out cross-examination.
Councilman Loescher could no longer keep
hib seat , but said : "I'vo seen this and that ;
heard this and that , and 1 want the people
here to swear to what tttcy say. It's our
' Rico did. I'm
place to find 'out what Marshal
ono of tlio llrst men In Omaha , and when I
made a dollar I invested It like u man. I "
Ont'O more ho wns called to older.
"I won't sit down. I'vo not npolco flvo
minutes , I was told if I don't drop this I'll
get behind tlio burs , I'vo ? 1K)0 ( to light it
to the bitter end. They told me something
about the Motor line or something , but I
ain't afraid , Jf I'vo done anything wrong
I'll face it. "
Attorney Miikepcaco once more attempted
to n'loak , but Loashur. forgetting all rules of
debate , used his feet Instead of his tongue ,
and tried to tramp down the effort. Ho wns
called to order , nnd swore , and was once
again willed to order , when he at length sub
All this time the reinainlnprmcmbcrs of the
council were disgusted witnesses of thu
scene , but seemed unequal to the emergency.
Thu chairman's stand , however , linvlni ; the
desired effect , the witnesses were admitted ,
the llrst boini ; William Glyun , who Bald ho
wns nroflont at tlio time named , heard Mar *
sjinl Uleo ask for17 , saw him cot some , but
couldu't-fcny how much. William ICearns
Wns not within n block of the house when the
money was paid , but henrd his mother nnd
sister any thnt U wns $10. Iolli
Nonrna , on whoso nflldnvlt the charges wcro
brought , was in Chicago , nnd her mother ,
another witness , was enable to b prosom
through mines * . John Mann wns boarding
in the house , nnd Ut his dinner whoa tlui
money wns paid. Ho heard the marshal ask
forjl * , saw him get some , but could not say
whether it was silver or bills , or how much.
"Don't get rattled , Jnok , " said Loeschor
encouraiTlns'ly ut a critical point lutlio cross-
examination ,
'Councilman Loeseher , I will plaeo you in
the hands of thomnrshnllt you persist hi
this , " said the chairman.
"All right , " naid the councilman , and
" 1 hut's enough Jack , " ho udded , an the wit
ness Mopped down.
Marshal Rico was culled in his own behalf ,
but once more the Irrepressible councilman
claimed It was no trial nnd endeavored to
have him put out. Ho was alone , however ,
ami the marshal's testlmany was
heard. It was the suiua as
given In the llr.n , and was followed by the
testimony of Judge Routhor , who corrobo.
rated the eity marshal. Then Couuellman
Loeseher was called.
"I would like to be sworn , " ho said , and ha
was sworn.
" 1 didn't see no money paid , but I saw old
man Koarn.s go down with the marshal. Tint
boys said , 'Uoro ho goes.1 1 said , 'What's ho
got , ' and the boys said ' $10. ' I said , 'They
ought to have socked him more. ' . "
Attorney Make | < euee objected to the evi
dence UH irroluvunt. but Loeschor Informed
him that , "I don't have to bo objected to , "
and went on to say that Mnrshnl Rico , " on
coming back , topi > cd In his saloon und told
Kearns bad been lined $ lil , und thnt ho
( Loeseher ) hml said "ho ought to hnvo socked
him for more. "
That llnlshed the evidence , nndoon a vote
everyone except the councilman and thoclork
were asked to leuvo the room.
"Where Is the Hr.i : reporter about this
time I" asked Chairman Glasgow.
"Oh , he's all right ; bo's crushed , " said
To obtain an expression of opinion from
each ono present , Mayor Savage moved that ,
the marshal bo exonerated , but Councilman
Loeseher objected to "Jaw breaker11 and
asked what "exonerated" meant. On being
Informed the meeting proceeded to business.
Loescher was the llrst to express un opinion ,
and said "what m.ikoH mo mad Is people
going around saying 'if you don't drop this
we'll down you.1 I'm not afraid. I not only
wash my hands , but myself. Ir I'vo done
wrong prosecute mo. I don't want them to
say you're afraid about that motor line. I
was the ono to vote against it. "
Knoh member then gave his opinion , and
on u vote being tuKon , nil wore in favor of
completely exonerating Marshal Rico ox-
oept Councilman Loescher , who wished his
vote recorded ,
The St. Cloud Suipe.ndfl.
At 2 o'clock this morning the key was
turned in the door of the St. Cloud res
taurant , nnd another proprietor , poor in
pocket but rich in experience , stepped out
into the oold. Mr. O. S. Ilfgglns told n BII : :
reporter that he hud .spent Wi.OOO In trying
to make tlio St. Cloud u success , but In this
he hud made a dismal failure. Ho Intends
going back to his old stumping ground , cor
ner of Twelfth and Douglas streets , to which
ho will give his undivided attention.
Clarke's Centennial Exprons.
The January Western 1'hilatoliHt
publit-lics the following article from
Victor Hosowuter , of Omaha : In call-
in } ? attention to these stamps , the
writer docs not claim they nro "ono of
the rarest , if not the rarest" of locals ,
but that they are the only emissions
which were issued in Nebraska. In 1870
Mr. IT. T. Clarke , then of Sidney , Neb. ,
but now of Omaha , conceived a plan by
which mail could bo carried to the
Black flills with dispatch and prompt
ness. He had just completed his sixty-
one-span tnibs bridge over the Plnt'to
river and had established a stage roulo
guarded by United States troops from
Sidney to the mining towns , which were
then inflated with great booms. The
Union Pacific carried mail part way ,
after which it had to bo transported by
There were altogether two issues of
Clarke's Centennial oxproM stamps. Of
the first , and most valuable , about 300
were struck olT in the early part of the
year. These consibted of the regular
governmental issue of stamped enve
lopes ( that is , the Centennial green it
cent of common biy.e ) , with the follow
ing inscription printed over the face in
green ink of about the same color ns the
litniup :
Clarke's Centennial Hail Express to Black I
Hills. *
HjeOrer tlio new 01 Span Truss HrtilKO across
. I'lttttn Ulver. 411 iiillos north < if Kidney ,
rjfj cairlud Dully by the Kidney lllack
SB Hills Stn e Co.
§ 3 Pi-mi all mall care II. T. CI.ARK , Sidney , !
Caru H. T. Cr.AKK ,
( SEE OfllKIl SIDE )
Tlio other side contained nn advor-
vortibomcut in black ink of the Sidney
Short route , with its passenger raten
and the toll of Clarke's now
bridge. These envelopes were soon
used up and it is doubtful whether moro
than u half dozen remain in existence.
Tlio second i sue came out in the lat
ter part of 1870. and Was printed like
the lirscon green Centennial envelopes.
The inscription was changed , and tu it
consibted of more matter was printed in
smaller type. It ran thus :
Hi 1,1.9.
In consideration of 10 cents paid for this
envelope , and of whieh payment its posscs-
Hion bears evidence , the umlcrslncd | aproo- *
to carry it from the Unlbii 1'aoillo railroad ,
nt Sidney , Neb. , to Ouster City , and Deadwood -
wood , Dakota ( and such other places us bin
route may simply ) , or from above places to
Union 1'acltlu railroad at Sidney , without
additional charge.
( over ) II. T. CIAUKI : .
Care of II. T. CI.AIIKK , Sidney , Neb.
The reverse contained an advertise
ment similar to that of the first issue , of
thu Sidney Short route , and across the
left was a card of Clarke's general store
nt Sidney and his Centennial express.
The printing on the second emission
gives an idea as to how the line wan
conducted. The envelopes , which were
on sale at ticket olllccs , were mailed
arid went In Clarke at Sidney on the
government lines , by reason of the reg
ular stamp impressed on the paper.
There they were turned over to the
local company and forwarded to their
destinations by the private fitago
route. Ituturn letters wcro sent in the
same way. Tliofo letters also served
to advertise the stage line , whieh did
quite n busincbs'duringtho black Hills
excitement. This soon were elf , however -
over , and the mining towns collapsed.
Therefore this letter express MTIIH dis
continued , and earned no moro than iU
name indicates , Centennial express.
These stamps ought to have a place In
the regular catalogues since tliay are
especially Interesting by reason of their
history as hero related. Tlio second
issue consisted of not more than live
hundred specimens and is almost as
desirable as the first , l-'ow collectors
have specimens in their collections and
it is doubtful whether they can bo ob
tained. Those who are supplied have
reason to consider them among thoi
rarities. _
Aunt Jane , a colored woman , died re
cently in Nashville nt the ugo of ono
hundred and nineteen years. It was not
CJeorgo Washington , hut tiomirul Jack
son that she served faithfully in her
C. P. Iluntington , the flfty-mlllion-
airn , used to pcddlo out butler by tha
pound to thu minors in California ,